



第二次作业解答1、出口健身椅(sit-up bench)1000只,出口价:每只16.57美元CIF NEW YORK,CIF总价16570美元,其中运费2160美元、保险费112美元。



问此笔业务的换汇成本是少?盈利额或者亏损额是多少?盈利率或者亏损率是多少?解:购进价= 117RMB ∕只,国内费用= 117 X 10% = 11.7RMB ∕只出口退税= [出口商品购进价(含增值税)∕(1+增值税率)] ×退税率= 117 ÷(1+17%)×14% = 14 RMB则:出口总成本(RMB)∕只= 购进价+ 国内费用–出口退税= 117 + 11.7 -14 = 114.70RMB ∕只出口外汇净收入∕只= (16570 —2160 —112)÷1000 = 14.298USD换汇成本∕只= 出口总成本(RMB)÷出口外汇FOB净收入= 114.70 RMB ÷14.298USD = 8.0221RMB ∕1 USD换汇成本小于银行的外汇汇率,故是盈利。

盈利总额=(16570 —2160 —112)X 8.32 —114700= 4259.36元人民币亏损总额= 0.2979 ×1000 = 297.90 RMB盈利率= (8.3200 —8.0221 )÷8.0221 ≈3.71%2、我外贸公司出口某商品20公吨,国内收购价为每公斤2.20元人民币,国内费用为17%。



假如当时的外汇牌价为USD1=RMB 8.80,试计算我出口公司的盈利率或者亏损率。

解:出口总成本=购进价 + 国内费用= 20×2.2×1000×(1+17%)=51480(元人民币)FOB外汇收入=CIF价–运费–保险费= 380×20-870-400 =6330(USD)出口换汇成本=出口总成本/ FOB外汇净收入51480/6330=8.1327人民币/1 USD出口盈亏率=(出口销售人民币净收入—出口总成本)/出口总成本×100%=(6330×8.8-51480) / 51480 = 8.21% (盈利)也可以这样计算:出口盈亏率 = (银行美元买入价—换汇成本)/ 换汇成本= (8.8 — 8.1327)/ 8.1327 = 8.21% (盈利)3、我某公司出口商品一批共1,000公吨,出口价格为每公吨2,000美元 CIF 伦敦。



