商品名称单位零售单价最新进价条型码玉冠一次性杯0001包 5.916948618600011心相印W910*8茶钱包式餐纸包 5.4 4.76922868285761双枪精细一次性牙签包0.716937153600020环保一次性碗包 6.906948618600042环保一次性卫生筷包 5.616951067299996特惠纸杯(40个)包 4.9 3.776949092900284庭美胶袋木棉签(100支)TD-8001包 1.516940306680015超凡航空塑胶杯CF-9005(200cm*60)包8.916926400690051鑫峰一次性透明胶碗320ml*15个-0589包 5.516920*********庭美袋装精细牙签(330支)TD-3003包 1.216940306600204金葫芦100支袋装木棉签1003包 1.916931494610038心相印双层餐巾纸50张包 2.1 1.86903244981255庭美袋装精细牙签(800支)TD-3001包 3.216940306600082超凡200ml航空塑胶杯(100只)CF-9003包14.216926400690037三樱大家和航空胶碗A965个 6.3 4.856939269101965庭美胶袋木棉签(200支)TD-8002包 2.516940306680022许大姐冷热纸杯(40只)包 4.816939810400868金葫芦200支棉棒1038包 3.316931494610380鑫峰棉棒4037包216920*********洁柔布艺钱夹餐纸(方格\圆点)JB011条7.166914068012865庭美开口罐木棉签(200支)TD-8009个 4.816940306680091云蕾100支装木棉棒10283包 2.516923982710283乐百家环保纸杯包7.9 6.086949092900253许大姐冷热纸杯(50只)包 5.816939810400875中蓝200m航空杯40装双排ZL-3060包 5.606934249501902鑫峰棉棒4044包 3.316920*********洁柔布艺迷你餐纸(方格\圆点)JM044条7.6 6.56914068012858三樱A593卫生手套(一次性)盒 5.9 4.546939269100593许大姐30双装一次性筷子包 5.506939810400882好管家85支装木棉签Q001包 1.706936382003350超凡250ml航空塑胶杯(50只)CF-9052包8.616926400690525云蕾200支装木棉棒包 4.216923982710269八环168g纸杯包7.916933474900030云蕾300支袋装牙签包 1.816923982798748加厚纸杯(60个)包9.97.626949092900277双童50只一次性塑料口杯78001包 6.916922621780014双童50只休闲杯8065包10.916922621780656都乐晶莹胶碗DL-530包 3.816939158805301味老大碳化竹牙签WYQ-1105 1.816922971640105好管家200袋装木棉签Q002包 2.806936382003367康丰印花杯40607包 4.916924939406075鑫峰袋装牙签2811盒 1.506920*********金葫芦200支园棉签1061包 4.516931494610618都乐晶莹胶碗DL-531包616939158805318粤飞龙50装一次性筷包 6.316931177120274台式茶巾张6 4.56950794081225环保纸杯(100个)个14.911.476949092900260双鱼一次性餐盘包8.916925566212978三樱大家和航空杯A651包12.89.856939269101651好管家200瓶装开口木棉签Q004瓶 4.806936382003381鑫峰双头特惠装牙签2484包 3.316920*********好管家300瓶装心型木棉签Q006瓶 6.206936382003398味老大碳化竹牙签WYQ-1136 4.516922971640136商港精装牙线/牙签包 3.6 2.776920662260458都乐竹签DL-9010(25cm)包 2.616939158890109粤飞龙30对一次性筷013包 5.516931177100139双枪卫生筷子-1913包 5.916921988319134云蕾一次性手套包 4.516923982767034双枪30只欧锦一次快烫匙袋 5.816926506201144好管家200瓶装圆罐木棉签Q005瓶 4.806936382002872双枪竹牙签T435筒 5.916921988308367超凡一次性环保纸杯CF-1988包9.216926*********超凡450ml塑胶碗(20只)CF-5350包7.616926400653506双枪20只欧锦一次快烫匙袋 4.816926506201687超凡透心杯CF-A-382(200cm*50)包816926400638206商港圆桶装牙线/牙签包 4.9 3.776920662260489快乐杯包 6.506952588100143好管家100瓶扭花木棉签Q003瓶306936382003374庭美硬圆罐木棉签(100支)TD-8003个 2.516940306680039云蕾180支装心形木棉棒10276包 5.816923982710276茶花20只一次性手套3502包 2.3 1.766921489004133万福宝健棉棒(100支)859筒 2.616930783200059双童卫生饮料吸管70004袋 3.916922621700043龙士达40圆盒牙线L-892个 6.806922286988923宝通和牡丹韩式碗4.5寸8.916923774204679消毒柜专用筷XMK05-10包11.116943143600093金日20只环保碗包 5.616943412500215龙士达100支饮料吸管L-9030包 3.206922286990308超凡250ml环保纸杯(100只)CF-1881包16.816926*********超凡250ml环保纸杯(50只)CF-1879包8.516926*********茶花高级棉求棒(200支)4102个7.6 5.856921489009268都乐一次性7寸纸碗DL-509包8.516939158805097精龙16cm焊碗个10.516939690100056龙士达中号圆碗L1016个 2.606922286910160粤鑫源800支顶级竹牙签008包 4.816948631900082都乐一次性9寸纸盘DL-510包906939158805103双枪牙签1235包7.816921988312357龙士达大号圆盆L-1019个 3.206922286910191维达漫天星餐巾纸V1035-1包 1.5 1.26901236377154 3FF防潮棉签筒MQT200-6个9.416943143600062家兴11.5cm吉祥碗个10.316927445922770宝通和牡丹反口碗4.5寸7.916923774204662宝通和牡丹花酱料碟 4.516923774204693鑫峰中码手套0152包 2.816920*********都乐一次性纸碗DL-506(10只)包 5.916939158805066精龙18cm焊碗个13.616939690100063都乐七安士纸杯DL-521(50只装)包 5.816939158805219维达快乐四季迷你纸巾条 4.8 3.856901236375044都乐九安士纸杯DL-523(50只装)包9.116939158805233龙士达时尚牙签筒L-881个 5.216922286988817都乐一次性纸碗DL-507(10只)包7.816939158805073都乐一次性8寸纸盘DL-503(10只)包7.216939158805035云蕾450支盒装竹牙签包 2.616923982793620茶花大号元宝筛1145个4 3.16921489007066鑫峰一次性透明胶碗270ml*20个-0596包 4.516920*********诚一30只装加厚纸杯C763包 5.516937432407630超凡透心杯CF-A-362(250ml*50只)包9.216926400636202青苹果果碗GHW2039-4.5T/L6个8.816933********* 3F简易装卫生牙签YQD2301-1包 2.216943143600017万福保健棉棒(100支)810盒 2.616930783200325新鲜7"盘*生活纸浆餐具(7301)包 6.516928947473012都乐长方纸盘DL-512包8.506939158805127心相印卡通迷你餐纸C1810条 4.9 4.256922868286102庭美袋装牙签(200支)TD-1001包 3.216940306600013新鲜10"鱼盘*生活纸浆餐具(7309)包10.916928947473098龙士达100支尖嘴吸管L-9032包 3.806922286990322鑫峰精美竹骨牙签2743个7.606920690112743宝通和金玉满堂护边碗6寸17.916923774218737 *希福13c-09一次性手套25*15cm(50包 5.806954715890385只装)超凡300ml塑胶碗(20只)CF-5250包 5.816926400652509 **德凯250ml环保纸杯(40只装)袋 6.516933367200056新鲜9"盘*生活纸浆餐具(7303)包9.816928947473036双枪牙签T1600包 5.916921988308404茶花高级棉求棒(120支)4101个5 3.876921489009251鑫峰一次性台布2101(1.6*1.6)包 5.806920690112101德凯7.5盎司环保纸杯加厚(40只装)提 4.716933367200032龙士达大号椭圆碗L-1023个 3.606922286910238双童20个装一次性碗76008.包 5.816922621760085茶花可弯饮料吸管3602包5 3.876921489008032紫丁香80ml亮晶晶别致牙签瓶个17.216925765006163 JA4001#青苹果果碗828-2个7.116933*********新鲜7"碗*生活纸浆餐具(7307)包9.516928947473074都乐七安士纸杯DL-522(100只装)包1416939158805226青苹果果碟P03-8个7.616933*********茶花饮料吸管3601包 4.5 3.426921489008025双枪文斌休闲水杯3526包12.516926570135260一帆8955超薄护肤手套100枚入双10.516924670289555 **一帆护袖绒里手套8505包2316924670285052都乐一次性10寸纸盘DL-511包11.506939158805110茶花尖嘴饮料吸管3603包 3.6 2.796921489008049新鲜生活彩虹饮料吸管(50只)7296包 1.816928947472961鑫锋10张一次性台布(1.8*1.8)包 6.816920*********茶花高级棉求棒(250支)4103个9.57.166921489009275盈洁220ml航空杯50只Y1605包8.9 6.86941610381605茶花小号元宝筛1146个 4.5 3.426921489007073家庭卫生牙签YQH900-2盒 5.516943143600000三樱大家和台布A177张10.98.396939269102177聪泰一次性手套H0184包416930883001846聪泰一次性手套(150个装)H0182包11.316930883001822云蕾1.8*1.8一次性台布包9.816923982754515鑫峰一次性台布2125(2*2)包8.306920690112125幸福人家可口碗450ml(20只)0193包 6.716948118101933宝通和金玉满堂酱料碟 4.916923774218539都乐竹签DL-9009(20cm)包 2.516939158890093茶花一次性桌布(180*180CM)3406个1410.716921489007998盈洁胶碗20只装Y0059个 5.9 4.56941610380059宝通和金玉满堂韩式碗5寸12.916923774218720孖灯笼特级竹骨牙签300支包 3.806939715805003 **诚一50只装加厚纸杯C765包10.916937432407654 **八环188g纸杯筒7.916933474900047盈洁220ml航空杯100只Y1629包16.9136941610381629茶花一次性鞋套(经济装)4206个9.47.166921489018505孖灯笼特级竹骨牙签1200支包7.906939715810007清清美300ML航空饮杯(大号)包15.606927594663036幸福人家2054圆型塑棒(200支)棉签个 6.906948118120545 **茶花一次性桌布(160*160CM)个129.366921489007981 3405茶花一次性桌布(160*110CM)3404个8.8 6.86921489007974 **都乐一次性纸碗DL-505(10只)包 5.216939158805059 **龙士达30支珍珠奶茶吸管L-9033包 2.806922286990339 **超凡环保纸杯CF-1980(250cm*80)包15.316926*********康洁诺超炫饮杯50只装包10.906939188410018 **鑫峰棉棒4013盒 4.906920690114013 **新鲜生活350ml纸浆餐具碗(7304)包 6.516928947473043爱亿棉棒(约100只装)包 2.306928474602527孖灯笼特级竹骨牙签500支包 5.606939715808004 **八环188g纸杯A20809包8.916933474900085清清美248ML精品生活纸杯包13.906927594662053清清美248ML茶趣纸杯包11.906927594662022 **超凡250ml环保纸杯(50只)CF-0050A包9.216926400600500 **德凯250ml环保纸杯(50只装)袋7.916933367200018幸福人家2050心型木棒(110支)棉签个 4.606948118120507 **茶花一次性鞋套(PE膜)4205个8.5 6.446921489009138清清美320ML小号玲珑碗(20只装)包 6.906927594663104 **新鲜9"鱼盘*生活纸浆餐具(7308)包9.816928947473081双枪牙签1205瓶7.906921988312050盈洁250ml航空杯50只Y1612包9.97.66941610381612康洁诺开心杯50只装包7.906939188420031幸福人家幸福杯0151(50只装)袋 6.616948118101513幸福人家2059旋转型塑棒(100支)棉签个 5.406948118120590幸福人家2051软袋木棒(100支)棉签个 2.406948118120514清清美50只装一次性PE卫生手套包 6.906927594612218清清美390ML中号玲珑碗(20只装)包7.906927594663111清清美50只装品尝纸杯包 6.906927594662152清清美248ML高档卡通纸杯包14.906927594662015云蕾一口杯(50只装)包 6.516923982711259幸福人家2055旋转型木棒(150支)棉签个 6.406948118120552爱亿棉棒(100只装)包 2.306928474602565幸福人家美味碗350ml(20只)0191包 5.716948118101919爱亿棉棒(200只装)包 4.306928474602572清清美纸包吸管(50根)包 4.906927594660219康洁诺随心杯50只装包8.806939188420017康洁诺开心杯100只装包15.906939188420048康洁诺清心杯50只装包8.906939188430016平均售价销售数量销售净额销售毛额预估成本预估毛利毛利率%2.74384210512.9310512.937892.712620.2224.925.27367919405.2919405.2917291.32113.9910.890.719881391.61391.61046.24345.3624.824.4610714775.834775.833584.521191.3124.943.329002992.42992.42247.5744.924.893.317602514.32514.32865.2-350.9-13.961.47581057.951057.95795.96261.9924.767.837165605.75605.74206.211399.4924.974.526833087.13087.12316.72770.3824.951.21656795.83795.83597.73198.124.891.886541230.41230.4925.34305.0624.792.15171085.71085.7930.6155.114.293.254971615.91615.91213.04402.8624.9312.114815827.15827.14372.051455.0524.975.484692567.782568.12274.65293.1311.422.64431153.021153.3866.94286.0824.813.4440149514951122.68372.3224.93.29413135913591021.12337.8824.862.1408856.4856.4642.3214.1256.364022557.82557.82412145.8 5.74.923891912.61912.61434.45478.15252.5384960960721.87238.1324.815.663782140.12140.12298.24-158.14-7.394.753601711.21711.21283.44427.76255.22323168516851264.13420.8724.983.4532111071107831.01275.9924.937.63122371.22371.22028343.214.475.9310182918291407.4421.623.055.53071688.221688.51267.07421.1524.951.7301511.7511.7379.17132.5325.96.832992043.12043.11532.98510.1224.974.22921226.41226.4919.8306.6254.552921329.41329.4998.29331.1124.911.8277498.6498.6373.95124.65257.642752100.82100.82095.5 1.148.91791593.11593.11195.54397.5624.96 12.8170217621761674.5501.523.05 4.8169811.2811.2599.95211.2526.04 3.46166573.6573.6430.57143.0324.94 6.21641016.81016.8752.76264.0425.97 4.5159715.5715.5537.35178.1524.9 3.6158568.26568.8437.66130.622.98 2.6153397.8397.8294.02103.7826.09 5.5146802.72803602.62200.124.93 5.9146861.4861.4646.55214.8524.944.5143643.5643.5483.33160.1724.895.8137794.6794.6595.95198.65254.8136652.8652.8482.817026.045.9135796.5796.5598.05198.4524.92 8.451281082.11082.1812.09270.0124.957.21125901901675.83225.1724.99 4.8122585.36585.6439.02146.3425 7.812295295271423825 4.9118577.96578.2444.86133.123.03 3.94111437.9437.9328.76109.1424.92 3.24101327327241.8285.1826.05 2.699257.1257.1193.3163.7924.81 5.899574.2574.2430.65143.5525 2.4197233.9233.9170.7263.1827.012.695247247185.2561.75253.993362.7362.7272.4990.2124.877.0393653.54653.9490.36163.1824.978.6592795.4795.4636.32159.0820 11.190999999749.56249.4424.97 5.2188458.5458.5344.03114.4724.97 3.2688286.5286.5215.171.424.92 11.8880950.2950.2712.94237.2624.976.8977530.7530.7398.32132.3824.947.674562.4562.4432.9129.523.038.4972611.58612452.57159.0126 10.571745.5745.5559.42186.0824.96 2.69701881881414725 4.8703363362528425969621621459.54161.4626 7.869538.2538.2403.65134.5525 3.2566214.2214.2160.7353.4724.96 1.566999979.219.8209.464601.6601.6451.2150.42510.6264679.9679.9510.16169.7424.97 7.3664470.8470.8376.6494.1620 4.2661259.8259.8207.8451.9620 2.8656160.4160.4120.4739.9324.89 5.956330.4330.4244.5485.8625.9913.65574874856118725 6.3154340.5340.5251.9588.5526.01 3.5349173173188.65-15.65-9.05 6.9249339.3339.3251.0588.2526.01 5.3447250.92251.2188.1962.7325 7.7945350.61351259.491.2126.01 7.245324324239.8284.1825.98 2.64511711787.7529.2525 4.4143189.6189.6133.356.329.694.7143202.5202.5151.9350.5724.975.542231231173.4557.5524.91 9.3742393.6393.6295.2298.3824.99 5.740228228171.0456.9624.98 2.2408888662225 2.63693.693.670.223.425 6.535227.5227.5170.7856.7224.938.533280.5280.5207.5772.9326 4.933161.7161.7140.2521.4513.27 3.2632104.4104.478.3726.0324.93 10.931337.9337.9253.5784.3324.96 3.9231121.4121.491.0530.3525 7.9531246.4246.4184.861.625 16.6430499.2499.2399.3699.8420 4.0829118.2118.288.6529.5525 6.0329175175131.2543.7525 6.529188.5188.5141.4847.0224.94 9.828274.4274.4205.868.625 5.928165.2165.2124.0241.1824.93527135135104.4930.5122.6 6.125152.4152.4114.338.125 4.725117.5117.588.1729.3324.96 3.7524909067.5422.4624.96 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15.6693.693.669.2624.3426 6.9534.534.525.558.9525.94125606046.813.222 8.854444341022.73 5.25262619.24 6.7626 2.9514.514.510.9 3.624.83 15.9579.579.559.6519.8524.97 10.9554.554.540.3514.1525.965.3421.221.215.92 5.2824.916.54262619.51 6.4924.96 2.349.29.2 6.8 2.426.09 5.6422.422.416.56 5.8426.07 8.9435.635.626.728.8824.94 13.9455.655.641.1614.4425.97 6.9427.627.620.427.1826.01 9.9439.639.629.729.8824.95 7.9431.631.623.727.8824.94 4.6313.813.810.2 3.626.098.5325.525.519.32 6.1824.24 6.9320.720.715.33 5.3725.94 9.8329.429.422.057.3525 7.9323.723.717.79 5.9124.94 9.9329.729.722.8 6.923.23 7.23321.721.716.07 5.6325.94 6.6319.819.814.64 5.1626.065.4210.810.88 2.825.93 2.42 4.8 4.8 3.56 1.2425.836.9213.813.810.22 3.5825.947.9215.815.811.7 4.125.95 6.9213.813.810.22 3.5825.94 14.9229.829.822.067.7425.97 6.5213139.76 3.2424.92 6.41 6.4 6.4 4.74 1.6625.94 2.31 2.3 2.3 1.70.626.09 5.71 5.7 5.7 4.22 1.4825.96 4.31 4.3 4.3 3.18 1.1226.05 4.91 4.9 4.9 3.63 1.2725.92 8.818.88.8 6.51 2.2926.02 15.9115.915.911.77 4.1325.97 8.918.98.9 6.59 2.3125.96。
