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Attacking down the wings 边路进攻(两翼)
Attacking set pieces 定位球进攻
Avoiding offside 避免越位(能力)
Creating chances through individual skill 个人能力创造机会
Creating chances using through balls 使用直塞球创造机会
Creating long shot opportunities 创造远射时机
Creating scoring chances 创造得分机会
Coming back from losing positions 失位回补
Counter attacks 反击
Finishing scoring chances 把握得分机会
Keeping possession of the ball 控球(能力)
Shooting from direct free kicks 直接任意球射门
Aerial duels 争高空球
Avoiding fouling in dangerous areas 避免在禁区犯规
Avoiding individual errors 避免个人失误
Avoiding offside 造越位
Defending against attacks down the wings 对边路(两翼)进攻的防守
Defending against long shots 远射防守(能力)
Defending against skillful players 对个人能力出众球员的防守Defending against through ball attacks 对直塞球的防御(能力) Defending counter attacks 防守反击
Defending set pieces 区域防守(能力)
Protecting the lead 保护领先优势
Stopping opponents from creating chances 阻止对手创造机会Stealing the ball from the opposition 从对方脚下断球
风格 -- 进攻端
Attempt crosses often 经常尝试大范围转移
Attacking down the left 左边路进攻(下底)
Attacking down the right 右边路进攻(下底)
Attempt through balls often 经常尝试直塞球
Attack through the middle 中路渗透进攻
Control the game in the opposition's half 将球控制在对方半场Long balls 长传球
Play with width 利用球场宽度
Possession football 控球
Short passes 短传
Take a lot of shots 获得大量的射门
Take long shots 采取远射
风格 -- 防守端
Aggressive 积极
Consistent first eleven 一贯的首发11人
Non-aggressive 非侵略性(动作不大)
Opponents play aggressively against them 对抗激烈
Play the offside trap 造越位
Playing in their own half 在本方半场控制比赛
Rotate their first eleven 轮换的首发11人
will make a comeback if they go behind 如果落后有可能反超will score as a result of individual skill 结果取决于个人能力
will score from a direct freekick 任意球直接得分
will score from a setpiece situation 会在某一轮猛攻中得分(小高潮)
There will be a high number of cards shown 会有更多的红黄牌
dominate in the air 取得制空权
will score a long shot 利用远射得分
will control the game in the opposition's half 将球控制在对方半场
will score from a fast break situation 快速进攻的情况下得分
will create many scoring chances 将创造很多得分机会
will dominate possession 将占据优势
will score as a result of an opposition error 将对手的失误转化为进球
will score as a result of a through ball 将通过直塞球(威胁球)得分
will score from a wingplay situation 结果取决于边路的表现。
