Customer perceived value satisfaction and loyalty-The role of switching costs









Cronin (2000)认为这些现有的研究成果其实并无对错之分,只是各自强调的重点不同,研究不同,结论自然也大相径庭。



理论背景和概念内涵1、顾客感知价值顾客感知价值(Customer Perceived Value,CPV)一直以来都受到学者和企业经营者的高度关注,为顾客创造和提供良好的感知价值已成为企业获得竞争优势的新源泉(Gale,1994;Woodruff,1997;Slater&Narver,2000)。


stated or implied needs
MKTM003 Marketing: Principles and Management
Value-based marketing (Piercy,2009)
Customer loyaltyHigh来自LowHigh
Customer Sophistication
MKTM003 Marketing: Principles and Management
Brand marketing
• Branding is central to conventional marketing thinking – brand the product/service, company, person, country, etc. Brands bring important benefits to customers (reduced search time) and companies (brand equity or value)
Company A
Company B
(5% churn)
(10% churn)
customers customers customers customers customers customers
2003 1000 100 1100 1000 100 1100
or recompense for something • Worth or importance: • the worth, importance, or usefulness
of something to somebody



Customer perceived valueA large number of consumers are more educated and informed than before, and they usually used a variety of means to examine fair compensation which are supplied by organization and seek alternate goods. The value-maximizes as standard to evaluate these by customers. (Kotle, 2006)The Customer Perceived ValueFirstly, the customer perceived value (CPV) is comparison of populations after the customer who may perceive its interests in acquiring products or service and paid the cost. (Internet) for example, owing to offering just service, customer has to realize do not touch it when customer wants to purchase the MOT. Therefore, the customer could appraise the service and paid the cost. Secondly, Customer perceived value (CPV) is not panacea for the future customers. (Kotle, 2006)Total customer value and total customer cost is two essential respects:The total customer value is defined that market from "the perceived financial value" supply both "functional and psychological" benefits for customer. (Kotle, 2003); the total customer cost is explained that customer who expensed goods makes ultimate evaluative. (Kotle, 2003)Adam Smith (Adam Smith, 1810) pointed out that the true meaning of price is not only reflecting work values, but also aware of essential aspects. The total customer cost is including all of factors such as time, energy and psychic cost.Furthermore, Customer perceived value is build on pay and gain that emphasized the between given a variety of choices and received benefit. In other words, the customer gets the benefits and bear expenses through the customer perceived value. The people who are in market should be obliged to add the value of the customer offering these combination approaches which are improve function; promote emotional benefits and reducing multifarious cost.The relationship between Customers Perceived Value and Customer SatisfactionAlthough the customer satisfaction is closely connected with customer perceived value, customer perceived value is superior to customer satisfaction by evaluative in time. (Svend, 2003) For instance, the goods which is competing to catch customer's attention and is purchased by all people is meanful to be the customer satisfaction. In addition, when someone buys goods, the customer perceived value is measurable. Even more, it is sustainable focus on attention to deliver "superior value" to customer in management in some business markets. (Svend 2003) in addition, higher levels of customer satisfaction canbring higher horizontal of the customer loyalty and repeat buying. More importantly, the value which assesses by customer has increasingly become critical for providers. Actually, "the delivering superior value" is playing a key role in creating and keeping long-term industrial relationships in the consumer market.On the other hand, Perceived value is customer's subjective manifestation as the associated psychological and spiritual experiences. In the market, different customer has different value on the same goods. (Svend 2003) for example, the school demands everybody to use car go to the school, but somebody living in near the school, therefore, perceive values are different for different students. And the personal hobby and the customer perceived value are closely linked. For instance, somebody likes collecting the mobile phone, whereas mobile phone as tool to connect with other in someone's views. Therefore, different customers have different customer perceived value.The inner relationship of CPVThere are two equations bout customer perceived value in the inner relationship:CPV= ( Coresolution+ additional service) / Price + relationship costs (1)CPV= Core value + added value (2)In the equation (1), the price is a short-term, because you should paid it when delivery. But the relationship costs following the relationship develops, the advantage of the core solution is perceived, additional services are go through in sequences of episodes. We can easily to see that it is compare between the reality and perception. In the equation (2), there is a long-term notion which also present.(Christian 2004)Perceived riskEverything has two sides, as same the coin. Customer perceived has risk. The important characteristic as the consumer perceptions and their influences on decisions involves the amount of the risk that consumers perceive to be present within the product purchase decision. Perceived risk could increase a function of feature of the product itself, such as witching costs, extent of time the product needs to be persistence, additive products or services needed to be consumed with the product. Outward forces influence the quantity of risk perceived in the given purchase.ReferenceGordon R. Foxall and Ronald E. Goldsmith (1994) Consumer psychology for marketingSvend Hollensen (2003) Marketing Management A Relationship ApproachPhilip Kotler Kevin Lane Keller (2006) Marketing Management 12ePhilip Kotler (2003) p60-p61 Marketing management Eleventh Edition/view/1531717.htm?ssid=0&from=844b_128925177 5&uid=frontui_1289251775_9668&pu=mt%40headersign%2Cpd%401%2Csz %401320_480%2Cusm%400&bd_page_type=1。















商业服务业顾客满意度测评规范中华人民共和国商务部市场建目次前言 (II)1 范畴 (1)2 规范性引用文件 (1)3 术语和定义 (1)4 总则 (1)5 商业服务业顾客中意度测评的指标体系 (2)6 顾客中意度调查的方案设计 (3)7 商业服务业顾客中意度测评模型与估量 (3)8 顾客中意度测评统计分析 (4)9 商业服务业顾客中意度测评报告的编写 (4)附录A 商业服务业顾客中意度测评指标体系 (4)附录B 顾客中意度调查的方案设计 (9)前言本标准文本包括三个核心内容:商业服务业顾客中意度测评的指标体系、顾客中意度调查方案设计、测评模型及其统计分析方法体系。

本标准起草单位:本标准要紧起草人员:商业服务业顾客中意度测评规范1 范畴本标准规定了商业服务业开展顾客中意度测评所采纳的指标体系、调查方案的设计、测评模型及其统计分析方法体系。


2 规范性引用文件下列文件中的条款通过本标准的引用而成为本标准的条款。



GB/T 4754-2002 《国民经济行业分类》国家标准3 术语和定义下列术语和定义适用于本标准。


3.2顾客中意/顾客中意度customer satisfaction顾客中意指顾客在消费产品或同意服务的过程中(以及之后的一段时期内)所形成愉悦或败兴的感受状态。


3.3顾客中意度指数customer satisfaction index借助于统计和经济计量学模型技术将顾客中意度的衡量指数化,全面、综合地度量顾客中意程度的一种指标,可在企业、行业、经济领域甚至国家层面上对满足顾客需求的程度进行评判。


