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1.Blood is thicker than water. 血浓于水。

2.a gentleman’s agreement君子协定
3.a night owl夜猫子
4.to throw cold water on sb. 向某人泼冷水
5.混水摸鱼to fish in troubled water
6.背后捅刀子to knife sb. in the back
7. She was torn between staying at home to watch the TV play serial and going to the cinema with him. 她又想呆在家里看电视连续剧,又想和他一起去看电影,一时觉得分身乏术。

8. Last night I heard him driving his pigs to market. 昨夜我听见他鼾声如雷。

9. Spurred and inspired by the support and solitude shown by people in all walks of life, the Municipal Party Committee and Government are determined to do a better job and fulfill their expectations.市委、市政府决心变压力为动力,借各方面对本市服务工作的关心、支持和期待的东风,把服务工作大大提高一步。

10.I read this letter with both surprise and excitement, surprise.because he is still around, excitement because he never forgot me. .我看了他的来信,既惊又喜。


He is as good as dead.他几乎死去。

We parted the best friends.我们告别了最好的朋友。

That’s all Greek to me.那个我可一窍不通。

你在家时,谁敢来放个屁?When you were at home, who dared to come and insult me?

At this, his heart missed a beat and his face became pale. Don’t cross the bridge till you get to it.不必担心过早。

Do you see any green in my eye?你以为我是好欺骗的吗?
“He is seventy-six years of age,”said Mr. Smallweed.Mrs. Smallweed piped up, “Seventy-six pounds! Seventy-six thousand bags of money! Seventy-six hundred thousand million of parcels of banknotes!”“他今年七十六岁”,斯默尔维德先生说。

His mind swept easily over the whole world, including many lands and epochs.他纵览全球,古今中外,了如指掌。

He wanted to learn, to know, to teach.他渴望博学广文,喜欢追根寻源,并且好为人师。

He was sixty-five, his hair was gray, his face lined and there were pouches under his eyes, but he bore his years gallantly. 他65岁,头发已白,皱纹满面,眼下边两个肿眼泡,但是他不服老。

If the public officials of higher authorities resort to bribery, those of lower authorities will follow. This is called ‘Fish begins to stink at the head’. 如果上级公务员行贿受贿,下级公务员也会效仿。


Many Canadians never read a newspaper though some newspapers are free, because they don’t know their ABC.尽管有的报纸免费供应,许多加拿大人从不看报,因为他们目不识丁。


Only my aunt, because the maids taken on afterwards turned out to be lazy or greedy, or both, none of them satisfied her, still spoke of Xianglin’s Wife.

I have come across a great many young friends, bright and diligent, do exceedingly well in studies, but they are rather weak in Chinese, even can’t write a smooth Chinese letter. When asked why, they’ll say they are not interested in Chinese.

Because there is a great distance and there are not enough transport facilities, the rural world is isolated. This isolation has become more serious because there are not enough information media.

You don’t need to worr y about this.

I have a terrible headache.

China’s per capita agricultural land cannot compare with that of many other countries in the world.

A lazy person will never succeed.

The mother is very proud to have an intelligent and pretty daughter.

I could not make out who he was as I only saw his back.
冬天来了,春天还会远吗?If winter comes, can spring be far behind?

The light was on, the TV was playing, but nobody was in. 近来,研究人员发现感冒可以通过人的手传染。

Recent research discoveries indicate that flu can be spread by contacts.

You should firstly taste the bitterness of gall, then you can be successful.
He had left a note of welcome for me, as sunny as his face. 他留下一封短信,对我表示欢迎,那封信写得热情洋溢,一如其人。

Nobody is willing to be a dependant adult. 成年人有谁甘愿寄人篱下。

Some of those coeds are pretty strong-minded. 有些女大学生非常有主见。

He is a savvy New Yorker; he knows how to get things cheap. 他是个纽约通,知道怎么买到便宜货。

He will pay his debts when two days come together. 等到太阳从西边升起,他才会还债。

If my mother had known of it she would die a second time. 如果我妈妈知道这事,她一定会气得从棺材里跳出来。

You shouldn’t really smoke here but I’m willing to turn a blind eye to it. 你不应该在这里抽烟,不过,我可以睁一只眼闭一只眼。

