



图 1
如上图1所示;用光标点中有 ‘?’的网元,然后打开菜单Supervision执行Start命令,激活对网元的监控。

图 2

图 3
然后打开菜单Supervision执行Login 命令,成功登录监控1650SMC单元后,监控终端的CT 进入设备子架的图形界面,如下图4所示;
图 1
如上图1所示;用光标点中有 ‘?’的网元,然后打开菜单Supervision执行Start命令,SupervisionÆStart’,激活对网元的监控。

图 2

图 3

Intel 酷睿i5 760 详细参数

Intel 酷睿i5 760   详细参数
双通道DDR3 1066/1333纠错
Intel VT纠错
Turbo Boost技术
Intel酷睿i5 760(盒)详细参数
酷睿i5 700纠错
LGA 1156纠错
增强型Intel SpeedStep动态节能技术纠错
CPU系列:酷睿i5 700纠错
插槽类型:LGA 1156纠错

M1A3P250-2VQ100IVQ100中文资料(Microsemi)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」

M1A3P250-2VQ100IVQ100中文资料(Microsemi)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」

器件手册章节可以有不同版本号. Actel目标是为客户提供及时事项最新信息.其结果是,该 表数据之前公布 已被充分表征.数据表被指定为"产品简介","高级",并 "生产".这些类别定义如下:
产品简介是一个数据表摘要版本(高级或生产),包含 一般产品信息.本文给出具体设备和家庭概况 信息.
I / O说明和使用方法
I/在IGLOO和ProASIC3器件O结构. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-1 I / O软件控制在低功耗闪存设备. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-1 DDR为Actel低功耗闪存设备. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-1
封装和引脚说明 引脚说明. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-1 包装. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-1



电脑主板芯片级维修常用芯片资料三篇篇一:电脑主板芯片级维修常用芯片资料AD1986主板声卡芯片ADM1032笔记本电脑温度传感器芯片ADP3198主板CPU供电控制芯片ADP3205笔记本电脑CPU供电控制芯片ADP3207笔记本电脑CPU供电控制芯片AES2501A笔记本电脑指纹传感器ALC202主板声卡芯片ALC262笔主板声卡芯片ALC658主板声卡芯片ALC660主板声卡芯片ALC86l主板声卡芯片ALC880主板声卡芯片ALC883主板声卡芯片AME8824低压差稳压器AN12943音频功率放大芯片AP1250主板内存供电芯片AP15912大电流低压差稳压器APW7057笔记本电脑芯片组供电控制芯片BA9741F笔记本电脑液晶显示器高压驱动芯片BD4175KV笔记本电脑开机控制芯片BD9766FV笔记本电脑液晶显示器高压驱动芯片BD9882F笔记本电脑液晶显示器高压驱动芯片BD9883FV笔记本电脑液晶显示器高压驱动芯片CS4205笔记本电脑声卡芯片CS20468笔记本电脑声卡芯片CS20549笔记本电脑声卡芯片CY28405—2/ICS952606主板时钟芯片Esl92l笔记本电脑声卡芯片FAN5019主板CPU供电控制芯片FAN5090主板CPU供电控制芯片FDC37N972笔记本电脑I/O芯片G1420笔记本电脑音频功放芯片G2996笔记本电脑内存供电控制芯片G781笔记本电脑CPU散热风扇转速控制芯片G9338低压差线性稳压控制器ICS950810笔记本电脑主板时钟芯片ICS954302笔记本电脑主板时钟芯片ICS954309笔记本电脑主板时钟芯片ICS954310笔记本电脑主板时钟芯片ISL6227笔记本电脑内存供电控制芯片ISL6262笔记本电脑CPU供电控制芯片ISL6559主板CPU供电控制芯片ISL6566主板CPU供电控制芯片IT8716FCX主板I/O芯片LPL1084低压差稳压器L6711主板CPU供电控制芯片L6917主板CPU供电控制芯片LM13700M双运算放大器LM26笔记本电脑温度传感器LM324四电压比较器LM4835/LM4838笔记本电脑音频功放芯片LM4882笔记本电脑音频功放芯片LP2951 100mA低压差稳压器IPC47N253笔记本电脑开机芯片LTC3716笔记本电脑CPU供电控制芯片LTC3735笔记本电脑cPu供电控制电路芯片MAx1540/MAxl541笔记本电脑内存/芯片组供电控制芯片MAx1558双路可编程电流芯片MAx1623笔记本电脑内存供电电路MAx1626/MAxl627主板供电控制芯片MAx1632笔记本电脑系统供电控制芯片MAx1809笔记本电脑内存供电电路控制芯片MAx1844笔记本电脑芯片组/显卡供电控制芯片MAx1901笔记本电脑系统供电控制芯片MAx1907笔记本电脑cPu供电控制芯片MAx1987笔记本电脑cPu供电控制芯片MAX3243 3~5V多通道RS-232线性驱动/接收器MAX4490满摆幅输入/输出运算放大器MAX8505笔记本电脑芯片组控制芯片MAX8632笔记本电脑内存供电控制芯片MAx8724笔记本电脑充电控制芯片MAx8725笔记本电脑充电控制芯片MAx8734笔记本电脑系统供电控制芯片MAx8743笔记本电脑显卡/芯片组供电控制芯片MAx8760笔记本电脑cPu供电控制芯片MAx8765笔记本电脑电池充电控制芯片MAx8770笔记本电脑CPU供电控制芯片MAx8794笔记本电脑DDR内存供电控制芯片MAX8863低压差稳压芯片MAX9710笔记本电脑音频功放芯片MAx9750/MAx9751/MAX9755笔记本电脑MAx9789/MAx9790笔记本电脑音频功放芯片MB3887笔记本电脑充电控制电路芯片MlB39A126PFV笔记本电脑充电控制芯片MS-6主板开机芯片PC87551笔记本电脑控制芯片Pc87570笔记本电脑键盘/电源控制芯片PC87591笔记本电脑I/O控制芯片PC97551笔记本电脑I/O控制芯片P131500E/MAX4927高速差分开关芯片PT2353笔记本电脑音效处理芯片RT8802A主板CPu供电控制芯片RT9202主板DDR内存供电控制芯片RT9214/APW7120芯片组/内存供电控制芯片RT9218芯片组/内存供电控制芯片RT9238主板CPU供电控制芯片RT9246A主板CPU供电控制芯片RTL8101L主板网卡芯片SC1403笔记本电脑主电源控制芯片SC1404笔记本电脑主电源控制芯片SC1474笔记本电脑芯片组供电控制芯片SC1476笔记本电脑芯片组供电控制芯片SC1485笔记本电脑芯片组供电控制芯片SCl565低压差稳压器SC2450笔记本电脑主电源控制芯片SC2595主板DDR内存供电控制芯片SC2614主板DDR内存供电控制芯片SC2643主板CPU供电控制芯片SC338双路电压控制开关SC411主板芯片组供电控制芯片:SC4215具有使能功能的低压差稳压器SC451笔记本电脑CPU供电控制芯片SC452笔记本电脑CPU供电控制芯片SC470笔记本电脑显卡供电控制芯片SI786LG笔记本电脑供电控制芯片SI9183低压差稳压器SLG84420笔记本电脑主板时钟芯片ST75185 RS-232接口驱动/接收芯片TB62506笔记本电脑开机控制芯片TL1451笔记本电脑液晶屏高压驱动控制芯片TL5001笔记本电脑液晶屏高压驱动控制芯片TL594-笔记本电脑充电控制芯片TPA0142笔记本电脑音频功放芯片TPA0312笔记本电脑音频功放芯片TPA6017笔记本电脑音频功放芯片TPS2206具有串行接口的1A双插槽PC卡电源开关TPS2211具有并行接口的1A单槽位PC卡电源开关TPS51117笔记本电脑供电控制芯片TPS51124笔记本电脑芯片组供电控制芯片TPS54610笔记本电脑内存供电控制芯片VT1611A主板声卡芯片VT1612A主板声卡芯片线性稳压块:2951、LP2951、m5236、29507开机芯片:东芝TM87XX、IBM:TB6805F、TB6806F、TB6808F、TB62501F、TMP48U0 I/O芯片:PC97338、PC87391、PC87392、pc87393、SMSC系列:FDC7N869、FDC37N958、LPC47N227、LPC47N267系统供电芯片:MAX1632、MAX1631、MAX1904、MAX1634、MAX785、MAX786、SB3052、SC1402、LTC16288CPU供电芯片:MAX1711、MAX1714、MAX1717、MAX1718、MAX1897供电芯片搭配使用:ADP3203/ADP3415、ADP3410/ADP3421、ADP3410/ADP3422 充电芯片:MAX1645、MAX745、MAX1772、MAX1773、ADP3806、TC490/591、MB3887、MB3878、MAX1908,LT1505GCPU温度控制芯片:MAX1617、MAX1020A、AD1030A、CM8500 MAX19893显卡品牌:ATI、NVIDIA、S3、NEOMAGIC、TRIDENT、SMI、INTEL、FW82807和CH7001A搭配使用网卡芯片:RTL8100、RTL8139、Intel DA82562、RC82540、3COM、BCM440 网卡隔离:LF8423、LF-H80P、H-0023、H0024、H0019、ATPL-1192 M声卡芯片:ESS1921、ESS1980S、STAC9704、AU8810、4299-JQ、TPA0202、4297-JQ、8552TS、8542TS、CS4239-KQ、BA7786、AD1981B、AN12942PC卡芯片:R5C551、R5C552、R5C476、R54472PC卡供电芯片:TPS2205、TPS2206、TPS2216、TPS2211、PU2211、M2562A、M2563A、M2564ACOM口芯片:MAX3243、MAX213、ADM213、HIN213、SP3243、MC145583+键盘芯片:H8C/2471、H8/3434、H8/3431、PC87570、PC87591键盘芯片:具有开机功能:H8/3434、H8/3437、H8/2147、H8/2149、H8/2161、H8/2168、PC87570、PC87591、H8S/XXX M38857、M38867、M38869笔记本IO芯片大全PC87591S(VPCQ01)/PC 87591L(VPC01)/PC 97317IBW/PC 87393 VGJ62501F/TB62506F/TB6808F/KB910QF/KB910QB4/KB910LQF/KB910LQFA1KB3910QB0/KB910SFC1/KB3910SF/PC87591E-VLB/IT8510E/PS5130笔记本IO芯片大全PC87591E(-VPCI01),(VPCQ01)/PC 97551-VPC/PC 87570-ICC/VPCXPC87391VGJ/TB6807F/W83L950D/LPC47N249-AQQ/PCI4510/PC8394TPC87392/PC87541L/PC87541V/LPC47N253-AQQ/PC87591E-VLB笔记本IO芯片大全LPC47N250-SD/LPC47N252-SG/LPC47N254-AQQAAT3200低压差稳压器AAT4280端口限流保护芯片AD1885主板声卡芯片ADl888主板声卡芯片ADl981主板声卡芯片ADP3160/ADP3167笔记本电脑供电控制芯片ADP3166主板CPU供电控制芯片ADP3168笔记本电脑供电控制芯片ADP3170主板CPU供电控制芯片ADP3180主板CPU供电控制芯片ADP3181笔记本电脑CPU供电芯片ADP3203笔记本电脑CPU供电芯片ADP3421笔记本电脑CPU供电芯片.ADP3806笔记本电脑电池充/放电控制芯片AIC1567主板CPU供电控制芯片ALC200主板声卡芯片ALC201A主板声卡芯片ALC655主板声卡芯片AMS1505低压差稳压器APA2020/TPA0202小功率音频功率放大芯片APW7060主板供电控制芯片BQ2040笔记本电脑电池电量检测芯片BQ2060笔记本电脑电池电量检测芯片!BQ24700笔记本电脑充电控制芯片BQ2470l笔记本电脑充电控制芯片BQ24702/BQ24703笔记本电脑充电控制芯片CM8501/CM8501A主板内存供电控制芯片CM8562主板内存供电控制芯片CMl9738主板声卡芯片)CS5322主板CPU供电控制芯片CS950502主板时钟芯片CY28404C主板时钟芯片DS1620笔记本电脑数字温度控制芯片DS2770笔记本电脑充电控制芯片FAN5056主板CPU供电控制芯片FAN7601笔记本电脑电源适配器控制芯片IPM6220A笔记本电脑电源管理芯片ISL6223笔记本电脑CPU供电控制芯片ISL6224笔记本电脑内存供电控制芯片ISL6225笔记本电脑内存供电控制芯片LM4861小功率音频功率放大芯片LM4863小功率音频功率放大芯片;LM4880几M4881小功率音频功率放大芯片LM4911小功率音频功率放大芯片LTl505笔记本电脑充电控制芯片LTCl628笔记本电脑系统供电电路ITC1709笔记本电脑CPU供电控制芯片LTC3728L笔记本电脑系统供电控制芯片LTC4008笔记本电脑充电控制芯片M51995A笔记本电脑电源适配器控制芯片M61040FP笔记本电脑电池管理控制芯片MAXl522/MAXl523/MAXl524笔记本电脑LCD背光电源控制芯片MAXl540/MAXl541笔记本电脑供电控制芯片MAX1631笔记本电脑主电源控制芯片MAXl644笔记本电脑供电控制芯片MAXl645B笔记本电脑电池充电管理芯片MAX1710/MAX1711/MAXl712笔记本电脑CPU内核供电芯片MAX1714笔记本电脑CPU外核供电控制芯片MAX1715笔记本电脑CPU供电芯片MAX1717笔记本电脑CPU供电控制芯片MAX1718笔记本电脑CPU供电控制芯片MAX1736笔记本电脑充电控制芯片.MAX1772笔记本电脑充电控制芯片MAX1773笔记本电脑充电控制芯片MAX1830/MAXl831笔记本电脑CPU供电控制芯片MAX1845笔记本电脑CPU内核供电控制芯片MAX1873笔记本电脑充电控制芯片MAX1902笔记本电脑系统供电控制芯片MAX1908笔记本电脑充电控制芯片MAX1909笔记本电脑充电控制芯片MAX1992/MAXl993笔记本电脑供电控制芯片MAX1999笔记本电脑系统供电控制芯片MAX745笔记本电脑充电控制器MAX785/MAX786笔记本电脑系统供电控制芯片MAX8794笔记本电脑DDR内存供电控制芯片MB3878笔记本电脑充电控制芯片MIC2545端口限流保护芯片MIC5205低压差稳压器NCPl205笔记本电脑电源适配器控制芯片NCP1207笔记本电脑电源适配器控制芯片NCP5201主板DDR2内存供电控制芯片NCP5314主板CPU供电控制芯片OZ960笔记本电脑液晶屏高压驱动控制芯片SC1470笔记本电脑供电控制芯片SC1486/SCl486A笔记本电脑内存供电芯片SC2422主板CPU供电控制芯片)SC2616主板DDR2内存供电控制芯片TPS51020笔记本电脑DDR内存供电控制芯片TPS54672笔记本电脑内存供电控制芯片篇二:常用电脑芯片型号资料4N35/4N36/4N37"光电耦合器"AD7520/AD7521/AD7530/AD7521"D/A转换器"AD7541 12位D/A转换器ADC0802/ADC0803/ADC0804"8位A/D转换器"ADC0808/ADC0809"8位A/D转换器"ADC0831/ADC0832/ADC0834/ADC0838"8位A/D转换器" CA3080/CA3080A OTA跨导运算放大器CA3140/CA3140A"BiMOS运算放大器"DAC0830/DAC0832"8位D/A转换器"ICL7106,ICL7107"3位半A/D转换器"ICL7116,ICL7117"3位半A/D转换器"ICL7650"载波稳零运算放大器"ICL7660/MAX1044"CMOS电源电压变换器"ICL8038"单片函数发生器"ICM7216"10MHz通用计数器"ICM7226"带BCD输出10MHz通用计数器"ICM7555/7555 CMOS单/双通用定时器ISO2-CMOS MT8880C DTMF收发器LF351"JFET输入运算放大器"LF353"JFET输入宽带高速双运算放大器"LM117/LM317A/LM317"三端可调电源"LM124/LM124/LM324"低功耗四运算放大器" LM137/LM337"三端可调负电压调整器"LM139/LM239/LM339"低功耗四电压比较器" LM158/LM258/LM358"低功耗双运算放大器" LM193/LM293/LM393"低功耗双电压比较器" LM201/LM301通用运算放大器LM231/LM331"精密电压—频率转换器"LM285/LM385微功耗基准电压二极管LM308A"精密运算放大器"LM386"低压音频小功率放大器"LM399"带温度稳定器精密电压基准电路"LM431"可调电压基准电路"LM567/LM567C"锁相环音频译码器"LM741"运算放大器"LM831"双低噪声音频功率放大器"LM833"双低噪声音频放大器"LM8365"双定时LED电子钟电路"MAX038 0.1Hz-20MHz单片函数发生器MAX232"5V电源多通道RS232驱动器/接收器" MC1403"2.5V精密电压基准电路"MC1404 5.0v/6.25v/10v基准电压MC1413/MC1416"七路达林顿驱动器"MC145026/MC145027/MC145028"编码器/译码器" MC145403-5/8"RS232驱动器/接收器"MC145406"RS232驱动器/接收器"MC145407"RS232驱动器/接收器"MC145583"RS232驱动器/接收器"MC145740 DTMF接收器MC1488"二输入与非四线路驱动器"MC1489"四施密特可控线路驱动器"MC2833"低功率调频发射系统"MC3362"低功率调频窄频带接收器"MC4558"双运算放大器"MC7800系列"1.0A三端正电压稳压器"MC78L00系列0.1A三端正电压稳压器MC78M00系列"0.5A三端正电压稳压器"MC78T00系列3.0A正电压稳压器MC7900系列1.0A三端负电压稳压器MC79L00系列0.1A三端负电压稳压器MC79M00系列0.5A三端负电压稳压器Microchip"PIC系列单片机RS232通讯应用" MM5369 3.579545MHz-60Hz 17级分频振荡器MOC3009/MOC3012"双向可控硅输出光电耦合器" MOC3020/MOC3023"双向可控硅输出光电耦合器"MOC3081/MOC3082/MOC3083"过零双向可控硅输出光电耦合器" MOC8050"无基极达林顿晶体管输出光电耦合器"MOC8111"无基极晶体管输出光电耦合器"MT8870"DTMF双音频接收器"MT8888C DTMF收发器NE5532/NE5532A"双低噪声运算放大器"NE5534/SE5534"低噪声运算放大器"NE555/SA555"单时基电路"NE556/SA556/SE556"双时基电路"NE570/NE571/SA571"音频压缩扩展器"OP07"低电压飘移运算放大器"OP27"低噪音精密运算放大器"OP37"低噪音高速精密运算放大器"OP77"低电压飘移运算放大器"OP90"精密低电压微功耗运算放大器"PC817/PC827/PC847"高效光电耦合器"PT2262"无线遥控发射编码器芯片"PT2272"无线遥控接收解码器芯片"SG2524/SG3524"脉宽调制PWM"ST7537"电力线调制解调器电路"TDA1521 2×12W Hi-Fi音频功率放大器TDA2030 14W Hi-Fi音频功率放大器TDA2616 2×12W Hi-Fi音频功率放大器TDA7000T FM单片调频接收电路TDA7010T FM单片调频接收电路TDA7021T FM MTS单片调频接收电路TDA7040T"低电压锁相环立体声解码器"TDA7050"低电压单/双声道功率放大器"TL062/TL064"低功耗JFET输入运算放大器"TL071/TL072/TL074"低噪声JFET输入运算放大器" TL082/TL084 JFET宽带高速运算放大器TL494"脉宽调制PWM"TL594"精密开关模式脉宽调制控制"TLP521/1-4"光电耦合器"TOP100-4 TOPSwitch三端PWM开关电源电路TOP200-4 TOPSwitch三端PWM开关电源电路TOP209/TOP210 TOPSwitch三端PWM开关电源电路TOP221-7 TOPSwitch-Ⅱ三端PWM开关电源电路TOP232-4 TOPSwitch-FX五端柔韧设计开关电源电路TOP412/TOP414 TOPSwitch三端PWM DC-DC开关电源ULN2068 1.5A/50V 4路达林顿驱动电路ULN2803 500mA/50V 8路达林顿驱动电路ULN2803/ULN2804线性八外围驱动器阵列VFC32"电压—频率/频率—电压转换器"常用ic资料2AD711高精度、底价格、高速BiFET运放CA3130 15MHz,BiMOS运放with MOSFET Input/CMOS OutputLH0032 Ultra Fast FET-输入单运放LF351 Wide B与门width JFET输入单运放LF411 Low Offset,Low Drift JFET输入单运放LM108高精度、单运放LM208高精度、单运放LM308高精度、单运放LM833双音频运放,低噪音LM358双运放LM359双,高速,Programmable,Current Mode(Norton)Amplifier LM324 QUADRUPLE运放LM391音频Power DriverLM393双Differential ComparatorNE5532双音频运放,低噪音NE5534 Single音频运放,低噪音OP27低噪音、高精度、高速运放OP37低噪音、高精度、高速运放TL071 Single JFET-输入运放,低噪音TL072双JFET-输入运放,低噪音TL074 Quad JFET-输入运放,低噪音TL081 Single JFET-输入运放TL082双JFET-输入运放TL084 Quad JFET-输入运放TLC271 LinCMOS..PROGRAMMABLE LOW-POWER运放TLC272 LinCMOS....PRECISION双运放TLC274 LinCMOS....PRECISION QUAD运放MN3004 512 STAGE低噪音BBDL165 3A POWER运放(20W)LM388 1.5W音频功率放大LM1875 20W音频功率放大TDA1516BQ 24 W BTL or 2 x 12 w立体声汽车用功率放大器TDA1519C 22 W BTL or 2 X 11 W立体声功率放大TDA1563Q 2 x 25 W high efficiency car radio功率放大TDA2002单声道、功率放大8W[NTE1232]TDA2005双功率放大20WTDA2004 10+10W STEREO立体声汽车用功率放大器TDA2030 Single功率放大14WSTK4036 II模块电路,AF PO,双电源50WSTK4036 XI模块电路,AF PO,双电源50WSTK4038 II AF功率放大60 WSTK4040 II AF功率放大70 WSTK4040 XI AF功率放大70 WSTK4042 II AF功率放大80 WSTK4042 XI AF功率放大80 WSTK4044 II模块电路,AF功率放大、单声道100WSTK4044 II模块电路,AF功率放大、单声道100WSTK4046 XI模块电路,AF功率放大、单声道120WSTK4048 XI模块电路,AF功率放大、单声道150WSTK4050 V模块电路,AF功率放大、单声道200WLM3914 10-Step Dot/Bar显示驱动器,Linear scaleLM3915 10-Step Dot/Bar显示驱动器,Logarithmic scaleLM3916 10-Step Dot/Bar显示驱动器UAA180 LED driver Light or light spot display operation for max.12 emitting diodesCA3161E BCD to Seven Segment Decoder/DriverCA3162E A/D Converter for 3-Digit DisplayICL7136 3 1/2 Digit LCD,Low Power Display,A/D ConverterLM1800 PLL Stereo Decoder[NTE743]CA3090P Stereo Multiplex Decoder(Comp.to NTE789 From NTE)MC1310P FM Stereo Demodulator(Comp.to NTE801 From NTE)555时钟556双555MN3101时钟/驱动XR2206 Monolithic Function Generator4N25 6-PIN光电晶体管OPTOCOUPLERS4N264N274N284N35 6-PIN光电晶体管OPTOCOUPLERS4N364N3778xx系列3端稳压器+5V到+24V1A78Lxx系列3端稳压器+5V到+24V 0.1A78Mxx系列3端稳压器+5V到+24V 0.5A78Sxx系列3端稳压器+5V到+24V 2A79xx系列3端负电压稳压器-5V到-24V 1A79Lxx系列3端负电压稳压器-5V到-24V 0.1A LM117+1.2V...+37V 1.5A正电压可调稳压器LM217+1.2V...+37V 1.5A正电压可调稳压器LM317+1.2V...+37V 1.5A正电压可调稳压器LM137-1.2V...-37V 1.5A负电压可调稳压器LM237-1.2V...-37V 1.5A负电压可调稳压器LM337-1.2V...-37V 1.5A负电压可调稳压器LM138+1.2V--32V 5-安培可调LM338+1.2V--32V 5-安培可调LM723高精度可调L200 2 A/2.85 to 36 V.可调74LS00 Quad 2-Input与非门74LS04 Hex反相器74LS08 Quad 2 input与门74LS10 Triple 3-Input与非门74LS13 SCHMITT TRIGGERS双门/HEX反相器74LS14 SCHMITT TRIGGERS双门/HEX反相器74LS27 TRIPLE 3-INPUT NOR门74LS30 8-Input与非门74LS32 Quad 2 input OR74LS42 ONE-OF-TEN DECODER74LS45 BCD to Decimal Decoders/Drivers74LS47 BCD to 7 seg decoder/driver74LS90 Decade与门Binary记数器74LS92 Divide by 12记数器74LS93Binary记数器74LS121 Monostable multivibrator74LS154 4-Line to 16-Line Decoder/Demultiplexer74LS192 BCD up/down记数器74LS193 4 bit binary up/down记数器74HC237 3-to-8 line decoder/demultiplexer with address latches74LS374 3-STATE Octal D-Type Transparent Latches与门Edge-Triggered Flip-Flops74LS390双DECADE记数器双4-STAGE BINARY记数器4001 Quad 2-input NOR门4002双4-input NOR门4007双Complementary Pair与门反相器4011 Quad 2-Input NOR Buffered4013双D-Type Flip-Flop4016 Quad Analog Switch/Quad Multiplexer4017 Decade记数器/Divider4022 Divide-by-8记数器/Divider with 8 Decoded Outputs4023 Triple 3-input与非门4025 Triple 3-input NOR门4026 DEC.COUN./DIVIDER WITH DECODED 7-SEG.DISPLAY OUTPUTS4028 BCD to Decimal Decoder4029 Binary/Decade Up/Down记数器4040 12-Stage Ripple-Carry Binary4046 Phase-Locked Loop4051 Single 8-Channel Analog4052 Differential 4-Channel Analog4053 Triple 2-Channel Multipl/Demul4054显示驱动4055显示驱动4056显示驱动4060 14-Stage Ripple-Carry Binary C4066 Quad Bilateral Switch4067 Cmos Analog Multiplexer/Demultiplexer[266kb] 4068 8-input与非门4069 Hex反相器4071 Quad 2-input OR门4072双4-input OR门4075 Triple 3-input OR门4081 Quad 2-Input与门门4082双4-input与门门4093 Quad 2-Input Schm.Trigger4511 BCD-to-7-Segment Latch Decade Driver4518双BCD记数器4583双Schmitt Trigger4584 Hex Schmitt trigger篇三:电脑主板维修常用芯片常用主板I/O芯片W83977EF W83977EF-AWW83977 T F IT8870F-AW83627HF-AW 8712FW83627HF LM2637MW83627SF-AW LPC47M102W83627F-AW IT8707W83627SF 47M172W83627GF-AW 47M102SW83627THF 47M192W83877F FP5093MTCIT8712F-A LM2637MIT8712F IT8671W83637HF IT8702FW83697HF IT8703PC87366IBW IT8705FPC87372IBW W83877TFW83637HF 8711f-A常用主板电源管理芯片主要有7种系列包括HIP系列、RT系列、RC系列、SC系列、LM系列、ADP系列、ISL系列RT9224RT9238RT9231 L6916DRT9231A RT9237RT9241A RT9241BRT9221 RT9223RT9602 RT92285098 RT9227ART9222 RT9231HIP6021CB HIP6020 HIP6016 HIP6017HIP6018 HIP6019HIP6018BCB ISL6524CB HIP6004 HIP6602HIP6521 HIP6301CB HIP6303CS HIP6601 HIP6501 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章 1: 系统概览 (5)关键工作负载 (5)新技术 (5)章 2: 系统功能和代际比较 (7)章 3: 机箱视图和功能部件 (10)机箱视图 (10)系统的前视图 (11)系统的后视图 (14)系统的内部视图 (15)快速资源定位器 (16)章 4: 处理器 (17)处理器特性 (17)支持的处理器 (17)章 5: 内存子系统 (19)支持的内存 (19)章 6: 存储 (20)存储控制器 (20)支持的驱动器 (20)内部存储配置 (21)外部存储器 (21)章 7: 联网 (22)概览 (22)OCP 3.0 支持 (22)支持的 OCP 卡 (22)OCP NIC 3.0 与机架网络子卡比较 (23)章 8: PCIe 子系统 (24)PCIe 转接卡 (24)章 9: 电源、散热和声音 (30)功率 (30)电源装置 (31)散热 (31)散热设计 (31)声音 (32)R760xa 的声音配置 (32)PowerEdge 声音规格 (34)目录3章 10: 机架、导轨和线缆管理 (39)导轨和线缆管理信息 (39)章 11: 操作系统和虚拟化 (45)支持的操作系统 (45)章 12: Dell OpenManage Systems Management (46)Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller (iDRAC) (46)Systems Management Software 支持矩阵 (47)章 13: 附录 D:服务与支持 (48)默认支持级别 (48)默认部署级别 (48)其他服务和支持信息 (48)戴尔部署服务 (48)戴尔自定义部署服务 (52)Dell Residency Services (52)Dell Data Migration 服务 (52)Dell Enterprise 支持服务 (52)企业连接 (55)Dell TechDirect (56)Dell Technologies 咨询服务 (56)章 14: 附录 A:附加规格 (58)机箱尺寸 (58)机箱重量 (59)NIC 端口规格 (59)视频规格 (59)USB 端口规格 (60)PSU 评级 (60)环境规格 (60)散热空气限制 (62)液体冷却限制 (62)散热限制列表 (63)章 15: 附录 B.标准合规性 (64)章 16: 附录 C 其他资源 (65)4目录1系统概览戴尔 PowerEdge R760xa 是戴尔最新的双路机架式服务器,旨在使用可高度扩展的内存、I/O 和网络选项,运行复杂的工作负载。










