智能安防 硬件部分 外文资料翻译



ultrasonic Doppler detector(超声波传感器)
infrared beam interruption detector(主动红外探测器)
vibration switch(振动控测器)
glass break detector(玻璃破碎探测器)
magnetic contact(磁开关)
burglar signal(安全防范信号)
status signal(正常信号)
false status signal(错误信号)。
alarm signaling operation(报警输出)
access control system(门禁管理系统)
guard line(警戒线)
alarm response time(报警响应时间)
detection response speed(探测响应速度)
detection sensitivity(探测灵敏度)
detection distance(探测距离)
detection zone(探测范围)
alarm failure(漏报警)
false alarm type2(二类误报警)由于设计、施工及保养检查不良引发的报警。
false alarm type3(三类误报警)由于误操作引发的报警。
false alarm type4(四类误报警)由于动植物、自然环境等引发的报警。
false alarm type5(五类误报警)原因不明的报警。
DSP——Digital Signal Process,数字信号处理



安防行业最全中英对照表摄像机Camera记录设备DVR画面处理器Quad &Mutiplexer监视器Monitor数字监控IP CCTV视频采集卡Cap ture Card编码解码器Encoder & Decoder矩阵Matri护罩球罩Hous ing监控器支架Bracket 云台Pan /Tilt 红外线灯In frared Light 集成监控Integrated Surveillanee 镜头Lens传输设备Transmitting Equipment 配套软件Surveillanee Software 录像带Recording Cassette 防盗报警Alarm System 电话报警设备Telephone Alarm Device 防盗门Door防盗系统Theftproof Equipment保险柜Safeguard Case探头Detector 感应器In ductor 警号闪灯Alarm Light 门磁窗磁Mag netic Con tact发射接收器Tran smitter & Receiver个人报警器Perso nal Alarm 报警主机Alarm Mainframe 报警软件Alarm Software 玻璃破碎探测器Glass-Crashi ng Detector其他Others门禁考勤Access System (1516) 门禁控制主机Access Mai nframe磁卡Card读卡器Card Reader指纹采集仪Fin gerpri nt Ide ntificati on考勤机Access Attendance 门禁控制器Access Controller 锁具Locks & Doors其他Others对讲设备Intercom System(753)可视对讲Visual Intercom非可视对讲Unvisualable Intercom 防灾保全对型Emerge ncy In tercom 其他Others智能交通Intelligent Traffic System (416) 交通控制管理Traffic Man ageme nt Equipme nt 交通收费设备Traffic Charge Equipme nt交通检测设备Traffic Detector行驶记录仪Traffic Black Box车辆导航系统GPS交通系统及软件Traffic System Software停车场设备Park Equipment 汽车防盗设备Car Theftproof Equipment 其他Others消防设备Fire Protection (161)灭火器Extinguisher紧急广播设备Emerge ncy Broadcast ing消防栓Fireplug火警探测器Fire Detector防护衣帽Body proof Clothes其他Others传输系统Transmitting System(712)微波传输Micro-wave Transmission远程传输Tele Transmission光纤传输Fiber Transmission线缆Cables其他Others其他产品Others (427)智能化小区系统In tellige nt Commu nity System 柜员机ATM Equipment消费管理系统Co nsumi ng Ma nageme nt System 电梯控制器Elevator Controlling Equipment 金库保险Cashbox Security中英文对照安防系统专业名词之线缆系统Alumi nium foil shield 铝箔屏蔽Applia nee Wiring 标准电线电缆Attenuation 衰减Automotive Wire 汽车线Braid编织屏蔽Characteristic impedanee 特性阻抗Coaxial Cable同轴电缆Con ductor 导体Control Cable控制电缆Elevator Cable 电梯电缆Excelle nt flexibility 富柔软性Frequency 频率Haloge n Free High-Speed In terface Cable 无卤高速介面电缆Hybrid Plastic Inner Jacket塑料混合物内护层Inner jacket 内护层In sulatio n:PVC/C in sulation at 70 C °PVC/E insulation at 90 ° C绝缘:70° C时,使用C型聚氯乙烯90° C时,使用E型聚氯乙烯Jacket护套Loudspeaker Cable喇叭线,音箱线Max. Atten最大衰减Max.Resistanee最大导体电阻Meet lead and cadmium free requirement 符合无铅无镉要求Multi-cha nnel digital audio 多声道Networki ng Cable 网络电缆Next Power Sum 近端串音功率和Next Worst Pair 近端串音No. of Pairs 对数Nom O.D成品外径Nom. Space标称间距Nom.Dia标称外径Nom.Thick 厚度Propagation delay skew 延时差PVC Insulation聚氯乙烯绝缘PVC/ST4 Jacket聚氯乙烯护套Rated cap.