






这也是最常用的通信格式,不支持其它格式!11.按下按键再给蓝牙模块通电可以进入AT模式,设置参数和查询信息12.可以通过AT命令切换主机和从机模式13.模块默认波特率为9600、默认配对密码为1234、默认名称为HC-0514.带透明热缩管保护二、接线方法:VCC:接电源正极GND:接电源负极RXD:接收端,蓝牙模块接收从其它设备发来的数据;正常情况接其它设备的发送端TXDTXD:发送端,蓝牙模块发送数据给其它设备;正常情况接其它设备的接收端RXD EN:使能端,需要进入AT模式时接3.3V三、发货清单HC-05带底板蓝牙模块1个(已测试好,带透明热缩管保护,防静电包装)。



操作说明控制器B500/B510C540/C550P570/P580M03.0022 CHINESISCH原版使用说明书 ◼ Made ◼ in ◼ GermanyCopyright© Copyright byNabertherm GmbH Bahnhofstrasse 2028865 LilienthalFederal Republic of Germany Reg: M03.0022 CHINESISCH Rev: 2022-07内容可能会修改,保留技术更改权利1引言 (7)2质保和责任 (8)2.1一般说明 (8)2.2环境条件 (9)2.3废料处理 (9)2.4产品说明 (9)2.5规定用途 (10)2.6符号说明 (10)3安全说明 (13)4运行 (14)4.1接通控制器/窑炉 (14)4.2关闭控制器/窑炉 (14)5控制器的构造 (15)5.1控制器的各个模块的布局 (15)5.2操作页面区域 (16)5.2.1“菜单栏”区域 (16)5.2.2“小区段播放器”区域 (17)5.2.3“大区段播放器”区域 (18)5.2.4“状态栏”区域 (19)6控制器性能特性 (20)7简要使用说明 B500/B510/C540/C550/P570/P580 (22)7.1基本功能 (22)7.2输入新程序 (程序表) (24)8概览图 (29)8.1“窑炉”概览(无程序处于活动状态) (29)8.2“窑炉”概览(程序处于活动状态) (29)9待机模式 (31)10显示、输入或更改程序 (31)10.1“程序”概览 (32)10.2显示并启动程序 (33)10.3分配并管理程序类别 (34)10.4输入程序 (36)10.5利用NTEdit在电脑上准备程序 (44)10.6管理程序(删除/复制) (44)10.7什么是Holdback? (45)10.8修改正在运行的程序 (46)10.9完成区段跳跃 (47)11设定参数 (48)11.1“设置”概览 (48)11.2校准量程 (48)11.3调节参数 (52)11.4调节性能 (54)11.4.1磨平 (54)11.4.2加热延迟 (55)11.4.3手动区段控制 (56)11.4.4在程序启动时将实际值作为额定值接受 (57)11.4.5受控冷却(选项) (58)11.4.6起动连接/功率限制 (60)11.4.7自优化 (61)11.4.8程序运行中的炉料控制 (63)11.4.9用于各个区间的额定值补偿 (65)11.4.10Holdback (66)11.5用户管理 (67)11.6控制器锁闭和操作禁用 (71)11.7连续锁闭(操作禁用) (71)11.7.1运行中的程序控制器锁闭 (71)11.8配置额外功能 (72)11.9收起或重命名附加功能 (73)11.9.1在一个加热程序运行期间人工操作额外功能 (73)11.9.2在一个加热程序之后人工操作额外功能 (74)11.10警报功能 (75)11.10.1警报 (1 和 6) (75)11.10.2可听报警(可选) (78)11.10.3监测梯度 (78)11.10.4警报配置举例 (80)11.11设定电网中断时的反应 (81)11.12系统设置 (82)11.12.1设定日期和钟点时间 (82)11.12.2设置日期和钟点时间格式 (82)11.12.3设定语种 (83)11.12.4调节显示屏亮度 (84)11.12.5调整温度单位 (°C/°F) (84)11.12.6设定数据接口 (85)11.12.7设置Wi-Fi端口 (88)11.13导入和导出过程数据、程序和参数 (90)11.14登录模块 (92)11.15对空气循环器的控制 (93)12信息菜单 (93)13过程记录 (95)13.1使用NTLog将数据保存到U盘 (95)13.2保存过程数据并使用VCD软件管理程序(可选) (99)14连接到MyNabertherm App (100)14.1故障排除 (104)15与控制器的通信 (104)15.1通过 Modbus-TCP 和上一级系统进行沟通 (104)15.2网络服务器 (105)15.3通信模块的补装 (107)15.3.1供货范围 (107)15.3.2安装一个通信模块 (107)16可设置关闭温度的温度选择限制器(附加配置) (109)17无电势触点用于开启外部设备以及接收监控信号(可选) (109)18故障消息或警告 (110)18.1控制器的故障消息 (110)18.2控制器警告 (112)18.3开关设备的故障 (114)18.4控制器的检查列表 (115)19技术数据 (117)19.1铭牌 (119)20清洁 (119)21维护和备件 (119)21.1更换一个控制器 (120)21.2调节器模块的拆卸 (120)21.3调节器模块的安装 (121)22电气连接 (121)22.1调节器模块 (121)22.2对电缆的要求 (122)22.3一般性连接 (122)22.4至 3.6 kW 的窑炉–用于 B130, B150, B180, C280, P330 的备件,截止 2008 年 12 月止 (123)22.5至 3.6 kW 的窑炉–用于 B130, B150, B180, C280, P330 的备件,从 2009 年 1 月起 (124)22.6窑炉,单区式> 3.6 k,带半导体继电器或接触器 (125)22.7窑炉> 3.6 kW,带 2 个加热回路 (126)23纳博热售后服务 (127)24您的备忘录......................................................................................................... Fehler! Textmarke nicht definiert.1 引言尊敬的客户:非常感谢您对纳博热有限公司产品的信任和支持。

稱重顯示控制器 KM05 說明書

稱重顯示控制器 KM05 說明書

稱重顯示控制器KM05說明書2010年6月版●使用前請仔細閱讀本產品說明書●請妥善保管本產品說明書,以備查閱創唯實業有限公司目錄1.0 概述 (1)1.1主要特點 (1)1.2技術指標 (1)1.2.1 負載能力 (1)1.2.2 性能 (1)1.2.3 電源 (1)1.2.4 溫度和濕度 (2)1.2.5 外形尺寸(尺寸單位為毫米) (2)2.0 安裝 (2)2.1儀錶固定 (2)2.2電路連接 (3)2.2.1 後視圖 (3)2.2.2 電源連接 (3)2.2.3 荷重元連接 (3)2.2.4 串列口通訊線連接 (3)2.2.5 類比輸出連接 (4)2.2.6 繼電器控制輸出 (4)3.0 顯示面板 (5)4.0 重量標定 (5)4.1參數確定 (5)4.2標定步驟 (6)5.0 類比輸出類型選擇與調整 (7)5.1選擇輸出類型 (7)5.2選擇類比輸出對應的重量範圍 (7)5.3調整類比輸出的底端與頂端 (8)5.4恢復類比輸出的底端與頂端 (8)6.0 儀錶工作參數選項 (9)6.1進入工作參數選項 (9)6.2功能F2選項參數組內容 (9)7.0 繼電器輸出 (9)7.1繼電器輸出設置步驟 (10)8.0 設置串列介面 (10)8.1設置步驟 (10)8.2選擇匯流排方式 (11)9.0 開機自檢資訊 (11)10.0 部分參數快速查看 (11)11.0 錯誤提示資訊 (12)12.0 儀錶的維護 (12)12.1儀錶的常規維護 (12)12.2一般故障排除 (12)附錄通訊協定1-命令方式 (14)資料格式 (14)附錄通訊協定2-連續發送方式1 (16)附錄通訊協定3-連續發送方式2 (17)1.0 概述KM05工業控制領域(或其他需要類比輸出的應用場所)的稱重顯示控制器,集重量顯示與類比信號輸出於一體,前端信號處理採用高精度的24位專用A/D轉換器,類比信號輸出採用16位元的D/A轉換器。



