



全球最美的20位“混血儿”一张中国历史图,比读万卷史书还受用在权与色之间,窥视复杂人性!来源:今天图说20、黛薇卡·霍内(Mai Davika)Mai Davika的中文名是黛薇卡·霍内,她是泰国知名的女演员,黛薇卡·霍内是泰国和比利时的混血儿。




17、格什菲·法拉哈尼(Golshifteh Farahani)伊朗人,83年出生,是一名演员。



曾经还被评为了“全球十大混血第一名”,长相确实非常漂亮,毕竟她也继承了韩国的基因,看起来非常甜美可爱!14、阿黛莱德·凯恩(Adelaide Kane)是一名澳大利亚演员,可是标准的90后哦。


13、卓丹·邓(Jourdan Dunn)是一名英国模特,健康的肤色演绎出别样的美丽,她不是在挑战人们的审美,而是在重新定义。





全球最美丽的19个绝色女人谢丽尔-科尔(Cheryl Cole) 是一名英国歌手,也是英国著名女子乐团Girls Aloud (高歌女孩) 的主唱。

谢丽尔-科尔 (Cheryl Cole) 不仅以天籁般的噪音征服了世人的耳朵,更是以曼妙的身姿征服了英格兰国脚阿什利-科尔 (Ashley Cole) 的心。

莫妮卡-贝鲁奇(Monica Bellucci) 是意大利国宝级性感女神,是Dior、Cartier等众多奢侈品品牌最爱的代言人。


2001年2月,赛丽塔-伊班克斯首次亮相纽约时装周为图勒 (Tuleh) 秋装走秀。

赛丽塔-伊班克斯在最新的全球最性感TOP 20超模排名中,位列第7杰西卡-贝尔 (Jessica Biel) 是好莱坞的一线红人。

在华纳收视率最高的美剧《七重天》(7th Heaven)中,杰西卡-贝尔扮演了Mary Camden这个角色。


杰西卡-奥尔芭(Jessica Alba),甜美的巧克力美人,拥有3国混血血统。

杰西卡-奥尔芭 (Jessica Alba) 的妈妈是加拿大 (法国区) 人和丹麦人的混血,爸爸是墨西哥裔美国人。

这就解释了杰西卡-奥尔芭(Jessica Alba) 棕色的肌肤和漂亮的深棕色眼睛。

拥有法国、爱尔兰和葡萄牙血统的Brooke Burke是著名赛车游戏《极品飞车》的代言人,同时也是旅游节目《Wild On》的主持人。


(Halle Berry) 是柏林和奥斯卡双料影后,她出演了第20部邦德影片,被认为是目前为止最高档的邦女郎,她曾是风光无限的模特和著名的露华浓(Revlon) 化妆品的代言人。

埃曼纽尔-施莱琪(Emmanuelle Chriqui)1977年10月10日出生在加拿大魁北克的蒙特利尔,星座:天秤座,父母都是来自摩洛哥的犹太人,家中有一位哥哥和一位姐姐,两岁大时搬到了安大略省的多伦多并在这个城市东北部的郊区小镇长大。






























2013年全球最美面孔100人榜单出炉,法国影后玛丽昂-歌迪亚获美国电影网站TC Candler选为“2013年百大最美面孔”冠军,亚军及季军分别是韩国女子组合After School
2013年全球最美面孔100人榜单近日出炉,法国影后Marion Cotillard(玛丽昂歌迪亚)获美国电影网站TC Candler选为“2013年百大最美面孔”冠军。





音乐:电影“红磨坊”音乐来源:新华网图片频道glm 制作2012.1.26G -1029•11月6日,在英国伦敦,委内瑞拉小姐艾薇安·萨尔科戴上象征世界小姐的王冠。
















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【简介】 出道前,作为女演员演电视剧,但除了1997年播出的电视剧和安在旭主演的电视剧《星星在我 心》以外,几乎没有留在记录。出道后,以最强的娃娃脸,绰号是“哈姆太郎”,在Kara队伍中副 队长存在般的胜妍,初中去美国留学,在美国完成高中学业后回韩国 ,托福考100分(满分120 分)的优等生 ,Winner's dance school 学习舞蹈 ,擅长舞蹈,特别是踢踏舞 ,聪明伶俐,伶牙 俐齿,会说一口流利的英语,因个人拥有满满的通告,被称为通告女王。又因为长着一张不会变 老的童颜面容,时常被认为是队里的年纪第二小的女生,FANS经常亲切地称呼其“小姐姐”。 【经历】 音乐 FEAT.Nassun《来玩吧》(09) 电影《为什么来我家》OST《奇迹》(09) 4Tomorrow《扑通扑通Tomorrow》(09) 电视剧《玛丽外宿中》OST《Super Star》(10) MV出演 SS501日文版《Lucky Days》(08) 4Tomorrow《tomorrow》(09) 4Tomorrow Story《 胜妍的梦想》(09) MC MBC《game MSL Break》MC(071017-071226 ) KMTV《少男少女歌谣白书》MC(080630-090528) 担任MBC 韩国GAME大赏颁奖礼MC(081216) SBS《quiz!六感对决》固定嘉宾(090412~2010.2) 2010环境节能日特辑 特别MC(with 奎利) 电台 KBS《Maybee的提高音量电台》固定嘉宾(08.12.16至09年) CF 三星公益广告 所获奖项 艺能排行4位 超级100音乐流行偶像30位 最想送巧克力给的女子组合成员1位 最适合的5月新娘69位 女团成员最美丽笑眼1位 拥有杀人眼笑女子偶像3位 最佳自然美女2位



