
EULA协议1. 引言本文档为End-User License Agreement(以下简称EULA)协议,是您(以下简称用户)与软件提供方(以下简称提供方)之间的法律协议。
2. 授权范围提供方授予用户以下非排他性的使用权:•用户可以在单一计算机设备上安装、使用和展示提供方所提供的软件;•用户可以为个人目的对软件进行备份;•用户可以根据软件的功能和要求进行软件的配置和调整;•用户可以使用软件的在线文档或官方网站提供的信息。
3. 知识产权声明3.1 软件版权软件受版权法及国际版权协议的保护。
3.2 知识产权的保护用户在使用软件过程中,应遵守相关法律法规,不得侵犯提供方及其他第三方的知识产权。
4. 用户义务4.1 合法使用用户承诺合法使用软件,不用于非法活动。
4.2 保护账户安全用户应妥善保管账户和密码,不得将账户和密码提供给他人使用。
4.3 不得篡改用户不得篡改软件的任何部分,包括但不限于软件的代码、界面或内容。
5. 免责声明提供方不对软件的适用性、安全性、及时性、完整性、准确性做出任何保证。
6. 终止协议用户可以随时终止本协议,停止使用软件。
7. 其他条款7.1 适用法律和争议解决本协议将受到中华人民共和国法律的管辖。
7.2 协议变更提供方有权随时修改本协议的条款和条件。
7.3 协议生效用户在使用软件之前,应仔细阅读并同意本协议的全部内容。

1. 授予许可本软件由【软件或应用开发者】(以下简称“开发者”)所有,受版权法和国际版权条约的保护。
2. 限制2.1 您不得以任何方式复制、修改、发布、出售、出租、分发本软件的副本或衍生作品。
2.2 您不得使用本软件进行任何非法活动,包括但不限于传播恶意软件、盗取他人信息等。
2.3 您不得删除本软件及其相关文档中的任何版权、商标或其他权利声明。
3. 所有权本软件是开发者的财产,并受中国法律和国际著作权条约的保护。
4. 免责声明4.1 本软件按照现有技术提供,开发者无法保证其准确性、时效性和可靠性。
4.2 在法律允许的范围内,开发者明确表示不提供任何明示或暗示的保证,包括但不限于适销性、特定用途适用性和非侵权性。
5. 终止本协议有效期从您开始使用本软件之日起,直到您将本软件从您的设备中卸载或开发者终止本协议为止。
6. 适用法律和争议解决本协议受中国法律管辖。

MICROSOFT软件许可条款欢迎您使用微软设备健康助手软件本许可条款是Microsoft Corporation(或您所在地的Microsoft Corporation 关联公司)与您之间达成的协议。
本条款也适用于Microsoft为此软件提供的:∙ 更新∙ 补充程序∙ 基于Internet 的服务∙ 支持服务(除非上述各项附带有其他条款)。
Microsoft 可能不时在线更新本软件许可条款,您同意其最新版本有效。
如果您遵守这些许可条款,您将具有下列权利:1. 安装和使用权利。
2. 基于INTERNET 的服务。
Microsoft 随该软件提供基于Internet 的服务,但可能随时更改或取消这些服务。
3. 许可范围。
Microsoft 保留所有其他权利。
您不可以∙ 绕过该软件中的任何技术限制;∙ 对该软件进行反向工程、反编译或反汇编;尽管有此项限制,但如果适用法律明示允许上述活动,并仅在适用法律明示允许的范围内从事上述活动则不在此限;∙ 制作超过本协议所规定或适用法律(尽管已有本协议的这一限制)所允许数量的软件副本;∙ 发布该软件以便他人复制;∙ 出租、租赁或出借该软件;∙ 以任何形式分发该软件或其任何更新或补充程序;∙ 向任何第三方转让该软件或本协议;或∙ 使用该软件提供商业软件主机服务。

