BYD0240 Model (1)
比亚迪电动豪华车Han EV说明书

New Energy
Charging booking system
Battery heater
Battery cooler
Wall-mounted charger (7kW)
On-board charger (7kW)
Portable charger (3 to 7)
Red interior
Driver & front passenger sun visor with make-up mirror & lamp
12.3-inch LCD combination instrument
Leather dashboard with real wood
Leather dashboard with real aluminum
Intelligent driving assistance systems
0.233 Cd
Ultralow drag coe cient
Basic Parameters
Length x Width x Height (mm)
Blade battery
Redefine a new standard of safety
3.9 seconds
0 to 100km/h acceleration
32.8 meters
100km/h to 0 Braking distance

新人上岗测试题您的姓名: [填空题] *_________________________________1.以下哪一个不是比亚迪的四大产业:() [单选题] *A.汽车B.轨道交通C.通信(正确答案)D.电子2.比亚迪哪一年开始进入汽车行业:() [单选题] *A.2003年(正确答案)B.2008年C.2013年D.2002年3.比亚迪授权专利多少项:() [单选题] *A.2万B.3.2万C.2.6万(正确答案)D.3.8万4.比亚的品牌于()年诞生于深圳 [单选题] *A、1992B、1995(正确答案)C、1996D、19975.汽车的终极钥匙是() [单选题] *A.机械钥匙B.无钥匙进入系统C.蓝牙车钥匙D.手机NFC车钥匙(正确答案)6.比亚迪的刀片电池将()从系能源汽车字典里彻底抹掉 [单选题] *A.电池使用寿命短B.电池更换成本高C.电池自燃(正确答案)D.电池衰减7.比亚迪插电式混合动力技术不断发展,已细分为两大平台,分别追求() [单选题] *A DM-p超强动力;DM-i超低油耗(正确答案)B DM-p超级智能;DM-i超低油耗C DM-p超级智能;DM-i超强四驱D M-p超级动力;DM-i超强四驱8.()年比亚迪推出跨座式单轨--云轨,在国际上打破了( )对先进单轨技术的垄断[单选题] *A 2016;日立、庞巴迪(正确答案)B 2015;日立、松下C 2016;博世、庞巴迪D 2015;西门子、LG9.比亚迪汽车遍布世界()多个国家()多个城市,唯一覆盖欧,美,日,韩等发达国家的中国汽车品牌 [单选题] *A.50,300B.70,500C.40,300D.70,400(正确答案)10.享有NPS政策奖励的车型,交车后分()次发放 [单选题] *A.2B.1C.3(正确答案)D.411.哪一个岗位不享受NPS政策奖励() [单选题] *A.交付专员(正确答案)B.客户经理C.首席产品体验官D.服务顾问12.车辆交付后()天后推送NPS有奖调研 [单选题] *A.30B.31(正确答案)C.60D.6113.新车期有维保记录NPS调查问卷一共调研()个问题 [单选题] *A.2B.3(正确答案)C.4D.114.《比亚迪公司员工日常行为考核制度》下列哪种情形不属于四级处罚() [单选题] *A.污蔑、诬告、恶意诽谤他人B.故意破坏、毁弃、隐匿公司设备、财产及文书C.迟到早退(正确答案)D.严禁利用职务之便侵占销售礼品、精品、备件等公司财产,严禁公车私用15.静态讲解环节至少要做()个亮点介绍,并且介绍要满足()步法可得静态讲解项满分 [单选题] *A.3,三B.3,四(正确答案)C.4,三D.4,四15.客户跟进环节,销售顾问应在客户离店()后,()内首次跟进满足要求 [单选题] *A.2小时,12小时B.2小时,24小时(正确答案)C.3小时,36小时D.2小时,48小时16.品牌自信宣导时间商超城展不能低于()秒,4s一级店不能低于()秒: [单选题] *A.15,25B.20,40C.15,30(正确答案)D.15,2017.试乘试驾的线路推荐不能少于()条: [单选题] *A. 3B. 2(正确答案)C.4D.118.试乘试驾环节工作日试驾排队等待不应超过()分钟,预约到店试驾客户不应超过()分钟,周末及节假日不应超过()分钟,预约到店试驾客户不应超过()分钟 [单选题] *A.30,45,60,45B.45,30,60,45(正确答案)C.45,25,60,30D.45,20,60,4519.客户没有同时关注的竞品车型,销售应称赞客户“品牌选择眼光”或“感谢信任”,并能结合本品优势向客户给出()条选车“衡量标准”建议。
BYD Battery-Box HV 6.4 7.7 9.0 10.2 11.5 说明书

