Identification of Mycobacteria by Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption

1.北美自贸协定的实施对北美自贸区区内及中国矿产资源供应的影响分析 [J], 王娟;柳群义;樊礼军;姜孟源;岳俊鹏
2.五倍子及五倍子倍花中油脂的提取工艺研究 [J], 龚力民;张楚晗;汪兰;卓海燕;王文茂;汤先赤;汤赫;李顺祥
3.开眼界,拓思路,北美涂料商务考察开启——中国涂料北美商务考察团及中国涂料工业协会G20游学团商务考察纪实 [J], 赵中国;丁艳梅
4.不同种源北美乔柏和北美香柏幼苗叶挥发性成分的比较 [J], 倪妍妍;肖文发;刘建锋;张玉婷;胡军
5.梅贻琦与中国科学社北美分社的重组(1930-1931)——兼论中国科学社北美分社的兴衰 [J], 郭洋

真菌毒素限量标准及其在中药中的研究进展李峻媛1, 2,万丽1,杨美华2*1. 成都中医药大学,四川成都 6111372. 中国医学科学院中国协和医科大学药用植物研究所,北京 100193摘 要:对人类健康影响较大的黄曲霉毒素、赭曲霉毒素A、脱氧雪腐镰刀菌烯醇等7种真菌毒素及其药理毒性进行介绍,并综述了近年来一些主要国际组织和我国等地区现行的真菌毒素限量标准情况。
关键词:中药;真菌毒素;限量标准;黄曲霉毒素;脱氧雪腐镰刀菌烯醇中图分类号:R282 文献标志码:A 文章编号:0253 - 2670(2011)03 - 0602 - 08Limit standard of mycotoxins and advances in studies on its application in Chinese materia medicaLI Jun-yuan1, 2,WAN Li1,YANG Mei-hua21. Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chengdu 611137, China2. Institute of Medicinal Plant Development, Chinese Academy of Medical Science, Peking Union Medical College, Beijing,100193, ChinaKey words: Chinese materia medica; mycotoxins; limit standard; aflatoxins; deoxynivalenol真菌毒素(mycotoxin)是由真菌产生的具有毒性的二级代谢产物,主要包括黄曲霉毒素、脱氧雪腐镰刀菌烯醇、展青霉素、赭曲霉毒素A、玉米赤霉烯酮等,可广泛污染农作物、植物及其副产品等。

[Top] [Laws & Regulations] [FDA Organization] [SFDA][Top] [Laws & Regulations] [FDA Organization] [SFDA]FDA Organization Charts[Top] [Laws & Regulations] [FDA Organization] [SFDA]SFDA State Food and Drug Administration国家食品药品监督管理局[Top] [Laws & Regulations] [FDA Organization] [SFDA]1 of the Bureau of Customs and Border Protection (CBP)2 a biologic response modifier, is a single-chain polypeptide containing 140 amino acids3 An unwanted effect caused by the administration of drugs. Onset may be sudden or develop over time4 Organizations and groups that actively support participants and their families with valuable resources, including self-empowerment and survival tools.5 A negative experience encountered by an individual during the course of a clinical trial that is associated with the drug.6The basic premise of AIP is: If FDA determines that a company’s applications are not reliable, the agency will not perform substantive review of any of the company’s applications until confidence in the data is restored.7 An alanine aminotransferase (ALT) test measures the amount of this enzyme in the blood. ALT is measured to see if the liver is damaged or diseased.8 to check for liver disease or damage to the liver. Symptoms of liver disease can include jaundice, belly pain, nausea, and vomiting. An ALP test may also be used to check the liver when medicines that can damage the liver are taken or to check bone problems (sometimes found on X-rays), such as rickets, osteomalacia, bone tumors, Paget's disease, or too much of the hormone that controls bone growth (parathyroid hormone).9 An allograft is a transplanted organ or tissue from a genetically non-identical member of the same species10 is a general linear model with a continuous outcome variable (quantitative) and two or more predictor variables where at least one is continuous (quantitative) and at least one is categorical (qualitative). ANCOVA is a merger of ANOVA and regression for continuous variables. ANCOVA tests whether certain factors have an effect on the outcome variable after removing the variance for which quantitative predictors (covariates) account. The inclusion of covariates can increase statistical power because it accounts for some of the variability11 Any of the treatment groups in a randomized trial.12 Low levels of AST are normally found in the blood. When body tissue or an organ such as the heart or liver is diseased or damaged, additional AST is released into the bloodstream. The amount of AST in the blood is directly related to the extent of the tissue damage.13 A renewable permit granted by the federal government to an institution or research center to conduct clinical trials.14 in an "as treated" (or "observed data") analysis only those patients still taking the assigned treatment are analyzed; those who drop out are "censored."15指由不直接涉及试验的人员所进行的一种系统性检查,以评价试验的实施、数据的记录和分析是否与试验方案、标准操作规程以及药物临床试验相关法规要求相符16一种批准用于治疗2型糖尿病的药物17 Benzodiazepines have also been used as a "date rape" drug because they can markedly impair and even abolish functions that normally allow a person to resist or even want to resist sexual aggression or assault18本类药物也称弱安定药,包括氯氮卓(利眠宁,chlordiazepoxide,商品名Librium)、地西泮(安定,diazepam,商品名valium)、硝西泮(硝基安定,nitrazepam)、氟西泮(氟安定,flurazepam)及奥沙西泮(去甲羟基安定,舒宁,oxazepam)。

某三甲医院成功控制耐药肠杆菌感染,通过改进监测、加强隔离和手卫生等措施 ,有效降低感染率。
某社区医院采取简单有效的防控措施,如提高手卫生依从性和加强消毒等,成功 遏制耐药肠杆菌传播。
某妇幼保健院通过培训、宣传和教育等手段提高医护人员防 控意识,有效控制耐药肠杆菌感染传播。
加强耐药菌监测 和抗菌药物管理
未来需要加强耐药菌监测, 及时发现和掌握耐药菌流行 趋势,同时加强抗菌药物管 理,减少不必要的抗菌药物 使用。
推广新的防控技 术
针对耐药菌防控,需要推广 新的防控技术,如采用抗菌 肽、噬菌体等新型抗菌制剂 ,同时加强基因编辑技术的 研究和应用。
有利于提高医疗机构对CRE感染的防控意识和 能力,减少CRE的传播和感染
有利于保障医疗质量和安全,提高患者诊疗效 果
有利于控制抗生素耐药性的传播,维护公共卫 生安全
本标准适用于各级各类医疗机构、疾病预防控制机构、检验 检疫机构和有关研究机构对碳青霉烯类耐药肠杆菌的预防控 制和监测。
强调了早发现、早诊断和早治疗的重要性,以及多学 科协作和分级分类处理原则。
规范了实验室检测和流行病学调查的内容和方法,为 科学研究和实际工作提供了参考和依据。
突出了预防控制措施的针对性和实效性,包括目标性 监测、手卫生、环境清洁和消毒、隔离等。
提出了临床治疗建议,针对不同病情采取不同的治疗 方案,提高了治疗效果和水平。
耐药肠杆菌主要通过接触传播,如患者之间的交叉感染、医护人员的手部传播等 。

