Test4pass IBM 000-152考试题库





下面是店铺整理的关于IBM认证数据库考试试题,欢迎大家参考!(1)已知表T1中有2行数据,T2中有3行数据,执行SQL语句“select a.* from T1 a,T2 b”后,返回的行数为______A、2行B、3行C、5行D、6行多表查询没有指定连接条件,会导致笛卡尔积的出现,返回行数等于2张表的行数乘积,返回6行记录考察:对多表连接、笛卡尔积的理解答案:A(2)、已知表T1和T2的字段定义完全相同,T1,T2中各有5条不同的数据,其中T1有2条数据存在于表T2中,语句“select * from T1 union select * from T2”返回的行数为_______A、8行B、10行C、3行D、12行第二题? UNION在进行表链接后会筛选掉重复的`记录,所以在表链接后会对所产生的结果集进行排序运算,删除重复的记录再返回结果。

考察:UNION 的理解答案: A(3)、已知表T1含有字段ID、CourseID和Score,且数据为ID CourseID Score3 1 902 1 852 2 903 2 80则语句“select id,sum(ScorE) from T1 group by ID”的执行结果为_________A、 ID sum(ScorE)—– ? ———-3 ? 1702 ? 175B、 ID sum(ScorE)—– ? ———-2 ? 1753 ? 170C、 ID sum(ScorE)—– ? ———-2 ? 1703 ? 175D、 ID sum(ScorE)—– ? ———-3 ? 1752 170第三题 GROUP BY 对按照ID字段进行分组,同时对ID相同字段的ScorE进行求和,GROUP by 会自动对结果集进行排序所以答案选B考察:group by 的理解答案: B(4)、电话号码表t_phonebook中含有100万条数据,其中号码字段PhoneNo上创建了唯一索引,且电话号码全部由数字组成,要统计号码头为321的电话号码的数量,下面写法执行速度最慢的是_________A、select count(*) from t_phonebook where phoneno >= ‘321’ and phoneno < ‘321A’B、select count(*) from t_phonebook where phoneno like ‘321%’C、select count(*) from t_phonebook where substring(phoneno,1,3) = ‘321’A>或者<操作符会采用索引查找B:LIKE通配符在XXX%情况下会应用索引,如果在%xxx%等情况下不会应用索引答案: C:采用函数处理的字段不能利用索引,例如substr()? 这个题好像写成java的函数了答案: C(5)、已知表tbl中字段land_ID建有索引,字段cust_id建有唯一索引,下列语句查询逻辑相同,其中执行效率最优的是A、 SELECT * FROM tblWHERE land_id > 750or (cust_id=180 or cust_id=560)B、 SELECT * FROM tblWHERE (cust_id=180 or cust_id=560)or land_id > 750C、 SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE land_id > 750UNIONSELECT * FROM tbl WHERE cust_id = 180UNIONSELECT * FROM tbl WHERE cust_id = 560D、 SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE land_id > 750UNION( SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE cust_id = 180UNION ALLSELECT * FROM tbl WHERE cust_id = 560)C/D相比较而言,D的执行效率更高一些UNION在进行表链接后会筛选掉重复的记录,所以在表链接后会对所产生的结果集进行排序运算,删除重复的记录再返回结果。