Electronic Timing Relays General Purpose Relays Switching Power Supplies INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTSKey features of the GE1A Series include:Large, clear knob for easy settingDPDT or SPDT + Instantaneous SPDT contactsavailable8 pin octal base8 time ranges Repeat error of +/-0.2% maximumGE1A Series - Single Function ON Delay Timers* For additional information, Timer types and operating functions, please contact Customer Support 1300 556 601* Part Numbers: Panel Mounting AccessoriesDIN Rail / Surface 8-Pin Fingersafe SocketPart No:SR2P-05C Panel Mounted Socket 8-Pin Solder TerminalPart No: SR2P-51Door Mounting Adapter Part No:GE9Z-AD Screw Terminal Socket for Door Mount Part No: SR6P-M08G Solder Terminal Socket for Door Mount Part No: 8-PinSR6P-S08Dust Cover Part No:GE9Z-C48* Part Numbers: Door Mounting AccessoriesGT3A Series - Analogue Multi Function TimersKey features of the GT3A series include:4 selectable operation modes on each modelExternal start, reset and pause inputsPanel mount or socket mountLarge variety of timing functionsPower and output status indicating LEDs* For additional information, Timer types and operating functions, please contact Customer Support 1300 556 601Part Numbers: Panel Mounting AccessoriesDIN Rail / SurfaceFingersafe Socket Part No: 8-Pin SR2P-05C 11-Pin SR3P-05C Panel Mounted SocketSolder TerminalPart No: 8-Pin SR2P-5111-Pin SR3P-51Door Mounting AdapterPart No: RTB-G01Screw Terminal Socket for Door Mount Part No: 8-Pin SR6P-M08G 11-Pin SR6P-M11G Solder Terminal Socket for Door MountPart No: 8-Pin SR6P-S0811-Pin SR6P-S11Part Numbers: Door Mounting Accessories6 amp 4 x C/O Flat Pin 110V AC RU4S-A110LED and push to test/manual 24V AC RU4S-A24latch included 24VDC RU4S-D2410 amp 2 x C/O Flat Pin 110V AC RU2S-A110LED and push to test/manual 24V AC RU2S-A24latch included 24VDCRU2S-D24RU Series - General Purpose RelaysKey features of the RU series include:Non-polarized LED indicatorSolder-free construction (lead-free)No internal wires Mechanical flag indicatorPush to test / manual latching lever with color coding forAC or DC coilSnap-on marking plateCadmium-free contactsContact rating 6A: 4 change-over 10A: 2 change-overRU2SM2S-05C SY4S-51SY4S-61SY4S-62RU4SY4S-05C SY4S-51SY4S-61SY4S-62SY4S-05C & SM2S-05C Clip SFA-101Clip SFA-202Clip SFA-301SY4S-51, -61ClipSFA-302Spring SY4S-51F1* Other voltages, options & accessories available Please contact Customer Support 1300 556 601SY4S-05CSM2S-05CSY4S-51SY4S-61ClipSFA-101, -202SH1B-51, 62SpringSY4S-51F1SH2B, SH4B, -51, -62Clip SFA-301, -302SH2B-05C SpringSY4S-S02F1Clip SFA-101, -202SH4B-05C Spring SH4B-02P1ClipSFA-101, -20210 amp 1 x C/O Flat Pin110V AC RH1B-UAC11024V AC RH1B-UAC2424VDC RH1B-UDC24RH Series - General Purpose Miniature RelaysKey features of the RH series include:available for a wide range of mounting applicationsLED indicator,push to test, latching(2 coils) and top mounting bracket available on request.*Part Numbers: RH4 (4 Pole Change Over)240VAC RH2B-ULAC24010 amp 2 x C/O Flat Pin110VAC RH2B-ULAC110With LED Indication24V AC RH2B-ULAC2424VDC RH2B-ULDC24*Part Numbers: RH2 (2 Pole Change Over)240VAC RH4B-ULAC24010 amp 4 x C/O Flat Pin110V AC RH4B-ULAC110With LED Indication24V AC RH4B-ULAC2424VDC RH4B-ULDC24RH1B SH1B-05C SH1B-51SH1B-62RH2B SH2B-05C SH2B-51SH2B-62RH4B SH4B-05C SH4B-51SH4B-62* Other voltages, options & accessories available.Please contact Customer Support 1300 556 601SH1B-05C SH1B-51SH1B-62 Options example: LED -RH1B-UL, Push to Test -RH1B-ULCThe information contained in this catalogue was correct at the time of printing.ALSTOM reserves the right to change any information without notice.National Customer Support CentreTelephone: 1300 556 601Facsimile: 1300 550 187.auINDUSTRIAL PRODUCTSPS5R Series Power Supplies - Standard Type PS5R Series Power Supplies - Slimline type。



