3gpp Core Network and Terminals




• EPC核心网网络架构秉承了控制与承 载分离的理念,将2/3G分组域中 SGSN的控制面功能与用户面功能相分 离,分别由两个网元来完成,其中 MME负责移动性管理、信令控制等控 制面功能,SGW负责媒体流处理及转 发等用户面功能。 • GGSN的用户面功能不变,由PGW 承担原GGSN的职能。
• EPC网络架构继承了DT思路,省去传统的基站 控制器(RNC、BSC),基站控制器的大部分功 能转移到基站eNodeB实现,核心网侧最少只需 SAE-GW一个网元实现用户面处理。原来的四级 架构演变为“eNodeB->SAE-GW->外部数据 网”,体现了扁平化的演进思路。
LTE网络基础 LTE频段划分
VBOX onLine
LTE网络基础 3GPP组织架构
VBOX onLine
Project Co-ordination Group (PCG)
GSM EDGE Radio Access Network
Radio Access Network
Telecom Management



LTE网络结构及网元功能 LTE系统接口和协议

空口协议栈结构 LTE关键技术
< 所有信息均为艾优威科技有限公司所有>
LTE网络架构 LTE系统网络架构
LTE网络架构 网元功能
eNB2 X2 eNB1
小区间RRM RB控制 连接移动性管 理
VBOX onLine

E-UTRAN提供空中接口功能(包含物理层、MAC、RLC、PDCP、RRC 功能)、以及小区间的RRM功能、RB控制、连接的移动性控制、无线资 源的调度、对eNB的测量配置、对空口接入的接纳控制等。


Physical layer aspects for E-UTRA
TR 25.912
Feasibility study forE-UTRA and E-UTRAN
E-UTRA and E-UTRAN可行性研究
TR 25.913
Requirements for E-UTRA and E-UTRAN
RAN WG4 LTE-Advanced可行性研究
TR 36.821
Extended UMTS/LTE 1500 Work Item Technical Report
TR 36.902
Self-configuring and self-optimizing network (SON) use cases and solutions
TS 36.446
M1 User Plane protocol
TS 36.508
Common test environments for UE conformance testing
TS 36.509
Special conformance testing functions for UE
FDD repeater radio transmission and reception
TS 36.113
Base Station (BS) and repeater ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC)



eMTC终端eDRX空闲过程的研究与实现李贵勇;黄俊杰【摘要】随着物联网设备接入蜂窝网,传统的长期演进(LTE)终端协议栈已不能满足物联网对低功耗和广覆盖的要求.根据第三代合作伙伴计划(3GPP)协议提出的增强型机器类通信(eMTC)系统,对 eMTC 系统终端协议栈空闲态延长的非连续接收(eDRX)过程中的寻呼和测量进行研究,提出了层一控制层(L1 C),并设计了L1 C空闲态下寻呼和测量的流程.通过可视化工作室(Visual Studio)和可扩展标记语言(XML)验证了设计的合理性与可行性.%As more devices in the Internet of Things connecting to the cellular network,the traditional LTEterminals'protocol stack can no longer meet the demand of low power consumption and wide coverage.Based on the enhanced Machine Type Com-munication (eMTC)system proposed by 3GPP in the protocol,the paper studies the paging and measurement of the extended Discontinuous Reception(eDRX)of the eMTC system in terminal side.We also propose the Layer 1-Control (L1C)and design the procedure of paging and measurement.Finally,we use Visual Studio and Extensible Markup Language(XML)to verify the rationality and feasibility of the design.【期刊名称】《光通信研究》【年(卷),期】2018(000)002【总页数】4页(P71-74)【关键词】协议栈;延长的非连续接收机制;层一控制层;可扩展标记语言【作者】李贵勇;黄俊杰【作者单位】重庆邮电大学通信与信息工程学院,重庆 400065;重庆邮电大学通信与信息工程学院,重庆 400065【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN929.50 引言物联网要求更低复杂度、更低功耗的设备,更长的电池寿命,并且要求更大的覆盖范围来满足一些极端场景[1],因此需要对传统的长期演进(Long Term Evolution,LTE)空闲下非连续接收(Discontinuous Reception,DRX)机制进行改进,从而满足物联网场景下的需求。



3GPP协议1. 引言3GPP(第三代合作伙伴计划)是一个跨国合作组织,致力于制定和发展无线通信标准和技术。



2. LTE协议LTE(Long-Term Evolution)是一种4G移动通信技术,它是3GPP协议中的一部分。









3. 5G协议5G是下一代移动通信技术,也是3GPP协议的一部分。






•网络层:5G网络层引入了网络切片(Network Slicing)的概念,以支持不同种类的应用和服务。



3GPP协议中文 (2)

3GPP协议中文 (2)

-精品文档-前言本通信标准参考性技术文件主要收集了与定义IMT-DS FDD(WCDMA)系统的目标和系统结构的基本文档相关的术语、定义和缩略语。

本文基于3GPP制订的Release-99(2000年9月份版本)技术规范,具体对应于TS 25.990 V3.0.0。





通信标准参考性技术文件IMT-DS FDD(WCDMA)系统无线接口物理层技术规范:名语术语IMT-DS FDD(WCDMA) System Radio Interface Technical Specification: Vocabulary1 范围本通信标准参考性技术文件介绍了与定义IMT-DS FDD(WCDMA)系统的目标和系统结构的基本文档相关的术语,定义和缩略语。



2 引用标准下列标准所包含的条文,通过在本标准中引用而成为本文件的条文。



3 与UTRA相关的术语和定义AAcceptable Cell可接受的小区:是指UE可以驻留并进行紧急呼叫的小区。


Access Stratum;接入层;Access Stratum SDU (Service Data Unit)接入层SDU(业务数据单元):在核心网或UE的接入层SAP(业务接入点)上传送的数据单元。



现网成本 网络成本高
WiMAX的领先 应对竞争:应对WiMAX阵营的竞争
业务量 数据业务主导
网络成本 (维持现有技术)
收入 利润
网络成本 (引入LTE)
时间 只有降低每数据bit成本才能获取利润
EV-DO Rev. A
802.16 e
EV-DO Rev. B
802.16 m 4G
LTE FDD/TDD 的比较-设计层面
C- plane
FDD/TDD 相同的设计: 高层信令相同 ,如NAS和RRC 2层用户平面相同: 如MAC,RLC和PDCP 物理层70%相同
很方便FDD/TDD 双模和共芯片等
3GPP R4 3GPP R5 3GPP R6 3GPP R7 3GPP R8 3GPP R9 3GPP R10
• 业务能力:单载
波下行2.8Mbps MBMS
• 业务能力:单载 TD-LTE
LTE FDD/TDD 的比较-性能层面
• 3GPP简介
– 3GPP (3rd Generation Partnership Project )成立于1998年12月,是一个无线通信技术的标准组织,由 一系列的标准联盟作为成员(Organizational Partners)。目前有ARIB(日本), CCSA(中国), ETSI(欧 洲), ATIS(美洲), TTA(韩国), and TTC(日本) 等。



40ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING & PRODUCT WORLD 2019.8基于空中接口的LTE解密方法研究Research on LTE decryption method based on air interface王嘉嘉,杨传伟,吴 磊,宋加齐(中国电子科技集团公司第四十一研究所,中电科仪器仪表(安徽)有限公司,电子信息测试技术安徽省重点实验室,安徽 蚌埠 233010)摘 要:针对3GPP LTE标准,研究了LTE系统安全体系架构。


关键词:LTE;加密;完整性保护*项目基金:安徽省重点研究和开发计划项目(1804a09020042),国家科技重大专项(2017ZX03001021)0 引言随着LTE 移动通信技术的飞速发展和普及,移动通信越来越深入到人们的日常生活,因此,移动通信安全也越来越受到人们的关注。

基于LTE 空中接口对无线信号的监测,也成为安全部门、设备厂商、高校等机构的研究方向。

本文对基于LTE 空中接口的解密和完整性保护验证方法进行设计,为相关研究提供了方法和思路。

1 LTE系统密钥层次L T E 系统采用两层安全保护机制:第一层为E-UTRAN 中的无线资源控制(RRC )层安全和用户层安全,即接入层(AS )安全;第二层为演进型分组核心网(EPC )中的安全,即非接入层(NAS )安全[1],具体体现为LTE 系统密钥层次架构[2],如图1所示:图1 LTE密钥层次图中,K 是所有密钥生成算法的基础,即根密钥;CK 和IK 是在鉴权过程中生成的密钥对,即加密密钥和完整性保护密钥;K ASME 是根据CK 和IK 生成的中间密钥,用于推演下层密钥;K NASenc 是用于NAS 层加密的密钥;K NASint 是用于NAS 层完整性保护的密钥;K eNB 是根据K ASME 生成的中间密钥,用于推演下层密钥;K UPenc 是用于AS 层用户面数据加密的密钥;K RRCint是用于AS 层RRC 信令完整性保护的密钥;K RRCenc 是用于AS 层RRC 信令加密的密钥[3]。