Chapter 03Why Everybody Trades: Comparative AdvantageOverviewThis chapter extends the analysis of international trade to consider trade in a multiple-product economy. An economy composed of two products is useful to bring out insights about international trade. This general equilibrium approach explicitly shows the effects of resource reallocations between industries. The chapter culminates in showing the importance of comparative advantage for understanding why countries trade.The story begins with Adam Smith and absolute advantage. (A box on mercantilism summarizes the view that Smith opposed and shows how mercantilist thinking continues today.) The analysis focuses on the productivity of labor (output per hour) in producing each of two products (wheat and cloth) in two countries (the United States and the rest of the world). Smith examined the case of absolute advantage, in which labor productivity in producing one product is higher in one country and labor productivity in producing the other product is higher in the other country. With no trade each country must produce both products to meet national demands. The discussion of the Smith case focuses on the increase in global production efficiency achieved by shifting production in each country toward the product in which it has the higher labor productivity. National demands can be met by international trade—apparently excess supplies can be exported and apparently excess demands can be met by imports. The increase in total world production is the evidence of gains from international trade.Smith's approach does not indicate what would happen if the same country has absolute advantage in both products. Ricardo took up this case and demonstrated the principle of comparative advantage—a country will export products that it can produce at low opportunity cost and import products that it would otherwise produce at high opportunity cost. The Ricardian example is developed in more detail. The ratio of resource costs (or labor hour input-output coefficients, the inverse of labor productivities) indicates the opportunity costs or relative prices of the products in each country with no trade. The difference in prices with no trade sets up the opportunity for arbitrage, with each good being exported from the initially low-price country and imported by the initially high-price country. The shift to a free trade equilibrium results in an equilibrium international price. Without information on demand, we cannot say exactly what this price will be, but we do know that it is in the range bordered by the two no-trade price ratios.The chapter uses the Ricardian example to introduce a key analytical device—the production possibility curve, which shows all combinations of outputs of different goods that an economy can produce with full employment of resources and maximum productivity. The resource costs of producing each product in the country and the total amount of labor hours available in the country are used to graph the country's production possibility curve, a straight line whose slope equals the (negative of the) extra (or marginal) cost of additional cloth. The straight line indicates that the marginal or opportunity cost of each good in each country is constant, following Ricardo's assumptions. The slope of this line also indicates the relative price of cloth (the good on the x-axis) with no trade.If free trade results in an equilibrium international price ratio that is strictly between the two no-trade price ratios (because both countries are "large countries"), then each country specializes completely in producing only the good in which it has the comparative advantage. Each trades at the equilibrium international price ratio (along a trade line or price line) to reach its consumption point. Both countries gain from trade. Each is able to consume more of both goods than it consumed with no trade.TipsThis chapter begins the full sweep of the development of thinking about comparative advantage as an explanation of the pattern of trade, starting with absolute advantage, and continuing with comparative advantage according to Ricardo. Most instructors will want to emphasize the continuity of thinking by tying this chapter closely to Chapter 4, which presents Heckscher and Ohlin's insight that comparative advantage can be based on differences in factor proportions and factor endowments. We have divided the discussion of comparative advantage into these two chapters (3 and 4), because students (especially students who find this conceptual material challenging to master) are likely to appreciate that the reading comes in more manageable sizes. This chapter has the first of a series of boxes that “Focus on Labor.” Issues of wages and work conditions are prominent in criticisms of globalization. These boxes should be of major interest to many students, as they take up these issues. The box in this chapter examines the link between (real) wages and productivity. It argues that wages in developing countries are low because labor productivity is low. This is not caused by international trade or foreign exploitation—wages will be low with or without trade. The key to raising wages and living standards is raising productivity, perhaps through education, better health, and better government policies toward labor markets. Problem 9 at the end of the chapter focuses on the calculation of real wages in a Ricardian example.Suggested answers to questions and problems(in the textbook)2. Agree. Imports permit the country to consume more (or do more capital investment usingimported capital goods). Anything that is exported is not available for domesticconsumption (or capital investment). Although this loss is bad, exports are like anecessary evil because exports are how the country pays for the imports that it wants.4. If the countries trade with each other at the relative price of 1 W/C, then shifting only halfway to complete specialization in production would be worse for each country thanshifting to complete specialization. If the United States shifted only half way, then itsnew “trade line” would be parallel to the trade l ine shown in Figure 3.1, and it would start from the point on the ppc that is half way between S0 and S1. While this new trade line would allow the United States to consume at a point that had more consumption than atthe initial S0, the United States could do even better by shifting production all the way to points S1 and consuming along the trade line shown in Figure 3.1. Consuming at a point like C would have even more consumption than consumin g at a point on the new “half-way” trade line. Essentially the same reasoning can be used for the rest of the world, fora new trade line that is parallel to the rest of the world’s trade line shown in Figure 3.1,but that begins at a point on the rest of the world’s ppc that is half way between S0 and S1.6. Using the information on the number of labor hours to make a unit of each product ineach country, you can determine the relative price of cloth in each country with no trade.With no trade, the relative price of cloth is 2 W/C (= 4/2) in the United States, and it is0.4 W/C (= 1/2.5) in the rest of the world. With free trade the equilibrium world priceof cloth must be in the range bounded by these two no-trade prices. So, yes, it ispossible that the free-trade equilibrium relative price of cloth is 1.5 W/C (1.5 is greaterthan 0.4, and less than 2).8. a. M oonited Republic has an absolute advantage in wine—it takes fewer labor hours toproduce a bottle (10<15). Moonited Republic also has an absolute advantage in producing cheese—it takes fewer labor hours to produce a kilo (4<10).b. Moonited Republic has a comparative advantage in cheese. The opportunity cost ofproducing a kilogram of cheese is 0.4 (= 4/10) bottles of wine in Moonited Republic,while the opportunity of a kilo of cheese in Vintland is 0.67 (= 10/15) bottles. Vintlandhas a comparative advantage in wine. The opportunity cost of a bottle of wine is 1.5 kilos of cheese in Vintland, while it is 2.5 kilos in Moonited Republic.c. 1.5312WineVintland N VCheese Wine 20.835N M Cheese Moonited Republicd. When trade is opened, Moonited Republic exports cheese and Vintland exports wine.If the equilibrium free trade price ratio is 1/2 bottle per kilo, Moonited Republic willspecialize completely in producing cheese, and Vintland will specialize completely inproducing wine.e. With free trade Moonited Republic produces 5 (=20/4) million kilos of cheese. If itexports 2 million kilos, then it consumes 3 million kilos. It consumes the 1 million bottles of wine that it imports. With free trade Vintland produces 2 (=30/15) million bottles of wine. If it exports 1 million bottles, then it consumes 1 million bottles. It consumes the 2 million kilos of cheese that it imports.2Wine Cheese Wine2Cheesef. Each country gains from trade. Each is able to consume combined quantities of wine andcheese that are beyond its ability to produce domestically. The free trade consumptionpoint is outside of the production possibility curve.10. If the number of labor hours to make a bushel of wheat is reduced by half to 1 hour, thisreinforces the U.S. comparative advantage in wheat. (In fact, the United States then hasan absolute advantage in wheat.) The United States is still predicted to export wheat and import cloth. If, instead, the number of hours to make a yard of cloth is reduced by half to2 hours, this reduces the U.S. absolute disadvantage in cloth, but it does not change thepattern of comparative advantage. The relative price of cloth is now 1 (=2/2) bushel peryard in the United States with no trade, but this is still higher than the price of 0.67 bushel per yard in the rest of the world. The United States still has a comparative advantage inwheat, so the United States is still predicted to export wheat and import cloth.。


