RT8055®©Copyright 2012 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology Corporation.Featuresz High Efficiency : Up to 95%z Low R DS(ON) Internal Switches : 100m Ωz Programmable Frequency : 300kHz to 2MHz z No Schottky Diode Requiredz0.8V Reference Voltage Allows for Low Output Voltagez Forced Continuous Mode Operation z 100% Duty Cycle Operation z Input Over Voltage ProtectionzRoHS Compliant and Halogen FreeApplicationsz Portable Instrumentsz Battery-Powered Equipment z Notebook Computersz Distributed Power Systems z IP Phonesz Digital Cameras z3G/3.5G Data CardGeneral DescriptionThe RT8055 is a high efficiency synchronous, step-down DC/DC converter. Its input voltage range is from 2.6V to 5.5V and provides an adjustable regulated output voltage from 0.8V to 5V while delivering up to 3A of output current.The internal synchronous low on-resistance power switches increase efficiency and eliminate the need for an exter nal Schottky diode. The switching frequency is set by an external resistor. The 100% duty cycle provides low dropout operation extending battery life in portable systems. Current mode operation with external compensation allows the transient response to be optimized over a wide range of loads and output capacitors.The RT8055 is operated in forced continuous PWM Mode which minimizes ripple voltage and reduces the noise and RF interference.The RT8055 is available in the WDFN-10L 3x3 and SOP-8 (Exposed Pad) packages.Ordering InformationPin Configurations(TOP VIEW)WDFN-10L 3x33A, 2MHz, Synchronous Step-Down ConverterNote :Richtek products are :` RoHS compliant and compatible with the current require-ments of IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020.` Suitable for use in SnPb or Pb-free soldering processes.COMP FB VDD PVDDPVDDSHDN/RTGND LX PGNDCOMP FB PVDDVDD SOP-8 (Exposed Pad)G : Green (Halogen Free and Pb Free)Z : ECO (Ecological Element with Halogen Free and Pb free)RT8055©Copyright 2012 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology Corporation.Typical Application CircuitTable 1. Recommended Component SelectionV OUT Marking InformationJN= : Product Code YMDNN : Date CodeRT8055GQWRT8055GSPRT8055GSP : Product NumberYMDNN : Date CodeJN : Product Code YMDNN : Date CodeRT8055ZQWRT8055©Copyright 2012 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology Corporation.Function Block DiagramRT8055©Copyright 2012 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology Corporation.Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note 1)zSupply Input Voltage, VDD, PVDD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------−0.3V to 6.5Vz LX Pin Switch Voltage --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------−0.3V to (PVDD + 0.3V)<10ns ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------−5V to 8.5V z Other I/O Pin Voltages -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------−0.3V to 6.5V z LX Pin Switch Current --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4A z Power Dissipation, P D @ T A = 25°CWDFN-10L 3x3-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.667W SOP-8 (Exposed Pad)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.333W z Package Thermal Resistance (Note 2)WDFN-10L 3x3, θJA -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------60°C/W WDFN-10L 3x3, θJC -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7.8°C/W SOP-8 (Exposed Pad), θJA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------75°C/W SOP-8 (Exposed Pad), θJC -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15°C/W z Junction T emperature ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------150°C z Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec.)-----------------------------------------------------------------------260°C z Storage T emperature Range ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------−65°C to 150°C z ESD Susceptibility (Note 3)HBM (Human Body Model)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2kVElectrical Characteristics(V DD = 3.3V, T A= 25°C, unless otherwise specified)Recommended Operating Conditions (Note 4)z Supply Input Voltage ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2.6V to 5.5V z Junction T emperature Range ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ −40°C to 125°C zAmbient T emperature Range ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ −40°C to 85°CRT8055©Copyright 2012 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology Corporation.Note 1. Stresses beyond those listed “Absolute Maximum Ratings ” may cause permanent damage to the device. These arestress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions may affect device reliability.Note 2. θJA is measured at T A = 25°C on a high effective thermal conductivity four-layer test board per JEDEC 51-7. θJC ismeasured at the exposed pad of the package.Note 3. Devices are ESD sensitive. Handling precaution is recommended.Note 4. The device is not guaranteed to function outside its operating conditions.Note 5. Guaranteed by design.RT8055©Copyright 2012 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology Corporation.Typical Operating CharacteristicsOutput Voltage vs. Input Voltage3.303.313.323.333.343.353.363. Voltage (V)O u t p u t V o l t a g e (V)Output Voltage vs. Output Current3. Current (A)O u t p u t V o l t a g e (V)Efficiency vs. Output Current01020304050607080901000. Current (A)E f f i c i e n c y (%)Switching Frequency vs. Temperature1. (°C)S w i t c h i n g F r e q u e n c y (M H z )Switching Frequency vs. Input Voltage1. Voltage (V)S w i t c h i n g F r e q u e n c y (M H z )V IN UVLO vs. Temperature2. (°C)V I N U V L O (V )RT8055©Copyright 2012 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology Corporation.Output RippleTime (500ns/Div)V IN = 5V, V OUT = 3.3V I OUT = 0AV LX (5V/Div)V OUT (5mV/Div)Output Ripple Time (500ns/Div)V IN = 5V, V OUT = 3.3V I OUT = 3A V LX (5V/Div)V OUT(5mV/Div)Reference Voltage vs. Temperature0.7600.7680.7760.7840.7920.8000.8080.8160.8240.8320.840-50-25255075100125Temperature (°C)R e f e r e n c e V o l t a g e (V )Output Current Limit vs. Temperature2. (°C)O u t p u t C u r r e n t L i m i t (A)Output Current Limit vs. Input Voltage2. Voltage (V)O u t p u t C u r r e n t L i m i t (A)Output Voltage vs. Temperature3. (°C)O u t p u t V o l t a g e (V)RT8055©Copyright 2012 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology Corporation.Power On from V INTime (1ms/Div)V IN = 5V, V OUT = 3.3V I OUT = 0AV LX (5V/Div)V IN (2V/Div)V OUT (1V/Div)Load Transient ResponseTime (100μs/Div)I OUT (1A/Div)V OUT(200mV/Div)V IN = 5V, V OUT = 3.3V I OUT = 0A to 2ALoad Transient ResponseTime (100μs/Div)I OUT (1A/Div)V OUT(200mV/Div)V IN = 5V, V OUT = 3.3V I OUT = 0A to 3AUVP ShutdownTime (10μs/Div)V LX (5V/Div)V OUT (1V/Div)V IN = 5V, V OUT = 3.3VRT8055©Copyright 2012 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology Corporation.Application InformationThe basic RT8055 application circuit is shown in TypicalApplication Circuit. External component selection is determined by the maximum load current and begins with the selection of the inductor value and operating frequency followed by C IN and C OUT .Output Voltage SettingThe output voltage is set by an external resistive divider according to the following equation :Figure 1. Setting the Output Voltage⎟⎠⎞⎜⎝⎛+×=R2R11V V REF OUT Soft-StartThe RT8055 contains an internal soft-start clamp that gradually raises the clamp on the COMP pin.Operating FrequencySelection of the operating frequency is a tradeoff between efficiency and component size. High frequency operation allows the use of smaller inductor and capacitor values.Operation at lower frequency improves efficiency by reducing internal gate charge and switching losses but requires larger inductance and/or capacitance to maintain low output ripple voltage.The operating frequency of the RT8055 is determined by an external resistor that is connected between the SHDN/RT pin and GND. The value of the resistor sets the ramp current that is used to charge and discharge an internal timing capacitor within the oscillator. The RT resistor value can be determined by examining the frequency vs. R RT curve. Although frequencies as high as 2MHz are possible,the minimum on-time of the RT8055 imposes a minimum limit on the operating duty cycle. The minimum on-time is typically 110ns. Therefore, the minimum duty cycle is equal to 100 x 110ns x f (Hz).Figure 2100% Duty Cycle OperationWhen the input supply voltage decreases toward the outputvoltage, the duty cycle increases toward the maximum on-time. Further reduction of the supply voltage forces the main switch to remain on for more than one cycle eventually reaching 100% duty cycle.The output voltage will then be determined by the input voltage minus the voltage drop across the internal P-MOSFET and the inductor.Low Supply OperationThe RT8055 is designed to operate down to an input supply voltage of 2.6V. One important consideration at low input supply voltages is that the R DS(ON) of the P-Channel and N-Channel power switches increases. The user should calculate the power dissipation when the RT8055 is used at 100% duty cycle with low input voltages to ensure that thermal limits are not exceeded.Slope Compensation and Inductor Peak Current Slope compensation provides stability in constant frequency architectures by preventing sub-harmonic oscillations at duty cycles greater than 50%. It is accomplished internally by adding a compensating ramp to the inductor current signal. Normally, the maximum inductor peak current is reduced when slope compensation is added. In the RT8055, however, separated inductor current signals are used to monitor over current condition. OSC (K )S w i t c h i n g F r e q u e n c y (M H z )(k Ω)where V REF equals to 0.8V typical.The resistive divider allows the FB pin to sense a fraction of the output voltage as shown in Figure 1.RT8055©Copyright 2012 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology Corporation.This formula has a maximum at V IN = 2V OUT , where I RMS = I OUT /2. This simple worst-case condition is commonly used for design because even significant deviations do not offer much relief. Choose a capacitor rated at a higher temperature than required.Several capacitors may also be paralleled to meet size or height requirements in the design.The selection of C OUT is determined by the effective series resistance (ESR) that is required to minimize voltage ripple and load step transients, as well as the amount of bulk capacitance that is necessary to ensure that the control loop is stable. Loop stability can be checked by viewing the load transient response as described in a later section.The output ripple, ΔV OUT , is determined by :1V V V V I I OUTININ OUT OUT(MAX)RMS −=⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡+Δ≤ΔOUT L OUT 8fC 1ESR I V This keeps the maximum output current relatively constant regardless of duty cycle.Short Circuit ProtectionWhen the output is shorted to ground, the inductor current decays very slowly during a single switching cycle. A current runaway detector is used to monitor inductor current. As current increasing beyond the control of current loop, switching cycles will be skipped to prevent current runaway from occurring.Inductor SelectionThe inductor value and operating frequency determine the ripple current according to a specific input and output voltage. The ripple current ΔI L increases with higher V IN and decreases with higher inductance.OUT OUT L IN V V I =1f L V ⎡⎤⎡⎤Δ×−⎢⎥⎢⎥×⎣⎦⎣⎦OUT OUT L(MAX)IN(MAX)V V L =1f I V ⎡⎤⎡⎤×−⎢⎥⎢×Δ⎣⎦⎣⎦Having a lower ripple current reduces not only the ESR losses in the output capacitors but also the output voltage ripple. However, it requires a large inductor to achieve this goal.For the ripple current selection, the val ue of ΔI L = 0.4(I MAX )will be a reasonable starting point. The large st ripple current occurs at the highest V IN . To guarantee that the ripple current stays below the specified maximum, the inductor value should be chosen according to the following equation :The inductor's current rating (caused a 40°C temperature rising from 25°C ambient) should be greater than the maximum load current and its saturation current should be greater than the short circuit peak current limit.C IN and C OUT SelectionThe input capacitance, C IN , is needed to filter the trapezoidal current at the source of the top MOSFET . To prevent large ripple voltage, a low ESR input capacitor sized for the maximum RMS current should be used. RMS current is given by :The output ripple is highest at maximum input voltagesince ΔI L increases with input voltage. Multiple capacitors placed in parallel may be needed to meet the ESR and RMS current handling requirements. Dry tantalum, special polymer, aluminum electrolytic and ceramic capacitors are all available in surface mount packages. Special polymer capacitors offer very low ESR but have lower capacitance density than other types. Tantalum capacitors have the highest capacitance density but it is important to only use types that have been surge tested for use in switching power supplies. Aluminum electrolytic capacitors have significantly higher ESR but can be used in cost-sensitive applications provided that consideration is given to ripple current ratings and long term reliability. Ceramic capacitors have excellent low ESR characteristics but can have a high voltage coefficient and audible piezoelectric effects.The high Q of ceramic capacitors with trace inductance can also lead to significant ringing.Using Ceramic Input and Output CapacitorsHigher values, lower cost ceramic capacitors are now becoming available in smaller case sizes. Their high ripple current, high voltage rating and low ESR make them ideal for switching regulator applications. However, care must be taken when these capacitors are used at the input and output. When a ceramic capacitor is used at the inputDS8055-05 November 2012©Copyright 2012 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology Corporation.and the power is supplied by a wall adapter through long wires, a load step at the output can induce ringing at the input, V DD . At best, this ringing can couple to the output and be mistaken as loop instability. At worst, a sudden inrush of current through the long wires can potentially cause a voltage spike at V IN large enough to damage the part.Thermal ConsiderationsFor continuous operation, do not exceed absolute maximum junction temperature. The maximum power dissipation depends on the thermal resistance of the IC package, PCB layout, rate of surrounding airflow, and difference between junction and ambient temperature. The maximum power dissipation can be calculated by the following formula :P D(MAX) = (T J(MAX) − T A ) / θJAwhere T J(MAX) is the maximum junction temperature, T A is the ambient temperature, and θJA is the junction to ambient thermal resistance.For recommended operating condition specifications, the maximum junction temperature is 125°C. The junction to ambient thermal resistance, θJA , is layout dependent. For SOP-8 (Exposed Pad) packages, the thermal resistance,θJA , is 75°C/W on a standard JEDEC 51-7 four-layer thermal test board. For WDFN-10L 3x3 packages, the thermal resistance, θJA , is 70°C/W on a standard JEDEC 51-7 four-layer thermal test board. The maximum power dissipation at T A = 25°C can be calculated by the following formulas :P D(MAX) = (125°C − 25°C) / (75°C/W) = 1.333W for SOP-8 (Exposed Pad) packageP D(MAX) = (125°C − 25°C) / (70°C/W) = 1.429W for WDFN-10L 3x3 packageThe maximum power dissipation depends on the operating ambient temperature for fixed T J(MAX) and thermal resistance, θJA . The derating curves in Figure 3 allow the designer to see the effect of rising ambient temperature on the maximum power dissipation.Figure 3. Derating Curve of Maximum Power Dissipation Layout ConsiderationsFollow the PCB layout guidelines for optimal performance of RT8055.`A ground plane is recommended. If a ground plane layer is not used, the signal and power grounds should be segregated with all small-signal components returning to the GND pin at one point that is then connected to the PGND pin close to the IC. The exposed pad should be connected to GND.`Connect the terminal of the input capacitor(s), C IN , as close as possible to the PVDD pin. This capacitor provides the AC current into the internal power MOSFETs.`LX node is with high frequency voltage swing and should be kept within small area. Keep all sensitive small-signal nodes away from the LX node to prevent stray capacitive noise pick-up.`Flood all unused areas on all layers with copper.Flooding with copper will reduce the temperature rise of powercomponents.You can connect the copper areas to any DC net (PVDD,VDD, VOUT , PGND, GND, or any other DC rail in your system).`Connect the FB pin directly to the feedback resistors.The resistor divider must be connected between V OUT and GND. Temperature (°C)M a x i m u m P o w e r D i s s i p a t i o n (W )©Copyright 2012 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology Corporation.Table 3. Capacitors for C and C Recommended component selection for Typical ApplicationFigure 4. PCB Layout GuideFand GND as closer as possibleLX should befrom this tracenear RT8055Connect the FB pin directly to feedback resistors. TheDS8055-05 November 2012©Copyright 2012 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology Corporation.W-Type 10L DFN 3x3 PackageRichtek Technology Corporation5F, No. 20, Taiyuen Street, Chupei City Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C.Tel: (8863)5526789Richtek products are sold by description only. Richtek reserves the right to change the circuitry and/or specifications without notice at any time. Customers shouldobtain the latest relevant information and data sheets before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete. Richtek cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Richtek product. Information furnished by Richtek is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Richtek or its subsidiaries for its use; nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Richtek or its subsidiaries.HM(Bottom of Package)8-Lead SOP (Exposed Pad) Plastic Package。



