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G5/G6 Series
1 in/2 out type 2 in/2 out type
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7 : Pin number
EGSM + PCN Rx 1805 MHz to 1880 MHz 925 MHz to 960 MHz 1805 MHz to 1880 MHz 925 MHz to 960 MHz 1805 MHz to 1880 MHz 925 MHz to 960 MHz 1930 MHz to 1990 MHz 1805 MHz to 1880 MHz 1930 MHz to 1990 MHz 1850 MHz to 1880 MHz 1880 MHz to 1910 MHz 1930 MHz to 1960 MHz 1960 MHz to 1990 MHz

遥控器蕊片 对应CPU蕊片

遥控器蕊片 对应CPU蕊片

遥控器蕊片对应CPU蕊片康佳遥控器遥控器型号遥控器蕊片对应CPU蕊片适应机型备注KK-Y01 M50462AP M50436-560SPKK-Y02 TC9012F-011KK-Y03 TC9012F-011 T914KK-Y05 SA3010T T2105 T2107 T2111AT2118A T2516KK-Y06 MN6014W ONWA T2106 T2106A T2510T2510B T2510N T2512/A/B/N T2610T2610N/B/A T2806/A T928/N T971N T2910A/N T2916A/NKK-Y07 M50462AP M50436-560SPKK-Y08 M50462AP M50436-560SP T2121KK-Y11 SA3010TKK-Y15 M50462AP M50436-560SP T1826 T5442E T835S T4733ES T2138D/AKK-Y16 MN3004LB1 ST6367 T2138A T2138AⅡ/DT4432ED T4733E3T4934E4 T5142ET5143E T953S T5428E T5435E T5441ET5442E T5445EKK-Y17 SAA3010TKK-Y19 M50462AP M50436-560SPKK-Y25 TC9028A-028KK-Y52 SAA3010T T2111 T2107 T2111A T2118 T2118A T2516KK-Y54 M50462AP M50436-560SP T2121KK-Y55 MN3004LAB1 ST6367 T953S T2138A/DT3731E T4733E3T5428E T5429ET5441E T5442EKK-Y59 SAA3010TKK-Y60 M50560-008P M34300-607SP T2588XKK-Y62 M50560-008P M37210M3-800S T2983 T2986XKK-Y72 GMS30012 T2131G T2135GKK-Y75 M50560-008P M34300-607SP T2518X T2583XKK-Y78 M50560-008P M34300-607SP T2131BKK-Y79 M50560-008P M34300-607SP T2588X2KK-Y84 MN3004LAB1KK-Y85 MN3004LAB1 T2517D T2518D T2519D T2530D1KK-Y86 M50560-008KK-Y93 M3004LAB1 ST6367 T953S 2138A 2138D 3731E 4733E3 5428E5429E 5441E 5442EKK-Y96 M50560-008 T2583 T2991KK-Y97 T3488 T2988P T2998NDKK-Y98 TC9028-021 T2983XKK-Y92 MN3004LAB1 T953SKK-Y100 MN3004LAB1 ST6368 T2977D1KK-Y101 M3004LAB1KK-Y102 M50560-008P T2991KK-Y104 M50560-008P T2983KK-Y107 LC7461-8103KK-Y112 MN3004LAB1 ST6368 T953D T2131D T2132DT2133D/S T2135DT2136D T2139D T2587D T2587D1KK-Y113 M50560-008P T2991H1KK-Y119 M34236N T2988HKK-Y125 TC9012F-011 T2988LKK-Y141 MN3004LAB1 ST6368 T2131D T2135D T2132D T2133D T2136D T2139DT2586D T2587D T2587D1T953D/G F953D T2131G T2132G T2135GKK-Y168 MN3004LAB1 F2139D4/G T2530D2KK-Y173 LC7461-8103 TF953DA F2519D3F2520D3 F2587D3T2137D3KK-Y175 M3004LABKK-Y180 CKP1201M P2989NKK-Y202 CKP1201M F2589CKK-Y211 LC7461 F953A2KK-Y215 PT2461-103 F2530DA F2980AY KK-218 T2988CKK-Y266A F2589CKK-Y168A T2988DKK-Y179 MN3004LAB1 F2139D5KK-Y181 T2991GKK-Y183 F2109EKK-Y225 TC9028-023KK-Y226A F2589CY6014A T918A T920C T653SFKK-Y186 M50560-008P T2131F T2132F T2133FT2135F长虹糸列遥控器遥控器型号遥控器蕊片对应CPU蕊片适用机蕊备注K1A TC9012-011 TMP47C433AN C1462 C1742 C1942CK44A CJKJ53B2 CJKJ56B2 CTV130K1B TC9012-011 TMP47C433AN C1861 C1862 C1863C1941 C2143 C2161C2262 CK56B2K1C TC9012F-011 TMP47C433AN-3849 C2162 C2163 C2263K1D TC9012F-011 TMP47C433AN C1865/Y C2165/YC2168 C2169 C2185K1G TC9012F TMP47C433AN C2164 C2166K1H TC9012F TMP47C433AN C2165P C2165TK1L TC9012F TMP47C433AN C2165F C2166 C2169K1Q TC9012F TMP47C433AN P2119K2A M50462AP M50436-560SP CK49A CK51A CK53AC2141 C2142K2B M50462AP M50436-560SP C2141 C2142K3B SAA3010T R2591A VK3D SAA3010T PCM84C640CH05001 C2115 C2191 C2192C2521 C2588Z C2591C2591A/V/A V/AZ C2593C2592/A V C2991 C2992D2523 D2965K3E SAA3010T PCM84C640 D2961/A D2962/AD2963A D2965AR2918DK3H SAA3010T PCM84C640 D2115A D2116AD2117A D2118AD2192 D2521A D2522AD2523A D2526A C2565C2526AK4A TC9028P-012 TMP47C1238ANCH02002 C2188 C2588 C2588AC2588K C2939KS C2919 C2939KE C2939KV C2988C2988P C3419K4B TC9028P-012 TMP47C1638AU353 C2518 C3418PN C3418PSC3418PS1K4K TC9028P-012 C2588PVK4C TC9028P-012BU2483-13 TMP47C1238AN C2588PV C2589PK4D TC9028P-012 TMP47C1638AU353 C2588P C2589P C2919FC2919P/PB/PK/PN/PS/PVC2920PN C2939AE/KSC2958A C2988P C3418PKC3418PN/PS C3419PNK4N TC9028P-012 C3419PDK4P C2588PKK5B LC7461 M34000N4-628/524P C2151 C2152 C2153K5C LC7461 LC864512V C2151ZK5D LC7461 B2111 B2112 B2113 B2115 B2117K6C LC7461K6C-1 LC7461 A2117 C2119A P2119AC2116 C2119K6D LC7461 A2528BK6E LC7461 A2118K6F LC7461 R2112AE R2113A/AE/FAR2115A/AE R2117AE R2118A/AEK6G LC7461 R2115AE R2116AE/FA C2120FAK6I LC7461 R2518A/AE R2918AEK7A G3898 G3899 G2966/A/BG2966C G2967/A/B/CPE29G88AK7B T2981/A T2982/AK8A TC9012F TMP47C433AN N2516 N2918K8B TC9012F TMP47C433AN C2588D R2516N R2518NR2518PN R2916PNR2918NK8D TC9012F TMP47C433AN 25N18 29N18K9C SAA3010 PCM84C640 R2512DK10B TC9012F TMP47C433AN R2112T R2115T C2126FBC2132FBK11B C2526FD C2938FD C2931FD R2586D C2939FD 29SD83 D2983 D2986 R2586D R2938DY-1 M50560-001P C1842 C1843 C1844 CK51ACJKJ51B1 CK51B/B2Y-3 TC9012F CJKJ53B2 CJKJ56B2K9DK8C TC9028-022K12D PT222-001K12A PT6122-001遥控器蕊片对应CPU蕊片日立遥控器遥控器型号遥控器蕊片对应CPU蕊片适应机型备注CLE-821 UPD1943 CADD-161D CTP-233D 237D 1838 1838D CMT-2085 2083 2083D CEP-3210 323D 327D CR D-451D HFC-238DX 2024CLE-860 CPT1801 2001 2008CLE-862 UPD1943G M50432-551SP 1803 1910 2024 2038 2038D 2103 2110 2125 2403 2403SFCLE-862E D6124A511CLE-865 M50560-123FP 2157SF/DU 同VM101CLE-865A M50560-123FP GMT2138 CPT2150 同VM101CLE-865B 2175 2157SF/DUCLE-866A D6124A 620 2159 2177SF/DC 2408 2518CLE-866B 2700 2908 2918 3300CLE-866C 2901CLE-866E D6124A 679 2918CLE-878 M50560-170FP 2992 21D8C 2159 CMT2195 25D8C 2192CLE-886 D6114A 355 C25M8A 21D8A 25D8A 29M8ACLE-891 M50560-170FP 2992 21D8C 2159 CMT2195 25D8C 2192CLE-893A D6124 2118 2518 21M8CCLE-894 D6124A CSC23CLE-898 50560-170FP 2195CLE-900A D6124A B24CLE-904 D6124ACSC46CLE-907 D6124ACS C47VM101 CPT-1435 1888 2105东芝遥控器CT-9199 198D6C 218D6C 218R8C2 2185 289CT-9200 288X6MCT-9335 219D8MCT-9369 M34300N-587P 219R9CCT-9396 21R92CT-9430 188D6C 198D6C 218D6C 2500XH 2806 289X6N 289X8MCT-9507 2104 9507CT-9599 TC2518KB 2518KTVCT-9631 2929KTPCT-9640 2125 2128CT-9643CT-9687 2940CT-9612 28W3DSH 28W3ME 28W3DXH三洋遥控器RC700 CTP69510 6953 6970华强三洋 CMK2089 2169 2176DK-00 2176DK-01 2179-00 2179-50 2179-60 2181 2189 CME2143C-00 CKP2 161D-00 CTP6951D-00 6069一(代号SN-101)M50462AP(BU5905) 对应CPU: M50436-560SP, 30频道,常用机型熊猫 (YKF-1 YKF-1A/B/C YKF-9 YKF-11) 2120 2138 3615 3615D 36313631A 3631B 3631C 3631D 3631M 3635 3636 3640B 3642 3642B3642A 3651 3653 3658 3659 54L2 54L5 54L2A 54P3 54P1754P10(带交流关机) C51P1M C51P1Z C51P3 C64P1 C64P88北京 541Y 2103C 2104C 8313 8316 8316-2 8343长虹 CK49A 53A 2141 2421上海 Z247-5C 249-1A 249-2A 249-5A 254-5A 254-5A1 651-1A654-2A 654-4A 654-4A1 656-5A海燕 CS54E-3-R CS54E-4-R CS54E-5-R CS54B-3-R CS54B-4-R HC-9012 黄河 HC-47 47-V1 47AVI 4402 4703 4708 4901 5401 5405 5405A 5406 5425 5602 44FS-1 44FS-II 54FS-I 54FS-II韶峰 CAD8903 SFC47-5B SFC54-4长城(画龙) 8148赣新 KQ5106 5186-3 5401 5401A 5406 5409 5416 5426鶯歌金星(J-HYF-3C J-HYF-4B J-HYF-05 J-HYF-06 J-HYF-08 J-HYF-16J-HYF-18 YKF-U18)C491 512 541 542 543 543-1 648 648-1 718 4717 4717A5438 5458 5488 6418飞跃(FY2 FY21 FY22 )FY4701 5401 6402 6405 6405K 47C2Y2X-1 47C2Y2-6 54EY249C2Y21-1 51C2Y2-2 51C2Y21-2 54C2Y2-1 54C2Y-2 4C2Y21-154C2Y21-2福日(VP202) HFC1425 1725 1824 1824R 1925 2024R 2025 2125凯歌 4C4401 5101 5104 5401 5401-1 5404 5405孔雀(KQ-YKF-1 KQ-YKF-3 KQ-YKF-6 KQ-YKF-8 KQ-YKF-9)KQ44-38-1 47-39-5 49-39-1 51-38-4 51-39-5 51-39-7 54-38 54-38-1 54-39 54-39-2 54-39-5 54-39-5A 54-39-6 54-39-8A 64-39 1988 2150 2188D 2188G环宇 47C-2R 51C-4R 54C-2R 54C-2RA牡丹 47C10 49C1 51C1 51C5 51C5A 54C3 54C3A 54C4 54C4A宝声 21388 21389 21688 21688A 21689 21689A 25588 25689西湖(YKF-4L YKF-4P YKF-10)51CD5A 51CD5C 54CD6 54CD8A 63CD1A 6403成都 C47-851F 47-851FA 47-851K 51-851K 53-871 54-871 56-871A美乐 DS44C-1 47C-3 47C-3A1 51C-3 51CD5 51CD5A 53C-2 54C-254CD6 1808 2108 2188B 4F3A2B1虹美(YKF-3B YKF-4C) 4774 5155 6403乐华(YKF-3)TC541-2PD 511-3PD(R)III三元 44SYC-3 54SYC-3青岛 SR5417 4426 长风 CFC54-3FR 54-3FR1 54-7FR泰山 TS54C10 44C13 红岩 SC-543彩虹 CAD8903 3909 8913 春笋 CSD541黄山 AH5353C AH5353R 南声 ZY-5401如意 SGC-4403 5403A 5403C 菊花 FS531A FS531B金凤 C51SY C54SZ C54SZ1 天鹅 CS47-C3 54-S1沈阳 SDSY51-2 54-2 山茶 SC-L54EY1金鹊 53DC1 53DC13 华利 5140 5410日电 NEC5260PDH 5460PDH 5488PDH 飞鹿 54C2 54C3赛格 5140PDH 5410PDH 长飞附注:1,M50462AP遥控器模拟量的调节方式有两种:其一是模拟量分开单独调节,此类使用较多,如长虹熊猫北京等;其二是菜单调节方式,如康佳等;注意区别选用2,少量机型多几种功能,如孔雀KQ54-39-6带交流关机,KQ64-39带立体声二(SN-101A)M50462AP 对应CPU:M50436-560SP 或 CPU:Z86227系统 30频道,30键,模拟量菜单调节方式康佳(KK-Y01 KK-Y07 KK-Y08 KK-Y19)KK-T920D 920DI 953P 953PI 953PIII 953PII 953II 953III 953B1826 1926 2109 2110 2126 2128 2188 5402优拉纳斯 U49-39-1B U54-39-5B三(SN-102) 3010T CTV222,CTV320S,CTV322系统,对应CPU:PCA84C440/444/504/640/641,90频道,32键,常用机型,熊猫(YKF-5 YKF-15)C54P5 C54P6 C54P37 C64P2 C64P4 C74P2 C74P2M北京2162C 28” 8346-1菲利蒲(RC7802)4703F 21A9 21B9 25”虹美(YKF-1A) 4703 5109 5306 5445 5456 5456C飞跃(FY3 FY31) 44C3Y3-1 47C3-3 51C3-1 51C3F 51C3Y-2 51C3F3-2FY4702 5402凯歌 4C3705 4705-2 5105 5405 5405-3 5405-4 6405牡丹 44C1 CT-54G1D-G 54G1P-G 54G1P1-C乐华 TC374-2PD 542A-2PD(R) 542A-2PD/I(R) 542A-1R CP4928W 5428W5438W孔雀 KQ-54-38-2 2188 2188A 2529 2588 2588A 7188 7188A 7188B如意 SGC-4703 4703F 5303 5403 5403C 5403F上海 Z654-19A 664-1A 664-2A 664-3A 671-1A 671-1A1 671-1B 674-1A674-2A 674-2A1 674-D创维 CTV-8298WF TC-2140 莺歌 Y5412 C71-1海燕 CS47E-6B-R 金星 498 498-1 5128美乐 2508 西湖 54CD7 54CD9 54CD10黄河 HF51-V 长城画龙 G8153YF G8253YN环宇 47C-3 54C-3RA 黄山 5481C 5481R三元 54SYC-4B 菊花 FS531 531A 531B赣新 5418 百合花 CD47-6 49-6优拉纳斯 U2529 永固 C2108 C2118 C2189BP金塔 JW-D542 康立 CE5306梦寐 M9081D四(SN102B) SAA3010T CTV222S,CTV320S,CTV322系统,对应CPU:PCA84C440/444/504/640/641,90频道,29键,模拟量菜单方式调节长虹 C2115 C2191 C2521 C2588Z C2591 C2591A C2591V C2591AVC2591AZ C2592 C2592AV C2593 C2991 C2992康佳(KK-Y05 KK-Y17 KK-Y52)KK-T963A T963AIII T2101 T2103 T2104 T2105 T9121 T9421福日(VP101) HCF1475 1775 1975 2076 2101 2104 2111A 21132176王牌 TCL9321 9325 9329 9421五(SN130) TC9012F-011 东芝CTS-130A遥控系统对应CPU:TMP47C432/433/434AN,32频道,24键,常用机型东芝 51XC1 5103 2120HC 2120RCV 219D5C 510 541DRK长虹 CJK53B 53B2 53B2A 1861 1742 2161 2162 2163 2165 2168康佳(KK-Y02) KK-T920CII 920CIII 953H 953FSII 953FSIII 2808熊猫(YKF-3 YKF-3A YKF-12 YKF-13 YKF-18 REC2 YKF-27 YKF-28)3615B 3615C 3632 3636C 3640 3643 14C3 37P4 44P3 44P547P1 49P2 54L3 54P8 54P12 54P45 54S1 74C3北京 8320-3 8320IN佳丽彩 EC2103 2113R 2113AR-L889B 2123 2133 2188 2213AR快乐 HC2103R-L885 2104R 2104R(III) 2104R(II) 2136A 2138N海燕 CS47-6D-R 51-7A-R 51-7B-R 51-7C-R 51BR-A 54-6-R 56B-3-R56E-3-R虹美(YKF-4/A) 2482 4460 5409 5459 5482 5488福日 HFC1775 1957 1975 1976 2075 2175上海 Z651-6A 651-6A1 651-7A 654-6A 654-6A1 654-6A2 654-9A 654-12A 654-12B 牡丹 49C3C 49C5 54C9 54C10 54C10A 54C18 54C20 64C6黄山 AH2168C AH2168R AH5462I AH2588C AH2588R飞燕 E2013 2103 2113 DUC51-C2 DUC54-C1金星 C548 5418 5428 5423 高路华 2158星海 47CJ3Y 53CJ2Y 54CJ4Y 襄阳 51XC1 54XC1长城 JTC-532 G8363YN1 三键 MC-T953FSIII华日 C47J-3 C54J-1 C54J-2 C54J-3 春风 C54-1红岩 SC-511 531 金鹊 53EC1Y 53DC1B菊花 FS532A 长风 CFC47-3三洋 21-D7FF 6955 龙江 C54G-2厦华 XT5104 南宝 NC54-AR昆仑 S541-6A 日电(NEC) TC2023CX百花 EC2103R 美乐 M2188C DC51C-2 DC53C-1西湖 44CD2A 4709 5412 南声 ZT-T920CII东宝 C541DRK(A) 541DK 888牌 ND531A青岛 SR4715 宝石花 EC2103R神彩 SG-7101 皇冠 CT-9038C六(SN103A) TC9012F-011之二,对应CPU:TMP47C432/433/434AN等32频道,30键,综合多功能金星C548 C5418 C5423 C5428熊猫 C54P4A C54P8A 54P8C 54P41 C64P8孔雀(KQ-YKF-2) KQ54-39-1 56-39虹美 2482 4460 5409 5459 5482 5488黄山 2168C 2168R 2588C 2588R 5462华强 HQ-9154 长城 G8363YN1序号遥控器蕊片对应CPU蕊片适用机型频道数目1 M50462AP M50436-560SP 康隹长虹熊猫金星 302 SAA3010T PCA84C640/641 梦寐三森华亿 903 TC9012F011 TMP47C433AN 佳丽海燕北京金星牡丹 324 TC9012F011 TMP47C834AN 厦华 605 TC9012F011 TMP47C432N-8094 厦华 146 M50560-001SP M50431-101SP 莺歌长虹佳丽 307 M50560-001SP M34300N4-012 厦华牡丹 448 M50560-001SP M50436-600SP 三星 209 M708LB1 M491B1 金星孔雀成都 1610 M708LB1 M494 环宇韶峰上海 2011 MN6014A MN15245KWC 康隹金星黄山 3212 MN6014W MN15287KWEC 康隹长城安华 3213 UPD1986C UPD1937C 厦华虹美 1214 TC9148P TC9150P 康艺莺歌泰山 1215 LC7461-8103 LC864012L-5463 上海虹美环宇 4016 LC7461-8103 LC864012L-5D48 环宇永宝 10017 LC7462 M34300N4-628(721) 华强三洋高路华 3218 LC7462 MN15245SAY 牡丹韶峰昆仑 2819 M50560-003P M37102M8-ABDSP 佳丽25” 4420 M50560-003P M34300N4-500/501 佳丽21” 3021 M50560-003P M37210M3-508SP 熊猫 5022 M50560-003P 600105 熊猫 50彩电遥控器与机型对照表日立牌彩电遥控器对照表遥控型号芯片电视机型号VM101 M50560-123 CPT-1435, 1888 , 2105 /11 , 2137 /38/39 , 2112/50 CLE-860 UPD1943G CPT-1801 , 2001 , 2008 CLE-861 UPD1943G CEP323D,233D CLE-862 UPD1943G CPT1803 , 1901 , 2024/38/D , 2103 /10/25 , 2403 /SF CLE-865A/B UPD1943G CPT2157SF/DU , CMT2138 , CPT2150 CLE-866A UPD6142CA-620 CMT2518/19 ,2177SF/DC ,2408 CLE-866B CMT2700 , 2908 , 2918 , 3300 CLE-866C 2901 CLE-866E D6124CA670 2918 CLE-878 CMT2155 CLE886 M50560-170FP H-21D8A,25D8A,CMT2588 CLE-891 M50560-170FP H-21D8C,2159 , CMT2195 CLE-893A 25M8C CLE-898 H2195 CLE-900A D6124A索尼彩电遥控器对照表遥控型号芯片电视机型号RM-626A M50119 KV1432CH,1882CH , 2062CH RM-656A M50431-531 KV2181DC , 2182D , 2182DC , 2184D RM-677 KV2553 RM-681 RM-687 PCA84C640P/016 KV2184TC , 2510C RM-827S KV1485, 2185 , 2565/85/86 ,2593V1A , 2825 KV2965 , 2966 , F25MF1 RM-845P KV-29 RM-849S KV2189 , 2189TC RM-857S F29 , K29 RM-857A KV2184MTJ RM-870 34寸RM-643 KV2090 , 2092 RM-821 RM-J124A东芝牌彩电遥控器对照表遥控型号芯片电视机型号CT-9199 T-198D6C , 218D6C , 218R8C, 2185 , 289 CT-9200 T-288X6M2 CT-9335 T-329D8M CT-9369 T-219R9C CT-9396 T-21R9D CT-9340 T-188D6C , 198D6C ,21D6C , 2500XH , 2806 , 289X6N/8M CT-9507 T-2104 CT-9599 TC2518KB , 2518KTV CT-9619 T-2929KTV CT-9632 T-2929KTP CT-9640 T-2125 , 2128KTV CT-9684 T-1438XS CT-9687 T-2540XH,2840XH, 2940 CT-9712 T-28W3DSH , 28W3ME ,28W3DXH CT-9730 T-2938,2738DH CT-9734 T-2939XP,2988 CT-9760 T-2540XP,2840 CT-9777 T-2979UH CT-9778 T-28DW4UC CT-9782 T-2150XH CT-9787 T-2552XHC CT-9801 T-2979 CT-9818 T-2550XP CT-9828 T-28DW5UC CT-9840 T-2150XHC,2540 CT-9842 T-2950XHC CT-9843 T-2950XP CT-9844 T-2980XP CT-9851 T-2918KTV CT-9879 T-2560XHC 三洋牌彩电遥控器对照表遥控型号芯片电视机型号LC7462 LC7462 CMK2089,2169,2176DK,21,2181, 2189 CME2143C,CKP2161D, CTP6951,6099 JXV A UPD6124 SY-21” JXVP UPD6124 SY-25” RC700 UPD6124 SY-29”( CTP69510 , 6953 , 6970) RC700A UPD6010J HQ9012-011 TC9012-011 HPC2198 夏普电视机遥控系列遥控型号芯片电视机型号G0676CESA IX0773CE CV2100,2102,2106V1A,2108V1A,2122/DK,2162CK CV5405,21S11-A1/A2,21S21-A1 G0756CESA CV21N52,5407 G0771CESA LR314M CV2121/DK/CK,5407CK/CK1,1850CK,(虹美C-5403) G0392CESA M58484 CV2002GS,1836CK,2020CK,1835CK/DK,1885 M58484 DV5406/SPN/SPM G1077PESA CV14D-CM G1069PESA CV2500, 天鹅FS4L G1634SA SC73C020-002 飞利浦牌电视机遥控系列遥控型号芯片电视机型号RC7802S SAA3010 PH21A9, 21B9 RC7812 PCA84C122 PH21D9 , 25B9 , 29B9 , 21D8 RC-7952 PH21V8 , 25V7 RC7953 PH21V9 , 25V8 RC7954 PH29V8 RC7959 PH29V9,29H9 RC0772 PCA8521 PH-21V7,21B8,25A6,29A6,25B8,29B8 RC283501 M34280 21K PH25A6 , 29A6 , 21V7 , 21B8 JVC电视机遥控系列遥控型号芯片电视机型号RM300 50142 RM457 D6600 RM548 D6600 RM549 D6600 RM565 D6600 RM470 D6600 RM601 带录像功能其他彩电遥控器对照彩电牌子遥控型号芯片电视机型号嘉华(KA WA) JH-5 GMS30112 JH-25C1H,29C1H 创维2213 CW-29VS8800 创维9028 CW-2199A创维6C30 CW-25NX9000 创维CW-CH2213 2213 CW-29-NL90000(健康幻影) 春兰CL-7461W LC7461 CL-2108 金利普M50462 M50462 JLP-CD2538 长松RM-B通用9012 CS03 海尔26C SY400 红灯LC7461-8103 HD-2599 康力RS02 LC7461-8013 KL5415 YINGHONG M50462 Y2168 AMCOL SAA3010T 2168P 东宝MTR03 EUR50138 TC-2510B 乐华TC9028-023 RD21T 松下电视遥控器遥控型号芯片彩电型号TNQ2645 M50560-200P TC-2185 /86, 1870 /71 /72/73, 2070 /90 ,2163,2171/73,D21C,D25C TNQ10408 XRU2464-02 TC2110/40/50/60/98,2148/58R,1410,2550R/RZ,2177/87R,2188,2552G TNQ2678 M50560-117P TC2163/87, 2636 /78/87 , A V29C 3RQ UPD6124 TC25V30X/H,29V30H/X/XE,33V30H/X/XE TNQ10438 TC25V40R,25GF10R,29GF10R TNQ10449 TC29GF12G,29GF18G TNQE096 TC28WG100G,32WG100G TNQE098 TC29GF95G/H TNQE100 TC29GF92G EUR501105 TX29GF15R,32WG15G/R EUR501325 MX-3C TC2550R,2552 EUR511021 TC29GF85G,33GF85G EUR511023 TC29GF80R,29GF82G EUR50700 TC26V2H,29V2H EUR50701 TC29V1R EUR50707 TC33V30H,33V32H,25V30R EUR50708 TC29V30H,29V32H EUR51914 TC29GF30R,29GF32G,29GF35G EUR51918 TC28WG25G,32WG25G,32WG25H EUR51974 TC29GF72G EUR51975 TC29GF70R 小画王BU5814FTI CT-25V30R/X 25V33H 29V30H/X/XE/H/X 飞跃电视遥控器系列遥控型号芯片电视机型号FY-1 TC9012-011 FY-2/21/22 M50462AP FY-4C4701,5401 ,6402,6405K ,47CY2X-1, 54EY2 47C2Y2-6 , 49C2Y21-1, 51C2Y2-2 , 54C2Y-2 51C2Y21-2 , 54C2Y2-1/2 , 4C2Y21-1 , 54C2Y21-2 FY3,FY13 SAA3010 FY-44C3Y3-1 ,47C3-3 , 51C3-1 , 51C3F ,51C3-2 FY-51C3F3-2 , FY4702 , FY5402 FY-41 M3004 FY-4C4704 (同康佳Y-55) FY-51 LC7462 FY4707, 5101, 5428 , 5418 FY-71 M708-494 FY-51C2Y-1, 51C2Y-3 , 54C2Y-2 M708-491 M708-491 FY-47C2Y-3 M50560-001 M50560-001 FY-54CY4-3,5402 M50560-003 M50560-003 FY-6418 105-198D BU5777 FY6403 , 7401 , 7458 孔雀彩电遥控器对照遥控型号芯片电视机型号KQ-YKF-1 M50462APKQ-44-38-1,47-39-5,49-39/1,51-38-4,51-39-5/7,54-38/1 KQ-54-39,54-39-5 KQ-YKF-2 TC9012-011 KQ-54-39-1,56-39 16频道KQ-YKF-3 M50462AP KQ-54-39-2,54-39-5A KQ-YKF-4 M3006 KQ-3788,U3788 KQ-YKF-5 M50560-001 KQ5488 KQ-YKF-5B KQ-49-39-1B,54-39-5B KQ-YKF-6 M50462AP KQ-54-39-6 (AC OFF) KQ-YKF-7 M50462AP KQ-64-39 带立体声KQ-YKF-8 M50462AP KQ-54-39-8A,1988,2188D/G KQ-YKF-9 M50462AP KQ-2150D RMC-1 M708L-494 KQ-47-39-3 (同RM393) RMC-2 M50119 KQ-1882/CH,47-39-4,51-39-4 (同索尼RM626) RM-381 M708L-494 KQ-37-38-1,44-38 24键RM383 M708L-491 KQ-37-38-2,51-38-3 27键SAA3010 SAA3010 KQ-2188/A,2588/A,7188/A/A多模拟量选择M50560-003 M50560-003 KQ-2588KS1,2188B,5D4/A KQ-0313/60 KQ-2197 KQ-9012-011 MP434-3417 KQ-2550G,2950G,2EB 上海牌彩电遥控器对照遥控型号芯片电视机型号SH-M50462 M50462 Z247-5C,Z249-1A/7A/5A,Z254-5A/5A1,Z654-1A, Z654-2A/4A/4A1,Z656-5A SH-SAA3010 SAA3010 Z654-19A,Z674/1A,Z664-1A/2A/3A,Z671-1A/1A1,Z674-2A/2A2 SH-TC9012 TC9012-011 Z651-6A/6A1/7A,Z654-6A/6A2/9A/12A/12B SH-M50560-001 M50560-001 Z637-3A,644-2A/4A,Z647-4A/8A,Z664-4A,Z651-9A/9B Z654-6A/8A/8B/8F/8H SHM50560-001 M50431-101 Z651-2A SH-M708-494 M708-494 Z243-1A/1A1,Z247-5B/5B1,Z251-2A/3A SH-MN6014W MN6014W Z664-5A2,Z647-8A SH-TC9148 TC9148 SH-651-1A SH-LC7461 86P4012L-5711 SH-651-9B2,Z654-8H2 SH-LC7461 Z654-8B1/8H1 SH-LC7462 LC7462 Z654-14A SH-SAA1250 SAA1250 Z247-8A SH-M50142 M50412 Z647-2A,656-2A SH-M50460-001 M50460-001 Z651-2A福日彩电遥控器代码对照表遥控型号芯片电视机型号VM101 M50560-123 FR1814R , 2014R , 2111 , RGB3701 VM201 M50462AP FR1824R , 2024R , 2122 VM222 M50462AP FR1425 , 1725 , 2025 , 2125 VM231 FR2998 VM301 M50560-170FP FR2168 , 2169 , 2188 VM321 M50560-170FP FR2582 , 2591 VP101 SAA3010 FR1975 , 2175 , 2176 VP112 FR2174 VP121 SAA3010 FR2173 VP151 FR2179 VP 153 PCA84C122A T/093 FR2178 VS141 M3004LB1 FR2108, 2109 P6P1 SAA3010 FR21P60 , 21P61 , 21P63 , 21P66 FN111/112 D6124A FR29816 ,29910,2552 FN113 SAA1250 FR2553,HFC2122 FN211 FR2998。