中国免疫学杂志2024 年第 40 卷真菌毒素对树突状细胞免疫应答的影响于欢 尚国富 欧沙 洪亮 曾柱 胡祖权 (贵州医科大学生物与工程学院,贵州省感染免疫与抗体工程特色重点实验室,省部共建药用植物功效与利用国家重点实验室,贵阳 550025)中图分类号 R392 文献标志码 A 文章编号 1000-484X (2024)04-0862-04[摘要] 真菌毒素是病原真菌产生的次级代谢产物,常污染多种农作物,通过食物链对人畜健康造成严重危害。
树突状细胞(DCs )作为功能最强大的抗原提呈细胞,在启动先天免疫和获得性免疫应答中发挥重要作用。
现有研究发现真菌毒素能够影响DCs 的内吞作用、刺激T 细胞活化的能力以及细胞因子和趋化因子的分泌,本文旨在综述真菌毒素对DCs 免疫应答的影响,为后续研究阐明真菌毒素的免疫毒性机制提供参考。
[关键词] 真菌毒素;免疫毒性;树突状细胞;抗原提呈细胞Effects of mycotoxins on immune response of dendritic cellsYU Huan , SHANG Guofu , OU Sha , HONG Liang , ZENG Zhu , HU Zuquan. School of Biology and Engineering , Key Laboratory of Infectious Immune and Antibody Engineering in Guizhou Province , State Key Laboratory of Func⁃tions and Applications of Medicinal Plants , Guizhou Medical University , Guiyang 550025, China[Abstract ] Mycotoxins are secondary metabolites produced by pathogenic fungi. They often contaminate various crops , and aredetrimental to human and animal health. Mycotoxins have a variety of toxic effects , such as neurotoxicity , hepatotoxicity , immunotox‑icity , teratogenicity , and carcinogenicity. However , the mechanism of immunotoxicity is still unclear. Dendritic cells (DCs ), as the most potent antigen presenting cells , play a vital role in initiating innate and adaptive immune responses. Previous studies have found that mycotoxins can affect the endocytosis of DCs , the ability to stimulate T cell activation , the secretion of cytokines and chemokines.Thus , this review is aim to summarize the effects of mycotoxins on DCs -mediated immune responses , which may provide reference for researches to clarify the immunotoxicity mechanism of mycotoxins.[Key words ] Mycotoxins ;Immunotoxicity ;Dendritic cells ;Antigen -presenting cells病原真菌不仅侵染植物引起病害,还可在临床上引起侵袭性真菌病、角膜炎和真菌性鼻窦炎等严重疾病[1-4]。

与DNA 测序鉴别方法相比,位点特异性PCR具有简单、省时、高效、准确等优点。
4.基于ITS序列位点特异性PCR 鉴别北柴胡掺伪藏柴胡

萨卡班甲鱼英语文献The Sacambaya Catfish: A Unique Aquatic TreasureThe Sacambaya catfish, scientifically known as Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum, is a remarkable species that has captivated the attention of ichthyologists and aquarium enthusiasts alike. This enigmatic fish, native to the Amazon and Orinoco river basins, is a true wonder of the aquatic world, boasting a rich history, unique adaptations, and a vital role in the delicate ecosystem it calls home.Emerging from the Depths: The Sacambaya Catfish's OriginsThe Sacambaya catfish's evolutionary journey can be traced back millions of years, as this species has navigated the intricate waterways of South America for eons. Adapted to thrive in the murky, slow-moving rivers and tributaries of the Amazon and Orinoco regions, the Sacambaya catfish has developed a remarkable set of physical and behavioral traits that have enabled it to survive and thrive in its challenging environment.One of the most striking features of the Sacambaya catfish is its distinctive appearance. With a sleek, elongated body and a broad, flattened head, this species is well-suited for navigating the densevegetation and complex terrain of its native habitat. Its camouflage-like coloration, featuring a mottled pattern of browns, grays, and blacks, allows the Sacambaya catfish to blend seamlessly into its surroundings, effectively evading predators and ambushing unsuspecting prey.Mastering the Depths: The Sacambaya Catfish's AdaptationsThe Sacambaya catfish's remarkable adaptations extend far beyond its physical appearance. As a member of the Pimelodidae family, this species has evolved a unique set of sensory organs that enable it to thrive in the murky, low-visibility waters of its habitat.One of the Sacambaya catfish's most remarkable adaptations is its highly sensitive barbels, which are whisker-like appendages that extend from its mouth. These barbels are equipped with specialized chemoreceptors and mechanoreceptors, allowing the fish to detect the slightest movements and chemical cues in the water. This heightened sensory awareness is crucial for the Sacambaya catfish's survival, as it enables the species to navigate its environment, locate prey, and avoid predators with remarkable precision, even in the absence of clear visual cues.Another fascinating adaptation of the Sacambaya catfish is its ability to utilize a wide range of food sources. While primarily carnivorous, feeding on smaller fish, crustaceans, and aquatic insects, theSacambaya catfish has also been observed consuming plant matter and detritus, demonstrating its versatility and adaptability in its feeding habits. This dietary flexibility allows the Sacambaya catfish to thrive in its diverse and ever-changing ecosystem, ensuring its continued survival in the face of environmental challenges.Guardians of the Ecosystem: The Sacambaya Catfish's Ecological ImportanceThe Sacambaya catfish's significance extends far beyond its own remarkable attributes. As a key component of the complex river ecosystems it inhabits, this species plays a vital role in maintaining the delicate balance of the aquatic environment.As a top predator in its food chain, the Sacambaya catfish helps to regulate the populations of smaller fish and invertebrates, preventing any single species from dominating the ecosystem. This, in turn, promotes biodiversity and ensures the continued health and resilience of the entire aquatic community. Additionally, the Sacambaya catfish's scavenging behavior contributes to the cycling of nutrients and the decomposition of organic matter, further enhancing the productivity and vitality of the river systems it calls home.Beyond its ecological importance, the Sacambaya catfish also holds significant cultural and economic value for the indigenouscommunities that have long inhabited the Amazon and Orinoco regions. For many of these communities, the Sacambaya catfish is a vital source of food and livelihood, with its meat being highly prized for its flavor and nutritional value. The species also holds a prominent place in the traditional beliefs and folklore of these cultures, further underscoring its deep-rooted significance in the region.Facing Challenges: The Threats to the Sacambaya CatfishDespite its remarkable adaptations and ecological importance, the Sacambaya catfish faces a number of threats that have the potential to jeopardize its long-term survival. Chief among these threats is the ongoing degradation and destruction of the Amazon and Orinoco river basins, driven by factors such as deforestation, water pollution, and the construction of dams and other infrastructure projects.As these vital habitats are increasingly fragmented and altered, the Sacambaya catfish and other aquatic species are forced to contend with a range of challenges, including changes in water quality, disruptions to migratory patterns, and the loss of essential food sources and spawning grounds. Additionally, the Sacambaya catfish is also vulnerable to overfishing, as its popularity as a food source has led to unsustainable harvesting practices in some regions.Preserving the Legacy: Conservation Efforts and the Future of theSacambaya CatfishIn response to the growing threats facing the Sacambaya catfish, a number of conservation efforts have been undertaken to protect this remarkable species and the ecosystems it inhabits. These initiatives have ranged from the establishment of protected areas and the implementation of sustainable fishing practices to the development of captive breeding programs and public awareness campaigns.One particularly promising conservation strategy has been the collaboration between scientists, policymakers, and local communities to develop integrated management plans that address the complex challenges facing the Sacambaya catfish and its habitat. By combining scientific research, traditional ecological knowledge, and community-based stewardship, these efforts have the potential to ensure the long-term survival of the Sacambaya catfish and the preservation of the delicate balance of the Amazon and Orinoco river systems.As we look to the future, the fate of the Sacambaya catfish will undoubtedly be closely tied to the health and resilience of the broader aquatic ecosystems it calls home. By recognizing the intrinsic value of this species and the vital role it plays in maintaining the ecological balance of its environment, we can work to ensure that the Sacambaya catfish and its remarkable legacy will continue to inspire and captivate generations to come.。

