On the Motive of the Stack of Bundles


【翻译笔记】The Tyranny of Metrics

【翻译笔记】The Tyranny of Metrics

The Tyranny of Metrics翻译笔记1.描述修饰“去形象”主要是指英文喜欢在名词前添加合理的形容词,或者用拟人化形象的动词,以提升语言张力和可读性,在译为中文时如果难以对应可以大胆去掉,特别氏形容词氏大家已知或常识信息的情况下更是如此。


Example1原文:Uber riders earn stars for their back-seat behaviour.Social-media posts attract“likes”.Users of dating sites are assigned desirability scores.Apple’siPhones tell their owners how many hours they have spent peering into theirscreens.译文:优步乘客根据乘车表现被评以不同星级;社交媒体上的帖子求“赞”;交友网站的用户被系统评定吸引力指数。



比如back-seat behaviour,和desirability scores这两个词的翻译,虽然可能没有见过同样表达,但是根据生活经验,我们使用优步或滴滴打车,系统会对用户评分,在用车高峰期的时候,评分高的乘客往往被接单的可能性更大,而评分基础就是乘客在用车时的表现。


Peer into本意为窥探,凝视,含有情感色彩,但我们常识中苹果手机会告诉我们“屏幕使用时间”,所以这里的翻译不用把peer into的情感色彩表现出来。

Example2原文:That urge is now the premise of one of Apple’s latest products,a watch that keeps tabs on the wearer’s heart rate.译文:正是这种需求促成了苹果最新一代产品的推出——一款可以记录佩戴者心率的手表。



DIRECTIVE NUMBER: CPL 02-00-150 EFFECTIVE DATE: April 22, 2011 SUBJECT: Field Operations Manual (FOM)ABSTRACTPurpose: This instruction cancels and replaces OSHA Instruction CPL 02-00-148,Field Operations Manual (FOM), issued November 9, 2009, whichreplaced the September 26, 1994 Instruction that implemented the FieldInspection Reference Manual (FIRM). The FOM is a revision of OSHA’senforcement policies and procedures manual that provides the field officesa reference document for identifying the responsibilities associated withthe majority of their inspection duties. This Instruction also cancels OSHAInstruction FAP 01-00-003 Federal Agency Safety and Health Programs,May 17, 1996 and Chapter 13 of OSHA Instruction CPL 02-00-045,Revised Field Operations Manual, June 15, 1989.Scope: OSHA-wide.References: Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations §1903.6, Advance Notice ofInspections; 29 Code of Federal Regulations §1903.14, Policy RegardingEmployee Rescue Activities; 29 Code of Federal Regulations §1903.19,Abatement Verification; 29 Code of Federal Regulations §1904.39,Reporting Fatalities and Multiple Hospitalizations to OSHA; and Housingfor Agricultural Workers: Final Rule, Federal Register, March 4, 1980 (45FR 14180).Cancellations: OSHA Instruction CPL 02-00-148, Field Operations Manual, November9, 2009.OSHA Instruction FAP 01-00-003, Federal Agency Safety and HealthPrograms, May 17, 1996.Chapter 13 of OSHA Instruction CPL 02-00-045, Revised FieldOperations Manual, June 15, 1989.State Impact: Notice of Intent and Adoption required. See paragraph VI.Action Offices: National, Regional, and Area OfficesOriginating Office: Directorate of Enforcement Programs Contact: Directorate of Enforcement ProgramsOffice of General Industry Enforcement200 Constitution Avenue, NW, N3 119Washington, DC 20210202-693-1850By and Under the Authority ofDavid Michaels, PhD, MPHAssistant SecretaryExecutive SummaryThis instruction cancels and replaces OSHA Instruction CPL 02-00-148, Field Operations Manual (FOM), issued November 9, 2009. The one remaining part of the prior Field Operations Manual, the chapter on Disclosure, will be added at a later date. This Instruction also cancels OSHA Instruction FAP 01-00-003 Federal Agency Safety and Health Programs, May 17, 1996 and Chapter 13 of OSHA Instruction CPL 02-00-045, Revised Field Operations Manual, June 15, 1989. This Instruction constitutes OSHA’s general enforcement policies and procedures manual for use by the field offices in conducting inspections, issuing citations and proposing penalties.Significant Changes∙A new Table of Contents for the entire FOM is added.∙ A new References section for the entire FOM is added∙ A new Cancellations section for the entire FOM is added.∙Adds a Maritime Industry Sector to Section III of Chapter 10, Industry Sectors.∙Revises sections referring to the Enhanced Enforcement Program (EEP) replacing the information with the Severe Violator Enforcement Program (SVEP).∙Adds Chapter 13, Federal Agency Field Activities.∙Cancels OSHA Instruction FAP 01-00-003, Federal Agency Safety and Health Programs, May 17, 1996.DisclaimerThis manual is intended to provide instruction regarding some of the internal operations of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and is solely for the benefit of the Government. No duties, rights, or benefits, substantive or procedural, are created or implied by this manual. The contents of this manual are not enforceable by any person or entity against the Department of Labor or the United States. Statements which reflect current Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission or court precedents do not necessarily indicate acquiescence with those precedents.Table of ContentsCHAPTER 1INTRODUCTIONI.PURPOSE. ........................................................................................................... 1-1 II.SCOPE. ................................................................................................................ 1-1 III.REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 1-1 IV.CANCELLATIONS............................................................................................. 1-8 V. ACTION INFORMATION ................................................................................. 1-8A.R ESPONSIBLE O FFICE.......................................................................................................................................... 1-8B.A CTION O FFICES. .................................................................................................................... 1-8C. I NFORMATION O FFICES............................................................................................................ 1-8 VI. STATE IMPACT. ................................................................................................ 1-8 VII.SIGNIFICANT CHANGES. ............................................................................... 1-9 VIII.BACKGROUND. ................................................................................................. 1-9 IX. DEFINITIONS AND TERMINOLOGY. ........................................................ 1-10A.T HE A CT................................................................................................................................................................. 1-10B. C OMPLIANCE S AFETY AND H EALTH O FFICER (CSHO). ...........................................................1-10B.H E/S HE AND H IS/H ERS ..................................................................................................................................... 1-10C.P ROFESSIONAL J UDGMENT............................................................................................................................... 1-10E. W ORKPLACE AND W ORKSITE ......................................................................................................................... 1-10CHAPTER 2PROGRAM PLANNINGI.INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................... 2-1 II.AREA OFFICE RESPONSIBILITIES. .............................................................. 2-1A.P ROVIDING A SSISTANCE TO S MALL E MPLOYERS. ...................................................................................... 2-1B.A REA O FFICE O UTREACH P ROGRAM. ............................................................................................................. 2-1C. R ESPONDING TO R EQUESTS FOR A SSISTANCE. ............................................................................................ 2-2 III. OSHA COOPERATIVE PROGRAMS OVERVIEW. ...................................... 2-2A.V OLUNTARY P ROTECTION P ROGRAM (VPP). ........................................................................... 2-2B.O NSITE C ONSULTATION P ROGRAM. ................................................................................................................ 2-2C.S TRATEGIC P ARTNERSHIPS................................................................................................................................. 2-3D.A LLIANCE P ROGRAM ........................................................................................................................................... 2-3 IV. ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM SCHEDULING. ................................................ 2-4A.G ENERAL ................................................................................................................................................................. 2-4B.I NSPECTION P RIORITY C RITERIA. ..................................................................................................................... 2-4C.E FFECT OF C ONTEST ............................................................................................................................................ 2-5D.E NFORCEMENT E XEMPTIONS AND L IMITATIONS. ....................................................................................... 2-6E.P REEMPTION BY A NOTHER F EDERAL A GENCY ........................................................................................... 2-6F.U NITED S TATES P OSTAL S ERVICE. .................................................................................................................. 2-7G.H OME-B ASED W ORKSITES. ................................................................................................................................ 2-8H.I NSPECTION/I NVESTIGATION T YPES. ............................................................................................................... 2-8 V.UNPROGRAMMED ACTIVITY – HAZARD EVALUATION AND INSPECTION SCHEDULING ............................................................................ 2-9 VI.PROGRAMMED INSPECTIONS. ................................................................... 2-10A.S ITE-S PECIFIC T ARGETING (SST) P ROGRAM. ............................................................................................. 2-10B.S CHEDULING FOR C ONSTRUCTION I NSPECTIONS. ..................................................................................... 2-10C.S CHEDULING FOR M ARITIME I NSPECTIONS. ............................................................................. 2-11D.S PECIAL E MPHASIS P ROGRAMS (SEP S). ................................................................................... 2-12E.N ATIONAL E MPHASIS P ROGRAMS (NEP S) ............................................................................... 2-13F.L OCAL E MPHASIS P ROGRAMS (LEP S) AND R EGIONAL E MPHASIS P ROGRAMS (REP S) ............ 2-13G.O THER S PECIAL P ROGRAMS. ............................................................................................................................ 2-13H.I NSPECTION S CHEDULING AND I NTERFACE WITH C OOPERATIVE P ROGRAM P ARTICIPANTS ....... 2-13CHAPTER 3INSPECTION PROCEDURESI.INSPECTION PREPARATION. .......................................................................... 3-1 II.INSPECTION PLANNING. .................................................................................. 3-1A.R EVIEW OF I NSPECTION H ISTORY .................................................................................................................... 3-1B.R EVIEW OF C OOPERATIVE P ROGRAM P ARTICIPATION .............................................................................. 3-1C.OSHA D ATA I NITIATIVE (ODI) D ATA R EVIEW .......................................................................................... 3-2D.S AFETY AND H EALTH I SSUES R ELATING TO CSHO S.................................................................. 3-2E.A DVANCE N OTICE. ................................................................................................................................................ 3-3F.P RE-I NSPECTION C OMPULSORY P ROCESS ...................................................................................................... 3-5G.P ERSONAL S ECURITY C LEARANCE. ................................................................................................................. 3-5H.E XPERT A SSISTANCE. ........................................................................................................................................... 3-5 III. INSPECTION SCOPE. ......................................................................................... 3-6A.C OMPREHENSIVE ................................................................................................................................................... 3-6B.P ARTIAL. ................................................................................................................................................................... 3-6 IV. CONDUCT OF INSPECTION .............................................................................. 3-6A.T IME OF I NSPECTION............................................................................................................................................. 3-6B.P RESENTING C REDENTIALS. ............................................................................................................................... 3-6C.R EFUSAL TO P ERMIT I NSPECTION AND I NTERFERENCE ............................................................................. 3-7D.E MPLOYEE P ARTICIPATION. ............................................................................................................................... 3-9E.R ELEASE FOR E NTRY ............................................................................................................................................ 3-9F.B ANKRUPT OR O UT OF B USINESS. .................................................................................................................... 3-9G.E MPLOYEE R ESPONSIBILITIES. ................................................................................................. 3-10H.S TRIKE OR L ABOR D ISPUTE ............................................................................................................................. 3-10I. V ARIANCES. .......................................................................................................................................................... 3-11 V. OPENING CONFERENCE. ................................................................................ 3-11A.G ENERAL ................................................................................................................................................................ 3-11B.R EVIEW OF A PPROPRIATION A CT E XEMPTIONS AND L IMITATION. ..................................................... 3-13C.R EVIEW S CREENING FOR P ROCESS S AFETY M ANAGEMENT (PSM) C OVERAGE............................. 3-13D.R EVIEW OF V OLUNTARY C OMPLIANCE P ROGRAMS. ................................................................................ 3-14E.D ISRUPTIVE C ONDUCT. ...................................................................................................................................... 3-15F.C LASSIFIED A REAS ............................................................................................................................................. 3-16VI. REVIEW OF RECORDS. ................................................................................... 3-16A.I NJURY AND I LLNESS R ECORDS...................................................................................................................... 3-16B.R ECORDING C RITERIA. ...................................................................................................................................... 3-18C. R ECORDKEEPING D EFICIENCIES. .................................................................................................................. 3-18 VII. WALKAROUND INSPECTION. ....................................................................... 3-19A.W ALKAROUND R EPRESENTATIVES ............................................................................................................... 3-19B.E VALUATION OF S AFETY AND H EALTH M ANAGEMENT S YSTEM. ....................................................... 3-20C.R ECORD A LL F ACTS P ERTINENT TO A V IOLATION. ................................................................................. 3-20D.T ESTIFYING IN H EARINGS ................................................................................................................................ 3-21E.T RADE S ECRETS. ................................................................................................................................................. 3-21F.C OLLECTING S AMPLES. ..................................................................................................................................... 3-22G.P HOTOGRAPHS AND V IDEOTAPES.................................................................................................................. 3-22H.V IOLATIONS OF O THER L AWS. ....................................................................................................................... 3-23I.I NTERVIEWS OF N ON-M ANAGERIAL E MPLOYEES .................................................................................... 3-23J.M ULTI-E MPLOYER W ORKSITES ..................................................................................................................... 3-27 K.A DMINISTRATIVE S UBPOENA.......................................................................................................................... 3-27 L.E MPLOYER A BATEMENT A SSISTANCE. ........................................................................................................ 3-27 VIII. CLOSING CONFERENCE. .............................................................................. 3-28A.P ARTICIPANTS. ..................................................................................................................................................... 3-28B.D ISCUSSION I TEMS. ............................................................................................................................................ 3-28C.A DVICE TO A TTENDEES .................................................................................................................................... 3-29D.P ENALTIES............................................................................................................................................................. 3-30E.F EASIBLE A DMINISTRATIVE, W ORK P RACTICE AND E NGINEERING C ONTROLS. ............................ 3-30F.R EDUCING E MPLOYEE E XPOSURE. ................................................................................................................ 3-32G.A BATEMENT V ERIFICATION. ........................................................................................................................... 3-32H.E MPLOYEE D ISCRIMINATION .......................................................................................................................... 3-33 IX. SPECIAL INSPECTION PROCEDURES. ...................................................... 3-33A.F OLLOW-UP AND M ONITORING I NSPECTIONS............................................................................................ 3-33B.C ONSTRUCTION I NSPECTIONS ......................................................................................................................... 3-34C. F EDERAL A GENCY I NSPECTIONS. ................................................................................................................. 3-35CHAPTER 4VIOLATIONSI. BASIS OF VIOLATIONS ..................................................................................... 4-1A.S TANDARDS AND R EGULATIONS. .................................................................................................................... 4-1B.E MPLOYEE E XPOSURE. ........................................................................................................................................ 4-3C.R EGULATORY R EQUIREMENTS. ........................................................................................................................ 4-6D.H AZARD C OMMUNICATION. .............................................................................................................................. 4-6E. E MPLOYER/E MPLOYEE R ESPONSIBILITIES ................................................................................................... 4-6 II. SERIOUS VIOLATIONS. .................................................................................... 4-8A.S ECTION 17(K). ......................................................................................................................... 4-8B.E STABLISHING S ERIOUS V IOLATIONS ............................................................................................................ 4-8C. F OUR S TEPS TO BE D OCUMENTED. ................................................................................................................... 4-8 III. GENERAL DUTY REQUIREMENTS ............................................................. 4-14A.E VALUATION OF G ENERAL D UTY R EQUIREMENTS ................................................................................. 4-14B.E LEMENTS OF A G ENERAL D UTY R EQUIREMENT V IOLATION.............................................................. 4-14C. U SE OF THE G ENERAL D UTY C LAUSE ........................................................................................................ 4-23D.L IMITATIONS OF U SE OF THE G ENERAL D UTY C LAUSE. ..............................................................E.C LASSIFICATION OF V IOLATIONS C ITED U NDER THE G ENERAL D UTY C LAUSE. ..................F. P ROCEDURES FOR I MPLEMENTATION OF S ECTION 5(A)(1) E NFORCEMENT ............................ 4-25 4-27 4-27IV.OTHER-THAN-SERIOUS VIOLATIONS ............................................... 4-28 V.WILLFUL VIOLATIONS. ......................................................................... 4-28A.I NTENTIONAL D ISREGARD V IOLATIONS. ..........................................................................................4-28B.P LAIN I NDIFFERENCE V IOLATIONS. ...................................................................................................4-29 VI. CRIMINAL/WILLFUL VIOLATIONS. ................................................... 4-30A.A REA D IRECTOR C OORDINATION ....................................................................................................... 4-31B.C RITERIA FOR I NVESTIGATING P OSSIBLE C RIMINAL/W ILLFUL V IOLATIONS ........................ 4-31C. W ILLFUL V IOLATIONS R ELATED TO A F ATALITY .......................................................................... 4-32 VII. REPEATED VIOLATIONS. ...................................................................... 4-32A.F EDERAL AND S TATE P LAN V IOLATIONS. ........................................................................................4-32B.I DENTICAL S TANDARDS. .......................................................................................................................4-32C.D IFFERENT S TANDARDS. .......................................................................................................................4-33D.O BTAINING I NSPECTION H ISTORY. .....................................................................................................4-33E.T IME L IMITATIONS..................................................................................................................................4-34F.R EPEATED V. F AILURE TO A BATE....................................................................................................... 4-34G. A REA D IRECTOR R ESPONSIBILITIES. .............................................................................. 4-35 VIII. DE MINIMIS CONDITIONS. ................................................................... 4-36A.C RITERIA ................................................................................................................................................... 4-36B.P ROFESSIONAL J UDGMENT. ..................................................................................................................4-37C. A REA D IRECTOR R ESPONSIBILITIES. .............................................................................. 4-37 IX. CITING IN THE ALTERNATIVE ............................................................ 4-37 X. COMBINING AND GROUPING VIOLATIONS. ................................... 4-37A.C OMBINING. ..............................................................................................................................................4-37B.G ROUPING. ................................................................................................................................................4-38C. W HEN N OT TO G ROUP OR C OMBINE. ................................................................................................4-38 XI. HEALTH STANDARD VIOLATIONS ....................................................... 4-39A.C ITATION OF V ENTILATION S TANDARDS ......................................................................................... 4-39B.V IOLATIONS OF THE N OISE S TANDARD. ...........................................................................................4-40 XII. VIOLATIONS OF THE RESPIRATORY PROTECTION STANDARD(§1910.134). ....................................................................................................... XIII. VIOLATIONS OF AIR CONTAMINANT STANDARDS (§1910.1000) ... 4-43 4-43A.R EQUIREMENTS UNDER THE STANDARD: .................................................................................................. 4-43B.C LASSIFICATION OF V IOLATIONS OF A IR C ONTAMINANT S TANDARDS. ......................................... 4-43 XIV. CITING IMPROPER PERSONAL HYGIENE PRACTICES. ................... 4-45A.I NGESTION H AZARDS. .................................................................................................................................... 4-45B.A BSORPTION H AZARDS. ................................................................................................................................ 4-46C.W IPE S AMPLING. ............................................................................................................................................. 4-46D.C ITATION P OLICY ............................................................................................................................................ 4-46 XV. BIOLOGICAL MONITORING. ...................................................................... 4-47CHAPTER 5CASE FILE PREPARATION AND DOCUMENTATIONI.INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................... 5-1 II.INSPECTION CONDUCTED, CITATIONS BEING ISSUED. .................... 5-1A.OSHA-1 ................................................................................................................................... 5-1B.OSHA-1A. ............................................................................................................................... 5-1C. OSHA-1B. ................................................................................................................................ 5-2 III.INSPECTION CONDUCTED BUT NO CITATIONS ISSUED .................... 5-5 IV.NO INSPECTION ............................................................................................... 5-5 V. HEALTH INSPECTIONS. ................................................................................. 5-6A.D OCUMENT P OTENTIAL E XPOSURE. ............................................................................................................... 5-6B.E MPLOYER’S O CCUPATIONAL S AFETY AND H EALTH S YSTEM. ............................................................. 5-6 VI. AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSES............................................................................. 5-8A.B URDEN OF P ROOF. .............................................................................................................................................. 5-8B.E XPLANATIONS. ..................................................................................................................................................... 5-8 VII. INTERVIEW STATEMENTS. ........................................................................ 5-10A.G ENERALLY. ......................................................................................................................................................... 5-10B.CSHO S SHALL OBTAIN WRITTEN STATEMENTS WHEN: .......................................................................... 5-10C.L ANGUAGE AND W ORDING OF S TATEMENT. ............................................................................................. 5-11D.R EFUSAL TO S IGN S TATEMENT ...................................................................................................................... 5-11E.V IDEO AND A UDIOTAPED S TATEMENTS. ..................................................................................................... 5-11F.A DMINISTRATIVE D EPOSITIONS. .............................................................................................5-11 VIII. PAPERWORK AND WRITTEN PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS. .......... 5-12 IX.GUIDELINES FOR CASE FILE DOCUMENTATION FOR USE WITH VIDEOTAPES AND AUDIOTAPES .............................................................. 5-12 X.CASE FILE ACTIVITY DIARY SHEET. ..................................................... 5-12 XI. CITATIONS. ..................................................................................................... 5-12A.S TATUTE OF L IMITATIONS. .............................................................................................................................. 5-13B.I SSUING C ITATIONS. ........................................................................................................................................... 5-13C.A MENDING/W ITHDRAWING C ITATIONS AND N OTIFICATION OF P ENALTIES. .................................. 5-13D.P ROCEDURES FOR A MENDING OR W ITHDRAWING C ITATIONS ............................................................ 5-14 XII. INSPECTION RECORDS. ............................................................................... 5-15A.G ENERALLY. ......................................................................................................................................................... 5-15B.R ELEASE OF I NSPECTION I NFORMATION ..................................................................................................... 5-15C. C LASSIFIED AND T RADE S ECRET I NFORMATION ...................................................................................... 5-16。