BYD Battery-Box HV User Manual Battery-Box H 6.4/7.7/9.0/10.2/11.5Version 4.0BYD Battery-Box HV User ManualContents1 General Information (2)1.1 Validity (2)1.2 Application (2)1.3 Intended Use (2)1.4 Definition (2)1.5 Identifying The Product (3)2 Safety (3)3 Technical Data (4)4 Technical Items (5)5 Product Overview (5)5.1 Brief Introduction (5)5.2 BYD Battery-Box HV Configuration Table (6)5.3 BCU Introduction (6)5.3.1 BCU Interface Introduction (Left Side) (7)5.3.2 BCU Interface Introduction (Right Side) (7)5.3.3 BCU Functional Interfaces Definition (7)6 Cleaning and Maintenance (8)6.1 Cleaning (8)6.2 Maintenance (8)6.2.1 Recharge Requirements During Normal Storage (8)6.2.2 Recharge Requirements When Over Discharged (8)7 Compatible Inverter List (9)8 Common Issues and Solutions (9)8.1 Common Issues of BYD Battery-Box HV and Solutions (9)8.2 Common Issues Displayed On Inverter and Solutions (9)8.3 Emergency (9)9 Warranty (10)Contact Information (11)1BYD Battery-Box HV User Manual1 General Information1.1 ValidityThis user manual is applicable to the BYD Battery-Box H 6.4 / 7.7 / 9.0 / 10.2 / ApplicationThis user manual contains BYD Battery-Box HV product information, usage guidance, safety information, and details on common operating issues and subsequent corrective actions.BYD Battery-Box HV is an energy storage unit that is designed to be used in residential on-grid applications with the capability for short-term backup.1.3 Intended UseNotes regarding intended use:∙BYD Battery-Box HV is not suitable for supporting life-sustaining medical devices. A power outage must not lead to the inability to use life-sustaining medical devices and subsequent personal injury.∙This product is intended for use only in accordance with the information provided in the enclosed documentation and with the locally applicable standards and regulations. Any other application may cause personal injury or property damage.∙The illustrations in this manual are meant only to help explain system configuration concepts, includes usage guidance, safety precautions, and common operating issues and subsequent corrective actions.∙Alterations to the product, e.g. changes or modifications, are only permitted with the express written permission of BYD. Unauthorized alterations will void warranty claims. BYD shall not be held liable for any damage caused by such changes. Any use of the product other than that described in the Intended Use section does not qualify as appropriate. The enclosed documentation is an integral part of this product. Keep the documentation in a convenient place for future reference and observe all instructions contained therein. The type label (see Section 1.5) must remain attached to the product.∙BYD Battery-Box HV series products must work with compatible inverters which are listed in the “Compatible Inverter L ist” section of this manual.∙Please contact BYD or local after-service providers within 1 week once the user decides to cease using their BYD Battery-Box products.∙The Battery-Box HV system can be installed at altitudes of up to 2000m above Mean Sea Level.1.4 DefinitionBattery-Box H 6.4~11.5 components are defined as below:∙BYD Battery-Box HV: High-voltage household energy storage battery system.∙B-Plus H 1.28: Battery module. The Battery module provides the energy and sends the information about the cell voltage and cell temperature in the battery module to the upper-layer BCU. The nominal capacity of the B-Plus H 1.28 battery is 1.28kWh.2BYD Battery-Box HV User Manual3∙ BCU: Battery Control unit and Base. Two parts consisting of both the battery management and control component mounted on top of the battery modules as well as structural base, which physically supports the battery modules underneath. The top portion of the BCU is responsible for communication to and connection with the inverter or BMU.1.5 Identifying The ProductThe type label contains the product identification information, and is attached on the product. For safe usage, the user must be well-informed of the contents in the type label. The type label includes:2 SafetyThis section contains safety information that must be observed at all times when working on or with batteries. To prevent personal injury or property damage and to ensure long-term operation of the batteries, read this section carefully and observe all safety information at all times.WARNINGEnvironmental Requirement∙ Do not expose the battery to temperature above 50℃ ∙ Do not place the battery near any heat sources ∙ Do not expose the battery to moisture or liquids ∙ Do not expose the battery to corrosive gases or liquids∙ Do not expose the battery to direct sunlight for extended periods of time ∙ Place battery in secure location away from children and animals∙ Do not allow the battery power terminals to touch conductive objects such as wiresOperation Precautions∙ Do not disassemble the battery∙ Do not touch the battery pack with wet hands ∙Do not crush, drop or puncture the batteryBYD Battery-Box HV User Manual4∙ Always dispose of the product according to local safety regulations∙ Store and recharge battery in a manner in accordance with this user manual ∙ Ensure reliable grounding∙ Do not reverse the polarity or connect in series∙ Do not short circuit the terminals, remove all jewelry items that could product a short circuit before installation and handling∙ Disconnect battery from power/load and then power off battery before installation and maintenance∙ When storing or handing, do not stack up batteries when outside protective package ∙ Packaged batteries should not be stacked more than specified number stipulated on the package∙Continued operation of a damaged battery can result in dangerous situation that may cause severe injury due to electrical shock3 Technical Data1Test conditions: 100% DOD, 0.2C charg e & discharge @+25℃.System Usable Energy may be variant with different inverter brands2 -10℃~+12℃ will be derating3Detailed information refer to BYD Battery-Box Compatible Inverter ListModelBattery-BoxH 6.4 Battery-BoxH 7.7 Battery-BoxH 9.0 Battery-Box H 10.2 Battery-Box H 11.5 Battery Module B-Plus H 1.28 (1.28kWh,24.7kg)5 modules6 modules7 modules8 modules 9 modules Usable Energy 1(kWh) 6.4 7.68 8.96 10.24 11.52 Max Output Power(kW) 6.4 7.68 8.96 10.24 11.52 Peak Output Power(kW) 12.8, 30s15.36, 30s17.92, 30s20.48, 30s23.04, 30sRound-Trip Efficiency ≥95.3% (Under test condition [1] ) Nominal Voltage(V)256 307 358 409 460 Operating Voltage Range(V) 200~282 240~338280~394 320~451360~500CommunicationRS485/CAN Dimension(W x H x D mm) 580 × 894 ×380 580 × 1014 × 380 580 × 1134 × 380 580 × 1254 × 380 580 × 1374 × 380 Net Weight(Kg)143168192 216242Enclosure Protection Rating IP55 Operating Temperature Range 2(℃) -10~+50Certification UL1642 / CE / RCM / TUV(IEC62619) /Sicherheitsleitfaden Li-lonen-Hausspeicher / UN38.3ScalabilityTo be announcedCompatible Inverters 3SMA / Kostal and more brands to be announcedBYD Battery-Box HV User Manual5When BYD Battery-Box HV operates in low temperatures, the charge and discharge current is adjusted automatically. The battery will limit the current when