They keep on fighting in spite of all setbacks. 他们百折不挠,要战斗到底。

Why do you want to cop out just when things are going great?现在形势大好,为什么反而要急流勇退?
His speech was clever, although the subject matter wasn’t interesting in itself. 题材本身并不怎么有趣,但他却讲得有声有色,娓娓动听。

He’d experienced all of human experience. 他尝遍了人生的酸甜苦辣。

She sounds worse than she is .她是刀子嘴,豆腐心。

And shall these labours and these honors die?Shall Henry’s conquest, Bedford’s vigilance,Your deeds of war and all our counsel die?难道而今这一切辛苦劳顿,这一切荣誉竟要成为过眼云烟?亨利从事的征服,贝特福德进行的防范,诸位立下的战功和我们实施的谋略竟要付诸东流了吗?
Both men and women, nine times out of ten, are firmly convinced of the superior excellence of their own sex…The question is inherently insoluble, but self-esteem conceals this from most people.不管男女,十之八九都坚信他们的性别是优越无比的,其实这个性别优劣的问题根本就没有答案,不过是自负使大多数人看不到这一点罢了。

Success is often just an idea away. 成功与否,往往只是一念之差。

Nothing happened in the night. 夜间倒是风平浪静,什么事也没发生。

Away flies the arrow. 箭嗖的一声飞走了。

All cash bonus shall be subject to income tax. 所有现金红利,均需缴纳所得税。

It’s more expensive than it was last time but not as good. 价钱比上次的高,但质量却比上次的差。

The application of plastics in automobile industry has brought about great increase of the consumption.塑料在汽车工业上的使用大大增加了塑料的消费量。

Commission depends on the quantity of goods ordered. 佣金的多少取决于订货量的大小。

All the multilateral arrangements need to be examined for clauses that restrict the free trade.(对于)所有各种多边安排都必须加以审查,以便研究其中有无限制自由贸易的条款。

We have paid the freight and marked the cases “Urgent. For Immediate Delivery.”我方已付运费,并在箱面标刷了“急件、速运”字样。

Please let us know the detailed information on your market. 请告贵方市场详情。

We take this opportunity to inform you that we are now in a position to make prompt shipment of the merchandise兹奉告,该商品可即期装运。

Part-time waitress applicants who had worked at a job would receive preference over those who had not. 应聘业务女服务员者,有工作经验的优先录用。

男女老少咸宜Suitable for men, women and children
互通有无The exchange of needed goods
We have decided to place a trial order for the following on the terms stated in your letter. 根据来函条款,我公司决定试订下列货物。

Your information as to discounts for a large order would be appreciated. 请告大批订货的折扣。

Please let us know if our terms are acceptable. 请告是否接受我方条款。

The new contract would be good for 5 years. 该新合同的有效期为5年。

We are exporters of the above goods, having a background of some 30 years. 我们出口上述商品,已经经营了30来年。

Three weeks ago he was treated coolly by his colleagues, but now things are quite different. 三周前他还受到同事的冷遇,可现在情况完全变了。

The majestic ruins of Rome impressed Shelley tremendously. 雄伟的古罗马废墟给雪莱留下了极其深刻的印象。

Wet Paint!油漆未干!
But that’s the beginning of the problem 然而,问题还远不止这些。

Agreeable sweetness 甜而不腻
And I had not known you a month before I felt that you were the last man in the world whom I could ever be prevailed on to marry. 认识你还没有一个月,我就觉得像你这样一个人,哪怕天下的男人都死光了,我也不愿嫁给你。

If I had not lost my watch!我把手表给丢了,真倒霉!
Though they extol the virtues of the peaceful life, only one of them has ever gone to live in the country and he was back in town within six months. 虽然他们对那宁静的生活赞不绝口,事实上,他们中仅有一人真正在农村生活过,然而此人不到半年就返回了城市。

We are not completely satisfied with your manner of doing business.我们不十分满意贵方做生意的态度。

While trade is good, money is very tight at present. 尽管生意很好,但目前资金仍十分短缺。

The Autumn Report also touched upon the serious economic problems that would crop up. 秋季

We are sorry about the delay in sending you the revised specifications.迟迟未告你方修正规格,甚歉。

We regret to learn that you have failed in obtaining the license. 得知你方未能获得许可证,深表遗憾。

Owing to the absence of any news from you, we have sold the goods elsewhere. 由于没有得到你方任何消息,我们已将该货另售别处。

For this is the highest ruler of translation: that the shape of the original text should be kept as closely as possible, so that understanding does not lose the words any more than the words themselves lose brilliance and craftsmanship.