第一部分规格第二部分安装说明2.1必要的环境条件2.2接线插座2.3接地线2.4传感器连接及针脚分配CN1第三部分功能介绍和操作说明3.1按键功能说明3.2状态标志符3.3功能数据说明第四部分检定说明4.1准备工作4.2扣除初始固定荷重(即标零)4.3计量通道增益调整(即标量程)第五部分错误信息的说明5.1错误编码的定义5.2错误信息的清除第六部分输入输出接口的说明6.1传感器电缆连接插座CN1针脚分配6.2串行数据传输连接插座CN26.3控制点输入输出插座CN36.4并行输出插座CN5(EV918板)6.5输入输出特性6.6模拟量输出CN4端子DC4〜20mA 特性第七部分外形尺寸图第一部分规格EDI - 760称重显示器7段8位高亮绿色荧光显示屏 可达 99999 或 9999901、2、5、10、20 或 50相对标定零的满量程的土 2%范围内 修正范围满量程的土2%0.2uV/分 度 30mV•显示•重量显示范围 •分度值•零点调整范围 •自动零点修正 •模拟输入: 灵敏度 满量程范围A /D 特性:转换方式 转换速率△—工模数转换50 次/秒分辨率标准10mV输入,显示码50000供桥仪表内部提供DC10V供桥传感器连接最多可并联8只350 Q的传感器必要条件长距离传输需用六线制电缆-精度和稳定性:非线性优于F.S的0.005%量程温度系数优于±15PPM/°C零点温度系数优±0.2uV/ C仪表标配RS232C、RS485串行接口和开关量点输入和输出接口;•配置接口可选配并行输出扩展板EV917/918/919完成并行数据和状态点输出,也可选配EV920完成4〜20mA重量输出。



玉林万顺达电脑芯片级维修资料 2010-07-20整理玉林万顺达电脑芯片级维修资料 2010-07-20整理玉林万顺达电脑芯片级维修资料 2010-07-20整理玉林万顺达电脑芯片级维修资料 2010-07-20整理玉林万顺达电脑芯片级维修资料 2010-07-20整理玉林万顺达电脑芯片级维修资料 2010-07-20整理玉林万顺达电脑芯片级维修资料 2010-07-20整理玉林万顺达电脑芯片级维修资料 2010-07-20整理玉林万顺达电脑芯片级维修资料 2010-07-20整理玉林万顺达电脑芯片级维修资料 2010-07-20整理玉林万顺达电脑芯片级维修资料 2010-07-20整理玉林万顺达电脑芯片级维修资料 2010-07-20整理玉林万顺达电脑芯片级维修资料 2010-07-20整理玉林万顺达电脑芯片级维修资料 2010-07-20整理玉林万顺达电脑芯片级维修资料 2010-07-20整理玉林万顺达电脑芯片级维修资料 2010-07-20整理玉林万顺达电脑芯片级维修资料 2010-07-20整理玉林万顺达电脑芯片级维修资料 2010-07-20整理玉林万顺达电脑芯片级维修资料 2010-07-20整理玉林万顺达电脑芯片级维修资料 2010-07-20整理玉林万顺达电脑芯片级维修资料 2010-07-20整理玉林万顺达电脑芯片级维修资料 2010-07-20整理玉林万顺达电脑芯片级维修资料 2010-07-20整理玉林万顺达电脑芯片级维修资料 2010-07-20整理玉林万顺达电脑芯片级维修资料 2010-07-20整理玉林万顺达电脑芯片级维修资料 2010-07-20整理玉林万顺达电脑芯片级维修资料 2010-07-20整理玉林万顺达电脑芯片级维修资料 2010-07-20整理玉林万顺达电脑芯片级维修资料 2010-07-20整理玉林万顺达电脑芯片级维修资料 2010-07-20整理。



PowerDI is a registered trademark of Diodes Incorporated. 7A SCHOTTKY BARRIER RECTIFIERPowerDI ®5Features• Guard Ring Die Construction for Transient Protection • Low Power Loss, High Efficiency • Low Reverse Leakage Current• For Use in High Frequency Inverters, Free Wheeling, and Polarity Protection Applications• High Forward Surge Current Capability• Lead Free Finish, RoHS Compliant (Note 1) • "Green" Molding Compound (No Br, Sb)• Qualified to AEC-Q101 Standards for High ReliabilityMechanical Data• Case: PowerDI ®5• Case Material: Molded Plastic, “Green” Molding Compound. UL Flammability Classification Rating 94V-0 • Moisture Sensitivity: Level 1 per J-STD-020D• Terminals: Finish – Matte Tin annealed over Copper leadframe. Solderable per MIL-STD-202, Method 208 • Polarity: See Diagram• Marking Information: See Page 3 • Ordering Information: See Page 3 •Weight: 0.096 grams (approximate)LEFT PIN RIGHT PINNote: Pins Left & Right must be electrically connected at the printed circuit board.BOTTOMSIDE HEAT SINKTop View Bottom ViewMaximum Ratings @T A = 25°C unless otherwise specifiedSingle phase, half wave, 60Hz, resistive or inductive load. For capacitance load, derate current by 20%.CharacteristicSymbol Value Unit Peak Repetitive Reverse Voltage Working Peak Reverse Voltage DC Blocking VoltageV RRM V RWM V R 60 V RMS Reverse VoltageV R(RMS) 42 V Average Rectified Output CurrentI O 7 A Non-Repetitive Peak Forward Surge Current8.3ms Single half sine-wave Superimposed on Rated Load I FSM275AThermal CharacteristicsCharacteristicSymbol Typ Max Unit Thermal Resistance Junction to Soldering PointR θJS ⎯ 1.5 °C/W Thermal Resistance Junction to Ambient Air (Note 2) T A = 25°C R θJA 85 ⎯ °C/W Thermal Resistance Junction to Ambient Air (Note 3) T A = 25°C R θJA 70 ⎯ °C/W Thermal Resistance Junction to Ambient Air (Note 4) T A = 25°C R θJA 45⎯°C/W Operating and Storage Temperature Range T J , T STG-65 to +150°CElectrical Characteristics @T A = 25°C unless otherwise specifiedCharacteristicSymbol Min Typ Max Unit Test Condition Reverse Breakdown Voltage (Note 5) V (BR)R 60 ⎯ ⎯ V I R = 0.2mAForward VoltageV F⎯ ⎯ ⎯ ⎯ 0.48 0.41 0.56 0.50 0.54 0.47 0.62 0.56 VI F = 3.5A, T S = 25°C I F = 3.5A, T S = 125°C I F = 7A, T S = 25°C I F = 7A, T S = 125°C Reverse Leakage Current (Note 5)I R⎯ ⎯6 4200 20μA mAT S = 25°C, V R = 60V T S = 125°C, V R = 60VNotes:1. EU Directive 2002/95/EC (RoHS). All applicable RoHS exemptions applied, see EU Directive 2002/95/EC Annex Notes.2. FR-4 PCB, 2 oz. Copper, minimum recommended pad layout per /datasheets/ap02001.pdf.3. Polymide PCB, 2 oz. Copper, minimum recommended pad layout per /datasheets/ap02001.pdf.4. Polymide PCB, 2 oz. Copper. Cathode pad dimensions 9.4mm x 7.2mm. Anode pad dimensions 2.7mm x 1.6mm.5. Short duration pulse test used to minimize self-heating effect.6. Polymide PCB, 2 oz. Copper. Cathode pad dimensions 18.8 mm x 14.4 mm. Anode pad dimensions 5.6 mm x 3.0 mm.owerDI is a registered trademark of Diodes Incorporated. V , INSTANTANEOUS FORWARD VOLTAGE (V)Fig. 2 Typical Forward Characteristics F I ,I N S T A N T A N E O U S F O R W A R D C U R R E N T (A )F234P , P O W E R DI S S I P A T I O N (W )D I , AVERAGE FORWARD CURRENT (A)Fig. 1 Forward Power Dissipation F(AV)V , INSTANTANEOUS REVERSE VOLTAGE (V)Fig. 3 Typical Reverse Characteristics RC , T O T A L C A P A C I T A N C E (p F )V , DC REVERSE VOLTAGE (V)Fig. 4 Total Capacitance vs. Reverse VoltageRI ,A V E R A G E F O R W A R D C U R R E N T (A )F (A V )T , AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (°C)Fig. 5 Forward Current Derating CurveA 110T , D E R A T E D A MB I E N T T E M P E R A T U R E (°C )A V , DC REVERSE VOLTAGE (V)Fig. 6 Operating Temperature DeratingRPPowerDI is a registered trademark of Diodes Incorporated. Ordering Information (Note 7)Part Number CasePackagingPDS760-13 PowerDI ®55000/Tape & ReelNotes: 7. For packaging details, go to our website at /datasheets/ap02007.pdf.Marking InformationYYWWKS760S760 = Product type marking code = Manufacturers’ code marking YYWW = Date code markingYY = Last two digits of year ex: 05 for 2005 WW = Week code 01 to 52 K = Factory DesignatorPackage Outline DimensionsSuggested Pad LayoutIMPORTANT NOTICEDiodes Incorporated and its subsidiaries reserve the right to make modifications, enhancements, improvements, corrections or other changes without further notice to any product herein. Diodes Incorporated does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product described herein; neither does it convey any license under its patent rights, nor the rights of others. The user of products in such applications shall assume all risks of such use and will agree to hold Diodes Incorporated and all the companies whose products are represented on our website, harmless against all damages.LIFE SUPPORTDiodes Incorporated products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without the expressed written approval of the President of Diodes Incorporated.PowerDI ®5 Dim Min Max A 1.05 1.15 A2 0.33 0.43 b1 0.80 0.99 b2 1.70 1.88 D 3.90 4.05 D2 3.05 NOM E 6.40 6.60 e 1.84 NOME1 5.30 5.45 E2 3.55 NOM L 0.75 0.95 L1 0.50 0.65 W 1.20 1.50 All Dimensions in mmZCX2E1X1Y1Y2DimensionsValue (in mm)Z 6.6 X1 1.4 X2 3.6 Y1 0.8 Y2 4.7 C 3.87 E10.9。



