北师大版高中英语必修五15-4Lesson 4 Understanding练习 北师大版必修5

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15-4Lesson 4 Understanding练习北师大版必修5 Ⅰ.单项填空

1.Susan was offered a good job in a foreign country but she________it,for she didn’t want to leave her family.

A.accepted B.rejected

C.received D.considered

解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意为:苏珊被提供了一个在国外的好工作,但她拒绝了,因为她不想离开她的家人。reject拒绝,符合题意。accept接受;receive收到;consider 考虑。

答案: B

2.It’s always difficult being in a foreign country,________if you don’t speak the local language.

A.especially B.naturally

C.basically D.unluckily

解析:考查副词辨析。句意为:在国外总是很困难,尤其当你不会说当地的语言。especially特别,尤其;naturally自然地;basically基本上,从根本上说;unluckily 不幸地。

答案: A

3.There are a good many students in the hall,________ages________from 10 to 18.

A.besides;ranged B.as;ranged

C.for;ranging D.with;ranging


答案: D

4.—I am taking my family to Hangzhou for vacation next month.


A.Take it easy B.All the best

C.Why do you go there D.It’s a pity I can’t go with you 解析:考查交际用语。句意为:——下月我将和全家人去杭州度假。——祝你一切顺利!All the best一切顺利,用于向对方表示祝愿。

答案: B

5.Not only________their economy,but they successfully protected the environment.

A.this company developed B.did this company develop

C.would this company develop D.this company did develop

解析:句意为:这个公司不仅发展了自己的经济,而且成功地保护了环境。not only 置于句首,其后的句子须倒装,而且和but后的句子的时态一致,为一般过去时。

答案: B

6.________fire,all exits must be kept clear.

A.In place of B.Instead of

C.In case of D.In spite of

解析:句意为:万一发生火灾,所有的出口必须保持畅通。in place of代替,取代;instead of代替,而不是;in case of假如,如果发生;in spite of不顾,不管。

答案: C

7.—Hello,I________about the apartment you advertised.Could you tell me more about it?

—Well,there are three rooms and a bath.

A.have called B.called

C.am calling D.had been calling


答案: C

8.What shall we use for power when the oil in the world has________?

A.given out B.put out

C.held up D.used up

解析:句意为:当世界上所有的石油都用尽时,我们还将用什么作为能源动力呢?A 项意为“耗尽,用光”;B项意为“扑灭”;C项意为“支撑,推迟,阻延”;D项意为“用完,用尽”,为及物动词短语,此处应用被动语态。

答案: A

9.Believe it or not,she married a man 20 years________her.

A.elder than B.older to

C.junior than D.junior to

解析:考查词语辨析。根据句意“信不信由你,她嫁给了一个比她小20岁的男人”。可知D项正确。be junior to=be younger than比……小。

答案: D

10.He gained a world­wide________with his pioneer research in chemistry and physics.

A.reputation B.repetition

C.resignation D.name


答案: A


11.The politician has a very bad________(形象) among people.


12.Their________(假设) that their project under way was something entirely new proved to be untrue.


13.Almost every country has some form of________(宗教).


14.Don’t lose heart and remember.“________(失败) is the mother of success.”


15.He showed his________(同意) by smiling.


16.He is rather c________in his daily life.


17.The next five years are of v________importance to us.


18.The s________of the trees grew longer as the afternoon went on.


19.It is generally accepted that the Chinese c________ is one of the oldest in the world.


20.The mind is the k________of thought.



21.Our teacher talked______________________________________________(似乎他


答案:as if/as though he were the emperor

22.________________________________________________(我听见孩子们大声朗读) when I passed the classroom.(aloud)

答案:I heard the children reading aloud