(一)LTE简述(★)一、LTE产生背景-3GPP简介3GPP (3rd Generation Partnership Project )成立于1998年12月,是一个无线通信技术的标准组织,由一系列的标准联盟作为成员(Organizational Partners)。

目前有ARIB (日本), CCSA(中国), ETSI(欧洲), ATIS(美洲), TTA(韩国), and TTC(日本)等。



TSG(Technical Specification Groups )●TSG GERAN: GERAN无线侧相关(2G);●TSG RAN: 无线侧相关(3G and LTE);●TSG SA (Service and System Aspects):负责整体的网络架构和业务能力;●TSG CT (Core Network and Terminals):负责定义终端接口以及整个网络的核心网相关部分。

二、什么是LTE?LTE(Long Term Evolution)是指3GPP组织推行的蜂窝技术在无线接入方面的最新演进。

接入网将演进为E-UTRAN (Evolved UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access Network)。

核心网的系统架构将演进为SAE (System Architecture Evolution)。


在LTE系统设计之初,其目标和需求就非常明确:降低时延、提高用户传输数据速率、提高系统容量和覆盖范围、降低运营成本:三、LTE的特点●显著的提高峰值传输数据速率,例如20MHz带宽时下行链路达到100Mb/s,上行链路达到50Mb/s, 20MHz带宽时下行326Mbps(4*4 MIMO),上行86.4(UE: SingleTX);●在保持目前基站位置不变的情况下,提高小区边缘比特速率;●显著的提高频谱效率,例如达到3GPP R6版本的2~4倍;●无线接入网的时延低于10ms;●控制面延时小于100ms,用户面延时小于5ms●频谱效率:1.69bps/Hz(2x2 MIMO); 1.87bps/Hz(4x2 MIMO)●用户数:协议要求5MHz带宽,至少支持200激活用户/小区;5M以上带宽,至少400激活用户/小区●显著的降低控制面时延(从空闲态跃迁到激活态时延小于100ms(不包括寻呼时间));●支持灵活的系统带宽配置,支持1.4MHz、3MHz、5MHz、10MHz、15MHz、20MHz带宽,支持成对和非成对频谱;●支持现有3G系统和非3G系统与LTE系统网络间的互连互通;●更好的支持增强型MBMS(E-MBMS);●系统不仅能为低速移动终端提供最优服务,并且也应支持高速移动终端,能为速度>350km/h的用户提供100kbps的接入服务;●实现合理的终端复杂度、成本、功耗;●取消CS域,CS域业务在PS域实现,如VOIP;●系统结构简单化,低成本建网四、LTE的标准化进程2004年12月3GPP正式成立了LTE的研究项目。

不做“菊外人” 科普:5G标准投票的八个常识

不做“菊外人” 科普:5G标准投票的八个常识

不做“菊外人” 科普:5G标准投票的八个常识作者:王欣逄丹来源:《通信产业报》2018年第19期距离首版5G标准终结不足一个月的时间了。

5月21日到5月25日,上周,3GPP工作组在韩国釜山召开5G RAN工作组会仪,讨论5G独立组网空口标准。

而系统侧的SA(Service & Systems Aspects)工作组小组会也将于5月底召开。



那么,究竟是谁在制定5G标准、 5G标准包括哪些、5G标准投票依据又是什么?《通信产业报》(网)记者通过采访亲自参与到5G标准制定的专家、以及深谙通信领域多年的技术牛人,共话5G投票那些事儿。









这些组织包括NGMN、IMT-2020(5G)、5G Americas、5GPPP、5GMF、 5G Forum 等。





其职能: 3GPP主‎要是制订以‎G SM核心‎网为基础,UTRA(FDD 为W‎-CDMA技‎术,TDD为T‎D-CDMA技‎术)为无线接口‎的第三代技‎术规范。

目录简介The 3rd Gener‎a tion‎Partn‎e rshi‎p Proje‎c t(3GPP).是领先的3‎G技术规范‎机构,是由欧洲的‎E TSI,日本的AR‎I B和TT‎C,韩国的TT‎A以及美国‎的T1在1‎998年底‎发起成立的‎,旨在研究制‎定并推广基‎于演进的G‎S M核心网‎络的3G标‎准,即WCDM‎A,TD-SCDMA‎,EDGE等‎。

中国无线通‎信标准组(CWTS)于1999‎年加入3G‎P P。


3GPP的‎组织伙伴包‎括欧洲的E‎T SI、日本的AR‎I B、日本的TT‎C、韩国的TT‎A美国的T‎1和中国通‎信标准化协‎会六个标准‎化组织。

3GPP市‎场代表伙伴‎不是官方的‎标准化组织‎,它们是向3‎G PP提供‎市场建议和‎统一意见的‎机构组织。

TD-SCDMA‎技术论坛的‎加入使得3‎G PP 合作伙伴计‎划市场代表‎伙伴的数量‎增加到6个‎,其它包括:GSM 协会,UMTS论‎坛,IPv6论‎坛,3G美国(3G Ameri‎c as),全球移动通‎信供应商协‎会(The Globa‎l Mobil‎e Suppl‎i ers Assoc‎i atio‎n)。

中国与3G‎P P中国无线通‎信标准研究‎组(CWTS)于1999‎年6月在韩‎国正式签字‎同时加入3‎G PP和3‎G PP2, 成为这两个‎当前主要负‎责第三代伙‎伴项目的组‎织伙伴。









3GPP协议由多个技术规范组成,其中包括Radio Access Network(RAN,无线接入网络)、Core Network(CN,核心网络)和Services(业务)等部分。



























但同年10月,互联网上公布了破解Mifare 1芯片的办法,致使一些不法分子,用很少的代价就可以对采用该芯片的一卡通和门禁卡进行充值和复制,给社会经济和安全带来了极大的危害和隐患。






9、确定多径每径的 AOA。 10、确定 MS端子径相对于各径的 AOA偏移量。 11、将 BS与 MS间的径,子径联系起来。BS第 n条径与 MS第 n 条径联系起来。对第 n条路径对,MS BS的各子径随机的成对。 为了简化标记,对 MS子径重新编为对应的 BS子径的号。 12、确定BS,MS子径的增益,这些增益分别是各子径的 AOD AOA 的函数。 13、把路径损耗、对数正态阴影衰落应用到每个子径功率的信道 模型中。

BS端第n径的AS分布 SF分布 (图5.14) 4、确定每条多径的随机延迟。 N=6宏小区环境 5、确定 N条径每径的平均功率。 非归一化功率

6、确定 N条径每径的AOD。 7、将多径时延与 AOD联系起来。 将第n径的时延 n 与第n径的 AOD n, AOD 联系起来 8、确定 BS每条径的 20个子径的功率,相位,AOD偏移量。
一、极化阵(极化定义为在最大辐射方向上电场矢量端点运动的 轨迹,由于天线本身物理结构等原因,天线辐射远场的电场矢量 除了有所需要方向的运动外,还在其正交方向上存在分量,这就 指的天线的交叉极化。) 13、产生附加的交叉极化子径。 对于六条径中的每径,在MS和BS分别产生附加的M条子径来表示每 个信号由于散射造成的信号泄漏到交叉极化的天线方向的部分。 14、为M条子径设置 AOD、AOA, AOD、AOA等同于相应的共极 化天线子径的方向。 15、产生的交叉极化振元的相位偏移量。 , y) ( x, x ) ( y, y) ( y , x )服从 0到360均匀分布的独立同分布随机变 (nx , m , n, m , n, m , n, m 量



3GPP常用英文缩写全称大全3GPP常用英文缩写全称大全3G是3GPP的简写形式,3GPP在英文里的全称是:the 3rd Generation Partner Project 中文的全称是:第三代合作伙伴计划,是领先的3G技术规范机构,旨在研究制定并推广基于演进的GSM核心网络的3G标准,它负责WCDMA标准的制定,R4标准是其中较为成熟的一个版本。



