soft kitty




[hello kitty的由来]kitty?HELLO KITTY的来历篇一: kitty?HELLO KITTY 的来历需要解答的题目:HELLO KITTY 的来历最精彩的答案:,为日本的三丽鸥公司于1974年所创造的卡通人士。

Hello Kitty的相干商品凡是是以明亮的洋红色的一只头上有胡蝶结的白色卡通小猫Hello Kitty形象浮现。

而刻意忽略嘴巴部分的Hello Kitty牌号自1976年注册以来,现已广为人知。

Hello Kitty并未有正式中文译名,但市面仍可见凯蒂猫等名。

另外,因为Hello Kitty没有嘴巴,在收集上亦有没有嘴猫的别号。

虽然Hello Kitty最初的预设着重于女孩市场,但直到现在该卡通人士商品已关于皮球、钱包、电视、衣服、推拿器、计算机硬件甚至性支援。



该部以幼童为收视群预设的Hello Kitty动画,还在开播不久之后,推出相干产物。

而共同该动画第一款Hello Kitty形象的产物是一个价值240日圆减肥增高鞋的小而精致的乙烯基硬币钱包。


在日本,Hello Kitty 至少演出扮演了一部自己的动画剧集。

“Hello Kitty的天国”在1993年和1994年放送16集。


从2004年开始这只小猫同样浮此刻了万事达卡的外貌. 这类卡有多是为了教诲年轻的女孩如何消费。


Hello Kitty 最初是在1974年由Sanrio公司的预设师净水侑子预设的。


第二位预设者米洼节子,一直预设直到1980年此项任务交付山口裕子.Hello Kitty被赐与了英国血统因为当时英国文化很受日本女孩欢迎。

Hello kitty的前世今生及其产业链

Hello kitty的前世今生及其产业链

【视野】Hello kitty的前世今生及其产业链2013-08-10 文化产业新生代按:一般来讲市场上出现新的动漫形象时总会有人有意为之赋予其一系列产品故事,这种品牌故事的策略在科班营销中是非常受欢迎的,在动漫领域尤其容易实现而且一般品牌故事的设置会先于形象的大规模衍生开发,从这个角度理解,在动漫制作内容水准不足的国内,播出平台自然会认为动漫片其实是动漫公司的宣传片而经常要求动漫公司支付播出费用,但是有些动漫形象的广泛传播却非常偶然,还没来得及赋予其一系列故事就已经广为人知了,比如hello kitty简介Kitty 猫诞生于1974年,当时三丽鸥公司预定推出一款小钱包,上面的图案希望能设计出一个崭新的人物。



Hello Kitty(日语:ハローキティ;拉丁写法:Harōkiti)并未有正式统一的中文译名,但市面仍可见凯蒂猫、凯迪猫、吉蒂猫等名。

另外,由于Hello Kitty没有嘴巴,在网络上亦有无口猫、无嘴猫的别名。


有一只小猫,有嘴巴(作者已经表示有嘴巴了),脸蛋圆圆的,左耳上扎着一个蝴蝶结,还有一截小尾巴,她的名字叫凯蒂猫(Hello Kitty),吉蒂猫或无嘴猫。

(下面这部分其实也算品牌故事,大家看的时候除了娱乐不妨留个心思思考一下)中英文名:凯蒂猫(原名:KittyWhite)昵称:Hello Kitty性别:可爱小女孩(漂亮的小女生)生日:1974年11月1日星座:天蝎座(和原创作者相同)hello kitty图片(20张)国籍:英国出生地:伦敦郊外血型:A型身高:5个苹果高体重:3个苹果重家庭成员:妈妈,爸爸,双胞胎妹妹性格:开朗活泼,温柔热心,调皮可爱,喜欢交朋友专长:最擅长打网球,钢琴也弹得非常好最拿手厨艺:做饼干最喜欢的事物:喜欢听童话故事,收集各式各样美丽可爱的小装饰品,有糖果、小星星、小金鱼,尤其以蝴蝶结为最多,喜欢和许多好朋友一起到公园或森林去玩最喜欢的食物:妈妈亲手做的苹果派&镇上面包屋叔叔的爱心面包最喜欢的科目:英语、音乐、视觉艺术最佳的代步工具:喜欢骑着粉红色的三轮脚踏车去公园玩耍最有魅力的重点:全身上下充满可爱气息的Kitty,最有吸引力的地方是左耳上戴着红色蝴蝶结,还有一个圆圆的小尾巴喜欢的颜色:粉色,是跟她的蝴蝶结一样的颜色。