Haier)海尔遥控器型号发射芯片CPU 频道彩电机型号WL6340/FCF HS-2149 HS-2128WL6805 HH-2589ALC864512V-5D18 HS-2558DLC864516A HS-2580、HS-2968、HS-2929、HS-2996 HYF-24D SAA3010T CTV222S.PRC1 0-89 HP-2928HYF-24J SC7461-8103HYF-26D SAA3010T CTV222S.PRC1.1C 0-89 H–2958 H2998BHYF-26E SAA3010T CTV222S.PRC1.1C 0-89 H-2598 H-2998HYF-26C SAA3010T CTV222S.PRC1.1C 0-89HYF-28D*26HYF-33C SAA3010T CTV222S.PRC1 0-89 HP-2128 HP-2179HYF-35 9012F NP83C266BDRNA 0-218 HS-3709,21T1A-S,21T2A-T,21T6B-TD,21T6D-TD,21T8D-S,25F8A-TA,25F8D-S,25F9B-S,25T9B-S,25T8D-S,29F66,29F69,29T8A-PD,29F1A-P,29F2A-S,29F6B-TH,29F8A-T,29F8A-TA,29F8D-T,29T1A-S,29T2A-P,29T6B-TH,29T8D-T,34P2A-P,34F8A-TD,34F8A-T,34F8A-TP,34F9B-TD,34F9B-TP,34T9B-TD,37T6D-T,51F6B-T,HB-4499PN,HB-5499,RGBTV-25TA-TD,RGBTV-25FB, HYF-35A TC9012F WH2000 0-218 HP-29990-218 21T6B-T9012F HAIER763-V2.087CM38N-3D27HAIER8823-V2.0HAIER8823-V4.0 25T6D-TDM34280M1TC9012F TMP87CK38N 1B31 0-99 HT-3706,HT-2119HT-2180,HT-2198,HT-2529Z86227(04)PSC HP2981CHTR-018* LC7462 M34300N4-721SP 1-29 HA-2169A12.按彩电型号查找彩电机型遥控器型号频道号发射CPU 备注21T6B-T 0-218 9012F HAIER763-V2.087CM38N-3D27 24C08B LA7910 C4584 TB1238AN TC4066BP TA8213K D1879TA8403K29F9A29FA29TA29F18HH-2948AHH-2505AHP-2128 0-89 SAA3010T CTV222S.1P.1CHP-2999 HYF-35A WH2000 24C08B TDA8351 TDA8843HS-2580HS2596HS-2980HS-2998 LC864516A-5G18HS-3709H-2598 CTV222S.PRC.1C OM8361 TDA3654HT-2199 TC9012F TMP87CK38N TB31 TB1238AN D1657 C4584 LA7830 HT2199DJVC胜利发射芯片CPU 频道号彩电机型20142CT-28K7255LNCT-75D7255NM RM-300RM-440AV-2500CRM-457D6600RM-462RM-463RM-470D6600RM-548D6600RM-C171RM-C172AV-7338HTRM-C173 41AV-7318HTRM-C300RM-C300A M50142P C47-2 7755LNRM-C360RM-C416RM-C440RM-C457*D6600AF M37102M8-C42SP0-99AV-14TERM-C461D6600AF38M37102M8-C42SPRM-C462RM-C463RM-C470RM-C495RM-C530NBT0175SRM-C537RM-C547RM-C548RM-C549*28D66000-99 AV-F2588RM-C565*28D6600M37102M8-C43SPRM-C601M50467-013FP C-210CRM-C620RM-C683康力发射芯片CPU 频道号彩电机型遥控器型号M50560-001P M34300-012P 0-43 CE-3738M50560-001P M34300N4-012SP 0-43 CB-5431 CE6421 MFM-5921 MFM-7193M50560-001P M37210M3-807SP 0-43 CE-6468 CE-7168 CE-7168-5B CE-7468CE-7468-1 CE-7468-1B CE-7468-ECE-7468-5 CE-7468-5BTMP87CK39N 0-99 5409 6495M37210M3-010SP 英文 0-49 CE-7155 CE-7168-1B CE-7428 SAA3010T 0-89 CE-5306M37211M2-011SP CE-7478PCA84C122AT/003 P83C845BBP186 0-99 CE-5488TC9012F TMP87CK38N-1U64 CE5498R502AA LC863324A 5T51 0-254 CE-5415 CE-54162.按彩电型号查找频道号发射CPU 备注彩电机型遥控器型号CE-5415 R502AA 0-254 LC863324ACE-5416 0-254 LC863324A 5T51 24C08 LA76810A D1555CE-5405 TC9012F TMP87CK38N-1U64 24C08 TB1238CE-5405G TMP87CK38N-1U64 24C08 TB1238CE5409G TMP87CK38N-1U64 24C08 TB1238CE-5498 TC9012F TMP87CK38N-1U64 24C08 TB1238 TA8403KC5287 D2499 TDA1013BCE-5498G TMP87CK38N-1U64 24C08 TB1238CE-6495 0-99 TMP87CK38N-3628 24C04NCE6496 0-99 TMP87CK38N-3628 24C04 TB1238创维发射芯片CPU 频道号彩电机型遥控器型号(自编码)A1 SAA3010T PCA84C440 0-89 TV-2140 8259 8259KNKA2 SAA3010T PCA84C640 0-89 TV-2140 8259IIIA3 SAA3010T CTV222S.PRC1 0-89 TV-2160KN 2550NI 2928 2939NI CTV-3418WF3423WF 8288NI 8298 8298WF 8299NIA4 33* SAA3010T CTV222S.PRC1.1C 0-89 2528 2550 2582 2928 CTV-2939 2982A5 35*中文 SAA3010T CTV222S.PRC1.1C 0-89 CTV-2939B1B2B3PT6122-001 M34300N4-012SP 8148KNST63156 2108ST6378B1/FKF 0-99 3008-2108 2108A 2109 2140ST6388TC9028-028 0-99TC9028-021 0-9926*英文47-00002-42 0-99 252835*中文47-00007-42 0-99 29SH800029中文PCA8521BT/040 47-00010-42(PC266BDR) 0-255 21NL 29NL 21NF8800 21ND-9000 25ND-9000 29TM9000 29T1-900029TJDP 8000T-2522 29TH35*英文PT221335*英文0-9935*英文0-99 8000Y-21220-99 21NF-8800 34SD-9000MN18P73284DP 8000-2199NTMP87CK38N 3628 21NL9000TMP87CM38N 3563 8000T-2199A 2199T29023306 29FINW 29NFIP/W 3498WF 3898WF3498NW 8298A 8298WFPCA8521 Q83C652 2928 298229HD900034SD900034SD9000TMN18768LA863328 21TM90TCL遥控器型发射芯片CPU 频道号彩电机型号RC-012 PT2210 0-89RC-031*22TC9012F 47C834N-RB11 1-50 9621B 9621C 9621D1710AS,2101AS,,9621(带制式)TC9012F 47C834N-RB11 1-50 2128 9629B 2969RC-032*25CTV222S.PRC 0-89 2129 2166,2528 2938,2938PRC-033*21PT2210(SAA3010T)RC-034 SAA3010 2966S, 2506 2509S 2908RC-035*26SAA3010T CTV222S.PRC1.1C 0-89 2508 2509S 2908 2966SRC-036*22SAA3010T CTV222S.PRC1 0-89 1701,2128,2128SZ,2129,2129SZ ,2138SZ,2166,2509S,2511,2566,2568,2969ARC-037 SAA3010T CTV222S.PRC1 0-89 2129NI 2938HIRC-038*22TC9012F 0-99 1436A 2108 2128B 2129C,2136A 2136C2136W2166B ,2169A 2169C 2175E 2178A RC-039*28PT2210 TCL-M06V3-T (87CK38N-3679) 0-99 2501A 2501C 2501F 2510C2511C2502 2503 2503C 2511C2533F 2536C 2536W 2536F 2536W2568C 2901A 2901C 2901A2966A 2966F 2966G 2966GL 2969B2969C 2976ARC-040*27PT2210 TCL-M06V2-T(87CK38N-3627) 0-99 2501A 2901A 2909ARC-041 SAA3010T 2919AZRC-042*292536C,2966A,2966GSAA3010T 2976S/2952RC-05134SAA3010T 0-89 2938P画中画RC-061*23TC-9012F 9625RC-061R TC9012-011 2101C,2103C,2968,2969/B/Z,9621B/C/D,9625B/BZ,9629B-062H TC9012F 1-50 9625BGH,9625BZH,9629BGH RC-062GH TC9012F 1-50 9625BGHRC-063H 2925BN,2929BN,2969BN,2969NI2969N 9625BN,9629BN 9629NIRC-064*25TC9012F 47C834N-RB11 1-5(0-99)2101 2101AS 2129A C29682968S 2969 9614C,9621B9625B 9625BZ 9629B ,9629Z 9629BZRC-07126SAA3010T(PT2210)KS88C3216-21(TCL M4A) 0-99 2968SZ 3438RRC-072 SAA3010T 3409,3438 3438DLRC-073 SAA3010T 2968SPRC-074 SAA3010T 2968SP 3438FPRRC-074BP SAA3010T 2968SZRC-074FP 3438FPRRC-075*24SAA3010T TCL 4F (KS88C3216-40) 0-99 2966 2968SZRC-076B24RC-076NI 2509NI,3409NIRC-078 SAA3010T KS88C3216-21(TCL-M4)0-99 2952 2976S 3438RC-078B*24SAA3010T KS88C3216-21(TCL-M4)0-99 2966 3438RRC-078DRC-081 3498GHRC-083 SAA3010T CTV222S。

