
个人简介:中文名:迈克尔·乔丹英文名:MICHAEL JORDAN 国籍:美国有“空中飞人”的美誉1963年2月17号出生于纽约布鲁克林,身高1.98米、体重98.1、臂展2.18米毕业于北卡罗来纳大学。
记录:职业生涯场均30.123分历史第一(张伯伦以30.06委列第二);赛季平均每场得分最高次数(得分王):10次(86-87,87-88,88-89,89-90,90-91,91-92,92-93,95-96 ,96-97,97-98);NBA总冠军次数:6次(90-91,91-92,92-93,95-96,96-97,97-98);总决赛MVP次数:6次(90-91,91-92,92-93,95-96,96-97,97-98);常规赛MVP次数:5次(87-88,90-91,91-92,95-96,97-98);奥运会冠军次数:2次(1984年洛杉矶奥运会,1992年巴塞罗那奥运会);入选全明星次数:14次(84-85,85-86,86-87,87-88,88-89,89-90,90-91,91-92,92-93,95-96,96-97,97-98,01-02,02-03);入选最佳阵容次数:10次(87,88,89,90,91,92,93,96,97,98);职业生涯三双次数:30次(不含全明星赛);连续七次得分王(和张伯伦共享)历史第一;连续866场比赛得分过两位数,历史第一;单赛季场均得分30+次数最多,8次历史第一;季后赛平均每场得分33.4分,历史第一;季后赛职业生涯总得分5987,历史第一;唯一超过40岁,且拿40+的球员;后卫职业生涯的盖帽最高记录,共893次;NBA季后赛连续两场50+球员;NBA季后赛连续三场45+球员;单场比赛单节罚球命中次数最多,罚中13球;全明星总得分262分历史第一;单赛季个人年薪最高,97-98赛季薪水3450万美元;唯一一位在NBA三次退役的球员。
迈克尔·乔丹[五篇范文]第一篇:迈克尔·乔丹The best there ever was.The best there ever will be.Jordan was extremely instrumental in popularizing the NBA around the world in the 1980s and 1990s.It takes a very special person to become the greatest basketball player of all time, so today I want to talk about 10 success lessons from Michael Jordan.迈克尔乔丹是前美国职业篮球选手、活跃的商人,还是美国职业篮球协会(NBA)中Charlotte Bobcats球队的主要经纪人。
“Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen.”In order to succeed you’re going to have to kick down the door and make it happen on purpose.You’re not going to “luck up” and succeed, success won’t come with the passage of time.If you’re going to succeed, you’re going to have to roll up your sleeves, put your head down, and make it happen at all costs.“有人想要得到成功,有人希望成功,而还有一些人则亲自铸造成功”为了达到成功,你必须破除荆棘克服困难,用实际行动将其变为现实你不能凭靠运气取得成功,成功也并非随着年岁流逝自己到来。


迈克尔· 乔丹 这个世界上最著名的运动员。他是,到目前为止,并将一段时间来,最好的篮球运动员,在历史 上的比赛。他的主人,主人,一个众所周知的神也没有戴。23。他排在位。2“本世纪最佳运 动员”,他对每一个角落传播这种运动的世界。他的冲击承保任何一个大好莱坞的明星。
逐这永点是他 通 他是不因 年向 们篮认为 轻成 的球输他 的功 梦和目是 时途 想生标一高候 中 活的个度他 他 态道像时被 遇 度路我自学 到 他上们己校 各 的他这的开 种 故的样职除 各 事道的业了 样 激 人生篮 的 励永但涯球 困 的远他。队 难 许不从他。 和 多要未有他 逆 人说放很的 境 去永弃多父 。 追远 缺亲 当 mudered , , , , , :“ , ,
1 约翰·肯尼迪(John Ken 3 猫王(Elvis Presley) 4 约翰·韦恩(John Wayne) 5 马丁·路德·金(Martin Luther King Jr 6 迈克尔·乔丹(Michael Jordan) 7 詹姆斯·迪恩(James Dean) 8 弗兰克·西纳特拉(Frank Sinatra) 9 海明威(Hemingway) 10 罗纳德·里根(Ronald Reagan)
Michael Jordan The best known athlete in the world. He is, by far, and will be for a time to come, the best basketball player in the history of the game. He is the master of masters, know as the Gods wears NO.23 .He ranked NO.2 in the "Athlete of the Century ", he spread this sports to every coner of the world. His impact cover any one of the big Hollywood star.

