A. 表面可见棕黑色树脂斑块与黄白色木部相间的斑纹B.质坚硬而重,皆能沉水或半沉水C.气芳香D.燃烧时,发出浓烟及强烈香气并有黑色油状物渗出3、呈纽扣状,一面隆起,一面微凹,表面灰绿色密被银灰丝状茸毛。
A.蓼科植物B.毛茛科植物C.唇形科植物D.豆科植物10、具有“散风退热、升阳、疏肝”功效的中药是A. 黄芪B.山楂C.柴胡D.丹参E.人参11、下列生药中,主要活性成分不是生物碱的是()。
A. 麻黄B.肉桂C.川贝D.五味子E.红花14、红参的干燥方法是()。
第二单元1、人能创造物质。 第二单元 、人能创造物质。 2、运动是物质的唯一特征 、 3构成人类社会基本要素的客观性集中体现了人类 构成人类社会基本要素的客观性集中体现了人类 社会的物质性。 社会的物质性。 4、人可以创造\消灭 改造 改变规律(或联系)。 、人可以创造 消灭 改造\改变规律 或联系)。 消灭\改造 改变规律( 5、人可以创造条件,改变事物的状态,建立新的 、人可以创造条件,改变事物的状态, 规律。 规律。 6、意识是人脑的机能\意识是人脑的产物 有了人 、意识是人脑的机能 意识是人脑的产物\有了人 意识是人脑的产物 脑,就有了意识 7、人脑是产生意识的物质器官\生理基础 、人脑是产生意识的物质器官 生理基础
2.有人认为: 2.有人认为:“人与人的心灵可以跨越遥 有人认为 远的距离发生感应” 远的距离发生感应”,这是 ( ) A. 承认联系的普遍性的辩证法观点 B. 承认联系的客观性的唯物主义观点 C. 宣称虚幻联系的唯心主义观点 D. 宣称人体内存在一种神秘力量的客观 唯心主义观点
3.“自然界只是观念的‘外化’,它在 自然界只是观念的‘外化’ 时间上不能发展, 时间上不能发展,只是在空间中展示自已 的多样性” 的多样性”,这一观点是 ( ) ①客观唯心主义 ②主观唯心主义 ③形而上学观点 ④ 形而上学唯物 主义 A.①②; ①②; ③④; C.③④; B.②③; ②③; D.①④
36、规律是永恒的,不会随着客观条件的变化 、规律是永恒的, 而变化。 而变化。 37、自然界的发展离不开人的意志。 、自然界的发展离不开人的意志。 38、认识是标志着主观符合客观的哲学范畴 、 39、真理是绝对性和相对性的统一 、 40、解放思想、与时俱进是实事求是的目标和 、解放思想、 归宿。( 。(P51) 归宿。( )
2012-2013高一数学期末复习题(一)一 、选择题(本大题共10题,每小题5分) 1.右图中阴影部分表示的集合是( ▲ ) A .A C B u ⋂ B . B C A u ⋂ C .)(B A C u ⋂ D . )(B A C u ⋃2.已知向量a ()x b ,2),1,1(==,若b a +与a b 24-平行,则实数x 的值是( ▲ ) A. 2- B. 0 C. 1 D. 23.函数⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛+=32sin 4πx y 的图象( ▲ ) A.关于直线6π=x 对称 B.关于直线12π=x 对称 C.关于y 轴对称 D.关于原点对称4.函数)3sin()2sin(sin x x x y ++=()R x ∈的最小正周期为( ▲ ) A.2πB. πC. π2D. π65.设1232,2()log (1),2x e x f x x x -⎧ <⎪=⎨-≥⎪⎩,则[(2)]f f 的值为( ▲ )A. 0B. 1C. 2D. 36.下列命题正确的是( ▲ )A .α、β都是第二象限角,若sin sin αβ>,则tan tan αβ>B .α、β都是第三象限角,若cos cos αβ>,则sin sin αβ>C .α、β都是第四象限角,若sin sin αβ>,则tan tan αβ>D .α、β都是第一象限角,若cos cos αβ>,则sin sin αβ>7.如图,在四边形ABCD 中, AB ⊥BC ,AD ⊥DC .=ab ,则BDAC ⋅= ( ▲ )A .a 2-b 2B .b 2-a 2C .a 2+b 2D .ab8.若两个函数的图象经过若干次平移后能够重合,则称这两个函数为“同形”函数.给出四个函数: ()x x f 21log2=,()()2log 22+=x x f ,223log )()(x x f =,()x x f 2log)(24=. 则“同形”函数是( ▲ )A .()x f 1与()x f 2B .()x f 2与()x f 3C .()x f 1与()x f 4D .()x f 2与()x f 4 9.设函数222123()(6)(6)(6)f x x x c x x c x x c =-+-+-+,集合M ={|()0}x f x ==12345{,,,,}x x x x x ⊆*N ,设123c c c ≥≥,则13c c -=( ▲ )A .6B .8C .2D . 410.如图,在ABC ∆,设a AB =,b AC =,AP 的中点为Q ,BQ 的中点为R ,CR 的中点为P ,若b n a m AP +=,则=+n m ( ▲ )A. 1B.21 C.32 D.76二、填空题(本大题共7题每小题4分)11.满足21x x ->的实数x 的取值范围是 ▲ .12.函数()1sin 3++=x x x f ()R x ∈,若()2=a f ,则()a f -的值为 ▲ . 13. 如图所示,某游乐园内摩天轮的中心O 点距地面的高度为50m ,摩天轮做匀速运动.摩天轮上的一点P 自最低点A 点起,经过m in t 后,点P 的高度40sin(5062h t ππ=-+(单位:m ),那么在摩天轮转动一圈的过程中,点P 的高度在距地面70m 以上的时间将持续 ▲ m in .14.若关于x 的方程243x x -+= k 有4个不相等的实数根,则实数k 的取 值范围是 ▲ . 15.当 10≤≤x 时,不等式kx x≥2sin π恒成立,则实数k 的取值范围是___ ▲________三、解答题(本大题共5小题,最后两题15分其余每题14分)16.已知集合2{310}M x x x =-≤,{121}N x a x a =+≤≤+. (Ⅰ)若3a =,求()N C M R ⋂;(Ⅱ)若M N M = ,求实数a 的取值范围.17.已知平行四边形ABCD ,点),2,1(--A )1,2(),3,2(--D B .(1)求点C 的坐标;(2)设实数t 满足0)(=⋅-OC OC t AB (O 为坐标原点),求t 的值.18.已知函数()()ϕω+=x A x f sin (其中20,0,0πϕω<<>>A )图象的相邻两条对称轴间的距离为2π,且图象上一个最高点的坐标为⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛2,6π. (Ⅰ)求()x f 的解析式;(Ⅱ)将函数)(x f y =的图象向右平移6π个单位后,得到函数()x g y =的图象,求函数()x g 的单调递减区间.19.已知向量c b a ,,满足)sin ,(cos ),3,1(x x b a ==,)1,(cos x c = (1)若b a -2与b a 7-垂直,求向量a 与b 的夹角θ (2)当⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡∈2,0πx 时,存在两个不同的x 使得m c b =∙成立,求实数m 的取值范围。
2012年项目管理1期末考试复习题一、单项选择题1、项目管理的三要素是__________2、工作分解结构的代号是__________3、对整个项目承担主要责任的是__________4、在以下的组织中,最为机动灵活的结构是__________A 项目式B 职能式C 矩阵D 混合5、项目人力资源管理的首要特点是__________A强调稳定性B强调团队性C 强调长期性D强调利益型6、项目整体管理的责任者是__________7、民主制软件开发小组的缺陷是__________A 难于快速决策B 学习气氛不浓厚C 冲突比较多D 项目经理不能发挥成员的积极性8、假设甲、乙二人合作开发了某应用软件,甲为主要开发者。
该应用软件所得收益合理分配后,甲自行将该软件作为自己独立完成的软件作品发表,甲的行为__________A 不构成对乙权利的侵害 B 构成对乙权利的侵害C 已不涉及乙的权利 D 没有影响乙的权利9、项目进度网络图是__________A 活动定义的结果和活动历时估算的输入B 活动排序的结果和进度计划编制的输入C 活动计划编制的结果和进度计划编制的输入D 活动排序的结果和活动历时估算的输入10、在某个信息系统项目中,存在新老系统切换问题,在设置项目计划网络图时,新系统上线和老系统下线之间应设置成__________的关系A 结束—开始(FS型) B 结束—结束(FF型)C 开始—结束(SF型)D 开始—开始(SS型)11、有关项目团队激励的叙述正确的是__________A 马斯洛需求理论共分为4个层次,即生理、社会、受尊重和自我实现B X理论认为员工是积极的,在适当的情况下员工会努力工作C Y理论认为员工只要有可能就会逃避为公司付出努力去工作D 海兹伯格理论认为激励因素有两种,一是保健卫生,二是激励需求12、某工程包括A、B、C、D、E、F、G、H八个作业,各个作业的紧前作业、所需时间和所需人数如下表所示(假设每个人均能承担各个作业):作业A B C D E F G H——A B C C D,E G 紧前作业21112121所需时间(周)84544378所需人数该工程的工期应为____(1)___周。
1.Mr Li is in his ________ (九十), but he can still look after himself. 2. All of them have finished the work ___(除了) John. 3. We all know that India has the largest ________ (人口) in the world. 4. Our city is becoming more and more_______(拥挤). 5. A girl was ________ (抢劫) of her handbag on her way back home.