飞 Fish 电气测试设备 FCC-LISN-50-25-2 电源电压稳定网络测试设备说明书

飞 Fish 电气测试设备 FCC-LISN-50-25-2 电源电压稳定网络测试设备说明书

1981Line Impedance Stabilization Networks (LISN) are specialized low pasfrom power lines. Fischer Custom Communications, Inc. has developedcompliance testing requirements and custom customer needs. FCC LISwith CISPR, VDE, IEC, DO-160 and Mil-Std. 461/462 Rev D.Fischer Custom Communications, Inc. develops and manufactures Lincovering the frequency range from 6 kHz to 1,000 MHz.A prime example of this type of LISN is the 50?50 µH configuration defined in Cthe transfer impedance for this LISN are shown below. The CISPR 16-1 limit linThe model FCC-LISN-50-25-2 is produced in accord with the required schem requirements. The impedance versus frequency curve of this LISN is superim configuration. The 50Ω50Ω µH configuration is often used for Mil Std conduct specific details refer to Mil Std 461/462 D.In addition to this LISN there are 50Ωversions used to test both to lower and require conducted emission measurements on electronic devices from 9 kHz a 250 µH inductor and additional resistor and capacitance networks are added defines this LISN as 50Ω50Ω µH + 5 W. This type of LISN is often used when In contrast the aerospace, automotive and aircraft industries require conducte MHz. To achieve the higher bandwidth a 5 µH inductor is used.Voltage and current rating of the LISN are the second characteristic. It is impo to operate as intended. Fischer Custom Communications, Inc. offers LISN's line and current ratings from 16 A to 200 A..The third parameter is the number of power conductors or lines. EMI specifica leads to be tested for conducted emissions. Any neutral or ground wires not c tested. DC and AC single phase power circuits must be tested using LISN mo power network requires tests to be conducted with a LISN's containing three p system must be tested with LISN modules having four lines. To maximize flex LISN modules containing one, two and four power conductors.Fischer Custom Communications Inc. offers over twenty connectors. The ke in compliance with IEC 1010, not cause the impedance of the LISN to vary an Fischer Custom Communications Inc. LISN's come with transfer impedance We strongly recommend that IEC 320 or NEMA connectors be used to elimina All of Fischer Custom Communications, Inc. LISN's are easily mounted to th Additional grounding is available.LISN Selection Guide CodesConnector Code01020304050607080910111213 Multi-Contact Satety SocketSuperior Plug and Jack Safety SocketIEC 320, 10 A / 16A PowerIEC 320, 10 A / 16A PowerFrench /Belgium 16 A PowerBS 1363 13 A British PowerCEE 7/7 16A Schuko Berman PowerNema 5-15, 15 A US PowerNema 5-15, 15 A US PowerIEC 309, 16 A 3-Wire PowerIEC 309, 16 A 3-Wire PowerHubbel 330P6W, 30 A 3-Wire US PowerHubbel 330P6W, 30 A 3-Wire US PowerT010203040506070809CFFMMDSTV141516171819 Hubbel 330P6W, 30 A 3-Wire US Power Hubbel 330P6W, 30 A 3-Wire US Power IEC 309, 32 A 5-Wire PowerIEC 309, 32 A 5-Wire PowerIEC 309, 32 A 5-Wire PowerLC Coaxial for TempestFiltered LISN's remotely switched LISN's and low profile LISN's for under turn GHz are now available.Remotely switched LISN's may be controlled by the remote control or via a pe output 0-5 volt DC logic levels. The remote control and 50 foot cable are supp remote connector is filtered to prevent external noise from entering the LISN e LISN Selection GuideModel MaximumFrequencyNetworkInductanceMaximumCurrent*StandardMaximumVoltageFCC-LISN-5-50-10.1-100MHz50Ω/5µH50 A240FCC-LISN-5-50-1-DO-1600.1-400MHz50Ω/5µH50 A240FCC-LISN-5-50-1-T 0.1-1,000MHz50Ω/5µH50 A240FCC-LISN-5-100-10.1-65 MHz50Ω/5µH100 A240FCC-LISN-50-50-10.15-100MHz50Ω/50µH50 A240FCC-LISN-50-100-10.15-30MHz50Ω/50µH100 A240FCC-LISN-50-200-10.15-30MHz50Ω/50µH200 A240FCC-LISN-57-50-10.01-10MHz50Ω/57µH50 A240FCC-LISN-50-25-20.15-100MHz50Ω/50µH25 A240FCC-LISN-50-32-20.15-100MHz50Ω/50µH32 A240FCC-LISN-50-50-20.15-100MHz50Ω/50µH50 A240FCC-LISN-50-32-40.15-100MHz50Ω/50µH32 A240FCC-LISN-50-50-40.15-100MHz50Ω/50µH50 A240FCC-LISN-50-100-40.15-30MHz50Ω/50µH100 A240FCC-LISN-50/250-25-20.009-100MHz50Ω/50µH +5Ω50/250 µH25 A240FCC-LISN-50/250-32-20.009-100MHz50Ω/50µH +5Ω50/250 µH32 A240FCC-LISN-50/250-32-40.009-100MHz50Ω/50µH +5Ω50/250 µH32 A240FCC-LISN-50/250-50-20.009-100MHz50Ω/50µH +5Ω50/250 µH50 A240FCC-LISN-50/250-50-40.009-100MHz50Ω/50µH +5Ω50/250 µH50 A240FCC-LISN-50/250-100-20.009-30MHz50Ω/50µH +5Ω50/250 µH100 A240。



■ Characteristics
System EGSM DCS PCS Part No. EZFK897FM EZFK942FM EZFKH47FM EZFKJ42FM EZFKJ80FM EZFKK60FM Center Frequency (MHz) 897.5 942.5 1747.5 1842.5 1880.0 1960.0 Passband Width (MHz) ±17.5 ±17.5 ±37.5 ±37.5 ±30.0 ±30.0 Insertion Loss (dB) 4.6 5.8 3.5 3.5 3.2 3.0 Attenuation (dB)(MHz) 9.5 (925 to 960) 40 (880 to 915) 20 (1805 to 1880) 20 (1710 to 1785) 20 (1930 to 1990) 20 (1850 to 1910)
Design and specifications are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately.
Mar. 2005
Lot No.
I/O 2.0 5.0
1.0 3.0 3.0 8.0 6.0
Design and specifications are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately.