额定电容Rated temperature 额定温度Rated voltage额定电压RE.weight参考重量Resista nt to heat, oil, abrasion and cold具耐热,耐油性,防磨损,耐冷等特性Section 截面Spira/Braid Shield 编织/缠绕屏蔽Structure 结构Tinned copper, Braid shield屏蔽,镀锡铜线编织屏蔽Tinned or bare, solid copper con ductor导体:单支实芯铜线或单支实芯镀锡铜线Tinned or bare, stra nded copper con ductor导体:多股裸铜线或镀锡铜线绞合中英文对照安防系统专业名词之对讲系统A visible walky-talky system 可视对讲系统AC Transformer电源适配器Adaptor解码器add-on Selector扩展选择板Audio Station 音频门口机Ce ntre Con trol Unit中央控制单元Door Station 门口机Enhanced System嵌入式系统Hands-free 免提Ha nds-free Color Video In tercom 彩色对讲系统In side Stati on 室内分机Master Station 主分机Sub Statio n 副分机Video Mon itor 显示屏Wireless walky-talky system 无线对讲系统中英文对照安防系统专业名词之显示与监视器CRT, Cathode Ray Tube 阴极射管线Display显示器ECD, Electro Chromic Chemical Display 电化著色显示EL, Electro Lumin esce nt 电光光面板EPID, EIectrophoretic In dicatio n Display 电泳动显示LCD, Liquid Crystal Display 液晶显示LED, Light Emitter Display 发光二极体Monitor监视器PDP, Plasma Display Panel 电浆显示板VFD, Vacuum FIuoresce nt DispIay 萤光显示管中英文对照安防系统专业名词之智能家居系统Home remote control 家居远程控制In tellige nt home applia nces con trol system 家电智能控制Intelligent home system 智能家居系统中英文对照安防系统专业名词之综合布线系统Broadba nd access 宽带接入Broadband multimedia service system 宽带多媒体服务系统Commu nity network service 社区网络服务Con struct ion en semble system 建筑群子系统Horizo ntal system 水平子系统Man ageme nt system 管理子系统PDS,Premises Distribution System 综合布线系统The equipme nt room system 设备间子系统The worki ng area system 工作区子系统Vertical system 垂直子系统中英文对照安防系统专业名词之三表抄送系统Remote Co nn ectrated Meter Directly-Readi ng System 远程抄表系统Concentrator 集中器Repeater中继器Directly-Readi ng Meter 直读式表计Water Meter 水表Electricity Meter 电表Gas Meter煤气表Pure-Water Meter 纯净水表中英文对照安防系统专业名词之职称与职位Admi nistrator/Clerk 主管/员工Con tract Admi nistrator 合同主管Docume nt Con troller 文档管理员Draftpers on 起草人Site Driver 工地司机Electricia n 电工Desig n Engin eer 设计工程师Asst Desig n Engin eer 设计助理工程师T & C Engin eer 调试工程师Database Engin eer 数据库工程师Senior Desig n Engin eer 高级设计工程师Desig n & Devt Engin eer 设计&开发工程师Project Engin eer 项目工程师Asst Project Engin eer 项目助理工程师Professi onal Engin eer 专业工程师Service Engin eer 办公室减值Software Engin eer 软件工程师QC Engin eer 质里控制工程师System Engin eer 系统工程师Software & Devt Engin eer 软件开发工程师System Assura nee Engin eer 系统保险工程师Cost Con trol Engin eer 成本控制工程师Network Engin eer 网络工程师Communi cati on Engin eer 通讯工程师Graphics Engin eerLice nse Elect WorkerSenior Engin eerTech nicianFire Alarm Engin eer Asst Service Engin eer Customer Service Engin eer Maintenance Engin eer Senior WelderSnr Applicati on Engin eer Senior T&C Engin eer Senior Estimator EstimatorDirect Labour Nati onalIn direct LabourGen eral WorkerSenior Project Man ager Project Man ager Expat Project Man ager Local Deputy Project