国贸口语I 教学大纲

国贸口语I 教学大纲

英语口语IORAL ENGLISH I适用范围:2012本科人才培养方案课程编号:0502218020学分:2学时:总学时32(理论8;实践24)先修课程:无后续课程:英语口语II,英语口语III,英语口语IV适用专业:国际经济与贸易专业建议教材:《现代大学英语口语1》,杨利民主编,外语教学与研究出版社,2004开课单位:外国语学院一、课程的性质与任务课程性质:英语口语I课程是国际经济与贸易专业本科第一学年开设的一门专业平台必修课。




二、课程的基本内容及要求第一单元:First Day in College1.课程教学内容:重组关于介绍和问候的对话,注意语音、语调。

2.课程的重点、难点:语音准确、流畅地朗读对话(单音,连读,重音和升降调);能运用所学内容重组对话3.课程教学要求:熟练掌握问候和介绍句型,如How’s everything going? How’re things? Let me introduce myself, I’m…; It’s my honor to introduce to you…; 掌握相关短语表达。


3.课程教学要求:掌握描述天气或某个地方的表达,如运用Nasty, isn’t it? 描述天气;运用My hometown is known/famous for… /When coming to… you’ll notice that… 等句型描述某个地方。




A.世界出口货物总额 B. 世界进口货物总额C.世界进出口货物总额 D. 世界贸易量2.一般情况下,随着一国参与国际分工的程度加深,其对外贸易依存度将会()。

A.提高 B. 下降C.不变 D. 变化方向不确定3.一国的进出口贸易收支状况用()来反映。

A.对外贸易额 B. 贸易差额C.对外贸易量 D. 国际贸易量4.转口贸易又称()A.直接贸易 B. 间接贸易C.过境贸易 D. 中转贸易5.能指明一国出口货物和服务的去向与进口货物和服务的来源,并能反映出一国与其他国家或国家集团之间经济贸易联系程度的指标是()。

A.对外贸易地理方向 B. 国际贸易地理方向C.对外贸易商品结构 D. 国际贸易商品结构参考答案:1. A、2. A、3. B、4. D、5. A课堂讨论1-1;1994-2002年我国贸易条件系数为何持续下降?(P5)参考答案:(1)国内市场对进口商品的需求增长;(2)外商投资企业的“转移价格”效应;(3)出口企业恶性价格竞争。



