



1、支持多种模拟数字信号输入产品可以支持多种数字&模拟信号输入,而且接口使用BNC DVI等在工业应用上最为广泛工业级接口,使得产品显示的稳定性得到大幅度提高2、温控风扇描述:恒温机体功能主要特点:类似38°机箱的特点,能够保证机壳内温度控制在设定的温度值之下。







BOE(京东方)液晶面板连接器I液晶屏驱屏线I背光板线【产品 百I度I搜I索 找 →苏州汇成元】

BOE(京东方)液晶面板连接器I液晶屏驱屏线I背光板线【产品 百I度I搜I索 找 →苏州汇成元】

IS100-L30R-C23 IS100-L30R-C23 IS050-C51B-C39-S IS100-L30R-C23 IS050-C51B-C39-S IS100-L30R-C23 IS100-L30B-C23 FF12-31A-R11B FW10039-30 HD2S030HA1 IS100-L30R-C23 FW10039-30 IS100-L30B-C23 IS100-L30B-C23 IS100-L30B-C23 FW05010-51 PF030-B45B-N09 PF030-O31B-C10-H MSAK24025P30 IS050-L30B-C10 IS100-L30R-C23 IS100-L300-C23 DF14H-20P-1.25H 20455-040E-12 ISO50-C51B-C39-S PF030-O31B-C10-H FW05010-51 FW05010-51 PF030-B31B-N09 FI-XB30S-HF10 XF3H-3955-31AR MSAK24025P40G 20455-040E-12 FW05010-51 IS100-L300C23 DF14H-20P-1.25H IS100-L300-C23 IS100-30O-C23 AXE630124
23.8 23.8 27 23 46 23 27.5 7 31.5 14 23 31.5 31.5 36.5 31.5 55 10.1 15 12.5 12.5 23 21.5 15 10.1 49 7 55 55 7 14 10.1 14 10.1 55 21.5 15 21.5 18.5 5
30 pins 30 pins 51 pins 30 pins 51 pins 30 pins 30 pins 31 pins 30 pins 30 pins 30 pins 30 pins 30 pins 30 pins 30 pins 51 pins 45 pins 20 pins 30 pins 30 pins 30 pins 30 pins 20 pins 40 pins 51 pins 31 pins 51 pins 51 pins 31 pins 30 pins 39 pins 40 pins 40 pins 51 pins 30 pins 20 pins 30 pins 30 pins 30 pins



HINV高压变频器使用手册(V2.1)北京动力源科技股份有限公司二○○七年二月目录1.视窗控制器 (3)1.1LED指示灯 (3)1.2触摸键盘 (4)2.操作按钮和开关功能 (5)3.控制参数说明 (7)3.1控制设定屏 (7)3.2基本参数屏 (8)3.3跳频设定屏 (8)3.4折线设定屏 (9)3.5电机参数设定屏 (9)3.6通信设定屏 (9)3.7模拟系数屏 (10)3.8电压限定屏 (10)3.9其它设定屏 (10)4.运行控制参数 (10)4.1上限频率和下限频率 (10)4.2启动频率和停止频率 (10)4.3运行曲线的直线 (11)4.4运行曲线的折线 (11)5.运行状态说明 (12)5.1系统状态主屏 (12)5.2.电压电流查询 (12)5.3时间参数查询 (13)5.4单元直流电压查询 (13)5.5工厂查询 (13)5.6模拟端子 (14)6.报警/故障处理 (15)6.1报警/故障的显示 (15)6.2功率单元故障: (15)6.3控制系统报警/故障 (16)前言北京动力源科技股份有限公司研制生产HINV高压变频器,有性能优异的控制系统,通过对运行参数的设定,可以满足不同用户的在不同场合使用要求;控制系统对设备的运行进行完备的监控,通过视频控制器实时显示设备的运行状态。






型号生产厂家整机屏尺寸(寸)屏供电电压备注A201SN01AUO205VT370XW01-V1AUO3712V冠杰OEM T370XW02-V0AUO3712VLC171W03-A4K3LG.Philips1712VLM181E06-A4M1LG.Philips1812VLC201V02LG.Philips2012VLC260W01LG.Philips2612VLC260WX2-SL01LG.Philips2612VLC260WX2-SLB3LG.Philips2612VLC260WX2-SLB4LG.Philips2612VLC300W01-B5LG.Philips3012VLC320W01-A6LG.Philips3212VLC320W01-SL01LG.Philips3212VLC320WX3-SLA1LG.Philips3212VLC370W01-A6LG.Philips3712VLC370WX1-SL01LG.Philips3712VLC370WX1-SLA1LG.Philips3712VLC420W02-B4LG.Philips4212VLC420W02-SLA1LG.Philips4212VLC420W02-SLA2LG.Philips4212VLC420WU1-SLB1LG.Philips4212V高清LC420WX5-SLA1LG.Philips4212VLC470WU1-SL01LG.Philips4712V高清LC470WU1-SLA1LG.Philips4712V高清LC550W01-A5LG.Philips5518VSVA150XG04TB SVA-NEC153.3VSVA201VG01TB SVA-NEC205VSVA260WX01SA SVA-NEC265VHT201V01-101京东方205VLTM150XH-L04三星153.3VLTM150XH-L06三星153.3VLTM170W1-L01三星173.3VLTA320W2-L01三星325VLTA320W2-L03三星325VLTA320W2-L14三星325VLTA320WT-L16三星325VLTA400W2-L0X三星405VLTA400WS-L02三星405VLTA400WT-L11三星405VLTA460H2-L02三星465V高清LTA460W2-L02三星465VLTA460WS-L03三星465VLTA460WT-L03三星465VMD-42S9NJ(C)B 松下42QD320HL03-01台湾广辉32M150X3-L04台湾奇美153.3VM150X4-T05台湾奇美153.3VM190A1-L02台湾奇美195VV270B1-L01台湾奇美275VV270B1-L13台湾奇美275V冠杰OEM V270W1-L04台湾奇美275VV296W1-L02台湾奇美305VV320B1-L01台湾奇美325V冠杰OEM V320B1-L04台湾奇美325V冠杰OEM V320B1-L06台湾奇美325VV370H1-L01台湾奇美3718VV370H1-L03台湾奇美3718VV420H1-L01台湾奇美4212VV420H1-L05台湾奇美4212V高清LQ315T3LZ28夏普325VCLAA150XP01中华映管153.3V冠杰OEM CLAA150XP03中华映管153.3VCLAA201VA07中华映管205VCLAA320WA01中华映管3212VCLAA320WB02中华映管3212VCLAA320WB02C中华映管3212VCLAA370WA02中华映管3712VCLAA370WA03中华映管3712VCLAA370WA03C中华映管3712VT15OXG01AUO153.3VM220EW01V0A AUO225VHT190WG1-100京东方195VV260B1-L01台湾奇美265VLC420WU2-SLB1LG.philips4212VLC470WU4-SLA1LG.philips4712VLC320W01-A6K4LG.philips3212VM170EG01AUO175VV201V1-T03台湾奇美205VHT190WG1-101京东方195VLC370WX4-SLA1LG.philips3712VLC420WX7-SLA1LG.philips4212VLC470WX1-SLA1LG.philips4712VLTA320WT-L05三星325VLTA400WT-L17三星4012VLTA460WT-L14三星4612VLC420W02-B6LG.philips4212VLTA400W2-L01三星405VPDP42V72563LG42V520H1-L03台湾奇美5212VLC420WX7-SLE1LG.philips4212VV420H1-L11台湾奇美4212VPV320TVM-A11H PROVIEW325VPV320TVM-A12H PROVIEW325VT315XW02-VC AUO325V T370XW02-V5 AUO3712V T420XW01-V5AUO4212V T315XW01-V5AUO325V LC320WX3-SLC1LG.philips3212V LC320W01-SLA1 LG.philips3212V PV320TVM-A02H Proview325V PV320TVM-A31H Proview325V PV370TVM-A01H Proview3712V PV420TVM-C02H Proview4212V V420H1-L07台湾奇美4212V PV320TVM-A06H Proview325V PV370TVM-A02H Proview3712V V470H1-L03台湾奇美4712V V315B1-L01台湾奇美325V SVA150XG10TB SVA-NEC153.3V LTA520HB03-001三星5212V SVA190WX02TB SVA-NEC195V LC420WUN-SAA1LG.philips4212V LC320WXN-SAC1LG.philips3212V LC370WXN-SAB1 LG.philips3712V LC420WXN-SAB1 LG.philips4212V LC470WXN-SAB1 LG.philips4712V LTA320AB01三星3212V T260XW03­V0AUO265V T260XW03-V3AUO2612V PV320TVM-AF2H Proview325V PV320TVM-AH2H Proview325V PV320TVM-A07H Proview325V PV320TVM-A17H Proview325V PV370TVM-A11H Proview3712V PV370TVM-A12H Proview3712V PV420TVM-A01H Proview4212V LTM190M2-L31三星195V M220Z1-L03 台湾奇美225V LTA460HB03三星4612V LC320WXD-SAC1LG.philips3212V LC370WUN-SAB1LG.philips3712V V260B1-L01 C2 NH台湾奇美265V V260B1-L01 C2 NB台湾奇美265V T420HW01 V2AUO4212V。





3、电源要求:AC 220V±20%,100~240V宽电压输入确保设备运行的稳定性。

4、整机厚度≤12cmA、显示器参数1、屏幕尺寸(对角线):55英寸LED A规液晶屏2、显示面积:1209.6 (H) x 680.4(V)3、对比度≥5000:14、可视角度176°5、图像模式:16:9/全屏6、亮度≥500cd/m27、图像物理高清分辨率1920×1080 (1:1 Map点对点显示)满足数字全高清要求。














招标文件标底画*的为生死项,其他为加分项一.65寸一体机产品特点:1)采用专业硬屏技术,可视角度大,响应速度快,色彩还原度高,手压无水波纹变形;2)1200:1超高对比度,画面显示更鲜明,色彩表现更出众;3)采用直下式LED背光模式,亮度表现更均匀;4)视角可达178°,趋近于水平;5)工业级设计,高可靠性、高稳定性、低功耗,寿命长达30000 小时;6)可支持10点触控。

二、65寸一体机参数要求:7)有效显示面积1428.48(H)×803.52(V),大尺寸显示,清晰画面;8)产品具有抗强光干扰功能(阳光直射照常使用);9)物理分辨率支持3840*2160,亮度≥450nit,对比度≥1200:1,色彩度1.07B,可视角度≥178°,使用寿命≥30000小时;10)响应时间≤8ms,频率60Hz,色彩饱和度68%;11)*采用8.0 Android板卡,CPU:ARM A73+ A53 1.5GHz 四核,GPU:MaliG51,内存16GB;12)支持10bit 双路LVDS(3840*2160)高清显示,真彩色OSD 人性化操作菜单,具有完善的工厂设置模式,安卓系统8.0 等;13)屏幕表面采用4mm厚全钢化玻璃,透光率不低于90%,且具备防眩光效果;14)*会议平板产品需要标配OPS接口,方便后期随时插入ops;15)*接口支持HDMI(4K)输入*3、HDMI输出*1、VGA输入*1、PC-audio*1、YPBPR*1、LAN*2、TV*1、AV输入*1、AV输出*1、DP输入*1、PC-USB*2、TOUCH-USB*2、SPDIF*1;远程控制接口支持RS232 IN*1、RS232 OUT*1;16)产品安全可靠,需通过3C认证;17)一键黑屏(节能、环保,提升使用寿命);18)产品节能环保,须具有节能一级证书;19)*为方便移动存储设备接入双系统,前置接口中需要具备不少于两个USB接口满足usb跟随功能20)*为清晰展示会议内容,会议平板产品需要具备至少三个HDMI2.0和至少一个DP1.2输入接口。








6.输入接口:HDMI输入*4,USB TOUCH *2,TV USB输入*1个,VGA输入*1, PC AUDIO*1,YPbPr*1,AV输入*2,ANT(RF)*1 TV USB输入*4(含一路,一路USB3.0)、RJ45接口*1,SD卡插口*1,RS232接口*1,麦克风输入*1。