IBM主机类考试题冃1、IBM server产品系列有哪些?A.pSeriesB.xSeriesC・ iSeriesD. zSeries2、下列对pSeries说法正确的是哪个?A.用作集成的商用服务器B.运行功能强大的通用UNIX系统C.基于Intel构架的服务器D.宕机时间为零的高可用性的大型服务器3、下面哪些是smit工具的log文件?A..smit.logB..sh_historyC..smit.scriptD..profile4、smit管理工具,如何退到上一级菜单?A.F1B.F2C.F3D.F65、smit管理工具,如何暂时推出smit菜单并切换到shell命令状态?A.F2B.F3C.F6D.F96、AIX Version 5.3系统安装完成后,系统第一次启动时,系统管理员看到的第一个界面是哪个?DA.Login promptB.Root shell promptC.Installation AssistantD・ Con figuration Assistant7、下面哪个命令可以用来验证操作系统是否升级成功?AA.oslevelB.Islpp -h bos.objC.what_fileset -vD.Isattr -VI bos.rte8、系统从5.1升级到5.3,要求保留系统原有的所有用户和tl志信息等文件,用哪种安装方式?C A・ New and Complete OverwriteB.Preservatio n In stallC.Migration Install9、要安装一个软件包,如何查看女装这个软件包所需的预女装(prerequisite)的软件包?BA.用Isprereq命令查看B.用installp命令加适当的选项查看C.查看root主目录路径下的.toe文件D.用inutoc命令去升级.toe文件10.下面哪个命令对以显示.nfs.client软件包的版本号?BA.Isfs .nfs.clientB.Islpp ・l .nfs.clientC.Ippchk -I .nfs.clientD・ installp -ver ・nfs.client11.用哪个命令查看系统启动Fl志?BA.uptimeB.alogC.shutdownD.oslevel12.系统启动时,init进程要读取下列哪个文件?AA./etc/inittabB./etc/rmtabC./etc/passwdD./etc/rc.tcpip13.系统启动时候,控制台上依次出现五个图标时,需要按哪个键才能进入单用户维护模式? DA.F2B.F3C.F4D.F514.A user is able to get a login prompt for the server D but gets a failed login error message when trying to login with an ID. Which of the following is the most likely cause of this problem?A.The hard drive is bad・B.The /home file system is full.C.The server is low on paging space・D.The user has entered an invalid ID or password・15.Which of the following files contains UID, home A directory, and shell information?A./etc/passwdB./etc/security/userC./etc/security/environD./etc/security/passwd16.After completing the installation of the Base AOperating System on one of the serverst the system administrator would like for all users who telnet into this machine to see a specific message each time they successfully log in ・ Which file should be edited to provide this message?A./etc/motdB./etc/profileC・ /etc/environmentD./etc/security/login.cfg17.要从一个坏的硬盘上转移数据到一个新的硬盘,下面哪个操作是首先要做的?DA.把逻辑卷转移到新的硬盘上B.添加一个新的硬盘到原有的卷组C.在新硬盘上创建坏硬盘的文件系统的拷贝D.在新駛盘上创建坏硬盘的逻辑卷的镜像18、下面哪些是对卷组做镜像的•正确步骤?A1.extendvg2.mirroring3.syncvg4.set quorum5.mkfscopy6.reorgvgA.1, 2, 3, 4B.1, 5, 3, 4C.1, 2, 4, 6D.6, 5, 4, 319、h diskl硬盘要添加到cdvg的卷组,用哪个命令先查看这个硬盘的状态?CA.Isvg cdvgB.chvg cdvgC.Ispv hdisklD.chpv hdiskl20>哪个命令查看系统上所有paging spaces的状态信息? AA.Isps -aB.Isps -sC.Isps -ID.Isps -all21.下面哪个描述是错误的?DA.hd4、hdl> hd2是系统默认创建的逻辑卷B.同一个卷组的不同PV的PP大小必须要一致C.不同卷组的PP大小可以不一样D.逻辑卷大小可以动态增大,也可以动态减少E.一个硬盘(hdisk)只能属于一个VG22.To in crease the size of a file system, the system admi nistrator must: CA.Unmount the file system•B.Boot the system into single user mode・C.Have eno ugh free physical partiti ons withi n the volume group.D.Back up the file system, change the size, and restore the file system.23.To decrease the size of the /home file system,the system administrator must: De the chfs comma nd.e the reducefs comma nd.C・ Run the defragfs comma nd and the n use the reducefs comma nd.D.Back up, delete, redefine, and restore the file system.24.The system administrator has created 20 file Asystems that are set to mount each time the system boots・ Which of the following is the quickest method to mount these file systems?A.mount -aB.Reboot the system・C・ /usr/lib/methods/cfgfsD・ Mount each in dividual file system.25.What step must be taken prior to removing a file system?A.Unmount the file system.B.Remove the logical volume.C.Delete the data from the file system・D.Remove the NFS export for the file system.26.修改后/etc/inetd.conf文件后,要使得修改生效,还须执行下面哪个操作?CA.service -s inetdB.restart -s inetdC.refresh -s inetdD.service inetd restart27.用哪个命令用来结束后台进程?BA.<ctrl+c>B.killC・ skulkerD.refresh28.After creating a tar archive on a tape and verifying A that the backup was successful, a system administratorthen inserts the tape into another machine to access thedata and receives the following error:"Media Read Error ・ I/O Error"Which of the following is the most likely cause of the error?A.The blocksize or density setting is incorrect•B・ There is a lack of disk space in the root file system.C.The tape is not read/writable・D.There is a bad cable on the tape drive.29. A system administrator would like to restore the Bthird image from a mksysb tape • To position theTape to the correct image , which of the following commands should be run?A.IsattrB.tctlC.ffwdD・ chdev30.What is the purpose of the -i flag with the mksysb comma nd? DA.It creates/updates the /.fsdata・B.It reports the size of a file in bytes・C・ It creates a bootable system backup.D・ It creates or updates the /image.data file・31.The marketing group within the Widget Company B plans to implement a new database to house their demographic data. The administrator has requesteda tape drive and an additional disk to support the installation of this new database・ The IBM hardware engineer has connected the new equipment,and the machine has been rebooted・ Which of the following Comma nds should be used to verify the tape device is installed correctly?A.IspvB.IsdevC.IstapeD.Isdisk32.Which of the following commands can be used to determine the serial port settings? CA.Iscfg -vl ttyXXB.Is -I /dev/ttyXXC.Isattr -El ttyXXD.Isdev -C | grep ttyXX33.A system administrator wishes to determine if C a newly configured tape drive is correctly addedto the ODM database. Which comma nd would the administrator use?A.odmshowB.odmaddC.odmgetD.odmcreate34.给接口添加另一个IP,下面哪个可以实现?CA. smitty chgenetB.smitty addjnterfaceC.ifconfig enO newipaddress netmask netmask aliasD.无法实现这个操作35.下面哪个命令用來手工stop and restart TCP/IP有关的进程?Be netstat comma nde the SRC utility to stop and restartC・ Use the netconfig utility menuD.I ssue the rmdev comma nd on the appropriate n etwork adapter36.当耍从CD-ROM安装系统时,系统进入了diagnostics模式,查看发觉所有设备都连接正确,可能是下面哪个原因?DA.The battery on the machine is badB.The root volume group is corruptC・ The low-level debugger is not enabledD. A hardware problem with the CD-ROM37.新的磁带机线路连接是正确的,但是要用这个磁带机进行备份恢复时,it failso这种情况,要诊断问题,第一步要做是哪个?CA.Replace the tape driveB.Run cfgmgr to rec on figure the tape deviceC.Check the error log for tape drive errorse SMIT to change the compression attribute on the tape device38、A user is able to get a login prompt for the server but gets a failed login error message when tryingto login with an ID. Which of the following is the most likely cause of this problem? DA.The hard drive is badB.The /home file system is fullC.The server is low on paging spaceer has entered an in valid ID or password39.what is the average CPU idle time as a percentage? Dkthr memory page faults cpuA. 45.5B.75.3C.44.04D.73.440.What can be concluded from this output? AB.The machine needs memory optimizedC.The machine n eeds a FDDI card in stalledD.A user program is causing unnecessary pagingE.。



