



毕业论文(设计)外文翻译题目:学院:机电工程学院学生姓名:专业:机械设计制造及其自动化班级:指导教师:赵晓栋起止日期: 2010.11.15—2010.12.152010年11 月15日Introduction to CAD/CAM and VP1 Introduction to CAD/CAMThroughout the history of our industrial society, many inventions have been patented and whole new technologies have evolved. Perhaps the single development that has impacted manufacturing more quickly and significantly than any previous technology is the digital computer. Computers are being used increasingly for both design and detailing of engineering components in the drawing office.Computer-aided design (CAD) is defined as the application of computers and graphics software to aid or enhance the product design from conceptualization to documentation. CAD is most commonly associated with the use of an interactive computer graphics system, referred to as a CAD system. Computer-aided design systems are powerful tools and in the mechanical design and geometric modeling of products and components.There are several good reasons for using a CAD system to support the engineering design function:●To increase the productivity●To improve the quality of the design●To uniform design standards●To create a manufacturing data base●To eliminate inaccuracies caused by hand-copying of drawings andinconsistency between drawingsComputer-aided manufacturing (CAM) is defined as the effective use computer technology in manufacturing planning and control. CAM is most closely associated with functions in manufacturing engineering, such as process and production planning, machining, scheduling, management, quality control, and numerical control (NC) part programming. Computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing are often combined CAD/CAM systems.This combination allows the transfer of information from the design into the stage of planning for the manufacturing of a product, without the need to reenter the data on part geometry manually. The database developed during CAD is stored; then it is processed further, by CAM, into the necessary data and instructions for operating and controllingproduction machinery, material-handling equipment, and automated testing and inspection for product quality.1.1 Rationale for CAD/CAMThe rationale for CAD/CAM is similar to that used to justify any technology-based improvement in manufacturing. It grows our of a need to continually improve productivity, quality and competitiveness. There are also other reasons why a company might make a conversion from manual processes to CAD/CAM:●Increased productivity●Better quality●Better communication●Common database with manufacturing●Reduced prototype construction casts●Faster response to customers1.2 CAD/CAM HardwareThe hardware part of a CAD/CAM system consists of the following component(1)one or mare design workstations, (2)digital computer, (3)plotters and other output devices, and(4)storage devices. The relationship among the component is illustrated in Fig. 10. 1. In addition, the CAD/CAM system would have a communication interface to permit transmission of data to and from other computer systems, thus enabling some of the benefits of computer integration.The workstation is the interface between computer and user in the CAD system. The design of the CAD work station and its available features have an important influence on the convenience, productivity, and quality of the user output. The workstation must include a digital computer with a high-speed control processing unit (CPU). It contains require a and logic/arithmetic section for the system. The most widely used secondary storage medium in CAD/CAM is the hard disk, floppy diskette, or a combination of both.The typical I/O devices used in a CAD system are shown in Fig. 10 .2. Input devices are generally used to transfer information from a human or storage medium to a computer where ¨ CAD functions¨ are carried out. There are two basic approaches to input an existing drawing: model the object on a drawing or digitize the drawing. Thestandard output device for CAD/CAM is a CRT display. There are two major of CRT displays: random-scan-line-drawing displays and raster-scan displays. In addition to CRT, there are also plasma panel displays and liquid-crystal displays.1.3 CAD/CAM SoftwareSoftware allows the human user to turn a hardware configuration into a powerful design and manufacturing system. CAD/CAM software falls into two broad categories, 2-D and 3-D, based on the number of dimensions are called 2-D representations of 3-D objects is inherently confusing. Equally problem has been the inability of manufacturing personnel to properly read and interpret complicated 2-D representations of objects. 3-D software permits the parts to be viewed with the 3-D planes-height, width, and depth-visible. The trend in CAD/CAM is toward 3-D representation of graphic images. Such representation approximate the actual shape and appearance of the object to be produced; therefore, they are easier to read and understand.1.4 Applications of CAD/CAMThe emergence of CAD/CAM has had a major impact on manufacturing, by standardizing product development and by reducing design effort, tryout, and prototype work; it has made possible significantly reduced costs and improved productivity.Some typical applications of CAN/CAM are as follows:Programming for NC, C N C, and industrial robots;Design of dies and molds for casting, in which, for example, shrinkage allowances are preprogrammed;Design of tools and fixtures and E D M electrodes;Quality control and inspection——for instance, coordinate-measuring machines programmed on a CAD/CAM workstation;Process planning and scheduling.AutoCAD is a computer-aided drafting and design system implemenented on a personal computer. It supports a large number of devices. Device drivers come with the system and include most of the digitizers, printer/plotters, video display boards, and plotters available on the market.AutoCAD supports 2-D drafting and 3-D wire-frame models. The system is designedas a single-user CAD package. The drawing elements are lines, poly-lines of any width, arcs, circles, faces, and solids. There are many ways to define a drawing element. For example, a circle can be defined by center and its radius, three points, and two end points of its diameter. The system always prompts the user for all options.Of course, the prompt can be turned off by advanced users. Annotation and dimensioning are also supported. Text and dimension symbols can be placed on anywhere on the drawing, at any angle, and at any size. A variety of fonts and styles are also availble.2Introduction to VP2.1 IntroductionIn an age when consumers demand high-quality, low-priced and customized products, the competition among firm s has ceased to bestrictly a price competition and is now a com-petition in product variety and speed to market (Pine, 1993). The current philosophy is to replace old products constantly with either an improved product or a new variation of the product. Differentiation in product variety, i.e. customization, assumes ever increasing importance as a marketing instrument. The duration of a product’s life depends on its acceptance by the consumers; a “failed” prod uct could be out of the market in a matter of months. A short product development cycle is crucial to the survival of the company as it enables the company to deliver new products to the market quickly. On the other hand, pursuing variety and quick response would not compromise the economy of scale, an advantage characterized by mass production. The balance between the economy of scale and scope is often difficult as manufacturers pursue a “dynamic stability” (Boynton and Bert, 1991).Customization emphasizes the uniqueness of the products. This product proliferation naturally results in the continuous accretion of variety and thus engenders design variations and process changeovers. This situation contradicts the pursuit of the low costs of mass production where flexibility is limited and stability is emphasized. Such a setup, therefore, presents product development with a special challenge. It is vital to provide designers with feedback from production, quality, and tests early at the conceptual stage so as to maintain the integrity of the product family and the continuity of the infrastructure, hence leveraging existing design and manufacturing investments.Concurrent engineering (CE), as one approach to these problems, is well recognized with its natural focus on product design (Prasad, 1996). CE calls for the consideration and inclusion of product life cycle concerns such as aesthetics, ergonomics,marketability, and manufacturability in the product design process. In CE implementation, the link between designs, represented as geometric information, and manufacturing instructions has been a major obstacle to CAD/CAM integration (Barash, 1985). A number of techniques have been developed to bridge this gap, including feature-based design and feature extraction approaches. Aiming at the challenge of keeping the economy of scale, this paper adopts an alternative approach, called design by manufacturing simulation (DM S). The concept that manufacturing simulation could be used as a design tool was first introduced by Gossard (1975). In his approach, parts are designed by simulating manufacturing operations on the screen; thus, designers generate manufacturing specifications as they design. Simulation based design (SBD) is a similar approach popularized by successful DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) initiatives in the early 1990s (DARPA, 1994). SBD refers to the use of computer simulation techniques for system design using virtual proto-typing models. Simulation of virtual proto-type design is accomplished through the construction of a virtual system prototy peand virtual environments.On the other hand, a number of marketing studies (Berkowitz, 1987; LaChance-Porter,1993; Sujan and Dekleva, 1987) have pointed out the s ignificance of understanding cus tomer preferences on the appearances of new products. An attractive appearance draws customers to a product and adds value to the product by increasing the quality of the user’s experiences (Kotler and Rath, 1984).Therefore, identifying those elements that enhance t he chances for customer’s accep tance represents an important issue for engineering designers. With this in mind, effective use of customer preference data in engineering design helps integrate the perspectives of marketing professionals and designers.As for a product’s appearance, customer reactions appear to depend in part on how well the design conforms to aesthetic principles such as those developed by Gestalt theorists (Veryzer, 1993) and ergonomics criteria. Preferences also may be affected by how well a new design fits within the constellation of existing designs. Therefore, the ease with which customers may categorize a new design and its closeness to existing proto-types may play a significant role in market-place acceptance (Sujan and Dekleva, 1987).Although Gestalt and prototypicality principles may apply widely to customers, salient individual differences (i.e. customization) in product appearance preferences are possibly expected. As a result, it is important for design teams to explore the customer’s per ception on the appearance of a target product.Traditionally, market analysis techniques are adopted to investigate customer responses to design options. For example, conjoint analysis is widely used to measure preferences for different product profiles and to build market simulation models (Dobson and Kalish, 1993). It takes a qualitative approach and uses focus groups to provide a reality check on the usefulness of a new product design. However, although a number of researchers agree on the importance of including customer preferences and other marketplace information in product designs, methodologies to capture productpreferences and tastes are not evident in a concurrent engineering context (Veryzer, 1993). In other words, it is imperative to integ rate both the customer’s percep tion and manufacturing concerns in design evaluation.2.1 Types of prototypeDuring product development, physical proto-types are frequently required for iterative evaluation to provide feedback for design modification such as selection of design alter-natives, engineering analysis, manufacturing planning and visualization of a product. Even using conventional processes and highly skilled technicians, the time, effort and cost of constructing a prototype are substantial (Gibson et al.,1993). Rapid Prototyping (RP) systems are capable of making highly accurate prototypes in a short time. The starting point for such systems is good quality 3D CAD modeling where solid models are constructed and then post-processed in a layer format, using, for instance, stereolithography,to make them suitable for the prototyping machines (Jacobs, 1992).There are basically two types of virtual proto-type, i.e. the immersive virtual prototype and the analytical virtual prototype. Recent progress in the development of graphics hard-ware has allowed complex geometric representations to be rendered and manipulated in real time. These representations, when coupled with new human computer interfaces such as data gloves and headsets, can help give the user a belief that the object actually exists. The virtual effects and tactile proper-ties are of primary importance in these immersive virtual prototypes, which are necessary in visualizing and interacting with the digital clay. A more useful form of virtual prototype, in the context of product development, is one that tells the user how it will perform and behave in its intended environment. This analytical virtual prototype usually uses standard computing technology (mouse, keyboard and screen). It is thought that eventually they will also use immersive technology. Leaving aside the problems of moving toward immersive environments, analytical virtual prototypes will not be used efficiently within the product development process until geometric representations are efficiently integrated with analysis applications. This seems to be a serious problem.CAD/CAM技术与虚拟样机技术概论1 CAD/CAM技术概论1.1 前言遍及我们工业社会的历史,一些发明已经取得了很多专利,并且有了新的发展。



QT中文翻译步骤第一步在你的pro里面加入 TRANSLATIONS = myexec_zh.ts (根据对应的ts文件修改)第二步用lupdate 操作pro 将要翻译的提取到ts文件命令是 lupdate my.pro第三步用 linguist 打开刚才的ts文件,linugist是在qt的bin的目录里面, 是一个界面工具打开linguist 后用菜单栏file ->open 打开相应的ts文件如刚才myexec_zh.ts 打开后你会看到左边是相应的类右边的上半部是相应的类里面tr 里面的内容所以在程序里面 tr里面的都是e文到这里就用上了下半部是你要翻译的语言的相应的东西,就是你输入中文的地方要注意的就是那些标点符号最好还是用e文输入状态的如save as.... 就应该是另存为.... 而不是另存为。

注意后面的标点的差别,其中绿色的表示翻译好了,叹号的表示没有翻译对,交叉的表示没有翻译第四步先用 linguist 菜单保存你翻译好的ts文件,接着用linguist界面工具里面菜单file里面的release...,点击这个就会弹出对话框提示你输入 qm文件的文件名,用默认的就可以了。

按确定后你会在ts文件所在的目录看到一个qm 后缀名的个文件,这就程序翻译器要用到的文件。

第五步,在你的程序里面使用刚才得到的qm文件方法如下QTranslator translator( 0 );translator.load( "myexec_zh.qm", "." );//要跟刚才得到的qm的文件名对应app.installTranslator( &translator );切记在第五步的时候,一定要在界面的前面安装翻译器举个例子,下面的顺序是对的QTranslator translator( 0 );translator.load( "french.qm", "." );app.installTranslator( &translator );MyWidget m;app.setMainWidget( &m );m.show();下面的顺序就不对,它错在界面出来之后才才安装翻译器MyWidget m;app.setMainWidget( &m );m.show();QTranslator translator( 0 );translator.( "myexec_zh.qm", "." );//要跟刚才得到的qm的文件名对应app.installTranslator( &translator );他的错误是在界面出来后才安装翻译器,就翻译不到界面里面了,一定要在界面出来之前安装翻译器,最好就是在app后就立刻安装QTranslator translator( 0 );translator.load( "french.qm", "." );app.installTranslator( &translator );MyWidget m;m.setFont(QFont("unifont", 16));app.setMainWidget( &m );m.show();补充一下第二步的作用主要是将整个工程中所有tr的地方提取到ts文件里面,在后面打开ts的时候就会看到的,所以所谓翻译就是把tr("english")中的english 提取出来,让你翻译成相应的语言,供程序加载使用最后需要把*.qm文件copy到debug目录下,才能实现界面语言转换.qm要跟exe在一个文件夹里面,这个主要是load的时候第二个参数导致的...那个是表示exe找的qm的路径,因为是.表示当前路径,所以就有楼上上面出现的情况了,谢谢补充我的整理版:(1)在design.pro文件里面加入TRANSLATIONS = design.ts。



软件工程毕业论文文献翻译中英文对照学生毕业设计(论文)外文译文学生姓名: 学号专业名称:软件工程译文标题(中英文):Qt Creator白皮书(Qt Creator Whitepaper)译文出处:Qt network 指导教师审阅签名: 外文译文正文:Qt Creator白皮书Qt Creator是一个完整的集成开发环境(IDE),用于创建Qt应用程序框架的应用。