10.屏幕校准定位: 支持4点、5点、9点、16点等多种方式。







型号PDF文件尺寸(英寸) 分辨率接口类型屏插座类型屏线类型制造商AA084VB01 pdf-spec. 8.4 640x480 digital IL-FPR-40S-VF ADA-PITCH-40P-0.5 Mitsubishi AA084VB02 pdf-spec. 8.4 640x480 digital IL-FPR-40S-VF ADA-PITCH-40P-0.5 Mitsubishi AA104V A01 pdf-spec. 10.4 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V ADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX Mitsubishi AA104VB02 pdf-spec. 10.4 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V ADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX Mitsubishi AA104VB04 pdf-spec. 10.4 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V ADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX Mitsubishi AA121SK02 pdf-spec. 12.1 640x480 digital DF9-41S-1V ADA-DF9-41-SET-XXX Mitsubishi AA121SK12 pdf-spec. 12.1 640x480 digital DF9-41S-1V ADA-DF9-41-SET-XXX Mitsubishi AA121XH01 pdf-spec. 12.1 1024x768 LVDS FI-S20S KAB-FI-S20S-XXX Mitsubishi AA142XC11 pdf-spec. 14.2 1024x768 LVDS FI-S20S KAB-FI-S20S-XXX Mitsubishi AA150XA01 pdf-spec. 15 1024x768 digital IL-FHR-45S+30S-VF ADA-PITCH-45P-30P-SET Mitsubishi AA150XA01B pdf-spec. 15 1024x768 digital IL-FHR-45S+30S-VF ADA-PITCH-45P-30P-SET Mitsubishi AA150XA03 pdf-spec. 15.1 1024x768 digital IL-FHR-45S+30S-VF ADA-PITCH-45P-30P-SET Mitsubishi AA150XN01 pdf-spec. 15 1024x768 LVDS DF14-20S-1.25C KAB-DF14-20S-XXX Mitsubishi A070FW03 pdf-spec. 7 1440x234 digital on request AUB084SN03 pdf-spec. 10.4 800x600 LVDS DF19-20S-1C KAB-DF19-20S-0500RK AUB104SN02 pdf-spec. 10.4 800x600 LVDS DF19-20S-1C KAB-DF19-20S-0500RK AUB150XG02 pdf-spec. 15 1024x768 LVDS FI-S30S KAB-FI-S30S-XXX AUDMF-50081ZNB-FW 5.1 320x240 digital on request OPTREXDMF-50414NCU-FW 9 640x480 DF13-15S+10S-1.25C KAB-DF13-15S+10S-XXX OPTREX DMF-50316NF-FW-1 5.4 240x64 digital on request OPTREXEL 640.400-CB1 9 640x400 digital on request PlanarEL 640.480-AD4 10 640x480 on request PlanarEL 640.480-A4-AD4 10 640x480 on request PlanarEL 640.480-AF1 pdf-spec. 10 640x480 STMM-110-01-T-D on request PlanarEL 640.480-AM1 10 640x480 on request PlanarFLC26XGC6R pdf-spec. 10.4 1024x768 TFT KAB-DF19-14S-0500RK FujitsuFLC31SVC6S 12 800x600 LVDS FI-W21S KAB-FI21S-XXX Fujitsu FLC38XGC6V-05 15 1024x768 digital 52760-0600 ADA-FLC38XG FujitsuFLC38XGC6V-06 pdf-spec. 15 1024x768 digital 52760-0600 ADA-FLC38XG FujitsuFLC38XGV6V-06 pdf-spec 15 1024x768 digital 52760-0600 ADA-FLC38XG FujitsuFLC43XWC6V-02 pdf-spec. 17 1280x786 digital 52760-0600 ADA-FLC38XG FujitsuFLC44SXC8V pdf-spec. 17.4 1280x1024 digital 52760-0809 on request FujitsuFLC48SXC8V pdf-spec. 19 1280x1024 LVDS FI-X30H KAB-FI-X30H-XXX FujitsuFLC51UXC8V KAB-FI-X30H-XXXpdf-spec. 20.1 1600x1200 LVDS FI-X30H Inverter cable: KAB-51021- Fujitsu1200-0500FKFLC56XWC8V pdf-spec. 22 1280x768 LVDS DF14-20S-1.25C KAB-DF14-20S-XXX FujitsuFLC58UXC8V pdf-spec. 23 1920x1200 LVDS FI-X30H KAB-FI-X30H-XXX FujitsuFLC59UXC8V-02A KAB-FI31S-XXXpdf-spec. 23.1 1600x1200 LVDS FI-W31S-HF Inverter cable: KAB-51021- Fujitsu1200-0500FKFPF21C8060UA 21 640x480 on request FujitsuFPF42C10660UB-01 42 854x480 Plasma FX2B-68S-1.27R KAB-FX2B-68S-1.27R FujitsuAUG084SN05V2 pdf-spec. 8.4 800x600 on request OPTRONCSAUG104SN05 pdf-spec. 10.4 800x600 LVDS on request OPTRONCSAUG121SN01V.0 pdf-spec. 10.4 800x600 LVDS FI-S20S KAB-FI-S20S-XXXOPTRONCSAUG150XG01 pdf-spec. 15 1024x768 LVDS DF14-20S-1.25C KAB-DF14-20S-XXXOPTRONCSG23916-B0065-C1 10.4 640x480 digital on request SiemensG321EX5R000 5 320x240 on request SeikoG6485H-FF 5 640x480 digital FFC-20-1.00 ADA-PITCH-20P-1.00 Citizen HLD0604-010000 pdf-spec. 6.4 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V ADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX HOSIDEN HLD0604-HIBRITE pdf-spec. 6.4 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V ADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX HOSIDENHLD0805-500 pdf-spec. 8.4 640x480 digital FFC-40-05 ADA-PITCH-40P-0.50 HOSIDENHLD0805E pdf-spec. 8.4 640x480 digital FFC-40-05 ADA-PITCH-40P-0.50 HOSIDENHLD0915 9 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V ADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX HOSIDEN HLD1027-010000 pdf-spec. 10.4 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V ADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX HOSIDENHLD1027-010100 pdf-spec. 10.4 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V ADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX HOSIDEN HLD1027-020100 pdf-spec. 10.4 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V ADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX HOSIDEN HLD1027HIBRITE pdf-spec. 10.4 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V ADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX HOSIDENHLD1036-018120 pdf-spec. 10.4 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V ADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX HOSIDENHLD1045 pdf-spec. 10.4 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V ADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX HOSIDEN HLD1045E pdf-spec. 10.4 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V ADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX HOSIDEN HLD1045E-HIBRITE pdf-spec. 10.4 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V ADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX HOSIDENHLD1209 12 800x600 digital DF9-41S-1V ADA-DF9-41-SET-XXX HOSIDEN HLD1210 pdf-spec. 12.1 800x600 digital DF9-41S-1V ADA-DF9-41-SET-XXX HOSIDENHLD1210-HIBRITE-500 pdf-spec. 12.1 800x600 digital DF9-41S-1V ADA-DF9-41-SET-XXX HOSIDEN HLD1210-HIBRITE-800 pdf-spec. 12.1 800x600 digital DF9-41S-1V ADA-DF9-41-SET-XXX HOSIDENHLD1302 13 1042x768 digital FI-WE21 KAB-FI-W21S-XXX HOSIDEN HLD1506-010130 pdf-spec. 15 1024x768 digital FX8-80P-SV ADA-HLD1508REV1 HOSIDENHLD1508-015430 pdf-spec. 15.1 1024x768 digital FX8-80S-SV ADA-HLD1508REV1 HOSIDEN HLD1509-010130 pdf-spec. 15.1 1024x768 digital FX8-80P-SV ADA-HLD1508REV1 HOSIDENHLD1510 15.1 1024x768 digital FX8-80P-SV ADA-HLD1508REV1 HOSIDEN HLD1511 pdf-spec. 15.1 1024x768 digital DF9-41S-1V ADA-DF9-41-SET-XXX HOSIDENHLM6321 pdf-spec. 5.2 320x240 digital on request HOSIDENHLM7259 pdf-spec. 4.6 240x64 digital on request HOSIDENHLM7259-0100100 pdf-spec. 4.6 240x64 digital on request HOSIDENHLM8619-010300 pdf-spec. 5.7 320x240 digital on request HOSIDENHLM8619-010500 pdf-spec. 5.7 320x240 digital on request HOSIDENHLM8620 pdf-spec. 5.7 320x240 digital on request HOSIDENHLM8620E pdf-spec. 5.7 320x240 digital on request HOSIDENHM15X11-200-SH pdf-spec. 15 1024x768 analog on request HYUNDAIHSD121PS11-A pdf-spec. 12.1 800x600 LVDS FI-S20S KAB-FI-S20S-XXX HANSTARHSD141PK11-A pdf-spec. 14.1 1400x1050 LVDS FI-X30H KAB-FI-X30H-XXX HANSTARHSD141PX11-A pdf-spec. 14.1 1024x768 LVDS DF19KR-14P-1H KAB-DF19KR-14P-XXX HANSTARHSD150MX41-A pdf-spec. 15 1024x768 digital FX8-60P-SV ADA-LQ14X01 HANSTARHSD150MX46-A pdf-spec. 15 1024x768 digital FFC-45+30-0.50 ADA-FFC-45-30-SET HANSTARHSD150MX47-A pdf-spec. 15 1024x768 digital 802PVS-080405R-M on request HANSTARHSD150MX49-A pdf-spec. 15 1024x768 digital 802PVS-080405R-M on request HANSTARHT10X21-100 pdf-spec. 10.4 1024x768 LVDS DF19-14S-1C KAB-DF19-14S-XXX BOE-HYDISHT12S11 12 800x600 digital DF9-41S-1V ADA-DF9-41-SET-XXX HYUNDAIHT12X11-100 pdf-spec. 12.1 1024x768 LVDS FI-S20S KAB-FI-S20S-XXX HYUNDAIHT12X12-100 pdf-spec. 12.1 1024x768 LVDS DF19-20S-1C KAB-DF19-20S-XXX HYUNDAIHT12X21-100 pdf-spec. 12.1 1024x768 LVDS DF19-20S-1C KAB-DF19-20S-XXX BOE-HYDISHT13X14-101 pdf-spec. 13.3 1024x768 LVDS FI-X20H KAB-FI-X20H-XXX HYUNDAIHT14X11-103 pdf-spec. 14.1 1024x768 LVDS FI-S20S KAB-FI-S20S-XXX HYUNDAIHT14X12-101 pdf-spec. 14.1 1024x768 LVDS FI-X20H KAB-FI-X20H-XXX HYUNDAIHT14X13-101 pdf-spec. 14 1024x768 LVDS FI-X20H KAB-FI-X20H-XXX HYUNDAIHT14X13-201 pdf-spec. 14 1024x768 LVDS FI-X20H KAB-FI-X20H-XXX HYUNDAIHT15X11-100 pdf-spec. 15 1024x768 digital FX8-80P-SV ADA-HLD1508REV1HYUNDAIHT15X11-200 pdf-spec. 15 1024x768 digital FX8-80P-SV ADA-HLD1508REV1 HYUNDAIHT15X12-100 15 1024x768 digital 52760-0809 ADA-LM151X3 HYUNDAIHT15X12-200 15 1024x768 digital 52760-0809 ADA-LM151X3 HYUNDAIHT15X13-200 pdf-spec. 15 1024x768 LVDS DF14-20S-1.25C KAB-DF14-20S-XXX HYUNDAIHT15X15-D00 pdf-spec. 15 1024x768 LVDS DF14-20S-1.25C KAB-DF14-20S-XXX HYUNDAIHT15X15-D01 pdf-spec. 15 1024x768 LVDS DF14-20S-1.25C KAB-DF14-20S-XXX BOE-HYDISHT15X22-100 (W ACOM) pdf-spec. 15 1024x768 digital FX8-80P-SV ADA-HLD1508REV1 HYUNDAIHT15X22-300 pdf-spec. 15 1024x768 digital FX8-80P-SV ADA-HLD1508REV1 BOE-HYDISHT17E11-100 pdf-spec. 17 1280x1024 digital FI-X30H KAB-FI-X30H-XXX HYUNDAIHT17E12-200 pdf-spec. 17 1280x1024 LVDS FI-X30H KAB-FI-X30H-XXX BOE-HYDISHT17E13-100 pdf-spec. 17 1280x1024 LVDS FI-X30H KAB-FI-X30H-XXX BOE-HYDISHT18E22-100 pdf-spec. 18.1 1280x1024 2XLVDS 2 x FI-S20S + 51021-0800 2 x KAB-FI-S20S-XXX HYUNDAIHT18E22-300 pdf-spec. 18.1 1280x1024 2xLVDS 2 x FI-S20S + 51021-0800 2 x KAB-FI-S20S-XXX BOE-HYDIS HV208QX1-100 pdf-spec. 20.8 2048x1536 LVDS FI-W31S KAB-FI-W31S-XXX BOE-HYDISI-SFT 100i.10x pdf-spec. 10.4 1024x768 LVDS DF14-25S-1.25C KAB-DF14-25S-XXX SiemensI-SFT 100i.15X pdf-spec. 15 1024x768 digital 52760 ADA-I-SFT-60.15XP SiemensI-SFT 120i.06 pdf-spec. 6.5 640x480 digital DF13-40DS-1.25C KAB-DF13-40DS-0500FK i-sftI-SFT 160i.15X pdf-spec. 15 1024x768 digital 52760 ADA-I-SFT-60.15XP SiemensI-SFT 50i.15X pdf-spec. 15 1024x768 digital DF14-30S-1.25C KAB-DF14-30S-XXX SiemensI-SFT 50i.2 pdf-spec. 10.5 640x480 digital PS-34SM-D4P1-1C on request SiemensI-SFT 50i.M pdf-spec. 10.5 640x480 digital PS-34SM-D4P1-1C KAB-IDC34-SET-XXX SiemensI-SFT 60.15XP pdf-spec. 15 1024x768 digital 52760 ADA-I-SFT-60.15XP SiemensI-SFT 75i pdf-spec. 10.5 640x480 digital PS-34SM-D4P1-1C on request SiemensIAQS80 pdf-spec. 21.3 2560x2048 LVDS FI-X30H KAB-FI-X30H-XXX IDTechIAQS80F pdf-spec. 21.3 2560x2048 LVDS FI-X30H KAB-FI-X30H-XXX IDTechIAQX10 pdf-spec. 15 2560x1536 LVDS FI-X30H KAB-FI-X30H-XXX IDTechIAQX10M pdf-spec. 15 2560x1536 LVDS FI-X30H KAB-FI-X30H-XXX IDTechIASX10C pdf-spec. 15 1400x1050 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2048x1536 LVDS on request IDTech ITSV33N pdf-spec. 12 800x600 digital AMP 5-179373-0 on request IBMITSV34N 10 800x600 digital on request IBM ITSV37D 10 800x600 digital on request IBMITSV37N 10 800x600 digital on request IBM ITSV50E pdf-spec. 12 800x600 digital 4-179373-0 on request IBMITSV53L pdf-spec. 12.1 800x600 LVDS on request IBM ITSX68 pdf-spec. 14.1 1400x1050 LVDS on request IBMITSX80F 16 1280x1024 digital PHEC100P-R211 on request IBMITSX88E pdf-spec. 18.1 1280x1024 LVDS DF14-30S-1.25C KAB-DF14-30S-XXX IDTechITSX93 pdf-spec. 15 1400x1050 LVDS on request IBMITSX93C 15 1400x1050 LVDS 1318341-2 on request IBM ITSX94 pdf-spec. 18 1280x1024 LVDS FI-30S KAB-FI-30S-XXX IBMITSX95 pdf-spec. 15 1400x1050 LVDS FI-X30H KAB-FI-X30H-XXX IBMITSX95C pdf-spec. 15 1400x1050 LVDS FI-X30H KAB-FI-X30H-XXX IDTech ITSX95D pdf-spec. 15 1400x1050 LVDS FI-X30H KAB-FI-X30H-XXX IDTech ITSX95L pdf-spec. 15 1400x1050 LVDS FI-X30H KAB-FI-X30H-XXX IDTech ITSX98E pdf-spec 18.1 1280x1024 DUAL LVDS DF14-30S-1.25C 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digital FFC-22-0.50 ADA-PITCH-22P-0.50 SHARPLM80C27 pdf-spec. 11.5 800x600 digital DF9-41 ADA-DF9-41-SET-XXX SHARP LM80C31 12 800x600 digital IL-310-41S-VF ADA-DF9-41-SET-XXX SHARPLM80C312 pdf-spec. 12 800x600 digital IL-310-41S-VF ADA-DF9-41-SET-XXX SHARP LM80C36 pdf-spec. 12 800x600 digital IL-310-41S-VF ADA-DF9-41-SET-XXX SHARPLM8M64 pdf-spec. 8 640x240 digital FFC-20-0.50 ADA-PITCH-20P-0.50 SHARPLM8V30 pdf-spec. 8 640x480 digital 51021-1500/1400 KAB-51021-1500+1400-XXX SHARPLM8V302 pdf-spec. 7.7 640x480 digital 51021-1500/1400 KAB-51021-1500+1400-XXX SHARPLM8V30kai pdf-spec. 7.7 640x480 digital 51021-1500 KAB-51021-1500-XXX SHARPLM8V31 pdf-spec. 7.7 640x480 digital 51021-1500 KAB-51021-1500-XXX SHARPLM8V311 pdf-spec. 7.7 640x480 digital 51021-1500 KAB-51021-1500-XXX SHARPLM8V33 pdf-spec. 7.7 640x480 digital on request SHARPLM9V381 pdf-spec. 9.4 640x480 digital on request SHARPtype no. display correspondingsize" format type adapter-/ cable type manufac.spec. connectorLP104S2 pdf-spec. 10 800x600 digital DF9-41S-1V ADA-DF9-41-SET-XXX LGLP104S5-A2VT pdf-spec. 10.4 800x600 digital FI-X30H KAB-FI-X30H-0500RK LGLP104S5-C1 pdf-spec. 10.4 800x600 digital DF19G-20S-1C KAB-DF19G-20S-XXX LGLP104S06 pdf-spec. 10.4 800x600 digital DF19G-20S-1C KAB-DF19G-20S-XXX LGLP104V2 pdf-spec. 10.4 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V ADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX LGLP104V2-W pdf-spec. 10.4 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V ADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX LGLP121S1 ADA-DF9-41-SET-XXX12 800x600 digital DF9-41S-1V LGLP121S4 pdf-spec. 12 800x600 LVDS FI-S30S KAB-FI-30S-XXX LGLP133X3 KAB-FI-S20S-XXX13 1024x768 FlatLink FI-S20S LGLP133X4 KAB-FI-S20S-XXX13 1024x768 LVDS FI-S20S LGLP133X7 pdf-spec. 13.3 1024x768 LVDS DF19G-20S-1C KAB-DF19G-20S-XXX LG LP133X7-H2CC pdf-spec. 13.3 1024x768 LVDS DF19G-20S-1C KAB-DF19G-20S-XXX LG LP133X8 pdf-spec. 13.3 1024x768 LVDS DF19G-20S-1C KAB-DF19G-20S-XXX LG LP141E2-A1 pdf-spec. 14.1 1400x1050 LVDS FI-XB30SR-HF11 on request LGLP141X1 14 1024x768 PanelLink WR40 ADA-LP141X1-XXX LG LP141X2-B pdf-spec. 14.1 1024x768 LVDS FI-S20S KAB-FI-S20S-XXX LGLP141X3 KAB-FI-S20S-XXX14 1024x768 LVDS FI-S20S LGLP141X6 KAB-FI-S20S-XXX14 1024x768 LVDS FI-S20S LGLP141X61-A1IB pdf-spec. 14 1024x768 LVDS FI-S20S KAB-FI-S20S-XXX LGLP141XA pdf-spec. 14.1 1024x768 LVDS FI-S20S KAB-FI-S20S-XXX LGLP150U1 pdf-spec. 15 1600x1200 LVDS FI-S30S KAB-FI-30S-XXX LG LP150X1 pdf-spec. 15 1024x768 LVDS FI-S30S KAB-FI-30S-XXX LGLP157E1 pdf-spec. 15.7 1280x1024 LVDS 55177-3091 KAB-51146-3000-XXX LG LTE052T-060 pdf-spec. 5 320x234 NTSC/PAL FFC-22-1.00 ADA-PITCH-22P-1.00 LGLTE052T-061 pdf-spec. 5 320x234 NTSC/PAL FFC-22-1.00 ADA-PITCH-22P-1.00 LG LTE072T-05X pdf-spec. 7 480x234 NTSC/PAL FFC-28-1.00 ADA-PITCH-28P-1.00 LGLP064V1/V1W pdf-spec. 6 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V ADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX LGLQ035Q7DB02 pdf-spec. 3.52 320x240 digital FPC on display on request SHARPLQ035Q7DB03 pdf-spec. 3.52 320x240 digital FPC on display on request SHARPLQ035Q7DH01 pdf-spec. 3.52 320x240 digital FH12A-50S-0.5SH ADA-PITCH-50P-0.50 SHARP LQ035Q7DH02 pdf-spec. 3.52 320x240 digital FH12A-50S-0.5SH ADA-PITCH-50P-0.50 SHARP LQ038Q5DR01 pdf-spec. 4 320x240 digital KX15-40K*D1 ADA-LQ038 SHARPLQ039Q2DS01 pdf-spec. 3.9 320x240 digital FFC-50-0.50 ADA-PITCH-50P-0.50 SHARPLQ039Q2DS53 pdf-spec. 3.9 320x240 digital FFC-50-0.50 ADA-PITCH-50P-0.50 SHARPLQ039Q2DS54 pdf-spec. 3.9 320x240 digital FFC-50-0.50 ADA-PITCH-50P-0.50 SHARPLQ049B5DG01 pdf-spec. 5 960x96 digital FFC-30-0.80 ADA-PITCH-30P-0.80 SHARPLQ050Q5DR01 pdf-spec. 5 320x240 digital KX15-40K*D1 ADA-LQ038 SHARPLQ057Q3DC02 ADA-PITCH-33P-0.50pdf-spec. 5.7 320x240 digital FFC-33-0.50 SHARPADA-FFC33-IDC30LQ057Q3DC12 pdf-spec. 5.7 320x240 digital FH12A-50S-0.5SH on request SHARPLQ058T5DRQ1 pdf-spec. 5.8 640x350 digital on request SHARPLQ064A5CG01 pdf-spec. 6.4 480x234 NTSC/PAL on request SHARPLQ064ACG01 pdf-spec. 6.4 1440x234 NTSC/PAL 51004-1000 on request SHARPLQ064D341 pdf-spec. 6.4 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V ADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX SHARPLQ064V1DS11 pdf-spec. 6.4 640x480 digital FFC-30-0.50 ADA-PITCH-30P-0.50 SHARPLQ064V3DG01-LA1 pdf-spec. 6.4 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V ADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX SHARP LQ065T5BR02 ADA-PITCH-24P-0.806.5 N/A N/A FFC-24-0.80 SHARP LQ065T9BR51 pdf-spec. 6.5 1200x240 NTSC/PAL FFC-24-0.80 ADA-PITCH-24P-0.80 SHARP LQ065T9DR51 pdf-spec. 6.5 1200x241 NTSC/PAL DF9-31S-1V ADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX SHARPLQ065T9DR51U pdf-spec. 6.5 1200x241 NTSC/PAL DF9-31S-1V ADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX SHARP LQ065T9DR52U pdf-spec. 6.5 1200x241 NTSC/PAL DF9-31S-1V ADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX SHARP LQ06AN102 pdf-spec. 5.6 320x234 digital on request SHARPLQ06BW506 pdf-spec. 5.8 1200x241 NTSC/PAL on request SHARPLQ070T5CRQ1 pdf-spec. 7 372x107 NTSC/PAL FFC-28-1.00 ADA-PITCH-28-1.00 SHARPLQ070T5DG01 pdf-spec. 7 2562x480 digital DF9-31S-1V ADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX SHARPLQ07BW516 pdf-spec. 7 1440x234 NTSC/PAL on request SHARP LQ07BW566 pdf-spec. 7 1440x234 NTSC/PAL on request SHARPLQ080T5GG01 pdf-spec. 7 1440x234 NTSC/PAL on request SHARP LQ084S1DH01 pdf-spec. 8 800x600 digital FI-W31S-HF KAB-FI-W31S-XXX SHARPLQ084S3DG01 pdf-spec. 8.4 800x600 digital DF19G-30S-1C KAB-DF19G-30S-XXX SHARP LQ084V1DG21 pdf-spec. 8.4 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V ADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX SHARPLQ084V2DS01 pdf-spec. 8.4 800x600 digital AXN540045P on request SHARPLQ095Y5DR01 pdf-spec. 9.5 800x480 digital on request SHARPLQ09D340 pdf-spec. 8.4 640x480 digital on request SHARPLQ09PS01 pdf-spec. 8.4 800x600 digital DF9-41S-1V ADA-DF9-41-SET-XXX SHARPLQ104S1DG21 pdf-spec. 8.4 800x600 digital DF9-41S-1V ADA-DF9-41-SET-XXX SHARP LQ104S1LH11 KAB-FI-S20S-XXX10.4 800x600 PanelLink FI-S20S SHARPLQ104V1DC31 pdf-spec. 10.4 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V ADA-LQ104-SET-XXX SHARP LQ104V1DG11 pdf-spec. 10.4 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V ADA-LQ104-SET-XXX SHARPLQ104V1DG21 pdf-spec. 10.4 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V ADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX SHARP LQ104V1DG51 pdf-spec. 10.4 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V ADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX SHARP LQ104V7DS01 pdf-spec. 10.4 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V ADA-LQ104-SET-XXX SHARPLQ10D031 pdf-spec. 10.4 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V ADA-LQ104-SET-XXX SHARPLQ10D131 pdf-spec. 10.4 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V ADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX SHARPADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX "LQ10D32110.4 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V width=9> SHARPLQ10D344 ADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX10.4 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V SHARPLQ10D345 ADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX10.4 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V SHARPLQ10D367 pdf-spec. 10.4 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V ADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX SHARPLQ10D368 pdf-spec. 10.4 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V ADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX SHARPLQ10D42 pdf-spec. 10.4 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V ADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX SHARPLQ10D421 pdf-spec. 10.4 640x480 digital DF9-31S-1V ADA-DF9-40-SET-XXX SHARPLQ10PX21 pdf-spec. 10 1024x768 digital KX15-80K2D on request SHARPLQ10DH011 10.4 640x480 digital DF11-22DS-2C KAB-DF11-22DS-XXX SHARPLQ10S21 pdf-spec. 10.4 800x600 digital DF9-41S-1V ADA-DF9-41-SET-XXX SHARPLQ11DW01 KAB-51146-2000-50011 800x600 LVDS 51146-2000 SHARP LQ11S31 pdf-spec. 11.3 800x600 digital DF9-41S-1V ADA-DF9-41-SET-XXX SHARPLQ11S31G pdf-spec. 11.3 800x600 digital DF9-41S-1V ADA-DF9-41-SET-XXX SHARPLQ121S1DG11 pdf-spec. 12.1 800x600 digital DF9-41S-1V ADA-DF9-41-SET-XXX SHARP LQ121S1DG21 pdf-spec. 12.1 800x600 digital FI-S31S KAB-FI-31S-XXX SHARPLQ121S1DG31 pdf-spec. 12.1 800x600 digital DF9-41S-1V ADA-DF9-41-SCREW SHARPLQ121S1DG41 pdf-spec. 12.1 800x600 digital DF9-41S-1V ADA-DF9-41-SCREW SHARP LQ121S1LG41 pdf-spec. 12.1 800x600 LVDS FI-S20S KAB-FI-S20S-XXX SHARP LQ12DX12 pdf-spec. 12.1 1027x768 digital FFC-50-0.50 ADA-PITCH-50P-0.50 SHARPLQ12S01 ADA-DF9-41-SET-XXX12.1 800x600 digital DF9-41S-1V SHARPLQ12S08 pdf-spec. 12.1 800x600 digital DF9-41S-1V ADA-DF9-41-SET-XXX SHARP LQ12S11 ADA-DF9-41-SET-XXX12.1 800x600 digital DF9-41S-1V SHARPLQ12S31 ADA-DF9-41-SET-XXX12.1 800x600 digital DF9-41S-1V SHARPLQ12S41 pdf-spec. 12.1 800x600 digital DF9-41S-1V ADA-DF9-41-SET-XXX SHARPLQ12S56A pdf-spec. 12.1 800x600 digital DF9-41S-1V ADA-DF9-41-SET-XXX SHARP LQ12X02 pdf-spec. 12.1 1024x768 LVDS DF14-20S-1.25C KAB-DF14-20S-XXX SHARP LQ12X12 pdf-spec. 12.1 1024x768 digital FFC-50-0.50 ADA-PITCH-50P-0.50 SHARPLQ12X51 pdf-spec. 12.1 1024x768 LVDS 51146-2000 KAB-51146-2000-500 SHARPLQ133X1TS701 pdf-spec. 13.3 1024x768 digital DF14-20S-1.25C KAB-DF14-20S-XXX SHARP LQ13X21 pdf-spec. 13.3 1024x768 LVDS FI-S20S KAB-FI-S20S-XXX SHARP。



