
1. 语言的简洁与流畅电影字幕翻译需要在保证准确性的前提下,尽可能地简洁与流畅。
例如,《功夫熊猫》中的一句台词:“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present.”(昨天是历史,明天是未知,而今天是礼物,所以被称为现在。
2. 文化的解读与传达电影是文化的体现,在字幕翻译过程中,需要将原作中的文化内涵准确传达给观众。

《功夫熊猫》的中英⽂对照字幕 这⼏个⽉特别关注中国的经济和政治的⾛向,越看越惊⼼,越想越沮丧。
⽐如: 原⽂:【Shifu】Yes, look at you! This fat butt! Flabby arms! And this ridiculous belly, and utter disregard for personal hygiene. 字幕翻译成:“没错你瞧瞧你这⼤屁股松弛的臂还有这⼤肚腩还有对⾝体重要部位的毫⽆防备” 再如: 原⽂:Legend tales of a legendary warrior whose kungfu skills were the staff of legend。
字幕翻译成:“传说有⼀名传奇⼤侠他的功夫⽆⼈能敌,谓之传奇” 类似这样的问题有很多,有些完全⽜头不对马嘴,有些对话辞不达意,有些缺乏⽂采…… 我⼀时兴起,想⾃⼰写⼀个中英对照的字幕,既可以学学英语,⼜可以玩玩电影字幕翻译。

本科生毕业论文题目:On the Film Subtitles Translation of Kong Fu Panda -- From the Perspective of Skopostheorie 从目的论角度看电影字幕翻译—以电影《功夫熊猫》为例装订线Acknowledgements First and foremost I am grateful to all my teachers especially to Prof. Zhang Mr.Yuxiang,SunBo my supervisor who have helped me in the process of writing thisthesis. They have taken great pains to read several drafts of my thesis made lots ofcorrections and offered many critical comments and valuable suggestions. Here I’dlike to express my deepest gratitude to them. I must give my thanks to my supervisor Mr. SunBo. He generously gave me hishelp and instructions in the whole process of thesis-writing. Without his tremendoushelp and guidance I could not have completed the present study. I also want to give my sincere thanks to my roommates Luo Yuehan ZhangChuyue and Wu Qiong for their supports and care in the tough days. I got through thedays of hardness and they always brought me happiness during the thesis writing. Most importantly I should thank my dear parents. They gave me numeroussupports and encouragement in my college life. I Abstract During the recent decades the researches of subtitle translation mainly focus onmeaning and grammar of film subtitle translation. This paper attempts to analyze thefactors influencing film subtitle translation especially English film subtitletranslated into Chinese. Skopostheorie adopts a functionalist approach and ana1yzes the factors thataffect the choice of film subtitles translation strategies and then to instruct thetranslation of the film subtitles in the translation process. As a kind of translationfilm subtitle translation is constrained by space time the intention of director andaudience’s expectations and has its unique characteristics. In this thesis the first chapter introduces the research background. The secondchapter reviews the film subtitle translation and Skopotheorie. The third chapteranalyzes the feasibility of applying Skopotheprie in subtitle translation fromdifferent aspects. Chapter four is the main part of the thesis which analyzes theSkopotheorie adopted in subtitle translation of Kong Fu Panda. Chapter five is theconclusion part which sums up this thesis points out the limitation of the study andgives some suggestions for the future study.Key words: subtitle translation Skopotheorie translation strategies Kong fu Panda II 摘要在过去的几十年里,电影字幕翻译主要研究在意思和语法上的内容。

字幕组:网络上最常见的《功夫熊猫》字幕版,是由破烂熊字幕组的i1984、阿歪、笨蛋魔女、染jinran 宝4位网友,在没有正式英文字幕的情况下听译而成的。
-中规中矩,最准确when i was young and crazy字幕组:愤青上译:年少轻狂——这里并不是某些人所说的年轻而且疯狂,上译就是用的年少轻狂can you imagine that i am prepared 'Toe fu'?字幕组:你能想象我做豆腐的样子吗?上译:我做豆腐,不如买块豆腐撞死——明显上译翻译得较好yesterday is a history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, that'swhy it is called present!字幕组:昨日之日不可留,明日之日未可知,今日之日胜现金,这就是为什么叫‘现今’上译:昨天已经是历史,明天是神秘的,但是今天是上天赐给你的礼物——这句话是一句英语的谚语,很早很早以前就有了,非功夫熊猫独创,从来都是这么翻译的he meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.字幕组:子欲避之,反促遇之上译:半路上和命运撞了一下腰——很好,这个地方字幕组翻的漂亮,在电影院里看的时候突然来一句古文小孩全部傻掉let's start from zero.字幕组:让我们从零级开始吧上译:让我们从没有水平的水平开始吧——谁更google?0级,感觉打游戏练级一样i probably sucked the day more than even in the history of the Kung Fu, in the history of China, and in the history of bad.字幕组:我可能是功夫史上最烂的,中国历史里最烂的,烂人史里最烂的。

Kungfu Panda 《功夫熊猫》-Narrator: Legend tells of a legendary warrior...legend: 传奇legendary: 传奇的warrior: 武士传奇故事传颂着一名传奇武士,whose kung fu skills were the stuff of legend. 他的功夫出神入化。
