





















目录1总体部分 (4)1.1总则 (4)1.2定义 (4)1.3概述 (5)1.4主要参数 (7)1.5总布置概述 (8)1.6主机 (8)1.7主要性能 (9)2船体结构部分 (18)2.1概述 (18)2.2主要构件尺寸 (18)2.3材料、工艺和检验 (18)2.4结构设计说明 (19)3船体舾装部分 (21)3.1概述 (21)3.2锚泊设备 (21)3.3系泊设备 (22)3.4起重设备 (23)3.5桅墙信号 (23)3.6金属门、窗、盖 (23)3.7梯、栏杆、扶手 (24)3.8救生设备 (25)3.9消防杂件 (25)3.10帆布罩 (26)3.11其它 (26)4舱室舾装部分 (27)4.1概述 (27)4.2舱室及舱室设备 (27)4.3小五金、纺织品及用品 (29)4.4舱室绝缘 (30)4.5甲板敷料 (31)4.6防火门与非金属门 (32)4.7贮藏室 (32)4.8航行设备 (32)4.9船舶标志 (33)4.10舱室舾装备品、供应品 (34)4.11油漆 (34)4.12防腐蚀锌板 (35)5轮机 (36)5.1概述 (36)5.2舱的分隔 (36)5.3主要设备 (37)5.4辅助设备 (41)5.5管系要求 (47)5.6动力系统 (49)5.7船舶系统 (51)5.8绝热和油漆 (56)5.9减振与降噪 (56)5.10机修设备及其它 (57)5.11监测报警 (57)6电气部分 (59)6.1总则 (59)6.2电源装置 (60)6.3配电装置 (61)6.4电缆 (63)6.5电力拖动与控制 (64)6.6照明 (64)6.7船内通信设备 (66)6.8船舶和乘员安全设备 (68)6.9航行设备 (70)6.10无线电设备 (73)6.11控制台 (74)6.12自动化系统 (75)6.13娱乐设备 (76)1总体部分1.1总则本说明书和轮机说明书、电气说明书及其附图的目的是叙述一艘双机双桨推进,可航行于近海航区的浮油回收船的设计、图纸审查、材料、结构、设备、工具、备件、建造、检验、试验、监督、下水、试航、交船等方面的技术说明和要求。



Schottky Barrier Diodes for General Purpose ApplicationsTechnical DataFeatures• Low Turn-On VoltageAs Low as 0.34 V at 1 mA• Pico Second Switching Speed • High Breakdown VoltageUp to 70 V• Matched Characteristics AvailableDescription/Applications The 1N5711, 1N5712, 5082-2800/ 10/11 are passivated Schottky barrier diodes which use a patented “guard ring” design to achieve a high breakdown voltage. Packaged in a low cost glass package, they are well suited for high level detecting, mixing, switching, gating, log or A-D converting, video detecting, frequency discriminating, sampling, and wave shaping.The 5082-2835 is a passivatedSchottky diode in a low cost glasspackage. It is optimized for lowturn-on voltage. The 5082-2835 isparticularly well suited for theUHF mixing needs of the CATVmarketplace.The 5082-2300 Series and5082-2900 devices are unpas-sivated Schottky diodes in a glasspackage. These diodes haveextremely low 1/f noise and areideal for low noise mixing, andhigh sensitivity detecting. Theyare particularly well suited for usein Doppler or narrow band videoreceivers.1N57111N57125082-2300 Series5082-2800 Series5082-2900DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETERS AND (INCHES).Outline 15Maximum RatingsJunction Operating and Storage Temperature Range5082-2303, -2900.................................................................-60°C to +100°C 1N5711, 1N5712, 5082-2800/10/11....................................-65°C to +200°C 5082-2835............................................................................-60°C to +150°C DC Power Dissipation(Measured in an infinite heat sink at T CASE = 25°C)Derate linearly to zero at maximum rated temperature5082-2303, -2900..............................................................................100 mW 1N5711, 1N5712, 5082-2800/10/11.................................................250 mW 5082-2835.........................................................................................150 mW Peak Inverse Voltage.................................................................................V BRPackage CharacteristicsOutline 15Lead Material........................................................................................DumetLead Finish..............................................................................95-5% Tin-LeadMax. Soldering Temperature................................................260°C for 5 secMin. Lead Strength....................................................................4 pounds pullTypical Package Inductance1N5711, 1N5712:................................................................................2.0 nH2800 Series:........................................................................................2.0 nH2300 Series, 2900:..............................................................................3.0 nHTypical Package Capacitance1N5711, 1N5712:................................................................................0.2 pF2800 Series:........................................................................................0.2 pF2300 Series, 2900:............................................................................0.07 pFThe leads on the Outline 15 package should be restricted so that thebend starts at least 1/16 inch from the glass body.Outline 15 diodes are available on tape and reel. The tape and reelspecification is patterned after RS-296-D.Electrical Specifications at T= 25°CAGeneral Purpose DiodesMin.Max.V F = 1 V Max.Max.Max.Breakdown Forward at Forward Reverse Leakage Capaci-Part Package Voltage Voltage Current Current tance Number Outline V BR (V)V F (mV)I F (mA)I R (nA) at V R (V)C T (pF) 5082-280015704101520050 2.0 1N571115704101520050 2.0 5082-281015204103510015 1.2 1N571215205503515016 1.2 5082-28111515410201008 1.2 5082-2835158*34010*1001 1.0 Test I R = 10 µA I F = 1 mA*V F = 0.45 V V R = 0 V Conditions*I R = 100 µA f =1.0 MHz Note: Effective Carrier Lifetime (τ) for all these diodes is 100 ps maximum measured with Krakauer method at 5 mA except for 5082-2835 which is measured at 20 mA.Low 1/f (Flicker) Noise DiodesMin.Max.V F = 1 V Max.Max.Max.Part Breakdown Forward at Forward Reverse Leakage Capaci-Number Package Voltage Voltage Current Current tance 5082-Outline V BR (V)V F (mV)I F (mA)I R (nA) at V R (V)C T (pF) 230315204003550015 1.0 29001510400201005 1.2 Test I R = 10 µA I F = 1 mA V R = 0 V Conditions f =1.0 MHzNote: Effective Carrier Lifetime (τ) for all these diodes is 100 ps maximum measured with Krakauer method at 20 mA.Matched Pairs and QuadsBasic Matched MatchedPart Number Pair Quad Batch5082-Unconnected Unconnected Matched[1]Test Conditions2900∆VF at IF= 1.0, 10 mA28005082-28045082-2805∆V F at I F = 0.5, 5 mA ∆V F = 20 mV∆V F = 20 mV*I F = 10 mA∆C O at f = 1.0 MHz28115082-2826∆VF at IF= 10 mA∆V F = 10 mV∆C O at f = 1.0 MHz ∆C O = 0.1 pF28355082-2080∆VF at IF=10 mA∆V F = 10 mV∆C O at f = 1.0 MHz∆C O = 0.1 pFNote:1. Batch matched devices have a minimum batch size of 50 devices.SPICE ParametersParameter Units5082-28005082-28105082-28115082-28355082-23035082-2900B V V75251892510C J0pF 1.60.8 1.1E G eV0.690.690.690.690.690.69I BV A10E-510E-510E-510E-510E-510E-5I S A 2.2 x 10E-9 1.1 x 10E-90.3 x 10E-8 2.2 x 10E-87 x 1.0E-910E-8N 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 R SΩ25101051015 P B V0. PT222222 M0. ParametersV F – FORWARD VOLTAGE (V)Figure 1. I-V Curve Showing Typical Temperature Variation for 5082-2300 Series and 5082-2900 Schottky Diodes.1001010.10.01I F - F O R W A R D C U R R E N T (m A )V BR (V)Figure 2. 5082-2300 Series Typical Reverse Current vs. Reverse Voltage at Various Temperatures.10.0001,000100101I R (n A )051015100755025T A = 25°CI F - FORWARD CURRENT (mA)Figure 3. 5082-2300 Series and 5082-2900 Typical Dynamic Resistance (R D ) vs. Forward Current (I F ).100010010R D - D Y N A M I C R E S I S T AN C E (Ω)0.01010100V R - REVERSE VOLTAGE (V)Figure 4. 5082-2300 and 5082-2900 Typical Capacitance vs. Reverse Voltage. T - C A P A C I T A N C E (p F )048121620V F - FORWARD VOLTAGE (V)Figure 5. I-V Curve Showing Typical Temperature Variation for 5082-2800 or 1N5711 Schottky Diodes.5010510. F - F O R W A R D C U R R E N T (m A ) 1.0 1.2V R - REVERSE VOLTAGE (V)Figure 6. (5082-2800 OR 1N5711) Typical Variation of Reverse Current (I R ) vs. Reverse Voltage (V R ) at Various Temperatures.100,00010,0001000100101I R - R E V E R S E C U R R E N T (n A ) R - REVERSE VOLTAGE (V)Figure 7. (5082-2800 or 1N5711)Typical Capacitance (C T ) vs. Reverse Voltage (V R ). T - C A P A C I T A N C E (p F )010********V F - FORWARD VOLTAGE (V)Figure 8. I-V Curve Showing Typical Temperature Variation for the 5082-2810 or 1N5712 Schottky Diode.100101.00.10.01I F - F O R W A R D C U R R E N T (m A )V R - REVERSE VOLTAGE (V)Figure 9. (5082-2810 or IN5712)Typical Variation of Reverse Current (I R ) vs. Reverse Voltage (V R ) at Various Temperatures.10,0001000100101.0I R - R E V E R S E C U R R E N T (n A )Typical Parameters, continuedV F - FORWARD VOLTAGE (V)Figure 10. I-V Curve Showing Typical Temperature Variation for the 5082-2811 Schottky Diode.100101.00.10.01I F - F O R W A R D C U R R E N T (m A ) R - REVERSE VOLTAGE (V)Figure 11. (5082-2811) Typical Variation of Reverse Current (I R ) vs. Reverse Voltage (V R ) at Various Temperatures.100,00010,0001000100101I R - R E V E R S E C U R R E N T (n A )0510********V F - FORWARD VOLTAGE (V)Figure 12. I-V Curve Showing Typical Temperature Variations for 5082-2835 Schottky Diode.100101.00.10.01I F - F O R W A R D C U R R E N T (m A ) 1.0 1.2V R - REVERSE VOLTAGE (V)Figure 13. (5082-2835) Typical Variation of Reverse Current (I R ) vs. Reverse Voltage (V R ) at Various Temperatures.100,00010,0001000100101I R - R E V E R S E C U R R E N T (n A )0123456V R - REVERSE VOLTAGE (V)Figure 14. Typical Capacitance (C T ) vs. Reverse Voltage (V R ).C T - C A P A C I T A N C E (p F )0246810I F - FORWARD CURRENT (mA)Figure 15. Typical Dynamic Resistance (R D ) vs. Forward Current (I F ).1000100101R D - D Y N A M I C R E S I S T A N C E (Ω)Diode Package Marking1N5xxx5082-xxxxwould be marked:1Nx xxxxx xxYWW YWWwhere xxxx are the last four digits of the 1Nxxxx or the 5082-xxxx partnumber. Y is the last digit of the calendar year. WW is the work week ofmanufacture.Examples of diodes manufactured during workweek45 of 1999:1N57125082-3080would be marked:1N53071280945945Data subject to change.Copyright © 1999 Agilent TechnologiesObsoletes 5968-4304E5968-7181E (11/99)。

