
本科毕业论文外文翻译外文译文题目:不确定条件下生产线平衡:鲁棒优化模型和最优解解法学院:机械自动化专业:工业工程学号: 201003166045学生姓名: 宋倩指导教师:潘莉日期: 二○一四年五月Assembly line balancing under uncertainty: Robust optimization modelsand exact solution methodÖncü Hazır , Alexandre DolguiComputers &Industrial Engineering,2013,65:261–267不确定条件下生产线平衡:鲁棒优化模型和最优解解法安库·汉泽,亚历山大·多桂计算机与工业工程,2013,65:261–267摘要这项研究涉及在不确定条件下的生产线平衡,并提出两个鲁棒优化模型。
关键字:装配线平衡;不确定性; 鲁棒优化;组合优化;精确算法1.简介装配线就是包括一系列在车间中进行连续操作的生产系统。

金融体制、融资约束与投资——来自OECD的实证分析R.SemenovDepartment of Economics,University of Nijmegen,Nijmegen(荷兰内梅亨大学,经济学院)这篇论文考查了OECD的11个国家中现金流量对企业投资的影响.我们发现不同国家之间投资对企业内部可获取资金的敏感性具有显著差异,并且银企之间具有明显的紧密关系的国家的敏感性比银企之间具有公平关系的国家的低.同时,我们发现融资约束与整体金融发展指标不存在关系.我们的结论与资本市场信息和激励问题对企业投资具有重要作用这种观点一致,并且紧密的银企关系会减少这些问题从而增加企业获取外部融资的渠道。
然而,经济理论表明市场摩擦,诸如信息不对称和激励问题会使获得外部资本更加昂贵,并且具有盈利投资机会的企业不一定能够获取所需资本.这表明融资要素,例如内部产生资金数量、新债务和权益的可得性,共同决定了企业的投资决策.现今已经有大量考查外部资金可得性对投资决策的影响的实证资料(可参考,例如Fazzari(1998)、 Hoshi(1991)、 Chapman(1996)、Samuel(1998)).大多数研究结果表明金融变量例如现金流量有助于解释企业的投资水平。

本科毕业论文外文翻译Undergraduate Thesis External Translation (700 Words)Title: The Impact of Social Media on Consumer Behavior Abstract:With the rapid development of social media, its influence on consumer behavior has drawn increasing attention from scholars and marketers. This paper aims to explore the impact of social media on consumer behavior from the perspective of information acquisition, interpersonal communication, and brand evaluation. Through a literature review and analysis, it is found that social media has a significant impact on consumer behavior by providing easy access to information, facilitating communication between consumers, and influencing brand perception. This research provides valuable insights for marketers in understanding and utilizing social media platforms to effectively engage with consumers and influence their purchasing decisions.1. IntroductionSocial media has become an integral part of people's daily lives, and its impact on consumer behavior cannot be ignored. This paper aims to investigate the impact of social media on consumer behavior and provide practical implications for marketers. The research question is: How does social media influence consumer behavior in terms of information acquisition, interpersonal communication, and brand evaluation?2. Information Acquisition2.1 Social media provides a platform for consumers to easilyaccess information about products and services. Through social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, consumers can obtain product reviews, comparisons, and recommendations from peers. This information influences consumers' purchasing decisions and enhances their knowledge about products.2.2 Social media also serves as a source of entertainment and inspiration, enabling users to discover new trends and products. Influencers and celebrities, who gain popularity through social media, often endorse products and create consumer desire for these items. This form of indirect advertising through social media has a significant impact on consumer behavior.3. Interpersonal CommunicationSocial media platforms enable users to interact with friends, family, and even strangers. This communication aspect of social media hasa direct influence on consumer behavior.3.1 Word-of-mouth (WOM) communication through social media is prevalent. Consumers often share their positive or negative experiences with products on social media platforms, which influence others' opinions and purchasing decisions. These online conversations have a wide reach and can greatly impact brand perception.3.2 Social media facilitates communication between consumers and brands. Consumers can directly communicate with brands through social media channels, providing feedback, asking questions, and seeking assistance. This two-way communicationimproves customer satisfaction and loyalty.4. Brand Evaluation4.1 Social media plays a crucial role in brand evaluation. Consumers often seek information about brands, their values, and their reputation on social media platforms. Positive or negative brand mentions and reviews on social media greatly influence consumers' perceptions of brands, leading to either increased or decreased brand trust and loyalty.4.2 Social media influencers and celebrities endorsing particular brands also impact brand evaluation. These individuals' recommendations and opinions can greatly influence consumers' perceptions and preferences for specific brands.5. ConclusionIn conclusion, social media has a significant impact on consumer behavior by influencing information acquisition, interpersonal communication, and brand evaluation. Marketers should utilize and engage with social media platforms to effectively reach and influence their target customers. This research provides insights for marketers to enhance their social media strategies and create effective brand-consumer interactions.。

因为学校对毕业论文中的外文翻译并无规定,为统一起见,特做以下要求:1、每篇字数为1500字左右,共两篇;2、每篇由两部分组成:译文+原文.3 附件中是一篇范本,具体字号、字体已标注。
外文翻译(包含原文)(宋体四号加粗)外文翻译一(宋体四号加粗)作者:(宋体小四号加粗)Kim Mee Hyun Director, Policy Research & Development Team,Korean Film Council(小四号)出处:(宋体小四号加粗)Korean Cinema from Origins to Renaissance(P358~P340) 韩国电影的发展及前景(标题:宋体四号加粗)1996~现在数量上的增长(正文:宋体小四)在过去的十年间,韩国电影经历了难以置信的增长。