He traveled the land in search of worthy foes. in search of: 寻找 foe: 敌人他走遍天涯,独孤求败,-Demon: I see you like to chew.chew: 咀嚼,咬你挺喜欢吃啊,Maybe you should chew on my fist!有种就吃了我的拳头!-Narrator: The warrior said nothing for his mouth was full.武士一言不发,因为正忙着吃,Then he swallowed.然后一口吞下,And then he spoke.开口道:“Enough talk. Let's fight! Shashabooey! Shashabooey!”“别废话,动手吧!沙哈波易!沙哈波易!”-Narrator: He was so deadly in fact他的一招一式如此彪悍that his enemies would go blind from over exposure to pure awesomeness.exposure: 暴露pure: 完全的awesomeness: 敬畏他的敌人目不暇接,只有瞠目结舌的份儿-Demon: My eyes!我的眼睛!-Rabbit1: He's too awesome!awesome: 令人惊叹的他太彪悍了!-Rabbit2: And attractive!太有魅力了!-Rabbit1: How Can We repay you?我们何以回报?-Warrior: There is no charge for awesomeness.awesomeness: 非凡的伟大不求回报Or attractiveness.attractiveness: 魅力迷人更无所需Kablooey! Kablooey!哼哼哈哈!哼哼哈哈!-Narrator: It mattered not how many foes he faced.他征战无数They were no match for his body!无人堪与匹敌,Never before had a panda been so feared!从没有哪只熊猫能让人如此恐惧,And so loved.又让人如此爱戴。


[收稿 日期]2011一o4一O6 [作者简介]李利 (1978一),女 ,江苏徐州人 ,江苏建筑职业技术学 院外语 与公共基 础学 院讲师 ,南 京航空航 天大学外 语学院
语 言文学专业 2009级在读硕 士,主要从事英语语言文学研究 。
· 79 ·
枣 庄 学 院学 报
2011年 第 4期
的指导下选 择合适的翻译策略技巧 。
[关键词 ]目的论 ;字幕翻译 ;功夫 熊猫 ;翻译策略
[中图分类号 ]H159
[文献标 识码 ]A
[文章编号 ]1004—7077(2011)04—0079-03
1、电影字 幕翻 译
同 时 又 不 耽 误 欣 赏 画 面 和 音 响 。
随 着 信 息 化 时 代 的 到 来 ,跨 文 化 交 流
是 一 种 “美 国 梦 ”的 精 神 :无 论 个 人 的 条 件
汉 译 过 程 中 ,汉 语 四 字 格 的 使 用 非 常
如 何 ,只 要 不 放 弃 ,不 断 地 努 力 ,终 究 能 实 符 合 字 幕 翻 译 的 特 点 ,在 这 部 影 片 中 ,不 乏
息 。 因 此 字 幕 翻 译 应 做 到 译 文 自 然 流 畅 、 通 俗 易 懂 ,符 合 目标 观 众 的 语 言 表 达 习 惯 ; 让 观 众 在 短 时 间 内 能 迅 速 有 效 理 解 对 白 ,
3、电影《功 夫熊 猫》的字幕 翻译 策 略及技 巧 《功 夫 熊 猫 》虽 然 是 “美 国 造 ”,反 应 的
2、翻译 目的论
日益 频 繁 ,影 视 作 品 得 到 了 前 所 未 有 的 迅 猛 发 展 。 大 量 欧 美 电 影 作 品 涌 人 中 国 市 场 ,中 国 观 众 从 中 领 略 了 众 多 的 异 国 语 言 文 化 ,风 俗 人 情 。 与 此 同 时 中 国 电 影 近 年 来 也 不 断 融 人 电影 国 际 市 场 。字 幕 翻 译 在 传 递 文 化 信 息 的 过 程 中 起 着 重 要 的 作 用 。 字 幕 有 两 种 :“语 内 字 幕 (intralingual subti— ties)和 语 际 字 幕 (interlingual subtitles),语 内字 幕 翻 译 是 指 将 话 语 转 换 成 同 语 言 文 本 ;语 际 字 幕 指 的 是 在 保 留 影 视 原 声 的 情 况 下 ,将 源 语 译 为 目 的 语 叠 印 在 屏 幕 下 方 的 文 字 。”… ”所 谓 的 语 际 字 幕 翻 译 ,即 人 们 通 常 称 作 的 字 幕 翻 译 ,是 对 于 影 片 人 物 对 白 的 翻 译 ,电 影 播 映 过 程 中 显 示 在 电 影 画 面 下 方 。 “字 幕 翻 译 是 一 种 特 殊 的 语 言 转 换 类 型 :原 声 口 语 的 浓 缩 的 书 面 译 文 。” 2_( 字 幕 翻 译 不 仅 仅 是 两 种 语 言 之 间 的 转 换 ,更 是 一 种 文 化 传 输 与 移 植 的 过 程 , 同 时 也 是 对 观 众 观 看 影 片 时 的 信 息 补 充 。 字 幕 翻 译 要 力 保 在 有 限 的 语 言 和 时 间 内 , 根 据 导 演 及 剧 作 者 的 意 图 ,向 处 在 特 定 文 化 背 景 中的 观 众 最 有 效 的 传 达 最 相 关 的信

从翻译目的论理论看《功夫熊猫2》的国语配音翻译作者:余知倚来源:《青年文学家》2012年第09期摘要:随着全球化的巨大影响和电影业的蓬勃发展, 越来越多的国外电影引入中国。
关键词:国语配音翻译,《功夫熊猫2》,目的论,归化,本土化特色[中图分类号]:J905 [文献标识码]:A[文章编号]:1002-2139(2012)-09-0114-011、引言随着文化全球化的不断深入,将外国优秀的影片介绍进来,为广大观众所接受,配音翻译是其中最重要的一个环节。

从功能对等理论看电影《功夫熊猫》字幕翻译[摘要] 作为文学翻译的一个分支,影视翻译收到越来越多的重视。
[关键词] 功能对等理论字幕翻译文化引言电影《功夫熊猫》自其热播以来,就受到了大家的喜爱,全球票房高达6亿美元。
一、字幕翻译的特点作为文学翻译的一个分支, 影视翻译有与文学翻译的相通之处,遵守着文学翻译的一般准则,但是也有其自身的特殊性。

其中一句台词是“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a m ystery, but today is a gift. That's why it's called the present.” 这句台词传达了一个重要的人生观念,即珍惜当下的每一天。

从功能对等理论看电影《功夫熊猫2》的字幕翻译从功能对等理论看电影《功夫熊猫2》的字幕翻译1. 引言电影作为一种重要的文化媒介,在全球范围内受到广大观众的喜爱。
2. 功能对等理论功能对等理论是由波玛和瓦特提出的,他们认为翻译的目的是传递思想、意义和信息。
3. 电影《功夫熊猫2》的字幕翻译电影《功夫熊猫2》是一部由梦工厂制作的动画电影,讲述了熊猫宝宝“阿宝”以及他的师傅们共同对抗邪恶势力的故事。
3.1 古文化的翻译电影中的佛教哲理在故事中起到了重要作用,因此字幕翻译需要将其恰当地传递给观众。
3.2 功夫文化的翻译电影中的功夫文化是其故事情节和主题的重要组成部分。
3.3 文化差异的翻译电影《功夫熊猫2》是一部以中国文化为背景的电影,因此需要注意目标观众的文化背景和理解能力。

二、功能对等理论概述功能对等理论,又称为动态对等或功能翻译理论,是由美国翻译理论家尤金·奈达(Eugene Nida)提出的。

《功夫熊猫》中文版在中国上映三周就创下了2 4亿的票房,《功夫熊猫》的字幕翻译非常成功,打开了中国的市场,赢得了中国观众的喜爱。
一个月内,全球同步上映,被翻译成多种语言,创下了2 4亿美元的惊人的成绩。

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本科生毕业论文 题目:论《玻璃城堡》中珍妮特的成长历程完成日期:2016年3月15日作者姓名: 麦春妹 作者学号: 20124140174 指导教师: 尹丽娟 所在学院: 英语学院 所学专业: 英语 所在班级: 13本7班An Analusis of the Process of Jeannette’s Growth in The Glass CastleByMai ChunMeiYin liJuan,TutorA ThesisSubmitted to the B.A. Committee in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Artsin School of English and International Studies, Hebei International Studies UniversityMarch 15, 2016毕业论文诚信承诺书为确保毕业论文写作质量和答辩工作的顺利开展,达到按期圆满毕业的目标。
关键词:影视字幕翻译翻译目的论《功夫熊猫》翻译策略AbstractWith the development of globalization, international cultural exchange has become more and more closed. Film, as an important cultural exchange method, is getting more and more attentions from people and researchers. In order to make Chinese audiences to understand English movies well when they watch them, good subtitle translation is really important. However, people pay little attention to this field. So the quality of subtitle translation needs to be improved.The Skopos theory provides a theoretical basis for film subtitle translation. Within the space and time, only a good subtitle translation can contribute to a well understanding and meaning on the screen.At first, this thesis introduces some information of subtitle translation, including definitions, classifications, features and constraints. And then it introduces the Skopos theory of its main content, principles and criteria. It also discusses the possibility and necessity of the application of the