上海欧际 液压软管 样本

上海欧际 液压软管 样本
公司于 2004 年 8 月通过了 ISO9001-2000 质量体系认证,全体员工始终贯彻 “科技先导、开拓创新、质量第一、诚信为本”的欧际精神,精诚合作,共创企 业辉煌,共图发展大计。公司拥有先进的数控车床、精模锻设备、中频电炉、喷 丸机及检测设备 258 台(套),并实行计算机网络信息管理。
公司全系列生产符合 ISO、DIN、JIS 标准的管路附件。符合 GB、GB/T、JB/ZQ、 JB、JB/T 等国家或行业标准的系列管路附件,旋转接头、快换接头、不锈钢金属 软管总成、液压胶管总成、铠装液压胶管总成、干稀油润滑设备。设计生产各种 非标的管路附件、液压系统等。
如:25-200(16M3K)-2000 B1+N-R1=B3+N-φ30*3 0° K1 S 7、当对胶管接头的型式没有严格要求时,用户可只提供外接口尺寸订货,
如:25-200-2000 N-R1= N-φ30*3 以上型号表示一端为外螺纹 R1,另一端为φ30*3 与钢管焊接。 我方将首选 24°锥 O 形圈密封胶管接头提供给用户。 8、为了代号的统一性,本样本中胶管接头的代号延用了灰色样本中的代号。 9、过渡接头的代号(如 N-R、N-G 等)在样本中重复使用,它不具体代表哪一类过渡接头,而 表示外接口的形式:
12 8 160 180 275 180 425 230
165 178 280 178
350 178 420 178 210 89 280 89
16 10 130 200 250 200 400 250 450 250 135 203 255 203
280 102 350 203 420 203 210 102 280 102
有限公司,中国二重集团(德阳)重型装备有限责任公司,大连重工集团有限公 司,大连华锐股份有限公司,上海重型机器厂有限公司,中华沪船新事业发展有 限公司,沈阳重型机器有限责任公司,陕西液压设备厂,宝钢集团常州冶金机械 厂、苏州冶金机械厂,衡冶重型机械有限公司,西安冶金机械有限公司,太原矿 山机械集团有限公司,济南重工股份有限公司等全国大型主机厂。公司产品出厂 合格率为 99.8%已在全国 19 个省市(自治区)66 个大型冶金及主机企业中占有一 席之地,抽样调查客户满意率为 99%,赢得了冶金企业,主机行业的国内外专家 及监制商的认可和好评。



液压注意 – 用户方责任 错误或不当地选择或使用本样本或有关资料阐述的产品,可能会导致人生伤亡及财产损失! 本样本以及其它由派克汉尼汾公司及其子公司、销售公司与授权分销商所提供的资料,仅供用户专业技术人员在对产品和系统的选型进行深入调查考证时参考。



目录目录页次概述 1 订货代号 2 技术参数 4 变量控制器 5 控制选项 “C”, 压力限定(恒压)变量控制器 5 控制选项 “L”, 负载传感及压力限定变量控制器 6 控制选项 “AM”, 带遥控口的标准型先导式压力限定变量控制器 7 控制选项 “AN”, 带ISO 4401 NG06先导阀安装界面的先导式压力限定变量控制器 8 控制选项 “AE”及“AF”, 带电磁比例调节的先导式压力限定变量控制器 9 控制选项 “AMT”, “ALT”及“LOT”, 带最高压力限定的扭矩限定(恒功率)变量控制器 10 P1性能特性 11典型流量特性 11 典型总效率特性 13 典型轴输入功率特性 15 典型噪声特性 18 典型轴承寿命 20 PD性能特性 22典型流量特性 22 典型总效率特性 24 典型轴输入功率特性 26 典型噪声特性 29 典型轴承寿命 31 安装尺寸 33 P1/PD 018 33 P1/PD 028 36 P1/PD 045 40 P1/PD 060 44 P1/PD 075 49 P1/PD 100 54 P1/PD 140 59 变量控制器安装尺寸 65 可提供的扩展的液压产品 75派克汉尼汾备记派克汉尼汾概述简介, 优点派克汉尼汾简介 • 开式回路用轴向柱塞式变量液压泵 • 中压,连续工作压力280 bar • 高驱动转速型,适用于行走机械; 低噪声型,适用于工业应用 • 静音及高效的控制效能 优点 • 总结构尺寸紧凑 • 低噪声• 流量脉动小,进一步降低噪声• 采用弹性密封,不使用密封垫,从而避免外泄漏的产生• 总效率高,功耗小,减小发热• 采用带无泄漏调节装的简单变量控制器 • 符合SAE 及ISO 标准的安装法兰及油口 • 采用圆锥滚柱轴承,使用寿命长 • 全功率后驱动能力• 后部或侧面油口配置可选• 泄油口的配置对水平安装及驱动轴向上垂直安装均适用• 带有最大及最小排量调节选项 • 具有壳体至吸口单向阀选项,可延长轴封寿命 • 使用、维修方便 脉动容腔技术下列图表所示为侧向油口配置P1/PD 18, 28及45泵采用 “脉动容腔” 技术的效果,脉动容腔可降低泵出口处的压力脉动幅值40-60%,这样,无需增加成本来加装噪声缓冲元件,便可大大降低液压系统的整体噪声,P1系列 PD 系列出口压力p / bar平均压力脉动 / b a rP1 045出口压力脉动2600 rpm 无脉动容腔2600 rpm 带脉动容腔订货代号18 ml, 28 ml, 45ml派克汉尼汾P 类型 01 驱动轴 转向R 5密封材料E 油口配置0 壳体-吸口 单向阀 0 排量调节 018 排量 S 安装法兰 及油口 S 轴封 M 应用范围A 设计系列0 通轴驱动选项 C0控制选项0附加控制选项 00油漆 00修改代号系列 P D * 仅适用于045排量, “S”型安装法兰及油口00 标准型, 无修改M2 按要求修改 代号修改代号 * 适用于028及045排量 ** 仅适用于045排量 代号设计系列 A 现行设计系列5 氟碳橡胶 (FPM) 代号密封材料 A 82-2 SAE A M33x2 M27x2 BSPP 1/4”, 3/8” 101-2 SAE B M42x2 M27x2 BSPP 1/4”, 1/2” 101-2SAE B M48x2M33x2Ø38/25DN51/25BSPP 1/4”, 1/2”B ISO M33x2 M27x2 BSPP 1/4”,3/8”ISO M42x2 M27x2 BSPP 1/4”, 1/2” ISO M48x2M33x2Ø38/25DN51/25BSPP 1/4”, 1/2”代号 018排量 028排量 045排量 安装法兰及油口 安装 法兰 螺纹 油口 辅助 油口 安装 法兰 螺纹 油口 辅助 油口 安装法兰螺纹油口法兰 油口辅助 油口 S 82-2 SAE A SAE 16/12 SAE 4/6 101-2 SAE B SAE 20/12 SAE 4/8 101-2SAE B SAE 24/16Ø38/2561系列SAE 4/10M ISO M33x2 M27x2 M12x1.5 M16x1.5 ISO M42x2 M27x2 M12x1.5 M22x1.5 ISO M48x2M33x2Ø38/25DN51/25M12x1.5M22x1.5代号 018驱动轴 028驱动轴 045驱动轴 01 SAE A 11T 花键SAE B-B 15T 花键 SAE B-B 15T 花键02 SAE 19-1平键Ø0.75” SAE B-B 平键Ø1” SAE B-B 平键Ø1” 08— SAE B 13T 花键 SAE B 13T 花键 04 ISO/DIN 平键, Ø20ISO/DIN 平键, Ø25ISO/DIN 平键, Ø25 06 SAE A 9T 花键— — PD 工业液压用 代号 系列P1 行走机械用 代号 排量 018 18 ml/rev (1.10 in 3/rev) 028 28 ml/rev (1.71 in 3/rev) 045 45 ml/rev (2.75 in 3/rev) 代号 类型 P 开式回路用变量柱塞泵 U*通用 代号应用范围 S 工业液压 (PD) M 行走机械 (P1) R 顺时针 (右转)L 逆时针 (左转)代号 转向 代号 轴封 S 单唇轴封 * 并不具有控制功能,仅在运输时予以防护,详情见第7页的控制说明。