《IBM软件测试》试题及答案IBM 软件测试认证试题⼀、单选题(每题10分,共300分)1. 下列哪个是瀑布型开发的正确过程?(B)A. 设计-〉编码-〉单元测试-〉集成-〉系统测试B. 需求分析-〉设计-〉编码&单元测试-〉集成-〉系统测试C. 需求分析-〉设计-〉编码&单元测试-〉系统测试-〉集成D. 需求分析-〉设计-〉单元测试-〉系统测试-〉集成2. 软件架构是⼀个软件开发的产品,它能够在质量、成本还有哪个⽅⾯上提供最⼤限度的投资回报?( B )A. ⼈员B. 时间进度C. 项⽬范围3. 持续的质量验证应该做到:(A)A. 尽早的质量验证B. 在项⽬后期验证质量C. 只需验证可执⾏系统的⼯程4 测试的基本流程:(A)1.开发⼈员将开放出来的产品交给测试部门。




A. 1,2,3,4B.,3,2,4D.2,1,3,45.语句覆盖⽅法的正确步骤:( A)1 程序结构化:将程序转化为流图2 环形复杂度计算:得到的是要覆盖所有语句,独⽴路径数量的上限N3 构造独⽴路径:构造N 条独⽴路径4 确认分⽀点:针对每条独⽴路径,确认独⽴路径上的所有分⽀点5 构造执⾏条件:根据⼀条独⽴路径上的所有分⽀点集合确认路径执⾏条件集合6 编制⽤例:对这些路径和路径执⾏条件集合进⾏分析,编制⽤例A. 1,2,3,4,5,6B. 1,2,4,3,5,6C. 1,3,2,4,5,6D. 1,2,3,5,4,66.下⾯的观点哪些是错误的?(B)A.你永远也不可能完成测试,这个重担将会简单地从你(或者开发⼈员)⾝上转移到你的客户⾝上B. 当你时间不够或者资⾦不够⽤的时候,就完成了测试C. 我们不能绝对地认定软件永远也不会再出错,但可以根据合理和有效的统计模型来判定软件的测试程度7.单元测试是有谁来完成?( A)A. 开发⼈员B.测试⼈员C.客户D.项⽬经理8.评估类模型的步骤是:( A )1.再次考察 CRC 模型和对象-关系模型,进⾏交叉检查以保证由OOA 模型所蕴含的协作适当地反应在⼆者中。















IBM笔试题(一)IBM笔试题第一部分:IPA T (IPA T 的全称是Information Processing Aptitude Test)。

PartI 15min 15Ques 矩阵排列PartII 4min 20Ques 数列猜测PartIII 5min (不记得多少题)Ques 数学计算PartIV 15min 15Ques 矩阵排列每部分单独发卷,卷子第一页是样板题。


时间到了就收走卷子,但是IPA T的答题卡是在最后所有答完再收。




熟悉JA V A的选做AC,熟悉C++的选做BC。




IPA T总结1:E D C B AC ADE BA DBC EB E D A CD C AE BStart at the fourth letter of Column 5 and follow the letters around the outside of the pattern in a clockwise direction. What is the second letter between the second E and the second B you come to?答案:C解析:根据题意,从第5列第4个字母开始,在矩阵元素外沿顺时针方向走,在第2个E 字母和第2个B字母之间的第二个字母应该为C,如图所示:2:A B 2 C 31 1 B 3 DA 1BC 45 A 5 2 BE 5 D 2 CIn the row that has more letters than numbers, in which the numbers are separated by only one letter, and in which the numbers sum to less than the sum of the numbers in the second column, which letter comes just before the second number, counting from right to left?答案:C解析:根据题意:(1)字母比数字多的行有第1行、第3行、第5行;(2)数字只被1个字母隔开的行只有第1行;(3)在第1行中,从右往左数,在第2个数字(即2)之前的字母应该为C。






一、自我介绍类1. 请简单介绍一下你自己。






2. 你在过去的项目中遇到过什么难题,你是如何解决的?答:在过去的一个项目中,我们的团队遇到了一个性能瓶颈的问题。





二、技术问题类1. 请谈谈你对面向对象编程的理解。





2. 请解释一下什么是数据库事务。





IBM面试试题库2016年IBM面试试题库IBM认证要怎么考试?IBM笔试面试试题有哪些呢?下面跟yjbys 店铺一起来看看吧!给你一个矩阵:㈠㈡㈢㈣㈤1 a b c d e2 b c a e d3 c b e a d4 c e d b a5 e d a c b回答以下问题:1、将第一行和第四行交换后,第一行第四个字母下面的左边的下面的右边的字母是:①a ②b③c ④ d⑤ e2、将所有出现在d 左边的字母从矩阵中删掉,将所有出现在a 左边的c 字母从矩阵中删掉。

如果矩阵中剩下的字母的种类的数目大于3 。

答案为原矩阵中左上方至右下方对角线上出现两次的字母如果矩阵中剩下的字母的种类的数目小于或者等于3 答案为原矩阵中右上至左下对角线上出现4 次的字母①a ②b③c ④ d⑤ e3、将所有的a 用4 替换所有的d 用2 替换边一列的总和最大①㈠②㈡③㈢④㈣⑤ ㈤4、从左上字母开始沿顺时针沿矩阵外围第四次出现的字母係以下边个①a② b ③c ④d⑤ e5、沿第5 列从上到下接着沿第3 列从下到上接着沿第4 列从上到下接着沿第1 列从下到上接着沿第2 列从上到下第一个出现5 次的.字母是①a② b ③c ④d⑤ e6、给出一个数列请你推出该数列的下一个数,本部分计分方法为答对题数减去答错题数最后乘以12 2 4 4 6 6 8 8____1 2 3 4 5 3 6 7____22 17 19 21 18 18 20 19____20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6____2 2 2 53 3 3 5____7、本部分计分方法为答对题数减去答错题数最后乘以1某仓库存有相同数量的A B C 。

