



ITEM NO. 1 2 3
PART NUMBER SEAM-40-02.0-10-A NEW-SUB-T-1M36-02.0-S-2 K-DOT-.404-.500-.005
QUANTITY 1.0000 400.00 1.0000 1.0000
.060 1.52 REF
.044 1.12 REF
.011 0.28 REF .009 [.23]
.123 3.12 REF
2.196 55.78 REF
.002±.003 0.05±0.08 (SEE NOTE 5 & 6)
1.9500 49.530 .0500 1.270 .404 10.25 (TYP)
01 A B C D E F G H J K
2.835 72.00 REF
40 "D" "D"

施耐德 ATV310HU40N4A 变频器 Easy Altivar 310 数据表

施耐德 ATV310HU40N4A 变频器 Easy Altivar 310 数据表

Product data sheetCharacteristicsATV310HU40N4AATV310变频器-4kw -5.5hp - 380…460 V 三相主要信息产品系列Easy Altivar 310产品类型变频器应用领域简易机械组装方式带散热片产品短名ATV310电网相数三相额定电源电压 [Us]380...460 V - 15...10 %电动机功率 (kW) 5.5 KW 适用 标准负载 4 KW 适用 重载电机功率7.5 Hp 适用 标准负载 5 Hp 适用 重载噪音级别50 DB补充信息产品应用场景异步电机每套数量"一套 1 只"EMC 滤波器无EMC 滤波器冷却方式集成风扇供电频率50/60 Hz +/- 5 %通讯端口协议串口Modbus端口类型RJ45 (前面板) 适用 串口Modbus 物理接口2线制RS485 适用 串口Modbus 传输帧RTU 适用 串口Modbus 传输率4800 bit/s 9600 bit/s 19200 bit/s 38400 bit/s地址数1…247 适用 串口Modbus 通讯服务读保持寄存器 (03) 29字 写单寄存器(06) 29字 写多寄存器 (16) 27字 读/写多个寄存器 (23) 4/4字 读设备标识 (43)线路电流18.0 A 在…上 380 V (标准负载) 13.7 A 在…上 380 V (重载) 14.9 A 在…上 460 V (标准负载) 11.4 A 在…上 460 V (重载)视在功率15.1 KVA 在…上 460 V (标准负载) 9.1 KVA 在…上 460 V (重载)预期线路Isc5 KA 22 KAT h e i n f o r m a t i o n p r o v i d e d i n t h i s d o c u m e n t a t i o n c o n t a i n s g e n e r a l d e s c r i p t i o n s a n d /o r t e c h n i c a l c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f t h e p e r f o r m a n c e o f t h e p r o d u c t s c o n t a i n e d h e r e i n .T h i s d o c u m e n t a t i o n i s n o t i n t e n d e d a s a s u b s t i t u t e f o r a n d i s n o t t o b e u s e d f o r d e t e r m i n i n g s u i t a b i l i t y o r r e l i a b i l i t y o f t h e s e p r o d u c t s f o r s p e c i f i c u s e r a p p l i c a t i o n s .I t i s t h e d u t y o f a n y s u c h u s e r o r i n t e g r a t o r t o p e r f o r m t h e a p p r o p r i a t e a n d c o m p l e t e r i s k a n a l y s i s , e v a l u a t i o n a n d t e s t i n g o f t h e p r o d u c t s w i t h r e s p e c t t o t h e r e l e v a n t s p e c i f i c a p p l i c a t i o n o r u s e t h e r e o f .N e i t h e r S c h n e i d e r E l e c t r i c I n d u s t r i e s S A S n o r a n y o f i t s a f f i l i a t e s o r s u b s i d i a r i e s s h a l l b e r e s p o n s i b l e o r l i a b l e f o r m i s u s e o f t h e i n f o r m a t i o n c o n t a i n e d h e r e i n .连续输出电流12.1 A 标准负载9.5 A 重载最大瞬变电流13.3 A 在 60 s (标准负载)14.3 A 在 60 s (重载)功耗W126.4 W, at In (标准负载)102.7 W, at In (重载)变频器输出频率0.5…400 Hz额定开关频率 4 kHz开关频率 2...12 kHz 可调速度范围1 (20)瞬时过转矩170…200 % 额定电机转矩取决于驱动器的额定值和电机类型制动力矩高达150%的额定电动机的扭矩 带有高惯量制动电阻器达到70%的电机转矩 不带制动电阻器异步电机控制配置文件二次电压/频率比节能比无传感器的通量矢量控制电机滑差补偿出厂预置可调输出电压380...460 V 三相电气连接端子, 夹紧力: 2.5...4 mm² (L1, L2, L3, PA/+, PB, U, V, W)紧固力矩 1.2…1.4 N.M隔离电源与控制之间的电路电源内部电源 用于参考电位计: 5 V (4.75…5.25 V)直流, <10 mA 和 过载和短路保护内部电源 用于逻辑输入: 24 V (20.4…28.8 V)直流, <100 mA 和 过载和短路保护模拟量输入数量1模拟量输入类型可配置电流 AI1 0...20 mA 250 Ω可配置的电压 AI1 0...10 V 30 kOhm可配置的电压 AI1 0...5 V 30 kOhm离散量输入数量4数字量输入类型可编程 LI1...LI4 24 V 18...30 V离散量输入逻辑负逻辑 (漏), > 16 V (状态 0), < 10 V (状态 1), 输入阻抗 3.5 kOhm正逻辑(源), 0...< 5 V (状态 0), > 11 V (状态 1)采样期间10 Ms 适用 模拟量输入20 Ms, 公差 +/- 1 ms 适用 逻辑输入线性度误差‘+/- 0.3 % 最大值 适用 模拟量输入模拟量输出数量1模拟量输出 型号AO1 软件-可配置电压: 0...10 V, 阻抗: 470 Ω, 分辨率 8 位AO1 软件-可配置电流: 0...20 mA, 阻抗: 800 Ω, 分辨率 8 位离散量输出数量2输出型式逻辑输出 LO+, LO-继电器输出保护 R1A, R1B, R1C 1 C/O最小开关电流 [Imin]5 MA 在…上 24 V 直流 适用 逻辑继电器最大开关电流2 A 在…上 250 V AC 在…上 感性负载 量 cos phi = 0.4 L/R = 7 ms 适用 逻辑继电器2 A 在…上 30 V 直流 在…上 感性负载 量 cos phi = 0.4 L/R = 7 ms 适用 逻辑继电器3 A 在…上 250 V AC 在…上 阻性(负载) 量 cos phi = 1 L/R = 0 ms 适用 逻辑继电器4 A 在…上 30 V 直流 在…上 阻性(负载) 量 cos phi = 1 L/R = 0 ms 适用 逻辑继电器加速和减速倾斜线性范围为0 - 999.9SUS制动至停止采用直流注入, <30 s保护类型线路电源过压总线供电欠压输出相线和接地之间的过流过热保护电机各相线之间短路防止三相输入相损失电机热保护通过驱动连续计算I²T频率分辨率模拟量输入: A/D 转换器, 10 位显示单元: 0.1 Hz时间常量20 Ms +/- 1 ms 用于型号更改操作位置垂直方向 +/- 10°高度184 Mm宽度140 Mm深度151 Mm净重 1.8 Kg环境电磁兼容性抗快速瞬变 - test level: 级别 4 conforming to IEC 61000-4-4静电放电抗干扰 - test level: 级别 3 conforming to IEC 61000-4-2免于传导干扰 - test level: 级别 3 conforming to IEC 61000-4-6射频电磁场辐射抗扰度试验 - test level: 级别 3 conforming to IEC 61000-4-3电压下降与断路抑制测试 conforming to IEC 61000-4-11浪涌放电抗干扰 - test level: 级别 3 conforming to IEC 61000-4-5符合标准IEC 61800-5-1IEC 61800-3IP 保护等级IP20 上部不带盲板IP41 上边距污染等级 2 符合 IEC 61800-5-1环境特征尘土污染抵抗 等级3C2 符合 IEC 60721-3-3化学污染抵抗 等级3C3 符合 IEC 60721-3-3抗冲击15 gn 适用 11 ms 符合 IEC 60068-2-27相对湿度5…95 % 无凝结 符合 IEC 60068-2-35…95 % 无滴水 符合 IEC 60068-2-3贮存环境温度-25…70 °C环境温度-10…55 °C 无降容55…60 °C 取下变频器顶部的保护盖 电流降额 2.2 %/ °C工作海拔<= 1000 m 无降容包装单位Unit Type of Package 1PCENumber of Units in Package 11Package 1 Height18.546 CmPackage 1 Width18.794 CmPackage 1 Length24.105 CmPackage 1 Weight 2.161 KgUnit Type of Package 2S04Number of Units in Package 24Package 2 Height30.0 CmPackage 2 Width40.0 CmPackage 2 Length60.0 CmPackage 2 Weight9.761 Kg可持续性产品类型Green Premium 产品REACh法规REACh 声明欧盟ROHS指令主动合规性(超出欧盟 RoHS 法定范围的产品)无汞是中国 ROHS 管理办法中国 ROHS 声明RoHS 豁免信息是环境披露产品环境文件流通资料产品使用寿命终期信息WEEE该产品必须经特定废物回收处理后弃置于欧盟市场,绝不可丢弃于垃圾桶中。



