PASCAL 错误对照表
F O R T R A N运行错误消息列表中英对照集团文件版本号:(M928-T898-M248-WU2669-I2896-DQ586-M1988)Fortran的运行时错误消息列表本节列出了英特尔Fortran运行时库(RTL)处理的错误。
在程序中定义条件符号值(参数表),包括以下文件:for_iosdef.for如表中所述,消息的严重程度决定了发生下列情况:与信息和警告,程序继续执行与错误,结果可能会不正确与严重的,程序执行停止(除非指定了恢复方法)在最后一种情况下,为防止程序终止,您必须包含一个合适的I / O错误处理说明符并重新编译,或者对于某些错误,改变信号的缺省操作您再次运行该程序之前。
在下面的表中,第一列列出的错误号返回检测到I / O错误时iostat的变量。
第二列下面的行包含状态条件符号(如$ IOS_INCRECTYP)和消息的解释。
当指定的OPEN语句指定的文件XXX已存在状态='新'使用I / O单元×(创建新的文件)。
修改源文件来指定不同的文件规格,I / O单元,或OPEN语句状态。
磁盘已经满咯,可是你还试图写入数据. .
(关键错误) 152开车没 Nhomakorabea备好 驱动器未准备好
错误一览表1、Run Time Errors运行错误(A)DOS错误代码:1:无效DoS功能号2:文件末找到3:路径未找到4:打开文件过多5:禁止文件存取6:无效文件句柄12:无效文件存取代码15:无效驱动器号16:不能删除当前日录17:不能跨驱动器改文件名(B)I/O错误100:磁盘读错误101:磁盘写错误102:文件变量末赋值103:文件未打开104:文件未用输入方式打开105:文件末用输出方式打开106:无效数字格式(C)严重错误150:磁盘写保护15l:未知单元152:驱动器未准备好153:未知命令154:数据CRC校验错155:驱动器请求的结构长度错156:磁盘定位错157:未知媒介类型158:扇区末找到159:打印机缺纸160:设备写失败161:设备读失败162:硬件故障(D)致命错误200:被零除201:范围检查错202:堆栈溢出错203:堆溢出错204:无效指针操作205:浮点上溢出206:浮点下溢出207:无效浮点运算208:未安装覆盖管理程序209:覆盖文件读错210:对象未初始化211:调用抽象方法212:流登计错213:集合下标越界214:集合溢出215:算术上溢错误216:存取非法217:控制-C218:授权指令219:无效的TYPECAST220:无效的变体TYPECAST221:无效的变体操作222:没有变体方法调用DISPATCHER223:不能建立变体数组224:变体不包含数组225:变体数组边界错误226:TLS初始化错误2、编译错误对照表下面列出在编译程序时可能出现的错误,在集成环境下,Pascal将自动加载源程序并定位于出错处。
1:内存溢出2:缺标识符3:标识符未定义4:标识符重定义5:语法错误6:实型常量错7:整型常量错8:字符串常量跨行9:文件嵌套过多10:非正常文件结束11:行过长12:缺类型标识符13:打开文件过多14:无效文件名15:文件未找到16:磁盘满17:无效编译指示18:文件过多19:指针定义中未定义类型20:缺变量标识符21:类型错误22:结构过长24:文件分量不能为文件25:无效字符串长度26:类型不匹配27:无效子界基类型28:下界大于上界29:缺有序类型30:缺整型常数31:缺常数32:缺整型或实型常数33:缺指针类型标识符34:无效的函数结果类型35:缺标号标识符36:缺BEGIN37:缺END38:缺整型表达式39:缺有序表达式40:缺布尔表达式41:操作数类型与操作符不匹配42:表达式错43:非法赋值44:缺字段标识符45:目标文件过长46:未定义外部标识符47:无效*.OBJ文件记录48:代码段过长49:数据段过长50:缺DO51:无效PUBLIC定义52:无效EXTRN定义53:EXTRN定义过多54:缺0F55:缺INTERFACE56:无效重定位引用57:缺THEN58:缺T0或DOWNTO59:未定义的向前引用60:过程过多61:无效类型转换62:被零除D63:无效文件类型64:不能读写该类型的变量65:缺指针变量66:缺字符串变量67:缺字符串表达式68:单元循环引用69:单元名不匹配70:单元版本不匹配71:单元重名72:单元文件格式错误73:缺IMPLEMENTATl0N74:常数与CASE类型不相匹配75:缺记录变量76:常数越界77:缺文件变量78:缺指针变量79:缺整型或实型表达式80:标号不在当前块中81:标号已定义82:标号未定义83:无效参数84:缺UNIT85:缺“;”86:缺“:”87:缺“,”88:缺“(”89:缺“)”90:缺“=”91:缺“:=”92:缺“[”或“(.”93:缺“]”或“.)”94:缺“.”96:变量过多97:无效FOR控制变量98:缺整型变量99:此处不允许用文件和100:字符串长度不匹配101:无效字顺序102:缺字符串常数103:缺整型或实型变量104:缺有序变量105:INLINE错106:缺字符表达式107:重定位项过多112:CASE常量越界113:语句错114:不能调用中断过程116:必须在8087方式下编译117:末找到目标地址118:此处不允许包含文件120:缺NIL121:无效限定符122:无效变量引用123:符号过多124:语句部分过长126:文件必须为变量参数127:条件符号过多128:条件指令错位130:初始条件定义错13l:过程和函数头与前面定义的不匹酉132:严重磁盘错误133:不能计算该表达式134:表达式错误结束l35:无效格式说明符136:无效间接引用137:此处不允许结构变量138:无SYSTEM单元不能计算l39:不能存取该符号140:无效浮点运算141:不能将覆盖编译至内存142:缺过程和函数变量143:无效过程或函数引用144:不能覆盖该单元147:缺对象类型148:不允许局部对象类型149:缺VIRTUAL150:缺方法标识符151:不允许虚拟构造方法152:缺构造方法标识符153:缺释放方法标识符154:FAIL只允许在构造方法内使用155:无效的操作符和操作数组合156:缺内存引用l57:不能加减可重定位符号158:无效寄存器组合159:未激活286/287指令160:无效符号引用161:代码生成错162:缺ASM11/ 11。
Pascal错误对照表一、Pascal编译错误信息中英文对照表下面列出在编译程序时可能出现的错误,在集成环境下,Turbo Pascal将自动加载源程序并定位于出错处:错误代码及错误信息错误释义error1:Out of memory内存溢出error2:Identifier expected缺标识符error3:Unknown identifier未定义的标识符error4:Duplicate identifier重复定义的标识符error5:Syntax error语法错误error6:Error in real constant实型常量错误error7:Error in integer constant整型常量错误error8:String constant exceeds line字符串常量超过一行error10:Unexpected end of file文件非正常结束error11:Line too long行太长error12:Type identifier expected未定义的类型标识符error13:Too many open files打开文件太多error14:Invalid file name无效的文件名error15:File not found文件未找到error16:Disk full磁盘满error17:Invalid compiler directive无效的编译命令error18:Too many files文件太多error19:Undefined type in pointer def指针定义中未定义类型error20:Variable identifier expected缺变量标识符error21:Error in type类型错误error22:Structure too large结构类型太长error23:Set base type out of range集合基类型越界error24:File components may not be files or objectsfile分量不能是文件或对象error25:Invalid string length无效的字符串长度error26:Type mismatch类型不匹配error27:error27:Invalid subrange base type无效的子界基类型error28:Lower bound greater than upper bound下界超过上界error29:Ordinal type expected缺有序类型error30:Integer constant expected缺整型常量error31:Constant expected缺常量error32:Integer or real constant expected缺整型或实型常量error33:Pointer Type identifier expected缺指针类型标识符error34:Invalid function result type无效的函数结果类型error35:Label identifier expected缺标号标识符error36:BEGIN expected缺BEGINerror37:END expected缺ENDerror38:Integer expression expected缺整型表达式error39:Ordinal expression expected缺有序类型表达式error40:Boolean expression expected缺布尔表达式error41:Operand types do not match操作数类型不匹配error42:Error in expression表达式错误error43:Illegal assignment非法赋值error44:Field identifier expected缺域标识符error45:Object file too large目标文件太大error46:Undefined external未定义的外部过程与函数error47:Invalid object file record无效的OBJ文件格式error48:Code segment too large代码段太长error49:Data segment too large数据段太长error50:DO expected缺DOerror51:Invalid PUBLIC definition无效的PUBLIC定义error52:Invalid EXTRN definition无效的EXTRN定义error53:Too many EXTRN definitions太多的EXTRN定义error54:OF expected缺OFerror55:INTERFACE expected缺INTERFACEerror56:Invalid relocatable reference无效的可重定位引用error57:THEN expected缺THENerror58:TO or DOWNTO expected缺TO或DOWNTOerror59:Undefined forward提前引用未经定义的说明error61:Invalid typecast无效的类型转换error62:Division by zero被零除error63:Invalid file type无效的文件类型error64:Cannot read or write variables of this type不能读写此类型变量error65:Pointer variable expected缺指针类型变量error66:String variable expected缺字符串变量error67:String expression expected缺字符串表达式error68:Circular unit reference单元UNIT部件循环引用error69:Unit name mismatch单元名不匹配error70:Unit version mismatch单元版本不匹配error71:Internal stack overflow内部堆栈溢出error72:Unit file format error单元文件格式错误error73:IMPLEMENTATION expected缺IMPLEMENTATIONerror74:Constant and case types do not match常量和CASE类型不匹配error75:Record or object variable expected缺记录或对象变量error76:Constant out of range常量越界error77:File variable expected缺文件变量error78:Pointer expression expected缺指针表达式error79:Integer or real expression expected缺整型或实型表达式error80:Label not within current block标号不在当前块内error81:Label already defined标号已定义error82:Undefined label in preceding statement part在前面未定义标号error83:Invalid@argument无效的@参数error84:UNIT expected缺UNITerror85:";"expected缺“;”error86:":"expected缺“:”error87:","expected缺“,”error88:"("expected缺“(”error89:")"expected缺“)”error90:"="expected缺“=”error91:":="expected缺“:=”error92:"["or"(."Expected缺“[”或“(.”error93:"]"or".)"expected缺“]”或“.)”error94:"."expected缺“.”error95:".."expected缺“..”error96:Too many variables变量太多error97:Invalid FOR control variable无效的FOR循环控制变量error98:Integer variable expected缺整型变量error99:Files and procedure types are not allowed here该处不允许文件和过程类型error100:String length mismatch字符串长度不匹配error101:Invalid ordering of fields无效域顺序error102:String constant expected缺字符串常量error103:Integer or real variable expected缺整型或实型变量error104:Ordinal variable expected缺有序类型变量error105:INLINE error INLINE错误error106:Character expression expected缺字符表达式error107:Too many relocation items重定位项太多error108:Overflow in arithmetic operation算术运算溢出error112:CASE constant out of range CASE常量越界error113:Error in statement表达式错误error114:Cannot call an interrupt procedure不能调用中断过程error116:Must be in8087mode to compile this必须在8087模式编译error117:Target address not found找不到目标地址error118:Include files are not allowed here该处不允许INCLUDE文件error119:No inherited methods are accessible here该处继承方法不可访问error121:Invalid qualifier无效的限定符error122:Invalid variable reference无效的变量引用error123:Too many symbols符号太多error124:Statement part too large语句体太长error126:Files must be var parameters文件必须是变量形参error127:Too many conditional symbols条件符号太多error128:Misplaced conditional directive条件指令错位error129:ENDIF directive missing缺ENDIF指令error130:Error in initial conditional defines初始条件定义错误error131:Header does not match previous definition和前面定义的过程或函数不匹配error133:Cannot evaluate this expression不能计算该表达式error134:Expression incorrectly terminated表达式错误结束error135:Invalid format specifier无效格式说明符error136:Invalid indirect reference无效的间接引用error137:Structured variables are not allowed here该处不允许结构变量error138:Cannot evaluate without System unit没有System单元不能计算error139:Cannot access this symbol不能存取符号error140:Invalid floating point operation无效的符号运算error141:Cannot compile overlays to memory不能编译覆盖模块至内存error142:Pointer or procedural variable expected缺指针或过程变量error143:Invalid procedure or function reference无效的过程或函数调用error144:Cannot overlay this unit不能覆盖该单元error146:File access denied不允许文件访问error147:Object type expected缺对象类型error148:Local object types are not allowed不允许局部对象类型error149:VIRTUAL expected缺VIRTUALerror150:Method identifier expected缺方法标识符error151:Virtual constructors are not allowed不允许虚构造函数error152:Constructor identifier expected缺构造函数标识符error153:Destructor identifier expected缺析构函数标识符error154:Fail only allowed within constructors只能在构造函数内使用Fail标准过程error155:Invalid combination of opcode and operands操作数与操作符无效组合error156:Memory reference expected缺内存引用指针error157:Cannot add or subtract relocatable symbols不能加减可重定位符号error158:Invalid register combination无效寄存器组合error159:286/287instructions are not enabled未激活286/287指令error160:Invalid symbol reference无效符号指针error161:Code generation error代码生成错误error162:ASM expected缺ASMerror166:Procedure or function identifier expected缺过程或函数标识符error167:Cannot export this symbol不能输出该符号error168:Duplicate export name外部文件名重复error169:Executable file header too large可执行文件头太长error170:Too many segments段太多二、Pascal运行错误信息中英文对照表运行错误是指程序运行时出现的错误,当发生时,Turbo Pascal显示如下信息:RUNTIME ERROR NNNN AT XXXX:YYYY其中,NNNN是运行错误代码,XXXX是错误发生的程序段,YYYY是错误地址偏移。
