人物介绍(character introduction) The pure and innocent 17-year-old Zhen Huan is chosen for the emperor‘s harem(宫),and after entering the palace,she finds herself caught in the fierce inflighting (暗斗)between empress and the concubines(妃子). Realizing that the palace is actually a cruel and harsh(残酷的)place,Zhen has to learn to survive on her own , sometimes by unscrupulous (卑鄙的)methods.
1.Bitch(贱人) is so bitching. 贱人就是矫情. 2.That is really good. 这真真是极好的. 3.Good morning, your majesty(陛下). 皇上万福金安. 4.Enjoy your slow torture(折磨) to death. 赏你一丈红. 5.I am deeply grateful to your kindness. 承蒙圣恩.
Zhen Huan
The empress is in charged of the harem(宫).With high status , great power,rich experiences,she is capable(有 能力的) of palace fighting skills.
Hua Fei is beautiful and noble(高贵).She dares to love and hate.She never hides her temperament(气质),even to be extremely cruel and merciless.Actually the audience
中国文化英文PPT之京剧Peking opera
![中国文化英文PPT之京剧Peking opera](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d329194aa8956bec0975e3dc.png)
The role of jing
The role of chou
The schools and famous performers of Peking Opera
Whether of the warrior type or not, an actor must undergo years of fundamental training in martial skills so that every movement on the stage is gracefully and precisely executed and every pose assumed at the end of a movement makes the performer resemble a piece of well-executed sculpture, thereby increasing the aesthetic value of the acting.
The demands from various art forms call for versatility on the part of the performers.
An all-round top-notch Peking Opera performer, must be good-looking or attractive when appearing in make-up, of pleasing physical proportions, with a pair of expressive eyes and a rich variety of facial expressions.
• 甄嬛传艺术地再现了千百年来封建皇权专制制度 下后宫女人们的悲惨命运,同时也可以说是那个 时代的妇女命运甚至人类命运的一个缩影,并由 此角度出发而深刻地揭示与批判了封建专制制度 摧残扭曲人性的残酷无情与不合情理!
• 之后,甄嬛早产生下与十七爷的一对龙凤胎。
电视剧《后宫·甄嬛传》是 一部批判现实主义的古装剧 。该剧是一部宫廷情感大戏 ,更注重描写“后宫女人”的 真实情感,剧中“甄嬛”从一 个不谙世事的单纯少女成长 为一个善于谋权的深宫妇人 ,凝结了千百年来无数后宫 女子的缩影。
• 甄嬛传艺术地再现了千百年来封建皇权专制制度 下后宫女人们的悲惨命运,同时也可以说是那个 时代的妇女命运甚至人类命运的一个缩影,并由 此角度出发而深刻地揭示与批判了封建专制制度 摧残扭曲人性的残酷无情与不合情理!
甄嬛传 绝美 PPT
![甄嬛传 绝美 PPT](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/afe53e186edb6f1aff001fe4.png)
春寒赐浴华清池,温泉水滑洗凝脂; 侍儿扶起娇无力, 始是新承恩泽时。
Then she fell in love with the Emperor and hoped the best for the future . They read poetries together and shared feelings with each other . At that time ,Zhenhuan thought the Emperor was her Mr. Right till the end of the life .
复宠时期的甄嬛: 碧玺宝石钿子显露地位 甄嬛头上这一组令人眼花缭乱的装 饰,及固定它们的类似于帽子的容 器学名钿子。一般宫廷女性内梳两 把头来集中头发,并且固定这种钿 子。甄嬛佩戴的这个钿子有一种不 规则的美,左侧比右侧多出一截, 而右侧则用珍珠流苏来平衡。她的 发饰种类多样,有点翠,有碧玺, 有红宝石,还有金银和翡翠,样样 综合起来,形成一种平和的美,一 如甄嬛的处事风格:善于制衡各方 力量,平心静气的处理各种矛盾。
(with her innocent playmate ---------Meizhuang )
It was early spring. They bathed her in the FlowerPure Pool, Which warmed and smoothed the creamy-tinted crystal of her skin; And, because of her languor, a maid was lifting her When first the Emperor noticed her and chose her for his bride.