CATÁLOGOINSTALACIÓN (4)LISTA DE CARACTERÍSTIOAS (3)MEDIDAS DE SEGURIDAD IMPORTANTES (2).OPERACIÓN (5)SUGERENCIAS EN EL ALMACENAMIENTO DE ALIMENTOS (6).CUIDADO Y LIMPIEZA (7)INFORMACIÓN GENERAL (7)REINSTALACION DE LA CHARNELA DE LA PUERTA(Opcional) (8)ANTES DE LLAMAR AL SERVICIO TÉCNICO (9)Para comenzarControl de temperatura Para hacer hieloDescongelaciónNo utiliceprolongadores Si es posible, conecte el frigorífico-congelador a unatoma de corriente individual para impedir que éste yotros aparatos o las luces domésticas provoquen unasobrecarga.Substitución de Sustitución del cable de alimentaciónSi el cable hizo daño, debe consultar a la agencia deservicios o a la productora para evitar el peligro.Conexión a tierraEn caso de un corto-circuito, la conexión a tierra reduce elriesgo de un electrochoque ya que proporciona a lacorriente eléctrica un cable de descarga. Para evitar unposible electrochoque, este aparato debe estar conectadoa tierra. Un uso inadecuado del enchufe de conexiónpuede dar lugar a un electrochoque. Acuda a unelectricista cualificado o a personal de mantenimiento sino entiende totalmente las instrucciones relativas a laconexión a tierra o si no está seguro de que el aparatoestá debidamente conectado a tierra. Esta aparato deberá conectarse a tierra(masa)NO ESPERE, HÁGALO AHO ATRACCIÓN MUY PELIGROSAUn refrigerador vacío puede constituir una atracción peligrosa para los niños. Quite las juntas,enganches, tapas o la puerta completa de laaplicación no utilizada o adopte las medidasnecesarias para que no constituya peligro alguno.No grarde materiales inflamables, explosivos oproductos químicos dentro del refrigerador.Esta guía contiene muchos mensajes de seguridadimportantes. Lea y cumpla siempre estos mensajes deseguridad.Éste es el símbolo de alerta de seguridad. Este símbolole avisa de mensajes de seguridad que le informan depeligros que pueden causar la muerte o daños a usted, aotras personas o al producto. Todos los mensajes deseguridad vendrán precedidos por el símbolo de alerta deseguridad y la palabra señalizadora de peligro PELIGRO,ADVERTENCIA o PRECAUCIÓN. Estas palabras significan:Si no cumple con las instruccionescorrerá peligro de muerte o de lesionesgraves.Si no sigue las instruccionespuede correr peligro de muerte ode lesiones graves.Indica una situación peligrosainminente que, si no se evita,podría causar lesiones menores omoderadas, o sólo daños alproducto.Todos los mensajes de seguridad identificarán el peligro,le informarán de cómo reducir la posibilidad de lesiones yde qué puede pasar si no se cumplen las instrucciones.PRECAUCIÓNEste dispositivo no está destinado para ser utilizado por personas (incluyendo a niños)disminuidas físicas, mentales o sensoriales, o sin experiencia o conocimiento, a menos que lo hagan bajo supervisión o hayan recibido instrucciones sobre el uso del dispositivo por parte de una persona responsable de su seguridad. Los niños deben estar siempre supervisados para garantizar que no jueguen con el electrodoméstico. PRECAUCIONES BÁSICAS DE SEGURIDADPELIGROADVERTENCIAPRECAUCIÓN5 12 346 7 891. Evaporador: No use ningún objeto agudo para quitar el hielo o lo congelado. Esto podria danar el evaporador.2. Bandeja de Hielo3. Estantes del Refrigerador4. Barra P.V.C : Para ensaladas, frutas y vegetales.5. Elagir los articulos del Drip Tray y Chiller Tray (Parte Opcional):Drip Tray ; Usa como el sostér del aguaque cal cuando se liquida por evaporacién. : Chiller Tray ; Para liquidarse.Puede usar como Drip Tray.6. Disco del Control de la Temperatura7. Redecilla de la Puerta del Refrigerador8. Sello de la Puerta Magnética9. Tornillo Nivelador1. Seleccione una ubicación adecuada coloque elfrigorífico en un lugar de fácil acceso.2. No sitúe el frigorífico cerca de fuentes de calorni lo exponga a la luz solar directa o a lahumedad.3. Para un funcionamiento correcto del frigorífico,permita que el aire circule libremente en tornoal mismo.Si coloca el frigorífico empotrado en la pared,deje al menos una separación de 30cm o másrespecto de la parte superior y 5cm o más conrelación a la pared.El frigorífico deberá elevarse 2,5cm o más conrespecto al suelo, especialmente si éste éstaenmoquetado.4. El frigorífico deberá estar totalmente niveladopara evitar vibraciones.Si fuera necesario, ajuste el(los) tornillo(s) denivelación para compensar las posiblesirregularidades del suelo.Para que las puertas cierren correctamente, laparte frontal deberá estar ligeramente más altaque la parte posterior.El(los) tornillo(s) puede(n) girarse fácilmenteinclinando ligeramente el frigorífico.Gire el(los) tornillo(s) de nivelación en elsentido de las agujas del reloj para elevar elfrigorífico y en sentido contrario para bajarlo. 5. Instale este equipo electrodoméstico a una temperatura comprendida entre 10°y 43°C. Si la temperatura alrededor del equipo es demasiado alta o demasiado baja esta, esto podría disminuir su capacidad de enfriamiento.6. Limpie el polvo acumulado durante el transporte y la totalidad del frigorífico.7. Instalar los accesorios como la cubitera, etc, en el lugar adecuado. Están embalados conjuntamente para evitar posibles daños durante su transporte.8. Conectar el cable de alimentación eléctrica (o enchufe) a la salida. No conectar otros electrodomésticos en esta misma salida.9 . Antes de almacenar los productos alimenticios,encender el refrigerador durante 2 ó 3 horas. Comprobar el flujo de aire frío en el compartimento del congelador para garantizar un enfriamiento adecuado. Su refrigerador yaestá listo para su uso.ESTE FRIGORÍFICO HA SIDO FABRICADO CON EXTREMO CUIDADO Y EMPLEANDO LAS ÚLTIMAS INNOVACIONES TECNOLÓGICAS.ESPERAMOS QUE SE SIENTA COMPLETAMENTE SATISFECHO CON SUS PRESTACIONES Y RENDIMIENTO.ANTES DE UTILIZAR EL FRIGORÍFICO, LEA ESTE MANUAL EN SU TOTALIDAD. EN ÉL SE PROPORCIONAN LAS INSTRUCCIONES EXACTAS PARA SU INSTALACIÓN, EMPLEO Y MANTENIMIENTO, ASÍ COMO ALGUNOS CONSEJOS ÚTILES.CONTROL DE TEMPERATURAPARA COMENZARCuando haya instalado su refrigerador, deje pasar 2 o 3 horas para que se estabilice la operación a temperatura normal antes de llenarlo con alimentos.Cuando haya sido interrumpido deje pasar 5 minutos antes de encender de nuevo.Para empezar ajuste el control del refrigerador en posición media.Para temperaturas más frías, ajuste el control de temperatura deseada a un número mayor.PARA HACER HIELOPara hacer cubos de hielo, llene la charola conagua y colóquelo dentro del evaporador.Para sacar los cubos de hielo, tuersasuavemente sujetando la charola de susextremos.ADVERTENCIA: Llenar con agua potable solamenteDESCONGELACIÓNNo use ningún instrumento agudo o metálico para quitar el hielo, locongelado o capas de hielo del evaporador.PRECAUCIONEs necesario descongelar regularmente para asegurar una operación eficas del refrigerador. Cuando el espesor del hielo/congelado en la superficie del evaporador alcanza un cuarto de una pulgada(6 mm), empiece la operación de descogelación.Para descongelar, gire el control a "0".Durante la descongelación, quite los alimentos del evaporador y coloque la bandeja de gotera en una posición apropiada.Después de descongelar, quite la bandeja de gotera, vacie el agua de la bandeja, sequela y colóquela de nuevo en su posición normal. Coloque el control en la posicion deseada.●Al almacenar alimentos calientes asegúrece de enfriarlo antes.●Cuando esté almacenando, cubra el alimento con una convertura de vinilo o almacene en un contenedor con tapa.Cuando se evapora la humedad del alimento, se pierde el sabor y la nutrición del alimento.●No almacene botellas en el evaporador, ya que puede romperce al ser congelado.●No congele de nuevo un alimento que una vez haya sido derretido y congelado, ya que causará la pérdida del sabor y nutrición.●Almacene los alimentos después de haberlos lavado, para no contaminar los alimentos adyacentes.Limpieza - InteriorPara limpiar el interior, use una tela suave con una solución de un cuarto de litro de agua con una cuchara grande de soda para hornear, o con algo de detergente suave. Esto límpia y neutraliza los olores. Enjuague con agua y séquelo. Limpie la parte interna de la misma manera.Limpieza - ExteriorUse una solución tibia de jabón suave o detergente para limpiar el exterior de su refrigerador. Enjuague con una tela limpia y humeda, después séquelo. Limpieza - Precausiones●Desconecte siempre el cordón de potencia del enchufe eléctrico cuando este limpiando alrededor de las partes eléctricas.●No use liquidos inflamables o tóxicos para limpiar.●No use trapos metálicos, cepillos, limpiadores tosco abrasivos o soluciones de fuerte alcalino en ninguna supericie.●Cuidado durante las Vacaciones: Para unas vacaciones largas, desconecte el cordón de potencia y deje la puerta abierta para prevenir olores. Para unas vacaciones cortas, retire los alimentos frescos deje el control en operación normal.●Cuidados al Trasladar: Asegure todos losartículos sueltos en sus lugares con seguridad, usando una cinta adhesiva para prevenircualquier daño, y levante el tornillo nivelador.VACACIONESEn unas vacaciones de corta duración, probablemente lo mejor será dejar el frigorífico funcionando. Introduzca en el congelador los alimentos que puedan congelarse para una mayor conservación. Cuando piense estar fuera durante un período prolongado de tiempo, saque todos los alimentos, desconecte el cable de alimentación, limpie completamente el interior y deje ABIERTAS las puertas para impedir la formación de olores.CORTES ELECTRICOSLa mayoría de los cortes de la alimentación se solucionan en una o dos horas y no afectan a las temperaturas del frigorífico. Sin embargo, deberáevitarse abrir las puertas durante los corteseléctricos. Cuando se produzcan cortes prolongados, coloque un bloque de hielo seco sobre los paquetes congelados. MUDANZASQuite o fije de un mode seguro todos los componentes extraíbles del interior del refrigerador. Para evitar daños en el(los) tornillo(s) de nivelación, introdúzcalos completamente en la base.El refrigerador ha sido diseñado con puerta reversible en tal modo que se pueda abrir ya sea por la derecha que por la izquierda. Es mejor reinstalar la charnela de la puerta al principio porque es incómodo efectuarlo después.Para cambiar la charnela de la puerta le rogamos que consulte el diagrama que damos a1. Quite todos los accesorios de ajuste flojos del interior del dispositivo.2. Con cuidado, apoye el dispositivo sobre la parte posterior en el empaque original (Va a necesitar ayuda para realizarlo). Tenga cuidado de no arruinar las tuberías manteniéndolas alejadas del piso.3. Destornille y quite el pié ajustable (A).4. Quite la charnela inferior (D) destornillando los dos pernos (B).5. Quite la pata (H) destornillando el perno que la sujeta (C).6. Suavemente tire la puerta hacia abajo para quitarla.7. Antes de volver a encajar la puerta, cambie la Cápsula de la charnela (F) haciendo palanca sobre la misma desde su posición usual y reinstalándola sobre el otro lado de la puerta. Debe ponerse cuidado de no dañar las superficies adyacentes cuando quite la Cápsula de la Charnela.8. Destornille el clavillo de la Charnela Superior (G) y atorníllelo en el agujero del lado opuesto,en el tope del mueble.9. Ahora sujete la Charnela Inferior (D) al mueble utilizando los dos pernos (B).10. Substituya el Pié Ajustable (A), poniéndolo a 20 mm aproximadamente.11. Con cuidado levante el dispositivo (Va a necesitar ayuda para hacerlo) y póngalo en la posición definitiva.12. Controle que la puerta se abre y cierra con facilidad. Asegúrese que el cierre hermético de la puerta no apoye sobre un lado de la charnela creando boquetes que dejen entrar aire en el interior. Ajuste las charnelas si fuera necesario.Este dispositivo debe estar apoyado sobre una superficie firme y pareja con espacio suficiente para que circule aire alrededor del mismo. (Por lo menos 10 mm por todos los lados y según la posición, 20 mm debajo de la tabla de trabajo). Evite las posiciones en proximidad de paredes orincones. Tiene que haber suficiente espacio para la libre circulación de aire especialmente en la parte posterior. Esta unidad debe estar alejada de fuentes directas de calor como cocinas,radiadores y luz directa del sol. Si la unidad está puesta en un lugar en el que la temperatura es demasiado baja, se formará condensación en la parte externa del mueble. Recomendamos la temperatura normal de la habitacón.Evite posiciones en las que puede haber corrientes o humedad porque esto puede afectar la eficacia del producto.EN MUCHAS OCASIONES PUEDEN EVITARSE LAS LLAMADAS AL SERVICIO TÉCNICO!SI CREE QUE EL FRIGORÍFICO NO FUNCIONA DEL MODO ADECUADO, COMPRUEBE EN PRIMER。

DrayTek VigorAP 960C 802.11ax Ceiling-mount Access

DrayTek VigorAP 960C 802.11ax Ceiling-mount Access

VigorAP 960C802.11ax Ceiling-mount AccessPointQuick Start GuideVersion: 1.2Firmware Version: V1.4.5(For future update, please visit DrayTek web site)Date: Dec. 21, 2022Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) InformationCopyrights © All rights reserved. This publication contains information that is protected by copyright. No part may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored ina retrieval system, or translated into any language without written permissionfrom the copyright holders.Trademarks The following trademarks are used in this document:●Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corp.●Windows, Windows 8, 10, 11 and Explorer are trademarks of MicrosoftCorp.●Apple and Mac OS are registered trademarks of Apple Inc.●Other products may be trademarks or registered trademarks of theirrespective manufacturers.Safety Instructions and ApprovalSafety Instructions ●Read the installation guide thoroughly before you set up the device.●The device is a complicated electronic unit that may be repaired only beauthorized and qualified personnel. Do not try to open or repair thedevice yourself.●Do not place the device in a damp or humid place, e.g. a bathroom.●Do not stack the devices.●The device should be used in a sheltered area, within a temperaturerange of 0 to +40 Celsius.●Do not expose the device to direct sunlight or other heat sources. Thehousing and electronic components may be damaged by direct sunlight or heat sources.●Do not deploy the cable for LAN connection outdoor to preventelectronic shock hazards.●Keep the package out of reach of children.●When you want to dispose of the device, please follow local regulationson conservation of the environment.Warranty We warrant to the original end user (purchaser) that the device will be free from any defects in workmanship or materials for a period of two (2) yearsfrom the date of purchase from the dealer. Please keep your purchase receiptin a safe place as it serves as proof of date of purchase. During the warrantyperiod, and upon proof of purchase, should the product have indications offailure due to faulty workmanship and/or materials, we will, at our discretion,repair or replace the defective products or components, without charge foreither parts or labor, to whatever extent we deem necessary tore-store theproduct to proper operating condition. Any replacement will consist of a newor re-manufactured functionally equivalent product of equal value, and willbe offered solely at our discretion. This warranty will not apply if the productis modified, misused, tampered with, damaged by an act of God, or subjectedto abnormal working conditions. The warranty does not cover the bundled orlicensed software of other vendors. Defects which do not significantly affectthe usability of the product will not be covered by the warranty. We reservethe right to revise the manual and online documentation and to make changesfrom time to time in the contents hereof without obligation to notify anyperson of such revision or changes.Declaration of ConformityHereby, DrayTek Corporation declares that the radio equipment type VigorAP 960C is in compliance with Directive 2014/53/EU.The full text of the EU declaration of conformity is available at the following internet address: https:///VigorAP 960C/Document/CE/Manufacturer: DrayTek Corp.Address: No.26, Fushing Rd., Hukou, Hsinchu Industrial Park, Hsinchu 303, Taiwan Product: VigorAP 960CFrequency Information for Europe area:2.4GHz WLAN 2400MHz - 2483MHz, max. TX power: 19.95dBm5GHz WLAN 5150MHz - 5350MHz, max. TX power: 22.84dBm5470MHz - 5725MHz, max. TX power: 28.14dBmRequirements in AT/BE/BG/CZ/DZ/DK/EE/FR/DE/IS/IE/IT/EL/ES/CY/LV/LI/LT/ LU/HU/MT/NL/NO/PL/PT/RO/SI/SK/TR/FI/SE/CH/HR.5150MHz~5350MHz is for indoor use only.This product is designed for 2.4GHz and 5GHz WLAN network throughout the EC region.Declaration of ConformityHereby, DrayTek Corporation declares that the radio equipment type VigorAP 960C is in compliance with Regulation SI 2017 No. 1206.Manufacturer: DrayTek Corp.Address: No.26, Fushing Rd., Hukou, Hsinchu Industrial Park, Hsinchu 303, Taiwan Product: VigorAP 960CImporter: CMS Distribution Ltd: Bohola Road, Kiltimagh, Co Mayo, IrelandFrequency Information for UK area:2.4GHz WLAN 2400MHz - 2483MHz, max. TX power: 19.95dBm5GHz WLAN 5150MHz - 5350MHz, max. TX power: 22.84dBm5470MHz - 5725MHz, max. TX power: 28.14dBmRequirements in UK. 5150MHz~5350MHz is for indoor use only.This product is designed 2.4GHz and 5GHz WLAN network use in the UK & Ireland.Regulatory InformationFederal Communication Commission Interference StatementThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmfulinterference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one of the following measures:● Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.● Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.● Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.●Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and(2) This device may accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.Company nameABP International Inc.Address 13988 Diplomat Drive Suite 180 Dallas TX 75234 ZIP Code 75234E-mail*******************USA Local Representative Contact PersonMr. Robert MesserTel. 19728311600Caution ● Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the grantee of this device could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.● Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate this equipment.● This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.●Radiation Exposure Statement: This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20cm between the radiator & your body.External Power Supply ErP Information1 2A Manufacturer DVE DVEB Address No.5, Baogao Rd, XindianDist, New Taipei City(23144), TaiwanNo.5, Baogao Rd, XindianDist, New Taipei City(23144), Taiwan DSA-12PF09-12 FUK DSA-18PFR-12 FUKC Model identifierDSA-12PF09-12 FEU DSA-18PFR-12 FEU D Input voltage 100~240V 100~240VInput AC frequency 50/60Hz 50/60HzEOutput voltage DC 12.0V 12.0VF Output current 1.0A 1.5AG Output power 12.0W 18.0WH Average active efficiency 83.3% 85.5%I Efficiency at low load 10% 80.8% 83.7%J No-load power consumption 0.06W 0.07W*The external power supply used for each product will be model dependent.For more update, please visit .T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s1. Package Content (1)2. Panel Explanation (2)3. Installation (3)3.1 Ceiling-mount Installation (Wooden Ceiling) (3)3.2 Ceiling-mount Installation (Plasterboard Ceiling) (4)3.3 Suspended Ceiling (Lightweight Steel Frame) Installation (5)3.4 Wall-Mounted Installation (7)4. Connection and Configuration (8)4.1 Notifications for Hardware Connection (8)4.2 Connect to a Vigor Router using AP Management (9)4.3 Web Configurations (10)5. Customer Service (14)Be a Registered Owner (14)Firmware & Tools Updates (14)1.P a c k a g e C o n t e n tTake a look at the package content. If there is anything missed or damaged, please contact DrayTek or dealer immediately.VigorAP 960C Main Unit Ceiling mount bracket & Quick StartGuideT-Rail Mounting Kits(Used for suspended ceiling)Fixings and Screws(for ceiling mounting) RJ-45 Cable (Ethernet)Screw set (for wall mounting) The type of the power adapter depends on the country that the AP will be installed:UK-type Power Adapter EU-type Power AdapterUSA/Taiwan-type Power Adapter AU/NZ-type Power AdapterThe maximum power consumption is 11 Watt.2. P a n e l E x p l a n a t i o nLED Status ExplanationOn The system is in boot-loader mode. OffThe system is not ready or fails.Blue LEDBlinking The system is in AP mode and work normally.Green LED BlinkingThe system is in Mesh mode or Range Extender modeand works normally.Orange LED Blinking The system is in TFTP mode. Off Off VigorAP is turned off or not functioning. Interface Explanation Ethernet Port Connects to LAN or router.Supports PoE power & Gigabit (1000BaseT).Power Jack (DC IN) Connecter for a power adapter. Hole Explanation Factory Reset Restores the unit back to factory default settings.To use, insert a small item such as an unbent paperclip into the hole. You will feel the button inside depress gently. Hold it for 5 seconds. The VigorAP will restart with the factory default configuration and the LED will blink blue.Note● For the sake of security, make the accessory kit away fromchildren.● Remove the protective film from the access point before useto ensure ventilation.LEDFactory ResetEthernet PortPower Jack (DC IN)3. I n s t a l l a t i o nVigorAP can be installed under certain locations: wooden ceiling, plasterboard ceilings, light-weighted steel frame and wall.3.1 C e i l i n g -m o u n t I n s t a l l a t i o n (W o o d e n C e i l i n g )1. Place the bracket under the wooden ceiling and fasten two screws firmly (asshown in Figure below, Step 1). 2. When the bracket is in place, fasten two screws firmly (as shown in Figurebelow, Step 2) on the bottom of VigorAP. 3. Make the device just below the bracket. Put the screws installed in Step 2 onthe holes of the bracket (as shown in Figure below, Step 3). 4. Gently rotate the device to make screws slide into the notches of thebracket and move forward till it is firmly fixed.Step 1Step 2BracketStep 33.2 C e i l i n g -m o u n t I n s t a l l a t i o n (P l a s t e r b o a r d C e i l i n g )1. Place the bracket under the plasterboard ceiling and fasten two turnbuckles firmly (as shown in Figure below, Step 1).2. Make the screws pass through the bracket and insert into the turnbuckles (asshown in Figure below, Step 2). Fasten them to offer more powerful supporting force.3. When the bracket is in place, fasten two screws firmly (as shown in Figurebelow, Step 3) on the bottom of VigorAP.4. Make the device just below the bracket. Put the screws installed in Step 3 onthe screw holes of the bracket (as shown in Figure below, Step 4).5. Gently rotate the device to make screws slide into the notches of thebracket and move forward till it is firmly fixed.BracketStep 1Step 2Step 3Step 43.3 S u s p e n d e d C e i l i n g (L i g h t w e i g h t S t e e l F r a m e )I n s t a l l a t i o nYou cannot screw into ceiling tiles as they are weak and not suitable for bearing loads. Your VigorAP is supplied with mounts (T-Rail brackets) which attach directly to the metal grid (‘T-Rail’) of your suspended ceiling.1. Choose one set of T-Rail mounting kits from the bundled package.2. Put the T-Rail brackets on the holes of the bottom side of the device. Fastenthem with suitable screws.3. If a larger gap is required between the ceiling and the VigorAP, use theextension pieces to extend the height of the brackets.T-Rail BracketExtension PieceT-Rail BracketExtension Piece4.Attach the T-Rail brackets to the ceiling frame.NoteWarning: The screw set shown below is for wall mounting only. Do not use such set for ceiling mounting due to the danger offalling.3.4 W a l l -M o u n t e d I n s t a l l a t i o nFor wall-mounting, the VigorAP has keyhole type mounting slots on the underside. You can fit the AP at any axis (i.e. 12, 3, 6 or 9 O’Clock) to allow for cable entry from the most convenient location if you are using side entry – note the position of the side entry cable cutout.1. A template is provided on the VigorAP’s packaging box to enable you tospace the screws correctly on the wall.2. Place the template on the wall and drill the holes according to therecommended instruction.3. Fit screws into the wall using the appropriate type of wall plug (as shown inthe ceiling section) but do not use the ceiling bracket – the VigorAP hangs directly onto the screws.Wall (wooden, concrete, plasterboard or others)4.C o n n e c t i o n a n d C o n f i g u r a t i o n4.1N o t i f i c a t i o n s f o r H a r d w a r e C o n n e c t i o n●If required, remove the protective cap of VigorAP to create extra spacefor the cables to pass through.●Connect VigorAP to Vigor router (via LAN port) with Ethernet cable.●Connect VigorAP to PoE switch (via LAN port) with Ethernet cable. Forconnecting with PoE switch, do not connect the power adapter. VigorAPwill get the power from the switch directly.4.2C o n n e c t t o a V i g o r R o u t e r u s i n g A P M a n a g e m e n tYour VigorAP can be used with Vigor routers which support AP management (such as the Vigor2865 or Vigor2927 series). AP Management enables you to monitor and manage multiple DrayTek APs from a single interface.1.Connect one end of the power adapter to power port of VigorAP, and theother side into a wall outlet.2.Access into the web user interface of Vigor router. Here we take Vigor2865as an example. Open Central Management>>AP>>Status.3.Locate VigorAP 960C. Click the IP address assigned by Vigor router to accessinto web user interface of VigorAP 960C.4.After typing username and password (admin/admin), the main screen will bedisplayed.4.3W e b C o n f i g u r a t i o n sThis section will guide you to install the AP and make configuration for VigorAP.C o n n e c t e d A s a M e s h N o d e(i n M e s h N e t w o r k)❶Install VigorAP on to the ceiling.❷As a mesh node, settings related to VigorAP 960C must be configured by a remote Mesh Root (e.g., VigorAP 903) within the mesh network.The user must detect VigorAP 960C via a Mesh Root to add it as a meshnode.C o n n e c t e d A s a n A c c e s s P o i n tAs an access point, VigorAP 960C must be connected to a router and configured in AP (Access Point) / Range Extender mode.❶Install VigorAP on to the ceiling.❷Use a twisted-pair cable with RJ-45 plugs at both ends, and plug into Ethernet device (e.g., Vigor router) and Ethernet port of VigorAP.❸ There are two methods to configure VigorAP.Method 1:(a) First, open a web browser on your PC and type Apop-up window will open to ask for username and password.Note You may either simply set up your computer to get IPdynamically from the router or set up the IP address of thecomputer to be in the same subnet as the IP address ofVigorAP 960C.● If there is no DHCP server on the network, then VigorAP960C will have an IP address of● If there is DHCP available on the network, then VigorAP960C will receive its IP address via the DHCP server.● If you connect to VigorAP by wireless LAN, you could tryto access the web user interface through .(b) After clicking Login, Quick Start Wizard for configuring wirelesssettings will appear as follows.(c)Follow the on-screen steps to finish the network connection.Method 2:(a)Use a mobile phone to scan the QR code named with DrayTek WirelessApp to download DrayTek Wireless APP.(b)After downloading, run the APP.(c)From the home page, click the Connect icon to access the Connectpage. Next, press the QR code icon next to Scan QR Code on yourphone screen to open the camera.Scan the QR code named with Connect SSID to access the web user interface (configuration wizard) of VigorAP 960C. (For iOS users, the SSID and the password will be shown first. Simply click the Connect button to access the web user interface of VigorAP.)5.C u s t o m e r S e r v i c eIf the device cannot work correctly after trying many efforts, please contact your dealer/DrayTek for further help right away. For any questions, please feel freetosende-mailto“*******************”.B e a R e g i s t e r e d O w n e rWeb registration is preferred. You can register your Vigor router viahttps://..F i r m w a r e&T o o l s U p d a t e sDue to the continuous evolution of DrayTek technology, all routers will beregularly upgraded. Please consult the DrayTek web site for more information on newest firmware, tools and documents.https://GPL Notice This DrayTek product uses software partially or completely licensedunder the terms of the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. The author ofthe software does not provide any warranty. A Limited Warranty isoffered on DrayTek products. This Limited Warranty does not coverany software applications or programs.To download source codes please visit:GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE:https:///licenses/gpl-2.0Version 2, June 1991For any question, please feel free to contact DrayTek technical*************************************************.14。