hello Kitty

hello Kitty

是一个可靠且又 有幽默感的好爸 爸,他十分重视 家庭,非常疼爱 小孩子,最爱抽 大烟斗。
一个慈祥的妈妈, 充满爱心和温柔, 她是全能的家庭 主妇,喜爱种花, 烹饪和布置房间, Kitty最喜欢吃妈 妈亲手做的苹果 派。
黄色蝴蝶结,很 讨人喜欢 ,个性 很害羞也很恋家, 常常会幻想长大 成为一位幸福的
冲绳的柑橘类果汁口味清爽,柑橘装的 Kitty 造型别样清新;称霸日本厨房--
大阪大嫂的 Kitty 造型为你送上一道精美的点心;各式造型的Hello Kitty可以 让消费者领略到日本各地区的风土人情。
三丽鸥还根据主流消费人群的成长而推出合适的商品。2004年为配合Hello Kitty30岁纪念,新推 出的商品就以攻占成人市场为主,例如烤面包机、咖啡机、微波炉等,以留住与她同龄共同成长
主题乐园 Hello Kitty家园项目是由日本三丽鸥株式会社和美国HETTEMA公 司共同设计的。HETTEMA是美国著名的游艺乐园设计公司,曾经 设计过有“美国最受欢迎主题公园”之称环球影城冒险岛和其他 多个梦工厂动画的项目。Hello kitty家园是个自然调和的家园, 温馨、梦境、环保及富有创意的概念将贯串整个园区,著名景点 有友谊广场、欢乐港湾、音之村、精灵森林、蒸汽王国、凯蒂猫 小院等。
士尼卡通产品模式的成功元素在Hello Kitty身上几乎一项都不具备,但是
她却是有史以来最赚钱的卡通形象之一。 凯 蒂 猫满足了人们对于童真的 热望,完全依靠自身的感召力,成为20到21世纪一个长盛不衰的文化符 号。
草根式 营销
此策略造就了Hello Kitty的深入人心。当年在推出Hello Kitty时,三丽鸥公司几乎没有做任何市场测试和广告 宣传,而且,只要不给Kitty猫可爱单纯的形象抹黑, 三丽鸥公司对任何产品 (除了烟、酒及枪支) 几乎都会 答应给予使用授权。 Hello Kitty出名后,三丽鸥也很少刻意花费做广告,而 是采用全方位行销的概念,Hello Kitty 被印在每一种你



描写hellokitty猫的样子Hello Kitty猫,又称凯蒂猫,是一个非常受欢迎的卡通形象,广泛应用于各种商品和周边产品。


Hello Kitty猫的外貌非常独特。



Hello Kitty猫的头上戴着一个红色的蝴蝶结,这使它看起来更加俏皮和时尚。



Hello Kitty猫的背后有一个小尾巴,这个尾巴非常小巧可爱,给人一种活泼和灵动的感觉。


除了外貌,Hello Kitty猫的形象还有一些特点。



Hello Kitty猫的形象也经常被运用到各种文化活动和节日中。

无论是圣诞节还是情人节,Hello Kitty猫的形象都会出现在相应的节日商品和装饰品上,为人们带来快乐和温馨的氛围。

Hello Kitty猫是一个非常可爱和迷人的卡通形象,它的外貌和特点都非常独特。

无论是外形设计还是形象塑造,Hello Kitty猫都充满了童趣和魅力,给人们带来了无尽的快乐和温暖。

无论是在商品上还是在人们的心中,Hello Kitty猫都将一直是一个受欢迎的形象。





1、Beenle 冰清玉洁2、Icey 就是“冰”+y3、Angle 天使4、Diana 黛安娜5、Rose 玫瑰,浓郁馨香之名6、Barbie 芭比,玲珑可爱7、Moon 月,月亮公主,宁静8、Snowy “雪”+y9、Christal 水晶,晶晶亮亮10、Bubles 泡泡,可爱的名字11、Colorfully 多彩的,就像彩虹与极光,绚烂12、Purplegrape 紫葡萄,幽静典雅配晶亮洁净13、Silverdew 银露珠14、Greenle “绿”+el15、Star 星16、Fairy 仙女17、Dreamy “梦”+y18、Flower 花19、Magical “魔法”+al20、Sweety “甜”+y21、Yilia 伊丽娅,典雅之名,宁如神女22、Maria 玛丽亚,圣母之名23、Nancy 高尚、温和、优雅之意24、Annabelle 亲切的、美丽的、可爱的25、Jodie 文静、头发柔软的、纯洁26、kay/凯伊--欣喜的。


