Hale Waihona Puke struggle with , vote online, pollute, quarrel with, compare with
do harm to, discuss, come true, prefer…to…, send text messages
6.Playing too many computer games ____ the young. 7.We are having a warm ________ about how to protect the environment. 8. None of your dreams _________ if you only think about them every day without taking action. 9. Millie and her friends ____________ for their heroes at the moment. 10. I heard him ________ his wife when I walked past his room.
选择20 填空20 名词20 简答20 计算201、设计现代OS的主要目标是提高资源利用率和方便用记。
多媒体期末复习题(2012版)6多媒体期末复习题多媒体基础1 多媒体基础2 PHOTOSHOP图像处理 FLASH动画制作视频后期处理一单选题1. 多媒体PC是指()。
A、能处理声音的计算机B、能处理图像的计算机C、能进行文本、声音、图像等多种媒体处理的计算机D、能进行通信处理的计算机2. 在多媒体系统中,最适合存储声、图、文等多媒体信息的是()。
A、软盘 B、硬盘 C、CD-ROM D、ROM3. ()不是多媒体中的关键技术。
A、光盘存储技术B、信息传输技术C、视频信息处理技术D、声音信息处理技术 4. 只读光盘CD-ROM的存储容量一般为()。
A、1.44MBB、512MBC、4.7GBD、650MB 5. 下面属于多媒体的关键特性是()。
A、实时性B、交互性C、分时性D、独占性6. 下面()不是播入CD片上影视节目的必须设备A、软驱B、音频卡C、视频卡D、CD-ROM 7. 超文本技术提供了另一种对多媒体对象的管理形式,它是一种()的信息组织形式。
A、非线性 B、抽象性 C、线性 D、曲线性 8. 多媒体计算机系统的两大组成部分是()。
A、多媒体器件和多媒体主机B、音箱和声卡C、多媒体输入设备和多媒体输出设备D、多媒体计算机硬件系统和多媒体计算机软件系统9. 光驱中的单倍速是指读写的速度是() /秒,其它的倍速是把倍速的数字与它相乘A、300KBB、150KBC、IMBD、10MB10. 从多媒体硬件的发展来看,今后多媒体卡的主要功能都会集成到()。
A、计算机显卡B、计算机主板C、计算机内存D、硬盘存储器11. 多媒体制作过程中,不同媒体类型的数据收集需要不同的设备和技术手段,动画一般通过()。
A、字处理软件 B、视频卡采集C、声卡剪辑D、专用绘图软件 12. 视频信息的最小单位是()。
A、比率B、帧C、赫兹D、位(bit)13. 下面()不是计算机多媒体系统具有的特征。
A、媒体的多样性B、数字化和影视化C、集成性和交互性D、形式的专一性 14. 同样一块差不多大小的光盘,存储信息量最大的是()光盘A、LVB、VCDC、DVDD、CD-DA 15. 多媒体计算机中的媒体信息是指()。
行政法与行政诉讼法期末复习试题 --答案
每小题1分,共10小题,共10分)1、下列有关行政法的说法错误的是(D )。
A.行政法具有极广泛的内容B.行政法在形式上没有完整、统一的法典C.行政法的实体性规范与程序性规范总是交织在一起.往往共存于一部法律文件之中D.与其他法律规范一样,行政法规范具有较强的稳定性2、行政法律关系中必有一方主体是( C )。
A.行政机关 B.行政组织C.行政主体 D.公务员3、行政主体包括国家行政机关和( C )。
A.行政管理相对人B.被委托的组织C.被法律法规授权的组织D.民主党派4、下列选项中,不属于取得行政主体资格的方式的是( D )。
A.依照宪法和行政组织法的有关规定而取得行政主体资格B.单行法律、法规授权某特定的行政机构行使某项特定行政职能C.法律、法规授权某特定的社会公权力组织行使某项行政职能D.行政机关委托某特定组织行使某项行政职能5、关于行政许可法中规定的能够设定行政许可的规范性文件,下列说法正确的是(C )。
A.法律可以任意设定行政许可B.尚未制定法律、行政法规的,因行政管理的需要,国务院各部门的规章可以设定临时性的行政许可C.某国对我国出口产品采取歧视性措施时,国务院采用发布决定的方式,设定进出口许可和配额管理等临时性的行政许可,符合行政许可法的规定D.为了保护本地的企业,省人民政府发布规章设定的行政许可,可以不允许外地企业在本地市场销售同类产品6、下列行为属于即时强制的是( D )。
A.强制收购B.划拨财产C.执行罚D.“扫黄打非”中执法人员直接进入住宅进行检查、搜查7、有关公民人身自由的处罚只能由( A )规定。
A.全国人大及其常委会 B.国务院C.公安部 D.省级以上政府8、下列选项中( B )是不能提起行政复议的行为。
A.某市交通管理局发布了排气量三升以下的汽车不予上牌照的规定,并据此对吴某汽车不予上牌照的行为B.某乡政府发布通告劝导农民种植高产农作物的行为C.城建部门将施工企业的资质由一级变更为二级的行为D.民政部门对王某成立社团的申请不予批准的行为9、行政诉讼法的受案范围与行政复议法的受案范围相比( D )。
复习题(开卷)一、填空题(本大题共10小题,每空1分,共20 分)1.一般把EDA技术的发展分为MOS时代、MOS时代和ASIC三个阶段。
11.VHDL的全拼Very high speed integrated Hardware Description Language12.子程序有即过程(PROCEDURE)、函数〔FUNCTION〕两种类型。
(第一题4分,第五题每小题3分,第八题每小题2分,其余每空一分,共45分) 1.2.36里的“3”在( )位上,“6”在( )位上。
3.用3、8、0、4四个数字任意组成两位数,比50小的数是( ),比50大的数是( )。
4.一个1元的硬币可以换( )个1角硬币,也可以换( )个5角硬币。
5.比一比(() ( )( )元 ( )元86- 45+30 ( ) ( )6.按规律填数。
10 15 2032 34 36 11 22 33计数器上的数是( ),它是由( )个十和( )个一组成的。
(每小题1分,共15分)25 + 10 = 66 – 3 = 47 – 5=6 + 13 = 100 – 70 = 22 + 6= 88 – 8 = 40 + 50 = 9 + 36 =97 – 3 = 45 + 7 = 24 – 9 = 91 + 5 = 76 – 60 = 30 + 14=一、画一画。
(10分)1 2 3 4(1)在第2行第3个,,请在第3行第2个画个○。
电话机42元 录音机 80元 遥控车 书 28元 8元 ① 比 贵多少元?②小明买 找回8元钱。
小明付了多少钱?③笑笑有50元钱,可以买 和 ,正好花完。
(每小题2分,共6分)故事书 漫画书 科技书连环画1.一共调查了( )名同学。
2.喜欢( )书的人数最多,喜欢( )书的人数最少。
3.你认为学校图书馆( )书买多一点比较好人教版一年级下册数学第期末试卷一、我口算最快。
(18分) 二、按要求作答。
(每空1分,其中第9题3分,第12、13题各4分,共52分) 1、 6134 8 59 1 3 23、7的后面一个数是( ),前面一个数是( )。
2012七下语文期末复习之字词拼写一、根据拼音写汉字确záo( ) 菜qí( ) 桑shân( ) 轻jiã( )yōng( )肿脑suǐ( ) 书shú( ) 蝉tuì( )mì( )食叮zhǔ( ) 恐jù ( ) lí( )歌花pǔ( ) 鸡毛dǎn( )子玉zān( )花pái( )huái( ) zhà( )栏衣jīn( )懒duî ( ) 丑lîu( ) shàn( )笑 jí( )妒木jī ( ) zhǎo( )泽 shù n( )息 yán( )绵荒草qīqī( ) zhù( )立环yâ( ) mǐn( )然pãng( )pài( ) 狂lán( ) 屏zhàng( ) bǔ( )育ào( )悔 qí( )dǎo( ) duï( )步 xuān( )闹yào( )shi( ) 逼xiá( ) qí( )qū( ) 阻yì( )pî( )势 chì( )痛 hào( )鸣斑lán( )lán( )语怪dàn( ) gân( )古田lǒng( ) zhà( )měng( )污huì( ) gǎo( )头 zǎi( )割 chïu( )划pái( )huái( ) 仰mù( ) yān( )红 shuāi( )微hâ( )然 diã( )起深suì( ) chïu( )zhú( )bā( )望 pán( )石门kǎn( ) 女yōng( )喧xiāo( ) rïng( )岩 mâi( )力滑jī( )轮kuî( ) 脚huái( ) 简lîu( )白xī( ) kuí( )梧 qīn( )佩 shâ( )猎人迹hǎn( )至人声dǐng()沸来势xiōng xiōng( )九qū( )连环 yì( )复如shì( ) 扑shuî( )迷离可歌可qì( ) xiǎn( )为人知当之无kuì( )锋芒bì( )露家yù ( )户晓妇rú( )皆知马革guǒ( )尸 jú( )躬尽cuì( ),死而后yǐ( )qiâ( )而不舍 wù wù ( )穷年 lì( )尽心血潜心guàn( )注心会神níng( ) jiǒng( )乎不同一反jì( )往 kāng( )慨淋漓气冲dǒu()牛仰之mí( )高群蚁排yá( ) jiǒng jiǒng( )目光目不kuī( )园 hâ( )然而出一拍qí( )合义愤tián( )yīng( ) 忘hū( )所以寻欢zuî( )乐鞍jiān( ) pâi( )头机zhù() shuî()气金tuî()红zhuāng( ) 云bìn( )dàn( ) zhào( ) 归xǐng( ) cuān( )duo( ) fú( )水lǔ( ) cuō( ) jiù( )树家juàn( ) dài( )慢飞jiàn( ) kàng( )奋 huì( )暗 jī( )绊 mî( )然rǒng( )长 bï( )击烧zhuï( ) 大châ( )大悟叹为观zhǐ( ) jiá( )然而止 tïng( )仁 tián( )静 piě( ) zhàn( ) qiâ( )意口头chán( )cēn( )cī( )不齐水门tīng( )yī( )yā( ) qīng( )扬静mù( ) 端níng( )pín( )cù( ) càn( )然 chēn( )视变幻多zī( ) 低回wán( )转 chì( )zhà( )风云浑身xiâ( )数尽态极yán( ) zhě( )裙 yì( )语 hōu( )声 yâ( )屋 zhuài( ) 无yíng( ) diān( )狂 lǐn( )liâ( ) 吞shì( ) 销shì( ) lãi( )弱步lǚ( ) 告qìng( ) 遗shuāng( ) 坚持不xiâ( ) 风cān( )露宿 jīng( )疲力jiã( ) 毛骨sǒng( )然yào( )wǔ( )扬威 yáng yáng( ) 得意yàng yàng ( )不乐 shān shān ( )来迟忧心chōng chōng( ) 疲bâi( )不kān( )wâi( )缩不前鲁mǎng( )大胆语无lún( )次与其wù( )nìng( )gâ( ) yē( ) fú( )shâ( ) shāi( )kāngzhē( )bì( ) huàn( )yǐng pí( )juàn xiã( )zîu( ) qí( )带 lí( )huá( )真dì( ) juǎn( )土重来 yún yún( )众生sǐ( )得qí( )所 biān( )骨 lǚ( )践cuī( )wēi( ) 养jīng( )蓄ruì( ) 齐心xiã( )力头yūn( )眼花 yāo( )酸背tîng( )yǒng( )往直前 jiàn( )shù( ) 阴mái( )jiāng( )yù( ) 迫不jí( )待zī zī( )不倦刚yì( )不屈 wū( )sâ红líng( ) sǒng( )yǒng chàng( )然 quán( )伏悲chǔ( )chãng( )jiâ( ) wàng( )下duàn( )语肌jiàn( ) chěng( )能恍hū( ) 甜nì( ) xián( )熟进退wãi( )谷一尘不rǎn( )略胜一chïu( ) 眼花liáo( )乱zhì( )序井然悲chuàng( ) 斑líng( ) 对zhì( ) sāo( )动 pán( )石苍qiōng( ) zhàn( )蓝 zhuì( )落 jiǎo( ) 抽chù( ) 沟hâ( ) 不jī( ) 劝yîu()叽叽zhā zhā( )石破天jīng( ) páo( )xiào( )hē( )chì( ) 面面相qù( )liâ( ) piāo( )hàn( ) xùn( )良勇yì( )kuī( )sì( ) chuāng( )yí( ) wǎng( )然阔chuî( ) 观zhān( ) yán( )丽 bì( )yìn( ) qiú( )jìn( ) guǎng( )野 jī( )形â( )骨 kang( )kǎi( )以fù( ) jiāng()场相得yì( )zhāng( )jiǒng( ) shàn( )蔽 dān( ) 相相 míng( ) kāo( )尾xiá( )二、给加点的字注音攒.()拗.()确凿.()菜畦.()桑葚.()轻捷.()蟋.()蟀.()臃.()肿脑髓.()书塾.()蝉蜕.()人迹罕.()至人声鼎.()沸收敛.()觅.()食叮嘱.()骊.()歌花圃.()玉簪.()花徘.()徊.()栅.()栏衣襟.()丑陋.()讪.()笑嫉.()妒.()来势汹汹.()木屐.()沼.()泽绅.()士吐绶.()鸡瞬.()息荒草萋萋.()伫.()立涉.()足路径.()环谒.()泯.()然耶.()仲.()永.()巅.()澎.()湃.()狂澜.()屏障.()哺.()育九曲.()连环奔.()向郝.()叟.()哽.()懊.()悔祈.()祷.()踱.()步喧.()闹钥.()匙.()字帖.()逼狭.()崎.()岖.()阻抑.()魄.()势炽.()痛嗥.()鸣斑斓.()谰.()语怪诞.()亘.()古默契.()田垄.()蚱.()蜢.()污秽.()镐.()头筹.()划彷.()徨.()仰慕.()可歌可泣.()妇孺.()皆知马革裹.()尸鞠.()躬尽瘁.()元勋.()嫣.()红曛.()铤.()迭.()起锲.()而不舍兀.()兀穷年沥.()尽心血潜.()心贯注迥.()乎不同弥.()高气冲斗.()牛群蚁排衙.()目不窥.()园重荷.()深邃.()踌.()躇.()磐.()石门槛.()女佣.()喧嚣.()义愤填膺.()钦.()佩脚踝.()白皙.()捋.()孰.()魅.()力滑稽.()魁.()梧荒谬.()卿.()机杼.()可.()汗.( ) 辔.()头溅.()胡骑.()啾.()朔.()气金柝.()策勋.()云鬓.()扶将.()归省.()行.辈()惮.()踱.步()撺掇..()()凫.水()橹.()旺相.()撮.()桕.树()棹.()楫.()怠.慢()家眷.()亢.奋()晦.暗()羁.绊()蓦.然()冗.杂()烧灼.()奔.突()戛.然而止()瞳.仁()恬.静()撇.()蘸.()惬.意()朱砂.()口头禅.()参差..不齐()()水门汀.()藤.椅()咿呀..()静穆.()颦蹙..()()粲.然()嗔.视()本色当行.()叱咤..风云()()浑身解.数()尽态极妍.()褶.裙()惊鸿.()林嗣.环()少顷..()呓.语()伸颈.()齁.声()中间.()崩.倒()曳.屋()许.许声()几.欲先走()拽.()无垠.()癫.狂()凛冽..()()吞噬.()销蚀.()羸.弱()步履.()告罄.()遗孀.()精疲力竭.()毛骨悚.然()怏.怏不乐()姗.姗来迟()忧心忡.忡()疲惫.不堪()畏.缩不前()毋.宁()()硌(..).噎.()筛糠..()遮蔽..()幻.影()疲倦.()协奏..()躯壳.()脐.带()犁铧..()真谛.()卷.土重来()虫豸.()砭.骨()履.践()崔巍..()()养精蓄锐.()头晕.眼花()窒.息()匍匐..()()镶.嵌()阴霾.()疆域..