Toll-like ReceptorToll-Like 受体(TLRs) 在早期固有免疫中对入侵病原微生物的识别发挥重要作用。
这些进化保守的受体与果蝇的Toll蛋白家族在结构上有高度同源性,识别仅表达在病原微生物上的高度保守的结构基序(Motifs)--病原相关的分子模式(Pathogen-associated molecular pattern,PAMP)。
TLR在结构上包括胞外区富含亮氨酸的重复序列和胞内区的与Toll及白细胞介素(IL)-1同源的TIR结构域(T oll/IL-1 receptor homologous region,TIR)和相似的信号传导分子,即MyD98、IL-1相关蛋白激酶(IRAK)和肿瘤坏死因子受体活化因子6(TRAF6)。
TLRs 主要表达在具有免疫功能的组织,例如:脾脏和外周血白细胞以及与外环境相通的呼吸和消化道。
目前在人类已经发现有10个TLRs,在小鼠有9个TLRs,其中7个已找到其相应的配基[2]. TLR2能识别许多种PAMPs,包括细菌脂多糖、肽聚糖和胞壁酸;TLR3识别病毒双链RNA;TLR4可识别细茵的脂多糖(LPS);TLR5 识别细菌鞭毛蛋白;TLR9识别细菌CpG DNA。
最近发现TLR7 和TLR8 能识别一些人工合成的抗病毒小分子[3]。
另外,在许多情况下,TLRs 要启动信号级联需要协同受体的存在。

分枝杆菌属(Mycobacterium)是一类直或 微弯曲、有分枝生长趋势的杆菌。本属细 菌的主要特点是:①细胞壁脂质含量高, 主要是分枝菌酸;②具有抗酸性,革兰染 色不易着色;③专性需氧,营养要求特殊, 大多数生长缓慢,个别菌种尚不能人工培 养;④不产生内、外毒素及侵袭性酶类, 所致疾病常呈慢性,并伴有肉芽肿。
(二)结核分枝杆菌 (3)生化反应不活泼,不发酵糖类。 利用热触酶试验可区别结核分枝杆菌复合 群与非结核分枝杆菌,前者阴性,后者大 多阳性;利用烟酸试验及硝酸盐还原试验 可区别结核分枝杆菌(均呈阳性)与牛分 枝杆菌(均为阴性)。
一类细长,略带弯曲, 呈分枝状生长细菌 抗酸染色阳性 抗酸染色方法:涂片固 定, 浓石炭酸复红 染色,盐酸酒精脱色, 美兰复染 革兰染色阳性,无芽胞、 无荚膜 营养要求较高,常用罗 琴培养基 生长缓慢,2~8周后方可 见菌落 G+C mol%为62%~70%
2. 临床意义 (2)致病特点 ①感染途径多,主要经呼吸 道感染,偶尔可消化道及破损伤皮肤等感 染;②引起多种组织器官的结核病,以肺结 核最多见;③感染率高,发病率低。
生化反应: 糖类发酵(-) 耐热触酶(-) Tween水解(-) 耐热磷酸酶(-),为结核分枝杆菌和非结核分枝 杆菌鉴定试验
(二)结核分枝杆菌 (4)结核分枝杆菌的抵抗力可归纳为“三耐 四敏”。即:耐干燥、耐酸碱、耐孔雀绿 (1:13 000),对湿热、70%乙醇、紫外线及 常用抗结核药敏感(但长期用药易产生耐药 性)。 (5)结核分枝杆菌易发生毒力变异、耐药性 变异及L型变异。