String field theory and brane superpotentials

String field theory and brane superpotentials

a r X i v :h e p -t h /0107162v 1 19 J u l 2001Preprint typeset in JHEP style.-PAPER VERSIONzaroiu C.N.Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics SUNY at Stony BrookNY11794-3840,U.S.A.calin@ Abstract:I discuss tree-level amplitudes in cubic topological string field theory,show-ing that a certain family of gauge conditions leads to an A ∞algebra of tree-level string products which define a potential describing the dynamics of physical states.Upon using results of modern deformation theory,I show that the string moduli space ad-mits two equivalent descriptions,one given in standard Maurer-Cartan fashion and another given in terms of a ‘homotopy Maurer-Cartan problem’,which describes the critical set of the potential.By applying this construction to the topological A and B models,I obtain an intrinsic formulation of ‘D-brane superpotentials’in terms of string field theory data.This gives a prescription for computing such quantities to all orders,and proves the equivalence of this formulation with the fundamental descrip-tion in terms of string field moduli.In particular,it clarifies the relation between the Chern-Simons/holomorphic Chern-Simons actions and the superpotential for A/B-type branes.B.Infinitesimal gauge transformations in an L∞algebra371.IntroductionAn important subject in D-brane geometry concerns the computation of brane super-potentials,as discussed for thefirst time in[1].In typical examples,one is interested in a D-brane wrapping a supersymmetric cycle of a Calabi-Yau threefold,and attempts to describe its moduli space through the critical set of such a quantity.It is fair to say that results in this direction have remained somewhat imprecise. Part of this lack of precision is due to our incomplete understanding of the mirror map for open string backgrounds.Another reason can be found in the absence of a rigorous formulation of the problem.There are at least two issues to be addressed before one can gain a better understanding:(1)The current definition of‘D-brane superpotentials’is based on an indirect con-struction involving partially wrapped branes whichfill the four uncompactified dimen-sions.Due to standard difficulties withflux conservation,this is in fact physically inconsistent unless one restricts to non-compact situations(which in themselves have limited physical relevance)or posits some unspecified orientifold constructions which would solve the difficulty.(2)A perhaps more serious problem is the lack of a precise formulation of the relation betweenflat directions for the superpotential and the string theory moduli space–this is currently resolved by assuming that the two spaces coincide,since moduli problems only involve low energy dynamics.However,the fundamental description of D-brane moduli is through the associated stringfield theory(see Section3.4of this paper),which in our case is the stringfield theory of topological A or B type models (the fact that topological string theory suffices follows from the results of[2]).It is not immediately clear how the stringfield point of view relates to the approach advocated in[1].The purpose of the present note is to initiate a more thorough analysis of these issues by addressing the two problems above.Our approach is based on a stringfield theoretic point of view,which was advocated in a wider context in[3,4](see also[5] and[6,7]).This has the advantage that it provides an intrinsic description of D-brane moduli spaces.As we shall show below,stringfield theory allows for a precise formu-lation of brane‘superpotentials’in a manner which does not require the introduction of partially wrapped branes.Instead,we shall identify the superpotentials of[1]with a generating function for a collection of tree-level string amplitudes computed in a certain gauge.The construction allows us to prove that the stringfield moduli space can be described as the critical set of this function,divided by an appropriate group action. This serves to clarify the relation between the two descriptions,and sheds some light on the connection of D-brane superpotentials to certain mathematical constructions3involved in the homological mirror symmetry conjecture[8].The note is organized as follows.In Section2,we explain the construction of our potential W as a‘generating function’of tree level string amplitudes,and show that the coefficients of its expansion can be expressed in terms of a collection of tree level products which satisfy the constraints of an A∞algebra.While we shall apply our constructions to the ungraded A/B models only,the discussion of this(and the next) section is given in slightly more abstract terms,and can be applied to more general situations,such as the graded stringfield theories of[4,5,6,7].In Section3,we discuss two formulations of the brane moduli space,which result by considering the stringfield equations of motion or the critical manifold of the potential,and dividing by appropriate symmetries.While thefirst description involves the well-known Maurer-Cartan equation(and the stringfield theory gauge group G),the second leads to more complicated data,due to the presence of higher order terms.We use the algebraic structure of tree level products to give a mathematically precise formulation of the second description in terms of a homotopy version of the Maurer-Cartan equation and a certain effective symmetry algebra.More precisely,we show that the critical point condition for W can be expressed in terms of a strong homotopy Lie,or L∞algebra,the so-called commutator algebra of the A∞algebra of tree level products.The resulting homotopy Maurer-Cartan equation has a symmetry algebra g W which plays the role of an effective,or‘low energy’remnant of the stringfield theory gauge algebra.Two solutions of the homotopy Maurer-Cartan equation are identified if they are related by the action of g W.The‘homotopy Maurer-Cartan problem’was studied in recent mathematical work of M.Kontsevich[9,10]and S.Merkulov[11,12].Upon combining their results with a simple property of taking commutators(proved in Appendix A),we show that the two deformation problems(Maurer-Cartan and homotopy-Maurer-Cartan)give equivalent descriptions of the same moduli space.This explains the relation between the string field theory approach and the low energy point of view advocated in[1].The fact that a homotopy version of the Maurer-Cartan equation arises naturally in our context suggests a deeper relation between the‘derived deformation program’of[13]and string field theory.It also sheds light on the relation between D-brane superpotentials and the abstract methods currently used in the homological mirror symmetry literature. In Section4,we apply our construction to the topological B/A models which describe D-branes wrapping a Calabi-Yau manifold,respectively one of its three-cycles,thereby obtaining an explicit all order construction of the associated D-brane superpotentials (for the A model we only consider the large radius limit,since the stringfield theory at finite radius requires a more sophisticated analysis[14,15,16]).Section5presents our conclusions.Appendix A collects some facts about homotopy associative and homotopy4Lie algebras and their deformation theory and proves a result needed in the body of the paper.Appendix B contains the details of a calculation relevant for understanding the effective symmetry algebra.For the mathematically-oriented reader,I mention that many of the arguments used in this paper are adaptations of results known in the homological mirror symmetry literature.Unfortunately,they do not seem to have been integrated with each other and with the stringfield theory perspective,which is why their physical significance has remained somewhat obscure.2.Tree level potentials in open stringfield theoryWe start by presenting a method for computing tree level potentials in(cubic)open stringfield theory,and analyze the result in terms of A∞algebras.More precisely, we show that a certain gauge-fixing procedure leads to a collection of tree level string products which satisfy the constraints of an A∞algebra as well as certain cyclicity properties.The construction we use is intimately related to the work of[17]and[10], and we shall borrow some of their results,with certain modifications.While we shall later apply this construction to topological A/B strings(see Section4),we chose to present it in an abstract form in order to display the complete similarity between the two theories.The procedure discussed below can also be applied to more general models,such as the graded stringfield theories of[4,5,6,7].2.1The abstract modelLet us start with a cubic(topological)stringfield theory based on the action:S[φ]=13φ,φ•φ ,(2.1)where the stringfieldφis a degree one element of the boundary space H,a Z-graded differential associative algebra with respect to the(degree one)BRST operator Q,the boundary string product•and the worldsheet degree1|.|.Since we shall deal with a single boundary sector(a single D-brane),we do not need to consider a category structure on H as in[3,4].Our arguments can be generalized to that case,but in this note I wish to keep things simple.Remember from[18,19,3]that the non-degenerate bilinear form .,. is invariant with respect to Q and the boundary product:Qu,v =−(−1)|u| u,Qv , u•v,w = u,v•w .(2.2)It also has the graded symmetry property:v,u =(−1)|u||v| v,u ,(2.3) and obeys the selection rule:u,v =0unless|u|+|v|=3.(2.4) Due to this selection rule,the sign factor(−1)|u||v|in equation(2.3)can always be taken to be+1.2.2Gauge-fixing dataWe further assume that we are given a positive-definite Hermitian product h on H, which is antilinear with respect to itsfirst variable and couples only states of equal worldsheet degree:h(u,v)=0unless|u|=|v|.(2.5) We let Q+be the Hermitian conjugate of Q with respect to h:h(Qu,v)=h(u,Q+v).(2.6) Note that Q+is nilpotent and homogeneous of degree−1.Let us define an antilinear operator c on H through the relation:h(u,v)= cu,v .(2.7) Since cu,v vanishes unless|cu|+|v|=3,while h(u,v)vanishes unless|v|−|u|=0, we must have:|cu|=3−|u|(2.8) on homogeneous elements u.Hermicity of h is then equivalent with the property:and that the operator Q+can be expressed as:Q+u=(−1)|u|cQcu.(2.12) Indeed,one has:(−1)|u|h(cQcu,v)=(−1)|u| Qcu,v =(−1)1+|u|+|cu| cu,Qv = cu,Qv =h(u,Qv).(2.13) Using(2.12),one can check that the defining relation for Q+(namely h(Qu,v)= h(u,Q+v))implies:Q+u,v =(−1)|u| u,Q+v .(2.14) This property will be essential in Subsection2.5.2.3The propagatorThe stringfield action(2.1)has the gauge symmetry:φ→φ−Qα−[φ,α],(2.15) withαa degree zero element of H.We are interested in partiallyfixing this symmetry through the gauge condition2:Q+φ=0.(2.16) A thorough analysis of gaugefixing would generally require the full machinery of the BV formalism,but luckily we will not need this here.In fact,we shall only be interested in tree level scattering amplitudes for the topological A/B models,for which it suffices to understand the relevant propagator.That the BV analysis does not modify the discussion in this case follows,for example,from the work of[20].For this purpose it is convenient to consider the‘Hodge theory’of Q.Let us define3:H=[Q,Q+]=QQ++Q+Q,(2.17) and let K denote the kernel of H.As usual in Hodge theory,one has:K=KerQ∩KerQ+,H=K⊕ImQ⊕ImQ+,(2.18)KerQ=K⊕ImQ,KerQ+=K⊕ImQ+,(2.19)where the direct sums involved are orthogonal with respect to h.The operator H is Hermitian and commutes with Q and Q+,and thus its restriction to K⊥=ImQ⊕ImQ+ gives an automorphism of this space.We shall denote the inverse of H|K⊥by1HQ+andπQ+=Q+1H Q+Q1Q.It follows that forφ∈ImQ+∩H1we can write: φ,Qφ = ψ,1Q :ImQ∩H2≈→ImQ+∩H1can be identified with its‘inverse’.Let us consider a‘Green operator’G for H,which satisfies:HG=1−P=πQ+πQ+.(2.23)We shall choose the solution G=1H (πQ+πQ+).We next define U=Q+G=Q+1HπQ=1QπQ.(2.25) It is clear that U plays the role of propagator for the Q-exact modes.Following the terminology of[21],states belonging to the subspace ImQ will be called spurious, while states belonging to K=KerQ∩KerQ+will be called physical4.The elementsof KerQ⊥=ImQ+are the unphysical states.Relations(2.18)show that the off-shell state space H decomposes into physical,spurious and unphysical components.It is clear that U propagates spurious states into unphysical states and projects out everything else.2.4Tree level amplitudes and the potentialIt may seem strange that we are interested in a propagator which describes the dynamics of non-physical states.The reason why such an object is relevant is that the basic string product•does not map physical states into physical states.Indeed,the string field theory axioms assure that•maps KerQ×KerQ into KerQ(since the BRST operator acts as a derivation of the product),but it is not true,in general,that•maps KerQ+×KerQ+into KerQ+(in particular,Q+does not act as a derivation of the string product,even though it has property(2.14)with respect to the bilinear form). If one considers a two-string joining process(u1,u2)→v=u1•u2,then the state v will generally not satisfy the gauge-fixing condition Q+v=0,even if both u1and u2belong to the space of physical states K1.Since Qv=0,we have v∈KerQ=K⊕ImQ,so the precise way in which the gauge condition is violated is that v may acquire a component v Q∈ImQ along the subspace of spurious states.This component then propagates into the unphysical state Uv Q=Uv∈ImQ+.If the composite string now interacts with an open string in the state u3∈K1,the result is(Uv)•u3=(U(u1•u2))•u3,which can be measured by projecting onto K etc.It follows that string amplitudes u1...u n , where u1...u n are(degree one)physical states,are built according to the Feynman rules of the cubic theory(2.1)upon using the propagator U.To be precise,we define u1...u n (n)to be amputated amplitudes,so there are no insertions of propagators on the external legs.Moreover,we shall only be interested in tree level correlators,which we denote by u1...u n (n)tree.We next define a tree-level potential by summing over all(signed)amputated(not necessarily connected)tree-level scattering amplitudes with at least three legs:W[φ]= n≥311.Wefirst define productsλn:H n→H throughλ2=•and the recursion relation:λn(u1,...,u n)=(−1)n−1(Uλn−1(u1,...,u n−1))u n−(−1)n|u1|u1(Uλn−1(u2,...,u n))−k+l=n(−1)k+(l−1)(|u1|+...+|u k|)(Uλk(u1,...,u k))(Uλl(u k+1,...,u n)),(2.27) k,l≥2for u1...u n in H.2.The products r n are then given by:r n(u1,...,u n)=Pλn(u1,...,u n),(2.28) for u1,...,u n∈K.The recursion relation(2.27)describes the decomposition of an order n tree level product into lower order products,as explained infigure1.This encodes the combi-natorics of tree level Feynman diagrams.With our conventions for the grading,the product r n has degree2−n:(2.29)|r n(u1...u n)|=|u1|+...|u n|+2−n.Figure1.Expressing disk string correlators of physical states in terms of Feynman rules.The upperfigure shows the case of the product r3=P U(u1•u2)•u3−(−1)|u1|u1•U(u2•u3) .The lowerfigure shows the general decomposition ofλn with respect to the productsλk(k<n).10Products of the type(2.28)were considered in[17],[22]and[10].In those papers,it is shown that they define an A∞algebra structure on K,i.e.they satisfy the following constraints:k+l=n+1(−1)s r k(u1...u j,r l(u j+1...u j+l),u j+l+1...u n)=0,(2.30) j=0...k−1for all n≥3,where s=l(|u1|+...|u j|)+j(l−1)+(k−1)l.Note that our algebra has r1=0.Some basic facts about A∞algebras are collected in Appendix A.With these preparations,we define(extended)tree level amplitudes by:u1...u n (n)tree= u1,r n−1(u2...u n) ,(2.31) where u1...u n belong to K.Expression(2.31)makes mathematical sense for elements of K of arbitrary degree.With our definition of r n,the quantities(2.31)coincide with the amputated tree level amplitudes when u1...u n are degree one elements of K.Hence we can write our potential as follows:W(φ)= n≥212.5CyclicityIt is possible to show that our tree level correlators satisfy the following cyclicity prop-erty:u1...u n (n)tree=(−1)(n−1)(|u1|+|u2|+1)+|u1|(|u2|+...+|u n|) u2...u n,u1 (n)tree,(2.34) i.e.:u1,r n(u2...u n+1) =(−1)n(|u1|+|u2|+1)+|u1|(|u2|+...+|u n+1|) u2,r n(u3...u n+1,u1) .(2.35) For this,note that(2.14)implies that the operator U has a similar property:Uu,v =(−1)|u| u,Uv .(2.36) The rest of the argument is then formally identical5with that given in[17],and will not be repeated here.We note that the selection rule for the bilinear form .,. allows one to simplify (2.35)to:u1,r n(u2...u n+1) =(−1)n(|u2|+1) u2,r n(u3...u n+1,u1) .(2.37) 3.Two descriptions of the boundary moduli spaceIn this section we give two descriptions of the moduli space of vacua.Thefirst is the standard construction in terms of solutions of the stringfield equations of motion,while the second results by considering extrema of the potential W.We shall show that the two descriptions are locally equivalent by formulating them in terms of Lie/homotopy Lie algebras and using mathematical results of M.Kontsevich and S.A.Merkulov. Some ideas of this section are already implicit in[25].3.1The stringfield theory descriptionThe space M of vacua of a cubic stringfield theory can be described as the moduli space of degree one solutions to the Maurer-Cartan equations(=stringfield equations of motion)1Qφ+5The abstract form of the argument of[17]can be most easily recovered upon defining the‘trace’T r(u):= u,1 = 1,u on H,where1is the unit of the boundary algebra(H,•).Invariance of the bilinear form with respect to the boundary product implies u,v =T r(u•v),which allows one to apply the cyclicity argument of[17]to our more general situation.12taken modulo the action of the gauge group G generated by transformations of the form:φ→φ−Qα−[φ,α],(3.2) where the infinitesimal generatorαis a degree zero element of H.In these equations, [.,.]stands for the graded commutator in the graded associative algebra H:[u,v]:=u•v−(−1)|u||v|v•u.(3.3)The gauge group G can be described globally as follows.When endowed with the commutator(3.3),the space H becomes a differential graded Lie algebra g;the relation between this and the graded associative algebra(H,•)is entirely similar to that between a usual(ungraded)associative algebra and the corresponding Lie algebra.It is easy to see that the subspace H0of degree zero elements forms an(ungraded)Lie sub-algebra g:=g0of g=(H,[.,.]);this coincides with the commutator algebra of the(ungraded) associative subalgebra(H0,•).The gauge group G is formally the Lie group obtained by exponentiating this Lie algebra.It consists of elementsλ=exp(α),where exp denotes the exponential map.This description is only formal because,even in the simplest case of topological string theories,the Lie algebra g is in fact infinite-dimensional,and thus the exponential has to be carefully defined on a case by case basis.The group G acts on the space H though the obvious extension of its adjoint representation:eα•u=e adαu,(3.4)where ad is the adjoint action of the Lie algebra g:adα(u)=[α,u].(3.5)Under the action of eα,the stringfieldφis taken to transform as a‘connection’:e adα−1φ→φα=e adαφ−= n≥11adα3.2Description through extrema of the potentialThe description of the moduli space discussed above displays the complete analogy between cubic stringfield theory and Chern-Simonsfield theory.It is possible to give an entirely different construction,which is based on the potential(2.32).Indeed,one can ask for the moduli space M W of stringfield configurationsφ∈K1which extremize this potential:∂WWe remind the reader that⊙∗L is built upon dividing the free associative algebra ⊗∗L=⊕k≥0⊗k L through the homogeneous ideal generated by elements of the form u⊗v−(−1)|u||v|v⊗u.The sum in(3.10)is over so-called(k,n)-shuffles,i.e.permutationsσon n elements which satisfy:σ(1)<σ(2)<...<σ(k),σ(k+1)<σ(k+2)<...<σ(n).(3.14) An L∞algebra such that m n=0for all n≥3is simply a differential graded Lie algebra,with the differential Q=m1and the graded Lie bracket[.,.]=m2.The commutator algebra of an A∞algebra Given an A∞algebra(A,{r n}n≥1), its commutator algebra[26]is the the L∞algebra defined on the same underlying space L=A by the products:m n(u1...u n)= σ∈S nχ(σ,u1...u n)r n(uσ(1)...uσ(n)),(3.15) where S n is the permutation group on n elements.It is easy to check by computation that the defining constraints of an L∞algebra are satisfied.A more synthetic descrip-tion of this construction(in terms of so-called bar duals)can be found in[26]and is summarized in Appendix A.The homotopy Maurer-Cartan problem Let us return to equations(3.8).Per-forming the commutator construction for our A∞algebra(K,r n),we obtain an L∞al-gebra(K,m n)whosefirst product m1vanishes.If we apply(3.15)to u1=...=u n=φ, we obtain:m n(φ...φ)=n!r n(φ...φ),(3.16) where we used the fact thatǫ(σ,φ...φ)=ǫ(σ)(and thusχ(σ,φ...φ)=+1),which follows from|φ|=1.Hence one can rewrite the extremum conditions(3.8)as:(−1)n(n+1)/2n≥2m n(α⊗φ⊗n−1),(3.18)(n−1)!15whereαis a degree zero element of K6.The moduli space M W is then defined by modding out the space of solutions to(3.8)or(3.17)through the action of the symmetry algebra g W generated by(3.18).Observations(1)The basic difference between the algebras g=g0and g W is that the action of the former involves the BRST differential(equation(3.2)),while the action of the latter does not.Passage from the stringfield theory to the tree level effective description‘rigidifies’g to g W.(2)The algebra of transformations(3.18)is generally open,i.e.it only closes on the critical set of W(this seems to happen for the graded stringfield theories of[4,5,6,7]). Forφsatisfying the critical point equations(3.8),the commutatorδαδβφ−δβδαφdoes not generally coincide withδ[α,β],but with an infinitesimal transformationδγφ,where γ=γ(α,β,φ)is given by a sum over products of the form m n(α⊗β⊗φn−2).This situation is familiar in the context of the BV-BRST formalism.The structure of g W is much simpler for the ungraded stringfield theories discussed in Section4.In this case,one can show that the gauge algebra closes away from the critical set of W to a standard Lie algebra.This follows from the argument given below.3.2.2A particular caseLet us assume for a moment that:Q+(α•u)=α•Q+u forα∈K0and u∈H(3.19) (this holds for the topological A/B models,which will be discussed below).With this assumption,one can show that the infinitesimal gauge transformations(3.18)reduce to:φ→φ+[α,φ].(3.20) To prove this,note that(3.19)implies U(α•u)=0for any u which belongs to KerQ+.If we consider the diagrammatic expansion of the products r n,this implies that a connected contribution to r n(α,φ⊗n−1)(withα∈K0andφ∈K1)vanishes unless both of the following conditions are satisfied:(1)theα-insertion belongs to the highest level of the associated tree(i.e.belongs to the same node as aφ-insertion).This follows from the fact that any expression of the form U(α•Uv)vanishes,since Uv∈ImQ+⊂KerQ+.Hence branches of the type displayed in Figure2(a)are forbidden.(2)its insertion node is the root of the tree,i.e.the node where the projector P is inserted.This follows from the fact that U(α•φ)=0,sinceφ∈K1⊂KerQ+.Hence branches of the type displayed in Figure2(b)are forbidden.Figure2.Branches which lead to vanishing of a tree-level contribution to r n(α,φ⊗n−1).The two edges on the right offigure(a)may be internal or external.It is clear that it is impossible to satisfy both conditions(1)and(2)unless n=2, since any tree belonging to the diagrammatic expression of r n(α,φ⊗n−1)for n≥3must contain at least a branch of the two types depicted infigure2.It follows that all terms in the sum of(3.18)vanish except for the summand n=2.Since we clearly have α•φ∈K1(by virtue of(3.19)and(2.2)),it follows that r2(α,φ)=P(α•φ)=α•φ, and thus m2(α,φ)=[α,φ].This shows that(3.18)reduces to(3.20).Relation(3.19)implies that K0is an associative subalgebra of(H,•),and hence g0W:=(K0,[.,.])is a Lie subalgebra of stringfield gauge algebra g0=(H0,[.,.]).In particular,the gauge algebra g W closes away from the critical set of W and can be identified with the Lie algebra g0W.Transformation(3.20)integrates toφ→φα=e adαφ.(3.21) Hence equations(3.8)are invariant with respect to the symmetry group G W obtained by exponentiating the Lie algebra g W≡g0W=(K0,[.,.]),andφ∈K1transforms in its adjoint representation.3.3Local equivalence of the two constructionsWhat is the relation between M and M W?It is remarkable fact,which is discussed in more detail in Appendix A,that the two moduli spaces are isomorphic7:≈M.(3.22)M W locallyThis follows from the observation[22,17,11,10]that the algebras(K,{r n}n≥3)and (H,Q,•)are quasi-isomorphic as A∞algebras,i.e.their products are related by a sequence of maps which satisfy certain constraints and whosefirst element induces an isomorphism between K and the BRST cohomology of H(the precise definition is recalled in Appendix A).In fact,the homotopy algebra(K,{r n}n≥2)is a so-called minimal model[27]for(H,Q,•),if the later is viewed as an A∞algebra whose third and higher products vanish.The quasi-isomorphism in question is defined by a sequence of maps F n:K→H obtained upon replacing P with U in the definition(2.28)of the string products r n:r n(u1...u n)=Uλn(u1...u n),(3.23) for u1...u n∈K.This defines F n for n≥2.One also needs a map F1:K→H,which we take to be the inclusion(this induces an isomorphism between K and H Q(H)by Hodge theory,which is why we obtain a quasi-isomorphism).This explicit construction of F is due to[10].Since F gives a quasi-isomorphism of A∞algebras,it is reasonable to expect that it also gives a quasi-isomorphism of L∞algebras between their commutator algebras (K,{m n})and(H,Q,[.,.]).This somewhat elementary statement is proved in Ap-pendix A8.Thefinal step is to recall from[9]that the so-called deformation functors of two quasi-isomorphic L∞algebras are equivalent,which implies that the associated moduli spaces are isomorphic.In our case,the isomorphism follows by noticing that the map:φ→F∗(φ)= n≥1F n(φ⊗n)(3.24) takes solutions of the extremum equations(3.17)into solutions of the stringfield equa-tions of motion(3.1).The inverse correspondence follows from the general result[9] that a quasi-isomorphism of L∞algebras always admits a quasi-inverse,i.e.there ex-ists an L∞quasi-isomorphism G:{g n:H n→K}n≥1such that G1induces the inverse isomorphism(G1)∗=(F∗1)−1between H Q(H)and K.Once such a quasi-inverse has been chosen,one obtains a map:φ→G∗(φ)= n≥1G n(φ⊗n)(3.25) which takes solutions of(3.1)into solutions of(3.17).Upon combining these two facts, it is not hard to prove the desired equivalence of deformation functors[9].We will have no need for this inverse correspondence,so we shall omit its explicit realization.It follows that one can compute the moduli space of a cubic stringfield theory either by solving the stringfield equations of motion,or by extremizing the potential W,and the two results are locally assured to coincide.Which of these two points of view one chooses depends on what is more convenient in the problem at hand.The cubic formulation gives the simpler-looking Maurer-Cartan equations(3.1),but requires knowledge of the BRST operator Q.The gauge-fixed formulation does not require this datum,but involves the entire sequence of products r k.Observations 1.The correspondence(3.24)mixes the order of deformations.For example,if we have a solutionφ= i t iφi to(3.17)in some deformation parameters t i (whereφi form a basis of K1),then the corresponding solution F∗(φ)of(3.1)involves higher orders in t i.In terms of the associated moduli spaces,this means that(versal) solutions to(3.17)and(3.1)describe local coordinate systems on M≈M W which differ by a change of coordinates given by a power series.2.Our explicit description of the potential gives a general method for computing this quantity.This description agrees manifestly with string perturbation theory.3.Our potential depends on the choice of metric h which enters the gauge-fixing procedure.It is clear that a change h→h′of this metric induces a quasi-isomorphism between the resulting A∞algebras(K,{r n})and(K′,{r′n})of string products.By the same argument as above,this implies that the resulting moduli spaces M W and M′W are isomorphic.Hence a change in the choice of metric corresponds to change of coordinates on M.The associated transition functions will generally involve power series.4.That the two descriptions of the moduli space agree was expected based on the physical interpretation of W as a tree-level potential for the physical modes.The fact that this intuitive interpretation is strictly correct is,however,entirely nontrivial.As we saw above,its proof makes heavy use of results in modern deformation theory.5.Our construction gives a string-field theoretic explanation for the appearance of homotopy algebras in cubic stringfield theory.Its application to the topological A and B models(to be discussed below)gives one reason for the relevance of such structures in homological mirror symmetry[8].It is a general principle of modern topology and deformation theory that many problems can be better understood by enlarging the class of differential graded(associative,Lie...)algebras to the class of their homotopy versions.The double description of moduli spaces discussed above gives an explicit example of the relevance of this principle to stringfield theory.The fact that homotopy structures play a fundamental role in string theory can be traced back to its relation with loop spaces[43]9.It is clear for many reasons that a deeper。