10 日后,A 卖出了1/2,B 卖出了1/3 ,C 卖出了1/4 。

问10 天后库存为原来的几分之几?8、有一堆桃,任吃,并有一个原始的吃桃计划。

Now 如果每天吃多1 个,比原计划吃少一日的话,则总的来说比原计划吃多1 个。



计算机四级网络工程师考试模拟题(附答案)一、单选题(共82题,每题1分,共82分)1.进程出现饥饿现象是指( )。

A、计算机系统发生了重大故障B、进程因竞争资源而无休止地等待对方释放已占有的资源C、进程的优先级较低而长时间得不到调度D、有多个互相等待的进程同时存在正确答案:C2.下面哪个不是SIP系统包含的基本服务器( )。

A、代理服务器B、重定向服务器C、注册服务器D、域名服务器正确答案:D3.关于C2等级安全性的描述中,错误的是( )。

A、用户与数据分离B、安全性高于C1C、存取控制的单位是用户D、具有托管访问控制正确答案:D4.进程在运行过程中具有多种状态,当它从等待态转换为就绪态时称为( )。

A、唤醒B、分派C、阻塞D、调度正确答案:A5.在以太网使用的ARP协议中,通常( )。


这类设备是( )。

A、集线器B、主机C、交换机D、路由器正确答案:B7.关于eDonkey2000的描述中,正确的是( )。

A、是文件共享的起源B、采用集中式结构C、具有文件Hash信息D、又称为比特洪流正确答案:C8.关于网络管理的描述中,正确的是( )。

A、网络管理必须采用集中式模式B、管理者都是专用硬件模块C、管理者与代理是一对一的关系D、管理者可主动收集信息正确答案:D9.关于RSA算法的描述中,正确的是( )。

A、由ISO制定B、属于流密码C、可用于数字签名D、具有理论证明的安全性正确答案:C10.当用户程序需要调用操作系统所提供的文件读写功能时,该功能首先执行的指令是( )。

A、文件操作指令B、I/OC、访管指令D、特权指令正确答案:C11.IP服务的三个主要特点是( )。

A、可靠、面向连接和尽最大努力投递B、不可靠、面向无连接和尽最大努力投递C、不可靠、面向连接和全双工D、可靠、面向连接和全双工正确答案:B12.关于Web服务的描述中,错误的是( )。



IPAT 的全称是IBM Personal Aptitude Test,即IBM 个人能力测试。

这是IBM 招募新员工的笔试,考查英文阅读速度和基本运算反应能力。



最关键的原则:1.保持冷静 2.敢于放弃 3.善于估算1.保持冷静可以肯定的说,没有人能把这四部分都按时答完。








1. 单词(我英文比较烂,达人们可以跳过这一小节。




1:E D C B AC ADE BA DBC EB E D A CD C AE BStart at the fourth letter of Column 5 and follow the letters around the outside of the pattern in a clockwise direction. What is the second letter between the second E and the second B you come to?2:A B 2 C 31 1 B 3 DA 1BC 45 A 5 2 BE 5 D 2 CIn the row that has more letters than numbers, in which the numbers are separated by only one letter, and in which the numbers sum to less than the sum of the numbers in the second column, which letter comes just before the second number, counting from right to left?3:E D C B AC ADE BA DBC EB E D A CD C AE BIf Row 4 were reversed, what letter would be above E in Row 5?Section 1: Lots of grids consisting of various sym bols. Given questions like “what is the symbol directly left of £symbol in the third column when it has been reversed?”Section 2: Give the next number in the sequence, 40 sets of sequences and 8 minutes available.Section 3: Basic mental arithmetic, calculator supplied e.g. if x had 30% and y had 10% of the remaining how much was left over?Aptitude test, 1? hour long, 3 parts, first part matrix manipulation e.g. if you interchange row 1 and row 2 what would be the symbol in the 3 column of row 1. Second part you are given a sequences and you have to pick the next number in the sequence. Third part, general math problems e.g. percentages, fractions, multiplications.2. 看完题再动笔有些题干比较长,废话一堆,等你按照说明一步一步做到最后的时候才发现基本都是无用功。