(一)0 0x0000 作业完成。
10x0001 不正确的函数。
20x0002 系统找不到指定的档案。
30x0003 系统找不到指定的路径。
40x0004 系统无法开启档案。
50x0005 拒绝存取。
60x0006 无效的代码。
70x0007 储存体控制区块已毁。
80x0008 储存体空间不足,无法处理这个指令。
90x0009 储存体控制区块位址无效。
100x000A 环境不正确。
110x000B 尝试载入一个格式错误的程式。
120x000C 存取码错误。
130x000D 资料错误。
140x000E 储存体空间不够,无法完成这项作业。
150x000F 系统找不到指定的磁碟机。
160x0010 无法移除目录。
170x0011 系统无法将档案移到其他的磁碟机。
180x0012 没有任何档案。
190x0013 储存媒体为防写状态。
200x0014 系统找不到指定的装置。
210x0015 装置尚未就绪。
220x0016 装置无法识别指令。
230x0017 资料错误 (cyclic redundancy check) 24 0x0018 程式发出一个长度错误的指令。
250x0019 磁碟机在磁碟找不到持定的磁区或磁轨。
260x001A 指定的磁碟或磁片无法存取。
270x001B 磁碟机找不到要求的磁区。
280x001C 印表机没有纸。
290x001D 系统无法将资料写入指定的磁碟机。
300x001E 系统无法读取指定的装置。
310x001F 连接到系统的某个装置没有作用。
320x0020 The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.330x0021 档案的一部份被锁定,现在无法存取。
340x0022 磁碟机的磁片不正确。
请将 %2 (Volume Serial Number: %3) 插入磁碟机 %1。
Pascal编译错误信息表错误代码及错误信息错误释义error 1: Out of memory 内存溢出error 2: Identifier expected 缺标识符error 3: Unknown identifier 未定义的标识符error 4: Duplicate identifier 重复定义的标识符error 5: Syntax error 语法错误error 6: Error in real constant 实型常量错误error 7: Error in integer constant 整型常量错误error 8: String constant exceeds line 字符串常量超过一行error 10: Unexpected end of file 文件非正常结束error 11: Line too long 行太长error 12: Type identifier expected 未定义的类型标识符error 13: Too many open files 打开文件太多error 14: Invalid file name 无效的文件名error 15: File not found 文件未找到error 16: Disk full 磁盘满error 17: Invalid compiler directive 无效的编译命令error 18: Too many files 文件太多error 19: Undefined type in pointer def 指针定义中未定义类型error 20: Variable identifier expected 缺变量标识符error 21: Error in type 类型错误error 22: Structure too large 结构类型太长error 23: Set base type out of range 集合基类型越界error 24: File components may not be files or objectsfile分量不能是文件或对象error 25: Invalid string length 无效的字符串长度error 26: Type mismatch 类型不匹配error 27:error 27:Invalid subrange base type 无效的子界基类型error 28:Lower bound greater than upper bound 下界超过上界error 29:Ordinal type expected 缺有序类型error 30:Integer constant expected 缺整型常量error 31:Constant expected 缺常量error 32:Integer or real constant expected 缺整型或实型常量error 33:Pointer Type identifier expected 缺指针类型标识符error 34:Invalid function result type 无效的函数结果类型error 35:Label identifier expected 缺标号标识符error 36:BEGIN expected 缺BEGINerror 37:END expected 缺ENDerror 38:Integer expression expected 缺整型表达式error 39:Ordinal expression expected 缺有序类型表达式error 40:Boolean expression expected 缺布尔表达式error 41:Operand types do not match 操作数类型不匹配error 42:Error in expression 表达式错误error 43:Illegal assignment 非法赋值error 44:Field identifier expected 缺域标识符error 45:Object file too large 目标文件太大error 46:Undefined external 未定义的外部过程与函数error 47:Invalid object file record 无效的OBJ文件格式error 48:Code segment too large 代码段太长error 49:Data segment too large 数据段太长error 50:DO expected 缺DOerror 51:Invalid PUBLIC definition 无效的PUBLIC 定义error 52:Invalid EXTRN definition 无效的EXTRN定义error 53: Too many EXTRN definitions 太多的EXTRN定义error 54:OF expected 缺OFerror 55:INTERFACE expected 缺INTERFACE error 56:Invalid relocatable reference 无效的可重定位引用error 57:THEN expected 缺THENerror 58:TO or DOWNTO expected 缺TO或DOWNTO error 59:Undefined forward 提前引用未经定义的说明error 61:Invalid typecast 无效的类型转换error 62:Division by zero 被零除error 63:Invalid file type 无效的文件类型error 64:Cannot read or write variables of this type 不能读写此类型变量error 65:Pointer variable expected 缺指针类型变量error 66:String variable expected 缺字符串变量error 67:String expression expected 缺字符串表达式error 68:Circular unit reference 单元UNIT部件循环引用error 69:Unit name mismatch 单元名不匹配error 70:Unit version mismatch 单元版本不匹配error 71:Internal stack overflow 内部堆栈溢出error 72:Unit file format error 单元文件格式错误error 73:IMPLEMENTATION expected 缺IMPLEMENTATION error 74:Constant and case types do not match 常量和CASE类型不匹配error 75:Record or object variable expected 缺记录或对象变量error 76:Constant out of range 常量越界error 77:File variable expected 缺文件变量error 78:Pointer expression expected 缺指针表达式error 79:Integer or real expression expected 缺整型或实型表达式error 80:Label not within current block 标号不在当前块内error 81:Label already defined 标号已定义error 82:Undefined label in preceding statement part 在前面未定义标号error 83:Invalid @ argument 无效的@参数error 84:UNIT expected 缺UNITerror 85: ";" expected 缺“;”error 86: ":" expected 缺“:”error 87: "," expected 缺“,”error 88: "(" expected 缺“(”error 89: ")" expected 缺“)”error 90: "=" expected 缺“=”error 91: ":=" expected 缺“:=”error 92: "[" or "(." Expected 缺“[”或“(.”error 93: "]" or ".)" expected 缺“]”或“.)”error 94: "." expected 缺“.”error 95: ".." expected 缺“..”error 96:Too many variables 变量太多error 97:Invalid FOR control variable 无效的FOR循环控制变量error 98:Integer variable expected 缺整型变量error 99:Files and procedure types are not allowed here 该处不允许文件和过程类型error 100:String length mismatch 字符串长度不匹配error 101:Invalid ordering of fields 无效域顺序error 102:String constant expected 缺字符串常量error 103:Integer or real variable expected 缺整型或实型变量error 104:Ordinal variable expected 缺有序类型变量error 105:INLINE error INLINE错误error 106:Character expression expected 缺字符表达式error 107:Too many relocation items 重定位项太多error 108:Overflow in arithmetic operation 算术运算溢出error 112:CASE constant out of range CASE常量越界error 113:Error in statement 表达式错误error 114:Cannot call an interrupt procedure 不能调用中断过程error 116:Must be in 8087 mode to compile this 必须在8087模式编译error 117:Target address not found 找不到目标地址error 118:Include files are not allowed here 该处不允许INCLUDE文件error 119:No inherited methods are accessible here 该处继承方法不可访问error 121:Invalid qualifier 无效的限定符error 122:Invalid variable reference 无效的变量引用error 123:Too many symbols 符号太多error 124:Statement part too large 语句体太长error 126:Files must be var parameters 文件必须是变量形参error 127:Too many conditional symbols 条件符号太多error 128:Misplaced conditional directive 条件指令错位error 129:ENDIF directive missing 缺ENDIF指令error 130:Error in initial conditional defines 初始条件定义错误error 131:Header does not match previous definition 和前面定义的过程或函数不匹配error 133:Cannot evaluate this expression 不能计算该表达式error 134:Expression incorrectly terminated 表达式错误结束error 135:Invalid format specifier 无效格式说明符error 136:Invalid indirect reference 无效的间接引用error 137:Structured variables are not allowed here 该处不允许结构变量error 138:Cannot evaluate without System unit 没有System单元不能计算error 139:Cannot access this symbol 不能存取符号error 140:Invalid floating point operation 无效的符号运算error 141:Cannot compile overlays to memory 不能编译覆盖模块至内存error 142:Pointer or procedural variable expected 缺指针或过程变量error 143:Invalid procedure or function reference 无效的过程或函数调用error 144:Cannot overlay this unit 不能覆盖该单元error 146:File access denied 不允许文件访问error 147:Object type expected 缺对象类型error 148:Local object types are not allowed 不允许局部对象类型error 149:VIRTUAL expected 缺VIRTUAL error 150: Method identifier expected 缺方法标识符error 151:Virtual constructors are not allowed 不允许虚构造函数error 152:Constructor identifier expected 缺构造函数标识符error 153:Destructor identifier expected 缺析构函数标识符error 154:Fail only allowed within constructors 只能在构造函数内使用Fail标准过程error 155:Invalid combination of opcode and operands 操作数与操作符无效组合error 156:Memory reference expected 缺内存引用指针error 157:Cannot add or subtract relocatable symbols 不能加减可重定位符号error 158:Invalid register combination 无效寄存器组合error 159:286/287 instructions are not enabled 未激活286/287指令error 160:Invalid symbol reference 无效符号指针error 161:Code generation error 代码生成错误error 162:ASM expected 缺ASMerror 166:Procedure or function identifier expected 缺过程或函数标识符error 167:Cannot export this symbol 不能输出该符号error 168:Duplicate export name 外部文件名重复error 169:Executable file header too large 可执行文件头太长error 170:Too many segments 段太多。
一元~期望一个整型(signed或unsigned char、short、int、或long).