Man ager Con struct ion Man ager Asst Con struct ion Man ager Senior Con tracts Man ager Asst Con stracts Man ager T & C Man agerDesig n Man ager Expat Desig n Man ager Local Fire & Safety MgrProject Con trol Mgr Service Man agerSenior Service Man ager Software Man ager Software Quality Man ager Tech ni cal Software Man ager Operati ons Man ager Material Con troller Storekeeper Pipe FitterPla nnerProject Safety Officer Quan tity Surveyor Project/Site Supervisor Safety SupervisorMecha ni cal Supervisor绘图工程师电工(有职业许可证)高级工程师技术人员火警工程师助理服务工程师客服工程师维护工程师高级焊工高级应用工程师高级项目工程师高级预算员预算员直接劳力间接劳力普通工人高级项目经理项目经理(外地)项目经理(本地)代理项目经理建筑经理助理建筑经理高级合同经理助理合同经理测试经理设计经理(外地)设计经理(本地)消防安防经理项目控制经理服务经理高级服务经理软件经理软件质量经理技术软件经理运营经理材料管理员店长管道工计划员项目安全官员质检员项目主管安全主管机械主管中英文对照安防系统专业名词之招投标Bidding 招投标 RFQ, Request for Quotation 招标文件Signed and Compa ny Chop 签名盖公章Ten derer 投标人中英文对照安防系统专业名词 之 楼宇自控子系统Air-c on diti oning system 空调系统Artistic light ing 艺术照明Buildi ng automati on con trol system 楼宇设备监控系统Cold water system 冷水系统Distributi on of high and low-voltage electricity高低压配电 Electric tran sformer and distributi on 变配电Electricity tran sformati on 变电Emerge ncy light ing 紧急照明Emergency power 应急发电Environment System 环境系统Escalators 扶梯Fire alarm system 火灾自动报警子系统Heat excha nge system 热交换系统Internal isolatio n tran sformer 内置变压器Make-up air system 新风系统Power Supply and Distributio n 供配电系统Public facility mo nitor system 公共设施监控系统Public light ing 公共照明Ren ewal of the blower fan coil 风机盘管加新风Sewage and intermediary water division 污水及水处理Special lighti ng(obstacle lights) 特殊照明(障碍灯)VAV system VAV 变风量系统Electrical Supervisor In strume ntatio nal Supervisor Forema n 电力主管 仪器主管 Welder Workshop Supervisor Software Assista nt 作业班长 焊工 Senior Tech nician Tech ni cal Specialist Tech nician 车间主管 软件助理 高级技术员 技术专员 工程师Ven tilation system 通排风系统Water supply and drain age 给排水Water Supply and Drai nage System 给排水系统Water supply, drain age and drinking water 给排水与饮用水中英文对照安防系统专业名词之入侵报警系统Absolute humidity 绝对湿度Accesss control system出入口控制系统/门禁系统Active In frared In trusion Detector 主动红外入侵探测器Activity Detecti on 活动侦测Alarm报警Alarm receiving centre 报警接收中心Arming 布防Armor Cash Carrier 运钞车Bala need protecti on 均衡防护bank note transport car 银行运钞车Beam (光线的)束,柱,电波,横梁Blind zone 盲区Burglar Alarm System 安全防范报警设备Bypass旁路Delay延迟Detection 探测Detector探测器Dew Point 露点Dew Point Temperature 露点温度Disarming 撤防Door Con tact 门磁Engin eeri ng of security and protect ion system 安全防范(系统)工程false alarm 误报警false alarm 误报警Fire alarm system 火灾自动报警子系统Frost Point 霜点Guard tour system电子巡查系统Home anti-theft alarm 家居防盗报警Home remote control 家居远程控制Humidity 湿度Infrared Sensor红外探测器in timidati on alarm system 胁迫报警系统Intruder alarm system 入侵报警系统In trusion Alarm System 防盗报警系统In trusi on Detect ion 入侵侦测invasion detection alarm system 入侵探测报警系统IR, I nfra-red 红外线Keypad键盘leakage alarm 漏报警level of protect ion 防护等级level of