RUCKUS ZF7025 ZF7055 ZF7321 ZF7352 Product Guide

RUCKUS ZF7025 ZF7055 ZF7321 ZF7352  Product Guide

Up to 15dB
Up to 15dB
Up to 15dB
Up to 15dB
Up to 15dB
Up to 15dB
Up to 15dB

-94/-95 dBm
✓ ✓
-94/-95 dBm
✓ ✓
-94/-95 dBm
Up to 10,000
Up to 100,000
50.8 cm (L), 45.53 cm (W), 8.76 cm (H) 40 Lbs. (18.14 kilograms) 2RU rack mountable Control: Six 10/100/1000 Mbps RJ-45 ports Data: two 10 GigE data ports Serial ports, RJ-45 (one front, one back) See Data Sheet Clientless 802.1X solution; Ruckus TTG-PDG gateway based tunneling offload; Wi-Fi edge network data offload (local breakout) 6,144 Incorporates on-board EAP-server enabling SIGTRAN based authentication with external HLR/HSS; RADIUS AAA proxy

— 1



明史,可知兴衰。——也许,从它的历史中,我们可 以看到它的明天。
1971年,夏威夷大学(Univ ersity of Hawaii)的研究小 组创造了第一个基于封包式 技术的无线电通讯网络,这 被称作ALOHNET的网络,可 以算是相当早期的无线局域 网络(WLAN)。这最早的 WLAN包括了7台计算机,它 们采用双向星型拓扑(bi-dir ectional star topology),横 跨四座夏威夷的岛屿,中心 计算机放置在瓦胡岛(Oahu Island)上
IEEE 802.11b、IEEE802.11g、IEEE802.3/u、IEEE802.3af (POE)、IEEE802.1p(QoS 支持标准 支持协议 接口类型 复位键 天线 Priority)、IEEE802.1q (VLAN)、IEEE802.1x(Security Authentication)、 IEEE802.11e(Wireless QoS)、IEEE802.1d(STP) TCP/IP, IPX, NetBEUI 1×10/100Base TX RJ-45以太网口(POE) 1×控制口(Console) 1个复位键 2×N型(母头)天线接口,标配一根SMA天线
电源 功耗 尺寸(W×D×H) 重量
DC 12v DC Adapter: +12V DC500mA 259mm×187mm×38mm 1.7Kg
FAP-3000-O FAP-3000-OH IEEE 802.11b、IEEE802.11g、IEEE802.3/u、IEEE802.1p(QoS 支持标准 Priority)、IEEE802.1q (VLAN)、IEEE802.1x(Security Authentication)、IEEE802.11e(Wireless QoS)、 IEEE802.1d(STP) 支持协议 接口类型 复位键 天线 指示灯 支持用户数 网口供电 TCP/IP, IPX, NetBEUI 1×10/100BaseTX RJ-45以太网口(POE) 1×接地口 1个复位键 1×N型(母头)天线接口(天线需额外购置) 1×POWER、1×LAN、1×WLAN、 5×信号灯指示灯(桥接模式下指示信号强度;AP模式下指示连 接用户数) 理论50,实际20 支持(PTE) DC 48v 48V250mA 285mm×277mm×80mm 1.3Kg 48V280mA 290mm×260mm×101mm 2.5Kg



FLD5F15CA-P9145中⽂资料FEATURES:CW light source with integrated wavelength locker Output Power: 16dBm (min.)Available at C Band ITU-T grid wavelengths between 1528.773-1570.005nmWavelength stability better than ±25pm drift over 20 years operation and (0 - 70°C) case temperature variationBuilt-in optical isolator, Thermistor, TEC, Wavelength Monitor PIN-PDs (InGaAs), Power Monitor PIN Polarization preserving (PANDA) fiberAPPLICATIONS:Long haul DWDM Metropolitan DWDM Optical Test EquipmentDESCRIPTION:The Fujitsu LD module with Wavelength Locker (FLD5F15CA-P) is a high powerCW laser (16dBm) with polarization maintaining fiber. It is intended for use with an external modulator. The wavelength can be locked onto the desired ITU-T grid channel via use of the included fabry-perot etalon. This laser is available at any of the 104 ITU-T wavelengths in the C band (1528.773-1570.005nm). The device comes in a standard 14-pin butterfly package,and operates between 0-70°C.ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (T =25°C)Edition 1.1CW LD Module with Wavelength LockerFLD5F15CA-P元器件交易⽹/doc/3b3e18e4102de2bd96058816.htmlNote 1. TE=10*log[Pf(Tc)/Pf(25)]Note 2. Relation between resistance and temperature (°K) is: Rth (T) = Rth (25°C)*exp[B(1/T-1/298)]Note 3. Wavelength at lock point is longer than Im2 peak. (Increasing wavelength shall givea decrease in wavelength monitor current.) The value is written in frequency: f=c/λp, c=2.99792458*108m/s Note 4. Reference Figure 1 for Wavelength Table.OPTICAL AND ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS AT (T =T , T =25°C, BOL, unless otherwise specified)CW LD Module with Wavelength LockerFLD5F15CA-PCW LD Module withWavelength LockerFLD5F15CA-PFigure 1 Wavelength TablePart Number Wavelength (nm)(TL=Tset)(in vacuum)Tolerance (nm)Part NumberWavelength (nm)(TL=Tset)(in vacuum)Tolerance (nm)FLD5F15CA-P9610 1528.773 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9605 1529.163 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9600 1529.553 ±0.01FLD5F15CA-P9595 1529.944 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9590 1530.334 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9585 1530.725 ±0.01FLD5F15CA-P9580 1531.116 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9575 1531.507 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9570 1531.898 ±0.01FLD5F15CA-P9565 1532.290 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9560 1532.681 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9555 1533.073 ±0.01FLD5F15CA-P9550 1533.465 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9545 1533.858 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9540 1534.250 ±0.01FLD5F15CA-P9535 1534.643 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9530 1535.036 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9525 1535.429 ±0.01FLD5F15CA-P9520 1535.822 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9515 1536.216 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9510 1536.609 ±0.01FLD5F15CA-P9505 1537.003 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9500 1537.397 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9495 1537.792 ±0.01FLD5F15CA-P9490 1538.186 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9485 1538.581 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9480 1538.976 ±0.01FLD5F15CA-P9475 1539.371 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9470 1539.766 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9465 1540.162 ±0.01FLD5F15CA-P9460 1540.557 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9455 1540.953 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9450 1541.349 ±0.01FLD5F15CA-P9445 1541.746 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9440 1542.142 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9435 1542.539 ±0.01FLD5F15CA-P9430 1542.936 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9425 1543.333 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9420 1543.730 ±0.01FLD5F15CA-P9415 1544.128 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9410 1544.526 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9405 1544.924 ±0.01FLD5F15CA-P9400 1545.322 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9395 1545.720 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9390 1546.119 ±0.01FLD5F15CA-P9385 1546.518 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9380 1546.917 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9375 1547.316 ±0.01FLD5F15CA-P9370 1547.715 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9365 1548.115 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9360 1548.515 ±0.01FLD5F15CA-P9355 1548.915 ±0.01FLD5F15CA-P9350 1549.315 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9345 1549.715 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9340 1550.116 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9335 1550.517 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9330 1550.918 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9325 1551.319 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9320 1551.721 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9315 1552.122 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9310 1552.524±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9305 1552.926 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9300 1553.329 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9295 1553.731 ±0.01FLD5F15CA-P9290 1554.134 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9285 1554.537 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9280 1554.940 ±0.01FLD5F15CA-P9275 1555.343 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9270 1555.747 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9265 1556.151 ±0.01FLD5F15CA-P9260 1556.555 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9255 1556.959 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9250 1557.363 ±0.01FLD5F15CA-P9245 1557.768 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9240 1558.173 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9235 1558.578 ±0.01FLD5F15CA-P9230 1558.983 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9225 1559.389 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9220 1559.794 ±0.01FLD5F15CA-P9215 1560.200 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9210 1560.606 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9205 1561.013 ±0.01FLD5F15CA-P9200 1561.419 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9195 1561.826 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9190 1562.233 ±0.01FLD5F15CA-P9185 1562.640 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9180 1563.047 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9175 1563.455 ±0.01FLD5F15CA-P9170 1563.863 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9165 1564.271 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9160 1564.679 ±0.01FLD5F15CA-P9155 1565.087 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9150 1565.496 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9145 1565.905 ±0.01FLD5F15CA-P9140 1566.314 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9135 1566.723 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9130 1567.133 ±0.01FLD5F15CA-P9125 1567.542 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9120 1567.952 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9115 1568.362 ±0.01FLD5F15CA-P9110 1568.773 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9105 1569.183 ±0.01 FLD5F15CA-P9100 1569.594 ±0.01FLD5F15CA-P9095 1570.005 ±0.01NOTEThis device is not available with a fiber polarization axis aligned connector. The attached Fujitsu connector is only for use at incoming inspection. A fusion splice is the recommended method for connecting this laser to an external modulator.CW LD Module with Wavelength LockerFLD5F15CA-PFujitsu Compound Semiconductor Products contain gallium arsenide (GaAs) which can be hazardous to the human body and the environment. For safety, observe the following procedures:CAUTIONDo not put this product into the mouth.Do not alter the form of this product into a gas, powder, or liquidthrough burning, crushing, or chemical processing as these by-products are dangerous to the human body if inhaled, ingested, or swallowed.? Observe government laws and company regulations when discarding this product. This product must be discarded in accordance with methods specified by applicable hazardous waste procedures.FUJITSU QUANTUM DEVICES LIMITEDBusiness Development Division11th Floor, Hachioji Daiichi-Seimei Bldg.3-20-6 Myojin-choHachioji-city, Tokyo 192-0046, Japan TEL: +81-426-43-5885FAX: +81-426-43-5582Fujitsu Limited reserves the right to change products and specifications without notice. The information does not convey any license under rights of Fujitsu Limited or others.2002 FUJITSU COMPOUND SEMICONDUCTOR, INC. Printed in U.S.A. FCSI0302M200For further information please contact:FUJITSU COMPOUND SEMICONDUCTOR, INC.2355 Zanker Rd.San Jose, CA 95131-1138, U.S.A.Phone: (408) 232-9500FAX: (408) 428-9111/doc/3b3e18e4102de2bd96058816.htmlFUJITSU QUANTUM DEVICES EUROPE LTD.Network House Norreys DriveMaidenhead, Berkshire SL6 4FJ United KingdomTEL: +44 (0) 1628 504800FAX: +44 (0) 1628 504888FUJITSU QUANTUM DEVICES SINGAPORE PTE LTD.Hong Kong BranchRm. 1101, Ocean Centre, 5 Canton Rd. Tsim Sha Tsui,Kowloon, Hong Kong TEL: +852-********FAX: +852-********。




防护等级:NEMA 4 /IP65型号概览型号温度有源输出信号探针长度22MT-1454...20 mA6000 mm技术参数电气参数供电电源 DC 15...24 V, ±10%, 0.5 W电气接线可拆卸弹簧加载端子排,最大2.5 mm²线缆连接Ø6...10mmPG11电缆戈兰头, 带Ø6...8mm 防拉扣功能参数 多量程是输出有源信号最小负载 500 Ω介质空气测量数据测量值温度温度测量范围温度测量精度±3% 的测量范围材质线缆接头PA6, 黑色外壳调整跳线端子可改变测量范围,调整2秒钟后即可生效范围 [°C]范围 [°F]-30 (130)°F 设置工厂设置0...250°F S0 -50...50°C S 1 -10...120°CS 2 0...50°C 40...140°F 30...480°F 0...100°F 40...240°F 40...90°F S 3 0...250°C S 4 -15..35°C S 5 0...100°C S 6 -20...80°C S 7 0...160°C0...150°F顶盖: 聚碳酸酯,NCS S0580-Y6OR(搏力谋橙)底座: 聚碳酸酯,NCS S0580-Y6OR (搏力谋橙)密封: NBR70,黑色22MT-145安全提示环境湿度85%相对湿度,无结露环境温度-35...50 °C [-30...122 °F]外壳表面温度最高70 °C [160 °F]IEC/EN防护等级防触电保护等级:III (安全低压)NEMA/UL 防护等级UL Class 2EU联合CE标志IEC/EN认证IEC/EN 60730-1 和 IEC/EN 60730-2-9UL认证申请中IEC/EN防护等级IP65NEMA/UL 防护等级NEMA 4X 质量标准ISO 9001Safety notes只有经过专业培训的工作人员可以安装此产品及相应附件该产品只能用于规定的应用范围。

NXP mcu

NXP mcu
TinyM0集 成 了 USB下 载 仿 真 器 , 支 持 目 前 市 场 上 的 KEIL、 IAR和 TKStudio集成开发环境。开发板断开后TKScope CK100 ICE可以作为通用 调试仿真开发工具。 ● 配套核心板
TinyM0核心板电路为LPC111x芯片的最小系统,硬件支持2.54mm间距的 标准排针。用户可以将TinyM0核心板配套自行设计的底板进行产品开发。 ● 支持多款芯片
● 32位ARM RISC处理器,16位Thumb指令集; ● 功耗与面积高度优化,设计专用于低成本、低功耗场合; ● 24位SysTick定时器; ● 32位硬件乘法器; ● 中断现场自动保存,有处理决定性、固定延迟的中断能力; ● 系统接口支持小端或字节不变的大端数据访问; ● SWD串行线调试。
器件型号 LPC1343 LPC1342 LPC1313 LPC1311
Flash (KB) 32 16 32 8
SRAM(KB) 8 4 8 2
USB 2.0 Device Device
I2C(Fast+) 1 1 1 1
ADC 8ch/10bit 8ch/10bit 8ch/10bit 8ch/10bit
◎ 四个通用计数器/计数器 ◎ 可编程的看门狗定时器(WDT),带锁死功能 ◎ 系统计时器 ◎ 各外设自带时钟分频器,有利于降低功耗
Cortex-M0处理器性能 ● Cortex-M0微控制器可以轻松超越高端8位和16位器件的
性能水平; ● 内核额定性能为0.9DMIPS/MHz,相当于与其最接近的8位