theory in subtitle translation. Last, it explains the importance of Skopos theory through the case study of Kung Fu Panda.At the end of this thesis, it points out the shortcomings of the Skopos theory. The Skopos theory may not be suitable for all texts.Key Words:subtitle translation the Skopos theory Kung Fu Panda translation strategieContentsAbstract in Chinese (I)Abstract (II)Introduction (1)Chapter One The Present Research (3)1.1 Brief Introduction of Subtitle Translation (3)1.1.1 Definition of subtitles (3)1.1.2 Classification of subtitles (4)1.2 Features of Subtitle Translation (4)1.3 Constraints of Subtitle Translation (6)Chapter Two The Skopos Theory (7)2.1 A Brief Introduction of Skopos Theory (7)2.2 Main Contents and Development of Skopos Theory (7)2.3 Principles of Skopos Theory (9)2.3.1 Skopos rule (9)2.3.2 Coherence rule (9)2.3.3 Loyalty rule (9)2.3.4 Domesticating method (10)2.3.5 Foreignizing method (10)2.4 Possibility and Necessity of Application of Skopos Theory (11)Chapter Three Case Study of Skopos Theory in Subtitle Translation ... (13)3.1 Introduction of Kung Fu Panda (13)3.2 Methods of Skopos Theory in Subtitle Translation (14)3.3 Necessity of Skopos Theory in Subtitle Translation of Kung Fu Panda (15)3.4 Translation Skills in Kung Fu Panda from Perspective of Skopos Theory (16)3.4.1 Domesticating and foreignizing method in Kung Fu Panda (16)3.4.2 Concentration method (19)3.4.3 Substitution method (19)3.4.4 Other translation methods (19)Conclusion (21)Bibliography (23)IntroductionWith the development of globalization, international cultural exchange has become increasingly close. More and more foreig n movies and TV shows are attracting people‟s attention. These movies make people‟s life so colorful, and these movies and TV dramas provide an opportunity for people to learn about some foreign new things. To let more and more people perfectly understand these foreign movies, we have to pay more attention to the application of subtitle translation. The study of film subtitle cannot only improve the quality of translation, but also help the audiences understand the meaning of movies. By this, the purpose of cultural exchange will be achieved.Subtitle is a kind of text, which is added to the video, and it explains the meaning of movies under the need of videos. It usually appears at the bottom of the screen to help audiences better understand the movie and TV program. Like famous scholar Qian Shaochang said, “Thinking about its importance in our daily life, we should attach more importance to subtitle and do more research on this area”.This article applies Skopos theory of Vermeer to the case study of subtitle translation in Kung Fu Panda, which is an American action comedy film whose theme is Chinese Kung Fu. This movie, with ancient China as the background, tells the story of a clumsy panda‟s becoming a Kung Fu master. The author chooses this movie for his research of subtitle translation become its abundant cases of the application of Skopos theory.This thesis will briefly introduce the brief content of subtitle translation and Skopos theory, and will try to prove that a perfect subtitle translation needs this theory. There will be adequate examples of different kinds of application of Skopos theory in subtitle translation, including three principles, domesticating and foreignizing method. And this thesis will try to research the possibility and necessity of application of Skopos theory in subtitle translation of Kung Fu Panda.In Chapter One of this thesis, in order to let the readers have knowledge of the subtitle translation, the author will briefly present the contents of subtitle translation, including definition, classification, features and constraints of subtitle translation.And in Chapter Two, the author will introduce the Skopos theory. The author will make a general introduction of Skopos theory, including main content and development of it, three principles, domesticating and foreignizing method. Then the thesis will discuss the possibility and necessity of the application of Skopos theory in subtitle translation. At the end the author will give a summary of the Skopos theory to make it understood by readers easily.In Chapter Three, the author offers examples of the application of Skopos theory in subtitle translation of Kung Fu Panda. It will first briefly introduce this movie in this part, then it will discuss the application of translation strategies for subtitle translation in this movie, including