A.亚当.斯密 B. 大卫.李嘉图C.赫克歇尔 D. 俄林2.在李嘉图的比较成本学说中,国际贸易产生的原因是由于两国的()。

国贸课件 Unit2 General Procedures of Export and Import

国贸课件  Unit2 General Procedures of Export and Import

Packing Transport packing (outer packing) 运输包 装(外包装或大包装) Small packing(inner packing)销售包装 (内包装或小包装) Neutral packing 中性包装

Marking 外贸中的“唛头”是运输标志另一种称呼, 是为了便于识别货物,防止错发货,通常 由型号,图形或收货单位简称,目的港, 件数或批号等组成。通常是由一个简单的 几何图形和一些字母、数字及简单的文字 组成,其作用在于使货物在错运。

Firm offer: a kind of offer which is made to a specific person or persons to express or imply a definite intention of the offeror to make a contract under a clear, complete and final trade terms the exporter cannot refuse to sell the goods he offers if it is accepted usually has a time limit

Acceptance Acceptance is a statement made by or other conduct of the offeree indicating unconditional assent to an offer. Contract is concluded.

International system of units,SI (国际单位制):是国际标准计量组 织在公制基础上制定公布的。其基本 单位包括千克(kilogram)、米(meter)、 秒(second)、摩尔(mole/mol)、坎德拉 (candela)、安培(ampere)和卡(calorie) 等七种。














第二部分FOB装运港船上交货2-1 卖方责任(1)提供与销售合同一致的货物,以及合同可能需要的证据。

(2)按照港口的惯例在规定的日期或期限内, 在买方指定装运港的货船上交货,不要延迟并通知买方货物已经装运到船上。







2-2 卖方责任(1)自负费用租船订舱,并将船名,装运地点和交货时间及时的通知卖方。























最新版国贸实务第二章磋商及合同签订合同编号:__________合同双方:一方:名称:__________地址:__________法定代表人:__________联系方式:__________另一方:名称:__________地址:__________法定代表人:__________联系方式:__________第一条商品及数量1.1 商品名称:__________1.2 商品规格:__________1.3 商品数量:__________1.4 商品质量标准:__________第二条价格与支付2.1 商品价格:__________2.2 支付方式:__________2.3 支付期限:__________第三条交货3.1 交货地点:__________3.2 交货方式:__________3.3 交货期限:__________第四条检验与质量保证4.1 买方对商品的检验权:__________4.2 卖方对商品的质量保证:__________第五条违约责任5.1 卖方违约:__________5.2 买方违约:__________第六条争议解决6.1 双方在履行本合同过程中发生的争议,应通过友好协商解决;协商不成的,任何一方均有权将争议提交__________仲裁委员会仲裁,仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方均有约束力。

第七条其他条款7.1 本合同自双方签字(或盖章)之日起生效,有效期为__________年。

7.2 本合同一式两份,双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。

卖方(盖章):__________买方(盖章):__________签订日期:__________多方为主导时的,附件条款及说明一、当甲方为主导时,增加的多项条款及说明1. 甲方主导的附加条款一:知识产权保护说明:鉴于商品可能涉及知识产权问题,甲方要求在合同中增加关于知识产权保护的附加条款。


international trade 国贸知识点要点

international trade 国贸知识点要点

Contents of a contract1 quality of the goods货物品质2 specification规格①Composition成分②content容量、含量③purity纯度④strength强度⑤size尺寸3 quantity of the goods 货物数量4 mode of packing 包装种类5 terms of price 价格条款6 mode of shipment 运输方式7 insurance 保险8 mode of payment 付款方式9 inspection 检验条款10 arbitration 仲裁条款11 force majeure 不可抗力12 claim 异议索赔Description of goods货描①Quantity of goods ②specification ③quality of the goodsChapter1 international tradeComparative cost比较成本opportunity cost机会成本Trade protectionismBarrier 贸易壁垒①tariff barrier 关税壁垒ⅰprotection tariff保护关税保护关税是为保护本国工农业发展,保护国内市场,对进出口商品征收高额的进口税。