the operating temperature gets low. Please refer to the table below for current parameters related to operating temperature:4 Technical Items5 Product Overview5.1 Brief IntroductionThis product is a high-voltage DC battery system withan operating voltage range between 200~500V. It is utilized in household energy storage applications and works together with a high-voltage inverter to realize the goal of energy storage for the home. A battery system consist of 5 to 9 individual battery modules connected in serial.Charge Current at Various Temperatures Ranges-10~40 1C No. TermsComment1 DischargeBattery output power for load2 Charge To put electricity into battery by charger3 Full charged Battery had been full charged, SOC is 100%.4 IdleReady for charging and discharging 5 Shutdown mode Power off 6 SOC State of Charge 7 SW Software 8 HWHardware9 Battery voltage The voltage between B+/B- 10 Pack voltage The voltage between P+/P- 11 Cell voltage Single cell voltage12 Failure Battery or BMS is broken, need to be replaced 13 Alarm Indicate that the battery is in abnormal status14 ProtectBattery stops charging or discharging and is recoverable. 15Over dischargedBattery is lack of electricity, and needs to be recharged in time.BYD Battery-Box HV User Manual6Product overviewMajor Components:5.2 BYD Battery-Box HV Configuration Table5.3 BCU IntroductionThe component responsible for battery management and control. The BCU is connected to thebattery modules below and to the inverter or BMU above.No. NameConfiguration Energy(kWh) Voltage(V) BCUB-Plus H 1.28Base 1 Battery-Box H 6.4 1 5 1 6.4 200~282 2 Battery-Box H 7.7 1 6 1 7.68 240~338 3 Battery-Box H 9.0 1 7 1 8.96 280~394 4 Battery-Box H 10.2 1 8 1 10.24 320~451 5Battery-Box H 11.519111.52360~500B-Plus H 1.28 BCU BaseBYD Battery-Box HV User Manual75.3.1 BCU Interface Introduction (Left Side)5.3.2 BCU Interface Introduction (Right Side)5.3.3 BCU Functional Interfaces DefinitionNo. Interface NameDescription1 P+ The system positive terminal, connected to the inverter positive terminal for battery2 P- The system negative terminal, connected to the inverter negative terminal for battery3 GND Grounding terminal, connected to the ground4 WAN Connected to the Ethernet, to complete the functions of communication and remote program update5 COMContaining RS485, CAN, and enable signals, outputting 13V power 6System Air SwitchThe main switch of system, which can be operated manually and has the short circuit protection functionPositionDesignationLeft side terminalsA WANB COMC GD P- EP+BYD Battery-Box HV User Manual86 Cleaning and Maintenance6.1 CleaningIt is recommended that the BYD Battery-Box HV system be cleaned periodically. If the enclosure is dirty, please use a soft ,dry brush or a dust collector to remove the dust. Liquids such as solvents, abrasives or corrosive liquids should not be used to clean the enclosure. 6.2 Maintenance6.2.1 Recharge Requirements During Normal StorageBatteries should be stored in an environment with a temperature range between -10℃~+45℃, and maintained regularly according to the following table with 0.5C (12.5A) current until 40% SOC after a long time of storage.6.2.2 Recharge Requirements When Over DischargedPlease recharge the over discharged batteries in a timeframe that is in accordance to the following table, otherwise the over discharged battery modules will be damaged.Recharge conditions when in storageStorage EnvironmentTemperature Relative Humidity of Storage EnvironmentStorage Time SOC Below -10℃ / prohibit /-10~25℃ 5%~70% ≤12 months 30%≤SOC≤60% 25~35℃ 5%~70% ≤6 months 30%≤SOC≤60% 35~45℃ 5%~70%≤3 months 30%≤SOC≤60%Above 45℃/prohibit/Recharge conditions when battery is over dischargedStorage Environment TemperatureStorage Time -10~25℃ ≤15 days 25~45℃≤7 daysBYD Battery-Box HV User Manual97 Compatible Inverter ListTo make sure that the system can operate normally, please choose BYD compatible inverters and size the battery quantity accordingly. For more details, please refer to the Compatible Inverter List.8 Common Issues and Solutions8.1 Common Issues of BYD Battery-Box HV and SolutionsIf the BYD Battery-Box HV system has been connected to the router, user can monitor the running status of battery, warning, and alarm information via the built-in webpage, the log-in procedure is as following:Enter the correct IP address in the browser (IE, Google Chrome or Mozilla Firebox browsers are recommended), and then enter the account and password to log in (the login ID: user; password: user). User can change the password by themselves after the first log-in. Log in the built-in webpage by selecting one of the following ways: ∙LANConnect the BYD Battery-Box HV system and the computer in the same LAN through router, get the system’s IP address on the router web page, then enter the system’s IP address or its host name: BYD + product serial number without the first three numbers (e.g. product serial number is BYD100171708-00000, then host name will be BYD171708-00000) in the browser, and enter the account and password to log in. ∙Direct Connection With Network CableDirectly connect the computer to the network interface of BYD Battery-Box HV system with the network cable, reset the computer ’s IP address (e.g. to make the computer and the BYD Battery-Box HV system on the same network segment, enter the IP: in the browser, and enter the account and password to log in.8.2 Common Issues Displayed On Inverter and SolutionsUser can also monitor the running status of battery, warning, and alarm information from the App or LED display of inverter, detailed information please refer to the Compatible Inverter List.8.3 EmergencyPlease cut off the power supply and turn off the battery in an emergency.Issue DescriptionPossible CausesSolutionAir Switch OffBattery low voltage protectionBattery high voltage protection Battery high temperature protection Other hardware failures.Please contact our after sales service provider immediately.BYD Battery-Box HV User Manual9 WarrantyBYD provides warranty when the product is installed and used according to the instructions contain in the User Manual, Installation Manual, and Warranty Letter.1.Please contact our local service provider for technical support & after sales service.2.Please download the Warranty Letter via the following website:Australian customer: .auEuropean customer: www.eft-systems.de10BYD Battery-Box HV User ManualContact InformationChinaBYD LITHIUM BATTERY Co., LTDE-Mail:********************Tel: +86 0755 ********Fax**************Address: No.1 Baoping Road, Baolong Industrial Town, Longgang Shenzhen,518116, ChinaLocal Service Provider:AustraliaAlps Power Pty LtdAddress: 14/47-51 Lorraine St Peakhurst NSW 2114CustomerServiceMailbox:*********************.auTelephone: +61 2 8005 6688Website: .auEuropeEFT-Systems GmbHAddress: Buchenstr.37 97816 Lohr a. MainCustomerServiceMailbox:**********************Telephone: +49 9352 8523999(DE)+34 91 0602267 (ES)+39 02 87368364 (IT)+44 2037695998 (UK)Website: www.eft-systems.deCopyright © BYD Lithium Battery Company Limited. All rights re served.11。
byd battery-box 2.0 系统集成商手册说明书