1.DEFINITIONS1.1 “Designated Administrative Access” means that access to the standard user interfaces ofa given instance of the Software (designated in this section) that you may grant to adesignated third party for which you have provided advance written notice to VMware that you are providing outsourced services and for whose dedicated benefit you have licensed such instance of the Software. Designated Administrative Access is applicable only where you are 1) an IT outsourcing company that is providing outsourced IT services to a client company and 2) applicable only to the following Software: ESX Server, VMware Server and VirtualCenter.1.5 “Open Source Software” means various open source software components licensed underthe terms of applicable open source license agreements included in the materials relating to such software. Open Source Software is composed of individual software components,each of which has its own copyright and its own applicable license conditions. The Open Source Software licenses can be found in the open_source_licenses.txt file, other materials accompanying the software package, the documentation or corresponding source filesavailable at /download/open_source.html.1.6 “Processor” means a single, physical chip that houses no more than four (4) processorcores.1.7 “Redistributable Components” means the Legacy PERL/COM Client Runtime Libraryand VIX API library that may be provided in conjunction with the Software and licensed under the Redistributable Components product specific terms and conditions.1.8 “Sample Programs” means sample client management programs or scripts that may bedistributed with the Software.1.9 “Server” means a single physical computer of a type that meets the specifications as setforth in the applicable product documentation posted at/support/pubs/. Multiple computers that share processing power or operate in a networked configuration as a single logical computer, such as a “server farm”or similar arrangement, constitute multiple Servers for the purpose of this EULA.1.10 “Software” means software products that are licensed to you under this EULA, including,but not limited to, any related components purchased or provided with the Software,application programming interfaces, associated media, printed materials, online orelectronic documentation, and any updates and maintenance releases thereto.1.11 “Software License Key” means, if applicable, a serial number issued to you by VMwareto activate and use the Software. A separate, additional Software License Key may berequired to activate and use each Licensed Additional Module.1.12 “VMware Tools” means a suite of utilities and drivers that may enhance the performanceand functionality of your Guest Operating System. VMware Tools may include some or all of the following, depending on your Guest Operating System: an SVGA driver, a mouse driver, the VMware Tools control panel and support for features such as shared folders,drag and drop in Windows guests, shrinking virtual disks, time synchronization with thehost, VMware Tools scripts, and connection and disconnection of devices while the virtual machine is running.1.13 “Virtual Machine” means an instance of a Guest Operating System and any applicationprograms installed thereon, running on a computing device on which the Software isinstalled, or suspended to disk or any other storage media accessible by the computingdevice.1.14 “VMTN Software” means Software received by you pursuant to a VMware TechnologyNetwork subscription.2.EVALUATION LICENSES2.1General. If available, the Software and each Licensed Additional Module may beactivated with no-cost evaluation Software License Key(s). Evaluation Software License Keys have an expiration date (“Expiration Date”).2.2Evaluation License. If you activate the Software or any Licensed Additional Module withan evaluation Software License Key (“Evaluation Product”) you may use the Evaluation Product until the Expiration Date only to evaluate the suitability of the Evaluation Product for licensing on a for-fee basis. You may acquire evaluation Software License Key(s) for Licensed Additional Modules. In such case, the Licensed Additional Modules are licensed to you subject to the terms of this “EVALUATION LICENSES” section.2.3 Evaluation Product Warranty Disclaimer. During the use of the Evaluation Product, thelimited 90-day warranty referenced in Section 7.1 below is not applicable to you. THEEVALUATION PRODUCT I S PROVIDED TO YOU “AS IS” WITHOUTWARRANTY OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY, OR OTHERWISE. VMWARE AND ITS LICENSORS BEAR NO LIABILITY FOR ANY DAMAGES RESULTING FROM USE (OR ATTEMPTED USE) OF THEEVALUATION PRODUCT THROUGH AND AFTER THE EXPIRATION DATE.2.4 No Support. VMware has no duty to provide support to you during your use of theEvaluation Product.3.GRANT AND USE RIGHTS FOR SOFTWARE.3.1 License. The Software is licensed, not sold. Subject to the terms of this EULA, VMwarehereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license, without rights to sublicense, to use the object code of the Software for the purpose as set forth in the applicabledocumentation for the Software and to the extent permitted by your payment of applicable license fees under a VMware approved licensing model and/or your Software License Key subject to the software product specific terms specified in this EULA. Depending upon the model utilized to compute the applicable license fees paid by you to use the Software(whether per Processor, per Virtual Machine, per user, or any other VMware approvedlicensing model), an applicable Software License Key may limit your usage of the Software accordingly. You may use the documentation accompanying the Software in connection with permitted uses of the Software. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, in the event that you have licensed VMware Infrastructure – Starter Edition, your license to use such Software is restricted to a Server that has no more than eight gigabytes (8 GB) of physical memory.3.2 License Limitations. You may not copy the Software except for a reasonable number ofmachine-readable copies of the Software for backup or archival purposes and except asexpressly permitted in this EULA. You may not remove any titles, trademarks or tradenames, copyright notices, legends, or other proprietary markings on the Software. You are not granted any rights to any trademarks or service marks of VMware. VMware retains all rights not expressly granted to you.3.3 Restrictions. You may not (i) sell, lease, license, sublicense, distribute or otherwisetransfer in whole or in part the Software or the Software License Key to another party; (ii) provide, disclose, divulge or make available to, or permit use of the Software in whole or in part by, any third party (except Designated Administra tive Access) without VMware’sprior written consent; or (iii) modify or create derivative works based upon the Software.Except to the extent expressly permitted by applicable law, and to the extent that VMware is not permitted by that applicable law to exclude or limit the following rights, you may not decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer, or otherwise attempt to derive source code from the Software, in whole or in part. You may use the Software to conduct internalperformance testing and benchmarking studies, the results of which you (and notunauthorized third parties) may publish or publicly disseminate; provided that VMware has reviewed and approved of the methodology, assumptions and other parameters of the study.Please contact VMware at benchmark@ to request such review.3.4GPL Software. You can redistribute and/or modify the GPL Software under the terms ofthe GPL. You may obtain a copy of the source code corresponding to the binaries for the GPL Software (the “GPL Source Files”) by downloading the GPL Source Files fromVMware’s Web site at /download/open_source.html, or bysending a request, with your name and address, to VMware at the address specified under the heading “Contact Information” below, in which case VMware will mail a copy of the GPL Source Files to you on a CD or equivalent physical medium. This offer to obtain acopy of the GPL Source Files is valid for three years from the date you acquired thisSoftware product.3.5VMware Tools. You may distribute the VMware Tools to any third party provided that (i)you do not modify the VMware Tools; (ii) you distribute the VMware Tools in object code format only and solely in conjunction with, and as part of, the Virtual Machine you create with the Sof tware; (iii) you do not use VMware’s name, logo or trademarks to market the Virtual Machine you create with the Software and (iv) you agree to indemnify, holdharmless, and defend VMware from and against any claims or lawsuits, includingattorneys’ fees, t hat arise or result from the use or distribution of the Virtual Machine you create. Notwithstanding the foregoing, you may refer to VMware names, logos ortrademarks to indicate that the Virtual Machine you create with the Software arecompatible with or designed for use with the Software.3.6 Licenses required for third-party software. The Software enables you to run multipleinstances of third-party guest operating systems and application programs. You areresponsible for obtaining any licenses necessary to operate any such third-party software, including Guest Operating Systems.3.7 Sample Programs. The Software may include Sample Programs. You may use anddistribute Sample Programs under the terms set forth in the applicable Sample Programsfiles. VMware does not provide support services for Sample Programs.3.8VMware License Programs. VMware makes available VMware License programs (fore.g., VMware Academic License, VMTN). If you have received the Software pursuant tothese VMware License programs, the then-current terms and conditions posted on/download/eula/vmtn.html for that program shall apply for use of the products under such VMware License programs.3.9 Audit Rights. You will maintain accurate records as to your use of the Software asauthorized by this Agreement, for at least two (2) years from the last day on which support and subscription services (“Services”) expired for the applicable Software. VMware, orpersons designated by VMware, will, at any time during the period when you are obliged to maintain such records, be entitled to inspect such records and your computing devices, in order to verify that the Software is used by you in accordance with the terms of thisAgreement and that you have paid the applicable license fees and Services fees for theSoftware; provided that VMware may conduct no more than one (1) audit in any twelve (12) month period. You shall promptly pay to VMware any underpayments revealed by anysuch audit. Any such audit will be perfo rmed at VMware’s expense during normalbusiness hours, provided that you shall promptly reimburse VMware for the cost of suchaudit and any applicable fees if such audit reveals an underpayment by you of more thanfive percent (5%) of the amounts payable by you to VMware for the period audited.4.TITLEVMware retains all right, title, and interest in and to the Software and the Software License Key and in all related copyrights, trade secrets, patents, trademarks, and any otherintellectual and industrial property and proprietary rights, including registrations,applications, renewals, and extensions of such rights.5.SUPPORT AND SUBSCRIPTION SERVICES NOT INCLUDEDVMware will not provide any support services under this EULA. This EULA does not give you any rights to any updates or upgrades to the Software or to any extensions orenhancements to the Software developed by VMware at any time in the future. VMware may offer support and subscription services separately. If you have purchased VMwaresupport and subscription services with the Software, these services are provided to youun der the Support Contract Terms and Conditions posted on VMware’s Web site at/support/ and by accepting the terms of this EULA you areaccepting these Support Contract Terms and Conditions. Any supplemental software code or related materials that VMware provides to you as part of any support and subscriptionservices are to be considered part of the Software and are subject to the terms andconditions of this EULA. VMware may use any technical information you provide toVMware for any VMware business purposes without restriction, including for productsupport and development. VMware will not use information in a form that personallyidentifies you.6.TERMINATION6.1Termination. VMware may terminate this EULA immediately and without notice if youfail to comply with any term of this EULA.6.2Effect of Termination. In the event of termination, you must destroy all copies of theSoftware and