Patriotic or not.2、位卑未敢忘忧国。
Dared not country.3、烈士之爱国也如家。
Patriotic martyrs of the martyrs.4、天下兴亡,匹夫有责。
Everyone is responsible for his country.5、国耳忘家,公耳忘私。
National ear forget, the public ear forget private.6、乐以天下,忧以天下。
Joy to the world, worry to the world.7、近乡情更切,不敢问来人。
Near my village, I dare not ask people.8、常思奋不顾身,而殉国家之急。
Often think of the death of national emergency regardless of personal danger.9、为祖国倒下的人,他的死是光荣的。
For the people of the motherland, his death is glorious.10、四万万人齐下泪,天涯何处是神州。
Forty thousand tears together, where is china.11、寄意寒星荃不察,我以我血荐轩辕。
Send Italy when Tsuen not observed, I in my blade heart.12、一身报国有万死,双鬓向人无再青。
A country has died, but to the people no longer green.13、要想着收咱失地,别忘了还我河山。
To think I received lost, don't forget to Restore our lost territories.14、愿以我血献后土,换得神州永太平。
The country is all patriotic, is everyone's duty.2、要让我们爱我们的国家,我们的国家应该可爱才行。
To make us love our country, our country should be lovely.3、身既死兮神以灵,魂魄毅兮为鬼雄!The body is dead Xi God in spirit, soul Yi Xi is a male ghost!4、平生爱国不甘后人,即使把我烧成灰,我也是爱国的。
For even if I cannot bear playing second fiddle patriotic ashes, and I am also patriotic.5、为中华之崛起而读书。
Reading for the rise of china.6、谁把中国农村搞好了,谁就是中国人民的功臣。
Who put the Chinese rural good, who is the hero of the people China.7、热爱自己的祖国是理所当然的事。
To love one's country is a matter of course.8、为中华崛起而读书。
Reading for the rise of china.9、瞒人之事弗为,害人之心弗存,有益国家之事虽死弗避。
Do not deceive people, not harm the heart, good state ofthings is death to avoid.10、真正的爱国者是爱人类的,爱国决不是排外。
True patriot love of mankind, not exclusive patriotic.11、爱家的人才人爱国。
Love the family of the people love the country.12、气蒸云梦泽;波撼岳阳城。
I hope that the cold stars are invisible. I recommend Xuanyuan with my blood.2、热爱自己的祖国是理所当然的事。
It is a matter of course to love our motherland.3、谁把中国农村搞好了,谁就是中国人民的功臣。
Whoever has done a good job in the countryside of China is the hero of the Chinese people.4、真正的爱国者是爱人类的,爱国决不是排外。
True patriots love human beings, and patriotism is by no means exclusive.5、为祖国而死,那是最美的命运啊!To die for the motherland is the most beautiful fate!6、人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青。
Who has not died in life since ancient times?7、必须经过祖国这一层楼,然后更上一层楼,达到人类的高度。
We have to go through this floor of our motherland and then go up toa higher level to reach the height of mankind.8、人民不仅有权爱国,而且爱国是个义务,是一种光荣。
People not only have the right to patriotism, but also patriotism is an obligation and a glory.9、中国人搞出的理论,首先要为中国人服务。
The theory put forward by the Chinese people should first serve the Chinese people.10、惟有民魂是值得宝贵的,惟有他发扬起来,中国才有真进步。
——奥尔丁顿Patriotism is a kind of vivid collective responsibility。
——聂鲁达 Is more important than life, more of the motherland is our mother,our land。
——阿尔弗雷德?阿德勒 Lie for his country is the responsibility of every patriot。
——柏拉图 People born not only for themselves, but also for our country to live。
——周恩来 We love our nation, it is the source of our confidence。
——爱德蒙?柏克 To make us love our country, our country ought to be lovely。
——朱德 Expeditions packed, and all the people as masters。
