



A BA892Sie I SCD8035V 100mA pinA1SS355Roh I USM100V 50mA swA MRF947Mot N SOT323npn RF 8 GHzA-Q2PD1820AQ Phi N SOT323gp sw amp 50V npn hfe 85-170A-Q2PD1820AR Phi N SOT323gp sw amp 50V npn hfe 120-240A-S2PD1820AS Phi N SOT323gp sw amp 50V npn hfe 170-340A0HSMS-2800HP C SOT23HP2800 schottkyA0HSMS-280B HP C SOT323HP2800 schottkyA03VAM-03MC AQ-modamp MAR 3 SimilarA06VAM-06MC AQ-modamp MAR 6 SimilarA07VAM-07MC AQ-modamp MAR 7 SimilarA1HSMS-2801HP K-HP2800 schottkyA1BAW56W Phi A SOT323dual ca BAW62 (1N4148)A1BAW56Phi A SOT23High-speed double diodeA1BAW56W Phi A SOT323High-speed double diodeA1BAW56T Phi A SOT416High-speed double diodeA11MMBD1501A Fch C SOT23180V 200mA diodeA13MMBD1503A Fch D SOT23180V 200mA dual diode seriesA14MMBD1504A Fch B SOT23180V 200mA dual diode ccA15MMBD1505A Fch A SOT23180V 200mA dual diode caA16ZC934A Zet C SOT2325-95pF hyperabrupt varicapA17ZC933A Zet C SOT2312-42pF hyperabrupt varicapA1p BAW56Phi A SOT23High-speed double diodeA1s BAW56W Sie A SOT323dual ca BAW62 (1N4148)A1s BAW56Sie A SOT23dual ca BAW62 (1N4148)A1s BAW56U Inf A SC74dual ca BAW62 (1N4148)A1s BAW56Inf A SOT23Common AnodeA1s BAW56T Inf A SC75Common AnodeA1s BAW56W Inf A SOT323Common AnodeA1s BAW56S Inf DA SOT363Double Common AnodeA1s BAW56U Inf DA SC74Double Common AnodeA1t BAW56Phi A SOT23High-speed double diodeA1t BAW56T Phi A SOT416dual ca BAW62 (1N4148)A1t BAW56S Phi DX SOT363High Speed switching diode arrayA1W BAW56Phi A SOT23High-speed double diodeA1X MBAW56Mot A-dittoA2HSMS-2802HP D SOT23dual HP2800A2HSMS-280C HP D SOT323dual HP2800A2BAT18Phi C SOT23High performance band-switching diode A2MMBD2836Mot A SOT23dual ca sw diode 75VA2CFY30Sie CQ SOT143n-ch GaAsfet 6 GHzA2MBT3906DW1Mot DO SOT363dual 2N3906A22BAS21Phi C SOD27BAV21A2s BAT18Sie C SOT23BA482A2X MMBD2836Mot A SOT23dual ca sw 75V 100mA 15nsA3BAP64-03Phi I SOD323 3 GHz pin diodeA31PS300Phi A SOT323High-speed double diodeA3HSMS-2803HP D SOT23HP2800 ser pairA3MMBD1005Mot A SOT23dual ca Si diode low leakageA3BAS16Zet C-Si sw 75V 100mAA3BAT17Phi C SOT23BA481A3MBT3906DW Mot N SOT363dual 2N3906A3p BAT17Phi C SOT23BA481A3t BAT17Phi C SOT23BA481A3T1PS181Phi A SOT346High-speed double diodeA3X MMBD2835Mot A SOT23dual ca sw 35V 100mA 15nSA4HSMS-2804HP B SOT23dual cc HP2800 schottkyA4BAV70T Phi B SOT416dual cc BAW62A4BAV70W Phi B SOT323dual cc BAW62A4p BAV70Phi B SOT23dual cc BAW62A4s BAV70W Sie B SOT323dual cc BAW62A4s BAV70Sie B SOT23dual cc BAW62A4s BAV70T Sie B SOT416dual cc BAW62A4s BAV70U Sie B SC74dual cc BAW62A4t BAV70Phi B SOT23dual cc BAW62A4t BAV70Phi B SOT363dual cc BAW62A4W BAV70Phi B SOT23dual cc BAW62A4X MBAV70Mot B-dittoA5BAP51-03Phi I SOD323GP RF pin diodeA5HSMS-2805HP S SOT143dual HP2800 schottkyA5MMBD1010Mot B SOT23dual cc Si diodesA5MMBD2837Mot B SOT23dual cc diodes 30V 150mAA5p BRY61Phi-SOT143-A5t BRY61Phi-SOT143-A6BAS16W Phi C SOT323High Speed Diode BAW62 (1N4148) A6BAS16T Phi C SOT416High Speed Diode BAW62 (1N4148) A6BAS216Phi I SOD110High speed switching diode (1N4148) A6MMBD2836Mot B SOT23dual sw diode cc 75VA6A MMUN2111Mot N SOT23pnp dtr 10k+10kA6B MMUN2112Mot N SOT23pnp dtr 22k+22kA6C MMUN2113Mot N SOT23pnp dtr 47k+47kA6D MMUN2114Mot N SOT23pnp dtr 100k+100kA6E MMUN2115Mot N SOT23pnp dtr R1 10kA6F MMUN2116Mot N SOT23pnp dtr R1 4k7A6G MMUN2130Mot N SOT23pnp dtr 1k0+1k0A6H MMUN2131Mot N SOT23pnp dtr 2k2+2k2A6J MMUN2132Mot N SOT23pnp dtr 4k7+4k7A6K MMUN2133Mot N SOT23pnp dtr 4k7+47kA6L MMUN2134Mot N SOT23pnp dtr 22k+47kA6p BAS16Phi C SOT23High Speed Diode BAW62 (1N4148) A6p BAS316Phi I SOD323BAW62 (1N4148)A6s BAS16W Sie C SOT323High Speed Diode BAW62 (1N4148) A6s BAS16Sie C SOT23High Speed Diode BAW62 (1N4148) A6s BAS16U Sie C SC74High Speed Diode BAW62 (1N4148) A6t BAS16Phi C SOT23High Speed Diode BAW62 (1N4148) A6W BAS16Phi C SOT23High Speed Diode BAW62 (1N4148) A6X MMBD2838Mot B SOT23dual sw 50V 100mAA7BAV99W Phi D SOT323dual ser BAW92A7BAV99Phi D SOT23dual ser BAW92A7HSMS-2807HP RQ SOT143HP2800 ring quadA7p BAV99Phi D SOT23dual ser BAW92A7s BAV99Sie D SOT23dual ser BAW92A7s BAV99W Sie D SOT323dual ser BAW92A7s BAV99T Sie D SC75dual ser BAW92A7s BAV99U Sie D SC74dual ser BAW92A7t BAV99Phi D SOT23dual ser BAW92A7t BAV756S Phi DX SOT363High Speed switching diode array A7W BAV99Phi D SOT23dual ser BAW92A8HSMS-2808HP BQ SOT143HP2800 bridge quadA8BAP50-03Phi I SOD323GP RF pin diodeA8BAS19Phi C SOT23BAV19A8SI2308DS Sil M SOT23N-ch mosfet, 60V 0.1AA81BAS20Phi C SOT23BAV20A82BAS21Phi C SOT23BAV21A8A MMUN2211Mot N SOT23npn dtr 10k +10kA8B MMUN2212Mot N SOT23npn dtr 22k +22kA8C MMUN2213Mot N SOT23npn dtr 47k+47kA8D MMUN2214Mot N SOT23npn dtr 100k+100kA8E MMUN2215Mot N SOT23npn dtr R1 10kA8F MMUN2216Mot N SOT23npn dtr R1 4k7A8G MMUN2230Mot N SOT23npn dtr 1k0 +1k0A8H MMUN2231Mot N SOT23npn dtr 2k2+2k2A8J MMUN2232Mot N SOT23npn dtr 4k7+4k7A8K MMUN2233Mot N SOT23npn dtr 4k7+47kA8L MMUN2234Mot N SOT23npn dtr 22k+47kA9SI2309DS Sil M SOT23P-ch mosfet, 60V 0.1AA91BAS17Phi C SOT23BA314AA BCX51Sie P SOT89pnp 45V audio comp BCX54 AA BCW60A Zet N SOT23BCY58-viiAA ZMV829A Zet I SOD323varicap hyperabrupt 28V 8.2pF@2V AAA MMBF4856Mot F SOT232N4856 n-ch chopper jfet AAAA MAX809L Max ZB SOT23Reset Threshold 4.63 VAAAX MAX2470Max DT SOT23-6VCO Buffer AmplifiersAAAY MAX2471Max DT SOT23-6VCO Buffer AmplifiersAAG MMBR951AL Mot N SOT23npn RF 8GHzAAH MAX6326_R22-T Max ZB SC70microproc -ve reset gen 2.200V AAI MAX6327_R22-T Max ZB SC70microproc +ve reset gen 2.200V AAJ MAX6328_R22-T Max ZB SC70microproc -ve reset gen 2.200V AAK MAX6410BS33-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (3.300 V / Push-Pull,Active-High)AAL MAX6410BS34-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (3.400 V / Push-Pull,Active-High)AAM MAX6410BS35-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (3.500 V / Push-Pull,Active-High)AAN MAX6410BS36-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (3.600 V / Push-Pull,Active-High)AAN MAX809L Max ZB SC70Reset Threshold 4.63 VAAO MAX6410BS37-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (3.700 V / Push-Pull,Active-High)AAO MAX809M Max ZB SC70Reset Threshold 4.38 VAAP MAX6410BS38-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (3.800 V / Push-Pull,Active-High)AAP MAX809T Max ZB SC70Reset Threshold 3.08 VAAQ MAX6410BS39-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (3.900 V / Push-Pull,Active-High)AAQ MAX809S Max ZB SC70Reset Threshold 2.93 VAAR MAX6410BS40-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (4.000 V / Push-Pull,Active-High)AAR MAX809R Max ZB SC70Reset Threshold 2.63 VAAS MAX6410BS41-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (4.100 V / Push-Pull,Active-High)AAS MAX809Z Max ZB SC70Reset Threshold 2.32 VAAs BCW60A Sie N SOT23BCY58-viiAAT MAX6410BS42-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (4.200 V / Push-Pull,Active-High)AAT MAX810L Max ZB SC70Reset Threshold 4.63 VAAU MAX6410BS43-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (4.300 V / Push-Pull,Active-High)AAU MAX810MXR Max ZB SC70Reset Threshold 4.38 VAAV MAX6410BS44-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (4.380 V / Push-Pull,Active-High)AAV MAX810T Max ZB SC70Reset Threshold 3.08 VAAW MAX6410BS45-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (4.500 V / Push-Pull,Active-High)AAW MAX810R Max ZB SC70Reset Threshold 2.63 VAAX MAX6410BS46-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (4.630 V / Push-Pull,Active-High)AAX MAX810S Max ZB SC70Reset Threshold 2.93 VAAY MAX6411BS33-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (3.300 V/Open Drain,Active-High)AAY MAX810Z Max ZB SC70Reset Threshold 2.32 VAAZ MAX6411BS34-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (3.400 V/Open Drain,Active-High)AAZ MAX803L Max ZB SC70Reset Threshold 4.63 VAB BCW60B Zet N SOT23BCY58-viiiAB ZMV830A Zet I SOD323varicap hyperabrupt 28V 10pF@2VABA MAX6411BS35-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (3.500 V/Open Drain,Active-High)ABA MAX803M Max ZB SC70Reset Threshold 4.38 V ABAA MAX809M Max ZB SOT23Reset Threshold 4.38 VABB MAX6411BS36-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (3.600 V/Open Drain,Active-High)ABB MAX803T Max ZB SC70Reset Threshold 3.08 VABC MAX6411BS37-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (3.700 V/Open Drain,Active-High)ABC MAX803S Max ZB SC70Reset Threshold 2.93 VABD MAX6411BS38-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (3.800 V/Open Drain,Active-High)ABD MAX803R Max ZB SC70Reset Threshold 2.63 VABE MAX6411BS39-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (3.900 V/Open Drain,Active-High)ABE MAX803Z Max ZB SC70Reset Threshold 2.32 VABF MAX6411BS40-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (4.000 V/Open Drain,Active-High)ABF LM4041AIX3-1.2Max L SC70 1.225V 0.1% shunt V refABG MAX6411BS41-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (4.100 V/Open Drain,Active-High)ABG LM4041BIX3-1.2Max L SC70 1.225V 0.2% shunt V refABH MAX6411BS42-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (4.200 V/Open Drain,Active-High)ABH LM4041DIX3-1.2Max L SC70 1.225V 0.5% shunt V refABI MAX6411BS43-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (4.300 V/Open Drain,Active-High)ABI LM4041DIX3-1.2Max L SC70 1.225V 1.5% shunt V refABJ MAX6411BS44-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (4.380 V/Open Drain,Active-High)ABJ LM4040AIX3-2.1Max L SC70 2.048V 0.1% shunt V refABK MAX6411BS45-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (4.500 V/Open Drain,Active-High)ABK LM4040BIX3-2.1Max L SC70 2.048V 0.2% shunt V refABL MAX6411BS46-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (4.640 V/Open Drain,Active-High)ABL LM4040CIX3-2.1Max L SC70 2.048V 0.5% shunt V refABM LM4040DIX3-2.1Max L SC70 2.048V 1% shunt V refABN LM4040AIX3-2.5Max L SC70 2.5001% shunt V refABO LM4040BIX3-2.5Max L SC70 2.500V 0.2% shunt V refABp BCW60B Phi N SOT23BCY58-viiiABP LM4040CIX3-2.5Max L SC70 2.500V 0.5% shunt V refABQ LM4040DIX3-2.5Max L SC70 2.500V 1% shunt V refABR LM4040AIX3-3.0Max L SC70 3.000V 0.1% shunt V refABs BCW60B Sie N SOT23BCY58-viiiABS LM4040BIX3-3.0Max L SC70 3.000V 0.2% shunt V ref ABt BCW60B Phi N SOT23BCY58-viiiABT LM4040CIX3-3.0Max L SC70 3.000V 0.5% shunt V ref ABU LM4040DIX3-3.0Max L SC70 3.000V 1% shunt V ref ABV LM4040AIX3-4.1Max L SC70 4.096V 0.1% shunt V ref ABW LM4040BIX3-4.1Max L SC70 4.096V 0.2% shunt V ref ABX LM4040CIX3-4.1Max L SC70 4.096V 0.5% shunt V ref ABY LM4040DIX3-4.1Max L SC70 4.096V 1% shunt V ref ABZ LM4040AIX3-5.0Max L SC70 5.000V 0.1% shunt V refAC BCX51-100Sie P SOT8945V pnp audio hfe 100AC BCX51-10Phi P SOT8945V pnp audio hfe 100AC ZMV831A Zet I SOD323varicap hyperabrupt 28V 15pF@2V AC BCW60C Zet N SOT23BCY58-ixACA LM4040BIX3-5.0Max L SC70 5.000V 0.2% shunt V ref ACAA MAX809TXR Max ZB SOT23Reset Threshold 3.08 V ACB LM4040CIX3-5.0Max L SC70 5.000V 0.5% shunt V ref ACC LM4040DIX3-5.0Max L SC70 5.000V 1% shunt V ref ACE MAX6326_R31-T Max ZB SC70microproc -ve reset gen 3.080V ACF MAX6347_R46-T Max ZB SC70microproc +ve reset gen 4.630V ACH MAX6326_R23-T Max ZB SC70microproc -ve reset gen 2.320V ACI MAX6326_R26-T Max ZB SC70microproc -ve reset gen 2.630V ACJ MAX6328_R26-T Max ZB SC70microproc -ve reset gen 2.630V ACK MAX6346_R44-T Max ZB SC70microproc -ve reset gen 4.380V ACL MAX6347_R44-T Max ZB SC70microproc +ve reset gen 4.380V ACM MAX6348_R44-T Max ZB SC70microproc -ve reset gen 4.380V ACN MAX6348_R46-T Max ZB SC70microproc -ve reset gen 4.630V ACO MAX6346_R46-T Max ZB SC70microproc -ve reset gen 4.630V ACp BCW60C Phi N SOT23BCY58-ixACP MAX6326_R29-T Max ZB SC70microproc -ve reset gen 2.930V ACQ MAX6327_R23-T Max ZB SC70microproc +ve reset gen 2.320V ACR MAX6327_R26-T Max ZB SC70microproc +ve reset gen 2.630V ACs BCW60C Sie N SOT23BCY58-ixACS MAX6327_R29-T Max ZB SC70microproc +ve reset gen 2.930V ACt BCW60C Phi N SOT23BCY58-ixACT MAX6327_R31-T Max ZB SC70microproc +ve reset gen 3.080V ACU MAX6328_R23-T Max ZB SC70microproc -ve reset gen 2.320V ACV MAX6328_R29-T Max ZB SC70microproc -ve reset gen 2.930V ACW BCW60C Phi N SOT23BCY58-ixACW MAX6328_R31-T Max ZB SC70microproc -ve reset gen 3.080V AD BCX51-160Sie P SOT8945V pnp audio hfe 160AD BCX51-16Phi P SOT8945V pnp audio hfe 160AD ZMV832A Zet I SOD323varicap hyperabrupt 28V 22pF@2V AD BCW60D Zet N SOT23BCY58-ixADAA MAX809S Max ZB SOT23Reset Threshold 2.93 VADN2SC3838K Roh N-npn 11V 3.2GHz TV tunersADp BCW60D Phi N SOT23BCY58-xADs BCW60D Sie N SOT23BCY58-xADt BCW60D Ph N SOT23BCY58-xADW BCW60D Phi N SOT23BCY58-xADW MAX6406BS22-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (2.200 V / Push-Pull, Active-Low)ADX MAX6406BS23-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (2.320 V / Push-Pull, Active-Low)ADY MAX6406BS24-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (2.400 V / Push-Pull, Active-Low)ADZ MAX6406BS25-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (2.500 V / Push-Pull, Active-Low)AE BCX52Sie P SOT89pnp 60V audio comp BCX55AE ZMV833A Zet I SOD323varicap hyperabrupt 28V 33pF@2VAEA MAX6406BS26-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (2.630 V / Push-Pull, Active-Low)AEB MAX6406BS27-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (2.700 V / Push-Pull, Active-Low)AEC MAX6406BS28-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (2.800 V / Push-Pull, Active-Low)AED MAX6406BS29-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (2.930 V / Push-Pull, Active-Low)AEE MAX6406BS30-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (3.000 V / Push-Pull, Active-Low)AEF MAX6406BS31-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (3.080 V / Push-Pull, Active-Low)AEG MAX6407BS22-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (2.200 V / Push-Pul, Active-High)AEH MAX6407BS23-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (2.300 V / Push-Pull, Active-High)AEI MAX6407BS24-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (2.400 V / Push-Pull, Active-High)AEJ MAX6407BS25-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (2.500 V / Push-Pull, Active-High)AEK MAX6407BS26-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (2.630 V / Push-Pull, Active-High)AEL MAX6407BS27-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (2.700 V / Push-Pull, Active-High)AEM MAX6407BS28-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (2.800 V / Push-Pull, Active-High)AEN MAX6407BS29-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (2.930 V / Push-Pull, Active-High)AEN2SC3839K Roh N-npn 20V 2.0GHz TV tunersAEO MAX6407BS30-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (3.000 V / Push-Pull, Active-High)AEP MAX6407BS31-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (3.000 V / Push-Pull, Active-High)AEQ MAX6408BS22-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (2.200 V/Open Drain, Active-Low)AER MAX6408BS23-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (2.320 V/Open Drain, Active-Low)AES MAX6408BS24-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (2.400 V/Open Drain, Active-Low)AET MAX6408BS25-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (2.500 V/Open Drain, Active-Low)AEU MAX6408BS26-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (2.630 V/Open Drain, Active-Low)AEV MAX6408BS27-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (2.700 V/Open Drain, Active-Low)AEW MAX6138AEXR12-TMax L SC70-3Shunt Voltage Ref. (output 1.2205 V /0.1%)AEW MAX6408BS28-T Max UC4SC70-3Volt. Detect. (2.800 V/Open Drain, Active-Low)AEX MAX6138BEXR12-TMax L SC70-3Shunt Voltage Ref. (output 1.2205 V /0.2%)AEX MAX6408BS29-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (2.930 V/Open Drain, Active-Low)AEY MAX6138CEXR12-TMax L SC70-3Shunt Voltage Ref. (output 1.2205 V /0.5%)AEY MAX6408BS30-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (3.000 V/Open Drain, Active-Low)AEZ MAX6408BS31-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (3.080 V/Open Drain, Active-Low)AF ZMV834A Zet I SOD323varicap hyperabrupt 28V 47pF@2VAFA MAX6138AEXR21-TMax L SC70-3Shunt Voltage Ref. (output 2.0480 V /0.1%)AFA MAX6409BS33-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (3.300 V / Push-Pull, Active-Low)AFAA MAX809R Max ZB SOT23Reset Threshold 2.63 VAFB MAX6138BEXR21-TMax L SC70-3Shunt Voltage Ref. (output 2.0480 V /0.2%)AFB MAX6409BS34-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (3.400 V / Push-Pull, Active-Low)AFC MAX6138CEXR21-TMax L SC70-3Shunt Voltage Ref. (output 2.0480 V /0.5%)AFC MAX6409BS35-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (3.500 V / Push-Pull, Active-Low)AFD MAX6409BS36-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (3.600 V / Push-Pull, Active-Low)AFE MAX6138AEXR25-TMax L SC70-3Shunt Voltage Ref. (output 2.5000 V /0.1%)AFE MAX6409BS37-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (3.700 V / Push-Pull, Active-Low)AFF MAX6138BEXR25-TMax L SC70-3Shunt Voltage Ref. (output 2.5000 V /0.2%)AFF MAX6409BS38-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (3.800 V / Push-Pull, Active-Low)AFG MAX6138CEXR25-TMax L SC70-3Shunt Voltage Ref. (output 2.5000 V /0.5%)AFG MAX6409BS39-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (3.900 V / Push-Pull, Active-Low)AFH MAX6409BS40-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (4.000 V / Push-Pull, Active-Low)AFI MAX6138AEXR30-TMax L SC70-3Shunt Voltage Ref. (output 3.0000 V /0.1%)AFI MAX6409BS41-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (4.100 V / Push-Pull, Active-Low)AFJ MAX6138BEXR30-TMax L SC70-3Shunt Voltage Ref. (output 3.0000 V /0.2%)AFJ MAX6409BS42-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (4.200 V / Push-Pull, Active-Low)AFK MAX6138CEXR30-TMax L SC70-3Shunt Voltage Ref. (output 3.0000 V /0.5%)AFK MAX6409BS43-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (4.300 V / Push-Pull, Active-Low)AFL MAX6409BS44-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (4.380 V / Push-Pull, Active-Low)AFM MAX6138AEXR41-TMax L SC70-3Shunt Voltage Ref. (output 4.0960 V /0.1%)AFM MAX6409BS45-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (4.500 V / Push-Pull, Active-Low)AFN MAX6138BEXR41-TMax L SC70-3Shunt Voltage Ref. (output 4.0960 V /0.2%)AFN MAX6409BS46-T Max UC4UCSP-4Volt. Detect. (4.630 V / Push-Pull, Active-Low)AFO MAX6138CEXR41-TMax L SC70-3Shunt Voltage Ref. (output 4.0960 V /0.5%)AFQ MAX6138AEXR50-TMax L SC70-3Shunt Voltage Ref. (output 5.0000 V /0.1%)AFR MAX6138BEXR50-TMax L SC70-3Shunt Voltage Ref. (output 5.0000 V /0.2%)AFs BCW60FF Sie N SOT23BCY58AFS MAX6138CEXR50-TMax L SC70-3Shunt Voltage Ref. (output 5.0000 V /0.5%)AG ZMV835A Zet I SOD323varicap hyperabrupt 28V 68pF@2V AG BCX70G Phi N SOT23BCY59-vii BC107AG BCX52-10Sie P SOT8960V pnp BCX52 hfe 100 AGAA MAX810L Max ZB SOT23Reset Threshold 4.63 V AGp BCX70G Phi N SOT23BCY59-vii BC107AGs BCX70G Sie N SOT23BCY59-vii BC107AGt BCX70G Phi N SOT23BCY59-vii BC107AH BCX70H Phi N SOT23BCY59-viii BC107BAH BCP53Mot P SOT223pnp amp 80V 150mAAH BCX53Sie P SOT89pnp 80V audio comp BCX56 AH ZMV930Zet I SOD323 2.9-8.3pF hyperabrupt varicap AHAA MAX810M Max ZB SOT23Reset Threshold 4.38 V AHp BCX70H Phi N SOT23BCY59-viii BC107BAHs BCX70H Sie N SOT23BCY59-viii BC107BAHt BCX70H Phi N SOT23BCY59-viii BC107BAJ BCX70J Phi N SOT23BCY59-ix BC107AJ ZMV931Zet I SOD323 4 -13.5pF hyperabrupt varicapAJAA MAX810T Max ZB SOT23Reset Threshold 3.08 V AJp BCX70J Phi N SOT23BCY59-ix BC107AJs BCX70J Sie N SOT23BCY59-ix BC107AJt BCX70J Phi N SOT23BCY59-ix BC107AK BCX70K Phi N SOT23BCY59-x BC107AK ZMV932Zet I SOD323 5.5-17pF hyperabrupt varicap AK BCX53-10Sie P SOT89pnp 80V BCX53 hfe 100 AKAA MAX810S Max ZB SOT23Reset Threshold 2.93 V AKp BCX70K Phi N SOT23BCY59-x BC107AKp BCX70K Phi N SOT23BCY59-x BC107AKs BCX70K Sie N SOT23BCY59-x BC107AL BCX53-16Sie P SOT8980V pnp BCX53 hfe 100 AL MMBTA55L Mot N SOT23pnp 25V (MPSA55)AL ZMV933Zet I SOD32312-42pF hyperabrupt varicap ALAA MAX810R Max ZB SOT23Reset Threshold 2.63 V ALs BFP405Sie MQ SOT343-AM MMBT3904W Mot N SOT3232N3904AM BCX52-16Sie P SOT89pnp 60V BCX52 hfe 160 AM BSS64Phi N SOT23npn 80V 0.1A fT 60MHz AM ZMV933A Zet I SOD32312-42pF hyperabrupt varicap AMs BFP420Sie MQ SOT343npn fT 25GHz 4.5V 35mA AN ZMV934Zet I SOD32325-95pF hyperabrupt varicapANG MAX6138AEXR33-TMax L SC70-3Shunt Voltage Ref. (output 3.3000 V /0.1%)ANH MAX6138BEXR33-TMax L SC70-3Shunt Voltage Ref. (output 3.3000 V /0.2%)ANI MAX6138CEXR33-TMax L SC70-3Shunt Voltage Ref. (output 3.3000 V /0.5%)ANs BCW60FN Sie N SOT23gp npn 35V 0.2AANs BFP450Sie MQ SOT343npn fT 25GHz 4.5V 100mA AO ZMV934A Zet I SOD32325-95pF hyperabrupt varicap APs BFP520Sie MQ SOT343npn fT 40GHz 2.5V 40mA AR BCW60CR Zet R SOT23R BCY58-ixAR MSD709R Mot N-pnp gp 25VAR1BSR40Phi P SOT89npn 70V 1A 1.35W hfe 40-120 AR2BSR41Phi P SOT89npn 70V 1A 1.35W hfe 100-300 AR3BSR42Phi P SOT89npn 90V 1A 1.35W hfe 40-120 AR4BSR43Phi P SOT89npn 90V 1A 1.35W hfe 100-300 AS MSD709S Mot N-pnp gp 25VAS1BST50Mot P SOT89npn darlington 0.5A 60V AS2BST51Mot P SOT89npn darlington 0.5A 80V AS3BST52Mot P SOT89npn darlington 0.5A 90V AS3BSP52Mot P SOT223npn darlington 0.5A hfe 2000 ASs BAT18-05Sie B SOT23dual BAT18 RF pinAtQ2PD1820AQ Phi N SOT323gp sw amp 50V npn hfe 85-170AtQ2PD1820AR Phi N SOT323gp sw amp 50V npn hfe 120-240 AtS2PD1820AS Phi N SOT323gp sw amp 50V npn hfe 170-340 ATs BAT18-06Sie A SOT23dual ca BAT18 RF pinATs BFP540Sie MQ SOT343npn microwaveAU BCW60GR ITT R SOT23R BCY58AUs BAT18-04Sie D SOT23dual BAT18 RF pinAV DAN212K Roh C-80V 100mA swAW BCW60HR ITT R SOT23R BCY58AX BCX70JR ITT R SOT23R BCY59-ixAY BCX70KR ITT R SOT23R BCY59-xAY MMBD1000Mot C SOT23Si sw diode 30V 0.2AB MRF957Mot N SOT323npn RF fT 9GHzB BAS16-03W Sie I SOD323Varicap 18pF 1VB BB555Sie I SCD80Varicap 18pF 1VB0BZX399C4V3Phi I SOD323 4.3V 0.3W zenerB0HSMS-2810HP C SOT23HP2810 schottkyB0HSMS-281B HP C SOT323HP2810 schottkyB08SST6908Sil ZQ-2N6908 prot n-ch jfetB09SST6909Sil ZQ-2N6909 prot n-ch jfetB1BZX399C1V8Phi I SOD323 1.8V 0.3W zenerB1HSMS-2811HP K SOT23HP2811 schottkyB1BAS40Mot C SOT23schottky sw diodeB10SST6910Sil ZQ-2N6910 prot n-ch jfetB2BZX399C2V0Phi I SOD323 2.0V 0.3W zenerB2BSV52Phi N SOT23BSX20 12V fT 400MHz swB2HSMS-2812HP D SOT23dual HP2810 schottkyB2HSMS-281C HP D SOT323dual HP2810 schottkyB26BF570Phi N SOT23NPN medium frequentcy transistorB2p BSV52Phi N SOT23BSX20 12V fT 400MHz swB2t BSV52Phi N SOT23BSX20 12V fT 400MHz swB3BZX399C2V2Phi I SOD323 2.2V 0.3W zenerB3HSMS-2813HP A SOT23dual ca HP2810 schottkyB3MMBD717L Mot A SOT323dual ca schottkyB4BZX399C2V4Phi I SOD323 2.4V 0.3W zenerB4BSV52R Phi R SOT23R BSX20B4HSMS-2814HP B SOT23dual cc HP2810 schottkyB5BZX399C2V7Phi I SOD323 2.7V 0.3W zenerB5HSMS-2815HP S SOT143dual HP2810 schottkyB6BZX399C3V0Phi I SOD323 3.0V 0.3W zenerB6BAT54ALT1ON J SOT2330V. schottky barrier detector & switchingdiodeB6BAT54A Mot A SOT23dual ca 30V schottkyB7BZX399C3V3Phi I SOD323 3.3V 0.3W zenerB7HSMS-2817HP RQ SOT143HP2810 ring quadB8BZX399C3V6Phi I SOD323 3.6V 0.3W zenerB8BZX399C3V6Phi I SOD323 3.6V 0.3W zenerB8BAT54SWT1ON D SOT32330V. dual schottky barrier diode B9BZX399C3V9Phi I SOD323 3.9V 0.3W zenerB92SC4617Mot N SC90npn gpBA BCX54Sie P SOT89npn AF 45V comp BCX51 BA DAN217Roh D-80V 100mA dualBA BZX399C4V7Phi I SOD323 4.7V 0.3W zenerBA BCW61A Zet N SOT23BCY78-viiBAs BCW61A Sie N SOT23BCY78-viiBB BCW61B Zet N SOT23BCY78-viiiBB BAR81Sie NQ SOT143Dual pin shunt switchBB BZX399C5V1Phi I SOD323 5.1V 0.3W zenerBBp BCW61B Phi N SOT23BCY78-viiiBBs BCW61B Sie N SOT23BCY78-viiiBBs BAR81W Sie NQ SOT343Dual pin shunt switch BBt BCW61B Phi N SOT23BCY78-viiiBC BCW61C Zet N SOT23BCY78-ixBC BCX54-10Sie Phi P SOT89npn hfe100BC BZX399C5V6Phi I SOD323 5.6V 0.3W zenerBCp BCW61C Phi N SOT23BCY78-ixBCs BCW61C Sie N SOT23BCY78-ixBCt BCW61C Phi N SOT23BCY78-ixBD BCW61D Zet N SOT23BCY78-xBD BCX54-16Sie P SOT89npn hfe160 comp BCX51-16 BD BZX399C6V2Phi I SOD323 6.2V 0.3W zenerBD ZHCS400Zet I SOD32340V 0.4A schottky diode BDp BCW61D Phi N SOT23BCY78-xBDs BCW61D Sie N SOT23BCY78-xBDt BCW61D Phi N SOT23BCY78-xBE BAS70Mot C SOT23schottky sw diodeBE BCX55Sie P SOT89npn AF 60V comp BCX52 BE BZX399C6V8Phi I SOD323 6.8V 0.3W zenerBF BZX399C7V5Phi I SOD3237.5V 0.3W zenerBFs BCW61FF Sie N SOT23low noise BCW61BG BCX71G Phi N SOT23BCY79-viiBG BCX55-10Sie Phi P SOT89npn hfe 100BG BZX399C8V2Phi I SOD3238.2V 0.3W zenerBGp BCX71G Phi N SOT23BCY79-viiBGs BCX71G Sie N SOT23BCY79-viiBGt BCX71G Phi N SOT23BCY79-viiBH BCX71H Phi N SOT23BCY79-viiiBH BCP56Mot P SOT223npn amp 80V 150mABH BCX56Sie P SOT89npn AF 80VBH BZX399C9V1Phi I SOD3239.1V 0.3W zener iBHp BCX71H Phi N SOT23BCY79-viiiBHs BCX71H Sie N SOT23BCY79-viiiBHt BCX71H Phi N SOT23BCY79-viiiBJ BCX71J Phi N SOT23BCY79-ixBJ BZX399C10Phi I SOD32310V 0.3W zenerBJp BCX71J Phi N SOT23BCY79-ixBJs BCX71J Sie N SOT23BCY79-ixBJt BCX71J Phi N SOT23BCY79-ixBK BCP56-10Mot P SOT223npn amp 80V 150mA BK BCX71K Phi N SOT23BCY79BK BCX56-10Sie P SOT89npn hfe 100BK BZX399C11Phi I SOD32311V 0.3W zenerBKp BCX71K Phi N SOT23BCY79BKs BCX71K Sie N SOT23BCY79BKt BCX71K Phi N SOT23BCY79BL MBD54DW Mot DL SOT3632x schottky detector diodes BL BCP56-16Mot P SOT223npn amp 80V 150mABL BCX56-16Sie P SOT89npn hfe 160BL BZX399C12Phi I SOD32312V 0.3W zenerBL BGA310Sie GQ SOT143MMIC amp 9dB @1GHz BLs BGA420Sie HQ SOT343MMIC amp 13 dB @1.8GHz BM BSS63L Mot N SOT23100v pnp comp BSS64 BM BCX55-16Sie P SOT89npn hfe 160BM BGA312Sie GQ SOT143MMIC amp 11dB @1GHz BM BZX399C13Phi I SOD32313V 0.3W zenerBMp BSS63Phi N SOT23100v pnp comp BSS64 BMs BG427Sie HQ SOT343MMIC amp 18 dB @1.8GHz BMt BSS63Phi N SOT23100v pnp comp BSS64 BN BZX399C15Phi I SOD32315V 0.3W zenerBN BGA318Sie GQ SOT143MMIC amp 16dB @1GHz BNs BCW61FN Sie N SOT23low noise BCW61BO BCW61AR Phi N SOT23BCX78, BCY78-viiBP BCW61BR Phi N SOT23BCY78-viiiBP BZX399C16Phi I SOD32316V 0.3W zenerBQ BZX399C18Phi I SOD32318V 0.3W zener in SOD323 BQ2PB709AQ Phi N SC-59PNP 45V 0.1A hfe 160-260 BR BCW60DR Zet R SOT23R BCY58-xBR2SC2412K Roh N-npn 50V 150mA min hfe 180 BR2SC4081Roh N UMT2SC2412K aboveBR2SC4617Roh N EM32SC2412K aboveBR MSB1218A Mot N SOT323gp pnp 45VBR BZX399C20Phi I SOD32320V 0.3W zenerBR2PB709AR Phi N SC-59pnp45V 0.1A hfe 210-340 BR1BSR30Phi P SOT89pnp 70V 1A 1.35W hfe 40-120BR2BSR31Phi P SOT89pnp 70V 1A 1.35W hfe 100-300 BR4BSR33Phi P SOT89pnp 90V 1A 1.35W hfe 100-300 BS BCW61DR Phi R SOT23BCY78-xBS BZX399C22Phi I SOD32322V 0.3W zenerBS2PB709AS Phi N SC-59pnp 45V 0.1A hfe 290-460 BS1BST60Mot P SOT89pnp darlington 0.5A 60V BS2BST61Mot P SOT89pnp darlington 0.5A 80V BS3BST62Mot P SOT89pnp darlington 0.5A 90V BS3BSP62Mot P SOT89pnp darlington 0.5A hfe 2000 BT BZX399C24Phi I SOD32324V 0.3W zenerBT2BSP16Mot P SOT223pnp –300V 1ABT2BST16Phi P SOT89pnp –300V 1ABU BCX71GR Phi N SOT23BCX79-viiBU BZX399C27Phi I SOD32327V 0.3W zenerBV BZX399C30Phi I SOD32330V 0.3W zenerBW BCW71HR Phi N SOT23R BCX79-viiiBW BZX399C33Phi I SOD32333V 0.3W zenerBX BCW71JR Phi N SOT23R BCX79-ixBX BZX399C36Phi I SOD32336V 0.3W zenerBY BCW71KR Phi N SOT23R BCX79-xBY BZX399C39Phi I SOD32339V 0.3W zenerBZ BZX399C43Phi I SOD32343V 0.3W zenerC BB565Sie I SCD80uhf varicap 2-20pFC KV1832E Tok I URD uhf varicap 4-17pfC white BAT165Sie I-40V 750mA sw SchottkyC0HSMS-2820HP C SOT23HP2835 schottkyC0HSMS-282B HP C SOT323HP2835 schottkyC1HSMS-2821HP K SOT23HP2835 schottkyC1BFQ51C Phi CX SOT173pnp BFR90A complementC1BCW29Zet N SOT23BC178AC11SST111Sil F SOT23J111 n-ch fetC12SST112Sil F SOT23J112 n-ch fetC13SST113Sil F SOT23J113 n-ch fetC1p BCW29Phi N SOT23BC178AC1t BCW29Phi N SOT23BC178AC1W BCW29Phi N SOT23BC178AC2BFQ32C Phi CX SOT173pnp 4.5GHz 15V 100mAC2HSMS-2822HP D SOT23dual HP2835 schottkyC2HSMS-282C HP D SOT323dual HP2835 schottkyC2SST112Tem F SOT23J112 analog sw n-ch jfetC2BCW30Zet N SOT23BC178BC2A ZDC833A Zet B SOT23dual cc 28V varicap 15pF @2V C2p BCW30Phi N SOT23BC178BC2t BCW30Phi N SOT23BC178B。