空气航天行业材料参考指南(ORD 5800)说明书

空气航天行业材料参考指南(ORD 5800)说明书

NAS1611-xxxA NAS1612-yyA
Molded Shapes
M25988/3-xxx M25988/3-9yy
Molded Shapes
Perfluoroelastomer (FFKM)
Aero Industry Part Drawing
Revision 2-XXX Part Numbers
3-XXX Part Numbers
Molded Shapes
Molded Shapes
Cancelled AMS-R-83248/1 A



字母码数字码中文名英文名AE 42或43 按扭式喷雾器瓶AerosolAM 31 未加保护玻璃瓶Ampoule, non-protectedAP 31 加保护玻璃瓶Ampoule, protectedAT 42或43 喷雾器AtomizerBA 44或45 桶BarrelBB 91 细绳BobbinBC 29 带有瓶架的板条箱Bottle crate, bottlerackBD 16 板BoardBE 61-65 捆扎BundleBF 42或43 未加保护球形瓶Ballon, non-protectedBG 62-64 袋BagBH 61-65 线束BunchBI 21或25 料箱BinBJ 51 吊桶BucketBK 27 筐BasketBL 65 已压缩包Bale, compressedBN 65 未压缩包Bale, non-compressedBO 32或33 未加保护圆柱形瓶Bottle, non-protected, cyl-indrica BP 42或43 加保护球形瓶Ballon, protectedBQ 32或33 加保护圆柱形瓶Bottle, protected cylindricaBR 16 棒BarBS 42或43 未加保护球形瓶Bottle, non-protected, bulbousBT 13 纸卷BoltBU 44或45 大桶ButtBU 散装In bulkBV 42或43 加保护球形瓶Bottle, protected bulbousBX 21或25 盒BoxBY 16 以堆/束/捆形式的板Board, in bundle/bunch/trussBZ 16 以堆/束/捆形式的钢条Bars, in bundle/bunch/trussCA 22 矩形罐Can, rectangularCB 23或27 装啤酒板条箱Beer crateCC 32或33 盛奶器ChurnCE 27 柳条鱼篮CreelCF 24 保险箱CofferCG 26 笼CageCH 25 箱, 柜ChestCI 21或22 金属罐CanisterCJ 54 屏蔽容器CoffinCK 44或45 木桶CaskCL 14 圈CoilCN ConesCO 43 未加保护的坛Carboy, non-protecteCP 43 加保护的坛Carboy, protectedCQ 罐头CanCR 24-25 板条箱CrateCS 21或25 箱CaseCT 22-24 纸板箱CartonCU 51 杯CupCV 67 包裹CoverCX 32 圆柱形罐Can, cylindricalCY 12 圆筒CylinderCZ 67 帆布CanvasDJ 43 未加保护细颈坛Demijohn, non-protected DP 43 加保护细颈坛Demijohn, protectedDR 34 金属桶DrumEN 67 包, 封EnvelopeFC 23-27 装水果板条箱Fruit crateFD 26 框架板条箱Framed crateFI 44或45 小桶FirkinFL 42或43 细颈瓶FlaskFO 23 底箱FootlockerFP 67 薄膜包装FilmpackFR 26 框架FrameGB 31或35 气瓶Gas bottleGG 粗麻袋Gunny bagGI 16 (支)袈GirderGL 粗麻包Gunny baleGZ 16 以堆/束/捆形式的(支柱)架Girders, in bundle/bunch/trussHG 44或45 大啤酒桶HogsheadHR 23 带盖的篮HamperID 铁桶Iron drumIN 17 锭IngotIZ 17 以堆/束/捆形式的锭Ingots, in bundle/bunch/truss JC 23 矩形五加仑液体罐Jerrican, rectangularJG 41 带柄的水罐JugJR 41 大口瓶JarJT 61或65 黄麻包JutebagJY 33 圆柱形五加仑液体罐Jerrican, cylindricalKG 44或45 小桶(小于30加仑) KegLG 12 木材LogLV 吊装货箱Lift vanLZ 12 以堆/束/捆形式的木材Logs, in bundle/bunch/truss MB 62-64 多用包Multiply bagMC 27 装奶板条箱Milk crateMS 62-64 多层包Multiwall sackMT 67 麻袋MatMX 21 火柴盒Match boxNE 00 无包装Unpacked or unpackaged NS 24 成套器具NestNT 66 网NetNT 集装箱ContainerPA 21-3 小包裹PacketPB 纸袋Paper bagPC 21-23或61-63 包裹ParcelPE 托盘PalletPG 15 金属板PlatePH 41 大水瓶PitcherPI 11 管子PipePK 21-23 包PackagePL 51 桶PailPN 16 厚木板PlankPO 61 袋装PouchPO PolybagPS PiecesPT 41 罐PotPU 27 托盘TrayPU 27 托盘包装Tray packPY 15 以堆/束/捆形式的金属板Plates, in bundle/bunch/truss PZ 11 以堆/束/捆形式的管子Pipes, in bundle/bunch/truss PZ 11 以堆/束/捆形式的厚木板Planks, in bundle/bunch/truss RD 12 钢筋RodRG 14 环RingRL 91 卷筒ReelRO 13 卷钢RollRT 66 红色网RednetRZ 12 以堆/束/捆形式的钢筋Rods, in bundle/bunch/truss SA 65 袋SackSC 27 薄板条箱Shallow crateSD 91 轴SpindleSE 22或23 海运箱Sea-chestSH 61 小包装袋SachetSI SkidSK 26 箱Skeleton caseSL 67 薄衬纸SlipsheetSM 15 薄板金属SheetmetalST 15 薄板SheetSU 21-23或61-63 手提箱SuitcaseSW 67 收缩包装ShrinkwrappedSZ 15 以堆/束/捆形式的薄板Sheets, in bundle/bunch/truss TB 51 盆TubTC 21-23 茶叶箱Tea-chestTD 62-64 收缩管Collapsible tubeTD 61-65 管, 可拆(收缩) Ttube, collapsibleTK 24或25 矩形油箱Tank, rectangularTN 21或22 马口铁TinTO 44或45 大桶TunTR 24或25 衣箱TrunkTS 16 捆TrussTU 11 管TubeTY 34或35 圆柱形油箱Tank, cylindricalTZ 11 以堆/束/捆形式的管Tubes, in bundle/bunch/truss UN UnitVA 35 桶VatVG 06 散装气体(1031毫巴,15/C) Bulk,gas(at 1031 mbar and 15/c)VI 31 小玻璃瓶VialVL 04 散装液体Bulk, liquidVO 03 散装大粒子(颗粒)固体Bulk, solid, large particles("nodules")VP 67 真空包装VacuumpackedVQ 05 散装液化汽(在非正常温度/压力)Bulk,liquefied gas(at abnormaltemperature/pressureVR 02 散装粗粒子(粉状)固体Bulk,solid, granular particles("grains")VY 01 散装微粒子(粉状)固体Bulk, solid, fine particles("powders")WB 42或43 柳条包Wickerbottle WG 编织袋Woven bag。