3GPP常用英文缩写全称大全3GPP 3rd Generation Partnership ProjectAAL ATM Adaptation LayerAAL2 ATM Adaptation Layer of type 2AAL5 ATM Adaptation Layer of type 5A&C Authentication and CipheringACFE Access Control Function EntityAI Acquisition IndicationAICH Acquisition Indication ChannelALCAP Access Link Control Application PartAM Acknowledged Mode (of RLC)AMR Adaptive Multi Rate (Transcoder)AN Access NetworkAOA Angle Of ArrivalAP Application ProcessAPDU Application Protocol Data UnitAPId Access Point IdentifierAPN Access Point NameAPS Automatic Protection SwitchingARIB Association of Radio Industries and BusinessARQ Automatic Repeat RequestASAP Alarm Severity Assignment ProfileATC ATM Transfer CapabilityATM Asynchronous Transfer ModeAUG Administrative Unit GroupAU-n Administrative Unit n with n being 4 or 3AUTN Authentication TokenAWGN Added White Gaussian NoiseBCCH Broadcast Control ChannelBCH Broadcast ChannelBER Bit Error RateBLER Block Error RateBMC Broadcast Multicast ControllerBPSK Binary Phase Shift KeyingBS Base StationBSC Base Station ControllerBSS Base Station SystemBTS Base Transceiver StationC- Control-CA Capacity AllocationCAA Capacity Allocation AcknowledgementCAC Connection Admission ControlCAMEL Customized Applications for Mobile network Enhanced Logic CAS Channel Associated SignallingCASC Current Alarm Summary ControlCBR Constant Bit RateCC Call ControlCCBS Call Completion Busy SubscriberCCCH Common Control ChannelCCH Control ChannelCCP Communication Control PortCCPCH Common Control Physical ChannelCCTrCH Coded Composite Transport ChannelCD Capacity Deallocation (radio context)CD Calibration Data (O&M context)CDA Capacity Deallocation AcknowledgementCDMA Code Division Multiple AccessCDR Charging Detail RecordCDV Cell Delay VariationCDVT Cell Delay Variation ToleranceCFN Connection Frame NumberCID Channel IdentifierCk Cipher KeyCLP Cell Loss PriorityCM Configuration ManagementCM Call Management (in e.g. CM Service Request) CmCH Common Transport ChannelCMIP Common Management Information ProtocolCMIS Common Management Information Service CMISE Common Management Information Service Element CN Core NetworkC-n Container-n (n=1-4)COL Collocated EquipmentCP Chip PeriodCPCH Common Packet ChannelCPICH Common Pilot ChannelCPS Common Part SublayerCRC Cyclic Redundancy CheckCRCI CRC IndicatorCRC-N Cyclic Redundancy Check-NCRNC Controlling RNCc-RNTI RNTI allocated by CRNCCS Circuit SwitchedCSES Consecutive Severely Errored SecondCSN Ciphering Sequence NumberCSUM ChecksumCTCH Common Traffic ChannelCTDMA Code Time Division Multiple AccessCTP Connection Termination Point (OAM context)CTP Common Transport Protocol (Protocol context)DBR Deterministic Bit RateDC Dedicated Control (SAP)DCA Dynamic Channel AllocationDCCH Dedicated Control ChannelDCH Dedicated ChannelDCN Data Communication NetworkDL DownLinkDoCoMo Do Communication with MobilesDPCCH Dedicated Physical Control ChannelDPCH Dedicated Physical ChannelDPDCH Dedicated Physical Data ChannelDRAC Dynamic Resource Allocation ControlDRNC Drift RNCDRNS Drift RNSDRX Discontinuous ReceptionDS-CDMA Direct-Sequence Code Division Multiple AccessDSCH Downlink Shared ChannelDT Data TransportDTCH Dedicated Traffic ChannelDTX Discontinuous TransmissionEBER Excessive Bit Error RatioECASC Extended Current Summary Alarm ControlEFCI Explicit Forward Congestion IndicationEFD Event Forwarding DiscriminatorEIR Equipment Identity RegisterEIRP Equivalent Isotropic Radiated PowerE-OTD Enhanced OTDES Errored SecondETSI European Telecommunication Standardisation Institute F8 access link encryption functionFACH Forward Access ChannelFAUSCH Fast Uplink Signalling ChannelFBI Feed Back IndicatorFCS Frame Check SequenceFDD Frequency Division DuplexFDMA Frequency Division Multiple AccessFEC Forward Error CorrectionFEEB Far End Errored BlockFEES Far End Errored SecondFER Frame Erasure RateFESES Far End Severely Errored SecondFFS For Further StudyFM Fault ManagementFP Frame ProtocolFTAM File Transfer Access ManagementFTP File Transfer ProtocolGb Gb interface (between SGSN and BSC)GC General Control (SAP)GCRA Generic Cell Rate AlgorithmGFR Guaranteed RateGGSN Gateway GPRS Serving NodeGMM MM for GPRS servicesGMSK Gaussian Minimum Shift KeyingG-PDU T-PDU plus GTP headerGPRS General Packet Radio ServiceGPRS-CSI GPRS CAMEL Subscription Information GPS Global Positioning SystemGRNC Generic RNCGSM Global System for Mobile communications GTP GPRS Tunnelling ProtocolGTP-u GTP user planeHCS Hierarchical Cell StructureHE Home EnvironmentHEC Header Error ControlHFN Hyper Frame NumberHHO Hard HandoverHO HandoverHOP High Order PathHOVC Higher Order Virtual ContainerIBTS uplink Interference signal power level at Node B ICB Inter Carrier BoardICD Interface Control DocumentICH Indicator CHannelICI Inter Carrier InterfaceIE Information ElementIEC Incoming Error CountIETF Internet Engineering Task ForceIK Integrity KeyIMA Inverse Multiplexing for ATMIMEI International Mobile Equipment IdentityIMEISV International Mobile Equipment Identity Software VersionIMSI International Mobile Subscriber Identity (identical for IMUI; used in GSM context)IMUI International Mobile User Identity (identical to IMSI; seems to replace IMSI in UMTS context) INI Inter Network InterfaceIP Internet ProtocolISCP Interference Signal Code PowerISDN Integrated Services Digital NetworkISF Incoming Signal FailureIS-FL Idle Slot Forward LinkISID Idle Signal IdentificationISO International Organisation for StandardizationIT Information TechnologyITU International T elecommunication UnionIu Reference point between Access and Serving Network domainsIub Iub interface (between Node B and RNC)Iu-CS Iu towards the Circuit Switched-Service Domain of the Core NetworkIu-PS Iu towards the Packet Switched-Service Domain of the Core NetworkIur Iur interface (between RNC and RNC)IWF Inter Working FunctionIWU Inter Working UnitJD Joint DetectionKbps kilo-bits per secondKSI Key Set IdentifierKsps kilo-symbols per secondL1 Layer 1 (physical layer)L2 Layer 2 (data link layer)L3 Layer 3 (network layer)L3-CE Layer 3 Compression EntityLAC Link Access ControlLAI Location Area IdentityLAN Local Area NetworkLAPD Link Access Protocol for D-channelLB Laser BiasLCAF Location Client Authorisation FunctionLCCF Location Client Control FunctionLCCTF Location Client Coordinate Transformation Function LCD Loss of Cell Delineation (transmission context)LCD Low Constrained Delay (traffic context)LCF Location Client FunctionLCS Localisation Client ServiceLDD Low Delay DataLIR Limited IP Routing entity (in the RNC)LLC Link Layer ControlLMT Local Maintenance TerminalLNA Low Noise AmplifierLOF Loss of FrameLOP Low Order PathLOP Loss of PointerLOS Loss of SignalLPA Linear Power AmplifierLSA Localised Service AreaLSB Least Significant BitLSBF Location System Billing FunctionLSCF Location System Control FunctionLSN Local Sub NetworkLSPF Location Subscriber Privacy FunctionLT Laser TemperatureLTOA Latest Time of ArrivalMA Multiple AccessMAC Medium Access ControlMAC-c MAC entity handling common channels (RACH, FACH) MAC-d MAC entity handling dedicated channels (DCH)MAC-I Message Authentication Code used for data Integrity of signalling messages MAC-sh MAC entity handling shared channel (DSCH)MAHO Mobile Assisted HandoverMBS Maximum Burst SizeMCC Mobile Country CodeMCD Manual Configuration DataMcps Mega-chips per secondMD Macro-diversityME Mobile EquipmentMEHO Mobile evaluated handoverMIB Management Information BaseMM Mobility ManagementMNC Mobile Network CodeMNRG Mobile station Not Reachable for GPRS flagMNRR Mobile station Not Reachable ReasonMO Mobile OriginatedMOHO Mobile Originated HandoverMS Multiplex Section (transmission context)MS Mobile Station (GSM or security context)MS-AIS Multiplex Section Alarm Indication SignalMSB Most Significant BitMSC Multi-Slot Cell (MPSR context)MSC Mobile services Switching Centre (Core Network Context) MSID Mobile Station IdentifierMSOH Multiplex Section OverheadMSP Multiplex Section ProtectionMS-RDI Multiplex Section Remote Defect IndicationMS-REI Multiplex Section Remote Error IndicationMSTE Multiplex Section Terminating ElementMT