01_0601 Upper Oligocene lacustrine source rocks and petroleum systems of the northern Qaidam basin,




菌名编码编码菌名编码菌名1100 Staphylococcus spp 葡萄球菌属 1701 Nocardia asteroides 星型奴卡菌1101 Staphylococcus aureus 金黄色葡萄球菌 1702 Nocardia farcinica 鼻疽奴卡菌1102 staphylococcus auricularis 耳葡萄球菌 1703 Nocardia brasiliensis 巴西奴卡菌1103 staphylococcus capitis 头状葡萄球菌 1704 Nocardia otitidiscaviarum 豚鼠耳炎奴卡菌1104 staphylococcus cohnii 孔氏葡萄球菌 1705 Nocardia brevicatena 短链奴卡菌1105 staphylococcus epicermidis 表皮葡萄球菌 1800 Actinomyces spp 纽氏放线菌属某种1106staphylococcus heamolyticu溶血葡萄球菌 1801 Actinomyces pyogenes(Arcanobacterium pyogenes) 化脓防线菌(化脓隐秘杆菌)1107 staphylococcus hominis 人葡萄球菌 1802 Actinomyces neui ssp anitratus纽氏放线菌无硝亚种1108 staphylococcus hyicus 猪葡萄球菌 1803 Actinomyces neui ssp neus 纽氏放线菌纽亚种1109 staphylococcus intermedius 中间葡萄球菌 1804 Actinomyces bernardiae 伯尔德放线菌1110 staphylococcus lentus 缓慢葡萄球菌 1805 Arcanobacterium haemolyticum 溶血隐秘杆菌1111 staphylococcus saprophyticus 腐生葡萄球菌 1900 Bacillus spp 芽孢杆菌属某种1112 staphylococcus schleiferi 施氏葡萄球菌 1901 Bacillus anthracis 炭疽芽孢杆菌1113 staphylococcus simulans 模仿葡萄球菌 1902 Bacillus brevis 短芽孢杆菌1114 staphylococcus warneri 华纳葡萄球菌 1903 Bacillus cereus 蜡状芽孢杆菌1115 staphylococcus xylosus 木糖葡萄球菌 1904 Bacillus circulans 环状芽孢杆菌1116 Staphylococcus lugdunensis 里昂葡萄球菌 1905 Bacillus licheniformis 地衣芽孢杆菌1117 Staphylococcus saccharolyticus 解糖葡萄球菌1906 Bacillus megaterium 巨大芽孢杆菌1200 Streptococcus spp 链球菌属某种 1907 Bacillus pumilus 短小芽孢杆菌1201 Streptococcus acidominimus 少酸链球菌 2000 Enterobacteriaceae 肠杆菌科1202 Streptococcus aglactiae(Group B) 无乳链球菌2010 Citrobacter spp 枸橼酸杆菌属某种1203 Streptococcus anginosus 咽颊炎链球菌 2011 Citrobacter amalonaticus 丙二酸盐阴性枸橼酸杆菌1204 Streptococcus bovis 牛链球菌 2012 Citrobacter farmeri 法摩枸橼酸杆菌1205 Streptococcus constellatus 星座链球菌 2013 Citrobacter braakii 布拉格枸橼酸杆菌1206 Streptococcus dysgalactiae 停乳链球菌 2014 Citrobacter freundii 弗劳地枸橼酸杆菌1207 Streptococcus equi(Group C/G) 马链球菌 2015 Citrobacter youngae 杨格枸橼酸杆菌1208 Streptococcus equinus(Group D) 马肠链球菌2016 Citrobacter werkmanii 枸橼酸杆菌1209 Streptococcus intermedius 中间链球菌 2017 Citrobacter diversus 异型枸橼酸杆菌1210 Streptococcus mitis 缓症链球菌 2018 Citrobacter koseri 克氏枸橼酸杆菌1211 Streptococcus mutans 变异链球菌2020 Wdwardsiella spp 爱德华菌属某种1212 Streptococcus pneumoniae 肺炎链球菌 2021 Wdwardsiella tarda 迟缓爱德华菌1213 Streptococcus pyogenes(Group A) 化脓性链球菌 2022 Wdwardsiella hoshinae 保科爱德华菌1214 S.treptococcus zooepidemicus(GroupC) 兽瘟链球菌2030 Enterobacter spp 肠杆菌属某种1215 Streptococcus sanguis 血液链球菌2031 Enterobacter aerogenes 产气肠杆菌1216 Streptococcus viridans 草绿色链球菌(a型溶血链球菌) 2032 Enterobacter amnigenus 河生肠杆菌1217 Group A streptococcus A 群链球菌2033 Enterobacter asburiae 阿斯布肠杆菌1218 Group B streptococcus B 群链球菌2034 Enterobacter cloacae 阴沟肠杆菌1219 Group C streptococcus C 群链球菌2035 Enterobacter sakazakii 阪崎肠杆菌1220 Group G streptococcus G 群链球菌2036 Enterobacter gergoviae 格高菲肠杆菌1221 Group D enterococcus D 群肠球菌2037 Enterobacter hormaechchei 霍米奇肠杆菌1222 Group D nonenterococcus D 群非肠球菌2038 Enterobacter intermedium 中间肠杆菌1223 Streptococcus group A,C,F,G A,C,F,G 群链球菌( B 型溶血链球菌)2039 Enterobacter agglomerans 聚团肠杆菌 1224 Enterrococcus avium 鸟肠球菌2040 Escherichia spp 埃希菌属某种1225 Enterococcus casseliflavus 酪黄肠球菌 2041 Escherichia coli 大肠埃希菌1226 Enterococcus durans 坚韧肠球菌2042 Escherichia coli O157 O157 大肠埃希菌1227 Enterococcus faecalis 粪肠球菌 2043 Escherichia fergusonii 弗格森氏大肠埃希菌1228 Enterococcus faecium 屎肠球菌 2044 Escherichia hermannii 赫尔曼氏大肠埃希菌1229 Enterococcus gallinarum 鸡鹑肠球菌 2045 Escherichia vulneris 伤口大肠埃希菌1230 Enterococcus hirae 空肠肠球菌 2046 Escherichia 侵袭性大肠埃希菌1300 Corynebacterium spp 棒状杆菌属 2047 Escherichia coli Group AD AD 群大肠埃希菌1301 Corynebacterium diphtheriae 白喉棒状杆菌2051 Hafnia alvei 蜂房哈夫尼亚菌1302 Corynebacterium diphtheriae subsp.gravis 棒状杆菌重型亚种 2060 Klebsiella spp 克雷伯菌属某种1303 Corynebacterium diphtheriae subsp.mitis 棒状杆菌轻型亚种 2061 Klebsiella ornithinolytica 解鸟氨酸克雷伯菌 1304 Corynebacterium diphtheriae subsp.intermedius 棒状杆菌中间型亚种 2062 Klebsiella ozytoca 产酸克雷伯菌1305 Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis 假结核棒状杆菌 2063 Klebsiella pneumoniae 肺炎克雷伯菌 1306 Corynebacterium xerosis 干燥棒状杆菌2064 Klebsiella rhinoscleromatis 鼻硬结克雷伯菌 1307 Corynebacterium pseudodi phtheriae 假白喉棒状杆菌2065 Klebsiella terrigena 土生结克雷伯菌 1308 Corynebacterium bovis 牛棒状杆菌2066 Klebsiella planticola 植物生克雷伯菌 1309 Corynebacterium seminale 生殖棒状杆菌2067 Klebsiella ozaenae 臭鼻克雷伯菌1310 Corynebacterium jeikeium 杰氏棒状杆菌2070 Morganella spp. 摩根菌属1311 Corynebacterium minutissimum 极小棒状杆菌2071 Morganella morganii biog1 摩根摩根菌生物 1 群1312 Corynebacterium striatum 纹带棒状杆菌 2072 Morganella morganii sibonii 1 type 摩根摩根菌西伯尼 1 型 1313 Corynebacterium ulcerrans 溃疡棒状杆菌2073 Morganella morganii 摩根摩根菌1314 Corynebacterium urealuticum 解脲棒状杆菌2080 Prpteus spp 变形杆菌属某种1315 Corynebacterium GroupJK JK 群棒状杆菌 2081 Prpteus mirabilis 奇异变形杆菌1316 Dermabacter hominis 人皮肤棒状杆菌2082 Prpteus vulgaris 普通变形杆菌1400 Rhosococcus spp 红球菌属某种2083 Prpteus penneri 潘尼变形杆菌1401 Rhodococcus equi 马红球菌2090 Providencia spp 普罗威登菌属某种 1410 Gemella spp. 孪生球菌属2091 Providencia alcalifaciens 产碱普罗威登菌 1411 Gemella haemolysans 溶血孪生球菌2092 Providencia rettgeri 雷极普罗威登菌1412 Gemella morbillorum 麻疹孪生球菌2093 Providencia stuartii 斯图普罗威登菌1500 Listera spp 李斯特菌属某种2094 Providencia rustigianii 拉氏普罗威登菌1501 Listeria ivanovii 伊凡诺夫李斯特菌2100 Salmonella spp 沙门菌属某种1502 Listeria monocytogenes 产单核细胞李斯特菌2101 Salmonella choleraesuis subsp.arizonae 猪霍乱沙门菌亚利桑那亚种1503 Listera innocua 无害李斯特菌 2102 Salmonella choleraesuis 猪霍乱沙门菌1504 Listera grayi 格氏李斯特菌 2103 Salmonella paratyphi A 甲型副伤寒沙门菌1505 Listera seeligeri 西利坚李斯特菌2104 Salmonella paratyphi B 乙型副伤寒沙门菌1506 Listera welshimeri 威尔逊李斯特菌2105 Salmonella arizonae 亚利桑那沙门菌1600 Erysipelothrix spp 丹毒丝菌属 2106 Salmonella typhi 伤寒沙门菌1601 Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae 红斑丹毒丝菌2107 Salmonella enteritidis 肠炎沙门菌1700 Nocardia spp 奴卡菌某属 2108 Salmonella bovis morbificans 病牛沙门菌编码菌名编码菌名2109 Salmonella 鼠伤寒沙门菌 4201 Plesiomonas shigelloides 类志贺邻单胞菌2110 Salmonella 丙型副伤寒菌 4300 Vibrio spp 弧菌属某种2111 Salmonella 纽波特沙门菌 4301 Vibrio cholerae Group O1 O1 群霍乱弧菌2112 Salmonella 病牛沙门菌 4302 Vibrio cholerae non-Group O1 非 O1 群霍乱弧菌2113 Salmonella 都柏林沙门菌 4303 Vibrio cholerae Group O139 O139 霍乱弧菌2110 Serratia spp. 沙雷菌属某种 4304 Vibrio parahaemolyticus 副溶血弧菌2111 Serratia ficaria 无花果沙雷菌 4305 Vibrio vulnificus 致伤弧菌2112 Serratia liquefaciens 液化沙雷菌 4306 Vibrio fluvialis 河弧菌2113 Serratia fonticola 泉居沙雷菌 4307 Vibrio metschnikovii 梅氏弧菌2114 Serratia rubidaea 深红沙雷菌 4308 Vibrio hollisae 霍利斯弧菌2115 Serratia plymuthica 普城沙雷菌 4309 Vibrio damsela 海鱼弧菌2116 Serratia odorifera 芳香沙雷菌 4310 Vibrio alginolyticus 溶藻弧菌2117 Serratia marcescens 粘质沙雷菌 4311 Vibrio mimicus 拟态弧菌2120 Shigella spp 志贺菌属某种 4312 Vibrio furnissii 弗尼斯弧菌2121 Shigella boydii 鲍氏志贺菌 5100 Chromobacterium spp 色杆菌属某种2122 Shigella dysenteriae 痢疾志贺菌 5101 Chromobacterium violaceum 紫色色杆菌2123 Shigella flexneri 福氏志贺菌 5200 Pasteurella spp 巴斯德菌属某种2124 Shigella snnei 宋内志贺菌 5201 Pasteurella multocida 多杀巴斯德菌2130 Yersinia spp 耶尔森菌属某种 5202 Pasteurella haemolytica 溶血巴斯德菌2131 Yersinia enteroxolitica 小肠结肠炎耶尔森菌5203 Pasteurella pneumotropica 侵肺巴斯德菌2132 Yersinia pseudotuberculosis 假结核耶尔森菌5204 Pasteurella aerogenes 产气巴斯德菌2133 Yersinia fredericksenii 弗氏耶尔森菌5205 Pasteurella ureae 尿素巴斯德菌2134 Yersinia intermedia 中间耶尔森菌 5206 Pasteurella gallinarum 鸡巴斯德菌2135 Yersinia kristensenii 克氏耶尔森菌 5207 Pasteurella canis 犬巴斯德菌2136 Yersinia ruckeri 鲁氏耶尔森菌5208 Pasteurella bettyae 贝氏巴斯德菌2137 Yersinia pestis 鼠疫耶尔森菌5209 Pasteurella dagmatis 达可马巴斯德菌2140 Kluyvera 克鲁沃菌属 5300 Haemophilus spp 嗜血杆菌属某种3000 Non fermenters G-b 非发酵 G-b 5301 Haemophilus parainfluenzae 副流感嗜血杆菌 3100 Acinetobacter spp 不动杆菌属某种 5302 Haemophilus influenzae 流感嗜血杆菌3101 Acinetobacter bauamnnii 鲍曼不动杆菌 5303 Haemophilus haemolyticus 溶血嗜血杆菌3102 Acinetobacter calcoaceticus 醋酸钙不动杆菌 5304 Haemophilus parahaemolyticus 副溶血嗜血杆菌 3103 Acinetobacter haemolyticus 溶血不动杆菌 5305 Haemophilus aphrophilus 嗜沫嗜血杆菌3104 Acinetobacter johnsonii 约翰不动杆菌 5306 Haemophilus paraphrophilus 副嗜沫嗜血杆菌3105 Acinetobacter junii 琼氏不动杆菌 5307 Haemophilus ducrehi 杜克雷嗜血杆菌3106 Acinetobacter lwoffii 洛菲不动杆菌 5308 Haemophilus aegytius 埃及嗜血杆菌3200 Alcaligenes spp 产碱菌杆属某种 5400 Capnocytophaga spp. 二氧化碳嗜纤维菌某种3201 Alcaligenes faecalis 粪产碱杆菌 5501 Cardiobacterium hominis 人心杆菌3202 Alcaligenes xylosoxidans suhsp.xylosoxidans 木糖氧化产碱杆菌木糖亚种5601 Eikenella corrodens 腐蚀艾肯菌 3203 Alcaligenes xylosoxidans subsp. denitrificans 木糖氧化产碱杆菌反消化亚种5701 Kingella app. 金氏菌属某种 3204 Alcaligenes odorans 芳香产碱杆菌6100 Neisseria spp 奈瑟菌属某种3300 Burkholderia spp 伯克霍德菌某种6101 Neisseria gonorrhoeae 淋病奈瑟菌 3301 Burkholderia cepacia 洋葱伯克霍德菌6102 Neisseria meningitidis 脑膜炎奈瑟菌 3302 Burkholderia gladioli 唐昌蒲伯克霍德菌6103 Neisseria lactamica 嗜乳糖奈瑟菌 3303 Burkholderia mallei 鼻疽伯克霍德菌 6104 Neisseria polysaccharea 多糖奈瑟菌 3304 Burkholderia pickettii 皮氏伯克霍德菌6105 Neisseria mucosa 粘膜奈瑟菌3305 Burkholderia pseudomallei 假鼻疽伯克霍德菌6106 Neisseria sicca 干燥奈瑟菌3400 Comamonas spp 丛毛单胞菌属某种6107 Neisseria subflava 浅黄奈瑟菌3401 Comamonas acidovorans 食酸丛毛单胞菌6108 Neisseria cinerea 灰色奈瑟菌3402 Comamonas testosteroni 睾丸酮丛毛单胞菌 6109 Neisseria flavescens 金黄色奈瑟菌 3500 Chromobacterium (Flavobactrium)spp 黄杆菌属某种 6200 Moraxella spp(Branhamella catarrhalis) 布兰汉菌属某种3501 Chromobacterium meningosepticum(Flavobactrium) 脑膜败血性黄杆菌 6201Moraxella catarrhalis(Branhamella catarrhalis) 卡他布兰汉菌 3502 Chromobacterium odoratum(Flavobactrium) 芳香黄杆菌6300 Micrococcus spp 微球菌属某种3503 Chromobacterium indologenes(Flavobactrium) 产吲哚黄杆菌6301 Micrococcus luteus 藤黄微球菌3504 Chromobacterium group II b(Flavobactrium) II b 群黄杆菌 6302 Micrococcus varians 易变微球菌 3505 Flavimonas oryzihabitans 栖稻黄单胞菌6303 Micrococcus roseus 玫瑰色微球菌 3600 Moraxella spp 莫拉菌属某种6304 Micrococcus kristinae 克里斯汀微球菌 3601 Moraxella atlantae 亚特兰大莫拉菌6400 Gemella spp 孪生球菌属某种3602 Moraxella lacunata 腔隙莫拉菌6401 Gemella haemolysans 溶血孪生球菌 3603 Moraxella osloensis 奥斯陆莫拉菌6500 Aerococcus spp 气球菌属某种3604 Moraxella phenylpyruvica 苯丙酮酸莫拉菌6501 Aerococcus viridans 绿色气球菌 3605 Moraxella nonliquefaciens 非液化莫拉菌6600 Leuconostoc spp 无色藻菌属某种 3700 Pseudomonas spp 假单胞菌属某种 6700 Pediococcus spp 平面球菌属某种 3701 Pseudomonas aeruginosa 绿脓假单胞菌6801 Clostridium difficile 难辩芽孢梭菌 3702 Pseudomonas alcaligenes 产碱假单胞菌 6900 Mycobacterium spp.(fast growth)分枝杆菌属某种(快生长)3703 Pseudomonas fluorescens 荧光假单胞菌6901 Mycobacterium ( except TB)非结核分枝杆菌 3704 Pseudomonas mendocina 门多萨假单胞菌 9000 Fungus 真菌3705 Pseudomonas sputira 恶臭假单胞菌9100 Candida spp 假丝酵母菌属(念珠菌属)某种 3706 Pseudomonas stutzeri 施氏假单胞菌9101 Candida albicans 白色假丝酵母菌3707 Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes 假产碱假单胞菌9102 Candida famate 无名假丝酵母菌3801 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia 嗜麦芽窄食单胞菌 9103 Candida rugosa 皱褶假丝酵母菌3901 Shewanella putrefaciens 腐败谢瓦纳拉菌 9104 Candida guilliermondii 季也蒙假丝酵母菌属4000 Vibrionaeae 弧菌科9105 Candida krusei 克柔假丝酵母菌属4100 Aeromonas spp 气单胞菌属某种9106 Candida lusitaniae 葡萄牙假丝酵母菌4101 Aeromonas caviae 豚鼠气单胞菌 9107 Candida parapsilosis 近平滑假丝酵母菌4102 Aeromonas hydrophila 嗜水气单胞菌 9108 Candida tropicalis 热带假丝酵母菌4103 Aeromonas sobria 温和气单胞菌9109 Candida stella 类星形假丝酵母菌4104 Aeromonas salmonicida 杀蛙气单胞菌 9110 Candida pseudotropical 伪热带假丝酵母菌4105 Aeromonas schubertii 舒伯特气单胞菌9200 Cryptococcus spp 隐球菌属某种4106 Aeromonas media 中间气单胞菌 9201 Cryptococcus albidus 白色隐球菌4107 Aeromonas veronii 威隆气单胞菌9202 Cryptococcus laurentii 罗伦隐球菌4200 Plesiomonas spp 邻单胞菌属某种 9203 Cryptococcus neoformans 新型隐球菌9301 Torulopsis glabrata 光滑球拟酵母菌9302 Torulopsis candida 念珠球拟酵母菌安徽省蚌埠医学院附属医院检验科微生物室李峰编辑2006-12-30。