UL wind standards

UL wind standards
components 接线wiring 标准要求standards 内部接线-UL 508; 电缆槽使用 –不同应用领域,UL 2277、UL 13、UL 1651、UL 83/UL 44 ; 加拿大FT4级; 连接旋转轮毂-UL 514A/B 或等效标准。 不得损坏导线或绝缘层。 防护或绝缘,以防止意外接触。 ANSI标准,符合室内和标准使用条件下使用 若额定值≤600V,则UL 506, UL 5085-1/2/3; 若额定值 > 600V,则UL 1562; 过流保护: ANSI/NFPA70,第240条第九部分; 仪表变压器:ANSI/IEEE C57.13;
电缆滴水圈 cable 母线bus-line 开关装置 switchgear 变压器 transformer
components 轮毂hub 防雷系统 lightening 滑环slip-ring 电动葫芦motor hoist UL要求requirements UL 508、UL 508C; 系统符合NFPA 780; 防雷系统的部件符合 UL 96。 UL 508, 超负荷测试。 UL 1340
Control System
变速箱gearbox 液压单元hydraulic 刹车钳bห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ake pads 电梯lift
UL 1004-1、 UL1004-4
UL 508 UL 508 UL 508 ASME A17.1 & A17.7
components 控制系统 controllers 变浆系统pitch 变流器 converter standards标准要求1 UL 1741 UL 1741 UL 6171、UL 1741、UL 508C、IEEE 1547、IEEE 1547.1、IEC 61400-21

最新API 570 中文

最新API 570 中文

目次前言1 范围2 规范性引用文件3 定义4 产权所有人/用户的检验机构5 检验和试验6 检验周期及范围7 检验数据的评定、分析和记录8 管道系统的修理、改造和再定级9 埋地管道的检验附录A(资料性附录)本标准章条编号与API 570章条编号对照附录B(资料性附录)本标准与API 570技术性差异及其原因附录C(资料性附录)工艺管道外部检验清单附录D(资料性附录)修理实例参考文献前言本标准修改采用API 570《管道检验规范在用管道系统检验、修理、改造和再定级》(1998年,第二版)。

本标准根据API 570(1998,第二版)重新起草,在附录A中列出了本标准章条编号与API570章条编号的对照一览表。

考虑到我国国情,对于API 570(1998年,第二版)做了一些修改,有关技术性差异已编入正文中。






1 范围1.1 应用领域1.1.1 范围本标准适用于在用金属管道的检验、修理、改造和再定级。

1.1.2 目的本标准是专门为石油天然气生产工业、石油炼制工业、化学工业制定的,也适用于其他领域的管道系统。


1.1.3 权限本标准不能代替管道管理的基本法规,本标准的采用和应用不允许与任何现行法规相抵触。

1.2 特定应用范围1.2.1 本标准适用于下列管道系统除了1.2.2规定的流体输送管道外,适用于输送碳氢化合物、易燃有毒流体的管道系统,如:a)原料、半成品和最终的石油产品管道;b)原料、半成品和最终的化工产品管道;c)催化剂管道;d)氢气、天然气、燃料气及火炬管道系统;e)酸性水和超标的危险废气管道;f)超标的危险化合物管道;g)石油天然气集输、长输、站场工艺管道。



DescriptionThis PIN diode chip is silicon dioxide or nitride passi-vated. The 5082-0012 has a planar construction. The fabrication processes are optimized for long term reliability and tightly controlled for uniformity in electrical performance.OutlineMaximum RatingsJunction Operating and StorageTemperature Range .............................-65°C to +150°C Soldering Temperature ..........+425°C for 1 min. max.5082-0012PIN Diode Chip for Hybrid MIC Switches/AttenuatorsData SheetFeatures•Low Series Resistance: 1.0Ω TypicalApplicationsThis general purpose PIN diode is intended for low power switching applications such as duplexers,antenna switching matrices, digital phase shifters, time multiplex filters, TR switches, pulse and amplitude modulators, limiters, leveling circuits, and attenuators.Electrical Specifications at T A = 25°CTypical ParametersNearest Typical Chip Equivalent Minimum Maximum Typical Reverse Part Packaged Breakdown Junction Series Typical Recovery Number Part No.VoltageCapacitance Resistance Lifetime Time 5082-5082-V BR (V)C j (pF)R S (Ω)τ (ns)t rr (ns)001230011500.12 1.0400100 Test V R = V BR V R = 50 V I F = 100 mA I F = 50 mA I F = 20 mA ConditionsMeasure f = 1 MHzf = 100 MHzI R = 250 mAV R = 10 V I R ≤ 10 mA90% RecoveryDimensions in millimeters (1/1000 inch)Assembly and Handling Procedures forPIN Chips1. StorageDevices should be stored in a dry nitrogen purged dessicator or equivalent.2. CleaningIf required, surface contamination may be removed with electronic grade solvents. Typical solvents, such as freon (T.F. or T.M.C.), acetone, deionized water, and methanol, or their locally approved equivalents, can be used singularly or in combinations. Typical cleaning times per solvent are one to three minutes. DI water and methanol should be used (in that order) in the final cleans. Final drying can be accomplished by placing the cleaned dice on clean filter paper and drying with an infrared lamp for 5-10 minutes. Acids such as hydrofluoric (HF), nitric (HN O3) and hydrochloric (HCl) should not be used.The effects of cleaning methods/solutions should be verified on small samples prior to submitting the entire lot.Following cleaning, dice should be either used in assembly (typically within a few hours) or stored in clean containers in a reducing atmosphere or a vacu-um chamber.3. Die Attacha. EutecticAuSn preform with stage temperature of 310°C for one minute max. AuGe preform with stage temperature of 390°C for one minute max.b. EpoxyFor epoxy die-attach, conductive silver-filled or gold-filled epoxies are recommended. This method can be used for all Avago PIN chips.4. Wire BondingEither ultrasonic or thermocompression bonding tech-niques can be employed. Suggested wire is pure gold, 0.7 to 1.5 mil diameter.For product information and a complete list of distributors, please go to our web site: Avago, Avago Technologies, and the A logo are trademarks of Avago Technologies, Pte. in the United States and other countries.Data subject to change. Copyright © 2006 Avago Technologies Pte. All rights reserved. Obsoletes 5965-8880E5989-4778EN February 23, 2006。