他们问:“你为什么会选择David Thompson?”我知道其中的原因David也知道,可能你们都不知道。
我是不支持北卡的,但是我被David Thompson所折服,不仅仅是因为篮球本身,而是因为他在其中表现出的(态度与意志),我们都经历了许多的考验与磨难,他做到了,这深深地激励了我。
Smith 教练,Larry Brown,Sam Perkins,James Worthy,他们都知道。
我的生涯集锦随处可见,还有什么关于我的事是你们不知道的?当我今天看到其他人发言的时候,当他们讲述他们的时候,我发现关于Jerry Sloan的很多事是我所不知道的。
即便是David Robinson,我认识他已经很久了,但是从他的演讲中我也知道了很多事,好的坏的都有。
我也知道了关于Chipson的事,我父母以前也经常谈论到他,但是有什么关于我的事是你们都不知道的?我有两个兄弟,James and Larry,身高五尺四寸和五尺五寸半,他们给予了我所能要的一切。

事实上,去年赛季刚结束时,我和杰里谈过一次。我告诉他我精神上有些疲惫,不知到下一年还能不能打。我想让他意识到这一点,以便为下一赛季做准备。杰里--有一次我们谈过这个问题--让我要象93年那样,好好考虑,以便作出明智的决定,因为这将是最后决定。I retired the first time when Phil Jackson was the coach. And I think that even with Phil being the coach I would have had a tough time, mentally finding the challenge for myself. Although he can somehow present challenges for me. I don't know if he could have presented the challenge for me to continue on to this season." Even though middle way of this season I wanted to continue to play a couple more years, but at the end of this season I was mentally drained and tired. So I can't say that he would have restored that.

Earvin Johnson, he is the best legendary point guard(控球后卫 /组织后卫) of all time. His performance from the field is the best annotation(诠释) of at a standard point guard should do. He led Lakers to a contemporary dynasty against the contemporary Celtics led by Bird.
NBA、regarded as the God wearing NO.23 .
Before NBA
MJ was SG in NCAA.
Jordan made his first final shot (绝杀) in NCAA Finals.
In MJ‟s first season, he scored 28.2 points , made 6.5 rebounds and 5.8 assists on average. And he shot 51.5 percent from the field. Therefore, he was awarded the best rookie instead of the first pick, Olajuwon. 乔丹新秀赛季交出了场均28.2 分+6.5篮板+5.8助攻的华丽数 据,场上命中率为51.5%。因 此,乔丹力压同届选秀状元奥 拉朱旺当选成为最佳新秀。
Larry Bird, “The Bird”. He once led Celtics to the big one in NBA, Celtics led by Bird even won eight successive NBA championship, which might be a unbreakable record in NBA history! The competition between Lakers and Celtics is the most amazing games in 1980s.
英语综合教程2 (Sport Hero Michael Jordan)译文

他回到NBA 第一年的淡季,他参演了电影《空中大掼篮》。

外研版高中英语第七册Module 1 Basketball课文译文迈克尔.乔丹——篮坛超人20世纪90年代,迈克尔.乔丹可能是世界上最著名的运动员。
高跷威尔特——神力之巅迈克尔.乔丹是一个赛季中得分超过3000分的第二人,第一人是威尔特.张伯伦. 张伯伦于1936年8月21日出生于费城,是家里11个孩子中唯一长得很高的一个。