看这个能用上不 代科号 科名 拉丁名 G1 苏 铁 科 Cycadaceae G2 银 杏 科 Ginkgoaceae G1A 泽米铁科 Zamiaceae G3 南洋杉科 Araucariaceae G4 松 科 Pinaceae G5 杉 科 Taxodiaceae G6 柏 科 Cupressaceae G7 罗汉松科 Podocarpaceae G8 三尖杉科 Cephalotaxaceae G9 红豆杉科 Taxaceae G11 买麻藤科 Gnetaceae 1 木 兰 科 Magnoliaceae 2A 八 角 科 Illiciaceae 3 五味子科 Schisandraceae 3A 水青树科 Tetracentraceae 6 领春木科 Eupteleaceae
216A 鹿蹄草科 Pyrolaceae 216B 水晶兰科 Monotropaceae 221 柿 树 科 Ebenaceae 222 山 榄 科 Sapotaceae 223 紫金牛科 Myrsinaceae 224 安息香科 Styracaceae 225 山 矾 科 Symplocaceae 228 马 钱 科 Loganiaceae 228A 醉鱼草科 Buddlejaceae 228B 度量草科 Spigeliaceae 229 木 犀 科 Oleaceae 230 夹竹桃科 Apocynaceae 231 萝 藦 科 Asclepiadaceae 232 茜 草 科 Rubiaceae 232A 乌 檀 科 Naucleaceae 233 忍 冬 科 Caprifoliaceae 233A 接骨木科 Sambucaceae 235 败 酱 科 Valerianaceae 233B 荚 蒾 科 Viburnaceae 236 川续断科 Dipsacaceae 238 菊 科 Compositae 239 龙 胆 科 Gentianaceae 239A 睡 菜 科 Menyanthaceae



1360中国科学D辑地球科学第37卷区(a)以及地层和生储盖组合特征示意图(b)据文献[31.32资料编绘图2准噶尔盆地典型储层胶结物发育的矿物岩石学特征(a)长石遭受济蚀,粒同见方解石胶结物,箭头所指为溶蚀孔隙.孔睬中见沥青,电f探针背散射陶像;(b)舍油环带方解石,图中箭头所指为方解石的结晶牛长方向,正变偏光.样6&来自西北缘地区车6l井,2670.5In.P2w石胶结物中某(几)种微量元素富集的成因,区别方解石的微量元素含量分别受注入水和原岩的影响,我们所采样品的岩性包括火山岩和碎屑岩两大类型,碎屑岩中又包含了不同粒度(物性)的样品:从油气显示级别看,为了与油气充注强度进行对比,样品从油层、气层、水层和干层都有分布.胶结物的元素分析在内生金属矿床成矿机制国家重点实验室(南京大学)进行,仪器型号为D矾.8800M(JEOL),测试条件:加速电压15kV,束流lOnA,束斑直径最低可至1um.2结果目前文献中认为与油气流体活动相关的微量元素主要是金属元素Mn,Fe,Mg和Sr等‘“4”,因此,1366中国科学D辑地球科学第37卷咿站图5准噶尔盆陆梁油田陆9井典型水一岩反应产物电子探针背散射图像(a)2137巩J蝎(b)2397皿Jls国6准噶尔箍地腹部陆西地区白垩系时=谷鲁群清水河组(a)、侏罗系头屯河组(b)、西山窑组(c)和三工河组(d)储层典型方解石胶结物的MnO含量分布图据表2中数据绘制2.59wt%-4.14wt%之间.说明该储层的油气充注强度较大,其中,石南4井样品F1.4,1的胶结物MnO含量为4.14wt%和3.77wt%,而石南6井样品F1.5.2的MnO含量则处于2.59wt%一3.46wt%之间,反映在头屯河组储层中存在着从石南4井向石南6井的油气运移,这与白垩系清水河组地层中的油气运移特征类似.对于侏罗系西山窑组(Jrx),样品F'B4-1和F1.11-3的方解石MnO含量皆小于1.0wt%(图“c));而F1.11—2样品方解石胶结物MnO含量皆大于1.0wt%.结合样品的地质产状来看,这与油源流体的充注强度有关:FI.11.2样品取自荧光的油水同层储层中,所以表现出油源流体影响为主的特征,而F1.11.3样品所在层位为水层,FB4-1样品来自于干层.对于侏罗系三工河组(J15),共测得9个MnO含量数据(图6(d)),|:上MnO含量1.0wt%为界,可分为油源流体与地层流体两种不同性质流体影响的特点.陆梁油田样品(F1.1l-4)数值要比石南油田样品(F1.4—2)的高,说明油气町能并不是沿三工河组输导层自石南油田向陆梁油田充注的,否则随油气运移距离增大,胶结物MnO含量应与距生烃阴陷的距离成反比.也许是断裂输导性的差异造成了三工河组储层中的这种分布特点””.综上所述,在准噶尔盆地腹部陆西地区,断裂是 万方数据 万方数据准噶尔盆地示踪石油运移的无机地球化学新指标研究作者:曹剑, 胡文瑄, 姚素平, 张义杰, 王绪龙, 张越迁, 唐勇, 石新璞作者单位:曹剑,胡文瑄,姚素平(内生金属矿床成矿机制研究国家重点实验室,南京大学地球科学系,南京,210093), 张义杰(中国石油勘探开发研究院,北京,100083), 王绪龙,张越迁,唐勇,石新璞(中国石油新疆油田公司,克拉玛依,834000)刊名:中国科学D辑英文刊名:SCIENCE IN CHINA(SERIES D)年,卷(期):2007,37(10)被引用次数:1次nd L S The isotopic and trace element geochemistry of dolomite:the state of the art 19802.张枝焕;常象春;曾溅辉水-岩相互作用研究及其在石油地质中的应用 1998(03)3.Surdam R C;Crossey L J;Hagen E S Organic-inorganic interactions and sandstone diagenesis 1989(01)4.Emery D;Robinson A Inorganic geochemistry:application to petroleum geology 19935.wt%为质量分数,下同6.胡文瑄;张义杰;姚素平盆1井西凹陷油气系统成藏序列与油气分布研究 20067.潘长春;周中毅流体包裹体在准噶尔盆地油气资源评价中的应用 1990(04)8.Lloyd R M Oxygen isotope enrichment of sea water by evaporation 19669.Sass E;Bein A;Almogi-Labin A Oxygen isotope composition of diagenetic calcite in organic-rich rocks:evidence for 18O depletion in marine anaerobic pore water 199110.Cao J;Zhang Y J;Hu W X The Permian hybrid petroleum system in the northwest margin of the Junggar 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Enteropathogenic E. coli
fever infant diarrhea vomiting nausea non-bloody stools Destruction of surface microvilli loose attachment mediated by bundle forming pili (Bfp); 2. Stimulation of intracellular calcium level; 3. rearrangement of intracellular actin,
Enteroinvasive E. coli (EIEC) Dysentery - resembles shigellosis - elder children and adult diarrhea
E.coli-c. Enteropathogenic (EPEC)

Malaise and low grade fever diarrhea, vomiting,
Opportunistic diseases -Enterobacteriaceae
– – – – septicemia, pneumonia, meningitis urinary tract infections
Citrobacter Enterobacter Escherichia Hafnia Morganella Providencia Serratia
E.coli-Meningitis and Sepsis

Neonatal meningitis – is the leading cause of neonatal meningitis and septicemia with a high mortality rate. Usually caused by strains with the K1 capsular antigen.





鱼类七彩神仙鱼Symphsodon discus大黄鱼(黄花鱼)Pseudosciaena crocea (Large yellow croaker)小黄鱼Pseudociaena polyactis (Small yellow croaker)大弹涂鱼Boleophthalmus pectinirostris (Mudskipper)太阳鱼(蓝鳃太阳鱼、美国蓝鳃太阳鱼)Lepomis macrochrus (Sunfidh ;Bluegillsunfish)文昌鱼Branchiostoma belcheri龙头鱼Harpodon nehereus石斑鱼Epinephelus点带石斑鱼(斜带石斑鱼)Epinephelus coioides (Malabar grouper)赤点石斑鱼Epinephelus arkoya;Epinephelus akaara (Hong-kong grouper)赤石斑鱼Epinephelus fasciatus (Blacktip grouper)龙趸石斑鱼Epinephelus oanceolutus龙胆石斑鱼(鞍带石斑鱼)Epinephelus lanceolatus;Epinephelus trimaculatus褐石斑鱼Epinephelus brunneus Bloch网纹石斑鱼Epinephelus chlorostigma;Epinephelus merra (Honeycomb grouper)青石斑鱼Epinephelus awoara (Yellow grouper)拟青石斑鱼Epinephelus diacanthus (Two-spine grouper)巨点石斑鱼Epinephelus areolatus (Areolate grouper)鲑点石斑鱼Epinephelus fario镶点石斑鱼Epinephelus amblycephalus (Banded grouper)三斑石斑鱼Epinephelus trimaculatus (Three-spot grouper)马拉巴石斑鱼Epinephelus malabaricus (Malanar grouper)老鼠斑(驼背鲈)Cromileptes altivelis宝石斑鱼(宝石鱼、玉鲈)Scortum barcoo (Jade berch)淡水石斑(花老虎)Cichlasoma managuense军曹鱼(海鲡)Rachycentron canadum (Cobia)沙丁鱼Sardina melamosticta;Sardinops sagax虱目鱼(麻虱鱼、塞目鱼、海草鱼)Chanos chanos Forskal罗非鱼Oreochromis spp (Tilapia)尼罗罗非鱼Tilapia nilotica;Oreochromis niloticus青鱼Mylopharyngdon piceus Richardson (Black carp)香鱼(油香鱼、年鱼、鲇鱼)Plecoglossus altivelis (Ayu)草鱼Ctenopharyngodon idellus (Grass carp)秋刀鱼Cololabis saira Brevoort带鱼Trichiurus lepturus;Trichiurus haumela胭脂鱼Myxocyprinus asiaticus (Chinese sucker)大口胭脂鱼(美国大口胭脂鱼)Ictiobus cyprinellus (Big-mouth buffalo fish)小口胭脂鱼Ictiobus bubalus眼斑拟石首鱼(美国红鱼)Sciaenops ocellatus (Red fish;Red drum)黄颡鱼(黄骨鱼、黄腊鱼)Pseudobagrus fulvidraco (Yellow-headed catfish)瓦氏黄颡鱼(江黄颡鱼)Pseudobagrus vachelli日本黄姑鱼Nibea japonica鱼免状黄姑鱼(鱼免鲈、白鱼免)Nibea miichthioides (Cuncate drum)牙鲆(褐牙鲆)Paralichthys olivaceus (Olive flounder;Flounder)南方牙鲆Paralichthys lethostigma犬齿牙鲆(大西洋牙鲆、夏季牙鲆、巨齿牙鲆)Paralichthys dentatus(Summer flounder;Large-tooth flounder)大菱鲆Scophthalmus maximus (Turbot)斑马鱼Brachydanio rerio银鱼(大银鱼)Prolosalanx hylocranius (Icefish)裂腹鱼Schizothorax云南裂腹鱼Schizothorax yunnansis齐口裂腹鱼Schizothorax prenati河鱼屯Fugu obscurus (Puffer)暗纹东方鱼屯Takifugu obscurus红鳍东方鱼屯Takifugu rubripes ;Fugu rubripes (Oriental red-globefish;Tiger puffer)双斑东方鱼屯Fugu bimaculatus (Twospot puffer)菊黄东方鱼屯Fugu flavidus绿鳍马面鱼屯Navodon septentrionalis黄鳍马面鱼屯Navodon tessellates团头鲂(武昌鱼)Megalobrama amblycephala (Bluntnose black bream)三角鲂Megalobrama terminalis (Black bream)蓝曼龙Trichogaster trichopterus倒刺鱼巴(竹柏鲤、青竹柏、竹包)Spinibarbus denticulatus Oshima光倒刺鱼巴Spinibarbus hollandi Oshima黑脊倒刺鱼巴Spinibarbus caldwelli (Teleost)中华倒刺鱼巴Spinibarbus sinensis鲈鱼(花鲈)Lateolabrax japonicus (Sea perch)中国花鲈Lateolabrax sp澳洲银鲈Bidyanus bidyanus美国斑点鲈Pomoxis nigromacufastus美国黄金鲈??(Yellow perch)大口黑鲈(加州鲈)Micropterus salmoniodes (Big mouth bass)尖吻鲈Lates calcarifer Bloch宝石鲈(Jade perch)长丝鲈Osphronemus gouramy条纹鲈Morone saxatilis;Morone chrysops攀鲈Anabas scandens Linnaeus;Anabas teseuclineus三线矶鲈(三线矶鲷、三线鸡鱼)Parapristipoma trilineatum Thunberg (Chicken grunt)翘嘴红鱼白(白条)Erythroculter ilishaeformis Bleeker;Culter alburnus (Top-mouth dulter;Culter)红鳍鱼白(白刀)Culter erythropterus日本鬼鱼由Inimicus japonicus褐菖鱼由Sebastiscus marmoratus许氏平鱼由Sebastes schlegeli Hilgendorf常鱼由Scorpaena neglecta中华鲟Acipenser sinensis俄罗斯鲟Acipenser gueldenstaedti史氏鲟(施氏鲟)Acipenser schrencki匙吻鲟Polyodon spathula (Paddlefish)长江鲟Acipenser dabryanu达氏鲟Huso dauricus斑点叉尾鱼回Ictalurus punctatus (Channel catfish)长吻鱼危Leiocassis longirostris丁鱼岁Tinca tinca黄尾鱼师Seriola aureovittata高体鱼师(杜氏鱼师)Seriola dumerili蓝点马鲛(马加、马鲛、鲅鱼)Carcharhinus glaucus;Scomberomours niphonius鲑鱼Oncorhynchus tschawytscha鲫鱼Carassius aumtus (Crucian carp)鲢鱼Hypophthalmichehys molitrix (Silver carp)鲤鱼Cyprinus carpio (Common carp)岩原鲤Procypris rabaudi Tchang条纹斑竹鲨Cihiloscyllium plagiasum尖头斜齿鲨Scoliadon sorrakowah淡水鲨鱼(苏氏圆腹鱼芒、苏氏芒鲶)Pangasius sutchi Fowler (Freshwater shark)黑鱼君(黑鱼、黑寨)Gymnocor ymbus ternetzi (Blue rockfish)银鲴(刁子、选子)Xenocypris argentea Gunther鲮鱼Cirrhina molitorella (Mud carp)印鲮Cirrhina mrigal南亚野鲮Labeo rohita鲶鱼Silurus asotus南方大口鲶(南方鲇、大口鲇)Silurus meridionalis (Southern catfish)胡子鲶(胡子鲇)Clarias fuscus;Clarias fuscus lacepede (Clarid catfish)东北大口鲶Silurus soldatovi (Northeastern sheatfish)白鲳Colossoma barchypomum高体革鱼刺(中国常称宝石鱼)Scortum barcoo (Barcoo grunter)鲻鱼(乌鱼)Mugil cephalus (Grey mullet)真鲷Pagrosomus major (Red seabream)黑鲷Sparus macrocephalus (Black sea bream;Black porgy)黄鲷Taius tumifrons (Temminck of schlegel)平鲷Rhabdosargus sarba巴西鲷Prochilodus scrofa黄鳍鲷Sparus latus Houttuyn裸颊鲷Lethrinus紫红笛鲷Lutjanus argentimaculatus (Red snapper)白斑笛鲷Lutjanus bohar红鳍笛鲷Lutjanus erythopterus金焰笛鲷Lutjanus fulviflamma金带笛鲷Lutjanus vaigiensis斜带髭鲷Hapalogenys nitens横带髭鲷Hapalogenys mucronatus花尾胡椒鲷Plectorhinchus cinctus (Yellow spotted grunt)短尾大眼鲷Priacanthus macracanthus大鲵(娃娃鱼)Andrias davidianus Blanchard (Giant salamander)石鲽Kareius bicoloratus (Stone flounder)圆斑星鲽Verasper variegatus Temminck et schegel钝吻黄盖鲽(黄盖、沙板、小嘴、沙盖)Pseudopleuronectes yokohamae Gunther 条斑星鲽Verasper moseri泥鳅Misgurnus anguillicaudatus (Loach;Loach catfish)大鳞副泥鳅Paramisgurnus dabryanus长薄鳅Leptobotia elangata花鱼骨(杨花鱼、麻花鱼、夹竹、季朗鱼)Hemibarbus marculatus Bleeker鱼是鱼Engraulis japonicus湾鳄Crocodylus porosus Schneider达氏鳇Dauricus舌鳎Cynoglossus斑头舌鳎Cynoglossus puncticeps双线舌鳎Cynoglossus bilineatus焦氏舌鳎Cynoglossus joyneri欧洲鳗Anguilla anguilla (European eel)日本鳗Anguilla japonicus (Japonese eel)美洲鳗Anguilla rostrata海鳗Muraensox cinereus瓣结鱼Brevifilis brevifilis鳙鱼Aristichthys nobilis (Bighead carp)虹鳟Salmo gairdneri (Rainbow trout)赤眼鳟Squoliobarbus curriculus黄鳝Monopterus albus (Swamp eel;Rice field eel)鳜鱼Siniperca chuatsi (Mandarin fish)斑鳜(圆桶鳜)Siniperca scherzeri Steindacher翘嘴鳜Siniperca chuatsi乌鳢Ophiocephalus argus (Snakehead)月鳢(七星鱼)Channa asiatica中华乌塘鳢Bostrichthys sinensis (Chinese ocellated gudgeon)云斑尖塘鳢(褐塘鳢、笋壳鱼)Oxyeleotris marmoratus沙塘鳢(蒲鱼、虎头鲨)Odontobutis obscura (Dark sleepeer)虾类刀额新对虾Metapwnaeus ensis中国对虾Penneropenaeus chinensis;Penaeus chinensis中国龙虾Panulirus stimpsoni (Spiny lobster)日本对虾Penaeus japonicus日本沼虾Macrobrachium nipponense对虾?? (Shrimp)长毛对虾Penaeus penicillatus东方扁虾Thenus orientalis (Squat lobster)红螯螯虾(澳洲淡水龙虾)Cherax quadricarinatus (Freshwater lobster)克氏螯虾(龙虾)Procambarus clarkii罗氏沼虾Macrobrachium rosenbergii南美白对虾Penaeus vannamei (White-leg shrimp)南美兰对虾(细角对虾)Penaeus stylirostris (Blue shrimp)哈氏仿对虾Parapenaeopsis hardwickii脊尾白虾Palaemon carinicauda斑节对虾Penaeus monodon短沟对虾Penaeus semiculcatus墨吉对虾Fenneropenaeus merguiensis磷虾Euphausia spp鹰爪虾Trachypenaeus curvirostris虾蛄Squilla口虾蛄Oratosquilla oratoria黑斑口虾蛄Oratosquilla kempi贝类大珠母贝(白蝶贝)Pinctada maxima马氏珠母贝(合浦母贝)Pinctada fucata martensii珠母贝(黑蝶贝、黑唇贝)Pinctada margaritifera珍珠贝(Pearl oyster)扇贝Placopecta magellanicus (Scallop)虾夷扇贝Patinopecten yessoensis节孔扇贝Chlamys farreri (Chinese scallop)华贵节孔扇Chlamys nobilis海湾扇贝Argopecten irridians (Gulf scallop)墨西哥湾扇贝Argopecten irridians concentricus贻贝M ytilus edulis紫贻贝Mytilus galloprovincialis翡翠贻贝Perna viridis Linnaeus海蚌(西施舌)Celomactra antiquata绢丝丽蚌Lamprotula fibrosa三角帆蚌Hyriopsis cumingii河蚬Corbicula fluminea小荚蛏Siliqua minimai中国淡水蛏Novaculina chinensis长竹蛏Solen strictus尖刀蛏Cultellum scalprum Gould沟竹蛏Solen canaliculatus缢蛏Sinonovacula constricta毛蚶Scapharca subcrenata泥蚶Arca granosa;Tegillarca granosa (Mud clam;Bloody clam)魁蚶Scapharca broughtonii橄榄蚶(珠蚶)Estellarca olivacea太平洋牡蛎(长牡蛎、真牡蛎)Crassostrea gigas (Pacific oyster)欧洲食用牡蛎Ostrea edulis褶牡蛎Ostrea plicatula近江牡蛎Ostrea rivularis大连湾牡蛎Ostrea talien whanensis僧帽牡蛎Ssccostrea cucullata文蛤Mercenaria mercenaria Linnaeus青蛤Cyclina sinesis Gmelin杂色蛤(花蛤、沙蚬仔)Venerupis variegata菲律宾蛤仔Ruditapes philippinarum美洲帘蛤(硬壳蛤、北方帘蛤、小圆蛤)Mercenaria mercenaria Linnaeus盘鲍Haliotis discus discus皱纹盘鲍Haliotis discus hanai黑鲍Haliotis nigra (Black abalone)杂色鲍Haliotis diversicolor diversicolor九孔鲍Haliotis diversicolor aquatilis;Haliotis diversicolor supertexta中华圆田螺Cipangopaludian cathayensis方斑东风螺Babylonia areolata波部东风螺Babylonia formosae habei泥螺(吐铁、黄泥螺、、麦螺、梅螺)Bullacta exarata Philippi;Anadara granosa脉红螺Rapana venosa藻类海带Laminaria japonica (Kelp)紫菜Porphyra (Laver)坛紫菜Porphyra haihanensis条斑紫菜Porphyra yezoensis江蓠Gracilaria tenuistipitata粗江蓠Gracilaria gigas Harrey红毛菜Bangia fuso-purpurea羊栖菜Sargassum fusiforme;Hizikia fusiforme龙须菜Gracilaria lemaneiformis石花菜Gelidium vagum裙带菜Undaria pinnatifida蟹类中华绒螯蟹(河蟹)Eriocheir sinensis (Crab;Mitten crab;River crab;Chinese mitten crab)狭颚绒螯蟹Eriocheir leptognathus Rathbun三疣梭子蟹Portunus tritubercatus (Swimming crab)远海梭子蟹Portunus pelagicus红星梭子蟹Portunus sanguinolentus锯缘青蟹(青蟹)Scylla serata (Mud crab)软体类大海马Hippocampus kuda (Seahorse)三斑海Hippocampus trimaculatus线纹海马Hippocampus kelloggi海蜇Rhopilema esculenta (Jelly fish;Medusa)海绵Faciospongia rimosa (Sponge)刺海参Apostichopus japonicus Selenka紫海胆Anthocidaris crassispina (Sea urchin)中间球海胆Strongylocentrotus intermedius章鱼(Octopus)鱿鱼aequifasciata (Squid viscera)金乌贼Sepia esculenta水蛭Hirude nipponica Whitman宽体金线蛭Whitman pipa Whitman爬行类龟Chinemys reevesii鳄龟Chelydra sertentina中华鳖Trionyx sinensis (Turtle;Chinese soft-shelled turtle)中国鲎Tachypleus tridentatus两栖类中国林蛙(哈士蟆、林蛙、田鸡)Rana lemporaria chensinensis (Chinese forest Frog)牛蛙Rana catesbiana美国青蛙Rana grylio棘胸蛙(石蛙)Rana spinosa (Stone Frog)虎纹蛙Rana tigrina rugulosa沼水蛙Hylarana guentheri大树蛙Rhacophorus dennysi斑腿树蛙Rhacophorus leuconystax生物饵料类叉鞭金藻Dicrateria sp球等鞭金藻Isochrysis galbana湛江叉鞭金藻Dicrateria zhanjiang gensis三角褐指藻Phaeodactylum小球藻Chlorella sp紫球藻Porphyridium cruentum雨生红球藻Haematococcus pluvialis眼点拟微绿球藻Nannochloropsis oculata角毛藻Chaetoceros sp牟氏角毛藻Chaetoceros muelleri扁藻Platymonas sp;Dlatymonas subcordiformis亚心形扁藻Platymonas subcordiformis螺旋藻Spirulina platensis褶皱臂尾轮虫(轮虫)Brachionus plicatilis (Rotifer)萼花臂尾轮虫Brachionus calyciflorus卜氏晶囊轮虫Asplanchna brightwelli卤虫(丰年虫)Artemia saline;Artemia sp (Brine shrimp)桡足类(Copepoda)蒙古裸腹蚤Moina mongolica真宽水蚤Eurytemora affinis细巧华水蚤Sinocalnus tenellus多刺裸腹蚤Moina macrocopa Straus。







