优美英语文章带翻译篇二Threepassions,simplebutoverwhelminglystrong,havegoverned mylife:thelongingforlove,thesearchforknowledge,andunbearablepit yforthesufferingofmankind.Thesepassions,likegreatwinds,haveblow nmehitherandthither,inawaywardcourse,overadeepoceanof anguish,reachingtotheveryvergeofdespair.Ihavesoughtlove,first,becauseitbringsecstasy–ecstasysogreatthatIwouldoftenhavesacrificedalltherestoflifeforafew hoursofthisjoy.Ihavesoughtit,next,becauseitrelievesloneliness-thatterriblelone linessinwhichoneshiveringconsciousnesslooksovertherimoftheworld intothecoldunfathomablelifelessabyss.Ihavesoughtit,finally,becausei ntheunionofloveIhaveseen,inamysticminiature,theprefiguringvisionoftheheaventhatsaintsandpoetshaveimagined.ThisiswhatIsoug ht,andthoughitmightseemtoogoodforhumanlife,thisiswhat-atlast-Ih avefound.WithequalpassionIhavesoughtknowledge.Ihavewishedtounders tandtheheartsofmen.IhavetriedtoapprehendthePythagoreanpower bywhichnumberholdsswayabovetheflu.Alittleofthis,butnotmuch,Ihaveachieved.Loveandknowledge,sofarastheywerepossible,ledupwardtoward theheavens.Butalwayspitybroughtmebacktoofcriesofpainreverberat einmyheart.Childreninfamine,victimstorturedbyoppressors,helpless oldpeopleahatedburdentotheirsons,andthewholeworldof loneliness,poverty,andpainmakeamockeryofwhathumanlifesho uldbe.Ilongtoalleviatetheevil,butIcannot,andItoosuffer.Thishasbeenmylife.Ihavefounditworthliving,andwouldgladlylive itagainifthechancewereofferedme.三种激情虽然简单,却异常强烈,它们统治着我的生命,那便是:对爱的渴望,对知识的追求,以及对人类苦难的难以承受的同情。
英语美文【优秀9篇】短篇英语美文篇一On Friday evening last I received from His Majesty the mission to form a new administration.It was the evident will of Parliament and the nation that this should be conceived on the broadest possible basis and that it should include all parties.I have already pleted the most important part of this task. A war cabinet has been formed of five members, representing, with the Labor, Opposition and Liberals, the unity of the nation.It was necessary that this should be done in onesingle day on account of the extreme urgency and rigor of events. Other key positions were filled yesterday.I am submitting a further list to the King tonight. I hope to plete the appointment of principal Ministers during tomorrow.The appointment of other Ministers usually takes a little longer. I trust when Parliament meets againthis part of my task will be pleted and that the administration will be plete in all respects.I considered it in the public interest to suggest to the Speaker that the House should be summoned today. At the end of today's proceedings, the adjournment of the House will be proposed until May 2l with provisionfor earlier meeting if need be. Business for that will be notified to M. P. 's at the earliest opportunity.I now invite the House by a resolution to record its approval of the steps taken and declare its confidence in the new government. The resolution:"That this House weles the formation of a government representing the united and inflexible resolve of the nation to prosecute the war with Germany to a victorious conclusion."To form an administration of this scale and plexity is a serious undertaking in itself. But we are in the preliminary Phase of one of the greatest battles in history. We are in action at any other points-in Norway and in Holland-and we have to be prepared in the Mediterranean. The air battle is continuing, and many preparations have to be made here at home.In this crisis I think I may be pardoned if I do not address the House at any length today, and I hope that any of my friends and colleagues or for mer colleagues who are affected by the political reconstruction will make all allowances for any lack of ceremony with which it has been necessary to act.I say to the House as I said to Ministers who have joined this government, I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat. We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind. We have before us many, many months of struggle and suffering.You ask, what is our policy? I say it is to wage war by land, sea and air. War with all our might and with all the strength God has given us, and to wage war against a monstrous tyranny never surpassed in the dark and lamentable catalogue of human crime. That is our policy.You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word, It is victory. Victory at all costs-victory in spite of all terrors-victory, however long and hard the road may be, for without victory there is no survival.Let that be realized. No survival for the British Empire, no survival for all that the British Empire has stood for, no survival for the urge, the impulse of the ages, that mankind shall move forward toward his goal.I take up my task in buoyancy and hope. I feel sure that our cause will not be suffered to fail among men.I feel entitled at this juncture, at this time, to claim the aid of all and to say, "Come then, let us go forward together with our united strength."