Mobile Terminated (call context)MT Mobile Terminal (equipment context)MTP Message Transfer PartMUI Mobile User IdentifierNAS Non Access StratumNBAP Node B Application PartNCP Node B Control PortNCSES Number of Consecutive Severely Errored Second NDF New Data FlagNE Network ElementNEHO Network evaluated handoverNEM Network Element ManagerNMC Network Management CentreNNI Network Node Interface (includes INI and ICI interfaces) NP Nectar PilotNPC Network Parameters ControlNRT Non-Real TimeNSS Network Sub SystemNT Nectar TelecomNt Notification (SAP)NW NetworkN-PDU Network PDUO&M Operation and MaintenanceOAM Operation Administration and Maintenance OCCCH ODMA Common Control Channel ODCCH ODMA Dedicated Control Channel ODCH ODMA Dedicated ChannelODI Outgoing Defect IndicationODMA Opportunity Driven Multiple Access ODTCH ODMA Dedicated Traffic ChannelOEI Outgoing Error IndicationOFS Out of Frame SecondOMC Operation and Maintenance CentreOOF Out of FrameORACH ODMA Random Access ChannelOS Operation SystemOSF Offset FieldOSI Open System InterconnectionOSL Optical Signal LevelOTD Observed Time DifferenceOVSF Orthogonal Variable Spreading FactorPA Power AmplifierPC Power ControlPCCH Paging Control ChannelPCF Positioning Calculation FunctionPCH Paging ChannelPCM Pulse Code ModulationPCR Peak Cell RatePDCP Packet Data Convergence protocolPDH Plesiochronous Digital HierarchyPDN Packet Data NetworkPDP Packet Data ProtocolPDU Protocol Data UnitPG Processing GainPHY Physical layerPhyCH Physical ChannelPI Paging IndicatorPICH Page Indicator ChannelPID Packet IdentificationPJC Pointer Justification CountPJE Pointer Justification EventPkg PackagesPLM Payload MismatchPLMN Public Land Mobile NetworkPM Performance Management/Performance Monitoring PMM MM for PS domainPN Pseudo NoisePOH Path OverheadPPI Plesiochronous Physical InterfacePPM Parts Per MillionPRACH Physical Random Access ChannelPRCF Positioning Radio Co-ordination FunctionPS Packet SwitchedPSAP Presentation Service Access PointPSC Protection Switch CountPSD Protection Switch DurationPSMF Positioning Signal Measurement FunctionPSN Plane Switch NodePSTN Public Switched Telephone NetworkPTE Path Terminating ElementPVC Permanent Virtual ConnectionP-TMSI Packet TMSI (equivalent to P-TMUI, used in GPRS context)P-TMUI Packet TMUI – (equivalent to P-TMSI, new name for it in the UMTS context) PTR PointerPUF Power Up FunctionQE Quality EstimateQoS Quality of ServiceQPSK Quadrature Phase Shift KeyingRA Routing AreaRAB Radio Access BearerRAC Routing Area CodeRAC Radio Admission ControlRACH Random Access ChannelRAI Routing Area Identity (GPRS or Iu-PS context)RAI Remote Alarm Indication (transmission context)RAID Redundant Array of Independent DisksRAN Radio Access NetworkRANAP Radio Access Network Application PartRAND Random ChallengeRB Radio BearerRDI Remote Defect IndicationRDN Relative Distinguished NameREI Remote Error IndicationRF Radio FrequencyRFC Request For CommentRFN Reference Frame NumberRLC Radio Link ControlRLCP Radio Link Control ProtocolRLS Radio Link SetRLs Radio LinksRNC Radio Network ControllerRNCC Radio Network Connection ControlRNS Radio Network SubsystemRNSAP Radio Network Subsystem Application PartRNTI Radio Network Temporary IdentityRP Radio ProcessingRRC Radio Resource ControlRRM Radio Resource ManagementRS Regenerator sectionRSCP Received Signal Code Power after despreadingRSOH Regenerator Section OverheadRSSI Received Signal Strength IndicatorRT Real TimeRU Resource UnitRX ReceiveSAAL Signalling AAL (equivalent to SSCF over SSCOP over AAL5) SACCH Slow Associated Control ChannelSAP Service Access PointSBR Statistical Bit RateSC Service ControlSCCH Synchronization Control ChannelSCCP Signalling Connection Control PartSCD Selective Cell DiscardSCH Synchronization ChannelSCR Sustainable Cell RateSCTP Simple Control Transmission ProtocolSD Supervision Data (context configuration management)SD Signal Degrade (context SDH)SDCCH Stand-Alone Dedicated Control Channel SDH Synchronous Digital HierarchySDU Service Data UnitSES Severely Errored SecondSF Signal Fail (transmission context)SF Spreading Factor (radio context)SFN System Frame NumberSG Study GroupSGSN Serving GPRS Support NodeSHO Soft Hand OverSIM Subscriber Information ModuleSIR Signal-to-Interference RatioSLM Signal Label MismatchSMS Short Message ServiceSN Serving NetworkSN Sequence NumberSNMP Simple Network Management Protocol SOH Section OverheadSONET Synchronous Optical NetworkSP Switching PointSPA Signalling Point AccessibleSPI Signalling Point Inaccessible (SS7 context) SPI Synchronous Physical Interface (SDH context) SPROC System PROCessorSRNC Serving RNCSRNS Serving RNSs-RNTI RNTI allocated by SRNCSSA Signalling Subsystem AccessibleSSADT Service Specific Assured Data TransferSSCF Service Specific Coordination Function SSCOP Service Specific Connection-Oriented Protocol SSP Signalling Subsystem ProhibitedSSSAR Service Specific Segmentation And Reassembly SSTED Service Specific Transmission Error Detection STF Start FieldSTM Synchronous Transport ModuleSTM(-N) Synchronous Transport Module (-N)STS(-N) Synchronous Transport Signal (-N)STTD Space Time Transmit DiversityTB Transport BlockTBC To Be ConfirmedTBD To Be DefinedTBF Transport Block FormatTBS Transport Block SetTCH Traffic ChannelTCM Tandem Connection MonitoringTCOH Tandem Connection OverheadTCP Transport Control ProtocolTCP Transport Control ProtocolTC-RDI Tandem Connection Remote Defect Indication TC-REI Tandem Connection Remote Error Indication TCT Tandem Connection TraceTCTE Tandem Connection Terminating ElementTDD Time Duplex DivisionTE Terminal EquipmentTEID Tunnel Endpoint IDTFCI Transport Format Combination IndicatorTFCS Transport Format Combination SetTFI Transport Format IndicatorTFS Transport Format SetTFT Traffic Flow TemplateTFTP Trivial File Transfer ProtocolTIM Trace Identifier MismatchTLLI Temporary Logical Link IdentifierTM Transparent Mode (of RLC)TMN Telecommunication Management NetworkTMSI Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity (used in GSM context, equivalent to TMUI) TMUI Temporary Mobile User Identity (new name for TMSI in the UMTS context)TN Termination NodeTOA or ToA Time Of ArrivalTOAWE TOA Window End pointTOAWS TOA Window Start pointTP Termination PointTPC Transmit Power ControlT-PDU Original packet, for example an IP datagram, from UE or an external PDNTR Threshold ResetTRX Transmitter/ReceiverTSID Test Signal IdentificationTSS Telecommunication Standardization SectorTTC Telecommunication Technology CommitteeTTI Time Transmission Interval (Radio Context)TTI Trail Trace Identifier (O&M context)TTP Trusted Third Party (security context)TTP Trail Termination Point (transmission context)TU Tributary UnitTUG Tributary Unit GroupTUG(-n) Tributary Unit Group (-n)TU-n Tributary Unit-nTX TransmitU- User-UARFCN UTRA Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number UAS Unavailable SecondUBR Unspecified Bit RateUDD Unconstrained Delay DataUDP User Datagram ProtocolUE User EquipmentUEA UMTS Encryption AlgorithmUEFN User Equipment Frame NumberUIA UMTS Integrity AlgorithmUL UpLinkUM Unacknowledged Mode (of RLC)UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunication SystemUNEQ UnequippedUNI User to Network InterfaceUP User PlaneUPC Usage Parameters ControlURA User Registration AreaUSCH Uplink Shared CHannelUSIM UMTS Subscriber Identity ModuleUTRA UMTS Terrestrial Radio AccessUTRAN UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access NetworkUu Reference point between User Equipment and Infrastructure domains, UMTS radio interface UUI User to User IndicatorVA Voice Activity (factor)VBR Variable Bit RateVC Virtual ChannelVCC Virtual Channel ConnectionVCI Virtual Channel IdentifierVC-n Virtual Container n (n is 11, 12, 2, 3 or 4)VLR Visitor Location RegisterVP Virtual PathVPC Virtual Path ConnectionVPI Virtual Path IdentifierW-CDMA Wideband CDMAWG Working GroupWG-n Working Group (of 3GPP)WTR Wait-to-RestoreXMAC-I eXpected Message Authentication Code used for data Integrity of signalling messages XOR eXclusive OR XPU AuXiliary Processing UnitXRES Expected Response。