The US and China on Wednesday agreed to resolve a series of economic disputes in a deal that the Bush administration hopes will shrink the trade deficit and deflect charges that Chinese competition is hurting US. workers.


A recent government blueprint foresees China increasing its nuclear power capacity six fold by 2020. The resultant investment bonanza, which is expected to total more than $30 billion, follows an erosion of concerns over the safety, cost and waste disposal associated with nuclear powers. 政府最近制定的一份蓝图预测,中国到2020年核电能力将增加六倍。



China is to invite international tenders before the end of this year for four new nuclear power reactors as part of a huge nuclear expansion programme designed to reduce dependence on imported fuel and plug growing gaps in electricity generating capacity. 中国在今年年底前将就新建四个核电反应堆进行国际招标。


Eight years ago they (a black woman and a white man) were married. They have survived their families’ shock and disapproval and the stares and unwelcome comments of strangers. 这对异族男女(丈夫是白人,妻子是黑人)八年前结的婚。




A mix of arrogance and continued fear of Iraqi intentions colors Kuwaiti reactions( to no fly zones). 科威特人一方面很傲慢自负,另一方面又难以消除对伊拉克的企图持有的恐惧。


Established in the 1960s when federal money flowed, the clinics are now a shadow of their former selves. Patients wait hours while the undermanned and sometimes short-tempered staff struggle to meet the demand. 这些由联邦政府在20世纪60年代大量拨款建立起来的诊所现在已经衰败不堪了。


These are disorientating times for younger Americans. After a childhood of suburban ease and coming of age in the years of endless promise, they are now struggling to adjust to a life of contracting limits not suffered by their parents. 这个时代使美国的年轻人感到迷惘。




Nixon’s role in restoring Sino-US relations in 1972, after more than two decades of hospitality and confrontation, earned him a degree of respect in China unmatched by any other American politician and the standing to engage in plain speaking. 中美两国相互敌对经历了20多个春秋,终于在1972年恢复正常关系,尼克松是起了作用的。


1. A settlement and peace will remain elusive. 通过协议化解争端,用和平的方式解决问题仍将是一件颇难实现的事情。

2. In the age of information, we are open books. 在信息时代,我们每个人都没有什么秘密可言了。

3. The nest egg for old age is absolutely critical. 攒一笔钱以备老来使用是件绝对要紧的事情。

4. This cou ntry’s economy remains in intensive care. 该国经济依然处于岌岌可危的境地。

5. In California, hundreds of billions of dollars ride on the success of earthquake prediction. 在加利福尼亚州,地震预测的成功与否关系到千百亿美元的财产和投资。

6. Several million of people ha ve lived near or below the breadline for almost two decades. 差不多20年了,生活在贫困线以下,或温饱问题还没有完全解决的仍有几百万人。

7. Many of the soldiers are inadequately trained, badly equipped and pooly motivated militiamen. 许多士兵原是民兵,他们并未受过多少正规训练,装备很差,而且也无大战的积极性可言。

8. At this stage in his difficult transition to private life, Gorbachev may have more celebrity than influence. 在向平民生活转变的这个困难阶段,戈尔巴乔夫可能仍会(因曾经显赫一时而)有声望,但已无影响力可言。

9. The government is waging a campaign against waste and extravagance, with the banquet, a mainstay of all public function in the country, a prime target. 政府正在开展一场反铺张浪费的运动,目标首先对准该国所有的团体活动主项:摆宴席,搞宴请。

You are telling me .我早知道了.
Now you are talking . 你这样说才合我的意思.
Henry Kissinger has slept there before, in July and again in October. 这之前亨利基辛格在7月和10月两度在这里下榻.
陈先生乃中国学界泰斗.Mr. Chen, our respected teacher , is a renowned master in the academic circles of China.
你要有所收获,则必须在学习中不断深入.If you want to gain anything , you must constantly deepen your studies.
The Security Council has been seized of the question since then.安理会自那以来就一直受理这个问题。