临床意义 两菌均人兽共患病原菌 人类感染是经伤口、粘膜、呼吸道 急性患者可有高热、衰竭等全身症状 肺鼻疽病 、皮肤鼻疽病、内脏脓肿、 菌血症、脓毒血症
革兰阴性杆菌 无芽胞、无荚膜 伪马勒鼻伯克霍尔德菌一端有丛鞭毛(1~4
为主要机制 ③主动泵出机制:对喹诺酮类,
MexA-MexB-OprM及MecC-MexD-Oprj ④整合子:1类,3类
属于rRNA第II群 鼻疽病与类鼻疽病的病原体 2004年NCCLs称为可能成为生物恐怖的细菌
- OX
-Байду номын сангаас
葡萄糖产酸 + 黄色素
- -
+ 黄杆菌属 +
动力 非发酵菌
OX +
+ 端鞭毛
- 产碱杆菌属
+ 尿素
- 无色杆菌属 + 土壤杆菌属
第 一节 假单胞菌属 (Pseudomonas)
(1)分离培养与鉴定: 标本可接种于血琼脂平板培养基和选 择性培养基 鉴定根据镜下特征、菌落形态、生化 反应等
铜绿假单胞菌(P. aeruginosa)
血平板上毛玻璃 样,金属光泽, 生姜味
可产生多种色素: 荧光素与绿脓素
第十一章 分枝杆菌属 (Mycobacterium)

粗糙 乳酪色 + + +
光滑或粗糙 黄或橘色 ± + +
• 正确用药,对抗结核药物不敏感 • 局限性病变结合外科手术 • 加强对艾滋病患者的预防和治疗
• 为抗酸杆菌 • 细胞内寄生 • 标本检测可见成团,束状于细胞中 • 细胞呈泡沫状,称为麻风细胞 • 体外人工培养尚未成功 • 犰狳是动物感染模型
• 经呼吸道,破损皮肤、粘膜,接触传播 • 引起麻风病 • 微检:标本涂片抗酸染色是诊断麻风的主要依据
根据机体的免疫状态、病理变化、 临床表现分为——二型二类
二 型
• 细胞免疫功能低下 • 麻风杆菌在体内大量繁殖 • 传染性强,若不治疗,病 情逐渐恶化 • 抗体与自身组织抗原形成 “麻风结节”—狮面状
炎和肿大的肺门淋巴结 )。 – 90% 以上的原发感染形成纤维化或钙化,不治自愈。少数 病灶扩散,引起肺外结核病。
– 多见成人,有免疫力 – 病灶局限,引起局部TB、开放性TB (反应剧烈,干酪性坏死、空洞)
2. 肺外感染
• 经淋巴、血液循环引起其它部位感染:
溶菌酶、青霉素等作用导致细胞壁肽聚糖的正常结构完整 性或其合成受阻, 导致菌体变成 L 型; 异烟肼则影响结核分枝杆菌细胞壁中分枝菌酸的合成 , 使 本菌出现抗酸染色阴性。
2. 培养特性
懒--生长缓慢,14-1 8 h分裂1次,在固体培养基上3-4 w才

非典型分支杆菌的分类鉴定方法研究进展陈菲菲;王春芳;钱爱东【期刊名称】《湖北农业科学》【年(卷),期】2013(52)13【摘要】非典型分支杆菌与结核分支杆菌(Mycobacterium tuberculosis)复合群、麻风分支杆菌(M.leprae)同属于分支杆菌属(Mycobacterium).随着对结核杆菌的深入研究,非典型分支杆菌也逐渐引起了人们的关注.为了对非典型分支杆菌进行系统的了解和分类鉴定,就国内外常用的分类鉴定方法进行了综述.%Atypical mycobacteria,Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex and Mycobacterium leprae all belong to the mycobacterium.With the deep study on Mycobacterium tuberculosis,atypical mycobacteria have gradually become the research hotspot.In order to analyze and identify atypical mycobacteria more systematically,we summarized the commonly used identification methods for further studies.【总页数】3页(P2977-2979)【作者】陈菲菲;王春芳;钱爱东【作者单位】吉林农业大学生命科学学院,长春 130118;吉林农业大学动物科技学院,长春 130118;吉林农业大学动物科技学院,长春 130118【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R378.91;C34【相关文献】1.分支杆菌分子菌种鉴定方法的研究进展 [J], 梁建琴;吴雪琼;张广宇2.衣原体最新分类体系与分类鉴定方法研究进展 [J], 李鹏(综述);端青;宋立华(审校)3.藻类鉴定及分类方法研究进展 [J], 孟溪4.藻类鉴定及分类方法研究进展 [J], 鲍君伟5.黑曲霉群菌种多相分类和鉴定方法最新研究进展 [J], 韩小敏;李凤琴因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。

1.人对结核杆菌自然免疫力较强,成人感染 率为90%↑,发病率约1% 2.体液免疫:结核杆菌→机体→抗体,只对 释出的细菌起辅助作用 3.细胞免疫: 机体抗结核病主要靠细胞免疫。 有菌免疫(感染免疫) 4.细胞免疫与超敏反应: 结核杆菌的传染、免疫、超敏反应是同时 发生的
索状因子: 是分枝菌酸和海藻糖结合的一种糖脂 作用:破坏宿主细胞的线粒体膜→影响细胞呼吸和氧 化磷酸化,抑制WBC游走。 磷脂:刺激单核细胞增生→使机体致敏抑制蛋白酶对病 灶织的分解→病灶干酪样坏死 硫酸脑苷酯:抑制吞噬细胞中吞噬体与溶酶体融合,使 结核杆菌在吞噬细胞中长期存活(抗细胞 内消化作用) 蜡质D:激发机体产生Ⅳ型超敏反应 结核菌素:结核杆菌具有多种蛋白成分,其中主要是结 核菌素结核菌素与腊质D结合后→诱发机体 产生Ⅳ型超敏反应→形成结核结节
耻垢(尿垢)分枝杆菌 特点: ①对人无致病性 ②常存在于人的外阴部 ③生长快速(5-7天形成菌落) 4.麻风杆菌: 是引起麻风病的病原体,此为一种慢性传染病
结核分枝杆菌 (M.tuberculosis)
通称结核杆菌 是引起人、动物结核的病原菌 结核病是一种慢性消耗性疾病 近些年发病率不断增加 原因:爱滋病的蔓延
1882年德国细菌学家 Koch 证明

结果在10.0 mg/(kg·d)和20.0 mg/(kg·d)的给药剂量下,XC267可显著降低哮喘小鼠肺组织的炎性细胞浸润;连续给药1周后,哮喘小鼠支气管组织中的β_(2)-AR、Gα13、AC-1和PKA水平显著提高。
结论苗头化合物XC267在10.0 mg/(kg·d)给药剂量下,能显著提升哮喘小鼠体内β_(2)-AR信号转导通路相关蛋白的表达水平,减轻其肺组织的炎性浸润,改善哮喘症状。