市单位名称济南方圆食品有限公司济南济南市华新养殖有限公司济南家禽业协会生态农业研发基地青岛恒生源食品有限公司青岛正大有限公司青岛仁华生猪养殖专业合作社青岛新雅农业发展有限公司青岛鑫盛联食品有限公司青岛达生泽六畜牧公司青岛高益食品有限公司青岛琴鑫肉牛养殖加工有限公司青岛康大食品有限公司青岛九联集团股份有限公司青岛万福集团股份有限公司康维肉食品配送中心桓台县海王农牧科技有限公司桓台县新盛食品有限公司淄博裕鑫养殖有限公司山东海达食品有限公司泉港鸭业有限公司胜达鸭业有限公司山东龙大食品有限公司淄博地区总代博山池上天海金养殖场淄博高发保鲜食品有限公司淄博豪艺养猪场苏孔奶牛合作社淄博惠生奶牛养殖专业合作社周村东铭养殖场山东布莱凯特牧业科技有限公司淄博通威食品有限公司高青县龙大畜禽有限公司山东大地肉牛清真食品有限公司枣庄市华宝牧业开发有限公司滕州东启肉类加工有限公司胜利油田胜大实业总公司畜牧养殖厂石化胜利石油管理局胜大水产养殖厂东营力大王农畜产有限公司东营市河口区长武生猪养殖有限公司广饶光聚六和食品有限公司枣庄青岛淄博东营东营市博大食品有限责任公司东营利富得食品有限责任公司利津县树林食品加工有限责任公司山东益生种畜禽股份有限公司莱阳田业食品有限公司莱州市成达食品有限公司蓬莱三利食品有限公司山东荣华食品集团有限公司烟台招远市昌远食品有限公司烟台国联食品有限公司山东六和集团有限公司栖霞冷藏厂烟台市芝罘区金马生态农场海阳市坤宇食品有限公司山东省蚕业研究所南院实验场海阳市双城肉类食品有限公司山东泰森新昌食品有限公司昌邑市明诚食品有限公司上海伟国肉鸭产销有限公司潍坊赛樱食品有限公司潍坊富锦食品有限公司昌邑六和康达食品有限公司潍坊环球食品有限公司潍坊金线食品有限公司昌邑市鲁潍惠康食品厂昌邑市好兄弟食品有限公司山东牧院实训中心山东三元乳业有限公司潍坊天合食品有限公司山东省凯加食品股份有限公司山东瑞合食品高密市南洋食品潍坊市金河食品有限公司潍坊市寒亭区八方冷藏厂潍坊市寒亭区汇丰冷藏厂潍坊市寒亭区盛泰冷藏厂山东昱合食品有限公司山东三和食品有限公司山东三江鸭业有限公司山东振荣食品有限公司临朐县中明冷藏厂临朐海源食品有限公司山东坤发肉制品有限公司山东省圣罗捷畜禽产业有限公司临朐县海英食品加工厂临朐县中英禽业有限公司山东澳特莱肉类食品有限公司临朐光亮食品有限公司临朐县亯和食品有限公司临朐鑫英食品有限公司临朐县石门食品有限公司临朐达英食品有限公司临朐县珍苑食品有限公司临朐兴林食品加工厂潍坊临朐辉群鸭业有限公司临朐县泰元食品有限公司临朐县中江食品有限公司临朐丰汇食品有限公司临朐华兴食品有限公司临朐鑫誉食品有限公司临朐县宝泰食品有限公司临朐钿涌食品有限公司临朐昌源食品有限公司临朐广华肉类食品有限公司临朐三才食品有限公司临朐县金玉禽业有限公司临朐春江鸭业有限公司山东吉昌鸭业有限公司临朐县兴成禽业加工厂临朐县华盛食品有限公司寿光市天成鑫利食品有限公司寿光市天成隆利食品有限公司寿光市新城食品有限公司山东天惠食品有限公司寿光市兴辰食品有限公司寿光市马店福利冷藏寿光正方食品有限公司潍坊中粮海慧食品有限公司寿光市鑫隆农牧发展有限公司诸城帝王食品有限公司潍坊华宝食品有限责任公司诸城市万年食品有限公司诸城市和生食品有限公司山东惠发食品有限公司潍坊同路食品有限公司山东亿泰农牧科技发展有限公司青州市亿宝园食品有限公司青州市宏康食品有限公司青州市全成食品有限公司青州市金樱食品有限公司青州市开元食品有限公司青州市华英食品有限公司山东日照山河肉类食品有限公司梁山六和九利食品有限公司梁山六和樱源食品有限公司山东臻嘉食品进出口有限公司济宁大唐百日鸡济宁市嘉鸣养猪场兖州大成食品有限公司兖州市绿源食品有限公司曲阜市恒达食品有限公司曲阜市圣利食品有限公司山东嘉祥种羊场汶上县杭兴良种猪繁育场汶上县种畜场五莲山孚华盈食品有限公司五莲绿野食品有限公司日照市岚山食品公司日照天汇食品有限公司日照六和食品有限公司日照五丰福源食品有限公司日照中粮晨曦企业有限公司山东新昌集团有妈公司日照分公司山东大众食品有限公司临沂六和鲁盛食品有限公司济宁日照日照市茂盛肉类食品有限公司临沂三业成彩运食品有限公司山东太和食品有限公司沂南众诚鸭业有限公司临沂市万香斋食品有限公司山东泉日兴食品有限公司莒南县宇飞食品有限公司文登又一村山庄养殖厂文登市黑猪良种场威海振威畜禽有限公司环翠区宋玉明蛋鸡场夏吉业猪场环翠区迎城猪场环翠区昌盛畜禽养殖场文登市文登营镇广林奶牛养殖场文登市金禾牧业良种场文登市天牧畜禽良种场文登市广垒蛋鸡养殖专业合作社山东德正乳业有限公司威海家家悦生鲜加工配送有限公司文登市健悦肉食品有限公司山东禹城凤祥鸡业有限公司禹城市安氏乐业食品有限公司禹城市永和食品有限公司临邑县福润禽业食品有限公司临邑六合食品有限公司德州金锣肉制品有限公司帄原县中德食品有限公司帄原县翔源乳鸽食品厂德州扒鸡集团华一冷藏厂齐河县裕农畜禽养殖有限公司齐河县彼斯壮牧业有限公司齐河县大齐牧业有限公司夏津县睿源种猪场德州市畜牧局种猪繁育有限公司德州六和志康食品有限公司鲁丰木业有限公司宁津瑞丰食品有限公司山东融商食品有限公司临沂威海德州昌宇野猪繁育基地德州经济开发区江盛食品有限公司武城县种猪场山东盛大食品有限公司山东立亯集团有限公司山东省金鑫畜禽有限公司聊城中粮金牌食品有限公司聊城和亯食品有限公司聊城华森清真食品有限公司聊城三和食品有限公司山东莘县龙海天食品有限公司聊城格瑞良种猪场聊城市福润食品有限公司金达养猪场澳士达农牧发展有限公司冠县六和食品有限公司冠县绿丰养殖有限公司维尔康三阳食品有限公司阳谷六和鲁亯食品有限公司山东凤祥—爱迪西股份有限公司阳谷景阳冈良种猪繁育养殖场临清市东盛食品有限公司山东小杨屯鸭业科贸有限公司巨野县联邦肉类有限公司山东汇康食品有限公司菏泽旺达畜禽养殖有限公司菏泽海辰食品有限公司菏泽宏兴原种猪繁育有限公司定陶县国龙食品有限公司山东(定陶)伊欣清真食品有限公司郓城县神舟食品集团有限公司郓城县富仕达食品集团有限公司阳亯亿利源清真肉类有限公司阳亯县华阳清真肉类有限公司阳亯县华翼清真肉类食品厂山东省阳亯华通清真肉类食品有限公山东阳亯县恒益清真肉类有限公司阳亯县鑫源清真肉类有限公司山东省阳亯广富畜产品有限公司阳亯华胜清真肉类有限公司聊城菏泽无棣伊德圆畜牧有限公司无棣县华兴畜牧有限公司山东雅士享肉类食品有限公司滨州六和隆达农牧有限公司惠民县顺风清真肉类制品有限责任公滨州司山东天禧牧业有限公司山东惠民中天食品有限公司邹帄县福康食品有限公司邹帄六和畜牧有限公司邹帄众康食品有限公司山东九九科技食品有限公司山东新雨牧业有限公司博兴新盛食品有限公司山东博大食品有限公司滨州隆泰食品有限公司山东顺源食品有限公司山东天鹏鸭业有限公司经营畜种及畜禽产品范围法人姓名联系方式猪屠宰生猪鸡猪肉产品王树波137********鸡肉产品李瑞寒139********生猪宋仁华139********肉猪、种猪廖良海133********生猪屠宰张永滨136********种猪、商品猪养殖尹衍枢137********禽产品刘春光138********高档牛肉贾星辰136********鸡、兔;屠宰养殖高岩绪肉鸡、鸡苗、畜禽宰杀鸡肉、冷冻冰鲜鸡产王振江138********猪、牛、鸡产品史福良137********猪产品李本堂139********肉鸡田家庚138********肉鸡产品韩泉光0533-*******父母代种猪、育肥猪刘长玉135********肉兔养殖、加工张新岭138********肉鸭屠宰、加工陈明杰139********肉鸭屠宰、加工徐希明133********龙大冷鲜肉鹿传友137********海兰褐鸡聂忠瑜136********生猪产品李高发131********猪闫兆云135********奶牛、牛奶盛业和139********奶牛、牛奶杒荣振139********肉羊、肉牛周德才139********肉牛、奶牛董雅娟0533-*******禽产品管亚伟6255016(传真)禽产品杨波139********肉牛成德英134********禽肉加工王科忠135********祝义材0632-5881589生猪产品、肉类制品陈福喜135********奶牛、鲜奶付守华135********生猪江正川138********生猪白长武159********屠宰加工鸭产品郭光聚136********冻鸡产品韩安正133********鸭产品邢烽139********牛羊肉食品加工、销售贾树林137********种鸡、种牛、种猪曹积生139********肉鸡产品加工孙凤升134********禽产品王德宽133********冻鸡系列产品、邱兆福0535-*******商品鸡苗138********肉食鸡系列产品孙树君138********鸡产品王喜东131********生猪屠宰、加工王秀荣139********肉食鸡产品分割孙承荣138********生猪养殖马学林138********猪产品张玉坤137********雏鸡杨文吉138********猪产品修建龙139********冷冻分割鸡鸭产品及熟制品大米鸡产品、鸭产品明洪冰158********肉禽产品李清芝137********肉禽产品宋文华137********肉禽产品徐玉臻139********肉禽产品赵景全158********鸡鸭产品吕亮亮158********鸡鸭产品刘永礼139********肉禽产品、腌制产品耿元利138********禽产品王春华139********奶牛养殖、生鲜乳销售范光勤138********牛奶加工、销售姜林肉鸭屠宰,产品加工、销售张琼肉鸡屠宰及鸡产品加工冷藏安丰君137********鸡、鸭屠宰、冷藏孙乾祥139********肉鸡屠宰及鸡产品加工冷藏田有有肉鸭加工、产品销售金海东136********肉鸭加工、产品销售朱秀建137********肉鸭加工、产品销售张立涛135********肉鸭加工、产品销售李延国138********肉鸡加工、产品销售郑清明139********鸭产品李 英130********鸭产品王德俊138********鸭产品贺德荣138********鸭产品刘兴俭138********鸭产品王春明133********鸭产品冯兴武139********鸭产品张照海133********鹅产品倪晓帄135********鸭产品张洪俭139********鸭产品张玉春137********猪产品王卫东3396662鸭产品李光亮139********鸭产品张训良139********鸭产品衣明安139********鸭产品尹建明138********鸭产品章玉恒138********鸭产品李宪芳138********鸭产品张瑞林133********鸭产品魏守群133********鸭产品张呈元135********鸭产品史会帄139********鸭产品刘建军137********鸭产品吴绳通135********鹅产品迟学庆136********鸭产品史学让139********鸭产品王永利137********鸭产品魏 昌133********猪产品李炳华137********鸭产品张 敏137********鸭产品冯利民136********鸭产品马春堂135********鸭产品冯吉昌136********鸭产品张成山137********鸭产品付佩俊139********禽产品付永金138********禽产品郭洪谦139********禽产品刘明文135********禽产品肖士朋138********禽产品张瑞凤134********禽产品张金荣150********禽产品梁明金139********禽产品赵杰135********活禽张乐亭135********生猪屠宰、销售鞠修喜生猪、奶牛饲养马传华生猪张锬137********生猪肉分割品、猪副产品等孙夕华139********美国AA加肉鸡;屠宰肉鸡饲养、屠宰加工及经销王艳137********鸡、牛、羊、猪等肉类加工惠增玉133********猪产品李淑琴137********饲料及生猪饲养杨金相137********鸭产品陈世奎3831023鸭产品刘元新3837444鸭产品邢发永136********鸭产品刘家国3871098鸭产品刘承永3873588鸭产品李九光133********牛羊屠宰及产品的销售程海英137********鸭的饲养屠宰加工销售矫健7739027鸡的屠宰分割加工及销售赵景全7523966牛羊的屠宰加工及产品销售潘世殿139********百日鸡张 浩135********生猪王东领135********鸡产品李镒銘139********鸭产品张丛祥139********生猪屠宰、肉类销售孔祥明158********生猪屠宰、肉类销售纪连国137********小尾寒羊(种羊)张新勇133********大约克、杒洛克、长白猪刘清虎0537---7208288汶上芦花鸡张延鸽137********禽类产品朱宗英0633-5213395生猪产品冯 健0633-6153766139633052930633-3603858生猪屠宰杨少华137********肉鸡刘均斌0633-7773777肉鸭赵景全0633-6236888生猪刘永0633-6713888肉鸡尹岩0633-6790102肉鸡庄云柱0633-3952666鸡产品郁景亮135********鸡产品叶军5398083819猪产品徐伟5398389698孙茂廷生猪屠宰、猪肉产品加工猪鸡兔产品徐贵华139********鸭产品吴绳通5397115082猪产品张孟忠5393221989鸭产品贺可斌5393239777鸭产品王发年5393511889鸭产品林化举5393370738猪产品吴维忠3597770666鸡产品韩磊137********生猪养殖邢强138********烟台黑猪曲宏宇134********蛋鸡王术壮133********蛋鸡宋玉明134********生猪夏吉业139********种猪生猪丛政滋136********蛋鸡殷炳清138********奶牛肉牛林波133********蛋鸡汤华忠137********蛋鸡于新跃139********蛋鸡谭新广139********乳品加工厂宫照欣139********畜产品加工王培桓0631-8896998生猪屠宰侯成山0631-8890111禽类加工、经营刘学景135********禽类加工、经营安兴雷133********禽类加工、经营安树勇138********肉鸡加工、经营祝义才151********肉鸭加工、经营许怀起136********生猪屠宰、经营明金星139********畜产品加工、经营邢明庆131********乳鸽、鸡、兔加工、经营邹衍林135********畜产品加工、经营马锡林150********生猪养殖李玉民156********生猪养殖周希春139********禽类、羊加工经营王义153********生猪养殖李英顺139********生猪养殖父士盈150********肉鸭屠宰、经营牟炳坤158********肉牛屠宰、经营李万帄137********生猪养殖、屠宰加工、经营柴来云139********肉鸡加工、经营康书强150********生猪屠宰、加工、经营游牧0534-*******野猪养殖韩光亮132********扒鸡加工、销售刘全胜133********生猪养殖张德勇130********鸡产品王其亮153********鸡鸭产品孙正增133********鸡鸭产品蒋士策138********鸡产品尹 岩133********鸡产品赵玉国159********鸡产品左立森133********鸡产品陈生华139********鸡产品刘 波134********猪张高丞138********鸡产品祝义材151********生猪侯志友138********牛肉、兔肉郭长明136********禽肉制品加工及销售刘龙海151********种猪商品猪养殖销售李 飞139********生猪屠宰加工常来财0635—6737188鸡鸭屠宰汤洪斌0635—6992960肉鸡屠宰加工谭承哲0635—6772369猪养殖孟现壮135********鸡鸭养殖、加工、销售李成森138********填鸭饲养、加工、销售张国忠0635—4532071牛、羊、鸡、鸭屠宰加工李言振139********猪、牛、羊、鸡屠宰加工张洪印133********生猪宋聚新135********牛肉李学全159********良种猪、育肥猪销售郝有彪138********鸡、鸭产品销售刘清运138********牛、羊肉加工销售马先明134********牛羊肉、禽肉张勤成139********牛羊肉、禽肉杨帄139********杨立刚133********杨晓锐138********马文森139********冯可通139********张新标138********杨立辉138********杨广富135********冯元度135********陶 煦0543-6342222张跃亯135********杨占岗136********张洪龙139********矫健135********张彦琪139********胡振新139********韩 磊158********孙永刚131********谢树俊135********王 漪137********崔 勇138********郭 勇136********韩百淮134********韩立强135********韩百顺150********韩 蓬189********泥曰明135********。
JUMO eTRON M 100温度控制器说明书
Page 1/6JUMO GmbH & Co. KGDelivery address:Mackenrodtstraße 14,36039 Fulda, GermanyPostal address:36035 Fulda, Germany Phone:+49 661 6003-0Fax:+49 661 6003-607e-mail:*************Internet: JUMO Instrument Co. Ltd.JUMO HouseTemple Bank, RiverwayHarlow, Essex CM 20 2TT, UK Phone:+44 1279 635533Fax:+44 1279 635262e-mail:*************.uk Internet: JUMO Process Control, Inc.8 Technology Boulevard Canastota, NY 13031, USA Phone:315-697-JUMO1-800-554-JUMOFax:315-697-5867e-mail:************Internet:Block diagramSpecial featuresk Choice of “electrical” or“hot gas” defrosting process k 16A relay for cooling unit and 8A relay for defrosting and fan functions k 2 analog inputs for RTDs,KTY1X-6 or KTY2X-6in 2-wire circuitk Customized linearization is programmable through the setup program k Operating hours counter with integrated service counter k Alarm generation via relay or buzzer k Available with real-time clock, data logger, and RS485 interface k The data logger records the measurement inputs and switching states of all relays. This makes it possible to implement HACCP monitoring of the cold chain. k Up to 8 parameters can be enabled individually for the operating level k The parameter level is protected by a code, thus preventing any unauthorized access to the instrument data.k Meets the requirements as per EN 12830 and EN 13485k Setup program for instrument configuration andevaluation of the data loggerJUMO eTRON M100Electronic Refrigeration Controller76mm x 36mm formatBrief descriptionfreezer cabinets or cold displays, for connection to RTD probes Pt100, Pt1000, KTY1X-6 or KTY2X-6. The first measurement input is used to acquire the temperature of the cold store. The second measurement input acquires the evaporator temperature, and ends the defrosting process as soon as the limit for defrosting has been reached.The measurements and parameters are shown in a 3-character backlit display.Three relays are available for the cooling unit, the defrosting heating, and the fan.Alarms can optionally be generated via a relay or by means of the integrated buzzer.The switching states of the relays are indicated via yellow LEDs. Further options include a data logger with an adjustable recording interval for HACCP-compliant documentation 1, an RS485interface, and a real-time clock. The electrical connection is made via screw terminals. Four keys serve for instrument operation and parameterization.A setup program and a PC interface are available as accessories, for easy parameterization from the PC, and for evaluating the data logger.Type 701061/...HACCP : H azard A nalysis and C ritical C ontrol P ointApprovalsDisplays and controlsTechnical dataAnalog inputsEnvironmental influencesOutputLED below the symbols A PC interface and an adapter (4-pole socket) are used to connect the instrument to a PC.Ambient temperature range 0to 55°C Storage temperature range -40to +70°CClimatic conditions ≤85% rel. humidity, no condensationShock und vibration DIN EN 60068-2-6 schedule C.2, Frequency-Range: 10 to 55 HzAcceleration: 20 m/s 2 (2g)Care of the front panelThe front panel can be cleaned with normal commercial washing, rinsing and cleaning agents.Do not use any solvents such as methylated spirits, white spirit, P1 or xylol !Relay for cooling, changeover (SPDT)Relay for alarm, changeover (SPDT)70 000 operations at 16A, 250V AC, 50Hz resistive load 60.000 operations at 16A, 250V AC, 50Hz cos phi > 0,6Relay for defrosting, make (SPST -NO)Relay for fan, make (SPST -NO)100 000 operations at 8A, 250V AC, 50Hz resistive load 85.000 operations at 8A, 250V AC, 50Hz cos phi > 0,6RS485 interfaceSupply voltageHousingElectrical dataApproval/MarksMaximum baud rate38.4kbaud Maximum transmission length <1200m Maximum number of stations 32PriorityThe RS485 must not be used while the setup interface is in operation !Supply voltage 12—24V AC/DC +15/-15%, 48 — 63Hz (for operation with SELV circuits only !)(not electrically isolated from the analog inputs)Power consumption< 3WMaterial polycarbonate, silver gray RAL 7001Mountingin panel cut-out, with bezel sealOperating position unrestricted Weightapprox. 160g Enclosure protection to EN 60529,IEC 529IP65 front, IP20 rearFlammability classUL 94 V0Data backupThe data sets of the data logger are saved to a flash memory.The adjustable parameters are stored in EEPROM.Data are preserved after a power interruption.Data logger:Recording duration depending from Recording interval (Parameter rEC)Connection circuitscrew terminals for wire cross-sections up to 4 mm 2, solid wire,up to 2.5 mm 2, stranded wireElectromagnetic compatibility interference emission interference immunity Product family standard: EN 61326Class Bto industrial requirementsOperating conditions The instrument is designed as a panel-mounting unit.Electrical safetyEN 60730, Part 1, overvoltage category III, pollution degree 2Accuracy of the real-time clock,bufferingat 25°C: +15/- 15 sec per month, temperature effect: - 0.35 ppm/10°Cwithin the ambient temperature range: +60/- 60 sec per monthGold Cap capacitor buffers the clock time unpowered for about 20 days.Technical and functional characteristics of temperature recording devices or thermometersas per EN 12830 and EN 13485Abbreviation Inspection authority valid forULUnderwriters Laboratoriesonly valid for mass-production units with the JUMO symbolrEC Recording duration 1 min 7 days 19 hours5 min 39 days (1 month, 9 days)15 min 117 days (4 month)60 min 469 days (1year 3 months)120 min938 days (2 years 6 months)Connection diagramDimensionsType 701061/...Controller functionsCooling, defrosting and fan functionsSpecial function: cooling and heating with fan relay2 Pt100 push-in probes (extra code 236)Standard accessories- 1 Operating Manual - 1 spring clip and bezel sealAccessories - Price Sheet 70.9770Sales No.Setup program, multilingual70/00485306PC interface with USB/TTL converter, adapter (socket) and adapter (plug)70/00456352PC interface TTL /RS232 converter and adapter (socket)70/00350260Accessories - Price Sheet 70.9710Sales No.Adapter frame for mounting on DIN rail70/00483019Order details(1)Basic version701061JUMO eTRON M100with 2 measurement inputs and 3 relay outputs(2)Basic type extensions x 8factory-set, configurablex 9configuration to customer specification Option 1x 0not available x 1buzzerx 2alarm contact, changeover (SPDT) contact 16A/250V Option 2x 0not available x 1RS485 interfacex 2data logger, real-time clock, and RS485 interface (3)Supply voltagex 3212—24V AC/DC +15/-15 %, 48—63Hz (4)Extra codesx 000no Pt100 push-in probe x2362 Pt100 push-in probes(diameter: 6mm, fitting length: 50mm, connecting cable: 1500mm)(1)(2)(3)(4)Order code /-/Order example701061/800-32/000。