醋杆菌属Acetobacter绵霉属Achlya马杜拉放线菌属Actinomadura伞菌属Agaricus土壤杆菌属Agrobacterium变形虫属Amoeba鱼腥蓝细菌属Anabaena满江红鱼腥蓝细菌Anabaena azollae曲霉属Aspergillus木耳属Auricularia固氮菌属Azotobacter芽胞杆菌属Bacillus炭疽芽胞杆菌Bacillus anthracis枯草芽胞杆菌Bacillus subtilis苏云金芽胞杆菌Bacillus thuringiensis拟杆菌属Bacteroides蛭弧菌属Bdellovibrio贝日阿托菌属Beggiatoa双歧杆菌属Bifidobacterium慢生根瘤菌属Bradyrhizobium假丝酵母属Candida柄杆菌属Caulobacter衣原体属Chlamydia小球藻属Chlorella绿菌属Chlorobium着色菌属Chromatium梭菌属Clostridium棒状细菌属Corynebacterium脱硫弧菌属Desulfovibrio欧文氏菌属Erwinia大肠杆菌Escherichia coli眼虫属Euglena弗兰克氏菌属Frankia盐杆菌属Halobacter盐球菌属Halococcus汉逊酵母属Hansenula乳杆菌属Lactobacillus香菇属Lentinus慢病毒属Lentivirus引起HIV明串珠菌属Leuconostoc甲烷杆菌属Methanobacterium甲烷球菌属Methanococcus微球菌属Micrococcus小单胞菌属Micromonospora毛霉属Mucor分枝杆菌属Mycobacterium支原体属Mycoplasma黏球菌属Myxococcus舟形藻属Navicula奈氏球菌属Neisseria脉胞菌属Neurospora硝酸杆菌属Nitrobacter亚硝化单胞菌属Nitrosomonas诺卡氏菌属Nocardia念珠蓝细菌属Nostoc核型多角体病毒属Nucleopolyhedrovirus草履虫属Paramecium青霉属Penicillium消化球菌属Peptococcus羽纹硅藻属Pinnularia浮霉状菌属Planctomyces疟原虫属Plasmodium平菇Pleurotusostreatus马铃薯纺锤形块茎类病毒属Pospivioid丙酸杆菌属Propionibacterium变形杆菌属Proteus假单胞菌属Pseudomonas热网菌属Pyrodictium根瘤菌属Rhizobium根霉属Rhizopus葡枝根霉(黑根霉)Rhizopusstolonifer红酵母Rhodotorula立克次氏体属Rickettsia酵母属Saccharomyces酿酒酵母Saccharomyces cerevisiae沙门氏菌属Salmonella八叠球菌属Sarcina裂殖酵母属Schizosaccharomyces羊搔痒因子Scrapie agent粘质沙雷氏菌Serratiamarcescens(又叫粘质赛氏杆菌) 沙雷氏菌属Serratia(又叫赛氏杆菌)球衣菌属Sphaerotilus螺菌属Spirillum水绵属Spirogyra螺旋蓝细菌属Spirulina葡萄球菌属Staphylococcus金黄色葡萄球菌属Staphylococcus aureus链球菌属Streptococcus肺炎球菌Streptococuspneumoniae链霉菌属StreptomycesT4噬菌体属T4-like viruses热原体属Themoplasma高温放线菌属Thermoactinomyces硫杆菌属Thiobacillus烟草花叶病毒属Tobamovirus球拟酵母属Torulopsis银耳属Tremella密螺旋体属Treponema韦荣氏球菌属Veillonella弧菌属Vibrio发酵单胞菌属Zymnomonas。



临床意义 两菌均人兽共患病原菌 人类感染是经伤口、粘膜、呼吸道 急性患者可有高热、衰竭等全身症状 肺鼻疽病 、皮肤鼻疽病、内脏脓肿、 菌血症、脓毒血症
革兰阴性杆菌 无芽胞、无荚膜 伪马勒鼻伯克霍尔德菌一端有丛鞭毛(1~4
为主要机制 ③主动泵出机制:对喹诺酮类,
MexA-MexB-OprM及MecC-MexD-Oprj ④整合子:1类,3类
属于rRNA第II群 鼻疽病与类鼻疽病的病原体 2004年NCCLs称为可能成为生物恐怖的细菌
- OX
-Байду номын сангаас
葡萄糖产酸 + 黄色素
- -
+ 黄杆菌属 +
动力 非发酵菌
OX +

+ 端鞭毛
- 产碱杆菌属
+ 尿素
- 无色杆菌属 + 土壤杆菌属
第 一节 假单胞菌属 (Pseudomonas)
(1)分离培养与鉴定: 标本可接种于血琼脂平板培养基和选 择性培养基 鉴定根据镜下特征、菌落形态、生化 反应等
铜绿假单胞菌(P. aeruginosa)
血平板上毛玻璃 样,金属光泽, 生姜味
可产生多种色素: 荧光素与绿脓素

芦荟苷 2

芦荟苷 2

芦荟苷资源科学与工程1101 刘贺11740106 芦荟苷其中大多为双子叶植物百合科植物库拉索芦荟、好望角芦荟、斑纹芦荟提取物。




略带沉香气味,味苦,易溶于吡啶,溶于冰醋酸,甲酸,丙酮,醋酸甲酯,以及乙醇等,1份溶解于130份,芦荟苷的化学性质对分别从中华芦荟、库拉索芦荟和木立芦荟叶肉组织中分离提取得到的3种凝集素(命名为Lec1、Lec2和Lec3)进行了理化性质的比较研究,考察了三者的分子质量,对糖抑制的专一性和糖基组成.结果表明Lec1和Lec3的相对分子质量为23 000,而Lec2为26 000 ,只有Lec3能被麦芽糖抑制.糖基组成分析结果表明,三者的糖链部分主要由甘露糖、葡萄糖和N-乙酰氨基葡萄糖构成.三种芦荟凝集素能够识别并抑制K562乳腺癌细胞的生长,中华凝集素、库拉索凝集素、木立凝集素的抑瘤率IC50值分别为4.193 、2.305 、1.418 mg/ml.而在质量浓度>2.5 mg/ml时他们对成纤维细胞FC的生长有定的促进作用.动物体内实验进一步证实了芦荟凝集素的抑瘤作用,同时表明芦荟凝集素能够激发机体的免疫功能来抵御癌细胞的入侵.其中芦荟苷对人体是有利的,然而芦荟中含有大量活性物质,若用传统热提取技术,很容易破坏其功能性成分,影响产品品质。





博朗森植物甾醇产品研发纯天然原料BRONSON Phytosterol Complex——源自美国明尼苏达州专属有机农场,科学、高效、无化肥、无农药残留的种植体系为其提供了安全、纯净的根本保障。



“克里夫兰生物实验室”Joey Stone博士郑重推荐。













拉氧头孢钠【中文品名】拉氧头孢钠【药效类别】抗生素>头孢霉素衍生物类【通用药名】LATAMOXEF DISODIUM【别名】氧杂头霉素二钠, Lamoxactan disodium,Moxalactam disodium,S hiomarin,Moxam,Festamoxin,L Y127935【化学名称】5-Oxa-1-azabicyclo[4.2.0]oct-2-ene-2-carboxylic acid, 7-[[(2R)-car boxy(4-hydroxypheynl)acetyl]amino]-7-methoxy-3-[[(1-methyl-1H-tetrazol-5-yl)thio] methyl]-8-oxo-, disodium salt, (6R,7R)-【CA登记号】[64953-12-4]【结构式】【分子式】C20H18N6Na2O9S【分子量】564.44【收录药典】JP14【开发单位】盐野义制药株式会社(日本),ELiLilly (美国)【首次上市】1981年,德国【性状】白色或淡黄色粉末,无臭。








肌注1g,经1小时血药浓度达峰值,为49ug/ml,到第8 小时仍可维持4.5ug/ml。






粘质红酵母 粘液真杆菌 粘液奈瑟球菌 粘液玫瑰单胞菌 粘性丝孢酵母 粘膜炎布兰汉球菌 粘膜弯曲杆菌 粘连鞘氨醇单胞菌 粘金黄杆菌 粘滑罗氏菌 粘滑口腔球菌 粘红酵母/红酵母 粘放线菌 粘放线菌 斋藤氏隐球菌 渣土军团菌 杂色曲霉 运动纤发菌 越南芽胞杆菌 越南伯克霍尔德菌 约氏乳杆菌 约氏黄杆菌 约氏不动杆菌 约氏不动杆菌 约翰逊类拟杆菌 约旦军团菌 猿分枝杆菌 圆红球菌 原野芽胞杆菌 原玻璃蝇短杆菌 原孢酵母菌 园球形假丝酵母(乳克鲁维酵母) 园球形假丝酵母 玉米乳杆菌 鱼发酵葡萄球菌 幼虫类芽孢杆菌 有毒威克斯菌 油橄榄癌肿假单孢菌油橄榄癌肿亚种 尤氏真杆菌珍珠亚种 幽门螺杆菌
中文名称 佐治亚克吕沃尔菌 佐氏红球菌 最小双歧杆菌 钻特省芽胞杆菌 组织普雷沃菌 自养黄色杆菌 紫色色杆菌 紫色板蓝根梭菌 紫红链霉菌 紫红红球菌 砖红色微杆菌 猪葡萄球菌 猪链球菌Ⅱ型 猪链球菌Ⅰ型 猪链球菌 猪霍乱沙门氏菌双亚利桑那亚种 猪霍乱沙门氏菌 猪霍乱沙门菌 猪红斑丹毒丝菌 猪放线杆菌 猪鼻支原体 株霍氏格里蒙菌 帚状地霉 皱褶假丝酵母 皱褶假丝酵母 皱褶假单胞菌 舟形梭杆菌 重白喉棒杆菌 肿大地杆菌 中型假食酸菌 中间耶尔森菌 中间气单胞菌 中间普雷沃菌 中间葡萄球菌 中间链球菌 中间链球菌 中间克鲁瓦氏菌 中间假丝酵母 中间肠杆菌
Bruker 可鉴定菌属/菌种/亚种名 Kluyvera georgiana Rhodococcus zopfii Bifidobacterium minimum Bacillus drentensis Prevotella histicola Xanthobacter autotrophicus Chromobacterium violaceum Clostridium isatidis Streptomyces violaceoruber B263 UFL Rhodococcus rhodochrous Microbacterium testaceum Staphylococcus hyicus Streptococcus suis II Streptococcus suis I Streptococcus suis Salmonella sp (enterica st Diarizonae) Salmonella sp (choleraesuis) Salmonella choleraesuis Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae Actinobacillus suis Mycoplasma hyorhinis Grimontia hollisae Geotrichum penicillatum Candida rugosa Candida rugosa var rugosa CBS 613T CBS Pseudomonas corrugata Fusobacterium naviforme Corynebacterium diphtheriae belfanti Corynebacterium diphtheriae gravis Terrabacter tumescens Pseudacidovorax intermedius Yersinia intermedia Aeromonas media Prevotella intermedia Staphylococcus intermedius Streptococcus intermadius Streptococcus intermedius Kluyvera intermedia Candida intermedia Enterobacter intermedius



梭菌大多专性厌氧,培养须 采用厌氧培养法。
十分苛刻,所用培养基必须新鲜制 备或保存于厌氧环境之Байду номын сангаас。
这些细菌对氧极为敏感,仅在空气 中暴露20~30min即遭抑制而不再生 长。因此划线接种后应立即厌氧培 养,培养物解除厌氧状态后应迅速
第十一章 G+产芽胞杆菌
本章仅介绍兽医上具有重要意义的芽 胞杆菌科(Bacillaceae)。 芽胞杆菌科是一大类能形成芽胞的细 菌,大多数为G+菌,且具有运动性。 根据生化特性和形态特征目前主要包 括6个属
属Ⅰ:芽胞杆菌属(Bacillus) 属Ⅱ:芽胞乳杆菌属(Sporolactobacillus) 属Ⅲ:梭状芽胞杆菌属(Clostridium) ,也称为梭菌属 属Ⅳ:脱硫腊肠样芽胞杆菌属(Desulfotomaculum ) 属Ⅴ:芽胞八叠球菌属(Sporocarina) 属Ⅵ:颤螺菌属( Oscillospira)
+ 絮状沉淀,上层清朗,无
菌膜 不溶血或微溶血
— + + + M型菌落 + 强阳性
蜡状芽孢杆菌及其他需氧芽孢杆 菌

蜡状芽孢杆菌呈β型溶血 +(±) — — — R型菌落 —
第二节 梭菌属(Clostridium)
该属细菌多数严格厌氧,革兰氏染色阳 性 ,能形成芽孢,芽孢直径往往比菌体粗, 使菌体膨胀成梭状,但并非梭菌属的细菌均 为梭状,如破伤风梭菌,芽孢位于菌体顶端, 菌体呈鼓槌状。 该属细菌能产生多种外毒素和侵袭性酶, 致病性强。 产气荚膜梭菌、腐败梭菌、诺维梭菌、肉 毒梭菌和破伤风梭菌等



根据蛋白抗原 进一步分型
S. pneumoniae
The capsular polysaccharide is immunologically distinct for each of the more than 85 types.根据荚膜多糖抗原不 同,至少可分为85个型别。
Ⅱ.Hemolysis on blood agar根据溶血现象分类
Toxic disease 中毒性疾病
scarlet fever猩红热
Poststreptococcal allergic
diseases 超敏反应性疾病
rheumatic fever风湿热 acute glomerulonephritis 急性肾小球肾炎
staphylolysin葡萄球菌溶素 leukocidin杀白细胞素 Toxic shock syndrome toxin-1
毒性休克综合征毒素-1 Enterotoxins (A to E)肠毒素 Exfoliative toxin表皮剥脱毒素
防止 医源性感染