目录一、希沃 (1)70寸技术参数 (1)图片示例 (2)二、TCL (3)70寸技术参数 (3)图片示例 (4)65寸技术参数 (5)三、上海广电光显 (6)技术参数 (6)四、长虹 (7)65寸技术参数 (7)五、鸿合科技 (8)70寸技术参数 (8)六、创维光电 (8)70寸技术参数 (9)图片示例 (10)84寸技术参数 (11)65寸技术参数 (12)七、上海仙视 (12)70寸技术参数 (12)图片示例 (14)84寸技术参数 (15)八、夏普 (16)70寸技术参数 (16)80寸技术参数 (17)图片示例 (19)九、创显光电 (19)70寸技术参数 (20)84寸技术参数 (21)图片示例 (22)十、深圳中银科技 (23)70寸技术参数 (23)一、希沃70寸技术参数图片示例70寸图片165寸图片2二、TCL70寸技术参数图片示例70寸图片365寸图片465寸技术参数三、上海广电光显技术参数四、长虹65寸技术参数五、鸿合科技70寸技术参数产品规格:70英寸型号:HD-I7002E背光类型:LED显示比例:16:9可视角度:178°物理解析度:1920*1080Pixel图像制式/声音制式:PAL/DK,I3D功能:——工作电压:AC 90-265V,50/60Hz触摸表面材质:钢化玻璃感应方式:红外感应触摸技术特性:HID免驱触摸点数:多点触控,多点书写书写方式:手指或书写笔触摸分辨率:32767*32767通讯接口: USB存储温度/湿度:-20℃~60℃,10%~90% 工作温度/湿度:5℃~50℃,10%~90% 安装方式:壁挂或移动整机尺寸:1648.9*975.6*112.9mm重量:70KG六、创维光电70寸技术参数图片示例70寸图片565寸图片6七、上海仙视70寸技术参数图片示例八、夏普 70寸技术参数 电力消耗(W ) 230W 待机消耗功率(W ) 0.50电源要求 交流110-240V ,50Hz 屏幕显示语言 英文/中文(简体)/俄语 扬声器 (150mm×34mm )×2音频输出功率 10W×2(AV 输入,负载4欧姆,失真度为10%时) 电视调谐系统 自动预设99个频道视频彩色制式 PAL/SEAM/NTSC3.58/PAL60图像清晰度* RD 模拟信号:水平>=350,垂直>=400以上 SDTV :水平>=450,垂直>=450以上 背光源 LED 重量kg 57.5KG 外型尺寸(cm )宽×深×高 1.625 ×106 ×993mm液晶显示屏 X-GEN 面板分辨力1920(水平)×1080(垂直)下面-数字(天线输入)UHF/VHF 75q DIN 型插座下面-模拟(天线输UHF/VHF 75q DIN 型插座入)后面ー音频输入 HDMI2/电脑共用(直径3.5mm 插孔)RS-232C 9针D-sub 凸型插头电脑 15针小型D-sub,音频输入(与HDMI2共用)(直径3.5mm 插孔)后面—输入5 视频输入,音频输入后面—输入4色差输入(480I,576I,480P,576P,720P/50Hz,720P/60Hz, 1080I/50Hz,10080I/60Hz ),音频输入 后面-HDMI3HDMI(HDMI 输入)(480I,576I,480P,576P,720P/50Hz, 720P/60Hz,1080I50Hz,1080I/60Hz,1080P/50Hz, 1080P/60Hz,1080P/24Hz )侧面-HDMI2HDMI(HDMI 输入)(480I,576I,480P,576P,720P/50Hz720P/60Hz,1080I/50Hz,1080I/60Hz,1080P/50Hz,1080P/60Hz1080P/24Hz)音频输入(与电脑输入公用)(直径3.5mm 插孔))侧面-HDMI 1(ARC )HDMI(HDMI 输入)(480I,576I,480P,576P,720P/50Hz,720P/60Hz,1080I/50Hz,1080I/60Hz,1080P/50Hz,1080P/60Hz,1080P/24Hz ) 侧面-USB2(HDD ) USB2.0 前面 USB12.0侧面ー音频输出/耳机 直径3.5 插孔(音频输出)接收频道 VHF/UHF C1・C12・C13-C57 CATV SECAM/NTSC3.58/PAL60立体声/双语 丽音(NICAM )B/G ,I ,D/K A2 立体声:B/G 接收频率 模拟ATV 44.25-863.25MHz 数字DTV 55.25-863.25MHz电视制式 PAL :B/G,D/K ,I SECAM :B/G,D/K,K/K1 NTSC :M电源 由USB 提供操作系统 Win XP,Win CE,Vista,Win7,Linux,Mac,Android,Win8检测区域 153.9×86.6cmPC 连接器 USB (兼容1.1)书写方式 手指或非透明触控笔触摸定位精度 ± 2mm响应速度(单点连续) 4ms (典型值)触摸点数 6点检测方法 红外线阻隔检测方法80寸技术参数 基本规格电力消耗(W ) 260 待机消耗功率(W ) 0.50 能效指数(EEILCD ) 1.4分辨力1920(水平)×1080(垂直)外型尺寸(cm )宽×深×高 187.6×11.6×113.3液晶显示屏X超晶面板端子DVI-D 端口 1音频输出端子(HP) 1光纤数字音频输出 1Y,Pb,Pr输入端子 1USB端口 2RS-232C端口 1PC输入 1LAN(网络) 无HDMI端口 3复合视频输入端子 2声音声音输出(w) 10W+10W智能光控(opc) 有立体环绕SRS TruSurround HD图片示例九、创显光电图片示例十、深圳中银科技70寸技术参数。

MV215FHB-N10 规格书

MV215FHB-N10 规格书

LVDS Input Signal
Connector (CN 1 )
LVDS Rx +DC/DC Gamma Vcom
TFT LCD Panel 1920 × 1080
Source Driver
1.2 Features LVDS Interface with 2 pixel / clock High-speed response 0.5t Glass 6-bit (Hi-FRC) color depth, display 16. 7M colors High transmittance and contrast ratio, low reflection and wide viewing angle DE (Data Enable) only RoHS Compliant Reverse type
SPEC. TITLE B4 MV215FHB-N10 Product Specification_ Rev.0
PAGE 6 OF 30 A4(210 X 297)
Customer SPEC
ISSUE DATE 2015.03.02
Ta = 25 ℃ 1) 1)
Note : 1) Temperature and relative humidity range are shown in the figure below. Wet bulb temperature should be 39 OC max. and no condensation of water.
ISSUE DATE 2015.03.02

