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Part I V ocabulary and Structure (15%)
Directions: Three are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet Ⅰwith a single line through the center.
1. Although it is only a small business, its _________ is surprisingly high.
A. turn-up
B. turn-over
C. turn-about
D. turn-out
2. Unfortunately not all of us obtain our just _________ in this life.
A. demands
B. gains
C. deserts
D. wins
3. That contract about which we had a disagreement last month, has now gone __________.
A. through
B. down
C. over
D. around
4. The _______ of two houses proved such a financial burden that they were forced to sell one.
A. upsurge
B. upshot
C. upturn
D. upkeep
5. _________ through the attic and see if you can find anything for the jumble sale.
A. Leash
B. Rummage
C. Flutter
D. Scrape
6. How about a glass of orange juice to________ your thirst.
A. quash
B. quell
C. quench
D. quieten
7. Because the children keep interrupting her whenever she reads a book, she is always ___________ her place.
A. missing
B. slipping
C. bothering
D. losing
8. She was putting on her watch when the _________ broke and it fell to the ground.
A. belt
B. string
C. tie
D. strap
9. I washed this dress and the color_________.
A. flowed
B. escaped
C. ran
D. removed
10. The recent economic crisis has brought about a _________ in world trade.
A. sag
B. tilt
C. droop
D. slump
11. Although we decorated the room only six months ago, the paint on the ceiling is already _________ because of the damp.
A. crumbling
B. flaking
C. disintegrating
D. splintering
12. The false banknotes fooled many people, but they did not _________ to close examination.
A. put up
B. keep up
C. stand up
D. look up
13. They were making enough noise at the party to wake the ___________.
A. dead
B. living
C. lunatic
D. crippled
14. If you would like to send a donation, you can ________a cheque to the organization Feed the Children.
A. make up
B. make for
C. make out
D. make off
15. The students visited the museum and spent several hours with the________, who was very helpful.
A. curator
B. bursar
C. commissioner
D. steward
16. The accused man was able to prove his innocence at the trial and was __________.
A. absolved
B. acquitted
C. pardoned
D. executed
17. Mary was extremely lucky: when her great-uncle died, she __________ a fortune.
A. came by
B. came over
C. came into
D. came through
18. The drunken couple did nothing to keep the flat clean and tidy and lived in the utmost __________.
A. decay
B. contamination
C. squalor
D. confinement
19. Share prices on the Stock Exchange plunged sharply in the morning but _________ slightly in the afternoon.
A. recovered
B. recuperated
C. retrieved
D. regained
20. He tries to __________ himself with everyone by paying them compliments.
A. please
B. ingratiate
C. placate
D. remunerate
21. I was afraid to open the door lest the beggar _________ me.
A. followed
B. were to follow
C. follow
D. would follow
22. By the end of the day the flood water which had covered most of the town had __________.
A. reversed
B. retired
C. returned
D. receded
23. Educational policies made _________ the hoof by successive secretaries of state are the main reason for low teacher morale.
A. in
B. on
C. by
D. along
24. It was obvious that he had been drinking far too much from the way he came_________ down the street.
A. toddling
B. hobbling
C. loping
D. staggering
25. He was a generous friend but as a businessman he __________ a hard bargain.
A. dealt
B. contracted
C. drove
D. faked
26. My friend’s son, who is a soldier, was delighted when he was __________ only a few miles from home.
A. placed
B. stationed
C. deported
D. exorcized
27. In a coal-mining area, the land tends to __________causing damage to roads and buildings.
A. subside
B. diminish
C. confiscate
D. cede
28. As the cat lay asleep, dreaming, whiskers __________.
A. twitched
B. twisted
C. jerked
D. jogged
29. The total __________ from last month’s charity dance were far more than expected.
A. earnings
B. acquisitions
C. proceeds
D. subsidies
30. The new manager had many difficulties to overcome but he __________them all in his stride.
A. overlooked
B. obtained
C. tackled
D. took
Part II
Reading Comprehension (40%)
Directions: There are 4 reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet I with a single line through the center.
Passage 1
Resale Price Maintenance is the name used when a retailer is compelled to sell at a price fixed by the manufacturer instead of choosing for himself how much to add on to the wholesale price he pays for his supplies. This practice is associated with the sale of “branded” goods, which now form a very considerable proportion of consumers’ purchases, and it ha s led to a great deal of controversy.
Generally such articles are packed and advertised by the manufacturers, who try to create a special ‘image’ in the minds of possible purchasers—an image made up of the look of the article, its use, its price, and everything else which might lead purchasers to ask for that brand rather than any other. If a retailer is allowed to charge any price he likes he may find it
worthwhile to sell one brand at ‘cut’ prices even though this involves a loss, because he hopes to attr act customers to the shop, where they may be persuaded to buy many other types of goods at higher prices. The manufacturer of the brand that has been ‘cut’ fears that the retailer may be tempted to reduce the services on this article; but, even if he does not there is a danger that the customer becomes unsettled, and is unwilling to pay the ‘standard’ price of the article because he feels that he is being
‘done’. This may, and indeed often does, affect the reputation of the manufacturer and lose him his mar ket in the long run.
It is sometimes said also that the housewife—who is the principal buyer of most of these goods—prefers a fixed price because she knows where she is and is saved the bother of going