英文励志小短文篇二Friendship is a diamond buried in the earth; a treasure of great worth. But first it must be mined then faceted and shined. It takes pick and shovel and strain, enpassing time and enduring pain, until its grace is seen; a glittering gift of love that's shared between we three: First God, and you, then me.友情是钻石友情是一枚埋在泥土里的钻石;是一笔巨额的财富。
五篇40个英文单词的英语小短文英文回答:1. The Enchanting Forest.Amidst verdant valleys and towering trees, there existed an enchanting forest, where nature's symphony played harmoniously. Its emerald canopy shimmered with sunlight, casting intricate patterns upon the forest floor. Lush vegetation carpeted the ground, forming a verdant tapestry that whispered secrets to the wind. The air was alive with the sweet melodies of birdsong, creating a tranquil ambiance that soothed the soul.Chinese 回答:1. 迷人的森林。
2. The Tranquil Lake.Nestled amidst rolling hills, a tranquil lake lay shimmering under the golden glow of the sun. Its glassy surface reflected the azure sky above, creating a breathtaking mirror that extended beyond the horizon. The gentle lapping of waves whispered sweet nothings upon the sandy shore, inviting weary souls to find solace in its serene embrace.Chinese 回答:2. 宁静的湖泊。
小众惊艳的英文短文1、We will come ashore in the sunshine.我们终将上岸,阳光万里。
2、I hope the spring is well, and the mountains are full of flowers. 但愿春日安好,往后尽是山花烂漫。
3、The wind is gentle and you are special.风很温柔你很特别。
4、Meeting is a sign, even if the outcome is not satisfactory.遇见既是上上签,纵使结局不如意。
5、Love is overnight, love you is from heart to ancient rare.喜欢是一朝一夕,爱你是从心动到古稀。
6、I will always be,even lonely open into the sea.我会一直在,纵使寂寞开成海。
7、Love life to the extreme without regret.把生活热爱到极致,不留遗憾。
8、Shrt life as if like a dream.浮生旧梦。
9、Losing all hope was freedom.彻底绝望意味着自由。
10、Take your time, good or bad.慢慢来吧,好与不好都随缘而遇。
11、We are born broken and mended by living,The word is toonoisy.Take care of yourself.我们生而破碎,用活着来缝缝补补,这世界太吵闹,你要把自己照顾好。
12、The way you get along with everything has an echo.事事有回音的相处方式最让人喜欢。
13、I went down the stairs to find a figure very like you, but suddenly found my campus without you.我走下楼梯发现一个身影很像你,却恍然发觉我的校园里没有你。
英语美文短篇100字篇1Embrace the uncomfortable拥抱不安We all know what that twinge of anxiety feels like. We know how fear feels in our bodies: the tension in our necks, the tightness in our stomachs, etc. We can practice leaning into these feelings of discomfort and let them show us where we need to go.我们都经历过焦灼的煎熬感,也都感受过恐惧造成的生理反应:脖子僵硬、胃酸翻腾。
The initial impulse is to run away — to try and suppress these feelings by not acknowledging them. When we do this, we close ourselves off to the parts of our lives that we need to experience most. The next time you have this feeling of being truly uncomfortable, do yourself a favor and lean into the feeling. Act in spite of the fear.我们的第一反应总是逃避——以为否认不安情绪的存在就能万事大吉,可这也恰好妨碍了我们经历最需要的生活体验。
英语优美短文朗诵篇1Companionship of BooksA man may usually be known by the books he reads as well as by the company he keeps; for there is a companionship of books as well as of men; and one should always live in the best company, whether it be of books or of men.A good book may be among the best of friends. It is the same today that it always was, and it will never change. It is the most patient and cheerful of companions. It does not turn its back upon us in times of adversity or distress. It always receives us with the same kindness; amusing and instructing us in youth, and comforting and consoling us in age.Men often discover their affinity to each other by the mutual love they have for a book just as two persons sometimes discover a friend by the admiration which both entertain for a third. There is an old proverb, ‘Love me, love my dog.” But there is more wisdom in t his:” Love me, love my book.” The book is a truer and higher bond of union. Men can think, feel, and sympathize with each other through their favorite author. They live in him together, and he in them.A good book is often the best urn of a life enshrining the best that life could think out; for the world of a man’s life is, for the most part, but the world of his thoughts. Thus the best books are treasuries of good words, the golden