(3)感知价值(Perceived Value) 感知价值体现了顾 客在综合产品或服务的质量和价格以后对他们所得利益的 主观感受;感知价值的观察变量有2个,即:“给定价格条 件下对质量的感受”和“给定质量条件下对价格的感受”。 顾客在给定价格下对质量的感受,是指顾客以得到某种产 品或服务所支付的价格为基准,通过评价该产品或服务质 量的高低来判断其感知价值。
给定价格条件下顾客对质量级别的评价 给定质量条件下顾客对价格级别的评价
总体满意度 感知与期望的比较
二级指标 顾客抱怨
顾客抱怨 顾客投诉情况
能承受的涨价幅度 能抵制的竞争对手降价幅度
ACSI模型的结构变量 (1)顾客预期(Customer Expectations)顾客预期是指
顾客在购买和使用某种产品或服务之前对其质量的估计。 决定顾客顶期的观察变量有3个:产品顾客化(产品符合个 人特定需要)预期、产品可靠性预期和对产品质量的总体 预期。
(2)感知质量(Perceived Quality) 感知质量是指顾 客在使用产品或服务后对其质量的实际感受,包括对产品 顾客化即符合个人特定需求程度的感受、产品可靠性的感 受和对产品质量总体的感受。
CCSI是在参照和借鉴美国用户满意度指数方法(ACSI) 的基础上,根据中国国情和特点而建立的具有我国特色的 质量评测方法。CCSI以用户作为质量评价主体,用户需求 作为质量评价标准,按照消费行为学和营销学的研究结论, 通过构建一套由预期质量、感知产品质量、感知服务质量、 感知价值、用户满意度、用户抱怨和用户忠诚度等7个主 要指标组成的严格的模型,计算出消费者对产品使用的满 意度指数。它的特点是收集用户对其感知到的质量状况和 预期的质量水平等相关问题的回答结果,然后带入CCSI计 量经济模型,计算出一个百分制的分数来显示用户的满意 程度。 ❖ 截至2004年,我国国家级的顾客满意度评测仅包括钢 铁、煤炭、房产、汽车、IT等少数几个行业,与国外起步 较早的国家相比,无论是深度还是广度都存在明显的差距, 尚不足以对国内整体经济起到宏观指导作用和发挥经济增 长速度“晴雨表”的预测预报作用。



再来解决顾客的问题。 别把顾客的话看得太认真,事实上他们所说的都是
顾客不是对你个人有意见 即使看上去是如此。 当碰到这样的顾客时,务必保持冷静,仔细听。
忠诚公司更久; 购买公司更多的新产品和提高购买产品
的等级; 对公司和它的产品说好话; 忽视竞争品牌和广告并对价格不敏感; 向公司提出产品/服务建议; 由于交易惯例化而比新顾客降低了服务
偏爱百事可乐 偏爱可口可乐 不相上下
是指顾客购买某一产品与服务所期望获得的 一组利益。
是指顾客为购买某一产品所耗费的时间、精 神、体力以及所支付的货币资金等。
顾客 总价值
顾客 总成本
产服人形货时体精 品务员象币间力神 价价价价成成成成 值值值值本本本本
恶名昭彰 一位不满的顾客平均会将他的抱怨转告8-12人。 其中有20%还会转告20人之多。 当你留给他一个负面印象后,往往还得有12个正面印象才 能弥补。
化抱怨为玉帛? 将顾客抱怨、不满妥善处理,70%顾客会再度光临;
当场 圆满解决,95%会再光临;
平均而言,当一个顾客的抱怨被圆满处理后,他会将满意 的情形,转告5人。
顾 客
店铺、店内的 气氛























第一章Marketing市场营销 Needs需要 Wants欲望 Demands需求 Market offering市场供应Marketing myopia营销短视 Exchange交换Market市场 Marketing management市场营销管理Production concept生产概念Product concept产品观念 Selling concept推销概念Marketing concept市场营销观念Societal marketing concept社会营销概念Customer relationship management顾客关系管理Customer-perceived value顾客认知价值Customer satisfaction顾客满意度 Consumer-generated marketing消费者产生的营销Partner relationship management伙伴关系管理Customer lifetime value顾客终生价值Share of customer顾客份额 Customer equity顾客资产 Internet互联网第二单元Strategic planning 战略规划 mission statement 使命陈述 business portfolio业务组合portfolio analysis 组合分析growth-share matrix 增长一份额矩阵product/market expansion grid产品/市场扩张矩阵market penetration 市场渗透 market development 市场开发product development 产品开发diversification 多元化downsizing 精简战略value chain 价值链 value delivery network 价值递送网络marketing strategy 市场营销战略 market segmentation市场细分 market segment 细分市场market targeting 市场营销战略positioning 定位differentiation 差异化marketing mix 市场营销组合 SWOT analysis SWOT分析 marketing implementation 市场营销执行 marketing control 营销控制 return on marketing investment 市场营销投资回报率第3章Marketing environment 市场营销环境 microenvironment微观环境Macroenvironment 宏观环境 marketing intermediaries营销中介Public公众 demography人口统计Baby boomers婴儿潮 generation X一代Millennials(generation Y) Y一代 economic environment经济环境Engel’s laws恩格尔定律 natural environment自然环境Environmental sustainability环境的可持续发展technological environment技术环境Political environment 政治环境cultural environment人文环境第四章Customer insights 顾客洞察力(见解) marketing information system 市场营销信息系统internal databases内部报告系统marketing intelligence营销情报系统marketing research 市场营销调研 Exploratory research探测性调研descriptive research描述性调研 Secondary data 二手资料commercial online databases在线商业数据库 Observational research 观察调研 ethnographic research 人种调研 Survey research调查研究 experimental research实验调研 Focus group interviewing 焦点小组访谈online focus groups在线焦点小组访谈Sample样本customer relationship management客户关系管理第五章Consumer buyer behavior 消费者购买行为Consumer market 消费者市场 Culture 文化Subculture 亚文化 Social class 社会阶层 Group 群体 Opinion leader 意见领袖Online social networks 在线社交网络Lifestyle 生活方式Personality 个性 Brand personality 品牌个性 Motive (drive) 动机Perception 认知过程 Learning学习Belief 信仰Attitude 态度Complex buying behavior 复杂购买行为Dissonance-reducing buying behavior 不和谐的购买行为Habitual buying behavior 习惯性的购买行为Variety-seeking buying behavior 追求多样化的购买行为Need recognition 需求识别Information search 信息搜索Alternative evaluation 另类评估Purchase decision 购买决策Postpurchase behavior 购后行为Cognitive dissonance 认知失调New product 新产品Adoption process开发过程第一章Marketing市场营销 p29The process by which companied create value for customers and build strong customer relationships in order to capture value from customers in return.企业为消费者创造价值并建立良好的顾客关系,以此从消费者身上获取利益作为回报的过程。