安娜.扎亚施科夫斯卡娅 Анна Заячковская
.................................................. 选美冠军,乌克兰小姐2013, 身高179,三维90cm-60 Nhomakorabeam-92cm
.................................................. 欧列西娅.斯特凡科 Олеся Стефанко
.................................................. 尽管服装面料、质地不一定高档,但她们更注重的是使服饰与形体相得益彰,通过服装表现
个性和气质。年轻姑娘追求潇洒明快,中老年人讲究特色品味。 ..................................................
这片沃土孕育出众多的美丽女性,也使得近些年乌克兰的色情行业越发猖獗。许多女大学生 也选择这个行当来抵御经济危机。为了改变乌克兰在游客心目中的这种印象,乌克兰女性成立 了一个名为“女性”的组织,试图通过街头抗议等方式,向西方游客表明:“乌克兰女孩不出售”。
.................................................. 乌克兰泼水节 “色香味俱全 ”,麻辣美女释放天性,只要
智在其衣着上表现得特明显。 ..................................................
.................................................. 经济实力的“白领”用于穿着上的“大手笔”自不必说,工薪阶层的女士对服饰也有独到见解。


94 - Gianna Jun
93 - Krysten Ritter
92 - Maite Perroni
91 - Sophia Bush
90 - Alessandra Mastronardi
89 - Barbie Hsu
88 - Melanie Laurent
34 - Elsa Pataki
33 - Song Hye Kyo
32 - Carice Van Houten
31 - India Eisley
30 - Natalie Portman
29 - Olivia Wilde
28 - Kate Beckinsale
57 - Blake Lively
56 - Karen Gillan
55 - Meagan Good
54 - Meisa Kuroki
53 - Emma Roberts
52 - Sarah Gadon
51 - Elizabeth Olsen
50 - Im Yoona
87 - Sanaa Lathan
86 - Katharine McPhee
85 - Gabriela Marcinkova
84 - Ludivine Sagnier
83 - Lena Katina
82 - Xun Zhou
81 - Frida Gustavsson
11 - Lily Collins
10 - Lana Del Rey
9 - Camilla Belle
8 - Kerry Washington
7 - Emma Watson
6 - Jessica Brown Findlay



全球最美的100张脸蛋1.姓名:凯特·贝金赛尔Kate Beckinsale生于:英格兰家庭:祖父、父亲、母亲、姐妹、女儿(1999年1月31日出生)职业:演员曾经自己形容“小时侯是个令人讨厌,长得也并不招人喜欢的孩子”,如今丑小鸭变成了天鹅,被Hello!杂志的读者评为“25位最美丽的女人”中的第一名。



他们于1995年因拍摄《The Seagull》相识,后来发展成为英国影坛情侣档。






早期作品有《无事生非》(Much Ado About Nothing)和《迪斯科的末日》(The Last Days of Disco),最近的影片是和克莱尔·丹斯主演的《倒塌的宫殿》(Brokendown Palace)。

《金碗》(The Golden Bowl);米拉麦克斯的《运气》(Serendipity)——与约翰·库萨克合作;还有大片《珍珠港》——在其中扮演一位与两个飞行员发生感情纠葛的女护士。

2.姓名:凯拉·奈特利性别:女英文名:Keira Knightley生日:1983年3月22日星座:白羊座国籍:英国身高:170cm星路历程:1999年她在乔治·卢卡斯的《星际前传I》中饰演阿米达拉皇后的女侍。





31.模特劳拉·斯通(Lara Stone),荷兰。

32.演员布莱克·莱弗利(Blake Lively),美国。

33.模特布鲁克林·戴可儿(Brooklyn Decker),美国。

34.模特杰西卡·戈麦斯(Jessica Gomes),澳大利亚。

35.演员艾梅柏·希尔德(Amber Heard),美国。

转自米尔军情网36.演员克里斯汀·韦格(Kristen Wiig),美国。

米尔军事论坛 37.演员安妮·海瑟薇(Anne Hathaway),美国。

38.模特莎拉·简·安德伍德(Sara Jean Underwood),美国。

转自米尔军情网 http://www.m39.歌手和演员碧昂丝(Beyonce),美国。

40.UFC举牌女郎布里特尼·帕尔默(Brittney Palmer),美国。

41.演员阿曼达·塞褔里德(Amanda Seyfried),美国。

军情第一站42.演员艾丽森·汉尼根(Alyson Hannigan),美国。


米尔网 44.演员克里斯滕·瑞特尔(Krysten Ritter),美国。

45.演员史黛希·姬伯乐(Stacy Keibler),美国。

46.歌手妮可·舒可辛格(Nicole Scherzinger),美国。

转自米尔军情网47.演员詹妮弗·劳伦斯(Jennifer Lawrence),美国。

48.演员卡黛丝·柏丽(Candace Bailey),美国。

爱国交流理性平台49.演员佩内洛普·克鲁兹(Penelope Cruz),西班牙。





近日,美国著名电影评论网站TC Candler公布了“2013年全球100张最美面孔”,结果令网友感到意外。


这份榜单中,韩国美女上榜较多,上榜14人,After School成员Nana第二名,少女时代成员泰妍、miss A成员裴秀智、少女时代成员Jessica、秀英,允儿,宋慧乔与高雅拉,IU,全智贤,Orange Caramel.成员Lizzy,RAINBOW成员金栽经,After School成员伊英,RAINBOW成员高佑丽。