4380Close Coupled Vertical In-Line Pumpsf Series 4380JM Frame MotorsFrame 56C Motor18763312244360 43801Easy to service. A radially split casing permits removal of the motor and pump rotating assembly,without removing the pump casing from the line.2Easy removal of complete pump from the line when necessary, due to companion flanges, supplied with the pump.3Inside type mechanical seal serviceable without breaking pipe connections.4Flush and vent connection removes entrained air and ensures liquid at seal face at all times.5Equal suction and discharge connections result in simplified piping design and installation.6Fewer maintenance and servicing problems due to bearing-free pump design.f Series 4360f D e s ig n F e a t u r e sf D e s ig n F e a t u r e s453f Cooling and heating systems.f Pressure boosting systems.f Industrial applications requiring a compact pump. f OEM (Cooling tower, spray washer, fountain, etc.).f Typical Applicationsf Materials of ConstructionSeries 4360 & 4380f Pressure/Temperature Chart Series 4360/4380A Cast Iron - 125 psig Standard seal.Series 4360 & 4380.BDuctile Iron - 250 psig flanges Carbide seal.Series 4380 only.Notes:f Hydrostatic test pressure at ambient temperature is 150% maximum working pressure.f All values are based on clear, clean water. Values may change with other liquids.1.0PUMPS - CLOSE COUPLED VERTICAL IN-LINE.2.0Provide Armstrong single stage, single suctionVertical In-Line type pumps, with rising head to shut off pump characteristics.Refer to the schedule for pump flows and heads and motor speed, efficiency, enclosure and power requirements.3.0The pumps shall be Armstrong Series 4360 or Series 4380motor mounted Vertical In-Line.4.0Pump Construction:Series 4360:4.1Pump casing shall be cast iron, suitable for 175 psi(12.06 bar) working pressure at 140°F (60°C). The casing shall be hydrostatically tested to 150% maximum working pressure.The casing shall be radially split to allow removal of the rotating element without disturbing the pipe connections.The casing shall be provided with NPT threaded companionflanges, for the appropriate pump size, with gaskets and hardware.4.2Pump impeller shall be fully enclosed type. The impeller shall bekeyed and secured to the pump shaft by stainless steel fittings.4.3The pump shaft shall be a stainless steel stub shaft for frame56 motors. The steel motor shaft shall be enclosed by a bronze shaft sleeve, on other motor frame sizes.4.4Mechanical seal shall be single spring inside type with carbon andceramic (4360B) / carbon and silicone carbide (4360D) faces,EPDM elastomer, stainless steel spring and hardware. Provide factory installed seal vent line, piped from the seal area to the pump suction connection.Series 4380:4.1Pump casing shall be cast iron, suitable for 175 psi(12.06 bar) working pressure at 140°F (60°C). Ductile iron pump casings are suitable for pressures to 250 psi(17.24 bar). The casing shall be hydrostatically tested to 150%maximum working pressure.The casing shall be radially split to allow removal of the rotating element without disturbing the pipe connections.The casing suction and discharge connections shall be the same size and shall be provided with drilled and tapped seal vent and pressure gauge connections.4.2Pump impeller shall be bronze, fully enclosed type. Impeller shallbe dynamically balanced.4.3A bronze shaft sleeve, extending the full length of themechanical seal area, shall be provided.4.4Mechanical seal shall be single spring inside type with carbonagainst silicone carbide faces. EPDM elastomer with stainless steel spring and hardware shall be provided. Seal vent line shall be factory installed and shall be piped from the seal area to the pump suction connection.5.0Motor power requirements shown on the pump schedule arethe minimum acceptable and have been sized for continuous operation without exceeding the full load nameplate rating over the entire pump curve, exclusive of service factor.f Typical SpecificationsS . A . A r m s t r o n g L i m i t e d 23 Bertrand Avenue T oronto, Ontario Canada, M1L 2P3T : (416) 755-2291F (Main): (416) 759-9101A r m s t r o n g P u m p s I n c .93 East AvenueNorth T onawanda, New Y ork U.S.A., 14120-6594T : (716) 693-8813F : (716) 693-8970A r m s t r o n g H o l d e n B r o o k e P u l l e n Wenlock Way ManchesterUnited Kingdom, M12 5JL T : +44 (0) 161 223 2223F : +44 (0) 161 220 9660© S.A. Armstrong Limited 1996, 2003, 2007Other Armstrong ProductsFor even greater space savings, ease of installation and flexibility of use:Specify Armstrong dualArm Vertical In-Line pump.f Two (2) Armstrong time proven Vertical In-Line pumps in one (1) casing.f Eliminates a complete set of piping and fittings.f Stand-by or two pump parallel operation with no loss of single pump efficiency.f Remove one pump for repair while the second pump continues to operate.Armstrong Model SG Suction Guide StrainerArmstrong dualArm Vertical In-Line PumpArmstrong FTV-A Flo-Trex Combination Valve。



Gate to Emitter Plateau Voltage On-State Gate Charge
IC = IC110, VCE = 0.5 BVCES IC = IC110, VCE = 0.5 BVCES VGE = 15V VGE = 20V
7.2 170 230 36 25 137 58 500 550 680
• 60A, 600V, TC = 25oC • 600V Switching SOA Capability • Typical Fall Time. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90ns at TJ = 150oC • Short Circuit Rating • Low Conduction Loss
IC = IC110, VGE = 15V
Gate to Emitter Threshold Voltage Gate to Emitter Leakage Current Switching SOA
IC = 250µA, VCE = VGE VGE = ±20V TJ = 150oC, RG = 3Ω, VGE = 15V, L = 100µH
©2004 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation
HGTG30N60B3 Rev. B3
Absolute Maximum Ratings
TC = 25oC, Unless Otherwise Specified HGTG30N60B3 Collector to Emitter Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .BVCES Collector Current Continuous At TC = 25oC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IC25 At TC = 110oC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IC110 Collector Current Pulsed (Note 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ICM Gate to Emitter Voltage Continuous. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VGES Gate to Emitter Voltage Pulsed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .VGEM Switching Safe Operating Area at TJ = 150oC (Figure 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SSOA Power Dissipation Total at TC = 25oC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PD Power Dissipation Derating TC > 25oC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reverse Voltage Avalanche Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EARV Operating and Storage Junction Temperature Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TJ, TSTG Maximum Lead Temperature for Soldering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TL Short Circuit Withstand Time (Note 2) at VGE = 12V. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .tSC Short Circuit Withstand Time (Note 2) at VGE = 10V. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .tSC 60 30 220 ±20 ±30 60A at 600V 208 1.67 100 -55 to 150 260 4 10 W W/oC mJSymbolC

25自动化技术DIN43650-A ISO4400GDM系列商品说明书

25自动化技术DIN43650-A ISO4400GDM系列商品说明书

Product features•hydraulic, pneumatic,electromagnetic actuators; e.g. solenoid valves, pressure sensors, flow indicators.• heat eningeering: gas appliance and oil burner controls (GDMW)to DIN VDE 0722/DIN 3394 T1Product description•in appliances and equipment subject to vibrations, e.g. track-bound vehicles, building machinery, conveying systems,using the crimp connection method (GDMC)Further informationsee technical data in the catalog Rectangular connectors for automation technique DS 280 490-440.Cable socket, self-assembly•durable angled connectors, dust and splash protected (IEC 60529 – IP 65)•vibration-proof locking using a central screw available for tool-free actuation or as a knurled screw•wide range of cable diameters from 4.5 mm to 14 mm using different PG glands•patent-protected combiantio terminal for connecting flex wire with wire end ferrules or fixture of fork-type cable shoes/eyedirectly under the screw head GDM 2009Cable socket with electronic insertProduct features•with integrated electronic cir-cuits such as recitifiers, optical status displays, protective elemts etc. for the connectin of appliances or elements which do not have these functions integrated (GDML, GDME)•integrated electronic circuitry in many standard versions or ac-cording to your specifications Further informationsee technical data in the catalog Rectangular connectors for automation technique DS 280 490-440.(+)(–)12~~GDML 2011 LED 24 VR YEProduct features•cable socket with transparent cover•strain relief•possibility to fit electronic inserts Variationwith integral timer circuit Further informationsee technical data in the catalog Rectangular connectors for automation technique DS 280 490-440.Cable socket to accept electronic insertsElectronic inserts for GDME Array Product featureswith electronic circuits such asrectifiers, optical status displays,protective elements etc. forthe conneciton of appliancesor elements which do not havethese function integratedFurther informationsee technical data in the catalogRectangular connectorsfor automation techniqueDS 280 490-440.21GDME–LED 24 GB YEMolded cable socketProduct description Array preassembled and molded-oncable socket without integratedelectronic circuitryVariations•PVC grey (additional colors,cable material, length…on application)•0°and 180°cable outlet•connected protective earth (PE)allows 0°and 180°assemblyFurther informationsee technical data in the catalogRectangular connectorsfor automation techniqueDS 280 490-440.GDM-K 3000For tailor-made systems,see page 24Molded cable socket, with electronic insertProduct descriptionassembled and molded cable sockets with integrated electronic circuitry and/or LED displaysVariations•PVC grey (additional colors,cable material, length … on application)•0°and 180°cable outlet•connected protective earth (PE)allows 0°and 180°assembly Further informationsee technical data in the catalog Rectangular connectors for automation technique DS 280 490-440.For tailor-made systems,see page 24GDML-K 2000 LED 24 HHb e t w e e n b l a d e sProduct descriptionappliance plug (pin plates) for almost all applications Product features•for sheet metal wall mounting •for mounting on flat ang. conduit •for moulding-in•for screw-in mounting (PG thread)•for encapsulation pin plates IP 65 without encapsulationFurther informationsee technical data in the catalog Rectangular connectors for automation technique DS 280 490-440.Appliance connectorGSA 2000 NAccessories Product features•flat- und profiled gaskets •central screws •protective cap •measuring adapter (measuring during use)Further informationsee technical data in the catalog Rectangular connectorsfor automation techniqueDS 280 490-440.。



750 µAmps

1 Guaranteed by design but not tested. Typical parameters are representative of actual device performance but are for reference only.
(315) 701-6751
75 Volt Motor Supply Voltage
10 Amp Output Switch Capability
100% Duty Cycle High Side Conduction Capable
Shoot-Through/Cross Conduction Protection
V+ High Voltage Supply ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 75V
VIN Current Command Input ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○±13.5V
+Vcc ○




方法色谱柱:Venuil XBP C9柱(4.0x39mm,5p m);流动相:以磷酸盐缓冲液(取1.30g的磷酸二氢钾,0.14g十二烷基三甲基溴化铵,加水稀释至1400mL,用”mol-L_1氢氧化钠调节(pH7.0)为流动相A,甲醇为流动相B,乙腈为流动相C,进行梯度洗脱;检测波长:477nm;流速:40mL -mH-。

结果TFMTXAN、杂质F、杂质D、中间体”、中间体4的浓度分别在0.43〜4.34pg-mL-1、9.2074〜4.H pg-mL-1、.38〜5.50 p g-mL-\0.430〜4.04p g-mL一1、0.2536〜5.071p g-mL-范围内线性关系良好(鼻0.9992);TFMTXAN、杂质F、杂质D、中间体”、中间体4的平均加样回收率分别为98.4%、99.0%、99.0%、97.5%、99.5%。


