
___H__e__r_e__i_s__m__y___c_a. rd
you these days? B: Fine, thanks. And you? A: I’m fine, too.
SECTION1 Talking face to face Speak and Recite
5) Saying Goodbye A: Thank you for the nice party, Mrs.
Mr. Smith: Oh, yes. Simon Smith. Are you a newcomer? You: 2 (表示肯定。问好。说你叫李英。)
___O__h_,__y__e_s_.___H_o__w___d_o__y__o_u__d_ o, Mr. Smith? My n_a__m__e__i_s__L_i__Y__in__g___. I’m a graduate from Binhai College.
Textbook: listening , speaking, reading Writing and translation
Teaching Periods
Total teaching time: 13 hing weeks
13*4=52 teaching periods
30 periods for textbook (4 periods for 1 unit)
• Meeting again
1. Hi, long time no see, Dick. 2. How is your project going? 3. Haven’t seen you for ages. How’s everything? 4. Hello, Susan. How nice to meet you here!
Unit 1 Hello 3PPT课件

Uncle Mocky's Notes
What’s = What is My name’s = My name is I’m = I am
经常不断地学习,你就什么都知道。你知道得越多,你就越有力量 Study Constantly, And You Will Know Everything. The More
You Know, The More Powerful You Will Be
当你尽了自己的最大努力时,失败也是伟大的, 所以不要放弃,坚持就是正确的。
When You Do Your Best, Failure Is Great, So Don'T Give Up, Stick To The End
What's your name? My name's Xi Yangyang.
Xi Yangyang
What's your name? I'm Bob.
Good morning! I’m Garfield. What’s your name?
Good morning! I’m Hui Tailang.
Unit 1 Hello!
New Words
New Words
what 什么;怎么样
New Words
your 你(们)的
New Words
name 名字
New Words
What's your name? My name's Mocky.

3. know clearly how to use the countable and uncountable nouns present simple and past simple tenses of English;
room, the environment, new way of life, etc. (for things students may be excited about); and being away from home, the food, competition with other students, difficulties in study, washing clothes, taking a bath or shower, new teachers, etc. (for things students may be worried about);
Time Contents
3 periods Review of the listening and speaking skills the students have learned
The teacher asks some students to answer the questions in Ex. 9 of the Listening and Speaking section and invites at least two students to give an oral presentation in class, telling their classmates three reasons why they want to be college students.

Introduction to courseware
Characteristics of courseware
Interactivity: Courseware offers various interactive features such as quizzes, exercises, and simulations to engage students in active learning.
Homework and exams
Detailed explanation of courseware content
The text content is selected from authentic English materials to ensure language accuracy and authenticity.
Authentic English audio materials are used to help learners improve their listening comprehension skills. They are asked to listen to the audio and complete related exercises.
Course browsing and selection
Target audience
How to use courseware

Unit 1 A New Life on the University Campus Lead-In LSP Dialogue Role Play Reading Exercises
Unit 1 A New Life on the University Campus
Unit 1 A New Life on the University Campus Lead-In LSP Dialogue Role Play Reading Exercises
Lead-In LSP Dialogue Role Play Reading Exercises
(Prof. for Professor Stromwell) Prof.: A legal education means you will learn... to speak in a
new language. You will be taught to achieve insight... into the world around you... and to sharply question what you know. The seat you have picked will be yours... for the next nine months of your life. And those of you in the front row... beware. “The law is reason free from passion.” Does anyone know who spoke those immortal words? -Yes? Boy: Aristotle.
新编实用英语第三版综合教程Unit 1 Hello, Hi!(session2)

1) Hello, nice to meet you. Mrs. Waters. 1) 您好,见到您很高兴,沃特斯夫人。
10) My name is Richard Washington.10) 我叫理查德· 华盛顿,就叫我理查德好了。
Please call me Richard. Window on Key Words excuse 请原谅,劳驾 president 校长 college 学院 Canada 加拿大 surprise 惊喜
7) Hi , long time no see. Do you remember me?
6) 欢迎来到我们学我吧?
8) What a surprise to see you here. 8) 在这里见到你真是个惊喜。 9) Oh, it's you, President Kong. Nice 9) 噢,是你呀,孔校长。很高兴再次见到您。 to see you again.
2) Excuse me, are you Mr. Green from England? my card. 4) Glad to meet you, Paul. Here is my card. 5) How are you, Jack? Nice to see you again. 5) 杰克,你好吗?再次见到你真高兴。
Unit | One
Understanding a Short Speech / Talk
Listen and Complete 5 Now listen to a short speech / talk and fill up the blanks according to what you have heard. The words in brackets will give you some hints. Professor Good morning, everyone. It's my honor to introduce 1 (whom?) ___________ Waters _____________ to you. Professor Waters is from 2 (which country?)
Unit 1 Personal Relationships 新编大学英语第三版综合教程课件