14.2 mm (0.56 inch)Seven Segment Displays Technical DataFeatures• Industry Standard Size • Industry Standard Pinout 15.24 mm (0.6 in.) DIP Leads on 2.54 mm (0.1 in.) Centers • Choice of ColorsAlGaAs Red, High Efficiency Red, Yellow, Green, Orange • Excellent Appearance Evenly Lighted Segments Mitered Corners on Segments Gray Package Gives Optimum Contrast±50° Viewing Angle • Design FlexibilityCommon Anode or Common CathodeSingle and Dual Digits Right Hand Decimal Point ±1. Overflow Character• Categorized for Luminous IntensityYellow and Green Categorized for ColorUse of Like Categories Yields a Uniform Display • High Light Output • High Peak Current• Excellent for Long Digit String Multiplexing • Intensity and Color Selection OptionSee Intensity and ColorSelected Displays Data Sheet • Sunlight Viewable AlGaAsDescriptionThe 14.2 mm (0.56 inch) LED seven segment displays aredesigned for viewing distances upto 7 metres (23 feet). Thesedevices use an industry standard size package and pinout. Both the numeric and ±1 overflow devices feature a right hand decimalpoint. All devices are available as either common anode or common cathode.Orange AlGaAs Red HERYellowGreen Package HDSP-HDSP-[1]HDSP-[1]HDSP-HDSP- DescriptionDrawingH401H151550157015601Common Anode Right Hand Decimal A H403H153550357035603Common Cathode Right Hand Decimal B H157550757075607Common Anode ±1. Overflow C H158550857085608Common Cathode ±1. OverflowD K401552157215621Two Digit Common Anode Right Hand DecimalE K403552357235623Two Digit Common Cathode Right Hand DecimalFDevicesNote:1. These displays are recommended for high ambient light operation. Please refer to the HDSP-H10X/K12X AlGaAs and HDSP-555X HER data sheet for low current operation.HDSP-K40x Series HDSP-550x Series HDSP-552x Series HDSP-560x Series HDSP-562x Series HDSP-570x Series HDSP-572x Series HDSP-H15x Series HDSP-H40x SeriesThese displays are ideal for most applications. Pin for pin equivalent displays are alsoavailable in a low current design.The low current displays are idealfor portable applications. For additional information see the Low Current Seven Segment Displays data sheet.Part Numbering SystemNotes:1. For codes not listed in the figure above, please refer to the respective datasheet or contact your nearest Agilent representative for details.2. Bin options refer to shippable bins for a part number. Color and Intensity Bins are typically restricted to 1bin per tube (exceptions may apply). Please refer to respective datasheet for specific bin limit information.5082 -X X X X-X X X X X HDSP-X X X X-X X X X XMechanical Options [1]00: No Mechanical Option Color Bin Options [1,2]0: No Color Bin LimitationMaximum Intensity Bin [1,2]0: No Maximum Intensity Bin Limitation Minimum Intensity Bin [1,2]0: No Minimum Intensity Bin Limitation Device Configuration/Color [1]1: Common Anode 3: Common CathodeDevice Specific Configuration [1]Refer to Respective DatasheetPackage [1]H: 14.2 mm (0.56 inch) Single Digit Seven Segment DisplayFUNCTIONPIN AB CDEF1CATHODE e ANODE e CATHODE c ANODE cE CATHODE NO. 1 E ANODE NO. 12CATHODE d ANODE d ANODE c, d CATHODE c, d D CATHODE NO. 1 D ANODE NO. 13ANODE [3]CATHODE [4]CATHODE b ANODE bC CATHODE NO. 1 C ANODE NO. 14CATHODE c ANODE c ANODE a, b, DP CATHODE a, b, DP DP CATHODE NO. 1DP ANODE NO. 15CATHODE DP ANODE DP CATHOPDE DP ANODE DE E CATHODE NO. 1 E ANODE NO. 26CATHODE b ANODE b CATHODE a ANODE aD CATHODE NO. 2 D ANODE NO. 27CATHODE a ANODE a ANODE a, b, DP CATHODE a, b, DP G CATHODE NO. 2G ANODE NO. 28ANODE [3]CATHODE [4]ANODE c, d CATHODE c, d C CATHODE NO. 2 C ANODE NO. 29CATHODE f ANODE f CATHODE d ANODE d DP CATHODE NO. 2DP ANODE NO. 210CATHODE g ANODE g NO PINNO PINB CATHODE NO. 2 B ANODE NO. 211 A CATHODE NO. 2 A ANODE NO. 212 F CATHODE NO. 2 F ANODE NO. 213DIGIT NO. 2 ANODE DIGIT NO. 2 CATHODE 14DIGIT NO. 1 ANODE DIGIT NO. 1 CATHODE 15 B CATHODE NO. 1 B ANODE NO. 116 A CATHODE NO. 1 A ANODE NO. 117G CATHODE NO. 1G ANODE NO. 118F CATHODE NO. 1 F ANODE NO. 1NOTES:1. ALL DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETRES (INCHES).2. ALL UNTOLERANCED DIMENSIONS ARE FOR REFERENCE ONLY.3. REDUNDANT ANODES.4. REDUNDANT CATHODES.5. FOR HDSP-5600/-5700 SERIES PRODUCT ONLY.Package DimensionsInternal Circuit DiagramNotes:1. See Figure 2 to establish pulsed conditions.2. Derate above 46°C at 0.54 mA/°C.3. See Figure 7 to establish pulsed conditions.4. Derate above 53°C at 0.45 mA/°C.5. See Figure 8 to establish pulsed conditions.HER/Orange HDSP-5500AlGaAs Red HDSP-H40x Yellow Green HDSP-H150HDSP-K40x HDSP-5700HDSP-5600 Description SeriesSeriesSeriesSeriesUnits Average Power per Segment or DP 9610580105mW Peak Forward Current per 160[1]90[3]60[5]90[7]mA Segment or DPDC Forward Current per Segment or DP 40[2]30[4]20[6]3018]mA Operating Temperature Range -20 to +100[9]-40 to +100°C Storage Temperature Range -55 to +100°C Reverse Voltage per Segment or DP 3.0V Lead Solder Temperature for 3 Seconds 260°C(1.60 mm [0.063 in.] below seating plane)Absolute Maximum Ratings6. Derate above 81°C at 0.52 mA/°C.7. See Figure 9 to establish pulsed conditions.8. Derate above 39°C at 0.37 mA/°C.9. For operation below -20°C, contact your local Agilent components sales office or an authorized distributor.Electrical/Optical Characteristics at T A = 25°CAlGaAs RedDeviceSeriesHDSP- Parameter Symbol Min.Typ.Max.Units Test Conditions Luminous Intensity/Segment[1,2,5]I V9.116.0mcd I F = 20 mA(Digit Average)1.8I F = 20 mAForward Voltage/Segment or DP V F V2.03.0I F = 100 mAH15XPeak WavelengthλPEAK645nmDominant Wavelength[3]λd637nmReverse Voltage/Segment or DP[4]V R 3.015V I R = 100 µATemperature Coefficient of∆V F/°C-2mV/°CV F/Segment or DPThermal Resistance LED Junction-RθJ-Pin400°C/W/to-Pin SegHigh Efficiency RedDeviceSeriesHDSP- Parameter Symbol Min.Typ.Max.Units Test Conditions9002800I F = 10 mA Luminous Intensity/Segment[1,2,6]I Vµcd(Digit Average)3700I F = 60 mA Peak:1 of 6 dfForward Voltage/Segment or DP V F 2.1 2.5V I F = 20 mA 55XXPeak WavelengthλPEAK635nmDominant Wavelength[3]λd626nmReverse Voltage/Segment or DP[4]V R 3.030V I R = 100 µATemperature Coefficient of∆V F/°C-2mV/°CV F/Segment or DPThermal Resistance LED Junction-RθJ-Pin345°C/W/to-Pin SegYellowDeviceSeriesHDSP- Parameter Symbol Min.Typ.Max.Units Test Conditions6001800I F = 10 mA Luminous Intensity/Segment[1,2]I Vµcd(Digit Average)2750I F = 60 mA Peak:1 of 6 dfForward Voltage/Segment or DP V F 2.1 2.5V I F = 20 mA 57XXPeak WavelengthλPEAK583nmDominant Wavelength[3,7]λd581.5586592.5nmReverse Voltage/Segment or DP[4]V R 3.040V I R = 100 µATemperature Coefficient of∆V F/°C-2mV/°CV F/Segment or DPThermal Resistance LED Junction-RθJ-Pin345°C/W/to-Pin SegOrangeDeviceSeriesHDSP- Parameter Symbol Min.Typ.Max.Units Test Conditions Luminous Intensity/Segment I V 2.37mcd I F = 10 mA(Segment Average)[1,2]Forward Voltage/Segment or DP V F 2.1 2.5V I F = 20 mAPeak WavelengthλPEAK600nm H40x Dominant Wavelength[3]λd603nm I F = 10 mA K40x Reverse Voltage/Segment or DP[4]V R 3.030V I R = 100 µA Temperature Coefficient of∆V F/°C-2mV/°CV F/Segment or DPThermal Resistance LED Junction-RθJ-Pin345°C/W/to-Pin SegDeviceSeriesHDSP-ParameterSymbol Min.Typ.Max.UnitsTest Conditions 9002500I F = 10 mALuminous Intensity/Segment [1,2]I Vµcd(Digit Average)`3100I F = 60 mA Peak:1 of 6 df Forward Voltage/Segment or DPV F 2.1 2.5V I F = 10 mA56XXPeak Wavelength λPEAK 566nm Dominant Wavelength [3,7]λd 571577nm Reverse Voltage/Segment or DP [4]V R 3.050V I R = 100 µATemperature Coefficient of ∆V F /°C -2mV/°C V F /Segment or DPThermal Resistance LED Junction-R θJ-Pin345°C/W/to-PinSegHigh Performance GreenNotes:1. Device case temperature is 25°C prior to the intensity measurement.2. The digits are categorized for luminous intensity. The intensity category is designated by a letter on the side of the package.3. The dominant wavelength, λd , is derived from the CIE chromaticity diagram and is that single wavelength which defines the color of the device.4. Typical specification for reference only. Do not exceed absolute maximum ratings.5. For low current operation, the AlGaAs HDSP-H10X series displays are recommended. They are tested at 1 mA dc/segment and are pin for pin compatible with the HDSP-H15X series.6. For low current operation, the HER HDSP-555X series displays are recommended. They are tested at 2 mA dc/segment and are pin for pin compatible with the HDSP-550X series.7. The Yellow (HDSP-5700) and Green (HDSP-5600) displays are categorized for dominant wavelength. The category is designated by a number adjacent to the luminous intensity category letter.AlGaAs RedFigure 3. Maximum Allowable DC Current vs.Ambient Temperature.Figure 4. Forward Current vs.Forward Voltage.HER, Yellow, Green, OrangeFigure 7. Maximum Tolerable Peak Currentvs. Pulse Duration – HER, Orange.I D C M A X . – M A X I M U M D C C U R R E N T P E R S E G M E N T – m AT A – AMBIENT TEMPERATURE – °C 5030102051525354045I F – F O R W A R D C U R R E N T P E R S E G M E N T – m AV F – FORWARD VOLTAGE – VR E L A T I V E L U M I N O U S I N T E N S I T Y (N O R M A L I Z E D T O 1 A T 20 m A)I F – FORWARD CURRENT PER SEGMENT – mA204010305152535ηP E A K – N O R M A L IZ E D R E L A T I V E E F F I C I E N C YI PEAK – PEAK FORWARD CURRENTPER SEGMENT – mA4550110120Figure 11. Forward Current vs.Forward Voltage.Figure 9. Maximum Tolerable PeakCurrent vs. Pulse Duration – Green.Figure 10. Maximum Allowable DC Current vs.Ambient Temperature.Figure 12. Relative LuminousIntensity vs. DC Forward Current.Figure 13. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) vs. Peak Current.Electrical/OpticalFor more information onelectrical/optical characteristics,please see Application Note 1005.Contrast EnhancementFor information on contrastenhancement please see Application Note 1015.Soldering/CleaningCleaning agents from the ketone family (acetone, methyl ethyl ketone, etc.) and from thechlorinated hydrocarbon family(methylene chloride, trichloro–ethylene, carbon tetrachloride,etc.) are not recommended for cleaning LED parts. All of these various solvents attack or dissolve the encapsulating epoxies used to form the package of plastic LED parts.For information on soldering LEDs please refer to Application Note 1027.I F – F O R W A R D C U R R E N T P E R S E G M E N T – m AV F – FORWARD VOLTAGE – VR E L A T I V E L U M I N O U S I N T E N S I T Y (N O R M A L I Z E D A T 10 m A )I F – DC FORWARD CURRENT – mAηV – R E L A T I V E E F F I C I E N C Y (N O R M A L I Z E D T O 1 A T 10 m A P E R S E G ME N T )0.6I PEAK – PEAK FORWARD CURRENTPER SEGMENT – mA902070801001. IV Bin Category Min.Max.K 9.2016.90L 13.8025.30M 20.7038.00N 31.1056.90O 46.6085.40Intensity Bin Limits (mcd)AlGaAs RedHDSP-550x/552x IV Bin Category Min.Max.E 0.91 1.67F 1.37 2.51G 2.05 3.76H 3.08 5.64I 4.628.64J 6.9312.70K 10.3919.04HERHDSP-570x/572xIV Bin Category Min.Max.D 0.61 1.11E 0.91 1.67F 1.37 2.51G 2.05 3.76H 3.08 5.64I 4.628.64J 6.9312.70K 10.3919.04YellowHDSP-560x/562x IV Bin Category Min.Max.E 0.91 1.67F 1.37 2.51G 2.05 3.76H 3.08 5.64I 4.618.46GreenColor CategoriesNote:All categories are established for classification of products. Products may not be available in all categories. Please contact your Agilent representatives for further clarification/information.10HDSP-H40x/K40x IV Bin Category Min.Max.B 0.77 1.17C 0.95 1.45D 1.19 1.82E 1.49 2.27F 1.85 2.89G 2.32 3.54H 2.904.43Orange元器件交易网元器件交易网/semiconductorsFor product information and a complete list ofdistributors, please go to our web site.For technical assistance call:Americas/Canada: +1 (800) 235-0312 or(408) 654-8675Europe: +49 (0) 6441 92460China: 10800 650 0017Hong Kong: (+65) 271 2451India, Australia, New Zealand: (+65) 271 2394Japan: (+81 3) 3335-8152(Domestic/Interna-tional), or 0120-61-1280(Domestic Only)Korea: (+65) 271 2194Malaysia, Singapore: (+65) 271 2054Taiwan: (+65) 271 2654Data subject to change.Copyright © 2002 Agilent Technologies, Inc.Obsoletes 5988-0383ENJanuary 17, 20025988-4273EN。