Copyright © 1988, Texas Instruments Incorporated PRODUCTION DATA information is current as of publication date.PACKAGING INFORMATIONOrderable Device Status(1)PackageType PackageDrawingPins PackageQtyEco Plan(2)Lead/Ball Finish MSL Peak Temp(3)5962-7603701VEA ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC 5962-7603701VFA ACTIVE CFP W161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC 5962-7603701VFA ACTIVE CFP W161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC 7603701EA ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC 7603701EA ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC 7603701FA ACTIVE CFP W161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC 7603701FA ACTIVE CFP W161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC 76038012A ACTIVE LCCC FK201TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC 76038012A ACTIVE LCCC FK201TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC 7603801EA ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC 7603801EA ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC 7603801FA ACTIVE CFP W161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC 7603801FA ACTIVE CFP W161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC 8002301EA ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC 8002301EA ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC 8002301FA ACTIVE CFP W161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC 8002301FA ACTIVE CFP W161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NCJM38510/07906BEA ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NCJM38510/07906BEA ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NCJM38510/07906BFA ACTIVE CFP W161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NCJM38510/07906BFA ACTIVE CFP W161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NCJM38510/30906B2A ACTIVE LCCC FK201TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NCJM38510/30906B2A ACTIVE LCCC FK201TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NCJM38510/30906BEA ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NCJM38510/30906BEA ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NCJM38510/30906BFA ACTIVE CFP W161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NCJM38510/30906BFA ACTIVE CFP W161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SN54LS257BJ ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SN54LS257BJ ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SN54LS258BJ ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SN54LS258BJ ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SN54S257J ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SN54S257J ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SN54S258J ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SN54S258J ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SN74LS257BD ACTIVE SOIC D1640Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN74LS257BD ACTIVE SOIC D1640Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN74LS257BDE4ACTIVE SOIC D1640Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN74LS257BDE4ACTIVE SOIC D1640Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMOrderable Device Status(1)PackageType PackageDrawingPins PackageQtyEco Plan(2)Lead/Ball Finish MSL Peak Temp(3)SN74LS257BDR ACTIVE SOIC D162500Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN74LS257BDR ACTIVE SOIC D162500Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN74LS257BDRE4ACTIVE SOIC D162500Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN74LS257BDRE4ACTIVE SOIC D162500Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN74LS257BN ACTIVE PDIP N1625Pb-Free(RoHS)CU NIPDAU Level-NC-NC-NCSN74LS257BN ACTIVE PDIP N1625Pb-Free(RoHS)CU NIPDAU Level-NC-NC-NC SN74LS257BN3OBSOLETE PDIP N16TBD Call TI Call TISN74LS257BN3OBSOLETE PDIP N16TBD Call TI Call TISN74LS257BNE4ACTIVE PDIP N1625Pb-Free(RoHS)CU NIPDAU Level-NC-NC-NCSN74LS257BNE4ACTIVE PDIP N1625Pb-Free(RoHS)CU NIPDAU Level-NC-NC-NCSN74LS257BNSR ACTIVE SO NS162000Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN74LS257BNSR ACTIVE SO NS162000Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN74LS257BNSRE4ACTIVE SO NS162000Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN74LS257BNSRE4ACTIVE SO NS162000Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN74LS258BD ACTIVE SOIC D1640Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN74LS258BD ACTIVE SOIC D1640Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN74LS258BDE4ACTIVE SOIC D1640Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN74LS258BDE4ACTIVE SOIC D1640Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN74LS258BDR ACTIVE SOIC D162500Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN74LS258BDR ACTIVE SOIC D162500Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN74LS258BDRE4ACTIVE SOIC D162500Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN74LS258BDRE4ACTIVE SOIC D162500Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN74LS258BN ACTIVE PDIP N1625Pb-Free(RoHS)CU NIPDAU Level-NC-NC-NCSN74LS258BN ACTIVE PDIP N1625Pb-Free(RoHS)CU NIPDAU Level-NC-NC-NCSN74LS258BN3OBSOLETE PDIP N16TBD Call TI Call TISN74LS258BN3OBSOLETE PDIP N16TBD Call TI Call TISN74LS258BNE4ACTIVE PDIP N1625Pb-Free(RoHS)CU NIPDAU Level-NC-NC-NCSN74LS258BNE4ACTIVE PDIP N1625Pb-Free CU NIPDAU Level-NC-NC-NCOrderable Device Status(1)PackageType PackageDrawingPins PackageQtyEco Plan(2)Lead/Ball Finish MSL Peak Temp(3)(RoHS)SN74LS258BNSR ACTIVE SO NS162000Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN74LS258BNSR ACTIVE SO NS162000Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN74LS258BNSRE4ACTIVE SO NS162000Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN74LS258BNSRE4ACTIVE SO NS162000Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN74S257D ACTIVE SOIC D1640Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN74S257D ACTIVE SOIC D1640Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN74S257DE4ACTIVE SOIC D1640Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN74S257DE4ACTIVE SOIC D1640Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN74S257N ACTIVE PDIP N1625Pb-Free(RoHS)CU NIPDAU Level-NC-NC-NCSN74S257N ACTIVE PDIP N1625Pb-Free(RoHS)CU NIPDAU Level-NC-NC-NC SN74S257N3OBSOLETE PDIP N16TBD Call TI Call TISN74S257N3OBSOLETE PDIP N16TBD Call TI Call TISN74S257NE4ACTIVE PDIP N1625Pb-Free(RoHS)CU NIPDAU Level-NC-NC-NCSN74S257NE4ACTIVE PDIP N1625Pb-Free(RoHS)CU NIPDAU Level-NC-NC-NC SN74S258DR OBSOLETE SOIC D16TBD Call TI Call TISN74S258DR OBSOLETE SOIC D16TBD Call TI Call TISN74S258N OBSOLETE PDIP N16TBD Call TI Call TISN74S258N OBSOLETE PDIP N16TBD Call TI Call TISN74S258N3OBSOLETE PDIP N16TBD Call TI Call TISN74S258N3OBSOLETE PDIP N16TBD Call TI Call TISNJ54LS257BFK ACTIVE LCCC FK201TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SNJ54LS257BFK ACTIVE LCCC FK201TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SNJ54LS257BJ ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SNJ54LS257BJ ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SNJ54LS257BW ACTIVE CFP W161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SNJ54LS257BW ACTIVE CFP W161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SNJ54LS258BFK ACTIVE LCCC FK201TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SNJ54LS258BFK ACTIVE LCCC FK201TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SNJ54LS258BJ ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SNJ54LS258BJ ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SNJ54LS258BW ACTIVE CFP W161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SNJ54LS258BW ACTIVE CFP W161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SNJ54S257FK ACTIVE LCCC FK201TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SNJ54S257FK ACTIVE LCCC FK201TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NCOrderable Device Status(1)PackageType PackageDrawingPins PackageQtyEco Plan(2)Lead/Ball Finish MSL Peak Temp(3)SNJ54S257J ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SNJ54S257J ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SNJ54S257W ACTIVE CFP W161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SNJ54S257W ACTIVE CFP W161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SNJ54S258FK ACTIVE LCCC FK201TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SNJ54S258FK ACTIVE LCCC FK201TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SNJ54S258J ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SNJ54S258J ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SNJ54S258W ACTIVE CFP W161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SNJ54S258W ACTIVE CFP W161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC (1)The marketing status values are defined as follows:ACTIVE:Product device recommended for new designs.LIFEBUY:TI has announced that the device will be discontinued,and a lifetime-buy period is in effect.NRND:Not recommended for new designs.Device is in production to support existing customers,but TI does not recommend using this part in a new design.PREVIEW:Device has been announced but is not in production.Samples may or may not be available.OBSOLETE:TI has discontinued the production of the device.(2)Eco Plan-The planned eco-friendly classification:Pb-Free(RoHS)or Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)-please check /productcontent for the latest availability information and additional product content details.TBD:The Pb-Free/Green conversion plan has not been defined.Pb-Free(RoHS):TI's terms"Lead-Free"or"Pb-Free"mean semiconductor products that are compatible with the current RoHS requirements for all6substances,including the requirement that lead not exceed0.1%by weight in homogeneous materials.Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures,TI Pb-Free products are suitable for use in specified lead-free processes.Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br):TI defines"Green"to mean Pb-Free(RoHS compatible),and free of Bromine(Br)and Antimony(Sb)based flame retardants(Br or Sb do not exceed0.1%by weight in homogeneous material)(3)MSL,Peak Temp.--The Moisture Sensitivity Level rating according to the JEDEC industry standard classifications,and peak solder temperature.Important Information and Disclaimer:The information provided on this page represents TI's knowledge and belief as of the date that it is provided.TI bases its knowledge and belief on information provided by third parties,and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of such information.Efforts are underway to better integrate information from third parties.TI has taken and continues to take reasonable steps to provide representative and accurate information but may not have conducted destructive testing or chemical analysis on incoming materials and chemicals.TI and TI suppliers consider certain information to be proprietary,and thus CAS numbers and other limited information may not be available for release.In no event shall TI's liability arising out of such information exceed the total purchase price of the TI part(s)at issue in this document sold by TI to Customer on an annual basis.元器件交易网IMPORTANT NOTICETexas Instruments Incorporated and its subsidiaries (TI) reserve the right to make corrections, modifications, enhancements, improvements, and other changes to its products and services at any time and to discontinue any product or service without notice. Customers should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete. All products are sold subject to TI’s terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgment.TI warrants performance of its hardware products to the specifications applicable at the time of sale in accordance with TI’s standard warranty. T esting and other quality control techniques are used to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty. Except where mandated by government requirements, testing of all parameters of each product is not necessarily performed.TI assumes no liability for applications assistance or customer product design. Customers are responsible for their products and applications using TI components. T o minimize the risks associated with customer products and applications, customers should provide adequate design and operating safeguards.TI does not warrant or represent that any license, either express or implied, is granted under any TI patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other TI intellectual property right relating to any combination, machine, or process in which TI products or services are used. Information published by TI regarding third-party products or services does not constitute a license from TI to use such products or services or a warranty or endorsement thereof. Use of such information may require a license from a third party under the patents or other intellectual property of the third party, or a license from TI under the patents or other intellectual property of TI.Reproduction of information in TI data books or data sheets is permissible only if reproduction is without alteration and is accompanied by all associated warranties, conditions, limitations, and notices. Reproduction of this information with alteration is an unfair and deceptive business practice. TI is not responsible or liable for such altered documentation.Resale of TI products or services with statements different from or beyond the parameters stated by TI for that product or service voids all express and any implied warranties for the associated TI product or service and is an unfair and deceptive business practice. TI is not responsible or liable for any such statements. Following are URLs where you can obtain information on other Texas Instruments products and application solutions:Products ApplicationsAmplifiers Audio /audioData Converters Automotive /automotiveDSP Broadband /broadbandInterface Digital Control /digitalcontrolLogic Military /militaryPower Mgmt Optical Networking /opticalnetwork Microcontrollers Security /securityTelephony /telephonyVideo & Imaging /videoWireless /wirelessMailing Address:Texas InstrumentsPost Office Box 655303 Dallas, Texas 75265Copyright 2005, Texas Instruments Incorporated。



36Power Trends, Inc. 27715 Diehl Road, Warrenville, IL 60555 (800) 531-5782Fax: (630) 393-6902 /Ordering InformationPT7601t = 1.3 to 3.5 VoltsProgramming InformationVID4=1VID4=0VID3VID2VID1VID0Vout Vout1111 2.0V 1.30V 1110 2.1V 1.35V 1101 2.2V 1.40V 1100 2.3V 1.45V 1011 2.4V 1.50V 1010 2.5V 1.55V 1001 2.6V 1.60V 1000 2.7V 1.65V 0111 2.8V 1.70V 0110 2.9V 1.75V 0101 3.0V 1.80V 0100 3.1V 1.85V 0011 3.2V 1.90V 0010 3.3V 1.95V 0001 3.4V 2.00V 03.5V2.05VLogic 0 = Pin 12 (remote sense gnd) potential Logic 1 = Open circuit (no pull-up resistors)(For dimensions and PC board layout, see Package Styles 800 & 810.)For assistance or to order, call (800) 531-5782Power Trends, Inc. 27715 Diehl Road, Warrenville, IL 60555 (800) 531-5782 Fax: (630) 393-6902 http:// 37PT Series Suffix (PT1234X )Case/PinConfigurationVertical Through-Hole N Horizontal Through-Hole A Horizontal Surface MountC/PACKAGAddendum-Page 1PACKAGING INFORMATIONOrderable DeviceStatus(1)Package Type PackageDrawing Pins Package QtyEco Plan(2)Lead/Ball Finish MSL PeaPT7601ANRND SIP MODULEEHA278TBDCall TILevel-1-215C(1)The marketing status values are defined as follows:ACTIVE: Product device recommended for new designs.LIFEBUY: TI has announced that the device will be discontinued, and a lifetime-buy period is in effect.NRND: Not recommended for new designs. Device is in production to support existing customers, but TI does not recommend using this part in a new PREVIEW: Device has been announced but is not in production. Samples may or may not be available.OBSOLETE: TI has discontinued the production of the device.(2)Eco Plan - The planned eco-friendly classification: Pb-Free (RoHS), Pb-Free (RoHS Exempt), or Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) - please check http://www.t information and additional product content details.TBD: The Pb-Free/Green conversion plan has not been defined.Pb-Free (RoHS): TI's terms "Lead-Free" or "Pb-Free" mean semiconductor products that are compatible with the current RoHS requirements for all lead not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous materials. Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures, TI Pb-Free products are suitable fo Pb-Free (RoHS Exempt): This component has a RoHS exemption for either 1) lead-based flip-chip solder bumps used between the die and package, the die and leadframe. The component is otherwise considered Pb-Free (RoHS compatible) as defined above.Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br): TI defines "Green" to mean Pb-Free (RoHS compatible), and free of Bromine (Br) and Antimony (Sb) based flame retard in homogeneous material)(3)MSL, Peak Temp. -- The Moisture Sensitivity Level rating according to the JEDEC industry standard classifications, and peak solder temperature.Important Information and Disclaimer:The information provided on this page represents TI's knowledge and belief as of the date that it is provided. TI provided by third parties, and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of such information. Efforts are underway to better integrate inf continues to take reasonable steps to provide representative and accurate information but may not have conducted destructive testing or chemical an TI and TI suppliers consider certain information to be proprietary, and thus CAS numbers and other limited information may not be available for releasIn no event shall TI's liability arising out of such information exceed the total purchase price of the TI part(s) at issue in this document sold by TI to Cu/IMPORTANT NOTICETexas Instruments Incorporated and its subsidiaries(TI)reserve the right to make corrections,modifications,enhancements,improvements, and other changes to its products and services at any time and to discontinue any product or service without notice.Customers should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete.All products are sold subject to TI’s terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgment.TI warrants performance of its hardware products to the specifications applicable at the time of sale in accordance with TI’s standardwarranty.Testing and other quality control techniques are used to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty.Except where mandated by government requirements,testing of all parameters of each product is not necessarily performed.TI assumes no liability for applications assistance or customer product design.Customers are responsible for their products andapplications using TI components.To minimize the risks associated with customer products and applications,customers should provide adequate design and operating safeguards.TI does not warrant or represent that any license,either express or implied,is granted under any TI patent right,copyright,mask work right, or other TI intellectual property right relating to any combination,machine,or process in which TI products or services are rmation published by TI regarding third-party products or services does not constitute a license from TI to use such products or services or awarranty or endorsement e of such information may require a license from a third party under the patents or other intellectual property of the third party,or a license from TI under the patents or other intellectual property of TI.Reproduction of TI information in TI data books or data sheets is permissible only if reproduction is without alteration and is accompanied by all associated warranties,conditions,limitations,and notices.Reproduction of this information with alteration is an unfair and deceptive business practice.TI is not responsible or liable for such altered rmation of third parties may be subject to additional restrictions.Resale of TI products or services with statements different from or beyond the parameters stated by TI for that product or service voids all express and any implied warranties for the associated TI product or service and is an unfair and deceptive business practice.TI is not responsible or liable for any such statements.TI products are not authorized for use in safety-critical applications(such as life support)where a failure of the TI product would reasonably be expected to cause severe personal injury or death,unless officers of the parties have executed an agreement specifically governing such use.Buyers represent that they have all necessary expertise in the safety and regulatory ramifications of their applications,andacknowledge and agree that they are solely responsible for all legal,regulatory and safety-related requirements concerning their products and any use of TI products in such safety-critical applications,notwithstanding any applications-related information or support that may be provided by TI.Further,Buyers must fully indemnify TI and its representatives against any damages arising out of the use of TI products in such safety-critical applications.TI products are neither designed nor intended for use in military/aerospace applications or environments unless the TI products arespecifically designated by TI as military-grade or"enhanced plastic."Only products designated by TI as military-grade meet militaryspecifications.Buyers acknowledge and agree that any such use of TI products which TI has not designated as military-grade is solely at the Buyer's risk,and that they are solely responsible for compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements in connection with such use.TI products are neither designed nor intended for use in automotive applications or environments unless the specific TI products aredesignated by TI as compliant with ISO/TS16949requirements.Buyers acknowledge and agree that,if they use any non-designated products in automotive applications,TI will not be responsible for any failure to meet such requirements.Following are URLs where you can obtain information on other Texas Instruments products and application solutions:Products ApplicationsAmplifiers Audio /audioData Converters Automotive /automotiveDLP®Products Communications and /communicationsTelecomDSP Computers and /computersPeripheralsClocks and Timers /clocks Consumer Electronics /consumer-appsInterface Energy /energyLogic Industrial /industrialPower Mgmt Medical /medicalMicrocontrollers Security /securityRFID Space,Avionics&/space-avionics-defenseDefenseRF/IF and ZigBee®Solutions /lprf Video and Imaging /videoWireless /wireless-appsMailing Address:Texas Instruments,Post Office Box655303,Dallas,Texas75265Copyright©2010,Texas Instruments Incorporated/分销商库存信息:TIPT7601A PT7601C PT7601N PT7602C。