Pascal运行错误对照表运行错误是指程序运行时出现的错误,当发生时,Turbo Pascal显示如下信息:RUNTIME ERROR NNNN A T XXXX:YYYY其中,nnnn是运行错误代码,xxxx是错误发生的程序段,yyyy是错误地址偏移。
'';'' not allowed before ''ELSE'' ElSE前不允许有“;”'''' clause not allowed in OLE automation section 在OLE自动区段不允许“”子句'''' is not a type identifier 不是类型标识符'''' not previously declared as a PROPERTY前面没有说明PROPERTY''GOTO '' leads into or out of TRY statement GOTO 进入或超出TRY语句的范围clause expected, but found 要求子句,但出现16-Bit fixup encountered in object file '''' 在对象文件遇到16位修复486/487 instructions not enabled 不能用486/487指令Abstract methods must be virtual or dynamic 抽象方法必须为虚拟的或动态的Array type required 需要数组类型Assignment to FOR-Loop variable '''' 给FOR循环变量赋值Bad argument type in variable type array constructor 在变量类型数组结构中不正确的参数类型Bad file format '''' 错误的文件格式Bad file format: 错误的文件格式Bad global symbol definition: '''' in object file '''' 对象文件''''中错误的全局符号定义''''Bad unit format: 错误的单元格式BREAK or CONTINUE outside of loop BREAK或CONTINUE超出循环Cannot add or subtract relocatable symbols 不能增加或减少可重置的符号Cannot assign to a read-only property 不能指定只读属性Cannot BREAK, CONTINUE or EXIT out of a FINALLY c lause 超出FINALLY子句的范围,不能使用BREAK,CONTINUE或EXIT语句Cannot initialize local variables 不能初始化局部变量Cannot initialize multiple variables 不能初始化多个变量Cannot initialize thread local variables 不能初始化线程局部变量Cannot override a static method 不能覆盖静态方法Cannot read a write-only property 不能读取只写属性Case label outside of range of case expression CASE标号超出了CASE表达式的范围Circular unit reference to 对单元循环引用Class already has a default property 类已具有默认的属性Class does not have a default property 类没有默认的属性Class or object types only allowed in type section 在类型区段只允许有类或对象类型Class type required 需要类类型Close error on 文件关闭错误Compile terminated by user 用户中止编译Constant expected 要求常量Constant expression expected 要求常量表达式Constant expression violates subrange bounds 常量表达式超出子界范围Constant object cannot be passed as var parameter 常量对象不能作为变量参数传递Constant or type identifier expected 要求常量或类型标识符Constants cannot be used as open array arguments 常量不能用作打开数组参数Constructing instance of '''' containing abstract methods 构造的实体包含抽象的方法Could not compile used unit '''' 不能用单元编译Could not create output file 不能建立输出文件Could not load RLINK32.DLL 不能加载RLINK32.DLLData type too large: exceeds 2 GB 数据类型太大:超过2GBDeclaration of differs from previous declaration 的说明与先前的说明不同Default property must be an array property 默认的属性必须为数组属性Default values must be of ordinal, pointer or small set type 默认的值必须为序数、指针或小集类型Destination cannot be assigned to 目标不能指定Destination is inaccessible 目标不能存取Dispid '''' already used by '''' DISPID标识号已被使用Dispid clause only allowed in OLE automation section DISPID子句只能在OLE自动区段中使用Division by zero 除数为零Duplicate case label CASE标号重复Duplicate tag value 重复的标志值Dynamic method or message handler not allowed here 这里不允许有动态方法或信息处理程序Dynamic methods and message handlers not allowed in OLE automation section在OLE自动区段不允许有动态方法或消息处理程序Element 0 inaccessible - use ''Length'' or ''SetLength'' 元素0不能存取-使用LENGTH或SETLENGTHError in numeric constant 数值常量错误EXCEPT or FINALLY expected 要求EXCEPT或FINALLYEXPORTS allowed only at global scope EXPORTS只允许在全局范围使用Expression has no value 表达式没有值Expression too complicated 表达式太复杂Field definition not allowed in OLE automation section 在OLE自动区段中不允许域定义Field definition not allowed after methods or properties 在方法或属性后不允许域定义Field or method identifier expected 要求域或方法标识符File not found: 文件没有找到File type not allowed here 这儿不允许文件类型For loop control variable must be simple local variable FOR循环控制变量必须为简单局部变量For loop control variable must have ordinal type FOR循环控制变量必须为序数类型FOR or WHILE loop executes zero times - deleted FOR或WHILE循环执行零次-删除FOR-Loop variable '''' cannot be passed as var parameter FOR循环变量不能作为参数传递FOR-Loop variable '''' may be undefined after loop 在循环后的FOR循环变量是不确定的Function needs result type 函数需要结果类型Identifier redeclared: '''' 标识符重复说明Illegal character in input file: '''' ($) 在输入文件中的非法字符''''Illegal message method index 非法的消息方法指针Illegal reference to symbol '''' in object file '''' 在对象文件中对符号的非法引用Illegal type in OLE automation section: '''' 在OLE自动区段中的非法类型Illegal type in Read/Readln statement 在Read/Readln语句中的非法类型Illegal type in Write/Writeln statement 在Write/Writeln语句中的非法类型Inaccessible value 不可存取的值Incompatible types: '''' and '''' 不兼容的类型和Incompatible types: 不兼容的类型Inline assembler stack overflow 内联汇编溢出Inline assembler syntax error 内联汇编语法错误Instance variable '''' inaccessible here 实体变量在这里不能存取Integer constant or variable name expected 要求整形常量或变量名Integer constant too large 整型常量太大Internal error: 内部错误Invalid combination of opcode and operands 操作码与操作对象的无效组合Invalid compiler directive: '''' 无效的编译指令Invalid function result type 无效的函数值类型Invalid message parameter list 无效的消息参数列表Invalid register combination 无效的寄存器组合Invalid typecast 无效的TYPECASELabel '''' is not declared in current procedure 在当前的过程中没有说明标号Label already defined: '''' 标号已经定义Label declaration not allowed in interface part 在界面部分不允许标号说明Label declared and referenced, but not set: '''' 标号被说明及引用,但不能设置Label expected 要求标号Left side cannot be assigned to 左边不能赋值Line too long (more than 255 characters) 行太长(超出255个字符)Local class or object types not allowed 不允许局部的类或对象类型Local procedure/function '''' assigned to procedure variable 局部过程/函数赋给过程变量LOOP/JCXZ distance out of range LOOP/JCXZ距离超出范围Low bound exceeds high bound 下界超过上界Memory reference expected 要求内存引用Method '''' hides virtual method of base type '''' 方法隐藏了基类型为的虚拟方法Method '''' not found in base class 在基类中没有找到方法Method identifier expected 要求方法标识符Missing ENDIF directive 缺少ENDIF指令Missing operator or semicolon 缺少操作符或分号Missing or invalid conditional symbol in ''$'' directive 在$指令中缺少或无效的条件符号Missing parameter type 缺少参数类型Necessary library helper function was eliminated by linker 必要的库帮助函数被连接程序删除No definition for abstract method '''' allowed 抽象方法没有定义Not enough actual parameters 没有足够的实际参数Number of elements differs from declaration 元素数与说明不同Numeric overflow 数值溢出Object or class type required 需要对象或类类型Object type required 需要对象类型Only register calling convention allowed in OLE automation section 在OLE自动区段中只允许寄存器调用约定Operand size mismatch 运算对象大小匹配Operator not applicable to this operand type 运算符不使用于这一运算对象类型Order of fields in record constant differs from declaration 在记录常量中的域次序与说明不同Ordinal type required 需要序数类型Out of memory 内存溢出Overflow in conversion or arithmetic operation 转换或算术操作溢出Overriding automated virtual method '''' cannot specify a dispid 覆盖的自动虚拟方法不能指定DISPIDPACKED not allowed here 这里不允许PACKEDPointer type required 需要指针类型Procedure cannot have a result type 过程不能有结果类型Procedure DISPOSE needs destructor 过程DISPOSE需要destructorProcedure FAIL only allowed in constructor 过程FAIL只允许在constructor方法中Procedure NEW needs constructor 过程NEW需要constructor方法PROCEDURE or FUNCTION expected 要求PROCEDURE或FUNCTIONProcedure or function name expected 要求过程或函数名Program or unit '''' recursively uses itself 程序或单元递归Property '''' does not exist in base class 在基类中属性不存在Published property '''' cannot be of type Published属性不能具有类型Published Real48 property '''' must be Single, Double or Extended Published REAL属性必须为Single, Double或ExtendedRe-raising an exception only allowed in exception handler 在意外处理中只允许重新引起意外处理Read error on 文件读出错Record, object or class type required 需要记录,对象或类类型Redeclaration of '''' hides a member in the base class 的重新说明隐藏了基类中一个元素Redeclaration of property not allowed in OLE automation section 在OLE自动区段中不允许属性重复说明Return value of function '''' might be undefined 函数的返回值可能没有定义Seek error on 在中搜索错误Segment/Offset pairs not supported in Borland 32-bit Pascal 在Borland 32位的PASCAL中不支持Segment/Offset对Sets may have at most 256 elements 集至少有256个元素Size of published set '''' is >32 bits published集的大小大于32字节Slice standard function only allowed as open array argument Slice标准函数只允许作为打开数组参数Statement expected, but expression of type '''' found 要求语句,但出现类型的表达式Statements not allowed in interface part 在界面中不允许的语句String constant too long 字符串常量太长String constant truncated to fit STRING[] 字符串常量截取到适合STRING[]Strings may have at most 255 elements 字符串至少255个元素Structure field identifier expected 要求结构域标识符Syntax error in real number 实数语法错误System unit out of date or corrupted: missing '''' 系统单元超出日期或损坏:缺少Text after final ''END. 编译器忽略END.