FBT型号直接代换速查表!FBT型号直接代换速查表!FBT型号直接代换速查表!FCO-14A042 FTX-14A015 DNF-FL2727FEA185A DG300004021FEA237A BSC25-0202A BSC26-M02C1 BSC24-1402、79A361-1FEA241 KJF-9458A KJF-9320C 730-302-1433BFEA284 FEA86012D LCE CF0724A ZTFJ73345AFEA287B FEA287C、730-302-0564AFEA287C / 730-302-0564A FEA287BFEA374 CT-8355、79A348-3 FEA374F 79A348-1AFEA374F FEA374 CT-8355、79A348-3 79A348-1AFEA382 LCE CF0910FEA383 39L518AZT LCE CF1143 39L499AZTFEA469 FEA826 75A355-4-A 6174Z-1036A 79A355-5 79A355-1 BSC25-6503/C-FBT-1527 6174Z-1045A BSC24-1438FEA469D BSC25-6503/C-FBT-1527 79A355-503 BSC24-1438 6174Z-10 36A 79A355-5 6174Z-1045A、79A355-1FEA531A FEA531CFEA531C FEA531AFEA557 AT2097/16FEA565A 39L2065AZ、2385206700 39L1057AZ、2385205300FEA602B / 79A371-1C-TC FEA603A、79A371-1C-BFEA603A/ 79A371-1C-B FEA602B、79A371-1C-TCFEA634/ 79A355-1 FEA826 79A355-4-A(S) 6174Z-1036A 79A355-5 79A355-1 BSC25-6503/C-FBT-1527 6174Z-1045A BSC24 -1438FEA636 AT2097/07AFEA626/ LZ250A.000P FEA662A、LZ250A.013P LZ250A013J TAD53712、LZ250A.013TFEA662A/ LZ250A.013P FEA662、LZ250A.000P LZ250A 013J TAD53712、LZ250A.013TFEA677 TBC000* 277 BSM31-3905、TBC000 *150AFEA677/TBC000 * 277 BSM31-3905、TBC000 * 150AFEA687 BSC24-1420 730-312-1434FEA689/ 79A569-1 BSC25-6503/CFBT-1527 CT-8204A 6174 Z-1045A BSC24-1438 79A355-4-A(S) 6174Z-1036AFEA689/ 79A569-1D FEA689B、79A569-1-B FEA937、79A371-1C-CFEA689B/ 79A569-1-B FEA689、79A569-1DFEA711A/ 79A769-1-A 79A769-2-A 79A769-2-C 79A769-1-C 79A761-2-B FEA817A 79A769T-1-B FEA945B FEA915 FEA 711C、79A769-1-BFEA711C/ 79A769-1-B 79A769T-1-B FEA945B 79A761-2-B F EA817A FEA915、79A769-1-C FEA711A、79A769-1-A 79A769-2-AFEA755 FKG-15A001 FN1434FEA759 FKH-17A002 FKH-17A001FEA771/ DG3000008800 BSC24-N2333S FEA766A BSC25-6503/C-FBT-1 770DFFEA780 730-302-7681A FEA880 6174Z-1008F、730-302-7681A MF-6398 FEA780BFEA780B / 730-302-7601D FEA780、730-302-7681A FEA880 61714Z-1008F、730-302-7681A MF-6398 FEA780BFEA800A/ 79A955-1-A FEA800B/79A995-1-AHFEA800B/ 79A995-1-AH FEA800A、79A955-1-AFEA817 79A769-1-B、FEA711C 79A769T-1-B、FEA945B FEA711A 79A761-2-BFEA824 FKD-15D002FEA825A FEA827 CT-8459、LFT0007FEA826 79A355-4-A FEA469 6174Z-1036A、79A355-5 79A355-1 BSC25-6503/C-FBT-1527 6174Z-1045A 79A35 5-4-AHFEA827 CT-8459、LFT0007 FEA825AFEA830 FKG-15A001 FKG15A006FEA831 FQB-17A001 LCE CF1648、BH26-00108A FSA0188FEA833 LCE CF1741/730-302-572CFEA836 FEA861A/730-302-X975C FEA861/730-302-X975FEA848A FSN-15B052N/730-302-566DAFEA850 / 2385208600 2385210300 LCE CF1938 FEA850A 2385211800 2385211900FEA850A 2385210300 LCE CF1938 FEA850 2385211800 23852119 00FEA861/ 730-302-X975 FEA836、730-306-X759 FEA861 、730-302-X975CFEA861 / 730-302-X975C FEA836、730-302-X975 FEA861、730-302-X975FEA867A/ TFB-7012 FEA908、TFB-8503 FEA883 LCE CF1380B、TFB-7010 FEA976 FEA978 FEA880 FEA780FEA883 FEA867A、TFB-7012 FEA908、TFB-8503 LCE CF1380B、TFB-7010 FEA976 FEA978FEA886/ 313816874001 FSN-15C004N FEA888 FEA88A、313816878061FEA886A /313816878051 FEA888A、313816878061FEA888 FEA886、313816874001 FSN-15C004N FEA888 FEA888AFEA888A FEA886、313816874001 FSN-15C004N FEA888 FEA886A、313816878051FEA906 FEA907 19.70052.001 19.70056.S01 19.70056.001FEA907 79.70052.001 FEA906 19.70056.S01 19.70056.011FEA908/ TFB-8503 FEA867A、TFB-7012 FEA883 LCE CF1380B、TFB-7010 FEA976 FEA978FEA915 79A769-2-A 79A769-1-A FEA711A 79A769-2-CFEA915/ 79A769-1-C FEA711A、79A769-1-A、9602-04-101A FEA711C、79A769-1-BFEA937 HFT264MFEA937/ 79A371-1C-C FEA689、79A569-1DFEA945B 79A769-1-B FEA711C FEA711A FEA817AFEA946 FWK0062B、730-302-797N MF-6581、730-302-797N FEA946A LCE CF1737FEA946A FEA946 FWK0062B、730-302-797N MF-6581、730-302-797N LCE CF1737FEA953/ TFB-7015 FLO0108、TFB-7021FEA976 FEA867A、TFB-7012 FEA883A FEA908 FEA978 LCE CF1380B、TFB-7010 FEA978 FEA867A、TFB-7012 FEA883A FEA908 FEA976 LCE CF1380B、TFB-7010 FEA73015H MF-3131、5RH0000108 BSM35-3219 FFA81045H BSC25-0218 FFA76017U FFA76028U FFA76028U/FFFA76028U FFA76017U FFA76028U/FFFA76028U/F FFA76028U FFA76017UFFA79014U MF-3323A MF-3323 BSC25-0134FFA81024U LCE CF0883FFA81045 BSC25-0218 FFA81045H FFA73015H BSM35-3219FFA81045H MF-3131、5RH0000108 BSM35-3219 FFA73015HFFA81049H 79A355-503 BSC24-1438 BSC25-6503/C-FBT-1527 79A355 -4-AFFA82012H FFA82022HFFA82022H FFA82025H CFB-4/121、M374392 LCE CF0801 FFA82012H FFA82025H FFA82022H CFB-4/121、M374392 LCE CF0801FFA86012D FEA284、5RH0000060 LCE CF0724A ZTFJ73345AFJ2672 KJF-9215BFKD-14A001 FKD-15A001 FKD-15C003 FN/DNF1528FKD-15A001 FKD-14A001 FKD-15C003 FN/DNF1528FKD-15C003 FKD-14A001 FKD-15A001 FN/DNF1528FKD-15D002 FEA824FKG-15A001 FEA755 FN1434 FKG-15A006(3、4脚对换)FKG-15A006 FEA830 FKG-15A001(3、4脚对换)FKG-15A007 FQM-15A009FKG-15D001 FKG-15D002(将聚焦盒引脚向下右两脚连接)FKH-17A001 FKH-17A002 FEA759FKH-17A002 FEA759 FKH-17A001FLO0108/ TFB-7021 FEA953、TFB-7015FN/DNF1528 FKD-14A001 FKD-15A001 FKD-15C003FN1434 FEA755 FKG-15A001FPH0213 LCE CFT2091SFQA-15A001 BH26-00017AFQB-17A001 FEA831 LCE CF1648、BH26-00108A FSA0298FQB-17B015 FSA0188 FQB-17B002FQM-15A007 FQM-15A007B FQM-15A009/BFQM-15A007B FQM-15A007 FQM-15A009/BFQM-15A009/B FQM-15A007B FQM-15A007FQM-15B003 FSA0210FQM-17A008 BSC25-1448、6174T11006BFQM-17A001 FQM-17A012FQM-17A012 FQM-17A011FQM-17B002 BH26-00109A LCE CF1781 FQM-17B015 FSA0188FQM-17B007 BSM35-3316DQ770 V770 BSM35-3316D/F772 BSM35-3316/ F770D LCE CF1570、2850007210FQM-15B015 FQM-15B002FQM-17B019 FQM-17B021FQM-17B021 FQM-17B019FSA0188 BH26-00109A LCE CF1781 FQM-17B015 FQM-17B002FSA0210 FQM-15B003FSA0298 FQB-17A001 FEA831 LCE CF1648、BH26-00108AFSA-15A002 FSA-15A003FSA-15A003 FSA-15A002FSD-15B002 FSD-15B002AFSD-15B002A FSD-15B002FSN-14A024 BSM31-3305、730-302-850M 6174Z-2003HFSN-14A029S 6174Z-2003F 6174Z-2003HFSN-15A008 6174Z-2003C FSN-15A008S 154-388G CFB-4/085AFSN-15A008S 6174Z-2003C FSN-15A008 CFB-4/085A 154-388GFSN-15A019S 730-302-X570A FEA708AFSN-15B027N TFB-274T FEA848A、730-302-566DBFSN-15C004N FEA886、313816874001 FEA888 FEA888A、3138 168 78061 AT2097-33 AT2097-34 AT2097-21 AT2097-38 FSW-17A001 FSW-17A002FSW-17A002 FSW-17A001FTX-14A015 FCO-14A042 DNF-FL2727FUA-17A010 TRAN-8693、530-302-700SA BSC25-1459 MF-6623 FUA-17A019 6174Z-1008F MF-6398FUA-17A019 FUA-17A010 TRAN-8693、530-302-700SA BSC25-1459 MF-6623 6174Z-1008F MF-6398FUA-17C003 FUA-17C004 FUA-17C006FUA-17C004 FUA-17C003 FUA-17C006FUA-17C006 FUA-17C003 FUA-17C004FWK0030 LCE CF1628、730-302-770VC FWK0030AFWK0030A FWK0030 LCE CF1628、730-302-770VCFWK0062B FEA946 MF-6581、730-302-797N LCE CF1611HFT264M 79A371-1C-C FEA937KD-1731 KD-1732PF-A(5,7脚空)FSA0298KD-1732PF-A KD-1731 FSA0298KFS-60807A KFS-61410 KFS-61101 154-382B LCE CF0710KFS-60854 LCE CF0394KFS-61101 KFS-61410 154-382B LCE CF0710 KFS-60807AKFS-61140A FCO-14A030C DNF-FL2700KFS-61376 LCE CF1280KFS-61410 KFS-61101 154-382B LCE CF0710 KFS-60807AKFS-61432 6174Z-2002E 6174Z-2002JKFS-61478 LCE CF0929KJF-9203D LBCH0110-000KJF-9215B FJ2672KJF-9320C KJF-9458A 154-388F、730-302-1433B FEA241、730-302-1433 KJF-9458A KJF-9320C 154-388F、730-302-1433B FEA241、730-302-1433 KJF-9902B/F KJF-9902B/PKJF-9902B/P KJF-9902B/FLBCH011-000 KJF-9203DLCE CF0394 KFS-60854LCE CF0590A LCE CF0590BLCE CF0590B LCE CF0590ALCE CF0612 /313811877590 LCE CF0612A、313811879410LCE CF0612A /313811879410 ETF39L639AZT、313811877581 ETF35L510AZT、313811878501 AT2094-02LCE CF0612A /313811879410 LCE CF0612/313811877590LCE CF0625 /19.70026.001 BSM54-3207、19.70038.A01 LCE CF0698A、19.70034.001 LCE CF0689、19.70028.001LCE CF0689 /19.70028.001 BSM54-3207、19.70038.A01 LCE CF0698A、19.70034.001 LCE CF0625、19.70026.001LCE CF0698A LCE CF0625 BSM54-3207、19.70038.A01 LCE CF0698 LCE CF0706 Y265161 Y265163LCE CF0710 KFS-61410 KFS-61101 154-382B KFS-60807ALCE CF0724A FEA284、5RH0000060 FFA86012D ZTFJ73345ALCE CF0754B 19.70032.001LCE CF0801 FFA82025H FFA82022H CFB-4/121/M374392LCE CF0821 TFB-251T、5062625120LCE CF0857 LCE CF0857A、313812875530LCE CF0857A LCE CF0857LCE CF0883 FFA81024ULCE CF0910 FEA382、HH00002LCE CF0929 KFS-61478LCE CF0959 HH000001LCE CF0960 39L2024AZ、HH000005 FEA477、HH00005LCE CF0969 LCE CF0969B LCE CF0969C LCE CF1033A LCE CF09 69ALCE CF0969A LCE CF1033A LCE CF0969B LCE CF0969C LCE CF0 969LCE CF0969B LCE CF0969 LCE CF0969C LCE CF0969A LCE CF10 33ALCE CF0969C LCE CF0969 LCE CF0969B LCE CF0969A LCE CF10 33ALCE CF1027 LCE CF1263、2850004510LCE CF1033A LCE CF0969 LCE CF0969B LCE CF0969A LCE CF09 69CLCE CF1043 LCE CF1043ELCE CF1043E LCE CF1043、0480-0000-0040LCE CF1119A /313817875452 AT2097-21 FB-5B/CF1486、313816873121 AT2097-33 AT2097-34 ETF39L2075AZB、313817876342 AT2097-38LCE CF1143 39L518AZT FEA383 39L499AZT、410-F012BLCE CF1263 /2850004510 LCE CF1027LCE CF1280 KFS-61376LCE CF1285 LCE CF1433、47F13-0911A LCE CF1611、47F13-1090B LCE CF1380B / TFB-7010 FEA867A、TFB-7012 FEA908、TFB-8503 FEA883LCE CF1388B LCE CF1388CLCE CF1388C LCE CF1388BLCE CF1433 LCE CF1611 LCE CF1285LCE CF1517 BSC25-0208M TRAN-6516 BSC25-0208MLCE CF1570 FQM-17B007LCE CF1611 LCE CF1433、47F13-0911A LCE CF1285、47F13-0910A LCE CF1628 730-302-770VCLCE CF1628 / 730-302-770VC FWK0030 FWK0030ALCE CF1648 FEA831 FQB-17A001 BH26-00108ALCE CF1737 FEA946A、47F13-1091S MF-6581、730-302-797NLCE CF1741 FEA833、730-302-566DLCE CF1781 HBH26-00109A FQM-17B002 FSA0188LCE CF1821 BSC24-N2375S、730-302-786FD LCE CF1920 730-302-796FDLCE CF1827B BSC24-N2374S、730-302-796PF BSM75-3709N、730-302-796PF LCE CF1921LCE CF1873 CT-8151、331100000107LCE CF1920 LCE CF1821 730-302-786FD 730-302-796FDLCE CF1921 LCE CF1827B BSC24-N2374S BSM75-3709NLCE CF1938 2385210300 FEA850 FEA850A 2385211900LCE CF2091S FPH0213LCE CF2101C/ 79A763A 79A763B504 FAO0220/79A763ALZ250A 013J FEA662、LZ250A.000P FEA662A、LZ250A.013P LZ250A.013T MF-2095 Y265065CMF-3131 BSM35-3219 FFA81045H FFA73015HMF-3323 MF-3323A FFA79014U BSC25-0134MF-3323A FFA79014U BSC25-0134 MF-3323MF-6114 BSC25-0251M、37-SC25M0-2510X TFB-016、5062601600MF-6398 FEA780、730-302-7681A FUA-17A010 FEA880MF-6407 BSM26-0202 BSM75-3707 CT-8670、KTC9970 BSC26-1451 MF-6421 BSC26-1451 BSC26-1460MF-6540 490-170-6540 MF-6540B 490-170-6687MF-6540B 490-170-6687 490-1706540 MF-6540MF-6581/ 730-302-797N FWK0062B、730-302-797N FEA946 FEA946A LCE CF1737MF-6623 FUA17010 TRAN-8693 、530-302-700SAMSU1FVH002 CA-0215TAD53712 /LZ250A.013T FEA662、LZ250A.000P FEA662A、L250A.013P LZ250A 013JTBC000*007 TBC000*033 BSC24-4005TBC000*033 BSC24-4005 TBC000*007TFB-016 BSC25-0251M、37-SC25M0-2510X MF-6114TFB023 TFB025TFB025 TFB023TFB-251T LCE CF0821TFB-274T FSN-15B027NTFB-3501 TFB-3502TFB-3502 TFB-3501TFB-7002A/ FEA766A BSC24-N233S FEA771 BSC25-6503/C-FBT -1770DFTRAN-6515 LCE CF1517TRAN-8693 FUA17010 MF-6623V770 BSM35-3316D/Q770 BSM35-3316D/F772 BSM35-3316/F770D FQM-17B007Y265065C MF-2095Y265161 LCE CF0706 Y265163Y265163 Y265161 LCE CF0706Y265275 Y265387 Y265432BY265382 Y265434 6174Z-1024AY265387 Y265275 Y265432BY265432B Y265387 Y265275Y265434 6174Z-1024A Y265382ZTFJ3385A ZTFJ73369A、80000371ZTFJ73345A FEA284、5RH0000060 FFA86012D LCE CF0724A ZTFJ73369A/ 8000370 ZTFJ3385A。