HM215WU1-500 Product Specification Rev.0

HM215WU1-500 Product Specification Rev.0

PROPRIETARY NOTE THIS SPECIFICATION IS THE PROPERTY OF BOE HF AND SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED OR COPIED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF BOE HF AND MUST BE RETURNED TO BOE HF UPON ITS REQUESTSPEC. NUMBERS864-6018PRODUCT GROUP TFT MODULEISSUE DATE Rev. O 2011.6.9PAGE 1 OF 30TITLE : B3 HM215WU1-500 Product Specification Rev. 0HEFEI BOE OPTOELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGYR2010-6053-O(1/3)A4(210 X 297)PRODUCT GROUPPRODUCT SPEC-TFT MODULESPEC. NUMBER S864-6018 SPEC. TITLE B3 HM215WU1-500 Product Specification Rev. 0REV OISSUE DATE 2011.6.9 PAGE 2 OF 30REVISION HISTORYREV. 0 ECN No. DESCRIPTION OF CHANGESInitial ReleaseDATE 2011.05.25PREPARED 向贤明R2010-6053-O(2/3)A4(210 X 297)PRODUCT GROUPPRODUCT SPEC-TFT MODULE SPEC. NUMBER S864-6018SPEC. TITLE B3 HM215WU1-500 Product Specification Rev. 0REV OISSUE DATE 2011.6.9 PAGE 3 OF30ContentsNo. 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 General Description Absolute Maximum Ratings Electrical Specifications Optical Specifications Interface Connection Signal Timing Specifications Signal Timing Waveforms of Interface Signal Input Signals, Display Colors & Gray Scale of Colors Power Sequence Mechanical Characteristics Reliability Test Handling& Cautions Product Serial Number Packing Appendix Item Page 4 6 7 8 10 14 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 27R2010-6053-O(3/3)A4(210 X 297)PRODUCT GROUPPRODUCT SPEC-TFT MODULE SPEC. NUMBER S864-6018SPEC. TITLE B3 HM215WU1-500 Product Specification Rev. 0REV OISSUE DATE 2011.6.9 PAGE 4 OF301.0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION1.1 Introduction HM215WU1-500 is a color active matrix TFT LCD module using amorphous silicon TFT's (Thin Film Transistors) as an active switching devices. This module has a 21.5 inch diagonally measured active area with FHD resolutions (1920 horizontal by 1080 vertical pixel array). Each pixel is divided into RED, GREEN, BLUE dots which are arranged in vertical stripe and this module can display 16.7M colors. The TFT-LCD panel used for this module is adapted for a low reflection and higher color type.LVDS Input SignalConnector (CN 1 )LVDS Rx + T/CON + Mini LVDS TxSource DriverGate DriverVDDDC/DC Gamma VcomTFT LCD Panel 1920 × 1080CN2 LED Light Bar1.2 Features LVDS Interface with 2 pixel / clock High-speed response 6-bit (Hi-FRC) color depth, display 16. 7M colors Incorporated edge type back-light (Lower side - One Light Bar) High luminance and contrast ratio, low reflection and normal viewing angle DE (Data Enable) only RoHS CompliantR2010-6053-O(3/3)A4(210 X 297)PRODUCT GROUPPRODUCT SPEC-TFT MODULE SPEC. NUMBER S864-6018 1.3 Application Desktop Type of PC & Workstation Use Slim-Size Display for Stand-alone Monitor Display Terminals for Control System Monitors for Process ControllerSPEC. TITLE B3 HM215WU1-500 Product Specification Rev. 0REV OISSUE DATE 2011.6.9 PAGE 5 OF301.4 General Specification The followings are general specifications at the model HM215WU1-500. <Table 1. General Specifications> Parameter Active area Number of pixels Pixel pitch Pixel arrangement Display colors Display mode Dimensional outline Weight Surface Treatment Back-light Specification 476.64(H) × 268.11 (V) 1920(H) ×1080(V) 0.24825(H) ×0.24825(V) RGB Vertical stripe 16.7M Normally White 495.6(H) × 292.2(V) × 10.2(D) typ. 1450 (Typ.) Haze 25%, 3H Lower side 1-LED Light bar Type mm g colors Unit mm pixels mmRemarksR2010-6053-O(3/3)A4(210 X 297)PRODUCT GROUPPRODUCT SPEC-TFT MODULE SPEC. NUMBER S864-6018SPEC. TITLE B3 HM215WU1-500 Product Specification Rev. 0REV OISSUE DATE 2011.6.9 PAGE 6 OF302.0 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSThe followings are maximum values which, if exceed, may cause faulty operation or damage to the unit. The operational and non-operational maximum voltage and current values are listed in Table 2. < Table 2. Absolute Maximum Ratings>Symbol Parameter Power Supply Voltage Logic Supply Voltage Operating Temperature Storage Temperature VDD VIN TOP TST -0.5 VSS-0.3 0 -20 5.5 VDD+0.3 +50 +60 V V ℃ ℃ Ta = 25 ℃ 1) 1) Min. Max. Unit [VSS=GND=0V] RemarksNote : 1) Temperature and relative humidity range are shown in the figure below. Wet bulb temperature should be 39 OC max. and no condensation of water.100 90 80(39,90)Relative Humidity (%RH)60O p e ra tin g R a n g e40(50,50)(60,30)20S to ra g e R a n g e5 -2 0 0 20 40 60 80T e m p e ra tu re (˚ ) CR2010-6053-O(3/3)A4(210 X 297)PRODUCT GROUPPRODUCT SPEC-TFT MODULE SPEC. NUMBER S864-6018SPEC. TITLE B3 HM215WU1-500 Product Specification Rev. 0REV OISSUE DATE 2011.6.9 PAGE 7 OF303.0 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS3.1Electrical Specifications< Table 3. Electrical specifications >ParameterPower Supply Voltage Power Supply Current In-Rush Current Permissible Input Ripple Voltage High Level Differential Input Threshold Voltage Low Level Differential Input Threshold Voltage Differential input voltage Differential input common mode voltage LED Channel Voltage LED Channel Current LED Lifetime PD Power Consumption PBL Ptotal VDD IDD IRUSH VRF VIH VIL |VID | Vcm VL IL[Ta =25±2 ℃] Max.5.5 1200 3 100 +100 600 1.5 57.6 63 V mA Hrs W W W IL=60 mA, Note 5Min.4.5 -100 200 1.0 46.4 57 30,000 -Typ.5.0 700 1.2 51.2 60 3.5 12.29 15.79UnitVRemarksNote1mA A mV mV mV mV VIH=100mV, VIL=-100mV Note 2 VDD = 5.0VNotes : 1. The supply voltage is measured and specified at the interface connector of LCM. The current draw and power consumption specified is for VDD=5.0V, Frame rate=75HZ. Test Pattern of power supply current a) Typ : Color Bar pattern b) Max : Skip Sub Pixel Pattern2. Duration of rush current is about 2 ms and rising time of VDD is 520 μs ± 20 %3. The lamp frequency should be selected as different as possible from the horizontal synchronous frequency and its harmonics to avoid interference, which may cause line flow on the display 4. The voltage above this value should be applied to the lamps for more than 1 second to start-up. Otherwise the lamps may not be turned on. 5. Calculated value for reference (VL × IL) ×4(channel) excluding driver loss. (LED Light bar: 16S4P)R2010-6053-O(3/3)A4(210 X 297)PRODUCT GROUPPRODUCT SPEC-TFT MODULE SPEC. NUMBER S864-6018SPEC. TITLE B3 HM215WU1-500 Product Specification Rev. 0REV OISSUE DATE 2011.6.9 PAGE 8 OF304.0 OPTICAL SPECIFICATION4.1 OverviewThe test of Optical specifications shall be measured in a dark room (ambient luminance ≤ 1 lux and temperature = 25±2℃) with the equipment of Luminance meter system (Goniometer system and TOPCONE BM-5) and test unit shall be located at an approximate distance 50cm from the LCD surface at a viewing angle of θ and Φ equal to 0°. We refer to θØ=0 (=θ3 ) as the 3 o’clock direction (the “right”), θØ=90 (= θ12 ) as the 12 o’clock direction (“upward”), θØ=180 (= θ9 ) as the 9 o’clock direction (“left”) and θØ=270(= θ6 ) as the 6 o’clock direction (“bottom”). While scanning θ and/or Ø, the center of the measuring spot on the Display surface shall stay fixed. The measurement shall be executed after 30 minutes warm-up period. VDD shall be 5.0V +/-10% at 25°C. Optimum viewing angle direction is 6 ’clock.4.2 Optical Specifications[VDD = 5.0V, Frame rate = 60Hz, Clock = 78MHz, IBL = 240mA, Ta =25±2 ℃] ParameterHorizontal Viewing Angle range VerticalSymbolΘ3 Θ9 Θ12 Θ6 Θ3 Θ9 Θ12 Θ6 CR Yw ΔY White Wx Wy Red Rx Ry Green Gx Gy Blue Bx By Tr Tf CTConditionMin.35 35Typ.45 45 25 40 600 200 80 0.313 0.329 0.632 0.340 0.333 0.626 0.157 0.043 1.5 3.5Max.-UnitDeg. Deg. Deg. Deg. Deg. Deg. Deg. Deg.RemarkCR > 10 20 35 50 CR > 5 50 30 45 450 160 75 0.283 Θ = 0° (Center) Normal Viewing Angle 0.299 0.602 0.310 0.303 0.596 0.127 0.013Note 1Horizontal Viewing Angle range Vertical Luminance Contrast ratio Luminance of White White luminance uniformityNote 2 cd/m2 % 0.343 0.359 0.662 0.370 0.363 0.656 0.187 0.073 2.5 5.5 2.0 ms Note 6 ms % Note 7 Note 5 Note 3 Note 4Reproduction of colorResponse Time Cross TalkRising Falling--R2010-6053-O(3/3)A4(210 X 297)PRODUCT GROUPPRODUCT SPEC-TFT MODULE SPEC. NUMBER S864-6018SPEC. TITLE B3 HM215WU1-500 Product Specification Rev. 0REV OISSUE DATE 2011.6.9 PAGE 9 OF30Note :1. Viewing angle is the angle at which the contrast ratio is greater than 10. The viewing are determined for the horizontal or 3, 9 o’clock direction and the vertical or 6, 12 o’clock direction with respect to the optical axis which is normal to the LCD surface. Contrast measurements shall be made at viewing angle of θ= 0° and at the center of the LCD surface. Luminance shall be measured with all pixels in the view field set first to white, then to the dark (black) state. (See FIGURE 1 shown in Appendix) Luminance Contrast Ratio (CR) is defined mathematically. CR 3. = Luminance when displaying a white raster Luminance when displaying a black raster2. Luminance of white is defined as the LCD surface. Luminance shall be measured with all pixels in the view field set first to white. This measurement shall be taken at the locations shown in FIGURE 2 for a total of the measurements per display. The White luminance uniformity on LCD surface is then expressed as : ΔY = ( Minimum Luminance of 9points / Maximum Luminance of 9points ) * 100 (See FIGURE 2 shown in Appendix). The color chromaticity coordinates specified in Table 4. shall be calculated from the spectral data measured with all pixels first in red, green, blue and white. Measurements shall be made at the center of the panel. The electro-optical response time measurements shall be made as FIGURE 3 shown in Appendix by switching the “data” input signal ON and OFF. The times needed for the luminance to change from 10% to 90% is Td, and 90% to 10% is Tr. Cross-Talk of one area of the LCD surface by another shall be measured by comparing the luminance (YA) of a 25mm diameter area, with all display pixels set to a gray level, to the luminance (YB) of that same area when any adjacent area is driven dark. (See FIGURE 4 shown in Appendix).R2010-6053-O(3/3)A4(210 X 297)PRODUCT GROUPPRODUCT SPEC-TFT MODULE SPEC. NUMBER S864-6018SPEC. TITLE B3 HM215WU1-500 Product Specification Rev. 0REV OISSUE DATE 2011.6.9 PAGE 10 OF305.0 INTERFACE CONNECTION.5.1 Electrical Interface Connection●CN1Module Side Connector : UJU IS100-L300-C23 or Equivalent User Side Connector : JAE FI-X30H or EquivalentSymbol RXO0RXO0+ RXO1RXO1+ RXO2RXO2+ GND RXOCRXOC+ RXO3RXO3+ RXE0RXE0+ GND RXE1RXE1+ GND RXE2RXE2+ RXECRXEC+ RXE3RXE3+ GND NC NC NC VDD1 VDD2 VDD3 Function Negative Transmission data of Pixel 0 (ODD) Positive Transmission data of Pixel 0 (ODD) Negative Transmission data of Pixel 1 (ODD) Positive Transmission data of Pixel 1 (ODD) Negative Transmission data of Pixel 2 (ODD) Positive Transmission data of Pixel 2 (ODD) Power Ground Negative Transmission Clock (ODD) Positive Transmission Clock (ODD) Negative Transmission data of Pixel 3 (ODD) PositiveTransmission data of Pixel 3 (ODD) Negative Transmission data of Pixel 0 (EVEN) Positive Transmission data of Pixel 0 (EVEN) Power Ground Negative Transmission data of Pixel 1 (EVEN) Positive Transmission data of Pixel 1 (EVEN) Power Ground Negative Transmission data of Pixel 2 (EVEN) Positive Transmission data of Pixel 2 (EVEN) Negative Transmission Clock (EVEN) Positive Transmission Clock (EVEN) Negative Transmission data of Pixel 3 (EVEN) Positive Transmission data of Pixel 3 (EVEN) Power Ground Not connection, this pin should be open Not connection, this pin should be open Not connection Power Supply:+5V RemarkPin No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30Note11: Note 1: This pin should be connected with GNDR2010-6053-O(3/3)A4(210 X 297)PRODUCT GROUPPRODUCT SPEC-TFT MODULE SPEC. NUMBER S864-6018SPEC. TITLE B3 HM215WU1-500 Product Specification Rev. 0REV OISSUE DATE 2011.6.9 PAGE 11 OF305.2 LVDS Interface (Tx; THC63LVDF83A or Equivalent) 5.2.1 ODD LVDS InterfaceTransmitter Pin No. 51 52 54 55 56 3 4 6 7 11 12 14 15 19 20 22 23 24 27 28 30 31 50 2 8 10 16 18 25 40 39 CLK OUTCLK OUT+ RXO CLKRXO CLK+ 8 9 42 41 OUT2OUT2+ RXO2RXO2+ 5 6 46 45 OUT1OUT1+ RXO1RXO1+ 3 4 48 47 OUT0OUT0+ RXO0RXO0+ 1 2 Pin No. Interface System (Tx) TFT-LCD (Rx) HM215WU1-500 (CN11) Pin No. RemarkInput Signal OR0 OR1 OR2 OR3 OR4 OR5 OG0 OG1 OG2 OG3 OG4 OG5 O D D L V D S OB0 OB1 OB2 OB3 OB4 OB5 Hsync Vsync DE MCLK OR6 OR7 OG6 OG7 OB6 OB7 RSVD38 37OUT3OUT3+RXO3RXO3+10 11R2010-6053-O(3/3)A4(210 X 297)PRODUCT GROUPPRODUCT SPEC-TFT MODULE SPEC. NUMBER S864-6018SPEC. TITLE B3 HM215WU1-500 Product Specification Rev. 0REV OISSUE DATE 2011.6.9 PAGE 12 OF305.2.2 EVEN LVDS InterfaceTransmitter Pin No. 51 52 54 55 56 3 4 6 7 11 12 14 15 19 20 22 23 24 27 28 30 31 50 2 8 10 16 18 25 40 39 CLK OUTCLK OUT+ RXE CLKRXE CLK+ 20 21 42 41 OUT2OUT2+ RXE2RXE2+ 18 19 46 45 OUT1OUT1+ RXE1RXE1+ 15 16 48 47 OUT0OUT0+ RXE0RXE0+ 12 13 Pin No. Interface System (Tx) TFT-LCD (Rx) HM215WU1-500 (CN11) Pin No. RemarkInput Signal ER0 ER1 