Shear strength of surface soil as affected by soil bulk density and soil water content

Shear strength of surface soil as affected by soil bulk density and soil water content

Shear strength of surface soil as affected by soil bulkdensity and soil water contentB.Zhang a,*,Q.G.Zhao a ,R.Horn b,1,T.Baumgartl b,2aInstitute of Soil Science,Chinese Academy of Sciences,P .O.Box 821,Nanjing 210008,PR ChinabInstitute of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science,CAU,University of Kiel,Olshausenstr.40,24118Kiel,GermanyReceived 6June 2000;received in revised form22Novem ber 2000;accepted 3Decem ber 2000AbstractThis paper proposes a new method to measure the soil strength parameters at soil surface in order to explain the processes ofsoil erosion and sealing formation.To simulate the interlocks between aggregates or particles within top 2mm of the soil,a piece of sandpaper (30particles cm À2)was stuck on the bottomface of a plastic box of diam eter of 6.8cmwith stiffening glue and used as shear media.The soil strength for the soils from sandy loam to clayey loam was measured with penetrometer and the new shear device at soil surface at different bulk density and soil water content.The normal stresses of 2,5,8,10and 20hPa were applied for the new shear device.The results indicated that signi®cant effect of bulk density on soil strength was detected in most cases though the difference in bulk density was small,ranging from 0.01to 0.09g cm À3.It was also indicated that the measurement with the new shear device at soil surface was reproducible.The changes in soil shear strength parameters due to changes in bulk density and soil moisture were explainable with the Mohr±Coulomb's failure equation and the principles of the effective stress for the unsaturated soils.The implications of the method were later discussed.#2001Elsevier Science B.V .All rights reserved.Keywords:Shear test at soil surface;Shear strength parameters;Penetrometer1.IntroductionSoil erosion and surface sealing are among the most deleterious processes to agriculture and environment (Sumner,1995).During rainfall,raindrop compaction and soil suspension movement by water result in high shear stresses,leading to an intensive local deforma-tion in soil erosion (Ghadiri and Payne,1986;Rose et al.,1990).As a concomitant process the soil surfacetransfers into a layer,ranging from 1to 10mm,and results in higher bulk density,lower porosity and lower hydraulic conductivity (Moore,1981)and in an increase in soil strength (Bradford et al.,1992).Con-sequently,shear strength of surface soil can be pro-posed as a measure of soil resistance to water erosion.Soil strength was linked to soil erosion (Torri et al.,1987),soil aggregate detachment (Nearing and Brad-ford,1985;Torri et al.,1987)and seal formation (Bradford et al.,1992).Tensile strength of soils has been reported to decrease with decreasing bulk density and increasing water content.Nearing et al.(1991)found that the tensile strength ranged between 0.93and 3.23kPa at small bulk density and high water content,which was much higher than typicalshearSoil &Tillage Research 59(2001)97±106*Corresponding author.Fax: 86-25-335-3590.E-mail addresses :bzhang@ (B.Zhang), (R.Horn), (T.Baumgartl).1Tel.: 49-431-880-3190;fax: 49-431-880-2940.2Tel.: 49-431-880-3190;fax: 49-431-880-2940.0167-1987/01/$±see front matter #2001Elsevier Science B.V .All rights reserved.PII:S 0167-1987(01)00163-5stress (<5Pa)applied in rill erosion.Shainberg et al.(1994)suggested that the binding forces betweenparticles at the soil±water surface were much weaker than the tensile forces in bulk soil.Soil particles at the interface are not con®ned,as the soil particles are within the bulk soil.Thus,the clay particles are free to swell and possibly even disperse,resulting in smaller cohesion forces between adjacent particles.Conven-tional methods of determining soil strength include cone penetrometer,shear vane,torsional shearbox,direct shear method.However,these methods cannot measure the properties at a soil surface with required resolution and the parameters were not suf®cient to explain the mechanical dynamics during soil water erosion.With the ®rst attempt to measure soil strength of surface soil,Collis-George et al.(1993)reported a resin plate method.This method was quick,inexpen-sive and the results were highly reproducible.How-ever,the failure plane was not easily de®ned as the author indicated making the estimate of the sheared area dif®cult.In addition,it led to a tension crack and the wave-like failure surface at the edges of the square shear plate.The objective of this paper was to provide a new method to measure shear strength at soil surface at a range of low normal stresses and interpret the para-meters derived from the shear tests as affected by different initial bulk density,soil water content and soil.Penetration resistance was also measured so as to compare and con®rm the effects on soil strength detected by the new device if any.2.Materials and methods 2.1.Soil preparationThe samples were covering the soil parent materials of quaternary red clay (Q),sandstone (S),granite (G)and purple mudstone (P),making up the dominant parent materials in subtropical China.The soil sam-ples were taken from the top layer (0±15cm).Com-plete soil properties determined with routine methods (ISSAS,1978)been reported elsewhere (Zhang and Horn,2001),but selected physical properties are given in Table 1.The subscripts represent the land uses,i.e.c for cultivation,p for parent material and w for waste-land with grass and sparse pine tree.Except the cultivated soil from mudstone (Pc),which had domi-nant swelling clay minerals,all soils dominated with kaolinite.Air-dried samples were crushed and passed through 2mm mesh.By adding distilled water as ®ne spray while gently stirring the soils they were wetted up to a certain water content (Table 2).To get the equilibriumof soil water content,the wetted soils were kept in plastic bags at least for 2weeks before being used.A wetted soil was ®lled into a cylinder,10cm in diameter and 3cm in height,and compacted with a ¯at-face piston to the desired bulk densities (Table 2).After the preparation of soil cores,pene-tration resistance and shear stresses at soil surface were immediately measured with the methods described below.These measurements will be men-tioned as at the same soil water content.Thereafter,Table 1The soils and their selected physical properties Soils Parent material Soil texture ClassificationSand a (%)Silt b (%)Clay c (%)SOC d (g kg À1)pH (H 2O)Gc Granite Gravelly sandy loamTypic Paleudults 50.730.518.8 5.24 5.53Gw GraniteSandy loamTypic Paleudults 60.029.410.6 6.68 4.58Pc Purple mudstoneSilty clay Haplaquepts 3.148.748.215.147.21Pp Silt loam Haplaquepts15.964.819.3 1.477.61Qc Quaternary red clay Clay Typic Plinthodults20.633.645.89.06 4.59Qp Clay Typic Plinthodults 19.337.543.2 1.68 4.67Qw Clay Typic Plinthodults19.540.040.5 3.94 4.62SwSandstone Sandy loamTypic Hapludults 56.626.117.32.845.18a 2±0.05mm.b0.05±0.002mm.c<0.002mm.dSoil organic carbon.98 B.Zhang et al./Soil &Tillage Research 59(2001)97±106the soil cores were saturated for1day and then placed on a sandbox for5days at a suction of30hPa(equal to the soil matric potential ofÀ30hPa).These soil cores were again used to measure penetration resis-tance and shear stresses at soil surface.These second measurements will be mentioned as the same at soil matric potential.The initial soil water content was lower than that at the soil matric potential ofÀ30hPa (Table2).2.2.Measurement of soil strength2.2.1.PenetrometerPenetration resistance was measured with a needle with a¯at tip in order to avoid destruction of the micro-relief of the soil surface(Zhang et al.,2001). The needle has an end diameter of1.3mm and a shaft diameter of1.0mm.The penetrometer was mounted on a rack,which allowed an easy movement down-wards and upwards.The soil core was placed on an electronic digital balance with a resolution of0.1g in order to determine the force needed to penetrate.The maximum reading of the mass component of a force (g)was manually recorded during the penetration distance of10mm into a soil core.Each value was converted into a force(N).Maximum penetration resistance,P max(kPa)was then estimated by its de®nition,the force divided by the area of probe base. For each soil core two readings of maximum penetra-tion force were recorded.2.2.2.Shear device at soil surfaceFig.1shows the new shear device for the mea-surement of soil strength at small normal stresses.To simulate the interlocks between aggregates or parti-cles and water®lmwith suspension of particles,a piece of sandpaper(30sand cmÀ2)was stuck on the bottomface of a plastic box of a diam eter of6.8cm with stiffening glue.Vertical load was added in the plastic box and the vertical stress,a load divided by the area of the plastic box's bottom,was designed at ®ve levels,i.e.2,5,8,10and20hPa.A horizontal force was easily applied through a loop of string over two chain wheels by adding water into a bottle, which was connected with the loop.The weight of the empty bottle was equal to that of a weight W(g) on the other side of the chain wheel(Fig.1).Addi-tion of water was controlled to increase the load slowly by adjusting the height of the water supply tank.When the plastic box under certain vertical load moved for10mm,the valve was closed to stop the water supply.Water in the bottle was weighed.The shear stress under the applied vertical load was calculated by the weight of water in the bottle divided by the area of the bottomof the plastic box.A sequence of normal stresses2,8and 20hPa was applied on one soil core and another sequence of5and10hPa was applied on another soil cores.At each sequence of normal stresses four soil cores were randomly chosen as replicates.At one condition with given bulk density and soil waterTable2Soil water content(y),aggregate mean weight diameter and bulk densitiesSoils Soil water content(g kgÀ1)(À30hPa)MWD a(mm)Bulk density(g cmÀ3) Initial H-dB b S-dB c H-dB S-dBGc193.4238.1242.3 1.63(0.04)d 1.26(0.02)d 1.21(0.02)d Gw167.0222.3228.7 1.17(0.05) 1.32(0.00) 1.27(0.00) Pc225.3416.8425.3 1.45(0.06) 1.30(0.02) 1.21(0.00) Pp205.2298.8305.2 1.84(0.04) 1.30(0.00) 1.25(0.00) Qc203.1286.10.87(0.03) 1.18(0.02)Qp219.3332.1342.70.80(0.01) 1.24(0.00) 1.17(0.00) Qw201.8369.9376.30.65(0.01) 1.18(0.02) 1.14(0.02) Sw170.2263.8270.2 1.12(0.03) 1.24(0.01) 1.23(0.01)a Mean weight diameter.b High bulk density.c Small bulk density.d Values in brackets are standard deviation.B.Zhang et al./Soil&Tillage Research59(2001)97±10699content,eight soil cores were used to measure shear stress at the ®ve levels of normal stresses so as to draw a Mohr±Coulomb's failure line.This was to minimize the number of soil cores to be prepared and the in¯uence between the m easurem ents.3.TheoryThe accepted shear strength equation for saturated soils in its linear function of effective stress is given as the Mohr±Coulomb's equation t c H s Àu w tan f H(1)where t is the shear strength,c H the effective cohesion,s the total stress,u w the pore water pressure and f H the effective angle of shearing resistance.Shear strength equation for unsaturated soils was developed in terms of two independent stress variables (Fredlund et al.,1978):t c H u a Àu w tan f b s Àu a tan f H(2)where s Àu a is the net normal stress,f b the angle of shearing resistance with respect to matric suction and u a ,u w the pore air and water pressures,respec-tively.The cohesion can be thought of as having two parts;one due to physicochemical cohesion,c H and the other due to matric suction, u a Àu w tan f b .Actually,the matric suction is an isotropic type of stress as is c H .Therefore,shear strength of unsaturated soil can be approximated with Eq.(1).In this study the shear-sliding plane was between the sandpaper and a soil,not as within soil.Different parameters were used.Thus,we applied a modi®ed equation to calculate the shear strength,t :t c a s n tan d(3)where c a is the adhesion between sandpaper and soil,s n the normal stress applied on the soil surface,d the boundary surface angle of friction.c a and d play the same roles on an interface as do cohesion and angle of internal friction on planes within soil fromEqs.(1)and(2).boratory lay-out for determining shear strength of surface soil by direct surface shear device.100 B.Zhang et al./Soil &Tillage Research 59(2001)97±106According to effective stress concept,the effective stress,s H is given for saturated soil bys H sÀu w(4) where s is the normal stress and u w the pore water pressure.The effective stress,s H is given for unsaturated soil bys H sÀu a w u aÀu w (5) where w is a factor which depends on the degree of saturation of soil.w 1at saturation while w 0for a fairly dry soil.Assuming that the soil air is nearly at atmospheric pressure,soil pore water pressure or soil matric potential is minus soil water suction,c.4.Results4.1.Penetration resistanceThe soil cores showed a negligible variation of bulk density in between the samples(Table2).Fig.2 showed the results of penetration resistance of the soils at different bulk density at the same matric potential and at the same water content.The effect of bulk density on penetration resistance was signi®-cant for all tested soils,especially at the same water content although the difference of bulk density was small,ranging from0.01to0.09g cmÀ3(Table2). For a given soil,the higher the bulk density the higher the penetration resistance detected with penet-rometer.At the same matric potential(À30hPa)the signi®cant effect of bulk density on penetration resis-tance was not detected for Gw and Sw,which had high sand contents and the lowest difference in bulk den-sity.Penetration resistance of the soils of correspond-ing bulk density was smaller at the same soil matric potential than at the same initial water content. 4.2.Shear strength parameter at soil surface Figs.3and4shows the shear stress as a function of normal stress measured with the new shear device. The results were well reproducible for all tested soils as indicated by small standard deviation of the means of the shear stresses.Big standard deviation was usually at the biggest normal stress,i.e.at20hPa. The signi®cant effect of bulk density on shear stress was not detected at one or two level(s)ofnormalFig.2.Penetration resistance of the soils at different bulk density and soil water condition:(a)at the same matric potential(À30hPa);(b)at the same soil water content.The soils are ranked with increasing clay content.H-dB,high bulk density;S-dB,small bulk density.B.Zhang et al./Soil&Tillage Research59(2001)97±106101Fig.3.Shear stress as a function of normal stress for the soils at high (-H)and small (-S)bulk densities at the same soil matric potential of À30hPa (-30).Bars are standard deviation of the means of four observed data;sd,signi®cant difference (at <5%)at the level of normal stress below.102 B.Zhang et al./Soil &Tillage Research 59(2001)97±106Fig.4.Shear stress as a function of normal stress for the soils at high (-H)and small (-S)bulk densities at the same initial water content (-W).Bars are standard deviation of the means of four observed data;sd,signi®cant difference (at <5%)at the level of normal stress below.B.Zhang et al./Soil &Tillage Research 59(2001)97±106103stresses for the clayey soils Qw,Qp and Pp at the same matric potential (À30hPa)(Fig.3).It was not found for the sandy soils,Gc and Sw,and the swelling soil,Pc,at the same initial water content either (Fig.4).The signi®cant difference was often found at the normal stress level of 20hPa at the same soil matric potential (Fig.3)and at the normal stress level of 5or 10hPa at the same water content (Fig.4).At a given bulk density,shear stress at the same normal stress was signi®cantly higher at the soil matric potential of À30hPa than at the same water content for all soils except Pp which showed signi®cantly lower shear stress.Fitting to the linear equation (3),shear stress was well related to the applied normal stress over the stress range with correlative square coef®cient ranging from 0.94to 1.00.Fig.5shows the shear strength para-meters,the boundary surface angle of friction (d )and adhesion,which were affected by bulk density,soil water content and soil type.The description of the effect of bulk density on the parameters of surfaceshear strength is only con®ned to the soils which had signi®cant differences in shear strength on the shear failure lines in Figs.3and 4.The values of d ranged from42.7to 51.88.The angle values were lower for the soils of higher bulk density at the same matric potential (À30hPa),while they were higher at the same soil water content.As to adhesion,the soils of higher bulk density had lower adhesion at the same water content except that the soil Pp decreased adhesion,while they had higher adhe-sion at the same water matric potential (À30hPa).The soils at smaller bulk density except the soils from the purple mudstone (Pp and Pc)had higher boundary surface angle at the same matric potential (À30hPa)than at the same water content,while the soils except Gw of small bulk density and Pp of high bulk density had higher adhesion.5.DiscussionSoil strength depends not only on soil and the measuring condition but also on the method of mea-surement itself (Bradford et al.,1992).Penetrometer is used to determine an overall soil strength within soil to the 10mm depth in this study.The new shear device is used at surface soil to determine the parameters of soil shear strength.They are not comparable because the physical properties of the related soil volume or area were different and the parameters derived from these methods have different physical meaning.In this study,the penetrometer was used to detect the effect of bulk density on soil strength and later on to testify the measurement by the new device,but not directly to compare the measured strength itself.In this case both methods agreeably de®ned the effect of bulk density,soil water content and soil on soil strength for most of the soils.The new shear device at soil surface has the following advantages in measuring shear strength parameters.The device is very simple,cheap and easy to use.It is reproducible at a range of small normal stresses simulating the situation during a rainfall.At the same suction,the soils of higher bulk density may have a lower saturation degree S r which will on one hand reduce the w factor in Eq.(5)(Oeberg and Saellfors,1995;Horn et al.,1995).On the other hand,the decrease in S r may decrease the contact points between sandpaper and soil aggregates standing outofFig.5.Boundary surface angle of friction (d )and adhesion on soil surface derived with surface shear device for the soils at high (-H)and small (-S)bulk densities and at the same water content (-W)and at the same matric potential of À30hPa (-30).nd,signi®cance (at <5%)not detected of the bulk density.104 B.Zhang et al./Soil &Tillage Research 59(2001)97±106the soil surface through water®lmsince soil water content was higher for the soils of lower bulk density (Table2)resulting in a lower surface boundary angle (Fig.5).The soils of high bulk density have relatively smaller diameter of effective capillary and larger contact angle at the same suction.On contacting with certain sized sands on sandpaper,the smaller the diameter of the capillary,the soil having larger suction can be produced.Therefore,the soils having high bulk density resulted in higher adhesion(Fig.5).Therefore, soil strength was lower at the range of lower normal stress for the soils of lower bulk density,but higher at the range of higher normal strength at the same suction.Theoretically at the same gravitational water con-tent,the soils of higher bulk density exert higher matric potential or smaller soil water suction,resulting in a decrease in effective stress(Eq.(5))and a decrease in adhesion as well.However,the high bulk density causes more®ne pores and then more contact points between sandpaper and the aggregates standing out at soil surface,which increases the boundary surface angle.This explains why the soil strength was higher at higher range of normal stress and smaller at lower range for the soil of higher bulk density at the same water content.At the condition of the same water content,the sands on sandpaper and the aggregates at soil surface could not be connected by water®lmsince the water content was relatively low.Therefore,the water suc-tion between the sandpaper and the aggregates may be very small.However,at the same suction,soil water content was high and there exists free water between aggregates at soil surface.The sands and aggregates can be connected through water®lm,resulting in higher suction and more contact area,contributing to higher adhesion values and surface boundary angle. The soil Pp had the greatest mean weight diameter (Table2).Thus,the big pores were also found on the soil surface.The apparent big pores decreased the contact area/points between the sandpaper and the soil aggregates even though at suction ofÀ30hPa.The soil Pc was a swelling soil.After saturation and then de-saturation at suction of30hPa,the structure of surface soil may have changed.As discussed above it is obvious that the derived parameters of soil shear strength,adhesion and surface boundary angle between sandpaper and surface soil,depend on the properties of soil and characteristics of sandpaper such as sand size and sand density on the sandpaper.However,the selection of certain sandpa-per or other material with strong and unchangeable roughness is beyond the objective of the study which needs further study.To standardize the method for practical use,it needs further work on evaluation and selection of sandpaper or the alternatives,its size and density.Sandpaper of®ner sand seems to be prefer-able.Anyhow,this method can be easily used espe-cially if micro-relief effects on soil strength,e.g.due to soil particle movement by erosion or sealing,and organic mineral bonding effects are indeed under consideration.It is the bene®t of the very small size of the sand particles acting as the shear vane that the differences of micro-relief strength can be even detected.However,it might be dif®cult to simulta-neously measure soil water suction,which is impor-tant to explain the consequences for the parameters of the effective stress equation.6.ConclusionThe new shear device for measurement of soil shear strength at soil surface is very simple,cheap and easy to use.It is reproducible at a range of small normal stresses and the effects of bulk density,soil water content and soil type on soil shear strength were detected in most cases though the difference in bulk density was small,ranging from0.01to0.09g cmÀ3. The values of surface boundary angle were lower for the soils of higher bulk density at the same matric potential(À30hPa),while they were higher at the same soil water content.The soils of higher bulk density had lower adhesion at the same water content except that the soil Pp decreased adhesion,while they had higher adhesion at the same water matric potential (À30hPa).The soils at smaller bulk density except the soils fromthe purple m udstone(Pp and Pc)had higher boundary surface angle at the same matric potential (À30hPa)than at the same water content,while the soils except Gw of small bulk density and Pp of high bulk density had higher adhesion.These results can be explained by the Mohr±Coulomb's failure equation and the principles of the effective stress.It is also indicated that the characters of sandpaper in¯uence the results and more work has to do on selection ofB.Zhang et al./Soil&Tillage Research59(2001)97±106105proper sandpaper or alternatives before the method is to be a standard method.AcknowledgementsWe thank the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation for the fellowship provided to Dr.Zhang Bin and the National Foundation of Sciences in China(NSFC) (Grant Nos.49701008and40071044)for the funded research project.We thank Mr.J.Lohse for building the penetrometer and the shear device.ReferencesBradford,J.M.,Truman,C.C.,Huang,C.,parison of three measures of resistance of soil surface seals to raindrop splash.Soil Technol.5,47±56.Collis-George,N.,Philippa,E.,Tolmie,E.,Moahansyah,H.,1993.Preliminary report on a new method for determining the shear strength of a soil surface:the resin plate method.Aust.J.Soil Res.31,539±548.Fredlund,D.G.,Morgenstern,N.R.,Widger,R.A.,1978.The shear strength of unsaturated soils.Can.Geotech.J.16, 121±139.Ghadiri,H.,Payne,D.,1986.The risk of leaving the soil surface unprotected against falling rain.Soil Till.Res.8,119±130. 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Motorola 3.5 kHz 产品说明书

