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种子植物的优势科尧 属明显袁 研究区内种数>49 种的科共 11 个袁 所含种数占比 52.93%袁 种数>10 种的属共 29
属袁 所含种数占比 38.22%袁 这些科和属是研究区特有植物科属的主要组成成分曰 盂种子植物特有性突出袁 地方特
有种众多袁 共有云南特有种 355 种袁 玉龙纳西族自治县和古城区特有种子植物 48 种曰 榆中国特有种子植物受威胁
浙 江 农 林 大 学 学 报袁 2019袁 36渊3冤院 479-485 Journal of Zhejiang A &F University doi:10.11833/j.issn.2095鄄0756.2019.03.007
朱 青袁 盛 岩
渊中国人民大学Байду номын сангаас环境学院袁 北京 100872冤
摘要院 以物种多样性较为丰富的滇西北丽江市玉龙纳西族自治县和古城区为研究区袁 以区域内中国特有种子植物
为对象袁 对区域内特有种子植物物种组成尧 特有性及濒危状况进行研究遥 结果表明院 淤研究区中国特有种子植物
资源数量较多袁 中国特有种 107 科 434 属 1 659 种袁 占中国特有种子植物种数的 12.94%袁 特有现象明显曰 盂特有
等级植物共 116 种袁 其中极危等级物种 9 种袁 濒危等级物种 28 种袁 易危等级物种 79 种袁 占研究区所有中国特有种
子植物的 6.99%曰 玉龙纳西族自治县和古城区 48 种特有种子植物中易危等级物种 4 种袁 近危等级物种 6 种曰 研究
区内的受威胁物种以及研究区特有物种中的受威胁物种具有重要的保护价值遥 表 8 参 17
渊School of Environment and Natural Resources袁 Renmin University of China袁 Beijing 100872袁 China冤
Abstract: To study species diversity in Lijiang City of Northwestern Yunnan Province of China, Yulong Naxi Autonomous County and Gucheng District were selected as the study area. Species composition, endemism, and extinction risk of endemic seed plants in the area were determined by taking endemic seed plants in China as research objects. Using the 野database of diversity and geographical distribution冶 of Chinese endemic seed plants to get the basic information such as family, genus, which were located in Yulong Naxi Autonomous county and Gucheng District. Results showed that endemic seed plants were diverse and widespread, with the flora of Yulong Naxi Autonomous County and Gucheng District consisting of 1 659 species of seed plants en鄄 demic to China, accounting for 12.94% of the total species of seed plants. These 1 659 species belonged to 107 families, and 434 genera, with 11 families containing more than 49 species, for 52.93% of the total species. Al鄄 so, 29 genera contained more than 10 species, accounting for 38.22% of the total species. Of the 355 species endemic to Yunnan, 48 species were endemic to Yulong Naxi Autonomous County and Gucheng District, and these families and genera were the major components of the genus of endemic plants in the study area. A total of 116 threatened plants in the study area were found, accounting for 6.99% of all Chinese endemic seed plants, with nine species classified as critically endangered 渊CR冤, 28 species classified as Endangered 渊EN冤, and 79 species classified as Vulnerable 渊VU冤 with four species being threatened, and six species being Near Threatened 渊NT冤; Thus, since threatened species in the study area and threatened species endemic to the study
关键词院 植物学曰 滇西北曰 中国特有种子植物曰 物种组成曰 玉龙纳西族自治县曰 古城区
中图分类号院 S718.3曰 Q948.5
文献标志码院 A
文章编号院 2095鄄0756渊2019冤03鄄0479鄄07
Composition of seed plants endemic to China in Lijiang City, Northwest Yunnan