Software License Key. In addition you must remove all copies of theSoftware, including all backup copies, from the Server and all computers and terminals on which it is installed. From time to time, VMware may change the terms of this EULA.VMware will notify you of such change. Your continued use of the Software will indicate your agreement to the change.7.LIMITED WARRANTY AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY7.1Limited Warranty. VMware warrants that the media, if any, on which the Software isdelivered will be free of defects and that the Software will substantially conform to thedescription contained in the applicable end user documentation in each case for a period of90 days after the date of shipment of the Software License Key. EXCEPT FOR THEPRECEDING EXPRESS LIMITED WARRANTY, TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENTPERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, VMWARE AND ITS LICENSORS PROVIDE THE SOFTWARE WITHOUT ANY WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS,IMPLIED, STATUTORY, OR IN ANY OTHER PROVISION OF THIS EULA ORCOMMUNICATION WITH YOU, AND VMWARE AND ITS LICENSORSSPECIFICALLY DISCLAIM ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OFMERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT.7.2TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, IN NO EVENTWILL VMWARE AND ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOST PROFITS OR BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES, LOSS OF USE, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF DATA, OR ANY OTHER INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUEN-TIAL DAMAGES UNDER ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER BASED INCONTRACT, TORT, NEGLIGENCE, PRODUCT LIABILITY, OR OTHERWISE.BECAUSE SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION ORLIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, THE PRECEDING LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. VMWARE AND ITS LICENSORS’ LIABILITY UNDER THIS EULA WILL NOT, IN ANY EVENT,EXCEED THE LICENSE FEES, IF ANY, PAID BY YOU FOR THE SOFTWARELICENSED TO YOU UNDER THIS EULA. THE FOREGOING LIMITATIONS SHALL APPLY TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW,REGARDLESS OF WHETHER VMWARE OR ITS LICENSORS HAVE BEENADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES AND REGARDLESS OFWHETHER ANY REMEDY FAILS OF ITS ESSENTIAL PURPOSE.8.GENERAL8.1 Entire Agreement.This Agreement sets forth VMware’s entire liability and yourexclusive remedy with respect to the Software and supersedes the terms of any purchase orders and any other communications or advertising with respect to the Software. Youacknowledge that this Agreement is a complete statement of the agreement between you and VMware with respect to the Software, and that there are no other prior orcontemporaneous understandings, promises, representations, or descriptions with respect to the Software.8.2 Headings. Headings under this EULA are intended only for convenience and shall notaffect the interpretation of this EULA.8.3 Waiver and Modification. No failure of either party to exercise or enforce any of itsrights under this EULA will act as a waiver of those rights. This EULA may only bemodified, or any rights under it waived, by a written document executed by the partyagainst which it is asserted.8.4 Severability. If any provision of this EULA is found illegal or unenforceable, it will beenforced to the maximum extent permissible, and the legality and enforceability of theother provisions of this EULA will not be affected.8.5 Governing Law. This EULA will be governed by California law and the United States ofAmerica, without regard to its choice of law principles. The United Nations Convention for the International Sale of Goods shall not apply.8.6 Government Restrictions. You may not export or re-export the Software except incompliance with the United States Export Administration Act and the related rules andregulations and similar non-U.S. government restrictions, if applicable. The Software and accompanying documentat ion are deemed to be “commercial computer software” and“commercial computer software documentation,” respectively, pursuant to DFARSection 227.7202 and FAR Section 12.212(b), as applicable. Any use, modification,reproduction, release, performing, displaying, or disclosing of the Software by the U.S.Government shall be governed solely by the terms of this EULA.8.7 Contact Information. If you have any questions about this EULA, or if you want tocontact VMware for any reason, please direct all correspondence to: VMware, Inc., 3145 Porter Drive, Palo Alto, CA 94304, United States of America or email info@.8.8 Other. VMware and VMTN are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of VMware, the United States and/or various jurisdictions.9.SOFTWARE PRODUCT SPECIFIC TERMS AND CONDITIONSIn addition to the above, the following Software products shall also be subject to the following terms and conditions set forth below. In the event of any conflict between the following product-specific terms and conditions and the preceding sections, the product-specific terms and conditions shall control.9.1Workstation(a) Additional Definition:“Number of Licensed Users” means the number one (1), unless you received a VMware License Certificate with this software product, in which case the term “Number of Licensed Users” means the Number of Licensed Users set forth on the VMware License Certificate.(b) Additional License Terms:VMware grants you a nonexclusive, nontransferable license, without rights to sublicense, to (i) make a number of copies of the Software less than or equal to the Number of Licensed Usersfor the purpose of installing a single copy of the Software on an equivalent number of personal computers, each of which is running a validly licensed copy of the operating system for which the Software is designed; and (ii) have up to the Number of Licensed Users use the Software solely for your own internal information processing services and computing needs. You may not share or use concurrently the Software except as expressly permitted in this EULA. If you are an entity, each copy of the Software may be used by one designated individual user only, unless permitted otherwise by your payment of applicable license fees under a VMware approved licensing model. The total number of designated users may not exceed the Number of Licensed Users. Subject to the above, each copy of the Software may not be used by any other person, whether or not such person is employed by or otherwise associated with your entity.Limited shared use license. For shared use computing laboratory environments within academic institutions, the license grant above shall be modified to permit use of the Software on a single personal computer without the limitation that such use be limited to the designated user(s); provided that any such user(s) agree to and abide by the terms of this EULA; provided further that you must acquire and dedicate a Software License Key for each separate personal computer on which the Software is installed. Under this shared computing laboratory use license, a computing laboratory at an academic institution having ten personal computers loaded with the Software on which no more than five users would concurrently access and use the Software, for example, would require ten Software License Keys. Unless the computing laboratory is operated and maintained by and within an academic institution, this limited shared use license does not apply.License as upgrade of previously licensed product. If you purchased this Software as an upgrade at the applicable upgrade price, then you must have previously purchased a prior version of this Software at the applicable product (not upgrade) price. If you have not purchased a prior version at the applicable product price, then please contact the vendor from whom you purchased the upgrade, or, if you are unable to contact your vendor, contact VMware, to make payment for the difference between the upgrade price and the product price within thirty (30) days of the date you purchased the upgrade. If you do not make the appropriate payment to your vendor or VMware within thirty (30) days, this EULA will automatically terminate and you must comply with the termination provisions above.Limited support and subscription services. Notwithstanding the above support provision herein, VMware may provide limited web-based support services related to the Software for a period of thirty (30) days after the date of purchase. Upon expiration of such 30-day period, VMware will not provide any support services under this EULA. For a period of eighteen (18) months from the date of shipment of the Software, VMware will provide you with “Workstation Complimentary Support” which means a generally available release of the Software that typically provides maintenance corrections or fixes only, designated by VMware by means of a change in the digit to the right of the second decimal point, free of charge. Workstation Complimentary Support does not include the provision of any Major Releases, as defined in the VMware Support and Subscription Services Ter ms and Conditions posted on VMware’s Web site at/support/ (“Service Terms”). By accepting the terms of this EULA you are accepting the Service Terms. Upon expiration of such 18-month period, VMware will no longer provide you with any Workstation Complimentary Support under this EULA. Thereafter, you may purchase support and subscription services for a fee in accordance with the Service Terms. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if you acquired the Software as an Update (as defined in the Service Terms) or as part of the Update Service in connection with a prior purchase of the Software, then you are not entitled to receive any Workstation Complimentary Support or anyother support or subscription services under this EULA. In either case, you also may purchase support and subscription services separately. If you have purchased VMware support and subscription services with the Software, these services are provided to you under the Service Terms. Unless otherwise provided to you under a separate agreement, any supplemental software code or related materials that VMware provides to you as part of any Workstation Complimentary Support or support and subscription services are to be considered part of the Software and are subject to the terms and conditions of this EULA. VMware may use any technical information you provide to VMware for any VMware business purposes without restriction, including for product support and development. VMware will not use information in a form that personally identifies you.(c) ACE Option PackAdditional Definitions:“ACE Option Pack” means the Software which enables a Licensee of Workstation (Workstation 6 or any designated versions thereto) to create ACE virtual machines.“ACE virtual machine” means a pac kage of Software including a virtual machine, ACE policy file, configuration files, and a virtual runtime created by using the ACE packaging features of Workstation with ACE Option Pack.Additional License Terms:VMware hereby grants you a nonexclusive, nontransferable license, without rights to sublicense, to (i) use the ACE Option Pack Software License Key to activate the ACE Option Pack on a single licensed Workstation device (ii) use the Software (in object code form only) for the purpose of creating ACE virtual machines (iii) use the documentation accompanying the ACE Option Pack in connection with permitted uses of the ACE Option Pack. An ACE Option Pack license only grants you the rights to create ACE virtual machines. The installation of ACE virtual machines on other devices and use of ACE virtual machines on those devices requires an ACE Client License.(d) ACE Client LicenseAdditional Definition:“ACE Client License” means an individual or volume license key that grants you the rights to install and use ACE virtual machines on a specified number of devices for which you have paid the applicable license fee.Additional License Terms:VMware grants you a nonexclusive license, without rights to sublicense, to (i) install ACE virtual machines on any devices provided that the total number of devices installed with ACE virtual machines does not exceed the number of devices for which you have paid the applicable license fee; (ii) use ACE virtual machines installed on those devices provided those devices have an ACE Client License; (iii) use ACE virtual machine installed on a portable media device, which has an ACE Client License, from any host machine regardless of that host machine’s licensing status; (iv) permanently reassign the ACE Client License from one device to another provided that the total。