关键词:高效液相色谱法;盐酸氟哌噻吨;杂质中图分类号:R947文献标识码:A文章编号:306-5763(2020--14607464Determi nah o n of Five Related Substa n ces in Flupe n hxol Dihydrachloride byHPLCZHUANG Bo-qang1*丄OU Yong-ming2(Fujion food and Dreg Certification and Evaluation Centut,Fuzhou 369001,China;-Fujivn Institute For Food and Dreg Quality ContreOFuzhou350001,China)ABSTRACT:OBJECTIVE To estaklisP an HPLC methoh for detepnininy the coutexts of Five Relateh SuOstances in Flupeutixol DHyppcUloPOe-MEHTODS The detepninatiou was pePopneh on Vexusil XBP C5(4.6x150mm,9 pm)with the moUile phase A consisteh of Potassium PhosphVe MonohasK((pH=7.0),th e moUile phase B consis­ted of methanoi anh the moUile phase C consisted of acetonitrile at the Uow rate of40mL•min-1(hmkHnt elu­tion),The detection wavelength:277nm.RESULTS The linear range of TFMTXAN,iHpuPtp F ,iHpuPtyD,inter-meXiate0Intermehiate7were0.015-0.86pg•mL"1^6.014-10.86pg•mL"1^6.273-3.09pg•mL_1^0.036­0-72pg•mL_1^2.2936-9-071pg•mL"10-9992),psputi/ly.The average recavep rates of TFMTXAN, iHpupta F,HipuPtyD,Intepnehiate0IntermeXiate7were93-35%,99.02%,99.60%,99.29%,99.91%,pspec-tivelp-CONCLUSION This methoh is simple:sensitive:accurate:reppOucible:and spitaUle for the detepninatiou of five relateh suOstances in11106x11X01clinyppcyhpne-KEYWORDS:HPLC;Flupentixci di2yypcUlopdc:Relateh suOstavce盐酸氟哌噻吨,是常用的一类抗精神病药,在盐酸氟哌噻吨合成过程中5>91 ,TFMTXAN为合成原料,中间体(、中间体0为合成工艺中的中间产物,杂质D、杂质F为合成中产生的杂质,其杂质的化学结构(见表1)。



常用电子元器件43660电子元件基础知识第一章电阻器1. 电阻,用符号 R 表示。





功率用来表示电阻器所能承受的最大电流,用瓦特表示,有 1/16W , 1/8W , 1/4W , 1/2W , 1W , 2W 等多种,超过这一最大值,电阻器就会烧坏。









参照排列表,依照“读色环”的原则,显然,“灰红橙”,代表82k电阻.如看到棕黑红三道色环,我们就不加思索地知道是lk电阻,看到橙橙黑,就知道是33欧电阻,2 电阻常用的标志法在使用电阻器时,需要了解它的主要参数。



电阻的标志方法分为下列四种:1. 直标法:直标法是将电阻器的标称值用数字和文字符号直接标在电阻体上,其允许偏差则用百分数表示,末标偏差值的即为±20 % 的允许偏差。

2. 文字符号法:文字符号法是将电阻器的标称值和允许偏差值用数字和文字符号法按一定的规律组合标志在电阻体上。

例如: 6R2J 表示该电阻标称值为6.2 Ω ,允许偏差为 ± 5% ;3K6K 表示电阻值为3.6K Ω ,允许偏差为 ± 10% ; 1M5 则表示电阻值为1.5M Ω ,允许偏差为 ± 20% 。

XL6004 400KHz 60V 3A LED 常压电源驱动器说明书

XL6004 400KHz 60V 3A LED 常压电源驱动器说明书

400KHz 60V 3A Switching Current Boost LED Constant Current Driver XL6004Featuresn Wide 3.6V to 32V Input Voltage Range n0.22V FB adjustable LED drive current n Directly drive up to 16 Series 1W LED n Fixed 400KHz Switching Frequencyn Max. 3A Switching Current Capability n Up to 92% efficiencyn Excellent line and load regulationn EN PIN TTL shutdown capabilityn Internal Optimize Power MOSFETn Built in Soft-Start Functionn Built in Frequency Compensationn Built in Thermal Shutdown Functionn Built in Current Limit Functionn Available in TO252-5L package Applicationsn LED Lightingn Boost constant current drivern Monitor LED Backlightingn7’ to 15’ LCD Panels General DescriptionThe XL6004 regulator is fixed frequency PWM Boost (step-up) LED constant current driver, capable of driving Series 1W/3WLED units withexcellent line and load regulation. The regulator issimple to use because it includes internal frequencycompensation and a fixed-frequency oscillator sothat it requires a minimum number of externalcomponents to work.The XL6004 could directly drive 12 Series 1W LEDunits at VIN>12V.The PWM control circuit is able to adjust theduty ratio linearly from 0 to 95%. An enablefunction, an over current protection functionis built inside. An internal compensationblock is built in to minimize externalcomponent count.Figure1. Package Type of XL6004400KHz 60V 3A Switching Current Boost LED Constant Current Driver XL6004 Pin ConfigurationsFigure2. Pin Configuration of XL6004 (Top View)Table 1 Pin DescriptionPin Number Pin Name Description1 GND Ground Pin.2 EN Enable Pin. Drive EN pin low to turn off the device, drive it high to turn it on. Floating is default high.3 SW Power Switch Output Pin (SW).4 VIN Supply V oltage Input Pin. XL6004 operates from a 3.6V to 32V DC voltage. Bypass Vin to GND with a suitably large capacitor to eliminate noise on the input.5 FB Feedback Pin (FB). The feedback threshold voltage is 0.22V.400KHz 60V 3A Switching Current Boost LED Constant Current Driver XL6004 Function BlockFigure3. Function Block Diagram of XL6004Typical Application CircuitFigure4. XL6004 Typical Application Circuit400KHz 60V 3A Switching Current Boost LED Constant Current Driver XL6004Ordering InformationPart Number Marking ID Lead Free Lead Free Packing Type XL6004E1 XL6004E1 Tube PackageTemperature RangeXL6004TRE1XL6004E1Tape & ReelXLSEMI Pb-free products, as designated with “E1” suffix in the par number, are RoHS compliant.Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note1)ParameterSymbol Value Unit Input VoltageVin -0.3 to 36 V Feedback Pin Voltage V FB -0.3 to Vin V EN Pin VoltageV EN -0.3 to Vin V Output Switch Pin Voltage V Output -0.3 to 60 V Power DissipationP D Internally limitedmW Thermal Resistance (TO252-5L)(Junction to Ambient, No Heatsink, Free Air) R JA 50 ºC/W Operating Junction Temperature T J -40 to 125 ºC Storage TemperatureT STG -65 to 150 ºC Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec) T LEAD 260 ºC ESD (HBM)>2000VNote1: Stresses greater than those listed under Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operation is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect reliability.400KHz 60V 3A Switching Current Boost LED Constant Current Driver XL6004 XL6004 Electrical CharacteristicsT a = 25℃;unless otherwise specified.Symbol Parameter Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit System parameters test circuit figure4VFB FeedbackV oltageVin = 5V to 12V, V out=24VIload=100mA209 220 231 mVEfficiency ŋVin=12V ,V out=24VIout=0.5A- 92 - %Electrical Characteristics (DC Parameters)Vin = 12V, GND=0V, Vin & GND parallel connect a 100uf/50V capacitor; Iout=100mA, T a = 25℃; the others floating unless otherwise specified.Parameters Symbol Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit Input operation voltage Vin 3.6 32 V Shutdown Supply Current I STBY V EN=0V 70 100 uAQuiescent Supply Current I q V EN =2V,V FB =Vin2.5 5 mAOscillator Frequency Fosc 320 400 480 Khz Switch Current Limit I L V FB =0 3 AOutput Power NMOS Rdson Vin=12V,I SW=3A110 120 mohmEN Pin Threshold V EN High (Regulator ON)Low (Regulator OFF)1.40.8VI H V EN =2V (ON) 3 10 uA EN Pin Input LeakageCurrent ILV EN =0V (OFF) 3 10 uA Max. Duty Cycle D MAX V FB=0V 90 %400KHz 60V 3A Switching Current Boost LED Constant Current Driver XL6004Schottky Diode Selection TableCurrent SurfaceMountThrough Hole VR (The same as system maximum input voltage)20V 30V 40V 50V60V1A √1N5817 1N5818 1N5819√ 1N5820 1N5821 1N5822√ MBR320 MBR330 MBR340 MBR350 MBR360 √ SK32 SK33 SK34SK35SK36 √ 30WQ03 30WQ04 30WQ05 √ 31DQ03 31DQ04 31DQ05 3A√SR302SR303SR304SR305SR306Typical System Application for VIN=5V to driver 8 x 1W series LED unitsFigure5. XL6004 System Parameters Test Circuit (5V ~ 8 x 1W LED)400KHz 60V 3A Switching Current Boost LED Constant Current Driver XL6004 Typical System Application for VIN=12V to driver 12 x 1W series LED unitsFigure6. XL6004 System Parameters Test Circuit (12V ~ 12 x 1W LED) Typical System Application for VIN=12V to driver 6 x 3W series LED unitsFigure7. XL6004 System Parameters Test Circuit (12V ~ 6 x 3W LED)400KHz 60V 3A Switching Current Boost LED Constant Current Driver XL6004 Typical System Application for VIN=24V to driver 16 x 1W series LED unitsFigure8. XL6004 System Parameters Test Circuit (24V ~ 16 x 1W LED) Typical System Application for SEPIC Buck-Boost LED DriverFigure9. XL6004 System Parameters Test Circuit (Buck-Boost LED Driver)400KHz 60V 3A Switching Current Boost LED Constant Current Driver XL6004Typical System Application for VIN=12V to driver 12 series x 24 parallel White LED ArrayTypical System Application for VIN=12V to driver 12 x 1W series LED units With Dimming FunctionFigure11. XL6004 System Test Circuit (12V ~ 12 x 1W LED with Dimming Function)400KHz 60V 3A Switching Current Boost LED Constant Current Driver XL6004Package InformationTO252-5L。