介绍小猫的英语作文篇1The cat is mouse predators, are high strength rat catching ability.First, because there are special eyes, pupil can shrink or enlarge with the strength of the light.Under the strong light pupil shrink into a thin seam; Darkness, the eyes is big and round, even if is opaque night, also can see things clearly, again sly mice also difficult to escape.Its ears are flexible, can be turned to voice to place freely and even the tiny voice, also can distinguish in a timely manner.介绍小猫的英语作文篇2Two little kittens went fishing at sea. First, they sat in their raft and rowed themselves away from shore. Then Tom Cat put the bait on the fish hook and threw it out into the ocean. And they waited for a long time until finally, they sensed a fish caught on the hook.It was a huge salmon! And the kittens happily returned home with their catch.介绍小猫的.英语作文篇3Once upon a time there were two lovely kitten, one day, the kitten hungry want to go to catch fish to eat. Them to the pool and saw a few small fish swimming in the water. Chan cats mouth water. So they want to catch a fish. However, he accidentally fell into the water, on the shore. They try very hard to of is called"help", "help!".At this moment, a big white geese swim, quickly hauled to the cats. From then on, they became good friends.介绍小猫的英语作文篇4I have a lovely pet. It's a small cat. It's name is Candy, because it looks like a candy. It has white and black colors. It's smaller than general cats. When I first saw it in the market, I liked it. Therefore, I begged my mother bought it to me and I succeeded. It has come to my home for three months. It is attracted. Everyone come to my home likes to play with it. It hides under the sofa or bed often. When I call it, it would react to me. Sometimes, it would walk to me quietly. I like my cat very much.介绍小猫的英语作文篇5The cat is people dotes on small animals, it sweet, lively, lovely, can catch mice, command master's favour.Newborn kitten, eyes closed, bark thin, whole body bare, like a peristalsis meat completely.Just a full moon cat cannot leave milk, walk also instability.But have learned to naughty, like we these a lot of trouble.介绍小猫的英语作文篇6I have a pet cat, her name is Mary. She is very lovely, she hasa pair of beautiful eyes and two ears.Her legs are very short, her tail is short,too. She is also very capable.She could everywhere catching mice,that makes my home is always very clean and safe.But sometimes, she is lazy. She usually sleeps more than eight hours.But I never mind.Because I think she is very tired after her carch mouse.If youwant to play with her, you must take some fish, because she is very fond of eating fish.As for her habits,she likes play balls and play with others very much. She uses to play the ball to me when I am unhappy .So,she is smarter than any other cats,I think.These are the reasons why I like Mary.This is my cat, do you like her?介绍小猫的英语作文篇7Grandpa grandmother's big gray cat gave birth to two lovely kittens, cute kitten position. One covered with a white cotton jacket, from afar like a white snowball, so I called it "small snowball". The other is put on a golden jacket, like a golden gold ball, I call it "Golden Phoenix".At first, the little guys are afraid of me, every day hiding in the arms of my mother, refused to see me. I go to see them every day, greeting them for a long time, they start not afraid of me, see me: "meow" called.They first farther away from me, see I do not hurt them, then a little closer, and then around in my feet around, rub me, look at my reaction. And then they are pletely relieved, they began to play in a pile of wool ball next to play with them, they will throw away the wool ball for a while, while playing with a ball of wire "hide and seek" game, while the wool ball on the floor roll To roll.I stroked their delicate fluff, but it was friendly "meow" called twice. During the day, they were lying on the balcony and looking forward to me to go home; in the evening they looked at me with confidence.One day, I casually read the book, a small snowball and gold phoenix with their claws gently took me a few times, this is telling me to concentrate on reading, and can not be half-hearted. Thisis our lovely snowball and gold Phoenix, they brought me endless joy!介绍小猫的英语作文篇8I like the most about my home the little white cat. It has 6 steel beard, a pair of jiongjiongweishen eyes, a long thin tail, and the whole body Snow White hair, far look like a mass of living snowballs, how lovely!My cat Mimi is not only attractive, or "masters of the rats" worthy of the name.When I lived in my grandparents' house, I have seen Mimi fascinating process to catch mice. In the day, night, black opaque, I lie on the bed, is fast asleep. All of a sudden, I was the sound of drumming "ding ding" wake up downstairs. I rubbed his eyes and was about to go down to see actually, suddenly, I had a foreboding: is the thief! I crept downstairs, suddenly press the light switch, "thief" truth: it is Mimi. I just want to blame it, eyes a diagonal, saw its claws of mice, alas, is really wrong about it! Then, I thought Mimi would play knife and fork, but to my surprise, it released its claws, mouse ran hard, but when Mimi in mice is going to run away, and there was a good, caught it, so play, after a moment of mice by doing nothing, Mimi see it didn't go with the head, then eat itMimi every day is very carefree. In the morning, it came to my bedside, "meow" called several voice, then I touch its head, it is very comfortable to close your eyes; At noon, it hide in the shade and rest; In the evening, it play with another cat.After my introduction, you must like it too, that come and look at it!介绍小猫的英语作文篇9I love kittens very much because it is clever, cute and pleasing.My little courtyard is home to a kitten, it is a black and white cat, the body of the hair smooth and shiny, white belly, the back is a piece of black ideas. A black long tail, furry, very soft and beautiful. A pair of round yo eyes, bright and piercing words. Its nose is very sensitive, ears are always erected, a few white beard long and hard, flicker. It sounds good sounds, we gave him a name called "Mimi".Mimi is very cute, the yard people are very care about it, to him to find a fixed place to put food. Mimi favorite fish and meat, running very fast.Mimi love to clean, it always eat things like lying on the ground, add its claws and body, and then lazily lying in that sleepy. It woke up, it will stretch waist, the body suddenly stretch on the very long. Sometimes it jumps up and down in the yard, very naughty. Sometimes it walked around in the yard, like a walk, but also looking for something. Since Mimi came, we never saw the rats in the yard.One day, I came back from school, went to the yard, I heard Mimi in the meow to call. See me back, the kitten ran over, while the side is looking at me, as if to talk to me.I went forward, it also went forward, I stopped it also stopped. It rubbed my legs with my body, look at the rub, my mother crouched, stretched out his hand, slowly touch her hair, it is very gentle, motionless. It looked at me and my mother with the big eyes that would be talking. My mother stood up, we go forward, Mimi followed in the back, 'meow, meow, meow.' Mother said: "Mimi must be hungry." I took home a small fish downstairs, Mimi As if waiting for me, see me downstairs, hurriedly ran over, I threw the fish to it, it picked up the fish, went to eat side of the fragrant.One time, a small fish was eaten it. After eating, Mimisatisfied with the tongue out of the licking lips, and looked up at me, meow called a few times, and then leisurely walked away.Gradually, Mimi and I became "good friends", as long as it is in the yard, I e back to it me meow me, I wish the kitten has beenin our yard only do not go. Because i like it.介绍小猫的英语作文篇10My family has a kitten, it is wearing a white coat, like a gentleman. Ear pointed, rounded nose, thick thighs, long tail, look very cute.Every morning, it opened the hazy sleepy eyes, meow to call a non-stop, seems to plain that last night did not sleep well, alas! Must be our family that naughty little mouse at work! You see it But as long as you smell the smell of the most fresh fish, it flew to the spirit, after dinner it can be air! Even the home of the big yellow dog met it all Respectfully stand aside, listen to it sent, if not, it will resort to its killer ----- nine Yin white claws, desperately grasping the rhubarb dog.However, naughty naughty, it should be serious, who is better than the. Every night, it will be due diligence in the mouse often e and go place, breath breath, not to seize a scourge can not. Sometimes, it will play with their own trophies game, once, I e down to drink, see it and a little mouse to play, it will put the mouse down, for a while again with his mouth to bite, sometimes And then throw the mouse, and so the mouse ready to escape it immediately chase up, and made the rats were afraid to stay in our house.Oh, okay! Kitty put my homework on the plum blossom, and quickly look at介绍小猫的英语作文篇11I keep a cute kitten, it's called the small white. Small whitebelly is white, back is golden yellow, it has a pair of bright eyes, a green fluorescence in the night, just like light.Small white after I care with fur of flattering light, sturdy limbs, with sharp claws, still has a long tail, very lovely!Waking up every morning, after out of the room, I can see a small white face to me. I say: "small white, I wash a face to brush your teeth, go to school, you go and play!" , it seemed to understand what I mean, the alone run to play outside, for a while to catch grasshoppers, patting the grass to play for a while.At noon, grandpa and I go to a small white rice, it is in our feet around in his side, round round, low sound in the mouth, as if in said to me: "little master, quick give I add rice! I'm starving!" .Once we use iron cage trapping into a mouse, a good idea to me, I take iron cage to a small white, and what will want to try it. See it swoops down, showing various: it first v, naked erect hairs, rictus, also issued a "meow, meow," the voice, and outstretched arms, flapping hard iron cage. Frightened mouse hiding in the corner of the iron cage shiver, also from time to time a squeaking sound. Later, we took the mice to ditch drowned, back on the ground, small white clove rushed over, put it away, run to a no one corner to go for a dinner.My cat really cute, if you want to see my little cat, then come to my home!介绍小猫的英语作文篇12I have got two baby cats. they are very beautiful. One is yellow. the other is white. they are very lovely. the yellow cat is very naughty. He likes to play with people. He often runs here and there. His favourite game is playing with balls, ropes and stones. But the white cat is very gentle. She likes to wash her face. And she doesn′t like to play with people. She often jumps ontomy knees. I like to give her a bath.介绍小猫的英语作文篇13I have a cat named mimi. Its hair is as white as snow. I often play games with it. It amuses me a lot and I treat it as a little friend. Every morning, I would say goodbye to it before I go to school and mimi would wave its front-legs to me. It brings me a lot of pleasure. But it takes time and costs money to keep the cat. My parents and I spend much time taking care of it, feeding it and cleaning it. We have to clean the house from time to time, or the cat will make them dirty and smelly.介绍小猫的英语作文篇14A Lovely CatSeveral days ago, Mother brought home a little cat. I gave her a nice name "Mimi".She is black all over except her: four feet and a small nose. There is also a white bib on her chest. Can you imagine what she looks like? Every morning she gets up the earliest. Then she always climbs up my bed and wakes me up. When we sit at table having our meal, she often runs under the table and even climbs onto our knees, it seems as if she was saying, "Let me join you. I want something to eat.""Mimi" likes to lie onthe floor in the sunshine. She feels;comfortable that way. She looks more lovely when doing that.I like "Mimi" very much because the cat brings us a joy of the family.介绍小猫的英语作文篇15I have a kitten, the whole body snow white. Kitten's head only tiger, mouth long with eight characters Hu, there are two teeth; black two big eyes, glow at night. There are five sharp paws on the feet of the cat.Kitty catch the mouse the most interesting. Saw it to the body on the ground, eyes staring at the mouse hole, the body motionless. When the mouse came out, it rushed to the rush. With the claws claws with mouth bite, and soon put the rats killed. When the kitten caught a mouse, my grandmother rewarded it a small fish. I feed it regularly every day, but I do not have to feed it at night.Kittens not only bring us fun, but also for my family in addition to rodents.介绍小猫的英语作文篇16I have a loving kitten around me. I liked it, my mom and dad liked it too.Its head flat, a pair of sharp and flexible big eyes, will shine at night, even a small mouse can not escape its vision. There is a sweet mouth, his mouth has four small teeth, a smile will be exposed. Mouth and a beard, used to measure the size of the hole. I gave it a name called "yellow".One day, I just returned to the door, yellow heard the sound of the door, immediately went to me where I clamor "meow meow" to call, as if to say: "little master, you finally come back, I really want You oh. "When I do not do business, when doing something else,It is in the "meow meow" barking, as if to remind me to seriously do homework. My kittens brought me a lot of happiness, my good friend, I love my kitten.介绍小猫的英语作文篇17"Meow woo - meow woo -----" ah, the original is a small cat in the call. This little cat, every day I go home from school, it is always squatting at the door to meet me. So I love my little cat very much.The little kitty is full of golden hair, and it is really funny. Its head long two pointed little ears, as long as there is something a little move, its ears can be heard immediately. One night, two shiny eyes like a scout like everywhere to collect. The little nose is long on the mouth of the triangle. The long bearded face is very cute.My kittens have high ability to catch mice, and once a cunning mouse gets into a jar. Kittens quietly in the side, after a while the mouse look at the outside is very safe, only ran out. At this time in the next kitten ran up suddenly. Saw the kitten picked up the mouse, all of a sudden the mice killed, and finally eat with relish.How lovely is my kitten?介绍小猫的英语作文篇18"Mow meow, meow" You heard the little cat without our family started to call, really troublesome, it started from the early morning called, called people can not sleep, I thought: "The little kitty is definitely Hungry, or why is it so called? "I got up and put on my clothes, just my mother was doing it early, and I had eaten the way to the little kittie, and it was full for a while. It is really interesting, you have not seen it! It first with a claw wash your face, and then licked his hair, anyway, the whole body is bed again and again, and then lay there snoring. Little cat's temper is not small!I play every day and it will be accidentally caught by it, or will e to bite you, really makes people again and let people like it. My little cat is all up and down with black and white colors are mixed together, people say it is a small cat, its small head round, long two pointed ears, small nose, mouth on both sides also Grow a few beard, with a long hairy hair tail. I especially like to play withmy little cat, because my little kitten is really very beautiful and very cute.介绍小猫的英语作文篇19My family has a smart, sensitive kitten, my grandmother gave me, I called it Cong Cong.Cong Mao's hair is black, the hair on the limbs is yellow, long beard, sensitive ears, as well as a pair of pearl-like bright eyes, very lovable.Cat and mouse is a matter of course, Cong Cong found the mouse, the pounce up, with the front jaws to seize the mouse, hold down the fixed, then eat the mouse.My family Cong Cong is a clever cat, but also a small lazy cat, sometimes just a good cat, and sometimes only greedy cat ... ...I put it in my arms, like holding a piece of cotton as soft, really comfortable. It was so cute that he was sleeping in my hands motionless.I really like this kitten. It's my playmate, it's my pet.介绍小猫的英语作文篇20I keep a cute kitten, it was wearing a black and white sweater, embedded on the face with a pair of golden light bulbs, evening there was a flash of light, mouth also stood two patron saint.The kitten is greedy. I remember one day, mom bought a fish, it saw the fish, and every dance feet might have to jump up, fussing around my mother. Mother put the fish in the fridge went to do something else, the kitten took and jumped onto the table, open the door, with its claws with relish to eat fish. When the mother to get the fish, found the fish disappeared, I saw the kitten is greedily ate only a fish tail, is my mother and I cry...But, as the cat, the kitten is so conscientious. It as long as immediately as soon as I saw the mouse, day and night do notknow how much to eat rats? Remember once, I went to take apple apple box, suddenly jumped out from the case out of a big, fat rat, trembled with fear me, and then played the kitten, first the lightning lunges and hold the mouse in its claw, give out "hiss" sound, scared the daylights out of the mouse, then, and release the mouse, and purposely without mouse oblique walk a few steps, the kitten jumped to block in front of it, so after a few rounds, the mouse has no force of resistance, completely scared half to death, finally, a pussy cat meat knife plate, allowed to leave, let them enjoy... This is my little cat, a greedy, and due diligence of the kitten.。