后的文本This form of method call only allowed for class methods 该方法的窗体只允许类方法This form of method call only allowed in methods of derived types 该方法的窗体只允许在导出类型的方法中This type cannot be initialized 这一类型不能初始化Thread local variables cannot be ABSOLUTE 线程局部变量不能是ABSOLUTEThread local variables cannot be local to a function or procedure 线程局部变量对函数不能是局部的Too many actual parameters 太多的实际参数Too many conditional symbols 太多的条件符号Type '''' has no type info 类型没有类型信息Type '''' is not yet completely defined 类型至今没有定义Type '''' must be a class to have a PUBLISHED section 类型必须是在PUBLISHED区段中的类Type '''' must be a class to have OLE automation 类型必须是具有OLE自动的类Type '''' needs finalization - not allowed in file type 类型需要初始化-不允许在文件类型中Type '''' needs finalization - not allowed in variant record 类型需要初始化-不允许在变体记录Type expected 要求TYPEType not allowed in OLE Automation call 在OLE自动调用中不允许的类型Type of expression must be BOOLEAN 表达式的类型必须为BOOLEAN型Type of expression must be INTEGER 表达式的类型必须为INTEGER型TYPEINFO standard function expects a type identifier TYPEINFO标准函数要求类型标识符TYPEOF can only be applied to object types with a VMT TYPEOF只能用于具有VMT的对象类型Types of actual and formal var parameters must be identical 形参与实参必须一致Undeclared identifier: '''' 未说明的标识符Unexpected end of file in comment started on line 以行开始的注释中出现不应有的文件结束Unit was compiled with a different version of 单元与不同版本的编译Unit name mismatch: '''' 单元名不匹配Unknown directive: '''' 未知的指令Unnamed arguments must precede named arguments in OLE Automation call 在OLE自动调用中未命名的参数必须在命名的参数前Unsatisfied forward or external declaration: '''' 不满足的向前或外部说明Unterminated string 未结束的字符串V alue assigned to '''' never used 赋给的值从未使用过V ariable '''' inaccessible here due to optimization 由于优化,变量名在这里不能存取V ariable '''' is declared but never used in '''' 变量名已说明,但不曾使用V ariable '''' might not have been initialized 变量名可能没有初始化V ariable required 需要变量Virtual constructors are not allowed 不允许虚拟的constructors方法Write error on 文件写错误Wrong or corrupted version of RLINK32.DLL RLINK32.DLL版本错误或不能用******************************************************************************************************************************* 运行错误信息** 运行时出现的错误信息形式为: ** Run-time error nnn at xxxx ** 其中nnn 是运行时的错误编号** xxxx 是运行时的错误地址********************************运行时的错误分为以下三类:* I/O错误:错误编号为100-149编号说明---------------------------------------------------------100 磁盘读错误,若要对超过格式文件尾进行读取时101 磁盘写错误,若磁盘满时,由CloseFile,Write,Writeln或Flush报告102 没有指定文件,若文件变量没有由Assign或AssignFile赋值,由Reset,Rewrite,Append,Rename和Erase报告103 文件没有打开,若文件未打开,由CloseFile,Read,Write,Seek,Eof,FilePos,FileSize,Flush,BlockRead或BlockWrite报告104 输入文件未打开,由Read,Readln,Eof,Eoln,SeekEof或SeekEoln报告有关输入的文本文件未打开105 输出文件未打开,由Write和Writeln报告有关文本文件没有用Console应用程序生成106 无效的数据格式,由Read或Readln报告从文本文件读取的数据格式不正确* 致命错误:错误编号为200-255编号说明---------------------------------------------------------200 被零除201 范围检查错误202 栈上溢203 栈上溢错误204 无效的指针操作205 浮点上溢206 浮点下溢207 无效的浮点操作215 算术上溢错误216 存取非法217 控制-C218 授权指令219 无效的TYPECAST220 无效的变体TYPECAST221 无效的变体操作222 没有变体方法调用DISPA TCHER223 不能建立变体数组224 变体不包含数组225 变体数组边界错误226 TLS初始化错误。
Pascal运行错误对照表运行错误是指程序运行时出现的错误,当发生时,Turbo Pascal显示如下信息:RUNTIME ERROR NNNN AT XXXX:YYYY其中,nnnn是运行错误代码,xxxx是错误发生的程序段,yyyy是错误地址偏移。
DOS 错误代码:1无效DoS功能号2文件末找到3路径未找到4打开文件过多5禁止文件存取6无效文件句柄12无效文件存取代码15无效驱动器号16不能删除当前日录17不能跨驱动器改文件名I/O错误100磁盘读错误101磁盘写错误102文件变量末赋值103文件未打开104文件未用输入方式打开105文件末用输出方式打开106无效数字格式严重错误150磁盘写保护151未知单元152驱动器未准备好153未知命令154数据CRC校验错155驱动器请求的结构长度错156磁盘定位错157未知媒介类型158扇区末找到159打印机缺纸160设备写失败161设备读失败162硬件故障致命错误200被零除201范围检查错202堆栈溢出错203堆溢出错204无效指针操作205浮点上溢出206浮点下溢出207无效浮点运算208未安装覆盖管理程序209覆盖文件读错210对象未初始化211调用抽象方法212流登计错213集合下标越界214集合溢出215 算术上溢错误216 存取非法217 控制-C218 授权指令219 无效的TYPECAST220 无效的变体TYPECAST221 无效的变体操作222 没有变体方法调用DISPATCHER223 不能建立变体数组224 变体不包含数组225 变体数组边界错误226 TLS初始化错误Pascal编译错误对照表下面列出在编译程序时可能出现的错误,在集成环境下,Turbo Pascal将自动加载源程序并定位于出错处。
序号报错内容10004 No segments of sufficient size available20005 Size value in segments out of bounds3-000 Work area missing.4-001 Too small memory. Work area impossible to establish.5-002 Too small work area. Impossible to continue.6-003 SSP system error in the work area.7-004 SSP system error. Given parameter is too large.8-005 SSP system error. Given parameter is too small.9-006 SSP system error. The CO or the CTO is incorrect at the call. 10-007 System error, not to be referred to as SSP system error. 110101 Error in object structure, erroneous ELH120102 Error in object structure, unexpected end of list130103 Error in object structure, missing element140104 Error in object structure, unexpected empty list150105 Error in object structure, attempt to double object head 160106 Attempt to delete valid ELH:s170107 Delivering and receiving lists overlap180108 OL-field too small190109 Invalid element pointer200110 Attempt to allocate element with illegal size210111 Attempt to store element with size <= 0220112 Too many objects in workspace230201 Upper bound of procedure call stack exceeded240202 Upper bound of error stack exceeded250203 Lower bound of procedure call stack exceeded.260251 Error in parameter No. 1270252 Error in parameter No. 2280253 Error in parameter No. 3290254 Error in parameter No. 4300255 Error in parameter No. 5310256 Error in parameter No. 6320257 Error in parameter No. 7330258 Error in parameter No. 8340259 Error in parameter No. 9350260 Error in parameter No. 10360261 Error in parameter No. 11370262 Error in parameter No. 12380263 Error in parameter No. 13390264 Error in parameter No. 14400265 Error in parameter No. 15410266 Error in parameter No. 16420267 Error in parameter No. 17430268 Error in parameter No. 18440269 Error in parameter No. 19450270 Error in parameter No. 20460271 QXD04 is empty470272 Illegal geometry type in QXD04480273 Number of geometry elements does not match QXD04 490274 Error in form system500299 General module interface inconsistence510301 Overflow in object520302 New object name already in use530303 Object does not exist540304 Invalid object pointer550305 Open failure on input file560306 Invalid format on input file570307 Invalid object name (too long)580308 Write failure on file590321 Invalid logical data bank unit600322 Logical data bank unit already in use610323 Data bank table full620324 Lock entry found instead of object630325 Logical data bank unit not connected640326 Object already exists in working area650327 Object not found in the data bank660328 Object not locked670329 Data file has invalid format680330 Object currently locked by another user690331 Too many objects are already locked700332 Object has invalid format710333 Object already exists in data bank720334 No room in data bank730335 Unsupported object structure740336 Virtual data bank already conneced750337 Virtual data bank not connected760338 Databank may not be of type "sequential db directory" 770339Attempt to store a non-picture object in a sequential db directory780340 Open failure of directory file790341 Close failure of directory file800342 Record not found in the directory file810343 Record locked820344 Fatal error in directory file830345 Error creating directory file840346 Record already exists in directory file850347 No room on output device when updating directory file 860348 Data bank currently locked by another user.870349 Attempt to lock an object in a sequential db directory 880350 Open failure of data file890351 Close failure of data file900352 Record not found in the data file910353 Record locked920354 Fatal error in data file930355 Error creating data file940356 No room on output device when updating data file950357 Two revisions of the same object not allowed in workspace 960358 Allocation map has invalid format970360 Open failure of sequential data bank980361 Close failure of sequential data bank990362 End of file of sequential data bank1000364 Fatal error in sequential data bank1010365 Error creating sequential data bank1020366 No room on output device when updating sequential data bank 1030367 Error in object code1040368 Restored object size does not match the stored size. 1050369 Attribute type not recognized1060370 Access to object not allowed1070371 M2 can not read objects of version 41080372 Project not enabled to store objects of version 41090401 Too big contour, element maximum size exceeded1100402 Error in record (card) decoding1110403 Unknown record (card) type1120404 Wrong order of picture elements1130405 Unexpected end of file1140406 Erroneous input term, should be record type1150407 Unexpected new object, old one not completed1160408 Unexpected geometry element1170409 Erroneous term - violates input syntax1180410 Unexpected component element1190411 Unexpected subcomponent element1200412 Syntax error in input1210413 Data missing in input for component1220414 Data missing in input for subcomponent1230415 Data missing in input for text element1240416 Unexpected subpicture element1250417 Data missing in input for subpictures1260418 Set of rules is not initiated1270419 Number for placing rules is not found for specific parameter 1280501 Empty component1290502 Wrong level for subcomponent1300503 Empty subcomponent1310504 Unknown data type for geometry element1320505 Wrong level for geometry1330506 Empty picture object1340507 Unallowed scale factor1350508 The element is not a subpicture1360509 Unallowed level1370510 Unallowed number of subpicture levels1380511 Unallowed start level for identification1390512 Unallowed end level for identification1400513 Subordinate element missing1410514 Empty picture1420515 Transformation information missing1430516 The element is not a subcomponent1440517 Illegal font number1450518 Symbol font file does not exist1460524 Indicated segment does not exist1470525 Points on the contour not given in the direction of the contour 1480526 Indicate element does not exist1490527 Wrong type of element given1500529 Object not initialized1510530 Subordinate level not open1520531 Element on