本文提供了一个推出的Qt Creator和提供Qt开发人员在应用开发生命周期的特点。

Qt Creator的简介Qt Creator的主要优点之一是它允许一个开发团队共享一个项目不同的开发平台(微软Windows?的Mac OS X?和Linux?)共同为开发和调试工具。

Qt Creator的主要目标是满足Qt开发人员正在寻找简单,易用性,生产力,可扩展性和开放的发展需要,而旨在降低进入新来乍到Qt的屏障。

Qt Creator 的主要功能,让开发商完成以下任务: , 快速,轻松地开始使用Qt应用开发项目向导,快速访问最近的项目和会议。

, 设计Qt物件为基础的应用与集成的编辑器的用户界面,Qt Designer中。

, 开发与应用的先进的C + +代码编辑器,提供新的强大的功能完成的代码片段,重构代码,查看文件的轮廓(即,象征着一个文件层次)。

, 建立,运行和部署Qt项目,目标多个桌面和移动平台,如微软Windows,Mac OS X中,Linux的,诺基亚的MeeGo,和Maemo。

, GNU和CDB使用Qt类结构的认识,增加了图形用户界面的调试器的调试。

, 使用代码分析工具,以检查你的应用程序中的内存管理问题。

, 应用程序部署到移动设备的MeeGo,为Symbian和Maemo设备创建应用程序安装包,可以在Ovi商店和其他渠道发布的。

, 轻松地访问信息集成的上下文敏感的Qt帮助系统。



Environmental problems caused by Istanbul subway excavation and suggestionsfor remediation伊斯坦布尔地铁开挖引起的环境问题及补救建议Ibrahim Ocak Abstract:Many environmental problems caused by subway excavations have inevitably become an important point in city life. These problems can be categorized as transporting and stocking of excavated material, traffic jams, noise, vibrations, piles of dust mud and lack of supplies. Although these problems cause many difficulties,the most pressing for a big city like Istanbul is excava tion,since other listed difficulties result from it. Moreover, these problems are environmentally and regionally restricted to the period over which construction projects are underway and disappear when construction is finished. Currently, in Istanbul, there are nine subway construction projects in operation, covering approximately 73 km in length; over 200 km to be constructed in the near future. The amount of material excavated from ongoing construction projects covers approximately 12 million m3. In this study, problems—primarily, the problem with excavation waste(EW)—caused by subway excavation are analyzed and suggestions for remediation are offered.摘要:许多地铁开挖引起的环境问题不可避免地成为城市生活的重要部分。



内蒙古科技大学本科毕业生设计(外文翻译)题目:机床刀具设计学生姓名:张兵学号:0964103935专业:机械设计制造及其自动化班级:机械 09-9班指导老师:姜永军英语原文:Design Of Tool Machine PropResearch significanceThe original knife machine control procedures are designed individually, not used tool management system, features a single comparison, the knife only has to find the tool knife, knife positioning the shortest path, axis tool change, but does not support large-scale tool.Automatic knife in the knife election, in the computer memory knife-election on the basis of using the Siemens 840 D features, and the election procedures knife more concise, and complete the space Daotao View. ATC use the knife rapid completion of STEP-7 programming, and have been tested in practice. In the positioning of the knife, PLC controlled modular design method, which future production of similar machines will be very beneficial, it is easy to use its other machine. Automatic tool change systems will be faster growth, reduced tool change time, increase the positioning accuracy tool is an important means to help NC technology development.Tool and inventory components of modern production is an important link in the management, especially for large workshop management. The traditional way of account management, and low efficiency, high error rate, and not sharing information and data, tools and the use of state can not track the life cycle, are unable to meet the current information management needs. With actual production, we have to establish a workshop tool for the three-dimensional tool storage system to meet the knife workshop with auxiliary storage and management needs.The system uses optimization technology, a large number of computer storage inventory information, timely, accurate, and comprehensive tool to reflect the inventory situation. The entire system uses a graphical interface, man-machine dialogue tips from the Chinese menu, select various functions can be realized and the importation of all kinds of information. Management system using online help function. Through the workshop management, network management and sharing of information. Have automated inventory management, warehousing management tool, a tool for the management and statistical functions.1.System components and control structureThe entire system, including the structure and electrical machinery control systems.1.1Mechanical structure and working principleTool from the stent, drive, drive system, Turret, shielding, control system, and electrical components. Support from the column, beam, the upper and lower guide Central track, and track support component.1) Drive for the system chosen VVVF method. Cone used brake motors, with VVVF by Cycloidreducer through sprocket drive.2) Drag a variable frequency drive system and control technology. VVVF adopted, will speed drive shaft in the normal range adjustment to control the speed rotary turret to 5 ~ 30mm in, the drive shaft into two, two under through sprocket, the two profiled rollers Chain driven rotating shelves. Expansion chain adopted by the thread tight regulation swelling, swelling the regular way. - Conditioned, under the same chain-of-conditioning, so that the chain of uniform.3) Turret and shields the entire total of 14 independent Turret. 13 of them as a socket-Turret, as a drawer-Turret, each Turret back through the pin and, under the conveyor chain link chain plate, installed at the bottom roller, chain driven rotating turret rotation along the track. Outlet-Turret and BT50-BT40 Turret Turret two kinds of forms. To strengthen management, security, landscaping modeling, shelf peripherals and shields. Turret-drawer drawer placed at six other Des V oeux a knife, can be categorized with some of knife auxiliary equipment, such as bits, such as turning tools.1.2.The functions of the knifeknife The is the role of reserves a certain number of tools, machine tool spindle in hand to achieve the fungibility a disc cutter knife is the type of library, the chain knives, and other means, in the form of the knife and capacity according to the Machine Tool to determine the scope of the process.mon typesThe knife is a tool storage devices, the common knife mainly in the following forms:(1) the turret knifeIncluding the first level turret vertical turret and the first two, see Figure 2.6 a) and b):(2) the disc cutterDisc knife in the library with discoid knife, cutting tool along See how vertical arrangement (including radial and axial from knife from knife), along See how radial array into acute or arranged in the form of the knife. Simple, compact, more applications, but are ring-cutter, lowutilization of space. Figure 2.7 a) to c). If the knife storage capacity must be increased toincrease the diameter of the knife, then the moment of inertia also increased correspondingly, the election campaign long knife. Tool number not more than 32 general. Cutter was multi-loop order of the space utilization knife, but inevitably given the knife from complex institutions, applicable to the restricted space Machine Tool storage capacity and more occasions. Two-disc structure is two smaller capacity knife on both sides of the sub-spindle place, more compactlayout, the number of certificates corresponding increase knife, apply to small and medium-sized processing center.(3) the chain knifeIncluding single-and multi-ring chain ring chain, chain link can take many forms change, see Figure 2.8 a) to c), thebasic structure shown inFigure 2. 8 doFeatures: knife apply tothe larger capacity of theoccasion, the space of thesmall number ofgenerally applicable tothe tool in the 30-120.Only increase the lengthof the chain tool will increase the number should not be increased circumferential speed of itsmoment of inertia of the knife does not increase the disc as large.(4) linear combination knife and the knife libraryThe linear knife simple structure in Figure 2.9, tool single order, the capacity of small knife, used for CNC lathe and drill press on. Because the location of fixed knife, ATC completed action by the spindle without manipulator. The cutter knife is generally the turret combination turret with a combination of the disc cutter knife and the chain combination. Every single knife the knife certificates of smaller, faster tool change. There are also some intensive drum wheel, and the lattice-type magazine for the knife, the knife-intensive though. Small footprint, but because of structural constraints, basically not used for single processing center, the concentration used for FMS for the knife system.1.4 Tool storage capacityTool storage capacity of the first to consider the needs of processing, from the use of point of view, generally 10 to 40 knives, knife will be the utilization of the high, and the structure iscompact.1.5 Tool options(1) choose to order processing tool according to the order, followed Add to the knife every knife in the Block. Each tool change, the order of rotation of a cutter knife on location, and remove the need knives, has been used by the cutter knife can be returned to the original Block, can also order Add Block, a knife. However, as the knife in the tool in different processes can not be repeated use of the knife must increase the capacity and lower utilization rate.(2) most of the arbitrary choice of the current system of using arbitrary NC election knives, divided into Daotao coding, coding and memory-cutter, three. Daotao coding tool code or knives or Daotao need to install the code used to identify, in accordance with the general principle of binary coding coding. Tool knife election coding method uses a special knife handle structure, and each of the coding tool. Each of the tool has its own code, thereby cutting tool can be in different processes repeatedly used, not to replace the tool back at the original knife, the knife capacity can be reduced accordingly. Memory-election this paper knife, in this way can knives and knife in the position corresponding to the Daotao memory of the PLC in the NC system, no matter which tool on the Inner knife, tool information is always there in mind, PLC . On the knife with position detection devices, will be the location of each Daotao. This tool can be removed and sent back to arbitrary. On the knife is also a mechanical origin, every election, the nearest knife selection.1.6.Control of the knife(1) the knife as a system to control the positioning axis. In the ladder diagram in accordance with the instructions for computing T code comparison of the output angle and speed of instructions to the knife the knife servo drive servo motor. Tool storage capacity, rotation speed, and / deceleration time, and other system parameters can be set in such a manner free from any outside influence positioning accurate and reliable but the cost is higher.(2) knife from the hydraulic motor drives, fast / slow the points, with proximity switches count and positioning. In comparison ladder diagram of the current storage system knife (knife spindle) and goals knife (pre-knife) and computing, then output rotation instructions, judging by the shortest path rotation in place. This approach requires sufficient hydraulic power and electromagnetic valve knife the rotational speed can be adjusted through the throttle. But over time may be oily hydraulic, oil temperature and environmental factors impact the change in velocity and accuracy. Not generally used in large and medium-sized machine tool change frequently.(3) the knife from AC asynchronous motor driven cam mechanism (Markov institutions), with proximity switches count, which means stable operation, and generally accurate and reliablepositioning cam used in conjunction with a mechanical hand, ATC fast-positioning.译文:机床刀具设计课题研究意义机床原来的刀库控制程序是单独设计的,没有采用刀具管理系统,功能也比较单一,只实现了刀库刀具的找刀、刀库最短路径定位、主轴换刀,而且不支持大型刀具。



©INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR DIARRHOEALDISEASE RESEARCH, BANGLADESHJ HEALTH POPUL NUTR 2010 Oct;28(5):424-435ISSN 1606-0997 | $ 5.00+0.20Correspondence and reprint requests should be addressed to:Dr. H.B. Nguendo Yongsi 22, Ebby AvenueBrampton, Ontario L6Z 3S9CanadaEmail: blaise_nguendo-yongsi@uqac.ca Fax: 905-970-8541Suffering for Water, Suffering from Water: Access to Drinking-water and AssociatedHealth Risks in CameroonH. Blaise Nguendo YongsiDepartment of Human Sciences and Nursing University of Chicoutimi, 555 Boulevard de l’Universite, Québec G7h 2B1, CanadaABSTRACTAlthough many African countries, along the equator, receive a great amount of rainfall and possess a dense hydrographic network, access to drinking-water remains a great challenge. In many households, water is used for various purposes, including domestic and crafts activities. According to the World Health Organi-zation, an estimated four billion cases of diarrheoa occurs worldwide, of which 88% are ascribed to unsafe drinking-water. This study aimed at evaluating health risks in the usage of contaminated drinking-water and its relationship with the prevalence of diarrhoeal diseases in Yaoundé, Cameroon. In this cross-sec-tional epidemiological design, 3,034 households with children aged less than five years were investigated. Households were selected from among 20 representative neighbourhoods out of 105 that made up the city. The study revealed a diarrheoa prevalence of 14.4% (437 diarrheoa cases out of 3,034 children tested). Among various risk factors examined, water-supply modes and quality of drinking-water were statistically associated with diarrheoa cases. Moreover, levels of diarrheoa attacks varied considerably from one neigh-bourhood to the other. The spatial analysis helped determine neighbourhoods of higher and lower preva-lence of diarrheoa in the city.Key words: Cross-sectional studies; Diarrhoea; Disparity; Drinking-water; Risk factors; Water quality;Water pollution; Water supply; CameroonINTRODUCTIONThe availability of safe drinking-water is an increas-ing major concern for the interventional commu-nity, especially in light of changing climate-deplet-ing biodiversity. Access to safe drinking-water for domestic use has become a major challenge for contemporary societies with its increased demand. Demand for clean and safe water has become more acute in the context of growing global population, particularly in less-developed countries (1). While developed countries invest heavily on the supply of fresh water to their entire population, develop-ing countries are struggling to cater to the water needs of their citizens, especially in the context of rapid population growth and urbanization. Hence, urbanization has been phenomenal and puzzling with a rapid shift from 15% in 1950 to about 41%in 2007. It is estimated that, by 2030, the continent may attain 54% of urban proportion (2). This phe-nomenal growth has been qualified as sudden and wild to express the uncontrolled nature of urban growth and the implications it may have on the well-being of city-dwellers. Sub-Saharan Africa is ranked among the world’s regions which are most-ly at a disadvantage. It is confronted with acute ‘water problems’ (a threat in water shortage in suf-ficient and satisfactory quantity for human needs), which has negative impacts on a large number of people. It is estimated that close to 300 million people do not have access to drinking-water (3). Results of research showed that water used in most households in developing countries are unsafe for consumption (4-6). It is also evident that, each year, contaminated drinking-water contributes to the death of millions of the poorest people of the world from preventable diseases (7). More impor-tantly, vulnerable groups, such as children, wom-en, and the elderly, are the main victims. Empirical evidence also shows the nexus sanitation, polluted drinking-water, and health. In particular, two types of relationship are often stressed. First, contamina-tion by human or animal faeces is the most regular and pervasive health risk associated with drinking-water; when such defect is recent and when those responsible for it include carriers of communicable enteric diseases, microorganisms that cause these diseases may be present in the water. Second, con-taminated drinking-water may result in waterborne diseases, such as cholera, dysentery, and other dis-eases that may cause diarrhoeas (8).Globally, it is estimated that 88% of diarrheoal dis-ease cases are attributable to unsafe water. In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that about 1.1 billion people globally drink unsafe water (9,10). According to the WHO/United Na-tions Children’s Fund, diarrheoal diseases account for 4.3% of the total global burden of disease (62.5 million disability-adjusted life-years) (11). Despite the number of studies carried out, relatively little is known about the key contribution of unsafe drink-ing (reference is made here to pathogens found in water) in the occurrence of diarrhoeal diseases. Among the regions of the world, sub-Saharan Af-rica has been poorly covered despite being the fastest-growing urban population and the majori- ty of city-dwellers having the least access to urban infrastructure and services. Within the context of cities in Cameroon which are witnessing constant population growth (12), access to water through taps is a luxury which only a few inhabitants can afford. With the population growth and the urban sprawling, connecting running water throughout the city requires expanding the water supply net-work, which the city councils and the government cannot afford. Therefore, many urban dwellers re-sort to various water sources of poor quality. Unsafe water is often contaminated with faecal material, domestic and industrial wastes. Such polluted wa-ter results in an increased risk of transmission of disease to individuals (13). Diarrhoeal diseases are often caused by contaminated water, poor sanita-tion, and poor hygiene. In Cameroon, diarrhoeal diseases are the most prevalent waterborne dis-eases among children aged less than five years. In Yaoundé, for example, the prevalence of diar-rhoea is increasing. Results of studies conducted in the city among children aged less than five years showed that the rate of prevalence increased from 10.8% in 1998 to 13.1% in 2004 (14). Epidemiological investigations can provide strong evidence linking exposure to the occurrence of dis-eases in a population and also estimate the mag-nitude of risk related to a particular exposure. This study, therefore, sought to assess the problem of ac-cess to drinking-water in Yaoundé. The objectives were three-fold: (a) to examine patterns of water supply in the Cameroonian capital to illustrate the complexity of the situation; (b) to assess the micro-bial quality of water used for consumption so as to evaluate its implication on the occurrence of diar-rhoeal diseases; and (c) to gain an understanding of the geographic variations or patterns based on the prevalence of diagnosed morbidity.MATERIALS AND METHODSStudy area and sampling sitesThe study was conducted in Yaoundé, the capital city of Cameroon, situated in Central Africa, be-tween latitudes 3 °47’ and 3 °56’ North and 11 °10’ and 11 °45’ East (Fig. 1). Y aoundé displays the clas-NigerNigeriaGolfeDeGuinee GuineeEouatorialeGabon CongoRepublioueCentrafricaineTchadLac TchadYaoundéWSN0100200 km sical equatorial climate, with regular and abundant rainfall of more than 1,600 mm per annum and a fairly high average annual temperature of 23 °C. Divided into four watershed basins, the Yaoundé watershed network is dense. The city is drained by the Mfoundi river and its many tributaries (Fig.2). Like many sub-Saharan African cities, Yaoundé is currently experiencing very rapid urbanization. The first population census in 1926 estimated that Yaoundé had 100,000 inhabitants. With an esti-mated annual growth rate of 4.5% since 1980, its population has grown from 812,000 inhabitants in 1987 to 1,500,000 inhabitants in 2000 and to about 2,100,000 inhabitants in 2007. However, this popu- lation growth has not been monitored by the city planners and decision-makers. Consequently, local authorities have failed to provide neighbourhoods with adequate utilities, services, and infrastructure.Volume 28 | Number 5 | October 2010425JHPN426Source (of the map): Younede Urban Council Designing: H.B. Nguendo Youngsi, 2009Scale: 1 90 000Projection: Gauss Krugger Elliposold: Ciarcke 1880RiversN0900 mScale: 1 90 000Projection: Gauss Krugger Elliposold: Ciarcke Households HousesWTherefore, city-dwellers are facing difficulties, such as getting access to water-supply systems.Period of study: This interdisciplinary research programme was initiated in 2002 with sociode-mographic and environmental surveys. However, microbiological and medical investigations were conducted in June 2005 and updated in July 2008 during the rainy season in Y aoundé.Data-collection methodsTarget population: To minimize the risk of confu-sion between infectious diarrhoea and soft stools normally observed in infants, the study only tar-geted children aged 6-59 months. Households with no children or whose children did not meet the age criterion were not considered for sampling purpos-es. In households with several children within this age range, a random age table was used for select-ing one single infant.Survey frame and type: The survey covered neigh-bourhoods and households in Yaoundé and used a stratified random-sampling procedure based on two stages. First, 20 of the 105 neighbourhoods that make up the city were selected. Not only were these neighbourhoods necessary to derive a sample- size sufficient for the scientific validation of the results but they were representative of the seven types that Y aoundé displays (housing estates, com-munal plots, wealthy residential neighbourhoods, central spontaneous neighbourhoods, subcentralspontaneous neighbourhoods, urban fringes, and semi-rural neighbourhoods) (Fig. 3). In the second stage of the survey, 3,034 households (Fig. 4) were selected based on having a child aged less than five years as they appear to be more vulnerable to infec-tious diseases.A team of the final-year students of the Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, and data-col-lectors from the Cameroonian National Institute of Demography who are specialized in population studies conducted the survey. The team visited se-lected households to collect data using (a) direct participant-observation technique and (b) struc-tured questionnaire drawn up to respond to the three dimensions of this study, namely:a. The sociodemographic and environmental di-mension which aimed at examining sources and methods of collection of drinking-water and storage practices.b. Assessment of the microbiological quality ofdrinking-water to determine to which extent wa-ter used was safe for consumption. In each tar-geted household, 500 mL of water was sampled in the form usually consumed by inhabitants.Drinking-water stored in bottles or other con-tainers was poured into 500-mL sterile bottles.For pipe-borne water, standpipes were allowed to run for at least one minute and thereafter sanitized before water was aseptically collected in sterile wide-mouth glass bottles. Water from wells and springs was collected in pre-sterilized devices and was then poured in sterile polypro-pylene bottles. All the samples were labelled with different codes for analysis. The samples were sealed and transported (in an ice-cooled box at about 4 o C) to the laboratory and were processed as soon as practicable on the day of collection. Microbiological analyses performed on the samples were total viable count. The total coliforms were enumerated by the membrane filtration (MF) technique described by the Amer-ican Public Health Association (15). Salmonella and Shigella species were detected by inoculat-ing water samples into selenite F broth, followed by isolation of the typical organism on selective medium xylose lysine deoxycholate agar (XLD)(16). Pseudomonas was detected by placing fil-tered cellulose nitrate membrane filters onto ba-sic Pseudomonas agar. The medium xylose lysine deoxycholate agar was incubated at 42 °C for 40-44 hours. Later, the agar was checked under ultraviolet light to detect pigment thought to be Pseudomonas aeruginosa or Pseudomonas spp. To detect Escherichia coli, all colonies of coliforms, which showed characteristic occurrence on endo agar and mFC agar, were subcultured on eosin methylene blue (EMB) agar, incubated overnight at 37 °C and were subjected to biochemical tests to identify E. coli (17). Other enteric bacteria iso-lated on respective selective or differential media were identified based on their colonial, morpho-logical and biochemical properties, following Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacteriology(18).c. Approved by the National Ethics Committee ofCameroon, the medical dimension aimed at de- tecting cases of diarrheoa in children within the selected households. Thus, when a case of diarrheoa was reported, a stool sample was col-lected and dispatched to the bacteriological, vi-rological and parasitological laboratories of the Cameroon Pasteur Institute within the accepted requirements for the confirmation and identifi-cation of the causal agents. Each positive sample was linked with the household’s sociodemo-graphic and environmental data.Analysis of dataTo have an overview of diarrheoa in the city (spa-tial analysis), we resorted to modelling. Since the 20 surveyed neighbourhoods were representatives of the 105 neighbourhoods that make up the city, results obtained in the surveyed neighbourhoods were extrapolated to the unsurveyed ones with regard to their respective similarities. This general criterion contained five elements, such as land-oc-cupation modes, geographical situation, quality of housing, level of provision with urban infrastruc-ture, and morphology of the site. The inclusive consideration of those five elements enabled us to elaborate Figure 5, which presents the seven types of settlements. Details on those settlements and examples of both surveyed and unsurveyed neigh-bourhoods are given in Table 1.Based on those observed similarities, the prevalence of diarrhoea recorded in neighbourhoods that were surveyed was then credited to those that were not. The choice of weighted average is justified by the fact that the number of investigated households in surveyed neighbourhoods varied from one neigh-bourhood to another. This weighted average was obtained by the formula:Σn1= (x1*α1) +(x2*α2) + (x3*α3) +… + (xn*αn)Σ : Standard meanx1: Prevalence of diarrhoea within the first neigh-bourhood of the considered categoryx2: Prevalence of diarrhoea within the second neighbourhood of the same categoryx3: Prevalence of diarrhoea within the third neigh-bourhood of the considered category, etc.α: Significance of the surveyed neighbourhood in the category to which it belongsn : Number of neighbourhoods considered in the n th category neighbourhood.This approach permitted to build up Figure 6 and 7. The ArcInfo software (version 8.2) was used for this spatial analysis method whereas the Epi Info soft-Volume 28 | Number 5 | October 2010427ware (version 6.04) and the SPSS package (version 11.1) were used for recording and analysis of data. Statistical approaches, such as frequency distribu-tion and chi-square test, were used for analyzing the data, and the p values of <0.05 were considered significant.RESULTSAccess to drinking-water in Yaoundé: a differentiated situationThe results of the survey showed that the house-holds in Yaoundé resorted to five different water sources to satisfy their needs (Table 2). In total, 599 (19.7%) households were directly connected to the National Water Company (SNEC), 1,097 (36.1%) shared a common tap located in the courtyard, less than 500 metre away, and 1,042 (35%) fetched wa-ter from public taps outside their premises, having to walk a distance of between500 and 1,000 metre or more.Microbiological quality of drinking-water in Yaoundé: unsafe water for human consumption In total, 508 drinking-water samples underwent bacteriological analyses, of which 302 were from households connected to a piped water-supply at home, 154 from wells, 27 from community stand-pipes, and 25 from springs. From those 508 sam-ples analyzed, 1,242 isolates of enteric bacteria (En-terobactericeae) and 461 isolates of strict aerobicJHPN428bacteria were obtained and identified. Of the 1,242 isolates of enteric bacteria, 0.2% were Shigella, 1.3% Salmonella, 5.1% Escherichia coli, 12.4% Enterobacter, 13.4% Citrobacter, 22% Proteus, and 37.8% Klebsiel-la. Of the 461 aerobic bacteria, 28.2% were Acineto-bacter, and 71.8% were Pseudomonas (Table 3). Health risks associated with consumption of unsafe waterOf the 3,034 children who underwent medical in-vestigation, 437 (14.4%) had diarrhoea). Table 4 shows that the source of water used, which is of poor quality as mentioned above, is critical in con-trolling diarrhoea.Spatial disparities associated with consumption of waterWith regard to the supply sources, we have no-ticed an uneven distribution of diarrheal diseases throughout the city (Fig. 6 and 7). Whereas some neighbourhoods were less exposed to diarrhoeas according the supply source used, those were more vulnerable to the disease.DISCUSSIONAccess to drinking-water in Yaoundé is a worry-ing situation since 80.2% of the city dwellers did not have access to drinking-water supplied by the national company SNEC. This category of people are those living in the outskirts, such as subcentral spontaneous neighbourhoods and the urban fring-es. This is so because, with the galloping population growth, it has been difficult for the SNEC to offer reliable services to everyone. Consequently, many households, not just the poorest, resorted exclu-sively to groundwaters, such as springs (7.4%) and wells (3%). However, when households that used groundwater as an alternative to avoid high bills or in the case of prolonged shortages/cuts by the SNEC were added, the figure increased to 37.35% for households using water from wells and 63.1% for households using water from springs. Since wells were usually close to houses, households that used water from wells did not suffer much in terms of walking distance (generally less than 50 metre). However, it was quite challenging for those resort-ing to springs because walking distance varied from 1,000 metre in central spontaneous neigh-bourhoods to 1,500 metre and even 2,000 metre in the urban fringes and semi-rural neighbourhoods. More intriguing than these figures were water-han-dling methods, such as collection, transportation, and storage. In fact, many (53.1%) households used uncovered containers, such as buckets, barrels, and PVC basins when collecting drinking-water. The collection procedure consisted of placing contain-ers on the ground and filling them using a plastic pipe held on a leash or in the hands of the user. The plastic pipe which is seldom cleaned is used byVolume 28 | Number 5 | October 2010429everyone and is replaced only in the case of loss or Array damage. These conditions favour contamination ofwater with germs more so that collection is doneby children (64.9%) who are not very conscious ofhealth risks. Water is then transported in contain-ers laid on the head through a weight-lifting move-ment during which unclean fingers may be soakedin the water. On the head, in an open container,water is directly in contact with the air and is likelyto be contaminated. As far as storage conditions areconcerned, many households usually store theirdrinking-water in uncovered devices, such as buck-ets (45.5%), clay-pots (33.2%), and barrels (15.4%).This is a less rigorous practice that is conducive tothe growth of pathogenic bacteria, which couldcause diarrhoea. In some cases (5.9%), water istransferred into plastic bottles. It was noted that theduration of storage varied from one day (15.7%) tothree days (47.2%) and even more (22.1%) depend-ing on the size of the household.Whatever the origin of the water used for con-sumption (from private standpipes, public taps,wells, or springs), this water is in most of the caseunsafe for human consumption. Total bacterialcount determined for all the water samples showedthat only 25 (4.9%) samples were within the WHOguideline value (<10 cfu/mL) (19). By source, 44.5%of the community standpipes and 100% of thewells and springs samples exceeded the guidelinevalue. Distribution of coliforms across the sourcesshowed that 11.1% of the community standpipesand 100% of the wells, springs, and households ex-ceeded the WHO guideline value of <10 per 100mL(Table 5).All the samples showed positive results for Strep-tococcus and P. aeruginosa. This indicates that thewater was not free from faecal contamination asStreptococcus is one of the indicators for faecal con-tamination in drinking-water (20). Although Pseu-domonas does not harm a healthy individual, it cancause a problem in individual with a weak immunesystem (21), and it is more reliable and safe if thedrinking-water does not show their presence. Ac-cording to the WHO guideline, total and faecal coli-form bacteria should not exceed 10/100 mL in wa-ter intended for drinking. The results of the presentstudy clearly indicate that most natural watersources were highly contaminated. It might be dueeither to poor handling-methods mentioned above,or to the failure of disinfections of raw water at thetreatment plant, or to infiltration of contaminatedwater (sewage) through cross-connection, leakagepoints, and back-siphonage. However, some stud-ies have associated the occurrence of coliform bac-JHPN430Volume 28 | Number 5 | October 2010431Data: PERSAN surveys(0.86-11.1%)(11.2-25.7%)(25.8-36.0%)No data(0.00-05.1%)(05.2-10.4%)(10.5-15.0)No dataN SEWNSE Wteria in drinking-water system with rainfall events (22). According to these authors, rainfall is a com-plex variable and may have different impacts on the quality of drinking-water, as rainfall can be a mechanism that introduces coliform bacteria into the system through leaks and cross-connections. Based on both bacterial isolates and total bacterial count performed, the distribution of drinking-wa-ter sources according to the microbiological quality is presented in Table 6.This result is not surprising because the micro- organisms found in drinking-water are known to be diarrhoea-causing-pathogens (23,24). Thus, they can be alleged to be the source of diarrhoea diag-nosed among children since water used for house-hold consumption is normally collected from wells and springs. This study has also shown a significant neighbourhood-specific geographical variation in childhood diarrhoea (Table 7). In fact, it seems that source of drinking-water supply is also closely related to the type of settlement: neighbourhoods with high exposure to diarrheoa are informal set-tlements, particularly the spontaneous peri-urban areas. In the category of formal and planned set-tlements, neighbourhoods of housing estates have been found to be the most vulnerable. Additional insight into these disparities is provided when ad-dressing the phenomenon with regard to the sup-ply sources.Spatial disparities associated with consumption of water from springs: A real disparity was observed in the dis-tribution of diarrhoea according to the consump-tion of water collected from springs (Fig. 6a). The most vulnerable individuals were those who were living in the subcentral spontaneous neighbour-hoods, such as Ekounou, Etoug Ebe, and Emana, with a prevalence rate of 25.1-36%. The semi-ruralJHPN432Volume 28 | Number 5 | October 2010433neighbourhoods, such as Eba, Ekombitié, Ahala, and Simbok, and the urban fringes, such as Bilo-no, Nkolzié, and Oliga, displayed a prevalence rate of 11.2-25.1%.Spatial disparities associated with consumption of wa-ter from wells: Figure 6b shows that the neighbour-hoods with the high prevalence of diarrhoea were the semi-rural ones, such as Simbock, Biteng, Awaé, and Bitotol, with a prevalence rate of 10.4-15%. These are all semi-rural settings not yet connected to the National Water Company, and accordingly, individuals rely on groundwater for their needs. The less-exposed neighbourhoods were the subcentral spontaneous and fringes neighbourhoods, such as Oliga, Melen, Ekombitié, and Mballa 4 (5.1-10.3%).However, two types of settings were not exposed to diarrhoea. That was the case of the wealthy residen-tial and the central spontaneous neighbourhoods. The situation in the wealthy residential districtswas better because those neighbourhoods are in-habited by rich individuals (ministers, members of parliament, and ambassadors) whose houses are all connected to the water company. During the period of water cuts or shortage, they resort to bot-tled mineral water. Yet in the central spontaneous neighbourhoods, the existing wells were so pol-luted that individuals themselves found water to be undrinkable.Spatial disparities associated with consumption of wa-ter from community standpipes (taps): Several neigh-bourhoods displayed a high exposure to diarrhoea as the inhabitants resorted principally to the com-munity standpipes for their drinking-water (Fig. 7a). The most exposed were the central sponta- neous neighbourhoods, such as Mvog Mbi, Mvog Ada, and Ndamvout, with a prevalence rate of 20.7-24%, and slightly the subcentral spontaneous dis-tricts, such as Nsam, Nkomkana, Mimboman, and Elig-Effa, where the prevalence rate ranged from 15.5% to 20.6%. This situation in both the settings might be due to material and financial difficulties which prevent the inhabitants to subscribe private connections from the National Water Company. Since those inhabitants constitute the labour and voting class, the Government has granted them some standpipes.Spatial disparities associated with consumption of water from individual/private standpipes (taps): Throughout the city, only 599 (20.1%) households had access to this water-supply structure. Although these were distributed within the six different urban settings, they were unequally exposed to diarrhoea. Figure 7b shows that the most exposed settings are made up of central spontaneous and of semi-rural neigh-bourhoods where a prevalence rate of 9.6-1% was recorded. These neighbourhoods are mostly inhab-ited by low-educated individuals. Being conscious of the frequent and prolonged water rationing or shortages, they regularly stored water in unsafe open containers which permit contamination and from which they drink without any treatment. The less vulnerable were the urban fringes, such as Oli-ga, Bilono, and Messa-Carrières where a prevalence rate of 6.4-7.4% was recorded.ConclusionsThe findings of the study point to some important policy implications. For instance, access to safe drinking-water for the majority of urban dwell-ers requires enabling water regulations that will increase access to drinking-water supplied by the National Water Company. It also suggests paying great attention to water-handling methods by sen-sitizing households to healthy behaviours in terms of collection and storage conditions. Second, as most individuals use water directly from available sources without any form of treatment, and may, therefore, be exposed to various water-related dis-eases, it seems logical to suggest that current regu-lations be revised to include water-quality testing. The control of drinking-water quality in the dis-tribution networks remains a major challenge in sub-Saharan urban areas. However, comprehensive planning should be made for continuous monitor-ing of water sources, especially the contaminated ones. A further study is needed to determine the factors responsible for the presence of coliforms in drinking-water so that effective intervention can be initiated. As far as possible, water sources must be protected from contamination by human and ani-mal wastes. Third, the geographic information sys-tem techniques are useful in assessing health risks concerning population-based studies on drink-ing-water epidemiology. Data on the uneven dis-tribution of diarrhoea within the city indicate that promotional messages in health education should target the vulnerable neighbourhoods. Of high sig-nificance are the most exposed neighbourhoods where efficient and coherent policies should be carried out. It would also be of value to investigate other neighbourhood-level determinants, such as socioeconomic, cultural, environmental and hu- man behavioural factors, involved in the aetiology of diarrheoal diseases.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThis study was carried out within the PERSAN re-search programme funded by the Institute of Re-search for Development. The author is grateful to the staff of the Laboratory of Hygiene and Environ-ment of the Pasteur Institute for their technical as-sistance. He also thanks the reviewers for their valu-able suggestions.REFERENCES1. Cohen B. Urbanization in developing countries: cur-rent trends, future projections, and key challenges for sustainability. Technol Soc 2006;28:63-80.2. United Nations Population Fund. State of worldpopulation 2007—unleashing the potential of urban growth. New York, NY: United Nations Population Fund, 2007. 104 p.3. World Health Organization. World health statistics2007. Geneva: World Health Organization, 2007. 80 p.4. 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译文2013年03月附件一:A Rapidly Deployable Manipulator SystemChristiaan J。