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J OURNAL OF C LINICAL M ICROBIOLOGY,June2006,p.1963–1970Vol.44,No.6 0095-1137/06/$08.00ϩ0doi:10.1128/JCM.01959-05Copyright©2006,American Society for Microbiology.All Rights Reserved.Identification of Mycobacteria by Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization–Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry Michelle Pignone,1†Kimberly M.Greth,1Jason Cooper,2David Emerson,1and Jane Tang1* Bacteriology Program1and Molecular Authentication Resource Center,2American Type Culture Collection,10801University Blvd.,Manassas,Virginia20110Received19September2005/Returned for modification16November2005/Accepted22February2006 Classical methods for identification of Mycobacterium species rely on morphology and biochemical profiles.Speciation of a Mycobacterium isolate using these standard methods is a lengthy process based on subjectivedata interpretation.In this study,Mycobacterium species were characterized by utilizing matrix-assisted laserdesorption ionization–time-of-flight mass spectrometry(MALDI-TOF MS).This technology is designed toprovide a characteristic mass spectralfingerprint based on desorbed ions from the cell surface.Thirty-sevenstrains were analyzed;these represented thirteen species andfive subspecies that included the Mycobacteriumtuberculosis complex and the M.avium-M.intracellulare complex,as well as rapid-and slow-growing mycobac-teria.All37strains were analyzed in triplicate,and a database was generated.This method producedspecies-specific patterns for all but1of the37isolates and provided reliable differentiation at the strain level.The data suggest that whole-cell MALDI-TOF MS has potential as a rapid and reproducible method for theidentification and characterization of Mycobacterium species.The genus Mycobacterium consists of approximately100het-erogeneous species of rapid-and slow-growing acid-fast bacilli (9,25).Most members of this genus are harmless microbes that live in diverse soil and aqueous environments;however,there are a number of pathogenic species that infect humans and animals(25,42).The number of infections caused by myco-bacteria has increased over the past few decades(2,5,10,16, 44).The two most well-known human pathogens are Mycobac-terium tuberculosis and M.leprae.M.tuberculosis belongs to one of two major groups within the genus called the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex(MTC),which includes pathogens such as M.microti,M.africanum,and M.bovis.The MTC has become a major cause of death in many developing countries and continues to be a public health problem globally(8,17).A number of the environmental Mycobacterium species,collec-tively known as nontuberculosis mycobacteria(NTM),are re-sponsible for many opportunistic infections that are increas-ingly common among immunocompromised individuals.For example,the M.avium-M.intracellulare complex(MAC)is a leading cause of secondary infections in patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus(42).Another member of the NTM,M.marinum,is also emerging as a pathogen in humans, causing a variety of cutaneous and related illnesses in immu-nocompromised hosts(16,24).Differentiation of the MTC and NTM has become important due to the rise of infections and antimicrobial resistance in this genus.Despite their medical and environmental importance,my-cobacteria have always proven difficult to identify.This is due to a combination of factors,principal among them being their low growth rate and fastidious growth requirements.Conven-tional methods for phenotypic identification rely on standard biochemical tests that may involve cultivation on specific growth media and extensive incubation time.One of the most commonly used identification tests for mycobacteria is analysis of the unique mycolic acids found in their cell wall(4,22).This test requires harvesting cell material,followed by extracting and derivatizing mycolic acid esters and analyzing their con-tents by high-pressure liquid chromatography(HPLC).This method has proven reliable in identifying many Mycobacterium species(42)and is commonly used in clinical laboratories.In the past several years,molecular methods,including PCR and hybridization assays using specific probes,have been de-veloped for the identification of mycobacteria(6,15,34). These methods provided a fast,reproducible way of identifying specific Mycobacterium species,reducing the detection time from6weeks to approximately3weeks.A PCR-restriction endonuclease analysis based on hsp65,the gene encoding the 65-kilodalton heat shock protein,has been used extensively for differentiating M.tuberculosis from other NTM members(3,7, 27,33).Hybridization assays require initial species identifica-tion to specify probes for the hybridization,and there are only limited numbers of species that can be identified by these assays (6,34).Currently,DNA probes are available to identify M.tuber-culosis complex,MAC,M.kansasii,and M.gordonae(12).Other commercially available DNA probes have their limitations as well, which include misidentification,inability to differentiate among the MTC complex members,and the need to confirm results with alternate methods(23,32,38,42).The existing molecular typing methods concentrate on MTC strains.These include restriction fragment length polymor-phism of the IS6110repetitive sequence(36)and spacer oli-gotyping(spoligotyping)to look at genetic loci which contain a variable number of tandem repeats(42).For the other myco-bacterial species,restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis are the most widely used typing techniques,providing different levels of*Corresponding author.Present address:Mitretek Systems,3150Fair-view Park Drive South,Falls Church,VA22042.Phone:(703)610-2030. Fax:(703)610-1561.E-mail:Jane.Tang@.