using the domesticating and foreignizing method, other strategies such as concentrate, replace and other translation method.The end part of this thesis is the conclusion. The author discusses the significance of the application of Skopos theory to subtitle translation. The author points out that the translator should use different translation method when they translate different context, and the author also points out the shortness of this thesis.Chapter OneThis chapter briefly accounts the definition and classification of subtitle translation, and it includes the features of subtitle translation.The Present Research1.1B rief Introduction of Subtitle TranslationIn western countries, especially in Europe, the study of subtitle translation started early, and it has become a mature theoretical system. The overseas research went into a golden time in the 1990s. The history of studying subtitle translation could backdate from the end of the 1950s to the early 1960s. In the recent two decades, European scholars have been leading the study of subtitle translation mainly focusing on the subtitle practical level, psychological level and descriptive study level. The study of subtitle in western countries is deepened and focused.But the domestic situation, subtitle translation research started later than that in western countries. It began in 1949 and it is really popular after the Reform and Open. The research level of film translation theory is low and w e don‟t have our own system of theory. Over the past decade, a large number of foreign films and television works have been introduced to China, and then subtitle translations are showing rapidly developing. In 1980s, Nida's translation theory came into China and his three principles of translation brought a great influence. In China, Professor Qian Shaochang proposed the five features of film language: auditory, visual, instantaneous, popular and annotationless. His theory also made a great influence.Even on these film translation practices or film translation theories, China is still behind the western countries. The theory and strategy of film translation still need further study. The author hopes China can establish its own theory system of film translations soon as possible, and let the film translation research become a new spot in the field of translation.1.1.1 Definition of subtitlesSubtitle is a kind of text, which is added to the videos, and it explains the meaning of movies under the need of videos. They usually appear at the bottom of the screen to help audience better understand the whole movie and TV program.Many scholars have different opinions in subtitle translation. Gottlieb thinks subtitle is a kind of multimedia translation which can be written, attached, and synchronous.Henrik Gottlieb, who is the authority of translation theory, has defined subtitle translation as a special type of language transfer: a written, condensed translation of a predominantly oral original. And Jacobson regards that subtitle is the interpretation of language symbols with other languages.Subtitle translation can be defined as the process of providing synchronized captions for film and television dialogue. It uses another language to express the film. Subtitling is the process of providing synchronized text for a television and movie dialogue, and it is a kind of term, a main method of language conversion. Dialogue subtitles for the film and television works, generally appear at the bottom of the screen, and drama subtitles may display on both sides of the stage, or above. The purpose of subtitles is to help people who cannot hear or who cannot understand the film very well.1.1.2 Classification of subtitlesAccording to the showing stages, subtitles can be divided into three types: opening credits, ending subtitles and main subtitles. Opening credits appear the beginning of titles which include the name of film, director team and the main performers. Ending subtitles appear the end of a film, including billing, producer, sponsor and other production information. Main subtitles usually appear during the movies. And from the linguistic perspective, main subtitles can be divided into two types: intra-lingual subtitles and inter-lingual subtitles. The intra-lingual subtitles are defined as displaying the sound language, which is the language of the same country, but sound language may appear in the form of dialect. That is, through the subtitles, Shanghai Province Dialect and Cantonese