Paredis, H. Benjamin Brown,Pradeep K. KhoslaAbstract:A rapidly deployable manipulator system combines the flexibility of reconfigurable modular hardware with modular programming tools,allowing the user to rapidly create a manipulator which is custom-tailored for a given task. This article describes two main aspects of such a system,namely,the Reconfigurable Modular Manipulator System (RMMS)hardware and the corresponding control software。

1 IntroductionRobot manipulators can be easily reprogrammed to perform different tasks, yet the range of tasks that can be performed by a manipulator is limited by mechanicalstructure。

Forexample,a manipulator well-suited for precise movement across the top of a table would probably no be capable of lifting heavy objects in the vertical direction. Therefore,to perform a given task,one needs to choose a manipulator with an appropriate mechanical structure.We propose the concept of a rapidly deployable manipulator system to address the above mentioned shortcomings of fixed configuration manipulators。



基于没有交集的主成分模型下的模式识别方法-外文文献及翻译xx工业大学毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译学院:系(专业):姓名:学号:外文出处:Pattern Recognition附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。

指导教师评语:签名:2010年6 月日附件1:外文资料翻译译文基于没有交集的主成分模型下的模式识别方法化学计量学研究组,化学研究所,umea大学摘要:通过独立的主成分建模方法对单独种类进行模式识别,这一方法我们已经进行了深刻的研究,主成分的模型说明了单一种类之内拟合所有的连续变量。















河北科技师范学院本科毕业论文(设计)外文翻译数据库编程教学网站的开发院(系、部)名称:欧美学院信息技术系专业名称:计算机科学与技术学生姓名:王楠学生学号:9210080324指导教师:关健2011年11月10日河北科技师范学院教务处Microsoft SQL ServerMicrosoft SQL Server is a relational database server, developed by Microsoft: it is a software product whose primary function is to store and retrieve data as requested by other software applications, be it those on the same computer or those running on another computer across a network (including the Internet). There are at least a dozen different editions of Microsoft SQL Server aimed at different audiences and for different workloads (ranging from small applications that store and retrieve data on the same computer, to millions of users and computers that access huge amounts of data from the Internet at the same time).True to its name, Microsoft SQL Server's primary query languages are T-SQL and ANSI SQL.HistorySQL Server 2005 (codename Yukon), released in October 2005, is the successor to SQL Server 2000. It included native support for managing XML data, in addition to relational data. For this purpose, it defined an xml data type that could be used either as a data type in database columns or as literals in queries. XML columns can be associated with XSD schemas; XML data being stored is verified against the schema. XML is converted to an internal binary data type before being stored in the database. Specialized indexing methods were made available for XML data. XML data is queried using XQuery; Common Language Runtime (CLR) integration was a main feature with this edition, enabling one to write SQL code as Managed Code by the CLR. SQL Server 2005 added some extensions to the T-SQL language to allow embedding XQuery queries in T-SQL. In addition, it also defines a new extension to XQuery, called XML DML, that allows query-based modifications to XML data. SQL Server 2005 also allows a database server to be exposed over web services using Tabular Data Stream (TDS) packets encapsulated within SOAP (protocol) requests. When the data is accessed over web services, results are returned as XML.For relational data, T-SQL has been augmented with error handling features (try/catch) and support for recursive queries with CTEs (Common Table Expressions). SQL Server 2005 has also been enhanced with new indexing algorithms, syntax and better error recovery systems. Data pages are checksummed for better error resiliency, and optimistic concurrency support has been added for better performance. Permissions and access control have been made more granular and the query processor handles concurrent execution of que ries in a more efficient way. Partitions on tables and indexes are supported natively, so scaling out a database onto a cluster is easier. SQL CLR was introduced with SQL Server 2005 to let it integrate with the .NET Framework.SQL Server 2005 introduced "MARS" (Multiple Active Results Sets), a method of allowing usage of database connections for multiple purposes.SQL Server 2005 introduced DMVs (Dynamic Management Views), which are specialized views and functions that return server state information that can be used to monitor the health of a server instance, diagnose problems, and tune performance.SQL Server 2005 introduced Database Mirroring, but it was not fully supported until the first Service Pack release (SP1). In the initial release (RTM) of SQL Server 2005, database mirroring was available, but unsupported. In order to implement database mirroring in the RTM version, you had to apply trace flag 1400 at startup. Database mirroring is a high availability option that provides redundancy and failover capabilities at the database level. Failover can be performed manually or can be configured for automatic failover. Automatic failover requires a witness partner and an operating mode of synchronous (also known as high-safety or full safety).EditionsMicrosoft makes SQL Server available in multiple editions, with different feature sets and targeting different users. These editions are:Mainstream editionsDatacenterSQL Server 2008 R2 Datacenter is the full-featured edition of SQL Server and is designed for datacenters that need the high levels of application support and scalability. It supports 256 logical processors and virtually unlimited memory. Comes with StreamInsight Premium edition.EnterpriseSQL Server Enterprise Edition includes both the core database engine and add-on services, with a range of tools for creating and managing a SQL Server cluster. It can manage databases as large as 524 petabytes and address 2 terabytes of memory and supports 8 physical processors.StandardSQL Server Standard edition includes the core database engine, along with the stand-alone services. It differs from Enterprise edition in that it supports fewer active instances (number of nodes in a cluster) and does not include some high-availability functionssuch as hot-add memory (allowing memory to be added while the server is still running), and parallel indexes.WebSQL Server Web Edition is a low-TCO option for Web hosting.WorkgroupSQL Server Workgroup Edition includes the core database functionality but does not include the additional services.ExpressSQL Server Express Edition is a scaled down, free edition of SQL Server, which includes the core database engine. While there are no limitations on the number of databases or users supported, it is limited to using one processor, 1 GB memory and 4 GB database files (10 GB database files from SQL Server Express 2008 R2). The entire database is stored in a single .mdf file, and thus making it suitable for XCOPY deployment. It is intended as a replacement for MSDE. Two additional editions provide a superset of features not in the original Express Edition. The first is SQL Server Express with Tools, which includes SQL Server Management Studio Basic. SQL Server Express with Advanced Services adds full-text search capability and reporting services.Specialized editionsAzureMicrosoft SQL Azure Database is the cloud-based version of Microsoft SQL Server, presented as software as a service on Azure Services Platform.Compact (SQL CE)The compact edition is an embedded database engine. Unlike the other editions of SQL Server, the SQL CE engine is based on SQL Mobile (initially designed for use with hand-held devices) and does not share the same binaries. Due to its small size (1 MB DLL footprint), it has a markedly reduced feature set compared to the other editions. For example, it supports a subset of the standard data types, does not support stored procedures or Views or multiple-statement batches (among other limitations). It is limited to 4 GB maximum database size and cannot be run as a Windows service, Compact Edition must be hosted by the application using it. The 3.5 version includes supports Synchronization Services.SQL CE does not support ODBC connectivity, unlike SQL Server proper.DeveloperSQL Server Developer Edition includes the same features as SQL Server Datacenter Edition, but is limited by the license to be only used as a development and test system, and not as production server. This edition is available to download by students free of charge as a part of Microsoft's DreamSpark program.Embedded (SSEE)SQL Server 2005 Embedded Edition is a specially configured named instance of the SQL Server Express database engine which can be accessed only by certain Windows Services.EvaluationSQL Server Evaluation Edition, also known as the Trial Edition, has all the features of the Enterprise Edition, but is limited to 180 days, after which the tools will continue to run, but the server services will stop.Fast TrackSQL Server Fast Track is specifically for enterprise-scale data warehousing storage and business intelligence processing, and runs on reference-architecture hardware that is optimized for Fast Track.Parallel Data Warehouse (PDW)A massively parallel processing (MPP) SQL Server appliance optimized for large-scale data warehousing such as hundreds of terabytes.ArchitectureProtocol layerProtocol layer implements the external interface to SQL Server. All operations that can be invoked on SQL Server are communicated to it via a Microsoft-defined format, called Tabular Data Stream (TDS). TDS is an application layer protocol, used to transfer data between a database server and a client. Initially designed and developed by Sybase Inc. for their Sybase SQL Server relational database engine in 1984, and later by Microsoft in Microsoft SQL Server, TDS packets can be encased in other physical transport dependent protocols, including TCP/IP, Named pipes, and Shared memory. Consequently, access to SQL Server is available over these protocols. In addition, the SQL Server API is also exposed overweb services.TOOLSVisual StudioMicrosoft Visual Studio includes native support for data programming with Microsoft SQL Server. It can be used to write and debug code to be executed by SQL CLR. It also includes a data designer that can be used to graphically create, view or edit database schemas. Queries can be created either visually or using code. SSMS 2008 onwards, provides intellisense for SQL queries as well.SQL Server Management StudioSQL Server Management Studio is a GUI tool included with SQL Server 2005 and later for configuring, managing, and administering all components within Microsoft SQL Server. The tool includes both script editors and graphical tools that work with objects a nd features of the server. SQL Server Management Studio replaces Enterprise Manager as the primary management interface for Microsoft SQL Server since SQL Server 2005. A version of SQL Server Management Studio is also available for SQL Server Express Edition, for which it is known as SQL Server Management Studio Express (SSMSE).A central feature of SQL Server Management Studio is the Object Explorer, which allows the user to browse, select, and act upon any of the objects within the server. It can be used to visually observe and analyze query plans and optimize the database performance, among others. SQL Server Management Studio can also be used to create a new database, alter any existing database schema by adding or modifying tables and indexes, or analyze performance. It includes the query windows which provide a GUI based interface to write and execute queries.Microsoft SQL ServerMicrosoft SQL Server是一个关系数据库服务器,由微软开发的,它是一个软件产品,其主要功能是存储和检索数据,其他应用软件的要求,无论是那些在同一台计算机或另一台计算机上运行,通过网络(包括互联网)。