S-80733AN S-80733AN-DX-X S-80733SN-DX-X S-80734AN S-80734AN-DY-X
S-80735AN S-80735AN-DZ-X S-80735SN-DZ-X S-80736AN S-80736AN-D0-X S-80737AN S-80737AN-D1-X S-80738AN S-80738AN-D2-X S-80739AN S-80739AN-D3-X
S-80724AN S-80724AN-DM-X S-80724SN-DM-X
S-80725AH-BN-X S-80725AN S-80725AN-DN-X S-80725SN-DN-X S-80726AN S-80726AN-DP-X
S-80727AN S-80727AN-DQ-X S-80727SN-DQ-X
S-80728AN S-80728AN-DR-X S-80728SN-DR-X S-80729AN-DS-X
S-80730AN S-80730AN-DT-X S-80730SN-DT-X S-80731AH S-80731AH-BV-X S-80731AN S-80731AN-DV-X S-80732AN S-80732AN-DW-X
S-80719AN S-80719AN-DG-X S-80719SN-DG-X
S-80720AN S-80720AN-DH-X S-80720SN-DH-X
S-80721AN S-80721AN-DJ-X S-80721SN-DJ-X S-80722AN S-80722AN-DK-X
S-80723AN S-80723AN-DL-X S-80723SN-DL-X
VSS 3 * Parasitic diode Figure 2



1.1 1.02012-06-282012-04-01SStSStSStWWWürth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KGEMC & Inductive SolutionsMax-Eyth-Str. 174638 WaldenburgGermanyTel. +49 (0) 79 42 945 - 0A Dimensions: [mm]H1: Classification Reflow Profile for SMT components:H2: Classification Reflow ProfilesProfile FeaturePreheat- Temperature Min (T smin ) - Temperature Max (T smax ) - Time (t s ) from (T smin to T smax )Ramp-up rate (T L to T P )Liquidous temperature (T L )Time (t L ) maintained above T L Peak package body temperature (T p )Time within 5°C of actual peak temperature (t p )Ramp-down rate (T P to T L )Time 25°C to peak temperature Pb-Free Assembly 150°C 200°C60-180 seconds 3°C/ second max.217°C60-150 seconds See Table H320-30 seconds 6°C/ second max.8 minutes max.refer to IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020DH3: Package Classification Reflow TemperaturePB-Free Assembly PB-Free Assembly PB-Free Assembly Package Thickness< 1.6 mm 1.6 - 2.5 mm ≥ 2.5 mmVolume mm³<350260°C 260°C 250°CVolume mm³350 - 2000260°C 250°C 245°CVolume mm³>2000260°C 245°C 245°Crefer to IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020DH Soldering Specifications:I Cautions and Warnings:The following conditions apply to all goods within the product series of WE-GDTof Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG:General:All recommendations according to the general technical specifications of the data sheet have to be complied with.The disposal and operation of the product within ambient conditions which probably alloy or harm the wire isolation has to be avoided.If the product is potted in customer applications, the potting material might shrink during and after hardening. Accordingly to this the product is exposed to the pressure of the potting material with the effect that the core, wire and termination is possibly damaged by this pressure and so the electrical as well as the mechanical characteristics are endanger to be affected. After the potting material is cured, the core, wire and termination of the product have to be checked if any reduced electrical or mechanical functions or destructions have occurred.The responsibility for the applicability of customer specific products and use in a particular customer design is always within the authority of the customer. All technical specifications for standard products do also apply for customer specific products.Washing varnish agent that is used during the production to clean the application might damage or change the characteristics of the wire in-sulation, the marking or the plating. The washing varnish agent could have a negative effect on the long turn function of the product.Direct mechanical impact to the product shall be prevented as the ferrite material of the core could flake or in the worst case it could break. Product specific:Follow all instructions mentioned in the datasheet, especially:•The solder profile has to be complied with according to the technical reflow soldering specification, otherwise no warranty will be sustai-ned.•Wave soldering is not applicable. Reflow soldering is recommended.•All products are supposed to be used before the end of the period of 12 months based on the product date-code, if not a 100% solderabi-lity can´t be warranted.•Violation of the technical product specifications such as exceeding the nominal rated current will result in the loss of warranty.1. General Customer ResponsibilitySome goods within the product range of Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG contain statements regarding general suitability for certain application areas. These statements about suitability are based on our knowledge and experience of typical requirements concerning the are-as, serve as general guidance and cannot be estimated as binding statements about the suitability for a customer application. The responsibi-lity for the applicability and use in a particular customer design is always solely within the authority of the customer. Due to this fact it is up to the customer to evaluate, where appropriate to investigate and decide whether the device with the specific product characteristics described in the product specification is valid and suitable for the respective customer application or not.2. Customer Responsibility related to Specific, in particular Safety-Relevant ApplicationsIt has to be clearly pointed out that the possibility of a malfunction of electronic components or failure before the end of the usual lifetime can-not be completely eliminated in the current state of the art, even if the products are operated within the range of the specifications.In certain customer applications requiring a very high level of safety and especially in customer applications in which the malfunction or failure of an electronic component could endanger human life or health it must be ensured by most advanced technological aid of suitable design of the customer application that no injury or damage is caused to third parties in the event of malfunction or failure of an electronic component.3. Best Care and AttentionAny product-specific notes, warnings and cautions must be strictly observed.4. Customer Support for Product SpecificationsSome products within the product range may contain substances which are subject to restrictions in certain jurisdictions in order to serve spe-cific technical requirements. Necessary information is available on request. In this case the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge should be contacted who will be happy to support in this matter.5. Product R&DDue to constant product improvement product specifications may change from time to time. As a standard reporting procedure of the Product Change Notification (PCN) according to the JEDEC-Standard inform about minor and major changes. In case of further queries regarding the PCN, the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge should be contacted. The basic responsibility of the customer as per Secti-on 1 and 2 remains unaffected.6. Product Life CycleDue to technical progress and economical evaluation we also reserve the right to discontinue production and delivery of products. As a stan-dard reporting procedure of the Product Termination Notification (PTN) according to the JEDEC-Standard we will inform at an early stage about inevitable product discontinuance. According to this we cannot guarantee that all products within our product range will always be available. Therefore it needs to be verified with the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge about the current product availability ex-pectancy before or when the product for application design-in disposal is considered.The approach named above does not apply in the case of individual agreements deviating from the foregoing for customer-specific products.7. Property RightsAll the rights for contractual products produced by Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG on the basis of ideas, development contracts as well as models or templates that are subject to copyright, patent or commercial protection supplied to the customer will remain with Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG.8. General Terms and ConditionsUnless otherwise agreed in individual contracts, all orders are subject to the current version of the “General Terms and Conditions of Würth Elektronik eiSos Group”, last version available at .J Important Notes:The following conditions apply to all goods within the product range of Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG:分销商库存信息: WURTH-ELECTRONICS 760301105。



Copyright © 1988, Texas Instruments Incorporated PRODUCTION DATA information is current as of publication date.PACKAGING INFORMATIONOrderable Device Status(1)PackageType PackageDrawingPins PackageQtyEco Plan(2)Lead/Ball Finish MSL Peak Temp(3)5962-9557501QEA ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC 5962-9557501QFA ACTIVE CFP W161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC 5962-9557501QFA ACTIVE CFP W161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC 7601301EA ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC7601301EA ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC JM38510/00204BEA ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC JM38510/00204BEA ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SN5476J ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NCSN5476J ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SN54LS76AJ ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SN54LS76AJ ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NCSN7476N OBSOLETE PDIP N16TBD Call TI Call TISN7476N OBSOLETE PDIP N16TBD Call TI Call TISN7476N3OBSOLETE PDIP N16TBD Call TI Call TISN7476N3OBSOLETE PDIP N16TBD Call TI Call TISN74LS76AD OBSOLETE SOIC D16TBD Call TI Call TISN74LS76AD OBSOLETE SOIC D16TBD Call TI Call TISN74LS76ADR OBSOLETE SOIC D16TBD Call TI Call TISN74LS76ADR OBSOLETE SOIC D16TBD Call TI Call TISN74LS76AN OBSOLETE PDIP N16TBD Call TI Call TISN74LS76AN OBSOLETE PDIP N16TBD Call TI Call TISN74LS76AN3OBSOLETE PDIP N16TBD Call TI Call TISN74LS76AN3OBSOLETE PDIP N16TBD Call TI Call TI SNJ5476J ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NCSNJ5476J ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NCSNJ5476W ACTIVE CFP W161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NCSNJ5476W ACTIVE CFP W161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SNJ54LS76AJ ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SNJ54LS76AJ ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SNJ54LS76AW ACTIVE CFP W161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SNJ54LS76AW ACTIVE CFP W161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC(1)The marketing status values are defined as follows:ACTIVE:Product device recommended for new designs.LIFEBUY:TI has announced that the device will be discontinued,and a lifetime-buy period is in effect.NRND:Not recommended for new designs.Device is in production to support existing customers,but TI does not recommend using this part in a new design.PREVIEW:Device has been announced but is not in production.Samples may or may not be available.OBSOLETE:TI has discontinued the production of the device.(2)Eco Plan-The planned eco-friendly classification:Pb-Free(RoHS)or Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)-please check /productcontent for the latest availability information and additional product content details.TBD:The Pb-Free/Green conversion plan has not been defined.Pb-Free(RoHS):TI's terms"Lead-Free"or"Pb-Free"mean semiconductor products that are compatible with the current RoHS requirements for all6substances,including the requirement that lead not exceed0.1%by weight in homogeneous materials.Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures,TI Pb-Free products are suitable for use in specified lead-free processes.Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br):TI defines"Green"to mean Pb-Free(RoHS compatible),and free of Bromine(Br)and Antimony(Sb)based flame retardants(Br or Sb do not exceed0.1%by weight in homogeneous material)(3)MSL,Peak Temp.--The Moisture Sensitivity Level rating according to the JEDEC industry standard classifications,and peak solder temperature.Important Information and Disclaimer:The information provided on this page represents TI's knowledge and belief as of the date that it is provided.TI bases its knowledge and belief on information provided by third parties,and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of such information.Efforts are underway to better integrate information from third parties.TI has taken and continues to take reasonable steps to provide representative and accurate information but may not have conducted destructive testing or chemical analysis on incoming materials and chemicals.TI and TI suppliers consider certain information to be proprietary,and thus CAS numbers and other limited information may not be available for release.In no event shall TI's liability arising out of such information exceed the total purchase price of the TI part(s)at issue in this document sold by TI to Customer on an annual basis.IMPORTANT NOTICETexas Instruments Incorporated and its subsidiaries (TI) reserve the right to make corrections, modifications, enhancements, improvements, and other changes to its products and services at any time and to discontinue any product or service without notice. Customers should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete. All products are sold subject to TI’s terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgment.TI warrants performance of its hardware products to the specifications applicable at the time of sale in accordance with TI’s standard warranty. T esting and other quality control techniques are used to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty. Except where mandated by government requirements, testing of all parameters of each product is not necessarily performed.TI assumes no liability for applications assistance or customer product design. Customers are responsible for their products and applications using TI components. T o minimize the risks associated with customer products and applications, customers should provide adequate design and operating safeguards.TI does not warrant or represent that any license, either express or implied, is granted under any TI patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other TI intellectual property right relating to any combination, machine, or process in which TI products or services are used. Information published by TI regarding third-party products or services does not constitute a license from TI to use such products or services or a warranty or endorsement thereof. Use of such information may require a license from a third party under the patents or other intellectual property of the third party, or a license from TI under the patents or other intellectual property of TI.Reproduction of information in TI data books or data sheets is permissible only if reproduction is without alteration and is accompanied by all associated warranties, conditions, limitations, and notices. Reproduction of this information with alteration is an unfair and deceptive business practice. TI is not responsible or liable for such altered documentation.Resale of TI products or services with statements different from or beyond the parameters stated by TI for that product or service voids all express and any implied warranties for the associated TI product or service and is an unfair and deceptive business practice. TI is not responsible or liable for any such statements. Following are URLs where you can obtain information on other Texas Instruments products and application solutions:Products ApplicationsAmplifiers Audio /audioData Converters Automotive /automotiveDSP Broadband /broadbandInterface Digital Control /digitalcontrolLogic Military /militaryPower Mgmt Optical Networking /opticalnetwork Microcontrollers Security /securityTelephony /telephonyVideo & Imaging /videoWireless /wirelessMailing Address:Texas InstrumentsPost Office Box 655303 Dallas, Texas 75265Copyright 2005, Texas Instruments Incorporated。



PACKAGING INFORMATIONOrderable Device Status(1)PackageType PackageDrawingPins PackageQtyEco Plan(2)Lead/Ball Finish MSL Peak Temp(3)5962-7700601VEA ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC 5962-7700601VFA ACTIVE CFP W161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC 7700601EA ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC7700601FA ACTIVE CFP W161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC JM38510/30608B2A ACTIVE LCCC FK201TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC JM38510/30608BEA ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC JM38510/30608BFA ACTIVE CFP W161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SN54LS165AJ ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NCSN74165N OBSOLETE PDIP N16TBD Call TI Call TISN74LS165AD ACTIVE SOIC D1640Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN74LS165ADE4ACTIVE SOIC D1640Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN74LS165ADR ACTIVE SOIC D162500Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN74LS165ADRE4ACTIVE SOIC D162500Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM SN74LS165AJ OBSOLETE CDIP J16TBD Call TI Call TISN74LS165AN ACTIVE PDIP N1625Pb-Free(RoHS)CU NIPDAU Level-NC-NC-NC SN74LS165AN3OBSOLETE PDIP N16TBD Call TI Call TISN74LS165ANSR ACTIVE SO NS162000Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN74LS165ANSRG4ACTIVE SO NS162000Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM SNJ54LS165AFK ACTIVE LCCC FK201TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SNJ54LS165AJ ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SNJ54LS165AW ACTIVE CFP W161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC (1)The marketing status values are defined as follows:ACTIVE:Product device recommended for new designs.LIFEBUY:TI has announced that the device will be discontinued,and a lifetime-buy period is in effect.NRND:Not recommended for new designs.Device is in production to support existing customers,but TI does not recommend using this part in a new design.PREVIEW:Device has been announced but is not in production.Samples may or may not be available.OBSOLETE:TI has discontinued the production of the device.(2)Eco Plan-The planned eco-friendly classification:Pb-Free(RoHS)or Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)-please check /productcontent for the latest availability information and additional product content details.TBD:The Pb-Free/Green conversion plan has not been defined.Pb-Free(RoHS):TI's terms"Lead-Free"or"Pb-Free"mean semiconductor products that are compatible with the current RoHS requirements for all6substances,including the requirement that lead not exceed0.1%by weight in homogeneous materials.Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures,TI Pb-Free products are suitable for use in specified lead-free processes.Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br):TI defines"Green"to mean Pb-Free(RoHS compatible),and free of Bromine(Br)and Antimony(Sb)based flame retardants(Br or Sb do not exceed0.1%by weight in homogeneous material)(3)MSL,Peak Temp.--The Moisture Sensitivity Level rating according to the JEDEC industry standard classifications,and peak solder temperature.Important Information and Disclaimer:The information provided on this page represents TI's knowledge and belief as of the date that it isprovided.TI bases its knowledge and belief on information provided by third parties,and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of such information.Efforts are underway to better integrate information from third parties.TI has taken and continues to take reasonable steps to provide representative and accurate information but may not have conducted destructive testing or chemical analysis on incoming materials and chemicals.TI and TI suppliers consider certain information to be proprietary,and thus CAS numbers and other limited information may not be available for release.In no event shall TI's liability arising out of such information exceed the total purchase price of the TI part(s)at issue in this document sold by TI to Customer on an annual basis.IMPORTANT NOTICETexas Instruments Incorporated and its subsidiaries (TI) reserve the right to make corrections, modifications, enhancements, improvements, and other changes to its products and services at any time and to discontinue any product or service without notice. Customers should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete. All products are sold subject to TI’s terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgment.TI warrants performance of its hardware products to the specifications applicable at the time of sale in accordance with TI’s standard warranty. T esting and other quality control techniques are used to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty. Except where mandated by government requirements, testing of all parameters of each product is not necessarily performed.TI assumes no liability for applications assistance or customer product design. Customers are responsible for their products and applications using TI components. T o minimize the risks associated with customer products and applications, customers should provide adequate design and operating safeguards.TI does not warrant or represent that any license, either express or implied, is granted under any TI patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other TI intellectual property right relating to any combination, machine, or process in which TI products or services are used. Information published by TI regarding third-party products or services does not constitute a license from TI to use such products or services or a warranty or endorsement thereof. Use of such information may require a license from a third party under the patents or other intellectual property of the third party, or a license from TI under the patents or other intellectual property of TI.Reproduction of information in TI data books or data sheets is permissible only if reproduction is without alteration and is accompanied by all associated warranties, conditions, limitations, and notices. Reproduction of this information with alteration is an unfair and deceptive business practice. TI is not responsible or liable for such altered documentation.Resale of TI products or services with statements different from or beyond the parameters stated by TI for that product or service voids all express and any implied warranties for the associated TI product or service and is an unfair and deceptive business practice. TI is not responsible or liable for any such statements. Following are URLs where you can obtain information on other Texas Instruments products and application solutions:Products ApplicationsAmplifiers Audio /audioData Converters Automotive /automotiveDSP Broadband /broadbandInterface Digital Control /digitalcontrolLogic Military /militaryPower Mgmt Optical Networking /opticalnetwork Microcontrollers Security /securityTelephony /telephonyVideo & Imaging /videoWireless /wirelessMailing Address:Texas InstrumentsPost Office Box 655303 Dallas, Texas 75265Copyright 2005, Texas Instruments Incorporated。