3.市场营销近视症marketing myopia:销售人员常犯的错误是关注自己提供的特定产品甚于关注这些产品产生的利益和体验。


4.市场提供物market offering:即提供给市场以满足需要、欲望和需求的产品、服务或体验的集合。



7.营销管理marketing manage:定义为选择目标市场并与之建立有价值的关系的艺术和科学。

8.生产观念production concept:认为消费者会青睐买得到的、价格低廉的产品。


产品观念product concept:认为消费者会偏好那些具有最高质量、性能水平和富有创新特点的产品。


推销观念selling concept:认为如果不采用大规模的促销努力,消费者不会购买足够多的产品。


市场营销观念marketing concept:认为实现组织目标的关键在于比竞争对手更好地了解目标顾客的需要和欲望,并使顾客感到满意。



《市场营销学(第11版)》教材各章节主要名词英汉对照Part 1: Defining Marketingand the Marketing Process P. 8 Chapter 1: Marketing: Creating and Capturing Customer Value P. 81.Marketing市场营销2.Needs需要3.Wants欲望4.Demands需求5.Marketing offering市场供给物6.Marketing myopia营销近视症7.Exchange交换8.Market市场9.Marketing management 营销管理10.Production concept 生产观念11.Product concept产品观念12.Selling concept销售观念13.Marketing concept市场营销观念14.Societal marketing concept社会营销观念15.Customer relationship management 客户关系管理16.Customer-perceived value顾客感知价值17.Customer satisfaction顾客满意18.Customer-generated marketing消费者自主营销19.Partner relationship management 合作伙伴关系营销20.Customer lifetime value顾客终身价值21.Share of customer顾客份额22.Customer equity顾客资产23.Internet互联网24.Globalization 国际化25.Marketing process营销过程Chapter 2: Company and Marketing Strategy: Partnering to Build Customer Relationships P. 3626.Strategic planning战略规划27.Mission statement企业使命28.Business portfolio业务组合29.Portfolio 投资组合,有价证券30.Portfolio analysis 投资组合分析31.Growth-share matrix 成长占有率矩阵32.Product/market expansion grid产品/市场扩展矩阵33.Market development市场开发34.Product development产品开发35.Diversification多元化36.Downsizing 精简37.Value chain价值链38.Value delivery network价值传递网络39.Marketing strategy营销战略40.Market segmentation市场细分41.Market targeting目标市场定位42.Positioning市场定位43.Differentiation 差异化44.Marketing mix营销组合45.SWOT analysis SWOT分析,态势分析发,优劣势分析法46.Marketing implementation营销执行47.Marketing control 营销控制48.Marketing audit营销审计49.Return on marketing investment (or marketing ROI)营销投资收益率Part 2: Understanding the Marketplace and Consumers P. 58 Chapter 3: Analyzing the Marketing Environment P. 5850.Marketing environment 市场环境51.Microenvironment微观环境52.Macroenviroment宏观环境53.Marketing intermediaries营销中间商54.Public公众55.Demography 人口统计56.Baby boomers婴儿潮世代57.Generation X X世代lennials(or Generation Y)千禧世代(Y世代)59.Economic environment经济环境60.Engel’s laws恩格尔法则61.Natural environment自然环境62.Technological environment技术环境63.Political environment政治环境64.Cultural environment文化环境Chapter 4: Managing Marketing Information to Gain Customer Insights P. 8265.Customer insights顾客洞察力66.Marketing information system (MIS)市场信息系统67.Internal database内部数据库68.Marketing intelligence营销情报69.Exploratory research探索性调研70.Descriptive research描述性调研71.Causal research因果性调研72.Secondary data二手数据mercial online database商业在线数据库74.Observational research观察式调研75.Ethnographic research民族志调研76.Survey research询问式调研77.Experimental research实验室调研78.Focus group interviewing 焦点小组访谈79.Online marketing research 在线营销调研80.Online focus group在线焦点小组81.Sample样本82.Customer relationship management (CRM)客户关系管理83.Questionnaire 调查问卷Chapter 5: Understanding Consumer and Business Buyer Behavior P. 10884.Culture文化85.Subculture亚文化86.Social class 社会阶层87.Group 团队88.Opinion leader 意见团队89.Online social networks 在线文化网络90.Lifestyle 生活方式91.Personality 个性92.Motive(Drive)动机(驱动力)93.Perception感知94.Learning学习95.Belief信念96.Attitude态度97.Cognitive dissonance 认知失调98.New product 新产品99.Adoption process 采用过程100.Business buyer behavior 产业购买者行为101.Derived demand 派生需求102.Straight rebuy 直接重购103.Modified rebuy 修订重购买104.New task 新任务105.Systems selling(or solutions selling)系统销售(解决方案营销)106.Buying center 采购中心107.Value analysis 价值分析Part 3: Designing a Customer-DrivenMarketing Strategy and Mix P. 138 Chapter 6: Customer-Driven Marketing Strategy: Creating Value for Target Customers P. 138108.Market segmentation 市场细分109.Market targeting(targeting)目标市场选择110.Differentiation 差异化111.Positioning 市场定位112.Geographic segmentation 地理细分113.Demographic segmentation 人口细分114.Age and life-cycle segmentation 年龄和生命周期细分115.Gender segmentation 性别细分116.Income segmentation 收入细分117.Psychographic segmentation 心里细分118.Behavior segmentation 行为细分119.Occasion segmentation 时机细分120.Benefit segmentation 利益细分121.Customer loyalty 顾客忠诚度122.Intermarket segmentation 跨国市场细分123.Target market 目标市场124.Undifferentiated (mass)marketing 无差异营销(大众营销)125.Differentiated (segmented)marketing 差异化营销(细分营销)126.Concentrated ()marketing 集中营销(利基营销)127.Micromarketing 微观营销128.Local marketing 地区营销129.Individual marketing 个性化营销130.Production position 产品定位petitive advantage 竞争优势132.Value proposition 价值主张133.Positioning statement 定位陈述Chapter 7: Products, Services, and Brands: Building Customer Value P. 164134.Product 产品135.Service 服务136.Customer product 消费品137.Convenience product 便利品138.Shopping product 选购品139.Specialty product 特殊品140.Unsought product 非渴求品141.Industrial product 产业用品142.Social marketing 社会营销143.Product quality 产品质量144.Brand 品牌145.Packaging 包装146.Product line 产品线147.Product mix (or product portfolio)产品组合148.Brand equity 品牌资产149.Store brand (or private brand)中间商品牌(自有品牌)150.Co-branding 合作品牌151.Line extension 产品延伸线152.Brand extension 品牌延伸153.Service intangibility服务的无形性154.Service inseparability服务的不可分离性155.Service variability服务的易变性156.Service perishability服务的易逝性157.Service-profit chain服务利润链158.Internal marketing 内部营销159.Interactive marketing 互动营销Chapter 8: Developing New-Product and Managing the Life-Cycle P. 192 160.New-product development 新产品开发战略161.Idea generation 产生创意162.Idea screening 筛选创意163.Product concept 产品观念164.Concept testing 概念测试165.Marketing strategy development 营销战略开发166.Business analysis 商业分析167.Product development 产品开发168.Test marketing 试销mercialization 商业化170.Customer-centered new-product development 以顾客为中心的新产品开发171.Team-based new-product development 基于团队的新产品开发172.Product life cycle 产品生命周期173.Style 风格174.Fashion 时尚175.Fad 热潮176.Introduction stage 导入期177.Growth stage 成长期178.Maturity stage 成熟期179.Decline stage 衰退期Chapter 9: Pricing:Understanding and Capturing Customer Value P. 212 180.Price价格181.Value-based pricing 价值导向定价182.Good-value pricing 最优价值定价183.Value-added pricing 价值增值定价184.Cost-based pricing 成本导向定价185.Fixed costs 固定成本186.Valuable costs 变动成本187.Total costs 总成本188.Cost-plus pricing 成本加成定价189.Break-even pricing (target profit pricing)盈亏平衡定价(目标利润定价)190.Target costing 目标成本法191.Demand curve 需求曲线192.Price elasticity 价格弹性193.Market-skimming pricing 市场撇脂定价194.High-definition television (HDTV)高清电视195.Market-penetration pricing 市场渗透定价196.Optional-product pricing 附属产品定价197.By-product pricing 副产品定价198.Product bundle pricing 产品捆绑定价199.Discount 折扣200.Allowance 折让201.Segmentation pricing 细分定价202.Psychological pricing 心理定价203.Reference pricing 参考定价204.Promotional pricing 促销定价205.Geographical pricing 地理定价206.Dynamic pricing 动态定价Chapter 10: Marketing Channels: Delivering Customer Value P. 242 207.Value delivery network 价值传递网络208.Marketing channel (distribution channel)营销渠道(分销渠道)209.Channel level 渠道层级210.Direct marketing channel 直接营销渠道211.Channel conflict 渠道冲突212.Conventional distribution channel 传统分销渠道213.Vertical marketing system (VMS)垂直营销系统214.Corporate VMS公司VMS(垂直营销系统)215.Contractual VMS 合同式VMS (垂直营销系统)216.Franchise organization 特许经营组织217.Administered VMS 管理式VMS (垂直营销系统)218.Horizontal marketing system 水平营销系统219.Multichannel distribution system 多渠道分销系统220.Disintermediation 去中介化221.Marketing channel design 营销渠道设计222.Intensive distribution 密集分销223.Exclusive distribution 独家分销224.Selective distribution 选择性分销225.Marketing channel management 营销渠道管理226.Marketing logistics (physical distribution)营销物流(物流)227.Supply chain management 供应链管理228.Distribution center 分销中心229.Intermodal transportation 多式联运230.Integrated logistics management 整合物流管理231.Third-party logistics (3PL)provider 第三方物流供应商Chapter 11: Retailing and Wholesaling P. 262232.Retailing 零售233.Specialty store 专卖店234.Department store 百货商店235.Supermarket 超级市场236.Convenience store 便利店237.Superstore 超级商店238.Category killer 品类杀手239.Service retailer 服务零售店240.Discount store 折扣商店241.Off-price retailer 廉价零售店242.Independent off-price retailer 独立廉价零售商243.Factory outlet 工厂直营店244.Warehouse club 仓储俱乐部245.Chain store 连锁店246.Franchise 特许经营247.Shopping center 购物中心248.Wheel-of-retailing concept 零售轮转理论249.Wholesaling 批发250.Wholesaler 批发商251.Merchant wholesaler252.Broker253.Agent254.Manufacturer’s sales branches and offices 制造商的销售分发机构和办事处Chapter 12: Communicating Customer Value: Advertising and Public Relations P. 294255.Promotion mix (Marketing Communication Mix)营销组合(营销沟通组合)256.Advertising 广告257.Sales promotion 销售促进258.Personal selling 人员推销259.Public relations 公告关系260.Direct marketing 直复营销261.Integrated marketing communication (IMC)整合营销沟通262.Push strategy 推式战略263.Pull strategy 拉式战略264.Advertising objective 广告目标265.Advertising budget 广告预算266.Affordable method 量力而行法267.Percentage-of-sale method 销售百分比法petitive-parity method 竞争对等法269.Objective-and-task method 目标任务法270.Advertising strategy 广告战略271.Madison & Vine 麦迪逊大街和好莱坞藤街272.Creative concept 创意概念273.Execution style 创作文体274.Advertising media 广告媒体275.Return on advertising investment 广告投资收益率276.Advertising agency 广告代理商277.Public relation 公共关系Chapter 13: Personal Selling and Sales Promotion P. 324278.Personal selling 人员推销279.Salesperson 销售人员280.Sale force management 销售队伍管理281.Territorial sales force structure 地域型销售组织机构282.Product sales force structure 产品型销售组织机构283.Customer sales force structure 顾客型销售组织机构284.Outside sales force (or field sales force)外部销售队伍(现场销售队伍)285.Inside sales force 内部销售队伍286.Team selling 团队销售287.Sales quota 销售定额288.Selling process 销售过程289.Prospection 寻找线索290.Preapproach 事先调查291.Approach 接触访问292.Presentation 展示293.Handling objection 排除异议294.Closing 完成交易295.Follow-up 后续工作296.Sales promotion 销售促进297.Customer promotions 消费者销售促进298.Event marketing 事件营销299.Trade promotion 贸易销售促进300.Business promotions 商业销售促进Chapter 14: Direct and Online Marketing: Building Direct Customer Relationships P. 348301.Direct marketing 直复营销302.Customer database 顾客数据库303.Direct-mail marketing 直接邮寄营销304.Catalog marketing 目录营销305.Telephone marketing 电话营销306.Direct-response television marketing 电视直销307.Online marketing 在线营销308.Internet 互联网309.Click-only companies 点击企业(即在线交易公司)310.Click-and-mortar companies 虚实结合营销311.Business-to-customer (B2C)online marketing 企业对消费者的在线营销312.Business-to-business (B2B)online marketing企业对企业的在线营销313.Customer-to-customer (C2C)online marketing消费者对消费者的在线营销314.Customer-to-business (C2B)online marketing消费者对企业的在线营销315.Corporate (or brand)Web site 公司(品牌)网站316.Marketing Web site 营销网站317.Online advertising 在线广告318.Viral marketing 病毒营销319.Online social networks 在线社交啊网络320.Spam 垃圾邮件Part 4: Extending Marketing P. 372Chapter 15: The Global Marketplace P. 372321.Global marketplace 全球市场322.Global firm 跨国公司323.Economic community 经济共同体324.Americanization 美国化325.Exporting 出口326.Joint venturing 组建合资公司327.Licensing 许可经营328.Contract manufacturing 合同制造329.Management contracting 合同管理330.Joint ownership 合同所有331.Direct investment 直接投资332.Standardized global marketing 全球标准化营销333.Straight product extension 直接产品延伸334.Product adaptation 产品适应335.Product invention 产品创新munication adaptation 沟通适应337.Whole-channel view 整渠道视野Chapter 16: Sustainable Marketing: Social Responsibility and Ethics P. 394 338.Consumerism 消费者保护主义339.Environmentalism 环境保护主义340.Environmental sustainability 环境可持续发展341.Enlightened marketing 远见营销342.Consumer-oriented marketing 消费者导向营销343.Customer-value marketing 顾客价值营销344.Innovative marketing 创新营销345.Sense-o-mission marketing 使命感营销346.Societal marketing 社会营销347.Deficient product是不完善的产品348.Pleasing products 令人愉快的产品349.Salutary products 有益的产品。