thoughts, which, remembered and cherished, become our constant companions and comforters.Books possess an essence of immortality. They are by far the most lasting products of human effort. Temples and statues decay, but books survive. Time is of no account with great thoughts, which are as fresh today as when they first passed through their author’s minds, ages ago. What was then said and thought still speaks to us as vividly as ever from the printed page. The only effect of time have been to sift out the bad products; for nothing in literature can long survive e but what is really good.Books introduce us into the best society; they bring us into the presence of the greatest minds that have ever lived. We hear what they said and did; we see the as if they were really alive; we sympathize with them, enjoy with them, grieve with them; their experience becomes ours, and we feel as if we were in a measure actors with them in the scenes which they describe.The great and good do not die, even in this world. Embalmed in books, their spirits walk abroad. The book is a living voice. It is an intellect to which on still listens.英语优美短文朗诵篇2The same leaves over and over again!They fall from giving shade aboveTo make one texture of faded brownAnd fit the earth like a leather glove.同样的叶子,一回又一回!从投下树阴的高处飘落,堆积成枯褐的纹理,仿佛给大地戴上了皮手套。
以下是一些超级唯美的英文小短文:1. 太阳轻轻亲吻地平线,用粉红和金色的色彩给天空涂上了一层颜料。
The sun gently kissed the horizon, painting the sky with hues of pink and gold.2. 温柔的微风在草地上舞动,轻抚着它经过的花朵。
A gentle breeze danced through the meadow, caressing the flowers in its path.3. 欢声笑语充满了空气,孩子们在公园里欢乐地玩耍。
The sound of laughter filled the air, as children played joyfully in the park.4. 新开的玫瑰花散发着芬芳的香气,迷住了所有经过的人。
The scent of freshly bloomed roses wafted through the garden, captivating all who passed by.5. 一只孤独的鸟优雅地翱翔在辽阔的蓝天上,它的翅膀传递着希望和自由。
A lone bird soared gracefully across the vast blue expanse, its wings spreading hope and freedom.6. 映照在宁静的湖面上的月光闪烁着,创造出一幅迷人的画面。
The shimmering moonlight reflected upon the tranquil lake, creating a mesmerizing scene.7. 一首钢琴曲的旋律从敞开的窗户飘出,用迷人的音符为夜晚奏响乐章。
The melody of a piano floated from an open window, serenading the night with its enchanting notes.8. 树林里沙沙作响的树叶低语着只有大自然才能理解的秘密。
英语小短文加翻译篇1The first snow came. How beautiful it was, falling so silently all day long, all night long, on the mountains, on the meadows, on the roofs of the living, on the graves of the dead! All white save the river, that marked its course by a winding black line across the landscape; and the leafless trees, that against the leaden sky now revealed more fully the wonderful beauty and intricacies of their branches. What silence, too, came with the snow, and what seclusion! Every sound was muffled, every noise changed to something soft and musical. No more tramping hoofs, no more rattling wheels! Only the chiming of the sleigh-bells, beating as swift and merrily as the hearts of children.初雪降临,多么美啊!它整日整夜那么静静地飘着,落在山岭上,落在草地上,落在世人的屋顶上,落在逝者的坟墓上。
英语短文20篇范文简短根据您的要求,我将撰写20个简短的、口语化的英文段落,每个段落独立且语言特点各异:1. Hey, did you hear about the new cafe downtown? The coffee is amazing and the atmosphere is so cozy.2. I can't believe it's already summer! I'm so excited to go to the beach and soak up some sun.3. Last night's movie was so intense! I couldn't even sleep afterwards, my mind was still racing.4. Shopping online is so convenient. I don't even have to leave my house to get what I need.5. My dog is the best. He always knows when I'm feeling down and gives me the best hugs.6. I love how different cultures celebrate theirholidays. It's so fascinating to learn about their traditions.7. That new restaurant everyone's talking about? Yeah,I tried it. The food was incredible!8. I'm so glad it's the weekend. I can finally relax and catch up on some sleep.9. Do you remember that time we went camping? The stars were so bright, it felt like we were in a different world.10. My favorite part of winter is building snowmen with my.。