目录Part 1 PID type fuzzy controller and parameters adaptive method (1)Part 2 Application of self adaptation fuzzy-PID control for main steam temperature control system in power station 错误!未定义书签。
Part 3 Neuro-fuzzy generalized predictive control of boiler steam temperature ....................................................................... (8)Part 4 为Part3译文:锅炉蒸汽温度模糊神经网络的广义预测控制14Part 1 PID type fuzzy controller and Parametersadaptive methodWu zhi QIAO,Masaharu MizumotoAbstract: The authors of this paper try to analyze the dynamic behavior of the product—sum crisp type fuzzy controller, revealing that this type of fuzzy controller behaves approximately like a PD controller that may yield steady-state error for the control system。
By relating to the conventional PID control theory, we propose a new fuzzy controller structure,namely PID type fuzzy controller which retains the characteristics similar to the conventional PID controller. In order to improve further the performance of the fuzzy controller, we work out a method to tune the parameters of the PID type fuzzy controller on line, producing a parameter adaptive fuzzy controller. Simulation experiments are made to demonstrate the fine performance of these novel fuzzy controller structures。

毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译院系:财务与会计学院年级专业:201*级财务管理姓名:学号:132148***附件: 财务风险管理【Abstract】Although financial risk has increased significantly in recent years risk and risk management are not contemporary issues。
The result of increasingly global markets is that risk may originate with events thousands of miles away that have nothing to do with the domestic market。
Information is available instantaneously which means that change and subsequent market reactions occur very quickly。
The economic climate and markets can be affected very quickly by changes in exchange rates interest rates and commodity prices。
Counterparties can rapidly become problematic。
As a result it is important to ensure financial risks are identified and managed appropriately. Preparation is a key component of risk management。
【Key Words】Financial risk,Risk management,YieldsI. Financial risks arising1.1What Is Risk1.1.1The concept of riskRisk provides the basis for opportunity. The terms risk and exposure have subtle differences in their meaning. Risk refers to the probability of loss while exposure is the possibility of loss although they are often used interchangeably。
毕业设计论文 外文文献翻译

毕业设计(论文)外文参考文献翻译计算机科学与信息工程系系(院)2008 届题目企业即时通Instant Messaging for Enterprises课题类型技术开发课题来源自选学生姓名许帅专业班级 04计算机科学与技术指导老师王占中职称工程师完成日期:2008年4 月 6 日目录I NSTANT M ESSAGING FOR E NTERPRISE (1)1. Tips (1)2. Introduction (1)3. First things first (2)4.The While-Accept loop (4)5. Per-Thread class (6)6. The Client class (7)企业即时通 (9)1.提示 (9)2.简介 (9)3.首先第一件事 (10)4.监听循环 (11)5.单线程类 (13)6.用户端类 (14)Instant Messaging for Enterprise1. TipsIf Java is, in fact, yet another computer programming language, you may question why it is so important and why it is being promoted as a revolutionary step in computer programming. The answer isn’t immediately obvious if you’re coming from a tr aditional programming perspective. Although Java is very useful for solving traditional standalone programming problems, it is also important because it will solve programming problems on the World Wide Web. What is the Web?The Web can seem a bit of a mys tery at first, with all this talk of “surfing,”“presence,” and “home pages.” It’s helpful to step back and see what it really is, but to do this you must understand client/server systems, another aspect of computing that is full of confusing issues. The primary idea of a client/server system is that you have a central repository of information,some kind of data, often in a database。

毕业设计外文资料翻译学院:信息科学与工程学院专业:软件工程姓名: XXXXX学号: XXXXXXXXX外文出处: Think In Java (用外文写)附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。
15.1 机器的标识当然,为了分辨来自别处的一台机器,以及为了保证自己连接的是希望的那台机器,必须有一种机制能独一无二地标识出网络内的每台机器。
IP以两种形式存在着:(1) 大家最熟悉的DNS(域名服务)形式。

本实验所使用的药剂均为分析纯,如无特别说明均购买自日本片山化工。铅离子储备液通过溶解Pb(NO3)2配制,使用时稀释到需要的浓度。HEPES缓冲液购买自Sigma–Aldrich。5 mol/L的HCl和NaOH用来调整pH。
(1)Adsorption of Pb(II) from glucose solution on thiol-functionalized cellulosic biomass
铅离子的浓度用分光光度计在616 nm波长处用铅与偶氮氯膦-III络合物进行分析。葡萄糖含量采用苯酚—硫酸分光光度法测定。所有的实验均进行三次,已经考虑好误差。
图1是脱脂棉、改性脱脂棉在400-4000 cm-1(A)和2540-2560 cm-1(B)范围内的红外光谱图。可以看出,改性后改性脱脂棉的红外光谱图中在1735.71 cm-1处出现了一个新的吸收峰是酯基C=O的拉伸振动峰,可见改性脱脂棉中已经成功引入巯基官能团。同时,在2550.52 cm-1出现的一个新吸收峰代表的是S-H官能团的弱吸收峰,更深一层的证明了巯基已经嫁接到脱脂棉上。图1(b)是2540-2560 cm-1光谱范围的一个放大图像,可以清楚的观察到S-H官能团的弱吸收峰。进一步证明了酯化改性脱脂棉引入巯基是成功的。而从吸附后的曲线可以看到,2550.52cm-1处S-H的吸收峰消失,证明了硫原子和Pb(II)络合物的形成,同时1735.71cm-1处C=O的吸收峰强度看起来有轻微的减弱可能也是和Pb(II)的络合吸附有关。