display show the standard Chinese characters. Maybe people in other province can‟t understand these dialects, but they can read Chinese characters. The intra-lingual subtitles does not change language, it directly changes sounds into words. The inter-lingual subtitles is defined as sounds and subtitles language devote to different languages, which means people translate English into Chinese or translate Chinese into English, in that way people of two countries can understand each other well.1.2 Features of Subtitle TranslationSubtitle translation is unique and the language of film is different from other literature written language. The subtitle translation usually appears at the bottom of the screen with the original sound. And subtitle translation always provides a large amount of information about the content of the film to the audience by the form of text.In China, famous translator Qian Shaochang put forward five features of subtitletranslation. They are listening, comprehensiveness, instantaneous, popularity and no note. In general, the subtitle translation has the following characteristics:1. Comprehensiveness: The subtitle translation does not exist in isolation, and at the same time it should appear with sounds and pictures, which means audience can listen and watch the movie by same time. The movies cannot accurately express information if there are only subtitles, but no sounds and pictures. And vice versa, the audience would not understand the movies if only sounds and pictures appear, but without subtitles. In movies, sounds and pictures are important, and subtitle is only a factor that plays a supporting role. The feature of comprehensiveness can provide subtitle translation with some convenience, which means subtitle translation can be omitted when the film‟s information can be expressed well by sounds and pictures.2. Instantaneousness: Subtitles and dialogues on the screen will disappear in a short time, so there is not much time left for the audience to think. Although subtitles exist in the form of text, they are different from other literary text which people can read again and again anywhere at any time. Because of the feature of instantaneity, subtitle cannot appear in the screen for a long time, and people cannot read subtitle like literary text, so people have to give up the subtitle if they cannot follow it. For not influencing audience enjoying the back plot, this feature of instantaneity leaves audience not much time to think the content of subtitle.3. Popularity: Subtitle language should take into account for different audience‟s cultural level, subtitle translation must use popular language and translator needs to use the most concise text to convey the meaning of the original text to target audience with different language background. Movie is a popular work, and the target of creation is to face the general public, so subtitle translation needs to consider the appreciation level of audience. They cannot understand too esoteric language, so the translators have to use the popular language to translate the subtitle. Because of the limits of time and space, only the popular language can let audience understand the information of film in a short time.4. Synchronism: Subtitles should be synchronized with the picture and sound. During the conversion of spoken and written language, subtitle translation can increase or decrease appropriately to keep with original text completely.5. No Note: If target readers have questions when they watch movies, translator needs to add some notes to these questions. But subtitles are limited by time and space, and in order to achieve the synchronism, the translator cannot add these notes to subtitle translations.1.3 Constraints of Subtitle TranslationGottlieb considered that subtitle translation is restricted by formal constraints and media-defined constraints, and subtitles as a special kind of text also have two constraints: formal constraints and textual constraints. Formal constraint means that the space and time limit of the subtitle translation is caused by the screen size and the audience's reading speed, so formal constraints can be further divided into space and time constraints.In addition to its own characteristics, textual constraints come from subtitle translation to the film language, which means subtitle language should close to colloquial language in film and television works. Gottlieb deemed there are only two lines and totally thirty five words in