EULA协议1. 引言本文档为软件最终用户许可协议(End-User License Agreement,以下简称EULA)的协议内容,是您(以下称为“用户”)与软件开发者(以下称为“开发者”)之间的法律协议。
2. 授权范围2.1 开发者授予用户有限的、不可转让的许可,用于安装、使用和享受本软件的功能。
2.2 用户同意不得进行以下行为:- 删除或修改本软件的版权声明;- 对本软件进行逆向工程、反编译、反汇编或修改; - 对本软件进行复制、分发或出租。
2.3 用户同意不得将本软件用于非法目的,包括但不限于传播恶意软件、侵犯他人隐私、侵犯知识产权等。
3. 隐私保护3.1 本软件可能会收集用户的个人信息,包括但不限于姓名、电子邮件地址等。
3.2 用户同意,开发者有权根据法律、法规、政府要求或为保护自身合法权益的目的,披露用户的个人信息。
3.3 用户可以随时联系开发者,请求查看、更正或删除其个人信息。
4. 免责声明4.1 本软件按“现状”提供,开发者不对本软件的适用性、准确性、可靠性、完整性、安全性等做出任何明示或暗示的保证。
4.2 用户在使用本软件过程中可能会遇到故障、错误、中断等问题,开发者将尽力修复这些问题,但不对由此造成的任何损失承担责任。
4.3 用户使用本软件涉及第三方服务,如支付、社交媒体等,用户须自行承担与第三方之间的责任和风险。
5. 知识产权5.1 本软件及其所有组成部分(包括但不限于源代码、界面设计、图标、文档)的所有权归开发者所有。
5.2 用户不得未经授权复制、修改、分发或使用本软件的任何组成部分。
5.3 如果用户对本软件的使用侵犯了第三方的知识产权,用户将独立承担相应的法律责任。
6. 终止6.1 用户可以随时终止本协议,并停止使用本软件。
6.2 开发者可以在用户违反本协议的情况下,立即终止本协议,收回用户使用本软件的许可。