FAN Series GLAZED PORCELAIN MOSAICSAll items shown in this document are part of Olympia’s stocking program. For special orders, please contact your Olympia Tile Sales Representative.WHITE - Matte FinishNominal Sheet29.5 x 31 cm (11.65" x 12.25") Nominal Chip Size 3.15" x 2.80" Code# JU.FN.WHT.2,8x3,15MT WHITE - Glossy FinishNominal Sheet29.5 x 31 cm (11.65" x 12.25") Nominal Chip Size 3.15" x 2.80" Code# JU.FN.WHT.2,8x3,15GLLIGHT GREYGlossy FinishNominal Sheet29.5 x 31 cm (11.65" x 12.25") Nominal Chip Size 3.15" x 2.80" Code# JU.FN.LGR.2,8x3,15GLAll items shown in this document are part of Olympia’s stocking program. For special orders, please contact your Olympia Tile Sales Representative.MISTGlossy FinishNominal Sheet29.5 x 31 cm (11.65" x 12.25") Nominal Chip Size 3.15" x 2.80" Code# JU.FN.MST.2,8x3,15GLDARK GREYGlossy FinishNominal Sheet29.5 x 31 cm (11.65" x 12.25") Nominal Chip Size 3.15" x 2.80" Code# JU.FN.DGR.2,8x3,15GLAll items shown in this document are part of Olympia’s stocking program. For special orders, please contact your Olympia Tile Sales Representative.BLACKGlossy FinishNominal Sheet29.5 x 31 cm (11.65" x 12.25") Nominal Chip Size 3.15" x 2.80" Code# JU.FN.BLK.2,8x3,15GLColour VariationMemberMember of Canada Green BuildingCouncilMember of U.S. Green BuildingCouncilFor information concerning LEED, please contact our Sales RepresentativePacking DetailsExamples of Recommended ApplicationsResidentialCommercialIndoorWallFloorCeramic Tile Distributors ofAmerica (CTDA)The Terrazzo, Tile, and Marble Association ofCanadaMarble Institute of America Technical data is supplied by the manufacturer and is subject to change at any time. Olympia does not provide warranties as to thespecifications of any product.Water AbsorptionASTM C373-17< 3%ConformsStain ResistanceASTM C1378-04> Class 3ConformsTaskGrout Sealing MORE™ Grout, Ceramic &Porcelain Sealer Ready to use Commercial: 1-3 Years Residential: 5-8 YearsDaily Maintenance MORE™ Stone and TileCleaner 1 : 128 Ratio Daily Deep Cleaning MORE™ Alkaline Cleaner 1 : 4 Ratio As Needed Grout Haze- CementitiousMORE™ Acidic Cleaner 1 : 4 Ratio As Needed Grout Haze - Epoxy / UrethaneMORE™ Coating Stripper*Ready to useAs Needed* Always test in an inconspicuous area to make sure the product is achieving the desired results and is not damaging the finish of the surface.SURFACE PREPARATION (If Required)• Floor levelling: 59 Flex Flo / 5900 Flex Flo Plus Self Levelling Underlayment • Waterproofing: WP900 Waterproof Membrane• Crack Isolation/Uncoupling: Flexilastic 1000 Crack Isolation Membrane / FlexMat Uncoupling Membrane* For a complete listing of FLEXTILE products and accessories including Sound Control, In‐Floor Heating, and further setting options, please visit WHITE LIGHT GREYBLACK11It is Olympia Tile’s policy to stock all items for sale. Should you require additional sizes, finishes or colours, Olympia has a Special Order Department to help find exactly what you are looking for. Please contact your Olympia Tile Sales Representative for more details. Note that minimum order quantities and longer lead times apply to all special order items.All sales and transactions are subject to our terms and conditions of sale, available on our website.Colour may vary slightly from images shown. It is highly recommended to view physical samples of tile prior to purchase. Note that shade variations between tiles is characteristic and adds to the inherent beauty of the product. Please visit a showroom near you or request a sample from your Olympia Tile Sales Representative.FAN SERIES:Board MEF-302M & Folder FL-963MP lease visit our website CORPORATE OFFICE 701 Berkshire Lane North Minneapolis (Plymouth) Minnesota 55441 T: 763 545 5455 F: 763 542 9830 FLORIDAALPHA TILE & STONE 2443 East Meadow Blvd.Tampa , Florida 33619T: 813 620 9000TollFree:180****9000F: 813 621 0606 10898-A Metro Parkway Fort Myers , Florida 33966T: 239 275 8288TollFree:180****8288F: 239 275 01161808 Whitfi eld Ave.Sarasota , Florida 34243T: 941 727 7433TollFree:180****3484F: 941 727 7381IOWAKATE-LO TILE & STONE 4251 N.W. Urbandale Dr. Des Moines (Urbandale)Iowa 50322T: 515 270 4920TollFree:180****1387F: 515 270 7035NORTH DAKOTAKATE-LO TILE & STONE Resource Centre 300 Northern Pacifi c Ave.Suite 106Fargo , North Dakota 58102T: 701 478 8087F: 701 478 8084MICHIGANBEAVER TILE & STONE 24700 Drake Rd.Detroit West(Farmington Hills)Michigan 48335T: 248 476 2333TollFree:180****0551F: 248 476 46361700 Stutz Dr., Suite 101Detroit North (Troy)Michigan 48084T: 248 649 5552F: 248 649 07412780 Enterprise Ct.Saginaw , Michigan 48603T: 989 790 5851TollFree:180****0897F: 989 790 031113085 23 Mile Rd.Detroit East(Shelby Township)Michigan 48315T: 586 991 0780TollFree:180****5395F: 586 991 07841694 Gezon ParkwayGrand Rapids, (Wyoming)Michigan 49509T: 616 534 2883TollFree:180****0727F: 616 534 4784MINNESOTAKATE-LO TILE & STONE 701 Berkshire Lane North Minneapolis (Plymouth)Minnesota 55441T: 763 545 5455TollFree:180****3026F: 763 542 9830NEBRASKAKATE-LO TILE & STONE 13211 Chandler Road Suite 400Omaha (La Vista)Nebraska 68138-3703T: 402 614 9010TollFree:187****6636F: 402 614 0989NEW JERSEYNEW JERSEY TILE & STONE 70 Newfi eld Avenue Raritan Center, EdisonNew Jersey 08837T: 732 512 1818TollFree:180****8453F: 732 512 1881NEW YORKDOBKIN TILE & STONE 51 Benbro DriveBuffalo (Cheektowaga)New York 14225T: 716 684 1200TollFree:180****1414F: 716 684 129448-A Railroad Avenue Albany (Colonie)New York 12205T: 518 489 6803TollFree:180****5769F: 518 489 6806OREGONTHOMPSON TILE & STONE 4472 NW Yeon Avenue PortlandOregon 97210T: 503 225 1273TollFree:180****4092F: 503 222 0731WISCONSINLEXCO TILE & STONE 1616 S. 108th Street MilwaukeeWisconsin 53214T: 414 771 2900Toll Free: 1 800-242-2249F: 414 771 9153WASHINGTON THOMPSON TILE & STONE 3900 East Alki SpokaneWashington 99208T: 509 535 2925TollFree:180****2555F: 509 534 5218711 S. Fidalgo Street SeattleWashington 98108T: 206 900 7331TollFree:180****4093F: 206 294 5933575 Strander Blvd.TukwilaWashington 98188T: 206 575 7976F: 206 575 7484O L YMPIA TILE + STONE INTERNATIONAL INC.O L YMPIA TILE (USA), INC. T ORONTO111 Royal Group Crescent Unit A l Vaughan l Ontario l L4H 1X9T: 416 255-1111 l Toll Free: 1 800 699 3623 l F: 416 255-1729V ANCOUVER2969 Lake City Way l Burnaby l British Columbia l V5A 2Z6 T: 604 420-4914 l Toll Free: 1 888 236 4486 l F: 604 420-0936F LEXTILE LTD.MANUFACTURING PLANTS www.fl C ORPORATE OFFICE AND SHOWROOM TORONTO1000 Lawrence Ave. West Ontario M6A 1C6T: 416 785 6666TollFree:180****1613F: 416 785 9682VAUGHAN100A Royal Group CrescentOntario L4H 1X9T: 905 266 0420F: 905 266 0423VANCOUVER8220 Fraser Reach Court BurnabyBritish Columbia V3N 0G2T: 604 294 2244TollFree:180****9441F: 604 294 0528CALGARY3308 - 11th Street S.E.Alberta T2G 3G8T: 403 287 1070TollFree:180****8182F: 403 243 1888EDMONTON11540 - 163rd Street Alberta T5M 3T3T: 780 452 5050TollFree:180****4438F: 780 451 4391WINNIPEG560 Sheppard Street Manitoba R2X 2P8T: 204 633 5736TollFree:180****8017F: 204 632 4644WINDSOR4145 7th Concession Rd Ontario N9A 6J3T: 519 966 2500TollFree:187****5953F: 519 969 2407LONDON234 Exeter Road Ontario N6L 1A3T: 519 652 5011TollFree:180****4690F: 519 652 5021HAMILTON 75 Milburn Road Ontario L8E 3A3T: 905 560 5520TollFree:180****1370F: 905 578 3593OTTAWA2480 Don Reid Drive Ontario K1H 1E1T: 613 736 9570TollFree:180****1864F: 613 736 9563MONTREAL 555 rue Locke Ville St-Laurent, Quebec H4T 1X7T: 514 345 8666TollFree:180****1954F: 514 345 8825QUEBEC2405 rue Watt Quebec G1P 3X2T: 418 657 5557TollFree:180****5516F: 418 657 6708HALIFAX55 Akerley Boulevard Dartmouth, Nova Scotia B3B 1M3T: 902 468 9260TollFree:180****7790F: 902 468 0011T ORONTO 22 Duffl aw RoadToronto, Ontario M6A 2W1 T: 416 785 9555 ext 320F: 416 781 4521V AUGHAN100A Royal Group Crescent Vaughan, Ontario L4H 1X9 T: 905 266 0420F: 905 266 0423S LAB DIVISION。



Electrical Characteristics CharacteristicSymNotesMinimumTypicalMaximumUnitsCenter Frequency, +25 °C Absolute Frequency f C 2,3,4,5433.845433.995MHz Tolerance from 433.920 MHz∆f C ±75kHz Insertion Loss IL 2,5,6 1.5 2.2dBQuality Factor Unloaded Q Q U 5,6,7900050 Ω Loaded Q Q L 1458Temperature StabilityTurnover Temperature T O 6,7,8102540°C Turnover Frequencyf O f C Frequency Temperature CoefficientFTC 0.032ppm/°C 2Frequency AgingAbsolute Value during the First Year |f A |1≤10ppm/yr DC Insulation Resistance between Any Two Terminals51.0M ΩRF Equivalent RLC ModelMotional Resistance R M 5, 7, 919.4ΩMotional Inductance L M 63.8µH Motional Capacitance C M 2.11fF Shunt Static CapacitanceC O 5, 6, 9 2.4pF Test Fixture Shunt InductanceL TEST2, 755.1nHLid Symbolization (in addition to Lot and/or Date Codes)655 // YWWS•Ideal for European 433.92MHz Transmitters •Very Low Series Resistance •Quartz Stability•Surface-mount Ceramic Case•Complies with Directive 2002/95/EC (RoHS)The RO3101A is a true one-port, surface-acoustic-wave (SAW) resonator in a surface-mount, ceramic case. It provides reliable, fundamental-mode, quartz frequency stabilization of fixed-frequency transmitters operating at 433.92MHz. This SAW is designed specifically for remote control and wireless security transmitters operating in Europe under ETSI I-ETS 300 220.Absolute Maximum Ratings RatingValueUnitsCW RF Power Dissipation (See: Typical Test Circuit)+0dBm DC Voltage Between Terminals (Observe ESD Precautions)±30VDC Case Temperature-40 to +85°C Soldering Temperature (10 seconds / 5 cycles maximum)260°C433.92 MHzSAW ResonatorRO3101ACAUTION: Electrostatic Sensitive Device. Observe precautions for handling.Notes:1.Frequency aging is the change in f C with time and is specified at +65 °C or less. Aging may exceed the specification for prolonged temperaturesabove +65 °C. Typically, aging is greatest the first year after manufacture, decreasing in subsequent years.2.The center frequency, f C , is measured at the minimum insertion loss point, IL MIN , with the resonator in the 50Ω test system (VSWR ≤ 1.2:1). The shunt inductance, L TEST , is tuned for parallel resonance with C O at f C . Typically, f OSCILLATOR or f TRANSMITTER is approximately equal to the resonator f C .3.One or more of the following United States patents apply: 4,454,488 and 4,616,197.4.Typically, equipment utilizing this device requires emissions testing and government approval, which is the responsibility of the equipment manufacturer.5.Unless noted otherwise, case temperature T C =+25±2°C.6.The design, manufacturing process, and specifications of this device aresubject to change without notice.7.Derived mathematically from one or more of the following directly measured parameters: f C , IL, 3dB bandwidth, f C versus T C , and C O .8.Turnover temperature, T O , is the temperature of maximum (or turnover) frequency, f O . The nominal frequency at any case temperature, T C , may be calculated from: f =f O [1-FTC (T O -T C )2]. Typically oscillator T O is approximately equal to the specified resonator T O .9.This equivalent RLC model approximates resonator performance near the resonant frequency and is provided for reference only. The capacitance C O is the static (nonmotional) capacitance between the two terminals measured at low frequency (10MHz) with a capacitance meter. Themeasurement includes parasitic capacitance with "NC” pads unconnected. Case parasitic capacitance is approximately 0.05pF. Transducer parallel capacitance can by calculated as: C P ≈C O -0.05pF.10.Tape and Reel standard per ANSI / EIA 481.PbElectrical ConnectionsThe SAW resonator is bidirectional and may beinstalled with either orientation. The two terminalsare interchangeable and unnumbered. The calloutNC indicates no internal connection. The NC padsassist with mechanical positioning and stability.External grounding of the NC pads isrecommended to help reduce parasiticcapacitance in the circuit.Typical Test CircuitThe test circuit inductor, L TEST, is tuned to resonate with the static capacitance, C O, at F C.Typical Application Circuits Equivalent Model Temperature Characteristics The curve shown on the right accounts for resonator contribution only and does not include LC component temperature contributions.CaseDimensionsMillimeters InchesMin Nom Max Min Nom MaxA 4.87 5.00 5.130.1910.1960.201B 3.37 3.50 3.630.1320.1370.142C 1.45 1.53 1.600.0570.0600.062D 1.35 1.43 1.500.0400.0570.059E0.670.800.930.0260.0310.036 F0.370.500.630.0140.0190.024G 1.07 1.20 1.330.0420.0470.052H- 1.04--0.041-I- 1.46--0.058-J-0.50--0.019-K- 1.05--0.041-L- 1.44--0.057-M-0.71--0.028-PCB Land PatternTop View分销商库存信息: RFMRO3101A。

Siemens 7613-1CA02-0AE3 产品说明书

Siemens 7613-1CA02-0AE3 产品说明书

Power loss, typ.
Memory Work memory ● integrated ● expandable Load memory ● Plug-in (MMC) ● Plug-in (MMC), max. Backup ● present ● without battery
CPU processing times for bit operations, typ. for bit operations, max. for word operations, typ. for fixed point arithmetic, typ. for floating point arithmetic, typ.
9 mA
Yes; 0.1 / 0.3 / 3 / 15 ms 3 ms
16 µs
1 000 m; 100 m for technological functions 600 m; For technological functions: No
100 m not allowed
Subject to change without notice © Copyright Siemens
Time of day Clock ● Hardware clock (real-time) ● retentive and synchronizable ● Backup time
16 kbyte
510 byte
1 kbyte 1 kbyte
128 byte 128 byte
124.0 to 126.7 124.0 to 125.7 752 to 761 752 to 755
CPU-blocks DB ● Number, max. ● Size, max. FB ● Number, max. ● Size, max. FC ● Number, max. ● Size, max. OB ● Number, max. ● Size, max. ● Number of free cycle OBs ● Number of time alarm OBs ● Number of delay alarm OBs ● Number of cyclic interrupt OBs ● Number of process alarm OBs ● Number of startup OBs ● Number of asynchronous error OBs Nesting depth ● per priority class ● additional within an error OB