人物:The emperior, the queen, Zhenhuan, Doc Wen, Concubine Jing, The eunuch,Maid of honor皇帝,皇后,甄嬛,温太医,敬妃,太监,宫女(拉人)(The Queen combined all the concubines to framed zhenhuan, said to the emperor that zhenhuan’s son the sixth prince was actually Doctor Wen’s. So the Emperor wanted to use blood to examine wheather it is ture. Scene one皇帝看到血融合后气得咋了碗。
For personal use only in study and research; not for commercial use温太医:Emperior!That’s impossible!That’s absolutely impossible!皇后:(指着甄嬛)How dare you,Zhen huan!Don’t you kneel down! 甄嬛:I have no fault!Why do I need to kneel down!For personal use only in study and research; not for commercial use皇后:Bitch is so bitchy! If the blood combined,then they are relatives.How can you argue?Come quickly!Put her into cold palace with her son of the bitch!Killed Doc Wen at once!甄嬛:Who dare!!!皇帝在场子里转了转,走到甄嬛面前,用手托着她的下巴For personal use only in study and research; not for commercial use皇帝:I treat you so well.Why,Why are you treating me like this?敬妃:Emperior!Emperior! (被皇帝一把推开)皇帝: You let me down! (你太让我失望了)Look!推甄嬛甄嬛:Water…The water must have problem!Emperior,the water must have problem.拿着太监的手割了一下。
• 在清代,只有身份地位比较低 的丫头、宫女才有可能梳齐刘
甄氏,乾元帝淑妃也,正章帝 之母。年15入侍,为莞贵人,
里那样梳那么多的发型,即使 是皇太后的宫女也只能穿着统 一服装梳个大辫子,顶多头上 戴朵花。所以像浣碧那样梳着
十三年三月与帝在太液池相见, 进莞嫔,开未侍寝而进封之先 例。旋赐淑房。历进婉仪,婕 妤,于乾元十四年二月册为莞
• 措施:以垦荒为中心,诸如:鼓励垦荒,兴修水利,劝农力田,提高高产作物以及放 宽人口流动等,来促进经济增长缓解人口压力的对策。起特点是最大限度的开发土地 资源的潜力,从而养活前所未有的庞大人口。
• 电视剧《甄嬛传》是根据女作家流潋紫的小说《后宫甄 嬛传》改编的,而她又是取材于《大周乾元帝后妃传》, 一部虚构的大周乾元帝期间后宫争斗的书。现在对这种 虚构有另一个说法:架空。说的云里雾里,但没有史实 根基。
甄娘娘头上这满载珠玉的 “簸箕”精致非凡。这个学名 当然不叫“簸箕”,叫钿子。 钿子指的就是甄嬛头上这一 组令人眼花缭乱的装饰,及 固定它们的类似于帽子的容 器。一般宫廷女性内梳两把 头来集中头发,并且固定这 种钿子。甄嬛佩戴的这个钿 子有一种不规则的美,左侧 比右侧多出一截,而右侧则 用珍珠流苏来平衡。复宠后 的甄嬛,即便在宫中权势熏 天,也不会打扮得像华妃那 样高调。她的发饰种类更多 样,有点翠,有碧玺,有红 宝石,还有金银和翡翠,样 样综合起来,形成一种平和 的美,一如甄嬛的处事风格: 善于制衡各方力量,平心静 气的处理各种矛盾
• 破绽四:成为太后的是乾隆生母
• 《甄嬛传》的大结局是,玄凌第四子继 位,奉甄嬛为太后。清朝史实是,雍正 第四子弘历继位,尊生母熹贵妃钮祜禄 氏为皇太后。徽号崇庆皇太后,移居慈 宁宫。乾隆四十二年正月,崩,年八十 六,累上尊谥曰孝圣慈宣康惠敦和诚徽 仁穆敬天光圣宪皇后。
甄嬛传 英语PPT
![甄嬛传 英语PPT](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/5cd4274b69eae009581bece0.png)
pure and innocent 17-year-old emperor's harem(宫) the fierce inflighting (暗斗) empress and the concubines(妃子) survive on her own sometimes by unscrupulous (卑鄙的)methods.
· empress · tus · great power · rich experiences
• • • •
beautiful and noble dare to love and hate merciless pitiful (可怜的、令人同 情的)
The Legend of ZhenHuan
Basic Introduction
The Legend Of ZhenHuan is about ZhenHuan ‘s whole life. It shows us that how she from a pure girl become a strong and mature woman.
5.Shit! 不中用!