Motorola 3.5 kHz 产品说明书

RVN4126 3.59100-386-9100-386/T DEVICERVN41772-CD2-3.5MCS/MTSRVN41821-CD2-3.5XTS3000/SABER PORTABLE YES RKN4046KHVN9085 3.51-20 R NO HLN9359 PROG. STAND RVN4057 3.532 X 8 CODEPLUG NO3080385B23 & 5880385B30 MDVN4965 3.59100-WS/T CONFIG KITRVN4053 3.5ASTRO DIGITAL INTERFACE NO3080385B23RVN41842-CD RKN4046A (Portable) 2-3.5ASTRO PORTABLE /MOBILE YES3080369B73 or0180300B10 (Mobile) RVN41831-CD3080369B732-3.5ASTRO SPECTRA MOBILE YES(Low / Mid Power)0180300B10 (High Power) RVN4185CD ASTRO SPECTRA PLUS MOBILE NO MANY OPTIONS; SEESERVICE BRIEF#SB-MO-0101RVN4186CD ASTRO SPECTRA PLUS MANY OPTIONS;MOBILE/PORTABLE COMB SEE SERVICE BRIEF#SB-MO-0101RVN4154 3.5ASTROTAC 3000 COMPAR.3080385B23RVN5003 3.5ASTROTAC COMPARATORS NO3080399E31 Adpt.5880385B34RVN4083 3.5BSC II NO FKN5836ARVN4171 3.5C200RVN4029 3.5CENTRACOM SERIES II NO VARIOUS-SEE MANUAL6881121E49RVN4112 3.5COMMAND PLUS NORVN4149 3.5COMTEGRA YES3082056X02HVN6053CD CT250, 450, 450LS YES AAPMKN4004RVN4079 3.5DESKTRAC CONVENTIONAL YES3080070N01RVN4093 3.5DESKTRAC TRUNKED YES3080070N01RVN4091 3.5DGT 9000 DESKSET YES0180358A22RVN4114 3.5GLOBAL POSITIONING SYS.NO RKN4021AHVN8177 3.5GM/GR300/GR500/GR400M10/M120/130YES3080070N01RVN4159 3.5GP60 SERIES YES PMLN4074AHVN9128 3.5GP300 & GP350RVN4152 3.5GP350 AVSRVN4150 3.5GTX YES HKN9857 (Portable)3080070N01(Mobile) HVN9025CD HT CDM/MTX/EX SERIES YES AARKN4083/AARKN4081RiblessAARKN4075RIBLESS NON-USA RKN4074RVN4098H 3.5HT1000/JT1000-VISAR YES3080371E46(VISAR CONV)RVN4151 3.5HT1000 AVSRVN4098 3.5HT1000/ VISAR CONV’L.YES RKN4035B (HT1000) HVN9084 3.5i750YES HLN-9102ARVN4156 3.5LCS/LTS 2000YES HKN9857(Portable)3080070N01(Mobile) RVN4087 3.5LORAN C LOC. RECV’R.NO RKN4021ARVN4135 3.5M100/M200,M110,M400,R100 includesHVN9173,9177,9646,9774YES3080070N01RVN4023 3.5MARATRAC YES3080070N01RVN4019 3.5MAXTRAC CONVENTIONAL YES3080070N01RVN4139 3.5MAXTRAC LS YES3080070N01RVN4043 3.5MAXTRAC TRK DUPLEX YES3080070N01RVN4178CD MC SERIES, MC2000/2500DDN6124AW/DB25 CONNECTORDDN6367AW/DB9 CONNECTOR RVN41751-CD Rib to MIC connector 1-3.5MCS2000 RKN4062BRVN41131-3.5MCS2000RVN4011 3.5MCX1000YES3000056M01RVN4063 3.5MCX1000 MARINE YES3000056M01RVN4117 3.5MDC/RDLAP DEVICESRVN4105 3.5MOBILE PROG. TOOLRVN4119 3.5MOBITEX DEVICESRVN4128 3.5MPT1327-1200 SERIES YES SEE MANUALRVN4025 3.5MSF5000/PURC/ANALOG YES0180355A30RVN4077 3.5MSF5000/10000FLD YES0180355A30RVN4017K 3.5MT 1000YES RTK4205CRVN4148 3.5MTR 2000YES3082056X02RVN4140 3.5MTRI 2000NORVN41761-CD MTS2000, MT2000*, MTX8000, MTX90001-3.5*programmed by DOS which is included in the RVN4176RVN4131 3.5MTVA CODE PLUG FIXRVN4142 3.5MTVA DOCTOR YES3080070N01RVN4131 3.5MTVA3.EXERVN4013 3.5MTX800 & MTX800S YES RTK4205CRVN4097 1-CD MTX8000/MTX9000,MTS2000,MT2000*,* programmed by DOS which is included in the RVN4176HVN9067CD MTX850/MTX8250MTX950,MTX925RVN4138 3.5MTX-LS YES RKN4035DRVN4035 3.5MX 1000YES RTK4203CRVN4073 3.5MX 800YES RKN4006BHVN9395 P100, P200 LB, P50+, P210, P500, PR3000RVN4134 3.5P100 (HVN9175)P200 LB (HVN9794)P50+ (HVN9395)P210 (HVN9763)P500 (HVN9941)PR3000 (HVN9586)YES RTK4205HVN9852 3.5P110YES HKN9755A/REX1143 HVN9262 3.5P200 UHF/VHF YES RTK4205RVN4129 3.5PDT220YVN4051 3.5PORTABLE REPEATER Portable rptr.P1820/P1821AXRVN4061C 3.5PP 1000/500NO3080385B23 & 5880385B30 RVN5002 3.5QUANTAR/QUANTRO NO3O80369E31RVN4135 3.5R100 (HVN9177)M100/M200/M110/M400YES0180358A52RVN4146 3.5RPM500/660RVN4002 3.5SABER YES RTK4203CRVN4131 3.5SETTLET.EXEHVN9007 3.5SM50 & SM120YESRVN4039 3.5SMART STATUS YES FKN5825AHVN9054 3.5SOFTWARE R03.2 P1225YES3080070N01HVN9001 3.5SOFTWARE R05.00.00 1225LS YES HLN9359AHVN9012 3.5SP50RVN4001N 3.5SPECTRA YES3080369B73 (STANDARD)0180300B10 (HIGH POWER) RVN4099 3.5SPECTRA RAILROAD YES3080369B73RVN4110 3.5STATION ACCESS MODULE NO3080369E31RVN4089A 3.5STX TRANSIT YES0180357A54RVN4051 3.5SYSTEMS SABER YES RTK4203BRVN4075 3.5T5600/T5620 SERIES NO3080385B23HVN9060CD TC3000, TS3000, TR3000RVN4123 3.5VISAR PRIVACY PLUS YES3080371E46FVN4333 3.5VRM 100 TOOLBOX FKN4486A CABLE &ADAPTORRVN4133 3.5VRM 500/600/650/850NORVN4181CD XTS 2500/5000 PORTABLES RKN4105A/RKN4106A RVN41002- 3.5XTS3000 ASTRO PORTABLE/MOBILERVN4170 3.5XTS3500YES RKN4035DRIB SET UPRLN4008E RADIO INTERFACE BOX (RIB)0180357A57RIB AC POWER PACK 120V0180358A56RIB AC POWER PACK 220V3080369B71IBM TO RIB CABLE (25 PIN) (USE WITH XT & PS2)3080369B72IBM TO RIB CABLE (9 PIN)RLN443825 PIN (F) TO 9 PIN (M) ADAPTOR (USE W/3080369B72 FOR AT APPLICATION) 5880385B308 PIN MODULAR TO 25 PIN ”D” ADAPTOR (FOR T5600 ONLY)0180359A29DUPLEX ADAPTOR (MOSTAR/TRAXAR TRNK’D ONLY)Item Disk Radio RIB Cable Number Size Product Required Number Item Disk Radio RIB Cable Number Size Product Required NumberUtilizing your personal computer, Radio Service Software (RSS)/Customer Programming Software (CPS)/CustomerConfiguration Software (CCS) enables you to add or reprogram features/parameters as your requirements change. RSS/CPS/CCS is compatible with IBM XT, AT, PS/2 models 30, 50, 60 and 80.Requires 640K RAM. DOS 3.1 or later. Consult the RSS users guide for the computer configuration and DOS requirements. (ForHT1000, MT/MTS2000, MTX838/8000/9000, Visar and some newer products —IBM model 386, 4 MEG RAM and DOS 5.0 or higher are recommended.) A Radio Interface Box (RIB) may be required as well as the appropriate cables. The RIB and cables must be ordered separately.Licensing:A license is required before a software (RVN) order is placed. The software license is site specific (customer number and ultimate destination tag). All sites/locations must purchase their own software.Be sure to place subsequent orders using the original customer number and ship-to-tag or other licensed sites; ordering software without a licensed customer number and ultimate tag may result in unnecessary delays. To obtain a no charge license agreement kit, order RPX4719. To place an order in the U.S. call 1-800-422-4210. Outside the U.S., FAX 847-576-3023.Subscription Program:The purchase of Radio ServiceSoftware/Customer Programming/Customer ConfigurationSoftware (RVN & HVN kits) entitles the buyer/subscriber to three years of free upgrades. At the end of these three years, the sub-scriber must purchase the same Radio Service Software kit to receive an additional three years of free upgrades. If the sub-scriber does not elect to purchase the same Radio Service Software kit, no upgrades will be sent. Annually a subscription status report is mailed to inform subscribers of the RSS/CPS/CCS items on our database and their expiration dates.Notes:1)A subscription service is offered on “RVN”-Radio Service Software/Customer Programming/Customer Configuration Software kits only.2)“RVN” software must only be procured through Radio Products and Services Division (RPSD). Software not procured through the RPSD will not be recorded on the subscription database; upgrades will not be mailed.3)Upgrades are mailed to the original buyer (customer number & ultimate tag).4)SP software is available through the radio product groups.The Motorola General Radio Service Software Agreement is now available on Motorola Online. If you need assistance please feel free to submit a “Contact Us” or call 800-422-4210.SMART RIB SET UPRLN1015D SMART RIB0180302E27 AC POWER PACK 120V 2580373E86 AC POWER PACK 220V3080390B49SMARTRIB CABLE (9 PIN (F) TO 9 PIN (M) (USE WITH AT)3080390B48SMARTRIB CABLE (25 PIN (F) TO 9 PIN (M) (USE WITH XT)RLN4488ASMART RIB BATTERY PACKWIRELESS DATA GROUP PRODUTS SOFTWARERVN4126 3.59100-386/9100T DEVICES MDVN4965 3.59100-WS/T CONFIG’TN RVN41173.5MDC/RDLAP DEVICESPAGING PRODUCTS MANUALS6881011B54 3.5ADVISOR6881029B90 3.5ADVISOR ELITE 6881023B20 3.5ADVISOR GOLD 6881020B35 3.5ADVISOR PRO FLX 6881032B30 3.5BR8506881032B30 3.5LS3506881032B30 3.5LS5506881032B30 3.5LS7506881033B10 3.5LS9506881035B20 3.5MINITOR III8262947A15 3.5PAGEWRITER 20008262947A15 3.5PAGEWRITER 2000X 6881028B10 3.5TALKABOUT T3406881029B35 3.5TIMEPORT P7308262947A15 3.5TIMEPORT P930NLN3548BUNIVERSAL INTERFACE KITItem Disk Radio NumberSize Product。

1997-JPC-(CdSe)ZnS Core-Shell Quantum Dots Synthesi_1`s and Characterization of a Size Series of

1997-JPC-(CdSe)ZnS Core-Shell Quantum Dots Synthesi_1`s and Characterization of a Size Series of

(CdSe)ZnS Core-Shell Quantum Dots:Synthesis and Characterization of a Size Series of Highly Luminescent NanocrystallitesB.O.Dabbousi,†J.Rodriguez-Viejo,‡F.V.Mikulec,†J.R.Heine,§H.Mattoussi,§R.Ober,⊥K.F.Jensen,‡,§and M.G.Bawendi*,†Departments of Chemistry,Chemical Engineering,and Materials Science and Engineering,Massachusetts Institute of Technology,77Massachusetts A V e.,Cambridge,Massachusetts02139,andLaboratoire de Physique de la Matie`re Condense´e,Colle`ge de France,11Place Marcellin Berthelot,75231Paris Cedex05,FranceRecei V ed:March27,1997;In Final Form:June26,1997XWe report a synthesis of highly luminescent(CdSe)ZnS composite quantum dots with CdSe cores ranging indiameter from23to55Å.The narrow photoluminescence(fwhm e40nm)from these composite dotsspans most of the visible spectrum from blue through red with quantum yields of30-50%at room temperature.We characterize these materials using a range of optical and structural techniques.Optical absorption andphotoluminescence spectroscopies probe the effect of ZnS passivation on the electronic structure of the dots.We use a combination of wavelength dispersive X-ray spectroscopy,X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy,smalland wide angle X-ray scattering,and transmission electron microscopy to analyze the composite dots anddetermine their chemical composition,average size,size distribution,shape,and internal ing asimple effective mass theory,we model the energy shift for the first excited state for(CdSe)ZnS and(CdSe)-CdS dots with varying shell thickness.Finally,we characterize the growth of ZnS on CdSe cores as locallyepitaxial and determine how the structure of the ZnS shell influences the photoluminescence properties.I.IntroductionSemiconductor nanocrystallites(quantum dots)whose radii are smaller than the bulk exciton Bohr radius constitute a class of materials intermediate between molecular and bulk forms of matter.1Quantum confinement of both the electron and hole in all three dimensions leads to an increase in the effective band gap of the material with decreasing crystallite size.Conse-quently,both the optical absorption and emission of quantum dots shift to the blue(higher energies)as the size of the dots gets smaller.Although nanocrystallites have not yet completed their evolution into bulk solids,structural studies indicate that they retain the bulk crystal structure and lattice parameter.2 Recent advances in the synthesis of highly monodisperse nanocrystallites3-5have paved the way for numerous spectro-scopic studies6-11assigning the quantum dot electronic states and mapping out their evolution as a function of size.Core-shell type composite quantum dots exhibit novel properties making them attractive from both an experimental and a practical point of view.12-19Overcoating nanocrystallites with higher band gap inorganic materials has been shown to improve the photoluminescence quantum yields by passivating surface nonradiative recombination sites.Particles passivated with inorganic shell structures are more robust than organically passivated dots and have greater tolerance to processing conditions necessary for incorporation into solid state structures. Some examples of core-shell quantum dot structures reported earlier include CdS on CdSe and CdSe on CdS,12ZnS grown on CdS,13ZnS on CdSe and the inverse structure,14CdS/HgS/ CdS quantum dot quantum wells,15ZnSe overcoated CdSe,16 and SiO2on Si.17,18Recently,Hines and Guyot-Sionnest reported making(CdSe)ZnS nanocrystallites whose room tem-perature fluorescence quantum yield was50%.19This paper describes the synthesis and characterization of a series of room-temperature high quantum yield(30%-50%) core-shell(CdSe)ZnS nanocrystallites with narrow band edge luminescence spanning most of the visible spectrum from470 to625nm.These particles are produced using a two-step synthesis that is a modification of the methods of Danek et al.16 and Hines et al.19ZnS overcoated dots are characterized spectroscopically and structurally using a variety of techniques. The optical absorption and photoluminescence spectra of the composite dots are measured,and the lowest energy optical transition is modeled using a simplified theoretical approach. Wavelength dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and X-ray photo-electron spectroscopy are used to determine the elemental and spatial composition of ZnS overcoated dots.Small-angle X-ray scattering in solution and in polymer films and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy measurements help to deter-mine the size,shape,and size distribution of the composite dots. Finally,the internal structure of the composite quantum dots and the lattice parameters of the core and shell are determined using wide-angle X-ray scattering.In addition to having higher efficiencies,ZnS overcoated particles are more robust than organically passivated dots and potentially more useful for optoelectronic device structures. Electroluminescent devices(LED’s)incorporating(CdSe)ZnS dots into heterostructure organic/semiconductor nanocrystallite light-emitting devices may show greater stability.20Thin films incorporating(CdSe)ZnS dots into a matrix of ZnS using electrospray organometallic chemical vapor deposition(ES-OMCVD)demonstrate more than2orders of magnitude improvement in the PL quantum yields(∼10%)relative to identical structures based on bare CdSe dots.21In addition,these structures exhibit cathodoluminescence21upon excitation with high-energy electrons and may potentially be useful in the*To whom correspondence should be addressed.†Department of Chemistry,MIT.‡Department of Chemical Engineering,MIT.§Department of Materials Science and Engineering,MIT.⊥Colle`ge de France.X Abstract published in Ad V ance ACS Abstracts,September1,1997.9463J.Phys.Chem.B1997,101,9463-9475S1089-5647(97)01091-2CCC:$14.00©1997American Chemical Societyproduction of alternating current thin film electroluminescent devices(ACTFELD).II.Experimental SectionMaterials.Trioctylphosphine oxide(TOPO,90%pure)and trioctylphosphine(TOP,95%pure)were obtained from Strem and Fluka,respectively.Dimethylcadmium(CdMe2)and di-ethylzinc(ZnEt2)were purchased from Alfa and Fluka,respec-tively,and both materials were filtered separately through a0.2µm filter in an inert atmosphere box.Trioctylphosphine selenide was prepared by dissolving0.1mol of Se shot in100mL of TOP,thus producing a1M solution of TOPSe.Hexamethyl-disilathiane((TMS)2S)was used as purchased from Aldrich. HPLC grade n-hexane,methanol,pyridine,and1-butanol were purchased from EM Sciences.Synthesis of Composite Quantum Dots.(CdSe)ZnS.Nearly monodisperse CdSe quantum dots ranging from23to55Åin diameter were synthesized via the pyrolysis of the organome-tallic precursors,dimethylcadmium and trioctylphosphine se-lenide,in a coordinating solvent,trioctylphosphine oxide (TOPO),as described previously.3The precursors were injected at temperatures ranging from340to360°C,and the initially formed small(d)23Å)dots were grown at temperatures between290and300°C.The dots were collected as powders using size-selective precipitation3with methanol and then redispersed in hexane.A flask containing5g of TOPO was heated to190°C under vacuum for several hours and then cooled to60°C after which 0.5mL of trioctylphosphine(TOP)was added.Roughly0.1-0.4µmol of CdSe dots dispersed in hexane was transferred into the reaction vessel via syringe,and the solvent was pumped off.Diethylzinc(ZnEt2)and hexamethyldisilathiane((TMS)2S) were used as the Zn and S precursors.The amounts of Zn and S precursors needed to grow a ZnS shell of desired thickness for each CdSe sample were determined as follows:First,the average radius of the CdSe dots was estimated from TEM or SAXS measurements.Next,the ratio of ZnS to CdSe necessary to form a shell of desired thickness was calculated based on the ratio of the shell volume to that of the core assuming a spherical core and shell and taking into account the bulk lattice parameters of CdSe and ZnS.For larger particles the ratio of Zn to Cd necessary to achieve the same thickness shell is less than for the smaller dots.The actual amount of ZnS that grows onto the CdSe cores was generally less than the amount added due to incomplete reaction of the precursors and to loss of some material on the walls of the flask during the addition. Equimolar amounts of the precursors were dissolved in2-4 mL of TOP inside an inert atmosphere glovebox.The precursor solution was loaded into a syringe and transferred to an addition funnel attached to the reaction flask.The reaction flask containing CdSe dots dispersed in TOPO and TOP was heated under an atmosphere of N2.The temperature at which the precursors were added ranged from140°C for23Ådiameter dots to220°C for55Ådiameter dots.22When the desired temperature was reached,the Zn and S precursors were added dropwise to the vigorously stirring reaction mixture over a period of5-10min.After the addition was complete,the mixture was cooled to 90°C and left stirring for several hours.A5mL aliquot of butanol was added to the mixture to prevent the TOPO from solidifying upon cooling to room temperature.The overcoated particles were stored in their growth solution to ensure that the surface of the dots remained passivated with TOPO.They were later recovered in powder form by precipitating with methanol and redispersed into a variety of solvents including hexane, chloroform,toluene,THF,and pyridine.(CdSe)CdS.Cadmium selenide nanocrystallites with diam-eters between33.5and35Åwere overcoated with CdS to varying thickness using the same basic procedure as that outlined for the ZnS overcoating.The CdS precursors used were Me2-Cd and(TMS)2S.The precursor solution was dripped into the reaction vessel containing the dots at a temperature of180°C and a rate of∼1mL/min.The solution became noticeably darker as the overcoat precursors were added.Absorption spectra taken just after addition of precursors showed a significant shift in the absorption peak to the red.To store these samples,it was necessary to add equal amounts of hexane and butanol since the butanol by itself appeared to flocculate the particles.Optical Characterization.UV-vis absorption spectra were acquired on an HP8452diode array spectrophotometer.Dilute solutions of dots in hexane were placed in1cm quartz cuvettes, and their absorption and corresponding fluorescence were measured.The photoluminescence spectra were taken on a SPEX Fluorolog-2spectrometer in front face collection mode. The room-temperature quantum yields were determined by comparing the integrated emission of the dots in solution to the emission of a solution of rhodamine590or rhodamine640 of identical optical density at the excitation wavelength. Wavelength Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy.A JEOL SEM 733electron microprobe operated at15kV was used to determine the chemical composition of the composite quantum dots using wavelength dispersive X-ray(WDS)spectroscopy. One micrometer thick films of(CdSe)ZnS quantum dots were cast from concentrated pyridine solutions onto Si(100)wafers, and after the solvent had completely evaporated the films were coated with a thin layer of amorphous carbon to prevent charging.X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy.XPS was performed using a Physical Electronics5200C spectrometer equipped with a dual X-ray anode(Mg and Al)and a concentric hemispherical analyzer(CHA).Data were obtained with Mg K R radiation (1253.6eV)at300W(15keV,20mA).Survey scans were collected over the range0-1100eV with a179eV pass energy detection,corresponding to a resolution of2eV.Close-up scans were collected on the peaks of interest for the different elements with a71.5eV pass energy detection and a resolution of1eV.A base pressure of10-8Torr was maintained during the experiments.All samples were exchanged with pyridine and spin-cast onto Si substrates,forming a thin film several monolayers thick.Transmission Electron Microscopy.A Topcon EM002B transmission electron microscope(TEM)was operated at200 kV to obtain high-resolution images of individual quantum dots. An objective aperture was used to selectively image the(100), (002),and(101)wurtzite lattice planes.The samples were prepared by placing one drop of a dilute solution of dots in octane onto a copper grid supporting a thin film of amorphous carbon and then wicking off the remaining solvent after30s.A second thin layer of amorphous carbon was evaporated onto the samples in order to minimize charging and reduce damage to the particles caused by the electron beam.Small-Angle X-ray Scattering(SAXS)in Polymer Films. Small-angle X-ray scattering(SAXS)samples were prepared using either poly(vinyl butyral)(PVB)or a phosphine-func-tionalized diblock copolymer[methyltetracyclododecene]300-[norbornene-CH2O(CH2)5P(oct)2]20,abbreviated as(MTD300P20), as the matrix.23Approximately5mg of nanocrystallites of dispersed in1mL of toluene,added to0.5mL of a solution containing10wt%PVB in toluene,concentrated under vacuum to give a viscous solution,and then cast onto a silicon wafer. The procedure is the same for MTD300P20,except THF is used9464J.Phys.Chem.B,Vol.101,No.46,1997Dabbousi et the solvent for both nanocrystallites and polymer.The resulting∼200µm thick film is clear to slightly opaque.X-ray diffraction spectra were collected on a Rigaku300Rotaflex diffractometer operating in the Bragg configuration using Cu K R radiation.The accelerating voltage was set at60kV with a300mA flux.Scatter and diffraction slits of1/6°and a0.3 mm collection slit were used.Small-Angle X-ray Scattering in Dilute Solutions.The X-ray source was a rotating copper anode operated at40kV and25mA.The apparent point source(electron beam irradiated area on the anode)was about10-2mm2.The beam was collimated onto a position sensitive detector,PSPE(ELPHYSE).A thin slit,placed before the filter,selects a beam with the dimensions of3×0.3mm2on the detector.The position sensitive linear detector has a useful length of50mm,placed at a distance D)370mm from the detector.The spatial resolution on the detector is200µm.This setup allows a continuous scan of scattering wavevectors between6×10-3 and0.40Å-1,with a resolution of about3×10-3Å-1.The samples used were quartz capillary tubes with about1 mm optical path,filled with the desired dispersion,and then flame-sealed after filling.The intensity from the reference,I ref, is collected first,and then the intensity from the sample,I s.The intensity used in the data analysis is the difference:I)I s-I ref.Wide-Angle X-ray Scattering(WAXS).The wide-angle X-ray powder diffraction patterns were measured on the same setup as the SAXS in polymer dispersions.The TOPO/TOP capped nanocrystals were precipitated with methanol and exchanged with pyridine.The samples were prepared by dropping a heavily concentrated solution of nanocrystals dispersed in pyridine onto silicon wafers.A slow evaporation of the pyridine leads to the formation of glassy thin films which were used for the diffraction experiments.III.Results and AnalysisA.Synthesis of Core-Shell Composite Quantum Dots. We use a two-step synthetic procedure similar to that of Danek et al.16and Hines et al.19to produce(CdSe)ZnS core-shell quantum dots.In the first step we synthesize nearly mono-disperse CdSe nanocrystallites ranging in size from23to55Åvia a high-temperature colloidal growth followed by size selective precipitation.3These dots are referred to as“bare”dots in the remainder of the text,although their outermost surface is passivated with organic TOPO/TOP capping groups. Next,we overcoat the CdSe particles in TOPO by adding the Zn and S precursors at intermediate temperatures.22The resulting composite particles are also passivated with TOPO/ TOP on their outermost surface.The temperature at which the dots are overcoated is very critical.At higher temperatures the CdSe seeds begin to grow via Ostwald ripening,and their size distribution deteriorates, leading to broader spectral line widths.Overcoating the particles at relatively low temperatures could lead to incomplete decom-position of the precursors or to reduced crystallinity of the ZnS shell.An ideal growth temperature is determined independently for each CdSe core size to ensure that the size distribution of the cores remains constant and that shells with a high degree of crystallinity are formed.22The concentration of the ZnS precursor solution and the rate at which it is added are also critical.Slow addition of the precursors at low concentrations ensures that most of the ZnS grows heterogeneously onto existing CdSe nuclei instead of undergoing homogeneous nucleation.This probably does not eliminate the formation of small ZnS particles completely so a final purification step in which the overcoated dots are subjected to size selective precipitation provides further assurance that mainly(CdSe)ZnS particles are present in the final powders.B.Optical Characterization.The synthesis presented above produces ZnS overcoated dots with a range of core and shell sizes.Figure1shows the absorption spectra of CdSe dots ranging from23to55Åin diameter before(dashed lines)and after(solid lines)overcoating with1-2monolayers of ZnS. The definition of a monolayer here is a shell of ZnS that measures3.1Å(the distance between consecutive planes along the[002]axis in bulk wurtzite ZnS)along the major axis of the prolate-shaped dots.We observe a small shift in the absorption spectra to the red(lower energies)after overcoating due to partial leakage of the exciton into the ZnS matrix.This red shift is more pronounced in smaller dots where the leakage of the exciton into the ZnS shell has a more dramatic effect on the confinement energies of the charge carriers.Figure2shows the room-temperature photoluminescence spectra(PL)of these Figure 1.Absorption spectra for bare(dashed lines)and1-2 monolayer ZnS overcoated(solid lines)CdSe dots with diameters measuring(a)23,(b)42,(c)48,and(d)55Å.The absorption spectra for the(CdSe)ZnS dots are broader and slightly red-shifted from their respective bare dot spectra.Figure2.Photoluminescence(PL)spectra for bare(dashed lines)and ZnS overcoated(solid lines)dots with the following core sizes:(a) 23,(b)42,(c)48,and(d)55Åin diameter.The PL spectra for the overcoated dots are much more intense owing to their higher quantum yields:(a)40,(b)50,(c)35,and(d)30.(CdSe)ZnS Core-Shell Quantum Dots J.Phys.Chem.B,Vol.101,No.46,19979465same samples before (dashed lines)and after (solid lines)overcoating with ZnS.The PL quantum yield increases from 5to 15%for bare dots to values ranging from 30to 50%for dots passivated with ZnS.In smaller CdSe dots the surface-to-volume ratio is very high,and the PL for TOPO capped dots is dominated by broad deep trap emission due to incomplete surface passivation.Overcoating with ZnS suppresses deep trap emission by passivating most of the vacancies and trap sites on the crystallite surface,resulting in PL which is dominated by band-edge recombination.Figure 3(color photograph)displays the wide spectral range of luminescence from (CdSe)ZnS composite quantum dots.The photograph shows six different samples of ZnS overcoated CdSe dots dispersed in dilute hexane solutions and placed in identical quartz cuvettes.The samples are irradiated with 365nm ultraviolet light from a UV lamp in order to observe lumines-cence from all the solutions at once.As the size of the CdSe core increases,the color of the luminescence shows a continuous progression from blue through green,yellow,orange,to red.In the smallest sizes of TOPO capped dots the color of the PL is normally dominated by broad deep trap emission and appears as faint white light.After overcoating the samples with ZnS the deep trap emission is nearly eliminated,giving rise to intense blue band-edge fluorescence.To understand the effect of ZnS passivation on the optical and structural properties of CdSe dots,we synthesized a large quantity of ∼40Ådiameter CdSe dots.We divided this sample into multiple fractions and added varying amounts of Zn and S precursors to each fraction at identical temperatures and addition times.The result was a series of samples with similar CdSe cores but with varying ZnS shell thickness.Figure 4shows the progression of the absorption spectrum for these samples with ZnS coverages of approximately 0(bare TOPO capped CdSe),0.65,1.3,2.6,and 5.3monolayers.(See beginning of this section for definition of number of monolayers.)The spectra reflect a constant area under the lowest energy 1S 3/2-1S e absorption peak (constant oscillator strength)for the samples with varying ZnS coverage.As the thickness of the ZnS shell increases,there is a shift in the 1S 3/2-1S e absorption to the red,reflecting an increased leakage of the exciton into the shell,as well as a broadening of the absorption peak,indicating a distribution of shell thickness.The left-hand side of Figure 4shows an increased absorption in the ultraviolet with increasing ZnS coverage as a result of direct absorption into the higher band gap ZnS shell.The evolution of the PL for the same ∼40Ådiameter dots with ZnS coverage is displayed in Figure 5.As the coverage of ZnS on the CdSe surface increases,we see a dramatic increase in the fluorescence quantum yield followed by a steadydeclineFigure 3.Color photograph demonstrating the wide spectral range of bright fluorescence from different size samples of (CdSe)ZnS.Their PL peaks occur at (going from left to right)470,480,520,560,594,and 620nm (quartz cuvettes courtesy of Spectrocell Inc.,photography by F.Frankel).Figure 4.Absorption spectra for a series of ZnS overcoated samples grown on identical 42Å(10%CdSe seed particles.The samples displayed have the following coverage:(a)bare TOPO capped,(b)0.65monolayers,(c)1.3monolayers,(d)2.6monolayers,and (e)5.3monolayers (see definition for monolayers in text).The right-hand side shows the long wavelength region of the absorption spectra showing the lowest energy optical transitions.The spectra demonstrate an increased red-shift with thicker ZnS shells as well as a broadening of the first peak as a result of increased polydispersity.The left-hand side highlights the ultraviolet region of the spectra showing an increased absorption at higher energies with increasing coverage due to direct absorption into the ZnS shell.9466J.Phys.Chem.B,Vol.101,No.46,1997Dabbousi et al.after∼1.3monolayers of ZnS.The spectra are red-shifted (slightly more than the shift in the absorption spectra)and showan increased broadening at higher coverage.The inset to Figure 5charts the evolution of the quantum yield for these dots as a function of the ZnS shell thickness.For this particular sample the quantum yield starts at15%for the bare TOPO capped CdSe dots and increases with the addition of ZnS,approaching a maximum value of50%at approximately∼1.3monolayer coverage.At higher coverage the quantum yield begins to decrease steadily until it reaches a value of30%at about∼5 monolayer coverage.In the following sections we explain the trends in PL quantum yield based on the structural characteriza-tion of ZnS overcoated samples.C.Structural Characterization.Wa V elength Dispersi V e X-ray Spectroscopy.We analyze the elemental composition of the ZnS overcoated samples using wavelength dispersive X-ray spectroscopy(WDS).This method provides a quantitative analysis of the elemental composition with an uncertainty of less than(5%.We focus on obtaining a Zn/Cd ratio for the ZnS overcoated samples of interest.Analysis of the series of samples with a∼40Ådiameter core and varying ZnS coverage gives the Zn/Cd ratios which appear in Table1.The WDS analysis confirms that the Zn-to-Cd ratio in the composite dots increases as more ZnS is added.We also use this technique to measure the Se/Cd ratio in the bare dots.We consistently measure a Se/Cd ratio of∼0.8-0.9/1,indicating Cd-rich nanoparticles.X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy.Multiple samples of ∼33and∼40Ådiameter CdSe quantum dots overcoated with variable amounts of ZnS were examined by XPS.Figure6shows the survey spectra of∼40Ådiameter bare dots and ofthe same sample overcoated with∼1.3monolayers of ZnS.Thepresence of C and O comes mainly from atmospheric contami-nation during the brief exposure of the samples to air(typicallyaround15min).The positions of both C and O lines correspondto standard values for adsorbed species,showing the absenceof significant charging.24As expected,we detect XPS linesfrom Zn and S in addition to the Cd and Se lines.Althoughthe samples were exchanged with pyridine before the XPSmeasurements,small amounts of phosphorus could be detectedon both the bare and ZnS overcoated CdSe dots,indicating thepresence of residual TOPO/TOP molecules bound to Cd or Znon the nanocrystal surfaces.25The relative concentrations ofCd and Se are calculated by dividing the area of the XPS linesby their respective sensitivity factors.24In the case of nano-crystals the sensitivity factor must be corrected by the integral∫0d e-z/λd z to account for the similarity between the size of the nanocrystals and the escape depths of the electrons.26Theintegral must be evaluated over a sphere to obtain the Se/Cdratios in CdSe dots.In the bare CdSe nanocrystals the Se/Cdratio was around0.87,corresponding to46%Se and54%Cd.This value agrees with the WDS results.We use the Auger parameter,defined as the difference inbinding energy between the photoelectron and Auger peaks,toidentify the nature of the bond in the different samples.24Thisdifference can be accurately determined because static chargecorrections cancel.The Auger parameter of Cd in the bare andTABLE1:Summary of the Results Obtained from WDS,TEM,SAXS,and WAXS Detailing the Zn/Cd Ratio,Average Size, Size Distribution,and Aspect Ratio for a Series of(CdSe)ZnS Samples with a∼40ÅDiameter CdSe Cores and Varying ZnS CoverageZnS coverage(TEM)measd TEM size measd averageaspect ratiocalcd size(SAXSin polymer)measd Zn/Cdratio(WDS)calcd Zn/Cd ratio(SAXS in polymer)calcd Zn/Cd ratio(WAXS)bare39Å(8.2% 1.1242Å(10%0.65monolayers43Å(11% 1.1646Å(13%0.460.580.71.3monolayers47Å(10% 1.1650Å(18% 1.50 1.32 1.42.6monolayers55Å(13% 1.233.60 2.9 5.3monolayers72Å(19% 1.23 6.80 6.8 Figure5.PL spectra for a series of ZnS overcoated dots with42(10%Ådiameter CdSe cores.The spectra are for(a)0,(b)0.65,(c)1.3,(d)2.6,and(e)5.3monolayers ZnS coverage.The position of themaximum in the PL spectrum shifts to the red,and the spectrumbroadens with increasing ZnS coverage.(inset)The PL quantum yieldis charted as a function of ZnS coverage.The PL intensity increaseswith the addition of ZnS reaching,50%at∼1.3monolayers,and then declines steadily at higher coverage.The line is simply a guide to the eye.Figure6.(A)Survey spectra of(a)∼40Ådiameter bare CdSe dots and(b)the same dots overcoated with ZnS showing the photoelectron and Auger transitions from the different elements present in the quantum dots.(B)Enlargement of the low-energy side of the survey spectra, emphasizing the transitions with low binding energy.(CdSe)ZnS Core-Shell Quantum Dots J.Phys.Chem.B,Vol.101,No.46,19979467overcoated samples is466.8(0.2eV and corresponds exactly to the expected value for bulk CdSe.In the case of ZnS the Auger parameter for Zn in the1.3and2.6monolayer ZnS samples is757.5eV,which is also very close to the expected value of758.0eV.The degree of passivation of the CdSe surface with ZnS is examined by exposing the nanocrystal surface to air for extended periods of time and studying the evolution of the Se peak. The oxidation of CdSe quantum dots leads to the formation of a selenium oxide peak at higher energies than the main Se peak.27Figure7shows the formation of a SeO2peak at59eV after an80h exposure to air in both the bare,TOPO capped, CdSe and0.65monolayer ZnS overcoated samples.These results indicate that in the0.65monolayer samples the ZnS shell does not completely surround the CdSe nanocrystals,and there are still Se sites at the surface that are susceptible to oxidation. In samples with an estimated coverage of∼1.3monolayers ZnS or more the oxide peak does not appear even after prolonged exposure to air,indicating that the CdSe surface is possibly protected by a continuous ZnS shell.After exposure to air for 16h,the bare CdSe nanocrystals display a selenium oxide peak which represents13%of the total Se signal,and the Se/Cd ratio decreases to0.77,corresponding to43%Se and57%Cd.The same sample after80h exposure to air had a ratio of Se/Cd of 0.37(28%Se and72%Cd),and the SeO2peak area was22% of the total Se signal.For a∼40Ådiameter sample,34%of the atoms are at the surface which means that in the sample measured most of the surface Se has been desorbed from the surface after80h.In the samples with more than 1.3 monolayers of ZnS coverage no change in the Se/Cd ratio was detected even after exposure to air for80h.Although no Cd-(O)peak appears after similar exposure to air,the Cd Auger parameter shifts from466.8eV for bare unoxidized CdSe to 467.5eV for particles exposed to air for80h.The Auger parameter for the1.3and2.6monolayer coverage samples remains the same even after prolonged exposure to air. Another method to probe the spatial location of the ZnS relative to the CdSe core is obtained by comparing the ratios of the XPS and Auger intensities of the Cd photoelectrons for bare and overcoated samples.14,28The depth dependence of the observed intensity for the Auger and XPS photoemitted electrons iswhere J0is the X-ray flux,N(z)i is the number of i atoms,σi is the absorption cross section for atoms i,Y i,n is the emission quantum yield of Auger or XPS for atoms i,F(KE)is the energy-dependent instrument response function,andλ(KE)is the energy-dependent escape depth.Taking the ratio of the intensities of the XPS and Auger lines from the same atom,Cd or Zn,it is possible to eliminate the X-ray flux,number of atoms, and absorption cross sections from the intensity equations for the Auger and the primary X-ray photoelectrons.The value of the intensity ratio I)i overcoated(Cd)/i bare(Cd),where i)i XPS-(Cd)/i Auger(Cd),is only a function of the relative escape depths of the electrons.Therefore,due to the smaller escape depths of the Cd Auger electrons in both ZnS(13.2Å)and CdSe(10Å)compared to the Cd XPS photoelectron(23.7Åin ZnS and 15Åin CdSe),the intensity I should increase with the amount of ZnS on the CdSe surface.Calculated values of1.28and 1.60for the0.65and2.6monolayer,respectively,confirm the growth of ZnS on the surface of the CdSe dots. Transmission Electron Microscopy.High-resolution TEM allows us to qualitatively probe the internal structure of the composite quantum dots and determine the average size,size distribution,and aspect ratio of overcoated particles as a function of ZnS coverage.We image the series of(CdSe)ZnS samples described earlier.Figure8shows two dots from that series, one with(A)no ZnS overcoating(bare)and one with(B)2.6 monolayers of ZnS.The particles in the micrographs show well-resolved lattice fringes with a measured lattice spacing in the bare dots similar to bulk CdSe.For the2.6monolayer sample these lattice fringes are continuous throughout the entire particle; the growth of the ZnS shell appears to be epitaxial.A well-defined interface between CdSe core and ZnS shell was not observed in any of the samples,although the“bending”of the lattice fringes in Figure8B s the lower third of this particle is slightly askew compared with the upper part s may be suggestive of some sort of strain in the material.This bending is somewhat anomalous,however,as the lattice fringes in most particles were straight.Some patchy growth is observed for the highest coverage samples,giving rise to misshapen particles,but we do not observe discrete nucleation of tethered ZnS particles on the surface of existing CdSe particles.We analyze over150 crystallites in each sample to obtain statistical values for the length of the major axis,the aspect ratio,and the distribution of lengths and aspect ratios for all the samples.Figure9shows histograms of size distributions and aspect ratio from these same samples.This figure shows the measured histograms for(A)Figure7.X-ray photoelectron spectra highlighting the Se3d core transitions from∼40Åbare and ZnS overcoated CdSe dots:(a)bare CdSe,(b)0.65monolayers,(c)1.3monolayers,and(d)2.6monolayers of ZnS.The peak at59eV indicates the formation of selenium oxide upon exposure to air when surface selenium atoms areexposed.Figure8.Transmission electron micrographs of(A)one“bare”CdSe nanocrystallite and(B)one CdSe nanocrystallite with a2.6monolayer ZnS shell.I)JN(z)iσiYi,nF(KE)e-z/λ(KE)(1)9468J.Phys.Chem.B,Vol.101,No.46,1997Dabbousi et al.。

