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【摘要】通过对降水量、土壤相对湿度及植被供水指数等三个反映旱情的指标进行介绍,就传统综合评价法在权重确定方面的随意性和主观性问题,提出一种基于信息熵与层次分析法的改进模糊综合评估模型.该模型利用层次分析法计算主观权重,利用信息熵计算客观权重,并进行权重拟合,从而得到综合权重,最后计算出综合评价结果.经过和其他评估方法相比,该模型的评估结果更为合理、准确.%Amount of precipitation, soil humidity and vegetation supply water index which are index collections of reflecting drought were introduced in this paper. Due to the casualness and subjectivity problem about weight decision in traditional method, a fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model based on information entropy and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) was proposed. The subjective weight was computed by use of the AHP, and the objective weight was based on the entropy weight. Then the subjective and objective weights were united, and consequently the comprehensive weights were obtained through weight fitting. Finally, the comprehensive results are got. Compared with other evaluation methods, the results which are calculated by fuzzy comprehensive evaluation based on information entropy and AHP are more scientific and accurate.
1.基于改进模糊综合评价模型的区域科技创新能力评估——以河南省为例 [J], 王亚伟;韩珂
2.基于层次分析法的旱情评估参数模型研究 [J], 王东霞;刘秋菊
3.基于改进模糊综合评价的旱情评估模型 [J], 杨太明;李敬明;何彬方;
4.微型企业信用评估——基于改进的多级模糊综合评价模型 [J], 李燕
5.基于土壤墒情模型的旱情评估预测模型研究 [J], 陈小凤;王再明;王振龙;李瑞因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。