Customer-perceived value is of growing interest both to researchers from different disciplines and to business practitioners. This paper adopts a holistic view of the value construct, drawing on literature from axiology, psychology,
value; and for researchers seeking to clarify the conceptual underpinnings of
customer-perceived value and its relationship with other marketing variables.
shopping contexts, such as the online setting. The implications for researchers and managers are considered.
Keywords:Customer-perceived value, Axiology, Psychology, Economics,
The products and services that consumers purchase are the outcomes of the consumer buying process, during which individuals assess the benefits and costs of acquiring the required products and services. As value judgements



一、顾客感知价值的概念和内涵关于顾客感知价值 , 一些学者根据研究 , 给出他们自己对顾客价值的定义。

这些定义较多 , 研究的角度也不同。


1. 顾客感知价值权衡观。

M ichal Porter 把顾客价值定义为买方感知性能与购买成本的一种权衡。

Philip Kotler 把顾客价值定义为总顾客价值与总顾客成本之差。

其中总顾客价值指顾客期望从某一特定产品或服务中获得的一组利益 , 总顾客成本则指在评估、获得和使用该产品或服务时而引起的顾客的预计费用。


2. 顾客让渡价值观。

Philip Kotler (1999 是从顾客让渡价值和顾客满意的角度来阐述顾客感知价值的。

Kotler 认为顾客让渡价值由整体顾客价值和整体顾客成本组成 , 整体顾客价值包括产品价值、服务价值、人员价值和形象价值四部分 , 而整体顾客成本包括货币成本、时间成本、体力成本和精力成本。