迈克尔乔丹中英文简介(带单词)Michael [|maikl]n.迈克尔(男子名)Collection[kə|lekʃən]n. 收藏, 征收, 搜集品, 捐款grace[greis]n.优美, 雅致, 优雅huge [hju:dʒ] a dj.巨大的, 极大的, 无限的accept [ək|sept]vt.接受,承担, vi.同意improvisation[|imprəvai|zeiʃən]n.即席创作outstand[aut|stænd] vi. vt.忍耐, 停留,凸出, 突出, 卓然独立 athletes[|æθli:t]n.运动员, 运动选手redefine[|ri:di|fain]vt.重新定义vi.重新定义superstar[|sju:pəstɑ:]n. 超级明星recognize[|rekəgnaiz]vt.认可, 承认, 公认, 赏识vi.提交保证书 basketball[|bɑ:skitbɔ:l]n.篮球, 篮球运动era[|iərə]n.时代, 纪元, 时期, [地]代entire[in|taiə]adj.全部的, 完整的, 整个history[|histəri]n.历史, 历史学, 来历, 历史记录endow [in|dau]v.捐赠, 赋予legendary[|ledʒəndəri]n.传奇故事书, adj.传说中的career[kə|riə]n.(原意:道路, 轨道)事业, 生涯, 速度movement[|mu:vmənt]n.运动, 动作, 运转, 乐章influence[|influəns]n.影响, 势力, 有影响的人(或事), vt.影响, 改变 inevitably [in|evitəbli]adv.不可避免的;老一套的;惯常的; 逼真的 altar[|ɔ:ltə]n.祭坛, (基督教教堂内的)圣坛, 祈祷祭拜的地方 grace[greis]n.优美, 雅致, 优雅artistic[ɑ: |tistik]adj.艺术的, 有美感的, 风雅的creativity[|kri:ei|tivəti]n.创造力, 创造improvisation[|imprəvai|zeiʃən]n.即席创作desire[di|zaiə]vt.期望, 希望, 请求n.愿望, 心愿, 要求v.要求 perfect[|pə:fikt]n.完成式adj.完美的,理想的, vt.使完美, 使熟练 combination[|kɔmbi|neiʃən]n.结合, 联合, 合并, 化合, 化合物 reinterpreted[|riin|tə:prit]vt.重新解释impact[|impækt]n.碰撞, 影响, 效果vt. 撞击, 压紧, 对...发生影响honor[|ɔnə]n.尊敬, 敬意, 荣誉, 光荣vt.尊敬, 给以荣誉title[|taitl]n.头衔, 冠军, 资格, 字幕, vt. 加标题于adj.标题的, league[li:g]n.同盟, 联盟, 盟约, v.组联盟, (使)加盟gorgeous[|gɔ:dʒəs]adj.华丽的, 灿烂的breakthrough[|breik|θru:]n.突破acrobatic[|əkrəu|bætik]adj.杂技的, 特技的slam[slæm]v.砰地关上, 砰地放下, 冲击n.砰, 猛击, 撞击, 冲击 scorer[|skɔ:rə]n.记录员, 刻划痕迹的人cultural[|kΛltʃər(ə)l]adj.文化的symbol[|simbəl]n.符号, 记号, 象征blur[blə:]v.涂污,把(界线,视线等)弄得模糊不清, 弄污n.污点 elegant[|eligənt]adj.文雅的, 端庄的, 雅致的,personal[|pə:sənl]adj.个人的, 亲自的,对个人的adj.[语法]人称的 style[stail]n.风格, 时尚, 文体, vt.称呼, 设计, 使合潮流 conquer[|kɔŋkə]vt.征服, 战胜, 占领, 克服(困难等), 破(坏习惯等) public[|pΛblik]n.公众, 公共场所adj.公众的, 公共的,公用的 accelerate[æk|seləreit]v.加速, 促进globalization[|gləubəlai|zeiʃən]n.全球化,全球性deserve[di|zə:v]vt.应受, 值得v.应受adversities[əd|və:siti]n.不幸, 灾祸, 逆境expel[iks|pel]v.驱逐, 开除, 排出, 发射fault[fɔ:lt]n.过错, 缺点, 故障, 毛病vt.挑剔vi.弄错concede[kən|si:d]vt.勉强, 承认, 退让vi.让步attitude[|ætitju:d]n.姿势, 态度, 看法, 意见inspired[in|spaiəd]adj.得到灵感的, 有灵感的,chase[tʃeis]n.追赶, 追击vt.追赶, 追逐, 雕镂amiable[|eimjəbl]adj.亲切的, 和蔼可亲的approach[ə|prəutʃ]n.接近,走进,方法,途径,vt.接近, vi.靠近 maintain[mein|tein]vt.维持, 维修, 继续, 供养, 主张sense[sens]n.官能, 感觉,意义, 理性vt.感到, 理解, 认识 mystery [|mistəri]n.神秘, 神秘的事物failure[|feiljə]n.失败, 失败者, 缺乏, 失灵, 故障, 破产, 疏忽,The "flying" Michael Jordan ‐‐ a collection of grace and power, art, improvisation on outstanding athletes, he has redefined the NBA superstar meaning, he is recognized as the world's best basketball player, not only in his era, in the entire history of Jordan is NBA the best.In most people's eyes, Michael Jordan is one of the greatest basketball player, his surge high and sweep forward and endowed with the legendary career of basketball, and he for this movement huge influence inevitably make people put him on the altar. Grace, speed, strength, artistic creativity, improvisation and the strong desire of the perfect combination ... ... Jordan reinterpreted" superstar" meaning.But he had a far greater impact than these honors and titles. When he first came into the league, he is a strong first step, gorgeous breakthrough and acrobatic slam born scorer. And when he left, he has become a cultural symbol. Over his career, his work on the show and see things in a blur of elegant personal style conquer the public, but also to accelerate the NBA globalization process, he is fully deserve the king.On his way to success, he met all kinds of difficult and adversities. When he was young he was expelled from the school basketball team. He has many faults because he is a person like us , but he never give up and never concede on the road of goal, his word: " never say never ",is the attitude to basketball and life, his story inspired many people to chasing their dreamHe is an amiable and easy of approach but maintains a sense of mystery men. " Air Jordan" is his sign。

