[学生用书单独成册]Ⅰ单句语法填空1.At noon, all the workers stop to_have (have) a rest.2.Do you know the difficulty he had keeping(keep) five children at school?3.In some parts of London, missing a bus means waiting (wait) for another hour.4.He tried eating(eat) sweets instead of smoking (smoke).5.My watch needs repairing/to_be_repaired(repair), but I have no time to go to the town to have it repaired.6.—I have been knocking at the door, but no one answers.—Why not try_knocking(knock) at the back door?7.I like reading(read) newspapers, but I don’t like to_do(do) it on such a cold morning.8.She considers visiting(visit) the Great Wall during the International Labour Day holidays.9.He always keeps putting off seeing(see) the doctor.10.They were lucky to escape being_hit(hit) by the car.Ⅱ阅读理解AMost American students go to traditional public schools.There areabout 88,000 public schools all over the US.Some students attend charter schools.Charter schools are selfgoverning.Certain companies operate(经营) some charter schools.They are similar in some ways to traditional public schools.They receive tax money just as other public schools do.Charter schools must prove to local or state governments that their students are learning.These governments provide the schools with the agreement called a charter that permits(允许) them to operate.Charter schools are different because they do not have to obey most laws that govern traditional public schools.Each school can choose its own goals and decide what to teach and how to teach in its own way.Class size is usually smaller than that in traditional public schools.The government strongly supports charter schools as a way to reorganize public schools, which are failing to educate students.But some education unions are against charter schools.One teachers’union has just released the results of the study, which compared the progress of students in both traditional public schools and charter schools.The results of the study show that charter school students performed worse on maths and reading tests than the students in traditional public schools.Some experts say the study is not fair because students in charter schools have more problems than students in traditional publicschools.Other education experts say the study results would make charter school officials realize that they should help their students make greater progress.1. If a company wants to operate a charter school, it must ________.A.try new methods of teachingB.prove its management abilityC.obey the local and state lawsD.get the government’s permissionD解析:细节理解题。
九上第一单元字词班级:姓名:学号:得分:1.( )大河上下,顿失tāo tāo。
2.( )须晴日,看红妆素裹,分外yāo ráo。
3.( )江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞zhé yāo。
4.( )惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊fēnɡsāo。
5.( )一代tiān jiāo,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。
6.( )俱往矣,数fēnɡ liú 人物,还看今朝。
7.( )我也应该用sī yă的喉咙歌唱。
8.( )这永远xiōng yŏng着我们的悲愤的河流。
9.( )和那来自林间的无比温柔的límíng……10.( )连羽毛也fŭ làn在土地里面。
11.( )笑响点亮了四面风;qīng líng在春的艳中交舞着变。
12.( ) ( ) ( )那轻,那pīng tíng,你是,xiān yάn 百花的guān miăn你戴着。
13.( )你是一树一树的花开,是燕在梁间ní nán。
14.( )我看一阵向晚的春风悄悄揉过fēng rùn的青草。
15.( )无意chén zuì了凝望它的大地。
16.( )哦,逝去的多少欢乐和yōu qī,我枉然在你的心胸里描画!17.( )哦!多少年来你丰润的生命永在寂静的谐奏里bófā。
18.( )如今却只见他生命的静流随着季节的起伏而piāo yì。
19.( ) ( ) ( )去吧,去吧,哦生命的飞奔,叫天风挽你坦荡地màn yóu,像鸟的歌唱,云的liú pàn,树的yáo yè。