subtitles. Diaz-Cintas further puts forward some textual constraints of subtitle translation: picture, dialogue, music, spoken language and phonetics.Subtitle translation is influenced by context. This context means subtitle translation is influenced by various subjective factors including: purpose of language users, jobs, hobbies, status, mood and state. And subtitle translation is restricted by objective factors such as environment, time, place and others factors.Therefore, the translator should fully consider these factors in order to fully express the information transmitted through the film.Chapter TwoThe Skopos TheoryThis chapter will make a brief introduction of Skopos theory, including the main content, development, three principles and two methods of Skopos theory. The author also explains the possibility and necessity of the application of Skopos theory in subtitle translation.2.1 A Brief Introduction of Skopos TheorySkopos theory is a new translation theory which is applied as the notion of Skopos in translation. It is applied by German translation theorist Hans Vermeer, the word “S kopos” is from Greek, which means “aim” or “purpose”. Skopos theory focuses on the selection of various objectives in the process of translation. Skopos theory can make up for the deficiency of traditional translation theories.Most scholars consider that translation is a kind of purposeful activity. Skopos theory focuses on translation as an activity with a purpose or aim. From the target-oriented perspective, Skopos theory is a study of the deconstructive translation and it focuses on the target-text‟s function and practicabi lity. Skopos theory thinks that translation is a purposeful communicative activity between humans.In Vermeer‟s Skopos theory, he thinks people cannot solve all the problems in the translation only by linguistics, and reader is one of the most important factors determining the purpose of the translation. They have their own cultural backgrounds. Each translation is directed to a certain audience, so Skopos theory is a course that is produced for a certain purpose or some target audience with context of the target language.2.2 Main Contents and Development of Skopos TheorySkopos theory was introduced into translation theory in the 1980s by an important German translation theorist Hans Vermeer, and in the 1990s, this theory was further developed by Nord, one of its most important second-generation scholars. Han Vermeer thinks translating means to produce a text in a target setting for a target purpose and target addressees in target circumstances.And there are four phases in the development of Skopos theory.The first phase is Katharina Reiss proposing the functional category of translationcriticism. She developed the translation criticism model which is based on the relationship between source text and target text. In her opinion, the ideal translation wo uld be one “in which the aim in the target language is equivalence regarded as the conceptual content, linguistic form and communicative function of a source language. However, she found in some situation equivalence is impossible because of the translation brief which we will talk about it next. Reiss also explains an exception from the equivalence. She believes that comprehensive-communicative translation is an ideal way of translation, which means the content of concept, language forms and communicative functions equivalent to the original text and functional characteristics of translation should be given priority in practice.In second phase, the theory is put forward by Han Vermeer who thinks translation is a behavior and it is based on the original purpose and the results. In this stage, Vermeer thinks translation must follow a set of rules, and Skopos Rule is in the first place which means translation depends on the purpose of translation. The ultimate purpose of subtitle translation is to help people to understand the main content of the film rather than stimulating the audience‟s desire to watch. Besides, the translation must follow the “coherence rule” which means the translation must be internally coherent; and the “fidelity rule” that means the tra nslation should be coherent with the original text.The third phase is the theory of translation action that is proposed by Justa Holz-Manttar in 1981. This theory is based on Action Theory, and Justa Holz-Manttar further developed the theory of functional translation, it being designed to cover all forms of