外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文.附件1:外文资料翻译译文CATIA V5 的自动化CATIA V5的自动化和脚本:在NT 和Unix上:脚本允许你用宏指令以非常简单的方式计划CATIA。
CATIA 使用在MS –VBScript中(V5.x中在NT和UNIX3。
0 )的共用部分来使得在两个平台上运行相同的宏。
在NT 平台上:自动化允许CATIA像Word/Excel或者Visual Basic程序那样与其他外用分享目标。
ATIA 能使用Word/Excel对象就像Word/Excel能使用CATIA 对象。
在Unix 平台上:CATIA将来的版本将允许从Java分享它的对象。
这将提供在Unix 和NT 之间的一个完美兼容。
CATIA V5 自动化:介绍(仅限NT)自动化允许在几个进程之间的联系:CATIA V5 在NT 上:接口COM:Visual Basic 脚本(对宏来说),Visual Basic 为应用(适合前:Word/Excel ),Visual Basic。
Automation 是一种“微软“技术,它使用一种解释环境中的COM对象。
ActiveX 组成部分是“微软“标准于几个应用程序之间的共享对象,即使在解释环境里。
OLE(对象的链接与嵌入)意思是资料可以在一个其他应用OLE的资料里连结并且可以被编辑的方法(在适当的位置编辑).在VBScript,VBA和Visual Basic之间的差别:Visual Basic(VB)是全部的版本。
它能产生独立的计划,它也能建立ActiveX 和服务器。

毕业论文外文翻译Title: The Influence of Technological Advancements on Education Abstract:This paper explores the impact of technological advancements on education. With the rapid development of technology, its introduction into education has revolutionized the way knowledge is acquired and shared. The benefits of technology integration in education include improving learning outcomes, enhancing access to education, and fostering collaboration and communication. On the other hand, potential challenges such as inequality in access to technology and the risk of replacing traditional teaching methods with digital tools are also discussed. To address these challenges, the paper proposes recommendations and strategies for effectively using technology in education. It concludes that while technology has the potential to significantly enhance education, careful planning, teacher training, and continuous evaluation are crucial to ensure its successful integration.1. IntroductionEducation is the foundation of personal and societal development. Over the years, technological advancements have played a significant role in transforming various sectors, including education. The integration of technology in education has opened up new possibilities for teaching and learning.2. Benefits of Technological Integration in Education2.1 Improved Learning OutcomesTechnology has the potential to enhance learning outcomes by providing personalized and engaging learning experiences.Interactive multimedia resources, such as videos, simulations, and virtual reality, can make complex concepts more accessible and understandable for students. Additionally, learning management systems and online platforms enable students to access educational materials anytime and anywhere, facilitating self-paced learning. 2.2 Enhanced Access to EducationTechnology has greatly expanded access to education, especially in remote and underserved areas. Online courses, virtual classrooms, and open educational resources have democratized education, allowing individuals to overcome geographical barriers and access learning opportunities that were previously unavailable. Furthermore, technology has created opportunities for lifelong learning, making education more accessible to adults and professionals.2.3 Collaboration and CommunicationTechnology enables collaboration and communication among students, teachers, and experts from different locations. Online discussion forums, video conferencing, and collaborative tools promote active participation, peer learning, and knowledge sharing. These digital platforms also facilitate communication between teachers and students, providing instant feedback and support outside of the traditional classroom settings.3. Challenges and ConcernsDespite the numerous benefits, there are challenges and concerns associated with technology integration in education.3.1 Inequality in Access to TechnologyThe digital divide creates unequal access to technology, making it difficult for some students to fully benefit from technology in their educational journey. Limited access to devices, stable internet connection, and technology literacy are major barriers that need to be addressed to ensure equal opportunities for all learners.3.2 Potential Over-reliance on TechnologyThere is a risk of over-reliance on technology, leading to the exclusion of effective traditional teaching methods or neglecting essential skills, such as critical thinking and problem-solving. It is important to strike a balance between technology use and traditional teaching approaches, ensuring that technology complements and enhances, rather than replaces, the core aspects of education.4. Recommendations and StrategiesTo harness the potential of technology in education, it is important to consider the following recommendations and strategies:4.1 Infrastructure and AccessEfforts should be made to bridge the digital divide by providing infrastructure, such as devices and internet connectivity, to underserved communities. Schools and educational institutions should prioritize equal access to technology and ensure that students have the necessary skills to utilize it effectively.4.2 Teacher Training and Professional DevelopmentTeachers play a critical role in integrating technology into the curriculum. Adequate training and professional development programs are essential to equip teachers with the skills andknowledge to effectively use technology for teaching and learning purposes. Continuous support and opportunities for collaboration and sharing of best practices should be provided.4.3 Continuous Evaluation and AdaptationRegular evaluation and feedback mechanisms should be in place to assess the impact of technology integration on learning outcomes. This will help identify areas for improvement and adapt teaching practices accordingly. Continuous evaluation will also ensure that the integration of technology remains aligned with educational goals and objectives.5. ConclusionTechnology has the potential to reshape education in unprecedented ways. This paper has highlighted the benefits and challenges of technology integration in education. It is essential to recognize that technology is a tool, not a substitute for quality teaching and learning. Strategic planning, teacher training, and evaluation are necessary to ensure technology's effective integration into education, thus harnessing its full potential to improve learning outcomes, enhance access to education, and foster collaboration and communication.。