不仅如此,更让人意外的是:法国影后玛丽昂-歌迪亚位居首位,而韩国女子组合After School成员Nana获得第二名。




那么,你的女神上榜了吗?这个榜单你满意吗?下面就让我们一起来看看刘亦菲才排第50名的2013全球百大最美脸蛋究竟都有谁?1. Marion Cotillard(玛丽昂-歌迪亚)2. Nana 韩国3. Chloe Grace Moretz(科洛-格蕾斯-莫瑞兹)4. Emilia Clarke(艾米莉亚-克拉克)5. Camilla Belle(卡米拉-贝勒)6. Alexandra Joner7. Lena Gercke(莉娜-格尔克)8. Emma Watson(艾玛-沃森)9. Kim Taeyeon(金泰妍)韩国10. Jessica Brown Findlay (杰西卡-布朗-芬德利)11. Olivia Wilde(奥利维亚-维尔德)12. Deepika Padukone(迪皮卡-帕度柯妮)13. Alexandra Daddario(亚历珊卓-达迪莉奥)14. Suzy Bae(裴秀智)韩国15. Alison Brie(爱丽森-布里)16. Nathalie Emmanuel17. Zara Larsson18. Selena Gomez(赛琳娜-戈麦斯)19. India Eisley(英迪娅-埃斯利)20. Jessica Jung(郑秀妍)韩国21. Lily Collins(莉莉-柯林斯)22. Meagan Tandy(梅根-坦迪)23. Tamsin Egerton(塔姆欣-伊格顿)24. Song Hye Kyo(宋慧乔)韩国25. Lea Seydoux(蕾雅-赛杜)26. Lupita Nyong'o(露皮塔-尼永奥)27. Amber Heard(艾梅柏-希尔德)28. Megan Young(梅根-杨)29. Laura Haddock(劳拉-哈德克)30. 朱珠中国31. Sarah Gadon(莎拉-加顿)32. Satomi Ishihara(石原里美)日本33. Natalie Portman(娜塔莉-波特曼)34. Go Ara(高雅罗)韩国35. Kate Bock36. Cintia Dicker(辛缇娅-迪可儿)37. Kerry Washington(凯丽-华盛顿)38. Kate Beckinsale(凯特-贝金赛尔)39. IU(李智恩)韩国40. Jennifer Lawrence(詹妮弗-劳伦斯)41. Nozomi Sasaki(佐佐木希)日本42. Imogen Poots(伊莫珍-波茨)43. Gianna Jun(全智贤)韩国44. Malena Costa(梅兰娜-科斯塔)45. Keira Knightley(凯拉-奈特利)46. Mirei Kiritani(桐谷美玲)日本47. Mila Kunis(米拉-库妮丝)48. Emma Stone(艾玛-斯通)49. Tone Damli50. 刘亦菲中国51. Rachel Weisz(蕾切尔-薇姿)52. Aferdita Dreshaj53. Freida Pinto(芙蕾达-平托)54. Kristina Romanova55. Kate Winslet(凯特·温斯莱特)56. Haruka Shimazaki(岛崎遥香)日本。



2015世界最美面孔100人【导语】:由国外知名电影评论网站TC Candler 制作的“THE 100 MOST BEAUTIFUL FACES OF 2015”(2015世界最美面孔100人)榜单火热出炉,韩国女星NANA连续两年登顶,中国女星有四人入榜,分别是朱珠(26名)、鞠婧祎(53名)、刘亦菲(77名)、柳岩(89名)。


女子组合after school的成员,同时也是orange caramel 的成员。



在Pledis Ent成为练习生训练一年后,加入after school,成为三期成员;同年6月,与同队Raina,Lizzy以AS小分队Orange Caramel出道,参加过super model大赛,入围决赛。




[2] 2015年2月15日林珍娜参演的电视剧《相爱穿梭千年》开播,林珍娜在其中饰演赵娜娜一角。

盖尔·加朵(GAL GADOT)是一位以色列女演员与时装模特儿。



卓丹·邓(JOURDAN DUNN),英国超级名模。

她是高级时装品牌:Burberry、Calvin Klein及Yves Saint Laurent Beauty的代言人。

卓丹上过Vogue及i-D等杂志封面或内页,也有参与Fendi、Christian Dior、Prada等著名时装及奢侈品的时装展。

卓丹现在在的Top 50 Women中排15名。



历届全球最美面孔冠军(1990年-2018年)TC Candler从1990年开始,每年都会选出全球百大最美面孔,从每年世界各国美女明星的排名,也可以一窥时代审美、明星人气的变迁,近些年来亚裔面孔的增加也足够说明问题,历年世界最美脸蛋冠军,你觉得谁最漂亮?1990米歇尔·菲佛米歇尔·菲佛(Michelle Pfeiffer),1958年4月29日出生于美国加州圣安娜,美国影视演员、制片人。









1992米歇尔·菲佛(1990年冠军,资料请看1990年)1993米歇尔·菲佛(1990年冠军,资料请看1990年)1994伊莎贝尔·于佩尔伊莎贝尔·于佩尔(Isabelle Huppert ),1953年3月16日生于法国巴黎,法国女演员。






今年的“THE 100 MOST BEAUTIFUL FACES OF 2015”(2015世界最美面孔100人)榜单。

韩国女星NANA连续两年登顶,我们熟悉的在《哈利波特》饰演赫敏的艾玛沃特森排名第四,最近大热的日剧《朝五晚九》的女主角石原里美也有上榜,另外日本女星佐佐木希也上了榜,中国女星则有4人上榜,分别是朱珠(26名)、鞠婧祎(53名)、刘亦菲(77 名)、柳岩(89名)。


在这份100人的榜单中紧紧美国占了22位,英国14位,这份榜单多少带有一些西方人的审美特色,但这100张脸也确实非常美,让我们一起来看看吧!TOP 100 Margot Robbie 玛歌特·罗比2012年在马丁·斯科西斯(Martin Scorsese)执导的新片《华尔街之狼》(The Wolf of Wall Street)中担任女主角。