Hyundai IONIQ 5.Specifications.Electric motor(s)DYNAMIQ 2WD TECHNIQ AWDMotor type - rear Permanent magnet synchronous motorMotor type - front-Permanent magnet synchronous motor Configuration Rear mounted driving rear wheels Rear + front mounted driving rear + front wheels Maximum power - rear motor / front motor160 kW / -155 kW / 70 kWMaximum torque - rear motor / front motor350 Nm / -350 Nm / 255 NmMaximum power - total160 kW225 kWMaximum torque - total350 Nm605 NmBattery DYNAMIQ 2WD TECHNIQ AWDBattery type Liquid cooled Lithium-ionCapacity72.6 kWhOutput253 kWVoltage653 VCooling system DYNAMIQ 2WD TECHNIQ AWDActive Air Flap (AAF) - front lower air intake shutters●On-board AC charger DYNAMIQ 2WD TECHNIQ AWDCharging capacity (maximum)10.5 kWStandard charging time (240 V at maximum charging capacity)Approximately 6 hours 6 minutesCharging port Type 2 (IEC 62196-2 Type 2)On-board DC fast charger DYNAMIQ 2WD TECHNIQ AWDCharging capacity350 kWSuspension DYNAMIQ 2WD TECHNIQ AWDFront MacPherson strutRear Multi-linkDamping control system High performance dampersBrakes DYNAMIQ 2WD TECHNIQ AWDSystem Dual diagonal-split circuit, power assisted with Electronic Brake-force Distribution (EBD),Electronic Stability Control (ESC) and active hydraulic booster (regenerative braking)Booster Integrated Electric Booster (IEB)Front brake type Ventilated discFront disc dimensions345 mm x 30 mmRear brake type Ventilated discRear disc dimensions345 mm x 20 mmWeight DYNAMIQ 2WD TECHNIQ AWDTare Mass1990 kg2100kgGross Vehicle Mass (GVM)2430 kg2540 kgPermissible Axle Weight (PAW) - front1280 kg1280 kgPermissible Axle Weight (PAW) - rear1370kg1370 kgRoof rack load limit80 kgFront under bonnet cargo area load limit25 kg10 kgTowing Capacity DYNAMIQ 2WD TECHNIQ AWDBraked1600 kgUn-braked750 kgMaximum tow ball weight100 kgTrailer pre-wiring package●Energy consumption*DYNAMIQ 2WD TECHNIQ AWDElectric driving efficiency; Combined:Wh/km168190 kWh/100km16.819.0All Electric Range (AER)481 km430 km* F igure based on WLTP (Worldwide Harmonised Light-Duty Vehicles Test Procedure) static laboratory combined average city and highway cycle test, which measure, energy consumption, range and emissions in passenger vehicles, designed to provide figures closer to real-world driving behaviour. Real life driving results will vary depending on a combination of driving style, type of journey, vehicle configuration, battery age and condition, use of vehicle features (such as heating and air conditioning), as well as operating, environmental and climate conditions. Performance DYNAMIQ 2WD TECHNIQ AWDMaximum speed (km/h)1850 ~ 100 km/h (seconds)7.4 5.280 ~ 120 km/h (seconds) 4.7 3.8)0.288Coefficient of drag (CdDimensions DYNAMIQ 2WD TECHNIQ AWDExteriorLength4635 mmWidth1890 mmHeight (with shark fin antenna)1605 (1647) mmWheelbase3000 mmWheel track - front / rear1638 / 1647 mm1628 / 1637 mmMinimum ground clearance160 mmInteriorHead room front / rear (with Vision Roof)1046 / 970 mm1046 / 970 mm (1034 / 953 mm)Leg room front / rear1138 / 1002 mmShoulder room front / rear1465 / 1470 mm1465 / 1465 mmHip room front / rear1368 / 1362 mmCargo area rear - VDA (minimum / maximum)527 L / 1587 LCargo area front - VDA 57 L24 LCargo area glovebox compartment - VDA 9 LTotal cargo area - VDA (minimum / maximum)593 / 1653 L560 / 1620 LWheels & tyres DYNAMIQ 2WD TECHNIQ AWDWheel type Alloy - aerodynamic designWheel dimensions19 x 7.5J + 49.520 x 8.5J +54.5Tyre type Michelin Primacy 4Michelin Pilot Sport EVTyre dimensions235/55R19 105W255/45R20 105WSpare wheel type Tyre Mobility Kit (TMK)Electric vehicle functionsDYNAMIQ 2WDTECHNIQ AWDiPedal mode - intelligent one pedal driving mode●●Smart regenerative braking mode 2.0 - traffic & navigation based ●●Regenerative braking control - via paddle shifters●●Vehicle to Load (V2L) connection (outside) - 2-way adapter to domestic 3-pin plug output●●Vehicle to Load (V2L) connection (inside) - domestic 3-pin plug output ●●Voice notification of charging status (outside) - using external VESS speaker●●Visual notification of charging status (charge port door) - Parametric pixel LED indicator●●Navigation POI - EV charging stations; with auto display when needed ●●Trailer Mode - Automatic AER adjustment●●Trailer Mode - HTRAC AWD drive torque distribution-●Next departure function - set the intended departure time for the scheduled charging●●Scheduled charging function - set the intended start and end time for charging; Off-peak tariffs prioritised/Off-peak tariffs only ●●Target temperature function - set the intended climate control temperature for next departure●●EV charge transfer function - set the minimum battery % the V2L automatically discharges down to●●Charging limit function - set the defined battery charging limit for AC/DC charging●●Charging current function - set the defined battery charging current limit for AC charging●●Utility mode function - uses the high voltage battery to power vehicle electronics●●Eco mode climate control function - increases driving range in Eco drive mode●●Driver only climate control fan function - increases driving range ●●Heat off climate control function - increases driving range ●●Driving convenience DYNAMIQ 2WDTECHNIQ AWDAuto Hold function●●Electronic Parking Brake (EPB)●●Integrated Memory System (IMS), 2 driver positions - including;-●Driver’s seat (excluding lumbar) & exterior rear view mirror position Easy Access function - driver’s seat -●One touch turn signal - 3, 5, or 7 flashes ●●Rain sensing aero wipers ●●Remote Start - via Smart Key●●Reverse parking aid function - exterior mirrors -●Smart key with push button start●●Steering wheel mounted controls - audio, favourite, phone, voice control, lane safety, smart cruise control, speed limiter, trip computer & drive mode ●●Tilt & telescopic steering column●●Personalised User Profile selection - 3 custom profiles; Driver 1, Driver 2 & Guest ●●Driving engagementDYNAMIQ 2WDTECHNIQ AWDBrake Mode - 2 settings; Normal & Sport●●Drive Mode - 4 settings; Eco, Normal, Sport, Snow ●●Shift By Wire (SBW), electronic gear shift control ●●Active safetyDYNAMIQ 2WDTECHNIQ AWDElectronic Stability Control (ESC) including;Anti-lock Braking System (ABS)●●Brake Assist System (BAS)Electronic Brakeforce Distribution (EBD)Hill-start Assist Control (HAC)Multi Collision-Avoidance Brake (MCB)Traction Control System (TCS)Vehicle Stability Management (VSM)Active safetyDYNAMIQ 2WD TECHNIQ AWDHyundai SmartSense ™ including;Blind-Spot Collision Avoidance-Assist (BCA)●●Blind-Spot View Monitor (BVM)Driver Attention Warning (DAW), including;Leading Vehicle Departure AlertForward Collision-Avoidance Assist (FCA) including:Car / Pedestrian / Cyclist Detection (FCA - CAR/PED/CYC)Junction Turning / Crossing functions (FCA - JT/JC)Lane Change Oncoming / Side functions (FCA - LO/LS)Evasive Steering Assist function (FCA - w/ ESA)High Beam Assist (HBA)Intelligent Speed Limit Assist (ISLA)Lane Following Assist (LFA)Lane Keeping Assist - Line/Road-Edge (LKA-L/R)Parking Collision-Avoidance Assist - Reverse (PCA-R)Rear Cross-Traffic Collision-Avoidance Assist (RCCA)Rear Occupant Alert (ROA) - warning type Safe Exit Assist (SEA)Smart Cruise Control (SCC), including;Stop & Go function (SCC w/ S&G)Machine Learning function (SCC w/ ML) - Based on Driving Style Surround View Monitor (SVM) including;3D Surround View functionDriving Rear-View Monitor (DRM) function - rear view image on commandParking Distance Warning function w/ dynamic guidelines & guidance display Car wash entering mode Tailgate guide-line mode Trailer connection mode Other featuresEmergency Stop Signal (ESS)●●Steering wheel with Haptic feedback - SmartSense ™ functions ●●Manual Speed Limit Assist (MSLA)●●Parking Distance Warning - Forward/Reverse (PDW-F/R) - 6 sensors front & rear with guidance display ●●Smart Parking Assist (SPA), including;●●Perpendicular & Parallel reverse parking and Parallel forward exit functionsRemote Smart Parking Assist (RSPA), via Smart Key, including;●●Perpendicular & Parallel reverse parking and Forward/Rearward parking functionsTyre Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) - individual tyre pressure readout ●●Virtual Engine Sound System (VESS)- external sound notification for pedestrians ●●Passive safety DYNAMIQ 2WDTECHNIQ AWDAirbagsFront airbags - driver & front passenger ●●Front centre side airbag●●Side (thorax & pelvis) airbags - driver & front passenger ●●Side curtain airbags ●●DoorsImpact sensing auto door unlock●●Electronic child safety lock - rear doors & windows ●●SeatbeltsPretensioners & height adjustable upper mounts on front seat belts●●Pretensioners on rear outboard seat belts ●●Load limiters - front & rear seat belts ●●Seat belt reminder - front & rear seatbelts ●●SeatingHeight adjustable front head restraints with tilt function ●●Height adjustable rear head restraints●●ISOFIX child restraint anchors (rear outboard seats)●●Top tether child restraint anchors (rear) - 3 anchors●●Security DYNAMIQ 2WD TECHNIQ AWDSecurity systemActive lock/unlock operation (user configurable)●●Anti-theft alarm ●●Central locking ●●Engine immobiliser ●●RemotesSmart key remote - 2x ●●OtherCapacitive touch front door handles - lock / unlock function ●●Multimedia system DYNAMIQ 2WDTECHNIQ AWDAudio/media sources AM radio●●FM / Digital radio (DAB+)●●Apple CarPlay 1 & Android Auto 2 compatibility ●●Bluetooth audio streaming●●Sounds