编号:毕业设计(论文)外文翻译(原文)学院:专业:学生姓名:学号:指导教师单位:姓名:职称:2013年5月30 日This report includes a development presentation of an information system for managing the staff data within a small company or organization. The system as such as it has been developed is called Employee Management System. It consists of functionally related GUI (application program) and database.The choice of the programming tools is individual and particular.KeywordsInformation system, Database system, DBMS, parent table, child table, table fields, primary key, foreign key, relationship, sql queries, objects, classes, controls.1. Introduction (1)1.1 Background (1)1.2 Problem Statement (2)1.3 Problem Discussion (2)1.4 Report Overview (2)2. Problem’s Solution (2)2.1 Method (2)2.2 Programming Environments (3)2.3 Database Analyzing, design and implementation (7)2.4 Program’s Structure Analyzing and GUI Constructing (9)2.5 Database Connections and Code-Implementation (12)2.5.1 Retrieving data from the database (16)2.5.2 Saving data into the database (19)2.5.3 Updating records into the database (22)2.5.4 Deleting data from the database (24)3. Conclusion (25)4. References (26)1. IntroductionThis chapter gives a brief theoretical preview upon the database information systems and goes through the essence of the problem that should be resolved.1.1 BackgroundMost of the contemporary Information systems are based on the Database technology as a collection of logically related data, and DBMS as a software system allowing the users to define, create, maintain and control access to the database.The process of constructing such kind of systems is not so simple. It involves a mutual development of application program and database. The application program is actually the bridge between the users and the database, where the data is stored. Thus, the well-developed application program and database are very important for the reliability, flexibility and functionality of the system.The so defined systems differentiate to each other and their development comprises a great variety of tasks to be resolved and implemented.The basic idea can be depicted on Figure 1.1 below:Information system suggests a computer technology to be used in order to provide information to users in an organization (for instance), as for the purposes of data transformation into useful information; computer hardware and software are designed and used [2].A particular case is the Human Resources Information System development. This kind of systems are responsible for storing data of the staff within an organization and generating reports upon request.Such kind of system could be integrated with other Information systems or modules:Accounting Information System (AIS) – designed to transform financial data into information, or Management Information System (MIS) that provides decision-oriented information to managers, and so on…“Organizations depend on Information Systems in order to stay competitive. Productivi ty, which is crucial to staying competitive, can be increased through better Information Systems.”[2].1.2 Problem StatementThis report’s documentation goes through the whole process of both application program and database development. It also comprises the development tools have been utilized for these purposes.1.3 Problem DiscussionThis system should consist of an application program, on one hand, and a database (repository of data) on the other. The program should perform the basic operations upon the database as retrieving, inserting, updating and deleting data. Any additional functionality is a goal of a further module development.It is a kind of strategy to start the development from designing and constructing the database, as this structure will determine the further structure of the application program.The logical database model (tables, their content and the relationships between them) should respond to the given task and cover the basic requirements.The Interface of the program should be user-friendly, and the program should be as easy for use as it is possible.Both controls and forms should logically and functionally be related within the program and fully respond to the structure of the database.Another problem is establishing the connections with the database, every time, when a query is needed to be performed upon it. Exception-handling should also be taken into an account during the system’s development due to eventual exceptions that may occur.1.4 Report OverviewThe next chapter and its subsections will turn the attention to the method for resolving the problem, the programming environments used for developing the system and the implementation of the operations performed upon the database.2. Problem’s SolutionThis chapter involves some subsections that concern the basic scheme of resolving the given task and comprise both the methods and tools of its development as well.2.1 MethodAt the very commencement, I proceeded to a decision to carry out the development of mytask into the following steps:1. Exploring the available development environments and techniques.2. Database Analyzing.3. Database design and Implementation.4. Program’s Structure Analyzing.5. GUI (Graphical User Interface) constructing.6. Bringing all the stuff together (controls data binding and functionsimplementation).7. Tests.Each one of these steps could be explained in some brief details as follows:1. Exploring the available development environments and techniquesThere is a lot of programming environments available to be used for such kind of elaborations. The point is to choose such an environment that we will be able to operate with in a convenient and easy way. This is more or less optional and individual process, that depends on the devel oper’s experience as well.2. Database AnalyzingIt concerns all of the demands, put upon the database content and its functionality. The database should be designed and implemented in a way that the user would expect it to be. 3. Database design and ImplementationThis step is tightly related with the previous one as it is completely determined by the requirements, analyzed and discussed in step2.4. Program’s Structure AnalyzingThe application program as an interface between the users and the database should be an accurate “reflection” of the database on the screen; hence a well analyzed and defined structure is needed.5. GUI ConstructingAfter analyzing the program’s structure and defining what it should consist of, a graphical representation of this stuff is needed in order to enable the user to interact with the data.6. Bringing all the stuff togetherThe next step that should be taken is connecting the program with the database and performing the necessary functionality upon all of the controls.7. TestsTo ensure that everything works properly and as it has been expected, test performance has to be done upon the system’s functionality.2.2 Programming EnvironmentsThe given task concerns a small company (organization). For instance, for the needs of a small company, we could use one set of tools, but for the needs of a larger one, it would be much better if we apply our approach by using some different, that could be more appropriate and would fit much better the requirements we have to satisfy.I decided to use the Access Database Environment as a Database Management System and C# as a programming language for developing my project.Before proceeding to the explanatory notes of how I have developed the software, I would like to take a preview upon the programming tools (environments) that have been used during this project’s development course.Database Environment: Access is a typical environment for constructingrelational databases.The database is the skeleton and the underlying framework of most of the contemporary Information Systems. The evolution of the Database systems could be divided into three phases: the Manual-filing System, the File-based systems, and the Database and the Database Management systems (DBMS).o The manual-filing system contains files of information, related to a project, product, task, client, or employee and they are usually labeled and stored inone or more cabinets. The cabinets may be located in the secure area of thebuilding, for safety. To facilitate the process of searching and to find outwhat we want, more quickly, the different types of item can be put inseparate folders and they remain logically related.Actually, the needs of the contemporary industrial world could not becovered or satisfied by using such kind of systems, and especially whatconcerns their reliability and efficiency.o Thus, we historically reach to the second phase of the Database systems evolution – the File-based systems. This kind of systems had been developedin response to the needs and demands of industry for a more efficient dataaccess [1]. The basic idea into the development of this type of systems, isthat each Department in an organization (for instance) has an access to itsown data (files) through application programs. (Figure 2.1):There are some limitations of the File-based systems:- Data Duplication: It is undesirable as it costs time and money,and takes additional storage space.- Dependency of Data: That’s a kind of inconvenience as thephysical structure and storage of the data files and records aredefined in the application code.- Data Isolation: It is some difficult to access data, isolated inseparate files.- Incompatibility of the file formats: It concerns the filestructure as a dependent on the programming language, inwhich one the application program has been developed andimplemented, as the file’s structure is embedded in theapplication program.o After taking a new and more effective approach, the Database and the Database Management System (DBMS) have been created. Most of thecontemporary systems are based on the Database technology as a collectionof logically related data and the DBMS as a software system allowing theusers to define, create, maintain and control access to the Database.The DBMS is a really powerful set of tools, enabling users to operate easily with data into a database as: Inserting, Updating, Deleting and Retrieving data. It prevents unauthorized access to the database and maintains the consistency of the stored data. The DBMS also restores the data in case of hardware or software failure and reduces the loss of data in this way.MS-Access 2000 (Microsoft Access 2000) is a contemporary development environment for dealing with databases:Access is a computerized management system with relational database. The whole information is stored in separate tables in one file. Such an information arrangement is more or less convenient as we can view, add and delete information using online forms, and search or retrieve by using queries.The term “Database” comprises collection of objects (tables, forms, pages, queries, macros) for manipulating, retrieving and storing data.It is a very good advantage that the information (data) can be populated in different tables (related to each other) and it is not necessary to store all data into one table. That leads to a less redundancy of data and reduces the required disk storage space, and speeds up processing as well. There are three relationships between the tables in a database: (one-to-many), (one-to-one) and (many-to-many).One of the mostly used relationships is the (one-to-many) type. If we have a main table (so called Parent table) and some other obedient tables (so called Child tables), then let us assume that the relationship between the parent table and the child tables is of type (one-to-many). It means that every single record from the parent table could have several records into each one of its related child tables. The tables are related by their key-values. The key into the parent table is called primary key, and the keys into its child tables are called foreign keys. The primary and the foreign key have the same unique value.These conclusions are based on a theory in [3].The main window-frame of MS-Access can be seen on Figure 1 (Appendix A).C# and the .Net Framework: For the purposes of my project I chose to work with Visual Studio of Microsoft, in particular with the C# as a programming language. My choice is based on the reliable programming environment offered by C# and the highly cleared syntax of this programming language as well. C# is a good proof for a highly developed modern technology based on the contemporary object-oriented theory in programming and lying on a very powerful, reliable and flexible platform as such as it is the .Net Framework.The main window of the Visual Studio and the .Net Framework basic architecture could be seen on Figure 2: Visual Studio main window and Figure 3: Basic architecture of .Net Framework – Appendix A, [4]:Based on [4] we can say that the .Net Framework is a development of Microsoft Corporation. In fact, a lot of efforts, time and investments have been spent on this research and development.As a class library, .Net Framework allows “cross-language” development and can be used by any .Net language to perform different kind of tasks. There are approximately 40 languages with compilers for the .Net Framework, but only some of them are supported byMicrosoft Corporation: C#, Visual Basic .Net, C++/CLI, J#, Jscript .Net, Eiffel, and some more.“. Net has several designed intentions:- Interoperability for existing code in COM libraries.- Common Runtime Engine: languages compiled to an intermediate language,Common Intermediate Language.- Language Independence: using a Common Type System that defines all possibledata-type and programming concepts supported by the CLR (Common LanguageRuntime).- Base Class Library: also known, as the Foundation Class Library is a l library oftypes available to all languages using .Net.- Simplified Installation: for the Windows Platform, due to eliminating registrysetting and dll-problems.- Security: by letting code execute in different trust levels.” [4].The language of choice – C# as an object-oriented programming language, has a procedural, object-oriented syntax based on C++. It includes some aspects and features of other programming languages as: Java, Visual Basic and Delphi.The developers of C# have emphasized on the language simplification as: fewer symbolic and decorative requirements.2.3 Database Analyzing, design and implementationThe database for the system should include information of company’s staff, respectively of its employees. The data is subdivided into the following groups:I have constructed a database that consists of six data tables. There will be one main table (parent table) and five child tables, related to each other. Patently, for this purpose the necessary primary and foreign keys should be defined into the responding tables. The so defined s tructure above is made up in conformity with the user’s needs and demands. Eachemployee of the staff is intended to have several records, responding to his Working History, Contact Person Information, Salary Information, Time Information and Holiday Information, and only one record containing his basic information within the company –his personal details as: date of birth, gender, marital status, address and phone details, and his current working record. An employee is supposed to have not only one record of his Working history, or his Contact Person Information…..For instance, if we take a look to the Time Information data table – an employee may have several records in case he has some experience within the current company. It is absolutely the same with the Salary Information, Contact Person Information and Holiday Information data tables.The relationships between the data tables are shown in Figure 4-Appendix A. In Figure 4 we can distinguish six tables that the database consists of. All of the relationships are of type: “one-to-many”. (For more details about the data tables, see Appendix A: Figure 5 - Parent data table Employee_Details and Child data tables -Figure 6, Figure 7, Figure 8, Figure 9, Figure 10).The primary key fields could be set to Auto-number data type as Access creates these values in an ascending order to ensure that they are unique within a table. Some of the fields should be “adjusted” to accept null-values. It is quite important to be done as it is tightly related to the input fields of the application program. I decided to perform it in the following way: those fields that are compulsory to be filled by the user I have set not to accept any null-values of data and on the other hand, those ones, that can be left blank, are set to accept null-values. It is easy to be performed by changing the Allow Zero Length setting (Appendix A: Figure 11 –Setting a data-field to accept null-values).It is just needed to go to the desired field that has to be set, and switch between the two optio ns, offered into the “Allow Zero Length” field. In the example, shown above, the Personal_ID_Number field is set not to allow any null-values thus its field’s length can not be zero as its value is quite essential for identifying an employee as an individual and distinctive person.That has been considered and done for a kind of convenience as the user would wish not to enter all of the data at the moment, and come back later.2.4 Program’s Structure Analyzing and GUI ConstructingAfter getting the database prepared, application program should be constructed and implemented in some programming environment to enable the users to communicate with the database.Graphical User Interface (GUI) is intended to be built up as a basic structure of the program. The fi rst general advice when constructing GUIs is to “know thy users” as there is a largenumber of rules and requirements, concerning the whole process of GUI development. Every GUI consists of certain number of controls (text-boxes, comboboxes, buttons…etc.). The list of all properties and methods for all controls is called Application Programming Interface (API). The Program’s GUI is shown in (Appendix B: Figure 1):A set of controls is used in order to reach the desired purpose, what concerns the functionality of the application, including Labels, Text boxes, Combo Boxes, Data Grid, Buttons, Group Boxes, Panels, Tab controls etc. All of these controls, available in the program, are fitted to the corresponding forms that are used in the application.The Program contains two basic forms:⏹General - used as a platform (Appendix B: Figure 2 Basic form):⏹And a second one (Appendix B: Figure 3) that is loaded onto the first (General)form.One control that is heavily used is the Label control. It is used to display text on the form.A Label-control is declared as:●Private Label label_name;And afterwards - instantiated by the initComponent method:●Label_name = new Label();For all controls, the default constructor is used as their properties are set after that.A set of Label controls is depicted on Figure 4 – Appendix B. The role of the Label is to point at the responding text field, showing what it is intended to be used for. Other set of controls, used in the program, is the set of text boxes and combo boxes, shown in Figure 5 –Appendix B. All of the text boxes and combo boxes are marked with greencoloured circle points.“Windows Forms text boxes are used to get input from the user or to display text. The TextBox control is generally used for editable text, although it can also be made read-only. Text boxes can display multiple lines, wrap text to the size of the control, and add basic formatting. The Windows Forms ComboBox control is used to display data in a drop-down combo box. By default, the ComboBox control appears in two parts: the top part is a text box that allows the user to type a list item.” [5].It can be noticed that almost all of the controls are grouped and placed on a special field (platform) and we can switch from one group to another by clicking on the responding titles - Figure 2.2:Figure 2.2 – Tab-control for switching from one set of controls to another.This control is called: tab-Control and I have used it for convenience in order to switchfrom one tab to another as every single tab consists of controls, which ones are specifically related to a data table of the database.“The Windows Forms TabControl displays multiple tabs, like dividers in a notebook or labels in a set of folders in a filing cabinet. The tabs can contain pictures and other controls. The most important property of the TabControl is TabPages, which contains the individual tabs. Each individual tab is a TabPage object. When a tab is clicked, it raises the click event for that TabPage object.” [5].In order to be able to perform different operations upon the controls and their responding data, a set of Buttons is also included in the program’s implementation -Figure 2.3:Figure 2.3 General functional buttonsOr Figure 2.4:Figure 2.4 Buttons for records operationsSome of the buttons are deliberately omitted to be shown here. The following snippet ofcode represents a normal button in the graphical interface:this.add_button.FlatStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle.System;this.add_button.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Arial Black", 10F,System.Drawing.FontStyle.Italic, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point,((System.Byte)(0)));this.add_button.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(24, 24);this.add_ = "add_button";this.add_button.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(128, 32);this.add_button.TabIndex = 0;this.add_button.Text = "&Add Employee";The buttons are connected to their respective Event Handlers through their click methods: this.add_button.Click += newSystem.EventHandler(this.add_button_Click);A very essential role in the program plays the dataGrid control as it is used as an interface (“bridge”) between the dataset (the buffer-table between the database and the application program) and the user, enabling a visual representation of the data,uploaded into the dataset - Figure 2.5:Figure 2.5 Dataset outer appearance“The Windows Forms DataGrid control provides a user interface to datasets, displaying tabular data and allowing for updates to the data source. When the DataGrid control is set to a valid data source, the control is automatically populated, creating columns and rows based on the shape of the data. The DataGrid control can be used to display either a single table or the hierarchical relationships between a set of tables.” [5].2.5 Database Connections and Code-ImplementationThis subsection represents the main approach that has been made up in order to establish the connections with the database:The dataGrid control could be previewed as first:// dataGrid1this.dataGrid1.CaptionText = "Employee Data";this.dataGrid1.DataMember = "";this.dataGrid1.HeaderForeColor =System.Drawing.SystemColors.ControlText;this.dataGrid1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(8, 64); = "dataGrid1";this.dataGrid1.ReadOnly = true;this.dataGrid1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(928, 176);this.dataGrid1.TabIndex = 8;this.dataGrid1.CurrentCellChanged += newSystem.EventHandler(this.dataGrid1_CurrentCellChanged);That’s the Initialization of the basic properties of this control. In or der to perform some operations upon the functionality of the control (for instance: when the current cell’s index changes…or when the control’s size is exceeded etc.), I constructed a function, shown in Appendix B: Figure 6 – to prevent exceeding the contr ol’s borders.As it is shown in Figure 2.6, when the user exceeds the control’s borders, an exception is instantly thrown, warning about the error has occurred:Figure 2.6 Trying to go beyond the control’s endsThe table’s end is enclosed with a red mark er - Figure 2.6. The following messagebox in Figure 2.7 pops up on the screen every time when we try going beyond this limit by clicking outside the control’s borders.Figure 2.7 Warning messageIt can be seen from Figure 2.6, we have a data-record into the dataGrid. In order to be able to perform such kind of operations, concerning the process of uploading data into a data-table, or into a text-box field and so on, we need to establish a connection to the database, upload the desired data-fields into our buffer (the dataset) and afterwards perform the necessary data-binding operations:Establishing the data-connection: For this purpose, a DataAccessClass has been created and placed into a separate file –“DataAccessClass.cs”. In this class, not only functions dealing with retrieving of data are included, there are also functions for saving data into the database, updating data, etc. On a first time, we have to manage to the connection with the data source, which one is the database (“Employees_Database.mdb”):Figure 2.8 Preparing to get a connection establishedThere are few steps until the data source get connected to the application program’scomponents:o Specifying the connection string:public stringconString=@"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;DataSource=..\\..\\Employees_Database.mdb";o Making up a query-string to be performed upon the database:this.select_query1=" select* from Employees_Details orderby Last_Name,First_Name";o Creating a data adapter to communicate between the dataset and thedatabase using the already specified connection- and query-strings:public OleDbDataAdapter dAdapter;…dAdapter=new OleDbDataAdapter(this.select_query1, con);A bit more about the data adapter: “The DataSet is a memory-resident representation of datathat provides a consistent relational programming model independent of the data source. The DataSetrepresents a complete set of data including tables, constraints, and relationships among the tables. Becausethe DataSet is independent of the data source, a DataSet can include data local to the application, as well asdata from multiple data sources. Interaction with existing data sources is controlled through the DataAdapter…The Fill method of the DataAdapter is used to populate a DataSet with the results of the SelectCommand of the DataAdapter...” [5].o Creating the Dataset to be populated with data:public DataSet dSet;…dSet=new DataSet();o Populating the Dataset with data using the so constructed Data-adapter: dAdapter.Fill(dSet,"Employees_Details");After getting the connection established and populating the desired data-fields into the Dataset, we can connect the Datagrid control with the Dataset by explicitly showing the data source - Figure 2.9:Figure 2.9 Connecting the Datagrid with the Dataset controlWe also call the Currency Manager Set Function - Figure 2.10:Figure 2.10 Initializing the CurrencyManager for the Parent data-table“The CurrencyManager derives from the BindingManagerBase class. The BindingManagerBase enables the synchronization of data-bound controls on a Windows Form that are bound to the same data source. For example, suppose that a form contains two TextBox controls that are bound to the same data source but to different columns. The data。