BYD Company Limited Battery-Box EU Service Partner Battery-Box AU Service Partner Battery-Box South Africa Service Partner EFT-Systems GmbH Alps Power Pty Ltd AFRIPLUS ENERGY GROUP (PTY) LTD .au V2.4 2021-10-12Inverter [DE] Wechselrichter [ES] Inversores[IT] Inverter ModuleQuantity[DE] Modulanzahl[ES] Cantidad demódulo[IT] Quantità moduliMinimum Firmware VersionSingle Tower[DE] Einzelturm / [ES] torre única / [IT] torresingolaParallel Connection[DE] Parallelschaltung / [ES] conexiónparalela / [IT] connessione parallelaInverterBattery-BoxInverterBattery-Box HVS HVM BMU BMS BMU BMSFronius Symo Hybrid - 3-8 1.16.6-1 3.13 3.19 1.16.7-1 3.14 3.20 Symo GEN24 Plus 2-4 4-8 1.9.7-0 3.13 3.19 1.10.5-0 3.14 3.20 Primo GEN24 Plus 2-3 4-7 1.11.6-0 3.15 3.21 1.11.6-0 3.15 3.21 Note: Parallel connection is not possible for Fronius inverters in the configuration: 3 x HVM 22.1[DE] Parallelschaltung ist mit Fronius Wechselrichtern nicht möglich für die Konfiguration: 3 x HVM 22.1 [ES] La conexión en paralelo no es posible para los inversores Fronius en la configuración: 3 x HVM 22.1 [IT] Il collegamento in parallelo non è possibile per gli inverter Fronius nella configurazione: 3 x HVM 22.1GoodWe ET/BT 2-5 4-8ARM 11 3.13 3.19 ARM 11 3.13 3.19 EH/BH 2-4 3-8KOSTAL Plenticore Plus 3.0 2-5 401.42 3.13 3.19 01.42 3.13 3.19 Plenticore Plus4.2/5.5/7.0/8.5/10.02-5 4-8Plenticore BI 5.5-13, 5.5-26 2-5 5-8Plenticore BI 10.0-26 3-5 5-8Piko MP Plus 1.5-1, 2.0-1,2.5-1 2-3 3-4PU-APP 3.7.0,KSEM 3.19PU-APP 3.7.0,KSEM 3.19 Piko MP Plus 3.0-1, 3.0-2, 3.5-1,3.5-2,4.6-2,5.0-22-5 3-8SMA Sunny Boy Storage 2.5 2-4 - 3.11.06R 3.15 3.21 3.11.06R 3.15 3.21Sunny Boy Storage 3.7 2-4 3-8 For HVS:3.11.03RFor HVM:3.11.10R3.13 3.19 - - - Sunny Boy Storage 5.0 2-4 3-8Sunny Boy Storage 6.0 2-4 3-8Note: For SBS 3.7 / 5.0 / 6.0 no parallel connection - check inverter manual how to connect up to three batteries[DE] Für SBS 3.7 / 5.0 / 6.0 keine Parallelschaltung - siehe Wechselrichterhandbuch, wie man bis zu drei Batterien anschließt[ES] Para SBS 3.7 / 5.0 / 6.0 sin conexión en paralelo disponible: consulte el manual del inversor sobre cómo conectar hasta tres baterías[IT]Per SBS 3.7 / 5.0 / 6.0 nessuna connessione parallela è disponibile - controllare il manuale dell'inverter come collegare fino a tre batterieSungrow SH5.0/6.0/8.0/10RT 3-5 4-8 ARM,V11_V01_BMDSPV11_V01_B3.13 3.19ARM,V11_V01_BMDSPV11_V01_B3.13 3.19KACO Blueplanet hybrid 6.0 - 10.0 TL3 2-4 3-8 3.13 3.19 3.13 3.19Ingeteam ISS 1Play 3TL M / 6TL M 2-4 3-8 ABH1007_F 3.15 3.22 ABH1007_F 3.15 3.22 Note: Only compatible with BCU produced since 1st October, 2020.[DE] Nur kompatibel mit BCU, die seit dem 1. Oktober 2020 produziert wurden [ES] Solo compatible con BCU fabricados desde el 1 de octubre de 2020. [IT] Compatibile solo con BCU prodotte dal 1 ottobre 2020.Solis RHI-3P(5-10)K-HVES-5G 2-4 3-8 V090037 3.16 3.22 - - - Note: Parallel Connection not released yet[DE] Parallelschaltung noch nicht freigegeben [ES] Conexión paralela aún no aprobada [IT] Connessione parallela non ancora rilasciataBYD BATTERY-BOX PREMIUM HVS&HVM COMPATIBLE INVERTER LIST – V2.4 [DE] BYD Battery-Box Premium HVS / HVM kompatible Wechselrichterliste[ES] Lista de Inversores Compatibles con Battery-Box Premium HVS/HVM[IT] Lista di Configurazione Minima e degli Inverter Compatibili con BYD Battery-Box Premium HVS/HVMBYD Company Limited Battery-Box EU Service Partner Battery-Box AU Service Partner Battery-Box South Africa Service Partner EFT-Systems GmbH Alps Power Pty Ltd AFRIPLUS ENERGY GROUP (PTY) LTD********************* .au*******************V2.4 2021-10-12Note:∙Always install the latest firmware on the Battery-Box!∙Requirements for Parallel Connection: Maximum three battery systems could be connected in parallel; HVS system CANNOT be connected in parallel with HVM system; Every tower connected in parallel requires the same module quantity;[DE] Bemerkung:∙Installieren Sie immer die neueste Firmware auf der Battery-Box!∙Anforderungen an Parallelschaltung: Es dürfen maximal drei Batteriesysteme parallel geschaltet werden; Ein HVS-System kann NICHT mit einem HVM-System kombiniert werden; Jeder parallel geschaltete Turm benötigt die gleiche Modulanzahl[ES] Nota:•¡Instale siempre el firmware más reciente en la Battery-Box!•Requisitos para la conexión en paralelo: se pueden conectar en paralelo un máximo de tres sistemas de baterías; El sistema HVS NO PUEDE conectarse en paralelo con el sistema HVM; Cada torre conectada en paralelo requiere la misma cantidad de módulos por torre;[IT] Nota:•Installare sempre l'ultimo firmware sul Battery-Box!•Requisiti per il collegamento in parallelo: è possibile collegare in parallelo un massimo di tre sistemi di batterie; Il sistema HVS NON può essere collegato in parallelo al sistema HVM; Ogni torre collegata in parallelo richiede la stessa quantità di moduli per torri; The Information in this document is subject to change without notice. Please take the latest version of this document at our websites into account.[DE] Die Informationen in diesem Dokument können ohne vorherige Ankündigung geändert werden. Bitte berücksichtigen Sie die neueste Version dieses Dokuments auf unseren Websites.[ES] La información de este documento está sujeta a cambios sin previo aviso. Tenga en cuenta la última versión de este documento en nuestros sitios web.[IT]Le informazioni contenute in questo documento sono soggette a modifiche senza preavviso. Si prega di prendere in considerazione l'ultima versione di questo documento sui nostri siti web.。