1) La Dama aux Camelias 巴黎茶花女遗事
2) Uncle Tom’s Cabin 黑奴吁天录
3) David Copperfield 块肉余生述
4) Hamlet 王子复仇记
1. My work, my family, my friends were more than enough to fill my time. 我要工作,要做家务,要与朋友往来,这些事用全部时间应付还不够.
2. He took all his pain and what was left of his strength and his long gong pride and he put it against the fish’s agony and the fish came over on to his side and swam gently on his side.他忍着一身痛,使出还剩下的一点力气, 鼓起早已丧失的自信,与临死挣扎的鱼拼搏着.终于鱼翻过了
他一面讲经, 一面从事佛经的翻译工作. 鸠摩罗什既精通梵文,又精通汉文, 因此他翻译的佛经表达准确,文字流畅,当时颇受人们称赞.He translated the Buddhist Scripts while preaching. He was good at both both Sanskrit and Chinese, and his translations were received with much praise for their accuracy and smoothness.
1 She went , with her neat figure, and her sober womanly steps, down the dark street .她迈着女人特有的不急不慢的步子,顺着黑暗的大街走去,身材格外显得匀称.
Because the departure was not easy , we made it brief.话别叫人难过,我们只说了几句便分手了.
1.It ‘s up to my neck to your bullshit .你让我倒了八辈子邪霉了.
2. they are striving for the idea which is close to the heart of every Chinese and for which, in the past, many Chinese have laid down their lives.他们为之奋斗的理想是每个中国人珍爱的理想, 是许多中国人曾不惜牺牲生命追求的理想.
It was an old woman, tall and shapely still, though withered by time , on whom his eyes fell when he stopped and turned.他站住,转过身来,定睛一看,原来是个年迈的妇女, 她身材修长,虽1. that government of the people, by the people, and for the people shall not perish from the earth.”這個民有,民治,民享的國家,將不會從地球上消失。


2. Who keeps company with the wolf will learn to howl.與狼為伍將學會狼嗥。


3. To err is human; to forgive, divine. 犯錯是人之常情,寬恕是超凡的。


4. "Iraq must release immediately all coalition prisoners of war, third country nationals and the remains of all who have fallen.伊拉克必須立即釋放所有盟軍戰俘,第三國人民和淪於其掌中的其他所有的人。

5.The tongue is not steel, yet it cuts.舌頭不是鋼,但能切割。

6. He is between the devil and the deep sea.他在魔鬼與深海之間。

7. The mills of God grind slowly.上帝的磨磨得慢。


8. A contented mind is a perpetual feast.事能知足心常愜,人到無求品自高。

I have never outgrown my delight in movies; I am there for every good movie. 我看电影的兴致就从未减过,只要有好片子,我都去看。

All told, China has roughly 380 million women between the ages of 15 and 55, and few of them----particularly in the cities---want to look any less than the best their budgets allow. 中国妇女年龄在15至55岁之间的总共大约有三亿八千万,只要自己的经济条件允许,她们几乎人人都想尽可能把自己打扮得绰约靓丽,这种情形在城市尤为明显。

The company’s top executives all are refugees from the country’s bureaucratic and underfinanced state research sector. 该公司的高层经理人员都来自该国的国家研究机构,这些机构不仅充满官僚主义气息,而且研究经费不足,他们很难在那里呆下去。

Food manufacturers are flooding the UK market with new products in response to rising demand from a population hungry for “ something different.”英国人极想“尝新”,要求与日俱增。


He acts a lot older than his years. 他年纪轻轻,做事却相当老练。

Hardly a day passes without him getting scratched or bruised as he scrambles for a place on a bus.

The roads of central London are as clogged up with traffic in the middle of the day as they are at rush hours. 伦敦中心区交通拥塞,上下班高峰时如此,中午时分也是如此。

Life here is as cheap as taxis are expensive.这里的生活费用挺低,但乘出租车却贵得要命。

Nonetheless, Congress was flooded with bills proposing everything from quickie tax cuts to protectionist trade curbs. 然而,提案数量之多,简直要把国会给淹没了。


In the space of three decades he( LEE Kuan Yew) built a poor island of tinroofed shacks and chicken coops into a clockwork city of gleaming offcie towers. 李光耀用了30 年时间使一个贫穷的岛国变成了一座井然有序的城市。