介绍sandra的朋友kitty英语作文Sandra and Kitty have been best friends since they were in elementary school. They met in the playground during recess and instantly clicked. Sandra is outgoing and adventurous while Kitty is more reserved and thoughtful. Despite their differences, they have always been there for each other through thick and thin.Sandra: Hey Kitty, do you remember how we first met?Kitty: Of course I do! It was during recess in third grade. You came up to me and asked if I wanted to play tag with you and the rest is history.Sandra: Haha, yeah! I'm so glad I met you that day.You've been such an amazing friend to me.Kitty: Aww, thanks Sandra. You've been a great friend to me too. I don't know what I would do without you.Sandra is the life of the party, always coming up with fun and exciting things to do. Kitty, on the other hand, is more content with staying in and reading a good book. Despite their different interests, they always find a way to compromise and have a good time together.Sandra: Hey Kitty, I heard about this new roller coaster opening up at the amusement park. Do you want to go checkit out with me?Kitty: Oh, I'm not sure if I'm up for that. I get motion sickness easily.Sandra: That's okay, how about we go see a movie instead?I heard there's a new romantic comedy playing.Kitty: That sounds perfect! I would love to go see a movie with you.Their friendship is built on trust, respect, and understanding. They support each other through the ups and downs of life and are always there to lend a listening earor a shoulder to cry on.Sandra: Kitty, I just wanted to say thank you for always being there for me. You mean the world to me.Kitty: Aw, Sandra, you're going to make me cry. I feelthe same way about you. You're like a sister to me.Sandra: I don't know what I would do without you, Kitty. You're my rock.他们的友谊如同一棵参天大树,坚固而深厚。