基本参数比亚迪F0 2011款 1.0L 尚酷版铉酷型比亚迪F0 2011款 1.0L 尚酷版悦酷型比亚迪F0 2011款 1.0L 尚酷版尚酷型车型名称:比亚迪F0 2011款 1.0L 尚酷版铉酷型比亚迪F0 2011款 1.0L 尚酷版悦酷型比亚迪F0 2011款 1.0L 尚酷版尚酷型厂商指导价(元):3.69万4.09万 4.69万厂商:比亚迪比亚迪比亚迪级别:微型车微型车微型车发动机: 1.0L 68马力 L3 1.0L 68马力 L3 1.0L 68马力 L3 变速箱:5挡手动5挡手动5挡手动长×宽×高(mm):3460*1618*1465 3460*1618*1465 3460*1618*1465 车身结构:5门5座两厢车5门5座两厢车5门5座两厢车最高车速(km/h):151 151 151官方0-100加速(s):- - -实测0-100加速(s):- - -实测100-0制动(m):- - -实测油耗(L):- - -工信部综合油耗(L):- - -整车质保:三年或10万公里三年或10万公里三年或10万公里车身比亚迪F0 2011款 1.0L 尚酷版铉酷型比亚迪F0 2011款 1.0L 尚酷版悦酷型比亚迪F0 2011款 1.0L 尚酷版尚酷型长度(mm):3460 3460 3460 宽度(mm):1618 1618 1618 高度(mm):1465 1465 1465 轴距(mm):2340 2340 2340 前轮距(mm):1420 1420 1420 后轮距(mm):1410 1410 1410 最小离地间隙(mm):140 140 140 整备质量(Kg):870 870 870 车身结构:两厢车两厢车两厢车车门数(个): 5 5 5座位数(个): 5 5 5油箱容积(L):30 30 30行李厢容积(L):140 140 140发动机比亚迪F0 2011款 1.0L 尚酷版铉酷型比亚迪F0 2011款 1.0L 尚酷版悦酷型比亚迪F0 2011款 1.0L 尚酷版尚酷型发动机型号:BYD371QA BYD371QA BYD371QA 汽缸容积(cc):998 998 998排量(L): 1.0 1.0 1.0工作方式:自然吸气自然吸气自然吸气汽缸排列形式:L L L汽缸数(个): 3 3 3每缸气门数(个):4 4 4压缩比:10.5 10.5 10.5气门结构:DOHC DOHC DOHC缸径:- - -冲程:- - -最大马力(Ps):68 68 68最大功率(kW):50 50 50最大功率转速(rpm):6000 6000 6000最大扭矩(N·m):90 90 90最大扭矩转速(rpm):4000-4500 4000-4500 4000-4500 发动机特有技术:- - -燃料形式:汽油汽油汽油燃油标号:93号93号93号供油方式:多点电喷多点电喷多点电喷缸盖材料:铝铝铝缸体材料:铝铝铝环保标准:国IV 国IV 国IV变速箱比亚迪F0 2011款 1.0L 尚酷版铉酷型比亚迪F0 2011款 1.0L 尚酷版悦酷型比亚迪F0 2011款 1.0L 尚酷版尚酷型简称:5挡手动5挡手动5挡手动挡位个数: 5 5 5变速箱类型:手动变速箱(MT) 手动变速箱(MT) 手动变速箱(MT)底盘转向比亚迪F0 2011款 1.0L 尚酷版铉酷型比亚迪F0 2011款 1.0L 尚酷版悦酷型比亚迪F0 2011款 1.0L 尚酷版尚酷型驱动方式:前置前驱前置前驱前置前驱前悬挂类型:麦弗逊式独立悬架麦弗逊式独立悬架麦弗逊式独立悬架后悬挂类型:拖曳臂附扭力梁拖曳臂附扭力梁拖曳臂附扭力梁助力类型:机械液压助力电子液压助力电子液压助力车体结构:承载式承载式承载式车轮制动比亚迪F0 2011款 1.0L 尚酷版铉酷型比亚迪F0 2011款 1.0L 尚酷版悦酷型比亚迪F0 2011款 1.0L 尚酷版尚酷型前制动器类型:通风盘式通风盘式通风盘式后制动器类型:鼓式鼓式鼓式驻车制动类型:手刹手刹手刹前轮胎规格:165/60 R14 165/60 R14 165/60 R14 后轮胎规格:165/60 R14 165/60 R14 165/60 R14 备胎规格:全尺寸全尺寸全尺寸安全装备比亚迪F0 2011款 1.0L尚酷版铉酷型比亚迪F0 2011款 1.0L尚酷版悦酷型比亚迪F0 2011款 1.0L尚酷版尚酷型驾驶座安全气囊:- - ●副驾驶安全气囊:- - ●前排侧气囊:- - - 后排侧气囊:- - - 前排头部气囊(气帘):- - - 后排头部气囊(气帘):- - - 膝部气囊:- - - 胎压监测装置:- - - 零胎压继续行驶:- - - 安全带未系提示:●●●发动机电子防盗:- - - 车内中控锁:●●●遥控钥匙:●●●无钥匙启动系统:- - -操控配置比亚迪F0 2011款 1.0L尚酷版铉酷型比亚迪F0 2011款 1.0L尚酷版悦酷型比亚迪F0 2011款 1.0L尚酷版尚酷型ABS防抱死:- ●●制动力分配(EBD/CBC等):- ●●刹车辅助(EBA/BAS/BA等):- - - 牵引力控制(ASR/TCS/TRC等):- - - 车身稳定控制(ESP/DSC/VSC等):- - - 自动驻车/上坡辅助:- - - 陡坡缓降:- - - 可变悬挂:- - - 空气悬挂:- - - 可变转向比:- - -外部配置比亚迪F0 2011款 1.0L尚酷版铉酷型比亚迪F0 2011款 1.0L尚酷版悦酷型比亚迪F0 2011款 1.0L尚酷版尚酷型电动天窗:- - - 全景天窗:- - - 运动外观套件:- - - 铝合金轮毂:- - ●电动吸合门:- - -内部配置比亚迪F0 2011款 1.0L尚酷版铉酷型比亚迪F0 2011款 1.0L尚酷版悦酷型比亚迪F0 2011款 1.0L尚酷版尚酷型真皮方向盘:- - - 方向盘上下调节:●●●方向盘前后调节:- - - 方向盘电动调节:- - - 多功能方向盘:- - - 方向盘换挡:- - - 定速巡航:- - - 泊车辅助:- - - 倒车视频影像:- - - 行车电脑显示屏:- - - HUD抬头数字显示:- - -座椅配置比亚迪F0 2011款 1.0L尚酷版铉酷型比亚迪F0 2011款 1.0L尚酷版悦酷型比亚迪F0 2011款 1.0L尚酷版尚酷型真皮/仿皮座椅:- - - 运动座椅:- - - 座椅高低调节:- - - 腰部支撑调节:- - - 肩部支撑调节:- - - 前排座椅电动调节:- - - 第二排靠背角度调节:- - - 第二排座椅移动:- - - 后排座椅电动调节:- - - 电动座椅记忆:- - - 前排座椅加热:- - - 后排座椅加热:- - - 座椅通风:- - - 座椅按摩:- - - 后排座椅整体放倒:●●●后排座椅比例放倒:- - - 第三排座椅:- - - 前座中央扶手:- - - 后座中央扶手:- - - 后排杯架:- - - 电动后备厢:- - -多媒体配置比亚迪F0 2011款 1.0L尚酷版铉酷型比亚迪F0 2011款 1.0L尚酷版悦酷型比亚迪F0 2011款 1.0L尚酷版尚酷型GPS导航系统:- - - 定位互动服务:- - - 中控台彩色大屏:- - - 人机交互系统:- - - 内置硬盘:- - - 蓝牙/车载电话:- - -车载电视:- - - 后排液晶屏:- - - 外接音源接口(AUX/USB/iPod等):●●●CD支持MP3/WMA:- - - 单碟CD:- - ●虚拟多碟CD:- - - 多碟CD系统:- - - 单碟DVD:- - - 多碟DVD系统:- - - 2-3喇叭扬声器系统:●●●4-5喇叭扬声器系统:- - - 6-7喇叭扬声器系统:- - - ≥8喇叭扬声器系统:- - -灯光配置比亚迪F0 2011款 1.0L尚酷版铉酷型比亚迪F0 2011款 1.0L尚酷版悦酷型比亚迪F0 2011款 1.0L尚酷版尚酷型氙气大灯:- - - 日间行车灯:- - - 自动头灯:- - - 转向头灯(辅助灯):- - - 前雾灯:- - - 大灯高度可调:- - - 大灯清洗装置:- - - 车内氛围灯:- - -玻璃/后视镜比亚迪F0 2011款 1.0L尚酷版铉酷型比亚迪F0 2011款 1.0L尚酷版悦酷型比亚迪F0 2011款 1.0L尚酷版尚酷型前电动车窗:●●●后电动车窗:- - - 车窗防夹手功能:- - - 防紫外线/隔热玻璃:- - - 后视镜电动调节:- - - 后视镜加热:- - - 后视镜自动防眩目:- - - 后视镜电动折叠:- - - 后视镜记忆:- - - 后风挡遮阳帘:- - - 后排侧遮阳帘:- - - 遮阳板化妆镜:- - - 后雨刷:- - - 感应雨刷:- - -空调/冰箱比亚迪F0 2011款 1.0L尚酷版铉酷型比亚迪F0 2011款 1.0L尚酷版悦酷型比亚迪F0 2011款 1.0L尚酷版尚酷型手动空调:●●●自动空调:- - -后排独立空调:- - - 后座出风口:- - - 温度分区控制:- - - 空气调节/花粉过滤:●●●车载冰箱:- - -高科技配置比亚迪F0 2011款 1.0L尚酷版铉酷型比亚迪F0 2011款 1.0L尚酷版悦酷型比亚迪F0 2011款 1.0L尚酷版尚酷型自动泊车入位:- - - 并线辅助:- - - 主动刹车/主动安全系统:- - - 整体主动转向系统:- - - 夜视系统:- - - 中控液晶屏分屏显示:- - - 自适应巡航:- - - 全景摄像头:- - -。