from shop to shop in search of lower prices. If one shop cut all the prices of its branded goods she would undoubtedly have an advantage in shopping there. But this does not happen. A store usually lowers the price of one or two of its articles which act as a decoy and makes up its losses on others, and changes the cut-price articles from week to week so as to attract different groups of customers. And so the housewife may feel rather guilty if she does not spend time tracking down the cheaper goods. How far this is true is a matter of temperament and it is impossible to estimate what proportion of purchasers prefer a price that they can rely on wherever they choose to buy and what proportion enjoy the challenge involved in finding the store that offers them a bargain.
Those who oppose Resale Price Maintenance on the other hand, point out that there are now a great many different channels of distribution—chain stores, department stores, co-operative stores, independent or unit shops, supermarkets, mail-order houses, and so on. It would be absurd to assume that all of them have exactly the same costs to meet in stocking and selling their goods, so why should they all sell at the same price? If they were allowed to choose for themselves, the more efficient retailers would sell at lower prices and consumers would benefit. As it is, the retail price must be sufficient to cover the costs of the less efficient avenues of distribution and this means the others make a bigger profit than necessary at the expense of the public. The supporters of the fixed price argue that this is only half the story. The efficient trader can still compete without lowering his prices. He can offer better service—long credit, or quick delivery or a pleasant shop decor or helpful assistants—and can do this without imperiling the long-term interests of the manufacturer.
31. Manufactures oppose retailers cutting prices on their goods mainly because they think __________.
A. retailers may eventually stop selling their products
B. it may reduce customers’ confidence in their products
C. customers may feel uneasy when prices vary
D. it may sometimes lead to poor service
32 Supporters of the fixed price hold that an efficient trader can still make money without lowering prices by __________.
A. allowing customers time to pay
B. hiring assistants for long hours and low wages
C. advertising much more effectively
D. establishing long-term relations with manufactures
33. By saying “He feels that he is being ‘done’”, the author means that customer thinks__________.
A. someone is despising him
B. someone is maltreating him
C. someone is blackmailing him
D. someone is cheating him
34. “Which of the following statements is FALSE according to the passage?
A. Good service other than price is important in attracting customers.
B. An article without a brand name is not subject to Resale Price Maintenance.
C. Manufactures attempt to influence possible purchasers by making their products easy to identify.
D. Housewives prefer fixed prices because fixed prices are much less likely to fluctuate
35. The s entence “She knows where she is” in the third paragraph can be paraphrased as “__________”.
A. She knows her place
B. She knows her stuff
C. She feels secure
D. She feels intoxicated
Passage 2
He built a hut on a piece of rough land near a rock fall. In the wet season there was a plentiful stream, and over the years he encouraged the dry forest to surround him with a thick screen. The greener it became the easier it was to forget the outside. In time Melio (not without some terrible mistakes) learnt how to live in spite of the difficulties up on that mountain shelf.
His only neighbors were a family group of Parakana Indians who, for reasons known only to themselves, took a liking to Melio. Their Chief never looked closely at Melio and said to himself that this white man was as mad as a snake which chews off its own tail. The parakanas taught Melio to catch fish with the help of a wild plant which made them senseless in the stream. It gave off a powerful drug when shaken violently through the water. They showed him how to bunt by laying traps and digging. In time Melio’s piece of land became a regular farm. He had wild birds, fat long-legged ones and thin nearly featherless chickens, and his corn and salted fish was enough to keep him stocked up through the wet season.
The Parakanas were always around him. He’d never admit it but he could feel that the trees were like the bars of a prison; th ey were watching him. It was as if he was there by courtesy of the Chief. When they came to him, the Indians never entered his house, with its steeply sloping roof of dried grass and leaves. They had a delicate way of behaving. They showed themselves by standing in the shade of the trees at the clearing’s edge. He was expected to cross the chicken s trip towards them. Then they had a curious but charming habit of taking a pace back from him, just one odd step backwards into their green corridors. Melio never could persuade them to come any closer.
The group guessed at Melio’s hatred for his civilized brothers in the towns far away. They knew Melio would never invite any more white men up here. This pleased the Parakanas. It meant that traders looking for robber and jewels would never reach them. Their Melio would see to that. They were safe with this man and his hatred.
36. It is known from the passage that Melio wanted the forest around him to become thick because the dense leaves
A. reminded him of his house in the town far away
B. prevented the Parakanas from watching him
C. helped him to forget the world he hated
D. protected him from being intruded by the white men in the town
37. The Chief’s comparison of Melio to a snake is intended to show that __________.
A. he did not trust Melio
B. it was unwise to go too close to Melio
C. he believed Melio hated the Parakanas
D. he thought Melio was out of his mind
38. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. Melio stayed on his farm for a number of years.