NBA明星迈克尔·乔丹介绍迈克尔乔丹 - 人物档案粤语译名:米高佐敦项目:篮球身高:1.98米(6英尺6英寸)星座:水瓶座出生:1963年2月17号出生地:纽约市布鲁克林区父亲:詹姆斯乔丹James Jordan母亲:德洛丽斯乔丹Deloris Jordan体重:98公斤(215磅)位置:得分后卫国籍:美国高中:北卡罗莱纳高中百米成绩:10.5秒原地弹跳:38英寸,助跑弹跳47.5英寸(1英寸=2.54厘米)跳远成绩:7.87米,跳高成绩2.21米毕业学校:北卡罗来纳大学(North Carolina)84年毕业.选秀: 1984年第1轮第3位难忘的事情:NBA总冠军讨厌的地方:需要游泳的地方常到的地方:篮球场,赌场最喜欢的运动:棒球,篮球,橄榄球最喜欢的乐器:钢琴(弹的很难听)最喜欢的颜色:红最喜爱的国家:美国USA嗜好:赌博,抽烟,喝酒最喜欢的电影作品:《空中大灌篮》最喜欢的歌曲:《空中大灌篮》的主题曲:《I believe I can fly》迈克尔乔丹 - 婚姻家庭第一任妻子:胡安尼塔,并生育三个孩子。
迈克尔乔丹 - 职业生涯早期生活1984年,乔丹在他进入NBA的第一年中就大放异彩,首场比赛得到16分后,平均每场得28.2分,并抢6.5个篮板、5.9次助攻及2.4次抢断。
这场比赛后,凯尔特人队主将拉里伯德 (Larry Bird) 评价乔丹是“上帝化装成的”。