of Nature - 6 pre-set sounds ●●USB multimedia input - music/video ●●FunctionsBluetooth® Multi-Connection; 1 x phone/audio & 1 x audio●●Bluetooth® Message Access Profile (MAP) - SMS playback capability; audio & visual●●Capacitive touch screen - 12.3” HD display with blue light filter ●●Radio Data System (RDS)●●Satellite navigation●●Live traffic updates (RDS-TMC)●●Voice memo function - up to 70 minutes recording time ●●SpeakersBOSE™ Premium audio system - 8 speakers with external amplifier ●●Other featuresColour theme layout - White or Black ●●EV vehicle functions display●●Quiet Mode function - Audio volume limited to ‘25’ in 1st row and muted in rear●●Occupant comfort & convenience DYNAMIQ 2WDTECHNIQ AWDUpholstery/trim Leather 3 appointed seats●●Leather 3 appointed steering wheel●●Leather 3 appointed centre console armrest w/real stitching ●●Leather 3 appointed door armrests w/cloth inserts & real stitching ●●Front seatsDriver’s seat - power adjustable - 10-way (including 2-way lumbar support) ●-Driver’s seat - power adjustable - 12-way (including 2-way lumbar support & 2-way calf support)-●Driver’s seat - ‘Relaxion’ comfort seat function (zero gravity position)-●Driver’s seat - Seat position change alert - displayed in multimedia system screen-●Passenger’s seat - power adjustable - 10-way (including 2-way lumbar support)●-Passenger’s seat - power adjustable - 12-way (including 2-way lumbar support & 2-way calf support)-●Passenger’s seat - ‘Relaxion’ comfort seat function (zero gravity position)-●Passenger’s seat - centre side control switch, including;-●Driver/rear passenger control for 2nd row slide (individual left & right)One-touch relaxation seat controlIntegrated Memory System (IMS) - passenger seat via multimedia screen -●Adjustable centre console (2-way sliding)●●2 x USB power outlet - centre console ●●1 x 12V power outlet - front console●●Wireless charging pad 15w (Qi standard)4 with cooling function - centre console●●Grip handles - 1x (passenger)●●Occupant comfort & convenience DYNAMIQ 2WD TECHNIQ AWDRear seatsCentre fold down armrest ●●Grip handles - 2x●●2 x USB power outlet - rear of centre console ●●Manual backrest recline function - 2-way (60:40)●●Manual seat base slide function - 2-way (60:40)●-Power seat base slide function - 2-way (60:40)-●Integrated Memory System (IMS) - rear seats via multimedia screen (60:40)-●Windows/shadesAcoustic laminated glass - windshield glass ●●Acoustic laminated glass - side doors ●●Solar control glass - windshield & front doors ●●Privacy glass - rear doors & tailgate●●Power windows - one touch up & down function with anti-pinching safety feature - front windows●●Convenience opening/closing function with Smart Key remote - front windows ●●Rear door window sunshades-●Sun visors (extendable) - driver and front passenger ●●Doors/tailgateLuggage area power outlet - 1 x 12V outlet●●Power charge flap - open/close; with Smart Key control●●Power retractable door handles - with approach open & unlock function ●●Power Tailgate - open/close; with adjustable height and speed ●●Smart Tailgate function - hands-free opening ●●OtherInstrument panel display board - with magnetic attachment capability ●●Vision & sight DYNAMIQ 2WDTECHNIQ AWDInterior mirrorElectro-Chromatic Mirror (ECM) - auto-dimming ●●Exterior mirrors Heated●●Power adjustable●●Power folding with auto fold function ●●Instrument clusterSupervision cluster including;●●12.3” colour TFT-LCD full screen displayDigital instrumentation with Driving Assist, Utility (Trip Computer), Turn By Turn & Powertrain view modes3 x display themes; Eco/Snow, Normal & Sport with torque gauge Colour theme layout - White or Black Head-Up-Display●●Augmented Reality Display Mode functions:Turn-by-turn navigation display Driving convenience information Blind-spot safety information Speedometer display Normal Display Mode functions: Turn-by-turn navigation display Driving convenience information Blind-spot safety information Multimedia information display Speedometer display Ventilation & heating DYNAMIQ 2WD TECHNIQ AWDAir conditioningClimate control - dual zone including;●●Touch type control panel Auto defog function Auto dehumidify function Smart vent functionAuto internal air circulation function; windscreen washer based & navigation map data based Auto fan function - including 3 modes; Low, Medium & High Cabin air filterCooling/heating vents - rear ‘B’ pillars Cooling/heating ducts - rear floorVentilation & heating DYNAMIQ 2WD TECHNIQ AWD Front seatsHeated front seats - 3 stage●●Air ventilated front seats - 3 stage-●Rear seatsHeated rear outboard seats - 2 stage-●Other featuresAuto Comfort Control -auto activation of driver’s heated / ventilated seat& heated steering wheel-●Heated rear windshield●●Heated steering wheel-●PTC Heater - electric heater●●Exterior styling DYNAMIQ 2WD TECHNIQ AWD FrontHeadlights - black bezel with Parametric Pixel graphics●●Front upper middle trim - gloss black with Parametric Pixel graphics●●Front bumper upper trim - satin chrome●●Front bumper lower middle trim - gloss black●●Front bumper lower trim - satin chrome●●Front bumper cladding - liquid silver●●Front bumper skid plate - liquid silver●●RearTaillights - black bezel with parametric pixel graphics●●Rear bumper/tailgate upper trim - satin chrome●●Rear bumper upper middle side trims & skid plate surround- gloss black●●Rear bumper lower middle side trims - satin chrome●●Rear bumper cladding - liquid silver●●Rear bumper skid plate - liquid silver●●Roof spoiler - tailgate mounted aero type;●●Body colour with piano black wind deflectorSideDoor frame, beltline moulding & mirror base/lower cover/front surround- gloss black●●Flush type door handle●●Middle upper side trim insert - gloss black●●Middle lower side trim insert - satin chrome●●Side cladding - liquid silver●●WheelsMulti-spoke gloss black / machined finish aero wheel- with Parametric Dynamics pattern●●Other featuresRoof aerial (shark fin type) - gloss black●●Interior styling DYNAMIQ 2WD TECHNIQ AWD TreatmentsAlloy effect finish (dashboard, door handles/speakers, cabin switches,●●wiper/light/transmission controls, air vents, centre console & overheadlight console)Gloss black - hybrid-touch steering wheel buttons, drive mode button,EV start/stop button, electronic park brake button & auto hold button●●Interior styling DYNAMIQ 2WD TECHNIQ AWD MaterialsPedals - alloy●●Door scuff plates - stainless steel●●Door trim insert garnish - paperette w/ParametricPixel graphics●●Headlining - cloth knit melange look●●DesignSteering wheel - EV exclusive with flat bottom & Parametric Pixel graphics●●Lighting DYNAMIQ 2WD TECHNIQ AWD Exterior lighting - frontHeadlight functions - automatic dusk sensing with escort and welcome●●Headlight type - Dual projector beam LED - low/high beam●●Positioning lights - LED w/Parametric Pixel graphics●●Daytime Running Lights (DRL) - LED w/Parametric Pixel graphics●●Turn signal lights - LED w/Parametric Pixel graphics●●Hidden LED light guide - upper bumper trim ●●Exterior lighting - rearTaillights - Full LED w/Parametric Pixel graphics●●Positioning lights - LED●●LED light guide - full width●●Brake lights - LED●●Turn signal lights - LED●●Reverse lights - LED●●Fog lights - LED●●License plate lights - LED●●High mount stop light (HMSL) - LED●●Exterior lighting - othersSide repeaters - LED w/Parametric Pixel graphics, integrated intoside mirrors●●Front cargo area light - LED●●Manual headlight levelling function - 4 levels; 0, 1, 2, & 3●●Interior lighting - frontMap lights with touch type operation - LED ●●Mood light - LED ●●Room lights including map lights & mood light - LED ●●Glovebox compartment light - LED●●Vanity mirror lights ●●Interior lighting - rearCentre room light - LED●●Room lights and map lights - LED (outboard)-O Interior lighting - othersInterior Ambient lighting - LED: door armrests & speaker surrounds,including;●●Adjustable colours & brightness; 10 pre-set and up to 64 colour choicesRear cargo area light●●Interior light fade-out delay●●Storage solutions DYNAMIQ 2WD TECHNIQ AWD Front seatsCentre console w/main & armrest compartment storage●●Cup holders including phone holder - centre console ●●Front console storage compartment●●Glovebox compartment - sliding type●●Ticket holders - sun visors (driver and front passenger)●●Rear seatsCentre console rear storage compartment●●Coat hooks - 1x●●Cup holders including phone holder - armrest●●Front seat back pockets - net type●●Split folding backrest - 60:40●●Boot/luggage areaCargo cover - dual position, retractable●●Luggage board - foldable●●Luggage compartment - 4x tie down hooks●●Luggage net ●●Underfloor storage compartment●●BonnetFront cargo compartment●●OthersDoors - map pockets and bottle holders (front and rear)●●Options DYNAMIQ 2WD TECHNIQ AWD Vision roof - fixed glass roof panel with power sunshade-O Notes:1. Apple CarPlay requires iPhone 5 or subsequent model (lightning cable) in order to operate.2. Android Auto requires a device with Android 5.0 operating system or subsequent version in order to operate.3. Finishes specified as leather may contain elements of genuine leather, polyurethane leather (leather substitute) or man-made materials, or a combination thereof.4. Wireless charging requires a Qi-enabled smartphone or adapter in order to operate.Key:● = Feature included as standard on trim- = Feature is not available on trim。