Product featuresAgency information•UL Listed, Guide JDYX, File E19180•UL Recognition Card (4 A), Guide JDYX2, File E19180•CSA Certified, Class 1422-01, File 53787•PSE/JET, File 1641-31003-1001Ordering••Specify product code: Insert packaging code prefix before part number. E.g. BK -GMD-250-RSpecify option code if desired: For axial leads, insert “V” between catalog series and amp rating. E.g. BK -GMD-V-250-R•With TR2 packaging code, lead wire length is 19.05mmG M D5 mm x 20 mm Time-delay glass tube fuses•Time-delay, low breaking capacity •Optional axial leads available 5 x 20 mm physical size•Nickel-plated brass endcap construction •Designed to UL/CSA 248-14•Speci cationsVoltage Interrupting rating (A ) rating at r ated v oltage (50 Hz)Vac 250 Vac 125 Vac Typical DCTypical Typical Agency a pprovalsPart number c old r esistancem elting I 2t v oltage UL PSE CSA (A 2s )†d rop (mV)‡JETGMD-125-R 2503510,0009.910.0431800X X GMD-150-R 2503510,000 6.0650.0461200X X GMD-200-R 2503510,000 3.2150.201100X X GMD-250-R 2503510,000 2.4000.40950X X GMD-300-R 2503510,000 1.6250.65800X X GMD-315-R 2503510,000 1.5550.89750X X GMD-375-R 2503510,000 1.06450.89650X X GMD-400-R 2503510,0000.948 1.2600X X GMD-500-R 2503510,0000.629 1.4550X X GMD-600-R 2503510,0000.4425 3.1450X X GMD-630-R 2503510,0000.4475 3.1450X X GMD-750-R 2503510,0000.3065 4.7410X X GMD-800-R 2503510,0000.299 6.6380X X GMD-1-R 2503510,0000.199512310X X X GMD-1.2-R 25010010,0000.15816280X X X GMD-1.25-R 25010010,0000.12416245X X X GMD-1.5-R 25010010,0000.10725240X X X GMD-1.6-R 25010010,0000.90527220X X X GMD-2-R 25010010,0000.65542200X X X GMD-2.5-R 25010010,0000.4894195X X X GMD-3-R 25010010,0000.37145190X X XGMD-4-R25020010,0000.28300190URX*Interrupting ratings (Interrupting ratings for 125mA - 3A were measured at 70% - 80% power factor on AC. The interrupting ratings for 4A were measured at 100% power factor on AC)** Typical DC c old r esistance (measured at <10% of rated current)† Typical m elting I t (I t was measured at listed interrupting rating and rated voltage)‡ Typical v oltage d rop (voltage drop was measured at +20 °C ambient temperature at rated current)(Ω)**X© 2020 EatonAll Rights Reserved Printed in USAPublication No. 2019 April 2020Life Support Policy: Eaton does not authorize the use of any of its products for use in life support devices or systems without the express written approval of an officer of the Company. Life support systems are devices which support or sustain life, and whose failure to perform, when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling, can be reasonably expected to result in significant injury to the user.Eaton reserves the right, without notice, to change design or construction of any products and to discontinue or limit distribution of any products. Eaton also reserves the right to change or update, without notice, any technical information contained in this bulletin.EatonElectronics Division 1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122United StatesE /electronics GMD5 mm x 20 mm Time-delay glass tube fusesTechnical Data 2019Effective April 2020(0.5)5.2mm (+0.1/-0.2)(±(REF)(Dimensions - mmTime-Current CurvePackaging c odePackaging p ref i xDescriptionBK 100 fuses packed into a cardboard carton BK11,000 fuses packed into a poly bagTR21,500 fuses packed into tape on a reel (19.05mm lead wire length)Option c odeOption c odeDescriptionV Axial leads - copper tinned wire with nickel plated brass endcapsEaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.Follow us on social media to get the latest product and support information.。
Open Style Switches (less enclosure) - 3 Phase and Single Phase DevicesFigure 1Renewal Parts for Figure 1 (catalog number 609-AOW series F is illustrated )609 = pushbutton operator 609T = toggle lever operatorThree Phase DevicesCatalog Number of Complete Device Catalog Number of Complete Device609(T)-AOW (Series E-F) 609(T)-BOW Series E-F) 609(T)-AOW (Series G)609(T)-BOW (Series G)Renewal Part Description (not all parts are illustrated in Figure 1) Renewal Part NumbersRenewal Part NumbersBase Assembly ! X-382547 X-382551 Not Available Not AvailableTerminal Clamp Assembly X-225492 X-225492 X-225492 X-225492Overload Spindle " Not Available Not Available Not Used Not UsedMovable Contact Carrier Assembly # X-331099 X-331096 X-331099 X-331096Complete Contact Kit $ Z-31911 Z-31913 Z-31911 Z-31913 Operator Assembly: Pushbutton Type X-471623 X-471623 X-471623 X-471623Operator Assembly: Toggle Lever Type X-471625 X-471625 X-471625 X-471625Single Phase DevicesCatalog Number of Complete DeviceCatalog Number of Complete DeviceRenewal Part Description (not all parts are illustrated in Figure 1) 609(T)-AOX (Series E) 609(T)-BOX (Series E) 609(T)-XOX (Series E) 609(T)-AOX (Series F) 609(T)-BOX (Series F)609(T)-XOX (Series F)Base Assembly ! X-382546 X-382550 X-382554 Not Available Not AvailableNot AvailableTerminal Clamp Assembly X-225492 X-225492 X-225492 X-225492 X-225492 X-225492 Overload Spindle " Not Available Not AvailableNot Available Not Used Not Used Not UsedMovable Contact Carrier Assembly # X-331099 X-331096 X-331096 X-331099 X-331096 X-331096Complete Contact Kit $ Z-31910 Z-31912 Z-31914 Z-31910 Z-31912 Z-31914 Operator Assembly: Pushbutton Type X-471623 X-471623 X-471623 X-471623 X-471623 X-471623 Operator Assembly: Toggle Lever Type X-471625 X-471625 X-471625 X-471625 X-471625 X-471625 ! Base assembly does not include spindles or contacts." Overload spindle not used in all series letters.# Movable contact carrier assembly does not include movable contacts and springs.$ Includes stationary, movable contacts and springs for entire device.Enclosed NEMA Type 1 Bulletin 609 & 609T Manual Starting Switches - 3 Phase and Single Phase DevicesManual Starting Switch – 609-AOWEnclosure Only for 609-AAW (does not include manual starting switch)Renewal Part Number 40189-806-01609 = pushbutton operator 609T = toggle lever operatorCatalog Number of Complete Device Catalog Number of Complete Device609(T)-AAW or 609(T)-BAW 609(T)-AAX or 609(T)-BAX or 609(T)-XAXSeries F-G Series H Series F-G Series H Renewal Part Description Renewal Part Numbers Renewal Part Numbers Enclosure (base and cover assemblies) 40189-806-01 !40189-806-01 40189-806-01 !40189-806-01 Enclosure Base Only Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Enclosure Cover Only Not Available 40189-808-01 Not Available 40189-808-01! This part number is larger than the enclosure used on the original devices.Manual Starting Switches (less enclosure)609-AOW 609T-AOW Enclosed Switch Cat. No. Renewal Part Number for Manual Switch less Enclosure609(T)-AAW 609(T)-AOW609(T)-AAX 609(T)-AOX609(T)-BAW 609(T)-BOW609(T)-BAX 609(T)-BOX609(T)-XAX 609(T)-XOXOpen Type Bulletin 609U and 609TU switches can replace the Open Type Bulletin 609 switches in Types 1 and 3R/12Enclosed NEMA 12 Bulletin 609 Manual Starting Switches - 3 Phase and Single Phase DevicesEnclosure Only for 609-AJW (does not include manual starting switch) Renewal Part Number 40189-807-01 Cover Pushbutton Assembly Renewal Part Number 40189-062-51Catalog Number of Complete Device Catalog Number of Complete Device609-AJW or 609-BJW 609-AJX or 609-BJX or 609-XJXSeries E-H Series J-K Series F-H Series J-K Renewal Part Description Renewal Parts Renewal Parts Enclosure (base and cover assemblies) 40189-807-01 !40189-807-01 40189-807-01 !40189-807-01 Enclosure Base Only Not Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Enclosure Cover with Cover Pushbuttons Not Available 40189-809-01 Not Available 40189-809-01 Cover Pushbutton Assembly Only 40189-062-51 40189-062-51 40189-062-51 40189-062-51! This part number is larger than the enclosure used on the original devices.Manual Starting Switch (less enclosure)Enclosed Switch Cat. No. Renewal Part Number for Manual Switch less Enclosure609-AJW 609-AOW609-AJX 609-AOX609-BJW 609-BOW609-BJX 609-BOX609-XJX 609-XOXOpen Type Bulletin 609U and 609TU switches can replace the Open Type Bulletin 609 switches in Types 1 and 3R/12 enclosures of the latest construction without any field modification of the enclosure.Enclosed NEMA 4X Bulletin 609 Manual Starting Switches - 3 Phase and Single Phase DevicesEnclosure Only for Bulletin 609 Type 4-4X(renewal part does not include the switch)Renewal Part Number 40189-803-01 Cover Operating Mechanism Renewal Part Number 40189-810-01 Conduit Hub 1490-N9 Grounding Adapter 1490-N20Catalog Number of Device (3 phase) Catalog Number of Complete Device (1 Ph)609-ACW (Sz 0) or 609-BCW (Sz 1) 609-ACX (Sz 0),609-BCX (Sz 1), 609-XCX (Sz 1P)Series G-J Series K Series F-H Series J Renewal Part DescriptionRenewal Part NumbersRenewal Part Numbers Enclosure (base and cover assemblies)40189-802-01 ! 40189-802-01 40189-802-01 ! 40189-802-01 Enclosure Base OnlyNot Available Not Available Not Available Not Available Encl. Cover w/ Cover Operating Mech – Sz 0X-474310 609-ACW-COV Encl. Cover w/ Cover Operating Mech - Sz 1X-474310 609-BCW-COV X-474310 (for sizes 0, 1, 1P) 609-ACX-COV (for sizes 0, 1, 1P) Operating Mechanism used in Cover40189-805-01 40189-803-01 40189-805-01 40189-803-01 Grounding Adapter in Base1490-N20 1490-N20 1490-N20 1490-N20 Conduit Hub in Base1490-N9 1490-N9 1490-N9 1490-N9! This part number is larger than the enclosure used on the original devices.Manual Starting Switch (less enclosure)Enclosed Switch Cat. No. Renewal Part Number for Manual Switch less Enclosure609-ACW 609T-AOW609-ACX 609T-AOX609-BCW 609T-BOW609-BCX 609T-BOX609-XCX 609T-XOXEnclosed NEMA 7&9 and NEMA 3R, 7&9 Bulletin 609 Manual Starting Switches – 3 Phase and Single Phase DevicesEnclosure Only for Bulletin 609 Type 7&9(renewal part does not include switch)Renewal Part Number X-474312 Enclosure Only for Bulletin 609 Type 3R, 7&9 (renewal part does not include the switch) Renewal Part Number 40189-800-01 Cover Operating Mechanism (for type 7&9 and 3R, 7&9 switches) Renewal Part Number 40189-801-01Catalog Number of Complete Device Catalog Number of Complete Device 609-AEW, 609-AEX (Sz 0) or609-BEW, 609-BEX (Sz 1)609-AHW, 609-AHX (for Sz 0) or 609-BHW, 609-BHX (Sz 1) or 609-XEX (Sz 1P) Series F - Hor 609-XHX (for Sz 1P) Series A Renewal Part Description Renewal Part NumbersRenewal Part Numbers Enclosure (includes base and cover assemblies)X-47431240189-800-01 !Enclosure Base Only Not AvailableNot Available Enclosure Cover with Cover Operating Mechanism 609-AEW-COV (for Sz 0)609-BEW-COV (for Sz 1)609-AEX-COV (for Sz 1P)609-BHW-COV (for Sizes 0, 1 and 1P) Operating Mechanism used in Cover 40189-804-0140189-801-01! Does not include drain. Order separately as 1401-N2.Manual Starting Switch (less enclosure)Enclosed Switch Cat. No. Renewal Part Number for Manual Switch less Enclosure609-AEW 609T-AOW609-AHW 609T-AOW609-BEW 609T-BOW609-BHW 609T-BOW609-XEX 609T-XOX609-XHX 609T-XOXImportant User Information Because of the variety of uses for the products described in this publication, those responsible forthe application and use of this control equipment must satisfy themselves that all necessary stepshave been taken to assure that each application and use meets all performance and safetyrequirements, including any applicable laws, regulations, codes and standards.The illustrations, charts, sample programs and layout examples shown in this guide are intendedsolely for purposes of example. Since there are many variables and requirements associated with anyparticular installation, Rockwell Automation does not assume responsibility or liability (to includeintellectual property liability) for actual use based upon the examples shown in this publication.Allen-Bradley publication SGI-1.1, Safety Guidelines for the Application, Installation and Maintenance ofSolid-State Control (available from your local Allen-Bradley office), describes some importantdifferences between solid-state equipment and electromechanical devices that should be taken intoconsideration when applying products such as those described in this publication.Reproduction of the contents of this copyrighted publication, in whole or part, without writtenpermission of Rockwell Automation, is prohibited.Throughout this document we use notes to make you aware of safety considerations:Identifies information about practices or circumstances that can lead topersonal injury or death, property damage or economic lossIdentifies information that is critical for successful application andunderstanding of the product.Use only replacement parts and devices recommended by Rockwell Automation to maintain theintegrity of the equipment. It is the user’s responsibility to ensure that the renewal part numberselected is properly matched to the model, series and revision level of the equipment being serviced.Servicing energized Industrial Control Equipment can be hazardous.Severe injury or death can result from electrical shock, burn, orunintended actuation of controlled equipment. Recommended practiceis to disconnect and lockout control equipment from power sources,and release stored energy, if present.Refer to National Fire Protection Association Standard No. NFPA70E, Part 2 and (asapplicable) OSHA rules for Control of Hazardous Energy Sources (Lockout/Tagout) andOSHA Electrical Safety Related Work Practices for safety related work practices, includingprocedural requirements for lockout/tagout, and appropriate work practices, personnelqualifications and training requirements where it is not feasible to de-energize and lockout or tagoutelectric circuits and equipment before working on or near exposed circuit parts.ROCKWELL DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED INRESPECT TO THE INFORMATION (INCLUDING SOFTWARE) PROVIDED HEREBY,INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE,MERCHANTABILITY, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. Note that certain jurisdictions do notcountenance the exclusion of implied warranties; thus, this disclaimer may not apply to you.Allen-Bradley is a trademark of Rockwell Automation。
As Built
–潔淨室建造完成,生產設備未搬入之狀態 At Rest –潔淨室建造完成,生產設備已搬入但未運轉之狀態 On Operation –潔淨室建造完成,生產設備已搬入且運轉之狀態
測試前空調系統應已完成測試、調整、平衡,並已連續運轉 48小時以上.
帆宣离为1英寸,看是否有探测到多于1 个粒子在来源于同一个地方. 所有已确定或是怀疑的过滤器做一下记录,在补救及整改之 后重新再测一次。当过滤器无法修补或更换,记录下来并反映 重新替换.
方法 參照:NEBB Procedural Standard for Certified Testing of Cleanroom (Chapter 10.) 1.测试之前所有气流平衡已经成功完成. 2.测试开始前空调系统连续运行至少24小时以上. 3.每个温控区测试一个测试点,每个房间至少一个测试点. 4.洁净室测试表格分成不大于9平方米. 5.温度连同湿度传感器置于测试格中央,距地板的1米的位置. 6.如果测试位置有障碍物, 可选择位于阻碍物上的6英尺处, 并避免 洁净室入口位置进行测试 7.每次测量时间为10分钟. 8.采集所有读数并记录.
方法 参照:IES Recommended Practice,IES-RP-CC006.2 Testing Cleanrooms NEBB Procedural Standard for Certified Testing of Cleanroom (Chapter 5.) 1. 每个过滤器分成两个或四个测试格.