1、对沙尘暴的认识错误的是()A沙尘暴再次敲响了警钟,我国的环境问题日益严重B沙尘暴出现的原因在于人们不适当的开发和利用自然资源,破坏了环境C沙尘暴威胁生态平衡,危害人类健康D解决沙尘暴的出路在于人类不在开发和利用自然资源2、面对沙尘暴我们应该()A增强环保意识,保护好环境B减缓经济和社会的发展速度C把治理沙尘暴作为我国中心工作D发展经济必然要破坏环境3、沙尘暴对环境和人民生活的危害有()①使空气质量降低②容易诱发多种疾病③使沙漠化问题日益严重④影响人民的正常生活A ①②③B ②③④C ①②④D ①②③④4、我国北方大部分地区每年都会遭到沙尘暴频繁袭击的原因是()①植被被破坏②天气干燥③大量的挖掘甘草和发菜④土地荒漠化和沙化A ①②③B ①②③④C ②③④D ①②④6、下列关于人口对经济和社会发展的影响,认识正确的是()A一个国家,人口越多,经济和社会发展速度越快B一个国家,人口越多,国力越强C人口过多,影响一个国家人民生活水平的提高D人口过快增长,有利于对自然资源和生态环境的保护7、我国在自然资源方面的国情,概括地说()A种类多,总量少,易开发B总量少,人均占有量少C种类少,总量少,人均占有量少D种类多,总量大,人均占有量较少8、我国生态环境的基本状况是()A总体在恶化,局部在改善B有效利用土地资源,节约耕地C积极开发旅游资源D生物多样性得到很好保护9、我国在修建青藏铁路时,对穿过可可西里等自然保护区的线路采取绕道,在野生动物活动地段设置通道等措施。
(每空2分,共20分)1.某公司账册上1月份经营记录为+35万元,2月份经营记录为-25万元,3月份经营记录为+27万元,该公司第一季度的经营记录可记作( )万元。
2.右图是一张长方形纸折叠起来后的图形,已知∠1 =40° ,则∠2=( )。
(1)甲、乙合做这项工程( )天可以完成。
(2)先由甲做3天,剩下的工程由丙做,还需要( )天完成。
4.一个由小立方体搭成的立体图形,从上面看到的图形是图1,从左面看到的图形是图2,摆这样的立体图形,最少需要( )个小立方体。
5.某书店对外出租图书的收费方法:每本书在出租后的前三天共收1元,以后每天收0.2元,那么一本图书出租到第n天(n是大于3的自然数) ,应收租金( )元。
6.甲、乙、丙三个数的平均数是70,甲:乙=2 :3,乙:丙=4 :5,乙数是( )。
7.把-根长2米、底面直径是2分米的圆柱形木料沿截面平均锯成4段后,表面积增加了()平方分米,每段木料的表面积是( )平方分米。
8.一次数学测验只有两道题,结果全班有10人全对,第一道有25人做对,第二道有18人做错,那么两道题都做错的有( ) 人。
(把正确答案的序号填在括号里) 1.一种商品先提价30%后,再打七折出售,现价与原价相比,( ) 。
A.现价高B.现价低C.相同D.无法比较2.一个修路队铺- -段铁路,原计划每天铺3.2千米,15天铺完。
实际每天比原计划多铺0.8千米,实际多少天就铺完了这段铁路?正确列式为( )。
A.3.2 x15 +0.8B.3.2x15 +(3.2 -0.8)C.3.2x15 +(3.2 +0.8)D.3.2 x15 +3.23.如图所示,小明将--张正方形纸对折两次,并在中心处打孔再将它展开,展开后的图形是( )。
修辞复习题答案一、选择题1. 下列哪个选项是使用了拟人修辞手法?A. 春风又绿江南岸B. 满园春色关不住C. 月落乌啼霜满天D. 独在异乡为异客答案:A2. “江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰”这句话中使用了哪种修辞手法?A. 夸张B. 反问C. 比喻D. 对偶答案:A3. “黄河远上白云间,一片孤城万仞山”中,“孤城”和“万仞山”之间的关系是?A. 并列B. 对比C. 递进D. 转折答案:B二、填空题1. 修辞手法中的“排比”是指_______。
2. “问世间情为何物,直教人生死相许”这句话中的修辞手法是_______。
答案:设问三、简答题1. 请简述“夸张”修辞手法的特点及其在文学创作中的作用。
2. 举例说明“反问”修辞手法在表达作者情感时的作用。
四、论述题1. 论述“比喻”和“拟人”两种修辞手法在诗歌创作中的运用及其效果。
五、应用题1. 请根据以下句子,分析其使用的修辞手法,并给出解释。
A.元音元音字母B.元音元音C.元音字母元音D.元音字母元音字母6、There is some ____ in my purseA. moneyB. photosC. cardsD. keys7、The twins are____.A. on the different rowB. in different rowC. in the different rowD. in different rows8、In an English-Chinese dictionary ,the word “act” comes___“all”A. afterB. beforeC. inD. to9、___ funny time to make breakfast with you!A. What isB. HowC. what aD. How a10、--Kate , I’m sorry I’m late. --_____A. RightB. All rightC. That’s all rightD. You are right11、There are about forty __in our school.A.man teacherB. man teachersC. men teachersD. men teacher12、- Meimei, it’s kind of you to help me with my English.-____.A. My pleasureB. You’re all rightC. No problemD. It’s my work13、The river is too deep. You’d better __ it by yourself.A. don’t crossB. not do crossC. not acrossD. not cross14、Henan is in the __ of China.A. southB. northC. westD. east15、I have no brothers __ sister.A. butB. andC. orD. /16、A famous boy was born __ a cold morning in 1995.A. atB. inC. onD. /17、which is your kite , Tom?The red __ in the sky.A. itB. thisC. thatD. one18、-How do you like the red coat?-______.A. Yes , I like its colorB. Yes. I don’t like itC. I like it very muchD. No, I don’t like it19、They like going to the movies with their friends in China and __ sports.A.playB. playsC. to playD. playing20、___ are all in Class Eight.A. You, I and sheB. I you and sheC. She , you and heD. You , she and I二、阅读理解(共20小题,每题2分,计40分)(A)Big Ben is not the name of a man. It is the name of a big clock in London. London is the capital of England. This clock has four faces. So no matter where you stand, you can read thetime on the face of Big Ben. Each face is the size of a bus. The hands are about four meters long. It is about the size of two people standing on top each other. If you go to London, you may want to visit the Houses of Parliament. In that place you will find Big Ben sits at the top of the clock tower in the Houses of Parliament. You will probably hear it and see it. The big clock makes such a loud noise, “Ding dong, ding dong ”. It goes, every quarter of an hour.The name of Big Ben comes from a big builder.21、Big Ben is____.A. a busB. a clockC. the name of BenD. a house22、Big Ben is in ____.A. ChinaB. the USAC. JapanD. the UK23、The clock strikes(敲打) every ___ of an hour.A. ten minutesB. fifteen minutesC. thirty minutesD. forty – five minutes24、You can read the time of Big Ben____.A.at the top of the clock towerB.in the Houses of ParliamentC. on the hands of the huge clockD. on the four faces of the clock25、The underlined(画线部分)word “hands”means__ in Chinese.A. 