防止 耐药性产生
注意 个人卫生
抗生素 药敏试验
Gram positive spherical or ovoid cells, arranged in chains or diplococci双球菌
Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus)
-hemolytic streptococcus pathogen 乙型溶血性链球菌
γ- streptococcus 丙型链球菌



U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological SurveyFact Sheet 2009–3070August 2009Assessment of Undiscovered Petroleum Resourcesof Southern and Western Afghanistan, 2009Printed on recycled paperIntroductionThe U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the Afghanistan Ministry of Mines, assessed the undiscovered petro-leum resource potential of western and southern Afghanistan. The assessment is part of U.S. and Afghan Government efforts to assist in the rebuilding of the Afghan economy and infrastructure through identification and development of natural resources.The Tirpul Basin is a transpressional basin located in west-ern Afghanistan, extending from near Herat in the east, to the Iranian border in the west (fig. 1). The basin is generally bounded on the north by the Safed-Koh Anticline and on the south by the Herat/Hari Rud Fault Zone. The areal extent of the Tirpul Basin is approximately 8,700 km 2. Significant exploration efforts during the 1970s and 1980s included gravity and magnetic surveys and the drilling of several exploratory wells. A more recent gravity and magnetic survey was completed in 2006. There is no oil or gas production in the Tirpul Basin.The Helmund Basin is situated in southwestern Afghanistan (fig. 1), southwest of Kandahar and north of the Chaga Hills. For resource assessment purposes, the basin corresponds to an area in which gravity and magnetic data are interpreted to indicate a sedimentary rock thickness greater than 1,500 m (Drenth and Finn, 2008). Gravity and magnetic surveys are the only explora-tion efforts conducted to date. No rocks with petroleum potential are exposed in the basin.The Katawaz Basin in southern Afghanistan (fig. 1) con -sists of accreted terrane in the collision zone of the Helmund and Indian tectonic plates. The areal extent of the entire basin is approximately 45,000 km 2; it is bounded on the northwest by the Chaman Fault Zone and on the south and east by the Muslimabad Ophiolite Zone. Petroleum geology studies as well as gravity and magnetic surveys have been conducted in the basin. No explor-atory wells have been drilled and no seismic surveys have been conducted in the Afghan part of the basin.Geologic Definition of Assessment UnitsBoth the Tirpul Basin Upper Mesozoic–Paleogene Total Petroleum System (TPS) (802301) and Tirpul Assessment Unit (AU) (80230101) boundaries are coincident with the TirpulUsing a geology-based assessment methodology, the U.S. Geological Survey–Afghanistan Ministry of Mines Joint Oil and Gas Resource Assessment Team estimated mean undiscovered resource volumes of 21.55 million barrels of oil, 44.76 billion cubic feet of non-associated natural gas, and 0.91 million barrels of natural gas liquids in the western Afghanistan Tirpul Assessment Unit (AU) (80230101).Basin boundary (fig. 1). The areal extent of the TPS and AU is approximately 8,700 km 2. Recurrent movements of multiple fault blocks within the basin caused variations in deposition and erosion of the rock strata, resulting in uncertainty as to the existence and quality of source and reservoir rocks in individual fault blocks. Several rock units in the Jurassic to Eocene strata may be potential source rocks. However, none of the rocks sampled thus far (fig. 1) demonstrates sufficient organic rich -ness or thermal maturity to generate hydrocarbons. Oil seep-ing from one abandoned well indicates that oil generation has occurred within the basin. Analysis of the oil indicates that it was generated from a Tertiary age source rock deposited in a saline lacustrine environment.The Helmund Basin Paleocene-Miocene TPS (802201) and Paleocene-Miocene AU (80220101) are hypothetical. The Paleocene-Miocene TPS and Paleocene-Miocene AU boundaries are coincident. The area included in the TPS and AU is the area in which magnetic gravity surveys indicate a sedimentary rock thickness greater than 1,500 m. The extent of the AU and TPS is approximately 41,000 km 2. Bounding and within the AU are intru-sive and extrusive igneous rocks of significant areal extent.The Katawaz Basin Eocene-Miocene TPS (802401) and Eocene-Miocene Deltaic AU (80240101) are hypothetical. The Eocene-Miocene TPS and Eocene-Miocene Deltaic AU bound -aries are coincident. The area included in the TPS and AU is theFigure 1. Satellite image of southern and western Afghanistanshowing prospective assessment units of the Tirpul Basin (AU 80230101), Helmund Basin (AU 80220101), and Katawaz Basin (AU 80240101); well and sample locations; and relevant faults. Image from National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, 12 July 2004, unclassified .50100 KILOMETERS30°35°65°70°HeratKandaharGhazni Khost Kabul IRANPAKISTANAU 80230101AU 80220101AU 80240101C H A MA NF A U L T Z O NEQuettaAFGHANISTANChaga HillsHelmund BasinK at a wa zB a s i n Tirpul BasinM u s l im a b a d O p hi o li teZ on eH E R A T /H A R I R UD F A UL T ZO N ES a fe d K o h l A n t i c l i n eAFGHANISTAN60°Fault WellSampling location Assessment unitarea where magnetic and gravity surveys indicate sedimentary rock thickness greater than 1,500 m. The extent of the AU and TPS is approximately 27,000 km 2. Potential source rocks are Eocene and Oligocene marine and deltaic shales and mudstones. High thermal maturity values for surface samples indicate that the AU will be gas-prone. Continued extensive deformation and destruction of the basin’s potential reservoir rocks and traps greatly reduce the chances for the entrapment and preservation of significant quantities of oil or gas.SummaryInvestigation of the petroleum resource potential of south-ern and western Afghanistan has been very limited, although considerable exploration has previously occurred in both the Amu Darya and Afghan-Tajik Basins of northern Afghanistan. There has been no exploratory drilling in the Helmund Basin or Afghan part of the Katawaz Basin, and no more than five exploratory wells have been drilled in the Tirpul Basin. Con -tinued tectonic activity has compromised both reservoir quality and trap integrity in all three basins.The Assessment of Undiscovered Petroleum Resources of Southern and Western Afghanistan is based on the geologic elements of a total petroleum system, which include (1) source-rock presence, richness, type, maturation, generation, and migra-tion; (2) presence and quality of reservoir rocks; and (3) time of trap formation with respect to petroleum migration, trap size, and type. Where available, data from studies of geophysics, geo-chemistry, petroleum geology, tectonics, and analog basins were used to aid in estimating the number and sizes of undiscovered petroleum accumulations. The minimum field mean field size quantitatively assessed was 5 million barrels of oil (MMBO) and 30 billion cubic feet of gas (BCFG).Resource SummaryThe U.S. Geological Survey–Afghanistan Ministry of Mines Joint Oil and Gas Resource Assessment Team assessed undiscovered conventional, technically recoverable petroleum (discovered reserves not included), estimated a mean undiscov-ered resource of 21.55 MMBO, a mean of 44.76 billion cubic feet of (BCF) of non-associated natural gas (table 1), and amean of 0.91 million barrels of natural gas liquids (MMBNGL) in the western Afghanistan Tirpul (AU) (80230101). The hypo -thetical Katawaz Basin Eocene-Miocene TPS (802401) and Eocene-Miocene Deltaic AU (80240101) and Helmund Basin Paleocene-Miocene TPS (802201) and Paleocene-Miocene AU (80220101) could not be adequately quantitatively assessed because the cumulative geologic chance or risk of discovering a field containing 5 MMBO or 30 BCFG or larger was less than 10 percent and geologic data were very limited.ReferenceDrenth, B.J., and Finn, C.A., 2008, Preliminary interpretation of regional gravity and magnetic data over southwest Afghanistan, Eos Transaction of the American Geophysical Union. AGU, v. 89, no. 53, Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract NS22A–02.U.S. Geological Survey–Afghanistan Ministry of Mines Joint Oil and Gas Resource Assessment TeamC.J. Wandrey 1 (Project Chief, cwandrey@),Amir Zada Kosti,2 Amir Mohammad Selab,2 Mohammad Karim Omari,2 Salam Abdul Muty,2 Haidari Gulam Nakshband,2Abdul Hosine,2 Aminulah,2 Abdul Wahab 2, Abdul Wasy Hamidi,2 Nasim Ahmadi,2 Warren F. Agena,1 Ronald R. Charpentier,1 Troy Cook,1 B. J. Drenth,1 T.R. Klett,1 Paul G. Lillis,1 Mark J. Pawlewicz,1 and Christopher J. Schenk.1Further InformationSupporting geologic studies of total petroleum systems and assessment units and reports on the methodology used in the North Afghanistan petroleum resource assessment are in progress. Assessment results are available at the USGS Central Energy Team Web site: /oilgas .1U.S. Geological Survey, Box 25046, Denver Federal Center, MS 939, Denver, CO 80225 U.S.A.2Oil and Gas Affairs, Afghanistan Ministry of Mines, Pashtoonistan Wat, Kabul, Afghanistan.Total Petroleum Systems(TPS)and Assessment Units (AU)AU Probability FieldTypeTotal Undiscovered ResourcesOil (MMBO)Gas (BCFG)NGL (MMBNGL)F95F50F5Mean F95F50F5Mean F95F50F5Mean Upper Mesozoic–Paleogene TPSTirpul AU0.336Oil 0102.1021.550171.0133.650000Gas224.9744.764.620.91Paleocene–Miocene TPSPaleocene–Miocene AU0.002Oil Not quantitatively assessed GasEocene–Miocene Deltaic TPSEocene–Miocene Deltaic AU0.064Oil Not quantitatively assessedGasTotal Conventional Resources21.5578.410.91Table 1. Western and Southern Afghanistan assessment results.[MMBO, million barrels of oil. BCFG, billion cubic feet of gas. MMBNGL, million barrels of natural gas liquids. Results shown are fully risked estimates. For gas accumulations, all liquids are included as NGL (natural gas liquids). Undiscovered gas resources are the sum of nonassociated and associated gas. F95 represents a 95 percent chance of at least the amount tabulated; other fractiles are defined similarly. AU probability is the chance of at least one accumulation of minimum size within the AU. TPS, total petroleum system; AU, assessment unit. Gray shading indicates not applicable]。