Section 6: Parts DataDC50X264310131211216547Cabinet GroupKey Part Number Description Quantity * 9960-285-008Door Assy., Loading Complete-Wht (2)* 9960-285-011Door Assy., Loading Complete-SS (2)* 9960-285-007Door Assy., Loading Complete-Chrome/BLK/SS (2)1 9960-284-002Door Assy., Loading-SS(ring only) (2)1 9960-284-004Door Assy., Loading-Chrome(ring only) (2)2 9982-353-002Plate Assy., Hinge (Wht) No Pin (2)2 9982-353-001Plate Assy., Hinge (SS) No Pin (2)* 9545-012-015Screw, Hinge to Door (8)* 8640-413-002Nut, Hinge to Door (8)3 9212-002-004Glass, Door (2)4 9206-413-002Gasket, Glass Black (2)* 9548-117-000Support, Door Glass (2)5 9206-420-005Gasket, Outer Rim Black (2)6 9244-082-001Handle, Loading Door (2)* 9545-018-017Screw, Handle 1/4-20 x 3/8 (4)* 9531-033-003Stud, Door Catch (2)* 8640-413-001Nut, Hex (2)* 8640-413-003Nut, Acorn (2)* 9086-015-002Catch, Loading Door (2)* 8638-190-009Pop Rivet for mtg. catch (4)* 8641-582-006Lockwasher (4)* 8640-399-001Spring Nut (6)7 9989-521-003Panel Assy., Front- Lower (Wht) (1)7 9989-521-001Panel Assy., Front- Lower (SS) (1)8 9989-517-003Panel Assy., Front- Upper (Wht) (1)8 9989-517-001Panel Assy., Front- Upper (SS) (1)* 9277-054-001Insulation Front Panel, half moon (top) (2)* 9277-054-002Insulation Front Panel, half moon (bottom) (2)9 9545-008-014Screw, FLHDCR, 10B x 1 (14) (6)* 8641-585-001 Lockwasher* 8640-399-001Nut, Spring (12)10 9544-069-002Strap, Hinge (Wht) (2)10 9544-069-005Strap, Hinge (SS/Black) (2)* 9545-012-028Screw, Hinge to Panel (8)11 9545-052-001Screw, Door to Hinge Strap (Special Black Type) (2)12 8641-436-003Washer, Fiber (2)13 9021-041-001Acceptor, Coin (1)* 9486-149-001Retainer, Coin Acceptor (2)14 9545-053-002Screw (4)* 9801-099-001Switch, Optical (1)Cabinet Group ContinuedKey Part Number Description Quantity15 9994-032-001Escutcheon, Upper (1)16 9435-039-002Trim, Overlay-Upper Blue (1)16 9435-039-001 Trim, Overlay-Upper Black (1)17 9994-033-001Escutcheon, Lower (1)18 9435-023-001Trim, Overlay-Lower Blue (1)18 9435-031-001Trim, Overlay-Lower Black (1)* 9545-020-009Screw (20)19 9412-167-002Nameplate Stack Dryer Express Blue (1)19 9412-167-001Nameplate Stack Dryer Express Black (1)20 9866-005-001Lint Drawer Assembly Blue (2)20 9866-005-004Lint Drawer Assembly Black (2)21 9435-024-001Overlay Trim, Lint Drwr-Blue (1)21 9435-032-001Overlay Trim, Lint Drwr-Black (1)* 9532-074-003Felt Seal ( back of lint screen assembly ) (2)* 9805-033-002Lint Screen Assembly ONLY (no front) (2)* 9555-057-008Replaceable Lint Screen Only (2)22 8650-012-004Lock and Key, Lint Drawer (2)* 6292-006-010Key 6101 only (2)* 9095-043-001Cam, Lock (2)* 9545-008-001Lint Screen Strap Hold Down Screws 10Bx 1/4 (32)23 9857-198-001Controls Assy, Blue (1)23 9857-198-003Controls Assy, Black (1)* 9627-869-001Harness, Electronic Control (1)24 8650-012-003Lock and Key, Control (1)* 9095-041-001Cam, Lock (1)* 6292-006-007Key only 6324 (1)* 9627-855-003Harness, Heat Sensor (1)* 8640-276-002Wire Nut Connector Grey (4)25 9501-004-003Sensor Temp Control (2)26 9501-008-001Bracket for Heat Sensor Mounting (Under Basket) w/ sensor..2* 9545-045-005Screw, Round Head (Mounts sensor; phillips head) (2)* 9209-037-002Gromm.et, 3/16 ID (2)* 8544-006-001Leg, Leveling 1/2” (4)* 9074-320-001 Cover, Cabinet (Top) (1)* 9277-041-017 Insulation Cabinet Cover (1)* 9732-276-001Kit for Dryers without Neutral and using 208-240 volt (1)* 9732-102-013LP Kit for 50Lb Stk Dryers (1)* 9732-243-001Stack Dryer Trunion Puller (1)* 9544-041-002 Strap - Bead Tie (1)27 9942-038-005 Vault, Coin Box (1)* 9545-008-024 Screws, Mounting-Coin Vault (2)28 9897-099-002 Coin Box Assy, Large Blue (1)28 9807-099-004 Coin Box Assy, Large Black (1)191526252792531089Control Parts GroupKey Part Number Description Quantity * 9857-198-001Controls Assy, Electronic Mounted With Membrane Switch, BLU (1)* 9857-198-003Controls Assy, Electronic Mounted With Membrane Switch, BLK (1)1 9826-008-001 Trough Assembly (1)2 9032-062-002 Button-Push, Control, Blue (2)2 9032-062-001 Button-Push, Control, Black (2)3 9538-166-011Spacer-Metal, 4mm (4)4 9486-158-001 Retainer-Push Button (2)5 8640-424-002Nut-Hex, Elastic stop, #4-40 (4)6 8652-130-038Terminal-Grounding clip (1)7 9534-365-001Spring-Flat, Control (1)8 9545-008-001Screw-Hex, #10B x 1/4 (2)9 9545-044-010 Screw-Hex, #10B x 1/4 (10)9 8641-582-005Washer-External tooth, #6 (10)10 9435-038-001Overlay-Control, Coin, Black (1)10 9435-038-002Overlay-Control, Coin, Blue (1)11 9021-041-001Acceptor-Coin, Optical (1)* 9486-149-001Retainer, Coin Acceptor (1)12 9545-053-002Screw (4)* 9801-099-001 Optical Sensor, Replacement (1)Note: Jumpers required if using 1.5 Control on Older Machines (P9 Connection)* 8220-155-001 Wire Assy, Jumper, 30Lb Stack Coin (1)* 8220-155-002 Wire Assy, Jumper, 50Lb Stack Coin (1)Door Switch GroupPart NumberDescription Quantity9539-487-001Door Switches (2)Hinge Plate Cover1 9074-340-002 Cover-Hinge, Black .....................................................................22 8636-008-010 Screw-TRHDCR, 10B x 3/8, Black.. (4)12Bearing Housing GroupKey Part Number Description Quantity J1 9241-189-002 Housing, Bearing (2)J2 9036-159-003Bearing, Ball Rear..................................................................... .2 * 9538-183-001 Spacer, Bearing (2)* 9036-159-001Bearing, Ball Front .................................................................... .2 J5 9545-017-017Bolt, 1/2 x 3/4 . (8)J7 8640-417-002Nut, 1/2 (8)* 9803-201-001Bearing Housing Complete Ass’y (includes bearings,spacer) (2)J4 9545-017-018Screw 1/2 x 1 1/2 (4)Burner Housing GroupKey Part Number Description Quantity * 9803-207-001 Housing Assembly, Burner (2)1a 9452-730-001Service Burner Plate Front... (2)1 9452-729-001 Service Plate baffl e Recirculation Chamber Clean Out (2)* 9545-008-006Screws (8)2 9545-008-001Screw (16)18 9003-220-001Angle, Burner Support (2)* 9545-008-006Screw (4)17 9048-020-002Burner, Main (4)* 9545-008-006Screw 10AB x 3/8” (4)* 9454-824-001 Panel, Back Burner Housing (2)4 9545-008-001Screw 10B x1/4” (8)5 9875-002-003Electrode Assy, Ignition (2)19 9545-045-001Screw, Electrode Mtg 8B x 1/4” (4)7 9379-186-001Valve, Gas Shut Off (1)8 9857-134-001Control Assy, Gas (2)9 9381-012-001Manifold, Assy (2)* 9425-069-021Orifi ce, Burner-Natural #27 (4)* 9425-069-022Orifi ce, Burner-LP #44 (4)10 9029-175-001Bracket, Manifold (2)22 8615-104-038Pipe Plug in end of Burner Manifold (2)* 9545-008-006Screw (4)12 9576-203-002Thermostat, Hi-Limit (2)* 9538-142-001Spacer, Hi-Limit (4)* 9545-045-007 Screw 8B x 3/4” (4)13 9074-329-001Cover, Hi-Limit Stat Ignitor (2)* 9545-008-006Screw (6)* 9576-207-008Thermostat, Safety Shutoff (2)* 9545-008-006Screw (4)15 9825-062-001Cover, Safety Stat (2)* 9545-008-024Screw (6)16 9857-116-003Control, Ignition Fenwall (3 trybox) (2)* 9732-102-013Kit, LP Conversion 50Lb Stack Kit (2)* 9838-018-003Welded One Piece Gas Pipe Assembly (1)Part # 8533-085-001 9/14Burner Housing Group Photos10221092221851A141594851613Rear ViewKey Part Number Description Quantity * 9627-861-001Wire Harness Overtemperature Switch/Air Switch (2)* 9801-098-001Switch Assy, Air Flow (2)1 9539-461-009Switch, Air Flow (2)2 9029-200-001 Bracket, Switch- Air Flow (2)3 9008-007-001Actuator, Switch (2)4 9451-169-002Pin, Cotter (2)5 9545-020-001Screw 4-40 x 5/8” (4)* 8640-401-001Nut, Special Twin .#4-40 (2)* 9550-169-003Shield, Switch (2)6 9376-322-001Motor, Drive (2)7 9452-770-001Plate, Motor Mounting (1)* 9545-029-008Bolt 3/8” - 16 x 3/4” (8)* 8641-582-003Lockwash Spring 3/8 (8)8 9545-018-019Screw, Motor Plate to Back Assy. 1/4-20x 2 1/2 (8)* 8641-582-007Lockwasher 1/4 (8)9 9538-163-006Spacr (8)* 8641-581-017Flat Washer 1/4 x 7/8 (24)* 9209-086-002Rubber Grommet (8)* 9538-166-006Grommet Spacers (8)* 9545-028-013Screw, Set (4)10 9962-018-002Back Assy, Blower Hsg (2)11 9991-053-001Support Assy, Intermed. Pulley (2)12 9545-029-010Bolt, Rd Hd 3/8-16 x 1 1/4 (6)12 8640-415-004Nut Flange Wizlock 3/8” - 16 (6)12 8641-581-035Washer, Flat (6)13 9545-029-003Bolt, 3/8-16 x 1 1/2 (2)14 9861-022-001Arm Assy-Tension, Complete (2)* 9487-200-003Ring-Retaining (6)15 9908-048-003Pulley Assy, Intermediate with bronze fl ange bearing (2)* 9036-145-002Bronze Flange Bearing (4)16 9908-047-002Pulley Driven Tumbler (2)17 9040-076-009Belt, Drive Motor (2)18 9040-073-011Belt, Driven Intermediate to Tumbler (2)19 9534-151-000Spring, Tension (2)20 9099-012-005Chain, Tension (2)21 9248-022-002Hook, Tension (2)* 9451-146-001Pin, Damper Hinge (2)* 9074-334-001 Cover Duct Upper (1)22 9973-032-001 Heat Recirculation Assembly Duct (2)* 9453-169-013Motor Pulley - Driver (1)* 9545-028-013Set Screws (2) (2)* 9278-043-001Impeller23 8641-581-026Washer, Flat 1/2” for Tumbler Pulley (2)24 9545-017-009Bolt, 1/2”-13 x 1 1/4 (2)25 8641-582-016Washer, Star 1/2” for Tumbler Pulley (2)* 9545-008-001Screw 10 Bx 1/4” (6)* 9545-014-004Bolt, 5/16-18 x 5/8” (8) (8)5/16-18* 8640-400-003Nut,* 9538-184-001Spacer, Shaft (2)* 9487-234-005Ring Tolerance (2)* 9125-007-001Damper Inside Duct Exhaust (2)* 9125-007-002Damper Inside Duct Exhaust (1)* 8520-141-000Nut, Spring (4)* 9074-335-001Cover Duct Lower (1)* 9545-008-024Screw 10ABx 3/8” (72)* 9029-173-001Bracket for Wire Harness Under Burner Housing (2)Part # 8533-085-001 9/14Part # 8533-085-001 9/14Rear View Photos1264722Rear Panel & Cover GroupKey Part Number Description Quantity19208-090-001Rear Guard Side Panel 1 (2)4 9545-008-024Screws 10 AB x 3/8 (30)5 8502-649-001Label - Connection Electrical (1)8 9208-089-001Rear Guard Back Panel (2)10 8502-600-001Label Warning & Notice (1)11 8502-645-001Label - Instructions (1)12 9109-113-001Transition Assembly Outlet (1)13 9074-320-001 Top Cover Dryer Panel (1)14 9550-188-001 Top Burner Housing Heat Shield Inlet (1)15 9074-321-001 Top Panel Burner Housing Cover (1)Part # 8533-085-001 9/141851113121514Tumbler GroupKey Part Number Description Quantity 9848-131-001Tumbler Assembly Galvanized w/spider (2)G2 9568-013-001Spider Assembly (2)G3 9497-226-002Rod, Tumbler (6)G4 8640-417-005Nut, 1/2 - 13 (6)G6 8641-590-002Washer, Special (6).............................................................................AR G7 9552-013-000Shim* 9848-130-002Tumbler Assembly Stainless Steel (2)G1 9848-130-001Tumber Assembly Galvanized (2)Part # 8533-085-001 9/14Control Assembly GroupKey Part Number DescriptionQuantity* 9857-189-001 Control Assmbly Complete (all below included) .............................1* 9108-117-001 Control Box Cover ..................................................................... 1* 8220-001-478 Wire Assembly Green 7” ............................................................ 1* 8639-621-007 Screw #10-32 x 12 Green ............................................................1* 8641-582-006 Lockwasher Ext Tooth #10 ..........................................................13 9897-026-002 Terminal Block Main Power Middle ...............................................14 9897-026-001 Terminal Block ............................................................................2* 9545-045-012 Screw #8 ABx 1/2 for terminal block ............................................6 5 8711-011-001 Transformer Ignition ...................................................................2* 9545-008-024 Screws 10AB x 3/8” ...................................................................46 9982-348-001 Plate Assembly MTG Ignition Control............................................2* 9545-008-024 Screws 10B x 1/4” MTG Above Plate and Others ...........................47 9857-116-003 Ignition Control ..........................................................................2* 8640-411-003 #6-32 Nuts ................................................................................48 9631-403-009 Wire Assembly High Voltage Upper ..............................................19 9627-860-001 Wire Harness Ignition Control Upper ............................................110 9627-860-002 Wire Harness Ignition Control Lower ............................................1* 9053-067-002 Bushing Wire 7/8” .......................................................................413 9200-001-002 Fuseholder Assembly ..................................................................314 8636-018-001 Fuse 1.5 Amp .............................................................................315 5192-299-001 Relay Power ...............................................................................216 9897-035-001 Terminal Block Assembly Main Power Inlet ...................................1* 9545-008-024 Screw #8 AB x 1/2” ....................................................................2* 8220-062-036 Wire Assembly Red/Black 14” ......................................................1* 8220-062-037 Wire Assembly Red/White 14” .....................................................1* 8220-062-038 Wire Assembly White 14” ............................................................221 9627-864-004 Wire Harness Motor Extension .....................................................2* 9527-007-001 Stand Off - Wire Saddle / Arrowhead ..........................................13* 9545-031-005 Screw 6 B x 3/8” ........................................................................422 9558-029-003 Strip Terminal Marker (Behind Input Power) ..................................124 9627-863-001 Wire Harness Main Extension Access Under Burner Housing .........123 9631-403-008 Wire Ass’y - High Voltage Lower ..................................................125 9627-859-001 Wire Harness - Main Power (1)Part # 8533-085-001 9/14Control Assembly GroupPart # 8533-085-001 9/1416252223245Coin AccecptorKey Part Number Description Quantity1 9021-041-001Coin Accecptor, Optical (1)Replacement (1)2 9801-099-001Sensor-Optical,3 9545-039-002Screw, Heighth Bar, 3mm (2)* 9486-136-001 Retainer, Coin Acceptor (1)* 9545-053-002 Screw (4)Part # 8533-085-001 9/14NotesPart # 8533-085-001 9/14NotesPart # 8533-085-001 9/14Section 7: VoltageConversionPart # 8533-085-001 9/14Part # 8533-085-001 9/14Instructions - Convert a Dual Voltage Stack Dryer from 120V to 208-240V with Neutral Wire Only1. Remove incoming power from the dryer. Use a known working voltmeter to check power.2. Remove the cover of both the upper and lower control box assemblies from the dryer using a 5/16” wrench.3. Move the black/blue wire from the N position of the main power terminal block to the L2 position of the mainpower terminal block in the upper control box assembly. See Figure 6 below.4. Move the white wire of the upper motor harness to an upper inner left terminal in the middle terminal block in thelower control box assembly. See Figure 6 below.5. Move the orange wire of the upper motor harness to an upper inner left terminal in the middle terminal block inthe lower control box assembly. See Figure 6 below.6. Move the white wire of the lower motor harness to a lower inner left terminal in the middle terminal block in thelower control box assembly. See Figure 6 below.7. Move the orange wire of the lower motor harness to a lower inner left terminal in the middle terminal block in thelower control box assembly. See Figure 6 below.8. Reconnect power to the dryer and test to ensure proper operation; one line voltage to L1, one line voltage to L2,the neutral to N, and the earth ground to E.9. Reinstall the cover of both the upper and lower control box assemblies from the dryer using a 5/16” wrench.Part # 8533-085-001 9/14NotesPart # 8533-085-001 9/14Section 9: MaintenancePart # 8533-085-001 9/14MaintenanceDaily1. Clean lint screen by unlocking and sliding out in their tracks for access. Use soft brush ifnecessary. Failure to do so will slow drying and increase gas usage and temperatures through out the dryer.2. Check lint screen for tears. Replace if necessary.Monthly1. Remove lint accumulation from end bells of motor.2. Clean lint from lint screen compartment.3. Remove lint and dirt accumulation from top of the dryer and all areas above, and around theburners and burner housing. Failure to keep this portion of the dryer clean can lead to a buildup of lint creating a fi re hazard.4. Inspect Recirculation burner housing for excessive buildup.5. Place a few drops of light oil on top and bottom pivots of the clothes door hinge.6. Grease bearings and shaft of intermediate drive pulley.Quarterly1. Check belts for looseness, wear or fraying.2. Inspect gasket of door glass for excessive wear.3. Check tightness of all fasteners holding parts to support channel.4. Check tightness of tumbler shaft retaining nut. MUST MAINTAIN 150 FOOT LBS.5. Remove lint accumulation from primary air ports in burners.6. Grease pivot pins and tension arms where in contact with each other.Semiannually1. Remove and clean main burners.2. Remove all orifi ces and examine for dirt and hole obstruction.3. Remove all lint accumulation. Remove front panel, lint screen housing and remove lintaccumulation.Annually1. Check intermediate pulley bearings for wear.2. Check and remove any lint accumulation from exhaust system.NOTE: DRYER MUST NOT BE OPERATED WITHOUT LINT SCREEN IN PLACE。
舒驰方桶 (集装桶)
30舒驰回收服务22|23EuropESCHÜTZ (Benelux) B.V.Westelijke randweg 23NL-4791 rT Klundert电话: (+31) 168-334600传真: (+31) 168-334621SCHÜTZ (uK) Ltd.Claylands Av. Dukeries Ind. Est.GB-Worksop, Notts. S81 7BE电话: (+44) 1909-478863传真: (+44) 1909-478864SCHÜTZ France SASChemin du Buisson GayetF-91460 Marcoussis电话: (+33) 1-69805000传真: (+33) 1-64493044SCHÜTZ Iberica S.L.Autovía A7, km 1148.4poligon Camí Mas de ramonES-43480 Vila-seca (Tarragona)电话: (+34) 902-160693传真: (+34) 902-160692SCHÜTZ (Italia) S.r.l.Via San Zenone, 185IT-25020 Dello (BS)电话: (+39) 030-9771611传真: (+39) 030-9771620SCHÜTZ polska Sp. z o.o.ul. post ępu 21 cpL- 02-676 Warszawa电话: (+48) 22-8463405传真: (+48) 22-8680440SCHÜTZ Nordic ASNorvald Strandsvei 131No-2212 Kongsvinger电话: (+47) 62 822750传真: (+47) 62 822751SCHÜTZ (Ireland) Ltd.Killala Business parkTownamoreKillalaCo. MayoIE - Ireland电话: (+353) 96 330 44传真: (+353) 96 330 45ASIA/pACIFIC 舒驰容器(上海)有限公司 普工路100号 上海化学工业区 中国上海201507电话: (+86) 21-6712 0777 传真: (+86) 21-6712 0355 舒驰容器(天津)有限公司 赛达世纪大道11号 天津西青经济开发区 中国天津 300385 电话: (+86) 22-58 33 51 08 传真: (+86) 22-58 33 51 19SCHÜTZ Container Systems Co. Ltd. 5-1-2 Higashi-Yawata Hiratsuka-shi Jp-Kanagawa prefecture 254-0016 电话: (+81) 463-22-8120 传真: (+81) 463-22-6987 SCHÜTZ DSL Group pty Ltd. Corporate office Australia 146 Cockburn road Au-North Coogee WA 6163 电话: (+61) 8 9336 2688 传真: (+61) 8 9430 5031SCHÜTZ DSL (Australia) pty Ltd. 14 Burr Court Au-Laverton North Vic 3026 电话: (+61) 3 9360 9291 传真: (+61) 3 9360 9735SCHÜTZ DSL (Australia) pty Ltd. Building 4 356 Bilsen road Au-Geebung QLD 4034 电话: (+61) 7 3265 4911 传真: (+61) 7 3265 4355SCHÜTZ (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd pT 27773 Jalan Nilam 3 Nilai utama MY-71800 Nilai Negeri Sembilan 电话: (+60) 6 798 0899 传真: (+60) 6 799 3831Clover Chemical Co., Ltd. 80-6, Soosong-Dong Jongno-Gu, Seoul Korea (110-727) 电话: (+82) 2 735 7575 传真: (+82) 2 739 6198AMErICA Headquarters uSA SCHÜTZ Container Systems, INC. 200 Aspen Hill road uS-North Branch, New Jersey 08876 电话: (+1) 908-526-6161 传真: (+1) 908-526-0550SCHÜTZ Container Systems, INC. 2150 Button Gwinnett Drive uS-Doraville, Georgia 30340 电话: (+1) 770-447-5287 传真: (+1) 770-662-8675SCHÜTZ Container Systems, INC. 2105 South Wilkinson Way uS-perrysburg, ohio 43551 电话: (+1) 419-872-2477 传真: (+1) 419-872-9298SCHÜTZ Container Systems, INC. 5000 underwood uS-pasadena, Texas 77507 电话: (+1) 281-474-5200 传真: (+1) 281-474-5240Cardinal Container Services, INC. 138 Walser road uS-Lexington North Carolina 27295 电话: (+1) 336-249-6816 传真: (+1) 336-243-2020SCHÜTZ Container Services plainfield 2375 reeves road uS-plainfield, Indiana 46168 电话: (+1) 317-839-7121 传真: (+1) 317-839-7486SCHÜTZ Container Systems, Inc. 13170 C Marlay Avenue uS-Fontana, California 92337 电话: (+1) 951-360-0260 传真: (+1) 951-360-0489Envases y Laminados, S.A. de C.V. Av. uno No. 12A parque Industrial Cartagena MX-54900 Tultitlan 电话: (+52) 55 5888-0899 传真: (+52) 55 5888-1494Industrias TermoplasticasArgentinas S.A.ruta 5 Km. 75Ar-6706-Jauregui-Buenos Aires电话: (+54) 2323-497-596传真: (+54) 2323-497-844SCHÜTZ VASITEXIndústria de Embalagens Ltda.rua Atecla Fratucelli Lopes, 189Guarulhos – SpBrazil - CEp 07176 - 530电话: (+55) 11-2436-3500传真: (+55) 11-2436-3508AFrICA pArADIGM pACKAGING (pty) Ltd. 6 Edison road Marriann ridge Estate pinetown ZA-3610 Kwa-Zulu Natal 电话: (+27) 31 791 0365 传真: (+27) 31 791 036303.12 | B a u c h & M Ül l e r W e r B e a g e n t u r g M B h | c O r Z I l I u S。
14597T-4 单把脸盆龙头14598T-4 单把碗盆龙头INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 安装说明书Single Lever Lavatory FaucetSingle Lever Lavatory FaucetSERVICE PARTS 零 件 图1303726**Spout Kit 出水口组件(仅用于14598T-4)**订购时请说明颜色编号**Color code must be specified when ordering1222606Aerator 起泡器1222606Aerator 起泡器3006146Key 工具3006146Key 工具1101283Washer 垫片1101283Washer 垫片870533O-Ring O 型圈1099021Bearing 衬套1213241Pulg Button 塞扣1101479Screw 螺钉833438Screw 螺钉834705**Plug 塞扣1213241Pulg Button 塞扣1101479Screw螺钉1243258**Lever Handle Kit 一字型把手组件1243258**Lever Handle Kit 一字型把手组件1099016**Bonnet 阀帽1099015Nut 螺母1086390Valve 阀836549Mounting Hardware 安装组件834754Hose 软管1142103**Click Drain 弹跳式排水组件1102890**Stopper 止水塞1102891Washer 止水垫1102892Piston Kit 活塞组件89098Washer 垫片89098Washer 垫片880096Hose 软管1099027Mounting Hardware 安装组件1303725**Spout Kit 出水口组件(仅用于14597T-4)1099021Bearing 衬套870533O-Ring O 型圈833438Screw 螺钉834705**Plug 塞扣1099016**Bonnet 阀帽1099015Nut螺母1086390Valve 阀适用于所有加工处理过的表面:以中性肥皂水清洗镀层表面,再以干净的软布彻底擦干整个表面,有许多清洁剂,比如氨水、去污粉及洁厕灵等,会对有磨损性的清洁用具或清洁剂也不可使用于科勒牌1237排水本体Drain Body1112。
红色REDTaq DNA多合物说明书