爱森-摩尔系列Rapid Link速控器198580产品说明说明书

爱森-摩尔系列Rapid Link速控器198580产品说明说明书

Eaton 198580Eaton Moeller® series Rapid Link - Speed controller, 8.5 A, 4 kW, Sensor input 4, 400/480 V AC, AS-Interface®, S-7.4 for 31 modules, HAN Q5, with fanGeneral specificationsEaton Moeller® series Rapid Link Speed controller198580195 mm270 mm 220 mm 3.6 kgUL approval CEIEC/EN 61800-5-1 RoHS UL 61800-5-1RASP5-8404A31-5120001S1Product NameCatalog NumberProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight Certifications Catalog Notes Model Code3 fixed speeds and 1 potentiometer speedcan be switched over from U/f to (vector) speed control Connection of supply voltage via adapter cable on round or flexible busbar junctionInternal, temperature-controlled FanDiagnostics and reset on device and via AS-Interface Parameterization: drivesConnect mobile (App) Parameterization: FieldbusParameterization: drivesConnectParameterization: KeypadFanKey switch position HANDTwo sensor inputs through M12 sockets (max. 150 mA) for quick stop and interlocked manual operationThermo-click with safe isolationControl unitPC connectionKey switch position OFF/RESETInternal DC linkIGBT inverterKey switch position AUTOSelector switch (Positions: REV - OFF - FWD)PTC thermistor monitoring3 fixed speeds1 potentiometer speedFor actuation of motors with mechanical brake IP65NEMA 121st and 2nd environments (according to EN 61800-3)IIISpeed controllerASIAS-Interface profile cable: S-7.4 for 31 modulesC2, C3: depending on the motor cable length, the connected load, and ambient conditions. External radio interference suppression filters (optional) may be necessary.C1: for conducted emissions only2000 VPhase-earthed AC supply systems are not permitted. Center-point earthed star network (TN-S network)AC voltageVertical15 g, Mechanical, According to IEC/EN 60068-2-27, 11 ms, Half-sinusoidal shock 11 ms, 1000 shocks per shaftResistance: 6 Hz, Amplitude 0.15 mmResistance: According to IEC/EN 60068-2-6Resistance: 10 - 150 Hz, Oscillation frequencyResistance: 57 Hz, Amplitude transition frequency on acceleration Max. 2000 mAbove 1000 m with 1 % performance reduction per 100 m -10 °C40 °C-40 °C70 °CFeatures Fitted with: Functions Degree of protectionElectromagnetic compatibility Overvoltage categoryProduct categoryProtocolRadio interference classRated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp) System configuration typeMounting position Shock resistance Vibration AltitudeAmbient operating temperature - min Ambient operating temperature - max Ambient storage temperature - min Ambient storage temperature - max< 95 %, no condensation In accordance with IEC/EN 50178Adjustable, motor, main circuit 0.8 - 8.5 A, motor, main circuit < 10 ms, Off-delay < 10 ms, On-delay 98 % (η)7.8 A3.5 mA120 %Maximum of one time every 60 seconds 380 V480 V380 - 480 V (-10 %/+10 %, at 50/60 Hz)Synchronous reluctance motors U/f control BLDC motorsSensorless vector control (SLV) PM and LSPM motors 0 Hz500 HzFor 60 s every 600 s At 40 °C12.7 AClimatic proofingCurrent limitationDelay timeEfficiency Input current ILN at 150% overload Leakage current at ground IPE - max Mains current distortion Mains switch-on frequencyMains voltage - min Mains voltage - max Mains voltage toleranceOperating modeOutput frequency - min Output frequency - max Overload current Overload current IL at 150% overload45 Hz66 Hz4 kW480 V AC, 3-phase400 V AC, 3-phase0.1 Hz (Frequency resolution, setpoint value)200 %, IH, max. starting current (High Overload), For 2 seconds every 20 seconds, Power section50/60 Hz8 kHz, 4 - 32 kHz adjustable, fPWM, Power section, Main circuitPhase-earthed AC supply systems are not permitted.Center-point earthed star network (TN-S network)AC voltage 5 HP≤ 0.6 A (max. 6 A for 120 ms), Actuator for external motor brakeAdjustable to 100 % (I/Ie), DC - Main circuit≤ 30 % (I/Ie)400/480 V AC -15 % / +10 %, Actuator for external motor brake10 kAType 1 coordination via the power bus' feeder unit, Main circuit400/480 V AC (external brake 50/60 Hz)24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %, external via AS-Interface® plug)AS-InterfacePlug type: HAN Q5Number of slave addresses: 31 (AS-Interface®) Specification: S-7.4 (AS-Interface®)Max. total power consumption from AS-Interface® power supply unit (30 V): 190 mA C1 ≤ 1 m, maximum motor cable length C2 ≤ 5 m, maximum motor cable length C3 ≤ 25 m, maximum motor cable lengthMeets the product standard's requirements.Rated frequency - minRated frequency - maxRated operational power at 380/400 V, 50 Hz, 3-phase Rated operational voltageResolutionStarting current - maxSupply frequencySwitching frequencySystem configuration type Assigned motor power at 460/480 V, 60 Hz, 3-phase Braking currentBraking torqueBraking voltageRated conditional short-circuit current (Iq)Short-circuit protection (external output circuits) Rated control voltage (Uc)Communication interfaceConnectionInterfacesCable length10.2.2 Corrosion resistanceMeets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Meets the product standard's requirements.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Meets the product standard's requirements.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Generation Change RASP4 to RASP5Generation change from RA-SP to RASP 4.0Generation change RAMO4 to RAMO5Configuration to Rockwell PLC for Rapid LinkGeneration change from RA-MO to RAMO 4.0Generation Change RA-SP to RASP5Rapid Link 5 - brochureDA-SW-USB Driver PC Cable DX-CBL-PC-1M5DA-SW-drivesConnect - InstallationshilfeDA-SW-drivesConnect - installation helpDA-SW-Driver DX-CBL-PC-3M0DA-SW-USB Driver DX-COM-STICK3-KITDA-SW-drivesConnectMaterial handling applications - airports, warehouses and intra-logistics ETN.RASP5-8404A31-5120001S1.edzIL034085ZUrasp5_v21.dwgDA-CD-ramo5_v21DA-CS-ramo5_v21rasp5_v21.stpDA-DC-00003964.pdfDA-DC-00004514.pdfDA-DC-00004184.pdfDA-DC-00004508.pdfeaton-bus-adapter-rapidlink-speed-controller-dimensions-003.eps eaton-bus-adapter-rapidlink-speed-controller-dimensions-002.eps eaton-bus-adapter-rapidlink-speed-controller-dimensions.epseaton-bus-adapter-rapidlink-speed-controller-dimensions-004.eps10.2.3.1 Verification of thermal stability of enclosures10.2.3.2 Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heat10.2.3.3 Resist. of insul. mat. to abnormal heat/fire by internal elect. effects10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiation10.2.5 Lifting10.2.6 Mechanical impact10.2.7 Inscriptions10.3 Degree of protection of assemblies10.4 Clearances and creepage distances10.5 Protection against electric shock10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and components10.7 Internal electrical circuits and connections10.8 Connections for external conductors10.9.2 Power-frequency electric strength10.9.3 Impulse withstand voltage10.9.4 Testing of enclosures made of insulating material Applikasjonsmerknader BrosjyrereCAD model Installeringsinstruksjoner mCAD modelSertifiseringsrapporterTegningerEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. Med enerett.Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks are property of their respectiveowners./socialmediaThe panel builder is responsible for the temperature rise calculation. Eaton will provide heat dissipation data for the devices.Is the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.Is the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.The device meets the requirements, provided the information in the instruction leaflet (IL) is observed.10.10 Temperature rise10.11 Short-circuit rating10.12 Electromagnetic compatibility10.13 Mechanical function。