外文原文(一)Savigny and his Anglo-American Disciple s*M. H. HoeflichFriedrich Carl von Savigny, nobleman, law reformer, champion of the revived German professoriate, and founder of the Historical School of jurisprudence, not only helped to revolutionize the study of law and legal institutions in Germany and in other civil law countries, but also exercised a profound influence on many of the most creative jurists and legal scholars in England and the United States. Nevertheless, tracing the influence of an individual is always a difficult task. It is especially difficult as regards Savigny and the approach to law and legal sources propounded by the Historical School. This difficulty arises, in part, because Savigny was not alone in adopting this approach. Hugo, for instance, espoused quite similar ideas in Germany; George Long echoed many of these concepts in England during the 1850s, and, of course, Sir Henry Sumner Maine also espoused many of these same concepts central to historical jurisprudence in England in the 1860s and 1870s. Thus, when one looks at the doctrinal writings of British and American jurists and legal scholars in the period before 1875, it is often impossible to say with any certainty that a particular idea which sounds very much the sort of thing that might, indeed, have been derived from Savigny's works, was, in fact, so derived. It is possible, nevertheless, to trace much of the influence of Savigny and his legal writings in the United States and in Great Britain during this period with some certainty because so great was his fame and so great was the respect accorded to his published work that explicit references to him and to his work abound in the doctrinal writing of this period, as well as in actual law cases in the courts. Thus, Max Gutzwiller, in his classic study Der einfluss Savignys auf die Entwicklung des International privatrechts, was able to show how Savigny's ideas on conflict of laws influenced such English and American scholars as Story, Phillimore, Burge, and Dicey. Similarly, Andreas Schwarz, in his "Einflusse Deutscher Zivilistik im Auslande," briefly sketched Savigny's influence upon John Austin, Frederick Pollock, and James Bryce. In this article I wish to examine Savigny's influence over a broader spectrum and to draw a picture of his general fame and reputation both in Britain and in the United States as the leading Romanist, legal historian, and German legal academic of his day. The picture of this Anglo-American respect accorded to Savigny and the historical school of jurisprudence which emerges from these sources is fascinating. It sheds light not only upon Savigny’s trans-channel, trans-Atlantic fame, but also upon the extraordinarily*M.H.Hoeflich, Savigny and his Anglo-American Disciples, American Journal of Comparative Law, vol.37, No.1, 1989.cosmopolitan outlook of many of the leading American and English jurists of the time. Of course, when one sets out to trace the influence of a particular individual and his work, it is necessary to demonstrate, if possible, precisely how knowledge of the man and his work was transmitted. In the case of Savigny and his work on Roman law and ideas of historical jurisprudence, there were three principal modes of transmission. First, there was the direct influence he exercised through his contacts with American lawyers and scholars. Second, there was the influence he exercised through his books. Third, there was the influence he exerted indirectly through intermediate scholars and their works. Let us examine each mode separately.I.INFLUENCE OF THE TRANSLATED WORKSWhile American and British interest in German legal scholarship was high in the antebellum period, the number of American and English jurists who could read German fluently was relatively low. Even those who borrowed from the Germans, for instance, Joseph Story, most often had to depend upon translations. It is thus quite important that Savigny’s works were amongst the most frequently translated into English, both in the United States and in Great Britain. His most influential early work, the Vom Beruf unserer Zeitfur Rechtsgeschichte und Gestzgebung, was translated into English by Abraham Hayward and published in London in 1831. Two years earlier the first volume of his History of Roman Law in the Middle Ages was translated by Cathcart and published in Edinburgh. In 1830, as well, a French translation was published at Paris. Sir Erskine Perry's translation of Savigny's Treatise on Possession was published in London in 1848. This was followed by Archibald Brown's epitome of the treatise on possession in 1872 and Rattigan's translation of the second volume of the System as Jural Relations or the Law of Persons in 1884. Guthrie published a translation of the seventh volume of the System as Private International Law at Edinburgh in 1869. Indeed, two English translations were even published in the far flung corners of the British Raj. A translation of the first volume of the System was published by William Holloway at Madras in 1867 and the volume on possession was translated by Kelleher and published at Calcutta in 1888. Thus, the determined English-speaking scholar had ample access to Savigny's works throughout the nineteenth century.Equally important for the dissemination of Savigny's ideas were those books and articles published in English that explained and analyzed his works. A number of these must have played an important role in this process. One of the earliest of these is John Reddie's Historical Notices of the Roman law and of the Progress of its Study in Germany, published at Edinburgh in 1826. Reddie was a noted Scots jurist and held the Gottingen J.U.D. The book, significantly, is dedicated to Gustav Hugo. It is of that genre known as an external history of Roman law-not so much a history of substantive Roman legal doctrine but rather a historyof Roman legal institutions and of the study of Roman law from antiquity through the nineteenth century. It is very much a polemic for the study of Roman law and for the Historical School. It imparts to the reader the excitement of Savigny and his followers about the study of law historically and it is clear that no reader of the work could possibly be left unmoved. It is, in short, the first work of public relations in English on behalf of Savigny and his ideas.Having mentioned Reddie's promotion of Savigny and the Historical School, it is important to understand the level of excitement with which things Roman and especially Roman law were greeted during this period. Many of the finest American jurists were attracted-to use Peter Stein's term-to Roman and Civil law, but attracted in a way that, at times, seems to have been more enthusiastic than intellectual. Similarly, Roman and Civil law excited much interest in Great Britain, as illustrated by the distinctly Roman influence to be found in the work of John Austin. The attraction of Roman and Civil law can be illustrated and best understood, perhaps, in the context of the publicity and excitement in the English-speaking world surrounding the discovery of the only complete manuscript of the classical Roman jurist Gaius' Institutes in Italy in 1816 by the ancient historian and German consul at Rome, B.G. Niebuhr. Niebuhr, the greatest ancient historian of his time, turned to Savigny for help with the Gaius manuscript (indeed, it was Savigny who recognized the manuscript for what it was) and, almost immediately, the books and journals-not just law journals by any means-were filled with accounts of the discovery, its importance to legal historical studies, and, of course, what it said. For instance, the second volume of the American Jurist contains a long article on the civil law by the scholarly Boston lawyer and classicist, John Pickering. The first quarter of the article is a gushing account of the discovery and first publication of the Gaius manuscript and a paean to Niebuhr and Savigny for their role in this. Similarly, in an article published in the London Law Magazine in 1829 on the civil law, the author contemptuously refers to a certain professor who continued to tell his students that the text of Gaius' Institutes was lost for all time. What could better show his ignorance of all things legal and literary than to be unaware of Niebuhr's great discovery?Another example of this reaction to the discovery of the Gaius palimpsest is to be found in David Irving's Introduction to the Study of the Civil Law. This volume is also more a history of Roman legal scholarship and sources than a study of substantive Roman law. Its pages are filled with references to Savigny's Geschichte and its approach clearly reflects the influence of the Historical School. Indeed, Irving speaks of Savigny's work as "one of the most remarkable productions of the age." He must have been truly impressed with German scholarship and must also have been able to convince the Faculty of Advocates, forwhom he was librarian, of the worth of German scholarship, for in 1820 the Faculty sent him to Gottingen so that he might study their law libraries. Irving devotes several pages of his elementary textbook on Roman law to the praise of the "remarkable" discovery of the Gaius palimpsest. He traces the discovery of the text by Niebuhr and Savigny in language that would have befitted an adventure tale. He elaborates on the various labors required to produce a new edition of the text and was particularly impressed by the use of a then new chemical process to make the under text of the palimpsest visible. He speaks of the reception of the new text as being greeted with "ardor and exultation" strong words for those who spend their lives amidst the "musty tomes" of the Roman law.This excitement over the Verona Gaius is really rather strange. Much of the substance of the Gaius text was already known to legal historians and civil lawyers from its incorporation into Justinian's Institutes and so, from a substantive legal perspective, the find was not crucial. The Gaius did provide new information on Roman procedural rules and it did also provide additional information for those scholars attempting to reconstruct pre-Justinianic Roman law. Nevertheless, these contributions alone seem hardly able to justify the excitement the discovery caused. Instead, I think that the Verona Gaius discovery simply hit a chord in the literary and legal community much the same as did the discovery of the Rosetta Stone or of Schliemann’s Troy. Here was a monument of a great civilization brought newly to light and able to be read for the first time in millenia. And just as the Rosetta Stone helped to establish the modern discipline of Egyptology and Schliemann's discoveries assured the development of classical archaeology as a modern academic discipline, the discovery of the Verona Gaius added to the attraction Roman law held for scholars and for lawyers, even amongst those who were not Romanists by profession. Ancillary to this, the discovery and publication of the Gaius manuscript also added to the fame of the two principals involved in the discovery, Niebuhr and Savigny. What this meant in the English-speaking world is that even those who could not or did not wish to read Savigny's technical works knew of him as one of the discoverers of the Gaius text. This fame itself may well have helped in spreading Savigny's legal and philosophical ideas, for, I would suggest, the Gaius "connection" may well have disposed people to read other of Savigny's writings, unconnected to the Gaius, because they were already familiar with his name.Another example of an English-speaking promoter of Savigny is Luther Stearns Cushing, a noted Boston lawyer who lectured on Roman law at the Harvard Law School in 1848-49 and again in 1851- 1852.Cushing published his lectures at Boston in 1854 under the title An Introduction to the Study of Roman Law. He devoted a full chapter to a description of the historical school and to the controversy betweenSavigny and Thibaut over codification. While Cushing attempted to portray fairly the arguments of both sides, he left no doubt as to his preference for Savigny's approach:The labors of the historical school have established an entirely new and distinct era in the study of the Roman jurisprudence; and though these writers cannot be said to have thrown their predecessors into the shade, it seems to be generally admitted, that almost every branch of the Roman law has received some important modification at their hands, and that a knowledge of their writings, to some extent, at least, is essentially necessary to its acquisition.译文(一)萨维尼和他的英美信徒们*M·H·豪弗里奇弗雷德里奇·卡尔·冯·萨维尼出身贵族,是一位出色的法律改革家,也是一位倡导重建德国教授协会的拥护者,还是历史法学派的创建人之一。
法学 毕业论文 文献 外文 英文 翻译