REDTaq® DNA PolymeraseCatalog Number D4309Storage Temperature –20 ︒CTECHNICAL BULLETINProduct DescriptionREDTaq DNA Polymerase is a unique blend of our high quality Taq DNA Polymerase combined with an inert red dye. The dye enables quick visual recognition of reactions to which enzyme has been added, as well as confirmation of complete mixing. The formulation allows aliquots (5-10 μL) from the PCR to be directly loaded onto an agarose gel without addition of electrophoresis loading buffers. The red dye migrates at the same rate as a 125 bp fragment in a 1% agarose gel. Because gel loading buffer is not added to the reaction mix, a sample can be re-amplified, such as in nested PCR.The red dye has no effect on automated or manual DNA sequencing, ligase mediated ligations, or exonucleolytic PCR product digestion. Though exceptions may exist, the dye is generally inert in restriction enzyme digestions. If desired, the dye can be removed from the amplicon using any standard purification method.The enzyme is provided at one unit/μL for more accurate volume measurement and less waste. Reactions using REDTaq DNA Polymerase and its optimized 10⨯ PCR buffer are formulated as any PCR mixtures. There are no additional reaction preparation steps or protocol changes required.Unit Definition: One unit incorporates 10 nmol of total deoxyribonucleoside-triphosphates into acid precipitable DNA in 30 min at 74 ︒C.Reagents Provided∙REDTaq DNA Polymerase, Catalog Number D56841 unit/μL in 20 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0, 100 mM KCl,0.1 mM EDTA, 1 mM DTT, stabilizers, inert dye,50% glycerol. Provided as 50, 250, 1,000 or 2,500 units∙ 10⨯ REDTaq PCR Reaction Buffer, Catalog Number B5926, 100 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.3, 500mM KCl, 11 mM MgCl2 and 0.1% gelatin. Provided as 1 ml package Reagents and equipment required but not provided∙Deoxynucleotide Mix, Catalog Number D729510 mM each dATP, dCTP, dGTP, and TTP∙Water, PCR Reagent, Catalog Number W1754∙Mineral Oil, Catalog Number M8662 (optional)∙ Primers∙DNA to be amplified∙ Dedicated pipettes∙PCR pipette tips∙0.5 ml or 0.2 ml thin-walled PCR tubes, Catalog Numbers P3114 and P3364∙ Thermal cyclerPrecautions and DisclaimerThis product is for R&D use only, not for drug, household, or other uses. Please consult the Material Safety Data Sheet for information regarding hazards and safe handling practices.StorageStore all components at –20 ︒C.ProcedureNote: REDTaq 10⨯ PCR Reaction Buffer has been formulated to be compatible with REDTaq DNA Polymerase. If other buffers are to be used, they must be formulated to account for 0.4 mM magnesium being added to the PCR from the enzyme. In this case the final enzyme concentration in the PCR is assumed to be 0.05 units/μL Other enzyme concentrations may require further magnesium concentration optimization. Optimal concentrations of template DNA, MgCl2, KCl, and PCR adjuncts, as well as pH, are often target specific. It may be necessary to determine the optimal concentration of each component.21. Add the following reagents to a thin-walled 200 μLor 500 μL PCR tube in the order listed below. Amount Component FinalConcentration5 μL 10⨯ REDTaq PCRReaction Buffer1⨯1 μL Deoxynucleotide Mix,D7295 200 μM (each dNTP)- μL Primer 0.1-0.5 μM- μL Primer 0.1-0.5 μM2.5 μL REDTaq DNAPolymerase0.05 unit/μL- μL Template DNA(typically 10 ng)200 pg/μL q.s. Water (Cat. # W1754)50 μL Total volumeNote 1: A master mix is highly recommended when setting up multiple reactions.Note 2:10x REDTaq PCR Reaction Buffer should be vortexed vigorously prior to use.2. Mix gently by vortex and briefly centrifuge tocollect all components to the bottom of the tube.3. Add 50 μL of mineral oil to the top of each tube toprevent evaporation if not using a thermal cyclerwith a heated lid.4. Optimum cycling parameters vary with PCRcomposition (i.e. primer sequences, template,MgCl2 concentration etc.) and thermal cycler. Itmay be necessary to optimize the cyclingparameters to achieve maximum product yieldand/or quality. Typical cycling parameters are:.For cycles 1-30Denaturation 94 ︒C 1 min Annealing 55 ︒C 2 min Extension 72 ︒C 3 min Note: 25-30 cycles of amplification are recommended.5. The amplified DNA can be evaluated by agarosegel electrophoresis by loading 5-10 μL of the PCR reaction onto the gel without the addition of gelloading buffers. Note: A minimum of 1.5 units of REDTaq DNA polymerase must be added per 50 μL reaction for unencumbered gel loading. The red dye migrates as a 125 bp fragment in a 1% agarose gel.If a more intense tracking dye is desired, an unused lane can be used to run any common tracking dye (i.e. as provided by a DNA marker). Alternatively, a tracking solution devoid of DNA can be added to a previously loaded REDTaq PCR product well. Amplification products can be visualized by standard methodologies (e.g. ethidium bromide staining). Mineral oil overlay may be removed by a single chloroform extraction (1:1), recovering the aqueous phase. Alternatively, an aliquot of the aqueous phase can be taken by withdrawing solution from below the aqueousphase/mineral oil interface.Related ProductsReagents and Kits∙Lambda Hind III DNA Marker, Catalog Number D9780∙Enhanced Avian HS RT-PCR kits, Catalog Number HSRT100 (100 reactions). The RT-PCR kit combines twopowerful techniques to convert mRNA into cDNA andsubsequently to amplify the cDNA. The enhanced avianreverse transcriptase has an enhanced ability to transcribe through difficult secondary structure at elevatedtemperatures (up to 65 ︒C). Includes JumpStart AccuTaq™LA for hot-start PCR.Equipment∙PCR Multiwell Plate, 96-well, Catalog No. Z374903∙PCR Multiwell Plate, 384-well, Catalog No. Z374911∙PCR Microtubes, 0.2 ml, attached caps, Catalog No.Z374873∙PCR Microtubes, 0.2 ml strip tubes with strip caps, Catalog No. Z374962∙Sealing accessory for PCR vessels, Micro Mats, Catalog No. Z374938∙PCR Workstation, 120V, Catalog No. Z376213∙PCR Workstation, 240V, Catalog No. Z376221NOTICE TO PURCHASER: LIMITED LICENSEUse of this product is covered by one or more of the following US patents and corresponding patent claims outside the US: US 8,404,464 and US 7,972,828. The purchase of this product includes a limited, non-transferable immunity from suit under the foregoing patent claims.REDTaq is a registered trademark of Sigma-Aldrich Co, LLCGAR,PHC,KNV 10/16-1©2016 Sigma-Aldrich Co. LLC. All rights reserved. SIGMA-ALDRICH is a trademark of Sigma-Aldrich Co. LLC, registered in the US and other countries. Sigma brand products are sold through Sigma-Aldrich, Inc. Purchaser must determine the suitability of the product(s) for their particular use. Additional terms and conditions may apply. Please see product information on the Sigma-Aldrich website at and/or on the reverse side of the invoice or packing slip.。
885 热成像仪说明书
.bmt; export in .bmp, .jpg, .png, .csv,
.xls SD card 2GB
Power supply Battery type
Fast-charging, Li-ion battery can be changed on-site
Operating time Charging options
Image display
Digital zoom
FPA 320 x 240 pixels, a.Si <30 mK at 86ºF
30º x 23º / 4in. (standard lens) 11º x 9º / 19.68 in. (telephoto lens)
1.7 mrad (standard lens), 0.6 (telephoto lens)
standard up to 3 measurement points, Hot/Cold Spot Recognition, Area measurement (Min/Max & average), Isotherm and alarm values.
NI cDAQ-9137用户手册说明书
SAFETY, ENVIRONMENTAL, AND REGULATORY INFORMA TION NI cDAQ™-9137NI CompactDAQ Eight-Slot Controller with Quad-Core ProcessorThis document includes compliance precautions and connection information for theNI cDAQ-9137.Note The guidelines in this document are specific to the NI cDAQ-9137. The othercomponents in the system might not meet the same ratings. Refer to thedocumentation for each component in the system to determine the safety and EMCguidelines for the entire system.Safety GuidelinesCaution Do not operate the NI cDAQ-9137 in a manner not specified in this usermanual. Product misuse can result in a hazard. You can compromise the safetyprotection built into the product if the product is damaged in any way. If the productis damaged, return it to National Instruments for repair.Note Because some C Series modules may have more stringent certificationstandards than the NI cDAQ-9137, the combined system may be limited byindividual component restrictions. Refer to the NI cDAQ-9137 Specifications formore details.Hot Surface This icon denotes that the component may be hot. Touching thiscomponent may result in bodily injury.Safety VoltagesConnect only voltages that are below these limits.V1 terminal to C terminal30 VDC maximum, Measurement Category I V2 terminal to C terminal30 VDC maximum, Measurement Category I Chassis ground to C terminal30 VDC maximum, Measurement Category I Measurement Category I is for measurements performed on circuits not directly connected to the electrical distribution system referred to as MAINS voltage. MAINS is a hazardous live electrical supply system that powers equipment. This category is for measurements of voltages from specially protected secondary circuits. Such voltage measurements include signal levels, special equipment, limited-energy parts of equipment, circuits powered by regulated low-voltage sources, and electronics.Caution Do not connect the cDAQ-9137 to signals or use for measurements withinMeasurement Categories II, III, or IV.Note Measurement Categories CAT I and CAT O are equivalent. These test andmeasurement circuits are not intended for direct connection to the MAINS buildinginstallations of Measurement Categories CAT II, CAT III, or CAT IV.Safety Guidelines for Hazardous LocationsThe NI cDAQ-9137 is suitable for use in Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D, T4 hazardous locations; Class I, Zone 2, AEx nA IIC T4 and Ex nA IIC T4 hazardous locations; and nonhazardous locations only. Follow these guidelines if you are installing the NI cDAQ-9137 in a potentially explosive environment. Not following these guidelines may result in serious injury or death.Caution Do not disconnect the power supply wires and connectors from thecontroller unless power has been switched off.Caution Do not disconnect I/O-side wires or connectors unless power has beenswitched off or the area is known to be nonhazardous.Caution Do not remove modules unless power has been switched off or the area isknown to be nonhazardous.Caution Substitution of components may impair suitability for Class I, Division 2.Caution For Division 2 and Zone 2 applications, install the system in an enclosurerated to at least IP54 as defined by IEC/EN 60079-15.Caution Do not insert or remove SD cards unless power has been switched off orthe area is known to be nonhazardous.Caution The USB host ports, USB device port, mini DisplayPort, and SD card slotrequire the retention accessories listed in the following table for hazardous locations.All cables must be used in a conduit or cable gland to wire to a nonhazardouslocation. Do not disconnect a cable unless the cDAQ-9137 is powered off or the areais known to be nonhazardous.2| | NI cDAQ-9137 Safety, Environmental, and Regulatory InformationTable 1. Hazardous Location Retention Accessories (Continued)Special Conditions for Hazardous Locations Use in Europe and InternationallyThe cDAQ-9137 has been evaluated as Ex nA IIC T4 Gc equipment under DEMKO Certificate No. 12 ATEX 1202658X and is IECEx UL 14.0089X certified. Each device is marked II 3G and is suitable for use in Zone 2 hazardous locations, in ambient temperatures of -20 °C ≤ Ta ≤ 55 °C.Caution You must make sure that transient disturbances do not exceed 140% ofthe rated voltage.Caution The system shall only be used in an area of not more than PollutionDegree 2, as defined in IEC 60664-1.Caution The system shall be mounted in an ATEX/IECEx-certified enclosure witha minimum ingress protection rating of at least IP54 as defined in IEC/EN 60079-15.Caution The enclosure must have a door or cover accessible only by the use of atool.Power RequirementsCaution The protection provided by the NI cDAQ-9137 can be impaired if it isused in a manner not described in the user documentation.Note Some C Series modules have additional power requirements. For moreinformation about C Series module power requirements, refer to theC Series module(s) documentation.Note Sleep mode for C Series modules is not supported in the NI cDAQ-9137.V oltage input range9 to 30 V (measured at the NI cDAQ-9137power connector)Maximum power consumption146 WRecommended power supply100 W, 24 VDC1Includes maximum 1 W module load per slot across rated temperature and product variations.NI cDAQ-9137 Safety, Environmental, and Regulatory Information| © National Instruments| 3Note The maximum power consumption specification is based on a fully populatedsystem running a high-stress application at elevated ambient temperature, and withall C Series modules and USB devices consuming the maximum allowed power. Power Connector CharacteristicsScrew-terminal wiringGauge0.5 mm 2 to 2.1 mm2 (20 AWG to 14 AWG)copper conductor wireWire strip length 6 mm (0.24 in.) of insulation stripped from theendTemperature rating85 °CTorque for screw terminals0.20 N · m to 0.25 N · m (1.8 lb · in. to2.2 lb · in.)Wires per screw terminal One wire per screw terminalConnector securementSecurement type Screw flanges providedTorque for screw flanges0.20 N · m to 0.25 N · m (1.8 lb · in. to2.2 lb · in.)Wiring Power to the NI cDAQ-9137The NI cDAQ-9137 requires an external power source as described in the Power Connector Characteristics section. The NI cDAQ-9137 filters and regulates the supplied power and provides power to all of the I/O modules. The NI cDAQ-9137 has a primary power input, V1, and a secondary power input, V2. The POWER LED on the front panel identifies the power input in use. When the LED is lit green, V1 is in use; when the LED is lit yellow, V2 is in use.Caution Do not connect V2 to a DC MAINS supply or to any supply requiring aconnecting cable longer than 3 m (10 ft). A DC MAINS supply is a local DCelectricity supply network in the infrastructure of a site or building.Complete the following steps to connect a power source to the NI cDAQ-9137.1.Make sure the power source is turned off.2.Install the ferrite (National Instruments part number 711849-01, included in the shippingkit) across the negative and positive leads of the power source, approximately 50 mm to75 mm (2 in. to 3 in.) from the ends of the leads near the NI cDAQ-9137.3.Loosen the connector screw flanges and remove the power screw terminal connector plugfrom the NI cDAQ-9137.Note Do not tighten or loosen the terminal screws on the power connectorwhile the power is on.4.Connect the positive lead of the primary power source to the V1 terminal of the powerconnector plug and tighten the terminal screw.4| | NI cDAQ-9137 Safety, Environmental, and Regulatory Information5.Connect the negative lead of the primary power source to one of the C terminals of thepower screw terminal connector plug and tighten the terminal screw.6.Optionally, you can connect the positive lead of a secondary power source to theV2 terminal and the negative lead to the other C terminal.7.Install the power connector plug on the front panel of the NI cDAQ-9137 and tighten theconnector screw flanges.8.Turn on the external power source(s).The cDAQ controller uses V1 if the voltage across V1 and C is 9 V or greater. If the V1-to-C voltage drops below 9 V, the NI cDAQ-9137 switches to V2. If the V2-to-C voltage is less than 9 V, operation may be interrupted.Note If the NI cDAQ-9137 is using V1 and a secondary power source is connectedto V2, there is a small leakage current on V2. The leakage current depends on theV2-to-C voltage. Refer to the NI cDAQ-9137 Specifications for nominal values ofthis leakage currentIf the power source is connected to the power connector using long wiring with high DC resistance, the voltage at the power connector may be significantly lower than the specified voltage of the power source.The C terminals are internally connected to each other but are not connected to chassis ground. You can connect the C terminals to chassis ground externally. Refer to the Power Requirements section for information about the power supply input range. Refer to the Safety Guidelines section for information about the maximum voltage from terminal to chassis ground.Caution Removing power without shutting down the NI cDAQ-9137 for Windowscan corrupt the embedded Windows system drive.Preparing the EnvironmentEnsure that the environment you are using the NI cDAQ-9137 in meets the following specifications.Temperature (IEC 60068-2-1 and IEC 60068-2-2)Operating-20 to 55 °CStorage-40 to 85 °CCaution Failure to follow the mounting instructions in theNI cDAQ-9132/9133/9134/9135/9136/9137 User Manual can cause temperatureNI cDAQ-9137 Safety, Environmental, and Regulatory Information| © National Instruments| 5derating. For more information about mounting configurations and temperaturederating, go to /info and enter Info Code cdaqmounting.Pollution Degree (IEC 60664)2Maximum altitude5,000 mIndoor use only.Note Refer to the NI cDAQ-9137 Specifications for complete specifications.Electromagnetic Compatibility GuidelinesThis product was tested and complies with the regulatory requirements and limits for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) stated in the product specifications. These requirements and limits provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the product is operated in the intended operational electromagnetic environment.This product is intended for use in industrial locations. However, harmful interference may occur in some installations, when the product is connected to a peripheral device or test object, or if the product is used in residential or commercial areas. To minimize interference with radio and television reception and prevent unacceptable performance degradation, install and use this product in strict accordance with the instructions in the product documentation.Furthermore, any changes or modifications to the product not expressly approved by National Instruments could void your authority to operate it under your local regulatory rules.Caution To ensure the specified EMC performance, product installation requireseither special considerations or user-installed add-on devices. Refer to theNI cDAQ-9132/9133/9134/9135/9136/9137 User Manual for further information.Caution To ensure the specified EMC performance, operate this product only withshielded cables and accessories. Note that the input DC power cables may beunshielded.Caution To ensure the specified EMC performance, do not connect V2 to aDC MAINS supply or to any supply requiring a connecting cable longer than 3 m(10 ft). A DC MAINS supply is a local DC electricity supply network in theinfrastructure of a site or building.Caution To ensure the specified EMC performance, the length of any cableconnected to the video and USB host ports must be no longer than 3 m (10 ft). Thelength of any cable connected to the RS-232 port must be no longer than 30 m(100 ft).Caution The USB device port is intended for use in device configuration,application deployment, debug, and maintenance.6| | NI cDAQ-9137 Safety, Environmental, and Regulatory InformationSpecial Conditions for Marine ApplicationsSome products are Lloyd’s Register (LR) Type Approved for marine (shipboard) applications. To verify Lloyd’s Register certification for a product, visit /certification and search for the LR certificate, or look for the Lloyd’s Register mark on the product.Caution In order to meet the EMC requirements for marine applications, install theproduct in a shielded enclosure with shielded and/or filtered power and input/outputports. In addition, take precautions when designing, selecting, and installingmeasurement probes and cables to ensure that the desired EMC performance isattained.Connecting to the cDAQ ControllerConnecting to the Network through the Ethernet Port Caution To prevent data loss and to maintain the integrity of your Ethernetinstallation, do not use a cable longer than 100 m.Connecting to the Mini DisplayPort ConnectorCaution Do not hot-swap mini DisplayPort devices while the NI cDAQ-9137 is ina hazardous location or connected to high voltages.Connecting to the USB Host PortsInstall a noise-suppression ferrite (National Instruments part number 711849-01, included in the shipping kit) around all external USB cables attached to the USB host ports to ensure that your device meets all EMC standards applicable to your country. The ferrite should be installed so that it is approximately 50 to 75 mm (2 to 3 in.) from the end of the cable that plugs into the USB host port. The ferrite should accommodate both USB cables depending on cable diameter.Caution Do not hot-swap USB devices while the NI cDAQ-9137 is in a hazardouslocation or connected to high voltages. If the NI cDAQ-9137 is not in a hazardouslocation, you can connect and disconnect USB devices without affecting operation. Connecting to the USB Device PortCaution National Instruments requires a locking USB cable, such as part number157788-01, in order to meet the shock and vibration specifications of this product.Caution Do not hot-swap USB devices while the NI cDAQ-9137 is in a hazardouslocation or connected to high voltages. If the NI cDAQ-9137 is not in a hazardouslocation, you can connect and disconnect USB devices without affecting operation.NI cDAQ-9137 Safety, Environmental, and Regulatory Information| © National Instruments| 7Using the SD Card Removable StorageCaution You must use the SD card slot cover to protect the SD card in hazardouslocations.Caution Do not insert or remove SD cards unless power has been switched off orthe area is known to be nonhazardous.Where to Go NextThe following documents contain information that you may find helpful as you use this document:•NI cDAQ-9132/9133/9134/9135/9136/9137 User Manual•NI cDAQ-9137 SpecificationsWorldwide Support and ServicesNI corporate headquarters is located at 11500 North Mopac Expressway, Austin, Texas, 78759-3504. NI also has offices located around the world. For telephone support in the United States, create your service request at /support or dial 1 866 ASK MYNI (275 6964). For telephone support outside the United States, visit the Worldwide Offices section of / niglobal to access the branch office websites, which provide up-to-date contact information, support phone numbers, email addresses, and current events.Refer to the NI Trademarks and Logo Guidelines at /trademarks for information on NI trademarks. Other product and company names mentioned herein are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies. For patents covering NI products/technology, refer to the appropriate location: Help»Patents in your software, the patents.txt file on your media, or the National Instruments Patent Notice at /patents. Y ou can find information about end-user license agreements (EULAs) and third-party legal notices in the readme file for your NI product. Refer to the Export Compliance Information at /legal/export-compliance for the NI global trade compliance policy and how to obtain relevant HTS codes, ECCNs, and other import/export data. NI MAKES NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES AS TO THE ACCURACY OF THE INFORMA TION CONTAINED HEREIN AND SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY ERRORS. U.S. Government Customers: The data contained in this manual was developed at private expense and is subject to the applicable limited rights and restricted data rights as set forth in FAR 52.227-14, DFAR 252.227-7014, and DFAR 252.227-7015.© 2015 National Instruments. All rights reserved.375228B-02Nov15。
