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Why is English important?

Aims:Make students be interested in English.


Step1.English Motto: Don’t Be Shy, Just Try!

The teacher introduce herself and give a good example.

Step2.Speak requirement: Loudly Clearly Quickly

Step3. Most important thing for good Oral English is PRACTICE, PRACTICE ,PRACTICE!

Step 4.Now let us do our weekly training together!

Step 5.Pick some Sentences for games!

a.Loudly—Lowly game

b.Passing Game—give student a sentence to pass down to the end to yell!

Step petition---each row yells a sentence to see which group is the best!

Step 7.Give topics for dialogue—give 2 to 3 minutes to prepare a dialogue.

Step 8. Have Dialogue Competition!

Step 9. English Slogans

cation must face the word, face the future, and face the modernization.

b.Knowledge is power!

c.Try to be Number One! We can as we try!

Step 10.Discuss: Why is English important? So we should learn English well,?


Greetings and self-introduction

Aims:Learn how to greet people and make self-introduction..

Good morning

Good afternoon.

Good evening

How are you? I am fine,thanks. And you ?

I am OK. Just so so. Very well. Not bad.

Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you,too.


Step 1. Do self-introduction make name cards.

Step 2. Have an English name and introduce oneself by---“My name is ...”

Step 3. Write the English names on the blackboard and practice them. Step 4. Practice ---Good morning.Good afternoon. Good evening. How are you? I am fine,thanks. And you ?

Step 5. Make up conversations.

Step 6. Practice ----I am OK . Just so so. Very well. Not bad.

Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you,too.

Step 7. Drill.

英语口语活动课教案3 School things

Aim:1.School things----pencil ruler rubber sharpener.

2. Learn hoe to buy school things in a shop.


Step 1. -- Hi,how are you today? ( Fine )

-- How many days are there in a week?

-- What day is today?

Step 2. Shopping

a. Review school things

-- Oh,nothing!What shall I prepare?(pencil……)

-- Look,there is a stationary super-market!Who wants to be the shop man?-- OK,now let’s play.

b. Review colors

-- What shape is it?-- What color is it?-- What did you buy?

Step 3. Game Time

a. Listening game:

Please put your bag on the chair.

Please / open / close your pencil-box .

Please take out/put in your pencil-box /pencil、rubber、ruler、sharpener

b.What do you like……?Why……?Because….

Step 4. Drlls.

英语口语活动课教案4 What’s this?


1.What’s this? It’s a…….

2.Revise: pen pencil pencil case pencil sharpener book

3.New words: dictionary backpack


Step 1. Greetings

Please stand up.Let’s say “Good morning, teacher.”

There’re many teachers at here,

Now. Let’s sing a song《Hello, Good morning》.

Sit down please.

Step 2. Talk about the weather

T: Today is Thursday.What’s the weather like today?

C: It’s sunny.Let’s start the class, OK? Are you ready?

Step 3. Practice:

a.---Oh, how beautiful it is?

---Look, what’s this?