B. Melio felt like a prisoner because he couldn’t escape being watched.
C. Melio kept himself alive, during the rainy season by eating what he had in store.
D. The Parakanas thought Melio lived there because he was looking for rubber and jewels.
39. To Melio, the Parakana Indians seemed __________.
A. odd but hateful
B. strange but attractive
C. unhealthy but friendly
D. cowardly but sociable
40. It can be concluded from the passage that the place described by the author was __________.
A. far removed from civilization
B. impossible to cultivate
C. the home of Me lio’s Indian relatives
D. wet all the year round
Passage 3
When he was so far out that he could look back not only on the little bay but past the stretch of rock that was between it and the seashore, he floated on the warm surface and looked for his mother. There she was, a little yellow dot under an umbrella that looked like a piece of orange-skin. He swam back to shore, relieved at being sure she was there, but all at once very lonely.
On the other side of the bay was a loose scattering of rocks. Above them, some boys were stripping off their clothes. They came running, their bodies bare, down to the rocks. Jerry swam towards them, and kept his distance a little way off. They were off that coast, all of them burned smooth dark brown, and speaking a language he did not understand. To be with them,
of them, was a feeling that filled his whole body. He swam a little closer; they turned and watched him with narrowed, attentive dark eyes. Then one smiled and waved. It was enough. In a minute he had swum in and was on the rocks beside them, smiling with extreme nervousness. They shouted cheerful greetings at him, and then, as he preserved his nervous, puzzled smile, they understood that he was a foreigner who had wandered from his own part of the sands, and they promptly forgot him. But he was happy. He was with them.
They began diving again and again from a high point into a well of blue sea between rough, pointed rocks. After they had dived and come up, they swam round, pulled themselves up, and waited their turn to dive again. They were big boys-men to Jerry. He dived, and they watched him, and when he swam round to take his place, they made way for him. He felt he was accepted and he dived again carefully proud of himself.
Soon the biggest of the boys balanced himself, shot down into the water, and did not come up. The others stood about watching. Jerry, after waiting for the smooth brown head to appear, let out a cry of warning; they looked at him idly and turned their eyes back towards the water. After a long time, the boy came up on the other side of a big dark rock, letting the air escape suddenly from his lungs with much coughing and spitting, and giving a shout of satisfaction, immediately, the rest of them dived in. One moment the morning seemed full of boys as noisy as a crowd of monkeys; the next, the air and the surface of the water were empty. But through the heavy blue, dark shapes could be seen moving and searching.
Jerry dived, shot past the school of underwater swimmers, saw a black wall of rock towering over him, touched it, and shop up at once to the surface, where the rock formed a low wall he could see across. There was no one in sight; under him, in the water, the shadowy shapes of the swimmers had disappeared. Then one and then another of the boys came up on the far side
of the wall of rock, and he understood that they had swum through some gap or hole in it. He dived down again. He could see nothing through the stinging salt water but the solid rock. When he came up, the boys were all on the diving rock, preparing to attempt the trick again. And now, overcome with a sense of failure, he shouted up in English: “Look at me! Look!” and he began splashing and kicking in the water like a foolish dog.
41. It can be concluded from the passage that __________.
A. Jerry was not a good swimmer
B. Jerry failed to gain acceptance by the other boys
C. Jerry was on holiday abroad
D. Jerry was not on good terms with his mother
42. The word “bare” in Paragraph 2 means__________.
A. in disguise
B. in the limelight
C. in the gutter
D. in the raw
43. At the beginning, Jerry was swimming__________.
A. into the little bay
B. too far out to see his mother
C. near to the group of boys
D. further out to see than the rock
44. What happened to the biggest boy?
A. He had been trying to stay under water as long as possible.
B. He had swum through a hole in the rock under the water.
C. He had been trying to do the highest dive.
D. He had played a trick on Jerry.
45. Jerry splashed and kicked in the water because_________.
A. he was pretending to be drowning
B. he wanted to amuse all the other boys
C. he hadn’t been able to do what the other boys had done
D. he wanted the other boys to listen to what he was saying
Passage 4
Peter Sellers wouldn’t be allowed his career today. All those funny racial stereotypes—the caricatured frogs, wops, yids and goodness-gracious-me Pakis—are in clear breach of the codes of political correctness.
His lewd disguises and overdone accents belong with black-and-white minstrel shows and clog-dancing—it’s the comedy of yesteryear.
Have you tried listening to The Goon Show lately? It is a reworking of The Gang Show, excruciatingly bad and dated, and full of explosions, gunfire and jokes about Hitler and the War.
Nonetheless, Sellers continue to obsess people. He’s already been the subject of biographies galore, including, back in 1994, a 1,200-page magnum opus by myself, which is now being turned into a biopic starring Geoffrey Rush.
The appeal lies in the my thic dimensions of Sellers’ story. He had everything and it wasn’t enough. He was a comedian with a tragic inability to enjoy life. He was world-famous and desperately lonely. At the weight of his fame, as Inspector Clouseau, his eccentricity tipped over the edge into genuine insanity. He was a basket case.