EATON Series 760 Fixed Displacement Motor 维修手册说明书

EATON Series 760 Fixed Displacement Motor 维修手册说明书

2EATON Series 760 Fixed Displacement Motor E-MOPI-TS006-E September 2008Series 760 Fixed Displacement Motor ContentsIntroduction 3ID Tag Information 3Parts List 4Parts Drawing 5Disassembly Instructions 6Assembly Instructions 10Special Tools Main Shaft Bearing Stop Limit Tool 16 Low Clearance Bearing Puller 16 Shaft Seal Bullet 17 Shaft Seal Instructions173EATON Series 760 Fixed Displacement Motor E-MOPI-TS006-E September 2008AID Tag Refer to specific motor assembly part listings for your Eaton motor when ordering replacement parts.Parts Lists are available from Eaton. Sample tag shows motor identification.When ordering replacement parts, you must include the following information:A Month of ManufactureB Year of ManufactureC Specific Serial Numberof UnitD Direction of Input ShaftRotation Observed from Shaft End of UnitCW=ClockwiseCCW=CounterclockwiseSeries 760 Fixed Displacement MotorThis Manual provides parts and service information for Eaton ® Series 760 Fixed Displacement Motors. Step by step instructions for complete disassembly, inspection and reassembly of the motor are given. The following recommendations should be followed to insure successful repairs.• Most repairs require the removal of the motor from the application.• Cleanliness is extremely important.• Clean the port areas thor-oughly before disconnect-ing the hydraulic lines.• Plug the motor ports and cover open hydraulic lines immediately after they have been disconnected.• Drain the oil and clean the exterior of the pump before making repairs.• Wash all metal parts in clean solvent.• Use filtered, moisture-free compressed air to dry the parts. Dot not wipe them dry with paper towels or cloth – lint in a hydraulic system will cause damage.• Always use new seals when reassembling hydraulic motors.• Lubricate new rubber seals with a petroleum jelly (Vaseline ®) before installation.• Torque all bolts over gasketed joints, then repeat the torquing sequence to make up for gasket compression.After all repairs are complete it is essential to verify the accuracy of motor repairs on an authorized test stand.The Eaton ® Series 760 Fixed Displacement MotorParts ListITEM QTY DESCRIPTION1 1 Motor Drive Shaft S/A2 1 Motor End Cover S/A4 1 Fixed Housing S/A5 2 Bolt, Hex HD 7/16-14 Gr 86 5 Bolt, Hex HD 7/16-14 Gr 811 2 Rivet12 1 Nameplate13 1 Gasket, End Cover14 3 Dowel 5/1615 1 Plate, Motor Valve16 A/R Shim, Bearing17 1 Cup, Bearing18 1 Cone, Bearing19 1 Rot Group w/fixed Swash S/A21 1 Seal, Shaft23 1 Ring, Retaining24 1 Strap, Shipping25 2 Washer, Sealing27 1 Digital HST Sensor35 2 Screw, Cap SOC HD 5/16-182 Protector, Ship (Not Shown)1 Protector, Ship (Not Shown)Assembly Spec.Assembly DrawingSeal Kit: 9900295-000Shaft Seal Kit: 9900390-0004EATON Series 760 Fixed Displacement Motor E-MOPI-TS006-E September 2008Parts DrawingEATON Series 760 Fixed Displacement Motor E-MOPI-TS006-E September 200856EATON Series 760 Fixed Displacement Motor E-MOPI-TS006-E September 2008Disassembly Seal all open ports. Thoroughly clean exterior of motor before disassembly.Cleanliness is extremely important when repairing a hydrostatic pump or motor. Work in a clean area, as the level of cleanliness maintained when repairing the unit may affectperformance. After washingthe parts with clean solvent, blow dry the parts with filtered, moisture free air. Inspect all mating surfaces. Replace all damaged parts. Do not use grit paper, files or grinders on finished parts.Whenever a unit is disassembled, it is a good service policy to replace all seals. Lubricate the seals with petroleum jelly. Use only clean, recommended oil when assembling the unit.Disconnect or disable all electrical or mechanical power to the pump before beginning work.Motor with Integral Shuttle and Low Pressure Relief Valve1. Using a 1-3/8 in hexwrench, remove the low pressure relief valve.Note: Retain the shims,they are used to adjust the relief setting.2. U sing a 1 in. hex wrench,remove the shuttle valve plugs.3.R emove shuttle valvesand shuttle spool. 4. R emove the gauge portplugs.7EATON Series 760 Fixed Displacement Motor E-MOPI-TS006-E September 20085. R emove seven hex bolts from end cover.Caution: Internal parts are spring loaded. To avoid internal part damage, remove five bolts leaving two bolts opposite each other tight.Disassembly8. Remove rear bearing cup from end cover, using a slight twisting motion. Bearing cup is slip-fit into end cover.9. Remove and retain rear bearing shims from end cover. Shims are used to adjust shaft bearing end play of motor output shaft.7. C arefully remove end cover, gasket and the two end cover dowel pins.6. G radually and evenly remove the two remaining bolts.Caution: Remove any parts (valve plate, bearing cup, or shims) that may have stuck to the end cover. Be careful not to drop any.8EATON Series 760 Fixed Displacement Motor E-MOPI-TS006-E September 2008Disassembly Use extreme care when handling all close tolerance internal parts of motor. Keep parts clean.10. R emove end cover gasket and dowel pins from motor housing. Gasket may have remained on end cover during removal.Low clearance bearing puller is recommended for removal of end cover bearing cone. The bearing puller pulls against bearing rollers, not against inner cup. It is designed to prevent bearing cone and cylinder barrel face from being damaged when bearing is removed. Low clearance between end cover bearing and cylinder barrel makes it difficult touse any other type of bearing puller.15. P ush inward on shaft assembly to dislodge the swashplate from its pocket in housing. Carefully remove output shaft/cylinder barrel assembly from housing.14. R emove and discard sealing washers from cap screws. Replace with new sealing washers.13. C arefully reposition motor on its side. Using 1/4 in hex bit socket, remove the two cap screws that hold swashplate in the housing.12. I nstall bearing puller and remove bearing from output shaft (refer to Special Tools).11. R emove bearing plate and pins from cylinder barrel. If using a small screwdriver to pry bearing plate from cylinder barrel, make sure bearing plate and barrel surfaces are notscratched or damaged.Important: Handle the bearing plate and valve plates with extreme care. They are lapped to extremely close tolerances for flatness.9EATON Series 760 Fixed Displacement Motor E-MOPI-TS006-E September 2008Disassembly16. Position the shaft/cylinder barrel subassembly with the shaft facing down. Carefully lift the swatch-plate/rotating kit subas-sembly from shaft.17. W hen bearing cone must be replaced, use a press to remove cone from shaft subassembly.21. Remove the swashplate by lifting slightly and slid-ing it over to disengagefrom the retaining strap.20. Reposition cylinder bar-rel/swashplate with the swashplate on the bot-tom. Using a 1/4-inch hex key, remove the cap screws from the retain-ing strap on one side of the swashplate.Loosen the cap screws on the other retaining strap to make it easier to remove cylinder barrel from the swashplate.23. Disassemble cylinder barrel subassembly. Place it on a clean protective surface for inspection and cleaning.22. Remove cap screws, retaining strap, spacers and thrust plate from swashplate.Important: When removing or installing bearing cone, do not damage shaft sealing area (stepped area between bearing journal and output drive shaft splines). This area is critical for sealing the shaft seal.18. Y ou must use special stop limit tool (refer to Special Tools) when installing new cone.19. I f bearing cup needs replacing, carefully remove the cup using a hammer and drift punch.10EATON Series 760 Fixed Displacement Motor E-MOPI-TS006-E September 2008Assembly Before reassembly, clean all parts and assemblies in clean solvent and blow them dry with compressed air. Inspect and replace all scratched or damaged parts. When reworking parts. Do not use coarse grit paper, files or grinders on any finished surfaces. Replace all gaskets and O-rings.Lubricate O-rings with petroleum jelly for retention during reassembly. Freely lubricate all bearings and finished part surfaces with clean hydraulic fluid. This will provide required start-up lubrication for moving parts1. Lubricate and install shoe retainer plate and piston shoes in cylinder barrel subassembly. After instal-lation, freely lubricate brass shoe faces with clean hydraulic fluid.3. Measure combined thickness of both piston shoe flange and shoe retainer plate.Subtracting this measure-ment from spacer height gives fixed clearance of unit.Note: An alternate method of checking fixed clearance is with the use of a feeler gauge. If using this method, make sure gauge is inserted between retaining strap and shoe retainer plate only. Piston shoe faces could be damaged if gauge is inserted between piston shoe and thrust plate.5. Apply one or two drops of Loctite ® No. 271 in first or second thread down in each of the four holes inswashplate.Thrust Plate Strap SpacerMax. Clearance ( C ) .008Faces Piston Shoe Check Fixed Clearance2. Before assembling motor any further, you must check the fixed clearance of motor.Measure the height of retaining strap spacer with a micrometer or vernier calipers. 4. Fixed clearance must not exceed .008 inches [,20 mm]. If fixed clearance exceeds .009 inches [,02 mm], replace worn parts, (i.e., piston shoe subas-semblies, thrust plate, retaining strap and/or shoe retainer plate).7. Place cylinder barrel Subassembly on clean, flat surface. Carefully install swashplate on cylinder barrel by slightly lifting the side without retaining strap. Slide swashplate over to engage installed retain-ing strap around piston retainer.6. Lightly lubricate and install thrust plate, align-ing cap screw holes. Install spacers, retaining strap and cap screws on one side of the swash-plate. DO NOT tighten cap screws at this time.11EATON Series 760 Fixed Displacement Motor E-MOPI-TS006-E September 2008Loctite parts must contact only those surfaces intended for assembly. Wipe excess Loctite from swashplate with non-petroleum base solvent applied to cloth. Do not apply Loctite to threads more than 15 minutes before installing cap screws. If Loctite stands for more that 15 minutes, repeat application. If repeating application, it is not necessary to remove previously applied Loctite.8. Install the remainingspacers, retaining strap and cap screws. Tighten all four cap screws16-19 lb-ft [22 to 26 Nm].11. Aligning pin in housingwith notch in swash-plate, carefully slide housing over output drive shaft/swashplate/cylinder barrel subas-sembly.Support output shaft in a slightly raised position.Using a press or bearing cone driver (refer to Special Tools), install end cover bearing cone on output shaft.Bearing cone must seat against shoulder of output shaft.Assembly10. Install two headless5/16 inch cap screws. A minimum of five to six inches long, in swash-plate to use as guides(refer to Special Tools).9.Carefully repositioncylinder barrel/swash-plate with cylinder bar-rel face on a clean, flat surface. Lubricate and install output drive shaft subassembly into cylin-der barrel subassembly.13. Install new sealingwashers on the two swashplate cap screws. Install the cap screws in swashplate. Tighten to 20 to 24 lb-ft [27 to 33 Nm].12. Holding cylinder barrelsubassembly carefully in position in housing. Remove headless cap screws used as guides.12EATON Series 760 Fixed Displacement Motor E-MOPI-TS006-E September 2008Assembly12. Install two dowel pinsand gasket on end cover.14. You must check the endplay of the output drive shaft subassembly.Install the end cover without installing either valve or bearing plates. This eliminates spring tension against the out-put shaft.Install cap screws in end cover and slowly and evenly tightenthem to 97±9.7 ft-lb [132±13 Nm].15. After adjusting endplay, reposition motor on mounting flange andremove end cover.13. Lubricate and installbearing shims and bear-ing cup into end cover.Check Output ShaftEnd Play14a. P lace and supportmotor assembly on end cover. Gently tap out-put shaft inward with hammer.Install magnetic base indicator on mounting flange with gauge on output shaft end.Use pliers to grip output shaft as low as possible. Pry upward to determine shaft end play. Indicator must read .002 to .007 inches [,05 to ,17 mm] shaft end play.If end play is incorrect, adjust by adding or removing shims under bearing cup located inend cover.16. Install two dowel pinsin face of cylinder bar-rel subassembly. Freely lubricate bearing plate with dowel pins and install it on cylinder bar-rel subassembly.13EATON Series 760 Fixed Displacement Motor E-MOPI-TS006-E September 2008Assembly18. Install valve platedowel pin in the face of end cover.17. P ump valve plates areall unidirectional and motor valve plates are bi-directional. The pump valve plate is identified by two metering slots and rotates clockwise. The motor valve plate has four metering slots and is bi-directional.Pump and motor valve plates are not interchange-able.20. Holding the valve platefirmly in position, install end cover on housing.21. Install cap screws inend cover. Tighten them slowly and evenly.Torque the cap screws in a star pattern. Torque should be 97±9.7 lb-ft [132±13Nm].Torque each screw a second time tocompensate for gasket compression set.19. Using petroleum jelly,lightly coat side of valve plate facing the endcover to hold valve plate during assembly. Install valve plate over bear-ing cup, aligning it with dowel pin.Valve parts must rest flat and be flush with end cover.Note: Use extreme care when handling all close toleranceinternal parts of motor. Keep parts clean.Note: Lip seal kits come with a shaft seal, retaining ring, and spacer. The spacer is only required for units that have extensive use in the field. The spacer puts the seal in a new location on the shaft sealing area. If using the spacer, install the spacer between the shaft seal and the retaining ring in step 27.22. Grease the inside sur-face of seal that con-tacts shaft.23. Select correct bullet anddriver. Bullet and driveshaft chamfer must alignwith each other leavingno gap between thebullet and shaft. Bulletshould pilot on shaftdiameter so bullet can-not shift side to side,allowing step betweenbullet and shaft sealdiameter.AssemblyEnsure the shaft sealing surface and housing seal bore are clean and free of all dirt and debris to avoid introducing any contaminants into unit.25. Using the driver and amallet, push the sealuntil the tool bottoms onthe pilot of flange.27. Using the tool and mal-let, drive the seal, spacer(as required if using, andretaining ring in until theretaining ring snaps intoplace in the groove.26. Remove the tool andinsert the retaining ringinto the seal pocket. Aspacer is required, when-ever there is a significantgroove in the shaft fromthe seal. (A maximumof two spacers may beused before the shaftmust be replaced), placeit between the shaft sealand the retaining ring. 24. Press the new, greased shaft seal over a shaft bullet.Closed face of the shaft seal faces the closed end ofthe bullet.With the shaft seal on the bullet, insert bullet over driveshaft and into the seal pocket. Take care to ensure sealis properly aligned with housing bore as seal is pressedin to minimize chance of damaging seal.14EATON Series 760 Fixed Displacement Motor E-MOPI-TS006-E September 200815EATON Series 760 Fixed Displacement Motor E-MOPI-TS006-E September 200828. Install two outer gaugeport plug assemblies. Torque to 25 - 31 lb-ft [18 - 23 Nm].Install center gauge port plug assembly. Torque to 40 - 48 lb-ft [30 - 35 Nm].Assembly31. Install the low pressurerelief valve plunger and spring. Lubricate and insert the shims in the relief valve plug. Install the plug over the spring, making sure the shims are not dislodged. Screw the plug in and torque to 68 - 82 lb-ft [50 - 60 Nm].30. Install the shuttle valvesprings and plugs.Torque to 68 - 82 lb-ft [50 - 60 Nm].29. Lubricate and installshuttle spool and shuttle valves. The smaller ends face the center of the spool.Low Clearance Bearing PullerSpecialToolsMaterialHeat Treatment – 45-55 Rc(All dimensions are givenin inches.)Stop Limit Tool16EATON Series 760 Fixed Displacement Motor E-MOPI-TS006-E September 2008Special ToolsEnsure the shaft sealing surface and housing seal bore are clean and free of all dirt and debris to avoid introducing any contaminants into unit.1. Grease the inside surfaceof seal that contactsshaft.2. Select correct bullet anddriver. Bullet and driveshaft chamfer must alignwith each other leavingno gap between the bulletand shaft. Bullet shouldpilot on shaft diameter sobullet cannot shift sideto side, allowing stepbetween bullet and shaftseal diameter.3. Press the new, greasedshaft seal over a shaftbullet. Closed face of theshaft seal faces the closedend of the bullet.4. With the shaft seal on thebullet, insert bullet overdrive shaft and into theseal pocket. Take care toensure seal is properlyaligned with housing boreas seal is pressed in tominimize chance of dam-aging seal.5. Using the driver and amallet, push the seal untilthe tool bottoms on thepilot of flange.6. Remove the tool andinsert the retaining ringinto the seal pocket. Aspacer is required, when-ever there is a significantgroove in the shaft fromthe seal. (A maximumof two spacers may beused before the shaftmust be replaced), placeit between the shaft sealand the retaining ring.7. Using the tool and mallet,drive the seal, spacer(asrequired if using, andretaining ring in until theretaining ring snaps intoplace in the groove.Shaft SealBullet/DriverShaft Seal InstallationTools & Instructions17EATON Series 760 Fixed Displacement Motor E-MOPI-TS006-E September 2008EatonHydraulics Business USA 14615 Lone Oak Road Eden Prairie, MN 55344 USATel: 952-937-9800 Fax: 952-294-7722 /hydraulics EatonHydraulics Business EuropeRoute de la Longeraie 71110 MorgesSwitzerlandTel: +41 (0) 21 811 4600Fax: +41 (0) 21 811 4601EatonHydraulics Business Asia Pacific11th Floor Hong Kong New World Tower300 Huaihai Zhong RoadShanghai 200021ChinaTel: 86-21-6387-9988Fax: 86-21-6335-3912© 2008 Eaton CorporationAll Rights ReservedPrinted in USADocument No. E-MOPI-TS006-E September 2008。