乔丹的简介英文迈克尔乔丹,前美国职业篮球运动员,被认为是历史上最宏大的篮球运动员,下面是我为你整理的乔丹的简介英文,盼望对你有用!迈克尔乔早年经受ChildhoodFebruary 17, 1963, Michael Jordan was born in Brooklyn, New York, five years old when the Jordan family moved to North Carolina, a child with a good relationship with his father Jordan, Jordan dunk when the famous tongue action Is derived from the father to do the work of repair work, then the two are very keen on baseball. A child of Jordan is very naughty, with his brother like to go after basketball, Jordan spare time all spent on the pitch. High schoolWilmington Lenny High School Jordan basketball career starting point, but the young Jordan is not compelling, the second year, his height is only 5 feet 11 inches, thin and small he was coach from a team down Into the second team. But Jordan did not give up, to the third year, he was selected for the national high school lineup.University periodMarch 29, 1982, Jordan as a freshman at the University of North Carolina in the NCAA league finals into the winning goal to help the North Carolina University team to 63 to 62 victory over the Ewing led Georgetown University team. 1982-83 season, Jordan was Sports News as the annual college student players and the first team of players. 1983-84 season, Jordan once again Sports News as the annual college students and the first team of the United States team.迈克尔乔职业生涯Rookie seasonSeptember 12, 1984, at the NBA Draft, Jordan was selected by the Chicago Bulls, in the league rookie, he came in third place, his front are HakimArachwang and Sam Bowie. From this time on, until the first summit of the NBA championship, Jordan has been a typical go it alone.Jordan in the rookie season averaged 28.2 points, 6.5 rebounds, 5.9 assists, won the title of the years rookie, and selected NBA second team. Jordan in their own playoff game, averaging 29.3 points, 5.8 rebounds, 8.5 assists. But unfortunately the team 1: 3 negative with the Milwaukee Bucks, was eliminated.growing phaseJordans second season only played three games, Jordan because of the left foot of a bone fracture and injury, although the vote was selected into the All-Star Game, but failed to attend. At the end of the season, Jordan returned to the stadium. The first round of the playoffs, Jordan in the Bulls and the Celtics in the second war to get 63 points, breaking the NBA playoff scoring record, and that is only Jordans sixth playoff game, but the Bulls in this The game after two extra time still 131-135 lost to the Celtics, the final 0-3 was eliminated.From the 1986-87 season, Jordan began to occupy the NBA register. This year, he averaged 37.1 points in the first seven games, averaging 30 points per game. Jordan 9 consecutive games to get 40 or more points, to createa league record. In the All-Star Weekend, he won the slam dunk contest, butin the playoffs, the Bulls are still the first round of the Celtics eliminated. 1987-88 season, Jordan won the regular season scoring, the best defensive player, all-star MVP, regular season most valuable player. The first round of the playoffs, Jordan led the Bulls out of the Cavaliers, helpless second round loss to the Detroit Pistons.1988-89 season, Jordan averaged 32.5 points to lead the league, while averaging a career-high 8.0 rebounds and 8.0 assists. In addition, he averaged 2.89 steals, ranked third in the steals list. The first round ofthe playoffs and Knights fifth game, Jordan hit the lore ball.Before the opening of the 1989-90 season, the Bulls invited Phil Jackson. In the Jackson Jacksons advice, the Bulls to introduce triangular attack. This season, the Bulls 55 wins and 27 losses, a record since the 1971-72 team history record. Jordan and career in the game to create a career-high score of 69 points. But in the Eastern Conference finals in 1990, the Bulls lost to the Pistons in seven games.The first three consecutive championships1990-91 season, Jordan led the Bulls all the way triumphant, the entire playoff only lost two, Jordan led the Bulls for the first time won the championship. This includes sweeping the pilgrims in the Eastern Conference finals, and defeated the Lakers in the finals at the top of the tournament. Jordan averaged 31.4 points, 6.4 rebounds, 8.4 assists, and won his six NBA Finals most valuable player trophy in the first. 1991-92 season, Jordan averaged 30.1 points, for the second consecutive year at the same time won the regular season MVP and the finals MVP title. The first round of the playoffs against the Miami Heat, Jordan averaged 45 points, led the team to 3 to 0 the total score swept the opponent. This season, Jordan once again led the Chicago Bulls won the championship.In 1993, Jordan led the Bulls in the five playoffs four times beat Patrick Ewing led the New York Knicks. In the crucial fifth game, Jordan played the three pairs performance: 29 points, 10 rebounds and 14 assists. Subsequently, the bulls crossed in six places. In the finals, Jordan in the face of Phoenixs six games to create a record: he averaged 41.0 points, successfully won three consecutive championships.However, the joy of three consecutive years did not take long, Jordan received bad news: his father was murdered. Just before the start of the new season training camp on October 6, Jordan announced his retirement andwas ready to start a baseball career. Baseball is the father of his childhood to encourage him to engage in the movement, Jordan also eventually joined the US League of Staff League. In fact, he was not very successful on the baseball field.The second three consecutive championshipsIn the end of the 1994-95 season, Jordan said the famous Im Back. Back to the NBA in the 17 regular season, averaging 26.9 points, the corresponding record of the Bulls 13 wins and 4 losses. The playoffs, Jordan averaged 31.5 points, but the Bulls still lost to Shaquille ONeals Orlando Magic.1995-96 season, Jordan averaged 30.4 points, led the Bulls made a 72 wins and 10 losses record. Jordan in this season includes the regular season, the All-Star Game and the final three MVP, except only Willis - Reed to complete this feat.1996-97 season, after six games, Jordan led the Chicago Bulls beat Utah Jazz, for the second consecutive season, is the fifth championship. Jordan personally for the second consecutive time, his ninth career scoring title, for the second consecutive season won the Finals MVP.1997-98 season, Jordan for the third consecutive season, his career won the title of the tenth time, also set the regular season MVP, All-Ming MVP, Finals MVP in one. June 14, 1998, the final six games of the last minute, but also the Chicago Bulls against Utah Jazz, Jordan from Malone successfully steal the ball, and in the fall of his Kassel after the vote into the winning goal. After the ball hit, the Chicago Bulls won the first three consecutive championships, but also 8 years in the 6th.On January 13, 1999, when the labor negotiations were stalled, Jordan once again announced his retirement, and he said, There was no challenge as a basketball player at first.Wizards careerSeptember 25, 2021, Jordan once again announced the return, and the Washington Wizards signed a two-year contract. Jordan scored 23 points in the first season of the Wizards. Jordan to his former bulls Doug Collins invited the Wizards, trying to enhance the strength of the team. But in two years, the Wizards were unable to enter the playoffs.Jordan averaged 20 points in the 2021-03 season, and that year he took part in his last All-Star Game. November 28, 2021, Jordan announced that he will retire after the end of the season. April 16, 2021, with the Washington Wizards out of the Philadelphia 76ers game, Jordan played the last game of his career, get 15 points 4 rebounds and 4 assists, after the game he officially announced his retirement. His team did not enter the playoffs for two consecutive seasons.Jordan career a total of 39 times to get 50 points or more, including the playoffs 8 times the history of the first, 5 times to obtain more than 60 points, single-game highest score 69 points sixth.National teamJordan to follow the national team participated in the 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Games and the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games, both won the gold medal win over the record.In 1984, Jordan was elected by the Bulls as the third rookie, and then he joined the Los Angeles Olympic Games with the US mens basketball team and served as captain. Although they met in the Olympic Games at the time the rapid rise of the West Germany and Spain, but in the end still 8 games to win the record easily take away the gold medal. In eight games, the US Olympic mens basketball field to win the opponent 32 points, averaging hit rate as high as 61.3%. Jordan in his five games played, a total of 138 points, averaging 27.6 points.In 1992, Jordan as a dream team members of the second time to participatein the Olympic Games, because the team was gathered in the star, Jordan averaged only 12.7 points, ranked fourth in the team. Group match captured the Croatian game, Jordan with buckle offer 21 points. In the eight games of the Olympic Games, only the shooting guard is determined by Jordan, while the other positions are taking turns.乔丹的简介英文相关。