Test4pass IBM test 000-009 Exam

Test4pass IBM test 000-009 Exam

Test4pass E xpert In IT Certification E xamsExam : IBM 000-009Title : IBM Tivoli ProvisioningManager V7.1.1ImplementationVersion : DemoTest4pass E xpert In IT Certification E xamsTop 3 Customers in Test4passs - Best IT certifications TeamHOT Certifications On Test4passCisco CertificationsCCNA CCDA CCNP CCDP CCVP CCSP CCIP CCIE CCDE Data Center Sales ExpertMicrosoft CertificationsMCP MCSE MCITP MCTS MCSE2003MCPD MCDST TS Exchange Server2007 MCSE2003 Security MCSE2003 Messaging Microsoft Business SolutionsIBM CertificationsCertified Administrator Certified Systems Expert Solutions Expert System AdministatorDB2Certified Advanced Technical Expert Certified Advanced System AdministratorLotus Certification WebSphere Cognos 8 BI Certified Associate Developer Tivoli SoftwareCompTIA CertificationsA+CDIA+CTT+e-Biz+CompTIA HTI+i-NET+ Linux+Network+Project+RFID+Security+ Server+PDI+Convergence+1. From which URL can the IBm Tivoli Provisioning Manger V7.11 for Dynamic Content Delivery Administration Console be started?A. http://hostname:9045/adminB. https://hostname:9045/adminC. https://hostname:8080/DCD/loginD. https://hostname:9443/maximo/ui/loginAnswers: B2. Which role is required to perform virtualization tasks?A. Provisioning AnalystB. Deployment AdministratorC. Provisioning AdministratorD. Automation Package DeveloperAnswers: C3. if the global variable TCA Create.EO.SAP is set to true on IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manger server and the UNIX target computer was discovered by Initial Discovery,after Installing Tivoli Common Agent on this target computer ,which Server Access Points(SAP) should be present on this target with default configuration?A. SSH-Server, Agent-ServerB. RXA-Server, Agent-ServerC. RXA-Server,SDI-SAP,Agent-ServerD. SSH-Server,SDI-SAP,Agent-ServerAnswers: D4. What are three types of operation accepted by the dcmQueryCommand command?A. DCMInsert. DCMImport,and DCMDeleteB. DCMInsert, DCMExport,and DCMUpdateC. DCMinsert, DCMChange, and DCMDeleteD. DCMInsert,DCMChange, and DCMDeleteAnswers: C5. A Windows IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager(TPM) server,by default,has the IBM Tivoli Directory Server Instance service configured for a manual start, After booting , the Tivoli Directory Server Instance has been manualty started . what is the final step to activate the TPM server?A. Nothing else is required ,TPM is ready to goB. Select/click the TPM start icon on the desktopC. Start WebSphere and then select the TPM start iconD. Start WebSphere byselecting the start WebShphere iconAnswers: D6. In which instance is a federated agent deployed?A. when the network has broadband linksB. when the network environment has DS4 trunk linesC. when the network environment is designed with high performing routersD. when the network environment has slow links and target machines are located remotelyAnswers: D7. Running an Initial Discovery without explicit authorization credentials results in the discovered devices being added on to which group?A. static groupB. unknown resourcesC. untyped dynamic groupD. default provisioning groupAnswers: B8. Click the Exhibit button.Which action results in what this Exhibit shows?A. a failed Deployment Engine activityB. a Tivoli Common Agent reinstallationC. the execution of ./installguide_solaris2.sh commandD. the execution of /opt/Tivoli/ep/runtime/agent/endpoint.sh start commandAnswers: C9. what are the two main requirements for running the xmlConvert command?(Choose two.)A. IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager (TPM) must be running before issuing this commandB. the user must be logged into the TPM Web Interface as “tioadmin”C. The TPM engines must be shutdown and only the middleware components runningD. The data in encrypted format must have already been exported by dcmexport commandE. The TPM Computers that are being used must be running the same version of TPMAnswers: AE10. Which two scripts are required to be created and distributed to the target computer when creating a custom inventory discovery by using extensionsA. Pre and postB. hw_scn.ext and sw_scn.extC. inventory id and platform extensionD. my_table.windows.mif.backup and my_table.mif.backupAnswers: AC o n t a c t T e s t4p a s sWe are proud of our high-quality customer service, which serves you around the clock 24/7. To get your problem resolved instantly, live supportRead Our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)We have gathered the most frequently asked questions for you. Please read our list of FAQs. Contact us by Live MessengerSales:Test4pass(at)You can reach us at any of the email addresses listed below Please allow up to 24 hours for us to respond•MSN: Test4pass@。