()()孜.孜不倦()锤.炼()污涩..()红绫.()怂恿..()怅.然()蜷.伏()悲楚..()惩戒..()妄.下断语()肌腱.()逞.能()恍惚.()甜腻.()娴.熟()眼花缭.乱()悲怆.()斑羚.()对峙.()骚.动()磐.石()苍穹.()湛.蓝()坠.落()铰.()抽搐.()沟壑.()咆哮..()()呵斥..()()面面相觑.()鬣.()剽悍..()()窥伺..()()疮痍..()( ) 枉.然()()阔绰.()观瞻.()妍.丽()庇荫..()()遒劲..()犷.野()畸.形()颚.骨()相得益彰.()锦毡.()缀.行()大窘.()苫.蔽()眈.()瞑.()尻.()黠.()二、根据注音写汉字1.cuán ( )成小球2.ǎo ( )过去3.确záo ( )4.菜qí( )5.桑shân ( )6.轻jiã( )7.xī( ) shuài ( )8.yōng ( )肿9.脑suǐ( ) 10.相yí( ) 11.书shú( ) 12.bï( )学13.蝉tuì( ) 14.人迹hǎn ( ) zhì( ) 15.衣jīn ( ) 16.肿zhàng ( ) 17.人声dǐng ( ) fâi ( ) 18.叮zhǔ( ) 19.lí( )歌 20.花pǔ( )21.再接再lì( ) 22.yuān( ) bï( ) 23.丑lîu( ) 24.shàn ( )笑25.jí( )dù( ) 26.来势xiōngxiōng( ) 27.忧yù( ) 28.shùn ( )息29.zhù( )立 30.荒草qīqī( ) 31.山diān( ) 32.pãng( )pài( ) 33.狂lán( ) 34.屏zhàng( ) 35.bǔ( )育 36.gěng ( )住37.qí( ) dǎo ( ) 38.ào( )悔 39.逼xiá( ) 40.qí( ) qū( )41.阻yì( ) 42.回huán( )qū( )折 43.kǎn( )kě( ) 44.chì( )痛45.háo ( )鸣 46.bān( )lán( ) 47.lán( )语 48.怪dàn ( ) 49.gân ( )古 50.默qì( ) 51.田lǒng ( ) 52.zhà( )蜢53.fēng( )máng( )毕露 54.zǎi( )割 55.chïu( )划56.páng( ) huáng ( ) 57.仰mù( ) 58.可歌可qì( ) 59.xiǎn( )为人知 60.当之无kuì( ) 61.污huì( ) 62.家yù( )户xiǎo( ) 63.妇rú( )皆知 64.shuāi( )微65.马gé( ) guǒ( )尸66.死而后yǐ( ) 67.hâ( )然 68.diã( )起69.jū( )躬尽cuì( ) 70.qiâ( )而不舍 71.wù( )wù穷年72.重hâ( ) 73.lì( )尽心血74.qián( )心guàn ( )注 75.心会神níng( ) 76.深suì( ) 77.jiǒng( )乎不同78.一反jì( )往79.慷kǎi( )lín( )漓80.suǒ( )闭81.气chōng( )dǒu( )牛82.chïu( )chú( )83.pán( )石84.rě( )人注目85.杂乱无zhāng ( )86.一拍jí( )合 87.忘hū( )所以 88.dàn( )怕89.义fân( )填yīng( )90.duï( )来duï去91.zhào( )着小船92.归xǐng( ) 93.háng( )辈 94.cuān( )duo( ) 95.fú( )水 96.kàng ( )奋97.浪花飞jiàn( ) 98.huì( )暗 99.jī( )绊 100mî( )然101rǒng( )杂102jiá( )然而止 103烧zhuï( ) 104奔tū( )105fān( )飞 106大châ( )大wù( ) 107piě( )开 108zhàn( )水写109yōu( )暗 110qiâ( )意 111shū( )密 112bāo( )罗万象113口头chán( ) 114cēn( )cī( )不齐 115本色当háng( ) 116yī( )呀117静mù( ) 118端níng( ) 119一pín( )一cù( ) 120càn( )然121chēn( )视122变huàn ( )多姿 123chì( ) zhà( )风云124尽态极yán ( ) 125浑身xiâ( )数126低回wǎn( )转127高视kuî( )步128xī( ) xī相通129拉zhuài( ) 130无yín ( ) 131 diān( )狂 132 lǐn( )冽133吞shì( ) 134xiāo( )蚀135lãi( )弱 136告qìng ( ) 137步lǚ( ) 138风cān( )露sù( )139坚持不xiâ( )140遗shuāng ( ) 141夜不成mián ( )142jīn( )疲力尽143mân mân ( )不乐144毛骨sǒng ( )然145yào( )武扬威146yáng( )yáng得意147yàng( )yàng不乐148shān( )shān来迟149忧心chōng( )chōng150疲bâi( )不kān( )151wâi( )缩不前152语无lún ( )次153lǔ( )mǎng( ) 154与其……wù( )宁 155qiú( )水 156作jiàn( ) 157jǔ( )sàng( ) 158gē( )浅 159zhuï( )痕 160抵yù( )161孤立无yuán( ) 162冻饿之yú( ) 163郑重其shì( ) 164知足ān( )命165不máo( )之地166不可思yì( )167liáo( )以自wâi( )168biān( )骨169lǚ( )践 170崔wēi( ) 171养精xù( )锐 172齐心xiã( )力173阴mái( ) 174余xiá( ) 175jiāng( )域 176迫不jí( )待177zīzī( )不倦 178gāng( )毅不屈 179梦mâi ( )以求 180 bān( )驳181cōng( )lïng( ) 182眼jiǎn ( ) 183眼mïu ( )子 184窝cháo ( ) 185chǒu( )见 186chú( )鸟 187流xiâ( ) 188垂màn ( ) 189进退wãi( )谷 190苍qiïng( ) 191悲chuàng ( ) 192xián( )熟193略胜一chïu( ) 194肌jiàn ( ) 195chěng( )能 196huǎng( )惚197甜nì( ) 198一尘不rǎn( ) 199眼花liáo( )乱 200zhì( )序井然201抽chù( ) 202石破天jīng ( ) 203放荡不jī( ) 204刀jiǎo ( ) 205劝yîu( ) 206沟hâ( ) 207叽叽zhāzhā( ) 208piāo( )悍209面面相qù( ) 210jiāng( )场 211xún( )良 212勇yì( ) 213kuī( )伺 214chuāng ( )痍 215wǎng( )然 216羁bàn( )217阔chuî( ) 218观zhān ( ) 219项liâ( ) 220庇yìn( )221qiú( )劲 222妒jì( ) 223相得yì( ) zhāng( ) 224yíng ( )合225yán( )丽 226guàng( )野 227 jī( )形 228 â( )骨229 kāng( ) kǎi( )以赴 230有过之无不jí( )2012七下语文期末复习之名句默写编辑:端武明一、《假如是欺骗了你》要求:在全文会默写的前提下,重点掌握以下几个重点句。
2012年期末复习七年级(下)册试卷班级________ 姓名__________1.输卵管结扎以后人体表现为 ( )A.能生殖,第二性征消退 B.不能生殖,第二性征消退C.能生殖,第二性征不消退 D.不能生殖,第二性征正常2.下列关于胚胎发育的说法中,正确的是( )A.胚胎发育是从受精卵的分裂开始的B.胚胎发育到第二个月初外貌才有点像人C.胎儿在母体子宫内发育时间一般为260天左右D.胚胎从母体分娩出来后叫胎儿3.小明上了初中后,发现自己逐渐长出了胡须,声音也发生变化了。
和出现这些第二性征有直接关系的物质是:()A前列腺和子宫B睾丸和卵巢C精子和卵子 D 雄性激素和雌性激素4.下列关于小肠适于吸收的结构特点的叙述中,不正确的是 ( )A小肠很长且内表面有皱襞和小肠绒毛 B小肠绒毛中有丰富的毛细血管和毛细淋巴管C小肠绒毛壁由一层上皮细胞构成 D有多种消化腺分泌消化液5.吃馒头时越嚼越甜,这是因为 ( )A.淀粉在口腔内被分解成麦芽糖 B.淀粉在口腔内被分解成葡萄糖C.唾液在口腔内淀粉的作用下变成了麦糖芽 D.唾液在口腔内淀粉的作用下变成了葡萄糖6.淀粉、脂肪、蛋白质在消化道内开始消化的部位依次是()A.胃、小肠、口腔B.口腔、胃、小肠C.口腔、小肠、胃D.胃、口腔、小肠7.下列几组物质中,既是人体的组成物质,又是人体的供能物质的是:()A.脂肪、糖类、维生素B.糖类、脂肪、蛋白质C.蛋白质、脂肪、无机盐D.蛋白质、水、无机盐8.某人手指不慎划破出血,血液中与止血和避免发炎有关的是: ()A.血小板、血浆B.血小板、白细胞C.红细胞、血浆D.白细胞、血浆9.甲血管与心房相连,流动脉血;乙血管与心室相连,流静脉血。
这两条血管的名称依次是( ) A.主动脉与上腔静脉 B.下腔静脉与肺动脉 C.肺静脉与肺动脉 D.肺动脉与主动脉10.心脏内血液流动的方向是:A.心房→心室→静脉 B.心房→心室→动脉C.心室→心房→静脉 D.心室→心房→动脉11.通过呼吸运动,肺实现了与外界环境的气体交换。
二、实务操作题:12分三、案例分析题:14分四、计算题:共10分五、作图题:共10分主观卷复习内容及要求一、判断题复习内容及要求(每小题4分,共6题,24分)1. 运营管理就是对由输入到产出间的这一中间转换过程的设计、运行和改进过程的管理。
(√)理由:2. 纯服务并不多见,心理咨询是其中之一。
(√)理由:3. 快递公司的包裹速递、救护车的急救服务体现了企业的柔性能力。
(×)理由:体现了服务速度4. 上海大众推出PASSAT2008款、2009款以及2010款的系列车型的轿车属于换代产品。
(×)理由:属于派生产品5. 部分地采用新技术、新结构或新材料,从而使产品的功能、性能或经济指标有显着改变的产品是派生产品。
(×)理由:是换代产品6. 产品开发串行模式的目标为是提高质量、降低成本、缩短产品开发周期和产品上市时间。
(×)理由:是并行模式7. 成批轮番型运营流程的优势是其强大的柔性,能充分满足顾客定制化的需求。
(×)理由:是项目型运营流程的优势8. 资金流分析方法的基本思想认为不创造价值的那一些工艺步骤是一种浪费,应该将其删除或是尽量缩短。
(×)理由:这是物流分析方法的基本思想9. 流水线服务方式通过让顾客在服务过程中发挥较大作用来改善服务过程。
2012春大学英语1期末考试综合复习资料(1)《大学英语1》期末考试综合复习资料I. Use of English(20%)—交际英语,共10道选择题,每题2分,共20分。
II.Reading Comprehension (40%)—阅读理解,4篇文章,共20道选择题,每题2分,共40分。
III.Vocabulary and Structure(30%)—词汇与语法,共30道选择题,每题1分,共30分。
IV.Cloze Test (10%)—完形填空,共10道选择题,每题1分,共10分I. Use of English (10×2)Directions:In this part there are 10 incomplete dialogues. For each dialogue there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer thatbest completes the dialogue. Then mark the corresponding letter on theAnswer Sheet with a single line through the center.1. —_____________________.— A cup of tea, please.A. Do you like tea?B. Do you like a cup of tea?C. Would you like a cup of tea?D. What would you like to drink?2. — Guess what? I passed the English exam!— ________________A. That’s fine.B. It’s OK.C. Congratulations!D. Believe it or not.3. —Will you be able to come to my birthday party thisSaturday?—______________A. No, I’d like to.B. Y es, I’d love to.C. I’m afraid.D. I believe I can’t.4. —Excuse me, when is the next flight from London due to arrive?—______________A. In half an hour.B. An hour ago.C. Until the next one.D. Before another one.5. — Do you know who telephoned me?— ____________A. No, I didn’t phone you.B. Y es, I remember it now.C. I heard it was Xiaoli.D. No, I didn’t take a message for you.6. — Are you free tonight, Jenny? How about going to the concert together?—______________A. I don’t think so.B. Never mind.C. Take it easy.D. I’d like to, but I have to drive my mother home tonight.7. —Help yourself to the lobster.—__________A. No, I can’tB. Sorry, I can’t help.C. Thanks. But I can’t take seafood.D. Well, it doesn’t fit for me.8. We are going to cycling. Would you like to join us?A. No, that’s all set.B. Sorry , I don’t like.C. No, I have no idea.D. I’d like to go but I am no good at cycling.9. —What’s the matter with you?—__________A. It matters with youB. Not too badC. I feel a bit sickD. That’s right10. —What’s the weather like in your hometown?—__________A. it’s a nice placeB. It’s cold in winter and hot in summerC. He asks me whether I like the weatherD. I like the food there11. —Hello, may I have an appointment with Doctor Smith?—____________________A.Sorry. He’s in at the moment.B. Why didn’t you call earlier?C. Certainly. May I have your name?D. Sorry. He doesn’t want to see you.12. — I must go now. The plane will leave in half an hour. Thank you for seeing me off.