1、Hello! My name is Mike.I am from the USA.Now I am in China with my parents.1 like China.I like Chinese food,too.I have breakfast at home.I eat an egg,bread and porridge for breakfast.I don‟t like milk.I have no time to go home for lunch.So I have it at school.The lunch in our school is good.I can have different food for lunch.I eat rice, meat and vegetables.Sometimes I have noodles and dumplings.I have dinner at home with my parents.Sometimes we go out to eat with friends.We have chicken,vegetables and fruit.2、Hello,dear friends.I am Sally.I live in England.I ama student.I study in No 12 Middle School.I often have breakfast at 7 o'clock in the morning.I have lunch at 12 at school.At 5 in the evening I go home and have supper.After supper I often read some stories.I like reading stories very much.What about you?3、Kate and her brother Jim are students. They don't have lessons on Saturdays and Sundays likes. Kate likes flying a kite very much,but Jim doesn't like it.He likes playing football.Their father, Mr. Green likes cooking very much, but Mrs. Green doesn't.She likes doing shopping.4、Fang Ming has a good friend.His name is Peter.He is from the USA.Fang Ming and Peter are in the same class.They go to school five days a week.They stay at home on Sunday and Saturday.Peter likes China and Chinese food.He likes rice cakes very much.At school they play basketball after class.Fang Ming and Peter like making things.Now they are making a plane.They like flying planes on Sunday morning.Peter speaks English and a little Chinese.Fang Ming speaks Chinese and a little English.They teach each other and help each other.5、Tom has a new and nice bedroom.A chair and a bed are in it. A cat is under the chair and some shoes are under the bed.A desk is on the floor.Some flowers are on it.A bookshelf is behind the bed.Some English books are on the bookshelf. A picture is on the wall,and two windows are in the wall.Three people are in the picture. The man is his father and the woman is his mother.Who is the boy?6、There are five people in Sam's family.They are father, mother, grandmother, sister Kate and he.His father Mr. Green is a teacher. He is thirty-five years old.His mother, Mrs. Green is a doctor.She is thirty-two.Sam and his sister are in their father's school.Sam is in class Two,Grade Two.Kate is in Class Two, Grade One.They go to school together. Look! That old woman is Sam‟s grandmo ther.She is very old.She is at home every day.Where is Kate? Oh,look at the girl in the red skirt.She is Kate.She is under the big tree.7、Miss Xin is my English teacher. Her name is Xin Hongxia.She is twenty-four years old. Maybe you don`t know her. Now let me tell you something about her.She is in our school only one year, but she teaches us very friendly to us. We all like her. She often plays with us after class. Miss Xin has a good family. Her brother is about seven. He studies near our school. Sometimes he comes to our class. But Miss Xin doesn`t let him in. Don`t you think she is a good teacher? Can you tell us something about your teacher?8、I like sports and I …m good at playing basketball. Every day,I practice playing basketball with my classmates after school. I also enjoy listening to music but I can‟t sing well. I‟m afraid of singing in front of people. I hope our school will start a singing club. I‟m sure I can make great progress with the help of our teachers. I also hope there will be less homework on weekends. Then I can have more time to do what I‟m interested in.9、Mr. Green is from the USA.Now he is working in NO.25 Middle School.He is very good at English.He teaches English very well. All the students like him.Mr. Green works very hard.He works five days a week, Sometimes he works on Saturday and Sunday, too,because he wants to make more money.In China,Mr. Green has many good friends.They are all very friendly to him. Mr. Green is studying Chinese now.His friends often help him with it.And he often teaches them English.Mr. Green also likes Chinese food.He often says “Chinese food is very nice.I like it very much.And I like working in China.”10、Hello, boys and girls! My name is Kate. I am a girl. I‟m fourteen. I am a student in No. 2 Middle School. I‟m in class Five, Grade One. Now let me tell you something about my family. There are three people in my family. They are my father, my mother and I.My father is a driver. My mother is a worker. My father likes reading. My mother likes reading and cooking.I like English and computer a lot. My parents go to work from Monday to Friday. They work hard. I go to school on weekdays. All of us are very busy, but we enjoy ourselves. At weekends my parents and I often go to park. Sometimes I go shopping with my mother. I have a very happy family.11、My hobby (嗜好, 癖好, 爱好)I am a middle school student. I have many hobbies, such as listening to music, reading books, watching NBA on TV, but watching NBA is my favorite.Though I‟m a girl, I like basketball very much. I think this sport is so handsome and all the basketball players are heroes. NBA is the biggest program about basketball. It has 30 basketball teams. My favorite basketball team is SUNS and my favorite player is Steve Nash. I hope I can be a journalist in the future because I want to interview these players. I watch TV every weekend because every weekend there are NBA games. I hope I can go to the USA one day. I hope I can sit at PHNIXS watching basketball games one day. I think my dream will come true.Journalist n.