risk风险等级level of security 安全防护水平Lon gitudi nal-depth protect ion 纵深防护microwave detection 微波探测器Motion Detectio n 移动侦测normal close常闭状态operation signal 状态信号Outdoor Siren室外警铃Panel面板,报警主机Pa nic Butt on紧急按钮Parking lots management system 停车场(库)管理系统perimeter 周界Perimeter Precauti on 周界防范Pet Immunity 防宠物Photoelectric光电的,光电子照相装置的Photoelectric Beam Detector 光束遮断式感应器Protection area 防护区Relative humidity 相对湿度response 反应Restricted area 禁区Saturati on Vapor Pressure 饱和水蒸气压securicar运钞车Security 安全Security and protect ion products 安全防范产品Security and protect ion system 安全防范系统Security in specti on system for an tiexplosi on 防爆安全检查系统Security man ageme nt system 安全管理系统Security prevention system 社区安防系统Security system安全防范子系统security system 安全系统Surveillanee and control centre 监控中心Surveillanee area 监视区域tamper device防拆功能tension wire detection 振动揽探测器TriTech PIR/Microwave Detector with Pet Immu nity 双鉴防宠物探测器Video surveillanee and control system 视频安防监控系统中英文对照安防系统专业名词之门禁系统Access Control 门禁控制Con tactless 非接触Control Panel控制面板Controller 控制器Electric Exit Devices 电控逃生装置electric strike for sin gle or double leaf steel doors 单双门电锁扣Electric Strikes 电控锁扣(阴极锁)Electrified Locksets & Trim 电控锁、电控把手Elevator Management System 电梯控制系统En closed被附上的Entrance 出入口Guard Tour System电子巡更系统IC Card POS System IC卡消费管理系统Lift Access Con trol 电梯控制Magnetic磁性,磁力Magnetic磁性,磁力Mag netic Lock 电磁锁Mag netic Lock 电磁锁Night patrol 巡更Parki ng Admi nistrative System 停车场管理系统Parking Lots Management System 停车场管理系统Pin tumbler lock 销簧锁Power bolts 电动插销锁proximity 近距离Reader读卡器Roller Shutter 卷闸门Smart Management System of Parking Lots 停车场管理系统Time and Attendanee Management 考勤管理系统Time Attendanee 考勤系统Warded Lock 凸块锁中英文对照安防系统专业名词之闭路监控系统ABERRATION 像差:光学系统中对成像造成不良影响的因素。



安防产品术语中英文(2008-03-04 14:03:33)转载标签:分类:灵动职场it摄象机术语的中英文对照CCD——Charged Coupled Device,电荷耦合器件AGC——Automatic Gain Control,自动增益控制S/N——Signal-to-Noise ratio,信号噪声比OSD——On Screen Display,屏幕显示BLC——Back Light Compensation,背景光补偿EAS——Electronic Automatic Shutter,自动电子快门AWB——Automatic White Balance,自动白平衡ELC——Electronic Light Control,电子亮度控制ATW——Automatic Tracking White balance,自动跟踪白平衡DSP——Digital Signal Process,数字信号处理ALC——Automatic Light Control,自动亮度控制一般安全防范术语security system(安全系统)alarm(报警)false alarm(误报警)operation signal(状态信号)tamper device(防拆功能)burglar alarm system(安全防范报警设备)normal close(常闭状态)normal open(常开状态)signal transfer output(报警输出)online alarm system(在线报警系统)sensitivity margin(灵敏度冗余)intruder alarm system(入侵报警系统)guard line(警戒线)alarm response time(报警响应时间)detection response speed(探测响应速度)detection sensitivity(探测灵敏度)detection distance(探测距离)detection zone(探测范围)alarm failure(漏报警)beam teception gain(受光增益)entry/exit delay time function(进入/退出延时功能)zone indication(防区指示)local alarm system(closed alarm system)(本地报警系统)。