392023/10·汽车维修与保养2018款比亚迪唐DM混动四驱版◆文/深圳李明权汽车维修技能大师工作室 蒋烈溪故障现象一辆2018款比亚迪唐DM混动四驱版,搭载BYD487ZQA型2.0T发动机和290kW双电机动力系统,行驶里程为78 415km,车主反映,该车头天晚上开回家充电后,第二天早上启动车辆后,仪表台上出现EV功能受限的报警信息(图1),且无法使用EV行驶。
图1 故障车仪表台上的报警信息故障诊断与排除接车后,使用比亚迪原厂诊断电脑VDS2100进行全车扫描,发现三元电池管理系统(BMS)中存有故障码P1A3400-预充电失败故障,空调压缩机控制器中存有故障码B2AB049-电流采样故障(请清除后再次确认),如图2所示。
如果这个电流没有被限制,它将会导致主接触器触点在接合瞬间受到电流冲图2 故障车上的故障信息击而产生拉弧损坏。
途观L PHEV 使用维护说明书

上汽大众汽车有限公司公司地址:中国上海安亭于田路邮政编码:201805企业标准号:Q/JQAB 353-2021致尊敬的用户尊敬的用户:感谢您对上汽大众的信任与厚爱!在您选择了上汽大众产品的同时,您已启动了全新的汽车生活之旅。

DM-p,“p”即powerful,指动力强劲、极速,满足“追求更好驾驶乐趣”的用户;DM-i:“i”即intellige nt,智慧、节能、高效,以电为主,满足“追求极致行车能耗”的用户。

比亚迪(BYD)是成立于1995年的中国大型汽车制造公司,在交通运输等多个领域拥有优秀的研发水平,而“比亚迪雪地模式”(BYD Snow Mode)就是其中的核心技术。

进行评估,可能存在SOC 100%时里程显示不统一的情况,标准里程在SOC100%时显示的里程为公告里程500h;
.动态续航里程只在整车上电并启用动态里程设置后显示;在off档下,手机 app显示

BD-比亚迪汽车-BYDAUTO-一路同驰骋-一、目的-二、执行步骤-三、体系建设思路-四、体系化建设的管 -五、执行与考核办法-Build Your Dreams
BYD-比亚迪汽车-BYD AUTO-一路同驰骋-操作指南-c2C-保有客户-1、时机:-1交车时-2交车 ,开展客户关系维护的过程中及结束后的一周内-2、技巧:-1邀功,如:上牌较快,车洗的干净,挑的车好,争取到 优惠多等等。-2取得认同,选择客户回答是肯定的问题,如:回头率很高吧等-3请求,在真请求前可以以假请求进行 导,另外可以运用话术让客户感-觉欠你人情,如:因为价降得很低,被老板扣奖金等-4敦促客户打电话,如:那您现 就给您的朋友打电话吧,我给您准备了-我们总经理特批的试乘试驾卡,您通知您朋友来试驾就可以获得礼品了。-5感 ,对客户表示诚挚的感谢,并告诉他会把跟被介绍者接触的情况反-馈给客户。-Build Your Dreams
BYD-此亚迪汽车-BYD AUTO-一路同驰骋-入门阶段-阶段特点:以销售为主导。保有量不多。-1、客户 发-—一人脉拓展(开业活动)-2、客户回访-联系-与客户的主-3、客户来店接待-(八大流程-要接触点-4、 一定的定展、巡展宣传-5、少量的售后维修、-保养提醒-6、客户投诉处理-1、如何拓展人脉?-持续-主要流程 2、客户经理回访流程-3、客户来店接待流程-4、客户投诉处理流程-1、总结补充:-1交流人脉拓展心得-延伸 发展-2客户回访时机和话术-3客户流程中的更多“MOT打动点”的头脑风暴-4客户投诉处理技巧总结-2、准备 组织策划市场活动人员的储备与培训-Build Your Dreams

整车动力电池采用比亚迪自己生产的磷酸铁锂电池,具有较长的循环寿命;循环使用 3000次,电池电量仍然可以达到75%以上; 每块电池均经严格的模组撞击、钉刺、火烧和过放、过充、短路等检测,确保每一块电池 的安全,各项性能均通过通过国家及行业各项测试,安全可靠;
电池布置于在车厢地板下的车架内部,避免电池布置占用车内地板空间,有利于提高车内空 间增加乘客座椅及可承载的乘客数量,整车布置有38+1个座椅,基本实现座椅最大化,而 且轴荷计算,整车可承载人数达76人。
车身涂装采用水性漆,能有效 减少有机物料挥发性。
整个底盘用封板密封,并且喷涂厚度约0.8-1mm 的底盘装甲,同时使用防护蜡、抗石击涂料,能 有效地防止底盘过早的腐蚀破坏,也能起到降噪 的效果。
左右2个 安全推窗
后舱自动灭 火装置 2个ABC 型灭火器 2个安全天窗
驾驶员三点 式安全带
5个安全锤 前后门设置 内外式应急 开关
电池布置于在车厢地板下的车架内部,充分利用二级踏步车型地板下方空间,降低整车的 质心,增加整车的侧翻角,最大静态侧翻角达到42°,使车辆在行驶时更加安全。

技术·品质Байду номын сангаас责任
室内挂旗 红灯笼
考核点: 1.按公司标准布置。
布置标准: 1.展厅接待区玻璃及墙面处,齐整 有序; 2.公司统一发放。
考核点: 1.按公司标准布置。
制作标准: 1.不干胶印刷; 2.公司统一发放; 3.制作尺寸:40*40CM 布置标准: 1.展厅及接待区玻璃面上粘贴,齐整有序;
物料名称 室外
对联 进门窗花
室内 车辆已售卡 销售冠军排行榜 订车幸福榜 新车交接区背景板 金彩绸 装饰灯笼 中国结/窗花 梅花/桃花 插花摆设
配饰 红围巾
按公司标准,经销商自行制作 公司统一制作发放
按公司标准,经销商自行制作 按公司标准,经销商自行制作 按公司标准,经销商自行制作 按公司标准,经销商自行制作 按公司标准,经销商自行添置 按公司标准,经销商自行制作 公司统一制作发放 按公司标准,经销商自行添置 按公司标准,经销商自行添置
考核点: 1.按公司标准布置。
布置标准: 1.临近节日期间展厅中央放 置,加于小灯笼或红包装饰; 2.经销商自行购买。
温馨提示: 1.如销售店之前已摆放此物 品,请确保其干净、整洁。
考核点: 1.使用公司统一设计标准,经销商自 行制作; 2.统一配带,保持整洁干净;