肉锥种子中英文对照Mesa Garden 2018肉锥编号对照表(葫芦)Conophytum achabense SB1600 Achab, tiniest of all, snail paced(雪茄)Conophytum acutum e. Bitterfontein, tiny flowering cigars(雪茄)Conophytum acutum hort Wiese, shrinks underground(雪茄)Conophytum acutum Steenkampskraal, tiny cylinders(赤耳少将)Conophytum aequale = bilobum Numees (Rawe), red edged bilobe(紫毛球/毛蛋)Conophytum albipilosum Blesberg, +truncate, vigorous(烧麦)Conophytum angelicae lovely big form ex hort.(大型烧麦)Conophytum angelicae Aggeneys, living caramels(烧麦)Conophytum angelicae ssp tetragonum SB1376 Cone Peak, RV, square gems(烧麦)Conophytum angelicae ssp tetragonum near Klipbok, square brown bodies(烧麦)Conophytum angelicae ssp tetragonum Oemsberg, lovely green convolutions(烧麦)Conophytum angelicae ssp tetragonum Rosyntjieberg, rough traits(烧麦)Conophytum angelicae ssp tetragonum mostly green, often spectacular (烧麦)Conophytum angelicae Pofadder, putty colored, very nice(烧麦)Conophytum angelicae SB2152 nw Kotzeshoop, Namibia, grey buttons (烧麦)Conophytum angelicae SH480 Witsand, near TL, beautiful ochre(烧麦)Conophytum angelicae GM183 Umdaus, red orange violet petals(少将)Conophytum bilobum SB1345 Remhoogte, hugeplump, full to bursting(紫鸟哈尼)Conophytum pellucidum v neohallii SB628 Deurdrif, half opaque, striking(红鸟哈尼)Conophytum pellucidum v neohallii n. Silverfontein, best form(猪皮)Conophytum armianum SH462 TL, Umdaus, tiny warted plants(巧克力流苏玉)Conophytum lithopsoides ssp arturolfago RR964 Brakfontein, fine mottles(红线元宝)Conophytum bicarinatum PB3251 Nuwerus, Cedarbergs, red lined lobes (红线元宝)Conophytum bicarinatum Skitterykloof, irregular red angles(少将)Conophytum bilobum SH670 n Komaggas, multi lined, nice(少将)Conophytum bilobum RR1157 6 m e Kleinzee, well rounded lobes(少将)Conophytum bilobum nr Klipbok, classic bilobum(少将)Conophytum bilobum Narraberg, green spots red keel(少将)Conophytum bilobum Japanese hybrid, screwed purple flowers(毛纽扣)Conophytum bolusii ssp primavernum Uitspanpoort, flat top cylinders 1411(小红嘴B嘴)Conophytum breve Koornhuis, tiny, yellowish green(B嘴)Conophytum breve SB1136 Kuboos, pouting fissure(少将)Conophytum brevisectum RR1136 Nakanas, Port Nolloth, = bilobum(葡萄)Conophytum brunneum SH2592 Nuwerus, many spotted pale bodies, purple fl1412(灯泡)Conophytum burgeri RR1265 /10/ Aggeneys (Fujiyamopsis), wonderberg(灯泡)Conophytum burgeri SH 409 Aggeneys, giant hersey kiss(灯泡)Conophytum burgeri Aggeneys, MBB 3337 glass paperweight(鸽子蛋)Conophytum calculus Quaggaskop light green,??yellow evening flower (鸽子蛋)Conophytum calculus Quaggaskop orange flowered form Conophytu m carolii /16/ n Kliprand, flat dark green windows(长安玉)Conophytum carpianum SB1029 Doringpoort, neat grey bodies(密纹安贞)Conophytum ceresianum Ceres Karoo, flat bodies tinged red(安贞)Conophytum ceresianum SB1025 Skitterykloof, delicate green tracings (安贞)Conophytum ceresianum SB1050 Karoopoort, white pink peach purple fl1414(赤耳少将)Conophytum christiansenianum s Springbok, tall fuzzy bilobum(空卡佛)Conophytum concavum LAV22112 Riethuis, sweet white flowers(红边少将)Conophytum concordans SH2067 Brakfontein, ripply green windows(红边少将)Conophytum conradii SB1363 Eenriet, bold red edged lobes(红边少将)Conophytum coriaceum Helskloof, Richtersveld, leathery skins1415(方碗)Conophytum cubicum Eksteenfontein, cubic bowls, super long white fl (勋章)Conophytum cupreatum ex IVT; lovely coppery bodies(勋章)Conophytum cupreatum SH1322 Aasvoelkop, darkly marbled heads(勋章)Conophytum cupreatum Boonstevlei, highly varied dark orange body (勋章)Conophytum cupreatum Dooddrink, Kliprand, tiny, deep brown(勋章)Conophytum cupreatum Jakkalskoppie, Dauws, dark, coppery(勋章)Conophytum cupreatum RR896 4 m S Kliprand, convex bodies(荧光玉)Conophytum cupreatum SB888 Kliprand, murky green windows(红边猪蹄)Conophytum danielii Platbakkies, compressed wedge, red edged(荧光玉变紫)Conophytum decoratum LAV 28650 Garies??> Studers Pass, bold red lines(荧光玉变紫)Conophytum decoratum Studers Pass, shiny round bodies(荧光玉变紫)Conophytum decoratum SB1189 Ottaspoort, Springbok(D毛肉锥)Conophytum depressum SB1612 Silverfontein, very robust form(佛肚风铃)Conophytum devium LAV27214 Doringwater, tiny body, flared clear lobes(风铃)Conophytum devium SB De Riet, Platbakkies, tiny rough body(佛肚风铃)Conophytum devium SB2275 Vanwyksbank, Concordia, rough angled top(冰风铃)Conophytum devium ssp stiriiferum B+H2298 Geelberg, very tiny icy body(深红神灵玉)Conophytum meyerae RR1213 Doringrivier, flaring lobes, dark red lines (铜壶)Conophytum ectypum 'Mabel's Fire', F2; great range of colors(铜壶)Conophytum ectypum RR557 Breekpoort, smallish(铜壶)Conophytum ectypum brownii SB2336 Narapberg(流水铜壶)Conophytum ectypum v brownii heavy lines, pink purple fl(流水铜壶)Conophytum ectypum v brownii Ratelpoort, pink flower, yellow eye(流水铜壶) Conophytum ectypum v brownii SB785 Ratelpoort, deep throat(流水铜壶)Conophytum ectypum v brownii w Ratelpoort, very dark(流水铜壶)Conophytum ectypum v brownii LAV28553 4 k s Kosies Jct, delicate ridges(流水铜壶)Conophytum ectypum v brownii PV1036 Ratelpoort, waxy, raised lines (铜壶)Conophytum ectypum v limbatum Anenous Pass, keeled bodies(铜壶)Conophytum ectypum v limbatum w Anenous, flowers with large white eye(铜壶)Conophytum ectypum??limbatum SB2300 s Anenous(铜壶)Conophytum ectypum v tischleri RR1140 Aribes, TL, strange green(铜壶)Conophytum ectypum SB2299 Geelvlei summit, odd shapes(铜壶)Conophytum ectypum SH466 Umdaus, very interesting form, no lines (铜壶)Conophytum ectypum Geelvlei, variable flowers, waxy green body(铜壶)Conophytum ectypum s Umdaus, very dark green!(铜壶)Conophytum ectypum Kosies junction, exquisite dwarf(小T)Conophytum eenkokerense SB1191 Konkyp, white or pink fl.(类似口迪)Conophytum elishae LAV 27947 Komaggas Pass, plump bilobe(类似口迪)Conophytum elishae SH585 Springbok, orange flowering parents(神铃)Conophytum elishae SB1334 Springbok, shiny spotted lobes(紫式部)Conophytum ernianum SB2035 Spitskop, densely spotted wedge(紫式部)Conophytum ernianum SB2232 n Rosh Pinah, broad squat wedge, pink fl1420(猴脸)Conophytum ficiforme EA108 Brandwacht, curved lines, many spots(猴脸)Conophytum ficiforme Worcester, rich pink scented flowers(红纹猴脸)Conophytum ficiforme 'fossulatum' s Worcester, usually well lined(玉彦)Conophytum flavum Blesberg, big ornatum type(玉彦)Conophytum flavum LAV 26294A Doringwater, n Steinkopf, fat and shinyConophytum fragile SB2294 e Eksteenfontein(麻饼)Conophytum fragile Rooiberg II, long white tubes1422(类似少将)Conophytum frutescens SB2151 Komaggas, long stemmed in age, unique1423(青团)Conophytum fulleri Namies (Rawe), small viridescent warts(青团)Conophytum fulleri Agter Pella, big form, yellow sheath(青团)Conophytum fulleri SB1543 Samoep, pink red blush(青团)Conophytum fulleri Matthew se gat, smallish form, big green spots(安贞)Conophytum giftbergense HH5142 near Vredendal, sweet flowers(安贞)Conophytum giftbergense SB623 Liebendal, fine red lines(大饼)Conophytum globosum ARM 1155A Dikdoring, big "deflated" form Conophytum globosum Perdekop, large with dark flowers Conophytu m chauviniae Hoedkop, often very minutem gracilistylum Meulsteen, very slender Conophytum chauviniae SB1921 Ottaspoort, thick red lines, nice(雨月)Conophytum gratum 'geyeri' RR1222 n. Numees, large body, bold spots (雨月)Conophytum gratum SB1129 s Remhoogte, dotted body, green smilem gratum SB1123 Lorelei, Namibia, spotted cushions(雨月)Conophytum gratum obscurum Hogsback, like ricardianum!(雨月)Conophytum gratum Jenkinskop, boldly spotted(雨月)Conophytum gratum SB2034 flats by Lorelei, variable spottedness Conophytum gratum SB2231 Anniskop, fat round spotted body(青光玉)Conophytum halenbergense Haalenberge, curved lines of green dots Conophytum halenbergense Tschaukaib, orange or wine red flowers(哈默灯泡)Conophytum hammeri SH2108 Nababiepseberge, thick conical dumpling(海伦小T)Conophytum helenae RR1635 Kosies, tiny bodies, purple fl Conophytu m helenae SB789 Kosies, faceted minature(小米雏)Conophytum hians tiny wedge shaped bodies, fuzzy(小米雏)Conophytum hians SB951 Kleinzee, pubescent bodies(小米雏)Conophytum hians SB2028 Skimmelberg, short fat wedges(小米雏)Conophytum hians Lekkersing, reddish bodies and flowers(赤耳小迪)Conophytum klinghardtense ssp baradii Rooiberg, Namib, robust, oddm irmae B+H2318 Anenous Pass, lumpy face, yellow flowers (伊尔马)Conophytum aff irmae MRO45 Rietkloof(P嘴中型)Conophytum johannis winkleri Namus Kloof, very pale bluishm karamoepense Gamsberg, big and tiny spots(斑马)Conophytum karamoepense Koerries, tall spotted body(斑马)Conophytum karamoepense SB788 Naip, E Springbok, tapered1426(肯尼迪)Conophytum kennedyi SB631 Smorenskadu, pure green colony(赤耳小迪)Conophytum klinghardtense ISI1135 Heioab, Namibia, reddish fl.(巧克力流苏玉)Conophytum koubergense RR1077 Kouberg, Gamoep, chocolate colored(红纹安贞)Conophytum lamb. v conspicuum Gt Holbak, fine gloss, intense red lines (少将)Conophytum lavisianum Soebatsfontein, southern bilobum, bare(紫式部)Conophytum taylorianum ne Sargdeckel, various body colors, dense spots(紫式部)Conophytum taylorianum ne Sargdeckel, curved spotted pink lobes(勋章)Conophytum lilianum SB1175 Garies, red throated flowers(赤耳少将)Conophytum linearilucidum flat like angel fish!(赤耳少将)Conophytum linearilucidum Harras, long sleek body, waxy skin(赤耳少将)Conophytum linearilucidum e Kleinzee, translucent stripes(流苏玉)Conophytum lithopsoides Bok, Kangnas SH426 small, dark brown form (流苏玉)Conophytum lithopsoides Vioolskraalberg, pale flowers, very fine1429(安贞)Conophytum lambertense SB626 Strandfontein, "litorale" in past lists Conophytum loeschianum SB1362 Remhoogte, tiny wedged bodies Conophytum loeschianum SB1138 Lorelei, bright green bodies, orange fl(流水红纹)Conophytum longibracteatum TS749 Komaggas, bright yellow flowers (红边小飞)Conophytum luckhoffii SB1028 Nieuwoudtville, turreted lobes, red lines Conophytum luckhoffiiGrasberg(斑马)Conophytum marginatum Areb, abundant spots(斑马)Conophytum marginatum SB2239 Concordia, long lobed form1430(斑马)Conophytum marginatum SB632 Smorenskadu, bright red lines(丹空)Conophytum X marnierianum fine mix of colors(水蜜桃)Conophytum maughanii ex Japan, beet red when old, cold helps Conophytum maughanii Achab orange green, fairly small(毛汉尼粉红色)Conophytum maughanii 3 k e Pofadder, translucent pink red balls(毛汉尼)Conophytum maughanii 8 km e Concordia, pale green eyes, very soft (毛汉尼)Conophytum maughanii Nous se poort, +well lobed, red and green (毛汉尼)Conophytum maughanii Naip road, ghostly pale(毛汉尼)Conophytum maughanii Vioolskraalberg, large nocturnal fl, green lobes (毛汉尼)Conophytum maughanii Kouberg, reddish bodies(毛汉尼)Conophytum maughanii Hester Malan, oddly thin and keeled apricot lobe(毛汉尼)Conophytum maughanii Platberg, s Pofadder, translucent milky green (毛汉尼)Conophytum maughanii SB2327 Namiesberg, red green bodies, large lobes(水蜜桃)Conophytum maughanii ssp armeniacum Maerpoort, red plums(橙色毛汉尼)Conophytum maughanii ssp armeniacum SB2236 Nardegas Berg, orange blob(毛汉尼)Conophytum maughanii ssp armeniacum SH365 Augrabies(毛汉尼)Conophytum maughanii latum??small and glassy(红耳神灵玉)Conophytum meyerae Kosies, very long red lobes, yellow fl(红边神灵玉)Conophytum meyerae Lekkersing, upright woody trunk, red lined lobes (紫边神灵玉)Conophytum meyerae 'pole evansii' Eenriet, sharp purplish lobe tips(神灵玉)Conophytum meyeri SB1106 Augrabies, fuzzy, globose Conophytum meyeri sw Komaggas SB2288 dense clusters(神灵玉)Conophytum meyerae SB787 Swartpoort, huge yellow flowers(麻饼)Conophytum middelmostii Klipbok, long tubular flowers(红线墨小锥)Conophytum minimum Witteberg, bodies with red lines(大花墨小锥)Conophytum minimum > ceresianum Touwsfontein, big pink flowers! Conophytum minutum tiny bodies, masses of bright pink flowers(群碧玉)Conophytum minutum SB1227 Meulsteen, tiny; paler pink fl.(矮赤耳少将)Conophytum bilobum Sandberge "muscosipapillatum", fuzzy thick bilobe Conophytum novicium Tafelberg, Umdaus, densely spotted(玉彦)Conophytum novicium SB1128 Breekriet, bright yellow fl, big spots1433(红小丁)Conophytum nudum HH5141 Holrivier, polished purple bodies in winter 1435 Conophytum obcordellum 'declinatum'Conophytum obcordellum??Botterkloof, flat spotted top, purple sides (红纹安贞)Conophytum obcord 'multicolor' SB1193 Heerenlogementsberg, red lines(安贞)Conophytum obcordellum 'mundum' BM 7923 Pakhuis Pass, bright spots(霓虹安贞)Conophytum obcordellum 'picturatum' SB622 w Clanwilliam, bold spots (OB纽扣)Conophytum obscurum Klipbok, dark flowers(OB纽扣)Conophytum obscurum SB2238 ne Kleinsee(OB纽扣)Conophytum obscurumNababiep Res.(OB纽扣)Conophytum obscurum ssp sponsaliorum Rietkloof, waxy pale body(OB纽扣)Conophytum obscurum ssp sponsaliorum s Skimmelberg, brilliant little fl(少将)Conophytum vlakmynense Vlakmyn, Rv., obese body1438(上蜡大饼)Conophytum ornatum big yellow flowers with scarlet stigmas(上蜡大饼)Conophytum ornatum 'percrassum' SH456 Umdaus, classic fat form(上蜡大饼)Conophytum ornatum Jakkalswater, pale bodies, yellow red fl(上蜡大饼)Conophytum ornatum SB1117 Animub, stigmas red or not(P嘴)Conophytum pageae Spektakel Mine, raised smiling fissure1439(P嘴红嘴)Conophytum pageae BM7964 Bowesdorp, beautiful red sides and fissures(P嘴)Conophytum pageae SB2171 Rosh Pinah, fat and flat bodies(P嘴)Conophytum pageae, Springbokkop SB2334, some with pink fl(皮尔森)Conophytum pearsonii Quaggaskop, flat grey green bodies, magenta fl. Conophytum pearsonii Moedgewin, Nuwerus(鸟哈利)Conophytum pellucidum earthy colors, intricate lines(勋章)Conophytum pellucidum SB2274 Bailey's Pass, olive brown, flattish(勋章)Conophytum pellucidum SB790 Bowesdorp, irregular dark shapes Conophytum pellucidum from Leliefontein CR1388(勋章)Conophytum pellucidum Saalberg, black and white(鱼子酱)Conophytum pellucidum 10 km n. of Concordia, nice tan linesm pellucidum n Concordia, classic terricolor(勋章)Conophytum pellucidum w Tweefontein, intense brick red(勋章)Conophytum pellucidum s. Rietfontein, wonderful red form(勋章)Conophytum pellucidum Garies, charcoal grey, small(勋章)Conophytum pellucidum w Garies, tiny form(鸟哈利)Conophytum pellucidum ssp cupreatum PV1005 Papkuils River, shiny orange(勋章)Conophytum pellucidum v terricolor Rietberg, hourglass figures(勋章)Conophytum pellucidum RCL950/61 Steyerkraal, bold dark windows(勋章)Conophytum pellucidum RR1061 20 m s Kamieskroon, contractile form 1444(勋章)Conophytum pellucidum SB2023 Ottaspoort, dark red brown windows (勋章)Conophytum pellucidum SB2210 Pedroskloof, shiny dark olive pink(勋章)Conophytum pellucidum SB1059 e Soebatsfontein, dark hour glass window(紫鸟哈利)Conophytum pellucidum v neohallii SB1187 Silverfontein, lovely speckles Conophytum pellucidum neohallii??SB2337 Bleskopm pellucidum v neohallii SH1977 Krymekaar(勋章)Conophytum pellucidum SH1956 Nuweputs, the one in the book!(鸟哈利)Conophytum pellucidum v neohallii Windhoek, Springbok, shining dots (鸟哈利)Conophytum pellucidum SB2291 s Concordia, shiny black body, white fl (勋章)Conophytum pellucidum 'pardicolor' stained glass windows(勋章)Conophytum pellucidum 'pardicolor' ex De Boer, very nice(勋章)Conophytum pellucidum 'pardicolor' Kweekfontein, rich orange form(勋章)Conophytum pellucidum 'pardicolor' Leeupoort, clear green body Conophytum pellucidum 'pardicolor' Goegap, near TL, very fine colony (青光玉)Conophytum pictum Matjiesfontein (Rawe), thin lines, robust1446 Conophytum subfenestratum Knersvlakte, windowed, many dots Conophytum subfenestratum Soutrivier Bridge, pink to white flowers(翠星)Conophytum subfenestratum SB624 Grootgraafwater jct., windowedConophytum piluliforme Poortjieskloofdam, scented nocturnal fl(云母会)Conophytum piriforme SB1107 Kuboos, very fat(P毛)Conophytum pubicalyx SB2024 Banke, Platbakkies, tiny grey hairy heads (P毛)Conophytum pubicalyx ARM1248 Witkoppie, incredibly tiny Conophytu m pulchellum Nutabooi, tiny spotted body, dark pink fl Conophytum quaesitum SB2153 Namusberge, very thick pale bodies(鹿角)Conophytum quaesitum 14 km se Rooiberg, Nam, huge green spotted form Conophytum quaesitum SB1115 Lorelei, straw to rose pink fl.(鹿角)Conophytum quaesitum SB2030 Skorpion Mine, conical wedge, bumpy keel(鹿角)Conophytum quaesitum SB2150 Mt Stewart, cream to yellow flowers(鹿角)Conophytum ramosum RR937 4 m N Kourkam, clumps, shiny body, yellow fl(荧光玉)Conophytum rauhii Messelpad, shiny bronze body(火柴头)Conophytum reconditum Boonste Matjiesfontein, warty windowed tips Conophytum reconditum SB2170 Banke, cold winter, tiny pointy lobes 1450(大眼睛)Conophytum regale SB793 Ratelpoort, soft bodies, large windows on sides(恐龙蛋)Conophytumsmorenskaduense ssp hermarium Smorenskadu, TL, extremelytiny(河马)Conophytum hermarium Areb, large body, long green or purple stigmas (路飞)Conophytum rolfii RR1003 Elandsbay, pubescent, reddish(鲁提辖)Conophytum roodiae SB2292 ne Silverfontein, violet grey tendencies(鹿角)Conophytum rostratum SB1100 Remhoogte, beaked lobes(鹿角)Conophytum rostratum EVJ 8841 W Stink/Orange confluence, thick form(鹿角)Conophytum rostratum PB5154 Gamkab, bold, very nice form(鹿角)Conophytum rostratum SB1101 Cone Peak, long irregular lobes Conophytum rubrolineatum RR1398 Oorlogsfontein, red lines on tiny bodies(麻饼)Conophytum ruschii SB1114 Cone Peak, fat dumplings, many spots Conophytum ruschii Black Face Mts, early flowering(小糖豆)Conophytum saxetanum H4706 Chamais Gate, ivory white flowers(小糖豆)Conophytum saxetanum PB3261 e Aurus, fantastic red Conophytum saxetanum Grootmis, grows like moss on rocks Conophytum saxetanum Rooiberg, Namib, very large form, pastel fl. Conophytum schlechteri SB1197 Farquharsonskop, concave top Conophytum simplum SB1121 Soebatsfontein, rounded bilobum(类似恐龙蛋/玉米)Conophytum smorenskaduense SB633 ex TL, winter flowers last for weeks!(白底安贞)Conophytum spectabile Kaaimans Gat, exquisite markings(安贞)Conophytum stenandrum LAV28279 10 k s Garies, small and metallic(安贞)Conophytum stenandrum SB884 Garies, flat metallic disks(安贞)Conophytum stenandrum SB1986 Ottospoort, boldly spotted(安贞)Conophytum stenandrum 40 k N of Bitterfontein, pale and robust Conophytum stephanii ssp abductum SB1119 Augrabies, miniature hairshirts(斯蒂芬妮毛球)Conophytum stephanii 'helmutii' Eenrietberge, very hairy(大型斯蒂芬妮毛球)Conophytum stephanii Rosyntjieberg, largest form, great red flowers(奶油嘴)Conophytum stevens jonesianum Cornelsberg, tiny heads1453(红线红斑点)Conophytum stipitatum tiny dark heads, red lines & dots(翠绿眼睛)Conophytum limpidum ARM 50 Volstruishoek, jade green eyes(绿眼睛)Conophytum limpidum EVJ7908 Pella, cherry scented fl.(绿眼睛)Conophytum limpidum 12 mi sw Pofadder, green eyed monster(绿眼睛)Conophytum limpidum SH385 Achabseberg, small, intensely green eyes Conophytum limpidumne Katkop(绿眼睛)Conophytum limpidum /16/ e Namies, highly variable green eyes(绿眼睛)Conophytum limpidum SB2213 Windhoek Mtn, clear pale green, spotted(玛瑙玉)Conophytum subglobosum Uniondale, rounded truncatum(紫色荧光玉)Conophytum subincanum RR622 Wolwenes, tiny red grey bodies(紫色荧光玉)Conophytum subincanum SB885 Wolwenes, peculiar pale grey(大型S红嘴)Conophytum subrisum Vaalputz, Stofkloof, slightly rounded(大型S红嘴)Conophytum subrisum PV1014 w Aalwynsfontein, quite large Conophytum subrisum 'pageae' SB798 Witwater, the bigger the better! Conophytum subrisum SB1199 Booisberg, protruding red fissure(大葫芦)Conophytum 'subterraneum'Mt Stewart(饺子皮)Conophytum sulcatum SB1118 Animub, grey chiselled body(饺子皮)Conophytum sulcatum n Steinkopf, bright white flowers1455 Conophytum supremum Kliphoogte, Rv., supreme bilobum(小T)Conophytum tantillum v amicorum SB1988 s Steinkopf, fearless perches (紫式部)Conophytum taylorianum H4638 Schlafkuppe, Klinghardts, twisted, odd (紫式部)Conophytum taylorianum ssp nova Cornelsberg(紫式部)Conophytum ernianum bumpy pink keel1456(紫式部)Conophytum ernianum Namus Kloof, fine purple fl(紫式部)Conophytum taylorianum ssp ernianum Zebrafontein, sharp edged body(英仁玉)Conophytum ernianum peak s Witputz, jagged keels(勋章)Conophytum terrestre papillate convoluted ochre body(勋章)Conophytum terrestre SB1493 Burdensputs, white "scaley" sides Conophytum terrestre SB1989 Aalwynsfontein(勋章)Conophytum terrestre??> cupreatum GM128 s Gamoep, rough dark body1458(大翠饼)Conophytum truncatum the original dumpling, nocturnal fl.(小麻团)Conophytum truncatum Kruidfontein, flattish spotted body(小麻团)Conophytum truncatum e. Oudtshoorn, large bold spots1460(小麻团)Conophytum brevitubum Sevenweekspoort, pink or white fl(小麻团)Conophytum truncatum Uniondale poort, prominent spots(小麻团)Conophytum truncatum PV1073 n Ladismith, dark green bodies, bold spots(小海豚)Conophytum turbiniforme SH2324 Spektakel Pass, flat spotted bodies (奶油嘴)Conophytum udabibense SH902 Rooiberg, bodies like pink balls(少将)Conophytum umdausense SH458 Umdaus, mixed colored, long gaping lobes(白底安贞)Conophytum ursprungianum SB635 Lokenburg, superlative markings (白底安贞)Conophytum ursprungianum v stayneri RR992 40 m n Ceres, tiny streaks Conophytum uvaeforme e. Grasberg, huge white flowers(红色荧光玉)Conophytum uvaeforme 30 m N Vanrhynsdorp, small and reddish(荧光玉)Conophytum uvaeforme sw Kliprand, bold red spots(荧光玉)Conophytum uvaeforme SH520 foot of Vanrhynspas, curved spots(荧光玉)Conophytum uviforme Sterkstroom, very dotted(荧光玉)Conophytum uvaeforme v 'clarum' clusters of tiny colorful heads1468(荧光玉)Conophytum uviforme 'hillii' Vosfontein, grey red body(玉米)Conophytum vanheerdei SB794 Kangnas, oodles of tiny windows, pink fl1469(小型少将)Conophytum variabile smallish bilobum, yellow fl.1470 Conophytum velutinum Komaggas, heart shaped leaf pairs(红纹明窗玉)Conophytum violaciflorum shiny bodies, red lines(明窗玉)Conophytum violaciflorum SB2284 Springbok kop, vigorous(明窗玉)Conophytum violaciflorum RR1108 tapered lines lobes(玉彦)Conophytum viridicatum Viskull, s Laingsburg, dots and dashes Conophytum vitreopapillumRiethuis(小槌)Conophytum wettsteinii RR430 Anenous Pass, pale and flat, purple fls Conophytum wettsteinii se Koufontein, quite spottyConophytum wettsteinii SB795 Modderfontein, strange lumpy; pink fl (超大饼)Conophytum wettsteinii SB2205 Narraberg, flat round disks, pink fl Conophytum wiggettae Hazenjagt, green clumps with purple spots(墨小锥)Conophytum wittebergense PV913 Matjiesfontein, fantastic lines(墨小锥)Conophytum wittebergense Klein Spreeufontein, very lovely parents1473(方糖)Conophytum ectypum ssp cruciatum SB791 W Anenous, square!(小T)Conophytum tantillum ssp inexpectatum Umdaus, huge yellow (!) fl. Conophytum lindenianum w. Spektakel, chartreuse bodies(紫式部)Conophytum taylorianum v rosynense PB3266 Rosyntjieberg, great flowers(紫式部)Conophytum taylorianum ssp rosynense Quachous, very odd, cf. viola.(水晶鞋)Conophytum phoeniceum SH1212 Umdaus, windowed fuzzy dumpling (拉登)Conophytum ratum SH1200 sw Namies, deflated burgeri(拉登)Conophytum ratum Japanese import model, ex Horn Conophytum wettsteinii x flavum F2, super colors(混合)Conophytum spp olla podrida, full mix of species。