手B. 标志C. 指针D. 发条(B)Do you know the tree frog?Birds live in trees. Squirrels live in trees. But do you know that some frogs live in trees, too?The tree frog is hard to find. It can change its color. On green leaves, it stays green. On a brown branch, it turns brown. Some tree frogs can change from green to gold or blue.Tree frogs have legs and wide feet They have sticky pads(黏性的肉趾) at the end of their toes These sticky toe pads keep the tree frogs from falling. Tree frogs have different colors and markings(斑点) on their skins. Their eyes are different, too. Some have green eyes, and others have bright red ones.The sounds they make are different, too. One frog makes a sound like a dog barking. Another frog makes a loud noise like a snore. There is even a frog that whistles!26、Tree frogs are hard to find because ____.A. they stay in treesB. they can change their colorsC. they have sticky padsD. they make surprising sounds27、If it is spring, the color of tree frogs is ____.A. goldB. brownC. greenD. blue28、Tree frog can stay in trees because___.A. they have sticky padsB. they can change their colorsC. they make surprising soundsD. they have green or bright red eyes29、The underlined word “whistles” means__ in Chinese.A. 跳高B. 吹口哨C. 爬树D. 千变万化30、The passage is mainly about ___ .A. the colors of a special frogB. the sounds of a special frogC. the eyes of a special frogD. a special frog(C)Today, many people don’t carry a lot of coins or even paper money with them. They use bankcards. Bankcards are small, plastic cards that computers in stores can read. The computers tell the band to pay the storeowner for what someone buys in a store. The person needs to pay the bank.Plastic bankcards can be useful. People don’t have to carry around lots of coins or paper money. Computers can keep track of (与…保持联系)lost bankcards. However, bankcards are not money. People need to pay the bank for the things they buy.31、what are bankcards? They are __.A. paper money that people buy at a storeB. plastic cards that people can use like moneyC. computers that give people moneyD. plastic cards that a person can buy at a store32、If we want to use bankcards, what should we do?A. We should buy a card at a storeB. We should have some gold and silverC. We should have plasticD. We should put money in the bank33、Why do people think of using bankcards to pay the bank?A. Because they don’t have to carry around lots of coins or paper moneyB. Because they don’t have any moneyC. Because they don’t want to leave their coins at storesD. Because they are coins or paper money34、Which of the following is NOT true?A. Bankcards are very usefulB. Computers can keep track of lost bankcardsC. Many people use bankcardsD. People don’t have to pay the bank35、What should we do if our bankcards are lost?A. We should call the policeB. We should buy a new oneC. The computers can keep track of the lost bankcardsD. We will not use them again(D)In our school we can do a lot of sports. The school says we must all learn to swim, so we go swimming once a week all the year. We can do other sports, too. The girls and boys sometimes play different sports. For example, about 90% of the boys