中英文阅读《少年天才迈克尔乔丹》中英文阅读《少年天才迈克尔乔丹》There were already signs that he had a good deal of talent. Harvest Smith, a classmate and close friend who in those days played basketball with him practically every day, thought he was the best player on their ninth-grade team — he was small, but he was every quick. “You’d see him get a shot off, and you’d wonder how he did it, because he wasn’t that bit,” Smith said, “but it was the quickness. The o nly question was how big he was going to be —and how far up he would take his skill level.”The summer after ninth grade, Jordan and Smith both went to Pop Herring’s basketball camp. Neither of them had yet come into his body, and almost all of the varsity players, two and sometimes three years older, seemed infinitely stronger at that moment when a year or two in physical development can make all the difference. In Smith’s mind there was no doubt which of the two of them was the better player—it was Michael by far. But on the day the varsity cuts were announced — it was the big day of the year, for they had all known for weeks when the list would be posted —he and Roy Smith had gone to the Laney gym. Smith’s name was on it, Michael’s was not.It was the w orst day of Jordan’s young life. The list was alphabetical, so he focused on where the Js should be, and it wasn’t there, and he kept reading and rereading the list, hoping somehow that he had missed it, or that the alphabetical listing had been done incorrectly. That day he went home by himself and went to his room and cried. Smith understood what was happening —Michael, he knew, never wanted you to see him when he was hurt.“We knew Michael was good,” Fred Lynch, the Laney assistant coach, said later, “b ut we wanted him to play more and we thought the jayvee was better for him.” He easily became the best player on the jayvee that year. He simply dominated the play, and he did it not by size but with quickness. There were games in which he would score forty points. He was so good, in fact, that the jayvee games became quite popular. The entire varsity began to come early so they could watch him play in the jayvee games.Smith noticed that while Jordan had been wildly competitive before he had been cut, after the cut he seemed even more competitive than ever, as if determined that it would never happen again. His coaches noticed it, too. “The first time I ever saw him, I had no idea who Michael Jordan was. I was helping to coach the Laney varsity,” said Ron Coley. “We went over to Goldsboro, which was our big rival, and I entered the gym when the jayvee game was just ending up. There were nine players on the court just coasting, but there was one kid playing his heart out. The way he was playing I thought his team was down one point with two minutes to play. So I looked up at the clock and his team was down twenty points and there was only one minute to play. It was Michael, and I quickly learned he was always like that.”Between the time he was cut and the start of basketball in his junior year, Jordan grew about four inches. The speed had always been there, and now he was stronger, and he could dunk .His hands had gotten much bigger, Smith noticed. He was as driven as ever, the hardest-working player on the team in practice. If he thought that his teammates were not working hard enough, he would get on them himself, and on occasion hepushed the coaches to get on them. Suddenly Laney High had the beginning of a very good basketball team, and its rising star was Michael Jordan.译文:迈克尔的天赋早已有所显露。

梦想的名人例子素材(中英文版)Dream Chasers: Celebrity Examples追逐梦想的人:名人例子Michael Jordan, widely regarded as one of the greatest basketball players of all time, did not make his high school basketball team.Rejected, he could have given up, but instead, he used it as motivation to work even harder.His story is a testament to the power of perseverance and never giving up on one"s dreams.迈克尔·乔丹,被认为是历史上最伟大的篮球运动员之一,在高中时并没有入选篮球队。
Oprah Winfrey, the billionaire media mogul, entrepreneur, and philanthropist, faced a difficult childhood filled with poverty and abuse.However, she did not let her circumstances define her.Instead, she used her pain to fuel her passion for storytelling and creating a platform that empowers others.Her journey from adversity to success is an inspiring reminder that anyone can overcome obstacles to achieve their dreams.奥普拉·温弗瑞,这位拥有亿万资产的媒体大亨、企业家和慈善家,在充满贫困和虐待的艰难童年中成长。