——马克思 We know that people are weak, but we also know that the whole is power。
——普希金 We needto get the heart of the beautiful passion is dedicated to the motherland。
A piece of heartfelt desire to repay the country, two lines of clear tears for loyal family.2、江娥啼竹素女愁,李凭中国弹箜篌。
Jiang E sings about Zhusu's woe, while Li plays with the help of China.3、靖康耻,犹未雪;臣子恨,何时灭!Jingkang shame, still not snow; ministers hate, when to extinguish!4、诗称国手徒为尔,命压人头不奈何。
Poetry calls the country's hands are empty, fate pressure people's head helpless.5、汉家君臣欢宴终,高议云台论战功。
At the end of the feast, the emperors and ministers of the Han family spoke highly of the merits of the battle in Yuntai.6、位卑未敢忘忧国,事定犹须待阖棺。
He who dares not forget his country must wait for the coffin to be closed.7、绝域从军计惘然,东南幽恨满词笺。
Desperate to join the army, the southeast hated the words.8、僵卧孤村不自哀,尚思为国戍轮台。
Stiff and lonely villages do not mourn for themselves, Shang Si is the national garrison platform.9、王师北定中原日,家祭无忘告乃翁。
if i were to live, i would cry for a day in china.2、除非你能消除人类的爱国之心,否则世界就永远不会太平。
unless you can eliminate the patriotism of the people, the world will never be peaceful.3、我们是国家的主人,应该处处为国家着想。
we are the masters of our country. we should always think of our country.4、祖国更重于生命,是我们的母亲,我们的土地。
our motherland is more important than life, is our mother, our land.5、我是中国人民的儿子。
i am the son of the chinese people. i love my country and people with deep affection.6、不爱自己国家的人,什么也不会爱。
people who do not love their country, what will not love.7、英勇非无泪,不洒敌人前。
brave and no tears, not sprinkle the enemy before. a man seven feet, is willing to donate the motherland.8、如果胃囊空空,谁也难以成为爱国志士。
if the stomach is empty, it is difficult to become a patriot who.9、假如我是有一些能力的话,我就有义务把它献给祖国。
if i have some ability, i will have the obligation to giveit to the motherland.10、爱国的主要方法,就是要爱自己所从事的事业。
Figure a heart of pure loyalty to serve the country, two lines of tears for family loyalty.2、青春元不老,君知否。
The youth element is not old, you know.3、忽忆周天子,驱车上玉山。
Suddenly the emperor week, driving to Yushan.4、指点六朝形胜地,惟有青山如壁。
Some six shaped resort, only the green hills such as wall.5、白马金鞍从武皇,旌旗十万宿长杨。
The white horse saddle gold from Wu Huang, Su Yang long one hundred thousand flags.6、即从巴峡穿巫峡,便下襄阳向洛阳。
Gap clothing from Pakistan Wu Gorge, next to Xiangyang Luoyang.7、天时怼兮威灵怒,严杀尽兮弃原野。
The other day my anger welling, Yan Xi kill all abandoned fields.8、忘身辞凤阙,报国取龙庭。
Forget the body by Feng que, the patriotic dragon court.9、从臣皆半醉,天子正无愁。
From the hill are drunk, emperor is no worry.10、南渡君臣轻社稷,中原父老望旌旗。
The light elder at the monarch, flags.11、春风举国裁宫锦,半作障泥半作帆。
The spring breeze the whole nation cuts the palace brocade, the half makes the barrier mud to make the sail.12、东南西北效皇极,日月星辰奏凯歌。
Loving family talent people patriotic.2、常思奋不顾身,而殉国家之急。
Selfless, contemplate, and sympathetic.3、人生富贵岂有极?男儿要在能死国。
Prosperity is a great life? Boys want to be in to death.4、人类的最高精神面就是爱国。
The highest human spirit surface is patriotic.5、爱国主义是一种生动的集体责任感。
Patriotism is a kind of vivid collective responsibility.6、真正的爱国主义是不分党派的。
True patriotism is nonpartisan.7、不爱自己国家的人,什么也不会爱。