感谢您购买Ibanez TA35箱琴吉他放大器。


TA35放大器可提供35W的输出功率,配有10英寸低音扬声器和 Ibanez原装高频扬声器。















211. INPUT(输入)插口这是一种标准1/4英寸插头的输入插口。


2. GUITAR-VOLUME(吉他音量)控制用来控制吉他前置放大器部分的输出。



3. BASS(低音)控制这是一种渐变型均衡器,可在±15dB的幅度范围内增强或削弱70Hz以下区域的信号。

4. MIDDLE FREQ.(中频)控制可在400Hz至2kHz的范围内改变由MIDDLE LEVEL(中间电平)增强或削弱的频率。







Z5U电容器Z5U 电容器称为”通用”陶瓷单片电容器。






Z5U电容器的其他技术指标如下: 工作温度范围+10℃--- +85℃,温度特性+22% ---56% ,介质损耗最大4% 。




Y5V电容器的其他技术指标如下: 工作温度范围-30℃--- +85℃温度特性+22% ---- -82% 介质损耗最大5%实际生产时是提供+80%---20%的误差范围。






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2 3 4
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您的耳机支持简易配对功能,不需要通过 PIN 码就可与手机配对。仅当手 机与蓝牙版本 2.1 或更高版本兼容时此功能才可用。
若耳机断开与配对手机的连接: • 按下耳机上的通话按钮,或使用手机上的蓝牙功能表。 您的耳机将在每次开启时尝试自动重新连接。部分手机不支持此功能。 若多点功能已启动,则耳机将尝试重新连接最近连接的两部手机。






额定转速是指电机在额定负载下转速的大小,单位通常是rpm (每分钟转数)。
















1性可选时间的看门狗定器间降VCC看压检测和复位控制种5标准开看始电位控使检用编性器看程顺序即对选低进使检测和复位控始电使检行至程顺位控使检选进省VCC=1V在使性可打门狗定流始间使小于关50uA打门狗定闭读间使小于10uA打操作不间使小于2mA同型看号件看降其供以使使检选是次 1.8-3.6V,2.7V-5.5V,4.5V-5.5V4K控EEPROM1000000擦看写周期具有数据块看保护功能全选是护功1/41/2部当看EEPROM然也置选是状关同护功态内建防看误措周施指编令允许引周作不周护功脚钟间达选短 3.3M看程顺间的16节页看模周式由周间自降其建当动完成典为号看降其周期具描5ms2能全述本将降其四合标能全一关体上管使位控制种门狗定器间降压检理及是串有数保护功能全看它至EEPROM助数简关化应系编统设看计减少印板种占看面编积提高靠选该可芯片公建看它至EEPROM次有数Xicor司锁看保被护功CMOS它至EEPROM助组织结典8控看构个助自体线自合总个典看SPI方总并由行至作不供写周期具省印数1000000擦且好周够看据块全存护年100法3作不并通Array管使位控然降其超使且过路V TRIP间X5045建当看位控使会四约高以体线脉描200MS看位控冲让微处正及降全存常工位控压检测和中不路顺监X5045端和V CC下看使检跌压且好打VCC使检落到产V TRIP是跌间约生这体线位控冲让直线位控冲让体效数如效产VCC压产1V是跌果后V CC打压到产V TRIP升管 延打V CC过路V TRIP升信间脉200ms位控消件失得用继处正及降选是续门狗定器间降门狗定器间降使会端和WDI看出码判否此处正及降次寄中不常工打计器看器间间的是建处正及降须要打WDI脚钟管生这体线自靠产进看使未看加应寄延X5045四生这体线位控消件打X5045建当看体线制种决年降监数2控选程顺控长器起器间期具看改 处正及降选是超路令允判两加直从线控而些两加门狗定器间间的看改SPI它至程顺EEPROM片公制种看令允组织结典体线节页 8bit 直命条允监数从代最变效源四令允还址周码片公对选 数从代操令允编关了电应出沿据块 供助看令允 需相变体线8控看入都是串见闭看据块 包数令允表关跌们 助先漏次超路SPI 它至方总判周码降其看 包数令允 入都 据块漏次MSB打降其行至周作不前必 旦格须要计状周作不令允 WREN 令允许引行至周作不 些WRDI 四止但周作不 打降其位控升四动完止但周作不 些体跟低降其周码体线节页 体模者周码态内决年降升置四动完正关周止但态内 打WP 脚钟源入升置约用降其正及周止但态内打周起WREN WRDI RSDR 复WRSR 令允升同相变打升丢管体线入都者体线据块 态内决年降态内决年降自4线向此使同约溢得看制种控复2线此使对失得看态内控织典 制种控编关计状门狗定器间降看储沿间的复年 降保护功缺 态内决年降看首由表跌积看们首操沿 然操沿看直体控次 1 延们忙建当常打行至周作不 果后次 0 们忙建当层数行至周作不WEL 次体线单得可控 然芯控描 1 间们忙片公正关周许引态内 些芯控次 0 延还们片公正关周止但态内 WEL 置次体线最操控 令允WREN 四用WEL 加描 1 些令允WRDS 延四直控加描 0保被器控BL0复BL1编关计状保护功看情擦 直线向单得可看控超路WRSR 令允判程顺 超路直从控看计状 选是用年 降看1/4 1/2 部当漏正关周护功态内 然也置选是部当漏同正关周护功态内 有上看计状门跌积看们首门狗定器间降制种控 WD0复WD1 编关时任门狗定看器间储沿间的 有上看况容门跌积看们首 直从线向单得控超路WRSR 令允行至程顺操态内决年降变操态内决降 旦格四CS 源入是时任芯降其 也升禁体线8控看RDSR 令允 也升态内决年降看建图受超路SD0总行至出沿 然也须要变数见系看间达推产SCK 总管 给6着沿起操态内决年降看间即 态内决年降选是打何之间断组操沿 对用次打EEPROM 建当看周期具建置选是操沿 周态内决年降变四据块周码态内决年降 旦格须要编WREN 条允四WEL 状描 1 旦格四CS 源进使未是时监芯降其 也升周码WREN 令允 源再四CS 择省靠使未 也升束擦四CS 源进使未 源再周码WRSR 令允 丢再周码8控据块 直线8控据块受次见系看决年降监看建图 周码构忽升须要四CS 择省靠使未 果后CS 层数打WREN 复WRSR 具的加靠 延WRSR 令允四组略去操态内决年降建图 周态内决年降建图操年 降建图变操年 降看建图 旦格四CS 择进是时监芯降其 也升四8控看操令允禁产降其监半 丢再禁8控看入都 操令允看控3编关时任年 降看管发缺者跌发缺 打操作不址复入都毕禁成增升 包时监看入都元拉看据块超路SD0总禁沿 打操成直体节页升 果后续名高以间达冲让 延直体入都元拉看跌体线元拉看据块四约组序即操沿 入都四约动完入回推产 然产短值靠入都前升 入都四约绕随产$000H 元拉 操期具打CS 加描靠使未升监但周年 降建图变周年 降建图 WEL 控须要超路WREN 令允状描 1 格四CS 择进 四WREN 令允禁码降其 也升四CS 择靠 也升束擦四CS 择进 主升周码WRITE 令允且丢主8控看入都 WRITE 令允看控3编关时任年 降看管发缺复跌发缺 果后CS 层数打WREN 复WRITE 令允前的加描靠使未 延WRITE 令允组略去周作不省印相变24线间达期具 CS 须要择进且打作不具的护或进使未 机制连选是限名周码16线节页看据块 待种次直16线节页须要周码型体模 体模看入都始电关入都[X XXXX 0000]构忽关入都[X XXXX 1111] 果后第周码看节页入都经产短体模看值升 些间达需续名年打 自减据降四绕随产芯模看覆体线入都且盖秒必积包周看建图态内决年降控 门狗定器间储沿间的 WD1 WD0 X5045/X5043 0 0 1 4毫 0 1 600空毫 1 0 200空毫 1 1止但打行至周作不 节页者模周 成典间 CS 须要打值升体线第周码节页看控0组周码前升择省靠使未 打何之供助间断四CS 加描靠使未 周作不漏层数成典打体擦周态内决年降看作不者周年 降看作不前升查周码看作不 须要旦格操态内决年降且测说WIP 控果后WIP 控次靠明注常打行至建当看周作不意点志管使位控升看态内果跌 降其正关进能除态内变用降其行码活持态内者源激体代令允 延体擦推打CS 管看自靠产进看加应次须要看 S0脚钟正关靠耗态内 正关周止但态内 准䀚控看态内次 0 位控间的次tpurst。



五工 G25/F25 变频器型号选型及参数设置 变频器型号选型及参数设置 型号选型五工能源系统制造(惠州) 五工能源系统制造(惠州)有限公司WUGONG ENERGY SYSTEMS MADE (HUIZHOU) CO., LTD公司简介:★五工惠州工厂 五工能源系统制造,是德国电气集团的合作子公司,隶属于中国地 区子公司管辖区域。

五工能源系统制造(惠州)有限公司,座落在珠三角知名的“电子制造 基地”——惠州市,公司拥有精密的生产设备和先进的工业变频技术、现场 总线技术、照明技术设计能力,原来主要是为外国部分工业电器工厂制造核 心部件产品。