本科毕业生外文文献翻译学生姓名:指导教师:所在学院:专业:中国·大庆2013 年5 月Chapter 1IntroductionSpread-spectrum techniques are methods by which a signal (e.g. an electrical, electromagnetic, or acoustic signal ) generated in a particular bandwidth is deliberately spread in the frequency domain, resulting in a signal with a wider bandwidth. These techniques are used for a variety of reasons, including the establishment of secure communications, increasing resistance to natural interference and jamming, to prevent detection, and to limit power flux density (e.g. in satellite downlinks).1.1 History Frequency hoppingThe concept of frequency hopping was first alluded to in the 1903 U.S. Patent 723,188 and U.S. Patent 725,605 filed by Nikola Tesla in July 1900. Tesla came up with the idea after demonstrating the world's first radio-controlled submersible boat in 1898, when it became apparent the wireless signals controlling the boat needed to be secure from "being disturbed, intercepted, or interfered with in any way." His patents covered two fundamentally different techniques for achieving immunity to interference, both of which functioned by altering the carrier frequency or other exclusive characteristic. The first had a transmitter that worked simultaneously at two or more separate frequencies and a receiver in which each of the individual transmitted frequencies had to be tuned in, in order for the control circuitry to respond. The second technique used a variable-frequency transmitter controlled by an encoding wheel that altered the transmitted frequency in a predetermined manner. These patents describe the basic principles of frequency hopping and frequency-division multiplexing, and also the electronic AND-gate logic circuit.Frequency hopping is also mentioned in radio pioneer Johannes Zenneck's book Wireless Telegraphy (German, 1908, English translation McGraw Hill, 1915), although Zenneck himself states that Telefunken had already tried it several years earlier. Zenneck's book was a leading text of the time, and it is likely that many later engineers were aware of it. A Polish engineer, Leonard Danilewicz, came up with the idea in 1929.Several other patents were taken out in the 1930s, including one by Willem Broertjes (Germany 1929, U.S. Patent 1,869,695, 1932). During World War II, the US Army Signal Corps was inventing a communication system called SIGSALY for communication between Roosevelt and Churchill, which incorporated spread spectrum, but due to its top secret nature, SIGSALY's existence did not become known until the 1980s.The most celebrated invention of frequency hopping was that of actress Hedy Lamarr and composer George Antheil, who in 1942 received U.S. Patent 2,292,387 for their "Secret Communications System". Lamarr had learned about the problem at defense meetings she had attended with her former husband Friedrich Mandl, who was an Austrian arms manufacturer. The Antheil-Lamarr version of frequency hopping used a piano-roll to change among 88 frequencies, and was intended to make radio-guided torpedoes harder for enemies to detect or to jam. The patent came to light during patent searches in the 1950s when ITT Corporation and other privatefirms began to develop Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA), a civilian form of spread spectrum, though the Lamarr patent had no direct impact on subsequent technology. It was in fact ongoing military research at MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Magnavox Government & Industrial Electronics Corporation, ITT and Sylvania Electronic Systems that led to early spread-spectrum technology in the 1950s. Parallel research on radar systems and a technologically similar concept called "phase coding" also had an impact on spread-spectrum development.1.2 Commercial useThe 1976 publication of Spread Spectrum Systems by Robert Dixon, ISBN 0-471-21629-1, was a significant milestone in the commercialization of this technology. Previous publications were either classified military reports or academic papers on narrow subtopics. Dixon's book was the first comprehensive unclassified review of the technology and set the stage for increasing research into commercial applications.Initial commercial use of spread spectrum began in the 1980s in the US with three systems: Equatorial Communications System's very small aperture (VSAT) satellite terminal system for newspaper newswire services, Del Norte Technology's radio navigation system for navigation of aircraft for crop dusting and similar applications, and Qualcomm's OmniTRACS system for communications to trucks. In the Qualcomm and Equatorial systems, spread spectrum enabled small antennas that viewed more than one satellite to be used since the processing gain of spread spectrum eliminated interference. The Del Norte system used the high bandwidth of spread spectrum to improve location accuracy.In 1981, the Federal Communications Commission started exploring ways to permit more general civil uses of spread spectrum in a Notice of Inquiry docket. This docket was proposed to FCC and then directed by Michael Marcus of the FCC staff. The proposals in the docket were generally opposed by spectrum users and radio equipment manufacturers, although they were supported by the then Hewlett-Packard Corp. The laboratory group supporting the proposal would later become part of Agilent.The May 1985 decision in this docket permitted unlicensed use of spread spectrum in 3 bands at powers up to 1 Watt. FCC said at the time that it would welcome additional requests for spread spectrum in other bands.The resulting rules, now codified as 47 CFR 15.247 permitted Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and many other products including cordless telephones. These rules were then copied in many other countries. Qualcomm was incorporated within 2 months after the decision to commercialize CDMA.1.3 Spread-spectrum telecommunicationsThis is a technique in which a (telecommunication) signal is transmitted on a bandwidth considerably larger than the frequency content of the original information.Spread-spectrum telecommunications is a signal structuring technique that employs direct sequence, frequency hopping, or a hybrid of these, which can be used for multiple access and/or multiple functions. This technique decreases the potential interference to other receivers while achieving privacy. Spread spectrum generally makes use of a sequential noise-like signalstructure to spread the normally narrowband information signal over a relatively wideband (radio) band of frequencies. The receiver correlates the received signals to retrieve the original information signal. Originally there were two motivations: either to resist enemy efforts to jam the communications (anti-jam, or AJ), or to hide the fact that communication was even taking place, sometimes called low probability of intercept (LPI).Frequency-hopping spread spectrum (FHSS), direct-sequence spread spectrum (DSSS), time-hopping spread spectrum (THSS), chirp spread spectrum (CSS), and combinations of these techniques are forms of spread spectrum. Each of these techniques employs pseudorandom number sequences —created using pseudorandom number generators —to determine and control the spreading pattern of the signal across the alloted bandwidth. Ultra-wideband (UWB) is another modulation technique that accomplishes the same purpose, based on transmitting short duration pulses. Wireless Ethernet standard IEEE 802.11 uses either FHSS or DSSS in its radio interface.Chapter 22.1 Spread-spectrum clock signal generationSpread-spectrum clock generation (SSCG) is used in some synchronous digital systems, especially those containing microprocessors, to reduce the spectral density of the electromagnetic interference (EMI) that these systems generate. A synchronous digital system is one that is driven by a clock signal and because of its periodic nature, has an unavoidably narrow frequency spectrum. In fact, a perfect clock signal would have all its energy concentrated at a single frequency and its harmonics, and would therefore radiate energy with an infinite spectral density. Practical synchronous digital systems radiate electromagnetic energy on a number of narrow bands spread on the clock frequency and its harmonics, resulting in a frequency spectrum that, at certain frequencies, can exceed the regulatory limits for electromagnetic interference (e.g. those of the FCC in the United States, JEITA in Japan and the IEC in Europe).To avoid this problem, which is of great commercial importance to manufacturers, spread-spectrum clocking is used. This consists of using one of the methods described in the Spread-spectrum telecommunications section in order to reduce the peak radiated energy. The technique therefore reshapes the system's electromagnetic emissions to comply with the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) regulations. It is a popular technique because it can be used to gain regulatory approval with only a simple modification to the equipment.Spread-spectrum clocking has become more popular in portable electronics devices because of faster clock speeds and the increasing integration of high-resolution LCD displays in smaller and smaller devices. Because these devices are designed to be lightweight and inexpensive, passive EMI reduction measures such as capacitors or metal shielding are not a viable option. Active EMI reduction techniques such as spread-spectrum clocking are necessary in these cases, but can also create challenges for designers. Principal among these is the risk that modifying th e system clock runs the risk of the clock/data misalignment.2.2Direct-sequence spread spectrumIn telecommunications, direct-sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) is a modulation technique. As with other spread spectrum technologies, the transmitted signal takes up more bandwidth than the information signal that is being modulated. The name 'spread spectrum' comes from the fact that the carrier signals occur over the full bandwidth (spectrum) of a device's transmitting frequency.2.2.1Features1.It phase-modulates a sine wave pseudorandomly with a continuous string ofpseudonoise (PN) code symbols called "chips", each of which has a much shorter duration than an information bit. That is, each information bit is modulated by a sequence of much faster chips. Therefore, the chip rate is much higher than the information signal bit rate.2. It uses a signal structure in which the sequence of chips produced by the transmitter isknown a priori by the receiver. The receiver can then use the same PN sequence to counteract the effect of the PN sequence on the received signal in order to reconstruct the informationsignal.2.2.2Transmission methodDirect-sequence spread-spectrum transmissions multiply the data being transmitted by a "noise" signal. This noise signal is a pseudorandom sequence of 1 and −1 values, at a frequency much higher than that of the original signal, thereby spreading the energy of the original signal into a much wider band.The resulting signal resembles white noise, like an audio recording of "static". However, this noise-like signal can be used to exactly reconstruct the original data at the receiving end, by multiplying it by the same pseudorandom sequence (because 1 × 1 = 1, and −1 × −1 = 1). This process, known as "de-spreading", mathematically constitutes a correlation of the transmitted PN sequence with the PN sequence that the receiver believes the transmitter is using.For de-spreading to work correctly, the transmit and receive sequences must be synchronized. This requires the receiver to synchronize its sequence with the transmitter's sequence via some sort of timing search process. However, this apparent drawback can be a significant benefit: if the sequences of multiple transmitters are synchronized with each other, the relative synchronizations the receiver must make between them can be used to determine relative timing, which, in turn, can be used to calculate the receiver's position if the transmitters' positions are known. This is the basis for many satellite navigation systems.The resulting effect of enhancing signal to noise ratio on the channel is called process gain. This effect can be made larger by employing a longer PN sequence and more chips per bit, but physical devices used to generate the PN sequence impose practical limits on attainable processing gain.If an undesired transmitter transmits on the same channel but with a different PN sequence (or no sequence at all), the de-spreading process results in no processing gain for that signal. This effect is the basis for the code division multiple access (CDMA) property of DSSS, which allows multiple transmitters to share the same channel within the limits of the cross-correlation properties of their PN sequences.As this description suggests, a plot of the transmitted waveform has a roughly bell-shaped envelope centered on the carrier frequency, just like a normal AM transmission, except that the added noise causes the distribution to be much wider than that of an AM transmission.In contrast, frequency-hopping spread spectrum pseudo-randomly re-tunes the carrier, instead of adding pseudo-random noise to the data, which results in a uniform frequency distribution whose width is determined by the output range of the pseudo-random number generator.2.2.3Benefits∙Resistance to intended or unintended jamming∙Sharing of a single channel among multiple users∙Reduced signal/background-noise level hampers interception (stealth)∙Determination of relative timing between transmitter and receiver2.2.4Uses∙The United States GPS and European Galileo satellite navigation systems∙DS-CDMA (Direct-Sequence Code Division Multiple Access) is a multiple access scheme based on DSSS, by spreading the signals from/to different users with different codes.It is the most widely used type of CDMA.∙Cordless phones operating in the 900 MHz, 2.4 GHz and 5.8 GHz bands∙IEEE 802.11b 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi, and its predecessor 802.11-1999. (Their successor 802.11g uses OFDM instead)∙Automatic meter reading∙IEEE 802.15.4 (used e.g. as PHY and MAC layer for ZigBee)2.3 Frequency-hopping spread spectrumFrequency-hopping spread spectrum (FHSS) is a method of transmitting radio signals by rapidly switching a carrier among many frequency channels, using a pseudorandom sequence known to both transmitter and receiver. It is utilized as a multiple access method in the frequency-hopping code division multiple access (FH-CDMA) scheme.A spread-spectrum transmission offers three main advantages over a fixed-frequency transmission:1.Spread-spectrum signals are highly resistant to narrowband interference. Theprocess of re-collecting a spread signal spreads out the interfering signal, causing it to recede into the background.2.Spread-spectrum signals are difficult to intercept. An FHSS signal simply appearsas an increase in the background noise to a narrowband receiver. An eavesdropper would only be able to intercept the transmission if they knew the pseudorandom sequence.3.Spread-spectrum transmissions can share a frequency band with many types ofconventional transmissions with minimal interference. The spread-spectrum signals add minimal noise to the narrow-frequency communications, and vice versa. As a result, bandwidth can be utilized more efficiently.2.3.1 Basic algorithmTypically, the initiation of an FHSS communication is as follows1.The initiating party sends a request via a predefined frequency or control channel.2.The receiving party sends a number, known as a seed.3.The initiating party uses the number as a variable in a predefined algorithm, whichcalculates the sequence of frequencies that must be used. Most often the period of the frequency change is predefined, as to allow a single base station to serve multiple connections.4.The initiating party sends a synchronization signal via the first frequency in thecalculated sequence, thus acknowledging to the receiving party it has correctly calculated the sequence.5.The communication begins, and both the receiving and the sending party changetheir frequencies along the calculated order, starting at the same point in time.2.3.2 Military useSpread-spectrum signals are highly resistant to deliberate jamming, unless the adversary has knowledge of the spreading characteristics. Military radios use cryptographic techniques to generate the channel sequence under the control of a secret Transmission Security Key(TRANSEC) that the sender and receiver share.By itself, frequency hopping provides only limited protection against eavesdropping and jamming. To get around this weakness most modern military frequency hopping radios often employ separate encryption devices such as the KY-57. U.S. military radios that use frequency hopping include HAVE QUICK and SINCGARS.2.3.3Technical considerationsThe overall bandwidth required for frequency hopping is much wider than that required to transmit the same information using only one carrier frequency. However, because transmission occurs only on a small portion of this bandwidth at any given time, the effective interference bandwidth is really the same. Whilst providing no extra protection against wideband thermal noise, the frequency-hopping approach does reduce the degradation caused by narrowband interferers.One of the challenges of frequency-hopping systems is to synchronize the transmitter and receiver. One approach is to have a guarantee that the transmitter will use all the channels in a fixed period of time. The receiver can then find the transmitter by picking a random channel and listening for valid data on that channel. The transmitter's data is identified by a special sequence of data that is unlikely to occur over the segment of data for this channel and the segment can have a checksum for integrity and further identification. The transmitter and receiver can use fixed tables of channel sequences so that once synchronized they can maintain communication by following the table. On each channel segment, the transmitter can send its current location in the table.In the US, FCC part 15 on unlicensed system in the 900MHz and 2.4GHz bands permits more power than non-spread spectrum systems. Both frequency hopping and direct sequence systems can transmit at 1 Watt. The limit is increased from 1 milliwatt to 1 watt or a thousand times increase. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) prescribes a minimum number of channels and a maximum dwell time for each channel.In a real multipoint radio system, space allows multiple transmissions on the same frequency to be possible using multiple radios in a geographic area. This creates the possibility of system data rates that are higher than the Shannon limit for a single channel. Spread spectrum systems do not violate the Shannon limit. Spread spectrum systems rely on excess signal to noise ratios for sharing of spectrum. This property is also seen in MIMO and DSSS systems. Beam steering and directional antennas also facilitate increased system performance by providing isolation between remote radios.2.3.4 Variations of FHSSAdaptive Frequency-hopping spread spectrum (AFH) (as used in Bluetooth) improves resistance to radio frequency interference by avoiding using crowded frequencies in the hopping sequence. This sort of adaptive transmission is easier to implement with FHSS than with DSSS.The key idea behind AFH is to use only the “good” frequencies, by avoiding the "bad" frequency channels -- perhaps those "bad" frequency channels are experiencing frequency selective fading, or perhaps some third party is trying to communicate on those bands, or perhaps those bands are being actively jammed. Therefore, AFH should be complemented by a mechanism for detecting good/bad channels.However, if the radio frequency interference is itself dynamic, then the strategy of “badchannel removal”, applied in AFH might not work well. For example, if there are several colocated frequency-hopping networks (as Bluetooth Piconet), then they are mutually interfering and the strategy of AFH fails to avoid this interference.In this case, there is a need to use strategies for dynamic adaptation of the frequency hopping pattern.Such a situation can often happen in the scenarios that use unlicensed spectrum.In addition, dynamic radio frequency interference is expected to occur in the scenarios related to cognitive radio, where the networks and the devices should exhibit frequency-agile operation.Chirp modulation can be seen as a form of frequency-hopping that simply scans through the available frequencies in consecutive order.第一章介绍扩频技术是信号(例如一个电气、电磁,或声信号)生成的特定带宽频率域中特意传播,从而导致更大带宽的信号的方法。