This is irresistible material. Sellers’ subversive and immoderate behaviour puts him in a class of his own. Picture my disappointment with Ed Sikov’s tome, therefore. Here’s a thick book that tells us n othing new.
For newcomers to Sellers, however, Mr. Strangelove is a perfect digest of the man’s life and work, briskly told. Sellers was descended from a family of bare-knuckle East End prize-fighters, although his parents were music hall entertainers. His clinging whining mother, Peg, was a quick-change artiste and his father, Bill, was a ukulele player and soft-shoe-shuffle merchant.
The young Peter was raised in the ghostly, twilight world of shabby theatres and end-of-the-pier revues: dog acts, acrobatic midgets, incompetent conjurors and gypsy violinists. To go from these origins and become as big as The Beatles, as he was in the Sixties, is an amazing feat.
Sellers spent the Second World War in the Air Force, impersonating officers and playing the drums to entertain the troops.
When he was demobbed he worked in holiday camps and began getting spots on radio, culminating in The Goon Show. He dubbed the voices of Churchill and Humphrey Bogart on film soundtracks, and it was while hanging about the studios that he was offered walk-on roles.
His breakthrough came with the part of a teddy boy in The Ladykillers, a film that improves with each viewing. This led to the role of Fred Kite, the shaven-headed, belligerent shop steward in I’m All Right, Jack whi ch won him a British Academy Best Actor statuette. When Peter Ustinov dropped out of The Pink Panther on a Friday, Sellers flew to the set in Rome on Monday to replace him. The rest is history.
Or notoriety. Sellers’ descent into madness was swift. He got rid of his wife and children and chased after Britt Ekland, whom he pounced on in The Dorchester and married ten days later. He took drugs to enhance his potency, and this precipitated a heart attack. Having worked on Dr Strangelove during the day, each evening he locked himself in the bathroom and threatened to commit suicide. Bryan Forbes and Nanette Newman had to come over and talk to him trough the door. He then decided he wanted to marry Nanette. He also wanted to marry Sophia Loren, Princess Margaret and Liza Minnelli.
His misbehavior and unprofessionalism cost film studios millions of dollars. Sets had to be repainted and costumes remade if they were purple or green-colors of which he was morbidly superstitious.
He enjoyed messing about during filming and blowing his lines; he pulled guns on people. He walked off Casino Royale and was discovered in Britt Ekland’s mother’s house in Sweden. Meanwhile, Orson Welles and the rest of the cast were in full make-up and on full pay back at Pinewood, waiting for him to reappear.
Sellers was happy only in the company of his gadgets, cameras and fast cars, which he’d replace or abandon with manic frequency. At one of his weddings, the maids of honor were the bride’s dogs. He was also selfish in the extreme: whe n his relationships broke up, he’d send his henchmen round to retrieve his gifts.
46. People are still obsessed with Peter Sellers because___________.
A. he was a genius
B. he was as big as The Beatles
C. his life was full of drama and contradiction
D. he led a very austere life
47. By saying “He was a basket case”, the author means that Peter Sellers was___________.
A. handicapped
B. deranged
C. impetuous
D. callous
48. According to the passage, Peter Sellers took drugs to improve___________.
A. his theatrical performance
B. his breathtaking performance
C. his walk-on roles on the stage
D. his performance sexually
49. The “galore” in paragraph 4 means ___________.
A. numerous
B. anecdotal
C. critical
D. unauthorized
50. Peter Sellers can be described as__________.
A. unpredictable but generous
B. talented but unstable
C. sane but selfish
D. eccentric but reliable
Part Ⅲ
Cloze (10%)
Directions: Fill in each of the following blanks with ONE word to complete the meaning of the passage. Write your answer on Answer Sheet Ⅱ.
One of the major differences between man and his closest living relative is, of course, that the chimpanzee has not developed the power of speech. Even the most intensive efforts to teach young chimps to talk have met with ____51___ no success. Verbal language represents a truly gigantic step forward in man’s ___52___.
Chimpanzees do have a wide range of calls, and these certainly serve to convey some types of information. When a chimp finds good food he utters loud barks; other chimps ___53___the vicinity instantly become aware of the food source and hurry to join in. An attacked chimpanzee screams and this may alert his mother or a friend, either of ___54___may hurry to his aid.
A chimpanzee confronted with an alarming and potentially dangerous situation utters his spine-chilling wraaaa-again, other chimps may hurry to the spot to see what is happening. A male chimpanzee, about to enter a valley or charge toward a food source, utters his pant-hoots and other individuals realize that another member of the group is arriving and can identify
___55___one. To our human ___56___each chimpanzee is characterized more by his pant-hoots than by any other type of call. This is significant since the pant-hoot in particular is the call that serves to maintain contact, between the separated groups of the community. Yet the chimps ___57___can certainly recognize individuals by other calls; for instance a mother knows the scream of her offspring. Probably a chimpanzee can recognize the calls of most of his acquaintances.
While chimpanzee calls ___58___serve to convey basic information about some situations and individuals, they cannot for the most part be compared ___59___ a spoken language. Man by means of words can communicate abstract ideas; he can benefit from the experiences of others ___60___having to be present at the time; he can make intelligent cooperative plans.
Part Ⅳ
Translation (20%)
Directions: Put the following passage into English.