附件一:英文文献INTRODUCTIONOffences of strict liability are those crimes which do not require mens rea with regard to at least one or more elements of the actus reus. The defendant need not have intended or known about that circumstance or consequence. Liability is said to be strict with regard to that element. For a good example see:R v Prince[1875]:The defendant ran off with an under-age girl. He was charged with an offence of taking a girl under the age of 16 out of the possession of her parents contrary to s55 of the Offences Against the Person Act 1861. The defendant knew that the girl was in the custody her father but he believed on reasonable grounds that the girl was aged 18. It was held that knowledge that the girl was under the age of 16 was not required in order to establish the offence. It was sufficient to show that the defendant intended to take the girl out of the possession of her father.It is only in extreme and rare cases where no mens rea is required for liability, thereby making the particular offence "absolute".GENERAL PRINCIPLESThe vast majority of strict liability crimes are statutory offences. However, statutes do not state explicitly that a particular offence is one of strict liability. Where a statute uses terms such as "knowingly" or "recklessly" then the offence being created is one that requires mens rea. Alternatively, it may make it clear that an offence of strict liability is being created. In many cases it will be a matter for the courts to interpret the statute and decide whether mens rea is required or not. What factors are taken into account by the courts when assessing whether or not an offence falls into the category of strict liability offences?THE MODERN CRITERIAIn Gammon (Hong Kong) Ltd v Attorney-General for Hong Kong [1984], the Privy Council considered the scope and role of strict liability offences in the modern criminal law and their effect upon the "presumption of mens rea". Lord Scarman laid down the criteria upon which a court should decide whether or not it is appropriate to impose strict liability: "In their Lordships' opinion, the law … may be stated in the following propositions … : (1) there is a presumption of law that mens rea is required before a person can be held guilty of a criminal offence; (2) the presumption is particularly strong where the offence is "truly criminal" in character; (3) the presumption applies to statutory offences, and can be displaced only if this is clearly or by necessary implication the effect of the statute; (4) the only situation in which the presumption can be displaced is where the statute is concerned with an issue of social concern, and public safety is such an issue; (5) even where a statute is concerned with such an issue, the presumption of mens rea stands unless it can be shown that the creation of strict liability will be effective to promote the objects of the statute by encouraging greater vigilance to prevent the commission of the prohibited act."(1) PRESUMPTION OF MENS REACourts usually begin with the presumption in favor of mens rea, seeing the well-known statement by Wright J in Sherras v De Rutzen:There is a presumption that mens rea, or evil intention, or knowledge of the wrongfulness of the act, is an essential ingredient in every offence; but that presumption is liable to be displaced either by the words of the statute creating the offence or by the subject-matter with which it deals, and both must be considered(2) GRAVITY OF PUNISHMENTAs a general rule, the more serious the criminal offence created by statute, the less likely the courts is to view it as an offence of strict liability. See:Sweet v Parsley [1970]:The defendant was a landlady of a house let to tenants. She retained one room in the house for herself and visited occasionally to collect the rent and letters. While she was absent the police searched the house and found cannabis. The defendant was convicted under s5 of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1965, of "being concerned in the management of premises used for the smoking of cannabis". She appealed alleging that she had no knowledge of the circumstances and indeed could not expect reasonably to have had such knowledge.The House of Lords,quashing her conviction, held that it had to be proved that the defendant had intended the house to be used for drug-taking, since the statute in question created a serious, or "truly criminal" offence, conviction for which would have grave consequences for the defendant. Lord Reid stated that "a stigma still attaches to any person convicted of a truly criminal offence, and the more serious or more disgraceful the offence the greater the stigma". And equally important, "the press in this country are vigilant to expose injustice, and every manifestly unjust conviction made known to the public tends to injure the body politic [people of a nation] by undermining public confidence in the justice of the law and of its administration."Lord Reid went on to point out that in any event it was impractical to impose absolute liability for an offence of this nature, as those who were responsible for letting properties could not possibly be expected to know everything that their tenants were doing.(3) WORDING OF THE STATUTEIn determining whether the presumption in favor of mens rea is to be displaced, the courts are required to have reference to the whole statute in which the offence appears. See:Cundy v Le Cocq (1884) :The defendant was convicted of unlawfully selling alcohol to an intoxicated person, contrary to s13 of the Licensing Act 1872. On appeal, the defendant contended that he had been unaware of the customer's drunkenness and thus should be acquitted. The Divisional Court interpreted s13 as creating an offence of strict liability since it was itself silent as to mens rea, whereas other offences under the same Act expressly required proof of knowledge on the part of the defendant. It was held that it was not necessary to consider whether the defendant knew, or had means of knowing, or could with ordinary care have detected that the person served was drunk. If he served a drink to a person who was in fact drunk, he was guilty. Stephen J stated: Here, as I have already pointed out, the object of this part of the Act is to prevent the sale of intoxicating liquor to drunken persons, and it is perfectly natural to carry that out by throwing on the publican the responsibility of determining whether the person supplied comes within that category.(4) ISSUES OF SOCIAL CONCERNSee :R v Blake (1996) :Investigation officers heard an unlicensed radio station broadcast and traced it to a flat where the defendant was discovered alone standing in front of the record decks, still playing music and wearing a set of headphones. Though the defendant admitted that he knewhe was using the equipment, he claimed that he believed he was making demonstration tapes and did not know he was transmitting. The defendant was convicted of using wireless telegraphy equipment without a license, contrary to s1 (1) Wireless Telegraphy Act 1949 and appealed on the basis that the offence required mens rea.The Court of Appeal held that the offence was an absolute (actually a strict) liability offence. The Court applied Lord Scarman's principles in Gammon and found that, though the presumption in favor of mens rea was strong because the offence carried a sentence of imprisonment and was, therefore, "truly criminal", yet the offence dealt with issues of serious social concern in the interests of public safety (namely, frequent unlicensed broadcasts on frequencies used by emergency services) and the imposition of strict liability encouraged greater vigilance in setting up careful checks to avoid committing the offence.(5) IS THERE ANY PURPOSE IN IMPOSING STRICT LIABILITY?The courts will be reluctant to construe a statute as imposing strict liability upon a defendant, where there is evidence to suggest that despite his having taken all reasonable steps, he cannot avoid the commission of an offence. See:Sherras v De Rutzen [1895]: The defendant was convicted of selling alcohol to a police officer whilst on duty, contrary to s16(2) of the Licensing Act 1872. He had reasonably believed the constable to be off duty as he had removed his arm-band, which was the acknowledged method of signifying off duty. The Divisional Court held that the conviction should be quashed, despite the absence from s16 (2) of any words requiring proof of mens rea as an element of the offence. Wright J expressed the view that the presumption in favor of mens rea would only be displaced by the wording of the statute itself, or its subject matter. In this case the latter factor was significant, in that no amount of reasonable care by the defendant would have prevented the offence from being committed. Wright J stated: "It is plain that if guilty knowledge is not necessary, no care on the part of the publican could save him from a conviction under section 16, subsection (2), since it would be as easy for the constable to deny that he was on duty when asked, or to produce a forged permission from his superior officer, as to remove his armlet before entering the public house. I am, therefore, of opinion that this conviction ought to be quashed."MODERN EXAMPLESThe following case is a modern example of the imposition of strict liability: Alphacell v Woodward [1972] The defendants were charged with causing polluted matter to enter a river contrary to s2 of the Rivers (Prevention of Pollution) Act 1951. The river had in fact been polluted because a pipe connected to the defendant's factory had been blocked, and the defendants had not been negligent. The House of Lords nevertheless held that the defendants were liable. Lord Salmon stated: If this appeal succeeded and it were held to be the law that no conviction be obtained under the 1951 Act unless the prosecution could discharge the often impossible onus of proving that the pollution was caused intentionally or negligently, a great deal of pollution would go unpunished and undeterred to the relief of many riparian factory owners. As a result, many rivers which are now filthy would become filthier still and many rivers which are now clean would lose their cleanliness. The legislature no doubt recognized that as a matter of public policy this would be most unfortunate. Hence s2(1)(a) which encourages riparian factory owners not only to take reasonable steps to prevent pollution but to do everything possible to ensure that they do not cause it.ARGUMENTS FOR STRICT LIABILITY1. The primary function of the courts is the prevention of forbidden acts. What acts should be regarded as forbidden? Surely only such acts as we can assert ought not to have been done. Some of the judges who upheld the conviction of Prince did so on the ground that men should be deterred from taking girls out of the possession of their parents, whatever the girl's age. This reasoning can hardly be applied to many modern offences of strict liability. We do not wish to deter people from driving cars, being concerned in the management of premises, financing hire purchase transactions or canning peas. These acts, if done with all proper care, are not such acts as the law should seek to prevent.2. Another argument that is frequently advanced in favor of strict liability is that, without it, many guilty people would escape - that there is neither time nor personnel available to litigate the culpability of each particular infraction. T his argument assumes that it is possible to deal with these cases without deciding whether D had mens rea or not, whether he was negligent or not. Certainly D may be convicted without deciding these questions, but how can he be sentenced? Suppose that a butcher sells some meat which is unfit for human consumption. Clearly the court will deal differently with (i) the butcher who knew that the meat was tainted; (ii) the butcher who did not know, but ought to have known; and (iii) the butcher who did not know and had no means of finding out. Sentence can hardly be imposed without deciding into which category the convicted person falls.3. The argument which is probably most frequently advanced by the courts for imposing strict liability is that it is necessary to do so in the interests of the public. Now it may be conceded that in many of the instances where strict liability has been imposed, the public does need protection against negligence and, assuming that the threat of punishment can make the potential harm doer more careful, there may be a valid ground for imposing liability for negligence as well as where there is mens rea. This is a plausible argument in favor of strict liability if there were no middle way between mens rea and strict liability - that is liability for negligence - and the judges have generally proceeded on the basis that there is no such middle way. Liability for negligence has rarely been spelled out of a statute except where, as in driving without due care, it is explicitly required. Lord Devlin has said: "It is not easy to find a way of construing a statute apparently expressed in terms of absolute liability so as to produce the requirement of negligence."ARGUMENTS AGAINST STRICT LIABILITY1. The case against strict liability, then, is, first, that it is unnecessary. It results in the conviction of persons who have behaved impeccably and who should not be required to alter their conduct in any way.2. Secondly, that it is unjust. Even if an absolute discharge can be given D may feel rightly aggrieved at having been formally convicted of an offence for which he bore no responsibility. Moreover, a conviction may have far-reaching consequences outside the courts, so that it is no answer to say that only a nominal penalty is imposed.3. The imposition of liability for negligence would in fact meet the arguments of most of those who favor strict liability. Such statutes are not meant to punish the vicious will but to put pressure upon the thoughtless and inefficient to do their whole duty in the interest of public health or safety or morals." The "thoughtless and inefficient" are, of course, the negligent. The objection tooffences of strict liability is not that these persons are penalized, but that others who are completely innocent are also liable to conviction. Though Lord Devlin was skeptical about the possibility of introducing the criterion of negligence (above), in Reynolds v Austin (1951) he stated that strict liability should only apply when there is something that the defendant can do to promote the observance of the law - which comes close to requiring negligence. If there were something which D could do to prevent the commission of the crime and which he failed to do, he might generally be said to have failed to comply with a duty - perhaps a high duty - of care; and so have been negligent.4. In Alphacell v Woodward (1972) Lord Salmon thought the relevant statutory section, "encourages riparian factory owners not only to take reasonable steps to prevent pollution but to do everything possible to ensure that they do not cause it." This suggests that, however vast the expenditure involved, and however unreasonable it may be in relation to the risk, D is under a duty to take all possible steps. Yet it may be doubted whether factory owners will in fact do more than is reasonable; and it is questionable whether they ought to be required to do so, at the risk - even though it be unlikely - of imprisonment. The contrary argument is that the existence of strict liability does induce organizations to aim at higher and higher standards.POSSIBLE DEVELOPMENTSThere are several possible compromises between mens rea and strict liability in regulatory offences. A "halfway house" has developed in Australia. The effect of Australian cases is: D might be convicted without proof of any mens rea by the Crown; but acquitted if he proved on a balance of probabilities that he lacked mens rea and was not negligent; ie, that he had an honest and reasonable belief in a state of facts which, would have made his act innocent. The onus of proving reasonable mistake is on D.STATUTORY DEFENCESIt is common for the drastic effect of a statute imposing strict liability to be mitigated by the provision of a statutory defense. It is instructive to consider one example. Various offences relating to the treatment and sale of food are enacted by the first twenty sections of the Food Safety Act 1990. Many, if not all, of these are strict liability offences. Section 21(1), however, provides that it shall be a defense for the person charged with any of the offences to prove that he took all reasonable precautions and exercised all due diligence to avoid the commission of the offence by himself or by a person under his control. Statutory defenses usually impose on the defendant a burden of proving that he had no mens rea and that he took all reasonable precautions and exercised all due diligence to avoid the commission of an offence. The effect of such provisions is that the prosecution need do no more than prove that the accused did the prohibited act and it is then for him to establish, if he can, that he did it innocently. Such provisions are a distinct advance on unmitigated strict liability.附件二:英文文献翻译介绍严格责任犯罪是关于客观方面的一个或多个因素不要求犯罪意图的那些犯罪。