TOP 99 Jieun(Song Ji-eun) 宋智恩韩国歌手、演员、舞者,韩国女子组合Secret成员。

TOP 98 Fanny Neguesha 范妮巴神女友,23岁四国混血模特。

TOP 97 Alison Brie 爱丽森·布里爱丽森·布里的第一个电视角色是《孟汉娜》中的小配角妮娜。

随后布里开始在剧集《借口》(My Alibi)中出任主演。

2007年,布里参加《广告狂人》的试镜,并最终得到Trudy Campbell的角色。

目前,布里也在喜剧《社区生活》中担任主要角色Annie Edison。

爱丽森·布里出演了2010年上映的独立制作影片《Montana Amazon》,开始涉足大银幕。

TOP 96 Davika Hoorne 黛薇卡·霍内近来7台力捧的一位新生代演员、她于1992出生在泰国曼谷,后以模特的身份出道。



2011全球最性感的100位美⼥2011全球最性感的100位美⼥2011-06-01 22:27:40| 分类:娱乐时事阅读1862 评论2 字号:⼤中⼩订阅本⽂引⽤⾃锋和瑞的故事《2011全球最性感的100位美⼥》世界上最出名的⼋卦⼩报PopCrunch近期评选出了2011年最性感的100位美⼥,这也是PopCrunch连续第三年评选出年度最性感的美⼥。