†Present address:Chemical-Biological Sciences Unit,Federal Bu-reau of Investigation,Quantico,VA22135.1963discrimination(10,13,26,44,45).In addition,multilocus en-zyme electrophoresis has been used to subtype isolates of MAC and rapidly growing mycobacteria(RGM)(11,46). With the rise of opportunistic pathogens and with several new species being named annually(5,28,37,39,40),the need to have a rapid and reproducible identification method for a wider range of Mycobacterium species is evident.Recent de-velopments in mass spectrometry(MS)have made it possible to use whole-cell matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization–time-of-flight MS(MALDI-TOF MS)or MALDI to aid in the identification of microorganisms.This technology is designed to provide a characteristic mass spectralfingerprint based on desorbed ions from the cell surface.Cells were picked from bacterial colonies,applied to a96-well mass spectrometer plate,and overlaid with a matrix solution.The instrument softwarefinished the process by automatically acquiring and analyzing data and using statistical algorithms to generate a profile(18,29).A wide variety of prokaryotes have been char-acterized by using this approach,including clinically or envi-ronmentally relevant bacteria such as Escherichia coli,Staphy-lococcus aureus,Bacillus species,and Pseudomonas species(19, 21,30,31,43).Here we present an evaluation of MALDI in the identification of Mycobacterium species and in its ability to distinguish between multiple strains within a species.A total of 37strains,representing13species and four groups of Myco-bacterium,were analyzed by using MALDI-TOF MS.MATERIALS AND METHODSBacteria,media,and growth conditions.The37Mycobacterium strains repre-senting13species used in the present study were obtained from the American Type Culture Collection(ATCC)(Table1).The freeze-dried cultures were revived by resuspending them in Middlebrook broth7H9(Becton Dickinson, MD)with albumin-dextrose-catalase.M.avium subsp.paratuberculosis and M. avium subsp.silvaticum were resuspended in Middlebrook7H9supplemented with Tween80and Mycobactin J.A total of0.1ml of this suspension was streaked for isolation onto Middlebrook7H10with oleic acid-albumin-dextrose-catalase,with the exception of M.microti,which was grown in7H9broth.RGM were incubated for3to5days at37°C in an aerobic atmosphere.Slow-growing mycobacteria were incubated for2to6weeks at37°C in an aerobic atmosphere, with the exception of M.tusciae and M.doricum,which were incubated at30°C. Streptomyces melanosporofaciens,ATCC BAA-668,was grown in ISP mediumTABLE1.Mycobacterium strains used in this studyGroup Organism a ATCC no.Isolation sourceMAC M.avium subsp.avium T25291Diseased hen’s liverM.avium subsp.avium35717Human sputumM.avium subsp.avium35718Human cervical lymph nodeM.avium subsp.paratuberculosis43544Human intestinal tissueM.avium subsp.paratuberculosis43545Human intestinal tissueM.avium subsp.silvaticum T49884Wood pigeon’s liver and spleenM.intracellulare T13950NA bM.intracellulare700662Human sputumM.intracellulare700664Derived from ATCC700662 MTC M.africanum T25420SputumM.microti T19422NAM.microti11152VoleM.microti35781Field voleM.microti35782Field voleM.tuberculosis25177NARGM M.abscessus T19977NAM.abscessus23016HumanM.abscessus700869Joint aspirationM.chelonae T35752TortoiseM.chelonae14472SputumM.chelonae35751Eye infectionM.fortuitum subsp.acetamidolyticum T35931Human sputumM.fortuitum subsp.acetamidolyticum43266SputumM.fortuitum subsp.fortuitum T6841Cold abscessM.fortuitum subsp.fortuitum49403Facial abscessM.fortuitum subsp.fortuitum49935Leg woundM.mucogenicum T49650Infected thyroglossal duct cystM.mucogenicum49649PeritonealfluidM.mucogenicum49651Postinjection site abscessSlow growing M.doricum T BAA-565CerebrospinalfluidM.kansasii T12478From a fatal caseM.kansasii25100NAM.kansasii25101NAM.kansasii25414NAM.marinum T927FishM.marinum11566Swimming poolM.tusciae T BAA-564Lymph nodea A superscript“T”signifies a type strain of the species.b NA,not available.1964PIGNONE ET AL.J.C LIN.M ICROBIOL.1(ATCC medium 1877)at 30°C.It was used as an outgroup for the mycobac-terial dendrogram.Bacterial preparation for MALDI-TOF analysis.Isolated colonies from agar were applied to a MALDI plate well (12wells per strain)of a 96-well target plate and allowed to dry for 1h.Isolates growing in broth were harvested by centrif-ugation,washed with HPLC-grade water,and resuspended in 30l of HPLC water.Then,1l of the final suspension was spotted onto a MALDI plate well and allowed to dry for 1h.Next,1l of matrix was overlaid on each sample well and allowed to dry for 15min.The matrix used was a saturated solution of ␣-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid (Sigma)dissolved in 1:1:1acetonitrile,water,and methanol with 0.1%(vol/vol)formic acid and 0.01M 18-Crown 6.A 1-l portion of the standard was applied to lock mass wells for mass calibration using average molecular weights.The standard mixture consisted of 1pmol of brady-kinin/l,angiotensin I,glu-fibrinopeptide B,rennin substrate tetradecapeptide,adrenocorticotropin (ACTH),2pmol of bovine insulin/l,and 10pmol of ubiq-uitin (Sigma)/l.Instrumentation and data analysis.A MALDI-linear TOF mass spectrometer (Micromass UK,Ltd.,Manchester,United Kingdom)was used (19).The instru-ment was operated,under high vacuum,in the positive ion mode with an accel-eration voltage of 15kV and was set to acquire mass spectral peaks with mass/charge (m/z )ratios from 500to 10,000Da.The nitrogen laser output was 337nm with a 3-ns pulse width,and the laser fluence was set just above the threshold for ion production.The laser fires randomly (spot size,ϳ2m)within each well until 15spectra of sufficient intensity are recorded.For this analysis,data from at least eight replicate wells (i.e.,a minimum of 120spectra)were used for each organ-ism.The Microbelynx software included with the instrument processed the data by comparing all collected spectra and determining a standard deviation for the peak intensity and placement.From these data a consensus profile is created using all spectra whose peak intensities and placements fall within threshold values that are deemed statistically significant.This reference profile becomes part of an instrument database.For identification,duplicate samples of each organism were then analyzed and compared to the database.For comparisons of samples within the database,a root mean square (RMS)value is reported for the comparison of different profiles;the closer the value is to zero,the better the match.Dendrograms based on the RMS value could also be used to show the relationship of groups of organisms based on their spectral profiles.Streptomyces melanosporofaciens (ATCC BAA-668)served as an outgroup.16S rRNA and hsp65species sequencing.The universal primers 27F (AGAG TTTGATCMTGGCTCAG)and 519R (GTATTACCGCGGCTGCTG)were used to amplify the first 500bp of the 16S rRNA gene from the genomic DNA template (20).For the hsp65(heat shock protein)gene,universal primers Tb11(ACCAACGATGGTGTGTCCAT)and Tb12(CTTGTCGAACCGCATACCCT)were used to amplify the 439-bp region from the genomic DNA template (35).The PCR product was run on a 1%precast SeaKem Gold Agarose gel (1ϫTris-borate-EDTA buffer plus ethidium bromide from Cambrex BioScience,Maine).The specific band was excised from the gel and purified using a QIAquick gel extraction kit (QIAGEN,Maryland).The purified DNA was sequenced by using a CEQ 8000genetic analyzer (Beckman Coulter,California).The results were analyzed by the Codon Code Aligner software (CodonCode Corp.,Massachusetts)and compared against the NCBI GenBank database by BLAST analysis (1).RESULTSA total of 37strains,representing 13species belonging to four groups of Mycobacterium ,were analyzed (Table 1).Strains were selected to yield a representative