ER2 ER3 ER4 ER5 EG0 EG1 EG2 EG3 EG4 E V E N L V D S EG5 EB0 EB1 EB2 EB3 EB4 EB5 Hsync Vsync DE MCLK ER6 ER7 EG6 EG7 EB6 EB7 RSVD38 37OUT3OUT3+RXE3RXE3+22 23R2010-6053-O(3/3)A4(210 X 297)PRODUCT GROUPPRODUCT SPEC-TFT MODULE SPEC. NUMBER S864-6018SPEC. TITLE B3 HM215WU1-500 Product Specification Rev. 0REV OISSUE DATE 2011.6.9 PAGE 13 OF305.3 Data Input Format(1,1) (2,1) (1919,1) (1920,1)R G B R G BR G B R G B1 Pixel = 3 DotsR G BR G B R G B (1,1080) (2,1080)R G B R G B (1919,1080) (1920,1080)Display Position of Input Data (V-H)5.4 Back-light Interface Connection●CN 2 LED LightBar Connector :CI1406M1HRL-NH or equivalentPin1 2 3 4 5 6Function Channel 1 Current Feedback Channel 2 Current Feedback LED Power Supply LED Power Supply Channel3 Current Feedback Channel4 Current FeedbackR2010-6053-O(3/3)A4(210 X 297)PRODUCT GROUPPRODUCT SPEC-TFT MODULE SPEC. NUMBER S864-6018SPEC. TITLE B3 HM215WU1-500 Product Specification Rev. 0REV OISSUE DATE 2011.6.9 PAGE 14 OF306.0 SIGNAL TIMING SPECIFICATION6.1 The HM215WU1-500 is operated by the DE only.Item Frequency Clock High Time Low TimeSymbols 1/Tc Tch TclMin 61.93 1091Typ 74.32 4/7 Tc 3/7 Tc 1125 60 16.67 1080 1100 960Max 92.90 1149 70 13.33 1200 -Unit MHzlines Hz ms lines clocks clocksFrame PeriodTv50 20Vertical Display Period One line Scanning Period Horizontal Display PeriodTvd Th Thd1060 -R2010-6053-O(3/3)A4(210 X 297)PRODUCT GROUPPRODUCT SPEC-TFT MODULE SPEC. NUMBER S864-6018SPEC. TITLE B3 HM215WU1-500 Product Specification Rev. 0REV OISSUE DATE 2011.6.9 PAGE 15 OF306.2 LVDS Rx Interface Timing ParameterThe specification of the LVDS Rx interface timing parameter is shown in Table 4. <Table 4. LVDS Rx Interface Timing Specification>Item CLKIN Period Input Data 0 Input Data 1 Input Data 2 Input Data 3 Input Data 4 Input Data 5 Input Data 6 Symbol tRCIP tRIP1 tRIP0 tRIP6 tRIP5 tRIP4 tRIP3 tRIP2 Min 10.76 -0.4 tRCIP/7-0.4 2 ×tRCIP/7-0.4 3 ×tRCIP/7-0.4 4 ×tRCIP/7-0.4 5 ×tRCIP/7-0.4 6 ×tRCIP/7-0.4 Typ 13.46 0.0 tRCIP/7 2 ×tRCIP/7 3 ×tRCIP/7 4 ×tRCIP/7 5 ×tRCIP/7 6 ×tRCIP/7 Max 16.15 +0.4 tRCIP/7+0.4 2 ×tRCIP/7+0.4 3 ×tRCIP/7+0.4 4 ×tRCIP/7+0.4 5 ×tRCIP/7+0.4 6 ×tRCIP/7+0.4 Unit nsec nsec nsec nsec nsec nsec nsec nsec RemarktRIP2 tRIP3 tRIP4 tRIP5 tRIP6 tRIP0 tRIP1 RXz +/* Z = 0, 1, 2,3 RxCLK+Rx3 Rx2 Rx1 Rx0 Rx6 Rx5 Rx4 Rx3 Rx2 Rx1 Rx0Vdiff=0[v]tRCIPVdiff=0[v]* Vdiff = (RXz+)-(RXz-),…. ,(RXCLK+)-(RXCLK-)R2010-6053-O(3/3)A4(210 X 297)PRODUCT GROUPPRODUCT SPEC-TFT MODULE SPEC. NUMBER S864-6018SPEC. TITLE B3 HM215WU1-500 Product Specification Rev. 0REV OISSUE DATE 2011.6.9 PAGE 16 OF307.0 SIGNAL TIMING WAVEFORMS OF INTERFACE SIGNAL7.1 Sync Timing WaveformsV-SyncOver 3 H-syncH-Sync Fix H-Sync width AreaDE1) Need over 3 H-sync during V-Sync Low 2) Fix H-Sync width from V-Sync falling edge to first rising edge7.2 Vertical Timing WaveformsTv TvdMCLK Th DER7 ~ R0 G7 ~ G0 B7 ~ B0Invalid Datax,1x,2x,yx,1050InvalidDatax+1,1R2010-6053-O(3/3)A4(210 X 297)PRODUCT GROUPPRODUCT SPEC-TFT MODULE SPEC. NUMBER S864-6018SPEC. TITLE B3 HM215WU1-500 Product Specification Rev. 0REV OISSUE DATE 2011.6.9 PAGE 17 OF307.3 Horizontal Timing WaveformsTh Thd MCLK Tc DERA7 ~RA0 GA7 ~GA0 BA7 ~BA0D1D2DnD1048 D1049 D1050InvalidDataD1D2D3TchTcl 2.0V 1.5VMCLK Tds Data0.8VTdh Data 2.0V 0.8VValid TesDE2.0VR2010-6053-O(3/3)A4(210 X 297)PRODUCT GROUPPRODUCT SPEC-TFT MODULE SPEC. NUMBER S864-6018SPEC. TITLE B3 HM215WU1-500 Product Specification Rev. 0REV OISSUE DATE 2011.6.9 PAGE 18 OF308.0 INPUT SIGNALS, BASIC DISPLAY COLORS & GRAY SCALE OF COLORSColor & Gray Scale Black Blue Green Cyan Red Magenta Yellow White Black △ Darker △ ▽ Brighter ▽ Red Black △ Darker △ ▽ Brighter ▽ Green Black △ Darker △ ▽ Brighter ▽ Blue Black △ Darker △ ▽ Brighter ▽ White R7 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 R6 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 RED DATA R5 R4 R3 R2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ↑ ↓ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ↑ ↓ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ↑ ↓ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ↑ ↓ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 R1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 R0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 GREEN DATA G7 G6 G5 G4 G3 G2 G1 G0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ↑ ↓ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 ↑ ↓ 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ↑ ↓ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 ↑ ↓ 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 B7 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 B6 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 BLUE DATA B5 B4 B3 B2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ↑ ↓ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ↑ ↓ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ↑ ↓ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ↑ ↓ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 B1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 B0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0Basic ColorsGray Scale of REDGray Scale of GREEN1 1 1 0 0 01 1 1 0 0 00 1 1 0 0 01 0 1 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0Gray Scale of BLUE0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 1 0Gray Scale of WHITE0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 1 01 1 1 0 0 01 1 1 0 0 00 1 1 0 0 11 0 1 0 1 01 1 1 1 1 10 1 11 0 11 1 1 1 1 10 1 1 0 1 1R2010-6053-O(3/3)A4(210 X 297)PRODUCT GROUPPRODUCT SPEC-TFT MODULE SPEC. NUMBER S864-6018SPEC. TITLE B3 HM215WU1-500 Product Specification Rev. 0REV OISSUE DATE 2011.6.9 PAGE 19 OF309.0 POWER SEQUENCETo prevent a latch-up or DC operation of the LCD module, the power on/off sequence shall be as shown in below0.9VDD0.9VDD 0.1VDDPower Supply0V0.1VDDT1 T2 Valid0VT3T4Interface SignalT5T6Back- light0V● ● ● ● ● ●0.5 ms ≤ T1 ≤ 10 ms 0 ≤ T2 ≤ 50 ms 0 ≤ T3 ≤ 50 ms 1 sec ≤ T4 200 ms ≤ T5 200 ms ≤ T6Notes:1. When the power supply VDD is 0V, keep the level of input signals on the low or keep high impedance. 2. Do not keep the interface signal high impedance when power is on. 3. Back Light must be turn on after power for logic and interface signal are valid.R2010-6053-O(3/3)A4(210 X 297)PRODUCT GROUPPRODUCT SPEC-TFT MODULE SPEC. NUMBER S864-6018SPEC. TITLE B3 HM215WU1-500 Product Specification Rev. 0REV OISSUE DATE 2011.6.9 PAGE 20 OF3010.0 MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS10.1 Dimensional Requirements FIGURE 6 (located in Appendix) shows mechanical outlines for the model HM215WU1-500. Other parameters are shown in Table 5. <Table 5. Dimensional Parameters>Parameter Dimensional outline Weight Active area Pixel pitch Number of pixels Back-light Specification Unit mm gram mm mm pixels495.6 ×292.2×10.2 1450 (typ.) 476.64(H) × 268.11(V) 0.24825(H) x 0.24825(V) 1920(H)×1080(V) (1 pixel = R + G + B dots) Lower side 1-LED Light bar Type10.2 Mounting See FIGURE 5. (shown in Appendix) 10.3 Anti-Glare and Polarizer Hardness. The surface of the LCD has an anti-glare coating to minimize reflection and a coating to reduce scratching. 10.4 Light Leakage There shall not be visible light from the back-lighting system around the edges of the screen as seen from a distance 50cm from the screen with an overhead light level of 350lux.R2010-6053-O(3/3)A4(210 X 297)PRODUCT GROUPPRODUCT SPEC-TFT MODULE SPEC. NUMBER S864-6018SPEC. TITLE B3 HM215WU1-500 Product Specification Rev. 0REV OISSUE DATE 2011.6.9 PAGE 21 OF3011.0 RELIABLITY TESTThe Reliability test items and its conditions are shown in below. <Table 6. Reliability Test Parameters > No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Test ItemsHigh temperature storage test Low temperature storage test High temperature & high humidity operation test High temperature operation test Low temperature operation test Thermal shock Vibration test (non-operating) Ta = 60 ℃, 240 hrs Ta = -20 ℃, 240 hrs Ta = 50 ℃, 80%RH, 240hrs Ta = 50 ℃, 240hrs Ta = 0 ℃, 240hrs Ta = -20 ℃ ↔ 60 ℃ (0.5 hr), 100 cycleFrequency Gravity / AMP Period Gravity 10 ~ 300 Hz, Sweep rate 30 min 1.5 G X, Y, Z 30 min Conditions50G 11msec, sine wave± X, ± Y, ± Z Once for each8Shock test (non-operating)Pulse widthDirection9 10Electro-static discharge test (non-operating)Air : 150 pF, 330Ω, 15 KV Contact : 150 pF, 330Ω, 8 KVAltitude testOperating: 0 to 16400ft , 0 to 40° Non Operating: 0 to 40000ft, -20 to 40°R2010-6053-O(3/3)A4(210 X 297)PRODUCT GROUPPRODUCT SPEC-TFT MODULE SPEC. NUMBER S864-6018SPEC. TITLE B3 HM215WU1-500 Product Specification Rev. 0REV OISSUE DATE 2011.6.9 PAGE 22 OF3012.0 HANDLING & CAUTIONS(1) Cautions when taking out the module Pick the pouch only, when taking out module from a shipping package. (2) Cautions for handling the module As the electrostatic discharges may break the LCD module, handle the LCD module with care. Peel a protection sheet off from the LCD panel surface as slowly as possible. As the LCD panel and back - light element are made from fragile glass material, impulse and pressure to the LCD module should be avoided. As the surface of the polarizer is very soft and easily scratched, use a soft dry cloth without chemicals for cleaning. Do not pull the interface connector in or out while the LCD module is operating. Put the module display side down on a flat horizontal plane. Handle connectors and cables with care. (3) Cautions for the operation When the module is operating, do not lose CLK, ENAB signals. If any one of these signals is lost, the LCD panel would be damaged. Obey the supply voltage sequence. If wrong sequence is applied, the module would be damaged. (4) Cautions for the atmosphere Dew drop atmosphere should be avoided. Do not store and/or operate the LCD module in a high temperature and/or humidity atmosphere. Storage in an electro-conductive polymer packing pouch and under relatively low temperature atmosphere is recommended. (5) Cautions for the module characteristics Do not apply fixed pattern data signal to the LCD module at product aging. Applying fixed pattern for a long time may cause image sticking. (6) Other cautions Do not disassemble and/or re-assemble LCD module. Do not re-adjust variable resistor or switch etc. When returning the module for repair or etc., Please pack the module not to be broken. We recommend to use the original shipping packages.R2010-6053-O(3/3)A4(210 X 297)PRODUCT GROUPPRODUCT SPEC-TFT MODULE SPEC. NUMBER S864-6018SPEC. TITLE B3 HM215WU1-500 Product Specification Rev. 0REV OISSUE DATE 2011.6.9 PAGE 23 OF3013.0 PRODUCT SERIAL NUMBERHM215WU1-500B31 X X X23 X X4 X5 X X X X X6 X X X X X7 X1. 2. 3. 4.Control Number( 2 digital or letter ) Rank / Grade (1 letter) Line Classification (B3 line:3 ) Year (2001 : 01, 2002 : 02, …)5. Month (1,2,3, … , 9, X, Y, Z) 6. Internal Use (FG-code,4 digital) 7. Serial Number(000000—FFFFFF)R2010-6053-O(3/3)A4(210 X 297)PRODUCT GROUPPRODUCT SPEC-TFT MODULE SPEC. NUMBER S864-6018SPEC. TITLE B3 HM215WU1-500 Product Specification Rev. 0REV OISSUE DATE 2011.6.9 PAGE 24 OF3014.0 Packing14.1 Packing OrderPut EPE Cushion into the box As shown in the figure, place the modules bundled by packing bag In the boxAfter sealing the box, attach Packing Label on the attach position sign area of the box.Place EPE cover on top of the boxR2010-6053-O(3/3)A4(210 X 297)PRODUCT GROUPPRODUCT SPEC-TFT MODULE SPEC. NUMBER S864-6018SPEC. TITLE B3 HM215WU1-500 Product Specification Rev. 0REV OISSUE DATE 2011.6.9 PAGE 25 OF3014.2 Pallet Packing OrderLoad Pallet in correct positionPile up the unit Box filled with Modules on the Pallet carefully not to make a space.Box coverPolyester bendOut boxAdjust Outer box to piling Boxes and cover the Outer box using box cover. Bend Pallet Assy which is putting the Box Cover tight in two direction (horizontal and vertical) and two times using Polyester bend.Wrap the Pallet Assy loaded 1story, 2stories from downside through side and to edge of upside. (12Boxes/Pallet)R2010-6053-O(3/3)A4(210 X 297)PRODUCT GROUPPRODUCT SPEC-TFT MODULE SPEC. NUMBER S864-6018SPEC. TITLE B3 HM215WU1-500 Product Specification Rev. 0REV OISSUE DATE 2011.6.9 PAGE 26 OF3014.3 Packing Specification and NoteBox Dimension : 348(W) × 558mm(L) × 400mm(H) Package Quantity in one Box : 10pcs Specification ItemPanel Cushion Box Packing Box PalletQ'ty1 1 1 10pcs/Box 1Dimension495.6(H) × 292.2(V) × 10.2(D) typ. 558(L)mm x 348(W)mm x 400(H)mm 558(L)mm x 348W)mm x 400(H)mm 1200(L)mm x 1140(W)mm x 120(H)mmWeight (kg)1.48 0.70 0.70 16.20 15.90 214Remarkwithout Panel & cushion with panel & cushion -Pallet after Packing 12boxes/pallet 1140(L)mm x 1076W)mm x 820(H)mm14.4 Box labelLabel Size : 108 mm (L) × 56 mm (W) Contents Model : HM215WU1-500 Q`ty : Module Q`ty in one box Serial No. : Box Serial No. See next page for detail description. Date : Packing Date FG Code : FG Code of ProductHM215WU1-500 0000000000000 594010 201X.X.XX00 0 00 0 0 000000 Type Grade Year Month ITEM-CODE Serial_noFG CODERoHS MarkR2010-6053-O(3/3)A4(210 X 297)。