Don't love their country, what also can't love.8、为祖国倒下的人,他的死是光荣的。
Fallen man for his country, his death is glorious.9、人不仅为自己而生,而且也为祖国活着。
People born not only for themselves, but also for ourcountry to live.10、真正的爱国者是爱人类的,爱国决不是排外。
True patriot love human, patriotic is not exclusive.11、谁不属于自己的祖国,他就不属于人类。
Who do not belong to his own country, he does not belong to human beings.12、爱国主义是一种有害的、精神错乱的白痴形式。
Keep the matter of the people, for, the heart of harm, to save, though dead, avoid are good countries.2、谁不属于自己的祖国,他就不属于人类。
Who do not belong to his own country, he does not belong to human beings.3、一般就在部分之中;谁不属于自己的祖国那麽他也就不属于人类。
General is in the part; Who does not belong to their country so he doesn't belong to human.4、热爱自己的祖国是理所当然的事。
His love for his country is a matter of course.5、没有祖国,就没有幸福。
No country, no happiness. Everyone must be rooted in the soil of the motherland.6、人民不能没有面包而生活,人民也不能没有祖国而生活。
People cannot live without bread, people also can't live without the motherland.7、爱国的主要方法,就是要爱自己所从事的事业。
The main method of patriotic, is to love what you are engaged in.8、热爱祖国的人绝不会憎恨人类。
Who loves the country would never hate humans.9、为祖国而死,那是最美的命运啊!Die for his country, that is the fate of the most beautiful!10、祖国的伟大和力量,原来就蓄存在祖国的自己身上。
Love the family of the people love the country.2、为中华崛起而读书。
Reading for the rise of china.3、鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已。
Keep loyal and devoted to the last。
4、国既不国,家何能存!In neither country can save home!5、我随时等待祖国的召唤!I am always waiting for the call of the motherland!6、以身许国,何事不敢为?The body Xu, did not dare to what?7、与其忍辱生,毋宁报国死。
With patience, rather die for my country.8、宁做流浪汉,不做亡国奴。
Better a tramp, not conquered.9、当须徇忠义,身死报国恩。
When required to loyalty, his death at guoen.10、祖国如有难,汝应作前锋。
If the motherland is difficult, you should be a striker.11、人类的最高精神面就是爱国。
The supreme spirit of man is the love of the country.12、祖国的命运就是自己的命运!The destiny of our country is our destiny!13、爱国反倒受穷,谁还敢去爱国?Patriotic but poor, who dare to patriotic?14、真正的爱国主义是不分党派的。
True patriotism is an independent party.15、科学没有国界,科学家却有国界。
Science has no national boundaries, but scientists have national boundaries.16、爱国,是一种极高贵的感情活动。
To be patriotic, motherland must be lovely.2、当须徇忠义,身死报国恩。
When must accepteth loyalty, le quoc an physical death.3、爱国反倒受穷,谁还敢去爱国?Patriotic but poor, who still dare to patriotic?4、夜视太白收光芒,报国欲死无战场!Night vision the white light, patriotic dying without the battlefield!5、科学没有国界,科学家却有国界。
Science without borders, but scientists have borders.6、最大的荣誉是保卫祖国的荣誉。
The biggest honor is to defend the motherland's honor.7、凡是不爱自己国家的人,什么都不会爱。
Those who don't love their country can love nothing.8、人类最高的道德是什么?那就是爱国之心。
What is the highest human morality? It is patriotism.9、中国人搞出的理论,首先要为中国人服务。
Come up with the theory of Chinese people, the first to service for the Chinese.10、我们爱我们的民族,这是我们自信心的泉源。
We love our nation, it is the source of our confidence.11、我赞美目前的祖国,更要三倍地赞美它的将来。
Three times I praise the motherland, more want to celebrate it in the future.12、祖国更重于生命,是我们的母亲,我们的土地。