新闻记者, 从事新闻杂志业的人Interview vt. 接见, 会见12、Of all my friends, I think Zhang Hua is my best friend. He used to be my classmate and a good neighbor as well. So for about six years we were close friends. And we helped each other in time of difficult.Zhang Hua and I have much in common. We were both interested in sports. During our spare time we always played balls or went swimming. Once I was ill for several days and couldn‟t play games with him. He came to see me nearly every day. I could see he was as sad as I was. Another interest we shared was reading, When it was rainy outside, we used to read magazines or stories together. Sometimes we told each other stories . And we learnt a lot from each other.After graduation from the primary (['praiməri], 初期的) school, we went to different middle schools. Sometimes we write to each other, but haven‟t seen each other for ages. I want to play with him again. I miss him very much.common adj.共同的, 公共的, 公有的, 普通的13、My family‟s Mid-autumn DayZhong Qiu Jie in China is Mid-autumn Day. It usually comes in September or October. On that day everyone comes back to his home with mooncakes. A mooncake is delicious, round and like the moon. There are many different kinds of food in them. They have nuts, meat or eggs.In my family my grandparents like Mid-autumn Day. My uncle and aunt come back from Beijing. They see them. They are glad very much. At night, we have supper in the open air under the big tree. There we look at the moon and eat the mooncakes. But my grandparents look at us and eat the mooncakes.This is my family‟s Mid-autumn Day.14、Mr Peng is our English teacher. He is forty. He looks very young and strong, because he is fond of physical ([ 'fizikəl ] adj. 物理的;身体的;物质的)exercise.He likes singing very much and he often teacher us some English songs when we are tired in English class. He sometimes tells us some interesting jokes. So we are all pleased to have English classes.He always encourages ([ in'kʌridʒ ] vt. 鼓励,怂恿;激励;支持) us to speak English. And we often have some activities. (activity [ æk'tivəti ] n. 活动)We persis t( [ pə'sist, -'zist ] vi.坚持)in writing diaries in English though we make mistakes now and then. He always corrects([ kə'rekt ] vt. 改正;告诫)them patiently and tells us some methods.He is a good teacher and our good friends as well. We love him.15、I have a good friend. Her name is Juliet. She is clever and beautiful. She is 13 years old. She comes from England.Juliet and I study in the Hongqi Middle School. We are in the same grade, but in different classes. She is in Class 3, I am in Class 2. Her teachers and classmates like her very much.Juliet studies very hard. She is good at English, of course, she often helps me with my English. And I often help her (to) learn Chinese.Juliet likes China very much. She likes the Great Wall. She likes Chinese food. She often says, “The Chinese people are very friendly, and China is a great country!”Juliet likes watching TV, but she has no time to watch TV because she has too much homework to do every day. Only on Saturdays and Sundays can she watch it. She likes singing, too. She sings very well. A lot of students enjoy her songs. Juliet says, “I like singing a lot, singing is good for us students.”She and I often play basketball together after class on Friday afternoon. And we often do our homework together. We are very friendly to each other.16、I am ShenYing. I‟m twelve. I am a middle school student. I am in Class Five, Grade One. I have many good friends and a happy family. My parents are very kind. I love them very much. They love me, too. I like flowers. Rose is my favorite flower. I like riding a bike, running and playing table tennis. I like singing and dancing. I can help my mother with some housework, too. I am a very happy girl and my parents‟good daughter. I am good at English. I will study it harder, because I want to be an English teacher.17、My name is LiTing. I am a middle school student. I am 13 years old. I come from a worker‟s family. There are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my sister and I.I work hard at all my lessons. Among all the subjects, I like English best. My dream is to be an English teacher in the future. I know it is not easy to learn English well. There is a