superior level not open1530532 Symbol does not exist 1540533 Size of element too big 1550534Mismatch between the opened subcomponent and the given 1560535 Text font file does not exist or out of range (8-99)1570536 Error in text font file (8-99)1580537 Error when loading text font file (8-99)1590538 Vector font file does not exist or out of range (1-99)1600539 Vector font does not exist 1610540 Vector font does exist but language not assigned 1620541 Internal symbol font error 1630701 Erroneous object head (ELH-error)1640702 Empty picture object 1650703 Attempt to identify an element not being a component 1660801 Error in activity code 1670802 First file does not exist 1680803 First message array too small 1690804 First index array too small 1700805 Second file does not exist 1710806 Second message array too small 1720807 Second index array too small 1730808 Message file not available 1740809 Impossible to open plotter file 1750810 Read error on first message file 1760811 Read error on second message file 1770812 Denoted message does not exist 1780901 Communication breakdown 1791001 CAT-object does not exist 1801002 Contour does not exist 1811003 Table row does not exist 1821004 Member does not exist 1831005 Segment part does not exist 1841006 Error in contour representation 1851007 Error in activity code specifying the contour to be treated 1861008Error in activity code specifying the part of the contour to be treated 1871009Error in activity code specifying the part of the table to be treated 188-100 Incorrect total name.1891010Error in activity code specifying the part of the table row to be treated 1901011Error in activity code specifying the table member to be treated 1911012Error in activity code specifying the part of the table member to be treated 1921013 Invalid segment number 1931014Error in activity code specifying the part of the segment to be treated 1941015 Error in specifying the attribute to be treated 1951016Error in location parameter defining the kind of attribute to be treated 1961017Error in location parameter defining the position of the wanted element 1971018 Invalid current CAT-object number1981019 Pointer in QCATPT of QWC030 to owner element not valid 199-101 Total name too long.2001020 The object is not a CAT-object 2011021 Error in attribute size 2021022 Erroneous segment type 2031023 Dimensions not equal in receiving and delivering contours 2041024Error in activity code specifying the part of a segment to be saved 2051025Error in activity code specifying the part of a contour to be saved 2061026 Given point is outside contour 2071027 Error in representation (must be 2 or 3)2081028Given representation does not correspond to the original representation in 2091029 Given data not sufficient to define the new coordinate system 210-102 Type too long.2111030Error in activity code specifying how to create a transformation matrix 2121031 Error in parameter defining the coordinate axis 2131032 Error in parameter defining the coordinate plane 2141033 Transformation matrix is not invertible 2151034 Error in activity code defining point or vector 2161035Error in activity code specifying storing of attribute data (common area of 2171036 Segment given from input is a zero segment 2181037 Beta given from input does not belong to (0,1)2191038 Tangent vector undefined 2201039 Equation root < 0221-103 Attribute name too long.2221040 Vector along line is the zero vector 2231041 Vector perpendicular to plane is the zero vector 2241042 The contour is not closed 2251043 Transformation not possible because the transformation matrix includes a 2261044 Points not given in the direction of the contour 2271045 Error in activity code controlling tangent calculations 2281046 Error in tangent code 2291047 Too many point attributes 2301048 Given activity code does not allow equal contours 2311049 The contour does not contain any segments 232-104 Incorrect pointer.2331050 The contour is closed 2341051 Impossible to insert contour 2351052Error in activity code (PTYPE)specifying the type of projection 2361053The centre of projection lies in the projection plane (central projection)2371054The projecting lines are parallel to the projection plane (parallel 2381055 Input object and resulting object must not be equal 2391056 Error in contour code 12401057 Error in object code 22411058 2-attribute at contour level not found 2421059 2-attribute at object level not found 243-105 The first of the given objects in the parameter list is missing.2441060 Space curve improperly stored2451061 Wrong geometry type for R2-contour2461062 Impossible tangent vectors2471063 Intersection point missing2481064 Too many intersection points2491065 Impossible to create fillet2501066 Argument array too small2511067 Array too small2521068 Unallowed value of scewness factor2531069 Undefined tangent vector254-106The second of the given objects in the parameter list is missing.2551070 Bad combination of data for a BC-segment (surface problem) 2561071 Coordinate outside given limits2571072 Impossible to create curve2581073 Intersection curve missing2591074 Given length longer than contour length2601075 Upper bound of attribute data structure exceeded261-107 Object missing.262-108 The given object is not a geometry object.263-109 The given object is not a table object.264-110 The given objects are of different kinds.265-111 Empty object at the call.266-112 Contour 0 empty at the call.267-113 The given contour number too large.268-114 The given contour 0 at the call closed.269-115 The last segment of the CO-0 at the call is not a line segment. 270-116The last segment of the CO-0at the call is parallel to the given line.271-117The end point of the CO-0at the call lies inside the given circle.272-118 The given segment does not exist.273-119 Incorrect orientation of the given segments.274-120 The given length is too large.275-121 The given point does not lie on the given segment.276-122 Incorrect end point selection (f = 0 and f = 1).277-123 One or several breakpoints outside KRANGE.278-124 Amplitude outside KRANGE.279-125The given amplitude is larger than half the distance between the end points280-126 Central angle greater than 360.281-127 Number of distinct points less than 2.282-128 Intersection point number not equal to + 1 or + 2. 283-129 The length of the interval is zero.284-130 Integer parameter outside the range.285-131 Incorrect location code.286-132 Too large attribute.287-133 Attribute of wrong format.288-134 Incorrect code number for part selection of contour. 289-135 Point on contour with given coordinate missing. 290-136 Incorrect boundary conditions.291-137 Incorrect intersection point designation.292-138 Incorrect storing of points in the CTO.293-139 Incorrect parameter data type.294-140 Table row missing.295-141 Improper storing of table. 296-142 The given radius is too large.297-143The second of the given objects in the parameter list existed at the call.298-144 Incorrect password.299-145 Incorrect number of parameters.300-146 Unallowed value of input parameters.301-147 Attribute number out of range.302-148 Table member missing.303-149 Input string is empty.304-150 Unallowed inclination angle.3052001 Unallowed record number in text input3062002 Wrong order among records in text input3072004 No object is current3082005 Current subpicture not panel3092006 Information about current measurement element missing 3102007 Erroneous table structure311-200 Attribute type out of bounds.312-201 Attribute head without attribute.313-202 Type out of bounds.314-203 I/O buffer too small.315-204 Row head without elements.316-205 Incomplete type 5 attribute.317-206 Impossible to unpack I/O buffer.31822000 Name of current deck is missing in modal storage. 31922001 Projection attribute is missing in picture object. 32022002 Transformation attribute is missing in picture object. 32122003 Erroneous item attribute.32222004 Name of deck is missing in picture object. 32322005 Name of room is missing in picture object. 32422006 No current room.32522007 Hole id out of range.32622008 Erroneous start element.32722009 Invalid identification number.32822010 Invalid data type.32922011 Error in conversion of a point from 2D to 3D. 33022012 Projection is not axis-parallel.33122013 Error transforming an arrangement.33222014 Copy an item failed.33322015 Unknown item type to recreate.33422016 Failed to identify a room.33522017 Erroneous type of item.33622018 Erroneous height axis.33722019 Pointer to the deck not found.33822020 Erroneous number of intersections.33922021 Copy geometry element failed.34022100 Erroneous type of item.34122300 Name of deck is missing in model object.34222301 Erroneous directrix.34322600 Error in form handling.34422601 Prohibited component type.34522602 Prohibited table.34622603 Erroneous table dimension.34722604 Prohibited table item.34822605 Incorrect data type of table value.34922606 Erroneous type of information.35022607 Erroneous description object.35122608 Error occured in the LIB$SET_LOGICAL function. 