A few memories, the country's perch, frost before and after the goose.2、望上国,山呼鳌抃,遥爇炉香。
Looking up to China, the mountain huao, remote incense.3、楚国青蝇何太多,连城白璧遭谗毁。
There are so many green flies in the State of Chu that Liancheng Baibi was destroyed.4、故垒西边,人道是,三国周郎赤壁。
On the west side of the base, the humanity is Zhoulang Chibi of the Three Kingdoms.5、鸡鸣紫陌曙光寒,莺啭皇州春色阑。
Chicken crows, purple moors, cold dawn, Yingzi Huangzhou spring appendix.6、莫倚倾国貌,嫁取个,有情郎。
Don't depend on your country, marry a lover.7、白发书生神州泪,尽凄凉、不向牛山滴。
White-haired scholar Shenzhou tears, desolate, not toNiushan drop.8、秋送新鸿哀破国,昼行饥虎齧空林。
Autumn sent Xinhong mourning to break the country, and day by day hungry tigers gnawed the forest.9、故国神游,多情应笑我,早生华发。
When you travel in your native country, you should laugh at me for being sentimental and have beautiful hair as early as possible.10、此中何处无人世,只恐难酬壮士心。
True patriotism is partisan.2、为了新中国,冲啊!For the new China, Chong ah!3、爱祖国⾼于⼀切。
Love the motherland above all.4、要爱国,祖国须可爱。
To be patriotic, motherland must be lovely.5、国⽿忘家,公⽿忘私。
State ear forget home, public ear forget private.6、夜视太⽩收光芒,报国欲死⽆战场!Close to the country Taibai night vision light, die without a battlefield!7、欲把西湖⽐西⼦,淡妆浓抹总相宜。
To the West Lake than the West as woman's light and heavy make-up.8、与其忍辱⽣,⽏宁报国死。
With patience, rather die for my country.9、⾂⼼⼀⽚磁针⽯,不指南⽅不肯休。
Chen Xin Shi a needle, not to the South would not take.10、为祖国⽽死,那是最美的命运啊!Die for the motherland, that is the most beautiful fate ah!11、团结起来,振兴中华!Unite and revitalize china!12、爱国主义是⼀种⽣动的集体责任感。
Patriotism is a vivid sense of collective responsibility.13、四万万⼈齐下泪,天涯何处是神州。
Reading for the rise of the Chinese.2、热爱自己的祖国是理所当然的事。
His love for his country is a matter of course.3、如果胃囊空空,谁也难以成为爱国志士。
If the stomach is empty, who is also difficult to be patriots.4、国家是大家的,爱国是每个人的本分。
Country is everybody's, patriotic is everyone's duty.5、科学虽没有国界,但是学者却有他自己的国家。
Science is no national boundaries, but scholars has his own country.6、人类最高的道德是什么?那就是爱国心。
What is the highest human morality? It is patriotism.7、谁不属于自己的祖国,那么他也就不属于人类。
Who do not belong to his own country, he also do not belong to human.8、爱国的主要方法,就是要爱自己所从事的事业。
The main method of patriotic, is to love what you areengaged in.9、真正的爱国主义不排斥对于其他人的爱国主义的理解。
True patriotism doesn't exclude to the understanding of the patriotism of others.10、爱国主义就是积极地为了微不足道的原因杀人并被杀。
Patriotism is actively for trivial reasons to kill and be killed.11、人民不仅有权爱国,而且爱国是个义务,是一种光荣。
I laugh from Hengdao to-day, the fate of two Kunlun hepatobiliary.2、去国十年老尽、少年心。
After ten years old, young heart.3、羌管悠悠霜满地。
Are yo Montreal cream. People insomnia, general white hair Yukio tears.4、武侯祠堂常邻近,一体君臣祭祀同。
Wuhou often adjacent to one of the ancestral temple, worship the same.5、故国且回首,此意莫匆匆。
The old and look back, this is in a hurry.6、山甫归应疾,留侯功复成。
Fu Gui hill should stay Gongfu into.7、位卑未敢忘忧国。
Dared not country.8、臣心一片磁针石,不指南方不肯休。
Chen Xin Shi a needle, not to the South would not take.9、奏恺乐,归皇都,班爵献俘邦国娱。
Caleb played, belong to the Royal Prince, offering Captive Nations entertainment class.10、缟素酬家国,戈船决死生!胡笳千古恨,一片月临城。