QT中文翻译步骤第一步在你的pro里面加入 TRANSLATIONS = myexec_zh.ts (根据对应的ts文件修改)第二步用lupdate 操作pro 将要翻译的提取到ts文件命令是 lupdate my.pro第三步用 linguist 打开刚才的ts文件,linugist是在qt的bin的目录里面, 是一个界面工具打开linguist 后用菜单栏file ->open 打开相应的ts文件如刚才myexec_zh.ts 打开后你会看到左边是相应的类右边的上半部是相应的类里面tr 里面的内容所以在程序里面 tr里面的都是e文到这里就用上了下半部是你要翻译的语言的相应的东西,就是你输入中文的地方要注意的就是那些标点符号最好还是用e文输入状态的如save as.... 就应该是另存为.... 而不是另存为。

注意后面的标点的差别,其中绿色的表示翻译好了,叹号的表示没有翻译对,交叉的表示没有翻译第四步先用 linguist 菜单保存你翻译好的ts文件,接着用linguist界面工具里面菜单file里面的release...,点击这个就会弹出对话框提示你输入 qm文件的文件名,用默认的就可以了。

按确定后你会在ts文件所在的目录看到一个qm 后缀名的个文件,这就程序翻译器要用到的文件。

第五步,在你的程序里面使用刚才得到的qm文件方法如下QTranslator translator( 0 );translator.load( "myexec_zh.qm", "." );//要跟刚才得到的qm的文件名对应app.installTranslator( &translator );切记在第五步的时候,一定要在界面的前面安装翻译器举个例子,下面的顺序是对的QTranslator translator( 0 );translator.load( "french.qm", "." );app.installTranslator( &translator );MyWidget m;app.setMainWidget( &m );m.show();下面的顺序就不对,它错在界面出来之后才才安装翻译器MyWidget m;app.setMainWidget( &m );m.show();QTranslator translator( 0 );translator.( "myexec_zh.qm", "." );//要跟刚才得到的qm的文件名对应app.installTranslator( &translator );他的错误是在界面出来后才安装翻译器,就翻译不到界面里面了,一定要在界面出来之前安装翻译器,最好就是在app后就立刻安装QTranslator translator( 0 );translator.load( "french.qm", "." );app.installTranslator( &translator );MyWidget m;m.setFont(QFont("unifont", 16));app.setMainWidget( &m );m.show();补充一下第二步的作用主要是将整个工程中所有tr的地方提取到ts文件里面,在后面打开ts的时候就会看到的,所以所谓翻译就是把tr("english")中的english 提取出来,让你翻译成相应的语言,供程序加载使用最后需要把*.qm文件copy到debug目录下,才能实现界面语言转换.qm要跟exe在一个文件夹里面,这个主要是load的时候第二个参数导致的...那个是表示exe找的qm的路径,因为是.表示当前路径,所以就有楼上上面出现的情况了,谢谢补充我的整理版:(1)在design.pro文件里面加入TRANSLATIONS = design.ts。