—_______________________A. Good luck.B. Be careful.C. Best Wishes.D. Hurry to catch the plane.13. —I’m sorry that the postcards you want to buy have been sold out.—________________________A. Oh, great.B. That sounds boring.C. That’s all right!D. Oh, what a pity!14. —Hurry up please, or I’ll be late.— ________________________.A. Well, it’s alright, sirB. Sorry sir, but there is a traffic jam nowC. How can you say that, sir?D. Oh, we are going the right way15. —It’s stuffed here. Do you mind if I open the window?—.A. With pleasureB. Yes, pleaseC. Of course notD. Thank you16. —Could you babysit my daughter for me while I am away?—_______________.A. Y es, here you areB. Y ou are welcomeC. With pleasureD. I don’t want to17. —If you like I can pick up your daughter from school for you.—.A. Y ou’re so kind.B. It’s very kind of you to do so .C. Please give a hand C. Y ou’re a great person.18. —I’ve got two tickets for the opera. Shall we go and enjoy it together?— _________________________.A. The tickets must be expensive.B. The opera must be exciting.C. Why not? Let’s go.D. The place is too far away.19. —Tom, this is Hack, Fred is ill in hospital.— Oh, _________A. it’s sad.B. it’s bad.C. I’m sorry to hear that.D. that’s not good.20. —Excuse me, sir. Are you ready to order your meal, please?— _____________A. Yes, I can.B. Please don’t order it.C. No, I am not.D. Yes, I want a pizza and some soup.21. —I want to look up a new word. Could you lend me your dictionary?—____________A. Yes, I can.B. Here you are.C. Sorry, I don’t think so.D. Y ou can take it.22. --- I doubt whether the Chinese Football Team can win the game this time.--- __________.A. It’s hard to sayB. Y es, of courseC. I like the teamD. I don’t believe it23. --- Oh dear! I’ve just broken a window.--- __________! It can’t be helped.A. GreatB. Never mindC. That’s fineD. Not at all24. --- Thank you ever so much for the book you gave me.---__________.A. I’m glad you like itB. No thanksC. Y es, it is goodD. No, it’s not so good25. --- Who has done your hair, Susan?---___________.A. My hair has been doneB. The hair stylistC. My hairstyle is coolD. Before another one26. --- Don’t take too long at the coffee shop. It’s14:15----___________.A. I’ll think your advice overB. That’s no problemC. I see. We have 30 minutes leftD. I’m afraid soII. Reading Comprehension (20×2)Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are fourchoices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice andmark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Passage 1Some people do not like anything to be out of place. They are never late for work. They return their books to the library on time. They remember people’s birthdays, a nd they pay their bills as soon as they arrive. Mr. Rock is such a person.Mr. Rock works in a bank, and lives on his own. The only family he has is in the next town. His sister lives there with her husband, and her son, Mark. Mr. Rock does not see his sister or her family every year, but he sends them Christmas cards and he has not forgotten one of Mark’s seventeen birthdays.Last week Mr. Rock had quite a surprise. He drove home from the bank at the usual time, driving neither too slowly nor too fast. He parked his car where he always parks it, out of the way of other cars, and went inside to make his evening meal. Straight away, there was a knock at the door. Mr. Rock opened the door only to find a policeman on the door step.“Have I done anything wrong?”Mr. Rock asked himself. “Have I driven on the wrong side of the road? Has there been some trouble at the bank? Have I forgotten to pay an important bill?”“Hello, uncle,” said the policeman. “My name is Mark. I am your nephew.”1. Mr. Rock is a person who does all the following except _______.A.putting things in orderB.going to work earlyC.visiting friends regularlyD.paying the bills in time2. Which of the following is NOT true?A. Mr. Rock lives by himself.B. Mr. Rock’s sister has a family.C. Mr. Rock’s sister lives not very far away.D. Mr. Rock visits his sister quite often.3. According to the passage, which of the following is true?A.H e drove very fast.B.He made his meal after he got into the house.C.He drove very slowly.D.H e parked his car at a wrong place.4. Mr. Rock was surprised to see the policeman because ________.A.s omething was wrong in the bankB.he did not know what to sayC.he did not do anything wrongD.t he policeman wanted to ask him a question5. From the story we can infer that ______.A.M r. Rock had not seen his nephew for a long timeB.Mr. Rock did not like to see the young manC.Mr. Rock was a shy personD.M ark came to visit his uncle regularlyPassage 2If you judge by the number of people who go to see the games and by the number of those who actually play it,basketball is probably the most popular sport in the United States today. It is mainly an indoor game, and the season extends from late autumn, through the winter, to early spring. There are many professional teams; but for the most part, basketball is a school sport. There is hardly a high school or college in the country that does not have its team.In spring and summer, the most popular sport is baseball. During the warm weather, you can see young men and boys playing this game in any part of the country. Radio and television bring the details of the big games to every corner of that land, and the activities of the professional teams are a subject of conversation for Americanseverywhere.In autumn, the most popular sport is football. As you know, this is not the same kind of game that is so popular in other parts of the world. Like basketball and baseball, it is typically American, and those who have never seen it before have difficulty in seeing any sense in it. But for most people the game itself is not so important as the music and the cheering that go with it. On a cool bright autumn afternoon, there is nothing so colorful and exciting as a football game.6. Basketball is probably the most popular sport in America today because_____________.A. it is an indoor gameB. it is a school gameC. most people like to play or watch the gameD. there are many professional teams7. The passage shows that in America___________________.A. almost all the high schools and colleges have their basketball teamsB. every high school doesn’t have its own basketball teamC. no college has its own basketball teamD. some high schools and colleges have their basketball teams8. In spring and summer, you can see young people playing baseball____________.A. in some parts of AmericaB. in a few states of AmericaC. in some schools of AmericaD. everywhere in America9. During the warm weather, Americans often talk about_______________.A. the activities of the professional baseball teamsB. the radio and televisionC. the details of the football matchesD. the details of the big games10. From the passage we know that American football is_______________.A. similar to that in other parts of the worldB. different from that in other