2. Accept others
A friend is someone who understands
your past, believes in your future, and
accepts you just the way you are.
After you befriend yourself, you will be
in groups to discuss the
following questions.
We all have friends. A lot gets talked about friendships. Everyone wants a true friend, and many of us believe that we have a friend who can be called a true friend. What kind of relations do friends share? When can we call a T friend a true friend, and when can our friends take us as their true friend? After a romantic relationship, friendships are the most important relationships we can have. Though all of us have family and distant family, most of us rely on friends for advice, comfort and inspiration. How do we define a relation that can be called as one of true friendship?
综合英语教程1(第三版)unit课件 PPT

Notes to Conversation 1
Welcome aboard: a colloquial expression for greeting a new member
you guys : you two people I’ll leave you two here to talk about
Toilet dishes搞笑的艺 术游戏用品,把吃饭 的盘子做成马桶形状
sucker马 桶抽赌器
Snap circuits儿童
电子线路插板,可以 制作电子玩具
Robot vacuum
cleaner自动真 空吸尘器
Towel rack家
Weather station
Mthurmouigshaambobrectchdadn dodnee desclirnibees her mum’s actions
And gets us all up for work and school.
I shout at her and make her blue, But I still love her, that’s true. I love her with all my heart, And I hope that we will never part.
summarize her feelings/ attitudes towards her mum
Book 1-Unit 3
Notes to My Dad
Tottenham: one of the best local football teams in England giggle: funny activity/event that causes a viewer/onlooker to
《新编实用英语综合教程》第三版 授课计划

3.Grasp key words and phrases
on page62 and
on page63
Unit 3 Exercises in Section III
Exercises in SectionⅣ
Grasp what you have learned
Unit 2Saying Thanks or Sorry
Section 1 Talking Face to Face:
Two dialogues about saying thanks or sorry;
Finish the actions and conversations on page24 to page 25.
Be able to grasp all the knowledge in this unit
Grasp what you have learned
Road Signs and Commuting
Section 1 Talking Face to Face:1.Talking about giving directions
Do the exercises on page 57 to page 60.
Be able to improve listening
1.Listen and respond
2.Listen and complete
Recite all the useful sentences in Section1 and