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中文描述 UV 膠 潤滑油 擴散油
皮膜劑 脫脂粉 強力脫脂劑 皮膜調整劑 剝漆劑 膠鈦劑 鍍鋅板洗油劑 防銹劑 塑膠組合圖 板類--夾板
361 釘木針--I型 STAPLES
362 釘木針--T型 STAPLES
370 鉛
380 鋼類
381 鍍鋅鋼板 35A STEEL
382 38A
390 迷你帶
391 焊錫絲(棒) SOLDER WIRE (CHIP)
392 配件
393 唱片架
166 排阻
170 電晶体
175 磁頭組合
179 電話線圈未經加工) TELEPHONE WIRE
180 電線---喇叭線 SPEAKER WIRE
181 電線---電源線 DC/AC CORD
PROMAFOUR 自凝钙硅酸板产品说明书
Supersedes : 0 / 0 / 01.1. Product identifierTrade name:PROMAFOUR®Identification of the product:Self-supporting calcium silicate board.Type of product:Article.1.2. Relevant identified uses of the substance, mixture or article and uses advised against Use:High temperature insulation.1.3. Details of the supplier of the safety data sheetCompany identification:Promat UK LtdThe Sterling CentreEastern Road - BerkshireRG12 2TD Bracknell UNITED KINGDOMTel.: +44 (0) 1344 381400Fax: +44 (0) 1344 3814011.4. Emergency telephone numberEmergency phone nr:+44 (0) 1344 381 400Symptoms relating to use:For the installed product in its final application: no hazards known.During machining the product (drilling, cutting, sanding, etc.), airborne dust can bereleased.- Inhalation:As with most types of nuisance dust, excessive inhalation of dust may causeirritation of the bronchial tubes.The handling and machining of this product may lead to the release of quartzcontaining dust. The inhalation of dust containing quartz, in particular the fine (respirable) dust fraction, in high concentrations or over a prolonged period of timemay lead to lung disease (silicosis) and an increased risk of lung cancer.Long term hazards: see section 11.- Skin contact:Prolonged skin contact may lead to skin irritation for sensitive persons.- Eye contact:Eye contact with dust may lead to transient eye irritation or inflammation.- Ingestion:Not expected to present a significant ingestion hazard under anticipated conditionsof normal use.2.1. Classification of the substance or mixtureClassification EC 67/548 or EC 1999/45This product is classified as not hazardous.Hazard Class and Category Code Regulation EC 1272/2008 (CLP)This product is classified as not hazardous.2.2. Label elementsLabelling EC 67/548 or EC 1999/45Supersedes : 0 / 0 / 0No labelling required.Labelling Regulation EC 1272/2008 (CLP)No labelling required.2.3. Other hazardsNone under normal conditions.Components:This article is classified as not hazardous.This product is a manufactured article, not a substance nor a preparation.Substance name Contents CAS No EC No Annex No Ref REACH ClassificationWollastonite:13983-17-0237-772-5----------Not classified. (DSD/DPD)----------------------------------Not classified. (GHS)Cellulose fibers:65996-61-4265-995-8----------Not classified. (DSD/DPD)----------------------------------Undefined. (GHS)Quartz (SiO2):14808-60-7238-878-4----------Not classified. (DSD/DPD)----------------------------------Not classified. (GHS)Crystalline calcium silicate hydrate:1344-95-2215-710-8----------Not classified. (DSD/DPD)----------------------------------Undefined. (GHS)Vermiculite:1318-00-9---------------Not classified. (DSD/DPD)----------------------------------Not classified. (GHS)4.1. Description of first aid measuresFirst aid measures- Inhalation:Remove to fresh air and drink water.- Skin contact:Rinse the skin with water.- Eye contact:Do not rub the eye. Rinse the eye out with plenty of clean water for at least 15minutes. If eye irritation or inflammation persists, seek medical advice.- Ingestion:Drink water.4.2. Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayedSee sections 7 and 8.4.3. Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment neededNo data available.5.1. Extinguishing mediaSuitable extinguishing media:All extinguishing media can be used.5.2. Special hazards arising from the substance or mixtureSupersedes : 0 / 0 / 0Nothing to report.5.3. Advice for fire-fightersFlammable class:The product is non-combustible.Protection against fire:Do not enter fire area without proper protective equipment, including respiratoryprotection.6.1. Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency proceduresPersonal precautions:Minimize generation of dust. Avoid breathing dusts. Avoid eye and skin contact.Use recommended respiratory protection.6.2. Environmental precautionsEnvironmental precautions:Prevent spread of dust.6.3. Methods and material for containment and cleaning upMethods and material for containment:Use closed containers to avoid dust release.Clean up methods:Shovel up small pieces. Dampen down any dust before putting into appropriateskips.6.4. Reference to other sectionsSee sections 7 and 8.7.1. Precautions for safe handlingPersonal protection:Dust, generated during machining and processing must be exhausted and theregulatory occupational exposure limits (workplace exposure limits in UK) for totaland respirable dust and respirable quartz dust must be respected.Use always respiratory protective equipment when exposures are likely or can beforeseen to exceed the Occupational Exposure Limits or Workplace ExposureLimits in UK (refer to local regulations).Collect dust with a vacuum cleaner or soak with water before sweeping up. Technical protective measures:Work in a well ventilated areaUse tools with appropriate dust exhaust equipment.7.2. Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilitiesStorage:Store in dry, covered and frost proof area.7.3. Specific end use(s)Fire protection in buildings. High temperature insulation.Supersedes : 0 / 0 / 08.1 Control parametersOccupational Exposure Limits:When machining boards (drilling, cutting, sanding, etc.), respect Occupational (UK: Workplace Exposure Limits)Exposure Limits (OEL) or Workplace Exposure Limits (WEL in the UK) for inhalableand respirable dust and for respirable quartz dust.Check the latest Occupational Exposure Limits (OEL) or Workplace ExposureLimits (WEL in the UK) for airborne contaminants that are applicable in yourcountry.Typical Occupational Exposure Limits or Workplace Exposure Limits in the UK (8hrs TWA) and Ireland on the date of issue of this document are:Control parameters for airborn:- Quartz dust (CAS number: 14808 - 60 - 7):contaminants - Respirable: 0.1 mg/m³(UK) - 0.05 mg/m³ (IE)- Particles not otherwise classified or regulated (nuisance dust)- Inhalable: 10 mg/m³.- Respirable: 4 mg/m³.8.2 Occupational exposure controls8.2.1 General protection controls- Industrial hygiene:Ensure vacuum dust exhaust with correct filter when using motorised machiningtools.8.2.2. Individual protection controls- Respiratory protection:Avoid breathing dusts.Use appropriate respiratory equipment when exposures are likely or can beforeseen to exceed the Occupational Exposure Limits or Workplace ExposureLimits for the UK (e.g. for exposures up to 10 times the OEL (WEL) use at least aP2 type duct mask. For higher exposure, use a P3 type mask).- Skin protection:Avoid contact with skin.Use working clothes and gloves to protect against mechanical injury and direct skincontact.- Eye protection:Avoid contact with eyes.Use safety glasses whenever tools are used and dusts are produced.- Ingestion:When using, do not eat, drink or smoke.• Appearance:Board (solid)• Physical state at 20 °C:Solid.• Colour:White-beige• Odour:None.• pH value:10 - 11• Flammability:Non flammable.• Density:ca. 950 kg/m3• Solubility in water:Insoluble.• Other properties:Information on other physical and chemical properties, as listed in the section 9.1 ofAnnex II of the Commission Regulation EU 453/2010 of 20 May 2010 is notavailable10.1. ReactivitySupersedes : 0 / 0 / 0Stability and reactivity:Stable under normal conditions.10.2. Chemical stabilityChemical stability:Stable under normal conditions of storage, handling and use.10.3. Possibility of hazardous reactionsHazardous reactions:None.Hazardous properties:None10.4. Conditions to avoidConditions to avoid:None known.10.5. Incompatible materialsMaterials to avoid:Strong acids.10.6. Hazardous decomposition productsNone known.11.1. Information on toxicological effectsToxicity information:No data available.Acute toxicity:No acute toxicity has been reported, apart from some exceptional cases oftransient eye irritation or inflammation, skin irritation or irritation of the mucosae (throat, bronchial tubes) by excessive exposure to dust.11.2 Additional information:• On product:The inhalation of quartz containing dust, in particular the fine dust fraction(respirable size), in high concentrations or over repeated or prolonged periods oftime can be hazardous to health and may lead to chronic lung disease and anincreased risk of lung cancer. This risk will be minimal if correct working practicesare observed and applied. (Refer to Section 8). However, for this product, withexposure assessments performed by accredited European laboratories usingreference workplace monitoring methods, any quartz levels in the respirable dustwere below the detection limit.According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC MonographVolume 100C - 2012) “Crystalline silica inhaled in the form of quartz or cristobaliteis carcinogenic to humans(Group 1).”12.1. ToxicityNo known effects.12.2. Persistence - degradabilitySupersedes : 0 / 0 / 0No data available.12.3. Bioaccumulative potentialNo data available.12.4. Mobility in soilNo data available.12.5. Results of PBT and vPvB assessmentNo data available.12.6. Other adverse effectsNo information available.Ecological effects information:No data available.13.1. Waste treatment methodsHandle as construction industry waste.13.2. GeneralProduct disposal:Dispose in a safe manner in accordance with local/national regulations. Packaging disposal:Dispose according to local legislation.EWC (European Waste Catalogue) -:170107N°.General information:Not classified as dangerous in the meaning of transport regulations.Symbol(s):None.R Phrase(s):None.S Phrase(s):None.Further information:None.DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITYThe information in this SDS was obtained from sources which we believe are reliable. However, the information is provided without any warranty, express or implied, regarding its correctness. The conditions or methods of handling, storage, use or disposal of the product are beyond our control and may be beyond our knowledge. For this and other reasons, we do not assume responsibility and expressly disclaim liability for loss, damage or expense arising out of or in any way connected with the handling, storage, use or disposal of the product. This SDS was prepared and is to be used only for this product. If the product is used as a component in another product, this SDS information may not be applicable.This data sheet and the information it contains is not intended to supersede any terms or conditions of sale and does notSupersedes : 0 / 0 / 0constitute a specification. Nothing contained herein is to be construed as a recommendation for use in violation of any patent or applicable laws or regulations.The contents and format of this SDS are in accordance with REGULATION (EC) No 1907/2006 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCILEnd of document。
Publication 1738-IN001C-EN-E - June 2005Installation InstructionsArmorPoint 24V dc Output Modules, Series ACatalog Numbers 1738-OB8EM23, 1738-OB8EM12,1738-OB8EM8, 1738-OB4EM12, 1738-OB4EM8, 1738-OB2EM12, 1738-OB2EPM12, 1738-OV4EM12The ArmorPoint I/O family consists of modular I/O modules. The sealed IP67 housing of these modules requires no enclosure. (Note that environmental requirements other than IP67 may require anadditional appropriate housing.) I/O connectors are sealed M8 (pico) or M12 (micro) or M23 styles. The mounting base ships with the module. The 1738-OB8EM23, 1738-OB8EM12, and 1738-OB8EM8 modules are shown below.M12-DM8-AM8-GM8-CM8-E2 ArmorPoint 24V dc Output Modules, Series A.Important User InformationSolid state equipment has operational characteristics differing from those of electromechanical equipment. Safety Guidelines for the Application, Installation and Maintenance of Solid State Controls (Publication SGI-1.1 available from your local Rockwell Automation sales office or online at) describes some important differences between solid state equipment and hard-wired electromechanical devices. Because of this difference, and also because of the wide variety of uses for solid state equipment, all persons responsible for applying this equipment must satisfy themselves that each intended application of this equipment is acceptable.In no event will Rockwell Automation, Inc. be responsible or liable for indirect or consequential damages resulting from the use or application of this equipment.The examples and diagrams in this manual are included solely for illustrative purposes. Because of the many variables and requirements associated with any particular installation, Rockwell Automation, Inc. cannot assume responsibility or liability for actual use based on the examples and diagrams.No patent liability is assumed by Rockwell Automation, Inc. with respect to use of information, circuits, equipment, or software described in this manual.Reproduction of the contents of this manual, in whole or in part, without written permission of Rockwell Automation, Inc. is prohibited.Throughout this manual we use notes to make you aware of safety considerations.Publication 1738-IN001C-EN-E - June 2005ArmorPoint 24V dc Output Modules, Series A 3Environment and EnclosureThis equipment is intended for use in overvoltage Category II applications (as defined in IEC publication 60664-1), at altitudes up to 2000 meters without derating.This equipment is considered Group 1, Class A industrial equipment according to IEC/CISPR Publication 11. Without appropriate precautions, there may be potential difficulties ensuring electromagnetic compatibility in other environments due to conducted as well as radiated disturbance. This equipment is supplied as ‘enclosed’equipment. It should not require additional system enclosure when used in locations consistent with the enclosure type ratings stated in the Specifications section of this publication. Subsequent sections of this publication may contain additional information regarding specific enclosure type ratings, beyond what this product provides, that are required to comply with certain product safety certifications.NOTE: See NEMA Standards publication 250 and IEC publication 60529, as applicable, for explanations of the degrees of protection provided by different types of enclosure. Also, see the appropriate sections in this publication, as well as the Allen-Bradley publication 1770-4.1 (Industrial Automation Wiring and Grounding Guidelines), for additional installation requirements pertaining to this equipment.Publication 1738-IN001C-EN-E - June 2005Publication 1738-IN001C-EN-E - June 20054 ArmorPoint 24V dc Output Modules, Series AMount the I/O BaseTo mount the I/O base on a wall or panel, use the screw holes provided in the base.Refer to the Drilling Dimensions illustration of the base with an adapter to help you mount the base.Preventing Electrostatic DischargeThis equipment is sensitive to electrostatic discharge, which can cause internal damage and affect normal operation. Follow these guidelines when you handle this equipment:•Touch a grounded object to discharge potential static.•Wear an approved grounding wriststrap.•Do not touch connectors or pins on component boards.•Do not touch circuit components inside the equipment.•If available, use a static-safe workstation.•When not in use, store the equipment in appropriate static-safe packaging.The module must be mounted on a grounded metal mounting plate or other conductive surface.Drilling dimensionsArmorPoint 24V dc Output Modules, Series A 5Install the mounting base as follows:y out the required points as shown above in the drillingdimensions drawing.2.Drill the necessary holes for #8 (M4) machine or self-tappingscrews.3.Mount the base using #8 (M4) screws.4.Ground the system using the ground lug connection.The ground lug connection is also a mounting hole.Mounting basePublication 1738-IN001C-EN-E - June 20056 ArmorPoint 24V dc Output Modules, Series AInstall the ArmorPoint Digital Output Module To install the ArmorPoint digital output module, proceed as follows.ing a bladed screwdriver, rotate the keyswitch on themounting base clockwise until the number 1 aligns with thenotch in the base.2.Position the module vertically above the mounting base.The module bridges two bases.3.Push the module down until it engages the latching mechanism.You hear a clicking sound when the module is properlyengaged.The locking mechanism locks the module to the base. Remove the Module From the Mounting BaseTo remove the module from the mounting base:1.Put a flat blade screwdriver into the slot of the orange latchingmechanism.2.Push the screwdriver toward the I/O module to disengage thelatch.The module lifts up off the base.3.Pull the module off of the base.Publication 1738-IN001C-EN-E - June 2005Publication 1738-IN001C-EN-E - June 2005ArmorPoint 24V dc Output Modules, Series A 7Wire the ModulesFollowing are wiring instructions for the ArmorPoint digital output modules.1738-OB2EM12, 1738-OB2EPM12, 1738-OV4EM12, and1738-OB4EM8 and 1738-OB8EM8(view into connector) Pin 1 -24V dc Pin 2 -No Connect Pin 3 -CommonPin 4 - Output 0 (M12-A)Output 1 (M12-B)Output 2 (M12-C) (1738-OV4EM12 and-OB4EM12 only) Output 3 (M12-D) (1738-OV4EM12 and-OB4EM12 only)Pin 5 -No Connect(view into connector) Pin 1 -24V dc Pin 3 -CommonPin 4 -Output 0 (M8-A)Output 1 (M8-B) Output 2 (M8-C) Output 3 (M8-D)Output 4 (M8-E) (1738-OB8EM8 module only) Output 5 (M8-F) (1738-OB8EM8 module only) Output 6 (M8-G) (1738-OB8EM8 module only) Output 7 (M8-H) (1738-OB8EM8 module only)(view into connector) Pin 1 -24V dcPin 2 -Output 1 (M12-A)Pin 4 -Output 0 (M12-A)Output 3 (M12-B)Output 2 (M12-B) Output 5 (M12-C)Output 4 (M12-C) Output 7 (M12-D)Output 6 (M12-D)Pin 3 -CommonPin 5 -No Connect8 ArmorPoint 24V dc Output Modules, Series ACommunicate with Your Module I/O messages are sent to (consumed) and received from (produced) the ArmorPoint I/O modules. Messages are mapped into the processor’s memory. ArmorPoint I/O output modules produce 1 byte of input data (scanner Rx - status). They consume 1 byte of I/O data (scanner Tx).Default Data Map for the ArmorPoint Output Modules1738-OB2EM12 and 1738-OB2EPM12Message size: 1 ByteATTENTIONMake sure all connectors and caps are securelytightened to properly seal the connections againstleaks and maintain IP67 requirements.Output 6Output 7Return (Com)Return (Com)24V dcChassis76543210Produces(scanner Rx)Not Used Ch1Ch0Channel statusConsumes(scanner Tx)Not Used Ch1Ch0Output state Where: Channel status 0 = no error, 1 = error; Output state 0 = off, 1 = onPublication 1738-IN001C-EN-E - June 2005Publication 1738-IN001C-EN-E - June 2005ArmorPoint 24V dc Output Modules, Series A 91738-OB4EM12, 1738-OB4EM8, 1738-OV4EM12Message size: 1 Byte1738-OB8EM23, 1738-OB8EM12, 1738-OB8EM8Message size: 1 Byte76543210Produces (scanner Rx)Not Used Ch3Ch2Ch1Ch0Channel status Consumes (scanner Tx)Not UsedCh3Ch2Ch1Ch0Output stateWhere: Channel status 0 = no error, 1 = error; Output state 0 = off, 1 = on76543210Produces (scanner Rx)Ch7Ch6Ch5Ch4Ch3Ch2Ch1Ch0Channel status Consumes (scanner Tx)Ch7Ch6Ch5Ch4Ch3Ch2Ch1Ch0Output stateWhere: Channel status 0 = no error, 1 = error; Output state 0 = off, 1 = onPublication 1738-IN001C-EN-E - June 200510 ArmorPoint 24V dc Output Modules, Series ATroubleshoot with the IndicatorsIndication Probable Cause Module Status Off No power applied to device Green Device operating normallyFlashing Green Device needs commissioning due to missing, incomplete, or incorrect configuration Flashing Red Recoverable faultRedUnrecoverable fault - may require device replacement Flashing Red/Green Device is in self-test Indication Probable CauseNetwork Status OffDevice is not on line:- Device has not completed dup_MAC-id test.