最终用户许可协议(EULA)ABBYY FineReader 11重要!在安装、复制和/或使用 ABBYY FineReader 11(以下称为“本软件”)之前,请仔细阅读以下条款。
最终用户许可协议(以下称为“EULA”)是您(即获得本软件的最终用户)与ABBYY 之间的法律协议。
通过安装、复制或以其他方式使用该软件,即表明您认可您已阅读该 EULA 并理解其内容,同意受其条款约束。
当您在本软件安装期间接受在此所述全部条款或以任何方式开始使用本软件时,本EULA 即开始生效。
本 EULA 在本软件的整个版权期内具有约束效力,除非本 EULA 或您与 ABBYY 之间的单独书面协议中另有说明,且可能取决于本 EULA 中所述的许可范围。
您同意该 EULA 与您签署的任何书面协议一样具有执行效力。
本EULA 对您具有执行效力。
如果该软件随附了单独许可协议的印刷版,那么在本 EULA 的文本与单独协议印刷版中的文本出现任何内容不一致的情况时,以单独许可协议印刷版中的文本为准。
如果您不同意本 EULA 的条款,请不要安装和使用本软件及其组件。
定义“ABBYY”在本 EULA 第 16.1 条适用时,指 ABBYY USA Software House Inc.(注册地址为:880 North McCarthy Boulevard, Suite 220, Milpitas, California 95035,USA);在本 EULA 的第 16.2 条适用时,指 ABBYY Europe GmbH(注册地址为:Elsenheimerstr. 49, 80687 Munich);本 EULA 的第 16.3 条适用时,指 ABBYY UK Ltd.(注册地址为:HeathrowBusiness Centre, 65 High Street, Egham, Surrey TW20 9EY, UnitedKingdom);本 EULA 的第 16.4 条适用时,指 ABBYY LLC(注册地址为:ul.Perovskaya dom22, korpus 1, 111398, Moscow, Russia);本 EULA 的第 16.5 条适用时,指 ABBYY Software House Ukraine(注册地址为:31, Degtyarevskaya st., Kiev, Ukraine 03680);在其他所有情况下,则指 ABBYY Solutions Ltd.(注册地址为:Michail Karaoli 2,Egkomi, CY 2404, Nicosia, Cyprus)。