【2016】信息-头孢丙烯干混悬剂 美国 LUPIN LIMITED

【2016】信息-头孢丙烯干混悬剂 美国 LUPIN LIMITED

CEFPROZIL- cefprozil powder, for suspensionLUPIN LIMITED----------cefprozil for oral suspension usp 125 mg/5 mL and 250 mg/5 mLCEFPROZIL FOR ORAL SUSPENSION USP125 mg/5 mL and 250 mg/5 mLRx onlyTo reduce the development of drug-resistant bacteria and maintain the effectiveness of cefprozil for oral suspension and other antibacterial drugs, cefprozil for oral suspension should be used only to treat or prevent infections that are proven or strongly suspected to be caused by bacteria.DESCRIPTIONCefprozil is a semi-synthetic broad-spectrum cephalosporin antibiotic.Cefprozil is a cis and trans isomeric mixture (≥90% cis). The chemical name for the monohydrate is (6R,7R)-7-[(R)-2-amino-2-(p-hydroxyphenyl)acetamido]-8-oxo-3-propenyl-5-thia-1-azabicyclo[4.2.0]oct-2-ene-2- carboxylic acid monohydrate, and the structural formula is:Cefprozil is a white to yellowish powder with a molecular formula for the monohydrate ofC H N O S.H O and a molecular weight of 407.45.1819352Cefprozil for oral suspension is intended for oral administration.Cefprozil for oral suspension contains cefprozil equivalent to 125 mg or 250 mg of anhydrous cefprozil per 5 mL constituted suspension. In addition, the oral suspension contains the following inactive ingredients: aspartame, bubble gum flavor, anhydrous citric acid, colloidal silicon dioxide, FD&C Red No. 40 Aluminum Lake, glycine, microcrystalline cellulose and sodium carboxymethylcellulose, sodium benzoate, sodium chloride and sucrose.CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGYThe pharmacokinetic data were derived from the capsule formulation; however, bioequivalence has been demonstrated for the oral solution, capsule, tablet, and suspension formulations under fasting conditions.Following oral administration of cefprozil to fasting subjects, approximately 95% of the dose was absorbed. The average plasma half-life in normal subjects was 1.3 hours, while the steady-state volume of distribution was estimated to be 0.23 L/kg. The total body clearance and renal clearance rates were approximately 3 mL/min/kg and 2.3 mL/min/kg, respectively.Average peak plasma concentrations after administration of 250 mg, 500 mg, or 1 g doses of cefprozil to fasting subjects were approximately 6.1, 10.5, and 18.3 mcg/mL, respectively, and were obtained within 1.5 hours after dosing. Urinary recovery accounted for approximately 60% of the administered dose. (See Table.)Dosage (mg)Mean Plasma Cefprozil Concentrations (mcg/mL) Peak appx.8 hour Urinary Excretion (%) * 1.5 h 4 h 8 h 250 mg6.1 1.7 0.2 60%500 mg10.5 3.2 0.4 62%1000 mg 18.3 8.4 1.0 54%During the first 4 hour period after drug administration, the average urine concentrations following 250mg, 500 mg, and 1 g doses were approximately 700 mcg/mL, 1000 mcg/mL, and 2900 mcg/mL,respectively.Administration of cefprozil with food did not affect the extent of absorption (AUC) or the peak plasma concentration (C ) of cefprozil. However, there was an increase of 0.25 to 0.75 hours in the time to maximum plasma concentration of cefprozil (T ).The bioavailability of the capsule formulation of cefprozil was not affected when administered 5minutes following an antacid.Plasma protein binding is approximately 36% and is independent of concentration in the range of 2mcg/mL to 20 mcg/mL.There was no evidence of accumulation of cefprozil in the plasma in individuals with normal renal function following multiple oral doses of up to 1000 mg every 8 hours for 10 days.In patients with reduced renal function, the plasma half-life may be prolonged up to 5.2 hours depending on the degree of the renal dysfunction. In patients with complete absence of renal function, the plasma half-life of cefprozil has been shown to be as long as 5.9 hours. The half-life is shortened during hemodialysis. Excretion pathways in patients with markedly impaired renal function have not been determined. (See PRECAUTIONS and DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION.)In patients with impaired hepatic function, the half-life increases to approximately 2 hours. The magnitude of the changes does not warrant a dosage adjustment for patients with impaired hepatic function.Healthy geriatric volunteers (≥65years old) who received a single 1 g dose of cefprozil had 35% to 60% higher AUC and 40% lower renal clearance values compared with healthy adult volunteers 20 to 40 years of age. The average AUC in young and elderly female subjects was approximately 15% to 20% higher than in young and elderly male subjects. The magnitude of these age- and gender-related changes in the pharmacokinetics of cefprozil is not sufficient to necessitate dosage adjustments.Adequate data on CSF levels of cefprozil are not available.Comparable pharmacokinetic parameters of cefprozil are observed between pediatric patients(6 months to 12 years) and adults following oral administration of selected matched doses. The maximum concentrations are achieved at 1to 2 hours after dosing. The plasma elimination half-life is approximately 1.5 hours. In general, the observed plasma concentrations of cefprozil in pediatric patients at the 7.5, 15, and 30 mg/kg doses are similar to those observed within the same time frame in normal adult subjects at the 250, 500, and 1000 mg doses, respectively. The comparative plasma concentrations of cefprozil in pediatric patients and adult subjects at the equivalent dose level are presented in the table below.Mean (SD) Plasma CefprozilConcentrations (mcg/mL)Population Dose 1 h 2 h 4 h 6 hT (h)children (n=18)7.5 mg/kg 4.70 (1.57) 3.99 (1.24)0.91 (0.30)0.23(0.13)0.94(0.32)adults 250 mg 4.82 4.92 1.70 0.53 1.28*Data represent mean values of 12 healthy volunteers.max max ½a bn=11 n=5 n=9 n=11(n=12)(2.13)(1.13)(0.53)(0.17)(0.34)children (n=19)15 mg/kg 10.86 (2.55)8.47 (2.03) 2.75 (1.07)0.61 (0.27) 1.24(0.43)adults (n=12)500 mg 8.39 (1.95)9.42 (0.98) 3.18 (0.76) 1.00 (0.24) 1.29(0.14)children (n=10)30 mg/kg 16.69 (4.26)17.61 (6.39)8.66 (2.70)-- 2.06(0.21)adults (n=12)1000 mg 11.99 (4.67)16.95 (4.07)8.36 (4.13) 2.79 (1.77) 1.27(0.12)Microbiology:Cefprozil has in vitro activity against a broad range of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. The bactericidal action of cefprozil results from inhibition of cell-wall synthesis. Cefprozil has been shown to be active against most strains of the following microorganisms both in vitro and in clinical infections as described in the INDICATIONS AND USAGE section.Aerobic Gram-Positive Microorganisms:Staphylococcus aureus(including ß-lactamase-producing strains)NOTE: Cefprozil is inactive against methicillin-resistant staphylococci.Streptococcus pneumoniaeStreptococcus pyogenesAerobic Gram-Negative Microorganisms:Haemophilus influenzae(including ß-lactamase-producing strains)Moraxella (Branhamella) catarrhalis(including ß-lactamase-producing strains)The following in vitro data are available; however, their clinical significance is unknown. Cefprozil exhibits in vitro minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of 8 mcg/mL or less against most (≥90%)strains of the following microorganisms; however, the safety and effectiveness of cefprozil in treating clinical infections due to these microorganisms have not been established in adequate and well-controlled clinical trials.Aerobic Gram-Positive Microorganisms:Enterococcus duransEnterococcus faecalisListeria monocytogenesStaphylococcus epidermidisStaphylococcus saprophyticusStaphylococcus warneriStreptococcus agalactiaeStreptococci (Groups C, D, F, and G)viridans group Streptococcia b c d c d dOtitis Media:Caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae (including ß-lactamase-producing strains), and Moraxella (Branhamella) catarrhalis (including ß-lactamase-producing strains). (See CLINICAL STUDIES.)NOTE: In the treatment of otitis media due to ß-lactamase producing organisms, cefprozil had bacteriologic eradication rates somewhat lower than those observed with a product containing a specific ß-lactamase inhibitor. In considering the use of cefprozil, lower overall eradication rates should be balanced against the susceptibility patterns of the common microbes in a given geographic area and the increased potential for toxicity with products containing ß-lactamase inhibitors.Acute Sinusitis:Caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae (including ß-lactamase producing strains), and Moraxella (Branhamella) catarrhalis (including ß-lactamase-producing strains).Lower Respiratory Tract:Secondary Bacterial Infection of Acute Bronchitis and Acute Bacterial Exacerbation of Chronic Bronchitis:Caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae (including ß-lactamase-producing strains), and Moraxella (Branhamella) catarrhalis (including ß-lactamase-producing strains).Skin And Skin Structure:Uncomplicated Skin and Skin-Structure Infections:Caused by Staphylococcus aureus (including penicillinase producing strains) and Streptococcus pyogenes. Abscesses usually require surgical drainage.To reduce the development of drug-resistant bacteria and maintain the effectiveness of cefprozil for oral suspension and other antibacterial drugs, cefprozil for oral suspension should be used only to treat or prevent infections that are proven or strongly suspected to be caused by susceptible bacteria. When culture and susceptibility information are available, they should be considered in selecting or modifying antibacterial therapy. In the absence of such data, local epidemiology and susceptibility patterns may contribute to the empiric selection of therapy.CONTRAINDICATIONSCefprozil is contraindicated in patients with known allergy to the cephalosporin class of antibiotics.WARNINGSBEFORE THERAPY WITH CEFPROZIL IS INSTITUTED, CAREFUL INQUIRY SHOULD BE MADE TO DETERMINE WHETHER THE PATIENT HAS HAD PREVIOUS HYPERSENSITIVITY REACTIONS TO CEFPROZIL, CEPHALOSPORINS, PENICILLINS, OR OTHER DRUGS. IF THIS PRODUCT IS TO BE GIVEN TO PENICILLIN-SENSITIVE PATIENTS, CAUTION SHOULD BE EXERCISED BECAUSE CROSS-SENSITIVITY AMONG ß-LACTAM ANTIBIOTICS HAS BEEN CLEARLY DOCUMENTED AND MAY OCCUR IN UP TO 10% OF PATIENTS WITH A HISTORY OF PENICILLIN ALLERGY. IF AN ALLERGIC REACTION TO CEFPROZIL OCCURS, DISCONTINUE THE DRUG. SERIOUS ACUTE HYPERSENSITIVITY REACTIONS MAY REQUIRE TREATMENT WITH EPINEPHRINE AND OTHER EMERGENCY MEASURES, INCLUDING OXYGEN, INTRAVENOUS FLUIDS, INTRAVENOUS ANTIHISTAMINES, CORTICOSTEROIDS, PRESSOR AMINES, AND AIRWAY MANAGEMENT, AS CLINICALLY INDICATED. Clostridium difficile associated diarrhea (CDAD) has been reported with use of nearly all antibacterial agents, including cefprozil, and may range in severity from mild diarrhea to fatal colitis. Treatment withantibacterial agents alters the normal flora of the colon leading to overgrowth of C. difficile.C. difficile produces toxins A and B which contribute to the development of CDAD. Hypertoxin-producing strains of C. difficile cause increased morbidity and mortality, as these infections can be refractory to antimicrobial therapy and may require colectomy. CDAD must be considered in all patients who present with diarrhea following antibiotic use. Careful medical history is necessary since CDAD has been reported to occur over two months after the administration of antibacterial agents.If CDAD is suspected or confirmed, ongoing antibiotic use not directed against C. difficile may need to be discontinued. Appropriate fluid and electrolyte management, protein supplementation, antibiotic treatment of C. difficile, and surgical evaluation should be instituted as clinically indicated. PRECAUTIONSGeneral:Prescribing cefprozil for oral suspension in the absence of proven or strongly suspected bacterial infection or a prophylactic indication is unlikely to provide benefit to the patient and increases the risk of the development of drug resistant bacteria.In patients with known or suspected renal impairment (see DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION), careful clinical observation and appropriate laboratory studies should be done prior to and during therapy. The total daily dose of cefprozil should be reduced in these patients because high and/or prolonged plasma antibiotic concentrations can occur in such individuals from usual doses. Cephalosporins, including cefprozil, should be given with caution to patients receiving concurrent treatment with potent diuretics since these agents are suspected of adversely affecting renal function. Prolonged use of cefprozil may result in the overgrowth of nonsusceptible organisms. Careful observation of the patient is essential. If superinfection occurs during therapy, appropriate measures should be taken.Cefprozil should be prescribed with caution in individuals with a history of gastrointestinal disease particularly colitis.Positive direct Coombs’ tests have been reported during treatment with cephalosporin antibiotics. Information for Patients:Phenylketonurics: Cefprozil for oral suspension contains phenylalanine 28 mg per 5 mL (1 teaspoonful) constituted suspension for both the 125 mg/5 mL and 250 mg/5 mL dosage forms. Patients should be counseled that antibacterial drugs including cefprozil for oral suspension should only be used to treat bacterial infections. They do not treat viral infections (e.g., the common cold). When cefprozil for oral suspension is prescribed to treat a bacterial infection, patients should be told that although it is common to feel better early in the course of therapy, the medication should be taken exactly as directed. Skipping doses or not completing the full course of therapy may (1) decrease the effectiveness of the immediate treatment and (2) increase the likelihood that bacteria will develop resistance and will not be treatable by cefprozil for oral suspension or other antibacterial drugs in the future.Diarrhea is a common problem caused by antibiotics which usually ends when the antibiotic is discontinued. Sometimes after starting treatment with antibiotics, patients can develop watery and bloody stools (with or without stomach cramps and fever) even as late as two or more months after having taken the last dose of the antibiotic. If this occurs, patients should contact their physician as soon as possible. Drug Interactions:Nephrotoxicity has been reported following concomitant administration of aminoglycoside antibiotics and cephalosporin antibiotics. Concomitant administration of probenecid doubled the AUC for cefprozil.The bioavailability of the capsule formulation of cefprozil was not affected when administered 5minutes following an antacid.Drug/Laboratory Test Interactions:Cephalosporin antibiotics may produce a false positive reaction for glucose in the urine with copper reduction tests (Benedict’s or Fehling’s solution or with Clinitest tablets), but not with enzyme-based tests for glycosuria (e.g., Clinistix ). A false negative reaction may occur in the ferricyanide test for blood glucose. The presence of cefprozil in the blood does not interfere with the assay of plasma or urine creatinine by the alkaline picrate method.Carcinogenesis and Mutagenesis and Impairment of FertilityLong term in vivo studies have not been performed to evaluate the carcinogenic potential of cefprozil.Cefprozil was not found to be mutagenic in either the Ames Salmonella or E. coli WP2 urvA reversion assays or the Chinese hamster ovary cell HGPRT forward gene mutation assay and it did not induce chromosomal abnormalities in Chinese hamster ovary cells or unscheduled DNA synthesis in rathepatocytes in vitro . Chromosomal aberrations were not observed in bone marrow cells from rats dosed orally with over 30 times the highest recommended human dose based upon mg/m .Impairment of fertility was not observed in male or female rats given oral doses of cefprozil up to 18.5times the highest recommended human dose based upon mg/m .Pregnancy:Teratogenic Effects-Pregnancy Category B:Reproduction studies have been performed in rabbits, mice, and rats using oral doses of cefprozil of 0.8, 8.5, and 18.5 times the maximum daily human dose (1000 mg) based upon mg/m , and have revealed no harm to the fetus. There are, however, no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women.Because animal reproduction studies are not always predictive of human response, this drug should be used during pregnancy only if clearly needed.Labor and DeliveryCefprozil has not been studied for use during labor and delivery. Treatment should only be given if clearly needed.Nursing MothersSmall amounts of cefprozil (<0.3% of dose) have been detected in human milk following administration of a single 1 gram dose to lactating women. The average levels over 24 hours ranged from 0.25 to 3.3mcg/mL. Caution should be exercised when Cefprozil for oral suspension is administered to a nursing woman, since the effect of cefprozil on nursing infants is unknown.Pediatric Use(See INDICATIONS AND USAGE and DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION.)The safety and effectiveness of cefprozil in the treatment of otitis media have been established in the age groups 6 months to 12 years. Use of cefprozil for the treatment of otitis media is supported byevidence from adequate and well-controlled studies of cefprozil in pediatric patients. (See CLINICAL STUDIES.)The safety and effectiveness of cefprozil in the treatment of pharyngitis/tonsillitis or uncomplicated skin and skin-structure infections have been established in the age groups 2 to 12 years. Use of cefprozil for the treatment of these infections is supported by evidence from adequate and well-controlled studies of cefprozil in pediatric patients.The safety and effectiveness of cefprozil in the treatment of acute sinusitis have been established in the age groups 6 months to 12 years. Use of cefprozil in these age groups is supported by evidence from adequate and well-controlled studies of cefprozil in adults.®®222Safety and effectiveness in pediatric patients below the age of 6 months have not been established for the treatment of otitis media or acute sinusitis, or below the age of 2 years for the treatment of pharyngitis/tonsillitis or uncomplicated skin and skin-structure infections. However, accumulation of other cephalosporin antibiotics in newborn infants (resulting from prolonged drug half-life in this age group) has been reported.Geriatric UseOf the more than 4500 adults treated with cefprozil in clinical studies, 14% were 65 years and older, while 5% were 75 years and older. When geriatric patients received the usual recommended adult doses, their clinical efficacy and safety were comparable to clinical efficacy and safety in nongeriatric adult patients. Other reported clinical experience has not identified differences in responses between elderly and younger patients, but greater sensitivity of some older individuals to the effects of cefprozil cannot be excluded (see CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY).Cefprozil is known to be substantially excreted by the kidney, and the risk of toxic reactions to this drug may be greater in patients with impaired renal function. Because elderly patients are more likely to have decreased renal function, care should be taken in dose selection and it may be useful to monitor renal function. See DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION for dosing recommendations for patients with impaired renal function.ADVERSE REACTIONSThe adverse reactions to cefprozil are similar to those observed with other orally administered cephalosporins. Cefprozil was usually well tolerated in controlled clinical trials. Approximately 2% of patients discontinued cefprozil therapy due to adverse events.The most common adverse effects observed in patients treated with cefprozil are: Gastrointestinal:Diarrhea (2.9%), nausea (3.5%), vomiting (1%), and abdominal pain (1%).Hepatobiliary:Elevations of AST (SGOT) (2%), ALT (SGPT) (2%), alkaline phosphatase (0.2%), and bilirubin values (<0.1%). As with some penicillins and some other cephalosporin antibiotics, cholestatic jaundice has been reported rarely.Hypersensitivity:Rash (0.9%), urticaria (0.1%). Such reactions have been reported more frequently in children than in adults. Signs and symptoms usually occur a few days after initiation of therapy and subside within a few days after cessation of therapy.CNS:Dizziness (1%). Hyperactivity, headache, nervousness, insomnia, confusion, and somnolence have been reported rarely (<1%). All were reversible.Hematopoietic:Decreased leukocyte count (0.2%), eosinophilia (2.3%).Renal:Elevated BUN (0.1%), serum creatinine (0.1%).Other:Diaper rash and superinfection (1.5%), genital pruritus and vaginitis (1.6%).The following adverse events, regardless of established causal relationship to cefprozil, have beenrarely reported during postmarketing surveillance: anaphylaxis, angioedema, colitis (including pseudomembranous colitis), erythema multiforme, fever, serum-sickness like reactions, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, and thrombocytopenia.Cephalosporin Class Paragraph:In addition to the adverse reactions listed above which have been observed in patients treated with cefprozil, the following adverse reactions and altered laboratory tests have been reported for cephalosporin-class antibiotics:Aplastic anemia, hemolytic anemia, hemorrhage, renal dysfunction, toxic epidermal necrolysis, toxic nephropathy, prolonged prothrombin time, positive Coombs’ test, elevated LDH, pancytopenia,neutropenia, agranulocytosis.Several cephalosporins have been implicated in triggering seizures, particularly in patients with renal impairment, when the dosage was not reduced. (See DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION and OVERDOSAGE) If seizures associated with drug therapy occur, the drug should be discontinued.Anticonvulsant therapy can be given if clinically indicated.OVERDOSAGESingle 5000 mg/kg oral doses of cefprozil caused no mortality or signs of toxicity in adult, weanling,or neonatal rats, or adult mice. A single oral dose of 3000 mg/kg caused diarrhea and loss of appetite in cynomolgus monkeys, but no mortality.Cefprozil is eliminated primarily by the kidneys. In case of severe overdosage, especially in patients with compromised renal function, hemodialysis will aid in the removal of cefprozil from the body.DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATIONCefprozil for oral suspension is administered orally.Population/InfectionDosage (mg) Duration (days)ADULTS (13 years and older)UPPER RESPIRATORY TRACTPharyngitis/Tonsillitis500 q24h 10 Acute Sinusitis250 q12h or 10 (For moderate to severe infections, the higher dose should be used)500 q12h LOWER RESPIRATORY TRACTSecondary Bacterial Infection of Acute Bronchitis and Acute BacterialExacerbation of Chronic Bronchitis500 q12h 10 SKIN AND SKIN STRUCTUREUncomplicated Skin and Skin Structure Infections 250 q12h or10500 q24h or500 q12h CHILDREN (2 years-12 years)UPPER RESPIRATORY TRACTPharyngitis/Tonsillitis7.5 mg/kg q12h 10 SKIN AND SKIN STRUCTUREUncomplicated Skin and Skin Structure Infections20 mg/kg q24h 10 INFANTS & CHILDREN (6 months-12 years)UPPER RESPIRATORY TRACTOtitis Media15 mg/kg q12h 10 (See INDICATIONS AND USAGE and CLINICAL STUDIES)Acute Sinusitis 7.5 mg/kg q12h or 10 a b a b bIn the treatment of infections due to Streptococcus pyogenes, cefprozil for oral suspension should be administered for atleast 10 days.Not to exceed recommended adult doses.(For moderate to severe infections, the higher dose should be used)15 mg/kg q12hRenal Impairment:Cefprozil may be administered to patients with impaired renal function. The following dosage schedule should be used.Creatinine Clearance (mL/min)Dosage (mg) Dosing Interval*30-120 standard standard 0-2950% of standardstandardHepatic Impairment:No dosage adjustment is necessary for patients with impaired hepatic function.HOW SUPPLIEDCefprozil for oral suspension, USP is a pink coloured powder, forming pink coloured suspension with characteristic odour on constitution.Cefprozil For Oral Suspension, USP 125 mg/5 mL is available as follows:50 mL Bottle NDC 68180-401-0175 mL Bottle NDC 68180-401-02100 mL Bottle NDC 68180-401-03Cefprozil For Oral Suspension, USP 250 mg/5 mL is available as follows:50 mL Bottle NDC 68180-402-0175 mL Bottle NDC 68180-402-02100 mL Bottle NDC 68180-402-03All powder formulations for oral suspension contain cefprozil in a bubble-gum flavored mixture.Reconstitution Directions for Oral Suspension:Prepare the suspension at the time of dispensing; for ease in preparation, add water in two portions and shake well after each aliquot.Total Amount of Water Required for ReconstitutionBottle Size Final Concentration 125 mg/5 mL Final Concentration 250 mg/5 mL50 mL 36 mL 36 mL 75 mL 53 mL 53 mL 100 mL70 mL 70 mLStore dry powder at 20°-25°C (68°-77°F) [See USP Controlled Room Temperature].Store constituted suspension in refrigerator. Discard after 14 days.Preserve in tight containers.a b Cefprozil is in part removed by hemodialysis; therefore, cefprozil should be administered after the completion of hemodialysis.*The incidence of adverse events in the cefprozil arm was comparable to the incidence of adverse events in the control arm (agent that contained a specific ß-lactamase inhibitor).REFERENCES1. National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards. Methods for Dilution AntimicrobialSusceptibility Tests for Bacteria that Grow Aerobically-Third Edition. Approved Standard NCCLS Document M7-A3, Vol.13, No. 25, NCCLS, Villanova, PA, December 1993.2. National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards. Methods for Antimicrobial SusceptibilityTesting of Anaerobic Bacteria-Third Edition. Approved Standard NCCLS Document M11-A3, Vol.13, No. 26, NCCLS, Villanova, PA, December 1993.3. National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards. Performance Standards for Antimicrobial DiskSusceptibility Tests -Fifth Edition. Approved Standard NCCLS Document M2-A5, Vol. 13, No. 24, NCCLS, Villanova, PA, December 1993.®®4. Clintest and Clinistix are registered trademarks of Bayer HealthCare LLC.Manufactured for: Manufactured byLupin Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Lupin LimitedBaltimore, Maryland 21202 Mumbai 400 098United States INDIARevised December 2007 ID#: 213042PACKAGE LABEL.PRINCIPAL DISPLAY PANELNDC 68180-401-01Cefprozil for Oral Suspension USP125 mg/5 mLRx only50 mL (when mixed)NDC 68180-402-01Cefprozil for Oral Suspension USP 250 mg/5 mLRx only50 mL (when mixed)CEFPROZILcefprozil powder, for suspensionProduct InformationProduct T ype HUMAN PRESCRIPTION DRUG Ite m Code (Source)NDC:57297-401 Route of Administration ORALActive Ingredient/Active MoietyIngredient Name Basis of Strength Strength CEFPRO ZIL (UNII: 4W0459ZA4V) (CEFPROZIL ANHYDROUS - UNII:1M698F4H4E)CEFPROZIL ANHYDROUS125 mg in 5 mLInactive IngredientsIngredient Name Strength ANHYDRO US CITRIC ACID (UNII: XF417D3PSL)ASPARTAME (UNII: Z0H242BBR1)FD&C RED NO. 40 (UNII: WZB9127XOA)GLYCINE (UNII: TE7660XO1C)SILICO N DIO XIDE (UNII: ETJ7Z6XBU4)SO DIUM BENZO ATE (UNII: OJ245FE5EU)SUCRO SE (UNII: C151H8M554)CARBO XYMETHYLCELLULO SE SO DIUM (UNII: K679OBS311)CELLULO SE, MICRO CRYSTALLINE (UNII: OP1R32D61U)SO DIUM CHLO RIDE (UNII: 451W47IQ8X)。