parts of the worldC. not so popular as that in other parts of the worldD. as popular as that in other parts of the worldPassage 3A great deal of nonsense is written about the character of a nation, chiefly because many observers, influenced by national pride and prejudices feel irresistibly tempted (诱惑)to generalize(概括)about everything. In a nation of many millions of people, there are bound to be many different kinds: rich and poor, clever and stupid, good and bad, modest and conceited (自满的), patient and impatient, honest anddishonest. Moreover, a nation may develop a sort of collective character in its politics and literature, which is not recognizable in individual people. Generalizations, therefore, tend to be unrealistic, and should be made, and accepted, with caution. One word of warning is necessary. The British people who take up appointments in Asia and Africa are not fully typical of their nation. For one thing, they are usually specialists in one field or another. The average British person is not a specialist, and although he can read and write he is not particularly cultured in the intellectual sense. “Highbrow” is a word very often used by the common people of Britain to describe and condemn any form of intellectual culture.Moreover, the great technical achievements of Europeans do not mean that a European is basically more intelligent than an African or Asian. The achievements are due to the handing down and sharing of knowledge and to organized training and research rather than to mental superiority; and of course, the mere possession of, say, a motor-car or washing machine and the ability to operate it, does not require any understanding of how it works.11. To know the character of a nation, one should _______.A.o bserve the behavior of the leadersB.read the literature of the nationC.never accept any generalizationsD.f orm a sound judgement of everything12. One reason for the difference between the British people working abroad and theaverage person at home is that the former ________.A.a re more intellectually culturedB.have made many foreign friendsC.work much harderD.h old important positions13. According to the author, ______.A.E uropeans are more intelligent than Africans and AsiansB.there is no such a thing as mental superiorityC.Europeans should share their knowledge with Africans and AsiansD.m ental superiority is vital to the scientific progress in Europe14. This passage is written ______.A.t o warn the readers against misunderstanding the British peopleB.to make a brief introduction to different social classes in BritainC.to criticize the nonsense written about BritainD.t o describe the people’s living conditions in Britain15. What does the author imply by writing the last sentence of the passage?A.K nowing how to operate a motor-car or washing machine means a highmental intelligence.B.The technical achievements of Europeans are due to their intelligence.C.Only knowing how to operate some household appliances does not reallymean that they are of real intelligence.D.E uropeans are more intelligent than Africans and Asians because they are ofmental superiority.Passage 4When you take a walk in any of the cities in the West, you often see a lot of people walking dogs. It is still true that a dog is the most useful and faithful animal in the world, but the reason why people keep a dog has changed. In the old days people used to train dogs to protect themselves against attacks from other beasts. Andlater they came to realize that a dog was not only useful for protection but willing to obey his master. For example, when people used dogs for hunting, the dogwould not eat what was caught without permission.But now people in cities need not protect themselves against attacks of animals. Why do they keep dogs, then? Some people keep dogs to protect themselves from robbery. But the most important reason is for companionship. For a child, a dog is his best friend when he has no friends to play with. For young couples, a dog is their child when they have no children. For old couples, a dog is also their child when their real children have grown up. So the main reason why people keep dogs has changed from protection to friendship.16.According to the passage, in the old days people trained dogs _______ .A.f or protection against robberyB.just for funC.for companionshipD.f or protection against other animals17.The word “companionship” may mean _______.A.w orshipB.treasureC.friendly relationshipD.p artnership18.The dogs were used for hunting because ________ .A.t hey were good huntersB.they obeyed their mastersC.they were useful for protectionD.t hey did not eat other animals19.The most important reason for people to keep dogs now is _______.A.t hey need companionB.they like childrenC.they enjoy huntingD.t hey want to protect themselves20.We can infer (推断) from the passage that ________.A.d ogs can be helpful to those who need companyB.city people always feel lonelyC.dogs can be interestingD.t he city can be a very dangerous placePassage 5As the pace of life continues to increase, we are fast losing the art of relaxation. Once you are in the habit of rushing through life, being on the go from morning till night, it is hard to slow down. But relaxation is essential for healthy mind and body. Stress is a natural part of everyday life and there is no way to avoid it. In fact, it is not the bad thing it is often supposed to be.A certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation and give purpose to life. It is only when the stress gets out of control that it can lead to poor performance and ill health.The amount of stress a person can withstand depends very much on the individual. Some people are not afraid of stress, and such characters are obviously prime material for managerial responsibilities. Others lose heart at the first signs of unusualdifficulties. When exposed to stress, in whatever form, we react both chemically and physically. In fact, we make choices between “ flight” and “fight” and in more primitive days the choices made the difference between life and death. The crises we meet today are unlikely to be so extreme, but however little the stress, it involves the same response. It is when such a reaction lasts long, through continued exposure to stress, that health becomes endangered. Such serious conditions as high blood pressure and heart disease have established links with stress. Since we can not remove stress from our life (it would be unwise to do so even if we could), we need to find ways to deal with it.21. We are fast losing the art of relaxation because_______.A.t he pace of life is increasingB.we are rushing through our lifeC.we are on the go from morning till nightD.a ll of the above22. According to the writer, the most important character fora manager is _______.A.t o know the art of relaxationB.not to fear stressC.to provide motivation for othersD.t o enjoy good health23. As far as the amount of stress is concerned, _______.A.d ifferent people can withstand different