ESAB Plasmarc 2-56 配件包说明书

ESAB Plasmarc 2-56 配件包说明书

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A Steelpan Band Gig

A Steelpan Band Gig

**A Steelpan Band Gig**In the vibrant realm of musical performances, a steelpan band gig emerges as a soul-stirring and electrifying experience that leaves an indelible mark on both the heart and the senses.The prelude to a steelpan band gig is an atmosphere crackling with energy and anticipation. The venue, alive with the buzz of eager conversations and the hum of excitement, awaits the moment when the first beats of the steelpan will resound. As the stage lights up and the musicians take their positions, a palpable sense of expectancy fills the air.The opening notes of the steelpan band explode like a burst of fireworks, igniting the atmosphere with a contagious rhythm. The initial moments are a visceral invitation to surrender to the pulsating beats and let the music carry you away.The middle of the gig is a symphony of syncopation and melody. The steelpans, each with its distinct tone and pitch, come together in a harmonious blend that is both intoxicating and mesmerizing. I recall a particular performance where the band played a medley of Caribbean classics. The way the pans interwove, creating a rich tapestry of sound that evoked images of sandy beaches and tropical breezes, was truly magical.One of the most captivating aspects of a steelpan band gig is the sheer exuberance and joy that emanates from the musicians and permeates the audience. The infectious energy is contagious, making it impossible to resist moving to the rhythm.Steelpan music has deep roots in Caribbean culture, carrying with it the spirit of celebration, community, and resilience.As Duke Ellington said, "Music is a powerful force. It can make you laugh, it can make you cry, it can make you dance, it can make you think." A steelpan band gig embodies this sentiment, as it has the power to evoke a wide range of emotions and unite people in a shared experience.In conclusion, a steelpan band gig is not just a musical event; it is a celebration of life, a testament to the power of rhythm, and a bridge that connects people from different walks of life through the universal language of music.It is a moment where time stands still, and the boundaries of worry and stress dissolve in the face of the infectious beats. The magic of a steelpan band gig lies in its ability to create memories that will be cherished for a lifetime.。

On Removing the Pushdown Stack in Reachability Constructions

On Removing the Pushdown Stack in Reachability Constructions

On Removing the Pushdown Stack in ReachabilityConstructionsOscar H.Ibarra and Zhe DangDepartment of Computer ScienceUniversity of California,Santa Barbara,CA93106,USAibarra@School of Electrical Engineering and Computer ScienceWashington State University,Pullman WA99164,USAzdang@Abstract.A discrete pushdown timed automaton is a pushdown machine withinteger-valued clocks.It has been shown recently that the binary reachability ofa discrete pushdown timed automaton can be accepted by a2-tape pushdownacceptor with reversal-bounded counters.We improve this result by showing thatthe stack can be removed from the acceptor,i.e.,the binary reachability can beaccepted by a2-tapefinite-state acceptor with reversal-bounded counters.We alsoobtain similar results for more general machine models.Our characterizationscan be used to verify certain properties concerning these machines that were notverifiable before using previous techniques.We are also able to formulate a subsetof Presburger LTL that is decidable for satisfiability-checking with respect tothese machines.1IntroductionDeveloping verification techniques for infinite-state systems is an important ongoing effort,motivated to a large extent by the successes of model-checking techniques for finite-state systems[23].Unlike forfinite-state systems,there is a decidability boundary for infinite-state systems:machines with two counters(i.e.,“Minsky machines”)are Turing complete.Therefore,we must seek a balance between the computing power of infinite-state systems and their decidability.Many infinite-state models have been shown decidable for various model-checking problems.These models include timed automata[1],pushdown automata and push-down processes[3,14,12],various versions of counter machines[6,9,11,13,22],and various queue machines[2,4,19,20,24].Pushdown systems are of particular interest,since,in practice,they are related to pushdown processes and,in theory,they are well studied in automata theory.A push-down machine can be obtained by augmenting afinite-state machine with a pushdown stack.A configuration of a pushdown machine without an input tape(PM),is a string ,where is the stack content and is the state(we assume that the stack alpha-bet is disjoint from the state set).If is a PM and is a set of configurations,define thebackward and forward reachability sets of with respect to by:configuration can reach some configuration in and configura-tion is reachable from some configuration in.It is known that if is regular,then and are also regular(see,e.g.,[3,12,14]).One can also show that the binary reachability of,is reachable from,can be accepted by a2-tape FA,i.e.,afinite-state acceptor with two one-way input tapes. (Note that a1-tape FA is the usualfinite automaton.)A PM augmented withfinitely many real-valued clocks is called a pushdown timed automaton,which is a generalization of a timed automaton[1].It is discrete if the clocks can only assume nonnegative integer values(definitions are in Section4).A configura-tion now includes the clock values written in unary.It is easy to show that in general, the binary reachability of a(discrete)pushdown timed automaton cannot be accepted by a2-tape FA.Characterizations of the binary reachability of pushdown timed automata with discrete or real-valued clocks have recently been given in[10,8].In particular, it was shown in[10](see also[21])that the binary reachability of a discrete push-down timed automaton can be accepted by a2-tape pushdown acceptor augmented with reversal-bounded counters.A counter(which,we assume w.l.o.g.,can only store non-negative integers,since the sign can be remembered in the states)is reversal-bounded if it can be tested for zero and can be incremented or decremented by one,but the number of alternations between nondecreasing mode and nonincreasing mode in any computa-tion is bounded by a given constant;e.g.,a counter whose values change according to the patternmachine.However,it follows from our results that can be accepted by afinite-state acceptor with reversal-bounded counters;hence,the emptiness of is decidable.As an application,consider the satisfiability-checking(the dual of model-checking)of a property concerning a discrete pushdown timed automaton with reversal-bounded counters,where and are Presburger formulas on stack symbol counts and clock and counter values.This problem is reducible to checking the emptiness of,which we now know is decidable.We also look at discrete timed automata with clocks,reversal-bounded counters, and a read/write worktape(instead of a pushdown stack),but restricted to befinite-crossing,i.e.,in any computation,the number of times the read/write head crosses the boundary between any two adjacent worktape cells is bounded by a given constant.We show that the binary(backward or forward)reachability set of this machine can also be accepted by a2-tape(1-tape)finite-state acceptor with reversal-bounded counters. This improves the corresponding results in[18]where the the acceptors needed afinite-crossing read/write tape.Note that without without the“finite-crossing”requirement, the model becomes a Turing machine.We will use the following notation.We use the suffix‘M’to indicate that the model has no input tape and‘A’when the model has one-way input tape(s).All models are nondeterministic.1.PM:Pushdown machine2.PA:Pushdown acceptor3.PCM:Pushdown machine with reversal-bounded counters4.PCA:Pushdown acceptor with reversal-bounded counters5.FM:Finite-state machine6.FA:Finite-state acceptor7.CM:Finite-state machine with reversal-bounded counters8.CA:Finite-state acceptor with reversal-bounded counters9.WCM:Finite-state machine with a read/write worktape and reversal-bounded coun-ters10.WCA:Finite-state acceptor with a read/write worktape and reversal-bounded coun-ters11.-tape PCA(FA,CA,WCA)is a PCA(FA,CA,WCA)with input tapes,withone head per tape.A1-tape PCA(FA,...)will simply be referred to as a PCA(FA, ...)12.PTCM(WTCM)is a PCM(WCM)augmented with discrete clocks.The paper has four sections in addition to this section.Section2shows that the binary reachability of a PCM can be accepted by a2-tape CA and that the backward and forward reachability sets can be accepted by CAs.Section3shows that these results hold forfinite-crossing WCMs.Section4generalizes the results to PCMs andfinite-crossing WCMs with“clocks”(i.e.,the timed versions of the models).Finally,Section 5proposes a subset of Presburger LTL whose satisfiability-checking is decidable.2PCMsWefirst look at the simple case of a PM(pushdown machine without counters).We assume that the pushdown stack has a“bottom”symbol,and is associated with twokinds of stack operations:push(),i.e.,push symbol onto the stack and switch from state to state,and pop(),i.e.,pop the top from the stack and switch from state to state.Replacing the top symbol of the stack with another symbol can be implemented by a push followed by a pop.Let be a PM.Define predicates and as follows:is true,if there is a sequence of moves of such that,starting from state with stack top symbol,does not pop this,and the last move is a push of on top of ending in state(Notice that,prior to this last move,the sequence may involve many pushes/pops.)Similarly,is true,if there is a sequence of moves of such that,starting from state with stack top symbol(and the symbol directly under),does not pop this and the result of the moves makes this the top of the stack and state.We also define to be true if,starting from state with stack top symbol,can reach state without performing any stack operations. Lemma1.Given a PM,we can effectively compute the predicates,, and.Define configuration can reach configuration .When the sets of all valid configurations,will simply be written.Theorem1.of a PM can be accepted by a2-tape FA.Corollary1.Let be a PM,and,and be sets of configurations of accepted by FAs.Then can be accepted by a2-tape FA.The backward and forward reachability sets of a PM with respect to a regular set of configurations is regular[3,14,12].This result is easily obtained from the corollary above.Corollary2.Let be a PM and be a set of configurations of accepted by an FA .Then configuration can reach some configuration in and configuration is reachable from some configuration in can be accepted by FAs.We now consider the PCMs.The reversal-bounded counters in the PCMs complicate the constructions,since now we have to incorporate counters into the acceptors of the reachability sets.We need to prove some intermediate results.Let be the set of nonnegative integers and be a positive integer.A subset of is a linear set if there exist vectors in such thatThe vectors(the constant vector)and(the periods)are called generators.A set is semilinear if it is afinite union of linear sets.Semilinear sets are precisely the sets definable by Presburger formulas[15].There is a simple automaton that characterizes semilinear sets.Let be a nonde-terministicfinite-state machine(without an input tape)with counters for some.The computation of starts with all the counters zero and the automaton in the start state.An atomic move of consists of incrementing at most one counter by1and changing the state(decrements are not allowed).An-tupleis generated by if,when started from its initial configuration,halts in an ac-cepting state with as the contents of the counters.The set of all-tuples generated by is denoted by.We call this machine a C-generator.If the C-generator is augmented with a pushdown stack,the machine is called a PC-generator.Notice that counters in a generator are nondecreasing,i.e.,0-reversal-bounded.We will need the following lemma,which can easily be shown using the results in[16].Lemma2.The following statements are equivalent for:a)is a semilinear set;b)can be generated by a C-generator;c)can be generated by a PC-generator.Consider a PCM with counters.A configuration of is now represented as a string,where is the stack content,is the state,are distinct symbols,and are the values of the counters(thus the counter values are represented in unary).We will show that the binary reachabilitycan be accepted by a2-tape CA.To simplify matters,we convert to another PCM with many more counters than.Assume starts from a configuration and reaches another configuration .operates like,except that the counters can make at most one reversal. simulates faithfully,except that when a counter of makes a reversal from non-increasing to increasing or starts to increment before any decrements were made after starting from configuration,suspends the simulation but continues decreasing this counter to zero while simultaneously increasing a new counter(starting at zero). When reaches zero,has the old value of before the simulation was suspended.then resumes the simulation with taking the role of.If later reverses from nonincreasing to increasing,a new counter is deployed like before.In this way,each counter of making reversals can be replaced by counters, where each one makes at most one reversal.Moreover,a configuration of trans-lates to a corresponding configuration of,where the value of a counter of is identified with the value of one of the counters.Clearly,if we can con-struct a2-tape CA to accept,we can modify to a2-tape CA to accept.Let be a PCM.From the discussion above,we assume that the counters have been normalized,i.e.,during the computation from one configuration to another,each counter behaves as one of the followingfive patterns:Q1Q4Q5Q2Q3 Fig.1.Behavior patterns for a normalized counter–starts at zero,becomes positive,reverses(i.e.,decrements),but remains positive.–starts at zero,becomes positive,reverses,becomes zero(and remains zero).–starts at zero,becomes positive,and does not reverse.–starts at a positive value,remains nonincreasing and positive.–starts at a positive value,remains nonincreasing,becomes zero(and remains zero).We do not include the case when a counter remains at zero during the entire com-putation,since this can be simulated by an increment by1followed by a decrement by 1.Call the behaviors above,,,and,respectively.Consider a counter that has behavior.During the computation,makes a mode change at three different instances:when it started at,became positive,and when it reversed.We denote these instances by.Note that is positive at the end of the computation,since it has behavior.In the construction to be described below,will be simulated by two counters,and,thefirst to record increments and the second to record decrements.If is tested for zero during any segment of the simulation,the simulator assumes that it is zero before the mode changes to and positive after the mode has changed to.(Note that the simulator knows when the mode changes.)At the end of the entire simulation,the simulator verifies that is indeed positive by checking that is positive.Similarly,for a counter with behavior,the mode-change instances are: .As in the above case,will be simulated by two counters and,and the simulator’s action when testing for zero is like in the above case before the mode changes to.The point when the counter becomes zero(i.e.the mode changes to )is“guessed”by the simulator.After the mode has changed to,the simu-lator assumes that the counter is always zero when it is being tested(and and will remain the same in the rest of the computation).At the end of the simulation,the simulator verifies that is zero by checking that.For the case of a counter with behavior,the mode-change instances are. Like in the case for Q1,the simulator assumes the counter is zero before the mode changes to and positive after the mode has changed to.Then is exactly,and will remain zero during the entire simulation.Note that for this case,there is nothing to verify at the end of the simulation.For the case for,the mode-change instance is.Counter stays positive and will remain zero during the entire computation.The simulator checks that is less than the starting value of.For the case of a counter with behavior,the mode-change instances are.The simulator assumes the counter is positive before the mode changes to. Notice that the point that becomes zero can be guessed by the simulator as described in the case for Q2.will remain zero during the entire simulation.Then the simulator checks that is exactly the starting value of.When we say that a counter starts with mode and ends with mode in a certain segment of the computation,we mean:1.The counter is already in mode,i.e.,the mode-change to has already been executed earlier.2.If,the mode-change to occurs during the segment of computation under consideration.In describing a subcomputation of the machine,we refer to as a mode vector for,and this means that counter has behavior()and in the subcomputation,starts with mode and ends with mode.We denote simply as,when and are understood.Let be a PCM with counters:.We associate with each counter two counters and.Given(each,define a set of-tuples of nonnegative integersas follows:is in if there is a sequence of moves of such that,1.the computation starting from state with stack top symbol,will not pop outthis and the last move is a push of onto the stack and end with state(Notice that,prior to this last move,the sequence may involve many pushes/pops.).2.The computation remains within the specified mode vectors of the counters.3.For,()is the number of times counter is incremented(decre-mented)by1.So,for example,for,and;for ,and;for,and;for,and;for,and ;for,and,etc.Thus,gives separate counts of the total increments and total decrements for each counter of during the computation.Similarly to and in Section2,we can define the setsandLemma3.We can construct C-generators forandProof.First we construct a PC-generator with counters which simulates the com-putation of starting in state with its stack top.During the simulation,makes sure that items1and2are satisfied.The simulation halts when writes on the top of symbol and moves right in state.From Lemma2,can be converted to an equivalent C-generator forSimilarly,we can construct C-generators forand.and are compatible with respect to counter if,,and is a proper mode for(so,e.g.,and are not proper for;is not proper for).Two global mode vectors and are compatible if they are compatible with respect to every counter.We are now ready to prove:Theorem2.of a PCM can be accepted by a2-tape CA.Proof.From definition,configuration can reach configura-tion in.We construct a2-tape CA to accept.The specifications of all the C-generators,,andare incorporated in the states of.We describe the operation of when given con-figurations and on itsfirst and second input input tapes,respectively.Let and.Let and.reads the two tapes in parallel and makes sure that the symbol under head1 is the same as the symbol under head2.Nondeterministically,starts to operate in the following way.Assume that both heads are at the-th()cell with.There are four cases to consider(nondeterministically chosen):Case1.and.Case2.and.Case3.and.Case4..Consider Case1.operates in two phases.In thefirst phase,reads the rest of the first input tape and guesses a sequence of pop-generators(when,treat as the stack bottom)such that and are compatible and each is not empty for,and.Further,is consistent with the starting counter values,e.g.,if the behavior of counter in is Q2( starts from0),then must be0.Note that each counter in is associated with two counters and in the C-generators to keep track of the increments and decrements in counter.In order to decide the counter values at the beginning of the second phase below,guesses the value for each counter,and verifies,at the end of phase1 by using auxiliary counters,that where(resp.)is the total increments(decrements)made to counter for all the pop generators in phase 1.Note that“increments”in each pop generator essentially means“decrements”to, since the pop generators are supposed to change the values of the’s from’s to’s. Doing these ensures that configuration can reach the intermediate configuration(i.e.,)through a sequence of moves that never pops symbol out.Now,starts phase2,with counter values for counters in. then reads the rest of the second input tape and guesses a sequence of push generatorssuch that and,and are compatible(i.e.,continues its computation from the intermediate configuration that was reached from the starting configuration ).also checks that and are compatible and eachis not empty for,and.In order to verify the intermediate configuration can reach configuration,needs to check(similar to phase1)that where(resp.)is the total increments (decrements)made to counter for all the push generators in phase2.Finally,needs to check that the ending counter values are consistent with the last mode vector.For instance,if counter has behavior pattern Q4in,then must be positive.accepts if all the guesses are successful,i.e.,can reach.Cases2-4are handled similarly,where the C-generators for are also used in the construction.Hence,can be accepted by a2-tape CA.constraints in the following form:where denotes or, is an integer,are clocks.Here we only consider integer-valued clocks,i.e.,dis-crete timed automata.A discrete pushdown timed automaton(finite-crossing worktape timed automaton)is a discrete time automaton with a pushdown stack(finite-crossing read/write tape).We can further generalize these models by augmenting them with reversal-bounded counters,call them PTCM andfinite-crossing WTCM,respectively. Thus a PTCM(finite-crossing WTCM)is a PCM(finite-crossing WCM)with clocks.A configuration of a PTCM(finite-crossing WTCM)now contains the values of the clocks.It is known that the binary reachability of a PTCM(finite-crossing WTCM)can be accepted by a2-tape PCA(finite-crossing WCA)[10,21].The results in the previous section can be generalized:Theorem4.Let be a PTCM(or afinite-crossing WTCM).Then can be accepted by a2-tape CA.Corollary6.Let be a PTCM(or afinite-crossing WTCM)and and be sets of configurations of accepted by CAs.Then can be accepted by a 2-tape CA,and and can be accepted by CAs.5Model-Checking and Satisfiability-CheckingIt is important to formulate what kinds of temporal properties are decidable for the machine models discussed in this paper.Given a machine(a PM,PCM,finite-crossing WCM,or its timed version)and a configuration,we use to denote the value of counter in,to denote the number of appearances of symbol in the stack/tape content in,to denote the state in.Let be a Presburger formula on variables, ,and.Since the solutions of can be accepted by a deterministic CA[16],it is obvious that the set of configurations satisfying can be accepted by a deterministic CA.Particularly,if is a Boolean combination of atomic formulas like,, where is a variable(,,or),and is an integer,then is called a regular formula.Obviously,the set of configurations satisfying a regular formula can be accepted by a FA.Now,we describe a(subset of a)Presburger linear temporal logic as follows. This logic is inspired by the recent work of Comon and Cortier[5]on model-checking a special form of counter automata without nested cycles.Formulas in are defined as:where is a Presburger formula,is a regular formula,and stand for next and until,respectively.Formulas in are interpreted on(finite)sequences of configura-tions of in a usual way.We use to denote the sequence resulting from the deletion of thefirst configurations from.We use to indicate the-th element in.The satisfiability relation is recursively defined as follows,for each sequence and for each formula(written):if,if,if and,if or,if,if there exists(which is not greater than the length of)such that and.We use the convention that(eventual)abbreviates.The satisfiability-checking problem is to check whether there is an execution of satisfying, for a given and.The model-checking problem,which is the dual of the satisfiability-checking problem,is to check whether for all execution of satisfying ,for a given and.The results of this paper show that:Theorem5.The satisfiability-checking problem is decidable for with respect to the following machine models:PM,PCM,finite-crossing WCM,and their timed versions.Proof.(sketch)Given,we use to denote the set of such that.For each of the machine models,we will show can be accepted by a CA.Therefore, the theorem follows by noticing that the satisfiability-checking problem is equivalent to testing the emptiness of the CA,which is decidable.We will only look at PCM;all the other models can be handled similarly.The proof is based upon an induction on the structure of.Obviously,and can be accepted by CAs;so can if both and can.can be accepted by a CA, since can be accepted by a CA and can be accepted by a deterministic CA.For the case of,notice that the set is very similar to–the only difference is that further requires that each intermediate configuration on the path leading to to be in.This requirement can be easily fulfilled by slightly modify,thanks to the fact that is regular.Therefore,Corollary3still applies to show that can be accepted by a CA.The case for is simpler,since we only look at one move.References1.R.Alur and D.Dill.“The theory of timed automata,”TCS,126(2):183-236,19942.P.Abdulla and B.Jonsson.“Verifying programs with unreliable channels,”Information andComputation,127(2):91-101,19963. 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静安区2023学年第二学期期中教学质量调研高三英语试卷(完卷时间:120分钟满分:140分)2024年4月考生注意:1. 试卷满分140分,完卷时间120分钟。