介绍hellokitty英语作文Hello Kitty is a fictional character produced by the Japanese company Sanrio. She is a white cat with a red bow on her left ear and a yellow flower on her right ear. Hello Kitty has become a global icon of Japanese popular culture.Hello Kitty was created in 1974 by Sanrio designer Yuko Shimizu. The character was originally designed for a lineof coin purses, but she quickly became popular and was soon featured on a wide range of merchandise, including clothing, accessories, school supplies, and home goods. Hello Kitty has also been the star of several animated televisionseries and films.Hello Kitty is a beloved character by people of allages around the world. She is seen as a symbol of cuteness, innocence, and friendship. Hello Kitty has also been usedto promote various products and causes, including breast cancer awareness and environmental protection.In addition to her popularity in Japan, Hello Kitty has also become a global phenomenon. She has been featured on merchandise in over 100 countries and has even been the subject of academic study. Hello Kitty has been praised for her positive impact on children and for her role in promoting Japanese culture around the world.Hello Kitty's success is due in part to her simple and appealing design. She is a cute and cuddly character thatis easy to identify and relate to. Hello Kitty also represents a sense of nostalgia for many people, as she reminds them of their childhood.Hello Kitty has had a significant impact on popular culture. She has been referenced in numerous works of art, music, and literature. Hello Kitty has also been the inspiration for several fashion trends.Hello Kitty is a cultural icon that has stood the test of time. She is a beloved character that brings joy to people of all ages around the world. Hello Kitty is a symbol of cuteness, innocence, and friendship, and she issure to continue to be popular for many years to come.Here are some of the reasons why Hello Kitty is so popular:She is cute and cuddly.She is easy to identify and relate to.She represents a sense of nostalgia for many people.She is a symbol of cuteness, innocence, and friendship.She has been referenced in numerous works of art, music, and literature.She has been the inspiration for several fashion trends.Hello Kitty is a global icon that has had a significant impact on popular culture. She is a beloved character that brings joy to people of all ages around the world.。