35223000 Invalid identification number.35323001 Error in form handling.35423002 Undefined symbolic name for test sequence directory. 35523003 File specification syntax error.3562501 Impossible to create default file.3572502 Mismatch between 01 and 04 objects in parts generation 3582503 Incorrect type of CAT-object3592504 Incorrect type of picture object3602505 Incorrect combination of objects3612506 Incorrect storing of 02-object3622507 Attribute describing detail missing or incorrect in 02-object 3632508 Incorrect type of subpicture in 03-element (ID missing) 3642509 Attribute 101 missing or incorrect in 01-object3652510 Attribute 101 missing or incorrect in 02-object3662511Attribute containing transformation matrix missing or incorrect in3672512 Undefined CAT-object3682513 Undefined picture object3692514 Illegal format on data file containing part names3702515 Parent plate missing in 03-object3712516 Subcomponent corresponding to attribute missing3722517 Contour attribute 101 missing3732518 Standard hook file has illegal format or does not exist 3742519 Component corresponding to attribute is missing3752520 Start order attributes do not correspond to the start attributes3762521Auxiliary function attribute found on segment level is missing on object3772522Gap attribute found on segment level is missing on object level3782523 Internal attribute arrays exceeded3792524 Inconsistency in plate structure3802525 Attribute not found3812526 Incorrect attribute3822527 Plate part contour missing or erroneous3832528 Verified path outside raw plate3842529 Impossible to create chamfer file3852530 Impossible to evaluate CVBA angle3863001 SLABEL too big. Impossible to put in index tables3873002 Information about SLABEL does not exist3883003 Invalid index to IDENT-table3893004 ID is not found in IDENT-table3903005 ID-table is full3913006Information about SLABEL exists,must be deleted before "put".3923007 No current scheme3933008 Editor not in system3943009 Any of the index table attributes missing395-300 One or more breakpoints outside KRANGE.3963010 Scheme name in attribute 199 "not =" current scheme name. 3973011 No picture object found3983012 Error opening scheme file for writing3993013 Error writing scheme file line4003014 Error converting scheme for writing4013015 Panel already occupied by scheme generation402-301 Amplitude outside KRANGE.403-302The amplitude is larger than half the distance between the starting point404-303 Intersection point missing.405-304 Intersection point before the given point missing. 406-305 Intersection point after the given point missing.407-306The last line segment of the CO-0at the call is not touched by the bending408-307 The given point lies on the contour 0 of the given description. 409-308 Incorrect boundary conditions.410-309 Part of CAT object missing.4113100 Failed to verify the shell curve object.4123101 Failed to verify the seam object.4133102 31024143103 The curve is outside the default box.4153104 Failed to verify the point object.4163105 Failed to verify the plane object.4173106 Failed to verify the cylinder object.4183107 Corrupt point object, the root attribute does not exist. 4193108 Corrupt seam object, the root attribute does not exist. 4203109 Corrupt curve object, the root attribute does not exist.421-310 Data file not open for reading.4223110 Corrupt cylinder object, the root attribute does not exist. 4233111 Corrupt plane object, the root attribute does not exist. 4243112 Corrupt object, a point attribute is missing.4253113 Corrupt object, a plane attribute is missing.4263114 Corrupt object, a curve attribute is missing.4273115 Corrupt object, a cylinder attribute is missing.4283116 Corrupt object, a surface attribute is missing.4293117 A referenced surface object was not found.4303118 A referenced curve object was not found.4313119 A referenced point object was not found.432-311 Data file not open for writing.4333120 A referenced plane object was not found.4343121 A referenced cylinder object was not found.4353122 Corrupt object, invalid definition data.4363123 Failed to intersect the surface with the plane.4373124 Failed to intersect the shell curve with the plane.4383125 Failed to convert a Lines Fairing curve to a space curve. 4393126 Failed to expand the point object.4403127 Failed to expand the plane object.4413128 Failed to expand the curve object.4423129 Failed to intersect the two curves.443-312 Data file already open for sequential processing.4443130 Could not define a parameter axis for proper space curve. 4453131 Failed to trim the curve with the default box.4463132 Corrupt object, invalid or missing root attribute.4473133 Failed to reduce object.4483134 Conversion failed: Could not find a parameter axis. 4493135 Failed to verify the shell profile object.4503136 Failed to verify the shell stiffener object.4513137 A referenced shell stiffener object was not found.4523138 Maximum number of points exceeded.4533139 Failed to verify the feature.454-313 Demanded unit missing.4553140 Failed to verify the hull curve object.4563141 Limit table object missing or incorrect.4573142 Mismatch in limit table.4583143 A referenced panel was not found.4593144 A referenced shell profile was not found.4603145 A referenced seam was not found.4613146The shell stiffener overlaps another stiffener in the shell profile.4623147 The point cannot be moved outside the curve.4633148 Failed to intersect the shell curves.464-314 Intersection point missing when n = 0.465-315 Impossible to write (e.g. secondary areas filled).466-316 Data file already closed.467-317 Spline calculations interrupted. Check input points.468-318Plane curve not single-valued with respect to the given coordinate.469-319 Record locked.4704001 PCDB - No component slot available4714002 PCDB - Component not found in the data bank4724003 PCDB - Component currently locked by another user 4734004 PCDB - Component already exists on the data bank 4744005 PCDB - Component has invalid format4754006 PCDB - Invalid current component number4764007PCDB-Component not current under given current component number4774008 PCDB - Invalid activity code4784009 PCDB - Object found instead of a component4794201 PCDB - Search object already exists4804202 PCDB - Search data not defined4814203 PCDB - Search data not defined at connection one4824301 PSDB - Failure creating lock entry4834302 PSDB - Named element already exists4844303 PSDB - Superior environment is not active4854304 PSDB - Already active in QWQ124864305 PSDB - Invalid data type4874306 PSDB - One or two project object missing4884307 PSDB - Invalid status encountered in QWQ124894308 PSDB - Object not locked when attempting to delete or update 4904309 PSDB - Attribute not found4914310 PSDB - Part not found4924311 PSDB - External part cannot be updated4934312 PSDB - Name missing in name table 4944313 PSDB - Impossible part4954314 PSDB - Erroneous data in attribute4964315 PSDB - Keyword not found in syntax definition4974316PSDB-Arguments do not match the application(is syntax definition4984317 PSDB - Error in deleting connection attribute4994318 PSDB - Error during deletion of a part5004319 PSDB - Error when restoring part5014320 PSDB - Failure deleting subview (interactive modelling) 5024321 PSDB - Transformation data for view missing5034322 PSDB - Failure copying subview (interactive modelling) 5044323 PSDB - Name attribute missing (interactive modelling) 5054324 PSDB - Interactive component choice menu not initiated 5064325 PSDB - Error in logical references5074326 PSDB - Branch element not found5084327 PSDB - Error in object pointer of part5094328 PSDB - Error when creating new branch5104329 PSDB - Referenced ppdb object not found5114330 PSDB - Pipe length not defined where it should be defined 5124331 PSDB - Unexpected element pointer5134332 PSDB - Branch not found5144333 PSDB - Failure open model subview5154334 PSDB - Impossible connection number5164335 PSDB - Invalid object name5174336 PSDB - Extra connection information attribute not found 5184337 PSDB - Conflicting co-ordinate data5194338 PSDB - Bad call of lock co-ordinate routines5204339 PSDB - Failure converting to equipment5214350 PSDB - Previously stored attribute is missing5224610 PPDB - Erroneous element pointer5234611 PPDB - Erroneous element type5244612 PPDB - Erroneous element size5254613 PPDB - Erroneous element structure5264620 PPDB - Error creating object name (names too long) 5274621 PPDB - Error splitting object name5284640 PPDB - Project not current5294641 PPDB - Position not current5304642 PPDB - Function not current5314643 PPDB - Pipe not current5324644 PPDB - Pipe sketch not current5334660 PPDB - Project already exists5344661 PPDB - Position already exists5354662 PPDB - Function already exists5364663 PPDB - Pipe already exists5374664 PPDB - Pipe sketch