2. 本调研设试卷和答题纸两部分,全卷共12页。


第I 卷(共100分)I. Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation,a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it,read the four possible answers on your paper,and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. At a grocery store. B. At a florist's stand.C. At a bank counter.D. At an electronic shop.2. A. Sign up for a fitness class. B. Shop for fitness equipment.C. Have a fitness test.D. Watch a fitness video.3. A. Pay the ticket right away. B. Challenge the ticket.C. Ignore the ticket.D. Apologize to the parking officer.4. A. She is available on Saturday. B. She will cancel her dentist appointment.C. She can not cover the man's shift.D. She forgot about the shift.5. A. The woman had better give him an extension on the deadline.B. The woman had better draft the proposal by herself.C. The woman had better approve the proposal.D. The woman had better give insights on the budget section.6. A. She doesn't like animals from the shelter.B. She prefers buying pets from breeders.C. She thinks adopting a pet is a bad idea.D. She supports the idea of adopting a pet.7. A. Either of them is an experienced chef.B. Both of them have experienced failures in the kitchen.C. Neither of them are fond of cooking.D. Both of them are concerned about the new recipe.8. A. Bungee jumping is safeB. Bungee jumping is thrilling.C. Bungee jumping might have risks.D. Bungee jumping is sure to be regrettable.9. A. The man should borrow the book several days later.B. The woman urgently needs the book back.C. The man does not need to return the book quickly.D. The woman is unwilling to lend the man the book.10. A. The woman's parents will not appreciate a surprise party.B. The woman should prioritize her parents' preferences for the party.C The man dislikes the idea of a surprise party.D. The woman should plan a party based on her own preferences.Section BDirections: In Section B,you will hear two short passages and one longer conversation. After each passage or conversation,you will be asked several questions. The passages and the conversation will be read twice,but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question,read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through I3 are based on the following speech.11. A. A pupil in need of help. B. A person promising to donate money.C. A member from a charity.D. A teacher in the Semira Region.12. A. 10%. B. 35%. C. 50%. D. 65%.13. A. To train teachers for the disabled. B. To help a pupil with special needs.C. To pay for a walking holiday.D. To organize a charity club for the disabled.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14. A. To distract other students from doing well.B. To impress his friends with the shining ring.C. To improve his chances in the exam.D. To honor his grandfather by wearing a ring.15. A. By having enough time for breaks.B. By breaking down learning into portions.C. By informing teachers of the study habits.D. By wearing lucky objects.16. A. Start revision ahead of time.B. Reward oneself during revision.C. Consider different learning styles.D. Stay up late for the exam.Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.17. A. To inquire about travel recommendations.B. To discuss cultural festivals in Southeast Asia.C. To plan a solo travel adventure to Thailand.D To learn about Mr. Patel's travel experiences.18. A. Europe and Africa. B. Thailand and VietnamC. South America and Australia.D. Japan and China.19. A. Solely cultural exploration.B. Primarily outdoor adventures.C. A mix of cultural and outdoor experiences.D. Luxurious and private accommodations.20. A. It is ideal for meeting fellow travelers.B. It offers exclusive travel experiences.C. It is a more comfortable and secure stay.D. It offers authentic cultural immersion.II. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections:After reading the passage below,fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct.For the blanks with a given word,fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word;for the other blanks,use one word that best fits each blank.Beethov-hen's first symphonyOn a grey Friday morning at a Hawke's Bay farm,members of New Zealand's symphony orchestra dressed in black to perform their latest composition in front of a large crowd.The music contained many marks of traditional classical music,but as it began,the instruments started to make loud,rough sounds more commonly __21__(hear)in chicken coops than in an auditorium.However,no feathers were angered by this departure from tradition, ___22__the audience that gathered to listen to the concert last week was,in fact,a couple of thousand chickens.The piece of music-Chook Symphony No. 1-__23__(create)specifically for the birds out of an unlikely partnership between the orchestra and an organic free-range chicken farm which wanted a piece of chicken-friendly music to enrich its flocks' lives.“We've been playing classical music for the chickens for some years now because ___24 ___ is well researched that the music can calm the chickens down,”says Ben Bostock,one of the two brothers who__25(own)the Bostock Brothers farm. Research has shown animals can respond positively to classical music,and chickens are particularly responsive to baroque(巴洛克格),according to some studies.The composer,Hamish Oliver,__26__used the baroque tradition as a starting point and drew inspiration from composers such as Corelli,Bach,and Schnitke,wanted the piece to be playful by including sounds from a chicken's world. “The trumpet imitates the c hicken …the woodwind instruments are the cluckiest,especially if you take the reeds off. ”The early stages of composition were spent _______(test)out which instruments and sounds the chickens responded to best.“They didn't like any big banging. ”Bostock said,adding that when the birds respond positively to themusic,they tend__28__(wander)farther among the trees. Bostock now hopes chicken farmers around the world will use the piece of music to calm their own birds.For Oliver,having input from the farmers about __ 29__the chickens were responding to particular sounds and instruments was a highlight of the project.The symphony has searched exhaustively __30__any other examples of orchestras making music specifically for chickens and believes this to be a world-first,says Peter Biggs,the orchestra's chief executive.Section BDirections :Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note thatA new way to reduce poachingResearchers are working on a pilot program backed by Russia's Rosatom Corp to inject rhino horns(犀牛角)with radioactive material,a strategy that could discourage consumption and make it easier to detect illegal trade.Poachers(偷猎者)killed 394 rhinos in South Africa for their horns last year,government data shows,with public and private game __31__lacking the resources needed to monitor vast tracts of land and protect the animals that live there.While the toll was a third lower than in 2019 and the sixth __32_drop,illegal hunting remains the biggest threat to about 20,000 of the animals in the country —the world's biggest population.Thousands of__33__sensors along international borders could be used to detect a small quantity of radioactive material____34___into the horns,according to James Larkin,a professor at the University of Witswatersrand in Johannesburg,who has a background in radiation protection and nuclear security. “A whole new_35_of people could be able to detect the illegal movement of rhino horn,"he said. Some alternate methods of discouraging poaching,including poisoning, dyeing and removing the horns,have raised a variety of opinions as to their virtue and efficacy.Known as The Rhisotope Project,the new anti-poaching __36__started earlier this month with the injection of an amino acid(氨基酸)into two rhinos' horns in order to detect whether the compound will move into the animals' bodies. Also,__37__studies using computer modeling and a replica rhino head will be done to determine a safe dose of radioactive material. Rhino horn is used in traditional medicine,as it is believed to cure disease such as cancer,__38__as a show of wealth and given as gifts."If we make it radioactive, these people will be hesitant to buy it,"Larkin said. "We're pushing on the whole supply chain. "Besides Russia's state-owned nuclear company,the University of Witwatcrsrand. scientists and private rhino owners are involved in the project. If the method is ___39__feasible,it could also be used to curb illegal trade in elephant ivory.“Once we have developed the whole project and got to the poi nt where we completed the proof of concept,then we will be making this whole idea ____40_to whoever wants to use it. " Larkin said.III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A, B. C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.City air is in a sorry state. It is dirty and hot. Outdoor pollution kills 4. 2m people a year, according to the World Health Organization. Concrete and tarmac meanwhile,absorb the sun's rays rather than reflecting them back into space,and also ___41 ___plants which would otherwise cool things down by evaporative transpiration(蒸腾作用). The never-ceasing__42_of buildings and roads thus tums urban areas into heat islands,discomforting residents and worsening dangerous heatwaves.A possible answer to the twin problems of pollution and heat is trees. Their leaves may destroy at least some chemical pollutants and they certainly __43__tiny particles floating in the air. which are then washed to the ground by rain. Besides transpiration,they provide __44___.To cool an area effectively, trees must be planted in quantity. Two years ago, researchers at the University of Wisconsin found that American cities need 40%tree___45___to cut urban heat back meaningfully. Unfortunately,not all cities —and especially not those now springing up in the world's poor and middle-income countries —are __46___with parks, private gardens or a sufficient number of street trees. And the problem is likely to get worse. At the moment,55%of people live in cities. By 2050 that share is expected to reach 68%.One group of botanists believe they have at least a partial ___47___to this lack of urban vegetation. It is to plant miniature simulacra(模拟物)of natural forests, ecologically engineered for rapid growth. Over the course of a career that began in the 1950s,their leader,Miyawaki Akira, a plant ecologist at Yokohama National University in Japan. has developed a way to do this starting with even the most___ 48___deserted areas. And the Miyawaki method is finding increasing___ 49___around the world.Dr Miyawaki's insight was to deconstruct and rebuild the process of ecological succession, by which ___50___land develops naturally into mature forest. Usually,the first arrival is grass, followed by small trees and,finally. larger ones.The Miyawaki method___51 ___some of the early phases and jumps directly to planting the kinds of species found in a mature wood.Dr Miyawaki has__52__the planting of more than 1,500 of these miniature forests,first in Japan,then in other parts of the world. Wherever they are planting,though,gardeners are not restricted to__53 __nature's recipe book to the letter. Miyawaki forests can be customized to local requirements. A popular choice__54__ is to include more fruit trees than a natural forest might support,thus creating an orchard that requires no maintenance.If your goal is to better your __55__surroundings,rather than to save the planet from global warming,then Dr Miyawaki might well be your man.41. A. thrive B. nourish C. displace D. raise42. A. assessment B. maintenance C. spread D. replacement43. A. release B. trap C. reflect D. dissolve44. A. attraction B. shadow C. interaction D. shade45. A. consumption B. coverage C. interval D. conservation46. A. blessed B. lined C. piled D. fascinated47. A. treatment B. obstacle C,warning D. solution48. A. unnoticed B. unpromising C. untested D. unfading49. A. criticism B. favor C. sponsor D. anxiety50. A. bare B. graceful C. faint D. mysterious51. A highlights B. skips C. improves D. pushes52. A. accessed B. spotted C. supervised D. ranked53. A. disturbing B. balancing C. following D. reducing54. A. for example B. in essence C. on the other hand D. after all55. A. suburban B. leisure C. scenic D. immediateSection BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have read.(A)From Marie Tussaud's Chamber of Horrors to Disneyland's Haunted Mansion(鬼屋)to horror-themed escape rooms,haunted house attractions have terrified and delighted audiences around the world for more than 200 years.These attractions turn out to be good places to study fear. They help scientists understand the body's response to fright and how we perceive some situations as enjoyably thrilling and others as truly terrible. One surprising finding;having friends close at hand in a haunted house might make you more jumpy,not less so.Psychologist and study co-author Sarah Tashjian,who is now at the University of Melbourne, and her team conducted their research with 156 adults,who each wore a wireless wrist sensor during their visit. The sensor measured skin responses linked to the body's reactions to stress and other situations. When the sensor picked up,for example,greater skin conductance —that is,the degree to which the skin can transmit an electric current —that was a sign that the body was more aroused and ready for fight or flight. In addition to this measure,people reported their expected fear (on a scale of 1 to 10)before entering the haunted house and their experienced fear (on the same scale)after completing the haunt.The scientists found that people who reported greater fear also showed heightened skin responses. Being with friends,Tashjian and her colleagues further found,increased physiological arousal during the experience,which was linked to stronger feelings of fright. In fact,the fear response was actually weaker when people went through the house in the presence of strangers.Other investigators have used haunted houses to understand how fear and enjoyment can coexist. In a 2020 study led by Marc Malmdorf Andersen,a member of the Recreational Fear Lab at Aarhus University in Denmark,scientists joined forces with Dystopia Haunted House. The Danish atraction includes such terrifying experiences as being chased by "Mr. Piggy",a large, chain-saw-wielding man wearing a bloody butcher's apron and pig mask. People between the ages of 12 and 57 were video recorded at peak moments during the attraction,wore heart-rate monitors throughout and reported on their experience. People's fright was tied to large-scale heart-rate fluctuations;their enjoyment was linked to small-scale ones. The results suggest that fear and enjoyment can happen together when physiological arousal is balanced "just right".56. Studing haunted house attractions helps scientists to learn about _____.A. the psychological effects of fear on individualsB. the history of horror-themed entertainmentC. the body's response to material rewardsD. the impact of technology on people's enjoyment57. How did Sarah Tashjian and her team conduct their research on haunted house experiences? A. By surveying participants.B. By analyzing historical records.C. By employing wireless wrist sensors.D. By using virtual reality simulations.58. What did Tashjian and her colleagues discover in their study?A. Being with fiends elevated level of physiological arousal.B. The fear reaction was stronger in the company of strangers.C. Psychological effect was unrelated to intensified feelings of fright.D. Those reporting lightened fear showed increased skin responses.59,It can be concluded from the 2020 study led by Marc Malmdorf Andersen that ____.A. fear and enjoyment can not happen at the same timeB. large-scale heart-rate fluctuations were linked to enjoymentC. the age of the participants was not related to the study's findingsD. fear and enjoyment can coexist under certain conditions(B)Is an electric vehicle right for you?Many people will ask themselvesthat question for the first time this year.Prices are falling,battery range is risingand mainstream brands are adding new EVs at a breakneck pace.Here are three things anybody seriously considering buying an EV should know:1. The price to install a 240v chargerAnybody who owns an electric vehicle needs a 240-volt charger at home. With one,you can recharge overnight,so you start every day with the equivalent of a full tank.Just a few years ago,home 240v EV chargers cost $2,500-$3,000,including installation,but prices have declined as competition grows with the number of EVs on the road.2. The time it takes to chargeAbout 80%of miles driven in EVs are powered by electricity charged at home,but you'll need to charge elsewhere occasionally. That's when charging time becomes a big deal,but how long it takes depends on a couple of factors.First,voltage from the charger. Getting 250 miles of range in seven hours from a 240v charger is fine when you're charging overnight at home,but it's a deal breaker if you're going 300 miles for a weekend getaway. In that case,you'll want to look for a 400v DC fast charger. They're not as common as 240v public chargers yet,but they're becoming more widespread.There's another factor:the on-board charger. It regulates how fast the battery can accept electricity. A vehicle with a higher-capacity on-board charger accepts electricity faster.3. Where to chargeGood route-planning apps will help you find chargers on a road trip.“Most people have no idea how many public charging stations are within,say,a 10-or 15- mile radius(半径)because they're small,people don't look for them or even don't know what to look for,and they're rarely signposted,"said journalist John Voelcker,who has studied EVs and charging exhaustively.4. On the horizonIf an EV doesn't meet your needs now, watch this space. They're coming closer,but large numbers of gasoline vehicles will remain in production for years. Beyond that,companies will keep making spare parts for oil-burners for decades.60. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A. The price of installing a home EV charger has remained stable in the past few years.B. It's quite easy to identify the public charging stations with the help of striking signposts.C. Popular brands are introducing new EVs at an incredibly fast rate.D. An electric vehicle can't provide the same amount of energy as a completely filled fuel tank.61. The underlined phrase "watch this space" in the last paragraph probably means" _______ ”.A. give up the plan to purchase an EVB. make space for an EVC. find an alternative to EVD. keep an eye out for future developments62. This passage is mainly intended to _______ .A illustrate the factors charging time depends onB. offer advice on purchasing an electric vehicleC. look forward to the future of electric vehiclesL explain the reason for the falling prices of electric vehicles(C)Flinging brightly coloured objects around a screen at high speed is not what computers' central processing units were designed for. So manufacturers of arcade machines invented the graphics-processing unit (GPU),a set of circuits to handle video games' visuals in parallel to the work done by the central processor. The GPU's ability to speed up complex tasks has since found wider uses:video editing, cryptocurency mining and most recently,the training of artificial intelligence.AI is now disrupting the industry that helped bring it into being. Every part of entertainment stands to be affected by generative AI,which digests inputs of text,image,audio or video to create new outputs of the same. But the games business will change the most,argues Andreessen Horowitz,a venture-capital(VC)firm. Games interactivity requires them to be stuffed with laboriously designed content:consider the 30 square miles of landscape or 60 hours of music in “Red Dead Redemption 2”a recent cowboy adventure. Enlisting Al assistants to chum it out could drastically shrink timescales and budgets.AI represents an "explosion of opportunity"and could drastically change the landscape of game development. Making a game is already easier than it was:nearly 13,000 titles were published last year on Steam,a games platform,almostdouble the number in 2017. Gaming may soon resemble the music and video industries in which most new content on Spotify or YouTube is user-generated. One games executive predicts that small firms will be the quickest to work out what new genres are made possible by Al. Last month Raja Koduri,an executive at Intel,left the chip maker to found an Al-gaming startup.Don't count the big studios out,though. If they can release half a dozen high-quality titles a year instead of a couple,it might chip away at the hit-driven nature of their business,says Josh Chapman of Konvoy,a gaming focused VC firm. A world of more choices also favors those with big marketing budgets. And the giants may have better answers to the mounting copyright questions around Al. If generative models have to be trained on data to which the developer has the rights,those with big back-catalogues will be better placed than startups. Trent Kaniuga,an artist who has worked on games like "Fortnite",said last month that several clients had updated their contracts to ban Al-generated ant.If the lawyers don't intervene,unions might. Studios diplomatically refer to Al assistants as “co-pilots”,not replacements for humans.63. The original purpose behind the invention of the graphics-processing unit (GPU)was to______A. speedup complex tasks in video editing and cryptocurency miningB. assist in the developing and training of artificial intelligenceC. disrupt the industry and create new outputs using generative AID. offload game visual tasks from the central processor64. How might the rise of AI-gaming startups affect the development of the gaming industry?A. It contributes to the growth of user-generated content.B. It facilitates blockbuster dependency on big studios.C. It decreases collaboration between different stakeholders in the industry.D. It may help to consolidate the gaming market under major corporations.65. What can be inferred about the role of artificial intelligence in gaming?A. AI favors the businesses with small marketing budgets.B. AI is expected to simplify game development processes.C. AI allows startups to gain an edge over big firms with authorized data.D. AI assistants may serve as human substitutes for studios.66. What is this passage mainly about?A. The evolution of graphics-processing units (GPUs).B. The impact of generative AI on the gaming industry.C. The societal significance of graphics-processing units(GPUs).D. The challenges generative AI presents to gaming studios.Section CDirections: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can beTime to end Santa's 'naughty list'?Many of us have magical memories of Santa secretly bringing gifts and joy to our childhood homes —but is there a darker side to the beloved Christmas tradition?I was —and I'm happy to admit it —a loyal believer of Santa. I absolutely loved the magic of Christmas,especially Santa Claus,and my parents went above and beyond to encourage it. However,as I begin to construct my own Santa Claus myth for my daughter,I can't help but feel guilty. Could it undermine her trust in me?_____67______Backin1978,a study published in the American Journal of Orthopsychiatry(矫正精神医学)found that 85%of four-year-olds said they believed in Santa. In 2011,research published in the Journal of Cognition and Development found that 83%of 5-year-olds claimed to be true believers.I guess it's not all that surprising. _____68 _____He features in every Christmas TV show and movie. Each year the North American Aerospace Defence Command (NORAD)allows you to track Santa's journey on Christmas Eve. To reassure children during the pandemic in 2020,the World Health Organization issued a statement declaring that Santa was “immune”from Covid 19. And it's precisely this effort on behalf of parents,and society in general,to create such seemingly overwhelming evidence for the existence of Santa Claus that David Kyle Johnson,a professor of philosophy at King's College in Pennsylvania,describes as 'The Santa Lie' in his book The Myths That Stole Christmas. He highlights how we don't simply ask children to imagine Santa,but rather to actually believe in him. _____69 _____The 'Santa lie' can reduce trust between a parent and a child. _____70 _____It is the creation of false evidence and convincing kids that bad evidence is in fact good evidence that discourages the kind of critical thinking we should be encouraging in children in this era. “The ‘Santa lie' is part of a parenting practice that encourages people to believe what they want to believe,simply because of the psychological reward,”says Johnson. “That's really bad for society in general. ”IV. Summary WritingDirections: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s)of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.Exploring the Appeal of VintageToday,the term“vintage”applies to almost everything. Vintage is more recent than an antique (古董)which is defined as 100 years old or more. It basically means reviving something old- fashioned or filled with memories. For an object to be considered vintage,it must be unique and genuine enough to retain at least some of its original charm.We buy vintage because it creates a sense of personal connection for us:it speaks to our childhood memories and that feels good. We also buy vintage because we're rebels. Vintage is a protest against modern mainstream culture. In an age of technology,buying vintage is a refuge from our fast-paced,high-tech world. We want our children to make the most of their creativity and know how to entertain themselves without electronic gadgets. Ironically,early video games are now considered vintage.Of all the vintage objects,vintage toys are forever attractive for both adults and children. Although some toys have emotional value,others have high market value and are expensive to collect. Vintage toys that were made in small quantities often bring a higher value than those that were mass produced. That means,if you own one of the 2,000 “Peanuts”royal blue beanie baby elephants that were manufactured with a darker blue coat than originally intended,you might have something valuable on your hands. In fact,due to a manufacturer error,this is the most collectible beanie baby around —and worth about f3,000.If you're motivated and feeling lucky,you can find deals on vintage toys by browsing charity shops,secondhand stores,community centers,flea markets and garage sales. You never know what kind of treasures are hiding at the bottom of a mixed box in someone's basement,garage or attic.第Ⅱ卷(共40分)V. TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English. using the words given in the brackets.72. 他在升旗仪式上的演讲得到了高声喝彩。


that the periods of YG are multiple zeta values (MZVs). Under this assumption on the periods, it is natural to expect that the zeta functions associated to the YG are the zeta functions of motives of mixed Tate type [31]. Based on this hypothesis and the Weil conjectures, M. Kontsevich made a conjecture about the number of points of YG over a finite field [12]. To describe his conjecture, we first make a notational convention: For any scheme X of finite type over Z, let |X | denote the function q → #X (Fq ). Thus |X | is a function from the set Q of prime powers to Z. Clearly, |X | determines the zeta function of X . We say that X is polynomially countable if |X | is a polynomial in Z[q ]. Conjecture 0.1 (Kontsevich). For all graphs G, YG is polynomially countable. Since |V (PG )| + |YG | = q #E , this conjecture is equivalent to the conjecture that V (PG ) is polynomially countable. Stembridge [25] verified this conjecture for all graphs with fewer than 12 edges. For certain graphs it is relatively easy to see that the conjecture holds. For example, for G a cycle of length n, V (PG ) is isomorphic to An−1 and, thus, |YG | = q n − q n−1 . We will show, however, that Conjecture 0.1 is false. In fact, contrary to the extremely strong restrictions on the arithmetic nature of the schemes YG claimed by the conjecture, they are, from the standpoint of their zeta functions, the most general schemes possible. 0.2. Combinatorial Motives and the Main Theorem. To make this last statement precise we introduce some notation. Let CMot+ denote the group generated by all functions of the form |X | for X a scheme of finite type over Z. We think of CMot+ as a coarse version of the ring of motives over Z. We will discuss a finer ring of motives at the end of this introduction. As |X × Y | = |X ||Y |, CMot+ is a ring. And, as |A1 | = q , CMot+ is a Z[q ] module. We call CMot+ the ring of effective combinatorial motives. Let S be the saturated multiplicative system in Z[q ] generated by the functions n q − q for n > 1. Set CMot = S−1 CMot+ . We remark that, since the functions in S are nonvanishing on Q, elements of CMot give everywhere-defined functions from Q to Q. We call CMot the ring of combinatorial motives. Let R = S−1 Z[q ]. (We remark that R is a principal ideal domain [10].) Let CGraphs denote the R-module generated by all functions of the form |YG |. We can now state our main theorem. Theorem 0.2. CGraphs = CMot. The theorem immediately implies that Conjecture 0.1 is false. For, if the conjecture were true, all functions of the form |X | would be in R. In particular, they would be rational functions. However, if we let X be the closed subscheme of A1 Z defined by px = 0 for p a given prime, then |X |(q ) = q if p|q and 1 otherwise. Thus |X | cannot be a rational function. Of course, other more interesting examples of X such that |X | is not rational exist. For example let E/Z be an integral model of a smooth elliptic curve over Q. It is well known that |E | is not a polynomial, even if we restrict it to any “large” subset of Q. In particular , this gives a counterexample to the question on p363 of [23] which asks if |YG | is always a quasi-polynomial. 0.3. Stanley’s Reformulation of Conjecture 0.1. The proof of Theorem 0.2 is based on Stanley’s reformulation of Kontsevich’s conjecture in terms of a polynomial