1. He always lives ahead of his salary. 他的生活开销总是超过他的工资收入。

2. Concern is mounting that estimated 1.5 million people left homeless will fall victim to epidemic of cholera, typhoid and other illnesses. 估计有150万人无家可归。



3. China has blamed poor working conditions at companies in the Pearl River delta, a manufactruing heartland studded with foreign factories, for an unprecedented shortage of workers that threatens to erode the competitiveness of the region bordering Hong Kong. 珠江三角洲是一个外国工厂密布的制造业中心区。


By some happy fortune I was not seasick. 说来有几分走运,我竟没有晕船。

From peak to peak leaps the live thunder. 雷声轰轰,翻山越岭而来。

Now and then he turned his eyes form the girl's face to that of the partner, which, in the exhilaration of the dance, had taken on a look of impudent ownership. 他时而转移他的目光从女子的脸上到他的舞伴的脸上,那张脸在跳舞的狂热之中俨然有“佳人属我”的精神。

“Writing is a tough trade. Don't get mixed up in it if you can help it。

” 写作是个辛苦的行当,除非万不得已,切莫以身相许。

This modern and spacious hotel is designed to make the most of its advantageous position, in the hills above Sorrento overlooking the enchanting Bay of Naples. 这家现代、宽敞的酒店位于山腰之上,近可俯瞰Sorrento(城市名),远可眺望令人陶醉的那不勒斯海湾,其设计占尽地势之利。

Elliot was too clever not to see that many of the persons who accepted his invitations did so only to get a free meal and that of these some were stupid and some worthness. 艾略特何等聪明,怎会看不出,许多接受他邀请的人,只是为了免费饱餐一顿。


They were in the smoky mountains at their favorite bed-and-breakfast. 他们住在清烟山脉,已是早上时分,该起床早餐了,这是他们最喜欢的时间段。

The nearest, South America's Santa Maria, was only fifty miles aw ay…Farther away, the University of Astrograde's Lebedev looked like a Maltese cross; the sails that formed the four arms could apparently be tilted for steering purposes. 最靠近的是南美的圣玛丽号,只有五十英里远…远一点的是宇宙城大学的列别捷夫号,看上去像十字形的马耳他岛国(马耳他十字),形成四支长臂的太阳帆显然可以倾斜翘起,以便进行驾驶。



The present-day Yuyuan Garden is built in a style similar to(that of ) Suzhou's famed gardens, and characterized by dedicate design, exquisite
layout and beautiful scenery. All the sceneries in the garden express the style of landscape design from the Ming and Qing dynasties.
淮海路原名霞飞路.Huaihai Road, formerly called Avenue Joffre.

The Great Wall is the miniature of the enterprising spirit of the Chinese people, and also the symbol of the Chinese civilization. It has been put down on the list of " World Cultural Heritages." 在明清曾出了521位进士和五位状元、…boasted no less than 521 jinshi(the imperial examination for a country chief's position)during the Ming and Qing dynasties, as well as five eminent scholars in the highest imperial examination.

Located in the heart of Taipei, Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall(CKS Memorial Hall) is a great building constructed in memory of Mr. Chiang Kai-shek. Covering an area of 250 000 square meters, the architecture of the CKS Memorial Hall is inspired by the form of the Tiantan(Alter to Heaven) in Beijing, while the four sides of the structure are similar to those of the pyramids in Egypt. With white marbe as building material, the roof is covered with blue glazed tiles, reflecting the sunsight.
在海拔3600 米的西藏拉萨市内,有一座山丘名叫玛布日,巍峨壮丽的布达拉宫就建在这座山上。



In Lhasa, Tibet, at an altitude of 3600 meters above sea level, there is a hill called Maburi, on which the towering and magnificent Potala Palace is situated. The Palace was built on the slope, extending from the foot to the top, with an imposing facade, elegant in shape and inspring awe and reverence. It can be seen from any tall building in the city. 银行拒绝给该公司提供新的贷款。

The bank refused further credit to the company.

We will contact you as soon as fresh supplies are available.

Please find enclosed the copies of the shipping documents. 我们相信,你方定会见票即付。

We trust you will honor our draft on presentation.

Please change L/C to read "Negotiable in Guangzhou."

If one side fails to honor the contract, the other side is entitled to cance it.