然而 Kotler没有进一步深入研究 , 顾客价值让渡模型缺少可量化的指标。

3. 顾客感知价值构成观。


Sheth , Newman 和 Gross(1991 认为产品给顾客提供了五种价值 , 即功能价值、社会价值、情感价值、认识价值 (Epis-temic Value 和情境价值 ; Burn(1993 认为顾客价值包含价值 -产品价值 (Val-ue-product Value 、使用价值、拥有价值以及顾客在评价过程形成的总的评价价值四种价值形式 ; Oliver(1997 提出了“ 渴望价值” (Desired Value 和“ 实收价值”(Received Value 。

这种观点从其构成来定义 , 更进一步深化了顾客感知价值的内涵。

4. 顾客感知价值层次观。

Woodruff(1997 认为 , 顾客价值是顾客感知到的对产品属性、属性偏好以及由使用而产生的可能对顾客的目标或目的的实现起阻碍或促进作用的结果的偏好和评价。


























難以在購買前衡量期望 根據PZB,A的品質比B好。但消費者所認 知到的服務,B是5,A是3,B應是優於A。 顧客可能無法確知期望 因差值而產生比較的謬誤
項目 A銀行 B銀行 以下的表格,分數越高代表越好 期望服務 2 6 認知服務 3 5 認知 - 期望 1 -1 根據PZB 正面品質 負面品質

取得服務的 成本/代價 顧客 知覺價值 服務品質/ 利益 顧客 滿意度
一、顧客知覺價值 3/13
蒐集成本 時間代價 心力代價
取得成本 產品金額
使用成本 操作成本 保養與維修成本 心理代價 社會關係代價 消費利益 產品功能利益
她們在迪士尼樂園認知到的商店(樂園)形象,感受 到的服務品質與在場體驗等,構成了交易品質。
一、顧客知覺價值 12/13
知 覺 價 值 服 務 品 質 顧 客 滿 意
服務功能利益 (functional benefits)
方法: • 營造深刻的購買與消費體驗可帶來深刻記憶, 加速內部蒐集。 • 提供方便接觸與使用的資訊管道,可加速外部 蒐集。
一、顧客知覺價值 6/13
知 覺 價 值 服 務 品 質 顧 客 滿 意 A
購買當中的取得成本(acquisition cost)
• 商店形象:含店家功能(如商品組合、價位、陳列 方式)與心理屬性(如歸屬感、親和力、趣味性) • 服務品質:含實體環境、服務人員、服務過程品質 • 購買體驗:購買情境因感官、情緒與認知等被刺激 所帶來的美好感覺






关键字:社会公众评价政府绩效顾客满意度绩效管理 KANO模型 ACSI模型Abstract:The customer satisfaction of the enterprise performance evaluation is the same with social public comments in essence, which is the evaluation about the service object to the service main body. Social public comments are the important procedure in the government performance management. It will help tie with the masses and reflect the people's livelihood. Then it is good for improving public service quality and building the service-oriented government. In my essay , I will try to use the customer satisfaction of the enterprise performance evaluation for reference , such as KANO、ACSI etc. I hope that my ideas will do some good for the social public evaluation system in China.Key words:The social public evaluation system \The customer satisfaction of the enterprise performance evaluation\ KANO\ ACSI无论是当下十分受宠的平衡记分卡,抑或是EFQM卓越化模型(The European Foundation for Quality Management ),我发现顾客维度均占很重要的地位。



基于服务的顾客感知价值与重复购买意愿关系的实证1. 本文概述研究背景与意义:介绍服务行业中顾客感知价值的重要性,以及其对顾客行为,特别是重复购买意愿的影响。









2. 文献综述在探讨基于服务的顾客感知价值与重复购买意愿关系的研究中,众多学者已经提出了多种理论和模型。

顾客感知价值(Customer Perceived Value, CPV)作为一个多维概念,通常包括质量、价格、服务、品牌和便利性等因素[1]。


近年来,服务质量(Service Quality, SQ)被认为是影响顾客感知价值的关键因素之一。


顾客满意度(Customer Satisfaction, CS)也与顾客感知价值紧密相关。



财务业绩: 节约成本 增加利润
改进的内在质量 改进的生产率
改进的外部质量 顾客满意度
对工作 的态度
对公司 的态度
服务 (帮助)
雇员 行为
商品 (价值)
顾客 印象
资产、赚头 和利润增长 的回报
网络化 价值
利润来源 新产品与新服务的首推对象 老顾客扩大需求时被首选
顾客 资源 的价值
顾客价 值实现 的前提
扩大顾 客选择 的自由
建立长 期关系 的顾客
内在质量产 品维护过程
外部质量价 值顾客满意 度
顾客忠诚 度保持力
绩效指标必须是重要的 绩效指标必须能够控制 绩效指标必须是具体和可测量的
经济性、 可靠性、 安全性、
供货方式、 供货迅速 准时、搬