IBM公司认证试题题库附答案IBM公司认证试题题库(附答案)IBM公司认证试题一1. A user wants to be permanently added to the dba group. Which of the following commands or processes can be used to accomplish this?A. chgrpB. chuserC. edit /etc/userD. edit /etc/security/groupAnswer: B2. An administrator needs to be able to list the number and size of backup sets on a tape. Which of the following procedures accomplish this?A. Use the tcopy /dev/rmtO.l until an end-of-tape error notification is received.B. Use the cpio -idmv < /dev/rmtO.l until an end-of-tape error notification is received.C. Use the tar -tvf /dev/rmtO.l repeatedly until an end-of-tape error notification is received.D. Use the dd if=/dev/rmt0.1 bs=128k count=EOT until an end-of-tape error notification is received.Answer: A3. An administrator needs to change a system's run level from level 2 to level 3. What is the appropriate method to accomplish this?A. Use the reboot command.B. Edit the /etc/reboot file and reboot the system.C. Edit /etc/.init.state file and reboot the system.D. Use the telinit command.Answer: D4. Under which of the following circumstances must a JFS filesystem be used instead of a JFS2 filesystem?A. filesystem will contain 100GB filesB. filesystem resides on a 32-bit systemC. filesystem contains a large number of small filesD. filesystem compression is requiredAnswer: D5. An administrator received a call from a user whose PC crashed while using vi to edit a file. The user wants the edited file back. Where should the administrator look for the file?A. /tmpB. /var/preserveC. /var/tmp/$USERD. $HOME/.viAnswer: BIBM公司认证试题二1.What components are needed to access the internal storage on a BladeCenter S?A.Optical Pass-Thru Module and one SFF FC adapter per bladeB.One iSCSI adapter per bladeC.SAS Connectivity Module and one SAS expansion card per bladeD.Integrated internal storage adapterAnswer:C2.A customer using IBM BladeCenter H wants redundant and separate management and production LANs. Which of the following is required to provide redundant connections toseparate LANs within the BladeCenter?A.Four Cisco Systems Fibre Intelligent Gigabit Ethernet switch modulesB.Two Cisco Systems Fibre Intelligent Gigabit Ethernet switch modules and a BladeCenter Gigabit SFF Ethernet expansion cardC.Two IBM Server Connectivity Modules and an Ethernet expansion card CFFvD.Four BNT/ Nortel Layer 2-7 GbE switch modules and a BladeCenter Gigabit SFF Ethernet expansion cardAnswer:D3.A customer is installing a Myrinet Cluster Expansion Card in an existing IBM LS21 blade server. Which bay should the Optical Pass-thru Module be placed?A.1B.2C.3D.4Answer:D4.A prospect has an new Director of IT. They are reviewing all servers to reduce the number of operating systems in their IT operations. Which operating system is supported on an LS21 blade?A.Red Hat Enterprise Linux v.4 Update 4 (AS, ES, WS)B.Red Hat 9C.Novell Netware 5.2D.Microsoft Windows 2000 ProfessionalAnswer:A5.A customer has an HS21 blade with no local disk. They are attempting to set up boot from SAN using a Windows 2003 CD. Which sequence is correct for this procedure?A.Install Windows from the CD using the QLogic driver provided on the CD, configure the LUN and zone for the target server, and then configure the blade BIOS to boot from SAN.B.Configure the LUN and zone for the target server, install Windows from the CD and press F6 when prompted to supply the driver, and then configure the QLogic adapter BIOS to boot from SAN.C.Configure the LUN and zone for the target server, configure the QLogic adapter BIOS to boot from SAN, install Windows from the CD, and then press F6 when prompted to supply the driver.D.Configure the blade BIOS to boot from SAN, configure the LUN and zone for the target server, and then install Windows from the CD using the QLogic driver provided on the CD.Answer:CIBM公司认证试题三1. Which construct is used to select the media type for the IBM System Storage TS7700 Virtualization Engine allocations?A. Data ClassB. Storage ClassC. Storage GroupD. Management ClassAnswer: A2. Your customer purchased an IBM TS3500 Tape Library and 3953 Library Manager. You need to provide the customer with the detailed worksheets to complete for the installation. In which resource do you find these worksheets?A. 3953 Tape System SAPR GuideB. 3953 Introduction and Planning GuideC. TS3500 Introduction and Planning GuideD. IBM TS3500 Tape Library with System z Attachment GuideAnswer: A3. A customer wants to connect two libraries to a single modem. Which feature is required to accomplish this?A. Remote Support SwitchB. Remote Support FacilityC. Remote Support ManagerD. Remote Console FacilityAnswer: A4. What is used to identify LTO Ultrium 3 WORM-capable drives?A. serial number of the driveB. logo at the front of the driveC. label on the back of the driveD. level of code the drive containsAnswer: D5. A customer is adding a TS3500 Tape Library to an existing tape environment. Which statement is true about the necessity of a Systems Assurance Product Review in this situation?A. A Systems Assurance Product Review must be performed before installation, providing it is the first TS3500 the customer installsB. A Systems Assurance Product Review must be performed before installation, providing it is indicated in the SAPR trigger criteria.C. It is not necessary to perform a Systems Assurance Product Review before installation, providing the customer already has a TS3500.D. It is not necessary to perform a Systems Assurance Product Review before installation, providing the customer'smanagement approves it.Answer: B。