英语技术写作试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. The term "API" stands for:A. Application Programming InterfaceB. Artificially Programmed IntelligenceC. Advanced Programming InterfaceD. Automated Programming Interface答案:A2. Which of the following is not a common data type in programming?A. IntegerB. StringC. BooleanD. Vector答案:D3. In technical writing, what is the purpose of using the term "shall"?A. To indicate a requirement or obligationB. To suggest a recommendationC. To express a possibilityD. To denote a future action答案:A4. What does the acronym "GUI" refer to in the context of computing?A. Graphical User InterfaceB. Global User InterfaceC. Generalized User InterfaceD. Graphical Unified Interface答案:A5. Which of the following is a correct statement regarding version control in software development?A. It is used to track changes in software over time.B. It is a type of software testing.C. It is a method for encrypting code.D. It is a way to compile code.答案:A6. What is the primary function of a compiler in programming?A. To debug codeB. To execute codeC. To translate code from one language to anotherD. To optimize code for performance答案:C7. In technical documentation, what does "RTFM" commonly stand for?A. Read The Frequently Asked QuestionsB. Read The Full ManualC. Read The File ManuallyD. Read The Final Message答案:B8. Which of the following is a common method for organizing code in a modular fashion?A. LoopingB. RecursionC. EncapsulationD. Inheritance答案:C9. What is the purpose of a "pseudocode" in programming?A. To provide a detailed step-by-step guide for executing codeB. To serve as a preliminary version of code before actual codingC. To act as an encryption for the codeD. To be used as a substitute for actual code in production答案:B10. What does "DRY" stand for in software development?A. Don't Repeat YourselfB. Data Retrieval YieldC. Database Record YieldD. Dynamic Resource Yield答案:A二、填空题(每空2分,共20分)1. The process of converting a high-level code into machine code is known as _______.答案:compilation2. In programming, a _______ is a sequence of characters that is treated as a single unit.答案:string3. The _______ pattern in object-oriented programming is a way to allow a class to be used as a blueprint for creating objects.答案:prototype4. A _______ is a type of software development methodology that emphasizes iterative development.答案:agile5. The _______ is a set of rules that defines how data is formatted, transmitted, and received between software applications.答案:protocol6. In technical writing, the term "should" is used toindicate a _______.答案:recommendation7. The _______ is a type of software that is designed to prevent, detect, and remove malicious software.答案:antivirus8. A _______ is a variable that is declared outside the function and hence belongs to the global scope.答案:global variable9. The _______ is a programming construct that allows you to execute a block of code repeatedly.答案:loop10. In software development, the term "branch" in version control refers to a _______.答案:separate line of development三、简答题(每题10分,共40分)1. Explain the difference between a "bug" and a "feature" in software development.答案:A "bug" is an unintended behavior or error in a software program that causes it to behave incorrectly or crash. A "feature," on the other hand, is a planned and intentional part of the software that provides some functionality or capability to the user.2. What is the significance of documentation in technical writing?答案:Documentation in technical writing is significant as it serves to provide detailed information about a product or system, making it easier for users, developers, and other stakeholders to understand its workings, usage, and maintenance. It is crucial for training, troubleshooting, and future development.3. Describe the role of a software architect in a software development project。

周立功单片机 XS1-L8A-64-LQ64-Datasheet(1.3)

周立功单片机 XS1-L8A-64-LQ64-Datasheet(1.3)

XS1-L8A-64-LQ64Datasheet2014/04/25Document Number:X4912, XMOS©2014,All Rights ReservedTable of Contents1xCORE Multicore Microcontrollers (2)2XS1-L8A-64-LQ64Features (4)3Pin Configuration (5)4Signal Description (6)5Product Overview (7)6PLL (9)7Boot Procedure (9)8Memory (13)9JTAG (13)10Board Integration (14)11DC and Switching Characteristics (18)12Package Information (22)13Ordering Information (23)Appendices (24)A Configuration of the XS1 (24)B Processor Status Configuration (26)C Tile Configuration (35)D Node Configuration (43)E XMOS USB Interface (50)F Device Errata (50)G JTAG,xSCOPE and Debugging (51)H Schematics Design Check List (53)I PCB Layout Design Check List (56)J Associated Design Documentation (57)K Related Documentation (57)L Revision History (58)TO OUR VALUED CUSTOMERSIt is our intention to provide you with accurate and comprehensive documentation for the hardware and software components used in this product.To subscribe to receive updates,visit /. XMOS Ltd.is the owner or licensee of the information in this document and is providing it to you“AS IS”with no warranty of any kind,express or implied and shall have no liability in relation to its use.XMOS Ltd.makes no representation that the information,or any particular implementation thereof,is or will be free from any claims of infringement and again,shall have no liability in relation to any such claims.XMOS and the XMOS logo are registered trademarks of XMOS Ltd in the United Kingdom and other countries, and may not be used without written pany and product names mentioned in this document are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.1xCORE Multicore MicrocontrollersThe XS1-L Series is a comprehensive range of32-bit multicore microcontrollersthat brings the low latency and timing determinism of the xCORE architecture tomainstream embedded applications.Unlike conventional microcontrollers,xCOREmulticore microcontrollers execute multiple real-time tasks simultaneously.De-vices consist of one or more xCORE tiles,each containing between four and eightindependent xCORE logical processors.Each logical core can execute computa-tional code,advanced DSP code,control software(including logic decisions andexecuting a state machine)or software that handles I/O.Because xCORE multicore microcontrollers are completely deterministic,you canwrite software to implement functions that traditionally require dedicated hardware.You can simulate your program like hardware,and perform static timing analysisusing the xTIMEcomposer development tools.The devices include scheduling hardware that performs functions similar to thoseof an RTOS;and hardware that connects the cores directly to I/O ports,ensuring notonly fast processing but extremely low latency.The use of interrupts is eliminated,ensuring deterministic operation.Figure1:XS1-L Series:4-16coredevicesXS1-L devices are available in a range of resource densities,package,performanceand temperature grades depending on your needs.XS1-L devices range from4-16logical cores divided between one or two xCORE tiles,providing400-1000MIPS,up to84GPIO,and64Kbytes or128Kbytes of SRAM.1.1xSOFTipxCORE devices are backed with tested and proven IP blocks from the xSOFTip library,which allow you to quickly add interface and processor functionality such as Ethernet,PWM,graphics driver,and audio EQ to your xCORE device.xSOFTip blocks are written in high level languages and use xCORE resources to implement given function.This means xSOFTip is software and brings the associated benefits of easy maintenance and fast compilation time,while being accessible to anyone with embedded C skills.The graphical xSOFTip Explorer tool lets you browse available xSOFTip blocks from our library,understand the resource usage,configure the blocks to your specification,and estimates the right device for your design.It is included in xTIME-composer Studio or available as a standalone tool from /downloads. 1.2xTIMEcomposer StudioDesigning with XS1-L devices is simple thanks to the xTIMEcomposer Studio development environment,which includes a highly efficient compiler,debugger and device programming tools.Because xCORE devices operate deterministically, they can be simulated like hardware within the development tools:uniquely in the embedded world,xTIMEcomposer Studio therefore includes a static timing analyzer,cycle-accurate simulator,and high-speed in-circuit instrumentation. xTIMEcomposer can also be used to load the executablefile onto the device and debug it over JTAG,programmed it intoflash memory on the board,or write it to OTP memory on the device.The tools can also encrypt theflash image and write the decrpytion key securely to OTP memory.xTIMEcomposer can be driven from either a graphical development environ-ment that will be familiar to any C programmer,or the command line.They are supported on Windows,Linux and MacOS X and available at no cost from /downloads.Information on using the tools is provided in a separate user guide,X3766.2XS1-L8A-64-LQ64Features·Eight-Core Multicore Microcontroller with Advanced Multi-Core RISC Architecture •Up to500MIPS shared between up to8real-time logical cores•Each logical core has:—Guaranteed throughput of between1/4and1/8of tile MIPS—16x32bit dedicated registers•159high-density16/32-bit instructions—All have single clock-cycle execution(except for divide)—32x32→64-bit MAC instructions for DSP,arithmetic and user-definable cryptographic functions·Programmable I/O•36general-purpose I/O pins,configurable as input or output—Up to16x1bit port,5x4bit port,2x8bit port,1x16bit port—2xCONNECT links•Port sampling rates of up to60MHz with respect to an external clock•32channel ends for communication with other cores,on or off-chip·Memory•64KB internal single-cycle SRAM for code and data storage•8KB internal OTP for application boot code·Hardware resources•6clock blocks•10timers•4locks·JTAG Module for On-Chip Debug·Security Features•Programming lock disables debug and prevents read-back of memory contents•AES bootloader ensures secrecy of IP held on externalflash memory·Ambient Temperature Range•Commercial qualification:0°C to70°C•Industrial qualification:-40°C to85°C·Speed Grade•5:500MIPS•4:400MIPS·Power Consumption•Active Mode—200mA at500MHz(typical)—160mA at400MHz(typical)•Standby Mode—14mA·64-pin LQFP package0.5mm pitch3Pin Configuration4Signal Description5Product OverviewThe XMOS XS1-L8A-64-LQ64is a powerful device that provides a simple designprocess and highly-flexible solution to many applications.The device consistsof a single xCORE Tile,which comprises aflexible multicore microcontrollerwith tightly integrated I/O and on-chip memory.The processor runs mutipletasks simultaneously using logical cores,each of which is guaranteed a slice ofprocessing power and can execute computational code,control software and I/Ointerfaces.Logical cores use channels to exchange data within a tile or across tiles.Multiple devices can be deployed and connected using an integrated switchingnetwork,enabling more resources to be added to a design.The I/O pins aredriven using intelligent ports that can serialize data,interpret strobe signals andwait for scheduled times or events,making the device ideal for real-time controlapplications.Figure2:BlockDiagramThe device can be configured using a set of software components that are rapidlycustomized and composed.XMOS provides source code libraries for many standardcomponents.The device can be programmed using high-level languages such asC/C++and XMOS-originated extensions to C,called XC,that simplify the controlover concurrency,I/O and time.The XMOS toolchain includes compilers,a simulator,debugger and static timinganalyzer.The combination of real-time software,a compiler and timing analyzerenables the programmer to close timings on components of the design without adetailed understanding of the hardware characteristics.5.1Logical cores,Synchronizers and LocksThe tile has up to8active logical cores,which issue instructions down a sharedfour-stage pipeline.Instructions from the active cores are issued round-robin.Ifup to4logical cores are active,each core is allocated a quarter of the processingcycles.If more than four logical cores are active,each core is allocated at least1/ncycles(for n cores).Figure3shows the guaranteed core performance dependingon the number of cores used.There is no way that the performance of a logical core can be reduced below thesepredicted levels.Because cores may be delayed on I/O,however,their unusedprocessing cycles can be taken by other cores.This means that for more thanFigure3:Logical coreperformancefour logical cores,the performance of each core is often higher than the predictedminimum.Synchronizers are provided for fast synchronization in a group of logical cores.Ina single instruction a logical core can block until all other logical cores in a grouphave reached the synchronizer.Locks are provided for fast mutual exclusion.Alogical core can acquire or release a lock in a single instruction.5.2Channel Ends,Links and SwitchLogical cores communicate using point-to-point connections formed betweentwo channel ends.Between tiles,channel communications are implemented overxConnect Links and routed through switches.The links operate in either2wires perdirection or5wires per direction mode,depending on the amount of bandwidthrequired.Circuit switched,streaming and packet switched data can both besupported efficiently.Streams provide the fastest possible data rates betweenxCORE Tiles(up to250MBit/s),but each stream requires a single link to be reservedbetween switches on two tiles.All packet communications can be multiplexed ontoa single link.A total of four5bit links are available between both cores.Information on the supported routing topologies that can be used to connectmultiple devices together can be found in the XS1-L Link Performance and DesignGuide,X2999.5.3Ports and Clock BlocksPorts provide an interface between the logical cores and I/O pins.The XS1-L8A-64-LQ64includes a combination of1bit,4bit and8bit ports.In addition the widerports are partially or fully bonded out making the connected pins available for I/Oor xCONNECT links.All pins of a port provide either output or input.Signals indifferent directions cannot be mapped onto the same port.The operation of each port can be synchronized to a clock block.A clock block canbe connected to an external clock input,or it can be run from the divided referenceclock.A clock block can also output its signal to a pin.On reset,each port isconnected to clock block0,which runs from the xCORE Tile reference clock.The ports and links are multiplexed,allowing the pins to be configured for use byports of different widths or links.If an xConnect Link is enabled,the pins of theunderlying ports are disabled.If a port is enabled,it overrules ports with higherwidths that share the same pins.The pins on the wider port that are not sharedremain available for use when the narrower port is enabled.Ports always operateat their specified width,even if they share pins with another port.5.4TimersTimers are32-bit counters that are relative to the xCORE Tile reference clock.Atimer is defined to tick every10ns.This value is derived from the reference clock,which is configured to tick at100MHz by default.6PLLThe PLL creates a high-speed clock that is used for the switch,tile,and referenceclock.The PLL multiplication value is selected through the two MODE pins,andcan be changed by software to speed up the tile or use less power.The MODE pinsare set as shown in Figure4:Figure4:PLL multipliervalues andMODE pinsFigure4also lists the values of OD,F and R,which are the registers that definethe ratio of the tile frequency to the oscillator frequency:F cor e=F osc×F+12×1R+1×1OD+1OD,F and R must be chosen so that0≤R≤63,0≤F≤4095,0≤OD≤7,and260MHz≤F osc×F+12×1R+1≤1.3GHz.The OD,F,and R values can be modifiedby writing to the digital node PLL configuration register.The MODE pins must be held at a static value during and after deassertion of thesystem reset.For500MHz parts,once booted,the PLL must be reprogrammed to provide thistile frequency.The XMOS tools perform this operation by default.Further details on configuring the clock can be found in the XS1-L Clock FrequencyControl document,X1433.7Boot ProcedureThe device is kept in reset by driving RST_N low.When in reset,all GPIO pins arehigh impedance.When the device is taken out of reset by releasing RST_N theprocessor starts its internal reset process.After15-150µs(depending on the inputclock),all GPIO pins have their internal pull-resistor enabled,and the processorboots at a clock speed that depends on MODE0and MODE1.The xCORE Tile boot procedure is illustrated in Figure5.In normal usage,MODE[3:2]controls the boot source according to the table in Figure6.If bit5of the security register(see§8.1)is set,the device boots from OTP.Figure5:BootprocedureFigure6:Boot sourcepinsThe boot image has the following format:·A32-bit program size s in words.·Program consisting of s×4bytes.·A32-bit CRC,or the value0x0D15AB1E to indicate that no CRC check should be performed.The program size and CRC are stored least significant bytefirst.The programis loaded into the lowest memory address of RAM,and the program is startedfrom that address.The CRC is calculated over the byte stream represented by theprogram size and the program itself.The polynomial used is0xEDB88320(IEEE802.3);the CRC register is initialized with0xFFFFFFFF and the residue is invertedto produce the CRC.7.1Boot from SPIIf set to boot from SPI,the processor enables the four pins specified in Figure7,and drives the SPI clock at2.5MHz(assuming a400MHz core clock).A READcommand is issued with a24-bit address0x000000.The clock polarity and phaseare0/0.Figure7:SPI pinsThe xCORE Tile expects each byte to be transferred with the least-significant bitfirst.Programmers who write bytes into an SPI interface using the most significantbitfirst may have to reverse the bits in each byte of the image stored in the SPIdevice.If a large boot image is to be read in,it is faster tofirst load a small boot-loaderthat reads the large image using a faster SPI clock,for example50MHz or as fastas theflash device supports.The pins used for SPI boot are hardcoded in the boot ROM and cannot be changed.If required,an SPI boot program can be burned into OTP that uses different pins.7.2Boot from xConnect LinkIf set to boot from an xConnect Link,the processor enables Link B around200ns after the boot process starts.Enabling the Link switches offthe pull-down onresistors X0D16..X0D19,drives X0D16and X0D17low(the initial state for theLink),and monitors pins X0D18and X0D19for boot-traffic.X0D18and X0D19must be low at this stage.If the internal pull-down is too weak to drain any residualcharge,external pull-downs of10K may be required on those pins.The boot-rom on the core will then:1.Allocate channel-end0.2.Input a word on channel-end0.It will use this word as a channel to acknowledgethe boot.Provide the null-channel-end0x0000FF02if no acknowledgment isrequired.3.Input the boot image specified above,including the CRC.4.Input an END control token.5.Output an END control token to the channel-end received in step2.6.Free channel-end0.7.Jump to the loaded code.7.3Boot from OTPIf an xCORE tile is set to use secure boot(see Figure5),the boot image is readfrom address0of the OTP memory in the tile’s security module.This feature can be used to implement a secure bootloader which loads an en-crypted image from externalflash,decrypts and CRC checks it with the processor,and discontinues the boot process if the decryption or CRC check fails.XMOSprovides a default secure bootloader that can be written to the OTP along withsecret decryption keys.Each tile has its own individual OTP memory,and hence some tiles can be bootedfrom OTP while others are booted from SPI or the channel interface.This enablessystems to be partially programmed,dedicating one or more tiles to perform aparticular function,leaving the other tiles user-programmable.7.4Security registerThe security register enables security features on the xCORE tile.The featuresshown in Figure8provide a strong level of protection and are sufficient forproviding strong IP security.Figure8:Securityregisterfeatures8Memory8.1OTPThe xCORE Tile integrates 8KB one-time programmable (OTP)memory along with a security register that configures system wide security features.The OTP holds data in four sectors each containing 512rows of 32bits which can be used to implement secure bootloaders and store encryption keys.Data for the security register is loaded from the OTP on power up.All additional data in OTP is copied from the OTP to SRAM and executed first on the processor.The OTP memory is programmed using three special I/O ports:the OTP address port is a 16-bit port with resource ID 0x100200,the OTP data is written via a 32-bit port with resource ID 0x200100,and the OTP control is on a 16-bit port with ID 0x100300.Programming is performed through libotp and xburn .8.2SRAMThe xCORE Tile integrates a single 64KB SRAM bank for both instructions and data.All internal memory is 32bits wide,and instructions are either 16-bit or 32-bit.Byte (8-bit),half-word (16-bit)or word (32-bit)accesses are supported and are executed within one tile clock cycle.There is no dedicated external memory interface,although data memory can be expanded through appropriate use of the ports.9JTAGThe JTAG module can be used for loading programs,boundary scan testing,in-circuit source-level debugging and programming the OTP memory.TDITDOTCK TMSTRST_N DEBUG_NFigure 9:JTAG chain structureThe JTAG chain structure is illustrated in Figure 9.Directly after reset,two TAP controllers are present in the JTAG chain:the boundary scan TAP and the chip TAP.The boundary scan TAP is a standard 1149.1compliant TAP that can be used for boundary scan of the I/O pins.The chip TAP provides access into the xCORE Tile,switch and OTP for loading code and debugging.The TRST_N pin must be asserted low during and after power up for 100ns.If JTAG is not required,the TRST_N pin can be tied to ground to hold the JTAG module in reset.The DEBUG_N pin is used to synchronize the debugging of multiple xCORE Tiles.This pin can operate in both output and input mode.In output mode and when configured to do so,DEBUG_N is driven low by the device when the processor hits a debug break point.Prior to this point the pin will be tri-stated.In input mode and when configured to do so,driving this pin low will put the xCORE Tile into debug mode.Software can set the behavior of the xCORE Tile based on this pin.This pin should have an external pull up of 4K7-47K Ωor left not connected in single core applications.The JTAG device identification register can be read by using the IDCODE instruction.Its contents are specified in Figure 10.Bit31Device Identification RegisterBit0Version Part Number Manufacturer Identity 1000000000011101101100002633Figure 10:IDCODE return valueThe JTAG usercode register can be read by using the USERCODE instruction.Its contents are specified in Figure 11.The OTP User ID field is read from bits [22:31]of the security register ,see §8.1(all zero on unprogrammed devices).Bit31Usercode RegisterBit0OTP User IDUnused Silicon Revision 000000001100000000000028000Figure 11:USERCODE return value10Board IntegrationThe device has the following power supply pins:·VDD pins for the xCORE Tile ·VDDIO pins for the I/O lines ·PLL_AVDD pins for the PLLSeveral pins of each type are provided to minimize the effect of inductance within the package,all of which must be connected.The power supplies must be brought up monotonically and input voltages must not exceed specification at any time.The VDD supply must ramp from 0V to its final value within 10ms to ensure correct startup.The VDDIO supply must ramp to its final value before VDD reaches 0.4V.The PLL_AVDD supply should be separated from the other noisier supplies on the board.The PLL requires a very clean power supply,and a low pass filter (forexample,a4.7Ωresistor and100nF multi-layer ceramic capacitor)is recommended on this pin.The following ground pins are provided:·PLL_AGND for PLL_AVDD·GND for all other suppliesAll ground pins must be connected directly to the board ground.The VDD and VDDIO supplies should be decoupled close to the chip by several 100nF low inductance multi-layer ceramic capacitors between the supplies and GND(for example,4x100nF0402low inductance MLCCs per supply rail).The ground side of the decoupling capacitors should have as short a path back to the GND pins as possible.A bulk decoupling capacitor of at least10uF should be placed on each of these supplies.RST_N is an active-low asynchronous-assertion global reset signal.Following a reset,the PLL re-establishes lock after which the device boots up according to the boot mode(see§7).RST_N and must be asserted low during and after power up for100ns.10.1Land patterns and solder stencilsThe land pattern recommendations in this document are based on a RoHS compliant process and derived,where possible,from the nominal Generic Requirements for Surface Mount Design and Land Pattern Standards IPC-7351B specifications.This standard aims to achieve desired targets of heel,toe and sidefillets for solder-joints.Solder paste and ground via recommendations are based on our engineering and development kit board production.They have been found to work and optimized as appropriate to achieve a high yield.The size,type and number of vias used in the center pad affects how much solder wicks down the vias during reflow.This in turn,along with solder paster coverage,affects thefinal assembled package height. These factors should be taken into account during design and manufacturing of the PCB.The following land patterns and solder paste contains recommendations.Final land pattern and solder paste decisions are the responsibility of the customer.These should be tuned during manufacture to suit the manufacturing process.The package is a64pin Low profile Quad Flat Pack package with exposed heat slug on a0.5mm pitch.An example land pattern is shown in Figure12.For the64pin LQFP package,a3x3array of squares for solder paste is recom-mended as shown in Figure13.This gives a paste level of48%.Figure 12:Example landpattern5.20Figure 13:Solder stencilfor centrepad10.2Ground and Thermal ViasVias under the heat slug into the ground plane of the PCB are recommended for a low inductance ground connection and good thermal performance.A 3x 3grid of vias,with a 0.6mm diameter annular ring and a 0.3mm drill,equally spaced across the heat slug,would be suitable.10.3Moisture SensitivityXMOS devices are,like all semiconductor devices,susceptible to moisture absorp-tion.When removed from the sealed packaging,the devices slowly absorb moisture from the surrounding environment.If the level of moisture present in the device is too high during reflow,damage can occur due to the increased internal vapour pressure of moisture.Example damage can include bond wire damage,die lifting,internal or external package cracks and/or delamination.All XMOS devices are Moisture Sensitivity Level(MSL)3-devices have a shelf life of168hours between removal from the packaging and reflow,provided they are stored below30C and60%RH.If devices have exceeded these values or an included moisture indicator card shows excessive levels of moisture,then the parts should be baked as appropriate before use.This is based on information from Joint IPC/JEDEC Standard For Moisture/Reflow Sensitivity Classification For Nonhermetic Solid State Surface-Mount Devices J-STD-020Revision D.11DC and Switching Characteristics11.1Operating ConditionsFigure 14:Operating conditions11.2DC CharacteristicsFigure 15:DC character-isticsB Ports 1A,1D,1E,1H,1I,1J,1K and 1L are nominal 8mA drivers,the remainder of the general-purpose I/Os are 4mA.C Measured with 4mA drivers sourcing 4mA,8mA drivers sourcing 8mA.D Used to guarantee logic state for an I/O when high impedance.The internal pull-ups/pull-downs should not be used to pull external circuitry.11.3ESD Stress VoltageFigure 16:ESD stress voltage11.4Reset TimingFigure17:Reset timing11.5Power ConsumptionFigure18:xCORE TilecurrentsB Assumes typical tile and I/O voltages with no switching activity.C Includes PLL current.D Assumes typical tile and I/O voltages with nominal switching activity.E Assumes1MHz=1MIPS.F PD(TYP)value is the usage power consumption under typical operating conditions.G Measurement conditions:VDD=1.0V,VDDIO=3.3V,25°C,400MHz,average device resourceusage.H Measurement conditions:VDD=1.0V,VDDIO=3.3V,25°C,500MHz,average device resourceusage.I PLL_AVDD=1.0VThe tile power consumption of the device is highly application dependent and should be used for budgetary purposes only.More detailed power analysis can be found in the XS1-L Power Consumption document,X2999.11.6ClockFigure 19:ClockB Assumes typical tile and I/Ovoltages with nominal activity.Further details can be found in the XS1-L Clock Frequency Control document,X1433.11.7xCORE Tile I/O AC CharacteristicsFigure 20:I/O AC char-acteristicsThe input valid window parameter relates to the capability of the device to capture data input to the chip with respect to an external clock source.It is calculated as the sum of the input setup time and input hold time with respect to the external clock as measured at the pins.The output invalid window specifies the time for which an output is invalid with respect to the external clock.Note that these parameters are specified as a window rather than absolute numbers since the device provides functionality to delay the incoming clock with respect to the incoming rmation on interfacing to high-speed synchronous interfaces can be found in theXS1Port I/O Timing document,X5821.11.8xConnect Link PerformanceFigure 21:Linkperformanceand payload.B 7.5ns symbol time.The asynchronous nature of links means that the relative phasing of CLK clocks isnot important in a multi-clock system,providing each meets the required stabilitycriteria.11.9JTAG TimingFigure22:JTAG timingB Timing applies to TDO output from negative edge of TCK.All JTAG operations are synchronous to TCK apart from the global asynchronousreset TRST_N.。