but only half of the girls go running every morning.In winter we do some sports and in summer we do other sports. In winter about 80% of the boys play football. Just over half of the boys play basketball, but only a few play volleyball( they think it’s a girl’s game). In summer about 70% of the boys play crieket and only 30% play tennis.In winter, the girls can now play football, too. But only a few choose it. About two third of the girls play volleyball, and a quarter play basketball. In summer, a lot of girls play tennis, about 60%, and about 40% do aerobics(健美操).36 、How many times do the students go swimming in a year?37、Which sports do boys do in winter?38、If there are 240 girls in this school, how many of them will play basketball in winter?39、Most of the boys think____ is a girl’s game.40、Which sports do girls do in summer?三、完形填空(共10题,共10分)根据Jimmy 的时间和活动安排,完成他的日记,每空一词。
第二十五届“韩素音青年翻译奖”竞赛原文英译汉竞赛原文:GlobalizationA fundamental shift is occurring in the world economy. We are moving rapidly away from a world in which national economies were relatively self-contained entities, isolated from each other by barriers to cross-border trade and investment; by distance, time zones, and language; and by national differences in government regulation, culture, and business systems. And we are moving toward a world in which barriers to cross-border trade and investment are tumbling; perceived distance is shrinking due to advances in transportation and telecommunications technology; material culture is starting to look similar the world over; and national economies are merging into an interdependent global economic system. The process by which this is occurring is commonly referred to as globalization.Correspondent: Globalization has been one of the most important factors to affect business over the last twenty years. How is it different from what existed before? Companies used to export to other parts of the world from a base in their home country. Many of the connections between exporting and importing countries had a historical basis. Today, to be competitive, companies are looking for bigger markets and want to export to every country. They want to move into the global market. To do this many companies have set up local bases in different countries. Two chief executives will talk about how their companies dealt with going global. PercyBarnevik, one of the world’s most admired business leaders when he was Chairman of the international engineering group ABB and Dick Brown of telecommunications provider Cable & Wireless.Cable & Wireless already operates in many countries and is well-placed to take advantage of the increasingly global market for telecommunications. For Dick Brown globalization involves the economies of countries being connected to each other and companies doing business in many countries and therefore having multinational accounts.Dick Brown: The world is globalizing and the telecommunications industry is becoming more and more global, and so we feel we’re well-positioned in that market place. You see currency markets are more global tied, economies are globally connected, more so nowadays with expanded trade, more and more multinational accounts are doing business in many, many more countries. We’re a company at Cable & Wireless now, well-positioned to carry the traffic and to provide the services to more and more companies that now need to get to five countries or twelvec ountries, we’re often there.Correspondent: When Percy Barnevik became head of the international engineering group ABB, his task was to make globalization work. He decided to divide the business into