The ship will return home, mourning, life and death! Hujia eternal hate, a month in Lincheng.11、四十年来家国,三千里地山河。
Allthenewspapersaredead,andthetemplesarenevergreena gain.2、假如我是有一些能力的话,我就有义务把它献给祖国。
IfIhavesomeabilities,Ihaveanobligationtodedicateittomym otherland.3、人民不仅有权爱国,而且爱国是个义务,是一种光荣。
Thepeoplenotonlyhavetherighttopatriotism,butalsopatrio tismisanobligationandaglory.4、能够献身于自己祖国的事业,为实现理想而斗争,这是最光荣不过的事情了。
Itisthemostgloriousthingtobeabletodevoteoneselftotheca useofone'smotherlandandstrugglefortherealizationofone'side als.5、爱国主义是超越于原则之上的对于不动产的一种专横的崇拜。
Toloveourmotherland,wemustfirstunderstandourmotherla nd;ifwedon't,wecan'tsaylove.8、爱国主义,当它涉入认知领域时,是一个应该被扔出门外的混小子。
Patriotism,whenitcomestothecognitiverealm,isabastardwh oshouldbethrownoutofthedoor.9、英勇非无泪,不洒敌人前。
英语爱国名言带翻译1、起来,不愿做奴隶的人们,把我们的血肉筑成我们新的长城!Get up, people who do not want to be slaves, and build our flesh and blood into our new Great Wall!2、我重视祖国的利益,甚于自己的生命和我所珍爱的儿女。
I value the interests of my motherland more than my own life and my cherished children.3、爱国英雄给民族带来光荣,专制暴君给民族带来灾难。
Patriotic heroes bring glory to the nation and autocratic tyrants bring disaster to the nation.4、爱国是文明人的首要美德。
Patriotism is the first virtue of civilized people.5、人类的最高精神面就是爱国。
The highest spirit of mankind is patriotism.6、工人阶级要用自己的模范行动来带动全国人民建设社会主义!The working class should use its exemplary actions to drive the people of the whole country to build socialism!7、我希望在烈火与热血中得到永生!I hope to live forever in the fire and blood!8、爱国之心,实为一国之命脉。
Patriotism is the lifeblood of a country.9、想从我手中抢走火炬,除非从我尸体上爬过去。
I want to take the torch from my hand unless I climb over my body.10、爱国的主要方法,就是要爱自己所从事的事业。
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For the love of the nation and the evil of the nation.2、皇灵大动变,震雷风且寒。
Emperor Ling big dynamic change, shock wind and cold.3、晋武轻后事,惠皇终已昏。
Wu Jin Hui Huang light funeral, finally has been lost.4、月儿弯弯照九州,几家欢乐几家愁。
The moon shines on Kyushu, grad.5、向北望星提剑立,一生长为国家忧。
Looking at the north to raise the sword, a long life as a national worry.6、人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青。
All men are mortal., according to retain loyalty.7、於中应有,一个半个耻臣戎。
In its little shame, Chen rong.8、地下千年骨,谁为辅佐臣。
Underground Millennium bone, who served as assistant minister.9、一去隔绝国,思归但长嗟。
A to insulate a country, but a long sigh of nostalgia.10、故国梅花归梦,愁损绿罗裙。
The old plum to dream, worry about the loss of green luoqun.11、余亦赴京国,何当献凯还。
I also went to the kingdom of Beijing, when he offered Kay also.12、日日望乡国,空歌白苎词。
I look in the empty white ramie song ci.13、登临送目,正故国晚秋,天气初肃。
Board to send orders, is the motherland in late autumn, the weather at the beginning of gansu.14、朝市不足问,君臣随草根。
Towards the city of question, and with the grassroots.15、秋草六朝寒,花雨空坛。
The cold autumn grass, flower rain empty altar.16、凌余阵兮躐余行,左骖殪兮右刃伤。
Ling Yu Xi Yu after array, Yi Xi right edge left can hurt.17、试看天堑投鞭渡,不信中原不姓朱!It's investment whip Du, do not believe the Central Plains not zhu!18、身既死兮神以灵,魂魄毅兮为鬼雄。
The body is dead Xi God in spirit, soul Yi Xi is a male ghost.19、入则无法家拂士,出则无敌国外患者,国恒亡。