UCON TM Lubricant 75-H-90,000 is a polyalkylene glycol (PAG) containing 75 weight percent oxyethylene and 25 percent oxypropylene groups. It is water soluble below 75ºC and has two terminal hydroxyl groups. UCON TM Lubricant 75-H-90,000 offers exceptional lubricity and cleanliness into many lubricant applications, including textile fiber lubricant, water glycol hydraulic fluid and metal working fluids.Applications of UCON TM Lubricant 75-H-90,000As a Lubricant:-Metal Working Fluid-Textile Lubricant-Hydraulic Fluid Thickener-Mandrel Release AgentSpecialty:-Electronic Chemicals-Quenching Component-Chemical IntermediateFor ease in transport and handling UCON TM Lubricant 75-H-90,000 is available in three versions: •as neat, undiluted polyol: UCON TM Lubricant 75-H-90,000•as 30% water content dilution: UCON TM Lubricant 75-H-90,000 AQ•as 40% water content dilution: UCON TM Lubricant 75-H-90,000 40%AQProperties* of UCON TM Lubrcant 75-H-90,000 ; 75-H-90,000 AQ and 75-H-90,000 40%AQProperties 75-H-90,000 75-H-90,000 AQ 75-H-90,000 40%AQ Water Content, wt% 0.30 max. 28 - 32 39 - 41 Viscosity, cSt at 40ºC 17,000 2,410 1,140 Viscosity, cSt at 100ºC 2545 n.a. n.a. Viscosity Index (VI) ASTM D2270, IP226 414 n.a. n.a. Specific Gravity, 20ºC 1.092 1.090 1.090 Specific Gravity, 40ºC 1.074 1.071 1.069 Color, Gardner 4 max. 2 max. 2 max Alkalinity, wt% 0.10 max n.a. n.a.Pour Point, ºC, ASTM D 97 4.4 < 0 < 0 Cloud Point , ºC, 10 % aqueous 72 - 77 n.a. n.a. Flash Point, Open Cup, ºC, ASTM D92 265 None None* Typical properties, not to be construed as specificationsUCON™ Lubricant 75-H-280,000 is an extremely viscous, high molecular weight, water soluble polyalkylene glycol (PAG) polymer containing 75 weight percent oxyethylene and 25 weight percent oxypropylene groups.UCON™ Lubricant 75-H-280,000 is chemical and shear stable, is non-foaming and offers good lubricity properties.UCON TM Lubricant 75-H-280,000 can be used as a thickener in fire resistant water-glycol hydraulicfluids. Base stock can be formulated with water and ethylene glycol, diethylene glycol or propyleneglycol. Anti-corrosion and anti-wear additives are used to enhance lubricating characteristics.UCON TM Lubricant 75-H-280,000 can also be used as base oil in applications such as heat treating and quenching, metalworking and aqueous thickening.Typical ISO 46 HF-C formulation:Component Wt%Water 38-42Glycol 36-40UCON TM Lubricant 75-H-280,000: 18-22Additives / inhibitors 3For ease in transport and handling UCON TM Lubricant 75-H-280,000 is available as 40% water contentdilution: UCON TM Lubricant 75-H-280,000 40%AQProperties* of UCON™ Lubricant 75-H-280,000 and 75-H-280,000 40%AQ40%AQ75-H-280,000 Properties 75-H-280,000Water Content, wt% 0.30 max. 39 - 41Viscosity, cSt at 40ºC 55,000 2.600Viscosity, cSt at 100ºC 7900 n.a.Viscosity Index (VI) ASTM D2270, IP226 430 n.a.Specific Gravity, 20ºC 1.094 1.090Specific Gravity, 40ºC 1.074 1.069Color, Gardner 4 max. 3 max.Alkalinity, wt% 0.10 max n.a.Pour Point, ºC, ASTM D 97 8 < 0Cloud Point , ºC, 10 % aqueous 72 - 78 n.a.Flash Point, Open Cup, ºC, ASTM D92 240 None* Typical properties, not to be construed as specification. Sales specifications are available on request.UCON TM Lubricant 75-H-380,000UCONTM™ Lubricant 75-H-380,000 is an extremely viscous, high molecular weight, water soluble polyalkylene glycol (PAG) polymer containing 75 weight percent oxyethylene and 25 weight percent oxypropylene groups.UCON TM Lubricant 75-H-380,000 is chemical and shear stable, is non-foaming and offers good lubricity properties.UCON TM Lubricant 75-H-380,000 can be used as a thickener in fire resistant water-glycol hydraulic fluids. Base stock can be formulated with water and ethylene glycol, diethylene glycol or propylene glycol. Anti-corrosion and anti-wear additives are used to enhance lubricating characteristics.UCON TM Lubricant 75-H-280,000 can also be used as base oil in applications such as heat treating and quenching, metalworking and aqueous thickening.Typical ISO 46 HF-C formulation: Component Wt% Glycol 44-46 Water 38-42 Thickener 11-13Additives / inhibitors 3For ease in transport and handling UCON TM Lubricant 75-H-380,000 is available in three water dilutions:• as 20% water content dilution: UCON TM Lubricant 75-H-380,000 20%AQ • as 30% water content dilution: UCON TM Lubricant 75-H-380,000 AQ • as 40% water content dilution: UCON TM Lubricant 75-H-380,000 40%AQProperties* of UCON™ Lubricant 75-H-380,000 and 75-H-380,000 40%AQProperties 75-H-380,000 75-H-380,000 20%AQ 75-H-380,000 AQ 75-H-380,00040%AQWater Content, wt% 0.30 max. 18.5 – 21.5 28 - 32 39 - 41 Viscosity, cSt at 40ºC 100,000 22,000 8,800 4,000 Viscosity, cSt at 100ºC11,175 n.a. n.a. n.a. Viscosity Index (VI) ASTM D2270, IP226 450 n.a. n.a. n.a. Specific Gravity, 20ºC 1.098 1.094 1.092 1.090 Specific Gravity, 40ºC 1.076 1.073 1.071 1.069 Color, Gardner 4 max 4 max. 4 max. 4 max Alkalinity, wt%0.10 max n.a. n.a. n.a. Pour Point, ºC, ASTM D 97 16 < 0 < 0 < 0 Cloud Point , ºC, 10 % aqueous 73 - 79 n.a. n.a. n.a. Flash Point, Open Cup, ºC, ASTM D92260NoneNoneNone* Typical properties, not to be construed as specification. Sales specifications are available on request.Technical Data Sheet Overview of all commercial grades75-H-90,000 75-H-90,000AQ 75-H-90,00040% AQ75-H-280,00040% AQ75-H-380,00020% AQ75-H-380,000AQ75-H-380,00040% AQWaterContent,wt% 0.3 30 40 40 20 30 40 Viscosity, cSt at 40ºC 17,000 2,410 1,140 2,600 22,000 8,800 4,000 Specific Gravity, 20ºC 1.092 1.090 1.090 1.090 1.094 1.092 1.090 Specific Gravity, 40ºC 1.074 1.071 1.069 1.069 1.073 1.071 1.069 Color, Gardner 4 max 2 max 2 max 3 max 4 max 4 max 4 maxPour Point, ºC, ASTM D 97 4.4 < 0 < 0 < 0 < 0 < 0 < 0TM Trademark of the Dow Chemical Company 4。
