Block DiagramBCM2050HHM1520HHM1520AS-179SwitchMMPA742G BPFAS-179SwitchBCM4306EEPROMMini-PCIinterfaceCircuit DiagramA AB BC CD D EE 44332211Signal GND Chassis GND 500mA 500mA +5VDC/2A POWER CONNECTORHole diameter 50 miles Pad diameter 100 miles <Doc>R1.00<Title>B212Tuesday, April 29, 2003TitleSizeDocument Number Rev Date:Sheet of DC-DC+4702_GPIO34702_GPIO[7:0]4,5,6+5V C+1.8V_5325+1.8V_4702+5V+3.3V_DIGSW_+3VWAN_+3V +5V +5V_LPT +3.3V_DIG MINIB_+3V +1.8V_MINI PCI LB1110UH3A/DIP 12D8B240LA Q3XP162A12A6PRU15XC6365B 12345EXT/VDD GND CE Vout(FB)C183470UF/16V-E/C 12C181?(1500PF/2KV)12GND1GND2INJ12DC_POWER_JACK_3P 123C180470UF/16V-E/C12C182100NF 12F3MINISMDM16012R23910K R1670LB12B0603/0.5A/120R C17210UF/10VQ4MAC4DLM 3214D9TL431ACD LB3B0603/0.5A/120R C49100NF 12LB70/temp LB9B0603/0.5A/120RLB10B0603/0.5A/120R LB1B0603/0.5A/120R L19MLB-321611-0120P-N121L140/tempL20MLB-321611-0120P-N121C187100NF 12R228?(0)R168470C186100NF 12U30AIC1084-331234ADJ VOUT VIN VOUT R1012R24.7K 12LB2?(B0603/0.5A/120R)C174?(470PF)Q5?(PMBS3904)R2372KQ6PMBS3904R23812K C17347UF/10V R176?(4.7K)R177?(4.7K)R2064.7KL1522UH/1A R23539.2K(1%)C18510UF/10V R23648.7K(1%)C17547UF/10V C18410UF/10V2-CPU&MEMORY Engineer:Engineer:A AB BC CD D EE 44332211Route this area void of PWR/GNDplanes and high speed nets. Also keeptraces short and route as matchedlength differential pairs.<Doc>R0.6<Title>C 612Tuesday, April 29, 2003Title Size D o c u m e n t N u m b e r Rev Date:S h e e t o f TX-TX+R X +EPHY_TDP MII1_TXCLK MII1_RXER EPHY_RDPMII1_MDIO MII1_TXD3MII1_TXD2MII1_TXD1MII1_TXER EPHY_RDP E P H Y _R D NMII1_MDC MII1_TXD0E P H Y _R D N EPHY_TDP MII1_RXDV MII1_TXEN MII1_COL MII1_CRS MII1_RXD0MII1_RXD1MII1_RXD2MII1_RXD3MII1_RXCLK MII1_RXDV MII1_RXER MII1_MDC MII1_TXD0MII1_TXD1MII1_TXD2MII1_TXD3MII1_TXCLKMII1_TXEN MII1_TXERMII1_COLMII1_CRS MII1_RXCLK MII1_RXD0MII1_RXD2MII1_RXD3WAN_LINK/ACT EPHY_TDN EPHY_TDNMII1_RXD1MII1_MDIO RX-POR_RESET#3,4,8TX+TX-R X +RX-WAN_+3V +2.5V_DIG WAN_+3V+2.5V_DIG +2.5V_DIG+2.5V_DIGC +3.3V_DIG +2.5V_DIG+3.3V_DIG R 8610K 12+C 5110UF/16V12R 3451012C 60100N F 12R 46?(10K)12R 1704.7K R 1924.7KR 403312R 1934.7K R 1944.7K C 681N F 12R 4712R 581K 12R 334.7K 12R 3249.9(1%)12+L E D 21LED(WAN)12C 119100N F12+C 7110UF/16V<>12C 65100N F 12R 232?(4.7K)R 39 4.7K 12R 3149.9(1%)12R 2610K (1%)12C 63100N F12R 654.7K R 454.7K12R 4949.9(1%)12R N 1A 4.7K-4R8P 12R 297512123X225M H Z H11XX U 7LF850513268713121614151191045TD+T D -T D C T R D +R D -R D C T N C 4N C 3TX+TX-TXCT R X +RX-R X C T N C 1N C 2C 66100N F 12R 231?(4.7K)R N 1C 4.7K-4R8P 56R 307512C 64100N F 12R 444.7K12R 41?(4.7K)12U 3E B C M 4702C 8A8B8D 8C 4C 6C 7A5A6A7B5B6B7D 5D 4D 7D 6C 5MII1_TXD2MII1_TXD0MII1_TXD1MII1_TXD3MII1_MDCMII1_RXD3MII1_TXEN MII1_CRS MII1_RXD1MII1_RXCLK MII1_COLMII1_RXD2MII1_TXCLK MII1_RXD0MII1_MDIO MII1_TXER MII1_RXDV MII1_RXER R 188R/1206R N 1D 4.7K-4R8P 78R 189R/1206C 61100N F 12C 67100N F 12C 69100N F 12R 169150C 5218PF 12R 383312U 6A C 101L123456789101112131415161718192021222324363534333231302928272625484746454443424140393837V C C 2G N D 2RXDV/CRSDV RMII_mode/RX_CLK ISOLATE/RXER G N D 3V C C 3TXER TXC TXEN TXD0TXD1TXD2TXD3COL REPEATER/CRS G N D 1V C C 1PHYAD0/INTR BURNIN#_L/LED0SPD100/LED1DUPLEX/LED2ANEN/LED3PDOWN#V C C 25O U T TXP TXN G N D 4V C C P L L R B I A D G N D 5G N D 6SD/FXEN RXP R X N V C C 4PHYAD4/RXD0PHYAD3/RXD1PHYAD2/RXD2PHYAD1/RXD3M D C MDIO RST#V C C 33I N XI XO G N D 7G N D 8C 62100N F 12C 5418PF 12C 591NF-C180812R 27330K 12R N 1B 4.7K-4R8P 34R 5049.9(1%)12R 3710K 12Engineer:A AB BC CD DEE44332211NOTE: Route XTAL traces away from DAC output pins and add GND guard trace to separate DAC outputs from XTAL pins(H.W reset)(S.W reset to defaul t )<Doc>R0.6<Title>C 812Tuesday, April 29, 2003TitleSize D o c u m e n t N u m b e r Rev Date:S h e e to fU S B 1_CUSB1_P U S B 1_N U S B 1_CU S B 2_NUSB2_P 4702_GPIO54702_GPIO04702_TRSTPOWER_LEDA V D D4702_GPIO04702_TCK 4702_GPIO34702_GPIO64702_TRST4702_T D I 4702_GPIO24702_GPIO64702_GPIO14702_T D O 4702_GPIO54702_GPIO74702_TMS4702_GPIO4P L L V D DU S B 1_NUSB1_PPOR_RESET#3,4,64702_GPIO[7:0]4,5,6+5V+3.3V_DIG +3.3V_DIGC+3.3V_DIG+3.3V_DIG+3.3V_DIG+3.3V_DIG +1.8V_4702+3.3V_DIG+3.3V_DIG+1.8V_4702+3.3V_DIG+3.3V_DIG+3.3V_DIG+3.3V_DIG+3.3V_DIGU 3IB C M 4702D 1B2C 1C 2A1B1D 3D 2CODEC/_SDO/AUDIO_SDO/IR_SDOCODEC_RGDT_L/AUDIO_MCLK CODEC_OFHK_L/AUDIO_SCLK CODEC_SCLK/AUDIO_CTRL_CLK CODEC_MCLK/AUDIO_LRCKCODEC_SDI/IR_SDICODEC_FSYNC/AUDIO_CTRL_DATA CODEC_RST_LR 79?(1K)12+C E 2330UF/16V12R 17110012R 10610012RESET1PB-RESET1234R N 210K-4R8P13572468L 11120 OHM/100MHZ21R 178?(10K)+L E D 3LED-USB12C 193100N F 12C 194100N F 12C 195100N F12R 9915K12C 196100N F 12R 205330R 13524012R 541512R 5515K12SW1PB-Reset default1234C 129100N F12C 177100N F12C 189100N F12+L E D 15LED(POWER)12C 190100N F12R 9715K12C 191100N F12C 192100N F12C 981N F12C 11410N F12R 531512R 5215K12C 1044.7UF/10V 12C 203?(22PF)12C 120100N F12C 204?(22PF)12U 3HB C M 4702Y6AB5AA5Y5W5AB4AA4Y4AB3AA3AB1AB2A2M 4W 9W 17K 19D 15D 9V 8V 9K 4R 5P 5R 18V 15V 14P 18W 6E 8E 9J 18J 5H 18H 5E 14E 15F 4N 4W 4W 14Y 14N 18E 6E 16E 17E 18F 5F 18U 18U 5T 18K 18G 18V 18V 17V 16V 6AA14AB14Y15A9A3A4B3C 3B4E4L 4W 8L 19D 16D 10E 5W 16P 4E 12E 11E 10E 7K 5V 13V 12L 18L 5A A 15V 11V 10V 7V 5T 5G 5W 15W 7N 19N 5M 18M 5E 13D 18D 11D 12D 19G 4H 4T 19U 19W 19W 18P 19GPIO0/EJTAG_PCST0/EB_PCMCIA_WP GPIO1/EB_PCMCIA_A20/EJTAG_PCST1GPIO2/EB_PCMCIA_A21/EB_SYNC_A21GPIO3/EB_PCMCIA_A22/EB_SYNC_A22GPIO4/EB_PCMCIA_A23/EB_SYNC_A23GPIO5/EB_PCMCIA_A24/EJTAG_PCST5GPIO6/EB_PCMCIA_A25GPIO7/EJTAG_PC_CLK VDDIO12VDDIO13RESERVED15RESERVED14EXT_POR_LV D D C O R E 1V D D C O R E 2V D D C O R E 3V D D C O R E 4V D D C O R E 5V D D C O R E 6V D D B U S 5V D D B U S 4V D D B U S 3V D D B U S 2V D D B U S 1V D D I O 2V D D I O 10V D D I O 11V D D I O 1V D D I O 3V D D I O 4V D D I O 5V D D I O 6V D D I O 7V D D I O 8V D D I O 9V D D I O 14V D D I O 15V E S D 1V E S D 2V E S D 3P L L V D DA V D DN C 12N C 13N C 14N C 15N C 16N C 17N C 18N C 19N C 20N C 21N C 22N C 23N C 24N C 25N C 26N C 27XTAL_IN XTAL_OUT RESERVED5RESERVED6JTAG_TRST_L JTAG_TMSJTAG_TDO JTAG_TDI JTAG_TCK TEST-ENABLE G N D 25G N D 12G N D 28G N D 24G N D 23G N D 16G N D 14G N D 10G N D 4G N D 3G N D 2G N D 1G N D 31G N D 30G N D 29G N D 27G N D 26G N D 22G N D 21G N D 20G N D 19G N D 18G N D 17G N D 15G N D 13G N D 11G N D 9G N D 8G N D 7G N D 6G N D 5R E S E R V E D 16R E S E R V E D 13R E S E R V E D 12R E S E R V E D 11R E S E R V E D 10R E S E R V E D 9R E S E R V E D 8R E S E R V E D 7R E S E R V E D 4R E S E R V E D 3R E S E R V E D 2R 240+L E D 18L E D (P R N )12C 142100N F12D 1S R 051234U 14MAX811SEUS_T1234GND RESET#M R #V C C C 11522PF 12R 195C 961N F12C 11610PF12C 135100N F12R 1650C 136100N F 12R 5610012123X348M H ZR 13612C 14110UF/10V12C 143100N F12R 1963.3KC 138100N F12C 139100N F12L 16BEAD21L 13120 OHM/100MHZ21L 17BEAD21C 73100N F12R 13810K12U3GB C M 4702N 20P22P21P20N 21N 22USB_CTRL2USB_CTRL1U S B 1_N USB1_P USB2_P U S B 2_N F20.75A/13.1V12L 122.2UH/50mA21R 1664.7KC 140100N F12R 20410KC 144100N F12C 162100N F12C 163100N F12C 188100N F12C 164100N F12C 168100N F12C 170100N F12C 197100N F12C 171100N F12C 198100N F12C 199100N F12R 1051M12C 200100N F 12R 209R 5710K 12C 201100N F12U 2474H C 123D T123456789101112131415161A 1B C L R 1/Q1Q2Cext2Rext2GND2A2B C L R 2/Q2Q1Cext1Rext1V C C C 202100N F12C 1084.7UF/10V 12J31X4P123456A AB BC CD DEE44332211* R223 pop ,R218 no pop:Support SPP & EPP mode.* R223 no pop and R218 pop :Support full mode(ECP).<Doc>R0.6<Title>B912Tuesday, April 29, 2003TitleSize Document Number Rev Date:SheetofE IF _O E #L P T _D 6L P T _D 3LPT_BUSY D 2L P T _D 4A2LPT_D0/LPT_STROBEL P T _D 7LPT_PE D 6D 0L P T _D 2LPT_ACK /LPT_AUTOFD D 1LPT_SLCT D 3/L P T _S L C T I N L P T _D 5LPT_ERROR#L P T _D 1A0/L P T _I N I TD 4I /O C H R D Y D 7A1E I F _W E #/LPT_SLCTIN/LPT_AUTOFD/LPT_STROBE/LPT_INIT4702_GPIO2I/O CHRDYD 5CS1#A10A4CS1#EIF_MISC_CS#RESETLPT_D3INIT#(DIR#)PD6(MTR0#)PD3(RDATA)LPT_D7LPT_D0SLCTIN(WGATE#)BSY(MTR1#)PD0(INDEX#)LPT_D4LPT_D6LPT_D5/LPT_SLCTIN PD2(WP#)SCLT(STEP#)PD7(MID1)ALF#(DRVDEN0)PD4(DSKCHG#)PD5(MID0)LPT_D2/LPT_AUTOFD PE(WDATA#)/LPT_INIT PD1(TRK0#)LPT_D1LPT_ERROR#ERR#(HDSEL#)/LPT_STROBE STB#(DS0#)ACK#(DS1#)LPT_ACK LPT_BUSY LPT_PE LPT_SLCT4702_GPIO2D[15:0]A[21:0]EIF_WE#EIF_OE#EIF_MISC_CS#POR_RESET#3,4,84702_GPIO[7:0]4,5,6+5V_LPT+5V_LPT+5V_LPT+5V_LPT+3.3V_DIG+3.3V_DIG+3.3V_DIG+5V_LPT+5V_LPTR2251M 12C149150PF R216100R175220Attansic AT7601FU26AT7601F123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748I O R #A E N I O C H R D D B 0D B 1D B 2D B 3D B 4D B 5D B 6D B 7G N DDACK#DRQ TC XAL1/CLKINXTAL2RESET VCC SLCT PE BUSYACK#PD0N CP D 1P D 2P D 3P D 4P D 5P D 6P D 7S L I N #I N I T #N C G N D ERR#AFD#STB#PS/PDIR PINT A0A1A2CS2#/A10CS1#VCC IOW#RN44.7K-4R8P13578642R221220RN54.7K-4R8P13578642R2220C167100NF12R223?(0)RN64.7K-4R8P13578642R1860R2000U257404(1)12345NCAGNDYVCC C16622PF12R214100R2174.7KR187220C179100NF12R213100R212100C123100NF12C121100NF 12R211100R226220R215100R1970R199220C158150PFR137220R198220R202220R203220R210220R219220C150150PF C159150PFC146150PF C154150PFC155150PFC151150PF U297432(1)12345A BGND Y VCC U277404(1)12345NC A GND Y VCC C147150PF R2240C160150PFR220220C156150PFC16522PF12C124100NF12C152150PF 12GND3X413.5MHZR1740C145150PF C161150PFR2180RN34.7K-4R8P13578642C169100NF12C148150PF R1720C153150PFC157150PFP1DCON25F13251224112310229218207196185174163152141R173220123456ABCD654321D CBATitle NumberRevisionSizeB Date:28-Apr-2003Sheet of File:C:\BCM94301MP_LAYOUT\..\BCM_MiniPCI.sch Drawn By:PCI_CBE3_L C3PCI_CBE2_L G4PCI_CBE1_L K1PCI_CBE0_L N1PCI_FRAME_L G3PCI_IRDY_L G1PCI_TRDY_L H1PCI_DEVSEL_L H3PCI_STOP_L J1PCI_PERR_L J2PCI_SERR_LJ3PCI_PAR J4PCI_INT_L M5PCI_RST_L D5PCI_CLK C5PCI_PME_L B6PCI_IDSEL D1PCI_REQ_L D4PCI_GNT_LB5CSTSCHG A5PCI_CLKRUN_LG2BCM4301BGA196_1MM PCI INTERFACE PCI_AD29B3PCI_AD28A1PCI_AD27A2PCI_AD26B1PCI_AD25C1PCI_AD24C2PCI_AD23D2PCI_AD22E4PCI_AD21E3PCI_AD20E1PCI_AD19E2PCI_AD18F4PCI_AD17F1PCI_AD16F2PCI_AD15K2PCI_AD14K3PCI_AD13K4PCI_AD12L1PCI_AD11L2PCI_AD10L3PCI_AD9M1PCI_AD8P1PCI_AD7N2PCI_AD6P3PCI_AD5N3PCI_AD4M4PCI_AD3P4PCI_AD2N4PCI_AD1P5PCI_AD0N5PCI_AD30C4PCI_AD31A4U11ABCM4301ac_reset_l 110mod_audio_mon111audio_gnd 113sys_audio_out 115sys_audio_in116inta_l20reserved36reserved 43reserved 110reserved 1123p3vaux24rst_l 26gnt_l 30gnd 102pme_l 34ad3038plus33v 88ad2842ad2644gnd 114ad2446(plug)conminipci3plus5v 97intb_l17reserved 22reserved 93reserved 98reserved 21gnd 27clk 25gnd 69req_l 29ad3133ad2935gnd 49ad2739ad2541plus33v 19cbe3_l 45ad2347gnd 50ad2151ad1953plus33v 28ad1757cbe2_l 59gnd 62irdy_l 61plus33v 31devsel_l 72gnd 55perr_l 71plus33v 40plus5v 18gnd 23idsel 48plus33v 89ad2252ad2054gnd 32ad1858ad1660frame_l 64trdy_l 66gnd 37stop_l 68clkrun_l 65par 56ad1576ad1378ad1180gnd 83ad984cbe0_l 86ad690ad492gnd 101ad294ad096ac_codecid0_l 108ac_codecid1_l109ring 28pmj_148pmj_268pmj_488pmj_510led2_yelp 12led2_yeln 14reserved16sys_audio_in_gnd118audio_gnd 120mpciact_l 1223p3vaux 124serr_l 67plus33v 63cbe1_l 73ad1475gnd 74ad1279ad1081gnd 77ad885ad787plus33v 70ad591ad395gnd 82ad199acsync 103m66en104ac_sdata_ina 105ac_sdata_out 106ac_bit_clk 107tip 18pmj_338pmj_658pmj_778pmj_89led1_grnp11led1_grnn 13chsgnd 15sys_audio_out_gnd 117audio_gnd 119reserved 121plus5va123conn_minipci3J4CONN_MINIPCI3Page 1: MiniPCI Interface Page 2: RF Front End Page 3: Radio/Baseband Page 4: Power/Clocks/Misc.MINIPCI INTERFACEbcm94301mp rev 7.34pci_intlvaux pci_rstl pci_gntl GND pci_pmel pci_ad30pci3_3pci_ad28pci_ad26GND pci_ad24pci_idsel pci3_3pci_ad22pci_ad20GND pci_ad18pci_ad16pci_framel pci_trdyl GND pci_stopl pci_clkrunl pci_par pci_ad15pci_ad13pci_ad11pci_ad9GND pci_cbe0l pci_ad6pci_ad4GND pci_ad2pci_ad0mpci_led1mpciact_l vaux12R26ZEROmpci_led2mpci_led0rf_disable_l12R271KGND GNDGND pci_clk GNDpci_reql pci_ad31pci_ad29GND pci_ad27pci_ad25pci_cbe3l pci_ad23GNDpci_ad21pci_ad19pci_ad17pci_cbe2l GNDpci_irdyl pci_devsell GND pci_perrl pci3_3pci_serrl pci3_3pci_cbe1l pci_ad14GNDpci_ad12pci_ad10GND pci_ad8pci_ad7pci_ad5pci_ad3GNDpci_ad1pci_ad31pci_ad30pci_ad29pci_ad28pci_ad27pci_ad26pci_ad25pci_ad24pci_ad23pci_ad22pci_ad21pci_ad20pci_ad19pci_ad18pci_ad17pci_ad16pci_ad15pci_ad14pci_ad13pci_ad12pci_ad11pci_ad10pci_ad9pci_ad8pci_ad7pci_ad6pci_ad5pci_ad4pci_ad3pci_ad2pci_ad1pci_ad0pci_cbe3l pci_cbe2l pci_cbe1l pci_cbe0l pci_framel pci_irdyl pci_trdyl pci_devsell pci_stopl pci_perrl pci_serrl pci_par pci_intl pci_rstl pci_clk pci_pmel pci_idsel pci_reql pci_gntlpci_clkrunl rf_disable_l(PG 3)pci3_3pci3_3mpciact_l(PG 4)pci3_3pci3_31 1.612R230PCMCIA_SEL123456ABCD654321DCBATitle NumberRevisionSize B Date:28-Apr-2003Sheet of File:C:\BCM94301MP_LAYOUT\..\BCM_Power supply.sch Drawn By:12R3820K 1%12R3920K 1%12R4020K 1%mpci_led0mpci_led1mpci_led212R25012C8710UF12C8910UFGPIO0P14GPIO1N14GPIO2L14GPIO3L13GPIO4L12GPIO5L11GPIO6K14GPIO7K13BOOTROM_SCI C6BOOTROM_SDA D7SPROM_CS B7SPROM_CLK A6SPROM_DOUT A7SPROM_DINC7EXT_POR_L L6V D D C O R E E 7V D D C O R E J 5V D D C O R E J 9V D D C O R EK 8V D D B U S A 3V D D B U S D 3V D D B U S D 6V D D B U S G 5V D D B U S H 6V D D B U S L 4V D D B U S L 5V D D B U SP 2V D D I O E 8V D D I O E 9V D D I O F 6V D D I O G 6V D D I O G 8V D D I O H 9V D D I O J 7V D D I O K 9V D D I O K 10V D D I O M 6V D D I O M 12V D D I ON 10V E S D B 4V E S D H 2V E S DK 6A V D D C 13A V D D D 12A V D DE 11P L L V D DA 11G N D F 10G N D B 2G N D E 5G N D E 6G N D E 10G N D F 3G N D F 5G N D F 8G N D F 14G N D G 7G N D G 9G N D H 4G N D H 5G N D H 7G N D H 8G N D J 6G N D J 8G N D K 5G N D K 7G N D M 2G N D M 3G N D M 14G N DP 12A G N D A 14A G N DB 10A G N DD 14P L L G N DC 10TEST_VCOI F9PCMCIA_SEL F7JTAG_TRST_L M13JTAG_TDO N12JTAG_TDI N13JTAG_TCK P11JTAG_YMS P13GPIO8K12GPIO9K11GPIO10J11GPIO11J10GPIO12H10pll_powerdownG10BCM4301BGA196_1MMU11U11EBCM4301mpci_led0mpci_led1mpci_led2mpciact_l rf_dis_filt_l tr_sw_tx_pu tr_sw_rx_puCS 1SK 2Di 3Do4Vcc38NC 7ORG 6GND5FM93C46U1393C46W0W6TTSSOP812C850.1UFmpci_led0 = WLAN activitympci_led1 = WLAN Radio state mpci_led2 = generic ledBCM4307 POWER, RESET, GPIO, CLKSREGULATORS AND POWER SUPPLY FILTERINGbcm94301mp rev 7.34ON_OFF3BYPASS421Vout5VinGNDU8LP298512C560.01UF12C712.2UF12C5710UF12C220.01UF12C390.01UF12C280.01UF12C540.01UF12C180.1UF12C211000PF12C400.1UF12C460.01UF12C471000PF12C480.1UF12C410.01UF12C190.01UF12C80.1UF12C60.01UF12C30.01UFBCM2051 BYPASS CAPS1543433, 35474951533162125, 263012C940.01UF12C841000PF12C900.1UF12C781000PF12C910.1UF12C830.01UF12C860.1UFBCM4307 VDDBUS BYPASS CAPSA3D3D6G5, H6L4, L5P212C660.1UF12C740.01UF12C520.1UF12C731000PF12C620.1UF12C760.01UF12C530.1UFBCM4307 VDDIO BYPASS CAPSF6, G6G8, H9J7K9, K10M6M1212C611000PFE8, E9N1012C5810UF 12C680.1UF12L9012C7510UF12C670.01UF 12C700.1UF 12C930.1UF 12C690.01UF 12C550.01UF 12C6310UF 12C490.1UF 12C501000PF 12C511000PF 12C590.1UF12C602.2UF12L7MPZ2012S221A12L8MPZ2012S221ABCM4307 VDDCORE BYPASS CAPSBCM4307 AVDD & PLLVDD BYPASS CAPSE7J5J9, K8C13D12E1112C820.1UF 12C921000PF12C810.01UFB4H2K6BCM4307 VESD BYPASS CAPStr_sw_tx_pu(PG 2)tr_sw_rx_pu(PG 2)rf_dis_filt_l(PG 2)(PG 2)vcc3_3vcc3_3vcc3_3vcc3_3vcc3_3vcc3_3pci3_3pci3_3pci3_3pci3_3pci3_3vcc2051vcc1_8vdd4307avdd4307pllvdd4307pllvdd4307avcc1_8mpciact_l (PG 1)4EN 1IN 2OUT 3ADJ4GND5GND 6GND 7GND 8U10MIC37102-1.8BM(+2V9)12R810K ,1%12R1722.6K ,1%1.6PCMCIA_SEL123456ABCD654321DCBATitle NumberRevisionSize B Date:28-Apr-2003Sheet of File:C:\BCM94301MP_LAYOUT\..\BCM_Radio&BB.sch Drawn By:reserved C9reserved C8reserved B8reserved A9reserved D9reserved D8reserved A8reservedB9BCM4301BGA196_1MMU11BBCM430112R204.7Kcodec_sdoV D D P A 15V D D T X 16V D D R X 4V D D I F 3V D D V C O 21V D D L O 25V D D C P 26V D D X T A L 30V D D S U B 233V D D P L L 34V D D 4W 35V D D D I O 47V D D 48X 49V D D S U B 51V D D M O D 53T P _P L L B I A S 50V C O N T 248c p _o u t 29v d d 28V C T R L 24I B G V C O22FLTR_RX_CTRL 5AGC_RX_CTRL06AGC_RX_CTRL17AGC_RX_CTRL28AGC_RX_CTRL39AGC_RX_CTRL412TX_ANA_IN_IP 17TX_ANA_IN_IN 18TX_ANA_IN_QP 19TX_ANA_IN_QN20SRI_DI 38SIR_C 39SRI_E 40SRI_DO 42SYS_CLK 45BPWR 46PA_RAMP54RSSIA55RX_ANA_OUT_QP 57RX_ANA_OUT_QN 56RX_ANA_OUT_IP 58RX_ANA_OUT_IN59TX_PU 60RX_PU 61XTAL_PU 62SYNTH_PU63g n d _p a d65n c 337g n d 11n c 12n c 236g n d 441n c 443n c 544g n d 552g n d 664b g r e f 23v d d27RF_INP 10RF_INN11XTAL_OUT 31XTAL_IN32PA_OUTP 14PA_OUTN13U6U6BCM2051FLTR_RX_CTRL E13AGC_RX_CTL0G11AGC_RX_CTL1H14AGC_RX_CTL2H12AGC_RX_CTL3H11AGC_RX_CTL H13TX_ANA_IP B12TX_ANA_IN A12TX_ANA_QP C11TX_ANA_QN B11SRI_DOF12SRI_CF13SRI_E F11SRI_DI E14SYS_CLKA10BPWR E12PA_RAMP D13RX_ANA_QP B14RSSIAD11RX_ANA_QN C14RX_ANA_IP A13RX_ANA_IN B13TX_PU G12RX_PU G13ANT_SELP J13SYNTH_PU G14ANT_SELN J14XTAL_PUJ12TSSID10RSSIA_SPARE C12RADIOINTERFACEU11BCM4301BGA196_1MMU11DBCM4301sri_disri_do sri_do sri_di 12R121K sclko sclki rssiar12C10322PF12C3522PF12C9622PF12C9722PF12C9822PF12C9922PFagc_0agc_1agc_2agc_3agc_4tx_ip tx_in tx_op tx_onsri_c sri_eb_pwrrx_op rx_on rx_ip rx_in tx_pu rx_purssiaANT_SELP synth_puANT_SELN pdout synth_pur12C10222PF 12C10422PF 12C10522PF12C3812PF12R164.7K12R111.6KGN D 12R1545.3K 1%12R1316K 1%loop112R32.87K 1%12R3768.1K 1%12R22.87K 1%12C4256PF12C45820PF12C782PF12C5150PF12C42700PF 12C130.1UF12R14499 1%12R2110K 1%12R2210K 1%12R19012C640.01UF12C6510UF12C44120PF12C10622PFrf_disable_l synth_pusynth_purrssiarssiarrf_dis_filt_l 12R42.4K 1%2431Y1XTAL_12MHZ 12R110M12C133PF12C233PF12C2910PF 12C3110PF10PPMSE 1NC 6DIFF14GND5GND2DIFF23U2HHM1520SE 1NC 6DIFF14GND5GND 2DIFF23U7HHM1520bpf_inLPCC-6412L103.0nH +-0.3NH12L52.4nH +-0.3NH12L42.4nH +-0.3NHTRSW_RX RADIO/BASEBAND INTERFACEbcm94301mp rev 7.34TRSW_RX (PG 2)vcc3_3vcc2051vcc2051vcc2051vcc3_3LOOP4LOOP3XTAL_OUTXTAL_INRX_P RX_N TX_P TX_Nrf_disable_l(PG 1)bpf_in (PG 2)tx_pu(PG 2)pdout(PG 2)ANT_SELPANT_SELN(PG 2)(PG 2)rf_dis_filt_l(PG 4)3synth_pu12L23n3H, no load12R18?1.6123456ABCD654321D CBATitle NumberRevisionSize B Date:28-Apr-2003Sheet of File:C:\BCM94301MP_LAYOUT\..\BCM_RF.sch Drawn By:GND132RFMECHMECHJ1UFL_ANTENNA25+1-3LMV3214U14LMV32112R2820K 1%12R3310K12R36 5.62k 1%12C1100.1UF12C9522PF 12C14100PF 12C150.1UF12C10010UFvccpd12R3522K6 1%12R3456K12C1095P6Fpdout12L11MPZ2012S221A12L32N2H +-0.1nH12L15N6H +- 0.3nH12L121N8H +-0.3NH12L130 OHM12C250.5PF 12C1610PF12C1710NF12C1010.5PF12C1081P5F12C270.1UF12C4310UF 12C3333PF12L6MPZ2012S221A12C1110PF12C202PF12C1210PFtx_puvcc3_312R3015KvccpavccpaTLINE - Z = 68.4 OHMS(10MIL)L = 110 milsRF FRONT END12C321P5Fbpf_in GND bcm94301mp rev 7.34bpf_in (PG 3)tx_pu (PG 3)vcc3_3vcc3_3vcc2051pdout (PG 3)2DET1VCTL 2VEN 3IN 4VCC5VCC6NC 7OUT/VCC28G N D9U3SE2522LTLINETLINE12R72K2 ,1%12C23220pf1.6SHIELDSB1SHIELD12C933PF12C1033PF Antenna 1 (RF AUX)12R53312R63312C2433PF 12C2633PF12C3033PFANT_SELP ANT_SELN 12R93312R103312C3433PF12C3633PFtr_sw_tx_putr_sw_rx_pu RFC 5VC26VC14RF11RF23GND 2U1AS179PRFC 5VC26VC14RF11RF23GND 2U4AS179PTRSW_RXPA_OUTTRSW_RXtr_sw_tx_pu (PG 4)tr_sw_rx_pu(PG 4)ANT_SELN ANT_SELP (PG 4)12CA1?12CA37PF 12LA1?12CA2?12CA47PF 12LA2?Antenna 0 (RF MAIN)12C3733PF12C727PFTest PointANT1INV-F(original Ant_selP)。


Connector information Of Controller
3C 1 /4~5.D4,/6~7.C4 2 /36.B3 3 /4~5.D4,/6~7.C4
18C 1 /34.D7 2 /34.C7
1 /35.A6 2 /35.A6 3 /35.B6 4 /35.B6
/(20,22).B1 /21.A1 /23.A2
1E 3
EC1: 3
/33.A1 /61.B2 /61.D3 /33.A3
/(27,28).C2 /32.B1
H*30Vdc C*30Vdc
BID*30Vdc TC*30Vdc
/61.B2 /61.D3 H*RTN /33.A1

Door Zone

Limit Switch 7

Limit Switch 8

Door Open Limit Digital Encoder
Door Switch
10C 1 /33.A6 2 /33.B6 3
15C 1 /24.B1,/26.C8 2 3
HOISTWAY 6H 1 /27~28.C3 2 /27~28.C3 3
9H 1 /32.D5 2 /36.B3 3 /32.D5



人民币收藏99版投放冠号一览表99版人民币属于是第五版人民币,也就是现在我们正在使用的这套纸币,第五套人民币共发行了六种面额,有100元、50元、20元、10元、5元、1元,如今99版人民币的行情也在步步高升,那么99版纸币投放的冠号都有哪些?据华夏国礼网的收藏专家介绍,如下所示:99版100元票券投放的冠号共有402种第一大组有:AB AC AD AE AH AI AJBA BB BC BD BE BF BG BH BI BJCA CB CC CD CE CF CG CH CI CJDA DB DC DD DE DF DG DH DI DJEA EB EC ED EE EF EG EH EI EJFA FB FC FD FE FF FG FH FI FJGA GB GC GD GE GF GG GH GI GJHA HB HC HD HE HF HG HH HI HJIA IB IC ID IE IF IG IH II IJJA JC JD JE JF JG JH JI JJ第壹大组投放的冠号共有97种,其中使用AH、AI、AJ三种冠号作为补票的冠号。