毕业论文外文翻译报告范文AbstractThis report presents a translation of an academic article titled "The Impact of Technology on Education." The article discusses the various ways in which technology has transformed the field of education, particularly in terms of teaching methods, student engagement, and access to educational resources. The translation aims to accurately convey the content and meaning of the original article, while ensuring clarity and coherence for the readers.IntroductionTechnology has revolutionized nearly every aspect of our lives, including the field of education. In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the use of technology in classrooms and educational institutions worldwide. This article explores the impact of technology on education, highlighting its benefits and potential challenges.Teaching MethodsOne of the key effects of technology on education is the transformation of traditional teaching methods. With the introduction of interactive whiteboards, online learning platforms, and educational apps, teachers now have access to a wide range of tools and resources to enhance their teaching. These technologies enable teachers to create dynamic and engaging lessons, integrating multimedia content and interactive activities, which enhance student understanding and participation.Student EngagementTechnology has also had a profound impact on student engagement in the learning process. With the use of digital tools, students can now actively participate in their education and take ownership of their learning. Interactive quizzes, online discussions, and collaborative projects allow students to actively engage with the subject matter, promoting critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Moreover, technology enables personalized learning experiences, catering to individual student needs and preferences.Access to Educational ResourcesAnother significant benefit of technology in education is the increased access to educational resources. Online libraries, open educational resources, and digital textbooks provide students with a vast amount of information at their fingertips. This access to a wide range of resources goes beyond what traditional textbooks and classrooms can offer, empowering students to explore and learn at their own pace.Challenges and ConsiderationsWhile the impact of technology on education is largely positive, there are also some challenges and considerations that need to be addressed. One concern is the potential for technology to create a divide between students who have access to technology and those who do not. It is essential to ensure equitable access to technology and training for all students to prevent further disparities in education.Additionally, the integration of technology in the classroom requires teachers to adapt and acquire new technological skills. Adequate training and support must be provided to empower teachers to effectively incorporate technology into their teaching practices.ConclusionIn conclusion, technology has had a transformative impact on education. It has revolutionized teaching methods, enhanced student engagement, and provided increased access to educational resources. However, it is important to address the challenges and considerations that arise with the integration of technology in education. By doing so, we can ensure that technology continues to benefit and enhance the learning experience for all students.References:[Original Article Reference]。