ADuM1400/ADuM1401/ADuM1402Data Sheet Rev. L | Page 14 of 31 ParameterSymbol Min Typ Max Unit Test Conditions ADuM1400WTRWZ /ADuM1401WTRWZ /ADuM1402WTRWZMinimum Pulse Width 3PW 100 ns C L = 15 pF, CMOS signal levels Maximum Data Rate 410 Mbps C L = 15 pF, CMOS signal levels Propagation Delay 5t PHL , t PLH 20 34 45 ns C L = 15 pF, CMOS signal levels Pulse Width Distortion, |t PLH − t PHL |5PWD 3 ns C L = 15 pF, CMOS signal levels Change vs. Temperature5 ps/°C C L = 15 pF, CMOS signal levels Propagation Delay Skew 6t PSK 22 ns C L = 15 pF, CMOS signal levels Channel-to-Channel Matching, Codirectional Channels 7t PSKCD 3 ns C L = 15 pF, CMOS signal levels Channel-to-Channel Matching, Opposing-Directional Channels 7t PSKOD 6 ns C L = 15 pF, CMOS signal levels For All ModelsOutput Disable Propagation Delay(High/Low to High Impedance)t PHZ , t PLH 6 8 ns C L = 15 pF, CMOS signal levels Output Enable Propagation Delay (HighImpedance to High/Low)t PZH , t PZL 6 8 ns C L = 15 pF, CMOS signal levels Output Rise/Fall Time (10% to 90%)t R /t F 3 ns C L = 15 pF, CMOS signal levels Common-Mode Transient Immunity at Logic High Output 8|CM H | 25 35 kV/µs V Ix = V DD1/V DD2, V CM = 1000 V, transient magnitude = 800 V Common-Mode Transient Immunity at Logic Low Output 8|CM L | 25 35 kV/µs V Ix = 0 V, V CM = 1000 V, transient magnitude = 800 V Refresh Ratef r 1.1 Mbps Input Dynamic Supply Current per Channel 9I DDI (D) 0.10 mA/Mbps Output Dynamic Supply Current perChannel 9I DDO (D) 0.03 mA/Mbps 1All voltages are relative to their respective ground. 2 The supply current values for all four channels are combined when running at identical data rates. Output supply current values are specified with no output load present. The supply current associated with an individual channel operating at a given data rate may be calculated as described in the Power Consumption section. See Figure 8 through Figure 10 for information on per-channel supply current as a function of data rate for unloaded and loaded conditions. See Figure 11 through Figure 15 for total V DD1 and V DD2 supply currents as a function of data rate for ADuM1400W /ADuM1401W /ADuM1402W channel configurations. 3 The minimum pulse width is the shortest pulse width at which the specified pulse width distortion is guaranteed. 4 The maximum data rate is the fastest data rate at which the specified pulse width distortion is guaranteed.5 t PHL propagation delay is measured from the 50% level of the falling edge of the V Ix signal to the 50% level of the falling edge of the V Ox signal. t PLH propagation delay is measured from the 50% level of the rising edge of the V Ix signal to the 50% level of the rising edge of the V Ox signal.6 t PSK is the magnitude of the worst-case difference in t PHL or t PLH that is measured between units at the same operating temperature, supply voltages, and output load within the recommended operating conditions.7 Codirectional channel-to-channel matching is the absolute value of the difference in propagation delays between any two channels with inputs on the same side of the isolation barrier. Opposing-directional channel-to-channel matching is the absolute value of the difference in propagation delays between any two channels with inputs on opposing sides of the isolation barrier.8 CM H is the maximum common-mode voltage slew rate that can be sustained while maintaining V O > 0.8 V DD2. CM L is the maximum common-mode voltage slew rate that can be sustained while maintaining V O < 0.8 V. The common-mode voltage slew rates apply to both rising and falling common-mode voltage edges. The transient magnitude is the range over which the common mode is slewed.9 Dynamic supply current is the incremental amount of supply current required for a 1 Mbps increase in signal data rate. See Figure 8 through Figure 10 for information on per-channel supply current for unloaded and loaded conditions. See the Power Consumption section for guidance on calculating the per-channel supply current for a given data rate.Data SheetADuM1400/ADuM1401/ADuM1402 Rev. L | Page 19 of 31PACKAGE CHARACTERISTICS Table 8.ParameterSymbol Min Typ Max Unit Test Conditions Resistance (Input to Output)1R I-O 1012 Ω Capacitance (Input to Output)1C I-O 2.2 pF f = 1 MHz Input Capacitance 2C I 4.0 pF IC Junction to Case Thermal Resistance, Side 1θJCI 33 °C/W Thermocouple located at center of package underside IC Junction to Case Thermal Resistance, Side 2θJCO 28 °C/W 1 Device is considered a 2-terminal device; Pin 1, Pin 2, Pin 3, Pin 4, Pin 5, Pin 6, Pin 7, and Pin 8 are shorted together and Pin 9, Pin 10, Pin 11, Pin 12, Pin 13, Pin 14, Pin 15, and Pin 16 are shorted together.2 Input capacitance is from any input data pin to ground.REGULATORY INFORMATIONThe ADuM1400/ADuM1401/ADuM1402 are approved by the organizations listed in Table 9. Refer to Table 14 and the Insulation Lifetime section for details regarding recommended maximum working voltages for specific cross-isolation waveforms and insulation levels. Table 9.ULCSA VDE CQC TÜV Recognized Under UL 1577 Component RecognitionProgram 1 Approved under CSA Component Acceptance Notice 5A Certified according to DIN V VDE V 0884-10 (VDE V 0884-10):2006-122 Approved under CQC11-471543-2012 Approved according to IEC 61010-1:2001 (2nd Edition), EN 61010-1:2001 (2nd Edition),UL 61010-1:2004, andCSA C22.2.61010.1:2005Single Protection, 2500 V rms Isolation Voltage Basic insulation per CSA 60950-1-03 and IEC 60950-1, 780 V rms (1103 V peak) maximumworking voltageReinforced insulation, 560 V peak Basic Insulation per GB4943.1-2011, 415 V rms (588 V peak) maximum working voltage, tropical climate, altitude ≤ 5000 m Reinforced insulation, 400 V rmsmaximum working voltage Reinforced insulation per CSA 60950-1-03 andIEC 60950-1, 390 V rms(551 V peak) maximumworking voltageFile E214100 File 205078 File 2471900-4880-0001File CQC14001114900 Certificate U8V 05 06 56232 002 1 In accordance with UL 1577, each ADuM1400/ADuM1401/ADuM1402 is proof tested by applying an insulation test voltage ≥3000 V rms for 1 sec (current leakage detection limit = 5 µA).2 In accordance with DIN V VDE V 0884-10, each ADuM1400/ADuM1401/ADuM1402 is proof tested by applying an insulation test voltage ≥1050 V peak for 1 sec (partial discharge detection limit = 5 pC). The asterisk (*) marking branded on the component designates DIN V VDE V 0884-10 approval.INSULATION AND SAFETY RELATED SPECIFICATIONSTable 10.ParameterSymbol Value Unit Conditions Rated Dielectric Insulation Voltage2500 V rms 1-minute duration Minimum External Air Gap (Clearance)L(I01) 7.8 min mm Measured from input terminals to output terminals, shortest distance through air Minimum External Tracking (Creepage)L(I02) 7.8 min mm Measured from input terminals to output terminals, shortest distance path along body Minimum Clearance in the Plane of the PrintedCircuit Board (PCB Clearance)L(PCB) 8.3 min mm Measured from input terminals to output terminals, shortest distance through air, and line of sight, in the PCB mounting plane Minimum Internal Gap (Internal Clearance)0.017 min mm Insulation distance through insulation Tracking Resistance (Comparative Tracking Index)CTI>400V DIN IEC 112/VDE 0303 Part 1 Isolation Group II Material Group (DIN VDE 0110, 1/89, Table 1)。



Data sheet: A1.6Steel Types Available to the Domestic Plate Market Plate mill productsGeneral descriptionThis data sheet serves as an introduction to all the steel specifications that are generally available from the plate mill at Mittal Steel South Africa. This data sheet does not address all the steels that Mittal Steel South Africa produces. It merely indicates the generally available specifications. Please note that the dimensions for all steel plates in the as rolled, normalised and quenched and tempered conditions are described in the data sheet: Plate Mill Product Dimensions, file reference A1.3.When a steel type is selected, reference should be made to the relevant data sheet and the original material specification to determine the prescribed heat-treated condition for a particular thickness. This information must be used to determine which dimensions are available.Mittal Steel South Africa produces material of 4,5mm to 100mm thick (depending on the quality) as well as from 900mm to 3200mm wide on the plate mill. Material thinner than 13,0mm and narrower than1 870mm is generally produced in the hot strip mill. Mittal Steel South Africa reserves the right to select the processing route.Technical information on steel making practice, mechanical properties and chemical composition of the most popular steels is available from data sheets published for these particular steels. These data sheets should be consulted to ensure that the correct steel is selected for each application.Steel typesThe maximum thickness of all steel types in Tables 1 to 5 is also a function of ultrasonic test requirements. Refer to the data sheet: Plate Mill Products (file reference A1).For further information, contact:Mittal Steel South Africa Limited, PO Box 2, Vanderbijlpark 1900. Toll free number 0800 005043, Fax (016) 889-0070e-mail address: datasheets@Availability is subject to confirmation.For further information, contact:Mittal Steel South Africa Limited, PO Box 2, Vanderbijlpark 1900. Toll free number 0800 005043, Fax (016) 889-0070 e-mail address: datasheets@Note:1. WEARPLATE 200 & MCR 24 is supplied as rolled.For further information, contact:Mittal Steel South Africa Limited, PO Box 2, Vanderbijlpark 1900. Toll free number 0800 005043, Fax (016) 889-0070 e-mail address: datasheets@。