data set of both clinical and environmental isolates,as well as 14type cultures.Whole cells of each isolate were subjected to MALDI-TOF MS anal-ysis.A unique mass spectral fingerprint was produced for each isolate in a mass range between 500and 4,000Da (see Fig.1to 5).The majority of ions detected were less than 1,000Da.A database which contained the mass spectra of all 37iso-lates was created at the ATCC.In addition,a separate data-base containing more than 400spectra generated from many different clinically and environmentally important species was also utilized.Both databases were searched simultaneously as a single library to demonstrate specificity of this technique to identify Mycobacterium parison of all mass spec-tra to the search library resulted in unambiguous identification of the isolates to the genus and species level,with the exception of M.tusciae (ATCC BAA-564),which could not be resolved to the species level.There were eight strains that were misiden-tified as a very closely related strain at times (i.e.,M.kansasii and M.marinum ;see Fig.3).In replicates where the correct strain did not result with the highest identity,it was always identified as the second-closest strain.In the present study,six strains belonging to the three spe-cies of the MTC—M.tuberculosis (one strain),M.africanum (one strain),and M.microti (four strains)—were analyzed.Figure 1shows that five of the six strains exhibited spectra that were highly similar to each other.This is further demonstrated by the dendrogram generated in Fig.6.The exception within this group was one strain of M.microti (ATCC 35781)that clustered with M.marinum instead.A recently describedspe-FIG.1.Spectral profiles generated from the MTC which comprised several slow-growing species.All except one strain (ATCC 35781)showed similar profiles.ATCC 19422is the type strain of M.microti .TABLE 2.RMS values of MALDI profiles for MAC aStrainRMS value for strain:12345678910.4220.870.3430.92 2.430.354 2.57 5.37 2.670.545 2.53 5.87 2.590.880.356 1.12 2.76 1.04 1.53 1.410.657 1.21 1.46 1.58 2.36 2.5520.448 1.23 1.12 1.96 2.52 2.04 1.380.2892.073.532.391.682.081.562.762.790.29aStrains:1,ATCC 25291(M.avium subsp.avium );2,ATCC 35717(M.avium subsp.avium );3,ATCC 35718(M.avium subsp.avium );4,ATCC 43544(M.avium subsp.paratuberculosis );5,ATCC 43545(M.avium subsp.paratuberculo-sis );6,ATCC 49884(M.avium subsp.silvaticum );7,ATCC 700662(M.intracel-lulare );8,ATCC 700664(M.intracellulare );9,ATCC 13950(M.intracellulare ).Each value in boldface type represents comparison of a strain against itself (see text for explanation).V OL .44,2006MYCOBACTERIUM IDENTIFICATION BY MALDI 1965cies,M.doricum (ATCC BAA-565),in spite of its scotochro-mogenic property (39),clustered in the MTC clade where all members were nonchromogenic (42)(see Fig.6).Nine strains from the MAC,which also included M.intra-cellulare species,were analyzed,and a similarity matrix of RMS values was prepared (Table 2).RMS values are used to deter-mine reproducibility,and a lower RMS value signifies greater similarity.(Briefly,the RMS values were calculated by com-parison of the averaged profile of a strain [based on 12repli-cates]in the database with the 12replicate profiles of a test strain.)Consistently,the lowest RMS value was obtained when each strain was compared against itself.These results indicated that although the spectral patterns were often very similar (Fig.2)the software was capable of reliably distinguishing differ-ences in the spectral peak positions and intensities to provide a correct identification.The spectral patterns fell into two groups (see Fig.6),with M.avium strains (ATCC 35718,ATCC 49884,ATCC 43544,and ATCC 43545)and M.intra-cellulare (ATCC 13950)in one clade and M.avium (ATCC 35717),along with two strains of M.intracellulare (ATCC 700662and ATCC 700664),forming the other.One exception was M.avium ATCC 25291,which clustered with M.tusciae (ATCC BAA-564)and was more related to the M.fortuitum clade.Interestingly,ATCC 25291is the type strain of M.avium subsp.avium .The four strains of M.kansasii and two strains of M.mari-num represented the slow-growing mycobacteria in our study.All four strains of M.kansasii yielded similar spectra (Fig.3)and formed a tight cluster on the dendrogram (see Fig.6).The M.marinum strains also showed nearly identical patterns and clustered together,although based on the mass spectral pro-files they did not belong to M.kansasii clade (see Fig.6).The RGM consisted of 14strains.As was the case for the MAC,a similarity matrix indicated each strain identified itself as the best match (Table 3),although the spectra for a number of strains of M.fortuitum were highly similar (Fig.4)and they clustered closely together (see Fig.6).The three strains of M.mucogenicum were a conundrum since all of these strains ended up in different clades.ATCC 49649grouped with M.abscessus-M.chelonae ,which was reported previously (25).However,based on a DNA sequence comparison of the 16S rRNA gene,it was confirmed to be most closely related to M.mucogenium (results not shown).The type strain (ATCC 49650)ended up in the MAC,probably reflecting itsearlierFIG.2.Mass spectral profiles from the MAC.Although the pat-terns were very similar among the strains of M.avium and M.intra-cellulare ,the software was able to distinguish individual isolates based on the RMS values (Table 2).Note that the two profiles for M.avium subsp.paratuberculosis are almostidentical.FIG.3.The slow-growing mycobacteria comprised four species,with M.doricum and M.tusciae as recently described new species.The profiles for four strains of M.kansasii were almost identical,and the two strains of M.marinum were very similar to each other.At times the software was not able to correctly identify M.kansasii and M.marinum at the strain level;however,the correct species was always consistently determined.1966PIGNONE ET AL.J.C LIN .M ICROBIOL .designation as an “M.chelonei -like”organism (45).The third strain,ATCC 49651,clustered with the slow-growing MTC members.The spectral profiles for the last two members of the RGM,M.chelonae and M.abscessus ,appeared to be ambiguous (Fig.5).They formed two clades:with M.chelonae (ATCC 14472)clustering with two strains of M.abscessus (ATCC 19977and ATCC 35751)and the other M.chelonae (ATCC35752)FIG.4.MALDI profiles for the RGM.Patterns for the different strains of M.fortuitum were highly similar to each other,but each culture could be distinguished by the RMS values.Strains for M.mucogenicum ,however,ended up in different clades (see Fig.6).FIG.5.M.chelonae and M.abscessus ,which belong to the RGM,are difficult to distinguish by phenotypic and molecular testing.MALDI analysis indicated that each strain among these species had some unique biomarkers,although the major peaks were very