ⅱrevenue tariff 财政关税It is designed to raise money for the government.财政关税亦称收入关税,是保护关税的一种由政府发起的以财政收入为目的而征收的关税。

②non-tariff barrier 非关税壁垒Import surtax进口附加税①countervailing duty反补贴税②anti-dumping duty反倾销税③variable levy 可变税Types of tariff:Specific duty从量税Definition:Which are levied at the rate of so much per unit,pound,kilo or gallon.ad valorem duty从价税mixed or compound duty复合税Alternative duty选择税Non-tariff barriers:Quota 配额制Definition:Which is a quantitative restriction that is expressed in terms of either physical quantity or value.import license 进口许可证Definition:Which is an official permission of an import that is forbidden without a license.voluntary export restraints 自动出口限制Foreign exchange control 外汇管制state monopoly of import and export国家垄断专营government procurement policy 政府采购业务advanced deposit 进口押金制technical standards 进口技术标准health &sanitary regulations 保健与卫生条例packaging and labeling regulations 包装与标签规定minimum price 进口最低价Chapter 2 terms of deliveryTerms of delivery1 measuring unit 计量单位eg: ton, meter, kilometer2 unit price 单位价格eg: how much, price or rate3 category of currency 计价货币eg: RMB, Euro,USD4 trade term 价格术语eg: FOB, CIF,CFRCost portInsurance ofFreight destination↓↓USD 600 per M/T CIF New York↑↑↑↑3.category 2.unit 1.measuring4.trade termOf currency price unitGroup FFCA Free Carrier(d place)=货交承运人(...指定地点)FAS Free Along Ship(d port of shipment)=装运港船边交货(...指定装运港)FOB Free on Board(d port of shipment)=装运港船上交货(...指定装运港)The limitation of FOBThe obligation that who should bear the cost of loading the Ship is not clear.Derived FOB1 FOB liner terms(FOB 班轮条件)(under liner practice, the ship owner or buyer)2 FOB Under Tackle(FOB 吊钩下交货)(①the seller should deliver the goods within reach of ship’s tackle②the buyer is responsible for lifting the goods onto the ship.)3 FOB Stowed (FOB 理舱费在内)(the seller)4 FOB Trimmed (FOB 平舱费在内)(the seller)5 FOB Free in (船方不负责装船)(the seller)Group CDerived CFR, CIFCFR1 CFR liner Terms(CFR 班轮条件)(under liner practice, the ship owner or the seller)2 CFR landed (CFR 卸至码头)(the seller, which may involve Lighterage and Wharfage:refers to a group ofwharves, and a wharf refers to a landing place or pier where ships can tie up in order to be loaded or unloaded.)3 CFR FO(船方不负责装卸)(the seller)4 CFR Ex Ships Hold (CFR 舱底交接)(the buyer)CIF Cost, Insurance and Freight(d Port of destination)=成本,保险加运费(指定目的港)Commission佣金port of destination 目的港port of shipment运输港Export procedure出口清关transport document运输单据insurance document 保险单据CPT Carriage Paid To(d place of destination)=运费付至(...指定目的地) (CPT术语适用于各种运输方式,特别是多式联运multimodal transport)CIP Carriage and Insurance Paid To(d place of destination)=运费,保险费付至(...指定目的地)Group DDAF Delivered At Frontier (d place)=即边境交货(...指定地点)(采用DAF术语成交,双方要在两国边境确定一个交货地点,并在DAF术语后面加以说明。

