3GPP TS 23.122 V11.1.0 (2011-12)Technical Specification3rd Generation Partnership Project;Technical Specification Group Core Network and Terminals; Non-Access-Stratum (NAS) functions related to Mobile Station(MS) in idle mode(Release 11)The present document has been developed within the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP TM) and may be further elaborated for the purposes of 3GPP. The present document has not been subject to any approval process by the 3GPP Organisational Partners and shall not be implemented.This Specification is provided for future development work within 3GPP only. The Organisational Partners accept no liability for any use of this Specification. Specifications and reports for implementation of the 3GPP TM system should be obtained via the 3GPP Organisational Partners' Publications Offices.KeywordsGSM, UMTS, network, terminal3GPPPostal address3GPP support office address650 Route des Lucioles - Sophia AntipolisValbonne - FRANCETel.: +33 4 92 94 42 00 Fax: +33 4 93 65 47 16InternetCopyright NotificationNo part may be reproduced except as authorized by written permission.The copyright and the foregoing restriction extend to reproduction in all media.© 2011, 3GPP Organizational Partners (ARIB, ATIS, CCSA, ETSI, TTA, TTC).All rights reserved.UMTS™ is a Trade Mark of ETSI registered for the benefit of its members3GPP™ is a Trade Mark of ETSI registered for the benefit of its Members and of the 3GPP Organizational PartnersLTE™ is a Trade Mark of ETSI currently being registered for the benefit of i ts Members and of the 3GPP Organizational Partners GSM® and the GSM logo are registered and owned by the GSM AssociationContentsForeword (4)1Scope (5)1.1References (5)1.2Definitions and abbreviations (7)2General description of idle mode (9)3Requirements and technical solutions (10)3.1PLMN selection and roaming (10)3.1A CSG selection / restriction (11)3.2Regional provision of service (12)3.3Borders between registration areas (12)3.4Access control (12)3.4.1Access control (12)3.4.2Forbidden LA or TA for regional provision of service (13)3.5No suitable cell (limited service state) (13)3.6CTS fixed part selection (A/Gb mode only) (13)3.7NAS behaviour configuration (14)4Overall process structure (14)4.1Process goal (14)4.2States description (14)4.3List of states (14)4.3.1List of states for the PLMN selection process (14) of states for automatic mode (figure 2a) (14) of states for manual mode (figure 2b) (14)4.3.2Void (15)4.3.3List of states for location registration (figure 3) (15)4.4PLMN selection process (16)4.4.1Introduction (16)4.4.2Registration on a PLMN (16)4.4.3PLMN selection (16) switch-on or recovery from lack of coverage (17) Network Selection Mode Procedure (17) Network Selection Mode Procedure (19) CSG selection (20) (20) CSG selection within the RPLMN (20) CSG selection in a PLMN different from the RPLMN (20) reselection (21) Network Selection Mode (21) Network Selection Mode (21) CSG selection (21) VPLMN (22) and manual network selection modes (22) CSG selection (22) Scan for higher prioritized PLMN (22)4.4.4Abnormal cases (23)4.4.5Roaming not allowed in this LA or TA (23)4.4.6Steering of roaming (23)4.5Location registration process (24)4.5.1General (24)4.5.2Initiation of Location Registration (24)4.5.3Periodic Location Registration (26)4.5.4IMSI attach/detach operation (26)4.5.5No Suitable Cells In Location Area (26)4.6Service indication (A/Gb mode only) (27)4.7Pageability of the mobile subscriber (27)4.8MM Restart Procedure (27)5Tables and Figures (28)6MS supporting access technologies defined both by 3GPP and 3GPP2 (34)6.1General (34)Annex A (normative): HPLMN Matching Criteria (36)Annex B (normative): PLMN matching criteria to be of same country as VPLMN (40)Annex C (informative): Change history (41)ForewordThis Technical Specification (TS) has been produced by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP).The present document specifies functions related to Mobile Station (MS) in idle mode and within the 3GPP system.The contents of the present document are subject to continuing work within the TSG and may change following formal TSG approval. Should the TSG modify the contents of the present document, it will be re-released by the TSG with an identifying change of release date and an increase in version number as follows:Version x.y.z where:x the first digit:1 presented to TSG for information;2 presented to TSG for approval;3 or greater indicates TSG approved document under change control.y the second digit is incremented for all changes of substance, i.e. technical enhancements, corrections, updates, etc.z the third digit is incremented when editorial only changes have been incorporated in the document.1 ScopeThe present document gives an overview of the tasks undertaken by the Core network protocols of a Mobile Station (MS) when in idle mode, that is, switched on but typically not having a dedicated channel allocated. It also describes the corresponding network functions. The idle mode functions are also performed by a GPRS MS as long as no dedicated channel is allocated to the MS. The conditions when the idle mode functions are performed by an MS in the UTRA RRC connected mode states are specified in 3GPP TS 25.331 [33]. The conditions when the idle mode functions are performed by an MS in the E-UTRAN are specified in 3GPP TS 36.304 [43].The present document defines the PLMN selection for a multi mode MS that supports both 3GPP and 3GPP2 systems. The common PLMN selection logic covers also PLMNs that are available in 3GPP2 system, but the present document makes no changes on the cdma2000® signalling towards networks that are available via 3GPP2 system.The present document gives procedures for using the CSG cells, whenever such use is permitted.This 3GPP TS outlines how the requirements of the 22 series Technical Specifications (especially 3GPP TS 22.011 [9]) on idle mode operation shall be implemented. Further details are given in 3GPP TS 24.008 [23].Clause 2 of this 3GPP TS gives a general description of the idle mode process. Clause 3 outlines the main requirements and technical solutions of those requirements. Clause 4 describes the processes used in idle mode. There is inevitably some overlap between these clauses.NOTE: cdma2000® is a registered trademark of the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA-USA). 1.1 ReferencesThe following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of the present document.- References are either specific (identified by date of publication, edition number, version number, etc.) or non-specific.- For a specific reference, subsequent revisions do not apply.- For a non-specific reference, the latest version applies. In the case of a reference to a 3GPP document (includinga GSM document), a non-specific reference implicitly refers to the latest version of that document in the sameRelease as the present document.[1] Void.[2] 3GPP TS 22.001: "Principles of circuit telecommunication services supported by a Public LandMobile Network (PLMN)".[3] 3GPP TS 22.002: "Circuit Bearer Services (BS) supported by a Public Land Mobile Network(PLMN)".[4] 3GPP TS 22.003: "Circuit Teleservices supported by a Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN)".[5] 3GPP TS 22.004: "General on supplementary services".[6] Void.[7] Void[8] Void.[9] 3GPP TS 22.011: "Service accessibility".[10] 3GPP TS 22.016: "International Mobile station Equipment Identities (IMEI)".[11] Void.[12] 3GPP TS 22.024: "Description of Charge Advice Information (CAI)".[13] 3GPP TS 22.030: "Man-Machine Interface (MMI) of the User Equipment (UE)".[14] Void.[15] 3GPP TS 22.041: "Operator Determined Barring (ODB)".[16] 3GPP TS 22.081: "Line identification Supplementary Services; Stage 1".[17] 3GPP TS 22.082: "Call Forwarding (CF) supplementary services - Stage 1".[18] 3GPP TS 22.083: "Call Waiting (CW) and Call Holding (HOLD); Supplementary Services -Stage 1".[19] 3GPP TS 22.084: "MultiParty (MPTY) Supplementary Services - Stage 1".[20] 3GPP TS 22.085: "Closed User Group (CUG) Supplementary Services - Stage 1".[21] 3GPP TS 22.086: "Advice of Charge (AoC) Supplementary Services - Stage 1".[22] 3GPP TS 22.088: "Call Barring (CB) Supplementary Services - Stage 1".[22A] 3GPP TS 23.003: "Numbering, addressing and identification".[23] 3GPP TS 24.008: "Mobile Radio Interface Layer 3 specification, Core Network Protocols -Stage 3".[23A] 3GPP TS 24.301: "Non-Access-Stratum (NAS) protocol for Evolved Packet System (EPS);Stage 3".[24] 3GPP TS 45.002: "Multiplexing and multiple access on the radio path".[25] 3GPP TS 45.008: "Radio subsystem link control".[26] 3GPP TS 22.060: "General Packet Radio Service (GPRS); Service description, Stage 1".[27] 3GPP TS 23.060: "General Packet Radio Service (GPRS); Service description; Stage 2".[28] 3GPP TS 43.064: "General Packet Radio Service (GPRS); Overall description of the GPRS RadioInterface; Stage 2".[29] Void.[30] Void.[31] 3GPP TS 25.101: "UE Radio transmission and Reception (FDD)".[32] 3GPP TS 25.304: "UE Procedures in Idle Mode and Procedures for Cell Reselection in ConnectedMode".[33] 3GPP TS 25.331: "RRC Protocol Specification".[34] 3GPP TS 44.018:"Mobile radio interface layer 3 specification, Radio Resource Control Protocol".[35] 3GPP TS 43.022: "Functions related to Mobile Station (MS) in idle mode and group receivemode".