多年来,五工能源系统制造(惠州)有限公司的产品,已从单一的电气 行业发展到军工、电脑、通讯、电力、建筑、交通、五金、设计、工程等多 个行业领域,主打产品五工变频、五工照明和五工工程,一直在各行业得到 了广泛的运用和新老用户的直接认可。

五工的今天,现在已成为中国各大自动控制产品商、中高档设备制造商、 建筑工程商、通信生产商、交通设备制造商等,指定唯一的、重信誉的合作 公司。

产品应用领域: 产品应用领域: 应用领域★冶金行业★化工行业★机械行业★电力行业★船舶行业★楼宇自控等 冶金行业 化工行业★机械行业★电力行业★船舶行业★五工(WUGON) 五工(WUGON)变频器 ﹡前 言﹡感谢您选用本公司生产的 五工 W 系列变频调速器,本用户手册 提供该变频器的操作指南。

五工 W 系列变频器是本公司采用全新理念自主开发的高性能变频调速器。

该变频器采用独特的控制方式实现了高转矩、高精度、 宽调速、 低噪音的驱动; 具有超出同类产品的优越性能, 实用的 PID 调节、简易 PLC、灵活的输入输出端子、参数在线修改、自识别信 号传输故障、停电和停机参数存储、定长控制、摆频控制、主辅给 定控制、现场总线控制等一系列实用先进的运行、控制功能、为设 备制造和终端客户在调速、节能、保护、自动控制等方面提供了集 成度极高的一体化解决方案,对降低系统采购和运营成本,提高系 统可靠性具有极大的价值。



kkk5KKK5Introduction:KKK5 is the latest version of the KKK software suite developed by XYZ Company. This document serves as a user guide and provides a comprehensive overview of the features and functionalities of KKK5. The document is divided into several sections to ensure easy navigation and understanding of the software.1. Installation:To install KKK5, follow the step-by-step instructions provided in this section. Ensure that your system meets the minimum software and hardware requirements before proceeding with the installation process. The installation guide includes downloading the setup file, running the installer, and configuring the software for first-time use.2. User Interface:KKK5 introduces an intuitive and user-friendly interface designed to enhance user experience. This section explains the various components of the user interface, including themenu bar, toolbar, and status bar. Users will learn how to navigate through the software and access different modules and functions.3. Features:3.1 Data Management:KKK5 offers robust data management capabilities, allowing users to import, export, and manipulate data efficiently. This section elaborates on how to import data from external sources, organize and categorize data, perform data analysis, and generate reports.3.2 Analysis Tools:KKK5 provides a wide range of analysis tools that enable users to gain insights from their data. From basic statistical tools to advanced algorithms, this section explains how to utilize these tools effectively. Users will learn how to perform data exploration, hypothesis testing, regression analysis, and more.3.3 Visualization:Visualization is a crucial aspect of data analysis in KKK5. This section discusses the various visualization options available, such as charts, graphs, and heatmaps. Users will understandhow to customize visualizations, identify patterns, and present data in a visually appealing manner.4. Advanced Functionalities:4.1 Automation:KKK5 allows users to automate repetitive tasks, saving time and effort. This section demonstrates how to create and schedule automated processes, such as data importing, analysis workflows, and report generation. Users will also learn how to set triggers and notifications for specific events.4.2 Collaboration:KKK5 facilitates collaboration among team members, with features like data sharing, commenting, and version control. This section explains how to set up collaboration workflows, assign tasks, and track progress. Users will understand how to leverage the collaborative capabilities of KKK5 to enhance productivity and streamline teamwork.5. Troubleshooting:In this section, common issues and errors faced by users while using KKK5 are addressed. Users will find solutions to resolve these problems and troubleshoot any technicaldifficulties they may encounter. It covers topics such as software updates, system requirements, and error messages.6. Support and Resources:This section provides information on how users can access technical support and additional resources related to KKK5. It includes contact details of the support team, community forums, user documentation, and online tutorials. Users will find helpful links and references to enhance their understanding of the software.Conclusion:The user guide for KKK5 has provided an extensive overview of the software's installation process, user interface, features, advanced functionalities, troubleshooting, and support resources. By following this guide, users can maximize their utilization of KKK5 and leverage its capabilities to accomplish their data analysis tasks effectively.。

LGY H05V - K 2,50mm2 50m 黑色电线说明书

LGY H05V - K 2,50mm2 50m 黑色电线说明书

Single wire LGY/H05V - K 2,50mm2 50m Color: BlackThe offered wire has a flexible, multi-strand conductor with a cross-section of2,50 mm2 insulated with new generation polyvinite PVC. Thanks to its outstanding performance, it is a great choice for any professional who relies on excellent quality, reliability and convenience of use. This flexible, well-laying, resistant to surrounding conditions and user-oriented product is ideal for even the most advanced production projects and any assembly, service and hobby work.Wire technical parameters :Product normative classification LGY/H05V-K PRO SeriesThe rated cross-section of the conductor 2,50mm2Wire cross-section in AWG AWG 14Manufacturer part number BQ MPN LGY2.5-BKStructure of twisted multi-wire conductor 50 x ∅ 0,25mmConstruction of conductor Regularly twisted strandConductor material Copper CuConductor resistance at T=20o C max.7,6 ÷ min. 7,0 mΩ/mInsulating material Modified polyvinite PVCOuter diameter of wire ∅ 3,0mm ± 0,05Type of color insulation Plain colorWire insulation color and RAL number RAL 9005BlackApproximate net weight of wire 27,2 kg/kmCopper index – conductor net weight 24,0 kg/kmResistance to vibration, oscilation, overload YESResistance to lubricants and chemical agents YESResistance to flame spreading YES – Self extinguishing typeMethod of electrical assembly and connecting Crimping, Soldering, TwistingPermissible current load of the cable 20,6 A (max. 25 A)Long-term current capacity of the cable 10,9 AMaximum cable operating voltage 500 VBreakdown voltage of the insulation > 10kVOperating temperature range of the cable -40o C÷+105o C (max. +120o C)Section in packaging 50 metersApproximate gross weight of the package 1,46 kgPackaging - way of wire confection Evenly winded onto a spoolPackaging material and dimensions - spools ABS = 132mm / H = 57mmPackaging logistical security Thermo-shrinkable POF film coverWe guarantee constant availability of items in stock and immediate shipping! Single wires LGY 300V/500V / H05V-K with BQ logo guarantee not only the highest global product quality and the latest technologies of workmanship taking into account environmental protection, but also provide convenience of usage and savings coming from reliability. Thanks to the use of highest quality copper, with specifically raised pureness in our regularly twisted strands with cross sections of 0,35mm2, 0,50mm2, 0,75mm2, 1,00mm2, 1,50mm2 and 2,50mm2 and their regularity, LGY/H05V-K wires provided by BQ guarantee almost lossless transmission of sent signal or current, significant facilitation of soldered and crimped assembly, resistance to vibration and oscillation and outstanding pliability and flexibility.BQ new generation of modified polyvinite insulation is specially thinned to guarantee a smaller outer diameter of the wire at the same cross-section of the conductive vein with holding all dielectric parameters and operating voltage of up to 500V. This allows for better planning of electrical harnesses and more efficient use of cable glands. This is possible thanks to the increased physicochemical properties of insulation, which further makes offered wires perfectly cope with the surrounding conditions and aggressive chemical agents. The insulation is extremely smooth and glossy, is not absorbent, does not harden and does not crumble, and allows an unprecedented operating temperature in the range of -40°C to +105°C(max +120°C). This increased thermal range also reduces installation time and significantly decreases the risk of insulation melting when making high-current soldered connections or encapsulating connections with shrink pipes.A very wide range of plain colors insulation and hudge range of two-color variety types in the form of a base color and marker stripe significantly save on wire marking systems in multi-wire harnesses, eliminate the need for cable markers and allow quick identification of a given wire along the entire length of the harness, even in hard-to-reach places. The cables are supplied in sections of 200m, 100m or 50m depending on the cross section of the wire, and winded onto a fully recyclable, comfortable-to-use spool with diameter of Ø = 132mm with internal guide hole Ø = 26mm, which allows you to increase the comfort of work, ending the problem with finding the end of the wire or laborious untangling after uncontrolled expansion. It greatly accelerates and facilitates the execution of multi-wire harnesses, because it is enough to put spools with a set number of wires on one guide rod and pull them all together and, as you develop, connect them into a bundle with the appropriate electrical tape, self-clamping bands or passing them through the corrugated conduit. BQ equip all spools with test seals to help you quickly find the beginning of the cable section and pack them in a sealed cover made of transparent shrink film, which allows you to quickly find the necessary color on the shelf of the warehouse, protects insulation from oxidation, dust or getting dirty during storage and alwaysguarantees the final recipient the highest quality of the cables when removed from the package.The parameters of the cables meet the requirements of ISO 9001, ISO 14001, PN-87/E-90054 (Polish standard), VDE (German standard), BASEC (UK standard), are authorized for use on EU markets (73/23/EEC standard) and CE marked (Directive 2006/95/EC), and comply with environmental directives RoHS(Act 2002/95/EU), RoHS-2(Act 2011/65/EU), RoHS-3(Act 2015/863) and comply with REACH environmental requirements (Regulation 1907/2006). According to EN 60332-1-2, the cables are Eca grade, do not spread flame and are approved for usage in construction works.At each request of the Recipient, we issue a certificate of conformity free of charge.Offered single wires are universally applicable thanks to their professional design & performance and are ideal for most manufacturing, service or hobby projects in all areas of electronics and electrical engineering. They are most oftenly used in industrial and electromedical automation, automotive industry, cranes, lighting, construction of all kinds of devices from alarms, scales, arcade machines or sunbeds to advanced technological lines, when making power lines, steering, control, executive installations, on-board installations, alarms and many other applications. They are also often used in the manufacture, modernization, modification or reconstruction of all types of vehicles: electric scooters and electric skateboards, mopeds, motorbikes, quads, buggies, cars and trucks, special vehicles (taxis, ambulances, fire trucks, cranes, tow trucks, loading lifts etc.), buses, tractors, semi-trailers, trailers, trams, trains, and they can be found even on inland yachts and speedboats, powered hang gliders or sailplanes. They are also oftenly used to control and power energy-efficient LED lighting systems, connect computer controllers to receivers, implement smart building projects, and for any service and hobby work.LGY/H05V-K wires provided by BQ are an excellent solution for any professional who values quality and convenience of use in wires. The use of these wires is simple, fast, economical and guarantees perfect reliability.。