…2. CIP术语与CIF术语基本相同,其主要区别在于:后者仅适用于海上和内河运输,而前者则可适用于各种运输方式,包括多式联运。



b 写信的目的 b 公司概况
b 产品介绍
b 结尾
Copyright © 2005 ECUST. All rights reserved. 华东理工大学版权所有, 翻印必究。
1. 信息来源
b 驻外使领馆商务代表处 b 银行、商会 b 媒体 b 市场调研
b 博览会、展览会
Copyright © 2005 ECUST. All rights reserved. 华东理工大学版权所有, 翻印必究。
事先设计 b 简短的原则 b te完善 Clear条理 Correct修改 Concise简要 Courteous礼貌
Copyright © 2005 ECUST. All rights reserved. 华东理工大学版权所有, 翻印必究。
b 信息来源
2. 写信目的
最新的商业计划,例如扩大市场 建立长期的合作关系
Copyright © 2005 ECUST. All rights reserved. 华东理工大学版权所有, 翻印必究。
3. 公司介绍
b 业务范围 b 公司宗旨 b 公共关系( 供应商, 分销商, 政府) b 经营业绩 ( 经验) b 科研力量 b 其他有利条件
总值 装运 保险
Copyright © 2005 ECUST. All rights reserved. 华东理工大学版权所有, 翻印必究。



2024版国贸实务第二章磋商及合同签订合同编号:__________合同各方信息:甲方:(全称)地址:法定代表人:联系电话:电子邮箱:乙方:(全称)地址:法定代表人:联系电话:电子邮箱:鉴于甲方愿意向乙方提供货物/服务,乙方愿意接受甲方的货物/服务,双方为明确双方的权利和义务,经友好协商,达成如下协议:第一条合同标的1.1 本合同的标的为甲方提供的货物/服务,具体内容详见附件。

第二条合同价格2.1 双方确认,本合同的总金额为人民币(大写):__________元整(小写):__________元。

2.2 乙方应按照本合同约定的付款方式及时足额支付合同价款。

第三条交付及验收3.1 甲方应按照本合同约定的期限和方式向乙方交付货物/提供服务。

3.2 乙方应在收到货物/服务后按照约定的期限进行验收,并将验收结果通知甲方。

3.3 乙方对货物的数量、质量、外观等进行验收,如发现不符合合同约定的,乙方有权要求甲方进行补货、更换或退货。

第四条付款方式及期限4.1 乙方在本合同签订后____个工作日内向甲方支付合同总金额的____%。

4.2 剩余的合同价款,乙方应在本合同约定的货物/服务交付完毕后____个工作日内支付。

第五条违约责任5.1 任何一方违反本合同的约定,导致合同无法履行或造成对方损失的,应承担违约责任,向对方支付违约金,违约金为本合同总金额的____%。

5.2 甲方未按照约定时间、数量、质量交付货物/提供服务的,乙方有权要求甲方支付延迟交付违约金,违约金为本合同总金额的____%。

第六条争议解决6.1 双方在履行本合同过程中发生的争议,应通过友好协商解决;协商不成的,任何一方均有权向合同签订地人民法院提起诉讼。

第七条其他约定7.1 本合同自双方签字(或盖章)之日起生效,有效期为____年,自合同生效之日起计算。

7.2 本合同一式两份,甲、乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。

甲方(盖章):__________ 乙方(盖章):__________法定代表人(或授权代表):__________ 法定代表人(或授权代表):__________签订日期:__________年____月____日。



国贸复习范围1复习范围:第二章:第二节品名货物品质以及表示方法品质机动幅度品质公差品质条款注意事项第三节熟悉常用的计量单位法定重量公量数量条款注意事项(溢短装条款、信用证结算项下的约数)第三节包装的种类 TEU 运输标志(唛头制作)定牌、无牌、中性包装包装条款注意事项书后习题:三、解答问题的11、12;四、作业的6;五、案例分析的4第三章第二节重点掌握贸易术语FOB CFR CIF、掌握FCA CPT CIP .含义(特定的责任、费用和风险归属)(《2000年通则》《2021年通则》)了解《2000年通则》后7各术语。