4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0
Electrical Specifications
Optical Specifications Interface Connection Signal Timing Specifications Signal Timing Waveforms of Interface Signal Input Signals, Display Colors & Gray Scale of Colors Power Sequence Mechanical Characteristics Reliability Test Handling& Cautions Product Serial Number Packing Appendix
1.1 Introduction HR215WU1-210 is a color active matrix TFT LCD module using amorphous silicon TFT's (Thin Film Transistors) as an active switching devices. This module has a 21.5 inch diagonally measured active area with FHD resolutions (1920 horizontal by 1080 vertical pixel array). Each pixel is divided into RED, GREEN, BLUE dots which are arranged in vertical stripe and this module can display 16.7M colors. The TFT-LCD panel used for this module is adapted for a low reflection and higher color type.

B3 HM215WU1-500

B3 HM215WU1-500

SPEC. NUMBERPRODUCT GROUPRev.AISSUE DATE 2011.08.25PAGE TITLE : B3 HM215WU1-500Product SpecificationRev.AOF 30PROPRIETARY NOTETHIS SPECIFICATION IS THE PROPERTY OF BOE HF AND SHALL NOT BEREPRODUCED OR COPIED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF BOE HF AND MUST BE RETURNED TO BOE HF UPON ITS REQUESTHEFEI BOE OPTOELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY1TFT-LCDSPEC. NUMBER SPEC. TITLEB3 HM215WU1-500Product Specification Rev. 0PAGE OF 30REV.ECN No.DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES DATE PREPARED 0Initial Release2011.05.25向贤明A P14:Frame Period Max 70Hz 75Hz;P14:Add Horizontal and Vertical Display PeriodMax and Min Value;P14:Add Vsync and Hsync Frequency;P30:Mark the COF’s site in the spec.2011.08.25孙荣阁REVISION HISTORY2OF30 B3 HM215WU1-500Product Specification Rev. A3ContentsNo.Item Page1.0General Description42.0Absolute Maximum Ratings63.0Electrical Specifications74.0Optical Specifications85.0Interface Connection106.0Signal Timing Specifications147.0Signal Timing Waveforms of Interface Signal168.0Input Signals, Display Colors & Gray Scale of Colors189.0Power Sequence1910.0Mechanical Characteristics2011.0Reliability Test2112.0Handling& Cautions 2213.0Product Serial Number2314.0Packing2415.0Appendix27OF30B3 HM215WU1-500Product Specification Rev. A4HM215WU1-500 is a color active matrix TFT LCD module using amorphous silicon TFT's (Thin Film Transistors) as an active switching devices. This module has a 21.5inchdiagonally measured active area with FHD resolutions (1920horizontal by 1080vertical pixel array). Each pixel is divided into RED, GREEN, BLUE dots which are arranged in vertical stripe and this module can display 16.7M colors. The TFT-LCD panel used for this module is adapted for a low reflection and higher color type.1.2 Featuresz LVDS Interface with 2pixel / clock z High-speed responsez 6-bit (Hi-FRC) color depth, display 16. 7M colors z Incorporated edge type back-light (One Light Bar)z High luminance and contrast ratio, low reflection and wide viewing angle z DE (Data Enable) only z RoHS Compliant1.0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION1.1 IntroductionGate DriverSource DriverTFT LCD Panel 1920×1080LVDS Rx+T/CON +Mini LVDS TxDC/DC Gamma VcomConnector (CN 1)LVDS Input SignalVDDLED Light BarCN2OF30 B3 HM215WU1-500Product Specification Rev. A51.3 Applicationz Desktop Type of PC & Workstation Usez Slim-Size Display for Stand-alone Monitorz Display Terminals for Control Systemz Monitors for Process Controller1.4 General SpecificationThe followings are general specifications at the model HM215WU1-500.<Table 1. General Specifications>Parameter Specification Unit Remarks Active area 476.64(H) ×268.11(V)mmNumber of pixels 1920(H) ×1080(V)pixelsPixel pitch 0.24825(H) ×0.24825(V)mmPixel arrangement RGB Vertical stripeDisplay colors16.7M colorsDisplay mode Normally WhiteDimensional outline495.6(H) ×292.2(V) ×10.2(D) typ.mmWeight 1450(Typ.)gSurface Treatment Haze 25%, 3HBack-light Lower side 1-LED Light bar TypeOF30B3 HM215WU1-500Product Specification Rev. A62.0 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSThe followings are maximum values which, if exceed, may cause faulty operation or damage to the unit. The operational and non-operational maximum voltage and current values are listed in Table 2.< Table 2. Absolute Maximum Ratings> [VSS=GND=0V]ParameterSymbolMin.Max.UnitRemarksPower Supply Voltage V DD -0.5 5.5V Ta = 25 ℃Logic Supply Voltage V IN VSS-0.3V DD +0.3V Operating Temperature T OP 0+50℃1)Storage TemperatureT ST-20+60℃1)Note : 1) Temperature and relative humidity range are shown in the figure below.Wet bulb temperature should be 39 O C max. and no condensation of water.(39,90)(50,50)(60,30)OF30B3 HM215WU1-500Product Specification Rev. A73.0 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS3.1Electrical Specifications< Table 3. Electrical specifications >ParameterMin.Typ.Max.UnitRemarksPower Supply Voltage V DD 4.5 5.0 5.5V Note1Power Supply Current I DD -7001200mAIn-Rush CurrentI RUSH --3A Note 2Permissible Input Ripple Voltage V RF --100mV V DD = 5.0VHigh Level Differential Input Threshold VoltageV IH --+100mV Low Level Differential Input Threshold Voltage V IL -100--mV Differential input voltage|V ID |200-600mVDifferential input common mode voltage Vcm 1.0 1.2 1.5V IH =100mV,V IL =-100mV LED Channel Voltage V L 46.451.257.6V LED Channel Current I L576063mA LED Lifetime30,000--Hrs IPower ConsumptionP D- 4.9-W P BL -12.29-W I L =60 mA, Note 5P total-17.19-WNotes : 1. The supply voltage is measured and specified at the interface connector of LCM.The current draw and power consumption specified is for VDD=5.0V, Frame rate=75Hz. Test Pattern of powersupply currenta) Typ : Color Bar patternb) Max : Skip Sub Pixel Pattern2. Duration of rush current is about 2 ms and rising time of VDD is 520 μs ±20 %3. The lamp frequency should be selected as different as possible from the horizontalsynchronous frequency and its harmonics to avoid interference, which may cause line flow on the display 4. The voltage above this value should be applied to the lamps for more than 1 second to start-up. Otherwise the lamps may not be turned on.5. Calculated value for reference (V L ×I L ) ×4(channel)excluding driver loss.(LED Light bar: 16S4P)[Ta =25±2 ℃]OF30B3 HM215WU1-500Product Specification Rev. A84.0 OPTICAL SPECIFICATION4.1 OverviewParameterSymbolCondition Min.Typ.Max.UnitRemarkViewing Angle rangeHorizontalΘ3CR > 103545-Deg.Note 1Θ93545-Deg.VerticalΘ122025-Deg.Θ63540-Deg.Viewing Angle rangeHorizontalΘ3CR > 550--Deg.Θ950--Deg.VerticalΘ1230--Deg.Θ645--Deg.Luminance Contrast ratio CR Θ = 0°(Center)Normal Viewing AngleY7450600Note 2Luminance of White Y w 160200cd/m 2Note 3White luminance uniformityΔ580%Note 4Reproductionof colorWhiteW x 0.2830.3130.343Note 5W y 0.2990.3290.359RedR x 0.6090.6390.669R y 0.3120.3420.372Green G x 0.2930.3230.353G y 0.6000.6300.660BlueB x 0.1230.1530.183B y 0.0210.0510.081Response TimeRising T r 1.5 2.5ms Note 6FallingT f 3.55.5ms Cross TalkCT--2.0%Note 7The test of Optical specifications shall be measured in a dark room (ambient luminance ≤1 lux and temperature = 25±2℃) with the equipment of Luminance meter system (Goniometer system and TOPCONE BM-5) and test unit shall be located at an approximate distance 50cm from the LCD surface at a viewing angle of θ and Φ equal to 0°. We refer to θØ=0(=θ3) as the 3 o’clock direction (the “right”), θØ=90(= θ12) as the 12 o’clock direction (“upward”), θØ=180(= θ9) as the 9 o’clock direction (“left”) and θØ=270(= θ6 ) as the 6 o’clock direction (“bottom”). While scanning θ and/or Ø, the center of the measuring spot on the Display surface shall stay fixed. The measurement shall be executed after 30 minutes warm-up period. VDD shall be 5.0V +/-10% at 25°C. Optimum viewing angle direction is 6 ’clock.4.2 Optical Specifications[VDD = 5.0V, Frame rate = 60Hz, Clock = 78MHz, I BL = 240mA, Ta =25±2 ℃]OF30B3 HM215WU1-500Product Specification Rev. A91.Viewing angle is the angle at which the contrast ratio is greater than 10. The viewing are determined for the horizontal or 3, 9 o’clock direction and the vertical or 6, 12 o’clock direction with respect to the optical axis which is normal to the LCD surface.2.Contrast measurements shall be made at viewing angle of θ= 0°and at the center of the LCD surface. Luminance shall be measured with all pixels in the view field set first to white, then to the dark (black) state. (See FIGURE 1 shown in Appendix) Luminance Contrast Ratio (CR) is defined mathematically.Luminance when displaying a white raster Luminance when displaying a black raster3.Center Luminance of white is defined as the LCD surface. Luminance shall be measured with all pixels in the view field set first to white. This measurement shall be taken at the locations shown in FIGURE 2 for a total of the measurements per display.4.The White luminance uniformity on LCD surface is then expressed as :ΔY = ( Minimum Luminance of 9points / Maximum Luminance of 9points ) * 100 (See FIGURE 2 shown in Appendix).5. The color chromaticity coordinates specified in Table 4. shall be calculated from the spectraldata measured with all pixels first in red, green, blue and white. Measurements shall be made at the center of the panel.6. The electro-optical response time measurements shall be made as FIGURE 3 shown inAppendix by switching the “data” input signal ON and OFF. The times needed for the luminance to change from 10% to 90% is Td, and 90% to 10% is Tr.7. Cross-Talk of one area of the LCD surface by another shall be measured by comparing theluminance (Y A ) of a 25mm diameter area, with all display pixels set to a gray level, to the luminance (Y B ) of that same area when any adjacent area is driven dark. (See FIGURE 4 shown in Appendix).Note :CR =OF30 B3 HM215WU1-500Product Specification Rev. A105.0INTERFACE CONNECTION.5.1 Electrical Interface Connection●CN1Module Side Connector : UJU IS100-L300-C23 or EquivalentUser Side Connector : JAE FI-X30H or EquivalentPin No Symbol Function Remark 1RXO0-Negative Transmission data of Pixel 0 (ODD)2RXO0+Positive Transmission data of Pixel 0 (ODD)3RXO1-Negative Transmission data of Pixel 1 (ODD)4RXO1+Positive Transmission data of Pixel 1 (ODD)5RXO2-Negative Transmission data of Pixel 2 (ODD)6RXO2+Positive Transmission data of Pixel 2 (ODD)7GND Power Ground8RXOC-Negative Transmission Clock (ODD)9RXOC+Positive Transmission Clock (ODD)10RXO3-Negative Transmission data of Pixel 3 (ODD)11RXO3+PositiveTransmission data of Pixel 3 (ODD)12RXE0-Negative Transmission data of Pixel 0 (EVEN)13RXE0+Positive Transmission data of Pixel 0 (EVEN)14GND Power Ground15RXE1-Negative Transmission data of Pixel 1 (EVEN)16RXE1+Positive Transmission data of Pixel 1 (EVEN)17GND Power Ground18RXE2-Negative Transmission data of Pixel 2 (EVEN)19RXE2+Positive Transmission data of Pixel 2 (EVEN)20RXEC-Negative Transmission Clock (EVEN)21RXEC+Positive Transmission Clock (EVEN)22RXE3-Negative Transmission data of Pixel 3 (EVEN)23RXE3+Positive Transmission data of Pixel 3 (EVEN)24GND Power Ground Note125NC Not connection, this pin should be open26NC Not connection, this pin should be open27NC Not connection28VDD1Power Supply:+5V29VDD230VDD3Note 1:This pin should be connected with GNDOF30B3 HM215WU1-500Product Specification Rev. A115.2 LVDS Interface (Tx; THC63LVDF83A or Equivalent)5.2.1 ODD LVDS Interface101189563412Pin No.HM215WU1-500(CN11)RXO3-RXO3+RXO CLK-RXO CLK+RXO2-RXO2+RXO1-RXO1+RXO0-RXO0+TFT-LCD (Rx)38374039424146454847Pin No.OUT3-OUT3+CLK OUT-CLK OUT+OUT2-OUT2+OUT1-OUT1+OUT0-OUT0+System (Tx)InterfacePin No.2518161082503130282724232220191514121176435655545251Transmitter RemarkRSVDOB7OB6OG7OG6OR7OR6MCLK DE Vsync Hsync OB5OB4OB3OB2OB1OB0OG5OG4OG3OG2OG1OG0OR5OR4OR3OR2OR1OR0Input Signal O D D L V D SOF30B3 HM215WU1-500Product Specification Rev. A1222232021181915161213Pin No.HM215WU1-500(CN11)RXE3-RXE3+RXE CLK-RXE CLK+RXE2-RXE2+RXE1-RXE1+RXE0-RXE0+TFT-LCD (Rx)38374039424146454847Pin No.OUT3-OUT3+CLK OUT-CLK OUT+OUT2-OUT2+OUT1-OUT1+OUT0-OUT0+System (Tx)InterfacePin No.2518161082503130282724232220191514121176435655545251Transmitter RemarkRSVDEB7EB6EG7EG6ER7ER6MCLK DE Vsync Hsync EB5EB4EB3EB2EB1EB0EG5EG4EG3EG2EG1EG0ER5ER4ER3ER2ER1ER0Input Signal E V E N L V D S5.2.2EVEN LVDS InterfaceOF30B3 HM215WU1-500Product Specification Rev. A135.4 Back-light Interface Connection5.3 Data Input Format(1,1)(2,1)(1919,1)(1920,1)R G B R G B R G B R G B1 Pixel = 3 DotsR G BR G B R G B R G B R G B (1,1080)(2,1080)(1919,1080)(1920,1080)Display Position of Input Data (V-H):CI1406M1HRL-NH or equivalentLED LightBar Connector ●CN 2PinFunction1Channel 1 Current Feedback 2Channel 2 Current Feedback3LED Power Supply 4LED Power Supply 5Channel3 Current Feedback 6Channel4 Current FeedbackOF30 B3 HM215WU1-500Product Specification Rev. A146.0 SIGNAL TIMING SPECIFICATION6.1 The HM215WU1-500 is operated by the DE only.Item Symbols Min Typ Max UnitClockFrequency1/Tc61.9374.3292.90MHz High Time Tch-4/7 Tc-Low Time Tcl-3/7 Tc-Frame Period Tv109111251149lines506075Hz2016.6713.33msVertical Display Period Tvd108010801080lines One line Scanning Period Th106011001200clocks Horizontal Display Period Thd960960960clocks Vsync fv506075HzHsync fh56.2567.584.38kHzOF30B3 HM215WU1-500Product Specification Rev. A156.2 LVDS Rx Interface Timing ParameterThe specification of the LVDS Rx interface timing parameter is shown in Table 4.<Table 4. LVDS Rx Interface Timing Specification>Item Symbol Min Typ Max Unit RemarkCLKIN Period tRCIP 10.7613.4616.15nsec Input Data 0tRIP1-0.40.0+0.4nsec Input Data 1tRIP0tRCIP/7-0.4tRCIP/7tRCIP/7+0.4nsec Input Data 2tRIP6 2 ×tRCIP/7-0.4 2 ×tRCIP/7 2 ×tRCIP/7+0.4nsec Input Data 3tRIP5 3 ×tRCIP/7-0.4 3 ×tRCIP/7 3 ×tRCIP/7+0.4nsec Input Data 4tRIP4 4 ×tRCIP/7-0.4 4 ×tRCIP/7 4 ×tRCIP/7+0.4nsec Input Data 5tRIP3 5 ×tRCIP/7-0.4 5 ×tRCIP/7 5 ×tRCIP/7+0.4nsec Input Data 6tRIP26 ×tRCIP/7-0.46 ×tRCIP/76 ×tRCIP/7+0.4nsectRIP3tRIP4tRIP5tRIP6tRIP2tRIP0tRIP1Rx2Rx1Rx0Rx6Rx5Rx4Rx3Rx2Rx1Rx0Rx3tRCIPVdiff=0[v]Vdiff=0[v]RxCLK+RXz +/-* Z = 0, 1, 2,3 * Vdiff = (RXz+)-(RXz-),…. ,(RXCLK+)-(RXCLK-)OF30B3 HM215WU1-500Product Specification Rev. A167.0 SIGNAL TIMING WA VEFORMS OF INTERFACE SIGNAL7.1 Sync Timing Waveforms7.2 Vertical Timing WaveformsV-SyncH-SyncDEOver 3H-syncFix H-Sync width Area1) Need over 3 H-sync during V-Sync Low2) Fix H-Sync width from V-Sync falling edge to first rising edgeMCLKDEx,1x,2x,yx+1,1x,1050Invalid Data Data Invalid ThTvTvdR7 ~ R0G7 ~ G0B7 ~ B0OF30B3 HM215WU1-500Product Specification Rev. A177.3 Horizontal Timing WaveformsMCLKDED1D2DnData D1D2D3Invalid D1048D1049D1050ThThdTcRA7 ~RA0GA7 ~GA0BA7 ~BA0TchTclTdh Tds2.0V0.8V2.0V 0.8V Tes2.0VMCLKValid DataDataDE1.5VOF30 B3 HM215WU1-500Product Specification Rev. A188.0 INPUT SIGNALS, BASIC DISPLAY COLORS & GRAY SCALE OF COLORSColor & Gray ScaleRED DATA GREEN DATA BLUE DATAR7R6R5R4R3R2R1R0G7G6G5G4G3G2G1G0B7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0Basic ColorsBlack000000000000000000000000 Blue000000000000000011111111 Green000000001111111100000000 Cyan000000001111111111111111 Red111111110000000000000000 Magenta111111110000000011111111 Yellow111111111111111100000000 White111111111111111111111111Gray Scale of REDBlack000000000000000000000000△000000010000000000000000 Darker000000100000000000000000△↑↑↑▽↓↓↓Brighter111111010000000000000000▽111111100000000000000000 Red111111110000000000000000Gray Scale of GREENBlack000000000000000000000000△000000000000000100000000 Darker000000000000001000000000△↑↑↑▽↓↓↓Brighter000000001111110100000000▽000000001111111000000000 Green000000001111111100000000Gray Scale of BLUEBlack000000000000000000000000△000000000000000000000001 Darker000000000000000000000010△↑↑↑▽↓↓↓Brighter000000000000000011111101▽000000000000000011111110 Blue000000000000000011111111Gray Scale of WHITEBlack000000000000000000000000△000000010000000100000001 Darker000000100000001000000010△↑↑↑▽↓↓↓Brighter111111011111110111111101▽111111101111111011111110 White111111111111111111111111OF30B3 HM215WU1-500Product Specification Rev. A199.0 POWER SEQUENCETo prevent a latch-up or DC operation of the LCD module, the power on/off sequence shall be as shown in belowT1Power SupplyInterface SignalBack-lightValidT2T3T5T60.9VDD0.1VDD0.9VDD0.1VDD0V0V0VT4Notes:1. When the power supply VDD is 0V , keep the level of input signals onthe low or keep high impedance.2. Do not keep the interface signal high impedance when power is on.3. Back Light must be turn on after power for logic and interface signal are valid.●0.5 ms ≤ T1 ≤10 ms ●0 ≤T2 ≤50 ms ●0 ≤ T3≤50 ms ●1 sec ≤T4●200 ms ≤T5 ●200 ms ≤T6OF30 B3 HM215WU1-500Product Specification Rev. A2010.0 MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS10.1 Dimensional RequirementsFIGURE 6 (located in Appendix) shows mechanical outlines for the model HM215WU1-500.Other parameters are shown in Table 5.<Table 5. Dimensional Parameters>Parameter Specification Unit Dimensional outline495.6×292.2×10.2mmWeight 1450(typ.)gramActive area 476.64(H) ×268.11(V)mmPixel pitch 0.24825(H) x 0.24825(V)mmNumber of pixels 1920(H)×1080(V) (1 pixel = R + G + B dots)pixelsBack-light Lower side 1-LED Light bar Type10.2 MountingSee FIGURE 5. (shown in Appendix)10.3 Anti-Glare and Polarizer Hardness.The surface of the LCD has an anti-glare coating to minimize reflection and a coating to reduce scratching.10.4 Light LeakageThere shall not be visible light from the back-lighting system around the edges of the screen as seen from a distance 50cm from the screen with an overhead light level of 350lux.OF30 B3 HM215WU1-500Product Specification Rev. A2111.0 RELIABLITY TESTThe Reliability test items and its conditions are shown in below.<Table 6. Reliability Test Parameters >No Test Items Conditions1High temperature storage test Ta = 60 ℃, 240 hrs2Low temperature storage test Ta = -20 ℃, 240 hrs3High temperature & high humidityoperation testTa = 50 ℃, 80%RH, 240hrs4High temperature operation test Ta = 50 ℃, 240hrs5Low temperature operation test Ta = 0 ℃, 240hrs6Thermal shock Ta = -20 ℃↔ 60 ℃(0.5 hr), 100 cycle7Vibration test(non-operating)Frequency10 ~ 300 Hz, Sweep rate 30 min Gravity / AMP 1.5 GPeriod X, Y, Z 30 min8Shock test(non-operating)Gravity50GPulse width11msec, sine wave Direction±X, ±Y, ±Z Once for each9Electro-static discharge test (non-operating)Air : 150 pF, 330Ω, 15 KV Contact : 150 pF, 330Ω, 8 KV10Altitude test Operating: 0 to 16400ft , 0 to 40°Non Operating: 0 to 40000ft, -20 to 40°OF30 B3 HM215WU1-500Product Specification Rev. A2212.0 HANDLING & CAUTIONS(1) Cautions when taking out the moduley Pick the pouch only, when taking out module from a shipping package.(2) Cautions for handling the moduley As the electrostatic discharges may break the LCD module, handle the LCDmodule with care. Peel a protection sheet off from the LCD panel surface asslowly as possible.y As the LCD panel and back -light element are made from fragile glass material,impulse and pressure to the LCD module should be avoided.y As the surface of the polarizer is very soft and easily scratched, use a soft drycloth without chemicals for cleaning.y Do not pull the interface connector in or out while the LCD module is operating.y Put the module display side down on a flat horizontal plane.y Handle connectors and cables with care.(3) Cautions for the operationy When the module is operating, do not lose CLK, ENAB signals. If any one ofthese signals is lost, the LCD panel would be damaged.y Obey the supply voltage sequence. If wrong sequence is applied, the modulewould be damaged.(4) Cautions for the atmospherey Dew drop atmosphere should be avoided.y Do not store and/or operate the LCD module in a high temperature and/orhumidity atmosphere. Storage in an electro-conductive polymer packing pouchand under relatively low temperature atmosphere is recommended.(5) Cautions for the module characteristicsy Do not apply fixed pattern data signal to the LCD module at product aging.y Applying fixed pattern for a long time may cause image sticking.(6) Other cautionsy Do not disassemble and/or re-assemble LCD module.y Do not re-adjust variable resistor or switch etc.y When returning the module for repair or etc., Please pack the module not to bebroken. We recommend to use the original shipping packages.OF30 B3 HM215WU1-500Product Specification Rev. A 23B313.0 PRODUCT SERIAL NUMBER1 2 3 4 5 6 7X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X1. Control Number2. Rank / Grade3. Line Classification4. Year (2001 : 01, 2002 : 02, …)5. Month (1,2,3, … , 9, X, Y, Z)6. Internal Use7. Serial NumberHM215WU1-500OF30B3 HM215WU1-500Product Specification Rev. A2414.0 Packing14.1 Packing OrderPut EPE Cushion into the boxAs shown in the figure, place the modules bundled by packing bagIn the boxPlace EPE cover on top of the boxAfter sealing the box, attach Packing Label on the attach position sign area of the box.OF30B3 HM215WU1-500Product Specification Rev. ALoad Pallet in correct positionPile up the unit Box filled with Modules on the Pallet carefully not to make a space.Wrap the Pallet Assy loaded 1story, 2stories from downside through side and to edge of upside.(12Boxes/Pallet)Adjust Outer box to piling Boxes and cover the Outer box using box cover. Bend Pallet Assy which is putting the Box Cover tight in two direction (horizontal and vertical) and two times using Polyester bend.Out boxBox coverPolyester bend14.2 Pallet Packing Order25OF30B3 HM215WU1-500Product Specification Rev. A2614.3Packing Specification and Notey Box Dimension : 348(W) ×558mm(L) ×400mm(H)y Package Quantity in one Box : 10pcs14.4Box labely Label Size : 108 mm (L) ×56 mm (W) y ContentsModel : HM215WU1-500Q`ty : Module Q`ty in one boxSerial No. : Box Serial No. See next page for detail description.Date : Packing DateFG Code : FG Code of Product0000000000000201X.X.XX10HM215WU1-5000000000000000Type Grade Year Month ITEM-CODE Serial_noFG CODERoHS Mark5940ItemSpecificationRemarkQ'tyDimensionWeight (kg)Panel 1495.6(H) ×292.2(V) ×10.2(D) typ.1.48-Cushion 1-0.70-Box 1558(L)mm x 348(W)mm x 400(H)mm 0.70without Panel & cushion Packing Box 10pcs/Box558(L)mm x 348W)mm x 400(H)mm 16.20with panel & cushionPallet11200(L)mm x 1140(W)mm x 120(H)mm15.90-Pallet after Packing 12boxes/pallet 1140(L)mm x 1076W)mm x 820(H)mm214-OF30B3 HM215WU1-500Product Specification Rev. A27(L = 50c m )Figure 1. Measurement Set Up15.0 APPENDIXFigure 2. White Luminance and Uniformity Measurement Locations (9 points)1929601728108540972OF30B3 HM215WU1-500Product Specification Rev. A28Figure 3. Response Time TestingDisplay dataOptical ResponseBlack(TFT ON)White(TFT OFF)100%90%10%0%T RT FTimeWhite(TFT OFF)Y B -Y A Y ACross-Talk (%) =×100Where: Y A = Initial luminance of measured area (cd/m 2)Y B = Subsequent luminance of measured area (cd/m 2)The location measured will be exactly the same in both patternsY A (7D/8,W/2)L0Y B (7D/8,W/2)(3D/4, 3W/4)L31(D/4, W/4)VIEW AREAVIEW AREA(D, W)(D, W)Figure 4. Cross Modulation Test DescriptionOF30B3 HM215WU1-500Product Specification Rev. A29Figure 5.TFT-LCD Module Outline Dimensions (Front view)()OF30 B3 HM215WU1-500Product Specification Rev. A30Figure 6. TFT-LCD Module Outline Dimensions (Rear view)。