over a thousand smaller companies. In this way he believed the company could be both global and local. In answering the question “How do you make globalization work?”, Percy Barnevik describes the “global glue” that keeps themany different people in ABB together. He then looks at the need to manage the three contradictions of company: it is decentralized but centrally controlled, it is big and small at the same time and it is both global and local.Percy Barnevik: We have now for ten years after our big merger created a “global glue” where people are tied together, where they don’t internally compete, but support each other, and you have global leaders with global responsibility and your local managers working with their profit centers, and if you have the right, so to say, agenda for these people and the right structure, you can use a scale of economy and your advantages of bigness but being small. We used to say you have three contradictions: decentralized and still centrally controlled, big and small, global and local, and, of course, to try to make these contradictions work together effectively, then I think you have a big organizational competitive edge.Correspondent: Globalizations can bring advantage to a business, but how does a company go global? Dick Brown mentions three ways companies can achieve “globalness”. Firstly, companies can work together in alliances. Secondly, they can acquire or buy other companies, and thirdly they can grow organically by expanding from their existing base.Dick Brown: Well, as you go global, and a handful or more of companies are going to really push out, in my view, to be truly global companies, and some of them, maybe all of them, will also work to be local. They’ll be local in chosen markets and global in their ability to carry their customers’ needs from continent A to c ontinent B.We want to be one of the companies that’s both global and local. Alliances are one way to be global, it’s not the only way to be global; you can acquire your way to “globalness”, you can organically grow your way to “globalness”, you can have alliances which help you get global quicker, so you take your pick.Percy Barnevik: You have to start from the top with local people who understand language, culture and so on, and I think in this global world where the East is coming up now, that’s a winni ng recipe.Correspondent: ABB already found the winning recipe. Its theory of globalization has become the company’s working practice. So how do you make theory work in practice? Percy Barnevik believes that successful globalization involves getting people to work together, overcoming national, cultural barriers and making the organization customer-driven.Percy Barnevik: You see the easy thing is to have the theory, but then to make the systems work, to make people really work together, to trust each other —Americans, Europeans, Asians, to get over these national cultural barriers and create a common glue, ABB, and then make them customer-driven. If you can achieve that, and create that culture deep down then I think you have an important competitive edge.Correspondent: What Dick Brown and Percy Barnevik have shown is that there are different routes to globalization and that companies have to work hard to succeed in going global. Actually one of the disadvantages of the Global Strategy is thatintegrated competitive moves can lead to the sacrificing of revenues, profits, or competitive positions in individual countries — especially when the subsidiary in one country is told to attack a global competitor in order to convey a signal or divert that competitor’s resources from another nation. The challenges managers of transnational corporations face are to identify and exploit cross-border synergies and to balance local demands with the global vision for the corporation. Building an effective transnational organization requires a corporate culture that values global dissimilarities across cultures and markets.汉译英竞赛原文:传统百货会否成为“消失的行业”数据显示,2011年中国电子商务市场整体交易规模达到7万亿元,同比增长46.4%。
