Porsche Macan GTS 配置说明书

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Macan GTS
Your dream becomes reality
Porsche Code: PRQP3GU5
Visit the following link to view your conpguration: htt/s:..conpguratorm/orschemco-./orscheYcode.PRQP3GU5
Bour Macan GTS Conpguration£ase Price71,01**m**
Su- of selected o/tions7*m**
Total PriceA71,01**m**
Aincluding VbT Y Please note the i-ages dis/layed here -ay not Fe a co-/lete and accurate re/resentation of your chosen s/ecipcation and so they should not Fe relied onm qor further infor-ation on the a//earance of colour0 eOui/-ent0 and other o/tions0 /lease contact your Porsche Centrem
Macan GTS
Exterior Colours & Wheels
Category W/tion W/tion code Price Exterior colours2hite*Q7*m** Wheels ,YinchDRSDS/yderDEesign wheels in satin £lack55V
Standard xOui/-ent
Interior Colours & Seats
Category W/tion W/tion code Price Interior colours & materials GTS leather /ackage including ite-s in RaceYTe(qb7*m** Array
Seats GTS S/orts seats 8)Yways0 electrical4QKP
Standard xOui/-ent
Exterior Options
Category W/tion W/tion code Price Array
Powertrain & chassis1Ys/eed Porsche Eo//elku//lung 8PE•4G,E
Standard xOui/-ent
Macan GTS
Standard Equipment
9 ,YinchDRSDS/yderDEesign wheels in satin £lack
9GTS S/orts seats 8)Yways0 electrical4
Powertrain & chassis
91Ys/eed Porsche Eo//elku//lung 8PE•4
9TwinYturFo m6 litre Vj engine with direct fuel inIection 8xuro jd "SCYqCM4
915Ylitre fuel tank
9SwitchaFle s/orts e(haust syste-
9Gasoline /articulate plter
9bctive radiator grille shutters
9VarioCa- Plus: continuously variaFle ca-shaL ti-ing 8intake and e(haust4 and switchaFle valve liL 8intake4
9buto StartYSto/ function Felow 3k-.h
91YS/eed Porsche Eo//elku//lung 8PE•4 with auto-atic -ode and -anual controls 8gearshiL /addles4 on steering wheelm
9Porsche Traction Manage-ent 8PTM4: active allYwheel drive with an electronically variaFle0 -a/Ycontrolled -ultiY/late clutch0 auto-atic Frake di‘erential 8b£E4 and antiYsli/ regulation 8bSR4
9S/ort Chrono Package inclm -ode switch
9WqqRWbE -ode Futton
9Porsche Surface Coated £rake 8PSC£4
9£rake cali/ers in red
9jY/iston alu-iniu- -onoFloc p(edYcalli/er Frakes at front0 internally vented Frake discs
9Co-Fination ’oating cali/ers at rear
9"nternally vented Frake discs with dia-eter of 36*-- at front and 35j -- at rear
9xlectrically o/erated /arking Frake
9bntiYlock Frake syste- 8b£S4
9MultiYcollision Frake
9S/ort air sus/ension with rideYheight adIust-ent including lowering of ,*--
9GTS S/ecipc Porsche bctive Sus/ension Manage-ent 8PbSM4 with reduced ride height Y xlectronically controlled active da-/ing syste- with three -anually selectaFle -odes 8HCo-fortH0 HSPWRTH and HSPWRT P'USH4
9Vehicle staFility syste- Porsche StaFility Manage-ent 8PSM4 with b£S0 bSR0 b£E0 MSR and trailer staFility -anage-ent
9 ,Yinch RS S/yder Eesign wheels in -att Flack
9Tyre /ressure -onitoring syste- 8TPM4
9Tyre re/air kit
9Side window tri-s /ainted in gloss Flack
9qully galvanised0 uniFody
9SideYi-/act /rotection
9qront with integrated cooling air intakes
9£u-/ers co-/rising highYstrength cross -e-Fers and two defor-ation ele-ents each with two threaded p(ture /oints for towing eye
9buto-atic tailgate
Macan GTS
9SideFlades in -att Flack with zGTSX logo in glossy Flack
9S/ortEesign e(terior -irrors with -irror Fase /ainted in e(terior colour
9xlectrically folding and heated e(terior -irrors
9Roof s/oiler with uniOue p(ed douFleYwing design in £lack 8highYgloss4
9Twin twin s/orts tail/i/es in Flack with s/orts e(haust
9Pre/aration for towFar syste-