专利名称:ACYL HOMOSERINE LACTONES FORINHIBITION OF CELL GROWTH发明人:DOLNICK, Bruce, J.,SUFRIN, Janice,R.,ANGELINO, Norman, J.,DOLNICK, Ree,Y.,STEPHANIE, Lawrence,OLIVER, Colin, M.申请号:US2006013034申请日:20060407公开号:WO06/110531P1公开日:20061019专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:The present invention provides a method for inhibiting the growth of cancer cells using AHLs of the general formula CX-homoserine lactone where 'X' represents a number of between 5 and 14 carbon atoms in the acyl chain of the AHL. The method comprises the step of administering to an individual an amount of an AHL effective to inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Also provided is a method for enhancing the effect of a chemotherapeutic agent comprising the step of administering to an individual the chemotherapeutic agent and an amount of an AHL effective to enhance the cancer cell growth inhibitory effect of the chemotherapeutic agent.申请人:DOLNICK, Bruce, J.,SUFRIN, Janice, R.,ANGELINO, Norman, J.,DOLNICK, Ree, Y.,STEPHANIE, Lawrence,OLIVER, Colin, M.地址:US,US,US,US,US,US,US国籍:US,US,US,US,US,US,US代理机构:LOPINSKI, John, D.更多信息请下载全文后查看。




科目简介名称拉丁文:Piptoporus solonjensis(Dubois:Fr.)Pilat苓源学名:Boletus soloniensis Dubois同物异名:Polyporus soloniensis Dubois:Fr.中文名称:梭伦剥管菌(2002年10月17日)外貌特征梭伦剥管菌属于多孔菌目的一科,科真菌子实体多种形状,平伏、无菌盖,有柄,一年生或多年生,肉质、革质、木栓质或木质。


















f,g,[பைடு நூலகம்]




Hygienilac 所列细菌资料黄色底为Intertek可测菌种,红色字体为该菌的危害目录Staphylococcus aureus:金黄色葡萄球菌 (1)Klebsiella pneumoniae:肺炎克雷伯菌 (2)Aspergillus niger:黑曲霉 (3)Pseudomonas aeruginosa:绿脓杆菌 (4)Escherichia coli:大肠杆菌 (7)Enterococcus hirae:希拉氏肠球菌 (8)Listeria difficile:李斯特菌 (9)Salmonella enteriditis:肠炎沙门氏菌 (10)Penicillium purpurogenum:产紫青霉菌 (10)Bacillus cereus:蜡样芽胞杆菌 (10)saccharmyces cerevisiae:酿酒酵母菌 (11)Staphylococcus aureus:金黄色葡萄球菌金黄色葡萄球菌(Staphyloccocus aureus Rosenbach) 是人类的一种重要病原菌,隶属于葡萄球菌属(Staphylococcus),可引起多种严重感染。