解读:表达内心的生气、愤 怒之情
6.Please call me new hello si-Real Ring 请叫我钮祜禄氏-甄嬛。
解读:无力解读 纯属恶搞。
Thank you~
1.Bitch is so bitching. 贱人就是矫情。 解读:bitch意指贱人。后面的 bitching是名词动用。此外, bitch是一个有些夸张的词,也 有很多替代词,比如low等
The legend of Zhen Huan 甄嬛传之恶搞版CharactersZHENHUAN——ZHEN (甄嬛—钟璐)The emperor YONGZHENG—— YONG(雍正帝——The senior concubine HUA——HUA(华妃——The empress YIXIU——queen(皇后——LINGRONG ANN——ANN(安陵容——MEIZHUANG SHEN——SHEN(沈眉庄——Imperial physician——WEN(温太医——Voice–over:(旁白–—ppt)Chapter 1 The Beginning of life in the Forbidden cityZHEN: I’m ZHENHUAN ,the first daughter born in clan Zhen . I have been chosen to be one of primary concubines who belong to the emperor. I was once dreaming to get marry with a normal person, but now , dream broken.SHEN .:My name is Meizhuang Shen , I was grown in a wealthy family,but now I must come the emperor into notice and try to please him so that the wealth of my family would go on.ANN: I’m LinRong Ann ,I was born in a very poor family. My father is a countymagistrate ,I’m overwhelmed by an unexpected favour which I was chosen.(皇后入场)ANN/SHEN/ZHEN:my empress.Queen :T ake your seats, please . Now we are all sisters,we must serve our emperor with all forces,do you understand?ANN SHEN ZHEN: So intelligent, my empress .(HUA comes in)(华妃入场)Queen : senior concubine HUA, you are late..HUA: I’m sorry queen,it took me so much time to adorn myself with jewels. I’m not as provident as you. Look at this screen, old fashioned style and fading pictures are not compared with your status, queen ha?华妃:皇后凉凉,本宫很抱歉,不过梳妆打扮耗费了本宫过多的时间。
46、寓形宇内复几时,曷不委心任去 留。
49、勤学如春起之苗,不见其增,日 有所长 。
50、环堵萧然,不蔽风日;短褐穿结 ,箪瓢 屡空, 晏如也 。
Our memories... ...
牵手。。放手。。挥手。。。我们曾经爱过... ...
如此想,母后也是爱女心切啊!难道你们不想七妹与我们一起吗?难道你们忍心看着七妹经 历人间生老病死的折磨离我们而去吗?)
Red son: sisters don‘t argue, we should think of a way to kill two birds with one stone, you didn’t notice the last queen mother languish many? I still and queen mother talk.(妹妹们不要争了,我们应该再想一个两全其美的办法,你们没注意到母后憔悴
The mother: red son, your most understand queen mother, you say queen mother do?(红儿,你最懂母亲了,你说母后该怎么做?) Red son: according to the daughter opinion, since seven sister that dong yong, you might as well have done them. You can test dong yong, if he pass, we let them come with forehead, so that you can see seven younger sister, they also don't have to experience the suffering of the cradle.(依女儿之见,既然七妹认定了董永,您就成全
• Action;2 • Narrator: now the heaven of six fairy is also for the matter be anxious, talking about how to help them.(此时天上六个仙女也正在为此
甄嬛传英语剧本之滴血认亲ALL:here comes the king.(皇上驾到)oh,my daring.(皇上万福金安)皇上:Harems(后宫)does not have a peaceful day,where does the peace comefrom?皇后:We disturb your tranquil life,please forgive us!皇上:Go ahead,what is going on?Such a mess!祺贵人:(走上前)I want to inform against consort XI(熹贵妃)has a secret relationship with温实初and has a bad influence on the Harems.皇上:(打了其贵妃一巴掌)bitch,who tell you the gossip?祺贵人:I guarantee in my life!What I have said are really true.皇上:Well,just listen to the holding.if there is a far off the mark(如有虚言),go to hell.祺贵人:I have evident to prove that consort XI(熹贵妃)and温实初have a vague relationship.After she leave the palace,they are always together in the roo m with doors and windows closed without others!皇后:my king,温实初always visits consort XI(熹贵妃),did you ask him to do that?If so,it is reasonable.皇上:Did you ever do that?I didn’t!皇上:well,I believe in you!皇后:For the sake of her innocence,you’d better investigatethoroughly!祺贵人:consort XI(熹贵妃)has been pregnant before going back to thepalace.So how do we know it is our prince?皇后:that is true,and she has a premature birth(早产),we have no ideaWhere are the two children from, we doubt whether the children are our bloodline.皇上:A cat causes her premature birth,who can predict it?What is more,consort XI(熹贵妃)is weak.祺贵人:It is totally deceive the public!She comes back with the babyis puzzled!