9PWRSCNxX logo /ainted in £lack 8-att4 and -odel designation /ainted in £lack 8-att4
9qront a/ron -iddle section /ainted in Flack -att
9'ower e(terior tri- /ackage in /ainted e(terior colour
9S/ortEesign sideskirts
Lights & vision
9'xE -ain headlights in Flack with Porsche Eyna-ic 'ight Syste- 8PE'S4
9Eyna-ic cornering lights0 s/eedYsensitive headlight range control0 adverse weather function0 dyna-ic range control and fourY/oint 'xE dayti-e running lights
9qront light units with /osition lights and direction indicators with 'xE guide technology
9buto-atic headlight activation inclm z2elco-e No-eX lighting
9Tinted 'xE taillights with threeYdi-ensional lighting gra/hics0 integrated four/oint Frake lights and light stri/
9NighYlevel third Frake light 8'xE4 integrated into roof s/oiler
9qront wi/er syste- with s/eeds0 inter-ittent wi/e and rain sensor
9Rear screen wi/er with inter-ittent wi/e and washer Iet
Interior design
9GTS leather interior with RaceYTe(
9Roof lining in faFric
9qor singleYtone interiors in -atching interior colour0 for twoYtone interiors in the darker interior colour0 with ®PWRSCNx® logo on front ’oor -ats
9GTS )Yway S/orts seats 8front4 for driver and front /assenger and zGTSX logo on front seat headrestsm
9KYway headrests 8front4
9Seat heating 8front4
9S/litYfolding rear Fench seat 8K* : * : K*4 and folding centre ar-rest
9Multifunctional steering wheel with shiL /addles and -anual heightY and reach adIust-ent
9WnYFoard co-/uter
9"nstru-ent cluster with highYresolution Km)Yinch colour dis/lay0 gear indicator for PE•0 service interval dis/lay0 e(ternal te-/erature indicator0 fuel gauge and various warning dis/lays 9Round instru-ents with Flack rev counter and zGTSX logo
9Eigital Foost /ressure gauge on colour dis/lay of instru-ent cluster
9"ntegrated cluster of three round instru-ents
9bnalogue clock on dashFoard
9Neated rear screen with ®auto o‘® function
9ThreeY³one auto-atic cli-ate control with se/arate te-/erature settings for driver0 front /assenger and rear /assengers0 auto-atic airYrecirculation -ode including air Ouality sensor and se/arate air ’ow regulation for driver and front /assenger0 bC Mb° Futton and hu-idity sensor
9Particle./ollen plter with active carFon plter tra/s /articles0 /ollen and odours and thoroughly plters pne dust out of the outside air
9ThreeY/oint auto-atic seat Felts
9Seat Felt /retensioners 8driver and front /assenger0 outer rear seats4 and force li-iters0 -anually adIustaFle seat Felt height0 re-inder warning 8driver0 front /assenger and all rear seats4 9"SWq"° -ounting /oints for child seats on outer rear seats
9qullYsi³e airFags for driver and front /assenger
9qront side airFags integrated into seat
9Curtain airFags along entire roof fra-e and side gla³ing fro- the bY/illar to the CY/illar
9Rollover detection for activation of curtain airFags and seat Felt /retensioners
9qront /assenger airFag deactivation function for -ounting child seat on front seat
9Storage co-/art-ents in interior 8de/ending on /ersonalised s/ecipcation4: glove co-/art-ent0 storage Fin in centre console0 uncovered storage co-/art-ent in centre console0 door /ockets0 one storage co-/art-ent in side of luggage co-/art-ent and storage co-/art-ent in s/are wheel recess
Macan GTS
9Clothes hook on Foth £Y/illars
9 onYs-oking /ackage
9qi(ed0 re-ovaFle luggage co-/art-ent cover
9Two variaFleYdia-eter cu/holders in front
9Centre console ar-rest with fore.aL adIust-ent
9Rear ar-rest with two integral cu/holders
9£lack Frushed alu-iniu- interior /ackage
9bccent tri-s with silverYcoloured pnish