kittysday的英语作文Kitty's Day。

Kitty woke up early in the morning, feeling excited for the day ahead. It was Kitty's favorite day of the year her birthday. She had been looking forward to this day for weeks, planning the perfect celebration with her friends and family.As soon as Kitty got out of bed, she was greeted with a delicious breakfast prepared by her parents. They had made her favorite pancakes with strawberries and whipped cream, along with a cup of hot chocolate. Kitty couldn't help but smile as she ate her breakfast, feeling grateful for her loving family.After breakfast, Kitty opened the presents her parents had gotten her. She received a new dress, a set of art supplies, and a book she had been wanting to read for a long time. Kitty was thrilled with her gifts and couldn't wait to try them out later in the day.In the afternoon, Kitty's friends arrived for her birthday party. They played games, danced to music, and enjoyed a delicious cake that Kitty's mom had baked. Kitty felt so happy surrounded by her friends, laughing and having a great time together.As the sun began to set, Kitty's family and friends gathered around to sing "Happy Birthday" and watch her blow out the candles on her cake. Kitty made a wish before blowing out the candles, hoping for happiness and health for her loved ones.After the party, Kitty's friends went home, leaving Kitty with her family to end the day. They sat together in the living room, reminiscing about the fun they had and the memories they had created. Kitty felt grateful for the love and support of her family, knowing that she was truly blessed.As Kitty lay in bed that night, she thought about all the wonderful moments of the day. She felt grateful for the love and joy that surrounded her on her special day. Kitty closed her eyes, feeling content and happy, looking forward to another year filled with love and happiness.Kitty's day had been perfect, filled with love, laughter, and joy. She knew that she was surrounded by people who cared for her deeply, and that was the greatest gift of all. Kitty drifted off to sleep, feeling grateful for all the blessings in her life. Today had truly been a day to remember.。



小学英语四年级下册重点句子1,How does it feel?---It’s soft =It is soft .它感觉如何?-----它是柔软的2,Is it strawberry juice or watermelon juice ?---It is strawberry juice它是草莓汁还是西瓜汁?---它是草莓汁3,The sun rises in the morning太阳早晨升起The sun falls at dusk太阳黄昏的时候落下4,What lessons do we have today ?----We have my Chinese lesson today我们今天有什么课?---我们今天有中文课5,Does Alice like playing football ?---Yes,she does ,No,she doesn’t爱丽丝喜欢踢足球么?---是的,她喜欢。

不,她不喜欢6,Whose guitar is it ?---It’s Joe’s guitar它是谁的吉他?它是Joe 的吉他7,What time does Kitty go to school?---Kitty goes to school at a quarter to eightKitty 什么时候去上学?---Kitty 在八点差一刻钟去上学。

8,When does Peter go the school library ?---Peter goes to the school library on Monday afternoon Peter什么时候去学校图书馆?--Peter 在星期一下午去学校图书馆9,How’s the weather in December?---It’s sunny and hot十二月的天气如何?---它是晴天的和热的。