intercultural transfer in his theory. Justa considers that translation is defined as a complex action designed to achieve a particular purpose. This theory takes translation as driven by purpose, interaction between people and people in the translation result-oriented.In the fourth phase, it is Christiane Nord‟s function plus loyalty principle, this theory from her book: translating as a Purposeful Activity. Nord admits Vermeer‟s Skopos Rule. However, she also proposed two interdependent deficiencies of the Skopos rule. First, it is impossible for the translation purpose to satisfy all readers because of the differences in expected value. The second is concerning the author and the translator. Considering these deficiencies, Nord puts forward the “Loyalty Principle” of Skopos theory: the responsibility of translators affects their partners in translation interaction. Christiane Nord discussed that during translation the internal and external factors needed to be considered in the analysis of text. And then she improved the theory.2.3 Principles of Skopos Theory2.3.1 Skopos ruleThe Skopos theory defines that Skopos rule is the first rule that all translation activities need to obey. According to the re aders‟ expectation, translation can use different methods in context and culture. The translators propose that the method is decided by the results, and the purpose of translation determines the whole translation process. But there are many aims of translation activities, and these aims are divided into three parts: first one is the communicative purpose of translation such while enlightening the reader; second one is using some special means to achieve the purpose of translation that means translators usually use the grammatical structure to explain the corresponded translation methods; the third one is some basic purposes of translators such as making a living. “Skopos” means the communicative purpose of translation. Therefore, the translator needs to find its purpose out in context. Then, they should decide what kind of translation methods can be used, such as using literal translation, liberal translation or using both of them.2.3.2 Coherence ruleCoherence rule defines that translation must obey the intra-textual coherence and it must be read and accepted by readers, which means the translation must have a real meaning in context that audience could understand it. Just like Vermeer said, “There is a n …inter-textual coherence‟ between target language and source language”. That discovers the relationship between the translated text and original text. In order to reproduce the original information, the translated text should be tied with original text. And translator understands of the article and the purpose of target language, both of them make the inter-textual coherence of translation. The existence of inter-textual coherence or not depends on the following:1. The translator wants to express the original text of the original information;2. How to interpret the information depended on the translator;3. How the translator for the purpose of the language encodes information.Generally speaking, the target text must be translated in such a method, which is coherent for the target readers, by their different cultural background and knowledge.2.3.3 Loyalty ruleThis principle is put forward by Nord who found there are two constraints in the Skopos theory: First, it is impossible for the translation purpose to satisfy all readers because of the expected value differences. Second, this rule is concerning the author andthe translator. Thinking of these deficiencies, Nord proposed the loyalty rule to solve the problem of cultural differences and the relationship among the participants in translation. And she considers that translators have the responsibility to explain everything in original text to target text receiver. In another word, she thinks the loyalty rule asks translators to be loyal to the original author. And the loyalty rule is mainly concerned with the relationship between translator and original author.In general, the Skopos theory is constituted of three principles. The coherence and the loyalty rule must observe the Skopos rule because it is the first important principle, and during the translation, translators should take the Skopos rule and loyalty rule as a guide.2.3.4 Domesticating methodThe domesticating method makes original language localized and this method uses some expressions which are conformed to target