1. 有限授權與使用條款。
A. 賦予授權。

despite this limitation; • publish the software for others to copy; • rent,
regulations that apply to the software. These laws include restrictions on
destinations, end users and end use. For additional information, see
/exporting. 8. SUPPORT SERVICES. Because this software is “as
the software to any third party without Microsoft’s prior written approval; •
work around any technical limitations in the software; • reverse engineer,
support services that you use, are the entire agreement for the software and
support services. 10. APPLICABLE LAW. a. United States. If you acquired the
EXPORT RESTRICTIONS. The software is subject to United States export laws and
regulations. You must comply with all domestic and international export laws and

終端用戶授權合約(EULA)本終端使用者授權協議(以下稱「協議」) 的簽約雙方分別為Siemens Industry Software NV (地址位於Interleuvenlaan 68, 3001 Leuven, Belgium,企業註冊登記號為0428.295.877, RPR Leuven) (以下稱「SISW」) 和簽名接受本協議條款和條件的客戶(以下稱「客戶」)。
SISW 保留在依照本協議行使權利和履行義務的前提下利用其關聯公司的權利。
因此,本處所用的「SISW」一詞也可能是指 SISW 母公司直接或間接持有或控制的關聯公司,以及取得 SISW 授權可散發軟體及相關服務的人。
1. 訂單1.1 訂購軟體或服務。
這是一份協議,客戶可以依本協議條款針對軟體和/或維護服務下一或多份訂單,SISW 也可以依本協議條款接受訂單。
每個軟體和/或維護服務訂單都應在《授權軟體指定協議》或者由 SISW 書面接受的類似訂購文件中列出(下文中均稱為「LSDA」)。

accepteula参数1. 什么是EULAEULA(End-User License Agreement)即最终用户许可协议,是一种合同,规定了软件的最终用户(即购买或使用软件的个人或组织)与软件供应商之间的权利和责任。
2. EULA的目的和内容EULA的目的是明确软件供应商和最终用户之间的权益和义务,以保护双方的合法权益。
EULA通常包含以下内容:2.1 许可范围EULA明确规定了软件的许可范围,即用户可以使用软件的方式和限制。
2.2 使用限制EULA规定了用户在使用软件时的限制。
2.3 保修和责任限制EULA通常包含软件供应商对软件的保修和责任限制。
2.4 知识产权EULA确保软件供应商的知识产权得到保护,并规定用户对软件的使用不得侵犯供应商的版权、专利、商标等权益。
2.5 终止协议EULA规定了终止协议的条件和后果。
3. accepteula参数的作用accepteula参数是在安装或运行软件时使用的命令行参数,用于表示用户接受EULA的内容。