生命打印机英语作文500字 代复制的另一个我

生命打印机英语作文500字 代复制的另一个我

全文分为作者个人简介和正文两个部分:作者个人简介:Hello everyone, I am an author dedicated to creating and sharing high-quality document templates. In this era of information overload, accurate and efficient communication has become especially important. I firmly believe that good communication can build bridges between people, playing an indispensable role in academia, career, and daily life. Therefore, I decided to invest my knowledge and skills into creating valuable documents to help people find inspiration and direction when needed.正文:生命打印机英语作文500字代复制的另一个我全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Printer of Life - Another MeAs I sit here staring at the blank computer screen, I can't help but feel a sense of unease. The essay prompt seems simple enough - write about a time when technology had a significantimpact on your life. But for me, this topic hits a little too close to home. You see, I'm not like most kids my age. I'm what some might call a "clone" - a genetic replica of another human being. And the technology that made me possible? A highly advanced 3D bio-printer, capable of creating living, breathing organisms from a mere sample of DNA.It all started about 18 years ago, when my parents found out that they were unable to conceive a child naturally. They had always dreamed of starting a family, and the news hit them hard. But they refused to give up hope. After exploring various options, they stumbled upon a cutting-edge fertility clinic that offered a revolutionary solution: cloning.At first, the idea seemed straight out of a science fiction movie. Creating a genetically identical copy of a person? It sounded like something from the realm of mad scientists and secret laboratories. But as they learned more about the process, their apprehension began to fade. The technology, while still in its infancy, had already shown promising results in animal trials. And with the guidance of experienced geneticists and ethicists, they felt assured that the procedure was safe and morally sound.The process itself was nothing short of miraculous. Using a small sample of my father's DNA, the scientists were able tocreate an embryo that was an exact genetic replica of him. This embryo was then nurtured and developed inside an artificial womb, a highly advanced incubator that simulated the conditions of a human uterus. Nine months later, I was "born" –not in the traditional sense, but rather, printed into existence by a machine that could only be described as a "life printer."As I grew older, my parents were always transparent about my origins. They never tried to hide the fact that I was a clone, and they instilled in me a deep appreciation for the technology that had made my existence possible. I remember being fascinated by the concept, poring over books and articles that explained the intricate science behind cloning and bio-printing.Of course, not everyone was as accepting of my unique circumstances. There were those who viewed cloning as unnatural, a violation of the sanctity of life. Some even went so far as to call me a "soulless copy" or a "lab experiment gone wrong." But my parents, bless their hearts, always stood by me, reminding me that I was a human being deserving of love and respect, regardless of how I came into this world.As I entered my teenage years, I began to grapple with questions of identity and self-worth. Was I truly my own person, or was I just a carbon copy of my genetic donor? Did I have asoul, or was I merely a biological machine, a product of advanced technology? These existential crises weighed heavily on my mind, and there were times when I felt lost and alone, like a stranger in my own skin.But then, something remarkable happened. During a routine medical checkup, my doctor made a startling discovery: despite being a genetic clone, my DNA had begun to diverge from that of my donor. Tiny mutations, likely caused by environmental factors and random chance, had crept in, making me ever so slightly different on a molecular level.This realization was a turning point for me. It meant that, while I may have started out as an identical copy, I was slowly but surely becoming my own unique individual. The fact that my DNA was changing, evolving, was proof that I was more than just a mindless replica. I was a living, breathing entity, capable of growth and adaptation, just like any other human being.From that moment on, I embraced my identity as a clone with newfound confidence and pride. I was no longer ashamed or apologetic about my origins. Instead, I saw them as a testament to the incredible power of human ingenuity and the boundless potential of technology.As I prepare to graduate from high school and embark on the next chapter of my life, I can't help but feel a sense of wonder and excitement. The world is rapidly advancing, and who knows what other technological marvels lie just over the horizon? Perhaps one day, cloning and bio-printing will become commonplace, giving countless individuals the opportunity to experience the miracle of life.And as for me? Well, I plan to live my life to the fullest, constantly striving to grow and evolve, to become the best version of myself that I can be. Because at the end of the day, whether I was born in the traditional sense or printed into existence by a machine, I am my own person – a unique and irreplaceable individual, with a story that is mine and mine alone to write.篇2The Life Printer: A Copied Version of MyselfAs I sit here pondering the rapid advancements in technology, a particular innovation has captured my imagination – the Life Printer. This groundbreaking device has the potential to revolutionize our understanding of life itself, and it raisesprofound questions about identity, ethics, and the boundaries of human existence.Imagine a world where you could create an exact replica of yourself, a living, breathing copy that shares your thoughts, memories, and experiences. This is the promise of the Life Printer, a technology that can scan and map every cell, every molecule, every intricate detail of your being, and then recreate it with precise accuracy. It's like having a backup copy of yourself, a contingency plan for the unpredictable twists and turns of life.At first, the idea seems almost too surreal to comprehend. How could a machine possibly replicate the complexities of a human being, with all our intricacies and idiosyncrasies? Yet, as I delve deeper into the science behind it, I'm amazed by the ingenuity and the sheer audacity of this endeavor.The process begins with a full-body scan, capturing every minute detail of your physical form, down to the molecular level. This data is then fed into the Life Printer, which uses a combination of advanced 3D printing techniques and synthetic biology to construct a replica of your body, cell by cell, tissue by tissue. It's like having a biological blueprint that can be brought to life with remarkable precision.But what truly fascinates me is the concept of transferring consciousness, of imbuing this replica with the essence of who you are. Through a process known as "mind uploading," your thoughts, memories, and experiences are encoded into a digital format and integrated into the replica's neural pathways. In theory, this would create a virtually indistinguishable copy of your consciousness, your very sense of self.As I contemplate the implications of this technology, a myriad of questions arise. Would this replica truly be "me," or merely a simulacrum, a convincing facsimile that lacks the depth and nuance of the original? If it were to diverge from my path, making different choices and accumulating unique experiences, would it still be considered a part of me, or would it become a separate entity altogether?Moreover, the ethical considerations are staggering. Should we have the power to create replicas of ourselves, essentially playing God with the very fabric of life? What safeguards would need to be in place to prevent misuse or exploitation of this technology? And what would it mean for the concept of individuality if multiple versions of ourselves were to coexist?Despite these concerns, I can't help but be drawn to the potential benefits of the Life Printer. Imagine the possibilities formedical research, where replicas could be used to test treatments and therapies without putting human lives at risk. Or consider the implications for space exploration, where a copy of an astronaut could be sent on perilous missions, ensuring the continuity of their consciousness even in the face of catastrophic events.Beyond practical applications, the Life Printer also holds profound philosophical implications. It challenges our very understanding of what it means to be human, to have a unique identity and a sense of self. If we can create replicas of ourselves, does it diminish the inherent value of our existence, or does it enhance it, offering a chance at virtual immortality?As I grapple with these questions, I realize that the Life Printer is not merely a technological marvel; it is a mirror reflecting the depths of our humanity. It forces us to confront our deepest fears and desires, our quest for understanding and our yearning for transcendence.In the end, perhaps the true value of the Life Printer lies not in the creation of physical replicas, but in the profound contemplation it inspires within us. It is a catalyst forself-reflection, a reminder that we are more than just molecules and atoms, but beings imbued with a spark of something greater– a consciousness that defies replication, a spirit that transcends the boundaries of flesh and bone.And so, as I consider the possibility of a copied version of myself, I am reminded of the inherent value of my own existence, the uniqueness of my experiences, and the profound journey that has shaped my identity. For even if a replica were to be created, it could never truly capture the essence of who I am, the ever-evolving tapestry of my life woven by the choices I make and the paths I choose to walk.The Life Printer may offer a glimpse into the future, but it is my life, my choices, and my journey that will ultimately define who I am – a singular, irreplaceable being forging their own path through the vast expanse of existence.篇3Life's Printing Machine: The Copy of MeHave you ever imagined being copied or cloned? Like a photocopy machine spitting out an exact replica of you. At first, the idea sounds crazy and maybe even a little creepy. But think about it - what if there was another version of yourself out there? Not just someone who looks like you, but a precise genetic duplicate with the same experiences, memories, and personality.Would it be like looking in a mirror or more like meeting along-lost twin?I can't stop pondering these mind-bending questions ever since our biology teacher, Mr. Jameson, introduced the concept of cloning in class last week. He explained how scientists have already successfully cloned simple organisms like bacteria and even some mammals like Dolly the sheep back in 1996. But cloning complex lifeforms like humans is still banned pretty much everywhere due to ethical concerns.At first, I thought "well duh, of course cloning humans is unethical and shouldn't be allowed." Creating duplicate copies of people just seems...unnatural. Like something out of a freaky science fiction movie. There are so many issues - religious and moral objections, the loss of human individuality and uniqueness, not to mention all the crazy legal and rights issues a clone would face. Whose child is it? Can you claim dual citizenship if your clone is from another country? Do you get double the inheritance money? My brain was spinning.But then Mr. Jameson said something that made me see the idea of human cloning in a new light. He asked us to consider the potential medical applications, like creating cloned stem cells that could cure diseases or regrow organs and limbs. Or beingable to replace tragic losses by cloning those who have passed away. Suddenly the idea didn't seem so crazy afterall.I started wondering what it would actually be like to have a clone of myself. Maybe not an exact clone, but more of a delayed twin that lags behind by X number of years developmentally. It would be like getting a preview of my future self - a genetic crystal ball. I could see the man I'll become and the life that may be in store. Or maybe the opposite and I'd get a second childhood through my clone.Imagine having a clone that was basically your younger self. Like a biological hard drive backup of your childhood that you could reload at any time. No more lost memories or forgotten experiences - your clone would have a complete record. You could re-live your glory days through their eyes. Or maybe give your clone a chance at a childhood re-do, avoiding the mistakes and struggles you went through. Implement software updates to optimize their code.Then again, would being able to shape and mold another version of yourself create unrealistic expectations or a constant temptation to try and edit your clone into the ideal person you wish you could be? To live vicariously by pushing them towards goals and achievements you failed to reach yourself? Thatsounds like it could breed resentment, rebellion, or even corrupt the uniqueness that makes each of us who we are.And what if it was the opposite - if your clone ended up more successful, happier, or more actualized than you? How would you feel having to watch a better version of yourself achieve the dreams you failed at? It could just as easily breed unhappiness, jealousy, and feelings of inadequacy. There are so many unpredictable psychological implications to being faced with an alternate reality iteration of your own identity.Despite my roller coaster of changing perspectives, I keep coming back to the same truth - we are each miracles of chance, a once-in-a-universe occurrence. Clones can never truly replace or recreate the precise genetic lottery that made each of us unique. We may share the same raw materials, but it's the tiny variations, mutations, and inexplicable combinations that make us who we are. Like a clone is a cover band, playing all the same songs, while we are the original artists.No copy, no matter how precise, can authentically replicate the original version's magic. There is only one version of you that has lived your exact life, with your precise formative experiences and indefinable personal essence. Cloning may be able to reproduce your bio-facts, but it can never recreate the grande-arof your soul's journey or life story's narrative arc. You are the Official Deluxe Edition of yourself - the clones are justRe-Releases.So while the science of cloning is fascinating and I respect its potential benefits, I don't think I'll be lining up for my own copy anytime soon. I'm still wrapping my head around being the only original edition of me that will ever exist in this universe. For better or worse, these are the cards I was dealt in life's game, and I'm strapped in to see where this crazy ride takes me. No need for a clone sitting rode-along when the REAL thing is still going full steam ahead.。



Perseverance is a quality that is often celebrated and admired in many cultures.It is the unwavering determination to continue striving for a goal despite the obstacles and setbacks that may come along the way.Here is an essay on how perseverance can help one achieve their dreams.Title:The Power of Perseverance in Achieving DreamsIn the pursuit of our dreams,we often encounter numerous challenges and adversities that test our resolve.It is in these moments that the strength of our perseverance is put to the test.Perseverance is the driving force that propels us forward,enabling us to overcome obstacles and ultimately realize our aspirations.The Role of PerseverancePerseverance plays a crucial role in achieving dreams by providing the necessary mental fortitude to keep going when the going gets tough.It is the inner voice that whispers, Dont give up,when faced with failure or rejection.This quality is particularly important in the face of adversity,as it helps individuals to remain focused on their goals and not be deterred by temporary setbacks.Overcoming SetbacksSetbacks are an inevitable part of the journey towards achieving any dream.However,it is the ability to persevere through these setbacks that distinguishes those who succeed from those who do not.For instance,Thomas Edison,one of the most prolific inventors in history,faced numerous failures before he successfully created the first practical electric light bulb.His perseverance in the face of repeated failures is a testament to the power of determination.Developing PerseverancePerseverance is not an innate quality that one is born with rather,it is something that can be developed and nurtured over time.It can be cultivated through various means such as setting realistic goals,embracing a growth mindset,and learning from failures.By viewing failures as opportunities for growth and improvement,individuals can build resilience and enhance their ability to persevere.The Impact of Perseverance on SuccessThe impact of perseverance on success cannot be overstated.It is the key ingredient thatallows individuals to push through the barriers that stand between them and their dreams. Success stories across various fields,from sports to entrepreneurship,often highlight the importance of perseverance.For example,J.K.Rowling,the author of the Harry Potter series,was rejected by multiple publishers before finding success.Her story is a powerful reminder of how perseverance can lead to remarkable achievements.ConclusionIn conclusion,perseverance is a vital component in the realization of dreams.It is the force that enables us to endure hardships and keep striving towards our goals.By developing and maintaining a strong sense of perseverance,we can transform our dreams into reality,regardless of the challenges we face along the way.The journey may be long and arduous,but with perseverance,the destination is always within reach.。



When it comes to writing an English essay on the topic Where there is a will,there is a way,there are several key elements to consider in order to create a compelling and wellstructured piece.Heres a template to help you get started:Title:The Power of Perseverance:Where There is a Will,There is a WayIntroduction:Hook:Begin with a quote or a thoughtprovoking statement that encapsulates the essence of determination.Thesis Statement:Clearly state the main argument of your essay,which is that having a strong will is crucial for achieving goals.Body Paragraph1:Topic Sentence:Introduce the first aspect of having a will,such as setting clear goals. Explanation:Elaborate on why setting goals is important and how it helps in maintaining focus.Example:Provide a reallife example of someone who set a goal and achieved it through determination.Body Paragraph2:Topic Sentence:Discuss the role of perseverance in achieving goals. Explanation:Explain how persistence and the ability to overcome obstacles are linked to having a strong will.Example:Cite an example of a person or a situation where perseverance led to success.Body Paragraph3:Topic Sentence:Explore the concept of selfbelief and its connection to a strong will. Explanation:Discuss how believing in oneself can empower individuals to push through challenges.Example:Give an example of a person who overcame selfdoubt and achieved their goals.Body Paragraph4:Topic Sentence:Consider the importance of adaptability in conjunction with a strong will.Explanation:Describe how being able to adapt to changing circumstances is a sign of a flexible will.Example:Provide an instance where adaptability played a key role in achieving a goal.Conclusion:Restate Thesis:Reiterate your main argument about the importance of having a will inachieving success.Summary:Briefly summarize the main points discussed in the body paragraphs. Closing Thought:End with a powerful statement or a call to action that encourages readers to cultivate a strong will.Word Bank:Perseverance:continued effort despite difficulty or opposition. Determination:firmness of purpose.Goal:the object of a persons ambition or effort.Obstacle:a thing that blocks ones way or prevents progress.Selfbelief:confidence in ones own abilities.Adaptability:the ability to adapt to new conditions.Sample Sentences:The journey towards success is often paved with challenges,but it is the unwavering will that carves a path through them.Setting clear and achievable goals serves as a compass,guiding individuals with determination towards their desired destination.Perseverance is the fuel that powers the engine of a strong will,propelling individuals forward even in the face of adversity.Selfbelief is the cornerstone of a strong will it is the inner voice that whispers I can when the world says impossible.Adaptability,when coupled with a strong will,allows individuals to navigate the twists and turns of lifes journey with grace and resilience.Remember to use this template as a guide,and feel free to personalize it with your own ideas,examples,and writing style.。



The Pros and Cons of Online ShoppingIn the digital age,the convenience of online shopping has transformed the way we purchase goods and services.However,as with any modern convenience,there are both advantages and disadvantages to consider.Advantages of Online Shopping1.Convenience:The ability to shop from the comfort of ones home is perhaps the most significant benefit.It saves time and eliminates the need to travel to physical stores.2.Variety:Online platforms offer a vast array of products,often more than what is available in local stores.This variety caters to a wide range of tastes and preferences.petitive Pricing:The internet allows for easy comparison of prices across different retailers,leading to better deals for consumers.4.Global Access:Online shopping transcends geographical boundaries,enabling customers to purchase items from around the world.5.24/7Availability:Unlike physical stores,online shops operate around the clock, providing a shopping experience that is not restricted by time.Disadvantages of Online Shoppingck of Physical Interaction:One cannot touch or try on items before purchasing, which can lead to dissatisfaction with the product upon arrival.2.Security Concerns:The risk of cyber fraud and identity theft is a significant concern for many consumers,despite the security measures implemented by online retailers.3.Shipping Costs and Delays:While some online retailers offer free shipping,others may charge additional fees,and there is always the risk of delays in delivery.4.Return Policies:The process of returning items can be cumbersome and timeconsuming,especially if the retailer has a strict return policy.5.Overwhelming Choices:The vast number of options available online can lead to decision paralysis and a sense of information overload.ConclusionWhile online shopping offers unparalleled convenience and variety,it is essential to weigh these benefits against the potential drawbacks.As consumers become more savvy and retailers continue to improve their services,the balance between pros and cons may shift,but for now,it remains a personal decision based on individual preferences and needs.网购的利与弊在这个数字化时代,网购的便利性已经改变了我们购买商品和服务的方式。