介绍乔丹英语作文Michael Jordan, often referred to as MJ, is widely regarded as the greatest basketball player of all time. 乔丹经常被称为MJ,被广泛认为是有史以来最伟大的篮球运动员。
Born on February 17, 1963, in Brooklyn, New York, Jordan developed a love for basketball at a young age. 1963年2月17日出生在纽约布鲁克林,乔丹在很小的时候就对篮球爱不释手。
He played college basketball at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and was selected third overall in the 1984 NBA Draft by the Chicago Bulls. 他在北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校打过大学篮球,并在1984年的NBA选秀中被芝加哥公牛队第三顺位选中。
Jordan quickly made a name for himself in the NBA, winning the Rookie of the Year award in 1985 and leading the Bulls to their first NBA championship in 1991. 乔丹很快在NBA中崭露头角,于1985年获得年度新秀奖,并在1991年带领公牛队赢得了他们的第一个NBA总冠军。
Throughout his career, Jordan was known for his competitiveness, work ethic, and clutch performances in crucial moments. 在他的职业生涯中,乔丹以他的竞争力、职业道德和在关键时刻的关键表现而闻名。

名人介绍英语作文五年级【中英文版】**English Composition: Introduction of a Celebrity**Michael Jordan is a world-renowned basketball player who needs no introduction.He was born on February 17, 1963, in Brooklyn, New York.Jordan is not only a sports icon but also a global inspiration for his unwavering determination and incredible talent on the basketball court.During his professional career, Michael Jordan played for the Chicago Bulls and later for the Washington Wizards.He is famous for his soaring dunks, aggressive defense, and winning attitude.Jordan has won six NBA championships with the Bulls and was named the Most Valuable Player (MVP) five times.His career statistics and achievements have set a high standard for players in the NBA.Beyond basketball, Jordan is also known for his brand, "Air Jordan," which revolutionized the sneaker industry.His influence extends to fashion, sports, and culture, making him a true celebrity.Michael Jordan"s success is not just about talent; it"s about his relentless drive to excel.His famous quote, "I can accept failure, but I can"t accept not trying," sums up his philosophy of life.Even after retiring from basketball, Jordan continues to inspire through his charity work and business ventures.In conclusion, Michael Jordan is not only a basketball legend but alsoa role model for perseverance and success.His name will forever be etched in the annals of sports history.**中文作文:名人介绍**迈克尔·乔丹是一位享誉全球的篮球运动员,他的名字家喻户晓。

Michael Jordan-迈克尔·乔丹Michael JordanFrom Beijing to Bucharest people like Michael Jordan. So when he suddenly retired last week, the news was reported around the world. Michael Jordan is widely considered as basketball's best player. He becomes known as Air Jordan. Jordan gained wide notice by helping to sell products, business paid him tens of millions of dollars.Michael Jordan is thirty years old. He attended the University of North Carolina. He joined the Chicago Bulls nine years ago. He led the team to the National Basketball Association Championship for the past three years. He was the top scoring player in the NBA for the past seven years. He also won Olympic gold medals.In July Jordan's father was murdered in North Carolina. James Jordan and his son were close friends. Michael Jordan says it means a lot to him that his father saw his last game. But he says his father's death was not the reason he retired. He says he had been considering the idea for a few years. Jordan is the third major NBA player to retire in the last three years, Magic Johnson of the Los Angeles Lakers retired two years ago because he has the virus that caused AIDS. Last year Larry Bird of the Boston's Seltic retired because of back problem.Jordan's skill helped increase the popularity of the basketball. Sports centers sold all their seats when the Chicago Bulls played there.In announcing his retirement, Jordan said he had nothing left to prove in basketball. He says he does not have the desire to play any more. From now on he wants to spend time with hisfamily and return to as normal a life as possible. However, he says he might consider returning to the basketball one day. Michael Jordan says he does not believe in the word "NEVER".迈克尔·乔丹从北京到不加勒斯特,几乎所有的人都喜欢乔丹。