PyTorch 安装指南:Jetson 平台说明书

PyTorch 安装指南:Jetson 平台说明书

Installing PyTorch For Jetson PlatformInstallation GuideTable of Contents Chapter 1. Overview (1)1.1. Benefits of PyTorch for Jetson Platform (1)Chapter 2. Prerequisites and Installation (3)2.1. Installing Multiple PyTorch Versions (3)2.2. Upgrading PyTorch (4)Chapter 3. Verifying The Installation (5)Chapter 4. Uninstalling (6)Chapter 5. Troubleshooting (7)Chapter 1.OverviewPyTorch on Jetson PlatformPyTorch (for JetPack) is an optimized tensor library for deep learning, using GPUs and CPUs. Automatic differentiation is done with a tape-based system at both a functional and neural network layer level. This functionality brings a high level of flexibility, speed as a deep learning framework, and provides accelerated NumPy-like functionality. These NVIDIA-provided redistributables are Python pip wheel installers for PyTorch, with GPU-acceleration and support for cuDNN. The packages are intended to be installed on top of the specified version of JetPack as in the provided documentation.Jetson AGX XavierThe NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier developer kit for Jetson platform is the world's first AI computer for autonomous machines. The Jetson AGX Xavier delivers the performance of a GPU workstation in an embedded module under 30W.Jetson AGX OrinThe NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin Developer Kit includes a high-performance, power-efficient Jetson AGX Orin module, and can emulate the other Jetson modules. You now have up to 275 TOPS and 8X the performance of NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier in the same compact form-factor for developing advanced robots and other autonomous machine products. Jetson Xavier NXThe NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX brings supercomputer performance to the edge in a small form factor system-on-module. Up to 21 TOPS of accelerated computing delivers the horsepower to run modern neural networks in parallel and process data from multiple high-resolution sensors — a requirement for full AI systems.1.1. Benefits of PyTorch for JetsonPlatformOverview Installing PyTorch for Jetson Platform provides you with the access to the latest version of the framework on a lightweight, mobile platform.Chapter 2.Prerequisites andInstallationBefore you install PyTorch for Jetson, ensure you:1.Install JetPack on your Jetson device.2.Install system packages required by PyTorch:sudo apt-get -y update;sudo apt-get -y install autoconf bc build-essential g++-8 gcc-8 clang-8 lld-8 gettext-base gfortran-8 iputils-ping libbz2-dev libc++-dev libcgal-dev libffi-dev libfreetype6-dev libhdf5-dev libjpeg-dev liblzma-dev libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev libpng-devlibreadline-dev libssl-dev libsqlite3-dev libxml2-dev libxslt-dev locales moreutils openssl python-openssl rsync scons python3-pip libopenblas-dev;Next, install PyTorch with the following steps:1.Export with the following command:export TORCH_INSTALL=https:///compute/redist/jp/v511/pytorch/ torch-2.0.0+nv23.05-cp38-cp38-linux_aarch64.whlOr, download the wheel file and set.export TORCH_INSTALL=path/to/torch-2.0.0+nv23.05-cp38-cp38-linux_aarch64.whl2.Install PyTorch.python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip; python3 -m pip install aiohttp numpy=='1.19.4' scipy=='1.5.3' export "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/llvm-8/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"; python3 -m pip install --upgrade protobuf; python3 -m pip install --no-cache $TORCH_INSTALLIf you want to install a specific version of PyTorch, replace TORCH_INSTALL with:https:///compute/redist/jp/v$JP_VERSION/pytorch/ $PYT_VERSIONWhere:JP_VERSIONThe major and minor version of JetPack you are using, such as 461 for JetPack 4.6.1 or 50 for JetPack 5.0.PYT_VERSIONThe released version of the PyTorch wheels, as given in the Compatibility Matrix. 2.1. Installing Multiple PyTorch VersionsPrerequisites and Installation If you want to have multiple versions of PyTorch available at the same time, this can be accomplished using virtual environments. See below.Set up the Virtual EnvironmentFirst, install the virtualenv package and create a new Python 3 virtual environment: $ sudo apt-get install virtualenv$ python3 -m virtualenv -p python3 <chosen_venv_name>Activate the Virtual EnvironmentNext, activate the virtual environment:$ source <chosen_venv_name>/bin/activateInstall the desired version of PyTorch:pip3 install --no-cache https:///compute/redist/jp/v51/pytorch/ <torch_version_desired>Deactivate the Virtual EnvironmentFinally, deactivate the virtual environment:$ deactivateRun a Specific Version of PyTorchAfter the virtual environment has been set up, simply activate it to have access to the specific version of PyTorch. Make sure to deactivate the environment after use:$ source <chosen_venv_name>/bin/activate$ <Run the desired PyTorch scripts>$ deactivate2.2. Upgrading PyTorchTo upgrade to a more recent release of PyTorch, if one is available, uninstall the current PyTorch version and refer to Prerequisites and Installation to install the new desired release.Chapter 3.Verifying The InstallationAbout this taskTo verify that PyTorch has been successfully installed on the Jetson platform, you’ll need to launch a Python prompt and import PyTorch.Procedure1.From the terminal, run:$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/llvm-8/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH$ python32.Import PyTorch:>>> import torchIf PyTorch was installed correctly, this command should execute without error.Chapter 4.UninstallingPyTorch can easily be uninstalled using the pip3 uninstall command, as below: $ sudo pip3 uninstall -y torchChapter 5.TroubleshootingJoin the NVIDIA Jetson and Embedded Systems community to discuss Jetson platform-specific issues.NoticeThis document is provided for information purposes only and shall not be regarded as a warranty of a certain functionality, condition, or quality of a product. NVIDIA Corporation (“NVIDIA”) makes no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this document and assumes no responsibility for any errors contained herein. NVIDIA shall have no liability for the consequences or use of such information or for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. This document is not a commitment to develop, release, or deliver any Material (defined below), code, or functionality.NVIDIA reserves the right to make corrections, modifications, enhancements, improvements, and any other changes to this document, at any time without notice.Customer should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete.NVIDIA products are sold subject to the NVIDIA standard terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgement, unless otherwise agreed in an individual sales agreement signed by authorized representatives of NVIDIA and customer (“Terms of Sale”). NVIDIA hereby expressly objects to applying any customer general terms and conditions with regards to the purchase of the NVIDIA product referenced in this document. No contractual obligations are formed either directly or indirectly by this document.NVIDIA products are not designed, authorized, or warranted to be suitable for use in medical, military, aircraft, space, or life support equipment, nor in applications where failure or malfunction of the NVIDIA product can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury, death, or property or environmental damage. NVIDIA accepts no liability for inclusion and/or use of NVIDIA products in such equipment or applications and therefore such inclusion and/or use is at customer’s own risk.NVIDIA makes no representation or warranty that products based on this document will be suitable for any specified use. Testing of all parameters of each product is not necessarily performed by NVIDIA. 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Information published by NVIDIA regarding third-party products or services does not constitute a license from NVIDIA to use such products or services or a warranty or endorsement thereof. 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424 382 593 534
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(AS25,32):20D 以上
(AS40,50,80,100,150,200):10D 以上
5D 以上
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Water97_v13.xla – Excel Add-In for Properties of Water and Steamin SI-UnitsVersion 1.3 – 10 February 2002, documentation updatedVersion 1.2 – 6 February 2001, numerical values in densreg3 adjustedVersion 1.1 – 29 January 2001, error in the calculation of thermal conductivity (partial derivatives)corrected.Version 1.0 – 27 August 2000Authored by Bernhard Spang, Hamburg, GermanyURL: /staff.shtmlEmail: b.spang@hamburg.deCopyright 2000-2002 by Bernhard Spang. All rights reserved.May be redistributed for free, but may not be changed or sold without the author's explicit permission.P rovided "as is" w ithout warranty of any kind.IntroductionWater97_v13.xla is an Add-In for MS Excel which provides a set of functions for calculating thermodynamic and transport properties of water and steam using the industrial standard IAPWS-IF97. For more information about IAPWS-IF97, underlying equations and references see/iapwsif97.shtmlInstallationThe functions are provided as an Add-In file (water97_v13.xla) for MS Excel. After downloading and decompressing the archive file which contains "water97_v13.xla" you may load "water97_v13.xla" in Excel every time you need it by going to Tools...Add-ins or by simply double clicking on "water97_v13.xla" in Explorer. The water property functions are then available just like built-in functions. In the function Wizard list they can be found under User Defined. See also the documentation for MS Excel for more in formation about add-in files.Reference of available functionsFunctions are available for calculating the following properties in the single-phase state for temperatures 273.15 K ≤T≤ 1073.15 K and pressures 0 < p≤ 1000 bar- density- specific internal energy- specific enthalpy- specific entropy- specific isobaric heat capacity- specific isochoric heat capacity- dynamic viscosity- thermal conductivityAdditionally there are functions for calculating the boiling point temperature as a function of pressure and thevapor pressure as a function of temperature as well as above eight properties for the saturated liquid and vapor state both as a function of temperature and pressure between 273.16 K or 611.657 Pa and 647.096 K or 220.64 bar (critical point).1. Density in single-phase statea) Usage: densW(T; P)b) Argument(s):T temperature in KP pressure in barc) Unit: density in kg/m3d) Range of validity: 273.15 K ≤ T ≤ 1073.15 K and 0 < p ≤ 1000 bare)Error: densW = -1, temperature and/or pressure outside rangef) Example: density of water at 1 bar and 20 °Cformula in worksheet cell: =densW(20+273.15; 1)2. Specific internal energy in single-phase statea) Usage: energyW(T; P)b) Argument(s):T temperature in KP pressure in barc) Unit: specific internal energy in kJ/kgd) Range of validity: 273.15 K ≤ T ≤ 1073.15 K and 0 < p ≤ 1000 bare)Error: energyW = -1, temperature and/or pressure outside rangef) Example: specific internal energy of water at 10 bar and 400 Kformula in worksheet cell: =energyW(400; 10)3. Specific enthalpy in single-phase statea) Usage: enthalpyW(T; P)b) Argument(s):T temperature in KP pressure in barc) Unit: specific enthalpy in kJ/kgd) Range of validity: 273.15 K ≤ T ≤ 1073.15 K and 0 < p ≤ 1000 bare)Error: enthalpyW = -1, temperature and/or pressure outside rangef) Example: specific enthalpy of water at 10 bar and 400 Kformula in worksheet cell: =enthalpyW(400; 10)4. Specific entropy in single-pha se statea) Usage: entropyW(T; P)b) Argument(s):T temperature in KP pressure in barc) Unit: specific entropy in kJ/(kg K)d) Range of validity: 273.15 K ≤ T ≤ 1073.15 K and 0 < p ≤ 1000 bare)Error: entropyW = -1, temperature and/or pressure outside rangef) Example: specific entropy of water at 10 bar and 400 Kformula in worksheet cell: =entropyW(400; 10)5. Specific isobaric heat capacity in single-phase statea) Usage: cpW(T; P)b) Argument(s):T temperature in KP pressure in barc) Unit: specific isobaric heat capacity in kJ/(kg K)d) Range of validity: 273.15 K ≤ T ≤ 1073.15 K and 0 < p ≤ 1000 bare)Error: cpW = -1, temperature and/or pressure outside rangef) Example: specific isobaric heat capacity of steam at 1 bar and 120 °Cformula in worksheet cell: =cpW(120+273.15; 1)6. Specific isochoric heat capacity in single-pha se statea) Usage: cvW(T; P)b) Argument(s):T temperature in KP pressure in barc) Unit: specific isochoric heat capacity in kJ/(kg K)d) Range of validity: 273.15 K ≤ T ≤ 1073.15 K and 0 < p ≤ 1000 bare)Error: cvW = -1, temperature and/or pressure outside rangef) Example: specific isochoric heat capacity of steam at 1 bar and 120 °Cformula in worksheet cell: =cvW(120+273.15; 1)7. Dynamic viscosity in single-pha se statea) Usage: viscW(T; P)b) Argument(s):T temperature in KP pressure in barc) Unit: dynamic viscosity in Pa sd) Range of validity: 273.15 K ≤ T ≤ 1073.15 K and 0 < p ≤ 1000 bare)Error: viscW = -1, temperature and/or pressure outside rangef) Example: dynamic viscosity of water at 1 bar and 20 °Cformula in worksheet cell: =viscW(20+273.15; 1)8. Thermal conductivity in single-phase statea) Usage: thconW(T; P)b) Argument(s):T temperature in KP pressure in barc) Unit: thermal conductivity in W/(m K)d) Range of validity: 273.15 K ≤ T ≤ 1073.15 K and 0 < p ≤ 1000 bare)Error: thconW = -1, temperature and/or pressure outside rangef) Example: thermal conductivity of water at 1 bar and 20 °Cformula in worksheet cell: =thconW(20+273.15; 1)9. Boiling point as a function of pre ssurea) Usage: tSatW(P)b) Argument(s):P pressure in barc) Unit: boiling point in Kd) Range of validity: 611.657 Pa ≤ p ≤ 220.64 bare)Error: tSatW = -1, pressure outside rangef) Example: boiling point of water at 1 bar in °Cformula in worksheet cell: =tSatW(1)-273.1510. Vapor pressurea) Usage: pSatW(T)b) Argument(s):T temperature in Kc) Unit: vapor pressure in bard) Range of validity: 273.16 K ≤ T ≤ 647.096 Ke)Error: pSatW = -1, temperature outside rangef) Example: vapor pressure of water at 100 °Cformula in worksheet cell: =pSatW(373.15)11. Density in saturation statea) Usage: densSatLiqTW(T), density of boiling water as a function of temperaturedensSatLiqPW(P), density of boiling water as a function of pressuredensSatVapTW(T), density of saturated steam as a function of temperaturedensSatVapPW(P), density of saturated steam as a function of pressureb) Argument(s):T temperature in K or P pressure in barc) Unit: density in kg/m3d) Range of validity: 273.16 K ≤ T ≤ 647.096 K or 611.657 Pa ≤ p ≤ 220.64 bare)Error: densSatxxxxW = -1, temperature or pressure outside rangef) Example: density of boiling water at 1 barformula in worksheet cell: =densSatLiqPW(1)12. Specific internal energy in saturation statea) Usage: energySatLiqTW(T), specific internal energy of boiling water as a function oftemperatureenergySatLiqPW(P), specific internal energy of boiling water as a function ofpressureenergySatVapTW(T), specific internal energy of saturated steam as a functionof temperatureenergySatVapPW(P), specific internal energy of saturated steam as a functionof pressureb) Argument(s):T temperature in K or P pressure in barc) Unit: specific internal energy in kJ/kgd) Range of validity: 273.16 K ≤ T ≤ 647.096 K or 611.657 Pa ≤ p ≤ 220.64 bare)Error: energySatxxxxW = -1, temperature or pressure outside rangef) Example: specific internal energy of saturated steam at 100 °Cformula in worksheet cell: =energySatVapTW(100+273.15)13. Specific enthalpy in saturation statea) Usage: enthalpySatLiqTW(T), specific enthalpy of boiling water as a function oftemperatureenthalpySatLiqPW(P), specific enthalpy of boiling water as a function ofpressureenthalpySatVapTW(T), specific enthalpy of saturated steam as a functionof temperatureenthalpySatVapPW(P), specific enthalpy of saturated steam as a functionof pressureb) Argument(s):T temperature in K or P pressure in barc) Unit: specific enthalpy in kJ/kgd) Range of validity: 273.16 K ≤ T ≤ 647.096 K or 611.657 Pa ≤ p ≤ 220.64 bare)Error: enthalpySatxxxxW = -1, temperature or pressure outside rangef) Example: specific enthalpy of saturated steam at 100 °Cformula in worksheet cell: =enthalpySatVapTW(100+273.15)14. Specific entropy in saturation statea) Usage: entropySatLiqTW(T), specific entropy of boiling water as a function oftemperatureentropySatLiqPW(P), specific entropy of boiling water as a function ofpressureentropySatVapTW(T), specific entropy of saturated steam as a functionof temperatureentropySatVapPW(P), specific entropy of saturated steam as a functionof pressureb) Argument(s):T temperature in K or P pressure in barc) Unit: specific entropy in kJ/(kg K)d) Range of validity: 273.16 K ≤ T ≤ 647.096 K or 611.657 Pa ≤ p ≤ 220.64 bare)Error: entropySatxxxxW = -1, temperature or pressure outside rangef) Example: specific entropy of saturated steam at 100 °Cformula in worksheet cell: =entropySatVapTW(100+273.15)15. Specific isobaric heat capacity in saturation statea) Usage: cpSatLiqTW(T), specific isobaric heat capacity of boiling water as a function oftemperaturecpSatLiqPW(P), specific isobaric heat capacity of boiling water as a funct ion ofpressurecpSatVapTW(T), specific isobaric heat capacity of saturated steam as afunction of temperaturecpSatVapPW(P), specific isobaric heat capacity of saturated steam as afunction of pressureb) Argument(s):T temperature in K or P pressure in barc) Unit: specific isobaric heat capacity in kJ/(kg K)d) Range of validity: 273.16 K ≤ T ≤ 647.096 K or 611.657 Pa ≤ p ≤ 220.64 bare)Error: cpSatxxxxW = -1, temperature or pressure outside rangef) Example: specific isobaric heat capacity of boiling water at 100 °Cformula in worksheet cell: =cpSatLiqTW(100+273.15)16. Specific isochoric heat capacity in saturation statea) Usage: cvSatLiqTW(T), specific isochoric heat capacity of boiling water as a functionof temperaturecvSatLiqPW(P), specific isochoric heat capacity of boiling water as a functionof pressurecvSatVapTW(T), specific isochoric heat capacity of saturated steam as afunction of temperaturecvSatVapPW(P), specific isochoric heat capacity of saturated steam as afunction of pressureb) Argument(s):T temperature in K or P pressure in barc) Unit: specific isochoric heat capacity in kJ/(kg K)d) Range of validity: 273.16 K ≤ T ≤ 647.096 K or 611.657 Pa ≤ p ≤ 220.64 bare)Error: cvSatxxxxW = -1, temperature or pressure outside rangef) Example: specific isochoric heat capacity of saturated steam at 500 mbarformula in worksheet cell: =cvSatVapPW(0.5)17. Dynamic viscosity in saturation statea) Usage: viscSatLiqTW(T), dynamic viscosity of boiling water as a function oftemperatureviscSatLiqPW(P), dynamic viscosity of boiling water as a function of pressureviscSatVapTW(T), dynamic viscosity of saturated steam as a function oftemperatureviscSatVapPW(P), dynamic viscosity of saturated steam as a function ofpressureb) Argument(s):T temperature in K or P pressure in barc) Unit: dynamic viscosity in Pa sd) Range of validity: 273.16 K ≤ T ≤ 647.096 K or 611.657 Pa ≤ p ≤ 220.64 bare)Error: viscSatxxxxW = -1, temperature or pressure outside rangef) Example: dynamic viscosity of boiling water at 1 barformula in worksheet cell: =viscSatLiqPW(1)18. Thermal conductivity in saturation statea) Usage: thconSatLiqTW(T), thermal conductivity of boiling water as a function oftemperaturethconSatLiqPW(P), thermal conductivity of boiling water as a function ofpressurethconSatVapTW(T), thermal conductivity of saturated steam as a function oftemperaturethconSatVapPW(P), thermal conductivity of saturated steam as a function ofpressureb) Argument(s):T temperature in K or P pressure in barc) Unit: thermal conductivity in W/(m K)d) Range of validity: 273.16 K ≤ T ≤ 647.096 K or 611.657 Pa ≤ p ≤ 220.64 bare)Error: thconSatxxxxW = -1, temperature or pressure outside rangef) Example: thermal conductivity of boiling water at 1 barformula in worksheet cell: =thconSatLiqPW(1)。

新时达AS 系列变频器操作手册V

新时达AS 系列变频器操作手册V
AS450 系列通用矢量型变频器操作手册
第一章 变频器安装 .................................................................................................... - 4 第二章 变频器配线 .................................................................................................... - 7 第三章 变频器快速调试 .......................................................................................... - 15 第五章 故障代码表 .................................................................................................. - 22 附录 I 操作器............................................................................................................ - 29 附录 II 功能参数表 .................................................................................................. - 39 -


High-voltage switching diodes
6. Thermal characteristics
Table 7. Thermal characteristics
Symbol Parameter
Per device
thermal resistance from junction to ambient
[1] * = -: made in Hong Kong * = p: made in Hong Kong * = t: made in Malaysia * = W: made in China
5. Limiting values
Marking code[1] X4* X6* X5*
Table 6. Limiting values In accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 60134).
VR (V)
(1) Tamb = 150 °C (2) Tamb = 85 °C (3) Tamb = 25 °C (4) Tamb = −40 °C
Fig 3. Reverse current as a function of reverse voltage; typical values
1.3 Applications
I High-speed switching I General-purpose switching
I Voltage clamping I Reverse polarity protection
1.4 Quick reference data
Table 2. Quick reference data