温实初:you mean that the two children are not our king’s kids!This involves our whole nation,how dare you guess unreasonabl!My king,you can n ot just hear her words!皇后:the baby is your son,you have high expectations on him,it involvesgenerations after generations,we have to be careful!皇上:so,how do you think it?皇后:I am afraid that we have a blood endeavour(滴血认亲)熹贵妃:I have thought that we love each other deeply,who knows we arethus far to this extent.you do not trust me at all,if knownearlier,I would rather be alone all my life!皇上:嬛嬛,just a try,and we will know it!熹贵妃:now that I am suspected,then we can make the baby test bloodwith温实初,in this way,it not only dose not hurt you,but also pay my innocence back.皇上:槿汐,get the baby!Prepare all the stuff,stab to have a blood.my king,once you do it,even though he is your son,he will be abused by people.he is the c hild be distrusted,how will he keep a foothold(立足)in the future(验血中)祺贵人:oh look!The blood is mixing together!皇后:How dare you!Get on your knees,甄嬛!why?I am not guilty!皇后:this is the evident,what else can you say?熹贵妃:there must be something wrong with the water.My king,trust me!皇上:look it yourself!槿汐:(把手刺破),look,look,my blood is mixing in it too.There is something wrong with the water!温实初:(尝水味)it tastes acerb(酸涩的),白矾must be added in advance.my king,there are remarks on the book that people’s blood will get dissolved with白矾even though the you do not have the same blood and fresh.皇上:to be fair,the water was prepared by the queen personally!皇后:my water absolutely has no problem!皇上:I remember you have a good knowledge of medical skill!皇后:If I do this,it will be discovered accidently!I am not that stupidto take the risk!温实初:I have changed the water,it is clean!皇上:test again!(验完了)熹贵妃:you have tested it,you can be at ease now!皇上:嬛嬛,sorry,I blame you wrongly!i will never doubt you again!熹贵妃:I was known forever!皇上:(对嬛嬛说)sit down,(对祺贵人)now what else can you explain!祺贵人:my king,even if the child is your son,but she has a secretrelationship with温实初,will you be indifferent to it?槿汐:my king,when consort XI(熹贵was absent from the palace,she did suffer a lot such as Cut firewood,wash the clothes and many other rough work.as it is known to us,she is weak and always got sick,without 温实初‘s visit,she may not stand here now!皇上:嬛嬛,excuse me,you have suffered too much!皇上:so what do you think we can do?皇后:my king,I see consort XI(熹贵妃)stay with her sister,and cannot help thinking of the time when we sisters serve you together!Provided纯元皇后is here,she will have faith in me!皇上:I do really hope she does not have a sister like you!熹贵妃:since I come back,there are too much gossip about me and the twokids!I did not blame it before because I think the rumors are ungrounded.Who can predic t that,I forgive it again and again,but lead to today’s great misfortune!Who dare make irres ponsible remarks later on,I certainly will not let it go!槿汐:my king,祺贵人ask others to calumniate熹贵妃,it is abundantlyclear,supposing that we leave her to make trouble,the Hareme(后宫)will not be peaceful!Please make a decision!祺贵人:my king,it’s all my own opinion,nobody asks me to do that,I just hate熹贵妃to bones!皇上:祺贵人exaggerate it.just to scare us,well,put her to the coldpalace!祺贵人:温实初in case this bitch is not your secret lover,can you swearthat you do not have any selfish motivation on this bitch at all?Do you have the courage to claim that you are not in love with our king’s darling?I was told that you have not got marri ed up to now!温实初:whether I get married or not,it is not your business!祺贵人:my king my king,I love you from the bottom of my heart,but you are always missing that offended bitch…皇上:get her out now!祺贵人:my king my king my king my king!。
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祺贵人:Oh look! Theer! 皇后:How dare you! Get on your knees, 甄嬛! 熹贵妃:Why? I am not guilty! 皇后:This is the evident, what else can you say? 熹贵妃:There must be something wrong with the water. My king ,trust me! 皇上:Look it yourself!