物有所值、 费率/折

礼貌、沟 通、获得 的难易和 方便程度、 公司名誉、 公司竞争
产值中心论 理性消费时代
消费者价值取向的变迁 感觉消费时代
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Customer Perceived Value, Satisfaction,and Loyalty:The Role of Switching Costs Zhilin YangCity University of Hong KongRobin T.PetersonNew Mexico State UniversityABSTRACTIt is a marketplace reality that marketing managers sometimesinflict switching costs on their customers,to inhibit them from defecting to new suppliers.In a competitive setting,such as the Internet market,where competition may be only one click away,has the potential of switching costs as an exit barrier and a binding ingredient of customer loyalty become altered? To address that issue, this article examines the moderating effects of switching costs on customer loyalty through both satisfaction and perceived-value measures.The results,evoked from a Web-based survey of online service users,indicate that companies that strive for customer loy-alty should focus primarily on satisfaction and perceived value.The moderating effects of switching costs on the association of customer loyalty and customer satisfaction and perceived value are significant only when the level of customer satisfaction or perceived value is above average.In light of the major findings,the article sets forth strategic implications for customer loyalty in the setting of elec-tronic commerce.© 2004 Wiley Periodicals,Inc.In the consumer marketing community,customer loyalty has long been regarded as an important goal (Reichheld & Schefter,2000).Both mar-keting academics and professionals have attempted to uncover the most prominent antecedents of customer loyalty.Numerous studies have Psychology &Marketing,Vol. 21(10):799–822 (October 2004)Published online in Wiley InterScience ()© 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. DOI: 10.1002/mar.20030799pointed out that two of the more effective means of generating customer loyalty are to delight customers (Lee,Lee,& Feick,2001;Oliver,1999) and to deliver superior value derived from excellent services and quality products (Parasuraman & Grewal,2000).In addition,some scholars argue that switching costs,as a key moderating variable,can signifi-cantly influence customer loyalty through such determinants as cus-tomer satisfaction (Fornell,1992;Lee et al.,2001;Oliver,1999) and per-ceived value (Neal,1999;Woodruff,1997).Only a moderate amount of empirical research has been conducted to examine the relationships among customer loyalty,satisfaction,switch-ing costs,and customer value.No empirical study to date has investi-gated these constructs in a single framework.The complicated interre-lationships among these constructs have not been fully uncovered and understood (T.O.Jones & Sasser,1995;Reichheld & Sasser,1990).Also, empirical studies from the marketing and economic streams have pro-duced contradictory findings regarding the roles of switching costs in determining customer loyalty (Viard,2002).Researchers argue that the moderating effect of switching costs on customer loyalty is contingent on situational variables such as the types of businesses,customers,and products,and may not always be significant (C.C.Nielson,1996).More-over,although the moderating effect of switching costs on the satisfac-tion–loyalty relationship has been researched,its impact on the rela-tionship between perceived value and loyalty has essentially been ignored.The present study attempts to reduce this gap by investigating the interrelationships among the four constructs in the setting of business-to-consumer electronic commerce.The approach employed by the authors involves a consideration of customer satisfaction and perceived value as they interact with switching costs.Specifically,the following three research questions are examined:•What are the roles of customer satisfaction and perceived value in producing online customer loyalty?•Is customer satisfaction mediating the effect of customer-perceived value on customer loyalty?•How do switching costs moderate the effect of customer satisfaction and perceived value on customer loyalty?This study may contribute to the body of relationship marketing knowl-edge in several ways.First,it assesses the influence of perceived value on customer loyalty and the mediating role of satisfaction in the value–loyalty relationship.Second,it not only addresses the issue of the ambiguous effect of switching costs on loyalty suggested by previous work but also examines the moderating effect of switching costs on the satisfaction–loyalty and value–loyalty relationships.The overall mod-erating effects of switching costs upon customer loyalty have been found to be insignificant.However,the results reveal that significant moderating 800YANG AND PETERSONeffects do exist when the level of customer satisfaction or perceived value is above average.Third,the study establishes a measure of online cus-tomer satisfaction.The scale consists of five salient dimensions—cus-tomer services,order fulfillment,ease of use,product portfolio,and secu-rity/privacy.The study involves an application to a rapidly developed industry,online services,to test the propositions.Researchers have recently called for devoting more efforts to understanding customer behaviors on online services (cf.Yang,Peterson,& Cai,2003;Zeithaml, Parasuraman,& Malhotra,2002).CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK AND HYPOTHESESThe conceptual framework guiding this study is presented in Figure 1. Based on the literature review,the authors have generated four hypothe-ses associated with the model.These hypotheses focus on the interrela-tionships among customer satisfaction,perceived value,and customer loyalty.In addition,the moderating effects of switching costs on the asso-ciation of customer loyalty with customer satisfaction and perceived value have been proposed.Customer LoyaltyExperience indicates that defining and measuring brand loyalty is extremely difficult.Researchers have used both attitudinal and behav-ioral measures to define and assess this variable (Oliver,1999;Zeithaml,Figure 1.Conceptual model.SWITCHING COSTS8012000).From an attitudinal perspective,customer loyalty has been viewed by some researchers as a specific desire to continue a relationship with a service provider (Czepiel & Gilmore,1987).From a behavioral view, customer loyalty is defined as repeat patronage,that is,the proportion of times a purchaser chooses the same product or service in a specific category compared to the total number of purchases made by the pur-chaser in that category (Neal,1999).The dilemma lies in the fact that intention may not lead to action,and repeated buying behavior may not reflect intentions.To overcome these drawbacks,Oliver (1999) has proposed four ascend-ing brand-loyalty stages according to the cognition–affect–conation pat-tern.The first stage is cognitive loyalty.Customers are loyal to a brand based on their information on that brand.The next phase is affective loyalty,which refers to customer liking or positive attitudes toward a brand.The third step is conative loyalty or behavioral intention.This is a deeply held commitment to buy—a “good intention.”This desire may result in unrealized action.The last stage is action loyalty,where cus-tomers convert intentions into actions.Customers at this stage experi-ence action inertia,coupled with a desire to overcome obstacles to make a purchase.Although action loyalty is ideal,it is difficult to observe and is often equally difficult to measure.As a compromise,most researchers tend to employ the conative or behavioral-intention measure.Loyalty can be of substantial value to both customers and the firm.Cus-tomers are willing to invest their loyalty in business that can deliver superior value relative to the offerings of competitors (Reichheld,1996). When they are loyal to a firm,consumers may minimize time expended in searching and in locating and evaluating purchase alternatives.Also, customers can avoid the learning process that may consume the time and effort needed to become accustomed to a new vendor.Customer loyalty is one major driver of success in e-commerce (Reich-held & Schefter,2000).Loyal customers often will,over time,bring in substantial revenues and demand less time and attention from the firms they patronize.Many customers are inclined to forgive customer-service mishaps,display decreasing sensitivity to price,and disseminate positive word-of-mouth about the business to others.As a result,customer loyalty can be a major source of sustained growth and profit and a strong asset (E.W.Anderson & Mittal,2000).Customer-Perceived ValuePerceived value has its root in equity theory,which considers the ratio of the consumer’s outcome/input to that of the service provider’s out-come/input (Oliver & DeSarbo,1988).The equity concept refers to cus-tomer evaluation of what is fair,right,or deserved for the perceived cost of the offering (Bolton & Lemon,1999).Perceived costs include mone-tary payments and nonmonetary sacrifices such as time consumption, 802YANG AND PETERSONenergy consumption,and stress experienced by consumers.In turn,cus-tomer-perceived value results from an evaluation of the relative rewards and sacrifices associated with the offering.Customers are inclined to feel equitably treated if they perceive that the ratio of their outcome to inputs is comparable to the ratio of outcome to inputs experienced by the company (Oliver & DeSarbo,1988).And customers often measure a company’s ratio of outcome to inputs by making comparisons with its competitors’ offerings.Customer value is “the fundamental basis for all marketing activity”(Holbrook,1994,p.22).And high value is one primary motivation for customer patronage.In this regard,Sirdeshmukh,Singh,and Sabol (2002) argue that customer value is a superordinate goal and customer loyalty is a subordinate goal,as it is a behavioral intention.According to goal and action identity theories,a