Unfortunately, we cannot accept your offer, your prices are prohibitive.
The period of history which is commonly called “modern” has a mental outlook which differs from that of the medieval period in many ways. Of these, two are the most important: the diminishing authority of the Church and the increasing authority of science.在通常被称为“近代”的历史时期,人们的思想观念在许多方面与中世纪时期不同,其中重要的认识区别有二:一是教会之权威日衰,二是科学之权威日盛
The authority of science, which is recognized by most philosophers of the modern epoch, is a very different thing from the authority of the Church, since it is intellectual not governmental. No penalties fall upon those who reject it; no prudential argument influence those who accept it. It prevails solely by its intrinsic appeal to reason.科学之权威已为近世多数哲学家所承认,它与教会的权威大不相同,因为它是理性的权威而非统治的权威.对科学之权威,人若反对不会受到惩罚; 人若承认,也无须谨小慎微,唯恐出言不逊, 科学权威之所以大行其道,唯一的原因在于诉诸理性是它的根本.
It is moreover, a piecemeal and partial authority; it does not, like the body of Catholic dogma, lay down a complete system, covering human morality, human hopes, and the past and future history of the universe. 此外, 科学的权威是就事论事的权威, 是建立在局部之上的权威, 它不像天主教的教义, 设立了一个包罗万象的体系, 将道德准则, 人类理想, 乃至宇宙的过去与未来尽揽其中.
It pronounces only on whatever, at the time, appears to have been scientifically ascertained, which is a small island in an ocean of nescience.它只在科学业已验证的时刻, 对业已获得科学实证的东西做出评价, 哪怕那成果不过是未知领域的沧海一粟.
There is yet another difference from ecclesiastical authority, which declares its pronouncements of science to be absolutely certain and eternally unalterable: the pronouncements of science are made tentatively, on a basis of probability, and are regarded as liable to modification. This produces a temper of mind very different from that of the medieval dogmatist. 科学的权威还有一点不同于教会之权威.教会每有宣示, 必定称之为千真万确, 万事不移. 而科学则宣称, 其结论或是暂时的, 或是基于某种可能的, 或是应该被认为有修正的可能的. 科学家思想的特点截然不同于终于时期的固守教义者,就在于此.
A personel deficit has existed for years. 人员短缺的情况已经存在好多年了。

The EEC’s Common Agricultural policy is a dinosaur which is adding 13.5$ a week to the food bill of the average British family. 欧洲经济共同体的农业共同政策早已不合时宜,它要使英国家庭平均每周在食品开销上要多支出13.5美元。

For many families, especially in Tokyo, two incomes are a necessity. 对很多家庭来说,夫妻俩都去上班赚钱是迫不得已的事,在东京尤其如此。

The British suburban garden, that most revered of national institutions, is increasingly facing destruction by land-hungry developers. 英国城郊花园是最受推崇的国粹,现在却不断面临土地开发商的破坏,这些人急欲搞到土地。

At the Mandarin Singapore, flagship hotel of Singapore Mandarin International, we have long practiced service that is in the tradition of emperors. 新加坡文华大酒店乃新加坡国际文华酒店集团的佼佼者。


The man was lured to a north London house and secretly filmed in a compromising position with the woman. 这位男子被(一个女人)引诱到北部伦敦的一所房子里。


The Panamanian leader publicly insinuated that he possessed compromising information about Mr. Bush that was liable to harm his bid for the White House. 这位巴拿马领导人公开暗示,他掌握着有关布什先生的负面材料。


Inspectors would burst into her room at 2. a.m., seeking to catch her in a compromising position. 巡查官们会在半夜两点钟突然冲进她的房间,试图当场抓住她做风流之事的把柄。

The birth of the new commonwealth capped a year that turned Yeltsin from a discounted maverick into one of the great figures of modern history. 这一年叶利钦从一个无足轻重的我行我素者一跃而成为现代史上的一位显赫人物,而新的独立国家联合体的诞生则给这一转变划上一个圆满的句号。

US Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney capped a trip to Seoul with the announcement that Washington will suspend the withdrawal of American troops from South Korea next year.美国国防部长迪克. 切尼以一项声明完满结束其首尔之行。


In the Middle East this January, the wettest, coldest winter in recent memory was capped by a。