amount of stressB.different people can withstand the same amount of stressC.a man can withstand different amount of stress at different timeD.a man can withstand the same amount of stress at different time24. The phrase “such a reaction” refers to _______.A.t he “fight”B.the “ flight”C.the reaction to high blood pressure and heart diseasesD.t he reaction to stress both chemically and physically25. The a uthor’s idea about stress is possibly ______.A.t o completely remove it from our livesB.to have stronger stress that lasts longerC.to find proper ways to deal with itD.t o be always exposed to huge stressPassage 6No other author in American literature is better known or more loved than Samuel Langhorne Clemens. Born in Missouri in 1835, he grew up on the banks of the Mississippi River and became a riverboat pilot when he was 21 years old. So he adopted the pen name of “Mark Twain”, which was derived from a phr ase meaning “two fathoms deep” used by the boatmen on the Mississippi as they measured the depth of the river. The river environment inspired the two novels which brought him his greatest fame: “Tom Sawyer” and “Huckleberry Finn”. Another book, “Life on th e Mississippi”, told of his adventures on the river boats of that period.It was during the Civil War that Mark Twain’s life as a writer started. At that time he was working as a newspaper man in Nevada and California. His short story,“The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaberas County” was a n immediate success and his new career began. “A Million Pond Note” written in 1893 was another well-known short story.In 1870, Mark Twain married Olivia Langdon. He had fallen in love with her picture even before he met her. According to his biographers, his wife had a great influence on Twain’s laterbooks.Mark Twain was also a very successful lecturer. His travels around the country giving talks on a variety of subjects helped make him famous and increased the sale of his books.“Tom Sawyer” and “Huckleberry Finn” are considered Twain’s best works. They are marked by humor and satire and provide his readers with an excellent picture of his era. His last book was completed in 1909, one year before his death. He was 74 years old.26. Samuel Langhorne Clemens adopted the pen name of “Mark Twain”__________.A. when he was 21 years oldB. after he wrote the novel “Life on the Mississippi”C. from a phrase used by the boatmen on the MississippiD. because the boatmen called him “Mark Twain” when he worked as a riverboat pilot27. Mark Twain’s career as a writer began when______________.A. he wrote “A Million Pound Note”B. he was working on the MississippiC. the Civil War broke outD. he was working as a newspaper man28. According to the passage, which of the following books was most probably written under the influence of Olivia Langdon?A. “The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaberas County”B. “A Million Pound Note”C. “Life on the Mississippi”D. “Tom Sawyer”29. What helped Mark Twain become famous and made better sale of his books?A. His talks on a variety of subjects during his travels around the country.B. His experience on the Mississippi.C. His humorous style in writing.D. His wife’s influence on his works.30. Which of the following statement is not true about Mark Twain?A. He is considered the best author in American literature.B. He fell in love with Olivia Langdon when he saw her picture.C. He was a successful lecturer as well as a famous writer.D. He completed his last work when he was 74 years old.Passage 7Pat O’Burke was a poor Irishman with a large family, and one morning, waking up very early from cold and hunger, he decided to go shooting in a wood near his cottage. The wood belonged to Lord Northwood, a rich gentleman, and Pat had no right to go there, but in it there were swarms of rabbits and flocks of birds that were good to eat, and Pat determined to take the risk. Suddenly he saw the owner, with a group of friends, coming towards him in the wood. There was a look of anger on Lord Northwood’s face as he caught sight of the gun in Pat’s hands. Pat’s heart sank with fear, but he saw there was no hope of escape, so he walked boldly up to the company and said to Lord Northwood, “Good morning, sir, and what has brought you out so early this morning?” Lord Northwood, rather surprised, said he and his friends were taking a little exercise to get an appetite for their breakfast. Then, looking at Pat with suspicion, he said, “But why are you out so early in the morning?” “Well, sir,” said P at, “I just came out to see if I could get a breakfast for my appetite.” The whole crowd burst into laughter at Pat’s readywit, and with a smile Lord Northwood walked on, leaving Pat to try his luck with the rabbits.31. This is a story about _____________.A. a rich man who owned a big woodB. a poor Irishman who lived all by himselfC. a clever man who tried to get something to eat for his breakfastD. an Irish hunter with a large family32. There was a look of anger on Lord Northwood’s face. Why?A. He was not expecting Pat at this early hour.B. He knew Pat was coming for shooting.C. He didn’t like the poor Irishman at all.D. Pat had not told him he would come.33. Why was Lord Northwood surprised?A. He had not expected such a bold question from Pat.B. He wondered why Pat didn’t run away.C. Pat wasn’t afraid of him.D. Pat had a gun in his hands.34. Pat’s _______________ made the whole crowd bur st into laughter.A. funny looksB. interesting remarksC. quick and witty responseD. promise to leave right away35. It was because of his _________ that Pat was left to try his luck.A. boldnessB. calmnessC. obedience (服从, 顺从)D. quickness of mindPassage 8We are all part of history. Our ways of living today will seem strange to our grandchildren. Our clothes, our automobiles, even our kinds of food, will seem very queer to them. “How strange life must have been back in those days!” our grandchildren will say to us.Changes in way of living are an important part of history. Our ancestors lived very differently from the way we live now. And their ancestors seemed strange to them too.History is the story of whatever happened to people before today. Some events were thrilling, and some were sad. Men have been very cruel in wars and revolutions. On the other hand, many men have worked for peace and freedom.Discoveries of new lands have played an important part in history. How interesting those stories of discoveries are! It is fun, too, to read about inventions and the ways in which they have changed people’s lives. Discoveries in science and medicine have made great changes, too.History is the story of presidents and kings, of heroes and villains. It is the story of ordinary people, too. History is everybody’s story!36.We are part of history because ______.A.we are living in the 20th centuryB.we have many grand childrenC.we have strange thingsD.we have a different way of life37.All the following queer things are mentioned in the passage except______.A.clothesB.housingC.automobilesD.foods38.Which