介绍lily的小猫的英语作文35词全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Hello everyone, I want to introduce my friend Lily's cute cat to you! Her name is Whiskers and she is the most adorable pet ever.Whiskers is a fluffy white cat with big green eyes. She loves to play and chase after toys. Lily found Whiskers at a shelter and instantly fell in love with her. Whiskers was a little shy at first, but she quickly warmed up to Lily and now they are the best of friends.Whiskers is very curious and loves to explore. She is always getting into mischief, whether it's knocking things off shelves or chasing after butterflies in the garden. But no matter what trouble she gets into, Whiskers always manages to look innocent with her cute little face.Whiskers is also very affectionate. She loves to curl up in Lily's lap and purr contentedly. She is always there to comfort Lily when she is feeling sad or lonely. Whiskers is a loyal companion and brings so much joy and happiness to Lily's life.I love visiting Lily's house and playing with Whiskers. She is so much fun and always makes me laugh with her antics. I am so glad that Lily has such a wonderful cat as her pet.In conclusion, Whiskers is a special cat who brings love and laughter wherever she goes. She is truly a beloved member of Lily's family. I hope you all get to meet Whiskers someday and see for yourselves just how amazing she is!篇2Lily's CatHey guys, let me tell you about my friend Lily's cat. Her name is Whiskers and she is the cutest little kitten you have ever seen! Whiskers has fluffy white fur and big blue eyes that sparkle in the sunlight. She loves to play and chase after toys, especially when they have a bell on them.Whiskers is very friendly and loves to cuddle. Whenever Lily is feeling sad or lonely, Whiskers will snuggle up to her and purr loudly to make her feel better. Lily says that Whiskers is like a little ball of sunshine, always brightening up her day.One of Whiskers' favorite things to do is to explore the backyard. She will climb trees and chase butterflies all day long.Lily loves to watch her run around and play, it makes her so happy to see Whiskers having fun.Whiskers also has a mischievous side to her. Sometimes she will sneak into the kitchen and try to steal food off the counter. Lily has to keep a close eye on her to make sure she doesn't get into too much trouble!Overall, Whiskers is the best little cat ever. She brings so much joy and happiness to Lily's life and she is truly grateful to have such a wonderful furry friend. Lily and Whiskers are inseparable, and their friendship will last forever. Love you, Whiskers!篇3Hello everyone, my name is Lily and I want to tell you about my cute little cat!My cat's name is Whiskers and he is the most adorable pet ever. He has fluffy white fur with beautiful black spots on his back. Whiskers has big round eyes that are the color of shiny emeralds, and they sparkle whenever he looks at me.Whiskers is very playful and energetic. He loves chasing after his favorite toy mouse and climbing up the curtains in our livingroom. Sometimes he even jumps on my bed in the morning to wake me up with his purring and soft meows.I take good care of Whiskers by feeding him his favorite fish-flavored cat food and making sure he has plenty of fresh water to drink. I also brush his fur regularly to keep it soft and shiny. Whiskers loves snuggling up on my lap in the evenings as we watch TV together.I love my cat Whiskers so much and he brings me so much joy and happiness. I am grateful to have him as my furry companion and I can't imagine my life without him. I hope you all get to meet Whiskers one day and see just how special he is.That's all about my little cat Whiskers. Thank you for listening!篇4Lily has a cute little cat. It's so fluffy and adorable! I love playing with her cat whenever I go to Lily's house.Her cat's name is Whiskers. It's a perfect name because Whiskers has long, white whiskers that stick out from her face. She's a white cat with beautiful blue eyes that sparkle in the sunlight. Whiskers is very friendly and loves to cuddle. WheneverI sit down, she jumps into my lap and purrs contently. It's the best feeling in the world!Whiskers is also very playful. She chases after toys and jumps around the room like a little acrobat. I love watching her play because she looks so graceful and full of energy. Lily often plays with Whiskers using a string with a bell on the end. Whiskers will chase after it and try to catch it in her paws. It's so much fun to watch!One of Whiskers' favorite things to do is to nap in the sun. She'll find a spot by the window where the sun shines in and curl up into a little ball. She looks so peaceful and content when she's sunbathing. Sometimes, I join her and we both take a nap together. It's so relaxing!I'm so grateful that Lily has such a wonderful cat like Whiskers. She brings so much joy and happiness to everyone around her. I hope to have a cat just like Whiskers one day. Until then, I'll continue to visit Lily and spend time with her beloved pet. Whiskers will always have a special place in my heart.篇5Lily is my best friend and she has the cutest little cat ever! Her cat's name is Whiskers and he is the fluffiest and most playful cat I have ever seen.Whiskers has soft grey fur with white patches on his paws and belly. His eyes are big and green, and they sparkle when he's feeling mischievous. He has a long tail that he loves to chase and pounce on whenever he's in the mood to play.Whiskers is always full of energy and he loves to run around the house, playing with his toys and chasing after anything that moves. He can jump really high and he's an expert at climbing, especially when he's trying to catch a bug or a bird outside.Lily takes really good care of Whiskers and she always makes sure he has plenty of food, water, and toys to play with. She even built him a little scratching post so he can keep his claws sharp and healthy. Whiskers loves to cuddle with Lily and he always purrs loudly whenever she pets him.I love going over to Lily's house to play with Whiskers. He's so much fun to be around and he always puts a smile on my face.I think he's the best cat ever and I'm so glad that Lily has him as her pet. Whiskers truly is a special little kitty and I'm so lucky to know him.篇6Lily has a cute little kitty that she loves very much. Its name is Whiskers because it has long white whiskers on its tiny face. Whiskers is a fluffy grey and white cat with bright green eyes that sparkle like emeralds.Whiskers loves to play with Lily all day long. They chase each other around the house, play hide and seek, and even cuddle up together for naps. Whiskers likes to curl up on Lily's lap while she reads her favorite books or watches her favorite TV shows.Lily takes great care of Whiskers. She feeds her special cat food, gives her fresh water every day, and makes sure she has a warm cozy bed to sleep in. Whiskers also gets regular check-ups at the vet to make sure she stays healthy and happy.One of Whiskers' favorite things to do is to explore the backyard. Lily built her a little cat tree where she can climb up high and watch the birds flying by. Whiskers also loves to chase after butterflies and roll around in the grass.Lily and Whiskers have a special bond that can never be broken. They are the best of friends and love each other very much. Whiskers brings so much joy and happiness to Lily's life, and Lily couldn't imagine her life without her furry little friend.。


1. 封面 2. 目次 3. 自我介紹 4. 凱蒂貓出於哪裡 5. 凱蒂貓是如何發明的 6. 凱蒂貓的特徵 7. 凱蒂貓的圖片1 8. 凱蒂貓為何沒嘴巴 9. 凱第貓是誰畫出來的 10.凱蒂貓的小檔案 11.心得感想 12.資料來源
就讀學校:西湖國小 班級:五年二班 座號:19 姓名:張詠晴 班級人數:26 我是班長,可為大家服務喔!
Kitty's Info ~不是出生在 日本 而是出生在英國倫敦近郊小 鎮的紅屋頂小白屋,是二層 高的平房,離倫敦市中心 (泰晤士河)20公里的地方 的喔~^^~
清水侑子(Shimits Yuko)是 KITTY的第一代設計師。在1974 年秋天,清水開始著手設計翌年夏 天的產品─一個鴨嘴式開口的小錢 包。大致上,錢包的質料和基本外 型已經決定了,跟著只是外表圖案 的設計而已。由於SANRIO公司希 望推出一款『嶄新的人物』,因此 這隻繫上紅色蝴蝶結的小白貓便正 式出現了。
當初在設計凱蒂ㄉ設計師要讓大家都喜歡他 不管你是快樂還是生氣都可以對他訴苦 如果凱蒂是設計成微笑ㄉ樣子降就看不到他生氣ㄉ表情阿 就是說凱蒂ㄉ心情是百變ㄉ 你絕ㄉ他在笑他就在笑 你絕ㄉ他在生氣他就會臭臉 看你自己ㄉ心情如何他ㄉ心情就跟你依樣
是日本,KITTY在剛出現時,頭上別了一 個小紅蝴蝶結,一直是它的標誌,但是這 種情形到1994年才漸被打破。在這之前, KITTY都是被定位為「小孩子的玩意兒」, 一筐日本人都是在小學時代開始對KITTY 著迷,一旦進入國中就會自然而然從 KITTY堆中「畢業」,轉向其他比較成熟 的目標。