《新编实用英语》(综合教程)UnitOneSection ⅠLesson PlanContent: Section ⅠTalking face to faceAim: The topic area of Taking Face to Face in this unit is to talk about greeting people and introducing with each other. The focus of functions is to Let Students get to know how to introduce and give personal informationImportant and difficult points:Procedure and methods:Step I. Leading-in1. Pre-class Work: Giving questions about the topic related to greeting and introduction2. Warming up for the new class3. Student Activity:1).Answering the questions presented by the teacher2). Making self-introductionStep II. Dialogue learning1. Explanation of the dialogue2. Giving sample dialogues based on the business card and passport3. Student Activity:1). Listening to the tape recording of the dialogues2).Pair work: Learning the dialogues by heart and Reading out the dialogues loudly in pairs.Step ⅢActing outAfter learning the five dialogues on the book1 Dividing the students into groups of four or five2 Offering more situations for students to make dialogue3 Summarizing this part4 Student Activities:1).Group discussion: Following the dialogue and making dialogues based on the given situations2). Comments on classmates’performanceStepⅣPutting in use1. Completing and checkingInstructions: Ask students to work in groups to complete by filling in the blanks on Page 4, and then check the answers in class.2. RespondingInstructions: Ask students to practice Exercise 2 on Page 4 of the textbook orally . Offer the situation in Chinese, and ask students to give the English version, the whole class works together. After each activity, check the answers and make comments promptly.Section ⅡLesson planSection ⅡListening Practice (for 90 minutes)Objectives/Learning Outcomes: Correct understanding of the listening material about greeting and introducing peopleTime Topic Teaching Method Student Activity AssessmentmethodAids20 minutesStep ⅠListeningand decodeListen andrespond1) Introduction of listeningcomprehension2) Explanation of the dialogueand comments1) Choosing the rightwords they hear2) Answering thequestions based onthe dialogue theyhear1) Questioning thestudents withsome words andphrases relatedwith the listeningmaterial2) Distinguishingsound -similarwords3) SimulatedperformanceTaperecording ofthedialogues15 minutes Step II.Listen andcompleteListen andjudge1) Introduction of somelistening skills: How to catchthe information you need2) Checking the answers1) Listening to thedialogue2) choosing the rightanswer for themultiple choiceexercises40 minutes Step ⅢListen andreadListen andmatch1).Explanation of the keywords2).Explanation of the listeningmaterial3).Checking the answers1) Filling in theblanks with thewords they hear2) Matching theinformation incolumn A withchoices in column B3) Writing out thegeneral idea of thepassage byContent: Section ⅡBeing All EarsAim: Make the students master more useful vocabulary phrases and sentences to express themselves in English .when they meet people and introduce with each other. Important and difficult points:1. Introduction:Listening comprehension is the receptive skill in the oral mode. When we speak of listening what we really mean is listening and understanding what we hear.In our first language, we have all the skills and background knowledge we need to understand what we hear, so we probably aren't even aware of how complex a process it is. Here we will briefly describe some of what is involved in learningto understand what we hear in a second language.2.Listening Situations:There are two kinds of listening situations in which we find ourselves:·Interactive·non-interactive.Interactive listening situations include face-to-face conversations and telephone calls, in which we are alternately listening and speaking, and in which we have a chance to ask for clarification, repetition, or slower speech from our conversation partner. Some non-interactive listening situations are listening to the radio, TV, films, lectures, orsermons. In such situations we usually don't have the opportunity to ask for clarification, slower speech or repetition.Listen for main ideas. The main ideas are the most important points the speaker wants to get across. They may be mentioned at the start or end of a talk, and repeated a number of times. Pay special attention to statements that begin with phrases such as "My point is..." or "The thing to remember is..."Give your full attention on the person who is speaking. Don't look out the window or at what else is going on in the room.Remember: time is on your side! Thoughts move about four times as fast as speech. With practice, while you are Listening you will also be able to think about what you are hearing, really understand it.Procedure and methods:Step ⅠListen and decode & Listen and respond1. Introduction of some listening skillsInstructions: Help students get to know how to distinguish sound-similar words.2. Explanation of the dialogue and commentsInstructions: In this part students must choose out the words they hear from the tape recording. After playing the tape twice, check their answers.3. RespondingInstructions: After listening to the tape for the third time, students are asked to answer the questions listed out in the textbook orally.Step II. Listen and complete & Listen and judge1. Completing after listeningInstructions: Ask students to fill in the blanks with the words they get from the tape recording after hearing it for twice.2. Judging after listeningInstructions: After students listen to the same dialogue for the third time, ask them to choose the correct answers to the given sentence.Step Ⅲ.Listen and read, Listen and match1. Explanation of the key wordsInstructions: Students are going to hear a passage with some blanks for them to fill in. Before playing the tape recording, explain some key words which will appear in it. Ask students to memorize these words.2. Explanation of the listening materialInstructions: After students