2011全球最性感的100位美⼥ - 锋和瑞的故事 - 锋和瑞的故事100. Carrie UnderwoodCarrie Underwood is the most-successful American Idol to date. She’s taken home every award given to country music including Entertainer of the Year as well as Grammy Awards and has even been nominated for a Golden Globe. In 2010 Carrie was married to her fiance, Mike Fisher and wrapped her wildly-successful Play Ontour.99. Claire DanesClaire came into our lives on the television series, My So Called Life and now she’s a Golden Globe and SAG winner. Claire Danes has been growing into a fanfavorite for years.98. Giada de LaurenttisGiada is the host of Everyday Italian on the Food Network and she is helping men across America learn more about cooking than they ever though possible. Giada who flashes her gorgeous smile makes everyone melt as they learn to cook some fabulous Italian cuisine.97. Laura Bell BundyLaura became a household name when she debuted on Broadyway in the Tony-award winning musical, Legally Blonde. Since then she’s been roping her way intothe country music industry, breaking through with her first hit single, Giddy on up.96. Olivia Munn2011全球最性感的100位美⼥ - 锋和瑞的故事 - 锋和瑞的故事Olivia became a household name when she landed a deal with the G4 gaming network. Since then she’s been the face of Pepsi, Neutrogena and Nike. The last few years she has been ranked as one of the Sexiest Women alive by Maxim magazine.95. Nicole KidmanNominated again for an Academy Award, Nicole Kidman, is always one of the sexiest women alive. Kidman who has contiuned to select brilliant roles also added another daughter, Faith, to the mix in 2010. Nicole and husband, Keith Urban, welcomed a second daughter (via surrogate) in December.94. Lucy Lawless2011全球最性感的100位美⼥ - 锋和瑞的故事 - 锋和瑞的故事She’s the star of the Showtime series, Spartacus, Lucy Lawless has brought sex-appeal to a time period when dirt and dust ruled the landscape. Lawless isn’t afraid to flaunt her body for the role either, you can almost always catch some exposure during an episode of Spartacus.93. Jenn SturgerIt’s a name that Brett Favre would rather never hear again his whole life but Florida State grad, Jenn Sturger does make our Top 100 list. Known for her modeling work and later as a side-line reporter for the NY Jets, Sturger has never been afraid to use her assets to take her a little farther in life.92. Miley Cyrus2011全球最性感的100位美⼥ - 锋和瑞的故事 - 锋和瑞的故事She’s finally 18 and eligible for our Top 100 lists but we’re not sure that she’ll still be relevant after this year so we’re adding Miley Cyrus in at #92. The former star of Hannah Montana wrapped 2010 with a bong video that went viral, a single that flopped and parents that filed for divorce – here’s to 2011 Miley. New album, newmovies, should be a much better year.91. Jennifer Love HewittNow before many of you question how can Jennifer be so low on our list, let’s remember that while her rack is great her career has taken a turn South over the last year. Her CBS series, Ghost Whisperer was sold to NBC and then dropped by the network. Love is set to make her directorial debut later this year. We’re banking on2011 being a turn-around year for Jennifer.90. Kaley CuocoIf you are a fan of Science, Star Trek or Comic Books then Big Bang Theory star, Kaley Cuoco is officially your dream girl. Cuco, who plays Penny on the CBS comedy is showing us that even if you don’t understand “science speak” you can still hang with your local Science Professors, as long as your are hot and quick-witted.89. Gwyneth PaltrowGwyneth Paltrow seems to have it all, a rock star husband, family a movie career and now a great reoccurring role on the Fox comedy, Glee. Paltrow will be heading back to the small-screen this Spring, reprise her role as a substitute teacher, this time putting the moves on Matthew Morrison’s character, Will Schuester.88. Eva Mendes2011全球最性感的100位美⼥ - 锋和瑞的故事 - 锋和瑞的故事Eva Mendes is a repeat offender on the Hot 100 and she never disappoints. Mendes, who is set to appear this year in a few films will also launch a new Calvin Kleincampaign this Spring.87. Denise RichardsShe might be one-step away from boarding the Crazy Train but Denise Richards is still gorgeous. Denise made headlines in late 2010 after she and ex-husband Charlie Sheen, had been seen together in NYC, just hours before Charlie held a prostitute hostage and trashed a Central Park hotel room. Denise and Charlie sharecustody of their 2 young daughters, Sam and Lola.86. Ashley Benson2011全球最性感的100位美⼥ - 锋和瑞的故事 - 锋和瑞的故事She’s one of the break-out stars of the ABCfamily series, Pretty Little Liars and actress Ashley Benson is making her first appearance on the Hot 100 list. You may recognize her from the Bring it on Franchise but if not then be sure to catch her as Hanna Marin, showing off her wicked ways.85. Andrea RothIf you haven’t been hooked on the FX series, Rescue Me, this is your final opportunity. The NYFD drama will wrap on the 10-year anniversary of the 9/11/01 attacks and we have no doubt that Andrea Roth will rock this final season. Her no-nonsense attitude and passionate spirit has gripped viewers for the last 6 seasons.84. Padma Lakshmi2011全球最性感的100位美⼥ - 锋和瑞的故事 - 锋和瑞的故事Padma is the hot host of the Bravo reality series, Top Chef. For 7 seasons, Padma has been politely asking some of the best chefs in the country to “Pack their knives and go” all the while throwing her own comments in to lead to their demise. Lakshmi’s personal life was busy in 2010, as she gave birth to her first child. Padma iscurrently involved in a custody battle with her baby-daddy, Michael Dell.83. Reese Witherspoon2011全球最性感的100位美⼥ - 锋和瑞的故事 - 锋和瑞的故事Reese solidified her role as America’s Sweetheart with two great romantic comedies in 2010 and will soon be see starring alongside Twilight star, Robert Pattinson, in the film version of the hugely-popular novel, Water for Elephants. Reese is also planning to tie the knot in 2011. She announced her engagement to Hollywood agent,Jim Roth late in 2010.82. Taylor Swift2011全球最性感的100位美⼥ - 锋和瑞的故事 - 锋和瑞的故事Taylor Swift is more than the Princess of County Music, she has become a world-wide phenomenon. Taylor’s 3rd album, Speak Now, broke records around the world as it blew to 1 million copies in just 3 days after its release. Taylor has already seen both of the first two singles fly to #1 on the charts and isn’t showing any signs ofslowing down.81. Tiffani Theissen2011全球最性感的100位美⼥ - 锋和瑞的故事 - 锋和瑞的故事You grew-up loving her as Kelly Kapaowski and then watched her in college on Beverly Hills, 90210 and now you can catch her on the USA drama, White Collar.Tiffani gave birth to her first child in 2010, a daughter Harper but appears to be back to her rocking body already.80. Tina Fey2011全球最性感的100位美⼥ - 锋和瑞的故事 - 锋和瑞的故事You love her because she’s funny and she makes Sarah Palin look just as stupid as Sarah herself can. Tina Fey continues to rock on 