American Water Works AssociationANSI/AWWA C200-97(Revision of ANSI/AWWA C200-91)RA WWA STANDARDFORSTEEL W ATER PIPE—6 IN. (150 mm)AND LARGEREffective date: Oct. 1, 1997.First edition approved by AWWA Board of Directors Jan. 26, 1975.This edition approved Feb. 2, 1997.This edition approved by American National Standards Institute July 3, 1997.AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSOCIATION6666 West Quincy Avenue,Denver,Colorado80235A WW A StandardThis document is an American Water Works Association (AWWA) standard. It is not a specification. AWWA standards describe minimum requirements and do not contain all of the engineering and administrative information normally contained in specifications. The AWWA standards usually contain options that must be evaluated by the user of the standard. Until each optional feature is specified by the user, the product or service is not fully defined. AWWA publication of a standard does not constitute endorsement of any product or product type, nor does AWWA test, certify, or approve any product. The use of AWWA standards is entirely voluntary. AWWA standards are intended to represent a consensus of the water supply industry that the product described will provide satisfactory service. When AWWA revises or withdraws this standard, an official notice of action will be placed on the first page of the classified advertising section of Journal AWWA. The action becomes effective on the first day of the month following the month of Journal AWWA publication of the official notice.American National StandardAn American National Standard implies a consensus of those substantially concerned with its scope and provisions. An American National Standard is intended as a guide to aid the manufacturer, the consumer, and the general public. The existence of an American National Standard does not in any respect preclude anyone, whether that person has approved the standard or not, from manufactur-ing, marketing, purchasing, or using products, processes, or procedures not conforming to the standard. American National Standards are subject to periodic review, and users are cautioned to obtain the latest editions. Producers of goods made in conformity with an American National Standard are encouraged to state on their own responsibility in advertising and promotional materials or on tags or labels that the goods are produced in conformity with particular American National Standards.C AUTION N OTICE:The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) approval date on the front cover of this standard indicates completion of the ANSI approval process. This American National Standard may be revised or withdrawn at any time. ANSI procedures require that action be taken to reaffirm, revise, or withdraw this standard no later than five years from the date of publication. Purchasers of American National Standards may receive current information on all standards by calling or writing the American National Standards Institute, 11W.42nd St., New York,NY10036; (212)642-4900.Copyright © 1997 by American Water Works AssociationPrinted in USACommittee PersonnelThe AWWA Standards Committee on Steel Pipe, which reviewed and approved this standard, had the following personnel at the time of approval:George J. Tupac, ChairJohn H. Bambei Jr., Vice-ChairDennis A. Dechant, SecretaryConsumer MembersG.A. Andersen, New York City Bureau of Water Supply, Corona, N.Y.(AWWA) Ergun Bakall, San Diego County Water Authority, San Diego, Calif.(AWWA) J.H. Bambei Jr., Denver Water Department, Denver, Colo.(AWWA) J.L. Doane, Portland Water Bureau, Portland, Ore.(AWWA) R.V. Frisz, US Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, Colo.(USBR) T.J. Jordan, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California,LaVerne, Calif.(AWWA) W.M. Kremkau, Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission, Laurel, Md.(AWWA) T.A. Larson, Tacoma Water Division, Tacoma, Wash.(AWWA) P.W. Reynolds, Los Angeles Department of Water and Power,Los Angeles, Calif.(AWWA) G.M. Snyder, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California,Los Angeles, Calif.(AWWA) M.L. Young, East Bay Municipal Utility District, Stockton, Calif.(AWWA)General Interest MembersG.E. Block Jr., Rizzo Associates Inc., Natick, Mass.(NEWWA) W.R. Brunzell, Brunzell Associates Ltd., Skokie, Ill.(AWWA) B.R. Bullert,* Council Liaison, City of St. Paul Water Utility,St. Paul, Minn.(AWWA) R.L. Coffey, R.W. Beck Inc., Seattle, Wash.(AWWA) B.R. Elms,* Standards Engineer Liaison, AWWA, Denver, Colo.(AWWA) L.J. Farr, CH2M Hill Inc., Redding, Calif.(AWWA) K.G. Ferguson, Montgomery Watson, Las Vegas, Nev.(AWWA) S.N. Foellmi,† Black & Veatch Engineers, Irvine, Calif.(AWWA) J.W. Green, Alvord Burdick & Howson, Chicago, Ill.(AWWA) K.D. Henrichsen, HDR Engineering Inc., Denver, Colo.(AWWA) G.K. Hickox, Engineering Consultant, Houston, Texas(AWS) M.B. Horsley, Black & Veatch, Kansas City, Mo.(AWWA) J.K. Jeyapalan, American Ventures Inc., Bellevue, Wash.(AWWA) R.Y. Konyalian, Boyle Engineering Corporation, Newport Beach, Calif.(AWWA) H.R. Stoner, Henry R. Stoner Associates Inc., North Plainfield, N.J.(AWWA) Chris Sundberg† CH2M Hill Inc., Bellevue, Wash.(AWWA) *Liaison, nonvoting†AlternateG.J. Tupac, G.J. Tupac & Associates, Pittsburgh, Pa.(AWWA) L.W. Warren, KCM Inc., Seattle, Wash.(AWWA) W.R. Whidden, Post Buckley Schuh & Jernigan, Winter Park, Fla.(AWWA) R.E. Young, Robert E. Young Engineers, Sacramento, Calif.(AWWA)Producer MembersH.H. Bardakjian, Ameron Concrete & Steel Pipe, RanchoCucamonga, Calif.(AWWA) T.R. Brown, Smith-Blair Inc., Uniontown, Pa.(AWWA) J.H. Burton, Baker Coupling Company Inc., Los Angeles, Calif.(AWWA) R.J. Card, Brico Industries Inc., Atlanta, Ga.(AWWA) J.R. Davenport, California Steel Pressure Pipe, Riverside, Calif.(AWWA) Dennis Dechant, Northwest Pipe & Casing Company, Portland, Ore.(AWWA) G.M. Harris, Harris Corrosion Specialist, Longboat Key, Fla.(AWWA) J.R. Pegues, American Cast Iron Pipe Company, Birmingham, Ala.(MSS) Bruce Vanderploeg,* Northwest Pipe & Casing Company, Portland, Ore.(AWWA) J.A. Wise, Canus Industries Inc., Burnaby, B.C.(AWWA) *AlternateContentsAll AWWA standards follow the general format indicated subsequently. Some variations from this format may be found in a particular standard.SEC.PAGE SEC.PAGEForewordI Introduction (vii)I.A Background (vii)I.B History (vii)I.C Acceptance (viii)II Special Issues (ix)II.A Advisory Information on ProductApplication (ix)III Use of This Standard (x)III.A Purchaser Options and Alternatives (x)III.B Modification to Standard (xi)IV Major Revisions (xi)V Comments (xi)Standard1General1.1Scope (1)1.2Purpose (1)1.3Application (1)2References (1)3Definitions (3)4Requirements4.1Permeation (5)4.2Materials and Workmanship (5)4.3Drawings (6)4.4Calculations (6)4.5Protective Coating (6)4.6Pipe Made to ASTM Requirements (6)4.7Fabricated Pipe (6)4.8Selection of Materials (7)4.9General Requirements forFabrication of Pipe............................74.10Fabrication of Pipe. (7)4.11Requirements for WeldingOperations (8)4.12Permissible Variations in Weightsand Dimensions (10)4.13Preparation of Ends (13)4.14Special Ends (16)4.15Specials and Fittings (16)4.16Fabrication of Specials (16)5Verification5.1Inspection (16)5.2Test Procedures (17)5.3Calibration of Equipment (18)6Delivery6.1Marking (18)6.2Handling and Loading (19)6.3Affidavit of Compliance (19)Figures1Reduced-Section Tension TestSpecimen (9)2Guided-Bend Test Specimen (10)3Jig for Guided-Bend Test (11)4Alternative Guided-Bend Wrap-Around Jig (12)5Alternative Guided-Bend RollerJig (13)Tables1Steel Plate, Sheet, or Coils forFabricated Pipe (7)2Guided-Bend Test Jig Dimensions....12This page intentionally blank.ForewordThis foreword is for information only and is not a part of AWWA C200.I.Introduction.I.A.Background.This standard covers butt-welded, straight seam or spiral seam steel pipe, 6in. (150mm) and larger, for transmission and distribution of water, including fabrication of pipe, requirements of welding operations, permissible variations of weight and dimensions, preparation of ends, fabrication of specials, inspection, and test procedures.I.B.History.The first AWWA steel pipe standards issued were 7A.3 and 7A.4, published in 1940. Standard 7A.4 pertained to steel pipe smaller than 30in. (750mm) in diameter, and 7A.3 pertained to steel pipe 30in. (750mm) in diameter and larger. Subsequently, in recognition that some pipe used in water utility service was manufactured in steel mills rather than in a fabricator’s shop, two new AWWA standards were issued in 1960. AWWA C201 replaced 7A.3 and pertained to all pipe, regardless of diameter, manufactured in a fabricator’s shop from steel sheet or plate. The physical and chemical properties are properties of the sheet or plate from which the pipe is made. The properties are a function of the steel mill practice and are not affected significantly by fabricating procedures. AWWA C202 replaced 7A.4 and pertained to mill pipe, which is normally produced in a production pipe mill. The specified physical and chemical properties are those of the completed pipe. Physical testing is performed on the pipe rather than on the steel from which it originates. In many cases, the physical properties are significantly affected by the pipe-manufactur-ing procedure. AWWA C201 was revised in 1966, and AWWA C202 was revised in 1964. Both AWWA C201 and AWWA C202 were superseded by AWWA C200-75, approved by the AWWA Board of Directors on Jan.26, 1975.AWWA C200 includes all types and classes of steel pipe, 6in. (150mm) in diameter and larger, used in water utility service, regardless of the pipe manufactur-ing source. With adequate quality assurance, pipe manufactured in a fabricator’s shop or in a steel pipe mill is suitable for water utility service. Pipe produced in a pipe mill according to one of the ASTM* standards cited in AWWA C200 will be subjected to specific quality-control procedures so that no further testing is required by AWWA C200. Shop-fabricated pipe made from materials and in accordance with the quality-control measures stipulated in AWWA C200 will be of high quality.By reference, AWWA C202 (which pertained to mill-type steel water pipe) included API† 5L and API 5LX pipe grades manufactured to API standards for high-pressure applications. With the inclusion of ASTM A570/A570M and ASTM A572/ A572M high-strength steels in AWWA C200, API high-pressure pipe was omitted from AWWA C200 as being redundant. However, API 5L and API 5LX pipe grades fully meet all requirements of AWWA C200 and can be used for water utility applications if dictated by availability or other economic considerations.*American Society for Testing and Materials, 100 Barr Harbor Dr., West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959.†American Petroleum Institute, 1220 L St. N.W., Washington, DC 20005.AWWA C200-75 introduced design criteria for determination of wall thickness to meet internal pressure conditions. This facilitated the selection of the optimum combination of thickness and material for steel pipe.Revisions in ANSI/AWWA C200-86 included clarification of forming for lap joint ends and gasketed ends and testing of O-ring gaskets. ANSI/AWWA C200-91 was approved by the AWWA Board of Directors on June23, 1991. This edition was approved by the AWWA Board of Directors on Feb.2, 1997.I.C.Acceptance.In May 1985, the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) entered into a cooperative agreement with a consortium led by NSF International (NSF) to develop voluntary third-party consensus standards and a certification program for all direct and indirect drinking water additives. Other members of the original consortium included the American Water Works Association Research Foundation (AWWARF) and the Conference of State Health and Environ-mental Managers (COSHEM). The American Water Works Association (AWWA) and the Association of State Drinking Water Administrators (ASDWA) joined later.In the United States, authority to regulate products for use in, or in contact with, drinking water rests with individual states.* Local agencies may choose to impose requirements more stringent than those required by the state. To evaluate the health effects of products and drinking water additives from such products, state and local agencies may use various references, including1.An advisory program formerly administered by USEPA, Office of Drinking Water, discontinued on Apr.7, 1990.2.Specific policies of the state or local agency.3.Two standards developed under the direction of NSF, ANSI†/NSF‡60, Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals—Health Effects, and ANSI/NSF61, Drinking Water System Components—Health Effects.4.Other references, including AWWA standards, Food Chemicals Codex, Water Chemicals Codex,§ and other standards considered appropriate by the state or local agency.Various certification organizations may be involved in certifying products in accordance with ANSI/NSF61. Individual states or local agencies have authority to accept or accredit certification organizations within their jurisdiction. Accreditation of certification organizations may vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.Appendix A, “Toxicology Review and Evaluation Procedures,” to ANSI/NSF61 does not stipulate a maximum allowable level (MAL) of a contaminant for substances not regulated by a USEPA final maximum contaminant level (MCL). The MALs of an unspecified list of “unregulated contaminants” are based on toxicity testing guidelines (noncarcinogens) and risk characterization methodology (carcinogens). Use of Appendix A procedures may not always be identical, depending on the certifier.*Persons in Canada, Mexico, and non-North American countries should contact the appropriate authority having jurisdiction.†American National Standards Institute, 11 W. 42nd St., New York, NY 10036.‡NSF International, 3475 Plymouth Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48106.§Both publications available from National Academy of Sciences, 2102 Constitution Ave.N.W., Washington, DC 20418.AWWA C200-97 does not address additives requirements. Thus, users of this standard should consult the appropriate state or local agency having jurisdiction in order to1.Determine additives requirements, including applicable standards.2.Determine the status of certifications by all parties offering to certify products for contact with, or treatment of, drinking water.3.Determine current information on product certification.II.Special Issues.II.A.Advisory Information on Product Application.Basis of design.ANSI/AWWA C200-97 pertains to the manufacture and testing of the steel-pipe cylinder. Overall design of steel pipelines is described in AWWA Manual M11, Steel Pipe—A Guide for Design and Installation. Coatings that protect against corrosion are referenced in Sec.4.5 of ANSI/AWWA C200-97.The determination of the wall thickness of steel pipe is affected by (1)internal pressure, including operating static and transient pressures; (2)external loads,including trench loading and earth fill; (3)special physical loading, such as continuous-beam loading with saddle supports or ring girders, vacuum conditions,type of joint used, and variations in operating temperature; and (4)practical considerations for handling, shipping, lining and coating, or similar operations.The design techniques described in AWWA Manual M11 are used to determine minimum wall thicknesses of steel pipe. The purchaser may establish and specify the wall thickness determined to be satisfactory for all conditions, including internal pressure. Selection of design stresses and deflection limits should be made with regard to the properties of the lining and coating materials used. Alternatively , the purchaser may establish and specify the minimum wall thickness that will satisfy all conditions of external pressure and trench loadings and special physical loadings.The manufacturer is allowed to select materials and manufacturing processes within the limitations of this standard in order to produce pipe to the wall thickness required to additionally satisfy specified internal pressure. The purchaser should specify the internal design pressure and show the depth of cover over the pipe together with installation conditions. The manufacturer should select and furnish pipe having a wall thickness that meets the requirements of the internal design pressure and external load design. This thickness should govern if it is greater than the minimum thickness specified by the purchaser. To meet the requirements of internal design pressure, the pipe wall thickness is determined by using the following formula:(Eq F .1)Where:t =design nominal wall thickness for the specified internal design pressures.Thickness and weight tolerances for pipe shall be governed by therequirements of the specification to which the plates or sheets are ordered(in. [mm])P =internal design pressure (psi [kPa])—specified by the purchaserD =outside diameter of the steel pipe cylinder (in. [mm])t PD 2S-------=S=design stress (psi [kPa]), not to exceed the purchaser-specified percentage of the minimum yield point of thesteel selected by the manufacturerApplication.This standard covers the requirements for steel water pipe for use in water transmission and distribution under normal circumstances. It is the responsibility of the purchaser for each project to determine if any unusual circumstances related to the project require additional provisions that are not included in the standard. Such special conditions might affect design, manufacture, quality control, corrosion protection, or handling requirements.Brittle fracture precautions.Under certain conditions where a restrained pipeline with welded lap joints has a pipe wall thickness in excess of 1⁄2in. (12.7mm) and the pipeline is to be operated at high stress levels at temperatures below 40°F(5°C), the purchaser should take precautions to prevent brittle fracture, which can result from a combination of notches and high stress concentrations at the joints. Precautions may include specifying a steel with adequate notch toughness and transition temperature; and fabrication techniques that would reduce the possibility of brittle fracture.N OTE: For more information on brittle fracture, refer to AWWA Manual M11, Steel Pipe—A Guide for Design and Installation; and R.V. Phillips et al., “Pipeline Problems—Brittle Fracture, Joint Stresses, and Welding,” Journal AWWA, 64:7:421 (July 1972).Rubber-gasketed joints. A gasket manufactured from natural rubber or 100percent synthetic polyisoprene, if improperly installed, may revert to its uncured state through hysteresis. This condition may occur if a fish-mouthed gasket (that is, where a portion of the gasket is not contained within the gasket groove) is subjected to heat generated by excessive vibration caused by leakage past the gasket when the pipeline is pressurized.Testing of special sections.Section5.2.2.1 provides for nondestructive testing of the seams of specials. This testing should be adequate for normal conditions previously discussed under Application. Section5.2.2.2 describes test methods that may be necessary if, in the opinion of the purchaser, unusually severe conditions exist, such as surge or transient pressures that cause stresses exceeding 75 percent of yield. This special testing must be specified by the purchaser.Roundness of pipe.The roundness of pipe during handling, shipping, joint makeup, and backfilling should be covered in the purchaser’s specifications. Pipe may have to be stulled so it will remain round during transportation, installation, and backfilling.e of This Standard.AWWA has no responsibility for the suitability or compatibility of the provisions of this standard to any intended application by any user. Accordingly, each user of this standard is responsible for determining that the standard’s provisions are suitable for and compatible with that user’s intended application.III.A.Purchaser Options and Alternatives.The following items should be included in the purchaser’s specifications.1.Standard used—that is, AWWA C200, Standard for Steel Water Pipe—6In. (150mm) and Larger, of latest revision.2. A description or drawings indicating the diameter and total quantity of pipe required for each diameter.3.Internal design pressure.4.Design stress in pipe wall at specified internal design pressure as apercentage of minimum yield point of the steel.5.Minimum wall thickness required by considerations other than internaldesign pressure, such as allowable deflection; depth of cover; and if aboveground,distance between supports.6.Instructions regarding inspection at place of manufacture (Sec.5.1).7.The drawings and calculations to be furnished by the manufacturer ifrequired (Sec.4.3 and 4.4).8.Protective coating (Sec.4.5).9.Requirements for marking, line diagrams, or laying schedules (Sec.6.1).10.Special handling requirements for coated or lined pipe (Sec.6.2).11.Affidavit of compliance if required (Sec.6.3).12.Specification of pipe or steel if there is a preference (Sec.4.6), or desiredphysical properties for “ordering to chemistry only” (Sec.3(19) and 4.7.2).13.Manual welding (Sec.4.11.3).14.Qualification code for manual welders if different from Sec. hydrostatic test pressure if different from Sec. of pipe sections, random or specified lengths (Sec.4.12.4).17.Type of pipe ends (description or drawings) (Sec.4.13).18.Drawings of butt straps and instructions as to whether butt straps are to besupplied separately or attached to the pipe (Sec.4.13.5).19.Requirements for reports of tests of rubber-gasket materials (Sec. special sections, indicating for each component part the dimensions orstandard designation (Sec.4.15) and the grade of material required (Sec.4.16).21.Method of nondestructive testing to be used for special sections (Sec., in the case of severe service conditions, the requirements for hydrostatic testing ofspecial sections (Sec. requirements (Table1).III.B.Modification to Standard.Any modification to the provisions, defini-tions, or terminology in this standard must be provided in the purchaser’sspecifications.IV.Major Revisions.Major revisions made to the standard in this editioninclude the following:1.The format has been changed to AWWA standard style.2.The acceptance clause (Sec.I.C) has been revised to approved wording.3.Table1 was revised to add ASTM A607/607M, grades45 and 50; ASTMA907/907M, grades30, 33, 36, and 40; ASTM A935/935M, grades45 and 50; andASTM A936/936M, grade50. Also, a requirement for a minimum average Charpy V-Notch value of 25lbf·ft (33.9N·m) at 30°F (–1°C) for steel plate under certain conditions was added.4.ASTM A635/A635M was added to Sec. was revised to include qualification of welding procedures.6.The definition of P in Eq1 was revised.ments.If you have any comments or questions about this standard,please call the AWWA Standards and Materials Development Department, (303) 794-7711 ext.6283, FAX (303) 795-1440, or write to the department at 6666 W. QuincyAve., Denver, CO 80235.xiThis page intentionally blank.1RAmerican Water Works AssociationANSI/AWWA C200-97(Revision of ANSI/AWWA C200-91)A WWA STANDARD FORSTEEL W ATER PIPE—6 IN. (150 mm)AND LARGERSECTION 1:GENERALSec. 1.1ScopeThis standard covers electrically butt-welded straight-seam or spiral-seam pipeand seamless pipe, 6in. (150mm)* in nominal diameter and larger, for the transmissionand distribution of water or for use in other water system facilities.Sec. 1.2PurposeThe purpose of this standard is to provide the minimum requirements for steelwater pipe, 6in. (150mm) and larger, including materials and workmanship,fabrication of pipe, specials, and fittings.Sec. 1.3ApplicationThis standard can be referenced in specifications for steel water pipe, 6in.(150mm) and larger. The stipulations of this standard apply when this document hasbeen referenced and then only to steel water pipe, 6in. (150mm) and larger.SECTION 2:REFERENCESThis standard references the following documents. In their latest editions, theyform a part of this standard to the extent specified within the standard. In any case of conflict, the requirements of this standard shall prevail.*Metric conversions given in this standard are direct conversions of US customary units andare not those specified in the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards.2AWWA C200-97ANSI*/ASME†—Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Sec. IX.ANSI/ASTM A36/A36M—Standard Specification for Carbon Structural Steel.ANSI/ASTM A53—Standard Specification for Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped, Zinc-Coated, Welded and Seamless.ANSI/ASTM A134—Standard Specification for Pipe, Steel, Electric-Fusion (Arc)-Welded (Sizes NPS 16 and over).ANSI/ASTM A135—Standard Specification for Electric-Resistance-Welded Steel Pipe.ANSI/ASTM A139/A139M—Standard Specification for Electric-Fusion (Arc)-Welded Steel Pipe (NPS 4 and over).ASTM A283/A283M—Standard Specification for Low and Intermediate Tensile Strength Carbon Steel Plates.ANSI/ASTM A370—Standard Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel Products.ASTM A568/A568M—Standard Specification for Steel, Sheet, Carbon and High-Strength, Low-Alloy, Hot-Rolled and Cold-Rolled, General Requirements for.ASTM A570/A570M—Standard Specification for Steel, Sheet and Strip, Carbon, Hot-Rolled, Structural Quality.ANSI/ASTM A572/A572M—Standard Specification for High-Strength Low-Alloy Columbium-Vanadium Structural Steel.ANSI/ASTM A607—Standard Specification for Steel, Sheet and Strip, High-Strength, Low-Alloy, Columbium or Vanadium, or Both, Hot-Rolled and Cold-Rolled.ASTM A635/A635M—Standard Specification for Steel, Sheet and Strip, Heavy-Thickness Coils, Carbon, Hot-Rolled.ASTM A907/A907M—Standard Specification for Steel, Sheet and Strip, Heavy Thickness Coils, Carbon, Hot-Rolled, Structural Quality.ASTM A935/A935M—Standard Specification for Steel, Sheet and Strip, Heavy Thickness Coils, High Strength, Low-Alloy, Columbium or Vanadium, or Both, Hot-Rolled.ASTM A936/A936M—Standard Specification for Steel, Sheet and Strip, Heavy Thickness Coils, High Strength, Low-Alloy, Hot-Rolled, with Improved Formability.ASTM D297—Standard Test Methods for Rubber Products—Chemical Analysis.ASTM D395—Standard Test Methods for Rubber Property—Compression Set.ASTM D412—Standard Test Methods for Vulcanized Rubber and Thermoplastic Rubbers and Thermoplastic Elastomers—Tension.ASTM D573—Standard Test Method for Rubber-Deterioration in an Air Oven.ASTM D2240—Standard Test Method for Rubber Property—Durometer Hardness.ASTM E340—Standard Test Method of Macroetching Metals and Alloys.ANSI/AWS‡ A3.0—Standard Welding Terms and Definitions Including Terms for Brazing, Soldering, Thermal Spraying and Thermal Cutting.AWS B2.1—Standard for Welding Procedure and Performance Qualification.AWS QC 1—Standard for AWS Certification of Welding Inspectors.*American National Standards Institute, 11 W. 42nd St., New York, NY 10036.†American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 345 E. 47th St., New York, NY 10017.‡American Welding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune Rd., Miami, FL 33135.。



sw设计流程The software design process is a critical component of any successful project. It involves a series of steps and activities that ensure the final software product meets the needs and expectations of the end users. 软件设计流程是任何成功项目的关键组成部分。


The design process starts with gathering and analyzing the requirements from the stakeholders. This is a crucial step as it sets the foundation for the entire software development process. 设计流程始于收集和分析利益相关者的需求。


Once the requirements are understood, the software design team can start creating the architectural design of the software. This involves defining the overall structure of the software, including the various components, modules, and their interactions. 一旦需求被理解,软件设计团队就可以开始创建软件的架构设计。


112 Parker Hannifin Corporation自动化电机操作器部门Wadsworth

112 Parker Hannifin Corporation自动化电机操作器部门Wadsworth

Foot Mounting (MS1)Mounting Code BSide Lug MountingMounting Code GAH AO AT AU TR TW ∅AB ER3232.07.2 ∅FB MF TG TM UF WR ER32212.1 6.7 ∅FB MF TG TM UF WR ER32364.2 6.7 DriveScrew DriveDIMENSIONS, mm (inch)DIMENSIONS, mm (inch)NOTE: Not available with inline motor mounting.Flange Mounting (MF1 or MF2)Mounting Codes J (Front), H (Rear), N (Front & Rear)Rear Eye Mounting (MP4)Mounting Code E∅CD EWFL MR ER3210.025.422.010.0(0.39)(1.00)(0.87)(0.39)ER5012.031.527.013.0(0.47)(1.24)(1.06)(0.51)ER8016.049.836.020.0(0.63)(1.96)(1.42)(0.79)E ∅FB MF MS R TF UF ER3247.0 7.010.0 9.012.0, mm (inch)DIMENSIONS, mm (inch)NOTE:When using this option, it isimportant that both ends of the actuator are supported.Extended Toe ClampUnit Model# ofA B C D E G H JSize Code HolesTPEM-TC-03-1176.0 (2.99)18.0 (0.71)56.0 (2.02)0 (0)—ER32TPEM-TC-03-2276.0 (2.99)38.0 (1.50)56.0 (2.02)10.0 (0.39)20.0 (0.79)M4 x 0.7 x 147.0 (0.28)7.0 (0.28) TPEM-TC-03-3376.0 (2.99)58.0 (2.28)56.0 (2.02)10.0 (0.39)20.0 (0.79)TPEM-TC-03-4476.0 (2.99)78.0 (3.07)56.0 (2.02)10.0 (0.39)20.0 (0.79)TPEM-TC-05-11104.0 (4.09)18.0 (0.71)80.0 (3.15)0 (0)—ER50TPEM-TC-05-22104.0 (4.09)38.0 (1.50)80.0 (3.15)10.0 (0.39)20.0 (0.79)M5 x 0.8 x 2010.4 (0.41)9.6 (0.38) TPEM-TC-05-33104.0 (4.09)58.0 (2.28)80.0 (3.15)10.0 (0.39)20.0 (0.79)TPEM-TC-05-44104.0 (4.09)78.0 (3.07)80.0 (3.15)10.0 (0.39)20.0 (0.79)TPEM-TC-08-11153.0 (6.02)18.0 (0.71)120.0 (4.72)0 (0)—ER80TPEM-TC-08-22153.0 (6.02)38.0 (1.50)120.0 (4.72)10.0 (0.39)20.0 (0.79)M6 x 1.0 x 3018.0 (0.71)12.0 (0.47) TPEM-TC-08-33153.0 (6.02)58.0 (2.28)120.0 (4.72)10.0 (0.39)20.0 (0.79)TPEM-TC-08-44153.0 (6.02)78.0 (3.07)120.0 (4.72)10.0 (0.39)20.0 (0.79)ER Series Rodless ActuatorsCylinder A B C D E ER5050.036.3 75.0 63.57(1.96)(1.43) (2.95)(2.50)(0.276)ER8076.060.0 95.3 95.310(3.00)(2.36)(3.75)(3.75)(0.39)Dimensions: mm (inch)Inch equivalents for mm dimensions are shown in ( ).Dimensional Information:Actuator Lead (in)Holding Force N (lb)ER50-B01 1.000735 N (165 lb)ER50-B020.5001560 N (350 lb)ER50-B050.2003560 N (800 lb)*ER50-A050.2003560 N (800 lb)*ER80-B01 1.0002560 N (575 lb)ER80-B020.5005120 N (1150 lb)ER80-B040.2507120 N (1600 lb)*ER80-A040.2507120 N (1600 lb)*A brake option is available on the ER Series size 50 and 80rodless actuators to prevent back driving of the carriage when power is removed from the motor. The brake is a spring loaded, friction disc type that requires a separate power signal (24 VDC or 115 VAC) to the solenoid that releases the brake. The brake option attaches directly to the rear of the ball or Acme screw, preventing movement of the cylinder rod or bearing carriage for static conditions.Options which mount to the rear of the actuator are not available with the brake option.Specifications:Mounting:and enclosed in a sealed metal housing.Voltage:24 VDC or 115 VAC (to release)Current:ER50: 24 VDC = 0.542A,115 VAC = 0.113AER80: 24 VDC = 0.667A,115 VAC = 0.139AHolding Torque:ER50: 3.36 Nm (30 lb-in)ER80:11.2 Nm (100 lb-in)Connector:Flying leads 3.5 m (12 ft) orBrad Harrison 3 pin connector (4 m mating cable supplied)Ordering InformationSpecify brake option, voltage, and connector style within complete actuator part number. See ER Series Ordering Information pages.Notes:•To be used as static brake only! Not intended for dynamic braking.•Contact factory for use with inline or reverse parallel motor styles.•Not available with mounting options that attach to rear of cylinder, including B, C, E, H, and N.•External power supply required when ordering 115VAC brake. All Parker controls use 24VDC.Brake OptionWiring Information:Flying lead:Connector version:*Figure has been truncated at maximum catalog thrust rating of standard actuator. Consult factory for higher holding forces.**Note: 115 VAC is rectified internally.*** C & D dimensions exceed actuator envelope.Consult factory for Size 32 requirements.Consult Application Department forbrake option on ER Series size 32 actuators.ER Series Rodless ActuatorsER Series Design Features•Stainless Steel Strip Seal – Held to the actuatorbody via magnetic strips, the strip seal keepsparticles out of the interior of the actuator body.•Delrin Strip Seal Guides – Attached to the loadattachment plate, the strip guide minimizes theair gap created when the strip seal enters a rampbeneath the load attachment plate. The stripguide also keeps material from entering the areabetween the strip seal and the load attachmentplate.•Anodized Actuator Body – Clear hard anodizecoating resists corrosion.TemperatureTemperature Range: 0°C to 60°C (32°F to 140°F)Extreme temperatures create tolerance problems due to thedifferent thermal expansion coefficients of aluminum andsteel. Please consult the factory if your application exceedsthe temperature range above.HumidityER Series actuators are designed to provide basic protection against humidity. Protection is improved with the introduction of an optional breather tube. The positive pressure keeps moisture outside of the actuator body. Alternatively, the breather tube may be vented to a non-humid environment away from the application.Particle ContaminationER Series products are enclosed and IP30 sealed. This provides generally good protection against particle contaminants. If particles are especially small, a breather tube may be fitted to pressurize the actuator body or vent it. LiquidsPlease consult the factory if the actuator is directly exposed to liquids, in particular aggressive fluids, or if the actuator is in a particularly wet environment.Clean Room RequirementsClean room applications often require modifications to actuators to make the products permissible in clean room environments. Special lubricants, bearing materials, seals, motors and couplers may be required to prepare an actuator for clean room environments. Parker has tested the ER for clean room rating (belt drive at Class 1000, screw drive at Class 100). Please consult the factory with your needs.Environmental ConsiderationsRodless Actuators feature durable designs, but their useful lives may be compromised by environmental factors. Temperature, humidity and particle contamination can affect an actuator's performance and useful life. Both system types provide basic protection to the drive transmissions and bearings.Environmental ConsiderationsER Series Rodless Actuators Special ModificationsPreloaded Ball ScrewsThe introduction of a second ball nut, preloaded against the first ball nut, eliminates backlash in the ball screw. This option is available on all ball screw-actuator combinations.Precision Ground Ball Screws Substituting a precision ground ball screw for the standard rolled ball screw improves lead error and overall system accuracy.Extended and Non-StandardStroke LengthsWhere high linearspeed is not crucial tothe performance of thesystem, it may bepossible to extend thestandard length of anysize actuator. Screwcritical speed is afunction of thediameter of the screwand the distance between its bearing supports. Additionally, non-standard or intermediate stroke lengths are available for a nominal charge. Consult the factory for any special stroke needs.Shortened, Extended andDual CarriagesNon-standard carriage lengths and dual carriages are available for special applications.Breather Tube OptionThe aluminum actuator housing is an ideal platform for the installation of air fittings. Breather tubes may be fitted to either create positive pressurization (air purge) or create a vacuum to minimize particle contamination.High Temperature Modifications Aluminum and steel have different thermal expansion coefficients. It may be necessary to modify the fit tolerances on certain parts to accommodate extreme temperatures. Contact the factory if the application environment exceeds the recommended operating temperature range. External Linear Potentiometer Attached to the actuator by a standard bracket mount, the external linear potentiometer can accommodate stroke lengths from 153 to 3356 mm. Repeatability is 0.01% of full stroke. Available in 4-20mA or 0-10 VDC, the enclosure has an IP67 rating and is designed to meet CE requirements.Special LubricantsThe Automation Actuator Division has provided special lubrication for drive screws and thrust tubes as specified by the customer. Non-silicon based greases are available for clean room and vacuum-rated applications. Washdown Applications• Special Coatings• Stainless Steel Components•FDA Approved for Food Applications Have any other special needs?Please consult the factory.。