language readers‟ habits. It is defined as: in order to make target language culture accepted by audiences, translators need to use the appropriate expression. The representative is Nida, and he points out language as a part of culture its every information of text directly or indirectly react a corresponding culture. Finally, the meaning of words can be found in the corresponding culture. The translator needs to translate the original language into the local language if the original author wants to make a directed communion with the target audience, which demands the translator should respect the characteristics of the target language. And the language which conforms to the target language can be used in translation text. The advantage of domesticating method is eliminated differences among foreign language and culture.2.3.5 Foreignizing methodVenuti‟s translation purposes to improve the status of the translation and translators while communicating cultural and linguistic difference of source language text, as well as weakening the hegemonic status of the culture in English-speaking countries. To make these aims come true, Venuti further proposed foreignization: one is choosing a foreign text excluded by domestic literary then using a marginal discourse to translate it. There are four features of foreignizing method:1. The translations do not fully follow the standard of target language.2. The translations can use some difficult text in due time.3. Some archaism of original language can be intentionally reserved by translators.4. Translators provide an unprecedented reading experience for target readers.Foreignizing method can be reflected by the expression of original language, and it riches the translation and let people know about alien culture better through the translation. The foreignizing method keeps the character of original language and cultural, it can bringpeople to the area of alien culture and let them see the difference between languages and cultures.2.4 Possibility and Necessity of Application of Skopos TheorySkopos theory is a great idea that can be very helpful for translators. Translation strategies are determined by translation purpose, so before using the Skopos theory, translators should judge the purpose of film translation and choose the right method applying to the subtitle translation.There is possibility and necessity of the application of Skopos theory in subtitle translation, the Skopos theory in translation is derived from behavioral theory and subtitle translation is also a kind of purposeful activity. Different kinds of movies have different translation purposes. Movies can be divided into many types, like historical movies, romantic movies, documentaries, science fiction, disaster movies, mystery, and horror. All kinds of movies have many differences in language, plot and intention. For example, the purpose of historical movies is inheriting the truly history, and disaster movies expect people can protect the environment. These are purposes of movies; the original author hopes audience can get inspiration from movies. Usually, film and television works transmit information by various channels. In order to achieve different purposes of different movies, the Skopos theory provides a possibility for the application in subtitle translation.A good movie depends on a good subtitle translation and a good subtitle translation must concerns the needs of audience. The needs and expectation of audience is an important part of subtitle translation‟s purpose, and the application of Skopos theory in subtitle translation can make these purposes come true. Another important reason is the characteristics of subtitle translation. Because of the limits of time and space in subtitle translation, translator needs to abridge some original information during the translation. And it is impossible to completely eliminate the reading barriers of culture difference, but we can do is to try our best to keep the closest effect as the original text. Therefore, it is necessity of the application of Skopos theory in subtitle translation.In a conclusion, the Skopos theory can be used in subtitle translation to achieve a closest effect as the source text or original text.The Skopos theory is proposed by Vermeer which has an important affluence on the theory and study of translation. The Skopos theory puts the readers‟ requirement as priority and it plays a vital role in cross-cultural communication. According to the theory,。