最终用户许可协议(英语:end-user license agreements,英文缩写:EULA)是指软件开发者或发行者授权用户使用特定软件产品时的规定,大多私有软件附带此协议,如不接受则无法安装。
最终用户许可协议2004年6月,微软公司制定了一项“EULA”(End User License Agreement,即“最终用户许可协议”)法律文本。
需要eula协议 昆特牌

需要eula协议昆特牌EULA协议昆特牌甲方(游戏开发商):___________(公司名称)乙方(游戏玩家):___________(个人或公司名称)双方据此达成以下协议:一、甲方身份及权利义务1. 甲方为本游戏的开发商,拥有本游戏的版权和知识产权。
2. 甲方应保证本游戏的安全性和稳定性,并提供及时的技术支持及客户服务。
3. 甲方应保护用户的个人信息和隐私,不得泄露。
4. 甲方有权制定本协议,并进行修改,修改后的协议在游戏内公示后生效。
5. 甲方有权随时停止、中止或终止向乙方提供服务,并不承担任何赔偿责任。
6. 如因乙方违反本协议导致甲方遭受损失的,甲方有权要求乙方赔偿相应的损失。
二、乙方身份及权利义务1. 乙方是本游戏的玩家,拥有按照本协议使用本游戏的权利。
2. 乙方应按照游戏规则进行游戏,不得使用任何不正当手段及作弊软件。
3. 乙方不得利用本游戏从事非法活动,不得发布违反国家法律法规和道德风尚的信息。
4. 乙方应亲自使用游戏账号,不得转让或出租游戏账号。
5. 乙方应保护账号和密码安全,不得将账号和密码告知他人。
6. 乙方应对账号和密码使用情况承担全部责任。
三、服务内容及履行方式1. 本游戏为在线游戏,乙方可通过网络进行游戏。
2. 甲方应提供稳定和安全的服务环境,保证游戏的稳定性和安全性。
3. 乙方可获得游戏内的各种游戏道具和奖励,但不得转让或出售。
4. 乙方应按照游戏规则进行游戏,并遵守游戏等级和荣誉体系。
5. 如乙方存在违规行为,甲方有权对乙方进行警告、禁言、封号等处理。
四、期限1. 本协议自双方签署之日起生效,具有法律效力。
2. 乙方在使用本游戏期间应遵守本协议。
五、违约责任1. 如乙方违反本协议规定,甲方有权要求乙方承担相应的法律责任。
2. 如因乙方违反本协议导致甲方或其他玩家的损失,乙方应承担相应的赔偿责任。
六、遵守法律法规1. 本协议适用中华人民共和国相关法律法规,双方须严格遵守。

1. 许可证的授予。如果您遵守本《协议》的所有条款和条
1.1 安装和使用。您在“计算机”上只能安装、使用、访
机”上的两 (2) 个以上的处理器来同时使用。
2.1 Windows Update 功能。如果您将硬件连接到您的
“软件”的更新功能可以从 Microsoft 获得正确的驱动程序并
例外是,Microsoft Windows 98(第二版)的连接最高限额
为五 (5) 台“设备”。如果您行使此处授予的降级权限,则
可以安装、使用、访问、显示和运行 Microsoft Windows XP
Professional 软件,条件是:(1) 您从硬盘上删除“降级软
使用一 (1) 个备份副本。除非本《协议》或当地法律中有明

指定管理权限仅适用于你在哪里1)IT外包公司是提供外包IT服务,以客户公司和2)只适用于以下软件:的ESX,VMware服务器和vCenter Server。

Coreldraw安装协议重要提示:请认真阅读本最终用户许可协议 (EULA)下载、访问、安装或使用本软件与文档(下称"本软件"),即表示您同意本 EULA 的条款。
如果您不同意本 EULA 的条款,请勿下载、安装、访问或使用本软件。
本EULA 中包含免责声明、责任限制以及唯一补救措施。
本 EULA 是您与 Corel Corporation(包括可代表我们行事的子公司、附属公司和承包商,统称为"Corel"、"我们"或"我们的")就您使用 Corel 或其子公司的软件而签订的法律协议。
Corel 包括由 Corel 独立拥有的 WinZip Computing S.L.。
除您与 Corel 就本软件签订了其他书面协议外,您对本软件的使用需要遵守本EULA。
您可获准使用本软件的一 (1) 个副本,用于 (A) 非商业的个人目的(作为个人用户),和/或(B) 商业目的(作为商业企业的服务提供商,下称“企业用户”)。
除下列Corel 产品之外,您仅可以在一台计算设备上下载和安装本软件。
如发生故障需获取授权码时,您应联系客户服务部并申请在一台新的计算设备上安装本软件,同时您应向Corel 保证已从发生故障的计算设备上卸载本软件。
对于使用Aftershot、Corel Capture、Corel Connect、Corel Website Creator、Coreldraw、Corel Designer、CORELCAD、Corel Office、Corel Painter、Corel PDF Fusion、PaintShop Pro、PaintShop Photo Pro, Paradox、Corel Photo-Paint、Presentations、Quattro Pro、Winzip 软件和Wordperfect 软件的个人用户和企业用户,如拥有多台计算设备(例如独立计算机、便携式计算机和迷你 PC/便携 PC),则最多可将以上任一软件下载到单个地址中的三 (3) 个系统上,但一次只能在一 (1) 个系统上使用本软件。