30 Rock and even had uslaughing in the aisles in her first feature film, Date Night.79. Rachel McAdams2011全球最性感的100位美⼥ - 锋和瑞的故事 - 锋和瑞的故事This gorgeous Canadian is a veteran on our Hot 100 lists, but no list would be complete without Rachel McAdams. Rachel added to her string of movie success withthe romantic comedy Morning Glory in 2010. Rachel is set to appear in 3 films this year, which will include Woody Allen’s latest project, Midnight in Paris. All 3 ofRachel’s latest projects will hit theatres in this year.78. Kate Middleton2011全球最性感的100位美⼥ - 锋和瑞的故事 - 锋和瑞的故事Now, we might be offending the Royal Family but the woman who will one day be Queen, has to make our hottest list this year. Right now, Kate Middleton, isn’t royalty but once she makes her triumphant entrance to Westminster Abbey on Friday, April 29th she will be married to Prince William and be next in line for the throne. Beprepared, it’s going to be a world-wide extravaganza.77. Kristin GustafsonYou may not recognize the name, Kristin Gustafson but in 2009 she became the 1st Maxim Hometown Hottie. Gustafson hails from Turlock, Califonira and has now become a professional pin-up model. She’s gorgeous alright – is she hotter than any local hometown hottie you may know?76. Miranda Lambert2011全球最性感的100位美⼥ - 锋和瑞的故事 - 锋和瑞的故事She’s pure country and if you get in her way, she’ll kick your @ss. Miranda Lambert has had an amazing year and is poised to caputre a few Grammy’s at this years show in February. Miranda will have new music out this year as well as tie the knot to fellow country-singer, Blake Shelton.75. Maria MenunosMaria Menunos has proved that she knows football and can catch a pass from an NFL Hall of Fame Quarterback but she can also look amazing and heat-up any red carpet. The Access Hollywood anchor keeps up informed daily of celebrity news and if you follow her on Twitter, she’ll keep you updated all on things Boston-sports.74. Britney Spears2011全球最性感的100位美⼥ - 锋和瑞的故事 - 锋和瑞的故事Even though she has new music coming out this week, Britney Spears is going to stay in the later section of our Hot 100 until she permanently fixes her weave. Sorry Brit-Brit, we’ve just seen too many pictures lately of your hair falling out. As she prepares for the launch of this new album and what is sure to be a huge tour to follow,we’ll keep our eye out for hottness.73. Christina HendricksShe’s the voluptuous star of Mad Men and Christina Hendricks never disappoints. Whether it’s on the red carpet of just in her office gear, Christina always looks amazing. Props to Christina also for her old-school Playboy pictures that surfaced a few weeks ago. Hey, we don’t judge, a girl has to work.72. Emily BluntThis British-beauty can’t make up her mind if she’s a serious actress or is willing to just take any role, like the one in Gulliver’s Travels (Anything starring Jack Black is the kiss of death) or if she’s ready to return to her Golden Globe ways Gideon’s Daughter. Outside of her career, Blunt married fellow-actor John Krasinski in 2010. Noword on babies in the future but both are pretty busy right now.71. Hilary Duff2011全球最性感的100位美⼥ - 锋和瑞的故事 - 锋和瑞的故事The former Lizzie McGuire star is all grown-up and even married but Hilary Duff is still making our hot lists. Duff is now a published author set to appear in 3 majorfilms in 2011, including The Story of Bonnie and Clyde.70. Courtney CoxShe’s the star of Cougar Town but could soon be taking that role into her real-life. At the end of 2010, Courtney Cox announced that she and husband, David Arquette, were separating. Arquette has since entered rehab and the pair are staying out of the public eye. Courtney has said their focus remains their daughter,Coco.69. Lea Michele2011全球最性感的100位美⼥ - 锋和瑞的故事 - 锋和瑞的故事Lea Michele has become a household name, thanks to the success of Glee and now this child Broadway star is taking Hollywood by storm. She will be voicing Dorothy in a animated remake of the classic film, The Wizard of Oz and will also be singing America, the Beautiful at the upcoming Superbowl.68. Leighton MeesterAfter finding success on the small-screen in Gossip Girls, Leighton Meester is flexing her film muscle. She can currently be see starring alongside Gwyneth Paltrow in the musical, Country Strong and can soon be opposite, Minka Kelly, in Roommates.67. Karen GillianThis Scottish actress has been capturing UK television audiences for the last 4 seasons for her role on Doctor Who. You may not recognize the name but Karen Gillian is worth taking a second look at it, trust us. We know knock-out talent when we see it.66. Emma StoneEmma Stone has been hovering on our list for the last couple of years, but now she’s breaking through. Fresh off a Golden Globe nomination for her role in Easy A, Emma is ready to take her career to the next level. Emma has already signed on to join the next installment of the Spider Man series, set to land in theatres in 2012.65. Blake Lively2011全球最性感的100位美⼥ - 锋和瑞的故事 - 锋和瑞的故事Blake Lively went from a Gossip Girl to a Boston-gal in the Ben Affleck directed smash, The Town. Lively stepped out of her comfort zone and delivered a break-out performance in the film. Blake is currently working on a new untitled project and is also appearing in The Green Lantern.64. Amy Adams2011全球最性感的100位美⼥ - 锋和瑞的故事 - 锋和瑞的故事Amy Adams has been nominated for every award under the sun for her role in Mark Walbergh’s The Fighter. While she’s seen all the honors go to her costar, Melissa Leo, Amy has continued to look gorgeous and gracious. Adams, who gave birth to her first child in 2010 has stated that she’s not worried about her body but whyshould she? She’s already back to her pre-baby body.63. Chelsea Handler2011全球最性感的100位美⼥ - 锋和瑞的故事 - 锋和瑞的故事If you don’t think she’s funny, then you don’t have a sense of humor. E! star, Chelsea Handler, has now written two hilarious books and continues to deliver night after night on her talk show, Chelsea Lately. With huge ratings, Chelsea just inked a new deal to appear on the network, through 2012.62. Emmy RossumEmmy made her film debut in the Clint Eastwood drama, Mystic River. Since then she has appeared in the cult classic, The Day after Tomorrow and her criticallyacclaimed role in The Phantom of the Opera.61. Jennifer Aniston2011全球最性感的100位美⼥ - 锋和瑞的故事 - 锋和瑞的故事We’re going to hold The Bounty Hunter against Jennifer and keep her at #61 on our list this year. Her performance and that of co-star, Gerald Butler, earned the pair the honor of a razzie…but come on, Sandra Bullock took home a Razzie and an Oscar in the same year, so maybe there’s hope for Jen yet.60. Victoria BeckhamShe took the world by storm as Posh Spice but now she’s fashionista, Victoria Beckham. Married to one of the hottest men in the world, soccer star, David Beckham, and pregnant with the couples 4th child, Victoria is very busy these days spending time in LA and back in