安防英语汇集一.杂锦Physical Protection:物理技术防范Electronic Protection:电子防范技术Biometric Protection:生物统计学防范技术Bank/Box Office/Window Intercom Kit:银行窗口对讲机Bank/Box Office Window Intercom Kits with Customer Evaluation Pads:评价器对讲系统Camera:摄相机/普通枪机Integrated monitoring system:一体化摄像机Covert CCD Camera:隐蔽式摄像机High Speed Dome:室内高速球Control Keyboard:智能控制键盘V andal-Proof Dome:防破坏半球系列interphone内部对讲机Elevator exclusive intercom电梯专用对讲系统Healthcare and Nurse Call Series:医院护理对讲系统Wireless Paging System:无线呼叫系统Burglary Alarm Kit:防盗报警器Burglary Alarm MastePanel:防盗报警主机Sirens and Lights:报警喇叭及闪灯Sensor:报警探头Emergency Push Button:报警按钮VDR (Video Disk Recorder):硬盘录像机Matrix:矩阵Dome Camera:半球摄相机二.常用英文与中文对照表AAUDIO:音频AC:交流电Auto:自动CCool:制冷Client:客户端Cable:线缆Coxial cable:同轴电缆Control:控制Com:接地或者公共端或串口Color:彩色DDome Camera:半球摄相机DSP(Digital Signal Processor):数字信号处理DC:直流F-QFocus:聚焦FUSE:保险丝GND:接地Heat:加热Interphone:内部对讲机In:输入Internet:互联网Line:线路Level:电平R-ZRs485:485控制Rs232:232计算机串口Rs422:422控制方式Remote Login:远程登录Test:测试UPS(Uninterruptible Power Supply):不间断电源三.防盗报警摄像机:Camera 记录设备:DVR 画面处理器:Quad & Mutiplexer监视器:Monitor 数字监控:IP CCTV 视频采集卡:Capture Card编码解码器:Encoder & Decoder 矩阵:Matri护罩球罩:Housing 监控器支架:Bracket云台:Pan/Tilt 红外线灯:Infrared Ligh集成监控:Integrated Surveillance 镜头:Lens传输设备Transmitting Equipment 配套软件Surveillance Software录像带Recording Cassette 发射接收器Transmitter & Receiver防盗报警Alarm System 电话报警设备Telephone Alarm Device防盗门:Door 防盗系统Theftproof Equipment保险柜Safeguard Case 探头Detector感应器:Inductor 警号闪灯:Alarm Light门磁窗磁:Magnetic Contact 个人报警器Personal Alarm报警主机Alarm Mainframe 报警软件Alarm Software玻璃破碎探测器Glass-Crashing Detector四.门禁门禁考勤Access System 门禁控制主机Access Mainframe磁卡:Card 读卡器:Card Reader指纹采集仪:Fingerprint Identification 考勤机:Access Attendance门禁控制器:Access Controller 锁具:Locks & Doors对讲设备:Intercom System 可视对讲:Visual Intercom非可视对讲:Un-visualable Intercom 防灾保全对型:Emergency Intercom1. Access Card - 门禁卡。



























关键词:小区安防;AT89C51;传感器;信号处理;报警器;CAN总线AbstractThis paper mostly describes how to design the guard system of uptown.The guard system provides many functions, such as guard against fire、gas leaking out and so on, realizing the automatization of the public security of updown. This security alarm system structure is composed by three parts:the scenec controls measure,the family control measure,a nd monitoring center. Alarm system of updown is made up of clients and warning center. Use the chip of CAN to form the alarm network of uptown, and the software to carry out communication between clients and warning center. In the PC on board management report to the police signal analysis, showed warn information, convenient for and small area security personnel in time help handle excrescent affairs, and convenient to residents uptown. This system uses the CAN network to deliver the message, and improve the reliability, with more convenient operation, and used extensively in actual engineering, So it has a good applied foreground and extend value in engineering.This system introduces the main characteristic and principle of Singlechip AT89C51、several sensors、SJA1000、PCA82C250,using ADC0809 to collect datas, and then the expatiation on communication between principal and subordinate, and applicate this method to the control of MCS-51 series single-chip microcomputer.Keywords: Singlechip communication;AT89C51;Sensor;Signal processing;Alarm;CAN network。