韩素音 汉译英
部编版语文九年级(上)读读写写看拼音写汉字(1单元)第一课沁园春·雪1.望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失tāo tāo()。
2.须晴日,看红装素裹,分外yāo ráo()。
3.江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞zhé yāo()。
4.惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊fēng sāo()。
5.一代tiān jiāo(),成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。
6.俱往矣,数fēng liú()人物,还看今朝。
第二课我爱这土地1.我也应该用sī yǎ()的喉咙歌唱。
2.这永远xiōng yǒng()着我们的悲愤的河流。
3.这无止息地吹刮着的激怒的风,和那来自林间的无比温柔的lí míng()。
4.——然后我死了,连羽毛也fǔ làn()在土地里面。
第四课你是人间的四月天1.笑响点亮了四面风;qīng líng()在春的光艳中交舞着变。
2.那轻,那pīng tíng(),你是,xiān yán()百花的guān miǎn()你戴着。
3.你是一树一树的花开,是燕在梁间ní nán(),——你是爱,是暖,是希望,你是人间的四月天!第五课我看1.我看一阵向晚的春风悄悄揉过fēng rùn()的青草。
2.我懒流云慢慢地红晕无意chén zuì()了凝望它的大地。
3.哦,逝去的多少欢乐和yōu qì(),我枉然在你的心胸里描绘!4.哦!多少年来你fēng rùn()的生命永在寂静的谐奏里bó fā()。
5.如今却只见他生命的静流随着季节的起伏而piāo yì()。
6.哦生命的飞奔,叫天风挽你坦荡地màn yóu(),像鸟的歌唱,云的liú pàn(),树的yáo yè()。
春考单招文化素养试题答案一、选择题1. 以下哪个选项不是中国古代四大发明之一?A. 造纸术B. 指南针C. 火药D. 印刷术答案:D2. “江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰”出自哪位诗人的笔下?A. 李白B. 杜甫C. 苏轼D. 辛弃疾答案:C3. 以下哪部作品不是莎士比亚的?A. 《哈姆雷特》B. 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》C. 《悲惨世界》D. 《麦克白》答案:C4. “天行健,君子以自强不息”出自哪部经典?A. 《论语》B. 《孟子》C. 《易经》D. 《道德经》答案:C5. 以下哪个不是中国传统节日?A. 春节B. 端午节C. 圣诞节D. 中秋节答案:C二、填空题6. 我国古代著名的哲学家、思想家孔子,其主要思想体现在《________》一书中。
答案:论语7. “明月几时有?把酒问青天。
答案:水调歌头8. 被誉为“诗圣”的唐代诗人是________。
答案:杜甫9. 我国古代四大名著之一《红楼梦》的作者是________。
答案:曹雪芹10. 法国著名作家雨果的代表作《悲惨世界》中,主人公让·瓦尔让的原名是________。
答案:让·瓦尔让三、简答题11. 请简述《论语》中“仁”的含义。
12. 请简述《红楼梦》中贾宝玉和林黛玉的爱情故事。
四、论述题13. 论述中国古代四大发明对世界文明的影响。
一、衍生注释:1. “沁园春”:词牌名,相传为东汉明帝女儿沁水公主园林,后来被用作词牌。
2. “北国”:指我国北方。
3. “惟余莽莽”:只剩下白茫茫的一片。
4. “顿失滔滔”:立刻失去了波涛滚滚的气势。
5. “山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象”:群山好像(一条条)银蛇在舞动,高原(上的丘陵)好像(许多)白象在奔跑。
6. “须晴日”:等到晴天的时候。
7. “风骚”:本指《诗经》里的《国风》和《楚辞》里的《离骚》,后来泛指文章辞藻。
必修2 第一单元第2课我国公民的政治参与3课时(练)(满分60分,30分钟完成)班级姓名总分一、选择题(每题3分,10小题,总共30分)1.在城乡社区治理、基层公共事务和公益事业中,实行群众自我管理、自我服务、自我教育、自我监督,是人民依法直接行使民主权利的重要方式。
假如你是该村村民,你可以采取的行动是()①在村民会议上要求李某兑现承诺②在村民主评议会上质询李某行为③请求镇政府撤销李某村主任职务④向人民法院控告李某的失职行为A.①②B.①③C.②④D.③④【答案】A【解析】试题解析:请求镇政府撤销其村主任职务,首先你要知道村委会是村民选举产生的群众性自治组织,村委会和乡政府不是领导和被领导的关系, 而是指导和协助的关系,所以乡政府没有权力撤销村主任职务,只能通过村民大会;控告是我国宪法规定的公民的政治权利之一,控告是指机关、团体、企事业单位和个人向司法机关揭露违法犯罪事实或犯罪嫌疑人,显然村主任没尽职责不属于违法犯罪,就像一个人没做好工作我们不可能去法院控告人家。
第1课 沁园春·雪 学习目标 重点难点 知识与能力1.理解、积累“妖娆、风骚、红装素裹、一代天骄”等词语。
教学重点 吟诵、品味诗歌。
教学难点 丰富想象,领略词作的诗情画意。
1. 作者资料【毛泽东】字润之,笔名子任,湖南湘潭人。
高中跑操背诵试题及答案1. 请背诵《沁园春·雪》中的名句“江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰”。
2. 背诵《岳阳楼记》中描述洞庭湖的段落。
3. 请完整背诵《出师表》中的“先帝创业未半而中道崩殂”一段。
4. 背诵《滕王阁序》中“落霞与孤鹜齐飞,秋水共长天一色”的上一句。
5. 请背诵《论语》中孔子关于“学而时习之”的论述。
答案:子曰:“学而时习之,不亦说乎?有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎?”6. 背诵《醉翁亭记》中“环滁皆山也”一段。
7. 请完整背诵《离骚》中的“长太息以掩涕兮,哀民生之多艰”一段。
8. 背诵《赤壁赋》中“清风徐来,水波不兴”的下一句。
9. 请背诵《滕王阁序》中“落霞与孤鹜齐飞,秋水共长天一色”的下一句。
10. 背诵《岳阳楼记》中“先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐”的上一句。
九年级语文课堂作业本答案浙教版第一单元沁园春雪〕i ( i )蜡(2 )裹(3 )烧(4 )逊2 ( 1 )宋题日词牌名1匕方的雪景历代的英雄人物江山如此多娇引无数英雄竞折腰(2 )秦始皇汉武帝唐太宗宋太祖成吉思汗(3 )《诗经》里的《国风》和《楚辞》里的《离骚》义学才华(这里用文学刁华来概括广义的文化,包括政治、思想、文化在内)文采(4 )数风流人物还看今朝3 示例:千山鸟飞绝,万径人踪灭。
4 望。
长城、黄河、群山、高原等景观表达了词人领略祖国大好河山时的豪迈情坏5 秦皇汉武、唐宗宋祖、成吉思汗。
6 .能够建功立业的英雄人物。
表达r 词人坚定的自信和伟大的抱负。
7 形象传神地写出冰封雷盖的北国雪景以及这些景物的勃勃生机和昂扬的气势,并赋静态的景物以动态。
8 虚景。
示例:等到天晴了,红红的太阳照耀着白自的需色,就像一身红装被素白裹着,两相映照,格外艳丽!g 雪里行军情更迫雪中行军红军战士行军的昂扬斗志和雄壮军威10 风卷红旗过大关实11 略12 示例:词中的评论既肯定这些历史人物作历中}的功结,又含蓄她批评{ftJ 们长于武功而短于文治。