关于体育明星迈克尔乔丹英语作文范文accomplished in life. Jordan as we know has set records that have yet to be broken and he has accomplished things that were thought to be impossible to accomplish. For example, on May 6, 1998, M.J. became the first player in history to be selected to the NBA All-Defensive First Team nine times. Jordan has also earned nine individual scoring titles, four Most Valuable Player awards, and he averaged 31.7 points per game which is the highest in NBA history. These are some of his accomplishments on the court. I often wonder what it would feel like to make history by just doing something that I enjoy. Obviously Jordan doesn’t have to wonder, he already knows. "At the presumed end of his career, he has created his own line of cologne and clothing, presuming shrewdly that, while no one can be like Mike exactly, the chance to smell and dress like him will be ; in a world given over to computer generated simulations ; virtually enough".ConclusionAs you can see, Michael Jordan is some one who is worth recognition. He is someone who I look up to when it comes to the game. Jordan has accomplished a lot, and it wasn’t all fun and games, it took a lot of hard work, practice and effort to be one of the greatest basketball players of all times. Now do you see why everyone wants to be like Mike? Everyone wants the fame, the fortune and the just plain and simply the life that Michael Jordan lives. Jordan is an example that what ever you dream to become, it is possible to become just that. And whatever your goal is, you can reach it, with a little hard work, effort, and commitment.迈克尔乔丹:传奇篮球介绍有许多的游戏伟大的球员,听到他们的名字是一些世界各地,谁是对每一个蓝色的月亮说别人,而是一个人的名字将永远听到你去的地方是迈克尔乔丹。
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迈克尔·乔丹(Michael Jordan,1963年2月17日-):美国NBA著名篮球运动员,被称为“空中飞人”。
甚至同时期的超级巨星们都承认乔丹至高无上的地位,魔术师埃尔文·约翰逊(Magic Johnson)说:“乔丹在顶层,然后才是我们。
赛后拉里·伯德(Larry Bird)这样评价他:“今天是上帝扮成了乔丹在比赛。
"飞人乔丹"是他的标志,他的签名篮球鞋的广告铺天盖地,当然他也代言其他产品,也做过电影空中大灌篮(太空也入樽)的主演,并与迈克尔杰克逊合作MV Jam 他两度退役又两度复出直到02-03赛季结束才再次挂靴。
”Michael Jordan ( Michael Jordan, February 17, 1963 ): the United States NBA famous basketball player, known as the" flying trapeze". In his basketball occupation career created just like enumerable record, is recognized as the world's best basketball player, is a NBA history first to have" athlete of the century " title. He will NBA extended to every corner of the world, become Hollywood beyond another unstoppable American culture, his union to bring the income of at least 10000000000, the Nike Company from a small company into a world famous super giant. In March 19, 2010, a retired Michael Jordan 's successful acquisition of NBA Sherlock Bobcats Bobcats, become the boss. In 2011 September, Jordan has been in love for many years engaged in Cuba supermodel girlfriend Prieto.The "flying" Michael Jordan --a collection of grace and power, art, improvisation on outstanding athletes, he has redefined the NBA superstar meaning, he is recognized as the world's best basketball player, not only in his era, in the entire history of Jordan is NBA the best.In most people's eyes, Michael Jordan is one of the greatest basketball player, his surge high and sweep forward and endowed with the legendary basketball career, and he for this movement huge influence inevitably make people put him on the altar. Grace, speed, strength, artistic creativity, improvisation and the strong desire of the perfect combination ... ... Jordan reinterpreted" superstar" meaning.Even in the same period superstars were recognized Jordan supreme status, magician Elvin Johnson ( Magic Johnson ) said:" Jordan at the top, then we." In the Jordan second season playoffs against the Celtics in a game, he is to take 63 points. After the game Larry Byrd ( Larry Bird ) on his way:" today is God disguised as Jordan in the game."Have a look at Jordan did something:" rookie of the year, 5 regular season MVP finals, 6 rings, 6 NBA Finals MVP, 10 first team, 14 time All-Star, 3 time All-Star game MVP in NBA50 years, 50, 10 ( NBA record, scoring another 7 consecutive scoring king and Chamberlain are the first ), retired when average is the highest 30.1 points ... "But he had a far greater impact than these honors and titles. When he first came into the league, he is a strong first step, gorgeous breakthrough and acrobatic slam born scorer. And when he left, he has become a cultural symbol. Over his career, his work on the show and see things in a blur of elegant personal style conquer the public, but also to accelerate the NBA globalization process, he is fully deserve the king.He is an amiable and easy of approach but maintains a sense of mystery men. " Air Jordan" is his sign, his signature basketball shoe advertisement blots out the sky, he is also a spokesperson for other products, did the movie Space Jam ( Space Jam ) starring, and collaboration with Michael Jackson MV Jam he twice retired twice until 02-03 the end of the season and back again to hang up his boots.Jordan said:" I can accept failure, but can not accept to give up."。