Testpassport最新 IBM certifications I 000-002题库免费下载

Testpassport最新 IBM certifications I 000-002题库免费下载

TThe safer , easier way to help you pass any IT exams.Exam : 000-002Title :Version : DemoIBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center V4.11.How many zone set(s) can be active at the same time?A.1B.3C.10D.unlimitedAnswer:A2.Which protocol is used to discover a CIMOM?A.SLPB.UDPC.TPCD.SNMPAnswer:A3.Which IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center server directories and subdirectories need to be backed up on UNIX in case of a disaster?A./opt/IBM/TPCB./usr/IBM/Tivoli/tip and /usr/IBM/TPCC./opt/IBM/Tivoli/tip, /opt/IBM/replication, and /opt/IBM/TPCD./usr/IBM/Tivoli/tip, /usr/IBM/replication, and /opt/IBM/TPCAnswer:C4.What are the default server components that will get installed when a typical installation with Servers is selected?A.IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center for Data and DeviceB.Tivoli Integrated Portal, Storage Resource agent, and IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center for Data ServerC.IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center for Data and Device, and IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center for ReplicationD.Tivoli Integrated Portal, IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center for Replication, and IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center for Data and DeviceAnswer:D5.Which two items must be configured in IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center (Tivoli Storage Productivity Center) to send an alert to Tivoli Enterprise Center/OMNIbus? (Choose two.)A.the default domain nameB.a fully qualified Tivoli Enterprise Console/OMNIbus ServerC.the IP address where Tivoli Enterprise Console/OMNIbus can be foundD.the Tivoli Enterprise Console/OMNIbus User ID and Password to gain accessE.the port number to which Tivoli Storage Productivity Center will direct Tivoli Enterprise Console/OMNIbus eventsAnswer:B E6.The customer is requesting performance monitoring of NetApp storage subsystems. Which agent is required?App CIM agent (ONTAP SMI-S agent)B.IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center Data agentC.IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center Storage Resource agentD.IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center Data agent and NetApp CIM agent7.What are the correct steps to create a zone set?A.Go to Fabric Manager->Fabrics->Zone Configuration->Change->Add under Zone Sets->Provide Zone Set name->Select Zone(s) for Zone Set ->Finish.B.Go to Disk Manager->Fabrics->Select Fabric->Zone Configuration->Change->Add under Zone Sets->Provide Zone Set name->Select Zone(s) for Zone Set ->Finish.C.Go to Data Manager->Fabrics->Select Fabric->Zone Configuration->Change->Add under Zone Sets->Provide Zone Set name->Select Zone(s) for Zone Set ->Finish.D.Go to Fabric Manager->Fabrics->Select Fabric->Zone Configuration->Change->Add under Zone Sets->Provide Zone Set name->Select Zone(s) for Zone Set ->Finish.Answer:D8.After SMI-S agent of the fabric has completed its discovery, what is the next step before creating zone or zone set?A.Run Probe.B.Run Discovery.C.Do not do anything else.D.Run Performance Monitor job.Answer:A9.Where does a user go to run a CIMOM Discovery on the IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center GUI?A.Administrative Services->Discovery->CIMOMB.Administrative Services->Discovery->CIM agentC.IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center -> CIMOM DiscoveryD.IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center -> Discovery -> CIMOMAnswer:A10.What are two methods to determine if a CIM agent contains the devices that it manages, after it has been added successfully on IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center GUI? (Choose two.)A.Administrative Services->Discovery->CIMOM/Agents->Show Managed DevicesB.Administrative Services->Data Sources->CIMOM/Agents->Show Managed DevicesC.Administrative Services->Data Sources->CIMOM/Agents->Select CIMOM->Show Managed DevicesD.Administrative Services->Discovery->CIMOM->Select CIMOM discovery log->Show Managed DevicesE.Administrative Services->Discovery->CIMOM->Select CIMOM discovery log->expand on the CIMOM logAnswer:C E11.What is the minimum interval for data gathering by a switch performance monitor job?A.1 minuteB.5 minutesC.10 minutesD.15 minutesAnswer:B12.Which device currently supports for Single Sign-on with IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center V4.1?A.SVC 4.3.1B.DS8000 Release 4.2C.DS5000 (Firmware switches managed by DCFM13.When submitting a storage optimization report job, will data be physically moved from one storage pool to another?A.Yes. Data will be physically moved to target pool.B.No. No physical data move will be done; it will only be simulated.C.Yes. Data will be physically moved to target pool but only when in the same format (CKD or FB).D.Yes. Data will be physically moved to target pool, but only when in the same type of subsystem. Answer:B14.Given a successful installation of IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center, which directory contains the current Device server logs?A.\logB.\data\logC.\device\logD.\data\serverAnswer:C15.How can a user validate that the data agents are registered successfully on the IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center GUI tree?A.Data Manager-> Data/Storage Resource agentsB.IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center-> agentsC.IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center-> Data agentsD.Administrative Services->Data Sources->Data/Storage Resource agentsAnswer:D16.In the IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center GUI, where can it be verified if a switch is enabled for performance monitoring?A.Fabric Manager -> FabricsB.Administrative Services -> Data Sources -> CIMOM agentsC.IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center -> Topology -> SwitchesD.IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center -> Configuration Utility, Fabric Manager tabAnswer:D17.Which information is collected from computers during the probe job?rmation about disks and disk controllersB.health information about fabric componentsrmation about file types and their ownershiprmation about operating system resources (swap-space, memory, and so on)Answer:A18.Which IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center V4.1 (Tivoli Storage Productivity Center) license is required for using the storage performance optimizer?A.Basic EditonB.Standard EditionC.Tivoli Storage Productivity Center for DiskD.Tivoli Storage Productivity Center for DataAnswer:B19.Policies are enforced when defined conditions are detected by a monitoring job. What are two requirements to be used in the Policy management function to manage and enforce policies? (Choosetwo.)A.quotasB.constraintsC.Security levelsD.System enforcerE.Data Management toolAnswer:A B20.Which group does the installer's user ID have to belong to when installing DB2 on a Windows platform?A.TCPADMINB.DB2 Users GroupC.Administrator GroupD.Windows Systems GroupAnswer:C21.For computer and file system groups in Data Manager, a Group By Cluster check box is displayed. What happens if this option is selected?A.The Available pane displays a cluster name next to any clustered computers and cluster resource groups.B.The Available pane automatically filters and hides any cluster aware computers from being displayed in the list.C.The Available pane provides an additional option of being able to filter and hide cluster aware computers from being displayed in the list.D.The Available pane displaying any computer or cluster resource group that belongs to a PowerHA or MSCS Cluster is grouped under its cluster name.Answer:D22.What are two prerequisites for IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center to launch external tools? (Choose two.)A.It can be launched with a URL.B.It is a locally installed application.C.It must support Web 2.0 standard.D.It is a platform independent Java application.E.It runs in the same WebSphere server that the data server runs in.Answer:A B23.What is the minimum number of servers required to install DB2, IBM Tivoli Agent Manager and IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center for a small customer environment consisting of a single DS8000 and 10 host machines?A.1B.2C.3D.4Answer:A24.How many zone member(s) does a zone contain?A.oneB.fiveC.unlimitedD.Check with vendor documentation to see what is supported.Answer:D25.Which IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center license is necessary for IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center --> Analytics function usage?A.IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center for DataB.IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center Basic EditionC.IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center Limited EditionD.IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center Standard EditionAnswer:D26.Which IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center V4.1 media disk image contains the Storage Resource agent installation packages?A.Disk 1B.Disk 2C.Disk 3D.both Disk 1 and Disk 2Answer:D27.Upon completion of the IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center (Tivoli Storage Productivity Center) upgrade, the Tivoli Storage Productivity Center database must be migrated by using the database migration tool. Which choice represents the database migration tools that can be executed to perform the database migration?A.db2update.bat or db2update.shB.migratetables.bat or migratetables.shC.partitiontables.bat or partitiontables.shD.migratepartitions.bat or migratepartitions.shAnswer:C28.Which jobs need to run in order to populate the database with all available information for a storage subsystem?A.Probe and ScanB.Discovery and ScanC.Discovery and ProbeD.Probe and Performance MonitorAnswer:C29.Which is a valid triggering condition for the scan job alert?A.Scan FailedB.Scan Completed SuccessfullyC.Scan Completed with WarningsD.Scan found more than 10,000 filesAnswer:A30.Which task must be performed before gathering information about NetWare volumes?A.Create profiles to define which Netware servers to scan.B.Create quotes to control how many NetWare volumes should be pinged and scanned.C.Configure Device Manager to discover all the NetWare servers in NDS trees and then run a ping job.D.Define a scan and include the NetWare volumes and file systems for which you want to gather detailed storage information.Answer:D。