MS31xxx中⽂资料Shell Size/No. of Dimensions in InchesInsert Arrange-Contacts/Digi-Key Price EachL L1N Q U V Fitting XY Amphenol ment No.Size DescriptionPart No.11050Max.Max.Ref.Max.Ref.ThreadRef.Ref.Part No.Straight Plugs with Solid Shells10SL-33/16Straight Plug w/Socket 97-3106A-10SL-3S-ND 12.008.40 6.2497-3106A-10SL-3S 10SL-42/16Straight Plugw/Socket 97-3106A-10SL-4S-ND 11.357.95 5.911-3/8—3/47/8—5/8-24——97-3106A-10SL-4S 12S-32/16Straight Plugw/Pins 97-3106A-12S-3P-ND 10.407.28 5.411-7/16—25/321—5/8-24——97-3106A-12S-3P Straight Plug w/Socket 97-3106A-12S-3S-ND 11.137.79 5.7997-3106A-12S-3S 14S-13/16Straight Plug w/Pins 97-3106A-14S-1P-ND 10.437.30 5.4397-3106A-14S-1P Straight Plug w/Socket 97-3106A-14S-1S-ND 12.308.61 6.4097-3106A-14S-1S 14S-24/16Straight Plug w/Pins 97-3106A-14S-2P-ND 10.387.27 5.401-15/32—7/81-1/8—3/4-20——97-3106A-14S-2P Straight Plug w/Socket9.026.7097-3106A-14S-2S SS RRL MKMS3100A Wall Mount ReceptacleMounting Holes .147 Dia. sizes 24,28.120 Dia.all other sizesCInsert Patterns (Front face of pin insert shown.Drawings not to scale.)SERVICE RATING:INST A D EB C Limited Operating DC 2507001250175024504200Voltages at Sea Level AC(rms)200500900125017503000TEST CURRENT: Contact Size 16 = 13 amperes, Contact Size 12 = 23 amperes NOTE: Transients were not considered in calculating these values.NOTE: Limiting operating voltage at 50,000 feet altitude are approx. 25% of the sea level values.Insert Arrangement Service Rating10SL-3A18-10A 18-11A18-12A18-16C18-19A20-4D20-29A22-14A 22-19A24-7A28-11A28-16A28-21A22-2224-1114S-716-1016-1118-1124-28INST.20-15A20-16A20-27A 20-7A,B,H,G = D C,D,E,F = A10SL-4A 12S-3A 14S-1A14S-2INST.14S-5INST.14S-6INST.18-4D18-8A18-1B,C,F,G = A all others = INST.A C BA BB AA C BD A C BE B D CA E ADCBF A EF G DCBA E D CBCB AD EFG H I J CBA D CB A D EF GH D A C BD EA CBE DB A D E F GHK JBCA D ABCDEFGHBCAD EFGA BCD EF GH I AB C D E FGHIJ K L M N A BC D EHJLK M P N TSRAB C D E F GH JLK MN P A B CD EF G HJ L KMNPO I AB C DEFG HJ LK M N U TV PSR A B C D E F G H JT Y V Q P S X R W A B C DEF G H JL K M N U W XTV IP S R ABC DEF GHJ L K M N U T V Q PS R A B C Dn p r sE F G H Jgh i k m L K M N V U W X Z R P b a c d fe T S LNAVNL N Q V MS3106A Straight Plug (97 Series)MS3108B Angle Plug (97 Series) XL 1UVQSizes 10SL, 14SVL1Q YShell is split longi-tudinally for conve-nient solder or in-spection. Frontshell is keyed to allow the 90 degree angle housing to be rotated and locked at any 45 degree increment. Underwriters Laboratories approved recognition File E115497. Canadian Standard Association Certification File LR69183 L 1MK N 1ASS R RSS R R16128Panel OpeningOCoupling ring ma-chined from solid alu-minum bar stock forhigh tensile strength.Mates with all types of 97 series receptacles.Front shell includespolarization keyway.Solid shell. Threadedbackshell.Mounting Holes.147 Dia. sizes 24,28.120 Dia. all other sizes97 Series Plugs(Continued)LKN XLKNML KZL M NBAAB CD A C IG DFEHB CA BA BC A BA BCDES SShell Size/No. of Dimensions in InchesInsert Arrange-Contacts/Digi-KeyPrice EachLL1N Q U V Fitting XY Amphenol ment No.Size Description Part No.11050Max.Max.Ref.Max.Ref.ThreadPart No.14S-55/16Straight Plug w/Pins 97-3106A-14S-5P-ND 11.608.12 6.0497-3106A-14S-5P Straight Plug w/Socket 97-3106A-14S-5S-ND 13.839.687.1997-3106A-14S-5S 14S-66/16Straight Plug w/Pins 97-3106A-14S-6P-ND 12.038.42 6.261-15/32—7/81-1/8—3/4-20——97-3106A-14S-6P Straight Plug w/Socket 97-3106A-14S-6S-ND 13.959.777.2697-3106A-14S-6S 16S-17/16Straight Plug w/Pins 97-3106A-16S-1P-ND 12.038.42 6.2697-3106A-16S-1P Straight Plug w/Socket 97-3106A-16S-1S-ND 15.4010.788.0197-3106A-16S-1S 16S-85/16Straight Plug w/Pins 97-3106A-16S-8P-ND 13.439.40 6.991-15/32—11-1/4—7/8-20——97-3106A-16S-8P Straight Plug w/Socket 97-3106A-16S-8S-ND 13.939.757.2597-3106A-16S-8S 18-110/16Straight Plug w/Pins 97-3106A-18-1P-ND 15.7811.058.2197-3106A-18-1P Straight Plug w/Socket 97-3106A-18-1S-ND 17.4512.229.0897-3106A-18-1S 18-44/16Straight Plug w/Pins 97-3106A-18-4P-ND 14.6010.227.6097-3106A-18-4P Straight Plug w/Socket 97-3106A-18-4S-ND 15.7511.038.1997-3106A-18-4S 18-84/1#12,Straight Plug w/Pins 97-3106A-18-8P-ND 17.2411.269.4497-3106A-18-8P 4/7#16Straight Plug w/Socket 97-3106A-18-8S-ND 18.6212.1610.2097-3106A-18-8S 18-104/12Straight Plug w/Pins 97-3106A-18-10P-ND 17.4812.249.0997-3106A-18-10P Straight Plug w/Socket 97-3106A-18-10S-ND 18.6212.1610.2097-3106A-18-10S 18-115/12Straight Plug w/Pins 97-3106A-18-11P-ND 17.4812.249.091-31/32—1-1/81-20——97-3106A-18-11P Straight Plug w/Socket 97-3106A-18-11S-ND 17.2411.269.4497-3106A-18-11S 18-126/16Straight Plug w/Pins 97-3106A-18-12P-ND 14.3310.037.4597-3106A-18-12P Straight Plug w/Socket 97-3106A-18-12S-ND 17.4812.249.0997-3106A-18-12S 18-161/12Straight Plug w/Pins 97-3106A-18-16P-ND 17.4812.249.0997-3106A-18-16P Straight Plug w/Socket 97-3106A-18-16S-ND 19.6412.8210.7697-3106A-18-16S 18-1910/16Straight Plug w/Pins 97-3106A-18-19P-ND 22.5214.4212.7797-3106A-18-19P Straight Plug w/Socket 97-3106A-18-19S-ND 19.2112.5410.5297-3106A-18-19S 20-44/12Straight Plug w/Pins 97-3106A-20-4P-ND 20.1613.1611.0497-3106A-20-4P Straight Plug w/Socket 97-3106A-20-4S-ND 26.3516.8714.9497-3106A-20-4S 20-78/16Straight Plug w/Pins 97-3106A-20-7P-ND 20.1613.1611.0497-3106A-20-7P Straight Plug w/Socket 97-3106A-20-7S-ND 21.6614.1411.8697-3106A-20-7S 20-157/12Straight Plug w/Pins 97-3106A-20-15P-ND 22.0914.4212.0997-3106A-20-15P Straight Plug w/Socket 97-3106A-20-15S-ND 27.7017.7315.701-7/8—1-1/41-15/32—1-3/16-18——97-3106A-20-15S 20-169/2#12,Straight Plug w/Pins 97-3106A-20-16P-ND 22.1114.4412.1197-3106A-20-16P 9/7#16Straight Plug w/Socket 97-3106A-20-16S-ND 22.5014.4012.7597-3106A-20-16S 20-2714/16Straight Plug w/Pins 97-3106A-20-27P-ND 19.7812.9210.8397-3106A-20-27P Straight Plug w/Socket 97-3106A-20-27S-ND 23.1814.8413.1497-3106A-20-27S 20-2917/16Straight Plug w/Pins 97-3106A-20-29P-ND 21.0713.7511.5497-3106A-20-29P Straight Plug w/Socket 97-3106A-20-29S-ND 25.4516.2914.4397-3106A-20-29S 22-1419/16Straight Plug w/Pins 97-3106A-22-14P-ND 24.0515.4013.6397-3106A-22-14P Straight Plug w/Socket 97-3106A-22-14S-ND 27.3217.4915.4897-3106A-22-14S 22-1914/16Straight Plug w/Pins 97-3106A-22-19P-ND 23.5815.1013.371-31/32—1-3/81-19/32—1-3/16-18——97-3106A-22-19P Straight Plug w/Socket97-3106A-22-19S-ND 24.0515.4013.6397-3106A-22-19S 24-716/2 #12,Straight Plug w/Pins 97-3106A-24-7P-ND 28.4618.2216.1397-3106A-24-7P 16/14 #16Straight Plug w/Socket 97-3106A-24-7S-ND 30.8319.7317.4797-3106A-24-7S 24-2824/16Straight Plug w/Pins 97-3106A-24-28P-ND 29.7719.0616.872-1/4—1-1/21-23/32—1-7/16-18——97-3106A-24-28P Straight Plug w/Socket 97-3106A-24-28S-ND 33.7121.5819.1097-3106A-24-28S 28-1122/4#12,Straight Plug w/Pins97-3106A-28-11P-ND 32.2720.6518.2997-3106A-28-11P 22/18#16Straight Plug w/Socket 97-3106A-28-11S-ND 34.6624.2721.6797-3106A-28-11S 28-1620/16Straight Plug w/Pins 97-3106A-28-16P-ND 33.2321.2718.842-1/4—1-3/41-31/32—1-7/16-18——97-3106A-28-16P Straight Plug w/Socket 97-3106A-28-16S-ND 33.6621.5519.0897-3106A-28-16S 28-2137/16 Straight Plug w/Pins 97-3106A-28-21P-ND 34.5424.1821.5997-3106A-28-21P Straight Plug w/Socket97-3106A-28-21S-ND38.9427.2624.3497-3106A-28-21SAngle Plugs with Split Shell10SL-33/16Angle Plug w/Socket 97-3108B-10SL-3S-ND 16.0311.228.3497-3108B-10SL-3S 10SL-42/16Angle Plugw/Socket 97-3108B-10SL-4S-ND 15.3010.717.96—1-1/2—7/815/8-24——97-3108B-10SL-4S 14S-13/16Angle Plug w/Pins 97-3108B-14S-1P-ND 13.939.757.2597-3108B-14S-1P Angle Plug w/Socket 97-3108B-14S-1S-ND 14.2810.007.4397-3108B-14S-1S 14S-24/16Angle Plug w/Pins 97-3108B-14S-2P-ND 13.809.667.1897-3108B-14S-2P Angle Plug w/Socket 97-3108B-14S-2S-ND14.9010.437.75—1-23/32—1-1/81-1/163/4-2021/32—97-3108B-14S-2S 14S-55/16Angle Plug w/Pins 97-3108B-14S-5P-ND 15.1310.597.8797-3108B-14S-5P Angle Plug w/Socket 97-3108B-14S-5S-ND 15.5510.898.0997-3108B-14S-5S 14S-66/16Angle Plug w/Pins 97-3108B-14S-6P-ND 15.5510.898.0997-3108B-14S-6P Angle Plug w/Socket 97-3108B-14S-6S-ND 15.9811.198.3197-3108B-14S-6S 18-110/16Angle Plug w/Pins 97-3108B-18-1P-ND 22.0214.3712.0697-3108B-18-1P Angle Plug w/Socket 97-3108B-18-1S-ND 24.0815.4113.65—2-5/32—1-11/321-3/161-201-41/641-41/6497-3108B-18-1S 18-44/16Angle Plug w/Pins 97-3108B-18-4P-ND 18.5012.0810.1397-3108B-18-4P Angle Plug w/Socket97-3108B-18-4S-ND19.7412.8910.8197-3108B-18-4SA(Continued)Shell Size/Dimensions in InchesInsert No. ofB Min X Min Arrange-Contacts/Digi-KeyPrice EachFull N Cable Amphenol ment No.SizeDescription Part No.11050Thread K L M Dia.R S Dim.Z Part No.3/16Plug w/Socket MS3106E-10SL-3S-ND *14.7010.297.65—.531 2.129—.896—.946.281—MS3106E-10SL-30S 3/16 Plug w/Socket MS3106F-10SL-3S-ND?16.7011.698.69—.531 2.129—.896—.946.281—MS3106F-10SL-3S 10SL-33/16Plug w/Socket MS3106R-10SL-3S-ND?15.2510.687.93—.531 1.057 1.120.807—.946——MS3106R-10SL-3S3/16Recept. w/Pins MS3102E-10SL-3P-ND *7.24 4.11 3.03.391.672.297.562.625.719 1.000—.422MS3102E-10SL-3P 3/16Recept. w/Pins MS3102R-10SL-3P-ND? 6.47 3.67 2.71.391.672.297.562.625.719 1.000—.422MS3102R-10SL-3P 2/16Plug w/Socket MS3106A-10SL-4S-ND 15.0810.567.84—.531.937———.946——MS3106A-10SL-4S 2/16Plug w/Socket MS3106E-10SL-4S-ND *16.7811.758.73—.531 2.129—.896—.946.281—MS3106E-10SL-4S 10SL-42/16Plug w/Socket MS3106F-10SL-4S-ND?14.8810.427.74—.531 2.129—.896—.946.281—MS3106F-10SL-4S2/16Recept. w/Pins MS3102E-10SL-4P-ND * 6.60 3.75 2.76.391.672.297.562.625.719 1.000—.422MS3102E-10SL-4P 2/16Recept. w/Pins MS3102R-10SL-4P-ND? 5.86 3.33 2.45.391.672.297.562.625.719 1.000—.422MS3102R-10SL-4P 4/16Plug w/Pins MS3106F-14S-2P-ND?12.808.96 6.66—.531 2.201— 1.021— 1.123.406—MS3106F-14S-2P 4/16Plugw/Socket MS3106A-14S-2S-ND 11.708.19 6.09—.531.937——— 1.123——MS3106A-14S-2S 4/16Plug w/Socket MS3106F-14S-2S-ND?16.9111.049.26—.531 2.201— 1.021— 1.123.406—MS3106F-14S-2S 14S-24/16Recept. w/Pins MS3102E-14S-2P-ND *8.82 5.30 4.12.450.672.297.562.750.906 1.188—.422MS3102E-14S-2P4/16Recept. w/Socket MS3102E-14S-2S-ND *8.74 4.96 3.66.450.672.297.562.750.906 1.188—.422MS3102E-14S-2S4/16Recept. w/Pins MS3102R-14S-2P-ND? 5.93 3.37 2.48.450.672.297.562.750.906 1.188—.422MS3102R-14S-2P4/16Recept. w/Socket MS3102R-14S-2S-ND?8.84 5.02 3.70.450.672.297.562.750.906 1.188—.422MS3102R-14S-2S5/16Plug w/Pins MS3106A-14S-5P-ND 11.588.11 6.02—.531.937——— 1.123——MS3106A-14S-5P 5/16Plug w/Socket MS3106A-14S-5S-ND 13.009.10 6.76—.531.937——— 1.123——MS3106A-14S-5S 14S-55/16Recept. w/Pins MS3102E-14S-5P-ND *7.67 4.36 3.21.450.672.297.562.750.906 1.188—.422MS3102E-14S-5P5/16Recept. w/Pins MS3102R-14S-5P-ND?9.08 5.15 3.80.450.672.297.562.750.906 1.188—.422MS3102R-14S-5P6/16Plug w/Socket MS3106A-14S-6S-ND 13.009.10 6.76—.531.937——— 1.123——MS3106A-14S-6S 6/16Plug w/Socket MS3106F-14S-6S-ND?16.8011.768.74—.531 2.201— 1.021— 1.123.406—MS3106F-14S-6S 6/16Recept. w/Pins MS3102E-14S-6P-ND *7.84 4.45 3.28.450.672.297.562.750.906 1.188—.422MS3102E-14S-6P 14S-66/16Recept. w/Socket MS3102E-14S-6S-ND *9.84 5.91 4.60.450.672.297.562.750.906 1.188—.422MS3102E-14S-6S6/16Recept. w/Pins MS3102R-14S-6P-ND? 5.49 3.12 2.30.450.672.297.562.750.906 1.188—.422MS3102R-14S-6P 6/16 Recept. w/Socket MS3102R-14S-6S-ND?9.01 5.12 3.77.450.672.297.562.750.906 1.188—.422MS3102R-14S-6S 14S-73/16Plug w/Socket MS3106F-14S-7S-ND?17.0511.139.34—.531 2.201— 1.021— 1.123.406—MS3106F-14S-7S 7/16Plug w/Socket MS3106A-16S-1S-ND 15.4810.848.05—.531.937——— 1.250——MS3106A-16S-1S 7/16Plug w/Socket MS3106F-16S-1S-ND?23.1815.1312.69—.531 2.201— 1.151— 1.250.500—MS3106F-16S-1S 16S-17/16Recept. w/Pins MS3102E-16S-1P-ND *8.49 5.10 3.97.450.672.297.562.875.969 1.281—.422MS3102E-16S-1P7/16Recept. w/Pins MS3102R-16S-1P-ND? 6.80 3.86 2.85.450.672.297.562.875.969 1.281—.422MS3102R-16S-1P 3/12 Plug w/Socket MS3106A-16-10S-ND 16.5311.578.60—.719 1.124——— 1.250——MS3106A-16-10S 16-103/12Plugw/Socket MS3106F-16-10S-ND?23.0014.7213.04—.719 2.524— 1.151— 1.250.500—MS3106F-16-10S 16-112/12Recept. w/Pins MS3102R-16-11P-ND? 6.83 3.88 2.86.625.860.484.750.875.969 1.281—.672MS3102R-16-11P10/16Recept. w/Pins MS3102E-18-1P-ND *10.20 6.12 4.76.625.891.453.750 1.000 1.062 1.375—.641§MS3102E-18-1P 18-110/16Recept. w/Pins MS3102R-18-1P-ND?10.14 6.09 4.74.625.891.453.750 1.000 1.062 1.375—.641§MS3102R-18-1P10/16Plug w/Socket MS3106A-18-1S-ND 18.1211.839.92—.719 1.219——— 1.333——MS3106A-18-1S18-115/12Recept. w/Pins MS3102E-18-11P-ND *8.68 4.93 3.63.625.891.453.750 1.000 1.062 1.375—.641§MS3102E-18-11P 20-2714/16Recept. w/Pins MS3102R-20-27P-ND?10.80 6.48 5.04.625.891.453.750 1.125 1.156 1.500—.641§MS3102R-20-27P 22-1419/16Recept. w/Pins MS3102E-22-14P-ND *11.43 6.86 5.34.625.891.453.750 1.250 1.250 1.625—.641§MS3102E-22-14P 22-1914/16Recept. w/Socket MS3102E-22-19S-ND *12.008.40 6.24.625.891.453.750 1.250 1.250 1.625—.641§MS3102E-22-19S 22-224/8Recept. w/Pins MS3102E-22-22P-ND *14.9010.437.75.625.891.453.750 1.250 1.250 1.625—.641§MS3102E-22-22P 3/#8 6/#12Recept. w/Pins MS3102R-24-11P-ND?11.658.166.06.625.953.453.812 1.375 1.375 1.750—.578§MS3102R-24-11P 24-113/#8 6/#12Plug w/SocketMS3106R-24-11S-ND?23.8315.2513.51—.7191.2911.9941.557—1.715——MS3106R-24-11SShell Size/No. of Dimensions in InchesInsert Arrange-Contacts/Digi-Key Price EachL L1N Q U V Fitting XY Amphenol ment No.Size DescriptionPart No.11050Max.Max.Ref.Max.Ref.ThreadRef.Ref.Part No.18-84/1#12,Angle Plug w/Pins 97-3108B-18-8P-ND 22.0214.3712.0697-3108B-18-8P 4/7#16Angle Plug w/Socket 97-3108B-18-8S-ND 23.3915.2712.8197-3108B-18-8S 18-104/12Angle Plug w/Pins 97-3108B-18-10P-ND 21.3813.9511.7097-3108B-18-10P Angle Plug w/Socket 97-3108B-18-10S-ND 23.3915.2712.8197-3108B-18-10S 18-115/12Angle Plug w/Pins 97-3108B-18-11P-ND 21.3813.9511.7097-3108B-18-11P Angle Plug w/Socket 97-3108B-18-11S-ND 22.0214.3712.06—2-5/32—1-11/321-3/161-201-41/641-41/6497-3108B-18-11S 18-126/16Angle Plug w/Pins 97-3108B-18-12P-ND 20.2613.2311.0997-3108B-18-12P Angle Plug w/Socket 97-3108B-18-12S-ND 21.3813.9511.7097-3108B-18-12S 18-161/12Angle Plug w/Pins 97-3108B-18-16P-ND 22.0414.3912.0797-3108B-18-16P Angle Plug w/Socket 97-3108B-18-16S-ND 24.1015.4313.6697-3108B-18-16S 18-1910/16Angle Plug w/Pins 97-3108B-18-19P-ND 27.1417.3715.3897-3108B-18-19P Angle Plug w/Socket97-3108B-18-19S-ND22.7014.5312.8797-3108B-18-19SMSwAShell Size No. of Dimensions in InchesInsert Con-AV Arrange-tacts/Digi-Key Price Each Coupling K L L1M N N1O R S Fitting Amphenol ment No.Size DescriptionPart No.11050Thread Ref.Max.Max.Ref.Ref.Ref.Ref.Ref.Ref.ThreadPart No.Receptacles With Solid Shells10SL-33/16Cable recept. w/pins97-3101A-10SL-3P-ND 14.089.867.3297-3101A-10SL-3P Box mount recept. w/pins 97-3102A-10SL-3P-ND 9.69 5.82 4.53 5/8-245/641-9/3261.649/163/411/16.81223/3215/8-2497-3102A-10SL-3P 10SL-42/16Cable recept. w/pins97-3101A-10SL-4P-ND 13.439.40 6.9997-3101A-10SL-4P Box mount recept. w/pins 97-3102A-10SL-4P-ND 8.91 5.35 4.1697-3102A-10SL-4P 12S-32/16Box mount recept. w/pins 97-3102A-12S-3P-ND 8.27 4.70 3.4697-3102A-12S-3P Box mount recept. w/socket 97-3102A-12S-3S-ND 8.88 5.04 3.713/4-205/641-15/3231/329/1625/3211/16.81213/161-3/325/8-2497-3102A-12S-3S Wall mount recept. w/pins 97-3100A-14S-1P-ND 12.008.40 6.2497-3100A-14S-1P Wall mount recept.w/socket 97-3100A-14S-1S-ND 12.308.61 6.4097-3100A-14S-1S 14S-13/16Cable recept. w/pins 97-3101A-14S-1P-ND 14.7810.357.6997-3101A-14S-1P Cable recept. w/socket 97-3101A-14S-1S-ND 15.0010.507.8097-3101A-14S-1S Wall mount recept. w/pins 97-3100A-14S-2P-ND 13.359.35 6.9597-3100A-14S-2P Wall mount recept. w/socket 97-3100A-14S-2S-ND 12.588.81 6.5497-3100A-14S-2S 14S-24/16Cable recept. w/pins 97-3101A-14S-2P-ND 14.7010.297.6597-3101A-14S-2P Cable recept. w/socket 97-3101A-14S-2S-ND 15.5510.898.0997-3101A-14S-2S Wall mount recept. w/pins 97-3100A-14S-5P-ND 13.359.35 6.957/8-205/641-15/3261/649/167/83/4.93829/321-3/163/4-2097-3100A-14S-5P Wall mount recept. w/socket 97-3100A-14S-5S-ND 12.038.42 6.2697-3100A-14S-5S 14S-55/16Cable recept. w/pins 97-3101A-14S-5P-ND 15.8511.108.2597-3101A-14S-5P Cable recept. w/socket 97-3101A-14S-5S-ND 16.5511.598.6197-3101A-14S-5S Wall mount recept. w/pins 97-3100A-14S-6P-ND 12.038.42 6.2697-3100A-14S-6P Wall mount recept. w/socket 97-3100A-14S-6S-ND 13.839.687.1997-3100A-14S-6S 14S-66/16Cable recept. w/pins 97-3101A-14S-6P-ND 16.5511.598.6197-3101A-14S-6P Cable recept. w/socket 97-3101A-14S-6S-ND 16.9311.858.8197-3101A-14S-6S Box mount recept. w/pins 97-3102A-16S-1P-ND 11.677.01 5.4597-3102A-16S-1P 16S-17/16Box mount recept. w/socket 97-3102A-16S-1S-ND 11.887.13 5.5597-3102A-16S-1S Box mount recept. w/pins 97-3102A-16S-8P-ND 11.52 6.92 5.381-205/641-15/3261/649/1617/8 1.06231/321-9/327/8-2097-3102A-16S-8P 16S-85/16Box mount recept. w/socket 97-3102A-16S-8S-ND 11.977.19 5.5997-3102A-16S-8S Box mount recept. w/pins 97-3102A-18-1P-ND 13.259.28 6.8997-3102A-18-1P 18-110/16Box mount recept. w/socket 97-3102A-18-1S-ND 12.788.95 6.6597-3102A-18-1S Box mount recept. w/pins 97-3102A-18-4P-ND 11.52 6.92 5.3897-3102A-18-4P 18-44/16Box mount recept. w/socket 97-3102A-18-4S-ND 10.407.28 5.4197-3102A-18-4S 4/1#12,Box mount recept. w/pins 97-3102A-18-8P-ND 13.259.28 6.8997-3102A-18-8P 18-84/7#16Box mount recept. w/socket 97-3102A-18-8S-ND14.4810.147.5397-3102A-18-8S Box mount recept. w/pins 97-3102A-18-10P-ND 12.308.61 6.4097-3102A-18-10P 18-104/12Box mount recept. w/socket 97-3102A-18-10S-ND 14.4810.147.531-1/8-181/81-63/641-3/83/41-1/81 1.1881-1/161-3/81-2097-3102A-18-10S Box mount recept. w/pins 97-3102A-18-11P-ND 12.308.61 6.4097-3102A-18-11P 18-115/12Box mount recept. w/socket 97-3102A-18-11S-ND 11.538.07 6.0097-3102A-18-11S Box mount recept. w/pins 97-3102A-18-12P-ND 11.207.84 5.8397-3102A-18-12P 18-126/16Box mount recept. w/socket 97-3102A-18-12S-ND 10.707.49 5.5797-3102A-18-12S Box mount recept. w/pins 97-3102A-18-16P-ND 11.738.21 6.1097-3102A-18-16P 18-161/12Box mount recept. w/socket 97-3102A-18-16S-ND 15.0010.507.8097-3102A-18-16S Box mount recept. w/pins 97-3102A-18-19P-ND19.0712.4510.4497-3102A-18-19P 18-1910/16Box mount recept. w/socket 97-3102A-18-19S-ND 13.059.14 6.7997-3102A-18-19S Box mount recept. w/pins 97-3102A-20-4P-ND 12.008.40 6.2497-3102A-20-4P 20-44/12Box mount recept. w/socket 97-3102A-20-4S-ND 14.7810.357.6997-3102A-20-4S Box mount recept. w/pins 97-3102A-20-7P-ND 12.008.40 6.2497-3102A-20-7P 20-78/16Box mount recept. w/socket 97-3102A-20-7S-ND 13.839.687.1997-3102A-20-7S Box mount recept. w/pins 97-3102A-20-15P-ND 16.0511.248.3597-3102A-20-15P 20-157/12Box mount recept. w/socket 97-3102A-20-15S-ND 20.6613.4911.3197-3102A-20-15S 9/2#12,Box mount recept. w/pins 97-3102A-20-16P-ND 14.4810.147.531-1/4-181/81-57/641-3/83/41-1/41-1/8 1.3121-5/321-1/21-3/16-1897-3102A-20-16P 20-169/7#16Box mount recept. w/socket 97-3102A-20-16S-ND 15.7511.038.1997-3102A-20-16S Box mount recept. w/pins 97-3102A-20-27P-ND 14.7810.357.6997-3102A-20-27P 20-2714/16Box mount recept. w/socket 97-3102A-20-27S-ND 14.7510.337.6797-3102A-20-27S Box mount recept. w/pins 97-3102A-20-29P-ND 16.6011.628.6497-3102A-20-29P 20-2917/16Box mount recept. w/socket 97-3102A-20-29S-ND 18.0511.789.8897-3102A-20-29S Box mount recept. w/pins 97-3102A-22-14P-ND 17.2411.269.4497-3102A-22-14P 22-1419/16Box mount recept. w/socket 97-3102A-22-14S-ND 21.0013.7111.5097-3102A-22-14S Box mount recept. w/pins 97-3102A-22-19P-ND 16.9111.049.261-3/8-181/81-63/641-3/83/41-3/81-1/4 1.4381-1/41-5/81-3/16-1897-3102A-22-19P 22-1914/16Box mount recept. w/socket 97-3102A-22-19S-ND 17.2411.269.4497-3102A-22-19S16/2#12,Box mount recept. w/pins 97-3102A-24-7P-ND 20.2813.2411.1197-3102A-24-7P 24-716/14#16Box mount recept. w/socket 97-3102A-24-7S-ND 22.7514.8512.461-1/2-181/82-1/41-3/813/161-1/21-3/8 1.5621-3/81-3/41-7/16-1897-3102A-24-7S Box mount recept. w/pins 97-3102A-24-28P-ND 22.0614.4012.0897-3102A-24-28P 24-2824/16Box mount recept. w/socket 97-3102A-24-28S-ND 24.5015.6913.8997-3102A-24-28S 22/4#12,Box mount recept. w/pins 97-3102A-28-11P-ND 22.9314.6813.0097-3102A-28-11P 28-1122/18#16Box mount recept. w/socket 97-3102A-28-11S-ND29.4818.8716.7197-3102A-28-11S Box mount recept. w/pins 97-3102A-28-16P-ND 24.0515.4013.6397-3102A-28-16P 28-1620/16Box mount recept. w/socket 97-3102A-28-16S-ND 24.2315.5113.741-3/4-181/82-1/41-3/813/161-3/41-5/8 1.8121-9/1621-7/16-1897-3102A-28-16S Box mount recept. w/pins 97-3102A-28-21P-ND 29.2718.7416.5997-3102A-28-21P 28-2137/16Box mount recept. w/socket97-3102A-28-21S-ND30.6821.4819.1897-3102A-28-21SMax.Dimensions in Inches Shell O.D.Digi-Key Price EachC D. Internal Amphenol Size Cable Description Part No.11050A B Dia.Thread E FG L Part No.Cable Clamp 97-3057-1004-ND 5.76 3.27 2.41.795.8425/165/8-24————97-3057-100410SL,Bushing 97-79-513-3-ND————.130.210.374 2.8759779-513-312S 5/16Bushing97-79-513-4-ND1.31.79.51————.220.302.500 2.7509779-513-4Cable Clamp w/Bushing97-3057-1004-1-ND*7.00 3.98 2.93.795.8425/165/8-24.220.302.500 2.75097-3057-1004-1*Cable Clamp 97-3057-1007-ND 5.58 3.34 2.18.850.9957/163/4-20————97-3057-100712SL,7/16Bushing97-79-513-6-ND————.312.427.614 2.6259779-513-614SCable Clamp w/Bushing97-3057-1007-1-ND 7.07 4.01 2.96.850.9957/163/4-20.312.427.614 2.62597-3057-1007-1Cable Clamp 97-3057-1008-ND 6.40 3.63 2.68.920 1.1209/167/8-20————97-3057-1008-116,16S 9/16Bushing97-79-513-8-ND————.437.552.739 2.5009779-513-8Cable Clamp w/Bushing97-3057-1008-1-ND 7.47 4.24 3.13.920 1.1209/167/8-20.437.552.739 2.50097-3057-1008-1Cable Clamp 97-3057-1010-ND 5.43 3.08 2.27.920 1.2165/81-20————97-3057-1010185/8Bushing97-79-513-10-ND————.562.615.889 2.3759779-513-10Cable Clamp w/Bushing97-3057-1010-1-ND 6.37 3.61 2.66.920 1.2165/81-20.562.615.889 2.37597-3057-1010-1Cable Clamp 97-3057-1012-ND 5.43 3.08 2.27.927 1.4033/41-3/16-18————97-3057-101220,223/4Bushing97-79-513-12-ND————.625.740 1.084 2.2509779-513-12Cable Clamp w/Bushing97-3057-1012-1-ND 6.50 3.69 2.72.927 1.4033/41-3/16-18.625.740 1.084 2.25097-3057-1012-1Cable Clamp 97-3057-1016-ND 5.90 3.35 2.47 1.015 1.68315/161-7/16-18————97-3057-1016**24,2815/16Bushing 97-79-513-12-ND————.625.740 1.084 2.2509779-513-12Bushing97-79-513-16-ND————.750.927 1.309 2.1259779-513-16Cable Clamp w/Bushing97-3057-1016-1-ND**8.384.753.50 1.015 1.68315/161-7/16-18————97-3057-1016-1**CBADInternal ThreadFor jacketed cable or wires protected by tubing.Both clamping halves float for maximum strain relief. For unjacketed cable or wires, use corresponding MS3420 bushing. Clamp and bushing can be ordered together. Two telescoping bushings are furnished with shell sizes 24 and larger.Accessories For 97 Series ConnectorsL.063.02G45°FERubber bushing specifically designed for MS3057A type cable clamp. Can also be used as a reducing bushing. Order separately or with cable clamp.97 Series Receptacles* When Clamp and bushing are ordered together for shell sizes 10SL and 12S, bushing 97-79-513-4 will be furnished.**Two telescoping bushings (97-79-513-12 and 97-79-513-16) are furnished with each cable clamp for shell sizes 24 and 28. BushingCable ClampMS3075A TypeMS3420 TypeA。