[35A] 3GPP TS 43.318: "Generic Access Network (GAN); Stage 2".[35B] 3GPP TS 44.318: "Generic Access Network (GAN); Mobile GAN interface layer 3 specification;Stage 3".[36] 3GPP TR 21.905: "Vocabulary for 3GPP Specifications".[37] Void.[38] 3GPP TS 21.111: "USIM and IC card requirements".[39] 3GPP TS 44.060: "General Packet Radio Service (GPRS);Mobile Station (MS) - Base StationSystem (BSS) interface;Radio Link Control/Medium Access Control (RLC/MAC) protocol".[40] 3GPP TS 31.102: "Characteristics of the USIM Application".[41] 3GPP TS 31.111: "Universal Subscriber Identity Module (USIM), Application Toolkit (USAT)".[42] 3GPP TS 36.331: "Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA) Radio ResourceControl (RRC); Protocol specification".[43] 3GPP TS 36.304: "Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA); User Equipment (UE)procedures in idle mode".[44] 3GPP2 C.S0016-D v1.0: "Over-the-Air Service Provisioning of Mobile Stations in SpreadSpectrum Standards".[45]3GPP2 C.S0011-C v2.0: "Recommended Minimum Performance Standards for cdma2000 SpreadSpectrum Mobile Stations".[46] 3GPP2 C.S0033-A v2.0: "Recommended Minimum Performance Standards for cdma2000 HighRate Packet Data Access Terminal".[47] 3GPP TS 24.285: "Allowed Closed Subscriber Group (CSG) List Management Object (MO)".[48] Void.[49] 3GPP TS 22.220: "Service requirements for Home Node B (HNB) and Home eNode B (HeNB)".[50] 3GPP TS 24.368: "Non-Access Stratum (NAS) configuration Management Object (MO)".1.2 Definitions and abbreviationsFor the purposes of the present document, the abbreviations defined in 3GPP TR 21.905 [36] apply.(A/Gb mode only): Indicates this clause applies only to GSM system. For multi system case this is determined by the current serving radio access network.(Iu mode only): Indicates this clause applies only to UMTS system. For multi system case this is determined by the current serving radio access network.Acceptable Cell: This is a cell that the MS may camp on to make emergency calls. It must satisfy criteria which is defined for A/Gb mode in 3GPP TS 43.022 [35], for Iu mode in 3GPP TS 25.304 [32], and for S1 mode in3GPP TS 36.304 [43].Access Technology: The access technology associated with a PLMN. The MS uses this information to determine what type of radio carrier to search for when attempting to select a specific PLMN (e.g., GSM, UTRAN, GSM COMPACT or E-UTRAN). A PLMN may support more than one access technology.Allowable PLMN: In the case of a MS operating in MS operation mode A or B, t his is a PLMN which is not in the list of "forbidden PLMNs" in the MS. In the case of a MS operating in MS operation mode C, this is a PLMN which is not in the list of "forbidden PLMNs" or in the list of "forbidden PLMNs for GPRS service" in the MSAvailable PLMN: For GERAN A/Gb mode and GERAN Iu mode see 3GPP TS 43.022 [35]. For UTRAN see3GPP TS 25.304 [32]. For E-UTRAN see 3GPP TS 36.304 [43]. For cdma2000® 1xRTT and cdma2000® HRPD see3GPP2 C.S0016 [44].Available PLMN/access technology combination: This is an available PLMN in a specific access technology.Camped on a cell: The MS (ME if there is no SIM) has completed the cell selection/reselection process and has chosen a cell from which it plans to receive all available services. Note that the services may be limited, and that the PLMN may not be aware of the existence of the MS (ME) within the chosen cell.Country: A country is identified by a single MCC value, with the exception that MCC values 310 through 316 identify a single country (USA) and MCC values 404 through 406 identify a single country (India).CSG whitelist: See 3GPP TS 36.304 [43].Current serving cell: This is the cell on which the MS is camped.CTS MS: An MS capable of CTS services is a CTS MS.EAB: Extended Access Barring, see 3GPP TS22.011 [9].EHPLMN: Any of the PLMN entries contained in the Equivalent HPLMN list.Equivalent HPLMN list: To allow provision for multiple HPLMN codes, PLMN codes that are present within this list shall replace the HPLMN code derived from the IMSI for PLMN selection purposes. This list is stored on the USIM and is known as the EHPLMN list. The EHPLMN list may also contain the HPLMN code derived from the IMSI. If the HPLMN code derived from the IMSI is not present in the EHPLMN list then it shall be treated as a Visited PLMN for PLMN selection purposes.Generic Access Network (GAN): See 3GPP TS 43.318 [35A].GAN mode: See 3GPP TS 43.318 [35A].GPRS MS: An MS capable of GPRS services is a GPRS MS.MS operation mode: See 3GPP TS 23.060 [27].High quality signal: The high quality signal limit is used in the PLMN selection procedure. It is defined in the appropriate AS specification: 3GPP TS 43.022 [35] for the GSM radio access technology, 3GPP TS 25.304 [32] for the UMTS radio access technology (FDD or TDD mode) , 3GPP TS 36.304 [43] for the E-UTRAN radio access technology. For 3GPP2 access technologies the high quality signal limit is defined in 3GPP2 C.S0011 [45] forcdma2000® 1xRTT and in 3GPP2 C.S0033 [46] for cdma2000® HRPD.Home PLMN: This is a PLMN where the MCC and MNC of the PLMN identity match the MCC and MNC of the IMSI. Matching criteria are defined in Annex A.In A/Gb mode,...: Indicates this clause applies only to GSM System. For multi system case this is determined by the current serving radio access network.In Iu mode,...: Indicates this clause applies only to UMTS System. For multi system case this is determined by the current serving radio access network.Localised Service Area (LSA): A localised service area consists of a cell or a number of cells. The cells constituting a LSA may not necessarily provide contiguous coverage.Location Registration (LR): An MS which is IMSI attached to non-GPRS services only performs location registration by the Location Updating procedure. A GPRS MS which is IMSI attached to GPRS services or to GPRS and non-GPRS services performs location registration by the Routing Area Update procedure only when in a network of network operation mode I. Both location updating and routing area update procedures are performed independently by the GPRS MS when it is IMSI attached to GPRS and non-GPRS services in a network of network operation mode II or III (see3GPP TS 23.060 [27]). An MS which is attached via the E-UTRAN performs location registration by the tracking area update procedure.MS: Mobile Station. The present document makes no distinction between MS and UE.Network Type: The network type associated with HPLMN or a PLMN on the PLMN selector (see3GPP TS 31.102 [40]). The MS uses this information to determine what type of radio carrier to search for when attempting to select a specific PLMN. A PLMN may support more than one network type.Registered PLMN (RPLMN): This is the PLMN on which certain LR outcomes have occurred (see table 1). In a shared network the RPLMN is the PLMN defined by the PLMN identity of the CN operator that has accepted the LR. Registration: This is the process of camping on a cell of the PLMN and doing any necessary LRs.Registration Area: A registration area is an area in which mobile stations may roam without a need to perform location registration. The registration area corresponds to location area (LA) for performing location updating procedure, to routing area for performing the GPRS attach or routing area update procedures, and to list of tracking areas (TAs) for performing the EPS attach or tracking area update procedure.The PLMN to which a cell belongs (PLMN identity) is given in the system information transmitted on the BCCH (MCC + MNC part of LAI). In a shared network a cell belongs to all PLMNs given in the system information transmitted on the BCCH.Selected PLMN: This is the PLMN that has been selected according to subclause 3.1, either manually or automatically. Shared Network: An MS considers a cell to be part of a shared network, when multiple PLMN identities are received on the BCCH.SIM: Subscriber Identity Module (see 3GPP TS 21.111 [38]). The present document makes no distinction between SIM and USIM.SoLSA exclusive access: Cells on which normal camping is allowed only for MS with Localised Service Area (LSA) subscription.Suitable Cell: This is a cell on which an MS may camp. It must satisfy criteria which is defined for GERAN A/Gb mode or GERAN Iu mode in 3GPP TS 43.022 [35], for UTRAN in 3GPP TS 25.304 [32] and for E-UTRAN in3GPP TS 36.304 [43]. For 3GPP2 access technologies the criteria are defined in 3GPP2 C.S0011 [45] for cdma2000®1xRTT and in 3GPP2 C.S0033 [46] for cdma2000® HRPD.Steering of Roaming: A technique whereby a roaming UE is encouraged to roam to a preferred roamed-to network by the HPLMN.Visited PLMN: This is a PLMN different from the HPLMN (if the EHPLMN list is not present or is empty) or different from an EHPLMN (if the EHPLMN list is present).2 General description of idle modeWhen an MS is switched on, it attempts to make contact with a public land mobile network (PLMN). The particular PLMN to be contacted may be selected either automatically or manually.The MS looks for a suitable cell of the chosen PLMN and chooses that cell to provide available services, and tunes to its control channel. This choosing is known as "camping on the cell". The MS will then register its presence in the registration area of the chosen cell if necessary, by means of a location registration (LR), GPRS attach or IMSI attach procedure.If the MS loses coverage of a