第三节价格的表示方法出口货物价格的构成FOB CFR CIF的价格构成以及三者之间的换算;佣金、含佣价、净价,退税金额、实际成本的计算第四章第二节第四节班轮运输含义和特点班轮运输运费构成和基本运费的计收标准运费的计算租船运输的特点和方式海运提单(含义、性质和作用、种类等)航空运单第六节集装箱运输机构(堆场、货运站)集装箱装箱方式(了解交接方式 ) 国际多式联运第七节装运期装运港和目的港分批装运、转船装运通知滞期和速遣书后习题:四、作业的1、2;五、案例分析的2第五章第二节海上风险及其种类海上损失、海上费用的分类、含义 CIC的险别(三个基本险、附加险)、责任起讫除外责任 ICC险别第五节索赔注意事项第六节保险条款需注意的问题书后习题:三.解答问题的2、3、4 四、作业的2、3、五、案例分析的1、2、4第六章(结算工具、结算方式)第二节汇票、本票、支票的含义,汇票的分类与使用第三节汇款方式第四节托收的含义托收的方式及其含义托收注意的问题第五节信用证的含义信用证的作用和性质、特点信用证的种类及作用了解信用证的当事人和内容、结算程序第六节银行保函和备用信用证的含义第七节国际保理的含义第八节贸易融资(对出口商、对进口商的融资方式种类)五、案例分析的全部感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。