Copyright © Cirrus Logic, Inc. 2004CS436024-Bit, 192kHz 6-channel D/A ConverterFeatures24-bit Conversion 102 dB Dynamic Range-91dB THD+NLow Clock Jitter SensitivityDigital Volume Control with Soft Ramp–119dB Attenuation –1-dB Step Size–Zero Crossing Click-Free TransitionsATAPI MixingLogic Levels Between 5.0 V and 1.8 V +3.3V or +5V Analog Power Supply 116 mW with 3.3 V SupplyPopguard Technology ® for Control of Clicks and PopsDescriptionThe CS4360 is a complete 6-channel digital-to-analog system including digital interpolation, fourth-order delta-sigma digital-to-analog conversion, digital de-emphasis,volume control, channel mixing and analog filtering. The advantages of this architecture include: ideal differential linearity, no distortion mechanisms due to resistor matching errors, no linearity drift over time and tempera-ture, and a high tolerance to clock jitter.The CS4360 accepts data at audio sample rates from 4kHz to 200kHz, consumes very little power, and oper-ates over a wide power supply range. These features are ideal for cost-sensitive, multi-channel audio systems in-cluding D VD players, A/V receivers, set-top boxes,digital TVs and VCRs, mini-component systems, and mixing consoles.ORDERING INFORMATION CS4360-KZ -10 to 70 °C 28-pin TSSOP CS4360-KZZ -10 to 70 °C Lead Free 28-pin TSSOP CS4360-DZZ -40 to 85 °C Lead Free 28-pin TSSOP CDB4360Evaluation BoardJUL ‘04TABLE OF CONTENTS1. PIN DESCRIPTION (5)2. TYPICAL CONNECTION DIAGRAM (7)3. CHARACTERISTICS AND SPECIFICATIONS (8)SPECIFIED OPERATING CONDITIONS (8)ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (8)ANALOG CHARACTERISTICS (CS4360-KZ/KZZ) (9)ANALOG CHARACTERISTICS (CS4360-DZZ) (11)COMBINED INTERPOLATION & ON-CHIP ANALOG FILTER RESPONSE (13)SWITCHING SPECIFICATIONS - SERIAL AUDIO INTERFACE (16)SWITCHING SPECIFICATIONS - CONTROL PORT INTERFACE (17)SWITCHING SPECIFICATIONS - CONTROL PORT INTERFACE (18)DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (19)DIGITAL INPUT CHARACTERISTICS (19)DIGITAL INTERFACE SPECIFICATIONS (20)THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS AND SPECIFICATIONS (20)4. APPLICATIONS (21)4.1 Sample Rate Range/Operational Mode Select (21)4.1.1 Stand-alone Mode (21)4.1.2 Control Port Mode (21)4.2 System Clocking (21)4.3 Digital Interface Format (22)4.3.1 Stand-alone Mode (22)4.3.2 Control Port Mode (23)4.4 De-emphasis Control (23)4.4.1 Stand-alone Mode (24)4.4.2 Control Port Mode (24)4.5 Recommended Power-up Sequence (24)Contacting Cirrus Logic SupportFor all product questions and inquiries contact a Cirrus Logic Sales Representative.To find one nearest you go to /IMPORTANT NOTICECirrus Logic, Inc. and its subsidiaries ("Cirrus") believe that the information contained in this document is accurate and reliable. However, the information is sub-ject to change without notice and is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind (express or implied). Customers are advised to obtain the latest version of relevant information to verify, before placing orders, that information being relied on is current and complete. All products are sold subject to the terms and con-ditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgment, including those pertaining to warranty, patent infringement, and limitation of liability. No responsi-bility is assumed by Cirrus for the use of this information, including use of this information as the basis for manufacture or sale of any items, or for infringement of patents or other rights of third parties. This document is the property of Cirrus and by furnishing this information, Cirrus grants no license, express or implied under any patents, mask work rights, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets or other intellectual property rights. Cirrus owns the copyrights associated with the information contained herein and gives consent for copies to be made of the information only for use within your organization with respect to Cirrus integrated circuits or other products of Cirrus. This consent does not extend to other copying such as copying for general distribution, advertising or promotional purposes, or for creating any work for resale.CERTAIN APPLICATIONS USING SEMICONDUCTOR PRODUCTS MAY INVOLVE POTENTIAL RISKS OF DEATH, PERSONAL INJURY, OR SEVERE PROPERTY OR ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE ("CRITICAL APPLICATIONS"). CIRRUS PRODUCTS ARE NOT DESIGNED, AUTHORIZED OR WARRANT-ED FOR USE IN AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS, MILITARY APPLICATIONS, PRODUCTS SURGICALLY IMPLANTED INTO THE BODY, LIFE SUPPORT PRODUCTS OR OTHER CRITICAL APPLICATIONS (INCLUDING MEDICAL DEVICES, AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS OR COMPONENTS AND PERSONAL OR AUTOMOTIVE SAFETY OR SECURITY DEVICES). INCLUSION OF CIRRUS PRODUCTS IN SUCH APPLICATIONS IS UNDERSTOOD TO BE FULLY AT THE CUSTOM-ER'S RISK AND CIRRUS DISCLAIMS AND MAKES NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS, STATUTORY OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WITH REGARD TO ANY CIRRUS PRODUCT THAT IS USED IN SUCH A MANNER. IF THE CUSTOMER OR CUSTOMER'S CUSTOMER USES OR PERMITS THE USE OF CIRRUS PRODUCTS IN CRITICAL APPLICATIONS, CUSTOMER AGREES, BY SUCH USE, TO FULLY INDEMNIFY CIRRUS, ITS OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, EMPLOYEES, DISTRIBUTORS AND OTHER AGENTS FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, INCLUDING ATTORNEYS' FEES AND COSTS, THAT MAY RESULT FROM OR ARISE IN CONNECTION WITH THESE USES. Cirrus Logic, Cirrus, and the Cirrus Logic logo designs are trademarks of Cirrus Logic, Inc. All other brand and product names in this document may be trade-marks or service marks of their respective owners.I²C is a registered trademark of Philips Semiconductor. Purchase of I²C Components of Cirrus Logic, Inc., or one of its sublicensed Associated Companies con-veys a license under the Philips I²C Patent Rights to use those components in a standard I²C system.4.5.1 Stand-alone Mode (24)4.5.2 Control Port Mode (24)4.6 Popguard® Transient Control (24)4.6.1 Power-up (24)4.6.2 Power-down (24)4.6.3 Discharge Time (25)4.7 Mute Control (25)4.8 Grounding and Power Supply Arrangements (25)4.8.1 Capacitor Placement (25)4.8.2 Power Supply Sections (25)4.9 Control Port Interface (25)4.9.1 Memory Address Pointer (MAP) (26)4.9.1a INCR (Auto Map Increment) (26)4.9.1b MAP0-3 (Memory Address Pointer) (26)4.9.2 I²C Mode (26)4.9.2a I²C Write (26)4.9.2b I²C Read (27)4.9.3 SPI Mode (27)4.9.3a SPI Write (28)5. REGISTER QUICK REFERENCE (29)6. REGISTER DESCRIPTIONS (30)6.1 Mode Control 1 (address 01h) (30)6.1.1 Auto-mute (AMUTE) Bit 7 (30)6.1.2 Digital Interface Format (DIF) Bit 4-6 (30)6.1.3 De-emphasis Control (DEM) Bit 2-3 (31)6.1.4 Functional Mode (FM) Bit 0-1 (31)6.2 Invert Signal (address 02h) (31)6.2.1 Invert Signal Polarity (INV_xx) Bit 0-5 (31)6.3 Mixing Control Pair 1 (Channels A1 & B1) (address 03h)Mixing Control Pair 2 (Channels A2 & B2) (address 04h)Mixing Control Pair 3 (Channels A3 & B3) (address 05h) (31)6.3.1 ATAPI Channel Mixing and Muting (atapi) Bit 0-3 (32)6.4 Volume Control (addresses 06h - 0Bh) (33)6.4.1 MUTE (MUTE) Bit 7 (33)6.4.2 VOLUME CONTROL (xx_VOL) Bit 0-6 (33)6.5 Mode Control 2 (address 0Dh) (33)6.5.1 Soft Ramp and Zero Cross CONTROL (SZC) Bit 6-7 (33)6.5.2 Control Port Enable (CPEN) Bit 5 (34)6.5.3 Power Down (PDN) Bit 4 (34)6.5.4 Popguard® Transient Control (POPG) Bit 3 (34)6.5.5 Freeze Controls (FREEZE) Bit 2 (35)6.5.6 Master Clock DIVIDE ENABLE (MCLKDIV) Bit 1 (35)6.5.7 Single Volume Control (SNGLVOL) Bit 0 (35)6.6 Revision Register (Read Only) (address 0Dh) (35)6.6.1 Revision Indicator (REV) [Read Only] Bit 0-3 (35)7. PARAMETER DEFINITIONS (36)Total Harmonic Distortion + Noise (THD+N) (36)Dynamic Range (36)Interchannel Isolation (36)Interchannel Gain Mismatch (36)Gain Error (36)Gain Drift (36)8. REFERENCES (36)9. PACKAGE DIMENSIONS (37)LIST OF FIGURESFigure 1.Typical Connection Diagram (7)Figure 2.Output Test Load (10)Figure 3.Maximum Loading (10)Figure 4.Single-speed Stopband Rejection (14)Figure 5.Single-speed Transition Band (14)Figure 6.Single-speed Transition Band (Detail) (14)Figure 7.Single-speed Passband Ripple (14)Figure 8.Double-speed Stopband Rejection (14)Figure 9.Double-speed Transition Band (14)Figure 10.Double-speed Transition Band (Detail) (15)Figure 11.Double-speed Passband Ripple (15)Figure 12.Serial Mode Input Timing (16)Figure 13.Control Port Timing - I²C Mode (17)Figure 14.Control Port Timing - SPI Mode (18)Figure 15.Left Justified up to 24-Bit Data (23)Figure 16.I2S, up to 24-Bit Data (23)Figure 17.Right Justified Data (23)Figure 18.De-emphasis Curve (23)Figure 19.I²C Write (27)Figure 20.I²C Read (27)Figure 21.SPI Write (28)Figure 22.ATAPI Block Diagram (32)LIST OF TABLESTable 1. CS4360 Stand-alone Operational Mode (21)Table 2. CS4360 Control Port Operational Mode (21)Table 3. Single-speed Mode Standard Frequencies (21)Table 4. Double-speed Mode Standard Frequencies (21)Table 5. Quad-speed Mode Standard Frequencies (22)Table 6. Digital Interface Format - Stand-alone Mode (22)Table 7. Power Supply Control Sections (25)Table 8. Digital Interface Formats - Control Port Mode (30)Table 9. ATAPI Decode (32)Table 10. Example Digital Volume Settings (33)1.PIN DESCRIPTIONSDIN1AOUTA1SDIN2AOUTB1SDIN3MUTEC2SCLK AOUTA2LRCK AOUTB2MCLK VAVD GNDGND AOUTA3RST AOUTB3DIF1/SCL/CCLK MUTEC3DIF0/SDA/CDIN VQM1/AD0/CS FILT+VLC M22.TYPICAL CONNECTION DIAGRAMFigure 1. Typical Connection Diagram3.CHARACTERISTICS AND SPECIFICATIONSTypical performance characteristics are derived from measurements taken at T A = 25°C. Min/Max performance characteristics and specifications are guaranteed over the operating temperature and voltages.SPECIFIED OPERATING CONDITIONS GND = 0V; all voltages with respect to GND.ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSGND = 0V; all voltages with respect to GND. Operation beyond these limits may result in permanent damage to the device. Normal operation is not guaranteed at these extremes.Notes: 1.Nominal VD supply must be less than or equal to the nominal VA supply.2.Any pin except supplies.ParametersSymbol Min TypMax Units DC Power Supply Analog3.3 V Nominal (Note 1)5.0 V Nominal VA 3.04.5 3.35 3.65.5V V Digital2.5 V Nominal (Note 1)3.3 V Nominal 5.0 V Nominal VD2.253.04.5 2.53.35 2.753.65.5V V V Serial Audio Interface 1.8 V Nominal 2.5 V Nominal 3.3 V Nominal 5.0 V Nominal VLS1. 1.92.753.65.5V V V V Control Port Interface 1.8 V Nominal 2.5 V Nominal 3.3 V Nominal 5.0 V NominalVLC1. V V VParametersSymbol Min Max Units DC Power SupplyAnalog DigitalSerial Audio Interface Control Port InterfaceVA VD VLS VLC -0.3-0.3-0.3-0.3 V V V Input Current (Note 2)I in -±10mA Digital Input VoltageSerial Audio Interface Control Port InterfaceV IND_S V IND_C -0.3-0.3VLS+0.4VLC+0.4V V Ambient Operating Temperature (power applied)T A -55125°C Storage T emperatureT stg-65150°CANALOG CHARACTERISTICS (CS4360-KZ/KZZ)Test conditions (unless otherwise specified): Input test signal is a 997 Hz sine wave at 0 dBFS; measurement bandwidth is 10 Hz to 20 kHz; test load R L =10k Ω, C L = 10 pF (see Figure 2). All supplies = VA = 5.0 V or 3.3 V.Notes: 3.One-half LSB of triangular PDF dither is added to data.Parameter5.0 V3.3 VMin TypMaxMinTypMaxUnitSingle-Speed Mode Fs = 48 kHzDynamic Range(Note 3)unweighted A-Weighted A-Weighted9497-99102100---8992-949797---dB dB dB Total Harmonic Distortion + Noise(Note 3)0 dB -20 dB -60 dB----91-79-39-86------91-74-34-86--dB dB dBDouble-Speed Mode Fs = 96 kHzDynamic Range(Note 3)unweighted A-Weighted 40 kHz BandwidthA-Weighted9497-99102100---8992-949797---dB dB dB Total Harmonic Distortion + Noise(Note 3)0 dB -20 dB -60 dB----91-79-39-86------91-74-34-86--dB dB dBQuad-Speed Mode Fs = 192 kHzDynamic Range(Note 3)unweighted A-Weighted 40 kHz BandwidthA-Weighted9497-99102100---8992-949797---dB dB dB Total Harmonic Distortion + Noise(Note 3)0 dB -20 dB -60 dB----91-79-39-86------91-74-34-86--dB dB dBANALOG CHARACTERISTICS (CS4360-KZ/KZZ) (Continued)4.Refer to Figure 3..ParametersSymbolMin Typ Max Units Dynamic Performance for All ModesInterchannel Isolation (1kHz)-102-dB DC AccuracyInterchannel Gain Mismatch ICGM-0.1-dB Gain Drift-±100-ppm/°C Analog Output Characteristics and Specifications Full Scale Output Voltage 0.60•VA 0.66•VA 0.72•VAVpp Output ImpedanceZ out -100-ΩMinimum AC-Load Resistance (Note 4)R L -3-k ΩMaximum Load Capacitance(Note 4)C L-100-pFFigure 2. Output Test LoadFigure 3. Maximum LoadingANALOG CHARACTERISTICS (CS4360-DZZ)Test conditions (unless otherwise specified): Input test signal is a 997 Hz sine wave at 0 dBFS; measurement bandwidth is 10 Hz to 20 kHz; test load R L = 10 kΩ, C L = 10 pF (see Figure 2). All supplies = VA = 5.0 V and 3.3 V.ParameterVA = 5.0 V VA = 3.3 VMin Typ Max Min Typ Max UnitSingle-speed Mode Fs = 48 kHz Dynamic Range(Note 3)unweighted A-Weighted A-Weighted 8992-99102100---8992-949797---dBdBdBTotal Harmonic Distortion + Noise(Note 3)0 dB -20 dB -60 dB ----91-79-39-84------91-74-34-84--dBdBdBDouble-speed Mode Fs = 96 kHz Dynamic Range(Note 3)unweightedA-Weighted 40 kHz Bandwidth A-Weighted 8992-99102100---8992-949797---dBdBdBTotal Harmonic Distortion + Noise(Note 3)0 dB -20 dB -60 dB ----91-79-39-84------91-74-34-84--dBdBdBQuad-speed Mode Fs = 192 kHz Dynamic Range(Note 3)unweightedA-Weighted 40 kHz Bandwidth A-Weighted 8992-99102100---8992-949797---dBdBdBTotal Harmonic Distortion + Noise(Note 3)0 dB -20 dB -60 dB ----91-79-39-84------91-74-34-84--dBdBdBANALOG CHARACTERISTICS (CS4360-DZZ) (Continued)Parameters Symbol Min Typ Max Units Dynamic Performance for All ModesInterchannel Isolation(1kHz)-102-dB DC AccuracyInterchannel Gain Mismatch ICGM-0.1-dB Gain Drift-±100-ppm/°C Analog Output Characteristics and SpecificationsFull Scale Output Voltage0.60•VA0.66•VA0.72•VA Vpp Output Impedance Z out-100-ΩAC-load Resistance(Note 4)R L3--kΩLoad Capacitance(Note 4)C L--100pFCOMBINED INTERPOLATION & ON-CHIP ANALOG FILTER RESPONSEThe filter characteristics and the X-axis of the response plots have been normalized to the sample rate (Fs) and can be referenced to the desired sample rate by multiplying the given characteristic by Fs.Notes: 5.For Single-speed Mode, the measurement bandwidth is 0.5465 Fs to 3 Fs.For Double-speed Mode, the measurement bandwidth is 0.577 Fs to 1.4 Fs.6.De-emphasis is only available in Single-speed Mode.ParameterMin Typ Max UnitSingle-Speed Mode (4 kHz to 50 kHz sample rates) Passbandto -0.05dB corner to -3dB corner00--0.45350.4998Fs Fs Frequency Response 10Hz to 20kHz -0.02-+0.035dB StopBand0.5465--Fs StopBand Attenuation (Note 5)50--dB Group Delay-9/Fs -s De-emphasis Error (Relative to 1 kHz)(Note 6)Control Port ModeFs = 32 kHz Fs = 44.1 kHz Fs = 48 kHz Stand-alone ModeFs = 32 kHz Fs = 44.1 kHz Fs = 48 kHz------------+0.2/-0.1+0.05/-0.14+0/-0.22+1.5/-0+0.05/-0.14+0.2/-0.4dB dB dB dB dB dBDouble-Speed Mode (50 kHz to 100 kHz sample rates)Passbandto -0.1dB corner to -3dB corner00--0.46210.4982Fs Fs Frequency Response 10Hz to 20kHz -0.1-0dB StopBand0.577--Fs StopBand Attenuation (Note 5)55--dB Group Delay-4/Fs-sQuad-Speed Mode - (100 kHz to 200 kHz sample rates)Passbandto -3dB corner0-0.25Fs Frequency Response 10Hz to 20kHz -0.7-0dB Group Delay- 1.5/Fs-sFigure 4. Single-speed Stopband Rejection Figure 5. Single-speed Transition BandFigure 6. Single-speed Transition Band (Detail)Figure 7. Single-speed Passband RippleFigure 8. Double-speed Stopband Rejection Figure 9. Double-speed Transition BandFigure 10. Double-speed Transition Band (Detail)Figure 11. Double-speed Passband RippleSWITCHING SPECIFICATIONS - SERIAL AUDIO INTERFACEInputs: Logic 0 = GND, Logic 1 = VLS.ParametersSymbol MinMax Units MCLK Frequency 1.02451.2MHz MCLK Duty Cycle 4060%Input Sample RateSingle-speed Mode Double-speed Mode Quad-speed ModeF s F s F s 45010050100200kHz kHz kHz LRCK Duty Cycle 4555%SCLK Pulse Width Low t sclkl 20-ns SCLK Pulse Width High t sclkh20-ns SCLK FrequencySingle-speed Mode Double-speed Mode--128xFs 64xFsHz Hz Quad-speed Mode (MCLKDIV = 0)-Hz Quad-speed Mode (MCLKDIV = 1)-Hz SCLK rising to LRCK edge delay t slrd 20-ns SCLK rising to LRCK edge setup time t slrs 20-ns SDINx valid to SCLK rising setup time t sdlrs 20-ns SCLK rising to SDINx hold timet sdh20-nsFigure 12. Serial Mode Input TimingMCLK 2-----------------MCLK 4-----------------SWITCHING SPECIFICATIONS - CONTROL PORT INTERFACEInputs: Logic 0=GND, Logic 1=VLCNotes:7.Data must be held for sufficient time to bridge the transition time, t fc , of SCL.8.The acknowledge delay is based on MCLK and can limit the maximum transaction speed.9.for Single-Speed Mode, for Double-Speed Mode, for Quad-Speed Mode.ParameterSymbol Min Max Unit I²C ModeSCL Clock Frequency f scl -100kHz RST Rising Edge to Startt irs 500-ns Bus Free Time Between Transmissionst buf 4.7-µs Start Condition Hold Time (prior to first clock pulse)t hdst 4.0-µs Clock Low time t low 4.7-µs Clock High Timet high 4.0-µs Setup Time for Repeated Start Condition t sust 4.7-µs SDA Hold Time from SCL Falling (Note 7)t hdd 0-µs SDA Setup time to SCL Rising t sud 250-ns Rise Time of SCL and SDA t rc , t rc -1µs Fall Time SCL and SDA t fc , t fc -300ns Setup Time for Stop Condition t susp 4.7-µs Acknowledge Delay from SCL Falling(Note 8)t ack-(Note 9)ns5256Fs ×--------------------5128Fs ×--------------------564Fs×-----------------Figure 13. Control Port Timing - I²C ModeSWITCHING SPECIFICATIONS - CONTROL PORT INTERFACE (Continued)Notes:10.t spi only needed before first falling edge of CS after RST rising edge. t spi = 0 at all other times.11.Data must be held for sufficient time to bridge the transition time of CCLK.12.For f sclk < 1MHz.ParameterSymbol Min Max Unit SPI ModeCCLK Clock Frequency f sclk -6MHz RST Rising Edge to CS Falling t srs 500-ns CCLK Edge to CS Falling(Note 10)t spi 500-ns CS High Time Between Transmissions t csh 1.0-µs CS Falling to CCLK Edge t css 20-ns CCLK Low Time t scl -ns CCLK High Timet sch -ns CDIN to CCLK Rising Setup Time t dsu 40-ns CCLK Rising to DATA Hold Time (Note 11)t dh 15-ns Rise Time of CCLK and CDIN (Note 12)t r2-100ns Fall Time of CCLK and CDIN(Note 12)t f2-100ns1MCLK -----------------1MCLK-----------------Figure 14. Control Port Timing - SPI ModeDC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS GND = 0 V; all voltages with respect to GND.Notes:13.Normal operation is defined as RST = HI with a 997 Hz, 0 dBFS input sampled at the highest F s for eachspeed mode, and open outputs, unless otherwise specified.14.I LC measured with no external loading on pin 12 (SDA).15.Power Down Mode is defined as RST = LO with all clocks and data lines held static.16.Valid with the recommended capacitor values on FILT+ and VQ as shown in Figure 1. Increasing thecapacitance will also increase the PSRR.DIGITAL INPUT CHARACTERISTICS GND = 0V; all voltages with respect to GND.ParametersSymbol Min Typ Max Units Normal Operation (Note 13)Power Supply CurrentVA = 5.0 V VD = 5.0 V VA = 3.3 V VD = 3.3 V VLS = 5.0 V VLC = 5.0 V VLS = 3.3 V VLC = 3.3 V(Note 14)I A I D I A I D I LS I LC I LS I LC--------222521146221--------mA mA mA mA µA µA µA µA Power Dissipation All Supplies = 5.0 V All Supplies = 3.3 V --235116265128mW mW Power-down Mode (Note 15)Power Supply Current All Supplies = 5.0 VAll Supplies = 3.3 V --1612--µA µA Power Dissipation All Supplies = 5.0 V All Supplies = 3.3 V--8040--µW µW All Modes of OperationPower Supply Rejection Ratio (Note 16)1 kHz 60 HzPSRR--6040--dB dB V Q Nominal VoltageOutput ImpedanceMaximum allowable DC current source/sink ---0.5•VA 2500.01---Vk ΩmA Filt+ Nominal VoltageOutput ImpedanceMaximum allowable DC current source/sink ---VA 2500.01---Vk ΩmA MUTEC Low-level Output Voltage -0-V MUTEC High-level Output Voltage -VA -V Maximum MUTEC Drive Current-3-mAParametersSymbol Min Typ Max Units Input Leakage Current I in--±10µA Input Capacitance-8-pFDIGITAL INTERFACE SPECIFICATIONS GND = 0V; all voltages with respect to GND.THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS AND SPECIFICATIONSParametersSymbol Min MaxUnits1.8 V LogicHigh-level Input Voltage Serial Audio Control Port V IH V IH 80%80%--VLS VLC Low-level Input Voltage Serial Audio Control PortV IL V IL-13%13%VLS VLC2.5 V LogicHigh-level Input Voltage Serial Audio Control Port V IH V IH 70%70%--VLS VLC Low-level Input Voltage Serial Audio Control PortV IL V IL-13%13%VLS VLC3.3 V LogicHigh-level Input Voltage Serial Audio Control Port V IH V IH 70%70%--VLS VLC Low-level Input Voltage Serial Audio Control PortV IL V IL-13%13%VLS VLC5.0 V LogicHigh-level Input Voltage Serial Audio Control Port V IH V IH 70%70%--VLS VLC Low-level Input VoltageSerial Audio Control PortV IL V IL-13%13%VLS VLCParametersSymbol Min Typ Max Units Package Thermal ResistanceTSSOP (-KZ/KZZ & -DZZ)θJA -40-°C/Watt Ambient Operating Temperature (Power Applied)-KZ/KZZ-DZZT A-10-40--+70+85°C °C4.APPLICATIONS 4.1Sample Rate Range/Operational Mode Select4.1.1Stand-Alone ModeThe device operates in one of four operational modes determined by the Mode pins in Stand-alone mode.Sample rates outside the specified range for each mode are not supported.4.1.2Control Port ModeThe device operates in one of three operational modes determined by the FM bits (see section 6.1.4) in Control Port mode. Sample rates outside the specified range for each mode are not supported.4.2System ClockingThe device requires external generation of the master (MCLK), left/right (LRCK) and serial (SCLK) clocks.The LRCK, defined also as the input sample rate (F s ), must be synchronously derived from the MCLK according to specified ratios. The specified ratios of MCLK to LRCK, along with several standard audio sample rates and the required MCLK frequency, are illustrated in Tables 3-5.Sample Rate(kHz)MCLK (MHz)256x 384x 512x 768x 1024x*328.192012.288016.384024.576032.768044.111.289616.934422.579233.868845.15844812.288018.432024.576036.864049.1520Table 3. Single-speed Mode Standard FrequenciesSample Rate(kHz)MCLK (MHz)128x 192x 256x 384x 512x*648.192012.288016.384024.576032.768088.211.289616.934422.579233.868845.15849612.288018.432024.576036.864049.1520Table 4. Double-speed Mode Standard FrequenciesM2M1Input Sample Rate (F S )MODE00 4 kHz - 50 kHz Single-Speed (without De-emphasis)0132 kHz - 48 kHz Single-Speed (with De-emphasis)1050 kHz - 100 kHz Double-Speed 11100 kHz - 200 kHzQuad-SpeedTable 1. CS4360 Stand-Alone Operational ModeFM1FM0Input Sample Rate (F S )MODE00 4 kHz - 50 kHz Single-speed 0150 kHz - 100 kHz Double-speed 10100 kHz - 200 kHz Quad-speed 11ReservedReservedTable 2. CS4360 Control Port Operational Mode*Requires MCLKDIV bit = 1 in the Mode Control 2 register (address 0Ch)4.3Digital Interface FormatThe device will accept audio samples in 1 of 4 digital interface formats in Stand-alone mode, as illustrated in Table 6, and 1 of 6 formats in Control Port mode, as illustrated in Table ModeThe desired format is selected via the DIF1 and DIF0 pins. For an illustration of the required relationship between the LRCK, SCLK and SDIN, see Figures 15-17.Sample Rate(kHz)MCLK (MHz)64x 96x 128x 192x 256x*176.411.289616.934422.579233.868845.158419212.288018.432024.576036.864049.1520Table 5. Quad-speed Mode Standard FrequenciesDIF1DIF0DESCRIPTIONFORMATFIGURE 00Left Justified, up to 24-bit Data 01601I 2S, up to 24-bit Data11510Right Justified, 16-bit Data 21711Right Justified, 24-bit Data317Table 6. Digital Interface Format - Stand-alone Mode4.3.2Control Port ModeThe desired format is selected via the DIF2, DIF1 and DIF0 bits in the Mode Control 2 register (see section 6.1.2). For an illustration of the required relationship between LRCK, SCLK and SDIN, see Figures 15-17.Figure 15. Left Justified up to 24-Bit DataFigure 16. I2S, up to 24-Bit Data4.4De-Emphasis ControlThe device includes on-chip digital de-emphasis. Figure 18 shows the de-emphasis curve for F s equal to 44.1 kHz. The frequency response of the de-emphasis curve will scale proportionally with changes in sample rate, Fs.Figure 18. De-emphasis CurveNotes: De-emphasis is only available in Single-speed Mode.4.4.1Stand-Alone ModeThe operational mode pins, M2 and M1, selects the 44.1 kHz de-emphasis filter. Please see section 4.1 for the desired de-emphasis control.4.4.2Control Port ModeThe Mode Control bits selects either the 32, 44.1, or 48 kHz de-emphasis filter. Please see section 6.1.3 for the desired de-emphasis control.4.5Recommended Power-up Sequence4.5.1Stand-Alone Mode1)Hold RST low until the power supply and configuration pins are stable, and the master and left/rightclocks are locked to the appropriate frequencies, as discussed in section 4.2. In this state, the control port is reset to its default settings and VQ will remain low.2)Bring RST high. The device will remain in a low power state with VQ low and will initiate the Stand-alone power-up sequence after approximately 512 LRCK cycles in Single-Speed Mode (1024 LRCK cycles in Double-Speed Mode, and 2048 LRCK cycles in Quad-Speed Mode).4.5.2Control Port Mode1)Hold RST low until the power supply is stable, and the master and left/right clocks are locked to theappropriate frequencies, as discussed in section 4.2. In this state, the control port is reset to its default settings and VQ will remain low.2)Bring RST high. The device will remain in a low power state with VQ low.3)Load the desired register settings while keeping the PDN bit set to 1.4)Set the PDN bit to 0. This will initiate the power-up sequence, which lasts approximately 50µS whenthe POPG bit is set to 0. If the POPG bit is set to 1, see Section 4.6 for a complete description of pow-er-up timing.4.6Popguard® Transient ControlThe CS4360 uses a novel technique to minimize the effects of output transients during power-up and pow-er-down. This technology, when used with external DC-blocking capacitors in series with the audio out-puts, minimizes the audio transients commonly produced by single-ended single-supply converters. It is activated inside the DAC when the RST pin or PDN bit is enabled/disabled and requires no other external control, aside from choosing the appropriate DC-blocking capacitors.4.6.1Power-upWhen the device is initially powered-up, the audio outputs, AOUTAx and AOUTBx, are clamped to GND. Following a delay of approximately 1000 LRCK cycles, each output begins to ramp toward the quiescent voltage. Approximately 10,000 LRCK cycles later, the outputs reach V Q and audio output begins. This gradual voltage ramping allows time for the external DC-blocking capacitors to charge to the quiescent voltage, minimizing the power-up transient.4.6.2Power-downTo prevent transients at power-down, the device must first enter its power-down state. When this occurs, audio output ceases and the internal output buffers are disconnected from AOUTAx and AOUTBx. In their place, a soft-start current sink is substituted which allows the DC-blocking capacitors to slowly discharge. Once this charge is dissipated, the power to the device may be turned off and the system is ready for the next power-on.。