superordinate goal is likely to regu-late subordinate goals.Thus,customer value regulates “behavioral inten-tions of loyalty toward the service provider as long as such relational exchanges provide superior value”(Sirdeshmukh et al.,2002,p.21).Prior empirical research has identified perceived value as a major determi-nant of customer loyalty in such settings as telephone services (Bolton & Drew,1991),airline travel,and retailing services (Sirdeshmukh et al., 2002).Chang and Wildt (1994) report that customer-perceived value has been found to be a major contributor to purchase intention.In light of the preceding discussion and findings,it is proposed that:H1:Customer loyalty will be positively influenced by customer-per-ceived value.The Mediating Role of Customer Satisfaction in theValue–Loyalty RelationshipCustomer satisfaction remains a worthy pursuit among the consumer mar-keting community (Oliver,1999).Certainly,customer satisfaction is a crit-ical focus for effective marketing programs.However,the various defini-tions that appear in the literature tend to diverge from one another (Szymanski & Henard,2001).Among the more popular measures,two widely employed approaches are transaction-specific and cumulative or overall satisfaction.The transaction-specific approach defines customer satisfaction as an emotional response by the consumer to the most recent transactional experience with an organization (Oliver,1993).The associ-ated response occurs at a specific time following consumption,after the choice process has been completed.The affective response varies in inten-sity depending upon the situational variables that are present.On the other hand,the overall satisfaction perspective views customer satisfaction in a cumulative evaluation fashion that requires summing the satisfaction asso-ciated with specific products and various facets of the firm.Some researchers (Cronin & Taylor,1992;Parasuraman,Zeithaml,& Berry,1988) consider SWITCHING COSTS803overall satisfaction to be primarily a function of perceived service quality. Compared to transactional-specific satisfaction,overall satisfaction reflects customers’ cumulative impression of a firm’s service performance.In turn, it may serve as a better predictor of customer loyalty.In the setting of online services,customer satisfaction can be explained by traditional models and two additional conceptual paradigms.The first is the technology adoption model,which proposes that customer inten-tion to adopt a new information technology is primarily determined by the ease of use and the usefulness of the technology (Davis,1989;Davis, Bagozzi,& Warshaw,1989).The Internet is,of course,a relatively new form of information technology.If the ease and usefulness of informa-tion and communication through the Internet does not outweigh cus-tomer losses occasioned by factors such as impersonal experiences,tech-nical difficulties,and learning effort,then customers may simply revert their patronage back to traditional channels.This being the case,the usefulness and ease of use of Internet transactions play a pivotal role in customer satisfaction with online services.The second additional conceptual paradigm is the transaction-cost approach (TCA) (Williamson,1975,1987).Based on two major assump-tions regarding human behavior-bounded rationality and opportunism, TCA focuses on transaction uncertainty,asset specificity,and frequency. Devaraj,Fan,and Kohli (2002) have applied TCA to the Internet chan-nel and found that the efficiency of retail transactions was a function of three aspects of transaction costs.These were perceived ease of use,time efficiency,and price saving.A combination of these two models helps in explaining a large portion of customer satisfaction with Internet-based services (Devaraj et al.,2002).In this study,customer loyalty was attitudinally measured by customers’behavioral intention to continuously or increasingly conduct business with their present company,and their inclination to recommend the company to other persons.This measure has proven to be useful in previous research (Zeithaml,Berry,& Parasuraman,1996).Satisfied customers tend to have a higher usage level of a service than those who are not satisfied (Bolton & Lemon,1999;Ram & Jung,1991).They are more likely to possess a stronger repurchase intention and to recommend the product/service to their acquaintances (Zeithaml et al.,1996).Numerous studies have revealed that customer satisfaction positively affects loyalty (Bloemer,de Ruyter,& Wetzels,1999;Oliver,1999;Zeithaml et al.,1996).This relationship would seem to be applicable to Internet e-commerce (Reichheld,Markey,& Hop-ton,2000).Therefore,the following hypothesis is advanced: H2:Customer loyalty will be positively influenced by customer satis-faction.Customer satisfaction,in turn,is hypothesized to be influenced by perceived value.Perceived value,as it has been defined herein,is the 804YANG AND PETERSONratio of benefits received from providers relative to the costs sacrificed by customers.In essence,it is a variable that reflects the net utility derived from a provider.Customer satisfaction,meanwhile,is defined as an overall positive or negative feeling about the net value of services received from a supplier (Woodruff,1997).Woodruff (1997) argues that perceived value represents customer cognition of the nature of relational exchanges with their suppliers,and satisfaction reflects customers’ over-all feeling derived from the perceived value.On the basis of the behav-ioral model (Fishbein & Ajzen,1975),affect is significantly influenced by cognition.There is also empirical evidence that customer-perceived value has a positive effect on customer satisfaction with a supplier (E. W.Anderson & Mittal,2000;Walter,Thilo,& Helfert,2002).Thus,it is proposed that:H3:Customer satisfaction will be positively influenced by customer-perceived value.The Moderating Role of Switching CostsSwitching costs are not only economic in nature (Morgan & Hunt, 1994) but also can be psychological and emotional (Sharma & Patter-son,2000).Factors influencing switching costs vary in accordance with the type of products,businesses,and customers.For instance,for tech-nology products,technological interbrand incompatibility can increase switching costs (Marinoso,2001).In the business-to-business setting, switching costs can be classified as hard assets and soft assets (C.C. Nielson,1996).And transaction-specific assets (TSAs) are a major source of switching costs (Williamson,1981).For consumers,switch-ing costs include those that are monetary,behavioral,search,and learning related.How do switching costs affect customer loyalty? Most previous stud-ies have regarded switching costs as a moderator in the satisfac-tion–loyalty linkage.When switching costs are substantial or the switching processes especially painful,dissatisfied customers are likely to maintain business relationships with existing service providers and resist the dissolution of the relationship (Jackson,1985;Port,1980). As such,false loyal rather than committed loyal groups may exist, including defectors,mercenaries,and hostages (T.O.Jones & Sasser, 1995).Research has revealed that switching costs can assume a sig-nificant moderating effect on customer loyalty through satisfaction.For instance,Lee,Lee,and Feick (2001) have examined the effect of switch-ing costs on the satisfaction and loyalty linkage in the mobile phone service in France and found that switching costs did impose a moder-ating effect on customer loyalty.Hauser,Simester,and Wernerfelt (1994) have discovered that substantial switching costs reduce cus-tomer sensitivity to perceived satisfaction levels.In the same vein,E. SWITCHING COSTS805W.Anderson and Sullivan (1993) have found a negative relationship between switching costs and customer sensitivity to satisfaction lev-els in the banking industry.Sharma and Patterson (2000) produced findings indicating that in a personal financial-planning service con-text,switching costs positively moderate the effect of trust and satis-faction on relationship commitment.Researchers and practitioners,nevertheless,have raised concerns regarding the role of switching costs.Economists normally propose that the impact of switching cost on customer loyalty is relative,condi-tioned by two opposing forces (Viard,2002).Although a firm may insti-tute switching costs for its offerings,its competitors frequently erect various strategies and incentives to assist potential customers in over-coming the barriers.For example,numerous online banks and retail brokerage firms afford cash premiums to new customers as an incen-tive for switching service providers.Some companies furnish free train-ing and demonstrations to familiarize new users with their offerings and thereby diminish learning expenses.In sum,the net effect of switching efforts will depend upon the strength of the switching costs relative to the corresponding benefits made available.In the Internet market,the materialization of the Internet as a mar-ketplace force has helped reduce searching costs for price and quality information,and comparisons across stores (Bakos,1997;Lynch & Ariely,2000),and has diminished physical travel (J.Nielsen & Norman, 2000).As competition is just a click away,customers appear to face only minimal barriers to switching product or services -petition is,of course,just a click away in the Internet market,and various antiswitching barriers have been embraced by online firms. Hence,some managers have determined that switching costs may no longer be as effective as they were in the past and be contingent upon different business situations.In other words,the moderating role of switching costs warrants further investigation.At the same time,virtually no empirical study to date examines the role of switching costs in the relationship between customer-perceived value and loyalty (Woodruff,1997).Given the high correlation between perceived value and customer satisfaction,it may be assumed that switching costs may impose a similar impact on the relationship between customer-perceived value and loyalty as on the satisfac-tion–loyalty linkage.Thus,the following hypotheses are proposed: H4:The higher the level of switching costs,the greater is the likeli-hood that customer satisfaction will lead to greater customerloyalty.H5:The higher the level of switching costs,the greater is the likeli-hood that perceived value will lead to greater customer loyalty. 