Success is a journey that requires a multitude of factors to achieve.Here are some key elements that can contribute to ones success in English composition:1.Clear Understanding of the Topic:Before you start writing,ensure you have a thorough understanding of the topic.This clarity will guide your writing and help you stay focused.2.Effective Planning:Spend time to outline your anize your thoughts into a logical flow.This will make your writing process smoother and your essay more coherent.3.Strong Introduction:Begin your essay with a compelling introduction that grabs the readers attention.Clearly state the purpose of your essay and provide a brief overview of what you will discuss.4.Coherent Body Paragraphs:Each paragraph should focus on a single main idea that supports your thesis e topic sentences to introduce each paragraph and ensure that the ideas flow logically from one to the next.e of Evidence and Examples:Support your arguments with concrete evidence and relevant examples.This will strengthen your essay and make your points more persuasive.6.Vocabulary and Grammar:Use a wide range of vocabulary to express your ideas clearly and precisely.Ensure that your grammar is correct to maintain the credibility of your writing.7.Cohesive Writing:Use transition words and phrases to connect your ideas and create a smooth flow in your essay.This will help your reader to follow your argument easily. 8.Critical Thinking:Show your ability to think critically about the topic.Analyze different viewpoints and provide a balanced discussion.9.Conciseness and Clarity:Avoid unnecessary repetition and wordiness.Be concise and clear in your expression to make your essay more impactful.10.Proper Conclusion:End your essay with a strong conclusion that summarizes your main points and reiterates your thesis.Leave your reader with a lasting impression.11.Proofreading and Editing:Always proofread and edit your work to correct any grammatical errors,typos,or inconsistencies.This will ensure that your essay is polished and professional.12.Practice and Revision:Writing is a skill that improves with practice.Write regularly and revise your work to refine your writing style and technique.13.Adapt to the Audience:Consider who will be reading your essay and adapt your language,tone,and content accordingly.14.Incorporate Feedback:Be open to feedback from teachers or e constructive criticism to improve your writing.15.Stay Motivated and Persistent:Writing can be challenging,but staying motivated and persistent will help you overcome obstacles and achieve success.By incorporating these elements into your writing process,you can significantly improve your English composition skills and increase your chances of writing a successful essay.。



小学上册英语下册试卷英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.What is the name of the famous American national park known for its geysers?A. YellowstoneB. YosemiteC. Grand CanyonD. Zion2.The Earth's surface is shaped by a combination of natural and ______ processes.3.The porpoise is related to the _______ (海豚).4.The __________ is very tall.5. A ____(community empowerment) builds local capacity.6.I enjoy the sound of __________ falling on the ground. (雨)7.The ancient Egyptians built ________ as monuments to their gods.8.The __________ is known for its unique wildlife and natural beauty. (新西兰)9.My aunt is a ______. She helps manage events.10.I find ________ (历史) fascinating and exciting.11.She is a ______. She teaches us math.12.The capital of Austria is ________ (维也纳).13.Which one is a vegetable?A. AppleB. CarrotC. BananaD. GrapeB Carrot14.The process of a liquid becoming a gas is called ______.15.I want to be a ___. (teacher)16.Parrots are known for their colorful ______ (羽毛).17.What do you call it when water falls from the sky?A. RainB. SnowC. HailD. SleetA18.She is a dancer, ______ (她是一位舞者), who practices every day.19.My uncle is a fantastic ____ (gardener).20.What is the name of the first rover to land on Mars?A. CuriosityB. SojournerC. SpiritD. Opportunity21.The __________ (历史的启示) leads to empowerment.22.The firefighter saves _____ (生命) during emergencies.23.What is the name of the natural disaster caused by the movement of tectonic plates?A. HurricaneB. TornadoC. EarthquakeD. Flood24.I can ______ (克服) challenges with determination.25.The __________ (古代王国) often waged wars for territory.26.The ________ (analysis) shows trends.27.The ______ (花心) is where pollen is found.28.My uncle is a __________ (摄影师).29.What do we call the main character in a story?A. VillainB. ProtagonistC. AntagonistD. NarratorB30.Planting native species can help support local ______ (生态).31.The chemical formula for nitric acid is ________.32.What is the shape of a soccer ball?A. SquareB. TriangleC. HexagonD. CircleD33.I can ______ (找到) my way home.34.I have a collection of ______ stamps.35.The __________ is known for its ancient history and monuments. (埃及)36.We can play with a ________ outside.37.My sister is my sweet _______ who always cheers me up.38.What is the term for a planet's orbit around the sun?A. RotationB. RevolutionC. OrbitD. Translation39.What do we call the first day of the week?A. SaturdayB. SundayC. MondayD. FridayB40.What is the capital of Austria?A. ViennaB. BudapestC. PragueD. ZurichA41.The ______ (小鱼) swims around the tank.42. A chemical that resists changes in pH is a ______.43.What is the name of the famous fairy tale about a girl with a red hood?A. CinderellaB. Sleeping BeautyC. Little Red Riding HoodD. Rapunzel44.The process of making soap involves a reaction between an acid and a _______.45.What do you call the piece of furniture where you sit?A. ChairB. TableC. CouchD. BenchA46.What do we call a young goat?A. CalfB. KidC. LambD. CubB47.What do we call the study of the mind and behavior?A. SociologyB. PsychologyC. AnthropologyD. PhilosophyB48.We will _____ (travel/stay) at home.49.I have a collection of _________ (毛绒玩具) from different countries.50.The elephant is the _______ (largest) land animal.51.I love to _______ (唱歌) in the shower.52.The pelican dives into the water to catch ______ (鱼).53.What do you call a group of stars?A. PlanetB. GalaxyC. UniverseD. ClusterB54.The ____ is a significant animal in many cultures and stories.55.I have a toy _______ that glows in the dark and lights up my room.56.The ________ grows in warm places.57.I can ______ (管理) my time efficiently.58.The Moon's surface is covered in dust called ______.59.What is the process of water turning into vapor?A. EvaporationB. CondensationC. PrecipitationD. Sublimation60.The butterfly's life cycle includes ______ (多个阶段).61.How many wheels does a bicycle have?A. TwoB. ThreeC. FourD. Five62.How many states are in the USA?A. 50B. 48C. 51D. 52A63.What do fish live in?A. TreesB. OceansC. DesertsD. Mountains64.What is the name of the famous tower in Paris?A. Eiffel TowerB. Leaning Tower of PisaC. Burj KhalifaD. Space NeedleA65.The chemical formula for neodymium oxide is _____.66. A __________ is an example of a renewable resource.67.The cake has ________ on top.68.What is the largest organ in the human body?A. HeartB. SkinC. LiverD. Brain69.The process of ______ can create sedimentary layers in rocks.70.The ______ (果汁) of some fruits is refreshing and tasty.71.Which animal is known as the "king of the jungle"?A. ElephantB. LionC. TigerD. Bear72.The _______ (The Age of Imperialism) accelerated global interactions.73.My grandma loves to make ____ (sauces).74. A solute is the substance that gets _______ in a solution.75.I feel _______ (很开心) today.76. (85) is a famous park in New York City. The ____77.She has a ___ (great) smile.78.What do we call the place where we go to learn about history?A. MuseumB. LibraryC. SchoolD. Archive79.What do we call the study of living things?A. BiologyB. ChemistryC. PhysicsD. Geography80. A rabbit's teeth never stop ________________ (生长).81.I love to explore ________ (历史遗址) during trips.82.Where do fish live?A. TreesB. WaterC. LandD. Sky83.What is the opposite of ‘happy’?A. SadB. GladC. JoyfulD. Cheerful84.Which continent is known for its deserts?A. AsiaB. AfricaC. EuropeD. AntarcticaB85.The earth orbits around the ______ (sun).86.What is the shape of a soccer ball?A. SquareB. CircleC. TriangleD. OvalB87.The __________ is a major river in the Amazon rainforest. (亚马逊河)88.The cat is ________ on the sofa.89.My friend is very ________.90.My aunt, ______ (我的阿姨), travels around the world.91.My grandma loves to _______ (动词) in her garden. 她的花都很 _______ (形容词).92.The dog wagged its ______.93.What is the term for a scientist who studies the ocean?A. OceanographerB. Marine biologistC. GeologistD. MeteorologistA94.What is the tallest animal in the world?A. ElephantB. GiraffeC. LionD. Bear95.The process by which plants make their food is called _______.96.What is the capital of the Netherlands?A. AmsterdamB. RotterdamC. The HagueD. Utrecht97.ts can grow in ______ (极端) temperatures. Some pla98.The _____ is a group of stars that form a picture in the night sky.99.The dog is ___ in the yard. (playing)100.What is the opposite of "hot"?A. WarmB. CoolC. ColdD. SpicyC。

ppt课件-c h a p t e r10 moleculesand solids(c h p t

ppt课件-c h a p t e r10 moleculesand solids(c h p t
fo r c e holding t h e masses t o g e t h e r i s Coulomb.
Vibration and Rotation Combined
■ I t i s p o s s i b l e t o e x c i t e t h e r o t a t i o n a l and v i b r a t i o n a l modes simultaneously.
■ Transition from l + 1 to l : ■ Photon will have an energ y
Vibration and Rotation Combined
■ An emission-spectrum spacing t h a t v a r i e s with l .
the higher the starting energy l e v e l , the greater the photon energy.
■ Vibrational energies are greater than rotational energies. This energy d i f f e r e n c e r e s u l t s i n t h e band spectrum.
Molecular Bonds
Ionic bonds: ■ The s imp le s t bonding mechanisms. ■ Ex: Sodium (1s22s22p63s1) r e a d i l y g ives up i t s 3s e l e c t r o n t o
become Na+, while c h l o r i n e (1s22s22p63s23p5) r e a d i l y g ain s an e l e c t r o n t o become Cl−. That forms t h e NaCl molecule.

The Debate Over Genetic Engineering Playing God

The Debate Over Genetic Engineering Playing God

The Debate Over Genetic EngineeringPlaying God?Genetic engineering is a controversial topic that has sparked intense debate around the world. At the heart of this debate is the question of whether genetic engineering represents an act of playing God. On one hand, proponents argue that genetic engineering holds the potential to eradicate genetic diseases, increasefood production, and even enhance human capabilities. On the other hand, opponents raise ethical and moral concerns about the manipulation of life at its most fundamental level. In this essay, we will explore the various perspectives on the debate over genetic engineering and the implications it holds for humanity. Froma religious standpoint, many argue that genetic engineering crosses a moral boundary by allowing humans to alter the natural order of life. The belief thatonly a higher power should have control over the creation and design of life forms underpins this perspective. Those who hold this view often point to the biblical concept of humans being made in the image of God and the sanctity of life as reasons to oppose genetic engineering. They fear that by assuming the role of creators, humans are overstepping their bounds and jeopardizing the natural orderof life. On the other hand, proponents of genetic engineering argue that it is simply a tool that can be used for the betterment of humanity. They emphasize the potential to eliminate genetic diseases, enhance agricultural productivity, andeven improve human capabilities. From this perspective, genetic engineering isseen as a means to alleviate human suffering and improve the overall quality of life. Proponents often highlight the potential to eradicate hereditary diseasesand alleviate human suffering as compelling reasons to support genetic engineering. Ethical concerns also loom large in the debate over genetic engineering. The potential for misuse and unintended consequences raises red flags for many critics. The fear of creating genetically modified organisms that could have unforeseen negative impacts on ecosystems and human health is a major concern. Additionally, the prospect of designer babies and the ability to select for specific traitsraises questions about the potential for discrimination and inequality. Critics argue that genetic engineering could exacerbate existing social divides and createa new form of genetic elitism. Conversely, supporters of genetic engineering contend that ethical concerns can be addressed through responsible research and regulation. They argue that the potential benefits of genetic engineering far outweigh the risks, and that with proper oversight, the technology can be used to address pressing global challenges. Proponents often point to the potential to enhance agricultural productivity, develop new medical treatments, and even mitigate the effects of climate change as reasons to pursue genetic engineering. The debate over genetic engineering also intersects with broader questions about the nature of humanity and the limits of scientific progress. Critics argue that genetic engineering represents a dangerous step towards a future where humans are reduced to mere commodities, subject to manipulation and control. The fear of losing sight of what it means to be human in the face of advancing technology underpins this perspective. Critics caution against the pursuit of genetic engineering without a deep consideration of its long-term implications for humanity. In contrast, supporters of genetic engineering view it as a natural extension of human innovation and progress. They argue that the ability to manipulate the building blocks of life is a testament to human ingenuity and has the potential to usher in a new era of human flourishing. From this perspective, genetic engineering represents an opportunity to transcend the limitations of natural selection and take control of our own evolution. In conclusion, the debate over genetic engineering is complex and multifaceted, drawing on religious, ethical, and philosophical considerations. While opponents raise concerns about the moral implications of playing God and the potential for unintended consequences, proponents emphasize the potential for genetic engineering to alleviate human suffering and address pressing global challenges. As the technology continues to advance, it is crucial for society to engage in thoughtful and informed discussions about the ethical and moral implications of genetic engineering, and to carefully consider the long-term impact it may have on humanity.。

Passing on the Torch The Mentors Message

Passing on the Torch The Mentors Message

Passing on the Torch The Mentors Message As a mentor, passing on the torch and imparting wisdom to the next generation is a crucial responsibility. The message that I would like to convey to my mentees is the importance of perseverance, self-belief, and continuous learning. I want to instill in them the mindset of resilience and the willingness to embrace challenges as opportunities for growth. I also want to emphasize the significance of seeking guidance and learning from others, as well as the value of giving back and mentoring others in the future. First and foremost, I would stress the importance of perseverance in the face of challenges and setbacks. I would share with my mentees my own experiences of overcoming obstacles and how perseverance has been a key factor in my success. I would encourage them to adopt a similar mindset and to never give up, even when the going gets tough. I would remind them that failure is not the end, but rather a stepping stone towards success, and that the most successful people are often those who have faced and overcome thegreatest adversities. In addition to perseverance, I would emphasize the importance of self-belief. I would encourage my mentees to have confidence intheir abilities and to believe in themselves, even when others may doubt them. I would share with them the power of positive thinking and how self-belief can be a driving force in achieving their goals. I would remind them that success often starts from within, and that having a strong belief in oneself is crucial for overcoming obstacles and reaching one's full potential. Furthermore, I would stress the value of continuous learning and growth. I would encourage my menteesto always seek new knowledge and skills, and to never become complacent in their personal and professional development. I would share with them the importance of staying curious and open-minded, and how continuous learning can lead to new opportunities and advancements in their careers. I would also emphasize the value of seeking out mentors and learning from others who have walked the path before them, as well as the importance of being open to feedback and constructive criticism. Moreover, I would highlight the significance of giving back and mentoring others in the future. I would encourage my mentees to not only focus on their own success, but to also pay it forward and help others along their journey.I would share with them the fulfillment that comes from mentoring and supportingothers, and how it can create a positive ripple effect in the professional world.I would remind them that true success is not just about personal achievements, but also about the impact they can have on others and the legacy they can leave behind. In conclusion, as a mentor, it is my duty to pass on the torch and impart valuable lessons to the next generation. I want to instill in my mentees the mindset of perseverance, self-belief, and continuous learning, as well as the importance of giving back and mentoring others in the future. I would share with them my own experiences and insights, and encourage them to embrace these principles as they navigate their own paths towards success. I would remind them that the torch of wisdom and guidance is now in their hands, and it is their responsibility to carryit forward and light the way for others.。



When it comes to writing an essay in English, one must first consider the idea or the central theme they wish to explore. This idea should be clear and concise, allowing the reader to understand the purpose of the essay from the very beginning.To begin, brainstorming is an essential step. Jot down all the thoughts and ideas related to the chosen topic. This process helps in identifying the most significant points that will form the backbone of the essay. Once these points are identified, they can be organized into a coherent structure.The structure of an essay typically includes an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The introduction should present the idea and provide a brief overview of what the essay will cover. It should be engaging and capture the readers interest.Body paragraphs are where the main arguments or points are presented. Each paragraph should focus on a single idea and support it with evidence, examples, or logical reasoning. Its important to ensure that these paragraphs flow smoothly from one to the next, creating a cohesive narrative.The conclusion should summarize the main points and restate the idea in a new light. It should leave the reader with a clear understanding of the essays purpose and a sense of closure.In terms of language, using a variety of sentence structures and vocabulary enriches the essay. However, its crucial to maintain clarity and avoid overly complex sentences that may confuse the reader. Additionally, proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling are essential for a polished and professional essay.Lastly, proofreading is a critical step in the writing process. It helps in identifying and correcting any errors or inconsistencies in the essay. This step ensures that the final product is of high quality and effectively communicates the intended idea.In conclusion, writing an essay in English revolves around a clear and wellstructured presentation of an idea. Through careful planning, organization, and attention to language, one can create a compelling and persuasive piece of writing.。