F-35 Lightning Flight Controller User Manual

F-35 Lightning Flight Controller User Manual

F-35 LIGHTNINGFLIGHT CONTROLLERUSER MANUAL VERSION 1.5ContentsManual user log (3)Introduction (4)Features (4)Pinouts (5)Dimensions (5)Connections (6)Connection with ESCs and Servos: (6)1.Flying Wing: (6)2.Airplane: (6)Connection With Receivers: (9)I.TBS Receiver (9)1. TBS Crossfire Micro Rx V2 (Plug and play with Micro Rx Cable) (9)2. TBS Crossfire Micro Rx V2 (Plug and Play with Micro Rx and TBS-Ext Cable forWireless Connection) (9)3. TBS Crossfire Diversity Rx Only Use CRSF Protocol (10)4. TBS Crossfire Diversity Rx Use PPM + Serial TX-RX (11)II.FrSky Receiver (12)1.XSR (Plug and Play with F-RX Cable) (12)2.R-XSR (12)3.R9 (13)4.R9 Slim (13)5.L9R (14)6.SPD15 (14)7.XM+ (15)III.Futaba Receiver (15)IV.DJI Ocussync Air Unit (16)V.Spektrum Receiver (16)VI.Dragon Link Micro UHF Receiver (17)Connection with VTX: (19)1. Using with Stealth Long Range VTX (Plug and Play with VTX Cable) (19)ing with Tramp HV (20)ing with TBS Unify Pro 5G8 HV: (20)ing with TBS Unify 2G4: (21)Connection with Furious AirSpeed Sensor (21)Connection with Furious FPV GPS Module (Plug and Play with GPS Cable) (22)Connection with RadioLink M8N GPS (23)Connection with Camera (Plug and Play with CAM Cable) (24)1. RunCam Eagle 2 (24)2. RunCam Swift 2 (24)3. RunCam Split 2 (25)4. Foxeer Arrow Mini (25)How To Set Up Wing With INAV Configurator (26)How To Calibrate Sensor (27)How To Connect INAV Wireless To F-35 Via TBS Crossfire TX (29)How To Connect Smartphone To F-35 Lightning FC Via FuriousFPV Bluetooth Module (31)How To Setup Failsafe (33)How To Use NAV LAUNCH (Auto Take Off) Function (34)INAV MODE (35)How to assembly silicone for airspeed sensor (36)Video Guide (36)Frequently Asked Questions (37)Manual user logV1.5:Update configure with DJI OcuSync Air Unit*Please note: In this manual, BLUE Texts have hyperlinks to check out guideline.IntroductionFurious FPV F-35 Lightning FC - Elevate Your Horizons.Step into the all new F-35 Lightning FC - Furious FPV's 1st dedicated wing flight controller, ready and waiting to open all new worlds to winged FPV.Encompassed by a robust aluminum case for maximum levels of protection and strength, the F-35 FC offers the ultimate levels of FPV capability that is dedicated & purpose built for the demands and capabilities of FPV winged flight.Ultra easy to install with a massively powerful MCU STM F4 micro controller, the F-35 Lightning FC supports a full (6) UART's for GPS, VTX Control, S.PORT Telemetry, Crossfire RX, RX, Bluetooth functionality. With these systems in play, the F-35 offers worlds of capability & performance for maximum levels of FPV flight.Integrating a built in 5V@3A BEC, buzzer port, anti-vibration silicone dampeners and battery monitor with current sensor, the F-35 Lightning FC packs a massive punch in an ultra-compact form. Pair this with a built in Barometer & OSD system, the F-35 FC is the game changing flight controller that is ready for anything and everything a pilot could possibly desire.Take your winged FPV flight to new worlds and beyond with the Furious FPV F-35 Lightning FC - the ultimate winged FPV flight control system.Features∙Flight Controller 6DOF + 3DOF MAG∙MCU STM F4 high performance∙Built-in OSD∙Support up to 6 UARTs (GPS, VTX Control, S.PORT Telemetry,Crossfire RX, RX, Bluetooth)∙Built-in Driver Inverter for SBUS and S.PORT connections∙Built-in Battery Voltage and Current monitor∙Camera and VTX port built-in Peripheral pass∙Built-in 5V@3A BEC for small Digital servos, can be easily changed to External BEC for bigger Servos∙Built-in Buzzer port∙High quality silicone wires with optimized lengths are included∙Support INAV firmware∙Vertical USB and ports => easy to install∙Pro version has GPS module, AirSpeed Sensor, Buzzer and Bluetooth Module∙Weight: 34g∙Voltage Range: 2S-6S LiPoPinoutsDimensionsConnectionsConnection with ESCs and Servos: 1.Flying Wing:-Location ESC: 1, 2-Location Servos: 3, 4Ex: Reptile S800 Sky Shadow Flying Wing2.Airplane:-Location ESC: 1, 2-Location Servos: 3, 4, 5, 6Ex1: Volantex RangerEx2: Twin DreamOpen INAV Configurator Go to CLI tab and paste this strings as the picture above. Then, hit Enter:# mixermixer CUSTOMAIRPLANEmmix resetmmix 0 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.300 #Left motormmix 1 1.000 0.000 0.000 -0.300 #Right motor# servo mixsmix resetsmix 0 3 0 100 0 #servo 3 takes Stabilised ROLL (PWM 4)smix 1 4 0 100 0 #servo 4 takes Stabilised ROLL (PWM 5)smix 2 5 2 100 0 #servo 5 takes Stabilised YAW (PWM 6)smix 3 2 1 100 0 #servo 2 takes Stabilised PITCH (PWM 3)saveEx 3: V-TailOpen INAV Configurator Go to CLI tab and paste this strings. Then, hit Ente r: # mixermixer CUSTOMAIRPLANEmmix resetmmix 0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 # motorsmix resetsmix 0 2 0 -100 0 # servo 2 takes Stabilised ROLLsmix 1 3 0 -100 0 # servo 3 takes Stabilised ROLLsmix 2 4 1 100 0 # servo 4 takes Stabilised PITCHsmix 3 5 1 -100 0 # servo 5 takes Stabilised -PITCHsmix 4 4 2 -100 0 # servo 4 takes Stabilised YAWsmix 5 5 2 -100 0 # servo 5 takes Stabilised YAWsmix 6 6 8 -100 0 # servo 6 takes RC AUX 1 (camera yaw)smix 7 7 9 -100 0 # servo 7 takes RC AUX 2 (drop bomb)saveConnection With Receivers:*Warning: Only support power is 5V for receiverI.TBS Receiver1.TBS Crossfire Micro Rx V2 (Plug and play with Micro Rx Cable)2.TBS Crossfire Micro Rx V2 (Plug and Play with Micro Rx and TBS-Ext Cablefor Wireless Connection)Video: Wireless connection to INAV via TBS Crossfire Tx + TBS Micro Rx V23.TBS Crossfire Diversity Rx Only Use CRSF Protocol4.TBS Crossfire Diversity Rx Use PPM + Serial TX-RX*Note:To using PPM, you need to open INAV Configurator Go to Configuration tab and drag to Receiver Mode. Then, select PPM RX input as the picture belowII.FrSky Receiver1.XSR (Plug and Play with F-RX Cable)2.R-XSR4.R9 Slim6.SPD15III.Futaba ReceiverIV.DJI Ocussync Air UnitV.Spektrum ReceiverVI.Dragon Link Micro UHF ReceiverOpen INAV Configurator Go to Configuration tab and drag to Receiver Mode. Then, select like as the picture below*Note:With Dragon Link V2 Rx, please use the Dragon Link GUI software to configure CH7 port from PPM (default) to SBUSDownload software:DragonLink GUIConnection with VTX:ing with Stealth Long Range VTX (Plug and Play with VTX Cable)ing with Tramp HV*Note: If using our VTX Cable, please swap wires the same as pin outs of this VTX ing with TBS Unify Pro 5G8 HV:ing with TBS Unify 2G4:Connection with Furious AirSpeed Sensor Check out How to assembly silicone tube for Airspeed sensorConnection with Furious FPV GPS Module (Plug and Play with GPS Cable)*Warning:For the first time set up and whenever you change your location. You need to leave the Wing or Airplane on the field for approximately 5 minutes so that the GPS is updatedOpen INAV Configurator →Click Configuration tab → Drag to GPS and configure as the picture below:Connection with RadioLink M8N GPSOpen INAV Configurator →Click Configuration tab → Drag to GPS and configure as the picture below:Connection with Camera (Plug and Play with CAM Cable)1.RunCam Eagle 22.RunCam Swift 23.RunCam Split 24.Foxeer Arrow MiniHow To Set Up Wing With INAV ConfiguratorStep1:Calibrate Sensor(Click double to go to How to calibrate Sensor page)INAV requires you to follow the accelerometer calibration steps. These steps are different to Cleanflight & Betaflight. So don't skip reading this section, it's vitally important. But we have wireless so you should do this in the final step.Step2:Set up “Ports” tabIf use TBS Crossfire Micro receiver, you don’t need to change anything. Because we have ready configuredIf use XSR receiver, Please turn on Serial Rx of UART3 to use Receiver Mode Step3:Set up “Configuratios” tabIf use TBS Crossfire Micro receiver,you don’t need to change anything. Because we have ready configuredIf use XSR receiver, drag to Receiver Mode and select SBUS in the Serial Receiver ProviderChange model: There are two models that you can choose: Airplane and Flying WingStep4:Configure “Receiver” tabCheck range and value: Your transmitter should use NO mixing at all (so separate channels for Thr, Ail, Rud, Ele).Check that when moving the sticks, the rightchannels moves in the receiver window. Also, everything should be centered at 1500us, and full stick movement should be 1000-2000us. Use sub trim and travel range on your TX to set this up.Check Channel Map: Please set correctly channel map with the channel on your transmitterStep5:Set up “Servos” tab-If reverse Servo, change "Direction and rate" from +100 to -100-If Servo exceed maximum wanted deflection reduce min/max-If control surfaces are not perfectly centered adjust servo midpoint. (This is after setting them up as close as possible mechanically)*Note:In the Servos tab servos are counted from 0-7 while in the Motors tab they run from 1-8.Step6: Set up Mode(click MODE to check mode’s description table)1.Select Mode tab2.Drag to mode that you want to use. Then, click Add Range and select CHchannel for switch that you want to use this modeStep7:Set FailsafeHow To Calibrate SensorAfter building new an Airplane, you must calibrate Magnetometer and Accelerometer sensor. With F-35 Lightning FC, we don't need to plug USB cable that can use wireless connection with FuriousFPV Bluetooth Module or TBS Crossfire TX. Step 1: Connect F-35 Lightning FC with INAV configuratorStep 2: At Setup tab1.Calibrate Accelerometer: Please click Calibrate Accelerometer to calibrate 6points Accelerometer sensor like the below pictures:pass Calibrate:Please click Calibrate Magnetometer then You have 30seconds to hold the copter in the air and rotate it so that each side (front, back, left, right, top and bottom) points down towards the earth.3.Board Orientation: If you have your board rotated in any way, change boardalignment to match- please check the below pictures:(1) (2)(3) (4)How To Connect INAV Wireless To F-35 Via TBS Crossfire TXThe Device:-TBS Micro RX V2 + TBS Crossfire TX-Micro RX cable for F-35 + TBS-External Cable for F-35 (Include in the package)-App: INAV Configurator on PC, EZ-Gui on Android.-Video: Wireless connection to INAV via TBS Crossfire Tx + TBS Micro Rx V2Step 1: Using TBS-Ext cable plug to Micro RX cable like bellow picture:Step 2: Mapping Output channels for TBS Micro RX.-Output 1: CRSF TX-Output 2: CRSF RX-Output 3: Serial RX-Output 4: Serial TXStep 3: Configure your TBS Crossfire Module.Please select Bluetooth protocol of TBS TX module is BRIDGE.*Note: Verify that you turn on Telemetry on ReceiverStep 4: Connect your device to use Configurator app.Option1: Connect with PC:e Bluetooth on PC search and add your TBS Module Bluetooth. NormallyTBS have name is Crossfire#### (# is number).2.Open INAV Configurator on PC, then check new number using toconnect TBS Crossfire TX and select it. (You can check it in Device Manager).And select Baud rate is 57600.3.Turn on WIRELESS mode of INAV at the Right-Top interface of app. Then, clickConnect button to connect.Now you can do anything with a wireless connection same when you connect with USB cable.Option2: Connect with EZ-Gui on Android app:1.Download and install app at here: DOWNLOAD2.Turn On Bluetooth on your mobile3.Open EZ Gui:Click icon 3 Vertical dots the Top-Right screen and click Settings to go to page setting and configure for Connections. At here, we will selectconnection is Bluetooth then click SELECT BT DEVICE to search you TBSCrossfire module and select it when detected your module.-Click next icon and select Firmware is Cleanflight/Betaflight/INAV.-Click next and select option same as units or another options. After app will come back home screen.4.At Home Screen, please click CONNECTS to connect your app to FC.How To Connect Smartphone To F-35 Lightning FC Via FuriousFPV Bluetooth ModuleThe Device:-FuriousFPV Bluetooth Module-App: INAV Configurator on PC, EZ-Gui on Android.-Video: Calibrate sensor with wireless connection Via Bluetooth moduleStep 1: Plug FuriousFPV module into F-35 Lightning FC. Then, go into Ports tab on the INAV Configurator and configure as the pictures below:Step 2: Connect with EZ-Gui on Android app1.Download and install app at here: DOWNLOAD2.Turn On Bluetooth on your mobile3.Open EZ Gui:Click icon 3 Vertical dots the Top-Right screen and click Settings to go to page setting and configure for Connections. At here, we will selectconnection is Bluetooth then click SELECT BT DEVICE to search you TBS Crossfire module and select it when detected your module.-Click next icon and select Firmware is Cleanflight/Betaflight/INAV.-Click next and select option same as units or another options. After app will come back home screen.4.At Home Screen, please click CONNECT to connect your app to FC. How To Setup FailsafeSetting up Return Home for Failsafe to purpose: when Wing lost signal with Transmitter, Wing will auto return home afterwardStep 1: Configure ReceiverThere are two options to configure:Option 1: Cut off the channelOption 2: Set Position1.Go into Modes tab and select a switch for Failsafe2.Set Switches and Sticks on your transmitter to the following below-Throttle: 0% (No throttle)-Aileron: 50% (No input, Stick center)-Rudder: 50% (No input, Stick center)-Elevator: 50% (No input, Stick center)-Failsafe mode: activated-Arm switch: Disarmed (If you use stick arming you can skip this)Step 2: Configure INAV Configurator1.Open INAV Configurator and go into Failsafe tab2.Enable RTH on the setting stageHow To Use NAV LAUNCH (Auto Take Off) Function Video: How to use NAV LAUNCH (Auto Take off) with F-35 Lightning FCStep1: Open “INAV Configurator”→Select “Mode” tab → drag to NAV LAUNCH function, click Add Range and select CH channel for switch that you want to use this modeStep2: Set switch to NAV LAUNCH mode prior to arming (note that it won't actually enable until arming)Step3: ARM the plane. Motor should start spinning at min_throttle (if MOTOR_STOP is active, motor won't spin)*Note:-NAV LAUNCH is automatically aborted after 5 seconds or by any pilot touch on PITCH/ROLL stick-Verify that motor don't respond to throttle stick motionStep4: Put throttle stick to desired throttle value to be set after launch is finished. Step5: Throw the airplane.*Note:It must be thrown leveled or thrown by slinging it by wingtipStep6: Launch sequence will finish when pilot switch off the NAV LAUNCH mode or move the sticksHow to assembly silicone for airspeed sensorVideo GuideVideo 1: Wireless connection to INAV via TBS Crossfire Tx + TBS Micro Rx V2 Video 2: Calibrate sensor with wireless connection Via Bluetooth module Video 3: How to use NAV LAUNCH (Auto Take off) with F-35 Lightning FC Video 4: How to flash firmware and calibrate AcceloremeterVideo 5: Calibrations sensor and active Compass Calibrate button on INAV 1.9 Video 6: Setup TBS Nano RX and set RSSI to F-35 LightningFrequently Asked QuestionsQ: Why don’t the Hardware Health work?A: In the (P1) picture, the Hardware Health is not working. The reason is that you don’t plug GPS module or don’t power on the FC. To solve this issue, you need to plug GPS module and verify that plugged battery for FC. Then, this function will work afterward as the (P2) picture.(P1)(P2)Q: Cannot Calibrate Acceloremeter or the Pitch and Roll values are not correctA: Please flash latest firmware and setup as the manualQ: How can I switch from External BEC to Internal BEC?A: Open your plastic case and refer the picture below Array Q: Is there a way to directly connect and configure LED Strips on the F-35 Lightning?A: F-35 Lightning don’t support LED StripsThanks for using our product。



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FLUKE AirCheck Wi-Fi Tester说明书

FLUKE AirCheck Wi-Fi Tester说明书

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Fire Smoke控制应用的快速作用、双位置电机说明书