计算机四级网络工程师习题库及答案一、单选题(共82题,每题1分,共82分)1.下列描述的四个场景中,哪一个呈现出进程间只有互斥关系而没有同步关系( )。

A、不同的用户在各自的电脑上打同一盘网络麻将B、不同的用户在各自的电脑上同时编译程序C、不同的用户在同一台游戏机上玩踢足球的电子游戏D、不同的用户使用订票软件同时访问同一个订票数据库正确答案:D2.关于IP组播的描述中,错误的是( )。

A、可使用D类IP地址标识组播组B、组播组的成员是动态的C、非组播组成员不能向组播组发送信息D、成员可在任意时间退出组播组正确答案:C3.关于虚拟局域网的描述中,错误的是( )。

A、可基于局域网交换机组建B、可基于MAC地址分组C、英文缩写为VLAND、缺点是不便于用户管理正确答案:D4.下列描述的现象中,属于活锁的是( )。

A、相关进程进入阻塞状态,且可以唤醒B、相关进程没有阻塞,但是调度被无限推后C、相关进程进入阻塞状态,且无法唤醒D、相关进程没有阻塞,可被调度,但是没有进展正确答案:D5.在以下几种物理层标准中,支持双绞线作为传输介质的是( )。


请指出下列飞机订票代码中带有下划线部分的语句属于哪一个区域( )。

Int booking(id) //订票例程{Int c;While TS(&lock); //Test-and-Set 指令C=fetch(ticket); //从服务器取剩余票额Show(c); //显示If (read(input)=1) //是否订票?{C=c-1; //票额减1Send(c); //送回新数据}Lock = FALSE; //置标志为 FOutput(list); //打印机票}A、临界资源访问过程中的进入区B、临界资源访问过程中的临界区C、临界资源访问过程中的退出区D、临界资源访问过程中的剩余区正确答案:D7.关于SNMP的描述中,正确的是( )。



ibm-pc汇编语言程序设计试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 在汇编语言中,以下哪个指令用于将数据从内存加载到CPU寄存器中?A. MOVB. CMPC. JMPD. CALL答案:A2. 以下哪个指令用于将立即数加载到寄存器中?A. MOVB. INCC. DECD. PUSH答案:A3. 在汇编语言中,间接寻址模式通常使用哪个寄存器作为基址寄存器?A. AXB. BXC. CXD. DX答案:B4. 以下哪个指令用于比较两个寄存器中的值?A. MOVB. CMPC. SUBD. TEST答案:B5. 在汇编语言中,以下哪个指令用于将数据从CPU寄存器存储到内存中?A. MOVB. CMPC. JMPD. CALL答案:A6. 以下哪个指令用于将一个字节的数据从内存加载到寄存器中?A. MOV AL, [BX]B. MOV AX, [BX]C. MOV [BX], ALD. MOV [BX], AX答案:A7. 在汇编语言中,以下哪个指令用于跳转到指定的内存地址执行?A. MOVB. JMPC. CALLD. RET答案:B8. 以下哪个指令用于将一个值从堆栈中弹出到寄存器中?A. PUSHB. POPC. CALLD. RET答案:B9. 在汇编语言中,以下哪个指令用于无条件跳转到指定的内存地址执行?A. JMPB. JZC. JNZD. LOOP答案:A10. 以下哪个指令用于将一个值压入堆栈中?A. PUSHB. POPC. CALLD. RET答案:A二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 在汇编语言中,指令_________用于将数据从内存加载到CPU寄存器中。

答案:MOV2. 指令_________用于将立即数加载到寄存器中。

答案:MOV3. 指令_________用于将数据从CPU寄存器存储到内存中。

答案:MOV4. 指令_________用于将一个字节的数据从内存加载到寄存器中。


public class test{
public static void print(String [] args){
Child c=new Child();
Parent p=(Parent)c;
5、Web service
public class test{
public void print(String str){
char[] s=str;
public class a{
public static void main(String [] args){
public class Parent{
public void method(){
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Exam : IBM 000-152
Title : System x Technical
Principles V10
Version : Demo
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vendors. Which of the following is most relevant to this proposal?
A. Systems Management.
B. Grid Computing
C. Advanced Energy Manager (AEM)
D. Remote KVM
Answer: A
2. A customer has asked you to investigate their current x86 server environment to determine if they can achieve a reduction in power and rack consumption. They plan to implement VMware and local shared storage.
Which of the following consolidation proposals meets these needs?
A. BladeCenter S
B. BladeCenter H
C. BladeCenter E
D. BladeCenter HT
Answer: A
3. A customer currently has a large group of older 1U servers. Each dedicated to a unique application. Quick provisioning of the servers is important to the customer.
Which of the following approaches addresses this situation?
A. Virtualization
B. Replace each server with energy efficient servers
C. Upgrade in place to improve performance
D. Implement BladeCenter
Answer: A
4. A toy manufacturing customer wants to run Microsoft SQL Server.
Which category is applicable for such a solution?
A. E-mail
C. Network Infrastructure
D. Systems Management
Answer: B
5. A manufacturing customer wants a consolidation solution that provides scale-out capability and the highest processor density per rack unit.
Which of the following solutions meets the customer requirements?
A. x3650 M3 with Microsoft Virtual Server
B. BladeCenter JS43 with VMware
C. x3850 X5 with VMware
D. BladeCenter HS22V with VMware
Answer: D
6. Which of the following is used in an IBM BladeCenter to provide cooling?
A. Fans for each blade
B. Chilled Water
C. Blowers
D. Freon
Answer: A
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