产品特性:1 稳定性好,灵敏度高,透光率大于92%2 全钢化玻璃,超亮,超白,超平,真实展现液晶色彩,防爆,防眩晕3 使用寿命长,免驱动,免维护,免校准4 无源触摸,无需特制触摸媒介体,手指即点即用5 反应速度快,是红外触屏反应速度的3倍,触摸手写无延时,无笔迹拖延滞后现象6 支持多点触摸无盲区,触控精度高,绘制曲线细腻圆滑7 兼容多种操作系统,在windowsXP vista windows7等系统下智能切换8 环境适应能力强,尺寸从15寸~250寸都能支持9具有多屏互动功能,一台电脑最多可以连接4台触摸屏杭州微展科技有限公司,咨询电话0571-********/89938861,专业经销代理工业液晶屏,液晶面板,奇美液晶屏,元太液晶屏,友达液晶屏。


奇美液晶屏奇美液晶屏由台湾奇美电子出品,奇美电子于1998 年由奇美实业投资创立,2002年8月成为台湾股票上市公司,现有台湾地区同仁17,000人,全球同仁29,000人(2007年10月),产品以液晶电视用面板、显示器与笔记本电脑用面板为主,供应全球信息及家电大厂,为世界TFT-LCD(薄膜晶体管液晶显示器)领先厂商。