贵用户亦可与Microsoft公司负责贵国业务之子公司联络,或写信至﹕Microsoft Sales Information Center/One Microsoft Way/Redmond, WA 98052-6399,以索取本「授权合约」之拷贝。
MICROSOFT 软件使用者授权合约____________________________重要说明-请仔细阅读:本 Microsoft 软件使用者授权合约(以下称「授权合约」)系一份由贵用户(个人或单一法人团体)与 Microsoft 公司就上述 Microsoft 软件产品所成立之合法协议。
上述 Microsoft 软件产品包括计算机软件,亦可能包括相关之媒介物、书面资料以及「线上」或电子文件(以下称「软件产品」)。
「软件产品」同时包括 Microsof t 公司所提供给贵用户之原「软件产品」之任何更新版及补充部份。

MICROSOFT 軟體增補程式授權條款MICROSOFT .NET FRAMEWORK 3.5 SP1 (適用於MICROSOFT WINDOWS 作業系統)Microsoft 公司(或其關係企業,視貴用戶所居住的地點而定) 授權貴用戶使用本增補程式。
若貴用戶取得Microsoft Windows 作業系統軟體(適用本增補程式之軟體) (「軟體」) 之使用授權,即可使用本增補程式。
1. 增補程式支援服務。
Microsoft 為軟體提供支援服務之相關說明,請參閱/common/international.aspx。
「軟體」包括.NET Framework、Windows Communication Foundation、Windows Presentation Foundation 以及Windows 作業系統裡(.NET 元件) 的Windows WorkflowFoundation 元件。
倘若貴用戶揭露此類基準測試結果,則不管貴用戶是否已與Microsoft 簽訂其他合約,只要符合/fwlink/?LinkID=66406中規定的條款,Microsoft 即有權揭露其針對貴用戶所擁有、與 .NET 元件競爭產品所執行之基準測試結果。

最终用户许可协议(EULA)本最终用户许可协议(“协议”)签约双方分别为地址位于比利时鲁文Interleuvenlaan 68, 3001的Siemens Industry Software NV (企业注册登记号为 0428.295.877, RPR Leuven)或其以不同Siemens PLM或西门子工业软件名称运作的关联公司(在下文中统称为“SISW”)和签名接受本协议条款条件的用户(“用户”)。
1. 订单1.1 订购软件或服务。
1.2 费用。

最终用户许可协议 (EULA)在 HP Partner Link Pay-per-use portal 上可以以书面形式完成安置和验收,但HP 必须确保由有权利代表经销商验收的经销商员工实际进行验收注意:在使用此嵌入式应用程序和基于网络的服务(“应用程序”)之前,请仔细阅读本最终用户许可协议(“EULA”)。
它是您 (a) 个人或单个实体和 (b) HP INC. 之间签订的法律协议,用以管理您对在 HP DESIGNJET 或 PAGEWIDE XL 打印机上安装的此应用程序的使用。
您必须通过在登录表单中选中相应的框来表明您是接受还是拒绝本 EULA。
通过 Internet 自动收集并安全发送的打印机使用情况数据有助于 HP 确定您的客户使用打印机的方式以及对他们而言最重要的产品功能。
隐私信息HP Inc. (HP) 尊重并承诺保护您的隐私。
HP 提供本隐私信息特此告知:在征得您的同意后,此应用程序可让打印机通过 Internet 定期向 HP 发送配置和使用情况信息。
发送给 HP 的信息用于改善产品和服务、针对您的打印机使用情况提供定制分析,以及计算总的使用情况统计信息。
HP 收集打印机状态和使用情况数据,以及其它特定于打印机的数据。
特定于打印机的数据以及您的联系信息还将与您指定的 HP 授权经销商分享,以便他们更好地管理您的帐户、响应您的 HP DesignJet 或 Page Wide XL 墨水耗材需求并帮助管理您的服务交付。
该数据将仅与其它 HP DesignJet 或 PageWide XL 打印机和耗材实体分享(可能在海外),以便启用此应用程序。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
A--Achievable 可达成的
R--Relevant 相关的,于上一次预约,拜访有关联
S--Specific 具体的(针对具体的病人,适应症)
M--Measurable 可衡量的
T--Timely 有时限的
S--Specific 具体的(针对具体的病人,适应症)
M--Measurable 可衡量的
A--Achievable 可达成的
R--Relevant 相关的,于上一次预约,拜访有关联
T--Timely 有时限的