- Device not powered - check module status indicator.Flashing Green Device is on line but has no connections in the established state.Green Device is on line and has connections in the established state.Flashing Red One or more I/O connections in timed-out state.RedCritical link failure - failed communication device. Device detected error that prevents it from communicating on the network.Flashing Red/GreenCommunication faulted device - the device has detected a network access error and is in communication faulted state. Device has received and accepted an Identity Communication Faulted Request - long protocol message.1738-OB8EM12ArmorPoint 24V dc Output Modules, Series A 11Specifications Indication Probable CauseI/O StatusOff Output is inactive.Yellow Output is active and under control.Flashing Red Open circuit detection. No load. (Off-State only) Red Short circuit detected. (On-State only)ArmorPoint Digital Output ModulesNumber of Outputs 1738-OB2E - 2 (1 group of 2) non-isolated, sourcing1738-OB2EP - 2 (1 group of 2) non-isolated, sourcing1738-OB4E - 4 (1 group of 4) non-isolated, sourcing1738-OV4E - 4 (1 group of 4) non-isolated, sinking1738-OB8E - 8 (1 group of 8) non-isolated, sourcingVoltage Drop, On-state Output, Max.0.2V dc (sourcing modules)0.7V dc (sinking module)Voltage, External DC Power Supply, Range10 … 28.8V dcVoltage, External DC Power Supply, Nom.24V dcVoltage, Off-state Output, Max.28.8V dcVoltage, On-state Output, Nom.24V dcVoltage, On-state Output, Max28.8V dcVoltage, On-state Output, Min10V dcVoltage, Operating10 … 28.8V dcCurrent, External DC Power Supply8 mA (2 connector module)16 mA (4 connector modules)32 mA (8 connector modules)Current Leakage, Off-state Output, Max.0.5 mACurrent, On-state Output Max. 1.0 A per channel, electronically protectedCurrent, On-state Output Min. 1.0 mA per channelCurrent, Output Rating1738-OB2E - 1.0 A per channel, not to exceed 2.0 A maximum per module1738-OB2EP - 2.0 A per channel, 4.0 A maximum per module1738-OB4E and -OB8E - 1.0 A per channel, not to exceed 3.0 A maximum per module1738-OV4E - 1.0 A per channel, not to exceed 4.0 A maximum per module Current, Output Surge, Max. 2 A for 10 ms, repeatable every 3 seconds1738-OB2EP - 2 A, electronically protectedGeneral SpecificationsDimensions (includes I/O module Metricand mounting base)120Hx72Wx42DDimensions (includes I/O module Imperialand mounting base)4.72Hx2.82Wx1.65DIsolation Voltage(continuous-voltage withstand rating)50V rmsTested at 1250V ac rms for 60sKeyswitch Position1Publication 1738-IN001C-EN-E - June 200512 ArmorPoint 24V dc Output Modules, Series AGeneral Specifications (cont)LED Indicators2, 4, or 8 yellow/red output status, logic side1 green/red network status, logic side1 green/red module status, logic sideOutput Delay Time, OFF to ON, Max.10.1 msOutput Delay Time, ON to OFF, Max.10.1 msOutput Point Density2, 4, 8PointBus Current, Max.75 mA @ 5V dcPower Dissipation, Max.***************************************************************************************************************Thermal Dissipation, Max.1738-OB2E-2.7BTU/***********1738-OB2EP-11.6BTU/***********1738-OB4E-4.1BTU/***********1738-OV4E-9.9BTU/***********1738-OB8E-6.8BTU/***********Weight, Imperial0.64 lbWeigh, Metric0.29 kgOperating Temperature IEC 60068-2-1 (Test Ad, Operating Cold),IEC 60068-2-2 (Test Bd, Operating Dry Heat),IEC 60068-2-14 (Test Nb, Operating Thermal Shock):-20 … 60 °C (-4 … 140°F)Storage Temperature IEC 60068-2-1 (Test Ab, Un-packaged Non-operating Cold),IEC 60068-2-2 (Test Bb, Un-packaged Non-operating Dry Heat),-40 … 85 °C (-40 … 185°F)Relative Humidity IEC 60068-2-30 (Test Db, Un-packaged Non-operating Damp Heat):5-95% non-condensingShock IEC60068-2-27 (Test Ea, Unpackaged Shock):Operating 30 gNon-operating 50 gVibration IEC60068-2-6 (Test Fc, Operating):5 g @ 10-500 HzESD Immunity IEC 61000-4-2:6 kV contact discharges8 kV air dischargesRadiated RF Immunity IEC 61000-4-3:10V/m with 1 kHz sine-wave 80% AM from 30 MHz to 2000 MHz10V/m with 200 Hz 50% Pulse 100% AM at 900 Mhz10V/m with 200 Hz 50% Pulse 100% AM at 1890 MhzEFT/B Immunity IEC 61000-4-4:±3 kV at 5 kHz on signal portsSurge Transient Immunity IEC 61000-4-5:±1 kV line-line(DM) and ±2 kV line-earth(CM) on signal ports Conducted RF Immunity IEC 61000-4-6:10Vrms with 1 kHz sine-wave 80% AM from 150 kHz … 80 MHz Emissions CSPR 11:Group 1, Class APublication 1738-IN001C-EN-E - June 2005ArmorPoint 24V dc Output Modules, Series A 13General Specifications (cont)Enclosure Type Rating Meets IP65/66/67 (when marked)Mounting Base Screw Torque#8 screw, 7.5 in. lbs. in Aluminum, 16 in. lbs. in SteelConductor Category2 1 - on signal portsCertifications:3 (when product is marked)c-UL-us UL Listed Industrial Control Equipment, certified for US and Canada CE European Union 89/336/EEC EMC Directive, compliant with: EN 61000-6-4; Industrial EmissionsEN 50082-2; Industrial ImmunityEN 61326; Meas./Control/Lab., Industrial RequirementsEN 61000-6-2; Industrial ImmunityC-Tick Australian Radiocommunications Act, compliant with:AS/NZS CISPR 11; Industrial Emissions1.OFF to ON or ON to OFF delay is time from a valid output on or off signal to output energization or de-energization.e this Conductor Category information for planning conductor routing. Refer to Publication 1770-4.1, Industrial Automation Wiring andGrounding Guidelines.3.See the Product Certification link at for Declarations of Conformity, Certificates, and other certification details.Publication 1738-IN001C-EN-E - June 2005Publication 1738-IN001C-EN-E - June 2005 PN 957955-31Supersedes Publication 1738-IN001B-EN-E - July 2004Copyright © 2005 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.Rockwell Automation SupportRockwell Automation provides technical information on the web to assist you in using our products. At, you can find technical manuals, a knowledge base of FAQs, technical and application notes, sample code and links to software service packs, and a MySupport feature that you can customize to make the best use of these tools.For an additional level of technical phone support for installation, configuration and troubleshooting, we offer TechConnect Support programs. For more information, contact your local distributor or Rockwell Automation representative, or visit .Installation AssistanceIf you experience a problem with a hardware module within the first 24 hours of installation, please review the information that's contained in this manual. You can also contact a special Customer Support number for initial help in getting your module up and running:New Product Satisfaction ReturnRockwell tests all of our products to ensure that they are fully operational when shipped from the manufacturing facility. However, if your product is not functioning and needs to be returned:United States 1.440.646.3223Monday – Friday, 8am – 5pm ESTOutside United States Please contact your local Rockwell Automation representative for any technical support issues.United States Contact your distributor. You must provide a Customer Support casenumber (see phone number above to obtain one) to your distributor inorder to complete the return process.Outside United StatesPlease contact your local Rockwell Automation representative for returnprocedure.ArmorPoint is a trademark of Rockwell Automation.。
柯尔特克液体润滑油Krytox GPL 103说明书
Version 2.0 Revision Date: 10/20/2017SDS Number: 1745256-00002Date of last issue: 06/13/2017 Date of first issue: 06/13/2017SECTION 1. IDENTIFICATIONProduct name: Krytox ™ GPL 103Product code: D1*******SDS-Identcode: 130000024216Manufacturer or supplier's details Company name of supplier: The Chemours Company FC, LLCAddress : 1007 Market Street Wilmington, DE 19899 United States of America (USA)Telephone : 1-844-773-CHEM (outside the U.S. 1-302-773-1000) Emergency telephone : Medical emergency: 1-866-595-1473 (outside the U.S. 1-302-773-2000) ; Transport emergency: +1-800-424-9300 (outsidethe U.S. +1-703-527-3887) Recommended use of the chemical and restrictions on use Recommended use: LubricantRestrictions on use : For professional users only. Do not use or resell Chemours™ materials in medical applica-tions involving implantation in the human body or contact withinternal body fluids or tissues unless agreed to by Seller in a written agreement covering such use. For further information, please contact your Chemours representative. SECTION 2. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONGHS classification in accordance with 29 CFR 1910.1200 Not a hazardous substance or mixture. GHS label elementsNot a hazardous substance or mixture.Other hazardsThe thermal decomposition vapors of fluorinated plastics may cause polymer fume fever with flu-like symptoms in humans, especially when smoking contaminated tobacco. SECTION 3. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSSubstance / Mixture: Substance Substance name: PFPE fluidCAS-No.: Trade secretVersion 2.0 Revision Date: 10/20/2017SDS Number: 1745256-00002Date of last issue: 06/13/2017 Date of first issue: 06/13/2017Hazardous ingredients No hazardous ingredientsSECTION 4. FIRST AID MEASURESIf inhaled: If inhaled, remove to fresh air.Get medical attention if symptoms occur.In case of skin contact: Wash with water and soap as a precaution. Get medical attention if symptoms occur.In case of eye contact: Flush eyes with water as a precaution.Get medical attention if irritation develops and persists.If swallowed: If swallowed, DO NOT induce vomiting. Get medical attention if symptoms occur. Rinse mouth thoroughly with water.Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed: Inhalation may provoke the following symptoms: Polymer fume feverSkin contact may provoke the following symptoms: RednessEye contact may provoke the following symptoms Blurred vision Discomfort LachrymationProtection of first-aiders: No special precautions are necessary for first aid responders.Notes to physician: Treat symptomatically and supportively.SECTION 5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURESSuitable extinguishing media : Water spray Alcohol-resistant foamCarbon dioxide (CO2) Dry chemicalUnsuitable extinguishing media: None known. Specific hazards during fire fighting: Exposure to combustion products may be a hazard to health. Hazardous combustion prod-ucts : Hydrogen fluoride carbonyl fluoride potentially toxic fluorinated compoundsaerosolized particulates Carbon oxidesSpecific extinguishing meth-ods : Use extinguishing measures that are appropriate to local cir-cumstances and the surrounding environment. Use water spray to cool unopened containers.Version 2.0 Revision Date: 10/20/2017SDS Number: 1745256-00002Date of last issue: 06/13/2017 Date of first issue: 06/13/2017Remove undamaged containers from fire area if it is safe to do so.Evacuate area.Special protective equipment for fire-fighters : Wear self-contained breathing apparatus for firefighting if necessary. Use personal protective equipment.SECTION 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESPersonal precautions, protec-tive equipment and emer-gency procedures: Follow safe handling advice and personal protective equipment recommendations.Environmental precautions : Discharge into the environment must be avoided. Prevent further leakage or spillage if safe to do so.Prevent spreading over a wide area (e.g., by containment or oil barriers).Retain and dispose of contaminated wash water.Local authorities should be advised if significant spillages cannot be contained.Methods and materials for containment and cleaning up : Soak up with inert absorbent material. For large spills, provide diking or other appropriate containment to keep material from spreading. If diked materialcan be pumped, store recovered material in appropriate container.Clean up remaining materials from spill with suitable absorbent.Local or national regulations may apply to releases anddisposal of this material, as well as those materials and items employed in the cleanup of releases. You will need to determine which regulations are applicable.Sections 13 and 15 of this SDS provide information regarding certain local or national requirements. SECTION 7. HANDLING AND STORAGETechnical measures: See Engineering measures under EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION section.Local/Total ventilation: Use only with adequate ventilation.Advice on safe handling: Handle in accordance with good industrial hygiene and safety practice, based on the results of the workplace exposure assessmentTake care to prevent spills, waste and minimize release to the environment.Conditions for safe storage: Keep in properly labeled containers.Store in accordance with the particular national regulations.Materials to avoid: Do not store with the following product types:Version 2.0 Revision Date: 10/20/2017SDS Number: 1745256-00002Date of last issue: 06/13/2017 Date of first issue: 06/13/2017Strong oxidizing agentsFurther information on stor-age stability: No decomposition if stored and applied as directed.SECTION 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONIngredients with workplace control parametersContains no substances with occupational exposure limit values.Occupational exposure limits of decomposition productsEngineering measures: Processing may form hazardous compounds (see section 10).Ensure adequate ventilation, especially in confined areas. Minimize workplace exposure concentrations.Version 2.0 Revision Date: 10/20/2017SDS Number: 1745256-00002Date of last issue: 06/13/2017 Date of first issue: 06/13/2017Personal protective equipment Respiratory protection : General and local exhaust ventilation is recommended to maintain vapor exposures below recommended limits. Whereconcentrations are above recommended limits or areunknown, appropriate respiratory protection should be worn. Follow OSHA respirator regulations (29 CFR 1910.134) and use NIOSH/MSHA approved respirators. Protection provided by air purifying respirators against exposure to anyhazardous chemical is limited. Use a positive pressure air supplied respirator if there is any potential for uncontrolled release, exposure levels are unknown, or any othercircumstance where air purifying respirators may not provide adequate protection.Hand protectionRemarks: Wash hands before breaks and at the end of workday.Eye protection: Wear the following personal protective equipment: Safety glassesSkin and body protection: Skin should be washed after contact.Hygiene measures: Ensure that eye flushing systems and safety showers are located close to the working place.When using do not eat, drink or smoke. Wash contaminated clothing before re-use.SECTION 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIESAppearance: viscous liquidColor: colorlessOdor: odorlessOdor Threshold : No data available pH: 7Melting point/freezing point: No data availableInitial boiling point and boiling range: No data availableFlash point: Method: Pensky-Martens closed cup does not flashEvaporation rate: No data availableFlammability (solid, gas): Not applicableVersion 2.0 Revision Date: 10/20/2017SDS Number: 1745256-00002Date of last issue: 06/13/2017 Date of first issue: 06/13/2017Flammability (liquids): No data availableUpper explosion limit / Upper flammability limit: No data available Lower explosion limit / Lower flammability limit: No data available Vapor pressure: No data availableRelative vapor density: No data availableRelative density: 1.86 - 1.91 (24 °C) Solubility(ies)Water solubility: insolublePartition coefficient: n-octanol/water: No data available Autoignition temperature: No data availableDecomposition temperature: 350 °CViscosityViscosity, kinematic: No data availableExplosive properties: Not explosiveOxidizing properties: The substance or mixture is not classified as oxidizing.Particle size: Not applicableSECTION 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYReactivity: Not classified as a reactivity hazard.Chemical stability: Stable under normal conditions.Possibility of hazardous reac-tions: Can react with strong oxidizing agents.Hazardous decomposition products will be formed at elevated temperatures.Conditions to avoid: None known.Incompatible materials: Oxidizing agentsHazardous decomposition products Thermal decomposition : Hydrofluoric acid Carbonyl difluorideCarbon dioxide Carbon monoxideVersion 2.0Revision Date: 10/20/2017SDS Number: 1745256-00002Date of last issue: 06/13/2017 Date of first issue: 06/13/2017SECTION 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONInformation on likely routes of exposure Inhalation Skin contact Ingestion Eye contactAcute toxicityNot classified based on available information. Skin corrosion/irritationNot classified based on available information. Serious eye damage/eye irritationNot classified based on available information. Respiratory or skin sensitizationSkin sensitizationNot classified based on available information. Respiratory sensitizationNot classified based on available information. Germ cell mutagenicityNot classified based on available information.CarcinogenicityNot classified based on available information. IARC No ingredient of this product present at levels greater than or equal to 0.1% is identified as probable, possible or confirmedhuman carcinogen by IARC.OSHA No component of this product present at levels greater than or equal to 0.1% is on OSHA’s list of regulated carcinogens.NTP No ingredient of this product present at levels greater than or equal to 0.1% is identified as a known or anticipated carcinogenby NTP. Reproductive toxicityNot classified based on available information. STOT-single exposureNot classified based on available information. STOT-repeated exposureNot classified based on available information. Aspiration toxicityNot classified based on available information.Version 2.0Revision Date: 10/20/2017SDS Number: 1745256-00002Date of last issue: 06/13/2017 Date of first issue: 06/13/2017SECTION 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEcotoxicityNo data availablePersistence and degradability No data availableBioaccumulative potential No data available Mobility in soil No data available Other adverse effects No data availableSECTION 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSDisposal methods Waste from residues : Dispose of in accordance with local regulations.Contaminated packaging: Empty containers should be taken to an approved waste handling site for recycling or disposal.If not otherwise specified: Dispose of as unused product.SECTION 14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONInternational Regulations UNRTDG Not regulated as a dangerous good IATA-DGR Not regulated as a dangerous good IMDG-Code Not regulated as a dangerous goodTransport in bulk according to Annex II of MARPOL 73/78 and the IBC Code Not applicable for product as supplied. Domestic regulation49 CFR Not regulated as a dangerous good SECTION 15. REGULATORY INFORMATIONEPCRA - Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know CERCLA Reportable QuantityThis material does not contain any components with a CERCLA RQ.Version 2.0 Revision Date: 10/20/2017SDS Number: 1745256-00002Date of last issue: 06/13/2017 Date of first issue: 06/13/2017SARA 304 Extremely Hazardous Substances Reportable QuantityThis material does not contain any components with a section 304 EHS RQ. SARA 302 Extremely Hazardous Substances Threshold Planning Quantity This material does not contain any components with a section 302 EHS TPQ. SARA 311/312 Hazards: No SARA HazardsSARA 313: This material does not contain any chemical components with known CAS numbers that exceed the threshold (De Minimis) reporting levels established by SARA Title III, Section 313.US State Regulations Pennsylvania Right To Know PFPE fluidTrade secretCalifornia Prop. 65This product does not contain any chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth, or any other reproductive defects.SECTION 16. OTHER INFORMATIONFurther information NFPA: HMIS® IV:HMIS® ratings are based on a 0-4 rating scale, with 0 representing minimal haz-ards or risks, and 4 representing signifi-cant hazards or risks. The "*" represents a chronic hazard, while the "/" represents the absence of a chronic hazard.Krytox™ and any associated logos are trademarks or copyrights of The Chemours Company FC, LLC.Chemours™ and the Chemours Logo are trademarks of The Chemours Company. Before use read Chemours safety information.For further information contact the local Chemours office or nominated distributors.All chemical substances in this material are included on or exempted from listing on the TSCA Inventory of Chemical Substances.Full text of other abbreviations ACGIH : USA. ACGIH Threshold Limit Values (TLV) NIOSH REL : USA. NIOSH Recommended Exposure LimitsFlammabilityH e a l t hInstabilitySpecial hazard.Version 2.0 Revision Date: 10/20/2017SDS Number: 1745256-00002Date of last issue: 06/13/2017 Date of first issue: 06/13/2017OSHA Z-1 : USA. Occupational Exposure Limits (OSHA) - Table Z-1 Lim-its for Air ContaminantsOSHA Z-2 : USA. Occupational Exposure Limits (OSHA) - Table Z-2 ACGIH / TWA : 8-hour, time-weighted average ACGIH / STEL : Short-term exposure limit ACGIH / C: Ceiling limitNIOSH REL / TWA : Time-weighted average concentration for up to a 10-hour workday during a 40-hour workweekNIOSH REL / ST : STEL - 15-minute TWA exposure that should not be exceeded at any time during a workdayNIOSH REL / C : Ceiling value not be exceeded at any time. OSHA Z-1 / TWA : 8-hour time weighted average OSHA Z-2 / TWA : 8-hour time weighted averageAICS - Australian Inventory of Chemical Substances; ASTM - American Society for the Testing of Materials; bw - Body weight; CERCLA - Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act; CMR - Carcinogen, Mutagen or Reproductive Toxicant; DIN - Standard of the German Institute for Standardisation; DOT - Department of Transportation; DSL - Domestic Sub-stances List (Canada); ECx - Concentration associated with x% response; EHS - Extremely Haz-ardous Substance; ELx - Loading rate associated with x% response; EmS - Emergency Schedule; ENCS - Existing and New Chemical Substances (Japan); ErCx - Concentration associated with x% growth rate response; ERG - Emergency Response Guide; GHS - Globally Harmonized Sys-tem; GLP - Good Laboratory Practice; HMIS - Hazardous Materials Identification System; IARC - International Agency for Research on Cancer; IATA - International Air Transport Association; IBC - International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk; IC50 - Half maximal inhibitory concentration; ICAO - International Civil Aviation Organiza-tion; IECSC - Inventory of Existing Chemical Substances in China; IMDG - International Maritime Dangerous Goods; IMO - International Maritime Organization; ISHL - Industrial Safety and Health Law (Japan); ISO - International Organisation for Standardization; KECI - Korea Existing Chemi-cals Inventory; LC50 - Lethal Concentration to 50 % of a test population; LD50 - Lethal Dose to 50% of a test population (Median Lethal Dose); MARPOL - International Convention for the Pre-vention of Pollution from Ships; MSHA - Mine Safety and Health Administration; n.o.s. - Not Oth-erwise Specified; NFPA - National Fire Protection Association; NO(A)EC - No Observed (Adverse) Effect Concentration; NO(A)EL - No Observed (Adverse) Effect Level; NOELR - No Observable Effect Loading Rate; NTP - National Toxicology Program; NZIoC - New Zealand Inventory of Chemicals; OECD - Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development; OPPTS - Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention; PBT - Persistent, Bioaccumulative and Toxic sub-stance; PICCS - Philippines Inventory of Chemicals and Chemical Substances; (Q)SAR - (Quanti-tative) Structure Activity Relationship; RCRA - Resource Conservation and Recovery Act; REACH - Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council concern-ing the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals; RQ - Reportable Quantity; SADT - Self-Accelerating Decomposition Temperature; SARA - Superfund Amend-ments and Reauthorization Act; SDS - Safety Data Sheet; TCSI - Taiwan Chemical Substance Inventory; TSCA - Toxic Substances Control Act (United States); UN - United Nations; UNRTDG - United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods; vPvB - Very Persistent and Very BioaccumulativeSources of key data used to compile the Material Safety Data Sheet : Internal technical data, data from raw material SDSs, OECD eChem Portal search results and European Chemicals Agen-cy, http://echa.europa.eu/ Revision Date : 10/20/2017Items where changes have been made to the previous version are highlighted in the body of this document by two vertical lines.SAFETY DATA SHEETKrytox ™ GPL 103Version2.0Revision Date: 10/20/2017 SDS Number: 1745256-00002 Date of last issue: 06/13/2017 Date of first issue: 06/13/2017The information provided in this Safety Data Sheet is correct to the best of our knowledge, information and belief at the date of its publication. The information is designed only as a guidance for safe handling, use, processing, storage, transportation, disposal and release and shall not be considered a warranty or quality specification of any type. The information provided relates only to the specific material identified at the top of this SDS and may not be valid when the SDS material is used in combination with any other materials or in any process, unless specified in the text. Material users should review the information and recommendations in the specific context of their intended manner of handling, use, processing and storage, including an assessmen t of the appropriateness of the SDS material in the user’s end product, if applicable.US / Z8。
