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1.Choo选择题(10 )

()1.How old are you?

A. I ' m nine.

B. I ' m Max.

C. You ' re nine.

()2. What ' s your name?

A. I ' m ten.

B. I ' m Pop.

C.You are Pop.

()3. Are you seve n?

A.Yes, I am.

B.No, I ' m seven.

C.Yes, I

'm not.

()4. Mary a dan cer.



C. are

()5.Is she a policewoma n?

A.Yes,she is.

B.Yes, he is.

C.No, he isn


()6.What color is it?

A.It ' s a cap.

B.It ' s a sweater.


's blue.

()7.Where ' s my book?

A.It ' s under the school bag.

B. It ' s a book.

C.Yes,it is.

()8. Is this a ruler?

A. Yes, it is.

B. No, it is.

C. Yes, it isn ' t.

()9.——Happy birthday!—— ____________ .

A. Thank you!

B. You ' re great!

C. Oops!

()10. -Is it a mon key?, it is a dog.

A. Yes, it is

B. No, it isn ' t

C. No, he is

II. Write am, is and are or a, an an用ham, is, ar或

a,an,the 填空(10 )


2. ________ You eight.

3.She _____ a teacher.

4. He a postma n.

5」t a dog.

6.Look! ______ apple!

7.0h! in sect! Yuk!

8. Look! umbrella and table!.

9. King and quee n. Hurray!

10. Look at xyloph one!

III. Write the short fo写出缩写形式。(10 )1」am two.

2. I am not seve n.

3. You are six.

4. You are not ten.

5. He is fat.

6.She is thin

7.She is not a doctor.

8.That is a parrot.

9」t is not a book.

IV. Write.连词成句(10 )

e.g. a boy. Robert is ------- Robert is a boy.

1. A ,doctor ,Is ,he

2. Policewoma n. Are ,you, a

3. Is ,Max, His, name

4. This ,his, rabbit, is

5. In ,the ,train, a ,doll ,is

V. Tran slat英汉互译(20’ )









Policema n


VI. Fill the blan填空(20分)

1. That ' s ________ 她的)sister.

2. That ' s ________ 我的)mum.

3. This is _______ (他的)frog.

4. This is my _________ (狗).

5. ___ (他)isn ' t a policeman.

6. Oh,a dog!Look at_______ (它的)big mouth!

7. What is it? _________ (它是)a parrot.

8. That isn ' t my ______ 书_()

9. Is this a ______ (铅笔)?

10. Are you ten? No,I ' m ___ 不__是( ).

VII An swer questi回答问题(10分)

1、What' s your name? ______________

2、How old are you? __________________

3、Are you ten? _____________

4、What is your favorite colour? _______________

5、Are you tall? _____________

VIII.Readi ng Comprehen阅读理解 (10分)

A doll

My sister Lily has a doll Kate. It looks like a little girl. She has big eyes, a nose and a small red mouth. She has arms ,hands, legs and feet. Her hair is yellow and she has a white blouse and a black skirt. She can walk and say “Good morning “to Lily in the morning and “ Good afternoon “in the afternoon. My sister likes her very much. She thinks she ' s her little sister.

判断,对的用T 表示,错的用 F 表示。

( ) 1. The doll is my sister ' s.

( ) 2. The doll ' s name is Lily.

( ) 3. The doll has yellow hair.

( ) 4. The doll can speak.

( ) 5. Kate is Lily 's sister.