London.59. Rachelle Leah2011全球最性感的100位美⼥ - 锋和瑞的故事 - 锋和瑞的故事Rachelle Leah is the gorgeous face of UFC. Since making an appearance on a Nick Lachey & Jessica Simpson Variety Hour special, Rachelle landed a gig with UFC and has since been promoting the mixed martial arts league since 2008. She has been listed by FHM, Maxim and GQ as one of the sexiest women alive.58. Selena GomezSelena Gomez is the only current Disney Star who hasn’t had a complete melt-down. Now, she’s is receiving death threats but that’s only due to her romance with teen-throb, Justin Bieber. Selena is wrapping her Disney Channel series, Wizards of Wavely Place and is preparing to tour in support of her first studio album, Selena Gomez & The Scene. Keep in mind she’s 18 but we can’t let her first year of eligibility pass us by.57. Paris Hilton2011全球最性感的100位美⼥ - 锋和瑞的故事 - 锋和瑞的故事Now some would say that 57 is too high for the Hilton Heiress but we think is this the perfect place for Paris, somewhere in the middle of the pack. 2010 saw a much tamer Paris, maybe since buddy Lindsay Lohan would up in court-mandated jail? We’ll never know but let’s hope Paris has decided to grow-up, just a little.56. Halle BerryHalle Berry doesn’t age, she always is flawless, what is her secret? Halle started off 2011 with a Golden Globe nomination for her performance in Frankie & Alice and will also be back in theatres starring in Dark Tide. Halle has a little bit of personal business to take care of this year as she had longtime boyfriend, Gabriel Aubry workout a custody arrangement of their young daughter.55. Annalynne McCord2011全球最性感的100位美⼥ - 锋和瑞的故事 - 锋和瑞的故事This Southern Belle has been proving her television worth on the CW series, 90210. Ready to move her career to the next level, Annalynne has been hard at work on several films. Two films will land in theatres this year including, Blood Out and Two Wolves.54. Arianny CelesteWe have no shortage of UFC connection this year and Arianny is a new addition to our list. Born in Vegas, where else, she was the 2010 MMA Ring Girl of the Year and named to Maxim’s hottest list and landed her own cover. She is currently dating Pro-Skateboarder, Dorien Walker and oh yeah, she’s hot.53. Brooke Burke2011全球最性感的100位美⼥ - 锋和瑞的故事 - 锋和瑞的故事She’s a “Modern Mom” but she doesn’t let that stop her. Brooke Burke is balancing a full-time career, which includes co-hosting ABCs Dancing With the Stars and her book career. Not to mention the fact that Brooke keeps her body in amazing shape, after 4 kids no less.52. Elisabetta CanisShe’s dating George Clooney….do we really need to say anymore? Former Italian model, Elisabetta Canis, lands at number 52 on our list of the hottest women of 2011. While she’ll probably never get George to actually get married, the pair have been going strong for the last few years and she’s even been seen traveling withhim to do charity work in the Sudan as well as Haiti. Hot…that’s all we can say.51. Erin Andrews2011全球最性感的100位美⼥ - 锋和瑞的故事 - 锋和瑞的故事Is there anything hotter than a gorgeous blonde who knows football? We don’t think so. Erin Andrews has been rocking the ESPN sidelines for the last couple of years but took some time off to gather new fans while competing on ABCs Dancing With the Stars. Now back on the sidelines and also anchoring coverage of the weekly college football show, College Gameday, Erin is taking the male-dominated football world by storm.50. Daneel HarrisNamed after the famed Daneel street in New Orleans, Daneel Harris is probably best-known for her role on One Life to Live and the CW drama, One tree Hill. Daneel has appeared in small roles on several television series but is set to debut in the NBC mid-season series, Friends With Benefits this spring. Hopefully this is the breakshe needs because we all know her looks are there.49. Eva Longoria2011全球最性感的100位美⼥ - 锋和瑞的故事 - 锋和瑞的故事She’s single boys! Well, it’s no official but word on the street is there’s no chance of any reconciliation between Desperate Housewives star, Eva Longoria and her estranged hubby, NBS-star Tony Parker. Divorce rumors began to surface after tabloids confirmed that Parker had been having an affair with the wife of a former teammate. Eva still remains as gorgeous as ever, looking amazing on all the Red Carpets this awards season.48. Keeley HazellWe know that some of you will think Keely should appear only in our Top 10 but we’re going to reserve some of those spots for the gorgeous women who actually work. It’s not that hard Keely to take your top off and pose, any girls who has a Facebook page has proven that. With that being said…we can’t in good consciousleave her off the list completely.47. Tricia Helnfer2011全球最性感的100位美⼥ - 锋和瑞的故事 - 锋和瑞的故事She’s the former Battlestar Galactia star who doesn’t mind to bare it all. Tricia lands at #47 on our 2011 list, mainly because she’s gorgeous. Tricia has appeared on several television series including, Lie to Me, Wharehouse 13 and Nor Ordinary Family but hasn’t worked her way back onto a recurring role on a series.46. Dianna AgronShe’s the gorgeous and sweet star of Glee. Actress Dianna Agron has captured the hearts of Gleeks everywhere. Dianna has become a red carpet highlight with her keen fashion sense and made her silver screen debut alongside Cher and Christina Aguilera in Burlesque.45. Eliska BuckovaThe former Miss Czech Republic is one of the most beautiful women in the world. After taking the Czech title in 2008 she had competed in several international competitions, finishing in the top of Miss World and Miss Universe. We don’t care what she’s up to know….she’s worth making this list.44. Ali SonomaAli just isn’t another gorgeous face she’s the original UFC Octagon Girl. Proudly displaying her services and her great body, Ali has been named to Maxim’s hot list forthe last 3 years and why in the world would we leave her off of ours?43. Anne Hathaway2011全球最性感的100位美⼥ - 锋和瑞的故事 - 锋和瑞的故事Anne Hathaway is an Oscar-nominated actress who has been impressing audiences since her early days a Princess. With two new movies coming out, Anne is also set to host the Academy Awards in February and just inked a deal to play the role of Catwoman in the next Batman film.42. Emmanuelle ChirquiFor the last six years you’ve been hoping she’s in the episode of Entourage that you are about to watch. As the HBO series draws to a close we can only hope, and pray, that the beautiful Emmanelle draws a good crowd with her new Showtime series, The Borgias.41. Lucy Pinder2011全球最性感的100位美⼥ - 锋和瑞的故事 - 锋和瑞的故事This 27-year old is the official pin-up model of Great Britain and isn’t showing any signs of slowing down. Pinder has been named the BBCs Sexiest Woman of the Year and honestly, who are we to complain. Thanks Lucy for doing what you do so well.40. Kate BeckinsaleAs of 2009, Kate Beckinsale’s movies have grossed over $800 million – in the US alone. That makes