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1.My mom likes to go shopping for ____.
2.ers are ______ (食用的) and can be added to dishes. Some flo
3.My sister is a ______. She loves to explore museums.
4.Which bird is known for its colorful feathers?
A. Eagle
B. Sparrow
C. Parrot
D. Penguin答案: C
5.The process of sublimation involves a solid changing into a _______.
6.The _____ (lilypads) float on the water.
7.We will go ______ for a walk after dinner. (outside)
8.The flowers smell ________.
9.My cousin is very __________ (体贴).
10.Stars are made of hot ______ and gases.
11.I like to write ______ stories.
12.My mom loves __________ (知识分享).
13. A ____ is a small creature that loves to explore its surroundings.
14.My favorite fruit is ______ (苹果) because it is both sweet and ______ (健康). I eat one every day.
15.The bird is _______ (singing) in the tree.
16.The __________ is a region known for its tropical climate.
17.The element with the chemical symbol N is _______.
18.The first man-made satellite was named _____.
19.My brother loves to eat __________. (零食)
20.The musician plays various _____ (乐器) skillfully.
21.What is the name of the famous American civil rights activist known for her role in the Montgomery Bus Boycott?
A. Rosa Parks
B. Harriet Tubman
C. Michelle Obama
D. Angela Davis答案:
A. Rosa Parks
22.What is the capital of Kyrgyzstan?
A. Bishkek
B. Osh
C. Jalal-Abad
D. Talas答案:a
23.I like to ______ in the ocean. (swim)
24.The atmosphere of Venus is mostly ______.

26.There are many stars in the _____ (sky/sea).
27. A _______ (小鹰) soars high in the sky.
28.My aunt loves to __________. (种花)
29.My grandmother shares her wisdom about __________ (人生).
30.The chemical symbol for cadmium is ______.
31.Some _______ can survive without much water.
32.My cousin has a beautiful ______ (小猫). Its fur is very ______ (柔软).
33. A ______ is a natural feature that can influence ecosystems.
34.The ancient Romans used _______ for their roads. (石头)
35.Pluto was discovered in the year ______.
36.The chemical reaction between an acid and a base produces ______.
37.The cat purrs when it is ________________ (满足).
38.When acids and bases react, they produce ______.
39.The butterfly emerges from its ________________ (蛹).
40.My favorite fruit is a ______ (橙子).
41.I want to _____ (write) a story.
42.Which of these is a primary color?
A. Green
B. Orange
C. Blue
D. Purple答案:C
43.I have a toy _______ that can light up.
44. A volcano can create new land when it erupts ______.
45.He is taller than ___ (me).
46.My dog loves to . (我的狗喜欢_。

47.What do you call the study of living things?
A. Zoology
B. Biology
C. Botany
D. Physiology答案: B
48.The invention of ________ has revolutionized personal communication.
49.Listen and colour.(听录音、标号并涂色.)
50.I have a pet ______ that is very playful.
51. A _____ (水生植物) can live in ponds and lakes.
52.I want to visit ________ (纽约) someday.
53.What do you wear on your feet?
A. Shirt
B. Pants
C. Shoes
D. Hat答案: C
54. A ______ (鼠) can be a pet and is quite small.
55.My grandma has a beautiful _______ (名词). 它在 _______ (地点).
56.The children are _____ at the carnival. (having fun)
57.The _______ can change with the seasons.
58.The ________ (兔子) hops around quickly and loves to eat carrots.
59.The ancient city of Athens was known for its democratic ______ (政体).
60.My favorite drink is _______ and refreshing.
61.My mom loves to __________. (阅读)
62.What is the shape of a basketball?
A. Square
B. Triangle
C. Circle
D. Oval答案:C
63. A goat can eat ______ (草) and climb steep hills.
64.The ancient Mesopotamians are known for their _____.
65.The _____ (cat/dog) is sleeping.
66.The state of matter that has no fixed shape is __________.
67.The Earth's crust is affected by both natural and ______ forces.
68.What do we call a place where animals are kept and displayed?
A. Zoo
B. Aquarium
C. Park
D. Farm答案: A. Zoo
69.The _____ (小鸭) quacks when it is happy.
70.The _____ (tangerine) tree produces citrus fruit.
71.What is the name of the largest animal on Earth?
A. Elephant
B. Blue whale
C. Giraffe
D. Great white shark答案:B
72. A compass uses the Earth’s magnetic ______.
73.I love to watch _____ (小动物) interact at the zoo.
74.The __________ helps animals to store fat for energy.
75._____ (herbal) teas are soothing.
76.I can engage my senses with my ________ (玩具名称).
77.The __________ (历史的脚步声) echo throughout time.
78.My mom likes to ______ (种植) vegetables.
79._____ (植物合作) can lead to community gardens.
80.I cal l my friend’s mother __________. (阿姨)
81.What do we call the natural process of decay and breakdown of organic material?
A. Decomposition
B. Metabolism
C. Fermentation
D. Photosynthesis答案:
A. Decomposition
82.The ________ is a colorful friend that brings happiness.
83.We will _____ (go/going) to the concert.
84.What is the opposite of "hot"?
A. Warm
B. Cold
C. Cool
D. Sunny答案: B
85.The chemical symbol for argon is ______.
86.The __________ (台风) caused heavy rain last year.
87.I enjoy ______ (与朋友一起) going to concerts.
88.My doll has pretty _______ and a lovely dress.
89.Some stars are in binary systems, orbiting around a common _______.
90. A _______ helps us understand how energy is transferred from one form to another.
91. A rabbit has long _______ to hear well.
92.The movie was ______ (funny) and entertaining.
93.The library is ___ (full/quiet).
94.The _______ of a wave can change depending on its energy.
95.The ______ is known for her culinary skills.
96.The __________ of a substance is how much space it takes up.
97.He drinks ___ in the morning. (milk)
98. A __________ is the measure of how tightly packed particles are in a substance.
99.The _____ (海豹) is often found in cold waters.
100.The ________ (scientific) method is important.。