Part V
Writing (15%)
Directions: There is a picture below. Look at it carefully and write a composition of about 250 words based on what it conveys.
Part I
V ocabulary and Structure (15%)











go through(法律、方案等)被通过。

go down被接受,受欢迎。

go over(美国口语)大受欢迎,被接受。

go around到处走动,传播。









flutter 摆动,烦扰。


jumble sale废旧杂货廉价拍卖。







lose one’s place意为读书时“找不到读到哪儿”。


















stand up to经得住。

put up to告知,指点。

keep up不低落,维持继续。

look up to尊敬,敬仰。

wake the dead震耳欲聋。

make out开出(支票,账单等)。

make up构成,编造,补偿,化妆。

make for有助于。

make off离开,逃走。




steward 乘务员,(饭店、俱乐部等的)管理人。





come into继承,获得,尤指遗产。

come by得到,获得。

come over过来,抓住。

come through经历,脱险。









ingratiate oneself with sb.讨好某人。









on the hoof即兴的,临时凑成的,毫无准备的。







drive a hard bargain(在某事上极力讨价还价),坚持苛刻的条件。














jog 颠簸着移动,慢跑。







take sth. in one’s stride轻而易举地解决某事,从容处理。




Part II
Reading Comprehension (40%)
第二段倒数第二句The manufacturer of the brand that has been ‘cut’fears that…because he feels that he is being ‘done’。