华南理工大学广州学院本科生毕业设计(论文)翻译外文原文名Agency Cost under the Restriction of Free Cash Flow中文译名自由现金流量的限制下的代理成本学院管理学院专业班级会计学3班学生姓名陈洁玉学生学号200930191100指导教师余勍讲师填写日期2015年5月11日外文原文版出处:译文成绩:指导教师(导师组长)签名:译文:自由现金流量的限制下的代理成本摘要代理成本理论是资本结构理论的一个重要分支。
……Agency Cost under the Restriction of Free Cash FlowAbstractAgency cost theory is an important branch of capital structural theory. Free cash flow has significant impact on agency cost. The combination of research on these two fields would help to build and extend the theoretical system. Based on agency cost theory, the present study firstly categorized the characteristics of free cash flow as well as the statistical methodologies. Furthermore, the existence of investing free cash flow in agency cost was proved by a model. Then free cash flow was introduced into agency cost theory as restriction, the analysis shows that it will change agency cost, in turn, will have an impact on the relationship between agency cost and capital structure, finally, will influence the optimal capital structure point to maintain the equilibrium. Concretely, with the increasing free cash flow, correspondingly, debt proportion will decrease.Keywords:Capital Structure,Free Cash Flow,Agency Cost,Non-Pecuniary Benefit1. IntroductionAgency cost theory, financial contract theory, signaling model and new pecking order theory are the main branches of new capital structure theory. Financial con-tract theory focuses on restricting stockholders’ behavior by contract and solving the conflict between stockholders and creditors. Signaling model and new pecking order theory center on solving the conflict between investors and managers. These two types of conflict are the main conflict in business organizations. Agency cost theory considers how equilibrium is reached in both types of conflict and how capital structure is formed, which is more theory is more comprehensive than the previous two to some degree.……。