金黄色葡萄球菌营养要求不高,在普通培养基上生长良好,需氧或兼性厌氧,最适生长温度37°C,最适生长pH 7.4,干燥环境下可存活数周。








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Upper Oligocene lacustrine source rocks and petroleum systems of the northern Qaidam basin,northwest ChinaAndrew D.Hanson,Bradley D.Ritts,David Zinniker,J.Michael Moldowan,and Ulderico BiffiA B S T R A C TOur organic geochemical study of oils from the northern Qaidam basin defines a family of genetically related oils that contain bio-markers indicative of source rocks deposited in Tertiary hypersaline, anoxic lacustrine settings.Although Cenozoic outcrop samples from northern Qaidam are too organic lean to be of source quality, dark laminated upper Oligocene mudstones containing gypsum crystals and pyrite from the Shi28well yield total organic carbon (TOC)and Rock-Eval data indicative of fair to good source rocks. Organic matter is derived from algae and bacteria and there appar-ently was little contribution from terrestrial material.Biomarker data provide a good correlation between the produced oils and the upper Oligocene Shi28core samples.Hydrocarbons derived from these source rocks are contained in upper Oligocene,Miocene,and Pliocene reservoirs.Although eight of the oil samples are from the northwest corner of the basin,one sample in this genetic family of hypersaline oils comes from northeast Qaidam,an area previously believed to only produce oils derived from Jurassic freshwater la-custrine source rocks.This sample thus indicates the presence of an unidentified and undocumented source rock in the northeast part of the basin.Hypersaline oils and the associated source rocks have low biomarker maturity parameters.Thermal modeling indicates that hydrocarbon generation probably occurred in northwestern Qaidam within the last3million years.I N T R O D U C T I O NThe Qaidam basin is a nonmarine,petroliferous basin that lies in the northeastern corner of the Tibetan Plateau in northwest ChinaCopyright᭧2001.The American Association of Petroleum Geologists.All rights reserved. Manuscript received November17,1998;revised manuscript received June9,2000;final acceptance August30,2000.A U T H O R SAndrew D.HansonϳDepartment ofGeological and Environmental Sciences,Stanford University,Stanford,California,94305–2115;current address:Department of Geoscience,University of Nevada Las Vegas,4505MarylandParkway,Las Vegas,Nevada,89154;andrewh@Andrew Hanson attained a B.S.degree in nursingfrom Montana State University,an M.S.degree ingeological sciences from San Diego StateUniversity,and a Ph.D.in geological andenvironmental sciences from Stanford University.His dissertation focused on organic geochemistry,petroleum geology,and tectonics andsedimentation of the Tarim and Qaidam basins innorthwest China.After graduation he worked forTexaco Exploration investigating deep-water areasoffshore Nigeria.Hanson recently joined the facultyof the University of Nevada,Las Vegas and isestablishing research projects in China and thewestern United States.Bradley D.RittsϳDepartment of Geologicaland Environmental Sciences,Stanford University,Stanford,California,94305–2115;current address: Department of Geology,Utah State University,4505Old Main Hill,Logan,Utah,84322–4505;ritts@Bradley Ritts received his Ph.D.in geologicalsciences from Stanford University,where heworked on tectonics,sedimentology,andpetroleum systems of the Qaidam and Tarimbasins.He then moved to Chevron OverseasPetroleum,as an exploration geologist working onChina.Ritts is an assistant professor at Utah State University,where his research focuses on tectonicsand sedimentation and petroleum systems oftectonically active,nonmarine basins.His currentresearch projects are in China and the westernUnited States.David ZinnikerϳDepartment of Geologicaland Environmental Sciences,Stanford University,Stanford,California,94305–2115;zinniker@David Zinniker is a Ph.D.candidate in thedepartment of Geological and EnvironmentalSciences at Stanford University.His work focuseson the use of molecular organic geochemistry,stable isotope geochemistry,andmicropaleontology to understand ancient terrestrial ecosystems and petroleum that has significanthigher plant input.He received his B.S.degree ingeology at Stanford University in1996.Contents Search ResultsSearch IndexAAPG Bulletin,v.85,no.4(April2001),pp.601–619601602Petroleum Systems of the Northern Qaidam Basin (China)(Figure 1).The basin floor sits approximately 3–3.5km above sea level,and the basin is surrounded on all sides by high mountains.To the north are the Altun Mountains,the Qilian Mountains are along the northeast,and the eastern Kunlun Mountains are to the southwest (Figure 1).Each of these ranges has peaks in excess of 5–7km elevation.The basin sits in the center of Asia in the rain shadow of the Tibetan Plateau and the three surrounding ranges,has very low precipitation,and is internally drained.Palynological studies of Cenozoic strata of Qaidam indicate that flora were prin-cipally species that were tolerant to extremely dry and saline hab-itats and suggest that,during most of the Tertiary,the basin was characterized by a dry climate (T.Fouchs,1994,personal com-munication).The dry climate and lack of significant higher plants have had a direct impact on the type of organic matter available for preservation in source rock intervals in the basin.Facies relationships,provenance,sediment-dispersal paths (Hanson,1997,1999),isopach relationships (Anonymous,1990),and growth structures seen on seismic data (Song and Wang,1993)all indicate that the basin has been internally drained since at least the late Oligocene.As a result,the depocenter of the basin has been occupied by lakes that have elevated salinity throughout much of the Cenozoic (X.Huang and Shao,1993).In simplest terms,basin fill is characterized by stacked coarse alluvial fan and braided-stream deposits near the active basin margins that interfinger and grade laterally basinward into lacustrine deposits.The depocenter of the basin has progressively shifted southeastward during the Cenozoic from an initial position in the northwest part of the basin to its current depocenter at Dabushin Lake near the center of the basin (Lee,1984;X.Huang and Shao,1993).Small modern lakes in the basin center continue to be highly saline in the present arid climate and are currently the site of deposition of unusual potash evaporites (Lowenstein et al.,1989;Casas et al.,1992).Paleocene and Eocene strata occur in the subsurface and a few small outcrops in northern Qaidam but are not widespread in the rest of the basin.Oligocene strata are more widespread and include lacustrine rocks within the lower Ganchaigou Formation in north-western Qaidam (Anonymous,1990)(Figure 2).Lacustrine dep-osition was also widespread in Qaidam during the Miocene,whereas lesser amounts of lacustrine strata are present in lower Pli-ocene sections.Upper Pliocene and Quaternary sections are gen-erally coarser grained fluvial and alluvial deposits,which are quite thick and reflect high sedimentation rates.Where thickest,Oligocene–Miocene strata exceed 3km,whereas Pliocene and Qua-ternary sections in places exceed 5.5and 2.8km,respectively (Lee,1984).Oil was first discovered in the basin in the late 1950s.Initial successes were in the northeast around the town of Lenghu (Figure 1).Further exploration in the 1950s discovered additional fields in the northwest part of the basin around the town of Huatugou (Lee,1984;Ulmishek,1984)(Figure 1).Production and exploration are largely limited to shallow Tertiary reservoirs.In the Lenghu area,A C K N O W L E D G E M E N T SPrimary financial support for this article was pro-vided by the Stanford China Industrial Affiliates.Additional funding was provided by the Shell and McGee Funds of Stanford University and student grants from the AAPG Grants-in-Aid Program and the Geological Society of America.The Stanford Molecular Organic Geochemistry Industrial Affiliates supported biomarker studies.David Zinniker and J.Michael Moldowan acknowledge partial research support from ACS-PRF Grant #30245-AC2.Ching-Yen Chu provided excellent translation and field as-sistance.Edmund Chang arranged logistics and provided translation.Alan Carroll (formerly with Exxon Production Research [EPR]Corporation)ar-ranged for analytical work that was completed at Humble Geochemical with expenses being covered by EPR.J.Michael Moldowan ϳDepartment ofGeological and Environmental Sciences,Stanford University,Stanford,California,94305–2115;moldowan@J.Michael Moldowan attained a B.S.degree in chemistry from Wayne State University (1968)and a Ph.D.in chemistry from the University ofMichigan (1972).After a postdoctoral fellowship with Carl Djerassi at Stanford University,he joined Chevron in 1974where he developed fundamental and applied technology related to petroleum biomarkers.Since 1993,Moldowan has been professor (research)in Stanford University’s Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences.He has published more than 80journal articles and three books.Two articles,published in 1978and 1989,received best paper awards from the Organic Geochemistry Division of the Geological Society.Ulderico Biffi ϳAgip,20097San Donato,Milan,ItalyUlderico Biffigraduated from the University of Milan’s Geological Sciences department.He joined AGIP in 1977and studied Tertiary palynomorphs of the Niger Delta.He has conducted original palynological studies of the Mesozoic NubianSequence in Libya,the Mesozoic stratigraphy of the Tarim basin,the Tertiary Numidic basin in Sicily,and the Italian Paleogene and Neogene.Currently he is involved in the study of the Caspian Neogene.Figure1.Location map of the northern Qaidam basin showing its position on the northeast margin of the Tibetan Plateau(lower right inset).Hypersaline lacustrine–derived oils discussed in the text were collected at sites marked byfilled squares.Eight of these oils came from the northwest part of the basin,but one sample was collected near Lenghu in the northeast.many wells have experienced declining production and have been abandoned owing to increasing water cuts (C.Fan,1995,personal communication).As a result, efforts of the past decade have focused on the north-west area,and active infill drilling and exploration are currently centered around Huatugou.Previous geochemical studies of produced oils from Qaidam basin have indicated the presence of two distinct genetic groups of oils(Ritts et al.,1996,1999; Ritts,1998).Links between one group of oils and sa-line lacustrine source rocks within the Tertiary section have been made(Anonymous,1990)based on pris-tane/phytane(Pr/Ph)ratios,n-alkane distributions, and terpane and sterane attributes,although no source rock geochemical data were presented.D.Huang et al.(1991,1994)reported dominantly low-maturity oils in Qaidam and the presence of pregnane and C30ster-anes,which they related to thermal degradation and diagenetic effects.Philp et al.(1989)analyzed two samples from Qaidam and noted uncommonly heavy carbon isotopes(מ24.31%for saturate andמ23.55% for aromatic fractions)for one sample,which they linked to a saline lacustrine environment.Philp et al. (1991)analyzed13oils from Qaidam and reported similarfindings to those of Anonymous(1990),but no source rock geochemical data were reported in this ar-ticle either.In addition to the hypersaline lacustrine oils,on which this article focuses,the Qaidam basin has a ge-netically distinct group of freshwater lacustrine oilsHanson et al.603Figure2.Mesozoic–Cenozoic stratigraphy,depositional sys-tems,and potential source rock intervals of the northern Qaidam basin(reprinted from Ritts et al.,1999).that have been correlated to Middle Jurassic source rocks(Ritts,1998;Ritts et al.,1999).Although many basins in northwest China share similar organic matter characteristics during the Jurassic(e.g.,Qaidam,Ta-rim,Turpan,and southern Mongolia coals and lacus-trine shales),Cenozoic petroleum systems are not known to exist in northwest Chinese basins,other than in Qaidam.Recent discoveries in the Lunpola basin on the high Tibetan Plateau remain poorly documented but are believed to be derived from Tertiary lacustrine strata(Ai et al.,1998).In this article we describe and provide further documentation of Tertiary oils,as well as documenta-tion of an oil–source rock correlation with Tertiary source rocks.Additionally,we describe components of the Tertiary petroleum system within Qaidam that bear significantly on the prospectivity of the basin.T E R T I A R Y S O U R C E R O C K G E O L O G YQuaternary alluvium,eolian sand,lacustrine silt,and salt pans cover much of the Qaidam basin today.Ter-tiary strata crop out in fault-bound sections adjacent to the basin margins and in anticlinal sections that com-monly are fault cored.No Paleocene strata are exposed in the basin,and Eocene outcrops are limited to small outcrops in the northern part of the basin.Paleocene–Eocene strata have been penetrated by drilling in the northern part of the basin but do not extend into the southern part of the basin.Oligocene–Pliocene strata are beautifully exposed in outcrops along the northern margins of the basin. Ourfieldwork in Qaidam has included documentation of outcrop sections at Lenghu,Oboliang,Hongshan-han,and Ganchaigou(Hanson,1999)(Figure1).Qaidam has been in a compressional tectonic set-ting throughout the Cenozoic.Southwestward-verging thrust faults along the northeastern margin of the basin (the Qilian margin)(Anonymous,1990)and north-westward vergent thrusts along the southwestern mar-gin of the basin(the Kunlun margin)(Song and Wang, 1993),combined with strike-slip motion along the Al-tyn Tagh fault on the northern margin(CSBS,1992), provided topographic highs along the basin margins that subsequently shed thick sedimentary packages into the basin.Provenance analyses(sandstone petrographic anal-ysis,heavy-mineral analyses,and conglomerate counts) indicate that Cenozoic sediments adjacent to the basin margins can be directly tied to the adjacent mountain belts(Hanson,1997,1999).Documentation of Ce-nozoic sections indicates rapid lateral facies changes where thick alluvial conglomeratic sections may grade into laminated lacustrine mudstones over distances of a few kilometers.Profundal Lacustrine Source RocksProfundal lacustrine deposits are characterized by mas-sive to laminated mudstones.Mudstones may range from a few meters to several hundred meters in thick-ness.At the Ganchaigou section(Figure3A),we ob-served massive mudstones(Figure3B)whose total thickness was more than300m.Packaged within the massive mudstones were several tens of meters of lam-inated mudstones(Figure3C).These mudstones are generally devoid of obvious minated thin,fine-grained to medium-grained sandstones occur throughout the mudstone sections.The mudstone sec-tions are bounded above and below by medium-grained to coarse-grained tabular sandstones and minor pebble conglomerates that are texturally and compo-sitionally immature.We interpret the mudstones to be quiet,relatively deep-water lacustrine mudstones based on the lami-nated to massive character,and thin sandstones within the mudstones are turbidity-current deposits within604Petroleum Systems of the Northern Qaidam Basin(China)Hanson et al.605C.B.A.3.(A)Outcrop photo the Ganchaigou section il-the general outcrop within part of the mar-lacustrine section.(B)and (C)laminated within the lower Formation.606Petroleum Systems of the Northern Qaidam Basin (China)A.B.B.C.Figure 4.(A)Photo of laminated dark mudstone from the Shi 28core.Scale bar at the top is 5cm long.(B)Euhedral gypsum crystals are seen in part of the Shi 28core and (C)in the photomicrograph.The horizontal dimension of the photomicro-graph is 21mm.the lacustrine setting.The encasing coarser sandstones and conglomerates were deposited in braided-plain or alluvial settings that bordered the lake margins.Within the Oligocene section at Ganchaigou,the coarse sandstones and conglomerates are charged with hydrocarbons.Mudstones seen within the Shi 28well,which is a few kilometers farther from the basin margin than the Ganchaigou section,have better developed laminae and are much darker colored (Figure 4A).Contained within the mudstones are euhedral gypsum crystals(Figure 4B,C).These mudstones were deposited in a deeper lacustrine setting in which water depths were sufficiently deep to allow the development of a strati-fied water column that had anoxic bottom water.Paly-nological analysis and geochemical attributes discussed in following sections enhance this interpretation.Marginal Lacustrine StrataAdjacent to (both vertically and horizontally)the pro-fundal lacustrine mudstones described previously are marginal lacustrine mudstones and carbonates.The fa-cies consists of thin sandstones and carbonates con-tained within mudstones.Mudstones tend to be mas-sive and are shades of red,green,yellow,and brown.Thin (few decimeters to 3m)micritic carbonates were seen at the Ganchaigou section.The micrites appear to have been deposited as algal stromatolites and form thin crusts over sandstones.Uncommonly the micrites contain ostracods and pisoliths.Fine-grained to medium-grained sandstones are sharp based and lat-erally continuous for several hundreds of meters.In some places thicker sandstones contain large-scale pla-nar cross-stratification.Some mudstone layers contain mud cracks.The pisolitic carbonates indicate a marginal lacus-trine setting.Massive,variegated mudstones were de-posited in nearshore-lake settings that were in places subaerially exposed.Thinner sandstones are inter-preted as nearshore sand deposits,whereas thicker cross-stratified sandstones are interpreted as progra-dational fluvial sands.Nearly the entire Miocene sec-tion at the Ganchaigou,Hongshanhan,and Oboliang sections consists of this facies assemblage.Although these strata do not have good source rock quality in the outcrop,we were particularly interested in the carbon-ates because of molecular organic geochemical attrib-utes,which suggested a lack of shale within the source rocks,and an implied association with an evaporite-carbonate source rock.O L I G O C E N E S O U R C E R O C K S MethodsUnweathered source rock samples were collected from the most promising outcrop section.We attempted to diminish the effects of weathering by excavating and collecting the freshest samples possible,although we admit that we are uncertain how much an effectweathering of outcrop samples might have had on our results.Leco total organic carbon(TOC,wt.%)data generated by Global Geochemical Corporation and Leco TOC and vitrinite reflectance performed on some samples by Humble Geochemical Services Division compliments of Exxon Production Research Company are shown in Table1.Leco TOC,Rock-Eval pyrolysis, and elemental analysis conducted on source rocks by Core Laboratories are provided in Table2.Kerogen assessment and vitrinite reflectance conducted on two of the Shi28core samples by Core Laboratories are shown in Table3.Source Rock QualityOur initial investigations of source rocks were re-stricted to outcrop samples.These included samples from the Ganchaigou,Hongshanhan,and Oboliang areas.Tertiary strata at the Lenghu locality contained no apparent source rocks.The TOC values for these samples were uniformly low despite the presence of well-developed laminae and preservedfish-bone frag-ments in some samples within the moderately dark green-gray mudstones.Oligocene mudstones from Ganchaigou outcrops had TOC values of0.03–0.30%Table1.Outcrop Sample DataSample ID Locality Age TOC*(wt.%)R o**Lithology Data Source†95GG128Ganchaigou Pliocene0.08carbonate195GG127Ganchaigou Pliocene0.07carbonate195GG125Ganchaigou Miocene0.05carbonate195GG123Ganchaigou Miocene0.18carbonate195GG121Ganchaigou Miocene0.10mudstone195GG120Ganchaigou Oligocene0.10mudstone195GG119Ganchaigou Oligocene0.20mudstone195GG118Ganchaigou Oligocene0.05mudstone195GG117Ganchaigou Oligocene0.21carbonate195GG115Ganchaigou Oligocene0.28carbonate195GG113Ganchaigou Oligocene0.36carbonate195GG111Ganchaigou Oligocene0.03mudstone195GG110Ganchaigou Oligocene0.31carbonate195GG109Ganchaigou Oligocene0.18mudstone195GG108Ganchaigou Oligocene0.09mudstone194GG137Ganchaigou Oligocene0.30 1.06mudstone294GG191Ganchaigou Oligocene0.30mudstone294GG192Ganchaigou Oligocene0.28 1.03mudstone294GG193Ganchaigou Oligocene0.30mudstone294GG196Ganchaigou Oligocene0.22mudstone294GG202Ganchaigou Oligocene0.280.90mudstone295HS57Hongshanhan Miocene0.09mudstone195HS75Hongshanhan Miocene0.07mudstone195HS77Hongshanhan Miocene0.03mudstone195HS79Hongshanhan Miocene0.02mudstone195HS80Hongshanhan Miocene0.02mudstone195HS83Hongshanhan Miocene0.03mudstone195HS84Hongshanhan Miocene0.02mudstone195HS88Hongshanhan Miocene0.17mudstone195OB38Oboliang Miocene0.09mudstone195OB30Oboliang Miocene0.07mudstone1*TOCסtotal organic carbon(wt.%)**R oסvitrinite reflectance†1סHumble Geochemical Services Division;2סGlobal Geochemistry CorporationHanson et al.607608Petroleum Systems of the Northern Qaidam Basin (China)and an average value of 0.20%(n ס12);carbonate samples had only slightly higher TOC values (0.21–0.36%,average ס0.29%,n ס4)(Table 1).Miocene mudstone outcrop samples provided even lower TOC contents:at Ganchaigou,TOC values were 0.10%for mudstone (n ס1)and 0.12%for carbonates (n ס2)(Table 1).Miocene mudstones from Hongshanhan were also organic poor (0.02–0.17%,average ס0.05%,n ס8),as were those from Oboliang (0.08%,n ס2)(Table 1).Pliocene carbonates in the Ganchaigou sec-tion also had low TOC levels (0.08%,n ס2)(Table 1).Although the outcrop samples have been weath-ered,their close association within shallow lacustrine and fluvial strata suggests that their low TOC values are a true reflection of an original organic-poor state.We also analyzed core samples from two wells,one set of samples from Oboliang (Miocene mudstones that have TOC values of 0.19%,n ס2)and another set of samples from the Shi 28well within the Shizigou anticline near Huatugou (Table 2;Figure 1).Samples from the Shi 28well came from depths of 3990–4016.9m (the lower Ganchaigou Formation)and are middle-late Oligocene in age according to the Qinghai Petroleum Bureau.Samples generally consist of millimeter-scale laminated dark-gray mudstones (Fig-ure 4A),although some core segments contain fairly massive dark-gray mudstones that contain large (up to 2cm in length)euhedral gypsum crystals (Figure 4B,C).The TOC values for these mudstones range from 0.27to 1.22%and have an average of 0.82%(n ס11)(Table 2).The TOC values in this range are considered to have fair to good generative potential (Peters and Cassa,1994).Rock-Eval pyrolysis was carried out on Shi 28sam-ples whose TOC values exceed 0.8wt.%(Table 2).The S1and S2values indicate fair to good quantity of organic matter (Peters and Cassa,1994).Calculated hydrogen indices (mg HC/g TOC)for these samples range from 240to 361and S2/S3values are between 2.4and 9.7,having an average of 5.7(Table 3).These results suggest that,based on the organic material,they could generate either gas or oil (Peters,1986;Peters and Cassa,1994).A crossplot of hydrogen index (HI)vs.oxygen index (OI)for these samples is shown in Figure 5A and reveals that two of the samples plot along the type I pathway,four plot adjacent to the type II pathway,and the remaining two samples plot be-tween the type II and type III pathways.Because HI vs.OI plots can produce unreliable results for some organic-lean samples,we wanted to confirm these find-ings by plotting the data on a van Krevelen diagram.To derive the necessary data,we performed elemental analysis (H,C,N,O,and S)on the three samples that have the highest TOC values.Only one sample,how-ever,had sufficient elemental oxygen to yield a reliable measurement (Table 2).This sample (sample 96SI127),which is one of the two samples that plotted along the type I pathway on the HI vs.OI plot,is plot-Table 2.Total Organic Carbon,Rock-Eval Pyrolysis,and Elemental Analyses Results for Core Samples*wt.%Sample ID Type Locale TOC (wt.%)S1(mg/g)S2(mg/g)S3(mg/g)S2/S3T max (ЊC)HIOI Transformation RatioHCNOS96OB135CoreOboliang 0.1996OB136Core Oboliang 0.1996SI124Core Shizigou 0.4296SI125Core Shizigou 0.81 1.55 2.170.69 3.1424268850.4296SI126Core Shizigou 0.2796SI127Core Shizigou 1.16 1.40 4.060.429.7437350360.26 6.3159.750.96 4.4215.3696SI128Core Shizigou 1.22 1.08 4.210.498.6437345400.20 2.6026.970.3796SI129Core Shizigou 0.85 1.58 2.040.86 2.44212401010.4496SI130Core Shizigou 0.94 1.69 3.150.60 5.3436335640.35 2.5924.100.5096SI131Core Shizigou 1.15 1.46 3.950.60 6.6434343520.2796SI132Core Shizigou 0.5296SI133Core Shizigou 0.90 1.73 3.250.61 5.3437361680.3596SI134CoreShizigou0.821.932.600.544.8431317660.43*TOC סtotal organic carbon (wt.%);S1סfree hydrocarbons (mg/g);S2סpyrolyzable hydrocarbons (mg/g);S3סCO 2released during pyrolysis (mg/g);hydrogen index (HI)ס[(S2/%TOC)ן100];oxygen index (OI)ס[(S3/%TOC)ן100];transformation ratio סS1/(S1םS2).All data from Core Laboratories.Hanson et al.609ted on a van Krevelen diagram (Figure 5B)and shows that this sample again plots along the type I pathway.This suggests that the HI vs.OI plots are reliable and that at least some samples are highly oil prone.The Shi 28core sample that has the highest TOC value was analyzed to determine the kerogen maceral composition.This sample contained 20%fluorescing and 80%nonfluorescing amorphous kerogen and had trace amounts of liptinite,vitrinite,and inertite (Table 3).Thermal Maturity of Core SamplesVitrinite reflectance for the stratigraphically lowest of the Shi 28core samples (depth ס4016.9m)yielded a vitrinite reflectance value of 0.68%R o ,although very poor vitrinite recovery provided insufficient vitrinite for a reliable determination (total number of readings ס33,number of readings for the indigenous popula-tion ס8,mean reflectance ס0.68,standard deviation ס0.07).A thermal alteration index (TAI)of 2to 2םwas estimated for core samples based on the color and appearance of amorphinite.These values suggest an early maturity stage.The T max values range from 421to 437ЊC,which are below or just at the birthline value of Peters (1986).Thermal Maturity of Outcrop SamplesVitrinite reflectance values for three samples taken from a similar stratigraphic interval at the adjacent Ganchaigou outcrop are higher than the R o value of the core sample discussed in the previous section and range from 0.90to 1.06%(Table 1).Amorphous ma-terial within Ganchaigou Oligocene outcrop samples is light brown.Our measured section suggests that the outcrop samples were buried to a deeper depth prior to exhumation than the core samples,which would explain the higher reflectance values seen in the out-crop samples.Source Rock PotentialCalculated source potential index (SPI)values (De-maison and Huizinga,1994)based on the Shi 28core data yield low values (Ͻ1).We limited our source rock thickness to 26m,however,which is the total source rock thickness within the core from the Shi 28well.Because the well reached its total depth within the source rock interval,the actual total thickness of the source rock interval likely is greater.Ulmishek (1984)T a b l e 3.V i s u a l K e r o g e n a n d V i t r i n i t e R e fle c t a n c e A s s e s s m e n t f o r C o r e S a m p l e s *K e r o g e n M a c e r a l C o m p o s i t i o nI n d i g e n o u s V i t r i n i t e D a t aS a m p l e I D T y p e L o c a l eF l A m N F l A m L i p t i n i t e V i t r i n i t e I n e r t i n i t e T A I V i t r i n i t e R e fle c t a n c e #o f R e a d i n g s S t a n d a r d D e v i a t i o nV i t r i n i t e R e c o v e r yR e m a r k s96S I 128C o r e S h i z i g o u 2080T T T 2/2םN o t r e q u e s t e d a b u n d a n t p y r i t e 96S I 134C o r e S h i z i g o u N o t r e q u e s t e d 0.68**80.07v e r y p o o rw h o l e r o c k R o*A m o r p h i n i t e (A m )i n c l u d e s n o n s t r u c t u r e d a m o r p h o u s d e b r i s םa m o r p h o u s s a p r o p e l s ;F l A m סflu o r e s c i n g a m o r p h o u s ;N F l A m סn o n flu o r e s c i n g a m o r p h o u s ;l i p t i n i t e סw a x y a n d r e s i n o u s m a t e r i a l s g e n e r a l l y h a v i n g a c h a r a c t e r i s t i c f o r m (i.e .,p l a n t c u t i c l e ,p o l l e n ,r e s i n s ,e t c .);v i t r i n i t e i n c l u d e s w o o d y ,c o a l y ,a n d v i t r i n i t i c m a t e r i a l ;i n e r t i n i t e סc h a r c o a l ,h i g h l y o x i d i z e d o r r e w o r k e d m a t e r i a l o f a n y o r i g i n ;T סt r a c e .**I n s u f fic i e n t i n d i g e n o u s v i t r i n i t e f o r a r e l i a b l e v i t r i n i t e r e fle c t a n c e d e t e r m i n a t i o n .。