similar.TABLE 3.RMS values of MALDI profiles for RGM aStrainRMS value for strain:123456789101112131410.342 1.290.4230.640.820.4540.880.8 1.850.335 2.03 1.59 2.05 2.220.376 1.770.665 1.32 1.730.297 1.16 1.42 1.09 2.13 1.92 1.940.338 1.47 3.98 1.15 2.63 3.797.070.730.389 1.13 1.54 1.072 1.9 2.38 1.180.880.510 1.25 1.3 1.73 1.93 1.81 1.78 1.7 1.96 1.850.2711 1.45 1.83 1.7 2.36 2.67 2.33 1.99 1.76 1.77 1.980.38120.710.950.8 1.25 1.01 1.74 1.09 1.05 1.04 1.59 1.340.43130.94 1.5 1.14 1.24 1.16 2.6 1.53 1.310.98 2.56 2.09 1.50.32141.251.641.,ATCC 700869(M.abscessus );2,ATCC 19977(M.abscessus );3,ATCC 23016(M.abscessus );4,ATCC 35751(M.chelonae );5,ATCC 35752(M.chelonae );6,ATCC 14472(M.chelonae );7,ATCC 6841(M.fortuitum );8,ATCC 35931(M.fortuitum subsp.acetamidolyticum );9,ATCC 43266(M.fortuitum subsp.acetamidolyticum );10,ATCC 49403(M.fortuitum subsp.fortuitum );11,ATCC 49935(M.fortuitum subsp.fortuitum );12,ATCC 49649(M.mucogenicum );13,ATCC 49650(M.mucogenicum );14,ATCC 49651(M.mucogenicum ).Each value in boldface type represents comparison of a strain against itself (see text for explanation).V OL .44,2006MYCOBACTERIUM IDENTIFICATION BY MALDI1967closely related to two different strains of M.abscessus (ATCC 700869and ATCC 23016).The fact that ATCC 35752is the type strain of M.chelonae made the interpretation more com-plicated.Verifying the identities of these isolates by hsp65gene sequencing confirmed ATCC 19977,ATCC 23016,and ATCC 700869as M.abscessus (results not shown).Interestingly,ATCC 14472was also identified as M.abscessus by the same sequencing method.Needless to say,the identity of ATCC 14472needs to be investigated further to resolve whether it is M.chelonae as named.DISCUSSIONThe results of this study show that identification of diverse species of Mycobacterium ,and strains within those species,is possible using whole-cell MALDI.All of the 37strains that were analyzed yielded reproducible,unique mass spectral pro-files.In general,the identities revealed by the MALDI ap-proach were consistent with those revealed by other methods that have been used to identify mycobacteria,although there were exceptions (see below).The results in our study extend those of Hettick et al.,who used MALDI-TOF to perform proteomic profiling of mycobacteria (14).These authors performed extensive comparisons between single strains of each of six different Mycobacterium species and demonstrated good reproducibility.These investigators also com-pared whole cells versus cells extracted with the organic solvent trifluoroacetic acid and found that either preparation yielded informative results,although trifluoroacetic acid-extracted cells were used for most of their analyses.Furthermore,these au-thors utilized a different mass spectrometer with a laser power capable of observing ions with mass/charge (m/z )ratios of up to 20kDa;therefore,direct comparison between the profiles in that study and the ones described here is not possible.In the present study,eight additional species of Mycobacte-rium were analyzed,along with multiple strains of individual species.These constituted clinical and environmental isolates,some with fastidious requirements and others withless-com-FIG.6.A dendrogram of MALDI profiles was generated by using a separate algorithm based on the RMS value of each isolate done in triplicate.Type strains for each species were noted.Streptomyces melanosporofaciens (ATCC BAA-668)served as an outgroup.1968PIGNONE ET AL.J.C LIN .M ICROBIOL .plex nutrition requirements.The isolates included representa-tives from the four major physiological groups:the MTC,the MAC,the RGM,and the slow-growing mycobacteria.Two newer species,M.tusciae and M.doricum,were also included to assess the technology,since they represented less-well-known members of this genus(37,39).Relationships among pared to the mem-bers of Bacteria domain as a whole,the Mycobacterium spp. produced spectral patterns that were relatively consistent.In Fig.6,Streptomyces melanosporofaciens was included as an outgroup in the dendrogram,and it showed little similarity to the mycobacteria.Another study(19)that utilized the same MALDI techniques to investigate a broad group of Bacteria and Archaea found much more variability,especially among disparate groups of Bacteria,than is seen for the Mycobacte-rium species tested here.Furthermore,when the organisms used in the present study were compared to a database of over 400strains of bacterial species,their closest matches were all mycobacteria(results not shown).Among Mycobacterium spp.,some species—M.kansasii, M.fortuitum,and M.marinum—formed similar patterns and clustered together in the dendrogram.Others form two clades (MAC complex,M.chelonae,and abscessus).It is interesting that members of MTC formed a unique cluster distinct from the nontuberculosis mycobacteria.This is significant since it suggests that MALDI has the potential to effectively identify these important pathogens and unambiguously distinguish them from their less-harmful relatives.However,this work will need to be confirmed by testing many more virulent strains of M.tuberculosis and building a robust database.This in itself is a challenge due to biosafety concerns of vaporized molecules from these pathogens which are transmitted by air.Hettick et al.(14)reported that incubating the strains in acetonitrile-trifluoroacetic acid solvent resulted in inactivation of the cells; this suggests the use of cell extracts rather than whole cells as a possible method for safely working with these highly patho-genic bacteria.The biomarkers detected by MALDI were not distinguished in the present study.Most of the ions detected by the system were relatively small,between500and2,000Da.Based on their molecular masses,it is reasonable to assume that these biomarkers are lipid molecules including mycolic acids,as well as small polypeptides that are constituents of the cell wall.The phenotypic characteristics identified by MALDI are known to vary both with culture age and with the propagation medium upon which the cells are grown(41).By using standard myco-bacterium medium,the effects of medium variability can be kept to a minimum.We have not yet systematically investi-gated the effects of culture age on MALDI patterns;however, we have not noticed significant differences between prepara-tions of the same strain harvested within a24-h period.In conclusion,ourfindings indicate that the identification of diverse Mycobacterium species is a tractable task by using MALDI.We also demonstrated that it is possible to resolve closely related strains of mycobacteria,and whole-cell MALDI-TOF MS can serve as an effective identification system for My-cobacterium species.REFERENCES1.Altschul,S.F.,W.Gish,ler,E.W.Myers,and D.J.Lipman.1990.Basic 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