摄像机Camera记录设备DVR画面处理器Quad &Multiplexer Quadrangle 监视器Monitor数字监控IP CCTV视频采集卡 Capture Card编码解码器Encoder & Decoder矩阵 Marti护罩球罩 Housing监控器支架 Bracket云台 Pan/Tilt红外线灯 Infrared Light集成监控Integrated Surveillance镜头Lens传输设备Transmitting Equipment配套软件Surveillance Software录像带Recording Cassette [kæˈset]防盗报警 Alarm System电话报警设备Telephone Alarm Device防盗门 Door防盗系统Theftproof Equipment[θeft]保险柜 Safeguard Case探头 Detector感应器 Inductor警号闪灯Alarm Light门磁窗磁 Magnetic Contact[mægˈnetik]发射接收器 Transmitter & Receiver个人报警器 Personal Alarm报警主机 Alarm Mainframe报警软件 Alarm Software玻璃破碎探测器 Glass-Crashing Detector其他Others门禁考勤 Access System (1516)门禁控制主机 Access Mainframe磁卡Card读卡器 Card Reader指纹采集仪 Fingerprint Identification考勤机Access Attendance门禁控制器Access Controller锁具Locks & Doors其他Others对讲设备Intercom System(753){ˈintəkɔ:s}可视对讲Visual Intercom非可视对讲Unvisualable Intercom防灾保全对型Emergency Intercom其他Others智能交通Intelligent Traffic System (416)交通控制管理 Traffic Management Equipment交通收费设备 Traffic Charge Equipment交通检测设备 Traffic Detector行驶记录仪Traffic Black Box车辆导航系统 GPS交通系统及软件 Traffic System Software停车场设备Park Equipment汽车防盗设备Car Theftproof Equipment其他Others消防设备Fire Protection (161)灭火器 Extinguisher[ikˈstiŋgwiʃ]紧急广播设备Emergency Broadcasting消防栓 Fireplug火警探测器Fire Detector防护衣帽Body proof Clothes其他Others传输系统 Transmitting System(712)微波传输Micro-wave Transmission 'maikrəu]远程传输Tele Transmission光纤传输Fiber Transmission线缆Cables其他Others其他产品Others (427)智能化小区系统Intelligent Community System柜员机ATM Equipment消费管理系统Consuming Management System电梯控制器Elevator Controlling Equipmentˈeliveitə金库保险Cashbox Security中英文对照安防系统专业名词之线缆系统Aluminium foil shield 铝箔屏蔽ˌæljuˈminiəm]Appliance Wiring 标准电线电缆[əˈplaiəns]Attenuation 衰减[əˈtenjueit]Automotive Wire 汽车线[ˌɔ:təˈmætik]Braid 编织屏蔽[breid]Characteristic impedance 特性阻抗Coaxial Cable 同轴电缆Conductor 导体Control Cable 控制电缆Elevator Cable 电梯电缆Excellent flexibility 富柔软性Frequency 频率Halogen Free High-Speed Interface Cable 无卤高速介面电缆Hybrid Plastic Inner Jacket 塑料混合物内护层Inner jacket 内护层Insulation:PVC/C insulation at 70°CPVC/E insulation at 90°C 绝缘:70°C时,使用C型聚氯乙烯90°C时,使用E型聚氯乙烯Jacket 护套Loudspeaker Cable 喇叭线,音箱线Max. Atten 最大衰减Max.Resistance 最大导体电阻Meet lead and cadmium free requirement 符合无铅无镉要求Multi-channel digital audio 多声道Networking Cable 网络电缆Next Power Sum 近端串音功率和Next Worst Pair 近端串音No. of Pairs 对数Nom O.D 成品外径Nom. Space 标称间距Nom.Dia 标称外径Nom.Thick 厚度Propagation delay skew 延时差PVC Insulation 聚氯乙烯绝缘PVC/ST4 Jacket 聚氯乙烯护套Rated cap. 