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a rX iv:mat h /51264v1[mat h.AG ]29Dec25ON THE MOTIVE OF THE STACK OF BUNDLES KAI BEHREND AND AJNEET DHILLON Abstract.Let G be a split connected semisimple group over a field.We give a conjectural formula for the motive of the stack of G -bundles over a curve C ,in terms of special values of the motivic zeta function of C .The formula is true if C =P 1or G =SL n .If k =C ,upon applying the Poincar´e or Serre characteristic,the formula reduces to results of Teleman and Atiyah-Bott on the gauge group.If k =F q ,upon applying the counting measure,it reduces to the fact that the Tamagawa number of G over the function field of C is |π1(G )|.1.Introduction We work over a ground field k .For a variety Y we write µ(Y )for its class in the K -ring of varieties,K 0(Var k ).As any principal GL n -bundle (or GL n -torsor)P →X (X a va-riety)is locally trivial in the Zariski topology,we have the formula µ(P )=µ(X )µ(GL n ).We will use this fact to define µ(X )∈ K 0(Var k )whenever X is an algebraic stack stratified by global quotients.Here K 0(Var k )is the dimensional completion of K 0(Var k )[1µ(GL n ),and generalize from there.Note that every Deligne-Mumford stack of finite type is stratified by global quotients.We will also introduce a variation on K 0(Var k ),namely the modifiedring K G 0(Var k )obtained by imposing the extra relations (the ‘torsorrelations’)µ(P )=µ(X )µ(G ),whenever P →X is a G -torsor and G is a fixed connected split linear algebraic group.One can show that all the usual characteristics factor through this ring.In the appendix,the second author will show that there is a ring homomorphismKG 0(Var k )→K 0(DM effgm (k,Q )),where DM effgm (k,Q )is the Q -linearization of Voevodsky’s triangulated category of effective geometrical motives and char(k )=0.12KAI BEHREND AND AJNEET DHILLONThroughout this paper C is a smooth projective geometrically con-nected curve over k.Wefix also a split semisimple connected algebraic group G over k.Let Bun G,C denote the moduli stack of G-torsors on C.The stack Bun G,C is stratified by global quotients,and even though it is not offinite type,its motive still converges in K0(Var k),because the dimensions of the boundary strata(where the bundle becomes moreand more unstable)tend to−∞.The purpose of this paper is to propose a conjectural formula for the motive of Bun G,C in K G0(Var k).Our formula expressesµ(Bun G,C)in terms of special values of the motivic zeta function of C.For simply connected G,the formula reads:µ(Bun G,C)=L(g−1)dim Gri=1Z(C,L−d i),where the d i are the numbers one higher than the exponents of G.If k is afinitefield,we can apply the counting measure to this for-mula.We obtain a statement equivalent to the celebrated conjecture of Weil,to the effect that the Tamagawa number of G(as a group over the functionfield of C)is equal to1.Of course,Weil’s conjecture is much more general,as it applies to arbitrary semisimple simply connected groups over any globalfield.The proof of the Tamagawa number conjecture in the case of a split group induced from the groundfield was completed by Harder[Har74] by studying residues of Eisenstein series and using an idea of Langlands. Motivic Eisenstein series have been defined in[Kap00]so it is natural to ask if there is a proof of our conjecture along similar lines.We consider our conjecture to be a motivic version of Weil’s Tama-gawa number conjecture.Thus we are lead to considerτ(G)=L(1−g)dim Gµ(Bun G,C)ri=1Z(C,L−d i)−1∈ K G0(Var k)as the motivic Tamagawa number of G.We hope tofind an interpre-tation ofτ(G)as a measure in a global motivic integration theory,to be developed in the future.We provide four pieces of evidence for our conjecture:In Section4,we prove that if k=C and we apply the Poincar´e characteristic to our conjecture,the simply connected case is true.It follows from results on the Poincar´e series of the gauge group of G and the purity of the Hodge structure of Bun G,C due to Teleman[Tel98]. In Section5,we verify that if k=F q,and we apply the counting measure to our conjecture it reduces to theorems of Harder and OnoON THE MOTIVE OF THE STACK OF BUNDLES3 that assert that the Tamagawa number of G is the cardinality of the fundamental group of G.In Section6,we prove our conjecture for G=SL n using the con-struction of matrix divisors in[BGL94].Finally,in Section7,we prove our conjecture for C=P1,using the explicit classification of G-torsors due to Grothendieck and Harder.2.The Motive of an Algebraic Stack2.1.Dimensional completion of the K-ring of varieties.Let k be afield.The underlying abelian group of the ring K0(Var k)is generated by the symbolsµ(X),where X is the isomorphism class of a variety over k,subject to all relationsµ(X)=µ(X\Z)+µ(Z)if Z is closed in X.We callµ(X)the motive of X.Cartesian product of varieties induces a ring structure on K0(Var k). Thus K0(Var k)becomes a commutative ring with unit.Let L denote the class of the affine line in K0(Var k).The ring K0(Var k)is obtained by taking the dimensional comple-tion of K0(Var k).Explicitly,define F m(K0(Var k)L)to be the abelian subgroup ofK0(Var k)L=K0(Var k)[1L nwhere dim X−n≤−m.This is a ringfiltration and K0(Var k)is obtained by completing K0(Var k)L with respect to thisfiltration. Note that L n−1is invertible in K0(Var k)as1L n (1L n)=L−n(1+L−n+...).Using the Bruhat decomposition onefinds thatµ(GL n)=(L n−1)(L n−L)...(L n−L n−1)and hence that the motive of GL n is invertible in K0(Var k).This will be important below.For other groups we are interested in we have:4KAI BEHREND AND AJNEET DHILLONProposition2.1.Let G be a connected split semisimple group over k.Thenµ(G)=L dim Gri=1(1−L−d i)in K0(Var k).Here r is the rank of G and the d i are the numbers one higher than the exponents of G.Proof.We choose a Borel subgroup B of G with maximal torus T and unipotent radical U.Since T-bundles and U-bundles over varieties are Zariski-locally trivial,we haveµ(G)=µ(G/P)µ(T)µ(U).The torus T is a product of multiplicative groups,soµ(T)=(L−1)r.The unipotent group U is an iterated extension of additive groups,soµ(U)=L u, where u=1ON THE MOTIVE OF THE STACK OF BUNDLES5 Every stack with linear stabilizers which is essentially offinite type admits countable stratifications X= Z i,wherelimi→∞dim Z i=−∞and every Z i is a global quotient of a k-variety X i by a suitable GL ni .We call such stratifications standard.LetX=∞i=0[X i/GL ni]be a standard stratification of the essentially offinite type stack X.Defineµ(X)=∞i=0µ(X i)µ(GL n)=Ni=1µ(X i)X iµ(GL n)=Ni=1µ(Z i)µ(GL ni)as required.6KAI BEHREND AND AJNEET DHILLONAccording[Kre99,Proposition3.5.5]the class of algebraic stacks X for whichµ(X)makes sense includes all Deligne-Mumford stacks of finite type.2.3.The torsor relations.An essential ingredient in the definition of the motive of a stack with linear stabilizers was the fact that every GL n-principal bundle over a variety is Zariski locally trivial.This implies that if P→X is a principal GL n-bundle,then(1)µ(P)=µ(X)µ(GL n),even if X is a stack(where GL n-bundles are not necessarily Zariski locally trivial any longer).In Section7,we will need(1)to hold for more general groups than GL n.This is why we make the following definition.Definition2.4.Fix an algebraic group G.We define K G0(Var k)to be the quotient of the ring K0(Var k)by the ideal generated by all elementsµ(P)−µ(X)µ(G)where X is a k-variety,and P→X is a G-torsor.Lemma2.5.Let X be an essentially offinite type stack with linear stabilizers and P→X a G-torsor.Then P is also essentially offinite type with linear stabilizers and we haveµ(P)=µ(X)µ(G)in K G0(Var k).Example2.6.Let G be a connected split semisimple group over k.Thenwe haveµ(BG)=L−dim Gri=1(1−L−d i)−1in K G0(Var k).Indeed,the torsor relation for G(or Lemma2.5)implies that we haveµ(BG)=µ(G)−1.Now apply Proposition2.1.Remark 2.7.Introducing the torsor relationµ(P)=µ(X)µ(G)for disconnected G kills K0(Var k).For example,consider theµ2-torsor G m→G m.If char k=2,µ2∼=Z/2and the torsor relation would imply L−1=2(L−1)and hence1=2,as L−1is invertible. Remark2.8.For connected G,the ring K G0(Var k)is non-trivial.For example,theℓ-adic Hodge-Poincar´e characteristic(called the Serre characteristic by some authors),factors through K G0(Var k).This fol-lows from the fact that a connected group cannot act non-trivially onON THE MOTIVE OF THE STACK OF BUNDLES7 its ownℓ-adic cohomology.By the same token,the singular Hodge-Poincar´e characteristic(in case k=C)and the counting measure(in case k=F q)also factor through K G0(Var k).Remark2.9.The second named author of this paper proves in the ap-pendix that the torsor relation(for split and connected linear algebraic groups)holds in Voevodsky’s category of effective geometrical motives. Remark2.10.Recall that an algebraic group G over k is called special, if all its torsors over k-varieties are Zariski-locally trivial.For special groups G,we have K G0(Var k)= K0(Var k).Special groups include SL n and the symplectic groups Sp2n.One may ask to what extent K G0(Var k)differs from K0(Var k),for various groups G.3.The Main ConjectureLet G be a split connected semisimple algebraic group over k.We denote by d1,d2,...,d r,where r is the rank of G,the numbers one higher than the exponents G.It will be important below that d i≥2. Let W be the Weyl group of G and X(T)the character group of a maximal torus T of G.Then W acts on the symmetric algebra of X(T).The d i are characterized by the fact that the ring of invariants has generators in degrees d i,see[Che55].Let C be a smooth projective geometrically connected algebraic curve over k,of genus g.Denote by C(n)the n th symmetric power of C.Recall that the motivic zeta function of C is the power seriesZ(C,u)=∞n=0µ(C(n))u n∈ K0(Var k)[[u]].It is known that this function is in fact rational in u,see[Kap00]and [LL,§3].The denominator is(1−u)(1−L u)and hence evaluating the zeta function at u=L−n makes sense when n≥2.We denote by Bun G,C the moduli stack of G-torsors over C.The motive of Bun G,C is defined by the following lemma.Lemma3.1.The stack BunG,C is essentially offinite type with linearstabilizers.Proof.See[Beh]or[BD05]for full details.For foundational results on the canonical parabolic the reader is referred to[Beh95].The automor-phism group scheme of a G-bundle E is equal to the scheme of global8KAI BEHREND AND AJNEET DHILLONsectionsΓ(C,Aut G),where Aut(G)is the group scheme over X of au-tomorphisms of E.Since Aut(G)an affine over C and C is projective,Γ(C,Aut G)is affine,hence linear.Thus Bun G,C has linear stabilizers. Choose a Borel subgroup B of G and call parabolic subgroups of G containing B standard.Then every G-torsor E over C has a canoni-cal reduction of structure group F to a uniquely determined standard parabolic P⊂G.Thus E=F×P G.The degree of(the Lie algebra of)the group scheme Aut(F)=F P=F×P,ad P is called the degree of instability of E.It is a non-negative integer(and0if and only if E is semi-stable).Note that we allow G itself to be a parabolic subgroup in this context.For every m≥0,the substack Bun≤m⊂Bun G,C of torsors of degree of instability less than or equal to m is open in Bun G,C and offinite type.The substack Bun m of torsors of degree of instability equal to m is locally closed in Bun G,C and of dimension dim P(g−1)−m,which is certainly less than or equal to dim G(g−1)−m,so tends to−∞,as m goes to∞. We now come to our main conjecture.Conjecture3.2.If G is simply connected,we haveµ(Bun G,C)=L(g−1)dim Gri=1Z(C,L−d i)in K G0(Var k).Remark3.3.The conjecture makes sense inside the ring K0(Var k),but we dare not conjecture its truth in the absence of the torsor relations for G.The proof in the case of C=P1uses the torsor relations in an essential way,as we use the formulaµ(BP)µ(G)=µ(G/P),for all parabolic subgroups P of G.But note that this requires the torsor relations only for the group G and no others.Note also,how the formula in Example2.6can be thought of as an analogue of our conjecture for C replaced by Spec k.Example2.6also relies on the torsor relation for G.We can generalize the conjecture to arbitrary split connected semisimple G:Conjecture3.4.We haveµ(Bun G,C)=|π1(G)|L(g−1)dim Gri=1Z(C,L−d i)in K G0(Var k).ON THE MOTIVE OF THE STACK OF BUNDLES9 Heuristically,the general case follows from the simply connected case because we expect Bun G,C to have|π1(G)|connected components,all with motive equal to the motive of Bun G,C,where G is the universal covering group of G.The rest of this paper is devoted to providing evidence for our con-jecture.4.Evidence from Gauge Field TheoryIn this section,k=C.Denote byχc: K0(Var C)→Z((t−1))the Poincar´e characteristic.We will check that Conjecture3.2holds after applyingχc to both sides.For a smooth C-variety X of dimension n,we haveχc(µ(X))= i,j(−1)j dim W i H j c(X,C)t i=t2n i,j(−1)j dim W i H j(X,C)t−i=t2n P w(X,t−1),by Poincar´e duality,where P w(X,t)is the Poincar´e polynomial of X using weights.The cohomology of afinite type C-stack is endowed with a mixed Hodge structure.It is constructed via simplicial resolutions of the stack.Because every C-stack X,which is essentially offinite type with linear stabilizers,can be exhausted byfinite type open substacks, the cohomology H n(X,C)of X also carries a mixed Hodge structure (for every n,the space H n(X,C)is equal to the n-th cohomology of a sufficiently largefinite type open substack of X).Thus,X has a Poincar´e seriesP w(X,t)= i,j(−1)j dim W i H j(X,C)t i.Lemma4.1.For every essentially offinite type C-stack with linear stabilizers X which is smooth,we haveχc(µ(X))=t2dim X P w(X,t−1).Proof.If X=[X/GL n]is a global quotient,the formula holds by the Leray spectral sequence for the projection X→X.Suppose X is smooth offinite type and Z a smooth closed substack. Then P w(X,t)=P w(X−Z,t)+t2codim(Z,X)P w(Z,t).This follows easily10KAI BEHREND AND AJNEET DHILLONfrom the scheme case by using a simplicial resolution X•of X and the fact that P w(X,t)= j(−1)j P w(X j,t)t j.Putting these two remarks together,we get the lemma in thefinite type case.For the general case,we choose a stratification X= ∞i=0Z i, such that every X n= n i=0Z i is afinite type open substack of X and lim i→∞dim Z i=−∞.Then we haveχc(µ(X))=χc(limn→∞µ(X n))=limn→∞χc(µ(X n))=t2dim X limn→∞P w(X n,t−1)=t2dim X P w(X,t−1),where the last equality follows from the fact that forfixed p,the coho-mology group H p(X n,Q)stabilizes,as n→∞. From[Mac62]we have thatχc(Z(C,u))=(1+ut)2g(1−t2d i)(1−t2(d i−1)).upon applyingχc to both sides.The Hodge structure on the cohomology of Bun G,C has been com-puted by Teleman[Tel98].In fact,Teleman shows(Proposition(4.4)of [ibid.])that the Hodge structure on H∗(Bun G,C)is pure,i.e.,that the Poincar´e series P w using weights is equal to the Poincar´e series P using Betti numbers.Thus we are reduced to computing Betti numbers of Bun G,C.Atiyah and Bott[AB82]show thatH∗(Bun G,C)∼=H∗(G)⊗2g⊗H∗(BG)⊗H∗(ΩG).It is well known,see for example[Bor53],that we have the following formulas for Poincar´e series:P(G,t)=ri=1(1+t2d i−1)P(BG,t)=r i=11ON THE MOTIVE OF THE STACK OF BUNDLES11 For the loop groupΩG we have,see[Bot56]or[GR75],P(ΩG,t)=ri=11(1−u d i v d i)(1−u d i−1v d i−1)This is exactly what Teleman proves in Proposition(4.4)of[Tel98].5.Evidence from Automorphic FormsIn this section k=F q.The counting measure#:K0(Var Fq )→Zextends to a ring morphism#:K0(Var Fq)[L−1]−→Q,but this extension is not continuous,so there is no natural extension of#to K0(Var F q)with values in R.Still,we can make sense of#on a certain subring of convergent motives.Choose a an embeddingX,Qℓ)t i,for varieties X over F q.Here H j c(X of X to the algebraic closure of F q.The(geometric)Frobenius acting onℓ-adic cohomology is denoted by F q.12KAI BEHREND AND AJNEET DHILLONDefinition5.1.We call an element x∈ K0(Var F q)with compactly supported Frobenius characteristic F c(x,t)= n a n t−n convergent if the series n a n converges absolutely in C.If this is the case,we call the sum n a n the counting measure of x,notation#(x). The convergent elements form a subring K0(Var F q)conv of K0(Var F q), and we have a well-defined counting measure#: K0(Var F q)conv−→C,which is a ring morphism.Note that#is not continuous.For example, the sequence q n/L n converges to zero in K0(Var F q),but its counting measure converges to1.Lemma5.2.Everyfinite type F q-stack with linear stabilizers X has convergent motiveµ(X).Moreover,#(µX)is equal to#X(F q),the number of rational points of X over F q,counted in the stacky sense, i.e.,we count isomorphism classes of the category X(F q),weighted by the reciprocal of the number of automorphisms.Proof.This lemma reduces to the Lefschetz trace formula for F q on the compactly supported cohomology of an F q-variety.The reduction uses the simple fact that#[X/GL n](F q)=#X(F q)/#GL n(F q). Because of the non-continuity of the counting measure,this lemma does not generalize to all essentiallyfinite type stacks over F q.But we do have a result for certain smooth stacks:Lemma5.3.Let X be a smooth stack with linear stabilizers over F q. Suppose that X has a stratification X=∪∞i=0Z i by smooth substacks Z i,such that for every n the stack X n=∪n i=0Z i is an open substack of finite type and∞q−codim(Z n,X) i,j dim W i H j(n=0ON THE MOTIVE OF THE STACK OF BUNDLES 13There is a spectral sequence of finite dimensional Q ℓ-vector spacesE pq 1=H p +q −2c p (X ,Q ℓ).Even though this is not a first quadrant spectral sequence,we do have that for every n there are only finitely many (p,q )with p +q =n and E pq 1=0,so this spectral sequence does converge.Our assumption on X implies that the arithmetic Frobenius Φq acting on E 1has absolutely convergent trace.Thus we get the same result for this trace,no matter in which order we perform the summation.Thus,using the trace formula for the arithmetic Frobenius on finite type smooth stacks with linear stabilizers (see [Beh93])we have#X (F q )=∞ p =0#Z p (F q )=∞p =0q dim Z p tr Φq |H ∗(Z p ,Q ℓ(−c p ))=q dim X tr Φq |H ∗(Y ,Q ℓ)t i .This is essentially Poincar´e duality for smooth varieties.Thus we haveF c (µX ,t )=lim n →∞F c (µX n ,t )=(qt 2)dim Xlim n →∞Φ(X n ,t −1)=(qt 2)dim X Φ(X ,t −1).So to prove that µX is convergent,we need to prove that i j(−1)j tr Φq |W i H j (14KAI BEHREND AND AJNEET DHILLONBut our spectral sequence implies thatdim W i H j(X,Qℓ).This we have seen above to be equal to#X(F q). We say that a morphism of stacks Z→˜Z is a universal homeomor-phism if it is representable,finite,surjective and radical.Lemma5.4.Lemma5.3is still valid if we only assume the morphisms Z i→X to be universal homeomorphisms onto their image.Proof.Let Z→X be a morphism offinite type smooth schemes which factors as Z→ Z→X,whereπ:Z→ Z is a universal homeomor-phism and i: Z→X a closed immersion with complement U.We have a long exact sequence...→H∗( Z,i!Qℓ)→H∗(X,Qℓ)→H∗(U,Qℓ)→...Let c=dim X−dim Z.We haveH∗−2c(Z,Qℓ(−c))=H∗(Z,π!i!Qℓ)because Z and X are smooth.Now pulling back viaπinduces an isomorphism of´e tale sites(see[Gro61,Expose IX,4.10]).Asπ∗is the right adjoint ofπ∗,it is the inverse ofπ∗and hence also a left adjoint ofπ∗.Sinceπis proper,we conclude thatπ!=π∗.Thus,we have H∗(Z,π!i!Qℓ)=H∗(Z,π∗i!Qℓ)=H∗( Z,i!Qℓ),Thus we have a natural long exact sequence...→H∗−2c(Z,Qℓ(−c))→H∗(X,Qℓ)→H∗(U,Qℓ)→...This result extends to stacks andfiltrations of schemes and stacks con-sisting of more than two pieces.Lemma 5.5.The motive of BunG,C is convergent.Moreover,#µ(Bun G,C)=#Bun G,C(F q).Proof.The hypotheses of Lemma5.3,or rather its generalization5.4,are satisfied by the stack Bun G,C.We may consider the strata Bun P,mG,C ,which contain the bundles E which canonically reduce to the standard parabolic P of G and whose degree of instability is equal to m,see [Beh95].These strata are not known to be smooth,but the canonicalmorphism Bun ss,mP,C →Bun P,mG,Cis a universal homeomorphism.HereON THE MOTIVE OF THE STACK OF BUNDLES15Bun ss,mP,C is the open substack of Bun P,C consisting of semi-stable bun-dles of positive(multi-)degree,giving rise to degree of instability m when extending the group to G.If H is the quotient of P by its unipotent radical,the induced mor-phism Bun ss,mP,C →Bun ss,mH,Cinduces an isomorphism onℓ-adic cohomol-ogy,because it is an iterated torsor for vector bundle stacks. This leaves us with proving the convergence ofP∞m=1q−m+(1−g)dim R u P i,j dim W i H j(vol K,where vol denotes any Haar measure on the locally compact group G(A K).This is a simple measure theoretic argument usingσ-additivity. There is a standard normalization of the Haar measure on G(A K) known as the Tamagawa measure.With respect to this measure the numerator of(5)is known as the Tamagawa number of G,notation16KAI BEHREND AND AJNEET DHILLONτ(G).We conclude that#Bun G,C(F q)=τ(G)vol(K)−1.The volume of the maximal compact K with respect to the Tamagawa measure is easily calculated.We getvol(K)=q(1−g)dim Gri=1ζK(d i)−1,see[BD05],and thus#Bun G,C(F q)=τ(G)q(g−1)dim Gri=1ζK(d i).Comparing this with our conjecture(4)we see that the conjecture becomes equivalent to(6)τ(G)=|π1(G)|.In the simply connected case,the factτ(G)=1was proved by Harder [Har74].The results of[Ono65]remain true in the functionfield case (see[BD05])and from these it follows that the Tamagawa number ofa general connected split semisimple group G is equal to|π1(G)|.6.The Case of Sl nIn the section we prove our conjecture in the case where the group is G=SL n.Recall that the exponents of SL n are2,3,...,n.Thus our conjecture states thatµ(Bun SLn,C )=L(n2−1)(g−1)ni=2Z(C,L−i).To calculate the motive of Bun SLn ,note that the inclusion SL n֒→GL n defines a morphism of stacks Bun SLn,C →Bun GLn,C,whose imageis a smooth closed substack Bun det of Bun GLn .Moreover,Bun SLnis aG m-bundle over Bun det.Thus we haveµ(Bun SLn)=(L−1)µ(Bun det).We can interpret Bun det is the stack of vector bundles over C with trivial determinant.We will use the construction of matrix divisors in[BGL94].Let D be an effective divisor on C.We denote by Div(D)the Quot scheme parameterizing subsheavesE֒→O C(D)n,ON THE MOTIVE OF THE STACK OF BUNDLES 17where E is a locally free sheaf of rank n and degree 0on C .The scheme Div(D )is smooth and proper of dimension n 2deg D .Let Div det (D )⊂Div(D )by the closed subscheme defined by requir-ing the determinant of E to be trivial.This is a smooth subscheme of codimension g .(See [Dhied]for the proof of this.)Now let us fix,for the moment,an integer m ≥0and consider the finite type open substack Bun ≤m det ,of bundles whose degree of instabilityis at most m .Let D be an effective divisor of sufficiently high degree,such that H 1(E,O (D )n )=0,for all bundles E in Bun ≤m det .Then the vector spaces Hom(E,O (D )n ),for E ∈Bun ≤m det ,are the fibres of a vector bundle W ≤m (D )over Bun ≤m det .The rank of this vector bundle is n 2(deg D +1−g ).Let W ≤m 0(D )⊂W ≤m (D )be the open locus of injective maps E →O (D )n .Note thatW ≤m 0(D )=Div ≤m det (D )is the open subvariety of Div det (D )parameterizing subsheaves E ⊂O (D )n of degree of instability at most m .W ≤m (D )vector bundle LL L L L L L L L L W ≤m 0(D )Div ≤m det (D )Bun detLemma 6.1.Let E and F be vector bundles of equal rank on C .Let D be an effective divisor on C such that H 1(E,F (D ))vanishes.Then the locus of the non-injective maps inside Hom(E,F )has codimension at least deg D .Proof.This is proved in Lemma 8.2of [BGL94]. This lemma implies thatlim deg D →∞µ(W ≤m 0)L n 2(deg D +1−g )18KAI BEHREND AND AJNEET DHILLONinside K0(Var k).Thus we haveµ(Bun det)=limm→∞µ(Bun≤mdet)=limm→∞limdeg D→∞µ(W≤m(D))L n2(deg D+1−g)=limdeg D→∞limm→∞µ(Div≤mdet(D)) L n2(deg D+1−g).Therefore,the conjecture translates intolim deg D→∞µ(Div det(D))L−1ni=2Z(C,L−i)or,in other words,(7)limdeg D→∞µ(Div det(D))L−1m=(m2,...,m n)µ(C(m))L−n i=2im i.Here the sum ranges over all(n−1)-tuples of non-negative integers and we use the abbreviation C(m)=C(m2)×...×C(m n).It remains to calculate the motive of Div det(D).This we will do by using the stratification induced by a suitable G m-action via the results of Bia l ynick-Birula[BB73].Note that we can neglect strata whose codimension goes to infinity,as deg D goes to infinity.Consider the action of the torus G n m on Div(D)induced by the canon-ical action on the vector bundle O C(D)n.It restricts to an action ofG nm on Div det(D).Thefixed points of G n m on Div(D)correspond to inclusions of the form ni=1O C(D−E i)֒→O C(D)n,where E1,...,E n are effective divisors with deg E i=n deg D(see [BGL94]).Thus,the components of thefixed locus in Div(D)are indexed by ordered partitions m′=(m1,...,m n)of n deg D and the component indexed by m′is isomorphic toC(m′)=C(m1)×...×C(m n).ON THE MOTIVE OF THE STACK OF BUNDLES19 The intersection of thefixed component C(m′)with the subvariety Div det(D)is given by the condition that E i be linearly equivalent to nD.Thus,if m1>2g−2,this intersection is a projective space bundle withfibre P m1−g over C(m),where m=(m2,...,m n).So the motive of thefixed component of Div det(D)indexed by m′is given byL m1−g+1−120KAI BEHREND AND AJNEET DHILLON(This is proved in[Dhied].)It follows that the rank of thefibration−→C(m′)∩Div det(D)Y+m′is equal to n i=1(n−i)m i as well.Now we see that the biggest stratum corresponds to an index m′where m1attains the maximal value n deg D.The dimension of all strata coming from X m′or Y m′with m1≤2g−2is therefore bounded from above bydim C(m′)+(n−1)(2g−2)+(n−2)(n deg D−(2g−2))=n(n−1)deg D+2g−2. Hence their codimension inside Div det(D)is bounded from below by n2deg D−g−n(n−1)deg D−(2g−2)=n deg D−3g+2 which,indeed,goes to infinity with deg D.We conclude that,up to terms we are going to neglect,we haveL m1−g+1−1µ(Div det(D))≈m′L n2(deg D+1−g)n i=2m i−L−n deg D+g−1≈ m L−ON THE MOTIVE OF THE STACK OF BUNDLES21λ1≤λ2if and only ifλ2−λ1is a positive integral linear combination of elements of∆∨.For a dominant cocharacterλ∈X∗(T)dom,denote byEλ=O(1)×Gm,λGthe G-bundle associated to the G m-bundle O(1)via the homomorphism λ:G m→G.(Think of the line bundle O(1)as a G m-bundle.)Proposition7.1.Every G-bundle over P1K ,for afield K/k,becomesisomorphic to Eλ,for a uniqueλ∈X∗(T)dom,after lifting it to the algebraic closure of K.Proof.This result is obtained by combining the Grothendieck-Harder classification of Zariski-locally trivial G-torsors by X∗(T)dom with the theorem of Steinberg,to the effect that on P1over an algebraically closedfield,all G-torsors are Zariski-locally trivial.See also Theo-rem4.2and Proposition4.3of[Ram83]. By Proposition7.1,the bundles Eλ,forλ∈X∗(T)dom,give a com-plete set of representatives for the points of the stack Bun G,P1.Hence every point of Bun G,P1is k-rational and its residual gerbe is trivial, equal to B Aut Eλ.Recall that for X,a locally offinite type algebraic stack over k with set of points|X|,there is a topology on|X|,the Zariski topology,such that open substacks of X are in bijection to open subsets of|X|.Let us identify|Bun G,P1|with X∗(T)dom.Proposition7.2(Ramanathan).Letλ∈X∗(T)dom.Then the set of allµ∈X∗(T)dom withµ≤λis open in the Zariski topology on |Bun G,P1|.Proof.This is the content of Theorem7.4in[Ram83]. It follows from this that the substack of Bun G,P1of torsors isomorphic to Eλis locally closed.Moreover,this substack is necessarily equal to the substack B Aut Eλ,because a monomorphism of reduced algebraic stacks which is surjective on points is an isomorphism.Thus we have thatBun G,P1=λ∈X∗(T)domB Aut Eλis a stratification of Bun G,P1.To calculate the motive of B Aut Eλ,fix the dominant cocharacter λ.Denote by P the parabolic subgroup of G defined byλand by U its unipotent radical.The group P is generated by T and all root groups Uα,α∈Φ,such that(λ,α)≥0.The group U is generated by the Uα。