already exists5384670 PPDB - Project does not exist5394671 PPDB - Position does not exist5404672 PPDB - Function does not exist5414673 PPDB - Pipe does not exist5424674 PPDB - Pipe sketch does not exist5434680 PPDB - Subordinate element current5444681 PPDB - Object and reference element do not correspond 5454682 PPDB - Erroneous component limit5464683 PPDB - Element with spec. ID already exists5474684 PPDB - Element with spec. ID does not exist5484685 PPDB - Erroneous connection reference5494686 PPDB - Too many part elements in one material 5504690 PPDB - Referenced part not found in PSDB5514691 PPDB - Sketch limit not allowed5524692 PPDB - PSDB not current5534693 PPDB - Element not found in PSDB5544694 PPDB - Part not found in PSDB5554695 PPDB - PCM-attribute not found in PSDB5564801 PPDB - Erroneous font number5574802 PPDB - Contour attribute not found5584803 PPDB - Error in reading drawing form5594804 PPDB - Invalid format of bending machine attribute 5604901 PPDB - Pipe reference in common area QWP60 not found5614902PPDB-Maximum number of reference points in pipe sketch exceeded5624903 PPDB - More than three connections5635000 PCDB - Invalid component type5645001 PCDB - Invalid component group5655002 PCDB - Invalid component subgroup5665003 PCDB - Invalid pressure class5675004 PCDB - Failure reading component5685005 PCDB - Failure deleting component5695006 PCDB - Failure reading search object5705007 PCDB - Failure deleting search object5715008 PCDB - Failure storing component5725009 PCDB - Failure listing component573-500 Empty geometry object.5745010 PCDB - Failure storing search object5755011 PCDB - Nominal diameter could not be calculated5765012 PCDB - No search mask exists for given component type 5775013 PCDB - Search object not found5785014 PCDB - Failure creating MIS input579-501 Empty table object.580-502 The given points are collinear.581-503 Undefined axis.582-504 Incorrect storing of plane.583-505 Coordinates in wrong order.584-506 Incorrect storing of space curve.585-507 The space curve consists of more than one curve branch.586-508Space curve not single-valued with respect to the given coordinate.587-509 Undefined direction.588-510 No part of the curve inside the given interval.589-511 Incorrect storing of cylinder.590-512 Incorrect storing of surface or surface element.591-513 Intersection curve missing.592-514 Attribute 1 missing.。
pascal 错误代码(全)
error 64:Cannot read or write variables of this type 不能读写此类型变量
error 65:Pointer variable expected 缺指针类型变量
error 46:Undefined external 未定义的外部过程与函数
error 47:Invalid object file record 无效的OBJ文件格式
error 48:Code segment too large 代码段太长
error 49:Data segment too large 数据段太长
error 13: Too many open files 打开文件太多
error 14: Invalid file name 无效的文件名
error 15: File not found 文件未找到
error 16: Disk full 磁盘满
error 17: Invalid compiler directive 无效的编译命令
error 18: Too many files 文件太多
error 19: Undefined type in pointer def 指针定义中未定义类型
error 58:TO or DOWNTO expected 缺TO或DOWNTO
error 59:Undefined forward 提前引用未经定义的说明
error 61:Invalid typecast 无效的类型转换
error 62:Division by zero 被零除
error 94: "." expected 缺“.”
Free Pascal 运行错误1 插入了无效函数或执行了无效命令2 找不到文件(地球人都知道)3 找不到路径(按路径没有找到文件)4 打开文件太多了(noip会出这种错误吗?)5 拒绝文件路径分类:试图对一个只能读的文件进行写入,如字典;文件当前被锁死或被另一个进程修改中;试图新建一个与已有文件重名的字典或文件;试图对只作为读模式打开的文件进行写入;试图对只作为写模式打开的文件进行读入;试图移动一个不可能移动的文件;不允许打开这个文件或词典;6 无效的文件处理:你使用的文件变量被删除。
12 非法路径规则:reset或rewrite命令使用在了一个无效的文件模式。
15 驱动器盘符错误:给过程Getdir或ChDir的数字指示了一个不存在的盘符。
(什么?你问我geidir/chdir是什么?)16 不能移动当前的词典文件(辞典?)你试图移动一个当前处于活动状态(即打开的)的辞典。
17 不能对交叉驱动器进行重命名。
100 磁盘读取错误:在读磁盘时发生的错误,特别是你试图读过(超过)一个文件的末尾时~101 磁盘写入错误:你的磁盘满了吧!102 没有对文件进行assign操作对文件进行reset, rewrite, append, rename, erase中的任何一个操作前都应该对这个文件进行assign!- 1 -103 文件没有打开:对文件进行close, read, write, seek, EOf, FilePos, FileSize, Flush, BlockRead, BlockWrite而没有打开这个文件。
104 文件没有进行input打开:reset语句没有使用。
105 文件没有进行output打开:rewrite语句没有使用。
106 无效的数字形式:当需要读一个数字时,从text文件中却读入了一个其他形式的东西。
其中,nnnn是运行错误代码,xxxx是错误发生的程序段,yyyy是错误地址偏移。 DOS 错误代码: 1无效DoS功能号 2文件末找到 3路径未找到 4打开文件过多 5禁止文件存取 6无效文件句柄 12无效文件存取代码 15无效驱动器号 16不能删除当前日录 17不能跨驱动器改文件名 I/O错误 100磁盘读错误 101磁盘写错误 102文件变量末赋值 103文件未打开 104文件未用输入方式打开 105文件末用输出方式打开 106无效数字格式 严重错误 150磁盘写保护 15l未知单元 152驱动器未准备好 153未知命令 154数据CRC校验错 155驱动器请求的结构长度错 156磁盘定位错 157未知媒介类型 158扇区末找到 159打印机缺纸 160设备写失败 161设备读失败 162硬件故障 致命错误 200被零除 20l范围检查错 202堆栈溢出错 203堆溢出错 204无效指针操作 205浮点上溢出 206浮点下溢出 207无效浮点运算 208未安装覆盖管理程序 209覆盖文件读错 210对象未初始化 2ll调用抽象方法 212流登计错 213集合下标越界 214集合溢出 215 算术上溢错误 216 存取非法 217 控制-C 218 授权指令 219 无效的TYPECAST 220 无效的变体TYPECAST 221 无效的变体操作 222 没有变体方法调用DISPATCHER 223 不能建立变体数组 224 变体不包含数组 225 变体数组边界错误 226 TLS初始化错误 Pascal编译错误对照表 下面列出在编译程序时可能出现的错误,在集成环境下,Turbo Pascal将自动加载源程序并定位于出错处。 l内存溢出 2缺标识符 3标识符未定义 4标识符重定义 5语法错误 6实型常量错 7整型常量错 8字符串常量跨行 9文件嵌套过多 10非正常文件结束 11行过长 12缺类型标识符 13打开文件过多 14无效文件名 15文件未找到 16磁盘满 17无效编译指示 18文件过多 19指针定义中未定义类型 20缺变量标识符 21类型错误 22结构过长 24文件分量不能为文件 25无效字符串长度 26类型不匹配 27无效子界基类型 28下界大于上界 29缺有序类型 30缺整型常数 31缺常数 32缺整型或实型常数 33缺指针类型标识符 34无效的函数结果类型 35缺标号标识符 36缺BEGIN 37缺END 38缺整型表达式 39缺有序表达式 40缺布尔表达式 41操作数类型与操作符不匹配 42表达式错 43非法赋值 44缺字段标识符 45目标文件过长 46未定义外部标识符 47无效*.OBJ文件记录 48代码段过长 49数据段过长 50缺DO 51无效PUBLIC定义 52无效EXTRN定义 53EXTRN定义过多 54缺0F 55缺INTERFACE 56无效重定位引用 57缺THEN 58缺T0或DOWNTO 59未定义的向前引用 60过程过多 61无效类型转换 62被零除D 63无效文件类型 64不能读写该类型的变量 65缺指针变量 66缺字符串变量 67缺字符串表达式 68单元循环引用 69单元名不匹配 70单元版本不匹配 71单元重名 72单元文件格式错误 73缺IMPLEMENTATl0N 74常数与CASE类型不相匹配 75缺记录变量 76常数越界 77缺文件变量 78缺指针变量 79缺整型或实型表达式 80标号不在当前块中 81标号已定义 82标号未定义 83无效参数 84缺UNIT 85缺“;” 86缺“:” 87缺“,” 88缺“(” 89缺“)” 90缺“=” 91缺“:=” 92缺“[”或“(.” 93缺“]”或“.)” 94缺“.” 96变量过多 97无效FOR控制变量 98缺整型变量 99此处不允许用文件和 100字符串长度不匹配 101无效字顺序 102缺字符串常数 103缺整型或实型变量 104缺有序变量 105INLINE错 106缺字符表达式 107重定位项过多 112CASE常量越界 113语句错 114不能调用中断过程 116必须在8087方式下编译 117末找到目标地址 118此处不允许包含文件 120缺NIL 121无效限定符 122无效变量引用 123符号过多 124语句部分过长 126文件必须为变量参数 127条件符号过多 128条件指令错位 130初始条件定义错 13l过程和函数头与前面定义的不匹酉 132严重磁盘错误 133不能计算该表达式 134表达式错误结束 l35无效格式说明符 136无效间接引用 137此处不允许结构变量 138无SYSTEM单元不能计算 l39不能存取该符号 140无效浮点运算 141不能将覆盖编译至内存 142缺过程和函数变量 143无效过程或函数引用 144不能覆盖该单元 147缺对象类型 148不允许局部对象类型 149缺VIRTUAL 150缺方法标识符 151不允许虚拟构造方法 152缺构造方法标识符 153缺释放方法标识符 154FAIL只允许在构造方法内使用 155无效的操作符和操作数组合 156缺内存引用 l57不能加减可重定位符号 158无效寄存器组合 159未激活286/287指令 160无效符号引用 161代码生成错 162缺ASM
注意程序文件名、输入文件名、输出文件名,测试点个数。 注意空间限制(一般为128MB)、时间限制(一般为1S)。
由于编译及评测均在NOI Linux下进行,所有文件名、语句一律小 写(输出内容除外)。
防止突发事件,至少20分钟存盘一次 。
运行错误是指程序运行时出现的错误,当发生时,Turbo Pascal 显示如下信息: RUNTIME ERROR NNNN AT XXXX:YYYY 其中,nnnn是运行错误代码,xxxx是错误发生的程序段, yyyy是错误地址偏移。 DOS 错误代码: 2文件末找到
3、如果你的心理足够的话,也可以去恶心一下他们…… 4、山东的学生水平都有限(个别的很外),请相信:你不会的他 们也不会,就算他们做了,十有八九也是错了,浪费时间。 noip2015 : 1:580 7:485 13:430 50:355 100:310
if(system("fc out1.txt out2.txt")) {bz=1; break; } } if(bz==0) cout<<"no error"<<endl;
else cout<<"error"<<endl;
return 0; }
考生提交的考试源程序要求存放在“考号+考生姓名”命 名的文件夹下,如“张三”考生(假如考号为SD-001)的 源程序应存放在“SD-001张三”文件夹下的相应考题名(
PASCAL出错中英文信息对照表一、编译时的出错信息1.Out of memory [内存溢出]2.Identifier expected [缺标识符]3.Identifier not found [标识符未找到]*如:Identifier not found INTEGR [标识符INTEGER未找到]4.Duplicate identifier [重复说明]*如:Duplicate identifier N [变量N重复说明]5.Syntax error [语法错误]*6.Error in real constant [实型常量错]7.Error in integer constant [整型常量错]8.String constant exceeds line [字符串常量跨行]9.Too many nested file [文件嵌套过多]10.Unexpected end of file [非正常文件结束]11.Line to long [行过长]12.Type Identifier expected [缺类型标识符]13.Too many open file [打开文件过多]14.Invalid file name [无效文件名]15.File not found [文件未找到]*16.Disk full [磁盘满]17.Invalid compiler directive [无效编译指示]18.Too many file [文件过多]19.Undefined type in pointer definition [指针定义中未定义类型]20.Variable identifier expected [缺变量标识符]21.Error in type definition [类型错误说明]*22.Stucture too large [结构过长]23.Set base type out of range [集合基类型越界]24.File components may not be files or object [FILE分量不能为文件或对象]25.Invalid string length [无效字符串长度]26.Type mismatch [类型不匹配]*27.Invalid subrange base type [无效子界基类型]28.Lower bound greater than upper bound [下界大于上界]29.Ordinal type expected [缺有序类型]30.Integer constant expected [缺整型常数]31.Constant expected [缺常量]32.Integer or real constant expected [缺整型或实型常量]33.Pointe type identifier expected [缺指针类型标识符]34.Invalid function result type [无效的函数结果类型]bel identifier expected [缺标号标识符]36.Begin expected [缺BEGIN]*37.End expected [缺END]*38.Integer expression expected [缺整型表达式]39.Ordinal expression expected [缺有序表达式]40.Boolean expression expected [缺布尔表达式]41.Operand type do not match operator [操作数与操作符不匹配]42.Error in expression [表达式错]43.Illegal expression [非法赋值]*44.Field identifier expected [缺域标识符]45.Object file too large [目标文件过大]46.Undefined external [未定义外部标识符]47.Invalid object file record [无效OBJ文件记录]48.Code segment too large [代码段过长]49.Data segment too large [数据段过长]*50.Do expected [缺DO]*51.Invalid PUBLIC definition [无效PUBLIC定义]52.Invalid EXTRN definition [无效EXTRN定义]53.Too many EXTRN definition [EXTRN定义过多]54.Of extected [缺0F]*55.INTERFACE expected [缺INTERFACE]56.Invalid relocatable reference [无效重定位引用]57.THEN expected [缺THEN]*58.TO (DOWNTO) expected [缺T0或DOWNTO]*59.Undefined forward [提前引用未定义的说明]60.Too many procedures [过程过多]61.Invalid typecast [无效类型转换]62.Division by zero [被零除]63.Invalid typecast [无效文件类型]64.Cannot Read or Write variable of this type [不能读写该类型的变量]*65.Ponter variable expected [缺指针变量]66.String variable expected [缺字符串变量]67.String expression expected [缺字符串表达式]68.Circular unit reference [单元循环引用]69.Unit name mismatchg [单元名不匹配]70.Unit version mismatch [单元版本不匹配]71.Duplicate unit name [单元重名]72.Unit file format error [单元文件格式错误]73.Implementation expected [缺IMPLEMENTATl0N]74.constant and case types do not match [常数与CASE类型不相匹配]75.Record variable expected [缺记录变量]76.Constant out of range [常量越界]77.File variable expected [缺文件变量]78.Pointer extression expected [缺指针变量]79.Integer or real expression expected [缺整型或实型表达式]ble not within current block [标号不在当前块中]ble already defined [标号已定义]82.Undefined lable in preceding statement part [在前面语句中标号未定义]83.Invalid @ argument [无效的@参数]84.Unit expected [缺UNIT]85. “;” expected [缺“;”]*86. “:” expected [缺“:”]*87. “,” expected [缺“,”]*88. “(” expected [缺“(”)*89. “)” ex pected [缺“]” ]*90. “=” expected [缺“=”]*91. “:=” expected [缺“:=”]*92. “[” or “(” expected [缺“[”或“(”)*93. “]” or “)” expected [缺“]”或“)”]*94. “..” expected [缺“.”]