( ) Preliminary Specification( V ) Final SpecificationModule 21.5” Color TFT-LCD Model Name T215HVN01.0Customer DateApproved byNote: This Specification is subject to change without notice.Approved by Date Howard Lee 2013/01/02 Prepared byEugene Hsu 2013/01/02 AU Optronics CorporationContent1HANDLING PRECAUTIONS (9)2GENERAL DESCRIPTION (10)2.1Display Characteristics (10)2.2Optical Characteristics (11)3FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM (15)4ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (16)4.1TFT LCD Module (16)4.2Backlight Unit (16)4.3Absolute Ratings of Environment (16)5ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (18)5.1TFT LCD Module (18)5.1.1Power Specification (18)5.1.2Signal Electrical Characteristics (19)5.2Backlight Unit (21)6SIGNAL CHARACTERISTICS (22)6.1Pixel Format Definition (22)6.2Input Data Format Definition (22)6.3Signal Description (23)6.4Timing Diagram (26)6.5Power ON/OFF Sequence (27)7CONNECTOR AND PIN ASSIGNMENT (28)7.1TFT LCD Module (28)7.1.1Pin Assignment (28)7.2LED Connector on Backlight Unit (29)7.2.1LED Pin assignment (29)7.2.2LED Connector Dimension (30)7.2.3LED Mating housing dimension (30)8RELIABILITY TEST (31)9SHIPPING LABEL (32)10MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS (33)11PACKING SPECIFICATION (35)11.1Packing Flow (35)11.2Pallet and Shipment Information (36)Records of RevisionVersion and Date Page Old description New Description Remark0.12012/08/15First Version0.22012/08/166Delete 2.3 Mechanical Characteristics.2529,30Add mechanical diagram0.32012/08/177 Define Color / ChromaticityCoordinates (CIE)1217Add Min value of Light Bar Operation Voltage2012/08/27 617Update Min. of Light Bar Operation Voltage12Update Max of LED forward Voltage variation0.4 2012/09/0532Update Dimension for “Pallet after Packing”0.5 2012/09/10 9Update T rR + T rF.2012/10/031119 22 257 81013141.0 2012/11/2022273132141.1 2013/1/2 914242714(Remove I/F PCB Interface & Mating Type)1011131 Handling Precautions1) Since front polarizer is easily damaged, pay attention not to scratch it.2) Be sure to turn off power supply when inserting or disconnecting from input connector.3) Wipe off water drop immediately. Long contact with water may cause discoloration or spots.4) When the panel surface is soiled, wipe it with absorbent cotton or other soft cloth.5) Since the panel is made of glass, it may break or crack if dropped or bumped on hard surface.6) Since CMOS LSI is used in this module, take care of static electricity and insure human earthwhen handling.7) Do not open or modify the Module Assembly.8) Do not press the reflector sheet at the back of the module to any directions.9) In case if a Module has to be put back into the packing container slot after once it was taken outfrom the container, do not press the center of LED light bar edge. Instead, press at the far ends of the LED light bar edge softly. Otherwise the TFT Module may be damaged.10) At the insertion or removal of the Signal Interface Connector, be sure not to rotate nor tilt theInterface Connector of the TFT Module.11) After installation of the TFT Module into an enclosure, do not twist nor bend the TFT Moduleeven momentary. At designing the enclosure, it should be taken into consideration that no bending/twisting forces are applied to the TFT Module from outside. Otherwise the TFT Module may be damaged.12) Small amount of materials having no flammability grade is used in the LCD module. The LCDmodule should be supplied by power complied with requirements of Limited Power Source (IEC60950 or UL1950), or be applied exemption.13) Avoid touching COF position while doing mechanical design.14) While storing modules as spares for a long time, the following precautions are necessary:Store modules in a dark place. Do not expose them to sunlight or fluorescent light.Keep the temperature between 5°C and 35°C at normal humidity.2 General DescriptionThis specification applies to the 21.5 inch-FHD color a-Si TFT-LCD Module T215HVN01.0. The display supports the FHD - 1920(H) x 1080(V) screen format and 16.7M colors (RGB 8-bit data). The light source of this TFT-LCD module is W-LED. All input signals are 2-channel LVDS interface and this module doesn’t contain a driver for backlight.2.1 Display CharacteristicsThe following items are characteristics summary on the table under 25°C condition:Items Unit SpecificationScreen Diagonal [mm] 546.865(21.53”)Active Area [mm] 476.64 (H) x 268.11 (V)Pixels H x V 1920(x3) x 1080Pixel Pitch [um] 248.25 (per one triad) ×248.25Pixel Arrangement R.G.B. Vertical StripeDisplay Mode VA Mode, Normally BlackWhite Luminance ( Center ) [cd/m2] 250 cd/m2 (Typ.)Contrast Ratio 3000 (Typ.)Optical Response Time [msec] 18ms (Typ., on/off)Nominal Input Voltage VDD [Volt] + 5.0 VPower Consumption (VDD line + LED line) [Watt]16.55 watt(VDD line : PDD (typ), All white pattern at 60Hz =3.45WLED line : PBLU (typ) = 13.1W)Weight [g] 1,670 gram (Typ.)Physical Size [mm] 495.6 (W) * 292.2 (H) *10.6 (D) (TYP.) Electrical Interface Dual channel LVDSSupport Color 16.7M colors (RGB 8-bit)Surface Treatment Anti-Glare, 3HTemperature RangeOperating Storage (Shipping) [°C][°C]0 to +50-20 to +60RoHS Compliance RoHS Compliance TCO Compliance TCO 6.0 Compliance2.2 Optical CharacteristicsThe optical characteristics are measured under stable conditions at 25°C:ItemUnitConditions Min. Typ. Max. NoteHorizontal (Right)CR = 10 (Left) 75 75 89 89 - - Viewing Angle[degree]Vertical (Up) CR = 10 (Down)75 75 89 89 - - 2Contrast RatioNormal Direction 2000 3000 - 3Rising Time (TrR)- 13 28 Falling Time (TrF)- 5 8 Response Time[msec] Rising + Falling -1836 4Red x 0.615 0.645 0.675 Red y0.304 0.334 0.364 Green x 0.283 0.313 0.343 Green y 0.606 0.636 0.666- Blue x 0.124 0.154 0.184 Color / Chromaticity Coordinates (CIE)Blue y0.014 0.044 0.074 White x 0.283 0.313 0.343 Color Coordinates (CIE) WhiteWhite y 0.299 0.329 0.359 5Central Luminance [cd/m2] 200 250 - 6 Luminance Uniformity [%] 75 80 - 7 Crosstalk (in 60Hz) [%] - - 1.5 8 FlickerdB---209Note 1: Measurement MethodThe LCD module should be stabilized at given temperature for 30 minutes to avoid abrupt temperature change during measuring (at surface 35°C). In order to stabilize the luminance, the measurement should be executed after lighting Backlight for 30 minutes in a stable, windless and dark room.Note 2: Definition of Viewing Angle measured by ELDIM (EZContrast 88)Viewing angle is the measurement of contrast ratio ≧10, at the screen center, over a 180° horizontal and 180° vertical range (off-normal viewing angles). The 180° viewing angle range is broken down as follows; 90° (θ) horizontal left and right and 90° (Φ) vertical, high (up) and low (down). The measurement direction is typically perpendicular to the display surface with the screen rotated about its center to develop the desired measurement viewing angle.Note 3: Contrast Ratio measured by TOPCON SR-3Note 4: Definition of Response time measured by Westar TRD-100AThe output signals of photo detector are measured when the input signals are changed from “Full Black” to “Full White” (rising time, T rR ), and from “Full White” to “Full Black” (falling time, T rF ), respectively. The response time is interval between the 10% and 90% (1 frame at 60 Hz) of amplitudes.T rRrFNote 5: Color Chromaticity and Coordinates (CIE) measured by TOPCON SR-3 Note 6: Central Luminance measured by TOPCON SR-3Note 7: Luminance Uniformity of these 9 points defined as below and measured by TOPCON SR-3Note 8: Crosstalk defined as below and measured by TOPCON SR-3CT = | YB – YA | / YA × 100 (%) WhereYA = Luminance of measured location without gray level 0 pattern (cd/m2) YB = Luminance of measured location with gray level 0 pattern (cd/m2)Note 9: Test Pattern Sub-checker Pattern measured by TOPCON SR-3R G B R G B R G B R G BR G B R G BMethod: Record dBV & DC value with TRD-100Gray Level = L127Gray Level = L03 Functional Block DiagramThe following diagram shows the functional block of the 21.5 inch Color TFT-LCD Module:I/F PCB Interface:MSCKT2407P30HBAL230F-A0G1D-PMating Type:FI-X30HL (Locked Type)4 Absolute Maximum RatingsAbsolute maximum ratings of the module are listed as follows: 4.1 TFT LCD Module4.2 Backlight UnitItemSymbol Min Max Unit Conditions IRLED1IRLED2 IRLED3 LED Forward CurrentIRLED4 0 90 [mA]Note 1,2,5 100% dutyIPLED1IPLED2 IPLED3 LED Pulse Forward CurrentIPLED4- 150[mA]Note 1,2,5 10% duty @100HzLED forward Voltage variation(per string variation) ΔVf- 3.4 [Volt]Note 1,24.3 Absolute Ratings of EnvironmentItemSymbol Min. Max. Unit Conditions Operating Temperature TOP 0 +50 [°C] Note 3Glass Surface Temperature (Operation)TGS 0 +65 [°C] Note3 Note4 Operation Humidity HOP 5 90 [%RH] Storage Temperature TST -20 +60 [°C] Storage HumidityHST590[%RH]Note 3Note 1: With in Ta (25°C)Note 2: Permanent damage to the device may occur if exceeding maximum values Note 3: Temperature and relative humidity range are shown as the below figure. 1. 90% RH Max ( Ta ≦39°C)2. Max wet-bulb temperature at 39°C or less. ( Ta ≦39°C)3. No condensation Note 4: Function Judged onlyNote 5: IRLED1,2,3,4 and IPLED1,2,3,4 define as per strings LED current.ItemSymbol Min Max Unit Conditions Logic/LCD DriveVDD-0.36[Volt]Note 1, 2Operating Range Storage Range5 Electrical Characteristics5.1 TFT LCD Module 5.1.1 Power SpecificationInput power specifications are listed as follows:Note 1: Measurement Conditions:The duration of rising time of power input is 470 us.Symbol Description Min Typ. Max Unit ConditionsVDDLogic/LCD DriveVoltage 4.5 5.0 5.5 [Volt] +/-10%-0.690.83[A]VDD= 5.0V, All White Pattern at 60 HzIDD1Input Current- 0.8 0.96 [A] VDD= 5.0V, All White Pattern at 75 Hz -3.454.15[Watt]VDD= 5.0V, All White Pattern at 60 HzPDD1VDD Power-4 4.8 [Watt] VDD= 5.0V, All White Pattern at 75 Hz IRush Inrush Current - - 3 [A]Note 1VDDrpAllowable Logic/LCD Drive Ripple Voltage--500[mV] p-p VDD= 5.0V, All White Pattern at 75 Hz5.1.2 Signal Electrical Characteristics(1) DC Characteristics of each signal are as following:Symbol Description Min Typ Max Units ConditionsV TH Differential Input HighThreshold - - +100[mV]V CM = 1.2VNote1V TL Differential Input LowThreshold -100 - -[mV]V CM = 1.2VNote 1│V ID│Input DifferentialVoltage 100 - 600[mV] Note 1V CMDifferential InputCommon Mode Voltage +1.0 +1.2 +1.5[V]V TH-V TL = 200MV (max)Note1Note 1:LVDS Signal Waveform(2) AC CharacteristicsSymbol DescriptionMin Max UnitsConditionsF DEV Maximum deviation of input clock frequency during SSC- ± 3 % F MODMaximum modulation frequency of input clock during SSC-200KHzF F min < Spread Spectrum>Time5.2 Backlight UnitParameter guideline for LED driving is under stable conditions at 25°C (Room Temperature): Symbol Description Min.Typ. Max. Unit NoteIRLED LED Operation Current - 60 63 [mA]Note 1VLB Light Bar Operation Voltage(for reference)51 54.4 57.8 [Volt] Note 2PBLU BLU Power Consumption (for reference) - 13.1 14.6 [Watt] Note 3LTLED LED Life Time (Typical) 30,000 - - [Hour]Note 4Each module consists of68 pcs LED ( 4 strings x 17 pcs / string )Note 1: The specified current is 100% duty of LED chip input current,IRLED1,2,3,4 define as per strings LED current.Note 2: The value showed is one string operation voltage.Note 3:PBLU= VLED *( IRLED1+IRLED2+IRLED3+IRLED4)Note 4: Definition of life time: Brightness becomes to 50% of its original value. The minimum life time of LED unit is on the condition of IRLED = 60mA and 25±2°C (Room Temperature).6 Signal Characteristics6.1 Pixel Format DefinitionFollowing figure shows the relationship between the input signals and LCD pixel format.6.2 Input Data Format DefinitionNote 1: R/G/B data 7:MSB, R/G/B data 0:LSB O = “Odd Pixel Data” E = “Even Pixel Data”6.3 Signal DescriptionPIN # SIGNAL NAME DESCRIPTION1 RxO0- Negative LVDS differential data input (Odd data)2 RxO0+ Positive LVDS differential data input (Odd data)3 RxO1- Negative LVDS differential data input (Odd data)4 RxO1+ Positive LVDS differential data input (Odd data)5 RxO2- Negative LVDS differential data input (Odd data,DSPTMG)6 RxO2+ Positive LVDS differential data input (Odd data,DSPTMG)7 GND Power Ground8 RxOCLK- Negative LVDS differential clock input (Odd clock)9 RxOCLK+ Positive LVDS differential clock input (Odd clock)10 RxO3- Negative LVDS differential data input (Odd data)11 RxO3+ Positive LVDS differential data input (Odd data)12 RxE0- Negative LVDS differential data input (Even data)13 RxE0+ Positive LVDS differential data input (Even data)14 GND Power Ground15 RxE1- Negative LVDS differential data input (Even data)16 RxE1+ Positive LVDS differential data input (Even data)17 GND Power Ground18 RxE2- Negative LVDS differential data input (Even data)19 RxE2+ Positive LVDS differential data input (Even data)20 RxECLK- Negative LVDS differential clock input (Even clock)21 RxECLK+ Positive LVDS differential clock input (Even clock)22 RxE3- Negative LVDS differential data input (Even data)23 RxE3+ Positive LVDS differential data input (Even data)24 GND Power Ground25 NC No connection (for AUO test only. Do not connect)26 NC No connection (for AUO test only. Do not connect)27 NC No connection (for AUO test only. Do not connect)28 VDD Power +5V29 VDD Power +5V30 VDD Power +5VNote 1: Input signals of odd and even clock shall be the same timing.Timing CharacteristicsThe input signal timing specifications are shown as the following tableSignal Item Symbol Min Typ Max Unit PeriodTv109211301793ThActive Tdisp(v)1080 1080 1080 Th Vertical SectionBlanking Tbp(v)+Tfp(v)+Tblk(v)12 50 713 Th PeriodTh100410501100TclkActive Tdisp(h)960 960 960 Tclk Horizontal SectionBlanking Tbp(h)+Tfp(h)+Tblk(h)44 90 140 Tclk PeriodTclk11.11418.2nsClock Frequency Freq 54.8 71.2 90 MHz Frame rate Frame rateF 50 60 76 Hz Hsync Frequency556890KHZNote 1: DE mode only6.4 Timing DiagramLineLinePixel 7Invalid DataPixel Pixel M-32Tdisp(h)Pixel 1Pixel Pixel Invalid Data6M-2M-1RGB DataXPixel DEPixel Pixel CLKN3LineLine32Tdisp(v)Pixel RGB Data (Odd)RGB Data (Even)Line8MPixel M pixelM-4Invalid DataThTvPixel NTclkPixel M-5Invalid Data4Pixel 5Invalid Data12Pixel Invalid Data1DE4Pixel 119LineN L i n eTblk(h)10Pixel Pixel YTblk(v)M-1Pixel Pixel MPixel M-3M-2Pixel Pixel Pixel 14Pixel 3Pixel 2M-4Pixel Pixel M-5M-6Pixel M-7Pixel Th6.5 Power ON/OFF SequenceVDD power and lamp on/off sequence are as follows. Interface signals are also shown in the chart. Signals from any system shall be Hi-Z state when VDD is off.Power Sequence TimingValueParameterMin.Typ.Max.UnitT1 0.5 - 10 [ms] T2 0 - 50 [ms] T3 500 - - [ms] T4 100 - - [ms] T5 0 - 50 [ms] Note1,2 T6 5 - 100 [ms] Note1,2 T71000--[ms]Note1 : Recommend setting T5 = 0ms to avoid electronic noise when VDD is off.Note2 : During T5 and T6 period , please keep the level of input LVDS signals with Hi-Z state.Power Supply VDDLVDS SignalBacklight On7 Connector and Pin AssignmentPhysical interface is described as for the connector on module. These connectors are capable of accommodating the following signals and will be following components.7.1 TFT LCD ModuleConnector Name / Designation Interface Connector / Interface CardManufacturer SIN SHENG P-TWOType Part Number MSCKT2407P30HB (SIN SHENG) AL230F-A0G1D-P (P-TWO)Mating Housing Part Number FI-X30HL (Locked Type)7.1.1 Pin AssignmentPin# Signal Name Pin# Signal Name1 RxO0-2 RxO0+3 RxO1-4 RxO1+5 RxO2-6 RxO2+7 GND 8 RxOCLKIN-9 RxOCLKIN+ 10 RxO3-11 RxO3+ 12 RxE0-13 RxE0+ 14 GND15 RxE1- 16 RxE1+17 GND 18 RxE2-19 RxE2+ 20 RxECLKIN-21 RxECLKIN+ 22 RxE3-23 RxE3+ 24 GND25 NC(for AUO test only. Do notconnect)26 NC(for AUO test only. Do notconnect)27 NC(for AUO test only. Do notconnect)28 VDD29 VDD 30 VDD7.2 LED Connector on Backlight UnitThis connector is mounted on LED light bar.Connector Name / Designation Light Bar Connector Manufacturer ENTRY(E&T) Type Part Number3707K-S06N-21R7.2.1 LED Pin assignmentPin# Signal Name 1 IRLED1 (current out) 2 IRLED2 (current out) 3 VLED (voltage in) 4 VLED (voltage in) 5 IRLED3 (current out) 6IRLED4 (current out)7.2.2 LED Connector DimensionH=D=V×××=×Pitchunit,(0.1).425009.13mm.37.2.3 LED Mating housing dimension8 Reliability TestEnvironment test conditions are listed as following table.Items Required Condition Note Temperature Humidity Bias (THB) Ta= 50°C, 80%RH, 300 hoursHigh Temperature Operation (HTO) Ta= 50°C, 50%RH, 300 hoursLow Temperature Operation (LTO) Ta= 0°C, 300 hoursHigh Temperature Storage (HTS) Ta= 60°C, 300 hoursLow Temperature Storage (LTS) Ta= -20°C, 300 hoursVibration Test (Non-operation) Acceleration: 1.5 GrmsWave: RandomFrequency: 10 - 200 HzDuration: 30 Minutes each Axis (X, Y, Z)Shock Test (Non-operation) Acceleration: 50 GWave: Half-sineActive Time: 20 msDirection: ±X, ±Y, ±Z (one time for each Axis)Drop Test Height: 46 cm, package testThermal Shock Test (TST) -20°C/30min, 60°C/30min, 100 cycles Note 1 On/Off Test On/10sec, Off/10sec, 30,000 cyclesContact Discharge: ± 8KV, 150pF(330Ω ) 1sec,15 points, 25 times/ pointESD (Electro Static Discharge)Air Discharge: ± 15KV, 150pF(330Ω ) 1sec15 points, 25 times/ pointNote 2Altitude Test Operation: 18,000 ft Non-Operation: 40,000 ftNote 1: The TFT-LCD module will not sustain damage after being subjected to 100 cycles of rapid temperature change. A cycle of rapid temperature change consists of varying the temperature from -20°C to 60°C, and back again. Power is not applied during the test. After temperature cycling, the unit is placed in normal room ambient for at least 4 hours before power on.Note 2: EN61000-4-2, ESD class B: Certain performance degradation allowed:No data lostSelf-recoverableNo hardware failures9 Shipping LabelThe label on the panel is shown as below:Note 1:For Pb Free products, AUO will add for identification.Note 2:For RoHS compatible products, AUO will addfor identification.Note 3:For China RoHS compatible products, AUO will add for identification.Note 4: The Green Mark will be presented only when the green documents have been ready byAUO Internal Green Team.Manufactured XX/XX Model No: T215HVN01.0 AU Optronicsdocument version 1.13310Mechanical Characteristicsdocument version 1.1 3411 Packing Specification 11.1 Packing Flow11.2 Pallet and Shipment InformationSpecificationItemQ'ty Dimension Weight(kg)Remark1 Panel 1 556(H)mm x 323.2(V)mm x 9.08(D)mm 1.9 Note 12 Cushion 1 -- 0.383 Box 1 556(L)mm x 292(W)mm x 375(H)mm 0.95 without Panel & cushion Note 14 Packing Box 11 pcs/Box 406(L)mm x 281(W)mm x 651(H)mm 22.1 with panel & cushion Note 15 Pallet 1 1150(L)mm x 910(W)mm x 132(H)mm 12 Note 16 Pallet after Packing 18boxes/pallet 1150(L)mm x 910(W)mm x 1125(H)mm390 Note 1 Note 1: Estimated value which is subject to change based on real measured data.。






(4)智慧黑板显示模块:86英寸,显示区域尺寸:1895*1065 mm;分辨率(4K):3840*2160;亮度≥450cd/㎡,对比度≥4000:1,亮度均匀性≥98%,可视角度(水平/垂直)≥178°,平均寿命≥60000小时。








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面板品牌:京东方/ BOE
面板尺寸:21.5 英寸
面板类型:a-Si TFT-LCD
表面处理:雾面,Hard coating (3H)
面板亮度:250 cd/m2 (Typ.)
对比度:1000:1 (Typ.)
响应时间:14 (Typ.)(Tr+Td)ms
可视角度:89/89/89/89 (Typ.)(CR≥10)
灯管类型:17S4P WLED
信号类型:LVDS (2 ch, 8-bit)
显示区域:476.64×268.11 mm (横*竖)
可视区域:479.8×271.3 mm (横*竖)
外观尺寸:495.6×292.2 mm (横*竖)
外观尺寸:8.1/10.7 (Typ./Max.) mm (厚度)
孔位支架:Side mounting holes (4-M3) on left, right bezel
灯管总功率:12.65/13.06W (Typ./Max.)
包装箱尺寸:558×348×400 mm (长×宽×高)