long way to go. But I will work even harder to turn my dream into the reality. And I believe I can do this job well.I can sing and dance in my spare time. I often listen to English songs. I also like outdoor sports and often watch football matches on TV. I had a busy but happy life.18、Of all the four seasons, I like autumn best. It is a beautiful and harvest season.In autumn, the weather is warm and dry and the sky is blue, too, so many people love going on a picnic. Children like flying kites on windy days. Autumn also makes the countryside and mountains look different from the other seasons. Leaves start falling from the trees. Some leaves become brown, red or yellow. The weather gets cooler. Some birds such as swallows ([ 'swɔləu ] n. 燕子) begin to fly to warmer places.Mid-autumn Day comes in autumn, too. It is an important festival ([ 'festəvəl ] n. 节日) in China. All the members of the family will have a family get-together, looking at the moon and eating the moon cakes. We can eat a lot of fruits in autumn. All the fruits on the trees, and all the crops ([ krɔp ] n.农作物;庄稼) in the fields are ripe. ([ raip ] adj. 熟的,成熟的) It is a harvest ([ 'hɑ:vist ] n. 收获) time. All the farmers are busy. So autumn is a picture full of golden colour. I love autumn.。
Have you wondered whether it is better to be a specialist or a generalist? Are you worried about the negative effects that you must confront if you focus exclusively on your favorite profession? If you say “yes”, you are definitely not alone. There have always been heated arguments between parents and children, teachers and students, etc, over the issue of how specialized a certain person should become. As if this isn’t coufusing enough, many essays and passages are popping up, mainly to argue that either a specialist or a generalist is better than the other, or to express the vague “opinion” that society needs both types of people, leaving readers even more bewildered. Why not put it in a practical way and settle the debate?Firstly, the term “specialist”and “generalist’are relative rather than absolute. A specialist doesn’t have to be a stubborn, nerd-like person who cannotunderstand the big picture. Also, a generalist, though he/she may know about more domains, is not necessarily able to plan reasonably. Besides, it’s worth pointing out that social-oriented professions are not always for generalists, as opposed to the common misunderstandings, and vice versa.Secondly, becoming a specialist or a generalist is a big decision made up of innumerable small ones over many years, rather than an event happening overnight. It depends on many factors,like one’s talents, family cultural evaluation, and so on. Since one is willing to find a suitable career and lead a satisfactory life, one should organize one’s learning and development in accordance with one’s conditions and goals. Different domains bring very distinct joys, challenges and pressures, so if you are sure that you love a profession and have your talents, you migh as well strive for it,sometimes, going into a field you don’t feel good about can lead you to success, but on other occasions, experience may tell you the hard way that you don’t belong to that domain.In a word, becoming a specialist or a generalist doesn’t matter too much, as long as you know you are in the right profession to avoid lifelong grief.目录◆社会热点话题1.忘掉烦忧,开心生活! (1)2.爱是什么? (1)3.住城里好还是住乡下好? (1)4.休闲与生活质量. (2)5.7天长假的利与弊. (2)6.工作,劳作与娱乐. (2)7.入世后我们该做些什么? (3)8.加油!加油!中国足球! (3)9.我们为什么要工作? (4)10.明智的抉择—北京2008奥运会 (4)11.WTO将改变我们的生活. (4)12.举办最好的奥运会. (5)13.如何变成阔佬? (5)14.为中国干杯! (5)15.了解自然,保护生态. (6)16.媒体与名流. (6)17.保护大自然. (7)18.我们就要断水了! (7)19.汽车与空气污染. (7)20.你们把孩子惯坏了! (8)21.交通法规——安全的保障. (8)22.五天工作日好! (8)23.污染——全人类的公害. (9)24. 为什么大学生找工作难? (9)25. 地球人口太多了! (10)26. 人人起来反污染. (10)◆现代文化生活话题1.怎样考试才合理? (10)2. 教育需要变革. (11)3. 网络教育的特点. (11)4. 知识经济的人文特征. (12)5. 英文写作的重要性. (12)6. 阅读——必需的生存技能. (12)7.为什么母语学得那么好? (13)8. 我如何克服英语学习中的困难? (13)9. 如何扩大英语词汇量? (14)10. 如何应对面试(一) (14)11. 请爱护关心老人(一) (14)12. 去海外读书好. (15)13. 我们生活中的电视. (15)14. 如何学好英语? (15)15. 请关爱老人(二) (16)16. 如何写好短文? (16)17. 开卷有益。
英语短文美文欣赏最新8篇英语小短文励志:If You Could Choose 篇一If you could choose what kind of world to live in, what kind of world would you choose? If you could decide what would happen tomorrow, with what kinds of things would you fill it?If you had the power to decide what types of opportunities would come your way, what opportunities would you select? If you knew that your experiences would match your expectations, what would your expectations be?In fact, you do have the power to choose your own way. You do have the ability to decide what kinds of events, experiences, opportunities and circumstances come your way.The world you experience is the world that your dreams, your thoughts, your expectations and your actions most closely resonate 某。