finish the filling-in, explain some difficult language points in the passage.3. Matching after listeningInstructions: In this part a dialogue will be given to each of the students, after they listen to it, they are asked to match the information in Column A with the choices in Column B. Then check their answers.4. Answering questions after listening to the passage again.Instructions: In this part the students are asked to write out the general idea of the passage in one paragraph by answering some listed questions in the textbook.Step Ⅳ. Listen and conclude1. Exercises in the workbookInstructions: Give explanations to some new words in the workbook, and ask students to finish the exercises in it, then check their answers.Asking students to memorize the new words which appear in the textbookSection ⅢLesson PlanTime Topic TeachingMethodStudent ActivityAssessmentmethodAids5minutes Step ⅠLeading-in1) Revision2) Thebackgroundinformationabout thepassage3) Warming upfor the newpassages1) Reciting somesentences theyhave learned inthe previous class2).Makingself-introduction1) Oralquestioning2) Extractedexamples3)Simulatedperformance1) Mapsof theweatherforecast2)WordsCollectionaboutweather3)Taperecordingof thedialogues35 minutes Step IIComprehensionof the passage1) Textpresentation andlanguage points2) Asking somequestions aboutthe passage3) Summarizingthe passage1) Listening tothe tape recordingof the passage2) Answering thequestions3) Retelling thepassage in a fewword20 minutes Step ⅢFurther exercise1) Conductingstudents to finishthe exercises onpage 102) Explanation ofthe difficult partsof the exercise3) Checking the1) .Finishing theexercise on page102).Learning theusage of somekey wordsContent: Section ⅢReading Comprehension“Maintaining a Sharp Eye”. The students will first read the two useful passages of "The way Americans Greet" and "A little About Me". The teacher will interpret the new words and structures in detail. Finally help the students do the exercises.Aim: Master the key words and structures, and learn something about the way American great This will give them an idea of how to greet foreigners especially American and how to introduce themselves.Important and difficult pointsProcedure and methods:Step I. Leading in1. Revision of the previous lesson2. Warming up for the new passages3. Student Activity:1).Reciting some sentences they have learned in the previous class2).Making self-introductionStep II Comprehension of the passage1.Explanation of the new words and language points in the passageA. Important Words and PhrasesInstructions: Give some examples to explain the difficult words. Ask students to make sentences with the words they just learn.1). greet: v. say words of welcome to, express one‘s feelings on receiving sb. 问候,致意,打招呼e.g.: It is important for the students to learn how to greet people in English.The American professor greets his students with “Morning!”2).relationship:n. particular connection or relation; instance of being related 关系,联系e.g.: He is making efforts to develop a lasting relationship with Lizzy.3).wave: v. move one‘s hand to and fro, up and down (to give a greeting or say goodbye) 挥手致意,舞动e.g.: Jean waved goodbye to her Chinese friends,4). leave: v. go away from; fail or neglect to take/bring sth. 离开,出发;留下,遗忘e.g.: The beautiful city has left a deep impression upon our mind.5).impression: n. effect produced on the mind or feelings 印象e.g.: His speech made a strong impression upon the audience. 他的演说给听众留下了深刻的印象。
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Unit | One
Talking Face to Face
2) Exchanging Business Cards A: How do you do, Prof. White? Glad to meet you. B: How do you do, Prof. Wang? Glad to meet you, too. A: Here is my business card. B: Thanks. This is mine.
Window on Key Words 先生
1) Meeting People for the First Time A: Hello, Mr. David Green! I'm Lily Zhang. B: Hi, Miss Zhang! Nice to meet you. A: Nice to meet you, too. Mr. Green. B: Oh, please call me David.
very good time.
B: I'm glad you enjoyed it.
A: Thanks for inviting me. B: Thanks for coming.
Unit | One
Acting out the Tasks
Speak and Perform 2 Work in pairs and act out the tasks by following the above mini-talks.
4) Meeting People Again A: Hello, Professor Waters. How are you these days? B: Fine, thanks. And you? A: I'm fine, too.
5) Saying Goodbye
A: Thank you for the nice party, Mrs. Lin. We really had a
Unit | One
Hello, Hi!
Unit | One
Unit Goals:
What You Should Learn to Do
1. Greet people and give responses: first meeting and meeting again
2. Exchange personal information: name / address / telephone number / job / study
3. Introduce people to each other 4. Meet people at the airport 5. Say goodbye to others 6. Say hello in different languages 7. Write a business card
What You Should Know About
Unit | One
Window on Key Words 介绍
3) Introducing Friends A: May I introduce my friend Lily? She is from Class One. B: Oh, hello, Lily. I'm Jack from Class Two. C: Nice to meet you. B: Nice to meet you, too.
Putting Language to Use
Speak and Complete Speak and Communicate
Unit | One
SECTION I Talking Face to Face
Imitating Mini-Talks
Speak and Recite 1 Work in pairs. Practice the following mini-talks about greeting and introducing people.
5 Task: Take leave and say goodbye to your hostess, Mrs. Waters.
Unit | One
Studying Business Cards
Study and Imitate 3 Business cards are very useful for introducing people. Read the following cards
Section Ⅰ
Section Ⅱ
Being All EarsSec源自ion ⅢSection Ⅴ
Appreciating Culture Tips
Section Ⅳ
Maintaining a Sharp Eye
Trying Your Hand
Unit | One
Section Ⅰ Talking Face to Face
1 Task: Meet Prof. Waters at the airport.
2 Task: Exchange business cards with Mr. Green.
3 Task: Introduce an English teacher to your classmate.
4 Task: Greet your business partner, Mr. Johnson, at a trade fair.
Imitating Mini-Talks
Speak and Recite
Acting out the Tasks
Speak and Perform
Studying Business Cards Study and Imitate
Following Sample Dialogues Imitate and Perform