LGY H05V - K 0.35 mm2 多线导线产品说明书

LGY H05V - K 0.35 mm2 多线导线产品说明书

Single wire LGY/H05V-K 0,35mm2 25m Color: VioletThe offered wire has a flexible, multi-strand conductor with a cross-section of0.35 mm2 insulated with new generation polyvinite PVC. Thanks to its outstanding performance, it is a great choice for any professional who relies on excellent quality, reliability and convenience of use. This flexible, well-laying, resistant to surrounding conditions and user-oriented product is ideal for even the most advanced production projects and any assembly, service and hobby work.Wire technical parameters :Product normative classification LGY/H05V-K PRO SeriesThe rated cross-section of the conductor 0,35mm2Wire cross-section in AWG AWG 22Manufacturer part number BQ MPN LGY0.35/25-VIStructure of twisted multi-wire conductor 12 x ∅ 0,20mmConstruction of conductor Regularly twisted strandConductor material Copper CuConductor resistance at T=20o C max.52,0 ÷ min.47,8 mΩ/mInsulating material Modified polyvinite PVCOuter diameter of wire ∅ 1,4mm ± 0,05Type of color insulation Plain colorWire insulation color and RAL number RAL 2011VioletApproximate net weight of wire 4,70 kg/kmCopper index – conductor net weight 3,15 kg/kmResistance to vibration, oscilation, overload YESResistance to lubricants and chemical agents YESResistance to flame spreading YES – Self extinguishing typeMethod of electrical assembly and connecting Crimping, Soldering, TwistingPermissible current load of the cable 3,5 A (max. 6,5 A)Long-term current capacity of the cable 3,2 AMaximum cable operating voltage 500 VBreakdown voltage of the insulation > 5kVOperating temperature range of the cable -40o C÷+105o C (max. +120o C)Section in packaging 25 metersApproximate gross weight of the package 0,13 kgPackaging - way of wire confection Evenly winded onto a spoolPackaging material and dimensions - spools Polypropylene = 50mm / H = 42mm Packaging logistical security Thermo-shrinkable POF film coverWe guarantee constant availability of items in stock and immediate shipping! Single wires LGY 300V/500V / H05V-K with BQ logo guarantee not only the highest global product quality and the latest technologies of workmanship taking into account environmental protection, but also provide convenience of usage and savings coming from reliability. Thanks to the use of highest quality copper, with specifically raised pureness in our regularly twisted strands with cross sections of 0,35mm2, 0,50mm2, 0,75mm2, 1,00mm2, 1,50mm2 and 2,50mm2 and their regularity, LGY/H05V-K wires provided by BQ guarantee almost lossless transmission of sent signal or current, significant facilitation of soldered and crimped assembly, resistance to vibration and oscillation and outstanding pliability and flexibility.BQ new generation of modified polyvinite insulation is specially thinned to guarantee a smaller outer diameter of the wire at the same cross-section of the conductive vein with holding all dielectric parameters and operating voltage of up to 500V. This allows for better planning of electrical harnesses and more efficient use of cable glands. This is possible thanks to the increased physicochemical properties of insulation, which further makes offered wires perfectly cope with the surrounding conditions and aggressive chemical agents. The insulation is extremely smooth and glossy, is not absorbent, does not harden and does not crumble, and allows an unprecedented operating temperature in the range of -40°C to +105°C(max +120°C). This increased thermal range also reduces installation time and significantly decreases the risk of insulation melting when making high-current soldered connections or encapsulating connections with shrink pipes.A very wide range of plain colors insulation and hudge range of two-color variety types in the form of a base color and marker stripe significantly save on wire marking systems in multi-wire harnesses, eliminate the need for cable markers and allow quick identification of a given wire along the entire length of the harness, even in hard-to-reach places. The cables are supplied in sections of 200m, 100m or 50m depending on the cross section of the wire, and winded onto a fully recyclable, comfortable-to-use spool with diameter of Ø = 132mm with internal guide hole Ø = 26mm, which allows you to increase the comfort of work, ending the problem with finding the end of the wire or laborious untangling after uncontrolled expansion. It greatly accelerates and facilitates the execution of multi-wire harnesses, because it is enough to put spools with a set number of wires on one guide rod and pull them all together and, as you develop, connect them into a bundle with the appropriate electrical tape, self-clamping bands or passing them through the corrugated conduit. BQ equip all spools with test seals to help you quickly find the beginning of the cable section and pack them in a sealed cover made of transparent shrink film, which allows you to quickly find the necessary color on the shelf of the warehouse, protects insulation from oxidation, dust or getting dirty during storage and alwaysguarantees the final recipient the highest quality of the cables when removed from the package.The parameters of the cables meet the requirements of ISO 9001, ISO 14001, PN-87/E-90054 (Polish standard), VDE (German standard), BASEC (UK standard), are authorized for use on EU markets (73/23/EEC standard) and CE marked (Directive 2006/95/EC), and comply with environmental directives RoHS(Act 2002/95/EU), RoHS-2(Act 2011/65/EU), RoHS-3(Act 2015/863) and comply with REACH environmental requirements (Regulation 1907/2006). According to EN 60332-1-2, the cables are Eca grade, do not spread flame and are approved for usage in construction works.At each request of the Recipient, we issue a certificate of conformity free of charge.Offered single wires are universally applicable thanks to their professional design & performance and are ideal for most manufacturing, service or hobby projects in all areas of electronics and electrical engineering. They are most oftenly used in industrial and electromedical automation, automotive industry, cranes, lighting, construction of all kinds of devices from alarms, scales, arcade machines or sunbeds to advanced technological lines, when making power lines, steering, control, executive installations, on-board installations, alarms and many other applications. They are also often used in the manufacture, modernization, modification or reconstruction of all types of vehicles: electric scooters and electric skateboards, mopeds, motorbikes, quads, buggies, cars and trucks, special vehicles (taxis, ambulances, fire trucks, cranes, tow trucks, loading lifts etc.), buses, tractors, semi-trailers, trailers, trams, trains, and they can be found even on inland yachts and speedboats, powered hang gliders or sailplanes. They are also oftenly used to control and power energy-efficient LED lighting systems, connect computer controllers to receivers, implement smart building projects, and for any service and hobby work.LGY/H05V-K wires provided by BQ are an excellent solution for any professional who values quality and convenience of use in wires. The use of these wires is simple, fast, economical and guarantees perfect reliability.。


频道设定=5ch初级加压时间SU=35 cycle焊接时间=10cycle
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V RMS : 20 - 500 Volts I O(AVG) : 5 Ampere
10 .0 10 .0
• Outline : KBS2…. / KHS6….
Resistive Load Maximum Average Output Current Tamb = 45º C Maximum Surge Forward Current For Single Cycle Sinusoidal Wave 50 Hz Maximum I2t Value 1 msec to 5 msec Maximum Peak Forward Voltage Drop Per Diode Io(Avg) Capacitive Load IFSM I2t VFM 4.0 140 98 1.0 A A2sec V 5.0 A
Bulletin 55 - 504
VRRM : 50 - 1000 Volts
• Low Cost • Compact Potted Version • Suitable For PCB Mounting
Khandelwal Herrmann Electronics Limited
Forward Power Dissipation
TYPES 5KHBS…. SYMBOL VRRM VRSM VRMS Tj = 25º C IDM Tj = 150º C 500 05 50 100 20 1 100 200 40 2 200 300 80 4 400 500 125 10 µA 6 600 800 250 8 800 1000 380 10 1000 1200 500 UNITS V V V
20 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01
Peak Output Current (A)
Overload Duration (Sec)
Khandelwal Herrmann Electronics Limited
Works : Plot-101, Sector-II, Pithampur 454-775, (MP), India. Phone : 91-7292-252-346 Office : 502, Puja Enclave, 16, Sanghi Colony, Indore 452-018, (MP), India. Phone : 91-731-255-0329 / 257-4218 Fax : 91-731-255-3827 E-mail : khel@
19.1 MIN
12 .2 10 .1
15.2 12.7
12.2 10.1
Ø 1 .3 Ø 1 .2
Ø 0 .81 Ø 0 .76
Ø 0 .81 Ø 0 .76
5 4. . 6 6
Ø 16.5
• Operating And Storage Temperature Range -45 to 150º C • Approximate Weight : 4 gms Dimensions In MM
Average Output Current IO(Ag)
Peak Output Current (A)
5KHBS.... Chasis Mounting 15% Increase In Rating
Full Rated Condition
03 C 02
Ambient Temperature (Tamb)
Pulse Train Duration (sec)
Maximum Repetitive Peeeak Reverse Voltage Maximum Non Repetitive Peeeak Reverse Voltage Recommended AC Supply Voltage Maximum Reverse Current
10 .3
Instantaneous Current (A)
5.Drop (V)
Average Current ID(AV)