历史仔上的表述略2 雨说1 ( 1 )圃(2 )锢(3 )嚷(4 )蓑(5 )仁断(6 )袱2( 1 )指说话时声音、语气很轻很细,温柔亲切。
(2 )如同油膏一样湿润。
造句略口3 .我来了,/我/走得很轻,/而且/温声细语地我的爱心/像丝缕那样/把天地/织在起我呼唤/每一个孩子的乳名/又甜又准我来了,/雷电/不喧嚷,/风/也不拥挤魂.它展示着获得了思想解放的胜利的姿态,显示着饱满的力量,尽情地闪耀着独立自主意识觉醒后的光芒。
5 在这棵向日葵胜利与白信的姿态背后,在它的不为人留意的脚下,是浸透着血的泥土。
诗人在歌颂争取自我解放的抗争者的同时,还向人们揭示了抗争者所付出的血的代价,更加衬托出这棵向日葵的崇高与神圣6 示例一个成长着的孩子的象征凸一个想要摆脱父母过于专横的爱,子求独立自主的生命规划,努力实现自我价值的孩子的象征。
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七年级上英语竞赛试题听力测试( 20分)一. 听句选词。
(每小题1分,共5分)( )1. A. meet B. neat C. meat( )2 A. pay B. say C. may( )3. A. red B. green C. black( )4. A .above B. phones C. shoes( )5. A. ages B.oranges C. magazines二. 听句选答。
(每小题1分,共5分)( )6. A. They are blue. B.They are big. C.They are small.( )7. A. Here you are. B. Why ? C. My telephone number is 286-4531. ( )8. A. You can help me. B. Yes,please. C. I need you to help me.( )9. A. Thanks a lot. B.I want some oranges. C. Yes, I do.( )10. A. Yes,we are . B. No,we have C. Yes,we do.三.对话理解。
(每小题1分,共5分)( )11.A. They like to play basketball. B. No,they do C. No,they like to play soccer. ( )12. A. The pop music B. The classical music C. The country music ( )13. A. At 223 Green Avenue B. At 223 Green Street C. At 223 White Street ( )14 .A .She’d like a mushroo m,tomato and cheese pizza.B. She’d like a mushroom and cheese pizza.C. She’d like a tomato and cheese pizza.( )15. A. In a hospital B. In a library C. In a store四.请听短文,判断下列各句正(T) 误(F)。
(每小题1分,共5分)( )16.John is an old man .( )17.John lives in New York.( )18.John eats dinner at home.( )19.There’s only one bus to his office.( )20.John goes to work by bus.笔试部分(80分)一词汇(10分)A.) 选择适当的字母或字母组合填空.(每小题1分,共5分)( )1. p__st A. u B. c C. o D. r( )2. b__dge A ri B. ir C. or D. ur( )3. j__zz A. o B. a C. i D. e( )4. c__te A. o B. u C. e D. a( )5. gr__n A. ea B. uu C. ee D. ieB.) 按要求写出下列单词形式. (每小题1分,共5分)6.who’s (完整形式)_______7.he would (缩写形式)_______8.friend (形容词)_________ 9.two (同音异形词)_______10.teach (名词)__________二. 选择正确答案填空. (每小题1分,共15分)( )1. Let_____help you.A. IB. meC. myD. mine( )2.---____do you do? ---I am a doctor .A.HowB. WhyC. WhereD. What( )3._____Mary have a party last night ?A.IsB.AreC.DidD.Does( )4.----_____is the dance music ?--- Go straight and turn right.A. WhereB.WhatC. WhenD.Who( )5.Koala bears eat_______.A. leafB.leafsC.leavesD.leafes( )6.He wants to be an ______.A. doctorB.bank clerkC. teacherD. actor( )7.She _____from Africa.A.isB. areC. comeD. am( )8.---_____do you want to see the lions ?---Because they’re cute.A.WhatB.WhyC.WhereD.Who( )9. Let’s _________.A. go homeB.to go homeC.went homeD.going home( )10.The library is _____the video arcade and the supermarket.A. betweenB. onC. atD. for( )11. _____there a bank near here ?A. AreB.IsC.AmD. Be( )12.----Thank you very much..-----____________.A.OKB.GoodC. No thanksD.You’re welcome( )13. They______tennis yesterday afternoon.A. playB. playingC. playedD. playyed( )14.--- What other _____do you like ?---I like dogs,too.A. animalB. animalsC. animalesD. dog( )15. He enjoys______books.A. readB.readsC. readingD.readed三. 英汉互译. (每小题1分,共10分)1. post office ____________2. Excuse me___________3.take a walk ____________4.公园_______________5. 稍微,有点儿__________6. at night _____________7. as well as______________ 8. Fri. _______________9. do some reading ____________ 10. reporter_____________四.用所给词的适当形式填空. (每小题1分,共5分)1. Listen! She _________(sing) ABC song.2. They usually __________(go) shopping on Saturday.3. I______(be) not here yesterday.4. He ________(clean) his room every day.5. What did you ______(do) over the weekend,Lily ?五..补全对话。