额定电容Rated temperature 额定温度Rated voltage 额定电压RE.weight 参考重量Resistant to heat, oil, abrasion and cold 具耐热,耐油性,防磨损,耐冷等特性Section 截面Spira/Braid Shield 编织/缠绕屏蔽Structure 结构Tinned copper, Braid shield 屏蔽,镀锡铜线编织屏蔽Tinned or bare, solid copper conductor 导体:单支实芯铜线或单支实芯镀锡铜线Tinned or bare, stranded copper conductor 导体:多股裸铜线或镀锡铜线绞合中英文对照安防系统专业名词之对讲系统A visible walky-talky system 可视对讲系统AC Transformer 电源适配器Adaptor 解码器add-on Selector 扩展选择板Audio Station 音频门口机Centre Control Unit 中央控制单元Door Station 门口机Enhanced System 嵌入式系统Hands-free 免提Hands-free Color Video Intercom 彩色对讲系统Inside Station 室内分机Master Station 主分机Sub Station 副分机Video Monitor 显示屏Wireless walky-talky system 无线对讲系统中英文对照安防系统专业名词之显示与监视器CRT, Cathode Ray Tube 阴极射管线Display 显示器ECD, Electro Chromic Chemical Display 电化著色显示EL, Electro Luminescent 电光光面板EPID, EIectrophoretic Indication Display 电泳动显示LCD, Liquid Crystal Display 液晶显示LED, Light Emitter Display 发光二极体Monitor 监视器PDP, Plasma Display Panel 电浆显示板VFD, Vacuum FIuorescent DispIay 萤光显示管中英文对照安防系统专业名词之智能家居系统Home remote control 家居远程控制Intelligent home appliances control system 家电智能控制Intelligent home system 智能家居系统中英文对照安防系统专业名词之综合布线系统Broadband access 宽带接入Broadband multimedia service system 宽带多媒体服务系统Community network service 社区网络服务Construction ensemble system 建筑群子系统Horizontal system 水平子系统Management system 管理子系统PDS,Premises Distribution System 综合布线系统The equipment room system 设备间子系统The working area system 工作区子系统Vertical system 垂直子系统中英文对照安防系统专业名词之三表抄送系统Remote Connectrated Meter Directly-Reading System 远程抄表系统Concentrator 集中器Repeater 中继器Directly-Reading Meter 直读式表计Water Meter 水表Electricity Meter 电表Gas Meter 煤气表Pure-Water Meter 纯净水表中英文对照安防系统专业名词之职称与职位Administrator/Clerk 主管/员工Contract Administrator 合同主管Document Controller 文档管理员Draftperson 起草人Site Driver 工地司机Electrician 电工Design Engineer 设计工程师Asst Design Engineer 设计助理工程师T & C Engineer 调试工程师Database Engineer 数据库工程师Senior Design Engineer 高级设计工程师Design & Devt Engineer 设计&开发工程师Project Engineer 项目工程师Asst Project Engineer 项目助理工程师Professional Engineer 专业工程师Service Engineer 办公室减值Software Engineer 软件工程师QC Engineer 质量控制工程师System Engineer 系统工程师Software & Devt Engineer 软件开发工程师System Assurance Engineer 系统保险工程师Cost Control Engineer 成本控制工程师Network Engineer 网络工程师Communication Engineer 通讯工程师Graphics Engineer 绘图工程师License Elect Worker 电工(有职业许可证)Senior Engineer 高级工程师Technician 技术人员Fire Alarm Engineer 火警工程师Asst Service Engineer 助理服务工程师Customer Service Engineer 客服工程师Maintenance Engineer 维护工程师Senior Welder 高级焊工Snr Application Engineer 高级应用工程师Senior T&C Engineer 高级项目工程师Senior Estimator 高级预算员Estimator 预算员Direct Labour National 直接劳力Indirect Labour 间接劳力General Worker 普通工人Senior Project Manager 高级项目经理Project Manager Expat 项目经理(外地)Project Manager Local 项目经理(本地)Deputy Project Manager 代理项目经理Construction Manager 建筑经理Asst Construction Manager 助理建筑经理Senior Contracts Manager 高级合同经理Asst