9£ottle holders in door /anels front and rear
9Eoor sill guards in Flack Frushed alu-iniu- with Macan zGTSX logo 8front4
9'oading edge /rotection in alu-iniu-
9"--oFiliser with inYkey trans/onder
9blar- syste- with ultrasonic interior surveillance
9Co-fort a-Fient lighting /ackage with 'xE lighting in door storage co-/art-ent0 door /anels 8a-Fient4 and interior courtesy and vanity lights in roof liningm blso includes /osition lights in the doorsm
Comfort & usability
9'ane Ee/arture 2arning
9Cruise control including s/eed li-iter
9Power windows front and rear0 with re-ote closing function0 antiYtra/ /rotection and oneYtouch o/eration
9buto-atic hold function
9Porsche Nill Control 8PNC4
9Parkbssist sensors front and rear including reversing ca-era
9Eashca- /re/aration
9Porsche Co--unication Manage-ent 8PCM4 including online navigation0 -oFile /hone /re/aration0 audio interfaces and voice control syste-
9Connect Plus including online navigation0 'Tx co--unication -odule with S"M card reader0 wireless internet access0 Porsche Car Connect and co-/rehensive Porsche Connect servicesm SuFscri/tion reOuired0 /lease s/eak to your dealer for -ore infor-ation on services and inclusive /eriodsm
9Sound Package Plus with ,* s/eakers0 integrated a-/liper and digital signal /rocessingm Total syste- /ower ,5* watts
9b//le CarPlay with Siri voice recognition
9Eb£ radio
9Two US£ charging /orts in the rear centre console
9Two US£YC charging and connectivity /orts in the front centre console storage co-/art-ent
9Two sockets 8, volt4: centre console in front and in luggage co-/art-ent
9Porsche Vehicle Traking Syste- Plus 8PVTS Plus4 Y suFscri/tion reOuiredm
9S-art/hone co-/art-ent with wireless charging
Macan GTS
Technical Data Power unit
£ore)Km5 --Stroke)jm* --
Eis/lace-ent 0)6K c- Power 8k243 K k2
Power 8PS4KK* PS
Ma(i-u- /ower at RPM range501** Y j0j** ,.-in Ma(i-u- engine s/eed j0)** ,.-in
Ma(m torOue 8 -455* -
Ma(i-u- torOue at RPM range,06** Y 50j** ,.-in
Consumption (WLTP)
quel consu-/tion co-FinedA 8-odel range4 Km, Y 5m* -/g CW Ye-issions co-Fined 55 g.k-
x-ission standard xujdYqCMY"SC quel consu-/tion co-Fined 5m* -/g
CW e-issions co-FinedA 8-odel range4 j5 Y 55 g.k-
Body dimensions and weights
'ength K01 j --
2idth 8-irrors folded4,06 1 --
2idth 8including -irrors4 0*61 --Neight,056j --
2heelFase 0)*1 --Turning circle, m* -
Macan GTS Unladen weight 8E" 4,06j* kg Unladen weight 8xC4 0*35 kg Per-issiFle gross weight 05)* kg Ma(i-u- /ayload j * kg
Ma(m towing load 8Fraked4 0K** kg Ma(m towing ca/acity 8unFraked415* kg
Ma(i-u- /er-issiFle roof load15 kg
'uggage co-/art-ent volu-e0 rear K5) l
W/en luggage co-/art-ent volu-e 8Fehind front seats465K l
'uggage co-/art-ent volu-e K)) litres
'uggage co-/art-ent volu-e 8with seats folded4,05*3 litres quel tank15 litres
To/ s/eed,j6 -/h bcceleration *Yj* -/h Km3 secs bcceleration *Yj* -/h with S/ort Chrono Package Km, secs bcceleration *Yj -/h 8*Y,** k-.h4Km5 secs bcceleration *Yj -/h 8*Y,** k-.h4 with S/ort Chrono Package Km3 secs bcceleration *Y66 -/h 8*Y,j* k-.h4,*m5 secs bcceleration *Y66 -/h 8*Y,j* k-.h4 with S/ort Chrono Package,*m3 secs "nYgear acceleration K6Y1K -/h 8)*Y, * k-.h4 m6 secs ,.K -ile, m6 s
,.K -ile with S/ort Chrono Package, m1 s
Macan GTS
Terrain features
Ra-/ Freak over angle 8air sus/ension0 highest level4,1m6
Ma(m ground clearance 8air sus/ension0 nor-al height4,11 --
Service and Warranty
2arranty /eriod 3 years
Main service interval qle(iFle service interval0 u/ to years . *0*** -iles
Macan GTS
Macan GTS
Macan GTS
Porsche Code: PRQP3GU5 ,,。