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Copyright © 1988, Texas Instruments Incorporated PRODUCTION DATA information is current as of publication date.PACKAGING INFORMATIONOrderable Device Status(1)PackageType PackageDrawingPins PackageQtyEco Plan(2)Lead/Ball Finish MSL Peak Temp(3)5962-9557501QEA ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC 5962-9557501QFA ACTIVE CFP W161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC 5962-9557501QFA ACTIVE CFP W161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC 7601301EA ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC7601301EA ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC JM38510/00204BEA ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC JM38510/00204BEA ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SN5476J ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NCSN5476J ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SN54LS76AJ ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SN54LS76AJ ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NCSN7476N OBSOLETE PDIP N16TBD Call TI Call TISN7476N OBSOLETE PDIP N16TBD Call TI Call TISN7476N3OBSOLETE PDIP N16TBD Call TI Call TISN7476N3OBSOLETE PDIP N16TBD Call TI Call TISN74LS76AD OBSOLETE SOIC D16TBD Call TI Call TISN74LS76AD OBSOLETE SOIC D16TBD Call TI Call TISN74LS76ADR OBSOLETE SOIC D16TBD Call TI Call TISN74LS76ADR OBSOLETE SOIC D16TBD Call TI Call TISN74LS76AN OBSOLETE PDIP N16TBD Call TI Call TISN74LS76AN OBSOLETE PDIP N16TBD Call TI Call TISN74LS76AN3OBSOLETE PDIP N16TBD Call TI Call TISN74LS76AN3OBSOLETE PDIP N16TBD Call TI Call TI SNJ5476J ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NCSNJ5476J ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NCSNJ5476W ACTIVE CFP W161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NCSNJ5476W ACTIVE CFP W161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SNJ54LS76AJ ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SNJ54LS76AJ ACTIVE CDIP J161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SNJ54LS76AW ACTIVE CFP W161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC SNJ54LS76AW ACTIVE CFP W161TBD Call TI Level-NC-NC-NC(1)The marketing status values are defined as follows:ACTIVE:Product device recommended for new designs.LIFEBUY:TI has announced that the device will be discontinued,and a lifetime-buy period is in effect.NRND:Not recommended for new designs.Device is in production to support existing customers,but TI does not recommend using this part in a new design.PREVIEW:Device has been announced but is not in production.Samples may or may not be available.OBSOLETE:TI has discontinued the production of the device.(2)Eco Plan-The planned eco-friendly classification:Pb-Free(RoHS)or Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)-please check /productcontent for the latest availability information and additional product content details.TBD:The Pb-Free/Green conversion plan has not been defined.Pb-Free(RoHS):TI's terms"Lead-Free"or"Pb-Free"mean semiconductor products that are compatible with the current RoHS requirements for all6substances,including the requirement that lead not exceed0.1%by weight in homogeneous materials.Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures,TI Pb-Free products are suitable for use in specified lead-free processes.Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br):TI defines"Green"to mean Pb-Free(RoHS compatible),and free of Bromine(Br)and Antimony(Sb)based flame retardants(Br or Sb do not exceed0.1%by weight in homogeneous material)(3)MSL,Peak Temp.--The Moisture Sensitivity Level rating according to the JEDEC industry standard classifications,and peak solder temperature.Important Information and Disclaimer:The information provided on this page represents TI's knowledge and belief as of the date that it is provided.TI bases its knowledge and belief on information provided by third parties,and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of such information.Efforts are underway to better integrate information from third parties.TI has taken and continues to take reasonable steps to provide representative and accurate information but may not have conducted destructive testing or chemical analysis on incoming materials and chemicals.TI and TI suppliers consider certain information to be proprietary,and thus CAS numbers and other limited information may not be available for release.In no event shall TI's liability arising out of such information exceed the total purchase price of the TI part(s)at issue in this document sold by TI to Customer on an annual basis.IMPORTANT NOTICETexas Instruments Incorporated and its subsidiaries (TI) reserve the right to make corrections, modifications, enhancements, improvements, and other changes to its products and services at any time and to discontinue any product or service without notice. Customers should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete. All products are sold subject to TI’s terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgment.TI warrants performance of its hardware products to the specifications applicable at the time of sale in accordance with TI’s standard warranty. T esting and other quality control techniques are used to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty. Except where mandated by government requirements, testing of all parameters of each product is not necessarily performed.TI assumes no liability for applications assistance or customer product design. Customers are responsible for their products and applications using TI components. T o minimize the risks associated with customer products and applications, customers should provide adequate design and operating safeguards.TI does not warrant or represent that any license, either express or implied, is granted under any TI patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other TI intellectual property right relating to any combination, machine, or process in which TI products or services are used. Information published by TI regarding third-party products or services does not constitute a license from TI to use such products or services or a warranty or endorsement thereof. Use of such information may require a license from a third party under the patents or other intellectual property of the third party, or a license from TI under the patents or other intellectual property of TI.Reproduction of information in TI data books or data sheets is permissible only if reproduction is without alteration and is accompanied by all associated warranties, conditions, limitations, and notices. Reproduction of this information with alteration is an unfair and deceptive business practice. TI is not responsible or liable for such altered documentation.Resale of TI products or services with statements different from or beyond the parameters stated by TI for that product or service voids all express and any implied warranties for the associated TI product or service and is an unfair and deceptive business practice. TI is not responsible or liable for any such statements. Following are URLs where you can obtain information on other Texas Instruments products and application solutions:Products ApplicationsAmplifiers Audio /audioData Converters Automotive /automotiveDSP Broadband /broadbandInterface Digital Control /digitalcontrolLogic Military /militaryPower Mgmt Optical Networking /opticalnetwork Microcontrollers Security /securityTelephony /telephonyVideo & Imaging /videoWireless /wirelessMailing Address:Texas InstrumentsPost Office Box 655303 Dallas, Texas 75265Copyright 2005, Texas Instruments Incorporated。