(每空2分,共10分) A: Hello,Ben.Do you know Jenny ?A.Yes,I am.B.What does she do ?C.Where does she play tennis ?D.When does she play tennis ?E.What did she do ?F.Yes,I do.G.Did she play tennis over the weekend ?H.Bye-bye.B: ①____________A:What’s her favorite sport ?B:She likes tennis.A:____②__________B:She plays tennis at 4:30.A: __③_____________B:No,she didn’t.A:__④_____________B:She went to a movie.A:Good-bye! B: ⑤六.完形填空。
(每小题1分,共10分)Li Lei has a good friend. ①name is Jim. He is ②the USA. .He likes ③food very much. He can ④English and ⑤Chinese. Li Lei and Jim are in the same ⑥ .They are classmates. They go to school five ⑦ a week.They stay ⑧home on Saturdays and Sundays. At school they play ⑨after class.They like swimming, ⑩.( )1. A. He B.His C. He’s D. Her( )2. A. from B.to C.of D. after( )3. A. China B. Chinas C. Chinese D.Japan( )4. A.say B.tell C.talk D. speak( )5. A. many B. any C. a little D. lot( )6. A. class B. shop C. bank D. office( )7. A. years B.days C.weeks D. months( )8. A. at B.in C. on D.behind( )9. A. a basketball B.the basketball C. basketball D.an basketball( )10. A. also B. as well C. as D. too七.阅读理解。
请根据短文内容判断下列各句正( T ) 误( F )。
(每题2分,共10分)This is our classroom. It’s very big . The walls are white and the windows are bright(明亮的).The blackboard is on the wall.It’s big, too.There is also a big desk in the front of the classroom..It is for our teachers.There are forty small desks and chairs in the room.They are for students.Look! There are some beautiful flowers(花)on the big desk.They are for our teachers,too. Our English teacher is Miss Brown..She is a good teacher .We like her very much.( )1. Our classroom is not very big.( )2.The big blackboard is on the wall.( )3.There are fifty desks and chairs for the students and teachers.( )4.Their English teacher is Mr Brown.( )5.The beautiful flowers are for the teachers.答案听力部分听力原文:1.Nice to meet you . 2.I pay 10 dollars for these jazz CDs.3.We have green T-shirt for girls.4.Where are my new shoes ?5.Why do you like football magazines ?6. What color are these pencils ?7.What’s your telephone number ? 8.Can I help you ?9.Do you want some orange ? 10.Do you have a western section on the right ?11. M:Do Jack and Jim like to play soccer ? W:N o,they don’t .They like to play basketball. Question: What sport do they like ?12. M: Lucy,are you a pop music fan ? W: No,I like the classical music best.Question:What’s Lucy’s favorite kind of music ?13.W: What’s your address, Mike ? M: It’s 223 Gr een Street.Question: Where does Mike live ?14.M:Annie,what kind of pizza would you like ?W:I’d like a mushroom,tomato and cheese pizza.Question:What kind of pizza would Annie like ?15.M:Maria,are you a sale assistant ? W:No,I’m a library assistan t.Question:Where does Maria work ?四.短文:John is a young man. He lives in New York.Every day he gets up very early.He eats breakfast at home .Then he goes to a bus stop .He takes bus to his office. There are two buses to his office .One is in the morning ,and the other is in the afternoon .He can take the afternoon bus home and have dinner.He does the same thing on weekdays.答案:一.1.A 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. C 二 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.C 10.C三11.A 12.B 13. B 14. A 15.B 四16.F 17. T 18.T 19.F 20. T笔试部分一. 词汇A) 1. C 2.A 3. B 4.B 5.CB) 6.who is 7.he’d 8.friendly 9.to/too 10.teacher二.选择填空: 1.B 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.C 6.D 7.A 8B9.A 10.A 11.B 12.D 13.C 14.B 15.C三.英汉互译1. 邮局2. 对不起,劳驾3.散步4.park5. kind of6.在夜里7.也,而且8.星期五9. 阅读10.记者四.用适当形式填空.1. is singing2. go3. was4. cleans5.do五.补全对话1.F2.D3.G4. E5. H六.完形填空1.B 2.A 3 .C 4. D 5.C 6.A 7.B 8. A 9. C 10. D七.阅读理解1. F2.T3.F4.F5. T。