福建师范大学协和学院 国际贸易理论与实务(国贸)复习整理资料

福建师范大学协和学院 国际贸易理论与实务(国贸)复习整理资料
国际贸易量(Quantum of International Trade)是按不变价格计算的国际贸易额。
对外贸易额(Value of Foreign Trade),又称对外贸易值、进出口贸易总额,是以金额表示的一国对外贸易总量。
国际贸易额(Value of International Trade),又称国际贸易值,是以金额表示的国际贸易总量。
对外贸易量(Quantum of Foreign Trade)是按不变价格计算的对外贸易额。
基本运费(Base Rate)是从装运港到目的港的基本费用,它构成班轮运费用的主体。
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International Economics, 7e (Krugman)Chapter 2 World Trade: An Overview2.1 Who Trades with Whom?1) What percent of all world production of goods and services is exported to other countries?A) 10%B) 30%C) 50%D) 100%E) None of the above.BAnswer:2) The gravity model offers a logical explanation for the fact thatA) trade between Asia and the U.S. has grown faster than NAFTA trade.B) trade in services has grown faster than trade in goods.C) trade in manufactures has grown faster than in agricultural products.D) Intra-European Union trade exceeds (超过)International Trade of the EuropeanUnion.E) None of the above.DAnswer:Previous EditionQuestionStatus:3) The gravity model suggests that over timeA) trade between neighboring countries will increase.B) trade between all countries will increase.C) world trade will eventually be swallowed by a black hole.D) trade between Earth and other planets will become important.E) None of the above.AnsweEr:Previous EditionQuestionStatus:4) The gravity model explains whyA) trade between Sweden and Germany exceeds that between Sweden and Spain.B) countries with oil reserves tend to export oil.C) capital rich countries export capital intensive products.D) intra-industry trade is relatively more important than other forms of trade betweenneighboring countries.E) None of the above.Answe r:APrevious EditionQuestionStatus:5) According to the gravity model, a characteristic that tends to affect the probability of tradeexisting between any two countries isA) their cultural affinity.B) the average weight/value of their traded goods.C) their colonial-historical ties.D) the distance between them.E) the number of varieties produced on the average by their industrie s.DAnswer:QuestionPrevious EditionStatus:6) In general which of the following tend to promote the probability of trade volumes(额,量)between two countriesA) linguistic and/or cultural affinity.B) historical ties.C) sizes of economies.D) mutual membership in preferential trade agreements.E) All of the above.AnsweEr:Previous EditionQuestionStatus:2.2 The Changing Pattern of World Trade1) Since World War II (the early 1950s), the proportion of most countries' production beingused in some other countryA) remained constant.B) increased.C) decreased.D) fluctuated widely with no clear trend.E) both A and D above.BAnswer:Question Status: Previous Edition2) Since World War II, the likelihood that foreign markets would gain importance in theaverage exporters as a source of profitsA) remained constant.B) increased.C) decreased.D) fluctuated widely with no clear trend.E) both A and D above.BAnswer:Previous EditionQuestionStatus:3) Since World War II, the likelihood(可能性)that any single item in the typicalconsumption basket of a consumer in the U.S. originated outside of the U.S.A) remained constant.B) increased.C) decreased.D) fluctuated widely with no clear trend.E) both A and D above.BAnswer:Previous EditionQuestionStatus:4) Since World War II, the likelihood that the job of a new college graduate will be directly or indirectly affected by world tradeA) remained constant.B) increased.C) decreased.D) fluctuated widely with no clear trend.E) both A and D above.BAnswer:QuestionPrevious EditionStatus:5) Since World War II, the relative importance of raw materials, including oil, in total world tradeA) remained constant.B) increased.C) decreased.D) fluctuated widely with no clear trendE) both A and D above.CAnswer:QuestionPrevious EditionStatus:6) In the current Post-Industrial economy, international trade in services (including banking and financial services)A) dominates world trade.B) does not exist.C) is relatively small.D) is relatively stagnant.E) None of the above.CAnswer:Previous EditionQuestionStatus:7) In the pre-World War I period, the U.S. exported primarilyA) manufactured goods.B) services.C) primary products including agricultural.D) technology intensive products.E) None of the above.CAnswer:Previous EditionQuestionStatus:8) In the pre-World War I period, the United Kingdom exported primarilyA) manufactured goods.B) services.C) primary products including agricultural.D) technology intensive products.E) None of the above.AAnswer:Previous EditionQuestionStatus:9) In the pre-World War I period, the United Kingdom imported primarilyA) manufactured goods.B) services.C) primary products including agricultural.D) technology intensive products.E) None of the above.CAnswer:QuestionPrevious EditionStatus:10) In the present, most of the exports from China are inA) manufactured goods.B) services.C) primary products including agricultural.D) technology intensive products.E) None of the above.AAnswer:QuestionPrevious EditionStatus:11) Which of the following does not explain the extent of trade between Ireland and the U.S.?A) Historical tiesB) Cultural Linguistic tiesC) Gravity modelD) Multinational CorporationsE) None of the above.CAnswer:Previous Edition QuestionStatus:2.3 Do Old Rules Still Apply?1) One of the major political developments of the past several decades is the growing sizeand economic/monetary integration of the European Union. What effect do you think this will have on international trade between countries?Answe r: The growing economic integration between the various countries of Europe, both the old and existing members of the European Union (EU) and the new countries joining it (including perhaps soon, Turkey), means that the barriers to trade are steadily falling in a region(地区)that has traditionally dominated world trade. The common monetary unit should in itself go far to promote inter-country trade within the growing EU (judging by the positive historical effect of a single currency in the U.S.). The standardization of transportation (including railroad gauges, highway signs etc.) and product codes will also promote expansion of intra-EU trade. The decline in the probability of political conflict associated with this comprehensive economic union, plus conscious attempts to cooperate in fiscal and monetary policy stances again point to growing international trade, allowing these countries to increasingly enjoy the fruits of potential positive scale economies, and more traditional classical and neo-classical gains from trade. The scale economies will also tend to increase trade between the EU and other countries.QuestionStatus:Previous Edition2)The Services sector has been steadily rising in relative importance in GDP of the United States, as well as elsewhere around the world. Since "services" have been identified as "non-tradables" (e.g. it is difficult to export haircuts), it may be argued that this trend will likely slow the rapid growth in international trade. Discuss.Answe r: This argument stands on questionable logical foundations. The past half century has seen a steady growth in the absolute and relative importance of international trade. This trend has been reversed only by global conflicts, i.e. the two World Wars. This trend has remained steady and robust despite major compositional shifts (e.g. from primary to manufacturing), and location shifts (e.g., the sudden rise of NICs as significant group of exporters). The trend will probably continue into the reasonable future, fueled by both super-regional preferential trade regions and a growing impact of the multilateral forces, represented institutionally by the World Trade Organization (WTO)-as illustrated by the recent abolishment of the epitome cartelized trade, the world trade in textiles. Driven by technology-especially in the areas of communication and transportation-a reversal of the growing trade trend is not likely in the near future. In any case, many "services" are in fact quite tradable. Examples would be financial services, long-distance teaching, "help-desk" outsourcing, consulting and management services and others. In fact, when a tourist gets a haircut, we see that even haircuts become a "tradable" service.Question Status: Previous Edition。