HG/T 2196-2004 CAYBS-32-94
JF01-1 JF01-101 JF01-102 JF01-10-2004 JF01-103 JF01-104 JF01-1-2005 JFO1-11-93 JF01-1100-2009 JF01-12-93 JF01-14A-94 JF01-15-2003 JF01-16-2004 JF01-17-2004 JF01-18A JF01-20A JF01-21 JF01-22 JF01-2-2005 JF01-23 JF01-24-2004 JF01-25 JF01-26 JF01-27-2011 JF01-28 JF01-29 JF01-30 JF01-301 JF01-302 JF01-303-2012 JF01-304-2007 JF01-305-2008 JF01-307-2010 JF01-308-2010 JF01-32 JF01-33 JF01-34 JF01-35 JF01-37 JF01-38 JF01-39-2007 JF01-4B-2003 JF01-401
Q/CAYJS-22-1997 Q/CAYJS-23-1997 Q/CAYJS-24-1997
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设备应符合相关国家和地区的电 气安全法规和标准。
设备应具备防尘、防水、防震等 基本防护功能。
设备应具备过流保护、过压保护 、欠压保护、过温保护等基本保 护功能。
设备应具备接地保护功能,并符 合接地电阻的要求。
测试设备的电气性能,包 1
括输入电压、输出电压、 电流、功率等参数。
促进工业控制设备的安全 性和互换性,提高设备的 兼容性和市场竞争力。
UL508标准适用于工业控制设备,包括但不限于电机控制设备、电源设备 、传感器和执行器等。
该标准适用于设备的各个方面,包括电路设计、材料选择、制造工艺、测 试和认证等。
UL508标准不仅适用于美国市场,也广泛应用于国际市场,为全球范围内 的工业控制设备提供安全保障。
1 2 3
在设备上施加超过其额定负载的电流,观察设备 是否能够自动切断电源或降低输出功率,以保护 设备不受损坏。
模拟电路短路情况,观察设备是否能够自动切断 电源或降低输出功率,以防止短路对设备造成损 坏。
测试设备的接地电阻和工 作接地状况,确保设备在 接地不良的情况下不会产 生电击等危险。
针对不符合UL508标准的问题,应采 取相应的措施进行整改,包括改进产 品设计、加强生产质量控制、完善标 记等。
对于已经安装使用的设备,如果存在 不符合UL508标准的问题,应采取相 应的措施进行整改,如更换部件、升 级软件等,以确保设备的安全性和合 规性。