A Study on Roll Damping Estimation for Non Periodic MotionToru KatayamaGraduate school of engineering, Osaka Prefecture UniversityJun UmedaGraduate school of engineering, Osaka Prefecture UniversityHirotada HashimotoGraduate school of engineering, Osaka UniversityBurak YıldızFaculty of Naval Architecture and Maritime, Yildiz Technical UniversityABSTRACTIkeda’s estimation method is well-known as a prediction method of the roll damping. It is developed with theoretical and experimental backgrounds for periodical roll motion. However, it is difficult to apply it to estimation of transitional and non-periodical roll motion problems (i.e. roll motion and parametric rolling in irregular waves, broaching to capsize etc). In this study, an estimation method of bilge-keel component of non-periodic roll damping for time domain is investigated. Firstly, an estimation method for bilge-keel component of roll damping for time-domain is proposed. This method is based on Ikeda`s prediction method, the drag coefficients are based on an empirical formula of flat plate. Secondly, the estimated results are compared with measured results by irregular forced rolling test. Finally, parametric rolling in irregular waves is calculated by using the estimation method of bilge-keel component in time-domain. The difference of calculated roll motions by using the proposed method and Ikeda’s original method is shown. KEYWORDSbilge-keel component, Keulegan-Carpenter number, drag coefficient, transitional motion, time-domain simulationINTRODUCTIONIt is important to evaluate stability of vessel (especially roll motion) in order to sail safely. For accurate prediction of stability, it is significant to estimate hydrodynamic forces acting on ship with accuracy. However, it is not easy to estimate roll damping, which includes significant viscous effects. It is well known that there is a prediction method of roll damping proposed by Ikeda’s et al.(1976) (1977) (1978). It is developed with theoretical and experimental backgrounds for periodical motion. However, it is difficult to apply it to estimation of transitional and non-periodical roll motion problems (i.e. roll motion and parametric rolling in irregular waves, broaching to capsize etc). An approximate transformation is necessary in order to apply it to non-periodic rolling in time domain simulation. The purpose of this study is to propose an estimation method of bilge-keelcomponent of roll damping for time domain simulation. Finally, parametric rolling in irregular wave is calculated by using the estimation method of bilge-keel component in time-domain. The effects of the estimation method on occurrence of parametric rolling are shown.BILGE-KEEL COMPONENT OF ROLL DAMPING FOR TIME DOMAIN SIMULATONIkeda ’s method and change of the methodBilge-keel component of roll damping is composed of normal force component on bilge-keels and hull surface pressure component. The normal force component is calculated by Eq.(1) using a drag coefficient of flat plate expressed by Eq.(2). The hull surface pressure component is calculated by Eq.(3). The coefficient C P in Eq.(3) is divided into the pressure coefficient C P + on front face of bilge-keels and the pressure coefficient C P - on back face of bilge-keels. And the pressure coefficient C P - is calculated by Eq.(4) using C D expressed by Eq.(2). The hull surface pressure component can be obtained from the integration which is shown in Fig.1. Length of negative pressure region S 0, depends on the Keulegan-Carpenter number, and it is calculated by Eq.(5),()22221lf l C b l M D BK BK BKN φφρ = (1) 4.215.22a BK +⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=f l b C D φπ (2)dG l C f l M G p p BKH ⎰⋅=φφρ 2221 (3) D D PC C C C -=-=+-2.1p(4)95.13.0/BK a BK 0+⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛=f b l b S φπ(5) where l BK and b BK is the length and breadth of the bilge-keel and l is the distance from the roll axis to the tip of the bilge-keel. φa is roll amplitude. f is a correction factor to takeaccount of the increment of flow velocity at thebilge.There are two problems to apply Ikeda ’s original method to roll damping calculation in time domain. The first one is that the drag coefficient acting on the bilge-keel is drag coefficient of flat plate in steady oscillation and it is constant for one swing (from stop to stop). It is observed that drag coefficient of flat plate in steady oscillation is different from value for time-domain according to the previous study (Katayama et al.,(2010)). The other is the memory effects. It was pointed out that the vortexes created by previous swings affect roll damping in time domain.W.L+P−Fig.1 Assumed pressure distribution on the hullsurface created by bilge-keels.Estimation method of Roll Damping of non-periodic motionThe empirical formula of the drag coefficientof flat plate in time domain is used to solve the problems.Under one-way acceleration, the drag coefficient C Dacc of flat plate for time-domain can be obtained as follows,)2500(01.112.1908.≤<⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛++⨯⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+--++=----d Kc Kc Kc Kc Kc D Dacc Kc e e e e C C d d d d d (6) Pd D yKc Kc ⋅==π2 (7)where C D0 is the drag coefficient under uniform flow. K C number for Eq.(6) is obtained from Eq.(7). y in Eq.(7) is a moving distance from the starting position.The drag coefficient under steady oscillation is obtained from Eq.(8). K C number for Eq.(8) is obtained from Eq.(9), )2500(01.112.1908.0)≤<⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛++⨯++=--a Kc Kc Kc D DperiKc e e C C a a a (8)Paa D y Kc Kc ⋅==π2 (9)where y A is amplitude of steady oscillation. In the previous paper (Katayama et al. (2010)), it is confirmed that the drag coefficient in each swing of steady oscillation is gradually increasing, and after the 4th swing the drag coefficient becomes constant. These characteristics are also expressed by an empirical formula in the paper. In order to apply it to time domain estimation of drag coefficient, the following equation is proposed,⎪⎭⎪⎬⎫⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧-⨯⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-+⨯=3111100n C C C C C C D Dperi D Dacc D Daccn (10) where n is the number of swing (n = 1,2,3 and 4). In Eq.(10), it is assumed that the drag coefficient in first swing is C Dacc and the drag coefficient that is increased from the 1st swing to the 4th swing according to the ratio of C Dperi and C D1 is C Daccn . The drag coefficient of flat plate for 1st swing in steady oscillation is C D1 and obtained by following equation. K C number for Eq.(11) is obtained from Eq.(9),)2500(01.112.1908.00.172.896.12.1342.578.≤<⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛++⨯⎪⎭⎪⎬⎫⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧+--+=----Kc e e e e C C Kc KcKc Kc KcD D (11) C D in Eq.(2) is replaced with drag coefficient in time-domain to estimate bilge-keel component in time-domain. Considering the increment of flow velocity at the bilge, drag coefficient of bilge-keel is obtained from Eq.(12) with replacing Eq.(8) and Eq.(14) with replacing Eq.(6). K C number in Eq.(12) is obtained by using Eq.(13). K C number in Eq.(14) is obtained from Eq.(15), ()⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛++⨯++=⋅⋅-⋅-Kc f Kc f Kc f D Dperie e C C 01.112.1908. b l Kc Kc φπ== (13))14(01.112.1908.⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛++⨯⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+--++=⋅⋅-⋅-⋅-⋅-d d d d dKc f Kc f Kc f Kc f Kc f D Dacc e e e eC C BKd b l Kc Kc 2φπ== (15) where φ is a moving distance from the starting position where angular velocity of roll is zero. Considering the memory effects on bilge-keel component, the drag coefficient for 1st swing is expressed as Eq.(16) with K C number in Eq.(13). The drag coefficient for each swing can be obtained by substituting the drag coefficient in Eq.(12),(14) and (16) for Eq.(10).)16(01.112.1908.00.172.896.12.1342.578.⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛++⨯⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+--++=⋅⋅-⋅-⋅-⋅-Kc f Kc f Kc f Kc f Kcf D D e e e eC CCOMPARISON OF ESTIMATED ANDMEASURED RESULTSMeasurement method of Roll DampingRoll damping of bilge-keel component acting on the two dimension model with bilge-keel are measured. The principal particulars of two dimensional model are shown in Table1.Estimated results are compared with measured results in irregular forced rolling..Fig.2 Schematic view of forced rolling device.The model is fixed by a forced rolling device (shown in Fig.2), and it is forced rolling. Roll angle and damping moment are measured. Roll damping is obtained from subtracting the inertia moment and restoring moment from the measured moment. Eddy component accounts for small percentage of roll damping and can be ignored. Frictional component is obtained by following equation.φφρ F f f F C r S M 321= (17) In estimation of the coefficient of friction, Reynolds number in time-domain is used, whose characteristic length is moving distance from the starting position where angular velocity of roll is zero. Three estimation methods of bilge-keel component are compared. The drag coefficient in the formulas is different for each method. The first one uses the drag coefficient, which changes in every time step, depends on Kc d number expressed by Eq.(15). The second one uses the drag coefficient considering memory effect on the bilge-keel component by Eq.(10). The third one uses the constant drag coefficient depends on Kc number expressed by Eq.(13).Irregular motion testFig.3 shows comparison of the measured and the three estimated results in time-domain. The upper, middle and bottom figure of Fig.3 show the roll angles, the roll damping, and the drag coefficient in time-domain, respectively. The result of the second method shows the value of roll damping becomes maximum before the velocity become maximum.In the case, the results show that estimated results of the method considering memory effect on the bilge-keel component are best agreement with measured result in the three methods.1520−20−10010201520−0.200.21520255075time roll[deg]M[Nm][sec]time [sec]time C D[sec]C Dperi with Kc a numberC Dacc with Kc d number measured dataC Daccn with Kc d numberFig.3 Results of irregular motion test.TIME DOMAIN SIMULATION USING PROPOSED METHODParametric rolling in irregular waves is calculated to investigate the effects of the proposed method.The sample ship and calculation methodFig.8 and Table 2 shows body plan and principal particulars of the sample ship.The numerical simulation model (Hashimoto and Umeda, 2010) is used for calculations. In the simulation, roll damping component is estimated by two methods. The first one is a simplified method using Ikeda’s original method which is used originally in the numerical simulation, and the other one is the proposed method in this study, which includes the estimation method for bilge-keel component by using the drag coefficient considering memory effects in time-domain. In the simplified method, roll damping is estimated at changed roll amplitudes systematically in roll natural period by Ikeda’s original method. And roll damping in the simulation is calculated by interpolation of the results. The roll amplitude is calculated by Eq.(18) with the roll angle and the roll angular velocity in each time step.222⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+=e a ωφφφ(18)The simulation is carried out at F n =0.083 in irregular head waves whose significant wave height is 6.0m. The spectrum of irregular wave is the ITTC spectrum expressed by Eq.(19).⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛⨯-⨯=423/15211.3exp 0081.0)(ωωωH g S (19)To make irregular waves, the spectrum whose range of wave period is T e /T φ=0.45~0.65 is divided into 60, and a sine wave of each frequency component is superposed. In addition, the phase difference of each frequency component is given as random number.Roll motions and roll damping in time histories are compared between two methods and the effect of the difference of estimation methods on prediction of the parametric rolling.– Body plan of the sample ship.Table 2 Principal particulars of the subject ship and waveSimulated resultsFig.9 shows comparison between the two calculated roll motions in time-domain. In the result of the proposed method, periodic motion occurs. On the other hand, in the result of the simplified method, periodic motion does not occur. It is confirmed that parametric rolling occurs more easily in the proposed method than in simplified method. Fig.10 shows histogram of roll angles for two methods. The results show that frequency of amplitudes over 5 degrees in the proposed method is higher than that in the simplified method. Therefore,it is confirmed that roll amplitudes of the proposed method become larger than the simplified method.6008001000−2020Roll[deg]t[sec]proposed methodsimplified method using Ikeda's original methodFig.9 Time history of simulated roll motions.Fig.10 Histogram of roll amplitudeCONCLUSIONSIn this paper, an estimation method of bilge-keel component of roll damping in time-domain is proposed based on an empirical formula of drag coefficient of flat plate. The bilge-keel component acting on the two dimension model with bilge-keels is measured, and compared with the estimated result. The estimated result shows better agreement with the measured one.The estimation method is applied for a time domain simulation of parametric rolling in irregular head waves (Hashimoto and Umeda, 2010). And it is confirmed that roll amplitudes become larger easily, because the estimated roll damping is slightly smaller than the simplified method which is used originally in the simulation. REFERENCESHashimoto, H. and Umeda, N., “A Study on QuantitativePrediction of Parametric Roll in Regular Waves”, Proceedings of the 11th International Ship Stability Workshop, Stability Workshop, 2010, pp.295-301 Katayama T., Yoshioka Y ., and Kakinoki T., “A Study on Bilge-keel component of Roll Damping for Time Domain Simulation ”, Proceedings of the 12th International ShipStability Workshop, 2011,Katayama T., Yoshioka Y ., Kakinoki T. and Ikeda Y ., “SomeTopics for Estimation of Bilge-keel Component of Roll Damping ”, Proceedings of the 11th International Ship Stability Workshop , 2010, pp.225-230.Ikeda Y ., Himeno Y . and Tanaka N., “On Roll Damping Forceof ship - Effects of Friction of Hull and Normal Force of Bilge Keels-”, Journal of Kansai Society of Naval Architects, Japan , V ol. 161, 1976, pp.41-49.Ikeda Y ., Komatsu K., Himeno Y . and Tanaka N., “On RollDamping Force of Ship -Effects of Hull Surface Pressure Created by Bilge Keels ”, Journal of Kansai Society of Naval Architects, Japan , V ol. 165, 1977, pp.31-40. Ikeda Y ., Osa K. and Tanaka N. : Viscous Forces Acting onirregularly Oscillating Circular Cylinders and Flat Plate, Proceedings of 6th International Symposium on Offshore Mechanics & Arctic Engineering, V ol.1, 1987.。



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Optimistic Protocols for Fair ExchangeAbstract: We describe a generic protocol for fair exchange of electronic goods with non-repudiation. Goods can be signatures (i.e., non-repudiation tokens of public data), confidential data, or payments. The protocol does not involve a third party in the exchange in the fault-less case but only for recovery.1. IntroductionMany commercial transactions can be modelled as a sequence of exchanges of electronic goods involving two or more parties. An exchange among several parties begins with an under-standing about what item each party will contribute to the exchange and what it expects to receive at the end of it. A desirable requirement for exchange is fairness. A fair exchange should guarantee that at the end of the exchange, either each party has received what it expects to receive or no party has received anything.One example for fair exchange is non-repudiation of message transmission which is, in essence, a fair exchange of the message and a non-repudiation of receipt token for the message. In several draft documents, ISO [ISO1, ISO2, ISO3] defines non-repudiation services for transmission of messages and describes protocols that provide them. In particular they define:• non-repudiation of origin which guarantees that the originator of a message cannot later falsely repudiate having originated that message, and• non-repudiation of receipt which guarantees that the recipient of a message cannot falsely repudiate having received that message (the ISO draft documents use the term “non-repudiation of delivery”).A straightforward solution for the fair exchange problem, used in these ISO proposals, is to use a third party to ensure fairness by, for example, receiving the items to be exchanged and the expectations of the participants in a first step and forwarding them in the next. A drawback of this approach is that the third party is always involved in the exchange even if both parties are honest and no fault occurred. Sending messages via a third party can in practice lead to performance problems as it becomes a bottleneck. To avoid such a bottleneck, the third party can be required to have powerful computation and communication facilities – in this case, its operation will be an expensive undertaking.Proc. 4th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, Zürich, 1997In this paper, we describe generic protocols for fair exchange which do not involve a third party in the exception-less case: the third party is only involved in the presence of faults or in the case of dishonest participants who do not follow the protocol. The generic fair exchange protocol is “generic”because different types of items, such as data, signatures, or value (in the rest of this document, we use the more common term “payment,” which really means a transfer of value) can be exchanged.The two-party generic protocol requires at most five messages in the exception-less case. Each party has to sign one message only, which is obviously the minimum for signature-based non-repudiation. The degree of fairness guaranteed by the protocol depends on certain properties of the items to be exchanged: if the third party can undo a transfer of an item (so called revocability; like the “undo” of credit-card based payment systems [BGHH 95]) or if it is able to produce a replacement for it (so called generatability; such as signing a replacement receipt [PWP 90]) the protocol achieves true fairness. Otherwise, the third party can only issue affidavits attesting to what happened during the exchange. We call this weak fairness, since the parties will have to use the affidavits in an external dispute resolution system, such as a court of law, to achieve fairness. In an environment where most parties do not attempt to cheat, the optimistic approach can provide efficient protocols for most types of fair exchange without creating performance bottlenecks or sacrificing the overall security.In addition, we propose instantiations of the generic protocol for selected items to be exchanged, such as contract signing and certified mail (i.e., a protocol for non-repudiation of delivery and receipt). In a related report [AsSW 96b], an extension to the multi-party case is described in detail.2. Previous WorkThe difference between third parties that are actively involved in a protocol and third parties that are used only in case of exceptions was first explained in [DeMe 83]. Bürk and Pfitzmann [BüPf 90] used the latter, optimistic, approach in the fair exchange of money for goods. The protocol described in our paper is the first proposal for fair exchange of generic items. Several solutions for specific instances of the fair exchange problem have been proposed previously:N. AsokanIBM Research DivisionZürich Research LaboratorySäumerstrasse 4CH-8803 Rüschlikon, Switzerland <aso@>Matthias SchunterUniversität HildesheimInstitut für InformatikMarienburger Platz 22D-31141 Hildesheim,Germany<schunter@>Michael WaidnerIBM Research DivisionZürich Research LaboratorySäumerstrasse 4CH-8803 Rüschlikon, Switzerland<wmi@>• certified mail: fair exchange of a message and possiblya non-repudiation of origin token against a non-repudiationof receipt token,• contract signing: fair exchange of signatures on a contract, and• payment with receipt: fair exchange of a payment fora receipt.For certified mail, most practically relevant protocols are of the same type as those in the ISO documents: they involve a third party even in the exception-less case [e.g., Ford 94, Grim 93, Herd1 95, Herd2 95, ZhGo 96]. In cryptologic protocols for certified mail [Blum 82, Gold 82, BaTy 94], the goal is to achieve fairness without a third party, which necessarily implies a probabilistic definition of fairness [EvYa 80]. It is achieved by the gradual release of secrets over many rounds: during each round, some knowledge about the message and/or the tokens are revealed. If either party stops before the protocol run is complete, both parties are left with comparable knowledge and, if one assumes comparable computational capabilities, both are able to computationally recover their respective expected items of information (message and/or non-repudiation tokens) to the same extent.Contract signing without a third party can also be based on the same gradual release of secrets approach [EvGL 85]: the signatures on the contract are released gradually. Assuming that both parties have similar computational capabilities, both parties are able to reconstruct the signed contract to roughly the same extent at any time during a protocol run. Another approach is the gradual increase of privileges[BGMR 90] in which the probability that the contract will be deemed valid is increased gradually over several rounds until it is “1” in the last round. This removes the requirement that both parties have similar computational capabilities. A contract signing protocol which is similar to our instantiation of the generic protocol has been proposed by B. Pfitzmann in [Pfit 95].Due to their gradual approach, cryptologic protocols for certified mail or contract signing are expensive with respect to communication and computation: the knowledge or privilege is increased gradually and the probability of success and the fairness is related to the number of messages exchanged between originator and recipient.Practical protocols for payment with receipt are normally not described as separate protocols which are independent of the payment mechanism used but rather included as receipt mechanisms into specific payment systems [BGHH 95]. In [PWP 90], Pfitzmann et al. described a protocol for fair exchange of payment and receipt where the “bank” generates a receipt in case the payee refuses to do so. Bürk and Pfitzmann [BüPf 90] extended this to a protocol for payment for receipt where a third party is only involved in case of an exception. Our protocol can be considered as a generalisation of the protocol of [BüPf 90].3. A Generic Protocol for Fair Exchange3.1 Service Description for Fair ExchangeA two-party exchange exchanges electronic goods between two participants, O (for “originator) and R (for “recipient”). We consider three types of electronic goods: confidential data, money (payments), and signatures on public data. In order to start an exchange, each party X (one of O and R) has to input the following parameters:1. itemXthe item X wants to send1.2. descrXa description of itemX, detailed enough to identify all important properties of the item to the person receiving it.For example, the description of contract can be the text of the contract.3. expectX(descrX, descrY) a predicate which formalises the expectation of a participant. It evaluates to true if the user X is satisfied when receiving an item described by descrYin exchange for an item described by descrX.4. fits(descr, item) a predicate which evaluates to true if thedescription fits the item. This predicate cannot be evaluated automatically for some types of items. For example, a computer can check if the value transferred in a payment is a $20 whereas it is not practical to check if a picture depicts a sunrise. For those types of items whose descriptions cannot be checked automatically, the human user may be prompted whether he likes the item received. Alternatively, if the user discovers a mismatch after the protocol run is completed, he can be allowed to use the evidence generated during the protocol to raise a dispute at a human arbiter.In Section 4.1, we list possible choices for descr and fits() for different types of items. The service outputs to each party X1. itemYthe item X has received from the other participant Y, and2. descrYa description of its promised properties.The service also results in some evidence, including non-repudiation tokens. The user can retrieve the evidence from the system and use it to prove properties of the exchange to an arbiter. In case of a dispute, a dispute protocol is executed between one participant of the exchange in the role of the prover and any other (honest) player in the role of the arbiter: depending on the exchange protocol and the property to be proven, additional participants in the exchange may also be required to participate in the dispute in the role of witnesses. Input to the dispute protocol are the statement to be proven and the evidence output by the exchange protocol. Example statements that can be proved are:• A given party sent a given item (Non-repudiation of origin)• A given party received a given item (Non-repudiation of receipt)• The complete exchange took place (Non-repudiation of the exchange)• The parties agreed on what to exchange3.2 Protocol DescriptionWe propose the generic fair exchange protocol shown in Figure 1 to Figure 3. It exchanges different types of data with non-repudiation of origin and receipt. It is based on asymmetric cryptography, namely, an arbitrary digital signature scheme with the necessary certification infrastructure, a collision-free one-way function h(), and a commitment scheme consisting of a procedure commit() to commit to an item and open() to verify if an opened commitment fits an item. We require from the commitment that• nobody can change its contents without invalidating it, and• nobody can get any information about its contents unless the committer explicitly opens it.1 The item may also be input at a later stage: for example, acertain party may decide to spend the effort of putting its item together only after the other party has committed to the exchange (or perhaps after actually receiving the item from the other party).We assume that recipients of signatures or outputs of the one-way function check their validity even though we do not depict it in our figures. The protocol is not symmetrical. It guarantees only weak fairness for the originator if no item exchanged is revocable or generatable. Otherwise, and for the recipient,strong fairness is guaranteed.Let O denote the originating party that initiates the protocol, T the third party that ensures fairness, and R the recipient of theinitiation message. Each party, P , has a pair of public and secret key of a digital signature scheme. For a message m ,sign P (m ) denotes the digital signature of P computed on m . We assume that m and a return address (potentially anonymous) of the signer can be retrieved from sign P (m ) in order to allow T to contact the signer. This can be achieved in any signature scheme by appending the anonymous address to the text to be signed.T ORIn: item O , descr O , expect O ()In: item R , descr R , expect R ()expect O (descr O ,descr R )?open (item O , key O , com O )?fits (descr O , item O )?O ut: item O ,NRO Token: (m 1, key O , com O )NRR Token: (m 1, m 2, r O )Out: item R ,NRO Token: (m 2, key R , com R ,)NRR Token: (m 1, m 2, r R )m := item , key m := item , r ,key Figure 1 Optimistic Protocol for Exchange with Non-repudiation of Origin and Receipt (NRO and NRR denote non-repudiation of origin and receipt, respectively. Thick arrows denote sub-protocols)We use a synchronous timing model by assuming that there exist global rounds which include the time needed for transmission and processing of messages. We define an overall maximum time limit, active-time t, up to which a run of the protocol can remain active. The state of the run at the end of the active-time is final. We assume that only the connections between each party and T is reliable. In practice this can be implemented by a variety of ways:• choosing a much higher time-out than for other connections, or•falling back on comparatively more reliable media for communicating with T (e.g. from a connection over a packet-switched network, one can imagine falling back to a dial-up connection, and then to a dedicated line), or •actually “visiting” a real arbiter such as a court.This would result in three phases: first, the parties try to exchange the items without a third party, then they try a recovery with a third party, and finally, each computer outputs all evidence and any participant may visit a court.Figure 1 depicts the generic exchange protocol. The basic idea of the protocol is that the originator O and the recipient R start by promising each other an exchange of items (two flows). If they do not agree on the exchange (e.g., the price of the goods)the protocol is aborted. Otherwise they proceed to exchange the items along with non-repudiation tokens (three flows).Sending certain items (e.g., a payment) may require a sub-protocol containing several messages. Potential involvement of sub-protocols is represented by the use of a thick grey arrow.If no exception occurs, the protocol only consists of these five flows and does not involve T . This is the case if O and R are willing to perform the exchange, and the network is functional 2. If this is not the case, O, R, and T start an error-recovery phase. Recovery initiated by O is depicted in Figure 2.Recovery initiated by R is depicted in Figure 3. The initiator of the recovery phase will send T the messages of the initial agreement with the other party.We now describe the protocol depicted in Figure 1 to Figure 3in detail. To start the protocol, each party inputs the service parameters as described above. Message m 1 fixes O’s view of the parameters. It contains the following items:• which third party T is to be used in case of an exception,• an address of the recipient R,• two commitments to the random values y O , and r O in the form of images of the one-way function h (),• the active-time limit t (see Section 3.3),• the description descr O of the item, and•a commitment com O to the item computed using the commit() procedure of a cryptographic string commitment scheme, where possible.The commitments to the random values are used to save signatures by committing to a value x with one signature and later releasing it to authenticate an additional message.Naturally, these authentications can also be replaced by signing the messages with any given signature mechanism.This enables the protocol to produce non-repudiation tokens in a given format signed with a given signature system. In the protocol, y O can later be used to signal in a non-repudiable way that the third party T is to become involved, r O for non-repudiation of receipt (NRR) to signal that O received item R ,respectively.2 This includes the case that any lower-layer error-recoveryof the network was successful.The commitment com O is used to provide non-repudiation of origin (NRO) for the item. If the item is “intangible” (e.g. a payment), it is not possible to construct a commitment to it.However, the sub-protocol used for sending such an intangible item may itself provide an NRO token, making it unnecessary to provide a separate one. If an NRO token is still necessary,one can leave the commitment empty, i.e., just fix the description and authenticate the non-repudiation of an item matching it by releasing key O . Whenever the transfer of an item in a round (e.g. m 3) involves a sub-protocol, the additional information necessary for the NRO token is sent in an additional message.If R does not agree with the exchange parameters after having received m 1 from O , it aborts. If it agrees, it sends m 2containing a commitment to the item to be sent together with its description and some commitments to random values. With m 2, R acknowledges that it will send its item after having received m 3 containing the item it expects. Again, three pre-images are fixed for the same purposes as in m 1. If R sends m 2,both parties have agreed on the exchange and the protocol continues.O sends its item, and opens the commitment by sending its key. R checks that the commitment contained this item and checks if the description fits. R then sends its item and pre-image for the NRR token together with its key to open the commitment. If O does not receive the message or if the item does not fit the commitment or its description, it starts its recovery procedure (Figure 2). Otherwise, it sends the pre-image for the NRR token. If this pre-image is not received by R , R starts its recovery procedure (Figure 3). If no fault occurred, both participants store their items and non-repudiation tokens and the protocol ends.Recovery for O includes the following steps: in case O does notreceive what it expects in m 4, it sends a message ˜mcontaining the initial agreement to T and authenticates the wish to involve T by revealing y O . T checks the message and then provides a reliable channel between O and R via T through which O can replay m 3 to R as a first attempt (how to replay sub-protocols is examined in more detail in Section 3.7). R is then expected to reply with m 4. If the item in the replay of m 3 fits the description or the commitment and R nevertheless does not reply, T is convinced that R does not follow the protocol since we assumed that the network connection between T and R is reliable. It can therefore issue an affidavit m T in the form of a signed statement certifying that all the messages and itemsfixed in ˜mwere actually sent to R within the specified time (note that all messages in the protocol, including the affidavit,are implicitly tied to the timestamp t which is included in m 1).It is presumed that the affidavit can thereafter be used as evidence or to initiate revocation or replacement of an item. If R does reply with message m 4 to T, T can forward it to O. The protocol can then continue or R can ask T for message m 5constituting the NRR token for R together with the messages of the initial agreement .In case R does not receive m 5 after having sent m 4, it can engage in a similar recovery. Due to the asymmetry inherent in the protocol, T can in fact provide R with a strong fairness guarantee: R never sends the item it promised unless it has already received the item promised to it; Also, T can generate a replacement for a NRR token on behalf of O if O did not respond during recovery for R .It is useful to identify when a protocol run is considered “completed.” From the point of view of a party P , if a run of the protocol outputs the expected items (and non-repudiation tokens), then the protocol run is considered completed for P .The items already output to an honest party at the completion of a protocol run will not be invalidated. If the other party Q initiates a recovery afterwards, then the messages P has to send during this recovery is not part of the earlier protocol runanymore (it is either just a replay of some message flows from the earlier run or proving properties of it). At the end of active-time limit, the protocol is definitely completed for all parties.m T := sign T (h ()) or sign T (“Cancel”, h (m ))~:=m 1, m 2, y Oif [the received messages fit together] then retransmit m , observable by TOTRFigure 2 Recovery for Om T := sig n T (h (m ))~m 12Rif [the received messages fit together] thenRTO Figure 3 Recovery for R3.3 Time-OutsThe only critical time-out of the generic protocol in Section 3we have mentioned so far is the active-time limit t specifying the absolute time at T when the protocol ends . This time-limit ensures a consistent view of all honest participants. The state at time t is not changed afterwards: after this time everybody (and R in particular) will be sure that the status of an exchange is definitely final and will not be changed anymore. We expresst in terms of the local clock at T since T is the only entity that makes decisions based on the active-time limit in a way that has an impact on the correctness of the protocol from the point of view of other entities: if T will not accept recovery requests after a certain time t’, i.e., if T decides that a recovery request came too late, no fairness may be provided to the party requesting recovery. In practice however, both O and R have to know the time on T’s clock in order to agree on the active-time limit as well as to compute local time-outs within rounds.Hence, we require a model in which clocks of all parties aresynchronised (i.e., all parties have real-time clocks, and the differences between all local clocks of honest parties are limited by a constant).To allow the parties to determine a reasonable active time, each party in the role of T will announce an estimated turn-aroundtime tT within which it will process exception requests fromother parties.. T will also have a policy pT , expressed as afunction of t (variable, chosen by the parties of an exchange)and tT (constant, chosen by T) which indicates the time afterwhich T will not accept exception-handling requests from O orR. For example, pT may be t-2tT. All pending exceptions mustbe processed by time t.In addition to these, each party has to decide on local time-outs after sending out critical messages. A critical message is one such that if it is sent, an appropriate response must be obtained or, if such a response does not arrive, some alternate action must be taken instead of simply abandoning the protocol run.In the case of O, m3 is a critical message. In the case of R, m4iscritical. In the case of T, the retransmission of the messages sent by O or R to each other via T are critical messages.When O sends out m3, it will start a local timer to determinewhen it should invoke T by sending˜m. The value τO of thistime-out should be computed based on several factors: the overall active-time limit that was agreed upon earlier, the time that has passed since the protocol run has begun, and possibly expected network latency and processing delay at R’s end. The exact computation can be at best based on some rules of thumb.R has a similar time-out τR . For example, if O sends out thecritical message m3 at time instant t’, and it estimates that theexpected communication delay between it and T to be tOT , thenthe estimate for τO will be pT(t,tT)- tOT. If O prefers to use asafety factor s in its estimate, τO becomes t’ + (1-s)( pT(t,tT)- tO T- t’).Similarly, T has to decide on a time-out τT value for the periodstarting from the instant m3 was replayed via T to R to theinstant when T decides to issue an affidavit.In general, every protocol step that is based on whether a response was received or not (the [time-out] conditions in the protocol pictures), a specific time-out value needs to be computed.3.4 RequirementsWe now give the requirements for the originator O. The requirements for the recipient R can be obtained by exchanging O and R. For each requirement, we first list the set of parties which are assumed to be honest and are expected behave correctly (a party is considered to misbehave if it does not respond to a critical message that is valid):I. Unforgeability of Non-repudiation TokensA. If O and T are honest, nobody other than O can create avalid non-repudiation token of O.II. The Role of the Third Party.A. If T and O are honest, T does not create affidavits in thename of O.B. If T and O are honest, T creates affidavits in the name ofR, if R does not behave correctly.III. No Unconditional Trust in the Third PartyA. If O is honest, no non-repudiation token or affidavitcan be produced by T without O’s part of the initialagreement.IV. Meaning of Non-repudiation TokensA. If an arbiter A, T, and O are honest and a non-repudiation of origin or receipt token for an item isoutput to O, then O can convince A that R sent orreceived the item, respectively.B. If an arbiter A is honest and no non-repudiation oforigin (or receipt) token for an item is output to R,then R cannot convince A that O sent (or received) theitemV. Weak Fairness of ExchangeA. If T and O are honest and if O does not receiveeverything necessary to satisfy its expectations,namely• NR tokens,• the committed item or an affidavit from TthenR does not get any of• any additional knowledge about the item sent by O except its description,• or a NR-token,• or an affidavit.VI. Strong Fairness of ExchangeA. Strong fairness is the same as weak fairness except thatan affidavit does not satisfy the expectations.In Section 3.5, we will argue in an informal manner that our protocol meets the requirements of weak fairness for O and strong fairness for R. If the item promised by O is revocable or that promised by R is generatable by T, strong fairness can be achieved for both participants.3.5 SecurityNow, we describe informally why our protocol meets the requirements listed in the previous section.Unforgeability of non-repudiation tokens follows from the assumptions that:• The signature scheme is secure (this implies security of certification, too), and• the item cannot be changed without invalidating the commitments.The first two requirements on the role of the third party (T) state that T will not create affidavits and replacement items in the name of a correctly behaving party but can do so in the name of an incorrectly behaving party. When T is invoked it first checks to see if the party invoking T did in fact send out a critical, valid message. For example, if O invokes T, T first checks to see if the commitment messages (m1and m2) are in order, linked by the inclusion of h(m1) into m2, and that the complaint is about a critical message of O, namely m3. If m2is valid, then only R could have created it given our assumptions about the security of the digital signature scheme. Therefore, if T decides to replay m3to R, then R must have committed to the protocol. Since the channel between R and T is assumed to be reliable, R is guaranteed to receive T’s replaying of m3. Thus, once R receives the message containing the valid item, all of its expectations must have been met. If R is behaving correctly, it can reply with m4. and T will not send an affidavit (or a replacement item) in the name of R. T generates replacements only if it receives no response from R; but since we assumed reliable communication this happens only when R is misbehaving.If R invokes T,T can check that m1and m2are in order and relay m4to O. At this point, all of O’s expectations must have been met. Therefore, if O does not release rOto complete the NRR token, T can issue a replacement NRR token to R since it is clear that O does not behave correctly.No unconditional trust in the third party T is required since both messages m1and m2containing the name of T must be included in any valid non-repudiation token or affidavit issued by T,。