Fire Smoke控制应用的快速作用、双位置电机说明书

PRODUCT DATA63-2578—6MS4209F, MS4309F, MS4709F, MS4809F, MS8209F, MS8309FFast-Acting, Two-Position ActuatorsFOR FIRE/SMOKE CONTROL APPLICATIONSAPPLICATIONThe MS4209F, MS4309F, MS4709F, MS4809F, MS8209F, MS8309F Fast-Acting, Two-Position Actuators are spring return direct coupled actuators (DCA) with an integral junction box for on/off damper control. The actuator accepts an on/off signal from a single-pole, single-throw (spst) controller.Models are available with clockwise (cw) or counterclockwise (ccw) spring return and are designed to operate reliably in smoke control systems requiring Underwriter’s Laboratories Inc. UL555S ratings up to 350°F.FEATURES•80 lb-in. (9 N•m) minimum driving torque at 350°F (176°C).•Integral spring return ensures level of return torque.•Fifteen-second spring return timing.•No special cycling required during long-term holding. (See Operation section.)•No audible noise during holding.•Patent pending design eliminates need for limit switches to reduce power consumption.•Models available for 24, 120, and 230 Vac.•Ninety-five degree angle of rotation.•Actuator holds rated torque at reduced power level.•Die-cast aluminum housing.•Housing design allows flush mounting to damper.•Integral junction box with three conduit openings eliminates need for separate wiring box.APPLICABLE LITERATURE—Motor/Actuator Selection Guide for Damper Applications63-8419—Engineering Manual of Automatic Control (also called The Gray Manual)77-1100—Direct Coupled Actuator Quick Selection Guide 63-8553—Damper Torque Calculator63-8437MS4209F , MS4309F , MS4709F , MS4809F , MS8209F , MS8309F FAST-ACTING, TWO-POSITION ACTUATORS63-2578—62ORDERING INFORMATIONWhen purchasing replacement and modernization products from your TRADELINE® wholesaler or distributor, refer to the TRADELINE® Catalog or price sheets for complete ordering number.If you have additional questions, need further information, or would like to comment on our products or services, please write or phone:1.Your local Honeywell Automation and Control Products Sales Office (check white pages of your phone directory).2.Honeywell Customer Care1885 Douglas Drive NorthMinneapolis, Minnesota 55422-4386In Canada—Honeywell Limited/Honeywell Limitée, 35 Dynamic Drive, Toronto, Ontario M1V 4Z9.International Sales and Service Offices in all principal cities of the world. Manufacturing in Australia, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Spain, Taiwan, United Kingdom, U.S.A.SPECIFICATIONSModels: See Table 1.Table 1. MS4209, MS4309, MS4709, MS4809,MS8209, MS8309 DCA Models.Dimensions: See Fig. 1.Electrical Ratings:Power Input:MS4209, MS4309: 120 Vac +10%, -15%, 60 Hz.MS4709, MS4809: 230 Vac ±10%, 50/60 Hz.MS8209, MS8309: 24 Vac +20%, -10%, 50/60 Hz.Power Consumption (at Rated Voltage):MS4209, MS4309: Holding: 0.13A, 7W.Running (at 80 lb-in.): 0.25A, 23W.MS4709, MS4809: Holding: 0.09A, 7W.Running (at 80 lb-in.): 0.13A, 23W.MS8209, MS8309: Holding: 7 VA.Running (at 80 lb-in.): 23 VA.Electrical Connections:MS4209, MS4309, MS8209, MS8309: Two color coded 16 in. leads.MS4709, MS4809: 1m appliance cable.Ground screw.Three 7/8 in. conduit connection holes (fittings not included).Device Weight: 5 lb (2.3 kg).Stroke: 95° ± 3°, mechanically limited.Noise Ratings (Maximum):Driving Open: 80 dBA at 1m.Holding: 20 dBA at 1m (no audible noise).Controller Type:MS4209, MS4309: Line voltage (120 Vac), two-position, spst (Series 40).MS4709, MS4809: Line voltage (230 Vac), two-position, spst (Series 40).MS8209, MS8309: Low voltage (24 Vac), two-position, spst (Series 80).Torque Rating (at Rated Voltage):Typical Holding (0°F to 350°F): 80 lb-in. (9 N•m).Typical Driving (0°F to 350°F): 80 lb-in. (9 N•m).Spring Return: 80 lb-in. (9 N•m).Stall Maximum: 240 lb-in. (27 N•m).Temperature Ratings:Ambient: 0°F to 130°F (-18°C to 55°C).Shipping and Storage: -40°F to 140°F (-40°C to 60°C).IMPORTANTThe actuator is designed to meet UL555S standards at 350°F (176°C). The actuator must be tested with the damper to achieve this rating.Humidity Rating: 5% to 95% RH noncondensing.Minimum Damper Shaft Length: 1-1/2 in. (38 mm).Timing (at Rated Torque and Voltage):Drive Open:Ambient Conditions: 25 sec maximum, 14 sec typical.At 350°F: 75 sec maximum.Spring Close: 20 sec maximum.Cycling Requirements:Prolonged holding-period (1 year) testing of these actuators has been performed with no spring return failures. The actuator and the internal spring are designed to require no special cycling during long-term holding.Honeywell recommends following all local, state and national codes for periodic testing of the entire smoke controlsystem. Refer to National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) National Fire Codes ®: NFPA90A, NFPA92A and NFPA92B for your application.NFPA recommends periodic examination of each fire/smoke damper (semi-annually or annually) to ensure proper performance.Design Life (at Rated Voltage): 60,000 full stroke cycles.Model Spring Return Direction Voltage in Vac Torque in lb-in. (N•m)MS4209F cw 12080 (9)MS4309F ccw MS4709F cw 230MS4809F ccw MS8209F cw 24MS8309FccwMS4209F , MS4309F , MS4709F , MS4809F , MS8209F , MS8309F FAST-ACTING, TWO-POSITION ACTUATORS363-2578—6Mounting: 3/8 to 1/2 in. square or round damper shafts.The actuator can be mounted with shaft in any position.Secure hub to shaft with:MS4709, MS4809: Four 3 mm set screws. Use 3 mm Allen wrench to tighten set screws.MS4209, MS4309, MS8209, MS8309: 1/4-28 UNF set screws. Use 1/8 Allen wrench to tighten set screws.IMPORTANTHoneywell does not recommend using linkages with these actuators because side-loading of the output hub reduces actuator life.Environmental Protection Ratings: See Table 2.Approvals: See Table 3.Accessories:201391 Shaft Adapter for 3/8 in. shafts (not supplied with actuator).205649 Mounting Bracket (not supplied with actuator).Table 2. Environmental Ratings.Table 3. Approvals.Fig. 1. MS4209/MS4309/MS4709/MS4809/MS8209/MS8309dimensional drawing in inches (mm).INSTALLATIONWhen Installing this Product...1.Read these instructions carefully. Failure to follow them could damage the product or cause a hazardous condition.2.Check the ratings given in the instructions and on the product to make sure the product is suitable for your application.3.Installer must be a trained, experienced service technician.4.After installation is complete, check out product operation as provided in these instructions.IMPORTANTAll wiring must agree with applicable codes, ordinances and regulations.WARNINGElectrical Power Hazard.Line voltage can cause death or serious injury and short equipment circuitry.Disconnect power supply before installation.Low voltage can shock individuals or short equipment circuitry.Disconnect power supply before installation.MS4209, MS4309MS4709, MS4809, MS8209, MS8309NEMA1XX IP54XMS4209, MS4309MS4709, MS4809, MS8209, MS8309UL/cULX X UL873Plenum Rating, File No. E4436; Guide No. XAPX XXCE X C-TICKXMS4209F , MS4309F , MS4709F , MS4809F , MS8209F , MS8309F FAST-ACTING, TWO-POSITION ACTUATORS63-2578—64Location and MountingMS4209, MS4309, MS4709, MS4809, MS8209 and MS8309 DCA are designed to open a damper by driving the damperthat, with a 205649 Mounting Bracket, secure it flush to adamper box (see Fig. 2). When mounted correctly, these slots allow the actuator to float without rotating relative to the damper shaft.Tightly securing actuator to damper housing can damage actuator.Mount actuator to allow it to float along its vertical axis.NOTE:MS4209, MS4309, MS4709, MS4809, MS8209, andMS8309 Actuators are shipped in the fully closed position.Fig. 2. Mounting actuator to damper housing.PreparationBefore mounting the actuator onto the damper shaft, determine the damper shaft size (3/8 in. to 1/2 in. [10mm to 13mm]).If the damper shaft is 3/8 in. (10 mm) round or square, use part number 201391 Shaft Adapter (not supplied with actuator). Place adapter opposite set screws (see Fig. 3).NOTE:The damper shaft adapter centers a 3/8 in. (10 mm)damper shaft in the hub. Failure to use adapter can cause mounting screws to loosen. A 1/2 in. (13 mm) damper shaft does not require an adapter.Fig. 3. Using damper shaft adapter for3/8 in. (10 mm) damper shafts.InstallationImproper set screw tightening causes device malfunction.Tighten set screws with proper torque to preventdamper shaft slippage.Using actuator as shaft bearing causes device damage.Use actuator only to supply rotational torque. Avoid any side loads to actuator output coupling bearings.To install actuator, proceed as follows:1.Place actuator over damper shaft; and hold mountingbracket in place. See Fig. 2.2.Mark screw holes on damper housing.3.Remove actuator and mounting bracket.4.Drill or center-punch holes for mounting screws (or useno.10 self-tapping sheet metal screws).5.Turn damper blades to desired normal (closed) position.6.Place actuator and mounting bracket back into positionand secure bracket to damper box with sheet metal screws.7.Tighten set screws securely into damper shaft using min-imum 30 lb-in., maximum 60 lb-in. torque. Use1/8 in. or 3 mm Allen wrench (see Specifications for details) to tighten set screws.MS4209F , MS4309F , MS4709F , MS4809F , MS8209F , MS8309F FAST-ACTING, TWO-POSITION ACTUATORS563-2578—6WiringSee Fig. 4 through 6 for typical wiring diagrams.WARNINGElectrical Power Hazard.Line voltage can cause death or serious injury and short equipment circuitry.Disconnect power supply before installation.Low voltage can shock individuals or short equipment circuitry.Disconnect power supply before installation.IMPORTANT1.All wiring must comply with local electrical codes, ordinances and regulations.2.Voltage and frequency of the transformer used with either the MS8209 or the MS8309 must correspond with the characteristics of both the power supply and the actuator.e wires rated for at least 75°C (167°F).Fig. 4. Typical 24 Vac wiring.Fig. 5. Typical 120 Vac wiring.Fig. 6. Typical 230 Vac wiring.OPERATIONThe MS4209, MS4309, MS4709, MS4809, MS8209, andMS8309 DCA are designed for use in Smoke Control Systems. If power fails, the actuator spring returns to the 0° position. The actuator mounts flush with the damper box. The actuator drives from 0° to 95° and spring returns back to 0°.The actuators are operated by an spst two-position controller. When using an spst two-position controller, the actuator drives to the damper fully open position when controller contact makes and spring returns to the damper fully closed position when controller contact breaks. The actuator drops to holding power level on detection of stall, independent of hub position.CyclingThe actuator and the internal spring are designed so that no special cycling during long-term holding is required. Honeywell recommends following all local, state, and national codes for periodic testing of the entire smoke control system. Refer to National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) National Fire Codes ®: NFPA90A, NFPA92A, and NFPA92B for your application.MS4209F , MS4309F , MS4709F , MS4809F , MS8209F , MS8309F FAST-ACTING, TWO-POSITION ACTUATORS63-2578—66CHECKOUTMS4209F and MS4309F (120 Vac models)1.Check damper position.2.Connect 120 Vac to the black and white leadwires to drive the damper to the open position. The actuator should drive the damper.3.If the actuator does not run, remove power for at least two seconds.4.If the actuator spring returns, allow it to close entirely, then return to step 2.5.If the actuator does not spring return, verify that the actu-ator is properly installed. See Installation section.6.If the actuator is correctly installed but neither runs nor spring returns, replace the actuator.MS4709F and MS4809F (230 Vac models)1.Check damper position.2.Connect 230 Vac to the blue and brown leadwires to drive the damper to the open position. The actuator should drive the damper.3.If the actuator does not run, remove power for at least two seconds.4.If the actuator spring returns, allow it to close entirely, then return to step 2.5.If the actuator does not spring return, verify that the actu-ator is properly installed. See Installation section.6.If the actuator is correctly installed but neither runs nor spring returns, replace the actuator.MS8209F and MS8309F (24 Vac models)1.Check damper position.2.Connect 24 Vac to the red and black leadwires to drive the damper to the open position. The actuator should drive the damper.3.If the actuator does not run, remove power for at least two seconds.4.If the actuator spring returns, allow it to close entirely, then return to step 2.5.If the actuator does not spring return, verify that the actu-ator is properly installed. See Installation section.6.If the actuator is correctly installed but neither runs nor spring returns, replace the actuator.MS4209F, MS4309F, MS4709F, MS4809F, MS8209F, MS8309F FAST-ACTING, TWO-POSITION ACTUATORS D MontageanweisungF Instructions d’InstallationI Istruzioni per I’InstallazioneNL InstallatievoorschriftDK InstallasjonsinstruksN InstallationsinstrukionerSF AsennusohjeS Installations InstrukionerE Instrucciones de montage763-2578—6Automation and Control Solutions Honeywell International Inc.Honeywell Limited-Honeywell Limitée 1985 Douglas Drive North 35 Dynamic Drive Golden Valley, MN 55422Toronto, Ontario M1V 4Z9MS4209F , MS4309F , MS4709F , MS4809F , MS8209F , MS8309F FAST-ACTING, TWO-POSITION ACTUATORS® U.S. Registered Trademark© 2007 Honeywell International Inc.63-2578—6 C.H. Rev. 04-07National Fire Codes ® is a registered trademark of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA).。

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WARNING: Piezoelectric devices can be permanently damaged by application of stress (voltage, current, temperature, etc.) in excess of absolute maximum ratings. Do not exceed these ratings.
(Ta = −30 °C to +85 °C) Unit dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB (dB) Remarks
log MAG
10 dB/ 1 REF 0 dB 2
1 : −2.568 dB 940 MHz 2 : −2.342 dB 960 MHz 3 : −68.839 dB 810 MHz 4 : −39.73 dB 1015 MHz 4
F5CE Series (D2 type)
1. PDC800 (Tx) Part number : FAR-F5CE-950M00-D230
F5CE Series (D2 type)
1 2 3
Pin no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Pin name GND IN GND GND OUT GND Ground Pin Input Pin Ground Pin Ground Pin Output Pin Ground Pin Description
Parameter Operating temperature Storage temperature Input power Input DC voltage Symbol Ta Tstg PIN Rating Min. −30 −40 −5 Max. +85 +100 +15 +5 Unit °C °C dBm V
Parameter Insertion loss Pass-band ripple Conditions 810 to 830 MHz 810 to 830 MHz DC to 760 MHz Absolute stop-band attenuation 855 to 875 MHz 875 to 920 MHz 920 to 1200 MHz 1200 to 2000 MHz Pass-band VSWR (Return loss) 810 to 830 MHz Value Min. 50 28 35 45 40 (9.5) Typ. 2.5 0.7 65 30 38 60 47 1.7 (11.7) Max. 3.0 1.2 2.0
1 U FS
1 : 52.076 Ω −11.529 Ω
14.686 pF 940 MHz 2 : 66.398 Ω −11.027 Ω 960 MHz 3 : 2.0508 Ω −57.342 Ω 810 MHz 4 : 12.441 Ω −84.324 Ω 1015 MHz
1 2 3
4 CENTER 950 MHz S11 3 SWR 1 / REF 1 4 SPAN 300 MHz 1 : 1.2585 940 MHz 2 : 1.4082 960 MHz 3 : 58.55 810 MHz 4 : 15.631 1015 MHz CENTER 950 MHz S22 1 U FS 3 SPAN 300 MHz 15.105 pF 940 MHz 2 : 64.738 Ω −8.7813 Ω 960 MHz 3 : 2.3711 Ω −56.83 Ω 810 MHz 4 : 18.398 Ω −84.547 Ω 1015 MHz
1 : 51.699 Ω −11.209 Ω
1 2
1 CENTER 950 MHz 2 SPAN 300 MHz CENTER 950 MHz 3
4 SPAN 300 MHz
F5CE Series (D2 type)
2. PDC800 (Rx) Part number : FAR-F5CE-820M00-D231
System Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Center frequency (MHz) 950.0 820.0 836.5 881.5 902.5 947.5 897.5 942.5 915.0 915.0 Band width (MHz) 20 20 25 25 25 25 35 35 7 26 Part symbol 30 31 32 33 34 35 41 63 38 36 Part number FAR-F5CE-950M00-D230 FAR-F5CE-820M00-D231 FAR-F5CE-836M50-D232 FAR-F5CE-881M50-D233 FAR-F5CE-902M50-D234 FAR-F5CE-947M50-D235 FAR-F5CE-897M50-D241 FAR-F5CE-942M50-D263 FAR-F5CE-915M00-D238 FAR-F5CE-915M00-D236 Remarks
F5CE Series (D2 type)
Parameter Operating temperature Symbol Ta Value Min. −30 Max. +85 Unit °C
WARNING: The recommended operating conditions are required in order to ensure the normal operation of the piezoelectric device. All of the device’s electrical characteristics are warranted when the device is operated within these ranges. Always use piezoelectric devices within their recommended operating conditionranges. Operation outside these ranges may adversely affect reliability and could result in device failure. No warranty is made with respect to uses, operating conditions, or combinations not represented on the data sheet. Users considering application outside the listed conditions are advised to contact their FUJITSU representatives beforehand.
1 U FS
4 1 2 3
79.439 pF 810 MHz 2 : 67.109 Ω −5.3945 Ω 830 MHz 3 : 3.4922 Ω −49.041 Ω 780 MHz 4 : 17.785 Ω −127.42 Ω 855 MHz 5 : 15.277 Ω −100.98 Ω 875 MHz
The F5CE-D2 series of SAW bandpass filters apply to the frequency range 700 to 1000 MHz. These filters make it possible to provide high stop-band attenuation and excellent pass-band flatness due to using unique DMS (Double Mode SAW) technology as design method. Moreover, these filters are provided in small 3.0 mm sq. package. This contributes to reduce weight and size of mobile communication units. The F5CE-D2 series of SAW filters are suitable for interstage RF filter in mobile communication systems in the frequency range 700 to 1000 MHz. Standard devices are available for AMPS/CDMA/TDMA, GSM, PDC800 and ISM900.
• • • • • • Excellent stop-band attenuation Low insertion loss and low pass-band ripple Ultra compact and light package (3.0 mm sq.) External matching circuits are not required. (50 Ω I/O) Surface mount package (SMT) Standard devices are available for mobile communication standards (AMPS/CDMA/TDMA, GSM, PDC800 and ISM900)