cell, or find a more suitable cell, it reselects onto the most suitable cell of the selected PLMN and camps on that cell. If the new cell is in a different registration area, an LR request is performed.If the MS loses coverage of a PLMN, either a new PLMN is selected automatically, or an indication of which PLMNs are available is given to the user, so that a manual selection can be made.Registration is not performed by MSs only capable of services that need no registration.The purpose of camping on a cell in idle mode is fourfold:a) It enables the MS to receive system information from the PLMN.b) If the MS wishes to initiate a call, it can do this by initially accessing the network on the control channel of thecell on which it is camped.c) If the PLMN receives a call for the MS, it knows (in most cases) the registration area of the cell in which the MSis camped. It can then send a "paging" message for the MS on control channels of all the cells in the registration area. The MS will then receive the paging message because it is tuned to the control channel of a cell in thatregistration area, and the MS can respond on that control channel.d) It enables the MS to receive cell broadcast messages.If the MS is unable to find a suitable cell to camp on, or the SIM is not inserted, or if it receives certain responses to an LR request (e.g., "illegal MS"), it attempts to camp on a cell irrespective of the PLMN identity, and enters a "limited service" state in which it can only attempt to make emergency calls.In A/Gb mode, if the CTS MS is in CTS mode only or in automatic mode with CTS preferred, it will start by attempting to find a CTS fixed part on which it is enrolled.The idle mode tasks can be subdivided into five processes:- PLMN selection;- CSG selection (UTRAN and E-UTRAN only);- Cell selection and reselection;- Location registration; and- CTS fixed part selection (A/Gb mode only).In A/Gb mode, to make this initial CTS fixed part selection, the MS shall be enrolled on at least one fixed part.The relationship between these processes is illustrated in figure 1 in clause 5. The states and state transitions within each process are shown in figure 2a, figure 2b, and figure 3 in clause 5.3 Requirements and technical solutionsThe following clauses list the main requirements of idle mode operation and give an outline of the technical solution. 3.1 PLMN selection and roamingThe MS normally operates on its home PLMN (HPLMN) or equivalent home PLMN (EHPLMN). However a visited PLMN (VPLMN) may be selected, e.g., if the MS loses coverage. There are two modes for PLMN selection:i) Automatic mode - This mode utilizes a list of PLMNs in priority order. The highest priority PLMN which isavailable and allowable is selected.ii) Manual mode - Here the MS indicates to the user which PLMNs are available. Only when the user makes a manual selection does the MS try to obtain normal service on the VPLMN.To prevent repeated attempts to have roaming service on a not allowed area (i.e. LA or TA), when the MS is informed that an area is forbidden, the LA or TA is added to a list of "forbidden LAs for roaming" or "forbidden TAs for roaming" respectively which is stored in the MS. These list s, if existing, are deleted when the MS is switched off or when the SIM is removed. LA area restrictions are always valid for complete location areas independent of possible subdivision into GPRS routing areas. The structure of the routing area identifier (see 3GPP TS 23.003 [22A]) supports area restriction on LA basis.If a message with cause value #15 (see 3GPP TS 24.008 [23] and 3GPP TS 24.301 [23A]) is received by an MS, then the MS shall take the following actions depending on the access technology in which the message was received: GSM, GSM COMPACT or UTRAN:The location area is added to the list of "forbidden LAs for roaming" which is stored in the MS. The MS shall then search for a suitable cell in the same PLMN but belonging to an LA or TA which is not in the "forbidden LAs for roaming" or "forbidden TAs for roaming" list respectively.E-UTRAN:The tracking area is added to the list of "forbidden TAs for roaming" which is stored in the MS. The MS shall then search for a suitable cell in the same PLMN but belonging to a TA or LA which is not in the "forbidden TAs for roaming" or "forbidden LAs for roaming" list respectivelyIf a message with cause value "PLMN not allowed" is received by an MS in response to an LR request from a VPLMN, that VPLMN is added to a list of "forbidden PLMNs" in the SIM and thereafter that VPLMN will not be accessed by the MS when in automatic mode. A PLMN is removed from the "forbidden PLMNs" list if, after a subsequent manual selection of that PLMN, there is a successful LR. This list is retained when the MS is switched off or the SIM is removed. The HPLMN (if the EHPLMN list is not present or is empty) or an EHPLMN (if the EHPLMN list is present) shall not be stored on the list of "forbidden PLMNs".In A/Gb mode, an ME not supporting SoLSA may consider a cell with the escape PLMN code (see 3GPP TS 23.073) to be a part of a PLMN belonging to the list of "forbidden PLMNs".Optionally the ME may store in its memory an extension of the "forbidden PLMNs" list. The contents of the extension of the list shall be deleted when the MS is switched off or the SIM is removed.If a message with cause value "GPRS services not allowed in this PLMN" or "EPS services not allowed in this PLMN" is received by an MS in response to an GPRS attach, GPRS detach, routing area update, EPS attach or tracking area update request (see 3GPP TS 24.008 [23] and 3GPP TS 24.301 [23A]) from a VPLMN, that VPLMN is added to a list of "forbidden PLMNs for GPRS service" which is stored in the MS and thereafter that VPLMN will not be accessed by the MS for GPRS service when in automatic mode. This list is deleted when the MS is switched off or when the SIM is removed. A PLMN is removed from the list of "forbidden PLMNs for GPRS service" if, after a subsequent manual selection of that PLMN, there is a successful GPRS attach or EPS attach. The maximum number of possible entries in this list is implementation dependant, but must be at least one entry. The HPLMN (if the EHPLMN list is not present or is empty) or an EHPLMN (if the EHPLMN list is present) shall not be stored on the list of "forbidden PLMNs for GPRS service".An MS that is attaching for emergency bearer services or is attached for emergency bearer services may access PLMNs in the list of "forbidden PLMNs" or the list of "forbidden PLMNs for GPRS service". The MS shall not remove any entry from the list of "forbidden PLMNs" or the list of "forbidden PLMNs for GPRS service" as a result of such accesses.A UE capable of S101 mode maintains a list "forbidden PLMNs for attach in S101 mode"; the properties and handling in NAS signalling is defined in subclause 5.3.3 of 3GPP TS 24.301 [23A].If the MS is in GAN mode and a "Location not allowed" message is received (see 3GPP TS 44.318 [35B]), then the MS may attempt to select another PLMN so that further GAN registrations may again be attempted. The selection of the PLMN either automatically or manually is implementation dependent.3.1A CSG selection / restrictionIf the MS supports CSG, it is provisioned with an Allowed CSG list and an Operator CSG list and associated PLMN identities. Both lists can be retrieved either from the USIM if the lists are available in the USIM, or as described in3GPP TS 24.285 [47] if the lists are not available in the USIM. These lists have zero or more entries.NOTE 1: The network also updates the Allowed CSG list in the same updating operation if one or more entries are removed from the Operator CSG list. This avoids an entry removed from the Operator CSG list remainingin the Allowed CSG list.There are two modes of CSG selection:- Automatic mode: This mode utilizes the Allowed CSG list and the Operator CSG list. After a PLMN is selected, the MS camps on a cell in that PLMN only if the cell is either not a CSG cell or it is a CSG cell with a CSGidentity that is in the Allowed CSG list or in the Operator CSG List. The idle mode procedures of NAS are not impacted by this mode.- Manual mode: In this mode, the MS indicates to the user a list of available CSGs and the associated PLMNs.Based on configuration by the HPLMN, the list of CSGs provided to the user for a certain PLMN is either:- not restricted by the Allowed CSG list and the Operator CSG List stored in the MS; or- restricted to entries in the Operator CSG List only.After the user makes a selection, the MS camps on a cell with the selected CSG identity and may attempt toregister with the associated PLMN (see 3GPP TS 24.008 [23] and 3GPP TS 24.301 [23A]).The CSG whitelist is a combination of Operator CSG list and the Allowed CSG list. NAS shall provide the CSG whitelist to the AS. If the contents of the CSG whitelist have changed, NAS shall provide an updated CSG whitelist to the AS.If a message with cause value #25 (see 3GPP TS 24.008 [23] and 3GPP TS 24.301 [23A]) is received by an MS for a CSG ID present in the Operator CSG list, then for an implementation dependent time no shorter than 60 minutes, or until the MS is switched off, or the SIM/USIM is removed, or the Operator CSG list is updated, then:a) The NAS shall not include this CSG ID and the associated PLMN in the CSG whitelist provided to the AS;。