of the following is NOT true?A.Our way of life is much the same as our ancestor’s.B.New discoveries have brought about changes.C.Discoveries have played an important part in history.D.History tells us what happened in the past.39.The passage suggests that ______.A.man is always goodB.the changes make people inventC.man enjoys learning about historyD.we do the same as our ancestors40.History is the story about ______.A.ordinary peopleB.heroes and villainsC.kings and presidentsD.all of the abovePassage 9Many people think New York is a noisy city. The noise level comes from having so many people and cars in the same area. Now even the insides of taxis are noisy. When you are get into a taxi, you hear voices saying things such as buckling your seat belt, “ Don’t forget to collect all your belongings.”, and so on.There is a good reason for the messages. There are more than 12 000 cabs in New Y ork, and every year taxis get into more than 15 000 accidents. Every year, about 11 ,000 people get injured in this way.Many people are annoyed by the voices. Cabdrivers in particular dislike the messages. “I play the messages 12 hours aday. I hear the sam e voices 60 times a day. It makes me crazy,” says Amir, a 45-year-old cabdriver. “But if I don’t play the messages, I get fined $100.” A lot of passengers complain, too. “It’s too much noise,” says a passenger. “I asked the driver to turn off the messages,but he said he can’t.”Other people think the voices are a great idea. One taxi driver says, “People l ike to hear the famous voices, and they put on their seat belts more often.” And passengers from out of town really like the idea. “Most of the time, ta xi drivers are in a bad mood,” says Melanie Benton, who visits New York often on business. “It’s nice t o hear a cheerful voice when you get intoa cab.”41.New Y ork is, the passage says, a noisy city because ________.A.New Y ork has so many people in the cityB.people and scientists say soC.there are so many cars in New YorkD.both A and C42.Even the insides of New York taxis are noisy, for ________.A.inside a taxi, you hear loud voices telling messages all the timeB.many people are annoyed by the useful messages heard in the taxiC.taxi drivers are crazy with the noiseD.taxi drivers will get fined if they play the messages43.According to the passage, the good reason for the messages played inside a taxi is________.A.the drivers can’t turn off the voicesB.the messages can help passengers to avoid trafficaccidentsC.many people dislike the messagesD.many drivers like playing them44.From the passage, we may conclude that the author ________.A.hates the messages played inside the taxisB.doesn’t offer any suggestions to solve the proble mC.thinks that taxi drivers should always be happy with the noiseD.is not annoyed by the voices inside the taxis45.The title for the passage might be ________.A.Noise in New Y ork TaxisB.Messages Are GoodC.Drivers and V oicesD.Avoiding Traffic AccidentsPassage 10I see four kinds of pressure working on college students today: economic pressure, parental pressure, peer pressure, and self-induced pressure. It is easy to look around for villains---- to blame the colleges for charging too much money, the professors for assigning too much work, the parents for pushing their children too far, the students for driving themselves too hard. But there are no villains, only victims.They know that entrance into the better schools will be an entrance into the better law firms and better medical practices where they will make a lot of money. They also know that it is very hard to achieve success both in life and in study.The pressure is almost as heavy on students who just want to graduate and get a job. They live in a brutal economy. Along with economic pressure goes parental pressure. Inevitably, the。
九年级期末复习一、单项选择(15)1. My classmates prefer to ____ rather than _____.A. singing, dancingB. singing, danceC. sing , danceD. sing , dancing2.___________students bought Li Yang’s book after his crazy English speech.A. Two hundredsB. hundreds ofC. hundredsD. hundred of3. After the concert, Nancy was very happy to have a photo ______ with Duan Linxi.A. to take B .took C. taking D. taken4. Do you know __________ Nanjing or not tomorrow?A. whether are they leaving forB. whether they are leaving forC. if they are leaving forD. if are they leaving for5. The bus driver always says to us, “Don’t get off ________ the bus stops.A. when B while C. until D. if6. Drivers shouldn’t be allowed ________ after drinking, or they will break the law.A. driveB. drivingC. to driveD. to be driven7. We believe we can _______ a way to solve the problem of pollution in the future.A. catch up withB. come up withC. think aboutD. set off8. Don’t worry! I’m sure you’ll _______ your classmates if you are kind and friendly to them.A. catch up withB. get on well withC. agree withD. be strict with9.—I don’t think we can find a new way to work out the problem.—But we’d better not ________.A.end upB. hand outC. give upD. put out10. —You can hardly swim, _____ you?—______ . But my mother says she’ll teach me during my summer holiday.A.can’t ; NoB. can ; NoC. can’t ; YesD. can ; Yes11. He speaks French well, but of course not ______ a person born in France.A. as clear asB. clearerC. as clearly asD. the more clearly12. —A number of volunteers _______ willing to teach in China rural areas.— Yes, the number is _________.A.is, bigger and bigger B ,are , bigger and bigger C. is , more and more D. are ,more and more13.—Which basketball player do you like best, Kobe, James or Jordan?—_______ of them. Lin shuhao is my favourite.A. AllB. NoneC. EitherD. Neither14. About _____ of the students in Grade Nine this year born in the ________.A.three five; 1996B. three fifths ; 1990sC. third fifth ;1997D. third fifths; 1990s15. I gave up the piano lessons because I have so much homework to do, but it’s ______ my own wishes.A. inB. onC. againstD. for二、写出相应单词。
一、推断化合物的结构1、 一个化合物A ,最简式为C 3H 4,相对分子质量为120,经测定,分子中含有苯环。
A 经硝化得到两个一硝基化合物,将它们分别在碱性KMnO 4溶液中加热氧化,除去MnO 2沉淀,再酸化,分别得到沉淀B 和C 。
B 和C 提纯后测得熔点相同,B ,C 混合后熔点仍不变。
试推断A ,B ,C 的结构式并写出有关反应式。
结构式:A :C 2H 5H 3C B 、C (同一物质):COOHNO 2反应式:C 2HH 3CCH 3C 2H 5NO 2+CH 3C 2H 5NO 2[O]COOHCOOHNO 2+COOH COOH NO 22、 有一化合物分子式为C 7H 6O 3(Ⅰ),能与NaHCO 3作用,与FeCl 3水溶液有颜色反应,与乙酸酐作用生成C 9H 8O 4(Ⅱ),与CH 3OH 能生成C 8H 8O 3(Ⅲ),(Ⅲ)只有一种一硝基衍生物,试推测(Ⅰ)、(Ⅱ)、(Ⅲ)的结构,并写出各有关反应式。
结构式:(Ⅰ):COOHHO(Ⅱ):COOHH 3COCO(Ⅲ):COOCH 3HO反应式:HO COOCH 3HOH 3NaCO 3COONaHO CH 3OHCOOCH 3HOO 2N (Ⅰ(Ⅲ )CO)2O(Ⅱ)3、 化合物A (C 4H 9O 2N )有旋光性,能与HCl 作用生成盐酸盐,能与HNO 2作用放出N 2。
A 经水解得氨基酸B (C 3H 7NO 2)和甲醇。
B 具有旋光性,与HNO 2作用得到乳酸。
试写出A ,B 的结构式及有关反应式。
结构式:A : *CH 3CHCOOCH 3NH 2B :*CH 3CHCOOH2反应式:**CH 3CHCOOCH 3NH 2CH 3CHCOOHNH 2HNO 2HNO 2CH 3CHCOOCH 3OH+ N (A)(B)2O /H +CH 3CHCOOH OH CH 3CHCOOCH 3NH 3+Cl -+ CH 3OH(乳酸)+ N **4、 某化合物A 经测定含C 、H 、O 、N 四种元素,A 与NaOH 溶液共煮放出一种刺激性气体,残余物经酸化后得到一个不含氮的物质B ,B 与LiAlH 4反应后得到C ,C 用浓H 2SO 4处理后得到一烯烃D ,该烯烃的相对分子质量为56,经臭氧化并还原水解后得到一个醛和一个酮。
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概念:在一定地域 内,生物与环境所 形成的统一的整体 叫做生态系统.