(41车速 高 于 EV驱动 模 式 运 行速 度 范 围 ; 、 车辆 行 驶 在 坡道 上 等 情况 ; 、§、室外 温 度 低 ,使 用 发 动机 采 暖 时 。 (2)发动机 rl幼瞩新 动情批 EV驱 动 模 式 的 自动 取 消 。在 EV驱动 模 式 下 行 驶 时 ,汽 油 发 动 机 可能 在 下 列情 ;兄下 自动 重新 启 动 。
“HEV”混 合 动 力 工作 模 式 下 ,发 动 机和 电机 共 同 驱 动 。
1。纯电动工作模式 (EV)
纯 电 动 工 作 模 式 的 工 作 状 态 如 图 1所 示 。 动 力 电 池 提 供 电 能 供 电 机 驱 动 车 辆 ,可 以 满 足 各 种 工 况 行 驶 ,如 起 步 、 倒 车 、怠 速 、急 加 速 及 匀速 行 驶 等 ,但 在 急 加 速 、车 速 过 高 、爬 坡 、温 度 高 、 温 度 低 、 电 量 低 等 情 况 下 ,车 辆 可 能 会 自动 切 换 到 HEV模 式 ,如 果 继 续 使 用 EV模 式 行 驶 , 可 手 动 切 换 回 EV模 式 。在 温 度 高 或 温度 低 时建 议 继 续 使 用 HEV模 式 。
系 统 有 E V+E C O 、 E V+S P O R T 、 H E V+E C O 、 HEV+SPORT四种 模 式 可 实 现 自 由切 换 ,不 同模 式 ,不 同 工 况 下 ,进 行 不 同的 动 力 分 配 ,达 到 最 佳 综 合 经 济 性 。模 式 转 换 操 作 按 键/旋 钮 如 图5所 示 。
BYD Battery-Box Premium 电池箱有限担保-商业版-EN V1.1说明书