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EM-4360 技术手册说明书

EM-4360 技术手册说明书

EM-4360技术手册版本 A.1深圳市恒晟电子技术有限公司目 录第一章 硬件配置 (3)1.1 主要特性 (3)1.2 系统结构及接口位置 (4)1.2.1 PC/104连接器 P1A, P1B, P2C,P2D (6)1.2.2 电源连接器 JP (9)1.2.3 多用连接器J2 (9)1.2.4 串口连接器 J3,J5,J7 (10)1.2.5 并口连接器 J7 (11)1.2.6 4个10/100M ETHERNET和4个USB 接口RJ1,RJ2,RJ3,RJ4 (11)1.2.7 IDE连接器J8 (12)1.2.8 GPIO接口J6,J10 (13)1.2.9 在板DOM电子硬盘 (13)1.2.10 在板SPI FLASH软盘 (13)1.3 在板功能 (14)1.3.1 CPU (14)1.3.2 中断控制器 (14)1.3.3 DMA控制器 (14)第二章 软件设置 (15)2.1 系统资源分配表 (15)第一章 硬件配置EM-4360是与IBM-PC/AT标准完全兼容的PC/104 CPU模块。

采用Intel x86兼容嵌入式低功耗处理器,工作频率800MHz,在板包含DMA控制器、中断控制器及定时器,实时时钟(板上自带或外接后备电池),512M字节DDRII内存;在板的外部接口有双向并行口、四个16550兼容的RS232串行口(COM1可选RS422/485,COM2可选RS485接口标准)、4个USB 接口、4个10/100 自适应Ethernet接口、板载DOM、IDE硬盘驱动器及PS/2键盘、鼠标接口。



1.1 主要特性Intel x86兼容嵌入式低功耗CPU,主频800MHz,内置浮点运算协处理器CPU片内集成16 KBytes L1 Cache和256KBytes L2 Cache高容量在板DDR2内存:512 Mbyte1个IDE接口板载1G-4G DOM电子盘(可选项)4个USB 2.0接口1个并行口,SPP/EPP/ECP可选4个PC/AT兼容的RS232串行口,COM1和COM2可设置为RS232/TTL标准,COM3和COM4,可设置为RS232/TTL/RS485标准PS/2键盘和鼠标接口在板4个Intel 82551ER 10/100M自适应Ethernet接口板载16路可编程GPIO高度紧凑的PC/104结构形式(90 96 15mm)低功耗:5.0W(1GHz,典型值)电源要求:+5V 5%,0.7A工作环境:-20 C ~75 C(扩展温度-40 C ~85 C)5~95%相对湿度贮存温度:-55 C ~ +85 C重量:<0.25Kg1.2 系统结构及接口位置EM-4360系统结构及接口位置如图1-1、1-2所示。

Schneider Electric M340 Ethernet Module 产品数据表说明书

Schneider Electric M340 Ethernet Module 产品数据表说明书

Communication service
Port Ethernet Memory description Memory usage Supply Local signalling
Control type Current consumption Module format Product weight
The information provided in this documentation contains general descriptions and/or technical characteristics of the performance of the products contained herein. This documentation is not intended as a substitute for and is not to be used for determining suitability or reliability of these products for specific user applications. It is the duty of any such user or integrator to perform the appropriate and complete risk analysis, evaluation and testing of the products with respect to the relevant specific application or use thereof. Neither Schneider Electric Industries SAS nor any of its affiliates or subsidiaries shall be responsible or liable for misuse of the information contained herein.