本科毕业设计(论文)外文翻译译文学生姓名:院(系):油气资源学院专业班级:物探0502指导教师:完成日期:年月日地震驱动评价与发展:以玻利维亚冲积盆地的研究为例起止页码:1099——1108出版日期:NOVEMBER 2005THE LEADING EDGE出版单位:PanYAmericanYEnergyvBuenosYAiresvYArgentinaJPYBLANGYvYBPYExplorationvYHoustonvYUSAJ.C.YCORDOVAandYE.YMARTINEZvYChacoYS.A.vYSantaYCruzvYBolivia 通过整合多种地球物理地质技术,在玻利维亚冲积盆地,我们可以减少许多与白垩纪储集层勘探有关的地质技术风险。
这些方法包括盆地模拟,联井及地震叠前同时反演,岩石性质及地震属性解释,A VO/A V A,水平地震同相轴,光谱分解。
Tarija/Chaco盆地的subandean 褶皱和冲断带山麓的中部和南部,部分扩展到玻利维亚的Boomerange地区经历了集中的成功的开采。
图1 Aguja油田位于玻利维亚中部Chaco盆地的西北角。
该油田在Trija和冲积盆地附近的益背斜基底上,该背斜将油田和Ben i盆地分开(图1),圈闭类型是上盘背斜,它存在于连续冲断层上,Aguja有两个主要结构:Aguja中部和Aguja Norte,通过重要的转换压缩断层将较早开发的“Sur”油田分开Yantata Centro结构是一个三路闭合对低角度逆冲断层并伴随有小的摆幅。

本科毕业论文外文翻译外文译文题目:对于E类型的简单生产线平衡问题的解决过程学院: 机械自动化专业: 工业工程学号: 201003166078学生姓名:谭柱森指导教师: 李颖日期: 二○一四年五月A solution procedure for type E simple assembly linebalancing problemNai—Chieh Wei , I-Ming ChaoIndustrial Engineering and Management,I—Shou University,No. 1,Section 1, Syuecheng Rd. Dashu District, KaohsiungCity 84001,Taiwan, ROC.对于E类型的简单生产线平衡问题的解决过程Nai-Chieh Wei , I-Ming Chao工业工程与管理,中华人民共和国,台湾省,高雄市,Syuecheng Rd。
后一年,Salverson建立了第一个生产线平衡的数学模型并提出了定性的解决步骤,这引来了很大的兴趣,在Gutjahr 和Nemhauser说明生产线平衡是一种NP组合优化难题,大多数研究者希望开发一种能高效解决多种装配线问题的方法。
在随后的几年,生产线平衡成为了一个流行的主题,Kim,Kim,and Kim (1996)把生产线平衡分为五类问题,其中的问题1(SALBP —1)和问题Ⅱ(SALBP—Ⅱ)是两种基本的优化问题。
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Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology
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