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14.2 mm (0.56 inch)Seven Segment Displays Technical DataFeatures• Industry Standard Size • Industry Standard Pinout 15.24 mm (0.6 in.) DIP Leads on 2.54 mm (0.1 in.) Centers • Choice of ColorsAlGaAs Red, High Efficiency Red, Yellow, Green, Orange • Excellent Appearance Evenly Lighted Segments Mitered Corners on Segments Gray Package Gives Optimum Contrast±50° Viewing Angle • Design FlexibilityCommon Anode or Common CathodeSingle and Dual Digits Right Hand Decimal Point ±1. Overflow Character• Categorized for Luminous IntensityYellow and Green Categorized for ColorUse of Like Categories Yields a Uniform Display • High Light Output • High Peak Current• Excellent for Long Digit String Multiplexing • Intensity and Color Selection OptionSee Intensity and ColorSelected Displays Data Sheet • Sunlight Viewable AlGaAsDescriptionThe 14.2 mm (0.56 inch) LED seven segment displays aredesigned for viewing distances upto 7 metres (23 feet). Thesedevices use an industry standard size package and pinout. Both the numeric and ±1 overflow devices feature a right hand decimalpoint. All devices are available as either common anode or common cathode.Orange AlGaAs Red HERYellowGreen Package HDSP-HDSP-[1]HDSP-[1]HDSP-HDSP- DescriptionDrawingH401H151550157015601Common Anode Right Hand Decimal A H403H153550357035603Common Cathode Right Hand Decimal B H157550757075607Common Anode ±1. Overflow C H158550857085608Common Cathode ±1. OverflowD K401552157215621Two Digit Common Anode Right Hand DecimalE K403552357235623Two Digit Common Cathode Right Hand DecimalFDevicesNote:1. These displays are recommended for high ambient light operation. Please refer to the HDSP-H10X/K12X AlGaAs and HDSP-555X HER data sheet for low current operation.HDSP-K40x Series HDSP-550x Series HDSP-552x Series HDSP-560x Series HDSP-562x Series HDSP-570x Series HDSP-572x Series HDSP-H15x Series HDSP-H40x SeriesThese displays are ideal for most applications. Pin for pin equivalent displays are alsoavailable in a low current design.The low current displays are idealfor portable applications. For additional information see the Low Current Seven Segment Displays data sheet.Part Numbering SystemNotes:1. For codes not listed in the figure above, please refer to the respective datasheet or contact your nearest Agilent representative for details.2. Bin options refer to shippable bins for a part number. Color and Intensity Bins are typically restricted to 1bin per tube (exceptions may apply). Please refer to respective datasheet for specific bin limit information.5082 -X X X X-X X X X X HDSP-X X X X-X X X X XMechanical Options [1]00: No Mechanical Option Color Bin Options [1,2]0: No Color Bin LimitationMaximum Intensity Bin [1,2]0: No Maximum Intensity Bin Limitation Minimum Intensity Bin [1,2]0: No Minimum Intensity Bin Limitation Device Configuration/Color [1]1: Common Anode 3: Common CathodeDevice Specific Configuration [1]Refer to Respective DatasheetPackage [1]H: 14.2 mm (0.56 inch) Single Digit Seven Segment DisplayFUNCTIONPIN AB CDEF1CATHODE e ANODE e CATHODE c ANODE cE CATHODE NO. 1 E ANODE NO. 12CATHODE d ANODE d ANODE c, d CATHODE c, d D CATHODE NO. 1 D ANODE NO. 13ANODE [3]CATHODE [4]CATHODE b ANODE bC CATHODE NO. 1 C ANODE NO. 14CATHODE c ANODE c ANODE a, b, DP CATHODE a, b, DP DP CATHODE NO. 1DP ANODE NO. 15CATHODE DP ANODE DP CATHOPDE DP ANODE DE E CATHODE NO. 1 E ANODE NO. 26CATHODE b ANODE b CATHODE a ANODE aD CATHODE NO. 2 D ANODE NO. 27CATHODE a ANODE a ANODE a, b, DP CATHODE a, b, DP G CATHODE NO. 2G ANODE NO. 28ANODE [3]CATHODE [4]ANODE c, d CATHODE c, d C CATHODE NO. 2 C ANODE NO. 29CATHODE f ANODE f CATHODE d ANODE d DP CATHODE NO. 2DP ANODE NO. 210CATHODE g ANODE g NO PINNO PINB CATHODE NO. 2 B ANODE NO. 211 A CATHODE NO. 2 A ANODE NO. 212 F CATHODE NO. 2 F ANODE NO. 213DIGIT NO. 2 ANODE DIGIT NO. 2 CATHODE 14DIGIT NO. 1 ANODE DIGIT NO. 1 CATHODE 15 B CATHODE NO. 1 B ANODE NO. 116 A CATHODE NO. 1 A ANODE NO. 117G CATHODE NO. 1G ANODE NO. 118F CATHODE NO. 1 F ANODE NO. 1NOTES:1. ALL DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETRES (INCHES).2. ALL UNTOLERANCED DIMENSIONS ARE FOR REFERENCE ONLY.3. REDUNDANT ANODES.4. REDUNDANT CATHODES.5. FOR HDSP-5600/-5700 SERIES PRODUCT ONLY.Package DimensionsInternal Circuit DiagramNotes:1. See Figure 2 to establish pulsed conditions.2. Derate above 46°C at 0.54 mA/°C.3. See Figure 7 to establish pulsed conditions.4. Derate above 53°C at 0.45 mA/°C.5. See Figure 8 to establish pulsed conditions.HER/Orange HDSP-5500AlGaAs Red HDSP-H40x Yellow Green HDSP-H150HDSP-K40x HDSP-5700HDSP-5600 Description SeriesSeriesSeriesSeriesUnits Average Power per Segment or DP 9610580105mW Peak Forward Current per 160[1]90[3]60[5]90[7]mA Segment or DPDC Forward Current per Segment or DP 40[2]30[4]20[6]3018]mA Operating Temperature Range -20 to +100[9]-40 to +100°C Storage Temperature Range -55 to +100°C Reverse Voltage per Segment or DP 3.0V Lead Solder Temperature for 3 Seconds 260°C(1.60 mm [0.063 in.] below seating plane)Absolute Maximum Ratings6. Derate above 81°C at 0.52 mA/°C.7. See Figure 9 to establish pulsed conditions.8. Derate above 39°C at 0.37 mA/°C.9. For operation below -20°C, contact your local Agilent components sales office or an authorized distributor.Electrical/Optical Characteristics at T A = 25°CAlGaAs RedDeviceSeriesHDSP- Parameter Symbol Min.Typ.Max.Units Test Conditions Luminous Intensity/Segment[1,2,5]I V9.116.0mcd I F = 20 mA(Digit Average)1.8I F = 20 mAForward Voltage/Segment or DP V F V2.03.0I F = 100 mAH15XPeak WavelengthλPEAK645nmDominant Wavelength[3]λd637nmReverse Voltage/Segment or DP[4]V R 3.015V I R = 100 µATemperature Coefficient of∆V F/°C-2mV/°CV F/Segment or DPThermal Resistance LED Junction-RθJ-Pin400°C/W/to-Pin SegHigh Efficiency RedDeviceSeriesHDSP- Parameter Symbol Min.Typ.Max.Units Test Conditions9002800I F = 10 mA Luminous Intensity/Segment[1,2,6]I Vµcd(Digit Average)3700I F = 60 mA Peak:1 of 6 dfForward Voltage/Segment or DP V F 2.1 2.5V I F = 20 mA 55XXPeak WavelengthλPEAK635nmDominant Wavelength[3]λd626nmReverse Voltage/Segment or DP[4]V R 3.030V I R = 100 µATemperature Coefficient of∆V F/°C-2mV/°CV F/Segment or DPThermal Resistance LED Junction-RθJ-Pin345°C/W/to-Pin SegYellowDeviceSeriesHDSP- Parameter Symbol Min.Typ.Max.Units Test Conditions6001800I F = 10 mA Luminous Intensity/Segment[1,2]I Vµcd(Digit Average)2750I F = 60 mA Peak:1 of 6 dfForward Voltage/Segment or DP V F 2.1 2.5V I F = 20 mA 57XXPeak WavelengthλPEAK583nmDominant Wavelength[3,7]λd581.5586592.5nmReverse Voltage/Segment or DP[4]V R 3.040V I R = 100 µATemperature Coefficient of∆V F/°C-2mV/°CV F/Segment or DPThermal Resistance LED Junction-RθJ-Pin345°C/W/to-Pin SegOrangeDeviceSeriesHDSP- Parameter Symbol Min.Typ.Max.Units Test Conditions Luminous Intensity/Segment I V 2.37mcd I F = 10 mA(Segment Average)[1,2]Forward Voltage/Segment or DP V F 2.1 2.5V I F = 20 mAPeak WavelengthλPEAK600nm H40x Dominant Wavelength[3]λd603nm I F = 10 mA K40x Reverse Voltage/Segment or DP[4]V R 3.030V I R = 100 µA Temperature Coefficient of∆V F/°C-2mV/°CV F/Segment or DPThermal Resistance LED Junction-RθJ-Pin345°C/W/to-Pin SegDeviceSeries HDSP-ParameterSymbol Min.Typ.Max.UnitsTest Conditions 9002500I F = 10 mALuminous Intensity/Segment [1,2]I Vµcd(Digit Average)`3100I F = 60 mA Peak:1 of 6 df Forward Voltage/Segment or DPV F 2.1 2.5V I F = 10 mA56XXPeak Wavelength λPEAK 566nm Dominant Wavelength [3,7]λd 571577nm Reverse Voltage/Segment or DP [4]V R 3.050V I R = 100 µATemperature Coefficient of ∆V F /°C -2mV/°C V F /Segment or DPThermal Resistance LED Junction-R θJ-Pin345°C/W/to-PinSegHigh Performance GreenNotes:1. Device case temperature is 25°C prior to the intensity measurement.2. The digits are categorized for luminous intensity. The intensity category is designated by a letter on the side of the package.3. The dominant wavelength, λd , is derived from the CIE chromaticity diagram and is that single wavelength which defines the color of the device.4. Typical specification for reference only. Do not exceed absolute maximum ratings.5. For low current operation, the AlGaAs HDSP-H10X series displays are recommended. They are tested at 1 mA dc/segment and are pin for pin compatible with the HDSP-H15X series.6. For low current operation, the HER HDSP-555X series displays are recommended. They are tested at 2 mA dc/segment and are pin for pin compatible with the HDSP-550X series.7. The Yellow (HDSP-5700) and Green (HDSP-5600) displays are categorized for dominant wavelength. The category is designated by a number adjacent to the luminous intensity category letter.AlGaAs RedFigure 2. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current vs. Pulse Duration – AlGaAs Red.Figure 1. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current vs.Pulse Duration – Red.Figure 3. Maximum Allowable DC Current vs.Ambient Temperature.Figure 4. Forward Current vs.Forward Voltage.HER, Yellow, Green, OrangeFigure 7. Maximum Tolerable Peak Currentvs. Pulse Duration – HER, Orange.Figure 8. Maximum Tolerable Peak Current vs. Pulse Duration – Yellow.Figure 5. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. DC Forward Current.Figure 6. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) vs. Peak Current.I D C M A X . – M A X I M U M D C C U R R E N T P E R S E G M E N T – m AT A – AMBIENT TEMPERATURE – °C 5030102051525354045I F – F O R W A R D C U R R E N T P E R S E G M E N T – m AV F – FORWARD VOLTAGE – VR E L A T I V E L U M I N O U S I N T E N S I T Y (N O R M A L I Z E D T O 1 A T 20 m A )I F – FORWARD CURRENT PER SEGMENT – mA204010305152535ηP E A K – N O R M A L IZ E D R E L A T I V E E F F I C I E N C YI PEAK – PEAK FORWARD CURRENTPER SEGMENT – mA40051015202530352010090807060504030T – AMBIENT TEMPERATURE – °C AI M A X – M A X I M U M D C C U R R E N T P E R S E G M E N T – m AD C 4550110120Figure 11. Forward Current vs.Forward Voltage.Figure 9. Maximum Tolerable PeakCurrent vs. Pulse Duration – Green.Figure 10. Maximum Allowable DC Current vs.Ambient Temperature.Figure 12. Relative LuminousIntensity vs. DC Forward Current.Figure 13. Relative Efficiency (Luminous Intensity per Unit Current) vs. Peak Current.Electrical/OpticalFor more information onelectrical/optical characteristics,please see Application Note 1005.Contrast EnhancementFor information on contrastenhancement please see Application Note 1015.Soldering/CleaningCleaning agents from the ketone family (acetone, methyl ethyl ketone, etc.) and from thechlorinated hydrocarbon family(methylene chloride, trichloro–ethylene, carbon tetrachloride,etc.) are not recommended for cleaning LED parts. All of these various solvents attack or dissolve the encapsulating epoxies used to form the package of plastic LED parts.For information on soldering LEDs please refer to Application Note 1027.I F – F O R W A R D C U R R E N T P E R S E G M E N T – m AV F – FORWARD VOLTAGE – VR E L A T I V E L U M I N O U S I N T E N S I T Y (N O R M A L I Z E D A T 10 m A )I F – DC FORWARD CURRENT – mAηV – R E L A T I V E E F F I C I E N C Y (N O R M A L I Z E D T O 1 A T 10 m A P E R S E G M EN T )0.6I PEAK – PEAK FORWARD CURRENTPER SEGMENT – mA902070801001. IV Bin Category Min.Max.K 9.2016.90L 13.8025.30M 20.7038.00N 31.1056.90O 46.6085.40Intensity Bin Limits (mcd)AlGaAs RedHDSP-550x/552x IV Bin Category Min.Max.E 0.91 1.67F 1.37 2.51G 2.05 3.76H 3.08 5.64I 4.628.64J 6.9312.70K 10.3919.04HERHDSP-570x/572xIV Bin Category Min.Max.D 0.61 1.11E 0.91 1.67F 1.37 2.51G 2.05 3.76H 3.08 5.64I 4.628.64J 6.9312.70K 10.3919.04YellowHDSP-560x/562x IV Bin Category Min.Max.E 0.91 1.67F 1.37 2.51G 2.05 3.76H 3.08 5.64I 4.618.46GreenColor CategoriesNote:All categories are established for classification of products. Products may not be available in all categories. Please contact your Agilent representatives for further clarification/information.10HDSP-H40x/K40x IV Bin Category Min.Max.B 0.77 1.17C 0.95 1.45D 1.19 1.82E 1.49 2.27F 1.85 2.89G 2.32 3.54H 2.904.43Orange元器件交易网元器件交易网/semiconductorsFor product information and a complete list ofdistributors, please go to our web site.For technical assistance call:Americas/Canada: +1 (800) 235-0312 or(408) 654-8675Europe: +49 (0) 6441 92460China: 10800 650 0017Hong Kong: (+65) 271 2451India, Australia, New Zealand: (+65) 271 2394Japan: (+81 3) 3335-8152(Domestic/Interna-tional), or 0120-61-1280(Domestic Only)Korea: (+65) 271 2194Malaysia, Singapore: (+65) 271 2054Taiwan: (+65) 271 2654Data subject to change.Copyright © 2002 Agilent Technologies, Inc.Obsoletes 5988-0383ENJanuary 17, 20025988-4273EN。