2010-5ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS ( @ T A = 25C unless otherwise noted)MAXIMUM TATINGES ( @ T A = 25C unless otherwise noted)Notes :CHARACTERISTICSSYMBOL UNITS417oC/WThermal Resistance Junction to AmbientRATINGSMax. Steady State Power Dissipation (1) @TA=25oC Derate above 25CMax. Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature RangeSYMBOL P D T J T STGR q JAVALUE MAX.-TYP.-MIN.UNITS mW6001. Alumina=0.4*0.3*0.024in.99.5% alumina2. "Fully ROHS Compliant", "100% Sn plating (Pb-free)".150-55 to +150o C oCTRANSISTOR(PNP)ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(@TA=25O C unless otherwise noted)OFF CHARACTERISTICSON CHARACTERISTICS (1)ChatacteristicCollector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage(1) (I C = -1.0 mAdc, I B = 0) Collector-Base Breakdown Voltage (I C = -0.1mAdc, I E = 0)Emitter-Base Breakdown Voltage (I E = -0.1mAdc, I C = 0)Base Cutoff Current (V CE = -35Vdc, V BE(off)= -0.4Vdc)Collector Cutoff Current (V CE = -35Vdc, V EB = -0.4Vdc)DC Current Gain (I C = -0.1mAdc, V CE = -1.0Vdc)(I C = -10mAdc, V CE = -1.0Vdc)(I C = -1.0mAdc, V CE = -1.0Vdc)V (BR)CEO -40-Vdc V (BR)CBO -40-Vdc V (BR)EBO-5.0-Vdc I CEXI BEV --0.1--0.1hFE30--60-100-100300uAdcuAdc Symbol Min Max Unit(I C = -150mAdc, V CE = -2.0Vdc)Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage (1) (I C = -150mAdc, I B = -15mAdc)(I C = -500mAdc, I B = -50mAdc)(I C = -500mAdc, V CE = -2.0Vdc)Vdc V CE(sat)20---0.4--0.75VdcV BE(sat)-0.75-0.95--1.3Base-Emitter Saturation Voltage (1) (I C = -150mAdc, I B = -15mAdc)(I C = -500mAdc, I B =-50mAdc)SMALL-SIGNAL CHARACTERISTICSSWITCHING CHARACTERISTICSf T 200-MHz Current-Gain-Bandwidth Product (I C = -20mAdc, V CE = -10Vdc, f= 100MHz)C cb C eb -8.5pF pF t d t r t s t f----nsnsh ie -301.515kohms h re 0.18.060500X 10-4h fe 1.0100-h oe225301520umhosOutput Capacitance (V CB = -10Vdc, I E = 0, f= 1.0MHz)Input Capacitance (V EB = -0.5Vdc, I C = 0, f= 1.0MHz)Voltage Feedback Ratio (V CE = -10Vdc, I C = -1.0mAdc, f= 1.0kHz)Output Admittance (V CE = -10Vdc, I C = -1.0mAdc, f= 1.0kHz)(V CC = -30Vdc, V EB = -2.0Vdc, I C = -150mAdc, I B1= -15mAdc)(V CC = -30Vdc, I C = -150mAdc, I B1= I B2= -15mAdc)Input lmpedance (V CE = -10Vdc, I C = -1.0mAdc, f= 1.0kHz)Small-Signal Current Gain (V CE = -10Vdc, I C = -1.0mAdc, f= 1.0kHz)Delay Time Rise Time Storage Time Fall TimeNote :Pulse Test: Pulse Width <300ms,Duty Cycle <2.0%--RATING AND CHARACTERISTICS CURVES ( )Figure 1. CapacitancesFigure 3. Turn-On TimeFigure 5. Storage Time0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 10 20 3010 20 30 50 70 100 200 300 500C A P A C I T A N C E (p F )t s ',S T O R A G E T I M E (n s )t , T I M E (n s )t , T I M E (n s )Q , C H A R G E (n C )REVERSE VOLTAGE (V)I C ,COLLECTOR CURRENT (mA)I C , COLLECTOR CURRENT (mA)I C ,COLLECTOR CURRENT (mA)Figure 4. Rise Times10203050701007.05.010 20 30 50 70 100 200 300 50010 20 30 50 70 100 200 300 500I C ,COLLECTOR CURRENT (mA)10 20 30 50 70 100 200 300 500Figure 2. Charge Data0. C2N4403RATING AND CHARACTERISTICS CURVES ()h o e , O U T P U T A D M I T T A N C E (u m h o s )h r e , V O L T A G E F E E D B A C K R A T I O (X 10-4)0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 7.0 100.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 7.0 1050 100 200 500 1.0k 2.0k 5.0k 10k 20k 50kN F , N O I S E F I G U R E (d B )N F ,N O I S E F I G U R E (d B )Figure 6.Frequency EffectsI C , COLLECTOR CURRENT (mAdc)I C , COLLECTOR CURRENT (mAdc)Figure 8.Cuttent GainFigure 9.Input ImpedanceR S , SOURCE RESISTANCE (OHMS)Figure 7.Source Resistance EffectsI C , COLLECTOR CURRENT (mAdc)I C , COLLECTOR CURRENT (mAdc)Figure 11.Temperature CoefficientsFigure 10.Voltage Feedback Ratio 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 7.0 100.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 7.0 10f, FREQUENCY (KHz)46810200.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1.0 2.0 5.0 10 20 50 100V CE = -10Vdc, T A = 25CBandwidth = 1.0Hz2N4403RATING AND CHARACTERISTICS CURVES ()Figure 12. DC Current GainFigure 13. Collector Saturation RegionFigure 14. "ON" Voltages Figure 15. Temperature Coefficients0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 7.0 10 20 30 50 70 100 200 300 5000.005 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.07 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 7.0 10 20 30 500.1 0..2 0.5 1.0 2.0 5.0 10 20 50 100 200 5000.1 0..2 0.5 1.0 2.0 5.0 10 20 50 100 200 500h F E , N O R M A L I Z E D C U R R E N T G A I NV C E , C O L L E C T O R - E M I T T E R V O L T A G E (V )V O L T A G E (V )C O E F F I C I E N T (m V /OC )I C , COLLECTOR CURRENT (mA)I B , BASE CURRENT (mA)I C , COLLECTOR CURRENT (mA)I C , COLLECTOR CURRENT (mA) Inc reserves the right to make changes without notice to any productspecification herein, to make corrections, modifications, enhancements or other changes. Rectron Inc or anyone on its behalf assumes no responsibility or liabi- lity for any errors or inaccuracies. Data sheet specifications and its information contained are intended to provide a product description only. "Typical" paramet- ers which may be included on RECTRON data sheets and/ or specifications ca- n and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over ti- me. Rectron Inc does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit.Rectron products are not designed, intended or authorized for use in medical, life-saving implant or other applications intended for life-sustaining or other rela- ted applications where a failure or malfunction of component or circuitry may di- rectly or indirectly cause injury or threaten a life without expressed written appr- oval of Rectron Inc. Customers using or selling Rectron components for use in such applications do so at their own risk and shall agree to fully indemnify Rect- ron Inc and its subsidiaries harmless against all claims, damages and expendit- ures.DISCLAIMER NOTICE。



2.835 72.00 REF
.945 24.00 REF (TYP)
.2500 6.350
.1500 3.810
.521 13.23



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1. 标准使用状态DZ-030ABStandard Operating Conditions:1-11-21-3 1 V ~ 8.0 V DC CONSTANT CW 、CCW 额定电压Rated voltage 旋转方向Direction of Rotation 7.0 V DC CONSTANT工作电压范围Operating Voltage Range 1-41-51-61-7马达端面算起3mm 高的表面侧压小于150gLess than 150g measured at about 3mm distance from the motor mounting face -20℃~+70℃保存温度范围Direction of Rotation 侧压Side Perssure 使用温度范围Operating Temp ℃~定格负荷Rated Load 6gf.cm171-82. 测定条件Measuring Condition 使用姿势Operating PositionStorage Temp 出力轴全方向All direction of protruded shaft-40℃+85℃2-12-22-3原则上常温常湿下进行测试,如有疑问,采用JIS 标准测试 (20℃±2℃,65%±5%)Normal temperature and normal humidity If judgments questionable,measurement is to be made based on JIS Standard Testing Condition (20℃±2℃,65%±5%RH)温度和湿度Environmental Temperature and Humidity 马达姿势Motor position 出力轴水平Motor to be held with shaft horizontally电源Power supply可调节直流稳压电源,保证测量时无疑问Regulated power supply which assures unquestionable measurement3. 电气特性Electrical characteristics 3-13-2额定电压、无负荷状态At rated voltage and no-load 无负荷回转数No load speed 90mA MAX 14800±1850 r/min 额定电压、无负荷状态At rated voltage and no-load 无负荷电流No load current 3-33-43-53-6定格负荷电流Rated load current 无负荷状态Apply voltage instantly in existing rotor position≥15gf.cm 起动电压Starting Voltage 额定电压、定格负荷状态At rated voltage and load 额定电压、定格负荷状态At rated voltage and load1.0 V MAX 两点法(0gf.cm 及6gf.cm) At rated voltage and t diff t l d 0f d 6f 250 mA MAX 定格负荷回转速Rated load speed 11200±1400 r/min起动力矩St ti T 3-73-8绝缘抵抗Insulation Resistance接线端子与机壳间加DC 100 V Measured with Insulation resistence toster(100V )betweentwo different load :0gf.cm and 6gf.cm 两点法(0gf.cm 及6gf.cm) At rated voltage and two different load :0gf.cm and 6gf.cm≤960 mA 1.0 MΩ MIN Starting Torque 起动电流Starting current4. 构造及机械特性Mechanical characteristics4-1外观External appearance 外观尺寸应在公差范围内,外观无明显的变形或损伤,紧固件应安装牢固As per the dimensional .No remarkable deformation or superficial defects to be observed 4-24-34-40.03 mm MAX约11g距机壳端面3mm 处Measured by dial gauge at 3mm distance from the motor mounting face0.05~0.4mmby visual check .Fastened parts to be fixed firmly轴曲Neuraxon 轴向间隙Shaft end play 重量W i h 4-5机器噪音Mechanical Noise在额定电压、无负荷状态下,轴处于水平位置,距马达出力轴侧面10cm 处的JIS-A 特性水平,背景噪音不大于26dB 。

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