The world you see and live in is the world you most sincerely expect to see.The universe is filled with endless possibilities, and those possibilities keep growing with every minute. The way you live determines which of those possibilities will come into your life. With your thoughts, your actions, your values, your dreams and expectations, you choose what kind of world you live in. The way you live is closely mirrored in the world you see.青春励志短文英语翻译:如果你可以选择英语励志短文带翻译:如果你可以选择在什么样的世界里生活,那么你将会选择怎样的世界呢?如果你可以决定明日之事,你将会怎样充实它呢?倘若你有力量决定自己的机遇,你会怎样选择呢?倘若你知道你的经历会如你所愿,那么你会如何期待呢?事实上,你有能力选择你要走的'路。
9篇日常英文小短文很多人在用英语演讲,或者写作的时候,总是不知道该如何地道地表达,其实主要的问题,还是因为缺乏积累;这些英文小短文覆盖了常见英语演讲和作文话题,可以帮助你快速提供英语水平1、Protect our environment保护环境As we all know, the environment around us is getting worse and worse. In some places we can’t see fish swimming in the river or trees on the hills. Some people even have no clean water to drink. So I think we must do something to protect our environment. But what can we do? How to protect our environment?In fact, there are many things we can do. Firstly, we can go to school on foot or by bike and don’t throw rubbish everywhere. Secondly, we can use shopping baskets but not plastic bags when we go shopping. Last but not least, we can use both sides of the paper when we write. In a word, if everyone pays more attention to our environment, there will be less pollution and our life will be better.“There is only one earth”, we should act at once. I hope everyone will protect our environment well.我们都知道,我们周围的环境正变得越来越差。
小编精心收集了优美的英语小短文,供大家欣赏学习!优美的英语小短文篇1《You Have Only One Life》There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real! Dream what you want to dream;go where you want to go;be what you want to be,because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do.May you have enough happiness to make you sweet,enough trials to make you strong,enough sorrow to keep you human,enough hope to make you happy? Always put yourself in others’shoes.If you feel that it hurts you,it probably hurts the other person, too.The happiest of people don’t necessarily hav e the best of everything;they just make the most of everything that comes along their way.Happiness lies for those who cry,those who hurt, those who have searched,and those who have tried,for only they can appreciate the importance of peoplewho have touched their lives.Love begins with a smile,grows with a kiss and ends with a tear.The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past, you can’t go on well in lifeuntil you let go of your past failures and heartaches.When you were born,you were crying and everyone around you was smiling.Live your life so that when you die,you're the one who is smiling and everyone around you is crying.Please send this message to those people who meansomething to you,to those who have touched your life in one way or another,to those who make you smile when you really need it,to those that make you see the brighter side of things when you are really down,to those who you want to let them know that you appreciate their friendship.And if you don’t, don’t worry,nothing bad will happen to you,you will just miss out on the opportunity to brighten someone’s day with this message.优美的英语小短文篇2I am writing this the day before I find out my fate —the day before I know the answer to what will happen in my life.在我知晓自己命运的前一天,也是在我知道自己的生活将发生何种改变的前一天,我写下这篇文章。
英文演讲小短文2分钟6篇英文演讲小短文2分钟 (1) the first time i saw bao was in , the year when thomas and uber cupwas held. at that time he was playing against li zongwei, who is also agood player from malaysia. bao beat him. to tell the truth, at first thereason why i liked him was just because i thought he was pretty.*(maybeit is not a suitable word, but i think no better word can describe him,he is really pretty!) from that time, i have focused on him. then gradually,i found that he not only has good appearance, but also has a talent forbadminton.he is very tall, about 1.90 meters. he is the tallest one among allthe players in the chinese badminton team. in , he is chosen as the flagholder stands for china in the opening ceremony in the 15th asian gamesheld in doha. it was the first time that the badminton players were chosento take over the special task, before which time, it belonged to thebasketball players. it was a great honor. and it also proved that bao wasan excellent athlete. we are all proud of him.he began to play badminton when he was at primary school. in , he wonhis first good medal, which was significant to him, in guangzhou. becauseof that, he entered the chinese badminton team. as he is as old as lindan, who is the top one in the world, he is always put into a situationwh(。