806YANG AND PETERSONRESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODSurvey Instrument DevelopmentBecause previous research has not clearly articulated the construct of e-sat-isfaction,the present study yielded scale items of e-satisfaction through a content analysis of 848 consumer reviews of their online banking experi-ences.Although the consumer comments (i.e.,complaints and compliments) probably do not completely reflect the customer’s total experiences with a bank,they do highlight those dimensions of service quality that are of major concern.In the study,all qualified customer reviews were numbered,for-matted,and imported to Ethnograph 5.0,a software package designed for content analysis.Based on the first 100 messages,two coders collaborated in developing 68 initial coding words,which made up the primary themes or facets of the overall satisfaction of online services.Two researchers then independently coded the remaining anecdotes.Subsequent discussion iden-tified and resolved all disagreements.The interjudge reliability between the coders calculated by the percentage agreement statistic was 86.6%, which is relatively high according to standards normally employed for statistically assessing interjudge reliability of coding of qualitative data. The content analysis identified 19 dimensions of online customer satis-faction,which were further sorted and regrouped into five dimensions. They were ease of use,customer services,order fulfillment,security/pri-vacy,and product portfolio (for more details,see the Appendix).Scale items for assessing key constructs,such as customer loyalty,per-ceived value,and switching costs were adapted from prior studies’ vali-dated measures.The respondents were requested to indicate the extent to which they agree or disagree,based on recent online transaction expe-rience,by checking the appropriate response to the questionnaire items regarding the key constructs of the study.For each item,five-point Lik-ert scales anchored by 1ϭstrongly disagree and 5ϭstrongly agree with 3ϭneutral (neither agree nor disagree) as the midpoint were utilized.Two types of control variables were employed in the study.The first type was demographic including age,education,sex,and income.The sec-ond type was usage—usage frequency and intensity of the Internet and services.Limited research evidence of the effect of demographic variables on loyalty was found.In fact,customer behaviors might be better predic-tors of loyalty.For instance,Johnson,Moe,Fader,Bellman,and Lohse (2000) point out that CD and book shoppers tend to visit fewer sites as they become more experienced with online shopping.PretestFive academic experts in relationship marketing were asked to assess the face or content validity of the measurement scales.Subsequently,the ques-SWITCHING COSTS807808YANG AND PETERSONings were greater than the recommended 0.4 cutoff and were statisti-cally significant (Nunnally & Bernstein,1994)(see Table 2).The chi-square statistic was significant.However,the ratio of the chi-squarevalue relative to degrees of freedom (1.60) was less than the cutoff pointof 2.Furthermore,the goodness-of-fit index (GFI),adjusted goodness-of-fit index,normed-fit index,nonnormed-fit index,and comparative-fitindex were greater than the recommended 0.9;and the root-mean-squareerror of approximation (RMSEA) was less than 0.08 and not statisticallydifferent from 0.05 (Hair,Anderson,Tatham,& Black,1995).Therefore,it was reasoned that the model fit the data reasonably well.The internal validity of the measurement model was examined by cal-culating the composite reliability and average variance extracted (AVE)(Fornell & Larcker,1981).All the composite reliabilities were well abovethe recommended 0.7 (Nunnally & Bernstein,1994).The AVE representsthe amount of variance captured by the construct’s measures relative tomeasurement error and the correlations among the latent variables.Inthis study,the AVE of each measure extracted more than or equal to 50%of the variance (Bagozzi & Yi,1988).The internal validity of the meas-urement model appears to be adequate.The discriminant validity of the measures was examined in two ways.First,the AVE was compared with the square of the parameter estimateamong the latent variables (Fornell & Larcker,1981).The correlationamong the indicators of each construct was greater than that between aconstruct and any other construct.Second,the discriminant validity ofeach construct was evidenced by each indicator loading higher on theconstruct of interest than on any other variable.RESULTSThe Structural ModelSimultaneous maximum-likelihood-estimation procedures were utilizedin order to examine the hypothesized relationships among perceivedvalue,customer satisfaction,and customer loyalty.Following the rec-ommendation of MacKenzie and Lutz (1989),each latent construct wasrepresented with a single index that is equal to the average score on theconstruct scale.Table 3 presents the results of the coefficients and goodness-of-fit sta-tistics.The chi-square statistic was significant;however,the ratio of thechi-square value relative to degree of freedom was less than the cut-offpoint of 2 (2 ϭ 166.90,df ϭ89).Other fit indices,including GFI (0.92), RMSEA (0.061,90% CI ϭ 0.047–0.075),indicate that the proposed modelis a reasonable explanation of observed covariance among the study con-structs.In addition,the model achieved a satisfactory level of goodnessof fit in predicting the variance of customer loyalty (75%) and customer-ent variables was conducted (see the short model in Table 4).To avoid the multicollinearity issue,the scores of the perceived value variable and two moderators were mean centered.The analysis-of-variance inflation factors confirmed that multicollinearity among the tested variables did not exist. Variance inflation factors are a scaled version of the multiple-correlation coefficients between one variable and the remainder of the independent variables.Because all variance inflation factors were below the cutoff value of 10,multicollinearity among the variables was not supported (Aiken & West,1991).Thus,two product variables that were included as interaction variables in the large models were formed.The results reported in Table 4 revealed some interesting findings. Although switching costs have a positive impact on customer loyalty, their direct effect on loyalty was insignificant at α= 0.05 level (α= 0.045 and 0.06,respectively).This is consistent with previous studies and argu-ments (Fornell,1992;Lee et al.,2001).Additionally,the interactions of switching costs with both customer satisfaction and perceived value imposed negative and negligible influences on customer loyalty (α = –0.06 and –0.08 for the financial group;α= 0.31 and –0.22 for the retailing group).Hence,H4 and H5 are not supported.As a whole,the increased R2s in the larger model were marginally sig-nificant (F ϭ 1.95,αϽ0.05).This indicates that including the interaction terms in the main-effects model better explains customer loyalty.In other words,though switching costs do not have moderating effects on the rela-tionships linking both customer satisfaction and perceived value with customer loyalty individually,the aggregated effect of switching costs on customer loyalty still matters.Given the insignificant moderating effect of switching costs for the whole sample,further analyses were run by dichotomizing the sample according to the levels of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, respectively.2On the basis of the value of customer satisfaction,two sub-groups were formed,with one having a customer-satisfaction value above the mean and another below the mean.Similarly,another two subgroups were formed in terms of the value of customer loyalty.Then, the above-mentioned analytic procedure for testing moderator effects was utilized for each of the four data sets.The results are summarized and reported in Table 5.The R2values of the four models were all sig-nificant.The results in Table 5 indicate that switching costs play a significant moderating role in the satisfaction–loyalty relationship only when the level of customer satisfaction is above the mean.The same applies to customer-perceived value.In contrast to previous findings,when the level of customer satisfaction or perceived value is below average,switch-ing costs have no significant moderating impact in the association of cus-tomer loyalty with customer satisfaction and perceived value.The results suggest that switching costs could serve as exit barriers only when a firm’s services are above average.DISCUSSIONKey Drivers of LoyaltyThe findings suggest that customer loyalty can be generated through improving customer satisfaction and offering high product/service value. To satisfy online customers,a firm may focus on five key dimensions identified by the current study.The first is to provide quality customer services.Specifically,company representatives should have the knowledge, including basic technology skills related to e-commerce and the Inter-net,to answer customer questions.They should understand customer-spe-cific needs,have the capacity to handle problems that arise,and address customer complaints in a friendly manner.Then,it is vital for a firm to perform the service correctly by executing transactions accurately,main-taining customer records without error,and delivering orders promptly.。