3GPP 5G基站(BS)R16版本一致性测试英文原版(3GPP TS 38.141-1)

3GPP 5G基站(BS)R16版本一致性测试英文原版(3GPP TS 38.141-1)

BS type 1-H.................................................................................................................................................. 26
Base station classes............................................................................................................................................27
1 Scope.......................................................................................................................................................13
All rights reserved. UMTS™ is a Trade Mark of ETSI registered for the benefit of its members 3GPP™ is a Trade Mark of ETSI registered for the benefit of its Members and of the 3GPP Organizational Partners LTE™ is a Trade Mark of ETSI registered for the benefit of its Members and of the 3GPP Organizational Partners GSM® and the GSM logo are registered and owned by the GSM Association



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3GPP TS 29.274, Evolved General Packet Radio Service (GPRS);TunnellingProtocol for Control plane (GTPv2-C); Stage 3
3GPP TS 23.401,General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) enhancements for Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network (E-UTRAN) access
3GPP TS 23.401,General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) enhancements for Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network (E-UTRAN) access
3GPP TS 29.272, Mobility Management Entity (MME) and Serving GPRS Support Node (SGSN) related interfaces based on Diameter protocol
3GPP TS 36.413, Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network (E-UTRAN); S1 Application Protocol (S1AP)
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TS 42.017 TS 42.019 TS 43.019 TS 51.010-4 TS 51.011 TS 51.013 TS 51.014 TS 51.017
Subscriber Identity Module (SIM); Functional characteristics Subscriber Identity Module Application Programming Interface (SIM API); Stage 1 Security mechanisms for the SIM Application Toolkit; Stage 1 Subscriber Identity Module Application Programming Interface (SIM API) for Java Card Security mechanisms for SIM application toolkit; Stage 2 Interworking Aspects of the SIM/ME Interface Between Phase 1 and Phase 2 Mobile Station (MS) conformance specification; Part 4: Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) application toolkit conformance test specification Specification of the Subscriber Identity Module - Mobile Equipment (SIM-ME) Interface Specification of the Subscriber Identity Module - Mobile Equipment (SIM-ME) Interface (DCS 1800) Specification on the 3Subscriber Interface Module (SIM) Application Programme Interface (API) for Java Test specification for volt subscriber identity module Equipment (SIM-ME) Interface card Specification of the SIM Application Toolkit (SAT) for the Subscriber Identity Module - Mobile Equipment (SIM-ME) interface Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) test specification Specification of the 1.8 Volt Subscriber Identity Module - Mobile Equipment (SIM - ME) Interface CTS SIM Fixed Part USIM and IC card requirements Security mechanisms for the (U)SIM application toolkit; Stage 1 USIM Application Toolkit (USAT) Interpreter; Stage 1 Security mechanisms for the (U)SIM application toolkit; Stage 2 Security mechanisms for the (U)SIM application toolkit; Test specification UICC-terminal interface; Physical and logical characteristics Characteristics of the Universal Subscriber Identity Module (USIM) application Characteristics of the IP Multimedia Services Identity Module (ISIM) application Numbering system for telecommunication IC card applications Universal Subscriber Identity Module (USIM) Application Toolkit (USAT) Universal Subscriber Identity Module Application Toolkit (USAT) interpreter architecture description Universal Subscriber Identity Module Application Toolkit (USAT) interpreter byte codes Universal Subscriber Identity Module Application Toolkit (USAT) interpreter protocol and administration Secured packet structure for (Universal) Subscriber Identity Module (U)SIM Toolkit applications Remote APDU Structure for (Universal) Subscriber Identity Module (U)SIM Toolkit applications UICC-terminal interface; Physical, electrical and logical test specification UICC-terminal interface; Universal Subscriber Identity Module (USIM) application test specification Universal Subscriber Identity Module (USIM) conformance test specification Mobile Equipment (ME) conformance test specification; Universal Subscriber Identity Module Application Toolkit (USAT) conformance test specification (U)SIM Application Programming Interface (API); (U)SIM API for Java Card C-language binding for Identity Module (ISIM) Application ProgrammingAPI IP Multimedia Services (Universal) Subscriber Identity Module ((U)SIM) Interface (API); ISIM API for Java Card™ Mobile Equipment (ME) conformance test specification; IP Multimedia Services Identity Module (ISIM) interworking with IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) test specification Test specification for subscriber (U)SIM; Application Programming Interface (API) for Java Card™ Characteristics of the Contact Manager for 3GPP UICC applications Contact Manager Application Programming Interface (API); Contact Manager API for Java Card Contact Manager for 3GPP UICC applications test specifications Contact Manager API for Java™ Card test specification Technical report on UICC access to IMS SIM/USIM internal and external interworking aspects 2G/3G Java Card™for C-language binding to (Universal) Subscriberapplet interworking Test Specification Application Programming Interface (API) based Interface Module ((U)SIM) Application Programming Interface (API)
TS 02.17 TS 02.19 TS 02.48 TS 03.19 TS 03.48 TS 09.91 TS 11.10-4 TS 11.11 TS 11.11dcs TS 11.12 TS 11.13 TS 11.14 TS 11.17 TS 11.18 TS 11.19 TS 21.111 TS 22.048 TS 22.112 TS 23.048 TS 31.048 TS 31.101 TS 31.102 TS 31.103 TS 31.110 TS 31.111 TS 31.112 TS 31.113 TS 31.114 TS 31.115 TS 31.116 TS 31.120 TS 31.121 TS 31.122 TS 31.124 TS 31.130 TS 31.131 TS 31.133 TS 31.134 TS 31.213 TS 31.220 TS 31.221 TS 31.320 TS 31.321 TR 31.828 TR 31.900 TR 31.919 TS 34.131