TALON Superflow Metal Affinity Resin说明书
Safety Data SheetRevision Date 2022-12-26Revision Number 91. IdentificationProduct identifier Product NameTALON Superflow Metal Affinity ResinOther means of identification Product Code635670 UN number or ID number UN3082SynonymsNo information availableRecommended use of the chemical and restrictions on use Identified uses No information available Restrictions on useNo information availableDetails of the supplier of the safety data sheetEmergency telephone number Emergency telephoneIn case of emergency, call PERS (Professional Emergency Resource Services) 1-800-633-8253 (US) or 801-629-0667 (international).2. Hazard(s) identificationProduct Classification Data Acute toxicity - Oral Category 2 CarcinogenicityCategory 1AHazards not otherwise classified (HNOC) Not applicable Label elements Supplier USA:Takara Bio USA, Inc. 2560 Orchard Parkway San Jose, CA 95131, USAPhone: 800.662.2566/888.251.6618 Web: DangerHazard statements Fatal if swallowed May cause cancerAppearance Pink slurry Physical state Paste / Gel Liquid Odor Alcohol Precautionary Statements - PreventionObtain special instructions before useDo not handle until all safety precautions have been read and understoodWear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protectionWash face, hands and any exposed skin thoroughly after handlingDo not eat, drink or smoke when using this productPrecautionary Statements - ResponseIF exposed or concerned: Get medical advice/attentionSpecific treatment (see supplemental first aid instructions on this label)IF SWALLOWED: Immediately call a POISON CENTER or doctorRinse mouthPrecautionary Statements - StorageStore locked upPrecautionary Statements - DisposalDispose of contents/container to an approved waste disposal plantUnknown acute toxicity50.941 % of the mixture consists of ingredient(s) of unknown acute oral toxicityOther informationHarmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects. Harmful to aquatic life.3. Composition/information on ingredientsSubstanceNot applicable.MixtureChemical name CAS No Weight-% Trade secret Ethanol 64-17-5 10 - 20 *4. First-aid measuresDescription of first aid measuresGeneral advice Immediate medical attention is required. Show this safety data sheet to the doctor inattendance. IF exposed or concerned: Get medical advice/attention.Inhalation Remove to fresh air.Eye contact Rinse thoroughly with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes, lifting lower and upper eyelids.Consult a physician.Skin contact Wash skin with soap and water.Ingestion Get immediate medical advice/attention. Do NOT induce vomiting. Clean mouth with waterand drink afterwards plenty of water. Never give anything by mouth to an unconsciousperson.Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayedSymptoms No information available.Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment neededNote to physicians Treat symptomatically.5. Fire-fighting measuresSuitable Extinguishing Media Use extinguishing measures that are appropriate to local circumstances and thesurrounding environment.Large Fire CAUTION: Use of water spray when fighting fire may be inefficient.Unsuitable extinguishing media Do not scatter spilled material with high pressure water streams.Specific hazards arising from thechemicalNo information available.Explosion DataSensitivity to mechanical impact None.Sensitivity to static discharge None.Special protective equipment for fire-fighters Firefighters should wear self-contained breathing apparatus and full firefighting turnout gear. Use personal protection equipment.6. Accidental release measuresPersonal precautions, protective equipment and emergency proceduresPersonal precautions Ensure adequate ventilation.Other information Refer to protective measures listed in Sections 7 and 8.Methods and material for containment and cleaning upMethods for containment Prevent further leakage or spillage if safe to do so.Methods for cleaning up Pick up and transfer to properly labeled containers.7. Handling and storagePrecautions for safe handlingAdvice on safe handling Handle in accordance with good industrial hygiene and safety practice. Avoid contact withskin, eyes or clothing.Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilitiesStorage Conditions Store locked up. Keep containers tightly closed in a dry, cool and well-ventilated place.Keep out of the reach of children.8. Exposure controls/personal protectionControl parametersExposure LimitsChemical name ACGIH TLV OSHA PEL NIOSHEthanol 64-17-5 STEL: 1000 ppm TWA: 1000 ppmTWA: 1900 mg/m3(vacated) TWA: 1000 ppm(vacated) TWA: 1900 mg/m3IDLH: 3300 ppmTWA: 1000 ppmTWA: 1900 mg/m3Appropriate engineering controlsEngineering controls ShowersEyewash stationsVentilation systems.Individual protection measures, such as personal protective equipmentEye/face protection No special protective equipment required.Hand protection Wear suitable gloves.Skin and body protection Wear suitable protective clothing.Respiratory protection No protective equipment is needed under normal use conditions. If exposure limits areexceeded or irritation is experienced, ventilation and evacuation may be required. General hygiene considerations Do not eat, drink or smoke when using this product. Wash hands before breaks andimmediately after handling the product.9. Physical and chemical propertiesInformation on basic physical and chemical propertiesPhysical state Paste / Gel LiquidAppearance Pink slurryColor No information availableOdor AlcoholOdor Threshold No information availableProperty Values Remarks • MethodpH No data available None knownMelting point / freezing point No data available None knownBoiling point/boiling range (°C) No data available None knownFlash point No data available Open cupEvaporation Rate No data available None knownFlammability (solid, gas) No data available None knownFlammability Limit in Air None knownUpper flammability limit: No data availableLower flammability limit: No data availableVapor pressure No data available None knownVapor density No data available None knownRelative density No data available None knownWater solubility No data available None knownSolubility in other solvents No data available None knownPartition coefficient No data available None knownAutoignition temperature 363 °C / 685.4 °F None knownDecomposition temperature None knownKinematic viscosity No data available None knownDynamic Viscosity No data available None knownOther informationExplosive properties No information availableOxidizing properties No information availableSoftening point No information availableMolecular weight No information availableVOC content No information availableLiquid Density No information availableBulk Density No information available10. Stability and reactivityReactivity No information available.Chemical stability Stable under normal conditions.Possibility of hazardous reactions None under normal processing.Conditions to Avoid None known based on information supplied.Incompatible materials None known based on information supplied.Hazardous decomposition products None known based on information supplied.11. Toxicological informationInformation on likely routes of exposureProduct InformationInhalation Specific test data for the substance or mixture is not available.Eye contact Specific test data for the substance or mixture is not available.Skin contact Specific test data for the substance or mixture is not available.Ingestion Specific test data for the substance or mixture is not available. Fatal if swallowed. (based oncomponents).Symptoms related to the physical, chemical and toxicological characteristicsSymptoms No information available.Acute toxicityNumerical measures of toxicityThe following values are calculated based on chapter 3.1 of the GHS documentATEmix (oral) 9.81 mg/kgATEmix (inhalation-dust/mist) 573.50 mg/lUnknown acute toxicity50.941 % of the mixture consists of ingredient(s) of unknown acute oral toxicityComponent InformationChemical name Oral LD50 Dermal LD50 Inhalation LC50 Ethanol = 7060 mg/kg ( Rat ) - = 116.9 mg/L ( Rat ) 4 h64-17-5 = 133.8 mg/L ( Rat ) 4 hDelayed and immediate effects as well as chronic effects from short and long-term exposureSkin corrosion/irritation No information available.Serious eye damage/eye irritation No information available.Respiratory or skin sensitization No information available.Germ cell mutagenicity No information available.Carcinogenicity Contains a known or suspected carcinogen. Classification based on data available foringredients. May cause cancer.The table below indicates whether each agency has listed any ingredient as a carcinogen.Chemical name ACGIH IARC NTP OSHA Ethanol64-17-5A3 Group 1 Known XLegendACGIH (American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists)A3 - Animal CarcinogenIARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer)Group 1 - Carcinogenic to HumansNTP (National Toxicology Program)Known - Known CarcinogenOSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration of the US Department of Labor)X - PresentReproductive toxicity No information available.STOT - single exposure No information available.STOT - repeated exposure No information available.Target organ effects Liver, Respiratory system, Eyes, Skin, Central nervous system, Blood, Reproductivesystem.Aspiration hazard No information available.Other adverse effects No information available.Interactive effects No information available.12. Ecological informationEcotoxicity Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects.Chemical name Algae/aquatic plants Fish Toxicity tomicroorganismsCrustaceaEthanol 64-17-5 - LC50: 12.0 - 16.0mL/L(96h, Oncorhynchus- LC50: 9268 - 14221mg/L(48h, Daphnia magna)mykiss)LC50: >100mg/L (96h, Pimephales promelas) LC50: 13400 - 15100mg/L (96h, Pimephalespromelas) EC50: =2mg/L (48h, Daphnia magna)Persistence and degradability No information available.Bioaccumulation There is no data for this product.Component InformationChemical name Partition coefficientEthanol64-17-5-0.35Other adverse effects No information available.13. Disposal considerationsWaste treatment methodsWaste from residues/unused products Dispose of in accordance with local regulations. Dispose of waste in accordance with environmental legislation.Contaminated packaging Do not reuse empty containers.California Hazardous Waste Status This product contains one or more substances that are listed with the State of California asa hazardous waste.14. Transport informationDOTUN number or ID number UN3082Proper shipping name Environmentally hazardous substance, liquid, n.o.s.Transport hazard class(es) 9Packing group IIISpecial Provisions 8, 146, 173, 335, 441, IB3, T4, TP1, TP29DOT Marine Pollutant NPDescription UN3082, Environmentally hazardous substance, liquid, n.o.s., 9, IIIEmergency Response GuideNumber171TDGUN number or ID number UN3082UN proper shipping name Environmentally hazardous substance, liquid, n.o.s.Transport hazard class(es) 9Packing group IIISpecial Provisions 16, 99Description UN3082, Environmentally hazardous substance, liquid, n.o.s. (Ethanol), 9, IIIMEXUN number or ID number UN3082UN proper shipping name Environmentally hazardous substance, liquid, n.o.s.Transport hazard class(es) 9Packing group IIITechnical Name EthanolDescription UN3082, Environmentally hazardous substance, liquid, n.o.s. (Ethanol), 9, IIISpecial Provisions 274, 331, 335ICAO (air)UN number or ID number UN3082UN proper shipping name Environmentally hazardous substance, liquid, n.o.s.Transport hazard class(es) 9Packing group IIIDescription UN3082, Environmentally hazardous substance, liquid, n.o.s. (Ethanol), 9, III Special Provisions A97, A158, A197, A215IATAUN number or ID number UN3082UN proper shipping name Environmentally hazardous substance, liquid, n.o.s.Transport hazard class(es) 9Packing group IIITechnical Name EthanolDescription UN3082, Environmentally hazardous substance, liquid, n.o.s. (Ethanol), 9, III Special Provisions A97, A158, A197ERG Code 9LUN number or ID number UN3082UN proper shipping name Environmentally hazardous substance, liquid, n.o.s.Transport hazard class(es) 9Packing group IIIEmS-No F-A, S-FSpecial Provisions 274, 335, 969Marine pollutant PDescription UN3082, Environmentally hazardous substance, liquid, n.o.s., 9, III, Marine Pollutant RIDUN number or ID number UN3082UN proper shipping name Environmentally hazardous substance, liquid, n.o.s.Transport hazard class(es) 9Packing group IIIClassification code M6Special Provisions 274, 335, 375, 601Description UN3082, Environmentally hazardous substance, liquid, n.o.s. (Ethanol), 9, IIIADRUN number or ID number UN3082UN proper shipping name Environmentally hazardous substance, liquid, n.o.s.Transport hazard class(es) 9Packing group IIIClassification code M6Tunnel restriction code (-)Special Provisions 274, 335, 601, 375Description UN3082, Environmentally hazardous substance, liquid, n.o.s. (Ethanol), 9, III, (-) ADNNotes Could not find a Marine Pollutant Name.UN number or ID number UN3082UN proper shipping name Environmentally hazardous substance, liquid, n.o.s.Transport hazard class(es) 9Packing group IIIClassification code M6Special Provisions 274, 335, 375, 601Description UN3082, Environmentally hazardous substance, liquid, n.o.s. (Ethanol, Cobalt), 9, III Equipment Requirements PP15. Regulatory informationInternational InventoriesTSCA -.*Contact supplier for details. One or more substances in this product are either not listed on the US TSCA inventory, listed on the confidential US TSCA inventory or are otherwise exempted from inventory listing requirementsDSL/NDSL -.EINECS/ELINCS -.ENCS -.IECSC -.KECL -.PICCS -.AICS -.Legend:TSCA - United States Toxic Substances Control Act Section 8(b) InventoryDSL/NDSL - Canadian Domestic Substances List/Non-Domestic Substances ListEINECS/ELINCS - European Inventory of Existing Chemical Substances/European List of Notified Chemical SubstancesENCS - Japan Existing and New Chemical SubstancesIECSC - China Inventory of Existing Chemical SubstancesKECL - Korean Existing and Evaluated Chemical SubstancesPICCS - Philippines Inventory of Chemicals and Chemical SubstancesAICS - Australian Inventory of Chemical SubstancesUS Federal RegulationsSARA 313Section 313 of Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA). This product does not contain any chemicals which are subject to the reporting requirements of the Act and Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 372. SARA 311/312 Hazard CategoriesShould this product meet EPCRA 311/312 Tier reporting criteria at 40 CFR 370, refer to Section 2 of this SDS for appropriate classifications.CWA (Clean Water Act)This product does not contain any substances regulated as pollutants pursuant to the Clean Water Act (40 CFR 122.21 and 40 CFR 122.42).CERCLAThis material, as supplied, does not contain any substances regulated as hazardous substances under the Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) (40 CFR 302) or the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) (40 CFR 355). There may be specific reporting requirements at the local, regional, or state level pertaining to releases of this material.US State RegulationsCalifornia Proposition 65This product contains the following Proposition 65 chemicals:.Chemical name California Proposition 65Ethanol - 64-17-5 CarcinogenDevelopmentalCobalt - 7440-48-4 CarcinogenU.S. State Right-to-Know RegulationsChemical name New Jersey Massachusetts Pennsylvania EthanolX X X 64-17-5X X X Cobalt7440-48-4U.S. EPA Label InformationEPA Pesticide Registration Number Not applicable16. Other informationNFPA Health hazards 3 Flammability 1 Instability 0 Special hazards - HMIS Health hazards * 3 Flammability 1 Physical hazards 0 Personal protection X Chronic Hazard Star Legend * = Chronic Health HazardKey or legend to abbreviations and acronyms used in the safety data sheetLegend Section 8: EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONTWA Time weighted average STEL Short term exposure limitCeiling Maximum limit value * Skin designationKey literature references and sources for data used to compile the SDSAgency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR)U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ChemView DatabaseEuropean Food Safety Authority (EFSA)EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)Acute Exposure Guideline Level(s) (AEGL(s))U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide ActU.S. Environmental Protection Agency High Production Volume ChemicalsFood Research JournalHazardous Substance DatabaseInternational Uniform Chemical Information Database (IUCLID)Japan GHS ClassificationAustralia National Industrial Chemicals Notification and Assessment Scheme (NICNAS)NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health)National Library of Medicine's ChemID Plus (NLM CIP)National Library of Medicine’s PubMed database (NLM PUBMED)National Toxicology Program (NTP)New Zealand's Chemical Classification and Information Database (CCID)Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development Environment, Health, and Safety PublicationsOrganization for Economic Co-operation and Development High Production Volume Chemicals ProgramOrganization for Economic Co-operation and Development Screening Information Data SetWorld Health OrganizationRevision Date 2022-12-26Revision Note No information available.DisclaimerThe information provided in this Safety Data Sheet is correct to the best of our knowledge, information and belief at the date of its publication. The information given is designed only as a guidance for safe handling, use, processing, storage, transportation, disposal and release and is not to be considered a warranty or quality specification. The information relates only to the specific material designated and may not be valid for such material used in combination with any other materials or in any process, unless specified in the text.End of Safety Data Sheet。
Enterprise Development专业品质权威Analysis Report企业发展分析报告苏州精宏顺自动化科技有限公司免责声明:本报告通过对该企业公开数据进行分析生成,并不完全代表我方对该企业的意见,如有错误请及时联系;本报告出于对企业发展研究目的产生,仅供参考,在任何情况下,使用本报告所引起的一切后果,我方不承担任何责任:本报告不得用于一切商业用途,如需引用或合作,请与我方联系:苏州精宏顺自动化科技有限公司1企业发展分析结果1.1 企业发展指数得分企业发展指数得分苏州精宏顺自动化科技有限公司综合得分说明:企业发展指数根据企业规模、企业创新、企业风险、企业活力四个维度对企业发展情况进行评价。
1.2 企业画像类别内容行业空资质空产品服务:技术服务、技术开发、技术咨询、技术交流、1.3 发展历程2工商2.1工商信息2.2工商变更2.3股东结构2.4主要人员2.5分支机构2.6对外投资2.7企业年报2.8股权出质2.9动产抵押2.10司法协助2.11清算2.12注销3投融资3.1融资历史3.2投资事件3.3核心团队3.4企业业务4企业信用4.1企业信用4.2行政许可-工商局4.3行政处罚-信用中国4.4行政处罚-工商局4.5税务评级4.6税务处罚4.7经营异常4.8经营异常-工商局4.9采购不良行为4.10产品抽查4.11产品抽查-工商局4.12欠税公告4.13环保处罚4.14被执行人5司法文书5.1法律诉讼(当事人)5.2法律诉讼(相关人)5.3开庭公告5.4被执行人5.5法院公告5.6破产暂无破产数据6企业资质6.1资质许可6.2人员资质6.3产品许可6.4特殊许可7知识产权7.1商标7.2专利7.3软件著作权7.4作品著作权7.5网站备案7.6应用APP7.7微信公众号8招标中标8.1政府招标8.2政府中标8.3央企招标8.4央企中标9标准9.1国家标准9.2行业标准9.3团体标准9.4地方标准10成果奖励10.1国家奖励10.2省部奖励10.3社会奖励10.4科技成果11土地11.1大块土地出让11.2出让公告11.3土地抵押11.4地块公示11.5大企业购地11.6土地出租11.7土地结果11.8土地转让12基金12.1国家自然基金12.2国家自然基金成果12.3国家社科基金13招聘13.1招聘信息感谢阅读:感谢您耐心地阅读这份企业调查分析报告。
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B.20℃时10g水最多能溶解4g NaCl
(I)配制时需要氢氧化钠固体的质量是g, 水的质量是g;
①如果乙同学的示意图符合事实,应该观察到的现象是____________ ;
10.图1 为甲、乙两物质的溶解度曲线。
t1℃时,分别将20g甲、乙两种固体物质加人到盛有100g水的两个烧杯中,恰好完全溶解,升温到t2℃时出现图2 所示的现象。
数 (填大于、等于或小于)。
水60g,可得到甲溶液g,此时溶质的质量分数为 %。