*95. “..” expected [缺“..”]*96.Too many variable [变量过多]97.Invalid FOR control variable [无效FOR控制变量]98.Integer variable expected [缺整型变量]99.File and procedure types are not allowed here [此处不允许用文件和过程类型]100.Srting length mismatch [字符串长度不匹配]101.Invalid ordering of fields [无效域顺序]102.String constant expected [缺字符串常量]103.Integer or real variable expected [缺整型或实型变量]104.Ordinal variable expected [缺顺序变量]105.INLINE error [INLINE错]106.Character expression expected [缺字符表达式]107.Too many relocation items [重定位项过多]112.Case constant out of range [CASE常量越界]113.Error in statement [语句错]114.Can’t call an interrupt procedute [不能调用中断过程]116.Must be in 8087 mode to complie this [必须在8087方式下编译] 117.Target address not found [未找到目标地址]118.Include files are not allowed here [此处不允许包含INCLUDE文件] 120.NIL expected [缺NIL]121.Invalid qualifier [无效限定符]122.Invalid variable reference [无效变量引用]123.Too many symbols [符号过多]124.Statement part too large [语句部分过长]126.Files must be var parameters [文件必须为变量参数]127.Too many conditional directive [条件符号过多]128.Misplaced conditional directive [条件指令错位]129.ENDIF directive missing [缺少ENDIF 指令]130.Error in initial conditional defines [初始条件定义错]131.Header does not match previous definition [过程和函数头与前面定义的不匹配]132.Critical disk error [严重磁盘错误]133.Can’t evalute this expression [不能计算该表达式]*如:Can’t evalute constart expression [不能计算该常量表达式] 134.Expression incorrectly terminated [表达式错误结束]135.Invaild format specifier [无效格式说明符]136.Invalid indirect reference [无效间接引用]137.Structed variable are not allowed here [此处不允许结构变量] 138.Can’t evalute without system unit [无SYSTEM单元不能计算]139.Can’t access this symbols [不能存取该符号]140.Invalid floating –point operation [无效浮点运算]141. Can’t compile overlays to memory [不能将覆盖模块编译至内存] 142.Procedure or function variable expected [缺过程和函数变量]143.Invalid procedure or function reference. [无效过程或函数引用] 144.Can’t overlay this unit [不能覆盖该单元]147.Object type expected [缺对象类型]148.Local object types are not allowed [不允许局部对象类型]149.VIRTUAL expected [缺VIRTUAL]150.Method identifier expected [缺方法标识符]151.Virtual constructor are not allowed [不允许虚拟构造方法]152.Constructor Identifier expected [缺构造函数标识符]153.Destructor Identifier expected [缺析构函数标识符]154.Fail only allowed within constructors [FAIL标准过程只允许在构造方法内使用]155.Invalid combination of opcode and operands [无效的操作符和操作数组合]156.Memory reference expected [缺内存引用]157.Can’t add or subtrace relocatable symbols [不能加减可重定位符号] 158.Invalid register combination [无效寄存器组合]159.286/287 Instructions are not enabled [未激活286/287指令]160.Invalid symbol reference [无效符号引用]161.Code generation error [代码生成错]162.ASM expected [缺ASM]二、运行错误运行错误将显示错误信息,并终止程序的运行。
Pascal运行错误对照表Pascal运行错误对照表运行错误是指程序运行时出现的错误,当发生时,Turbo Pascal显示如下信息:RUNTIME ERROR NNNN AT XXXX:YYYY 其中,nnnn是运行错误代码,xxxx是错误发生的程序段,yyyy是错误地址偏移。
DOS 错误代码:1无效DoS功能号2文件末找到3路径未找到4打开文件过多5禁止文件存取6无效文件句柄12无效文件存取代码15无效驱动器号16不能删除当前日录17不能跨驱动器改文件名I/O错误100磁盘读错误101磁盘写错误102文件变量末赋值103文件未打开104文件未用输入方式打开105文件末用输出方式打开106无效数字格式严重错误150磁盘写保护15l未知单元152驱动器未准备好153未知命令154数据CRC校验错155驱动器请求的结构长度错156磁盘定位错157未知媒介类型158扇区末找到159打印机缺纸160设备写失败161设备读失败162硬件故障致命错误200被零除20l范围检查错202堆栈溢出错203堆溢出错204无效指针操作205浮点上溢出206浮点下溢出207无效浮点运算208未安装覆盖管理程序209覆盖文件读错210对象未初始化2ll调用抽象方法212流登计错213集合下标越界214集合溢出215 算术上溢错误216 存取非法217 控制-C218 授权指令219 无效的TYPECAST 220 无效的变体TYPECAST221 无效的变体操作222 没有变体方法调用DISPATCHER223 不能建立变体数组224 变体不包含数组225 变体数组边界错误226 TLS初始化错误Pascal编译错误对照表下面列出在编译程序时可能出现的错误,在集成环境下,Turbo Pascal将自动加载源程序并定位于出错处。
l内存溢出2缺标识符3标识符未定义4标识符重定义5语法错误6实型常量错7整型常量错8字符串常量跨行9文件嵌套过多10非正常文件结束11行过长12缺类型标识符13打开文件过多14无效文件名15文件未找到16磁盘满17无效编译指示18文件过多19指针定义中未定义类型20缺变量标识符21类型错误22结构过长24文件分量不能为文件25无效字符串长度26类型不匹配27无效子界基类型28下界大于上界29缺有序类型30缺整型常数31缺常数32缺整型或实型常数33缺指针类型标识符34无效的函数结果类型35缺标号标识符36缺BEGIN37缺END38缺整型表达式39缺有序表达式40缺布尔表达式41操作数类型与操作符不匹配42表达式错43非法赋值44缺字段标识符45目标文件过长46未定义外部标识符47无效*.OBJ文件记录48代码段过长49数据段过长50缺DO51无效PUBLIC定义52无效EXTRN定义53EXTRN定义过多54缺0F55缺INTERFACE56无效重定位引用57缺THEN58缺T0或DOWNTO59未定义的向前引用60过程过多61无效类型转换62被零除D63无效文件类型64不能读写该类型的变量65缺指针变量66缺字符串变量67缺字符串表达式68单元循环引用69单元名不匹配70单元版本不匹配71单元重名72单元文件格式错误73缺IMPLEMENTATl0N74常数与CASE类型不相匹配75缺记录变量76常数越界77缺文件变量78缺指针变量79缺整型或实型表达式80标号不在当前块中81标号已定义82标号未定义83无效参数84缺UNIT85缺“;”86缺“:”87缺“,”88缺“(”89缺“)”90缺“=”91缺“:=”92缺“[”或“(.”93缺“]”或“.)”94缺“.”96变量过多97无效FOR控制变量98缺整型变量99此处不允许用文件和100字符串长度不匹配101无效字顺序102缺字符串常数103缺整型或实型变量104缺有序变量105INLINE错106缺字符表达式107重定位项过多112CASE常量越界113语句错114不能调用中断过程116必须在8087方式下编译117末找到目标地址118此处不允许包含文件120缺NIL121无效限定符122无效变量引用123符号过多124语句部分过长126文件必须为变量参数127条件符号过多128条件指令错位130初始条件定义错13l过程和函数头与前面定义的不匹酉132严重磁盘错误133不能计算该表达式134表达式错误结束l35无效格式说明符136无效间接引用137此处不允许结构变量138无SYSTEM单元不能计算l39不能存取该符号140无效浮点运算141不能将覆盖编译至内存142缺过程和函数变量143无效过程或函数引用144不能覆盖该单元147缺对象类型148不允许局部对象类型149缺VIRTUAL150缺方法标识符151不允许虚拟构造方法152缺构造方法标识符153缺释放方法标识符154FAIL只允许在构造方法内使用155无效的操作符和操作数组合156缺内存引用l57不能加减可重定位符号158无效寄存器组合159未激活286/287指令160无效符号引用161代码生成错162缺ASMFree Pascal 错误列表2009-08-05 13:431 插入了无效函数或执行了无效命令2 找不到文件(地球人都知道)3 找不到路径(按路径没有找到文件)4 打开文件太多了(noip会出这种错误吗?)5 拒绝文件路径分类:试图对一个只能读的文件进行写入,如字典;文件当前被锁死或被另一个进程修改中;试图新建一个与已有文件重名的字典或文件;试图对只作为读模式打开的文件进行写入;试图对只作为写模式打开的文件进行读入;试图移动一个不可能移动的文件;不允许打开这个文件或词典;6 无效的文件处理:你使用的文件变量被删除。
两个波形(A和B)的dt相同并且相邻时可以进行连接,其中相邻表示t0_B = t0_A + N * dt,N为波形A的采样数。
如仍未解决该问题,请联系NI 技术支持。
Cognos错误总结文档文档信息版本记录Cognos问题1、UDA-SQL-0458问题描述:UDA-SQL-0458 PREPARE failed because the query requires local processing of the data. The option to allow local processing has not been enabled. UDA-SQL-0580 The use of call statements as derived tables is not supported by the database and requires local processing of the data. RSV-SRV-0042解决办法:open your FM model, select the data source, check properties, Query Processing should be "Limited Local"2、jre冲突问题描述:解决办法:把\cognos\c8\bin\jre\1.4.2\lib\ext \bcprov-jdk13-125.jar这个文件拷贝到java_home的jdk下的jre目录下的\lib\ext目录3、ANS-MES-0005错误问题描述:解决办法:这个问题最终也没得到更好根据一直以来的总结:主要分析可能原因和相应的解决办法,但是有的人用这种办法好用,但我们的客户还是没好用,现写下来做参考。
1、原因是对报表快速的进行拖拽、点击,移动等操作时,有可能会发生这类错误(我自己猜想,这个可能是因为当前的这张报表比较大,cognos的BS报表程序反应不过来,程序内部出现了异常,这个好像是cognos analysis studio自身的BUG。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Wrong Answer
Time Limit Exceeded(TL)
目前 Judge 所限的時間是十秒,也就是你的程式在十秒後還沒執行結束.
Compile Error (CE)
156: 缺内存引用
157: 不能加减可重定位符号
158: 无效寄存器组合
159: 未激活286/287指令
160: 无效符号引用
161: 代码生成错
162: 缺ASM
数组赋值越界:Range check error while evaluating constants
E:Pascal 编译错误对照表
17: 无效编译指示
18: 文件过多
19: 指针定义中未定义类型
20: 缺变量标识符
21: 类型错误
22: 结构过长
24: 文件分量不能为文件
25: 无效字符串长度
26: 类型不匹配
27: 无效子界基类型
28: 下界大于上界
Pascal 运行错误对照表:
A:DOS 错误代码:
1 :无效Dos功能号
2 :文件未找到
3 :路径未找到
4 :打开文件过多 5 :禁止文件取 6 :无效文件句柄
Runtime Error(SIGSEGV)
Presentation Error: 您的程序是基本正确的,只是输出不符合题目要求的格式,通常是行尾有多余空格,没有空行或空行太多。
61: 无效类型转换
62: 被零除
63: 无效文件类型
64: 不能读写该类型的变量
65: 缺指针变量
66: 缺字符串变量
67: 缺字符串表达式
68: 单元循环引用
69: 单元名不匹配
70: 单元版本不匹配
71: 单元重名
15: 文件未找到
16: 磁盘满
144: 不能覆盖该单元
147: 缺对象类型
148: 不允许局部对象类型
150: 缺方法标示符
151: 不允许虚拟构造方法
152: 缺构造方法标示符
153: 缺释放方法标示符
154: FALL只允许在构造方法内使用
155: 无效的操作符和操作数组合
72: 单元文件格式错误
74: 常数与CASE类型不相匹配
75: 缺记录变量
76: 常数越界
77: 缺文件变量
78: 缺指针变量
79: 缺整型或实型表达式
80: 标号不在当前块中
81: 标号已定义
40: 缺布尔表达式
41: 操作数类型与操作符不匹配
42: 表达式错
43: 非法赋值
44: 缺字段标识符
45: 目标文件过长
46: 未定义外部标识符
47: 无效*.OBJ文件记录
48: 代码段过长
49: 数据段过长
50: 缺DO
106: 缺字符表达式
107: 重定位项过多
112: CASE常量越界
113: 语句错
114: 不能调用中断过程
116: 必须在8087方式下编译
117: 未找到目标地址
118: 此处不允许包含文件
120: 缺NIL
121: 无效限定符
数据赋值越界:Incompatible type:Got 'S80real' expected 'smallint:'
Aceept(P.E.) (Presentation Error)
51: 无效PUBLIC定义
52: 无效EXTRN定义
53: EXTRN定义过多
54: 缺OF
56: 无效重定位引用
57: 缺THEN
59: 未定义的向前引用
60: 过程过多
122: 无效变量引用
123: 符号过多
124: 语句部分过长
126: 文件必须为变量参数
127: 条件符号过多
128: 条件指令错位
130: 初始条件定义错
131: 过程和函数头与前面定义的不匹配
132: 严重磁盘错误
133: 不能计算该表达式
134: 表达式错误结束
135: 无效格式说明符
136: 无效间接引用
137: 此处不允许结构变量
138: 无SYSTEM单元不能计算
139: 不能存取该符号
140: 无效浮点运算
141: 不能将覆盖编译至内存
142: 缺过程和函数变量
143: 无效过程或函数引用
29: 缺有序类型
30: 缺整型常数
31: 缺常数
32: 缺整型或实型常数
33: 缺指针类型标识符
34: 无效的函数结果类型
35: 缺标号标识符
36: 缺BEGIN
37: 缺END
38: 缺整型表达式
39: 缺有序表达式
94: 缺“.”
96: 变量过多
97: 无效FOR控制变量
98: 缺整型变量
99: 此处不允许用文件
100: 字符串长度不匹配
101: 无效字顺序
102: 缺字符串常数
103: 缺整型或实型变量
104: 缺有序变量
105: INLINE错
82: 标号未定义
83: 无效参数
84: 缺UNIT
85: 缺“;”
86: 缺“:”
87: 缺“,”
88: 缺“(”
89: 缺“)”
90: 缺“=”
92: 缺“[”或“(.”
93: 缺“]”或“.)”