2021春HN版三年级英语下册 Unit 1 单元主题素养+习题课件

2021春HN版三年级英语下册 Unit 1 单元主题素养+习题课件

A. Is it a pen? B. Happy birthday to you. C. How does it feel? D. Is it a ruler? E. What is it?
Peter: 5. ____A____ Lily: Yes, it is. Peter: Thank you, Lily. I
Alice: What is it? Kitty: Is it a doll? Alice: 4. _Y_e_s,_i_t_i_s_. Let's play with it. Kitty: OK.
六、妈妈从网上买了一个新的毛绒玩具熊, Mary很 喜欢。请你读一读, 选择句子将对话补全。
四、选择合适的句子补全对话。 A. Is it a pen?
Lily: Hello, Peter. 1. __B____ B. Happy birthday to you.
Peter: Thank you, Lily.
C. How does it feel?
Lily: This is a gift for you. Peter: Thank you. 2. __E____
Mary : Mum, 1. ____D____ Mum: It is a toy bear. Open the
box. 2. ____C__ Mary: Wow, it's soft. 3. ___B___
A. How do you feel? B. Is it for me? C. How does it feel? D. What is it?
—How does it feel? —It's. . .




我是kitty,这是我们的时代!很难想象现在如此成熟干练精明的你,曾经是什么样子的,你的少女时代是什么样子的,看过一个亲对你的过去的猜想,她说你也曾经是个喜欢浪漫喜欢幻想的少女,喜欢一切粉红色的东西,喜欢hello kitty,但是,在一次面试后你被深深刺激了,于是把所有与少女有关的回忆与物品统统丢掉,换上衣服高贵而精明的表情,只留下这个名字,告戒自己要坚强成熟起来。

我喜欢这个故事,所以你一次又一次地冷漠的帮助林萧,因为她那么像你从前的样子,你想要用力保护她,教她不要那么拙劣的展现在众人面前,不要那么没有尊严,你是善良的,一直都坚信这一点,很佩服你啊!坚强的hello kitty!从前,有只母猫生了两只小猫,一只在9岁时非常瘦小,一只非常强壮,但猫妈妈总是宠爱老二。









可爱的小猫用英文怎么写作文She is a cute cat. Her name is Kitty. She is 2 years old. She is whitewith black ears. I like playing with her. She likes chasing her tail.中文的意思是:她是一只可爱的小猫,名字叫Kitty。




(注意你画的画也要和这段描述相符哦,不要作文里明明写了“全身是白色的”,却把小猫画1 My Cat I have a cat named Mimi. Its hair is as white as snow. I oftenplay games with it. It amuses me a lot and I treat it as a little friend.Every morning, I would say goodbye to it before I go to school and Mimi would wave its front-legs to me. It brings me a lot of pleasure. But it takes time and costs money to keep the cat. My parents and I spend much time taking careof it, feeding it and cleaning it. We have to clean the house from time to time, or the cat will make them dirty and smelly.我的猫我有一只猫,名叫咪咪。



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let's make a big bang and theorize infinite times 我们来一个大爆炸理论化和无限次
chorus: 合唱:
soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur. happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr purr purr
but I'm fresh to death, hearts for your necklace 但我很新鲜的死刑,你的项链的心
you're my enchanted bunny我得到了力量的胡萝卜
how weird is howard? lets leave here for an hour 多么奇怪的是霍华德?让在这里留下了一个小时
i can tell from your style you're the head of your field. 我可以告诉你,从你的风格你的场头。
carry your green lantern any day of the week. 随身携带的绿色灯笼在一周的任何一天。
flex your hulk hands and it makes me weak. 弯曲你的绿巨人的手,这让我沉醉。
remember the time when sheldon cleaned your house? 记得有一次,当sheldon打扫你的房子?
im a mystic warlord with a sword on my couch 跟妳剑在我的沙发上一个神秘的军阀
i don't want these particles to collide at lightspeed 我不想在这些粒子碰撞光速
dear penny 亲爱的penny
i know im not a physicist 我知道我不是一个物理学家
but i can re arrange the stars for a hug and a kiss 但我可以重新安排一个拥抱和一个吻星星
let me speak to you, don't wanna be rajesh 让我跟你说话,不希望是 raj
im a mad hatter, you're a mad scientist 我是个疯帽子,你是一个疯狂的科学家
tesla did experiments near where i live. 特斯拉并靠近我住的地方试验。
one thing's for certain, soft kitty's on your tuner 有一点是肯定的,柔软的小猫对你的调谐器
much luv to doctor sheldon lee cooper.对医生多LUV的谢尔顿李库珀。
but i might need an experiment with you next to me 但我需要一个和你我身边实验
hypotheses isosceles triangle 假设等腰三角形
don't even like cheesecake but with you I will tango 甚至不喜欢起司蛋糕,和你在一起,我会探戈
using this music, medically speaking. 使用这个音乐,医学上发言。
at the comic book store sneaking n peaking 在漫画店偷偷?高峰
lets chop up game about string cheese theories 让剁碎有关字符串奶酪理论游戏
i gotta admit i gotta thing for nerds. 我得承认,我的书呆子得的东西。
don't want to ruin it, spoiler alert!! 不想破坏它,扰流器警报!
im down wit that cat scanner you wanna build 即时扫描下来的智慧,猫要建立
heroes always peek we've established this clearly. 英雄总是偷看我们已经建立清楚。
magic 1 2 8 on playstation, im a rockstar 魔术1 2 8在PlayStation,我是个摇滚明星
when you say bazinga,it makes me LOL hard. 当你说bazinga,这让我大声笑很难。
take me to nebraska im down with football 带我到内布拉斯加与足球即时下跌
i don't play with kites and im kind of tall 我不玩风筝和即时通讯类的高
not a homunculus but i bust good rhymes 但我不是一个侏儒半身好韵