生 物 部 分 生产者 消费者
——植物(通过光合作用, 制造有机物,为自身和动物 提供营养) ——动物(直接或间接 以植物为食) ——细菌、真菌等微生物 (分解动植物尸体成简单 的物质,归还土壤,供植 物重新利用。)
1.苏州湿地资源丰富,具有面积庞大的湿地生态系统。下 列有关湿地生态系统作用的叙述,不正确的是( C ) A.能有效蓄水、吸污、净化水质 B.能调节区域小气候 C.是所有类型的生态系统中,生物多样性最丰富的 D.是两栖动物、鸟类和其他野生生物的重要栖息地 2.图为一个生态系统中某些生物的相对数量关系,这些生 物构成了一条食物链。在这条食物链中物质和能量流动的 方向是( C ) A.甲→乙→丙→丁 B.丙→丁→甲→乙 C.丙→丁→乙→甲 D.丁→丙→乙→甲 3.为了保护南极的生态环境,到南极考察的科学工作者不仅 要把塑料等难以降解的垃圾带离南极,还要把粪便等生活垃圾 带离南极,这是因为南极(D ) A.缺乏必要的生活设施 B.缺少生产者 C.没有消费者 D.分解者很少
考点1:说出生态系统的概念、组成、功能、特点 1.概念:在一定地域内, 所形成的统一整体。 2.组成 非生物部分: 等
植物—— 部分: ——消费者 细菌、真菌—— 3.功能: 循环和能量 。
考点2:列举不同的生态系统 森林生态系统(地球之肺,绿色水库);草原生态系统;海洋 生态系统;淡水生态系统;湿地生态系统(地球之肾);农
时间 C
时间 D
如图为生态系统中各种生物之间的关系,请回答下列问题: (1)生态系统的组成成分中除生物部分外,还包 括 ,如阳光、空气、水等. 非生物部分 (2)在生态系统的生物部分中,动物属于 .植物属 消费者 于 .消费者与生产者之间的关系,主要是 生产者 关系. 吃与被吃 (3)生物圈中的生态系统多种多样,其中有“绿色水库”之称的 是 .被誉为“自然之肾”的 湿地生态系统 森林生态系统 是 .
4.下列四组生物中,能生活在同一生态系统中是( ) A A.高粱和大豆 B.猎豹和猕猴 C.莲花和紫菜 D.丹顶鹤和仙人掌 5.在一个由水稻、蝗虫、青蛙组成的相对封闭的生态系统 中,如果将青蛙杀光,蝗虫的数量变化可以用下列曲线图 来表示的是( ) B
蝗虫数量 蝗虫数量
时间 A
时间 B
考点1: 1.生物和环境 2.阳光 ,水分,空气等 生物 生产者 动物 分解者 3.物质 流动 考点3: 1.生产者 消费者 食物链 2.食物链 3.食物链和食物网 考点4: 1.相对稳定 自动调节能力 限度 2.多 复杂 考点5: 1.生物圈 2.20千米 底部 水圈 岩石圈 3.岩石 4.水分 阳光 温度
生 态 因 素
捕食关系 七星瓢虫捕食蚜虫 稻田里的杂草和水稻
竞争关系 合作关系 寄生关系 共生关系
生活在一起的蚂蚁之间 人和蛔虫的关系 豆科植物与根瘤菌
实验探究的一般过程(6个) 1、发现、提出问题 2、 作出假设 3、制定计划 4、 实施计划 5、得出结论 6、 表达和交流 原则:单一变量、对照实验、等量原则、 重复实验
生 态 系 统
非生物部分 ——阳光、空气、水等
生产者、消费者和分解者之间的关系是: 相互依存
生产者和消费者之间的关系,主要是 吃与被吃的关系,这样就形成了食物链。 • 草 虫子 鸟
生产者 消费者 消费者
பைடு நூலகம்
注意: 1、起点是生产者 2、食物链只包括生产者和消费者,没有分解 者和非生物部分。 3、箭头由被捕食者指向捕食者。 4、从生产者至最高级消费者为一条食物链。
2.生物适应环境也能影响和改变环境 现存的每一种生物都具有与其生活环境相适应的 的生物对环境是有 的。 和 。生物的
提出问题 作出假设 对鼠妇生活有影响吗? 对鼠妇生活有影响。
①在设计实验时,注意使鼠妇的生活环境除 同,形成 和 两种环境的对照。 ②试验中用了10只鼠妇而不是一只,为什么? ③实验完毕后,用过的鼠妇应怎样处理? 仔细观察,认真记录
数 量、 能 量
营养级、 有毒物 质
例1:如果一个处于稳定状态的生态系统中的四种生物构成了 食物链的关系,在某一时间内它们的相对数量关系如图2所示, 在一段时间内,若乙的数量增加,则会引起: ( ) A A.丙、丁的数量增加,甲的数量下降 B.甲、丁的数量增加,丙的数量下降 C.甲、丙的数量增加,丁的数量下降 D.甲、丙、丁的数量都增加 例2:下表是对几种生物体内农药含量的测定结果: 这些生物与生物之间有着吃与被吃的关系,请问下列哪一条食 物链的联系是正确的( ) B
生产者 最多
初级消费· · · 终极消费者 越来越少 最少
能量 有毒物质
最多 最少
越来越少 越来越多
最少 最多
态平衡。这说明生态系统具有一定的 ,但这种调节能力是有一定的 如果外界干扰超过了这个限度,生态系统就会遭到破坏。
例1:(2011年株洲)小红同学在学习讨论生物的特征时,列举 了以下实例,属于生物基本特征的是( ) B A.生物都能运动 B.生物都需要营养 C.生物都能进行光合作用 D.生物都是由细胞构成的 例2:(2011年济宁)为研究阳光对花生发芽的影响,李明同学 设计了一组对照实验,在甲和乙两个花盆中种了花生,并对阳 光、温度和水加以控制,下表中一、二处应是 ( ) B 花盆 甲 乙 A.20℃ 不充足 C.30℃ 不充足 阳光 向阳处 暗室 温度 20℃ 一 B.20℃ 充足 D.30℃ 充足 水 充足 二
上图是某生态系统的一部分, 请据图回答下列问题: (1)此图表示的是 食物网 ,它由 4 条相互联系的食物链构成。 。
(2)假如蟾蜍由于某种原因数量锐减,最先受到影响的生物是 蛇 (3)属于生产者是 草 。它储存的能量是来自于 太阳能 。
(4)对于猫头鹰来说,能量损失最少的食物链是 草→食草鸟→猫头鹰 分解者 (5)在这个生态系统中还缺少 非生物部分 和 没表示出来。 (6)生态系统中的物质和能量就是沿着 食物链 和 食物网 流动的。
实验结果是 环境下的鼠妇数量比较多,与假设相符合, 可以得出结论: 。如果实验结果与假设不符 合是我们应该 。 。
表达和交流 计算全班各组的平均值是为了
生物与环境 考点1: 1.营养 2.呼吸 3.废物 4.反应 应激性 5.生长 繁殖 6.病 毒 细胞7.遗传 变异 考点2: 1.非生物因素 捕食 竞争 合作 寄生 2.形态结构 生活方式 适应性 影响 考点3: 光 光 光照 阴暗 明亮 避免偶然性,减少误差 放回大自然 阴暗 光对鼠妇生活有影响 重新假设,再进行实验 避免偶然性,减少误差
生物能进行呼吸 生物能排出身体内产生的废物 生物能对外界的刺激作出反应 生物能生长和繁殖 应激性
生物都有遗传和变异的特性 除病毒外,生物都是由细胞构成的
按 形态结构特点 分为
按照 生活环境 用途 植物 动物 其他生物 陆生生物 水生生物 作物 家畜 家禽 宠物 其他
考点3:描述生态系统中的食物链和食物网 1. 和 之间的关系,主要是吃与被吃的关系,这样就 形成了 。 2.一个生态系统中,由很多条 彼此交错连接形成。 3.生态系统的物质和能量就是沿着 流动的。 (1)写法:起点必须是生产者,终点为消费者,不包含分解者和非生物部分。 “→”的方向指向捕食者。 (2)举例:草→兔→狐 (3)数法:从生产者一直数到最顶端的消费者才是一条食物链。 (4)食物链中生物数量、能量、有毒物质的关系 在食物链中,沿着生产者→初 级消费者→· · · · · · 终极消费者,生物数量,体内能量及所含的有毒物质的关系 如下:
考点1:区别生物与非生物(生物的共同特征) 用生物的特征判断物体是否具有生命,区别生物与非生物。
)5.生物能 和 和 。 现象。
4.生物能对外界刺激作出 6.除 外,生物都是由
考点2:举例说出生物与环境之间的关系 1.环境影响生物 因素包括光、水、温度、空气等 。 生物因素包括 关系、 关系、 关系、 关系。
下图是某草原生态系统中的部分生物,请据图回答: (1)若要组成一个完整的生态系统,除图中所示生物外, 必不可少的成分是 分解者 和 非生物部分 。 (2)在该生态系统中,鹰与兔以及昆虫与兔的关系分别 是 , 竞争关系 。 捕食关系 (3)你认为正确表示某生态系统中生物体内积累的 有毒物质数量多少的图示是( D ) 。
2.生态系统的调节能力的大小主要取决于它自身的结构特点。生态系统中生物种 类越 ,营养结构越 ,自动调节能力就越大,生态平衡就越不易被打破; 反之,自动调节能力就越小,生态平衡就越容易被破坏。 考点5:描述生物圈是最大的生态系统,确立保护生物圈的意识 1. 面。 3. 圈是地球表层的固体部分,也是人类的“立足点”,但是人类的活动可以 达到生物圈的各个圈层。 4.生物圈为生物提供的基本条件有营养物质、 、空气、 、适宜的 和一定的生存空间。 是地球最大的生态系统。 左右的圈层,包括大气圈的 、 的大部和 的表 2.生物圈是一个厚度为