BYD Battery-Box Premium Limited WarrantyThis Limited Warranty applies to BYD Battery-Box Premium Product (LVS 4.0, 8.0, 12.0, 16.0, 20.0, 24.0) (“Product”) installed in non-European area in parallel (with a combined Usable Energy of Products is equal or more than 50kWh) on or after Dec. 1st, 2021. Shenzhen BYD Electronic Co., LTD (“BYD”) provides the warranties in this document (“Limited Warranty”) to the person who purchases the Product for their use and puts the Product into operation for the first time ("Original Buyer").1. LIMITED WARRANTY1.1. Warranty Start DateGenerally, Warranty Start Date is the first day after six (6) months from the Production Date of the Product (Refer to the Appendix of this Limited Warranty to find out theProduction Date). But if Original Buyer can provide the written documents (such asreceiving note) to prove the time when Product is delivered to the installation site where the P roduct is installed and operated for the first time (“Delivery Date”), Original Buyer can choose the first day after thirty (30) days from the above Delivery Date as Warranty Start Date.1.2. Limited Product WarrantyBYD warrants that the Product will be free from defects in materials or workmanship for five (5) years from Warranty Start Date, subject to the exclusions and limitations set out below.1.3. Limited Performance WarrantyBYD warrants that the Product will retain sixty per cent (60%) of its Usable Energy fordifferent years according to the Product operating ambient temperature set out in the table below, on the condition that the Product is operated in a normal manner that adheres to the manual guidelines provided by BYD.Ambient temperature Warranted period(year)Warranted remaining usable energy0~20°C 1060% 20~30°C 730~45°C 5The ambient temperature in the table above means the ambient temperature recorded in the control module of the Product.The Usable Energy of each Product Model could be in the table below.Product Model Usable Energy(kWh)LVS 4.0 4LVS 8.0 8LVS 12.0 12LVS 16.0 16LVS 20.0 20LVS 24.0 24For this Limited Warranty, the remaining Usable Energy is as measured and calculated using the following testing method and values, while the ambient temperature is between 25~ 28°C:∙Discharge the battery with constant current until the battery reaches End of Discharge Voltage ("EODV") or its self-protective voltage.∙Wait for 10 minutes.∙Charge the battery with constant current and constant charge voltage to its full capacity.∙Wait for 10 minutes.∙Discharge the battery with constant current until it reaches EODV or its self-protective voltage. Record the current, voltage, and time.∙The remaining Usable Energy is the integral of discharge time and current multiplied by voltage.Test value list:Product Model End of dischargevoltage(V)Constant chargevoltage(V)Constantcurrent(A)LVS 4.040 59 15LVS 8.0 30LVS 12.0 45LVS 16.0 60LVS 20.0 60LVS 24.0 601.4. Limited Performance Warranty for additional battery modulesIf Original Buyer purchases additional battery modules after the initial installation of the Product (“Subsequent Product”), the warranty in clause 1.3 applies to the Subsequent Product from the sale date recorded in the seller's invoice to the Original Buyer of that Subsequent Product.1.5. Warranty LimitationsThe Limited Warranties in clauses 1.2 and 1.3 are subject to and must be read together with the limitations, exclusions, and limitations set out below.2. EXCLUSIONS AND LIMITATIONS2.1. Disclaimera) To the extent permitted by law, the warranties in this Limited Warranty are the onlyexpress warranty given for the Product. BYD disclaims all statutory and impliedwarranties, including without limitation, any warranties of merchantability, fitness for aparticular purpose, or non-infringement. To the extent permitted by law, in so far assuch warranties cannot be disclaimed, BYD limits the duration and remedies of suchwarranties to the duration of this Limited Warranty and, at BYD's option, the repair orreplacement services described below.b) Neither seller of the Product nor any other person is authorized to make any warrantieson behalf of BYD other than those contained in this document or to extend the duration of the warranties beyond the periods specified above.2.2. Limitation of LiabilityExcept as provided in this warranty and to the maximum extent permitted by law, in no event will BYD be liable for any consequential, incidental, special or punitive damages (including without limitation of loss of profits, harm to goodwill or business reputation, or delay damages) arising from or out of the Product or its installation, use, performanceor non-performance, or any defect or breach of warranty, whether based on contract,warranty, negligence, strict liability, or any other theory. BYD’s aggregate liabilities, ifany, in damages or otherwise, shall not exceed the purchase price paid by the Original Buyer for the Product.2.3. Warranty LimitationsThe Limited Warranty in clauses 1.2 and 1.3 does not apply to any defect or deterioration resulting from:a) the Product not being installed, maintained or operated by the Operating Manual;b) exposure of the Product to movement or shaking following installation, or temperaturesgreater than 50°C or less than -10°C;c) Original Buyer failing to notify BYD or a BYD Authorized Service Partner (“BYDPartner”) of the defect or deterioration within 30 days of Original Buyer becomingaware of the defect or deterioration;d) the Product not being installed within one (1) month from Warranty Start Date;e) operation of the Product with an inverter that is not a BYD certified inverter which isspecified in the BYD Battery-Box Premium LVS Minimum Configuration List, which is available on the websites: ;f) modification or repair of the Product without the approval of BYD or BYD Partner;g) a force majeure event (e.g., natural catastrophes, such as flooding, fires, earthquakes,lightning or other abnormal environmental conditions, war, etc.);h) noticeable damage the Product that occurred during transportation;i) changes to national or regional laws, regulations or directives; orj) the Product not being operated for any period of 6 months or more.2.4. Warranty ExclusionsThe Limited Warranty in clauses 1.2 and 1.3 does not apply:a) if Original Buyer does not grant BYD or BYD Partner access to the performance data ofthe Product over the Internet upon request after reporting the warranty claim ormanipulate such data;b) to wear and tear in the appearance of the Product (including but not limited to anyscratches, stains, mechanical wear, rust or mould) which does not impair its function;c) to any damage to property or personal injury arising from any defect if the state ofscientific and technical knowledge at the time when the Product is sold to OriginalBuyer was not such as to enable the defect to be discovered;d) if the invoice for the Product and the information listed in clause 4 below is not providedwith the warranty claim; ore) if the serial number on the Product can no longer be identified or has been modified.2.5. Warranty for the Products transported to another location after initial installationFor the case that the Products are installed in an initial location and then transported in a container to another location, the Products have the same warranty clause as defined in this document on the conditioned that the Products are transported according torequirements on the Operating Manual from BYD as well as any applicable local orinternational requirements, standards, and directives. BYD is not liable for damage ormalfunction caused during, or as a result of, transportation.2.6. Exclusion for Smaller Installed SystemsThe Limited Warranty in clause 1.3 does not apply to a Product that is installed individually or in parallel with other Products which have a combined Usable Energy of less than 50 kWh.3. REMEDY FOR BREACH OF WARRANTY3.1. Subject to the exclusions and limitations set out above, if the Product fails to comply withthe Limited Warranty in clauses 1.2 or 1.3, BYD will repair or replace the non-conforming Product or parts thereof within the warranty term at no charge (or provide a partial refund) on the following conditions.3.2. Whether to repair or replace the Product will be determined by BYD in its sole discretion.3.3. The Product or any of its parts to be replaced will have the same performance andreliability as the original Product. If the production of the relevant type of the Product or any of its parts has been discontinued, withdrawn from the market, or are otherwiseunavailable, BYD may replace the Product or parts with a similar Product or part (which may include previously used parts that are equivalent to new in performance andreliability).3.4. If BYD does not repair or replace the defective Product or parts, BYD will refund OriginalBuyer an amount of money calculated as follows:a) If the Product fails to comply with the Limited Performance Warranty in clause 1.3, BYDmay calculate the refund using the formula below:Refund = maximum claim amount* x (warranted remaining Useable Energy -remaining Useable Energy)/ warranted Usable Energy; andb) If the Product cannot be operated, BYD will calculate the refund as follows:Refund = (maximum claim amount*/60) x (60- number of months since WarrantyStart Date).*The maximum claim amount is the market value of the Product (or an equivalent product) determined by BYD if it were purchased new and free of defects.3.5. The remedies as set out above are the sole and exclusive obligations of BYD to OriginalBuyer under this Limited Warranty, and BYD will have no other liability to Original Buyer if the Product fails to comply with the Limited Warranty.4. FULFILLMENT4.1. If Original Buyer wishes to make a warranty claim under this Limited Warranty, thewarranty claim must be reported in writing to BYD Partner (or, if Original Buyer is unable to contact them, BYD Global Service) including the information specified in the table below.1 Installation Date*2 Invoice Number*3 Battery-Box Configuration* e.g., LVS XX (X modules)4 Serial Number of the Product*5 Serial Number of Modules6 Serial Number of BMU7 Firmware Version BMS /BMU8 Inverter*9 Inverter Configuration10 Serial Number of the Inverter11 Firmware Version of Inverter12 Working Mode e.g., On-Grid +Backup13 Place e.g., indoor14 Comments15 Error Information16 Country17 Street and Number18 Postcode and City* mandatory to provideOr make the claim according to the format mentioned in BYD Authorized Service Partner's website.Contact information:BYD Global ServiceAddress: No.3009, BYD Road, Pingshan, Shenzhen, 518118, P.R.ChinaServiceMailbox:*******************Telephone: +86 755 89888888- 47175 (CN)Website: 4.2. BYD or BYD Partner is authorized to invoice its inspection costs if:a) the inspection of the Product by BYD or BYD Partner shows that the Limited Warrantydoes not apply, for whatever reason; orb) no defects were found during the inspection of the Product, and it works without error.4.3. Unless otherwise agreed with BYD or BYD Partner, any replaced Product or parts shall bemade available for pick up by BYD or BYD Partner within four weeks after the replacement;otherwise, BYD reserves the right to invoice the replacement component at full market price.4.4. The replaced Product or parts become the property of BYD.4.5. The original warranty periods for the Product shall still apply to any repaired orreplacement Product, which means the warranty for the repaired or replaced parts will be the remaining warranty period for the originally purchased Product.4.6. BYD or BYD Partner shall not be responsible or liable in any way to Original Buyer for anynon-performance or delay in BYD's performance of its obligations under this LimitedWarranty due to occurrences of force majeure events such as natural disasters, war, riots, strikes, unavailability of suitable or sufficient labour, material, or capacity or anyunforeseen event beyond its control.5. OUT OF WARRANTYIn the event the Product is out of warranty, BYD may (in its discretion) provide certainafter-sales service to Original Buyer, but all the costs and expenses, such as parts, labour costs, and travel expenses, shall be borne by Original Buyer. To request such after-sales service Original Buyer must provide sufficient information about any defects to enableBYD Partner to determine whether such defects are capable of repair.6. MISCELLANEOUS6.1. This Limited Warranty is governed exclusively by local law, without regard to its choice oflaw provisions.6.2. The local courts of Hong Kong shall have non-exclusive jurisdiction for further disputesabout a warranty claim arising from this Limited Warranty. In case of a judicial assertion, BYD, but not BYD Partner, is responsible for sending or receiving lawsuit documents.6.3. Original Buyer may be entitled to legal rights regarding the sale of goods according tonational law. This Limited Warranty does not limit their possible statutory rights or rights arising from the purchase contract.6.4. If any provision or part of a provision of this Limited Warranty is held or found to be void,invalid or otherwise unenforceable (whether in respect of a particular party or generally), it will be deemed to be severed to the extent that it is void or to the extent of voidability,invalidity or unenforceability, but the remainder of that provision will remain in full force and effect.6.5. As a condition of making a warranty claim Original Buyer agrees that any dispute ontechnical facts relating to claims brought under this Limited Warranty may be referred by BYD to expert determination by the then-current Resolution Institute Expert Determination Rules, except that:a) the expert must be a reputable testing organization such as TÜV Rheinland, TÜV SUD,Intertek, UL, CQC or CGC or any other mutually acceptable neutral third-party testingorganization (Expert);b) the costs of the Expert, including any costs of shipping any Product to the Expert fortesting, are payable by Original Buyer if:i) Original Buyer does not withdraw Original Buyer claim within 14 days of BYDnotifying Original Buyer that it intends to refer the dispute to an Expert; and ii) the Expert determines the dispute in favour of BYD.In all other cases, BYD will pay those costs.AppendixThe Production Date of the Product could be read from the serial number on the label of the Product as shown in the drawing below. The definition of the serial number regarding the production date are the same for the battery modules, PDU and BMU.In the example drawing below, the “19” under lined means the production year is 2019, “11” means the production month is November, and “23” means the production date is the twenty-third day of that month.。

Automatic Transmission............... 244 Capacity, Fluid ........................... 338 Checking Fluid Level ................ 285 Sequential SportShift Mode ..... 246 Shifting........................................ 244 Shift Lever Position Indicator .. 244 Shift Lever Positions ................. 244 Shift Lock Release..................... 249
v w
Main Menu
Capacities Chart............................. 338 Carbon Monoxide Hazard .............. 56 Carrying Cargo ................................ 23 CAUTION, Explanation of ............... ii CD Care .......................................... 194 CD Changer.................................... 185 CD Error Message ........................ 193 Center Pocket ................................ 155 Certification Label ......................... 336 Chains ............................................. 308 Changing a Flat Tire ..................... 313 Changing Oil