her a mega-movie star. Kate’s next installment of Underworld is schedule to hit theatres in 2012 but if you can’t wait that long to see this gorgeous gal you’ll be able to check her out in The Trials of Cate McCullogh, which is due outin 2011.39. Mel B2011全球最性感的100位美⼥ - 锋和瑞的故事 - 锋和瑞的故事You can follow Mel B on her Style Network reality series, It’s a Scary World but you can also keep up her music career and her fashion line to get your Mel fix. Mel is currently promoting her new fitness line, which includes apparel and dvds to get the body of Scary Spice.38. Paz Vega2011全球最性感的100位美⼥ - 锋和瑞的故事 - 锋和瑞的故事As we work our way into the top 40 of our list, it’s hard to put one of these gorgeous woman ahead of another one. Paz lands this year at #38 on our list. This Spanish actress gave birth to her 3rd child last year as well as wrapped filming on her latest project, Castro’s Daughter.37. Rihanna2011全球最性感的100位美⼥ - 锋和瑞的故事 - 锋和瑞的故事She’s an R&B superstar and Rihanna hasn’t let all the fame go to her head. This songstress freqeunetly returns to her native, Barbados, to regroup with friends and family. RiRi is currently in the middle of a huge tour and has moved her life to London. Some speculate to get away from American paparazzi and do a little breathing.36. Valerie Cruz2011全球最性感的100位美⼥ - 锋和瑞的故事 - 锋和瑞的故事Valerie Cruz has appeared on some huge television series including, Dexter, True Blood and now is working in the tropical jungles of ABCs Off the Map. This Jersey girl can handle it though, she’s still working on two feature films in her free-time of shooing the new hospital drama.35. Nicki MinajFresh out of Trinidad and Tobago, Nicki Minaj is taking the music industry by storm. Her debut English album, Pink Friday has been huge in the US, with the first single landing at number 14 on the Billboard charts. Towards the end of 2010, Minaj did an interview with Details magazine, where she claimed to be bi-sexual, saying that the world of Hip-Hop music is more open to gay performers than other genres.34. Grace ParkFor years we’ve included Grace Park on our lists of gorgeous women but now we can add her role in the CBS drama, Hawaii Five-0 to our list. Park, who is part of the ensemble that is dominating Monday night network tv, looks great fighting crime amd taking time to sport her bikini body in a few surfing shots.33. Joanna Krupa2011全球最性感的100位美⼥ - 锋和瑞的故事 - 锋和瑞的故事This Polish model has become fan favorite, posing for SI’s famous Swimsuit Issue as well as posed for a PETA ad. Krupa confirmed late in 2010 that she would beinghosting Poland’s version on the Tyra Banks reality series, Next Top Model.32. Jamie EdmondsonI don’t think there’s much we can say about Jamie – it’s pretty obvious. She’s a knock-out model who has been scooped up by Heff and the Playboy franchise. I don’tthink she’s going anywhere for a while, she seems to be pretty happy posing for Hugh.31. Gwen StefaniGwen is the new face of L’oreal and is heading back into the studio for her next solo project. We need new music Gwen….even if it’s No Doubt, we need something.30. Olivia Wilde2011全球最性感的100位美⼥ - 锋和瑞的故事 - 锋和瑞的故事You ‘ve fallen in love with her on House each week and the beautiful Olivia Wilde comes in at #30 on our list. Olivia is also beginning to make the jump to movie star, as she starred in the Disney remake, Tron last year. You’ll be able to see plentry of Olivia in theatres this year as she has 3 film projects due out in 2011.29. Jennifer LopezShe’s Jenny from the Block but this year she’s going to be in your home each week on the revamp cast of American Idol. Lost of fans were skeptical of Idol replacing Simon Cowell and the rest of the panel, with the exception of Randy Jackson but so far, so good. Jennifer is showing her star power and flexing a little muscle in thefirst few weeks of auditions.28. Heidi Klum2011全球最性感的100位美⼥ - 锋和瑞的故事 - 锋和瑞的故事Apparently Heidi Klum is ageless. 5 kids and many years later, the now retried Victoria’s Secret model is as gorgeous as ever. Heidi has turned in her wings but isn’t slowing down, she will continue to host her Emmy-nominated reality series, Project Runway and is also staying busy with another new series, which will launch thisSpring on the Oprah Winfrey Network, OWN.27. Ashley GreeneYes she appears in Twilight but Ashley Greene these days is staying in the limelight for her relationship with Jonas Brother, Joe Jonas. The two, who have beendating since his split that sent Demi Lovato to rehab, seem to be getting pretty serious.26. Angelina Jolie2011全球最性感的100位美⼥ - 锋和瑞的故事 - 锋和瑞的故事She just wrapped a huge film year in 2010 which included the awesome performance in Salt and then the flop in The Tourist but, still a stellar year for Angelina Jolie.So far for 2011, Angie only has a voice portrayal for the second Kung Fu Panda movie but we know after back to back movies, she’s going to be saving someimpoverished counties or area of the US here soon.25. Cheryl ColeCheryl Cole had a break-out year in the UK in 2010 and with the start of X-Factor here in the US and her seat between Simon Cowell and actor/rapper Will Smith, she’s going to have an even bigger 2011. Cole, who is still recording herself is also in the middle of a romance with Dancing With the Stars pro, Derek Hough. Thosemost be some great extended family dinners with Julianne and Ryan Seacrest.24. Kelly Brook2011全球最性感的100位美⼥ - 锋和瑞的故事 - 锋和瑞的故事Kelly has become one of the most famous models to come out of the UK ever. Since 2007, Kelly has now appeared in US versions of Playboy and Maxim. She’ll model anything form lingerie to even host Celebrity Love Island….as long as she looks gorgeous, then Kelly is there.23. BeyonceBeyonce turned up the Heat in 2010, launching a perfume line and being named one of the top Artists of the Decade. Her marriage to Jay-Z is always causing internet pregnancy rumors but so far, it seems the couple are just enjoying the time to themselves. Beyonce is gearing up for another World Tour in 2011 as well as just signedon to the Clint Eastwood remake of A Star is Born.22. Megan Fox2011全球最性感的100位美⼥ - 锋和瑞的故事 - 锋和瑞的故事Megan Fox went off the market in 2010, marrying long-time boyfriend, Bryan Austin Greene but she’s still keeping busy with her film career. Megan has two films due out this year and is currently filming Friends with Kids with Mad Men star, John Hamm.21. Jessica Alba。



上周中,世界权威财经媒体《福布斯》杂志公布了2011年度世界最具影响力100名人排行榜,去年排名第四的流行天后Lady Gaga今年跃居第一,而去年排名第一的脱口秀女王奥普拉·温弗瑞虽屈居第二,但其年收入仍是全球最高——2.9亿美元。







下面就来细细盘点一下今年的最具影响力百大名人榜第100位:玛莉丝卡·哈吉塔(Mariska Hargitay)美国演员,她可以说四种语言,英语、匈牙利语、法语以及意大利语。



第99位:泰瑞·海切尔(Teri Hatcher)美国演员,荧幕上,她曾是“超人的女友”,曾是“邦女郎”,现实中,她是一个有着甜美笑容的单亲妈妈。


第98位:马克·哈蒙(Mark Harmon)美国演员,出生在一个演艺与体育世家,母亲是演员,父亲是橄榄球选手,家中的兄弟姐妹舅舅阿姨不是演员就是音乐家、运动员。















2005年,朱珠参加MTV VJ大赛并获得北京赛区冠军,自此加入MTV全球音乐电视台并主持《MTV天籁村》,这是很多人对朱珠的第一印象。




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