小编精心收集了关于精美英文小短文,供大家欣赏学习!关于精美英文小短文篇1One day, I was reading, the book of magic plot led me into 2028.Twenty years has changed a lot, our motherland more prosperous, the people's standard of living is higher, people are more busy. I have already become a scientist, is mainly responsible for cloning humans or animals. Clone made the main steps of extraction of a cell from human or animals, through a complex process of slowly training and maternal identical organisms.In October 2028, I established the first clone officer opened. First is a girl of voluntary clone themselves, I smiled and said: "please put the arm outstretched, and you want to clone a few?" The little girl said: "the two will do." I asked again: "you clone yourself doing?" She replied: "when mom and dad after work, a man at home is not what I mean, want to and cloning two and I learn together, eat together, play games together. This is interesting." I extracted from her two cells. Back to the lab and assistant to prepare for work together. We put a experimental apparatus of necessary conditions such as temperature, temperature, sunlight, all ready, put two cells in the experimental apparatus, let them grow up slowly, every day we must carry on the special complex processing. After two months, little clone grow as big as a little girl, we put them out from the experimental apparatus. When the little girl to get her clone person, see thesame with her two little girls was stunned. In order to make a distinction between human cloning and reality, we equipped with special equipment, such as though the clone and reality, but still a difference. Since then more and more people come to see me cloning I can make them satisfied but return. A year later, I have is a famous cloning experts.At 4 p.m. on December 10th, 2030, 30 points, in Swedish capital Stockholm, I won the Nobel Prize in human evolution. I'm so glad! Jumped up, wow! Head pain, the original cutting head on the shelf. Ha ha, originally is a beautiful dream! I will study hard, to strive for your dreams, for the people bring happiness and convenience.一天,我正在家里看书,书里的神奇情节把我带进2028年。
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02 Schooling and Education
It is commonly believed in United States that school is where people go to get an education. Nevertheless, it has been said that today children interrupt their education to go to school. The distinction between schooling and education implied by this remark is important. Education is much more open-ended and all-inclusive than schooling. Education knows no bounds. It can take place anywhere, whether in the shower or in the job, whether in a kitchen or on a tractor. It includes both the formal learning that takes place in schools and the whole universe of informal learning. The agents of education can range from a revered grandparent to the people debating politics on the radio, from a child to a distinguished scientist. Whereas schooling has a certain predictability, education quite often produces surprises. A chance conversation with a stranger may lead a person to discover how little is known of other religions. People are engaged in education from infancy on. Education, then, is a very broad, inclusive term. It is a lifelong process, a process that starts long before the start of school, and one that should be an integral part of one’s entire life.
Schooling, on the other hand, is a specific, formalized process, whose general pattern varies little from one setting to the next. Throughout a country, children arrive at school at approximately the same time, take assigned seats, are taught by an adult, use similar textbooks, do homework, take exams, and so on. The slices of reality that are to be learned, whether they are the alphabet or an understanding of the working of government, have usually been limited by the boundaries of the subject being taught. For example, high school students know that there not likely to find out in their classes the truth about political problems in their communities or what the newest filmmakers are experimenting with. There are definite conditions surrounding the formalized process of schooling.。