In no out no learned men and advisors, foreign aggression from enemy states, wakizuz.20、我是中国人民的儿子。
I am the son of the Chinese people. I love my motherland and the people deeply.21、杜鹃再拜忧天泪,精卫无穷填海心。
Rhododendron Zaibai carefree tears, infinite heart Jingwei reclamation.22、国耳忘家,公耳忘私。
The state forgets the family, the public ear forgets the private.23、京国多年情尽改,忽听春雨忆江南。
Years to change the situation in Beijing, suddenly listen to the spring rain jiangnan.24、卜宅从兹老,为农去国赊。
From this old farm to choose capital, credit.25、手持三尺定山河,四海为家共饮和。
A three foot set of mountains and rivers, cosmopolitan and drink.26、以国家之务为己任。
Duty of the state.27、衔冤只合甘先死,何待花间不肯言。
Nurse only Gansu die first, among the flowers would not say what are you waiting for.28、四牡何时入,吾君忆履声。
Four, when Wu Yi Jun, the sound of.29、国事如今谁倚仗,衣带一江而已。
Now who rely on the state, even a river.30、独怜京国人南窜,不似湘江水北流。
I love Beijing South channeling, not like the Xiangjiang River north.31、蜀魂飞绕百鸟臣,夜半一声山竹裂。
The birds fly around the soul Shu Chen, midnight a mangosteen crack.32、宠锡从仙禁,光华出汉京。
Pet tin from Xian ban Han Beijing guanghua.33、此生谁料,心在天山,身老沧洲!One who, in the heart of Tianshan Mountains, old cangzhou!34、无限伤心夕照中,故国凄凉,剩粉余红。
Infinite sad sunset, the motherland desolate, left morethan red powder.35、吴王事事须亡国,未必西施胜六宫。
Everything must be the king of Wu state, not Nishise Katsurokumiya.36、起望衣冠神州路,白日销残战骨。
Looking up clothes Shenzhou Road, a pin residual zhangu.37、落红不是无情物,化作春泥更护花。
No not heartless things, into a joke.38、予若洞庭叶,随波送逐臣。
If the leaf to send officials, along with the wave.39、苟利国家生死以,岂因祸福避趋之!In line with the conviction that I will do whatever it takes to serve my country even at the cost of my own life,regardless of fortune or misfortune to myself!40、天下兴亡,匹夫有责。
Everyone is responsible for his country.41、秦时明月汉时关,万里长征人未还。
Qinshiming Han Guan, long march has not yet.42、家国兴亡自有时,吴人何苦怨西施。
The rise and fall of its own country, why blame Wu shi.43、只解沙场为国死,何须马革裹尸还。
A solution for the country to die in battle, also died.44、白日放歌须纵酒,青春作伴好还乡。
Fangge be Zongjiu daytime, Youth Companion good return.45、山川勤远略,原隰轸皇情。
And often a little far from the original Xi Zhen Huang.46、忽醒然,成感慨,望神州。
Suddenly wake up, into emotion, hope china.47、出不入兮往不反,平原忽兮路超远。
Not to come into reverse, plain and Chaoyuan Xi lu.48、常思奋不顾身,而殉国家之急。
Often think of the death of national emergency regardless of personal danger.49、殊方日落玄猿哭,旧国霜前白雁来。
It shall sunset the cries of apes, old before frost white Yanlai.50、祖国沉沦感不禁,闲来海外觅知音。
The sense of destruction can not help, but to find overseas.51、使臣将王命,岂不如贼焉。
The princes of the king, would not be a thief.52、倚高寒、愁生故国,气吞骄虏。
On the cold, anxious students from the motherland, take pride.53、诚既勇兮又以武,终刚强兮不可凌。
Cheng Yong Yong and Wu, and finally strong Xi ling.54、近乡情更切,不敢问来人。
Near my village, I dare not ask people.55、寄意寒星荃不察,我以我血荐轩辕。
Send Italy when Tsuen not observed, I in my blade heart.56、咸言上国繁华,岂谓帝城羁旅。
The country is busy salty words, that the study of.57、渐老念乡国,先归独羡君。
Old hometown, first to the Xian Jun.58、春思远,谁叹赏、国香风味。
Spring, who admired China Siyuan, flavor.59、愿将腰下剑,直为斩楼兰。