皇后:For the sake of her innocence, you have better investigate thoroughly! 祺贵人:Consort XI(熹贵妃) has been pregnant before going back to the palace. so how do we know it is our prince?(熹贵妃是有孕回宫, 即在外头有孕,而温太医时常前去探望 那熹贵妃这胎。。。。) 皇后:That is true ,and she has a premature birth(早产),we have no idea where are the two children from ,we doubt whether the children are our bloodline 皇上:A cat cause her premature birth, who can predict it? What is more, consort XI(熹贵妃) is weak. 祺贵人:It is totally deceive the public! She comes back with the baby is puzzled! 温实初:You mean that the two children are not our king’s kids! This involves our whole nation ,how dare you guess unreasonable! My king , you can not just hear her words!(按祺贵人之意 莫非说皇 子和公主并非龙裔 事关江山社稷 祺贵人怎么可以胡乱揣测 皇上 万 万不能听祺贵人的揣测啊!皇上 )
槿汐:(把手刺破)Look ,look, my blood is mixing in it too. The water has a problem! 温实初:It tastes acerb(酸涩的),白矾 must be added in advance .my king, there are remarks on the book that people’s blood will get dissolved with 白矾 even though the you do not have the same blood and fresh.(皇上 水中有白矾 即使非亲生父子的血也可相溶) 皇上:To be fair ,the water was prepared by the queen personally! (为公允起见是皇后亲自准备的水)
皇后:My water absolutely has no problem! 皇上: I remember you have a good knowledge of medical skill!(朕记得你颇通医术!) 皇后: If I do this, it will be discovered accidently! I am not that stupid to take the risk! (臣妾若用此招 一不小 心就被发现 岂非太过冒险 臣妾没那么愚蠢) 植公公:I have changed the water, it is clean! 皇上:Test again!
槿汐:We must find out the big boss and punish seriously! 皇后:My king ,I see consort XI( 熹贵妃) stay with her sister ,and can not help thinking of the time when we sisters serve you together! Provided 纯元皇后 is here, she will have faith in me! 皇上:I do really hope she does not have a sister like you ! 熹贵妃: Since I come back ,there are too much gossip about me and the two kids!I did not blame it before because I think the rumors are ungrounded. Who can predict that ,I forgive it again and again, but lead to today’s great misfortune! Who dare make irresponsible remarks later on, I certainly will not let it go! 槿汐:My king, 祺贵人ask others to calumniate 熹贵妃,it is abundantly clear, supposing that we leave her to make trouble, the Hareme (后宫) will not be peaceful! Please make a decision!
熹贵妃: You have tested it ,you can be at ease now! 皇上:嬛嬛,sorry, I blame you wrongly! i will never doubt you again! 熹贵妃:I was known forever! 皇上:(对嬛嬛说) sit down, (对祺贵人) now what else can you explain! 祺贵人:My king , even if the child is your son ,but she has a secret relationship with 温实初,will you be indifferent to it? 槿汐:My king ,when consort XI(熹贵妃) was absent from the palace, she did suffer a lot such as Cut firewood, wash the clothes and many other rough work . as it is known to us, she is weak and always got sick, without 温实初’s visit, she may not stand here now! 皇上:嬛嬛,excuse me, you have suffered too much! 槿汐:Consort XI(熹贵妃) is framed up(被诬陷),my king ,please hold the scales even(主持公道)! 皇上: So what do you think we can do?
祺贵人:I have evident to prove that consort XI( 熹贵妃) and 温实初 have a vague(暧昧的) relationship. After she leave the palace, they are always together in the room with doors and windows closed without others!( 臣妾有凭证 证实 熹贵妃与温实初私通 熹贵妃出宫后 温实初屡屡入甘露寺探望 孤男寡女常常共处一室) 皇后:My king,温实初 always visit consort XI(熹贵妃),does you ask him to do that? If is that ,this is reasonable.(皇上 温太医频频探访甘 露寺 是否皇上授意呢?若是皇上授意,那么此事倒也情有可原了) 槿汐:My king ,allow me to say a justword sincerely, they are do blameless(奴婢平心静气的说一句公公正正的话 熹贵妃娘 娘和温大人绝无私情) 皇上:You, have,or not? 熹贵妃:I am not , 皇上:Well, I believe in you!
皇后:The baby is your son, you have high expectations on him, it involves generations after generations, we have to be careful!(六阿哥 是皇上的血脉,皇上更对他寄予厚望,事关千秋万代 实在,不能不 仔细啊!) 皇上: So, how do you think it?(那你说怎么样才叫仔细?) 皇后:I am afraid that we have a blood endeavour.(只怕要滴血验亲) 熹贵妃:I have thought that we love each other deeply, who knows we are thus far to this extent. you do not trust me at all, if known earlier ,I would rather be alone all my life!(臣妾本以为与皇上情缘深 重 谁知被疑心至此 情愿当初在凌云峰孤苦一生罢了) 皇上:嬛嬛,just a try, and we will know it! 熹贵妃:Now that I am suspected, then we can make the baby test blood with 温实初,in this way ,it not only dose not hurt you ,but also pay my innocence back。(皇上要试便是真疑心臣妾了,既然皇上 疑心臣妾与温太医有私 那六阿哥只要与温太医滴血验亲即可) 皇上:槿汐,get the baby! Prepare all the stuff, stab to have a blood.