Container Dump SiteAs an important part of international transportation chain and logistics chain, container transport trade plays a crucial role, and further more, some advanced country look it as a important symbol behaved their integrated logistics competition. Container Terminal, which is a container transport nerve, connects the water transport with land—carriage, it affects the container transport. Because of application of modern hi—tech in port, the loaded and unloaded system becomes more and more large-scale, high-speed, automatism, and information, and the size of Container Terminal is more big, the work efficiency is more high and the throughput is also more much。

Just because of all this, the conventional design of port distinct with the operation fact of modern Container Terminal. Design method of port needs improvement constantly, and design thought also needs innovation。



In the United States in February 15, 1946, University of Pennsylvania, the world's first electronic calculator ENIAC officially put into operation. The grand opening ceremony, ENIAC show its" unique skill": in asecond5000addition operations; within one second of500 multiplication operations. This was the fastest electric calculator operation speedto1000 times. The audience stood up and cheered, cheer the science and technology has entered a new historical period of development. However, technically speaking, ENIAC has not yet been officially running is almost out of date. Because in its formal operation before, a new electronic calculator design report, and in the history of the development of calculator tree had a new milepost! The design of the drafting of the report, twentieth Century is gifted master of mathematics, the Hungarian-American mathematician of von Neumann.In December 28, 1903, Rev. Iman was born in Budapest, hungary. He always shows amazing gift for mathematics, it is said that in the6 years old can do8 Mathematics division,8 years old when he mastered calculus,12 years old when he read a profound mathematical writings" function"! Later, von Neumann in Hungary." Mathematics" under the guidance of the father Feiyeer, have received strict training. At the age of 18, he and the guidance of teacher cooperation in foreign countries, the magazine published the first mathematical papers.In 1926, Neumann von. Almost at the same time graduated from the University in two: Zurich Higher Institute of technology" chemical engineering" diploma; at the University of Budapest to obtain mathematical PhD certificate.In 1930, Rev. Neumann went to the United States, was hired as the visiting professor of Princeton University. 3 years later, only 30 years old, Neumann von. With great scientist Einstein, Princeton became the first permanent member of the Institute for advanced study.With the Rev. Neumann worked with people, recognized his talent. His teacher, the famous mathematician Polya said:" Rev. Neumann is my only fear the student, if I in speech are listed in a puzzle, so when I the end of his speech, he always took a piece of paper that has been scribbled the problem out. " Once, a mathematician on a problem of5 cases with hand calculator calculate an overnight, the very next day to consult Feng. Neumann, he just 7 minutes to figure out all the answers, then, Neumann von. About half an hour, and found a better. Algorithm. However, Rev. Neumann 's wife finds him" a little geometric sense nor. Once, she let von. Neumann to fetch a cup of water, Rev. Neumann in this house for 17 years of life, doesn't know where he placed in the cup, round, come back again asked his wife where glass ... .... On the chores of life be absent-minded, reflected from the other side of his scientificresearch focus. Neumann von. Study question concentrated, so keen to capture the essence of the problem.Before 1940, Rev. Neumann on mathematical pages offer concentrated in pure mathematics. He has studied" operator ring" field for 20 years, has been in the field beyond all dispute the authority of the world; his other Xiang Huihuang's scientific achievements, is part of the solution to the problem of Hilbert fifth, to completely solve this math problem has made a significant contribution to the famous.In 1940, Rev. Neumann actively involved in the anti-fascist war torrent, started from the pure mathematicians to outstanding applied mathematicians transformation process. During the war, he was appointed to the United States Naval Ordnance Bureau units and many other consultants, but also directly involved in the development of nuclear weapons work, for the design of the optimal structure of the atomic bomb and put forward many important suggestions.Rev. Neumann has an outstanding advantage, is good at the people that cannot use the mathematical treatment of the actual problem to be axiomatic, systematic, the abstract mathematical theory skillfully applied to real life field. For example, a businessman in dozens of trading, traders will seek to benefit their own optimal strategy, the mathematics is far more complex than the solar system planets motion, von. Neumann dared to advance despite difficulties, with a series of mathematicalcreative revealed this kind of phenomenon, which laid the foundation of this branch of mathematics of game theory on the basis of. Neumann von. On calculator scientific contributions, especially for people to appreciate. Interestingly, introduces him to this field is purely by chance.The summer of 1944, Rev. Neumann at a train station, met the ENIAC development team is responsible for one of the mathematician, Goldstein lieutenant. At that time, Rev. Neumann is atomic bomb experiment met a large number of computational problems and distress, such as the nuclear fission reaction process problem, need to be billions of times elementary arithmetic operations, hundreds of female computer with desktop computing worked day and night, still can't finish the task on time. In the dative Edelstein Lieutenant chat von. Neumann heard ENIAC being developed by the news, immediately understood the work of profound significance. Soon after, he became a development team regulars, and the solution of some key problems contributed to.At that time, ENIAC development work already neared end, von. Neumann and together focused on ENIAC deficiencies. In 1945March, he drafted a" electronic discrete variable automatic calculator " of the design report, the ENIAC made two important improvements.An improvement is the band of 10to 2m, thus greatly simplifying the calculator structure and operation process; another improvement is theprogram with the data stored in the calculator, the calculator of the whole operation of a truly automatic process.The design report is the calculator structure thought of one of the most important reform, marked the real beginning of the age of electronic calculator. Always pursue post-secondary Academic Institute for advanced study in Princeton, also an approved von Neumann development work. Since then, his new design idea, deeply branded in the basic design of modern electronic calculator. The Western scientists to von. Neumann's work gave a high evaluation, regard him as the" father of the electronic calculator.Later, Rev. Neumann goes further to research the automata theory, with amazing perseverance to overcome the pain of cancer, explore the calculator and the human brain mechanisms of similar phenomenon. Unfortunately, in February 8, 1957," calculator" about brain and do not finish, Rev. Neumann was cancer claimed the lives of.Rev. Neumann has left the world rich scientific heritage. In twentieth Century he was the most prolific of one of the scientists, in theoretical physics, economics, meteorology and many other scientific fields, also left his toil trail. For example, early in his life he wrote" the mathematical foundation of quantum mechanics" one book, the first quantum mechanics into the strict mathematical systems, are still theoretical physics classics. The experts pointed out:" if the time has to explore von.Neumann's personal ambition and academic achievement, there is discussion of the past 30 years the history of scientific development outline. "By 1956, the whole world has produced thousands of large electronic computer, some of which have high computing speed of tens of thousands of times per second. These electronic calculator to vacuum tube as the main component, it is called a vacuum tube computer. Use of this generation of electronic calculator, the satellite was sent on the day. This is the first generation of electronic calculator.The second generation of electronic calculator is a transistor calculator. In 1956, the United States Baer laboratory transistors instead of vacuum tubes, made the world's first all transistor calculator Lepreachaun. It makes the volume, weight, power consumption calculator are greatly reduced. To 60 time, the world has produced more than 3Taiwan transistor calculator, operational speeds of up to3000000 times per second.Third generation computer is small and medium scale integrated circuit calculator. In 1962, the United States Texas company and the United States Air Force cooperation, with integrated circuit calculator of basic electronic components, made a experimental prototype. In this period, calculator, volume power consumption is further reduced, the reliabilityis greatly improved, operation speeds of up to40000000 times per second.The fourth generation of electronic calculator is a large-scale integrated circuit calculator. Is generally believed that was started in 1970. Now, the giant machine operation speed has reached hundreds of millions of times per second, in scientific research and economic management plays an irreplaceable role; and the miniature machine makes the calculator of the volume and the cost is greatly reduced, and penetrated into the industrial production and daily life each quoin. Today, to make a ENIAC also function calculator, volume as long as its ppm is enough.Fifth generation computer research work has been carried out for many years, whether it is" fantasy " of the superconducting calculator, calculator, calculator, or light biological artificial intelligent amplifier, have made certain progress. This generation of computer speed will reach every second trillion times, can to a large extent simulating human intelligence, and in some ways surpass human intelligence.The clever mathematician to electronic calculator, electronic calculator will enable mathematicians become more clever. And the electronic calculator is not only a tool, it and other tools are not the same: electronic calculator is the human brain a side extension. Because the electronic calculator not only has special computing ability, speed is unmatched, but also is capable of simulating the human some thinkingfunctions, in accordance with certain rules for logical judgment and logical reasoning, to replace the partial mental labor. In 1976, a mathematician with electronic calculator to prove the four-color theorem," relying on the machines did not able to complete the things", has caused a sensation throughout the international mathematical circles.Electronic calculator to think more effectively to the unknown field. Just from this point of view, it is not difficult to realize electronic calculator is a great invention of science.1946 年2月15日,在美国宾夕法尼亚大学,世界上第一台电子计算器ENIAC正式投入了运行。



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关键词:智能传感器;温度传感器;石英音又谐振器;数字设计1 引言随着科学技术的飞速发展,已经出台的高性能和低功耗系统,以满足市场的不断需求。












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沈阳农业大学学士学位论文外文翻译QT Creator的应用及前景摘要:顾名思义,Qt Creator是一个完整的综合发展与Qt应用程序创建应用程序环境(IDE)框架。


本文提供了一个引进的Qt Creator 和功能,它提供给开发商。

关键词:qt creator使用,qt creator的使用前景1. Qt 4说明Qt Creator的主要驱动力已经Qt的具体发展需要,简单,易用性,生产力,可扩展性,开放性,以及试图降低开始使用Qt的屏障。

Qt Creator 的援助的主要特点应用程序开发人员,例如,在下列方式:• Qt应用程序开发项目向导快速和容易的开始,快速访问最近的项目和会议。


•先进的C++代码编辑器和开发应用集成的Qt Designer。


• GDB调试器使用的图形用户界面与调试增加Qt类结构的认识。


Qt Creator的不竞争与Qt插件为Eclipse或微软Visual Studio中,而是相辅相成的Qt工具提供提供Qt的完整的开发环境,很容易和快速采取使用,便于使用Qt的具体特点。

在一般情况下,Qt Creator的Qt支持所有的平台上运行。

预建可用于Microsoft Windows,麦金塔OS X和Linux二进制文件。


Qt Creator的建设和运行,可能需要Qt 4.x的一个单独的安装到您的计算机。

2. Qt Creator的工作为了满足设计的驱动程序(简单,易于使用,和生产力)的Qt造物主依赖于模式的概念,它能够适应用户界面遇到不同的应用程序开发任务。


作为一个结果,一直致力于为广大的Qt Creator的窗口区域实际应用的开发任务。

为了说明这一点,图1给出了Qt Creator的用户界面(UI)的关键部件。

快速交换模式,Qt Creator的一个模态选择器的左侧窗口。





•帮助文件,如Qt的参考文档,查看和Qt Creator的文档。











3. Qt4的新项目向导设立新项目的Qt Creator是一个向导,指导帮助用户通过在项目创建过程中连续的步骤。



当这些步骤已经完成,Qt Creator的自动生成该项目所需的标题,来源,用户界面和项目文件定义向导。

4.高级C + +代码编辑器在源代码中的写作,编辑和导航应用中的核心任务发展。

因此 C + +代码编辑器的关键部件之一,Qt Creator的。


在图2中可以看到,在C + +编辑器提供:•语法高亮关键字,符号和宏。

•类成员和方法的代码完成以及功能参数,通过键盘访问的捷径(ctrl +空格)支持在目前的Qt类和用户自己的类项目。










除此之外,C + +代码编辑器支持不同的键盘快捷键更快的编辑。


5.集成的Qt Designer编辑用户界面文件的Qt Creator提供了一个完全集成的Qt设计师在编辑模式。




图3显示了一个简单的式下集成的Qt Designer编辑。


在右上角的窗口包含在Object Inspector显示在当前的用户界面对象的层次结构。


此外,用户可以使用许多其他任务集成的Qt Designer连接信号和槽,并设置Tab键顺序等。


6.集成的Qt 帮助不时,应用程序开发人员可能需要进一步的信息关于若干类,函数,等等。

Qt的所有文件和例子是通过插件的Qt Creator的Qt帮助。




它也可以添加外部文件的Qt Creator,补充或替换现有的文件。

沈阳农业大学学士学位论文外文翻译7. 定位器之间的文件和信息导航虽然编辑的源代码,开发人员经常需要移动之间不同的文件,并访问多个信息来源。














8.编译和调试目前,Qt Creator的GNU编译器(gcc)和调试器(GDB)的支持。

虽然它是可以使用几乎所有Qt支持的编译器在Qt Creator的调试功能只适用于用户的gcc。

这意味着,例如,应用程序创建在Microsoft Visual Studio 编译器,不能在Qt Creator的调试。

的Qt Creator提供了一个Debug模式,提供了一个图形用户界面GNU调试器。

图6显示了在Debug模式的被告席上的Qt Creator查看下面的代码编辑器调试工具(或部件)。




沈阳农业大学学士学位论文外文翻译•检查调用栈内容,观众和LO l和全局变量。


此外,Qt Creator的显示原始GNU调试器的信息在一个清晰,简明的方式。







对于每个调用堆栈中的函数,Qt Creator的尝试撷取其位置(源代码文件的名称和相关的行号)和目前它在堆栈视图。







9.总结Qt Creator提供了一个完整的开发环境Qt应用程序创作。


主要特点是先进的 C ++代码编辑器和GNU调试器的图形用户界面。

集成的Qt Designer,Qt的帮助,快速导航定位工具,Qt Creator的开发Qt应用程序的理想环境。

原文出处: http____files_pdf_qt原文截图:。