Constracts Manager 助理合同经理T & C Manager 测试经理Design Manager Expat 设计经理(外地)Design Manager Local 设计经理(本地)Fire & Safety Mgr 消防安防经理Project Control Mgr 项目控制经理Service Manager 服务经理Senior Service Manager 高级服务经理Software Manager 软件经理Software Quality Manager 软件质量经理Technical Software Manager 技术软件经理Operations Manager 运营经理Material Controller 材料管理员Storekeeper 店长Pipe Fitter 管道工Planner 计划员Project Safety Officer 项目安全官员Quantity Surveyor 质检员Project/Site Supervisor 项目主管Safety Supervisor 安全主管Mechanical Supervisor 机械主管Electrical Supervisor 电力主管Instrumentational Supervisor 仪器主管Foreman 作业班长Welder 焊工Workshop Supervisor 车间主管Software Assistant 软件助理Senior Technician 高级技术员Technical Specialist 技术专员Technician 工程师中英文对照安防系统专业名词之招投标Bidding 招投标RFQ, Request for Quotation 招标文件Signed and Company Chop 签名盖公章Tenderer 投标人中英文对照安防系统专业名词之楼宇自控子系统Air-conditioning system 空调系统Artistic lighting 艺术照明Building automation control system 楼宇设备监控系统Cold water system 冷水系统Distribution of high and low-voltage electricity 高低压配电Electric transformer and distribution 变配电Electricity transformation 变电Emergency lighting 紧急照明Emergency power 应急发电Environment System 环境系统Escalators 扶梯Fire alarm system 火灾自动报警子系统Heat exchange system 热交换系统Internal isolation transformer 内置变压器Make-up air system 新风系统Power Supply and Distribution 供配电系统Public facility monitor system 公共设施监控系统Public lighting 公共照明Renewal of the blower fan coil 风机盘管加新风Sewage and intermediary water division 污水及水处理Special lighting(obstacle lights) 特殊照明(障碍灯)VAV system VAV变风量系统Ventilation system 通排风系统Water supply and drainage 给排水Water Supply and Drainage System 给排水系统Water supply, drainage and drinking water 给排水与饮用水中英文对照安防系统专业名词之入侵报警系统Absolute humidity 绝对湿度Accesss control system 出入口控制系统/门禁系统Active Infrared Intrusion Detector 主动红外入侵探测器Activity Detection 活动侦测Alarm 报警Alarm receiving centre 报警接收中心Arming 布防Armor Cash Carrier 运钞车Balanced protection 均衡防护bank note transport car 银行运钞车Beam (光线的)束, 柱, 电波, 横梁Blind zone 盲区Burglar Alarm System 安全防范报警设备Bypass 旁路Delay 延迟Detection 探测Detector 探测器Dew Point 露点Dew Point Temperature 露点温度Disarming 撤防Door Contact 门磁Engineering of security and protection system 安全防范(系统)工程false alarm 误报警false alarm 误报警Fire alarm system 火灾自动报警子系统Frost Point 霜点Guard tour system 电子巡查系统Home anti-theft alarm 家居防盗报警Home remote control 家居远程控制Humidity 湿度Infrared Sensor 红外探测器intimidation alarm system 胁迫报警系统Intruder alarm system 入侵报警系统Intrusion Alarm System 防盗报警系统Intrusion Detection 入侵侦测invasion detection alarm system 入侵探测报警系统IR, Infra-red 红外线Keypad 键盘leakage alarm 漏报警level of protection 防护等级level of risk 风险等级level of security 安全防护水平Longitudinal-depth protection 纵深防护microwave detection 微波探测器Motion Detection 移动侦测normal close 常闭状态operation signal 状态信号Outdoor Siren 室外警铃Panel 面板,报警主机Panic Button 紧急按钮Parking lots management system 停车场(库)管理系统perimeter 周界Perimeter Precaution 周界防范Pet Immunity 防宠物Photoelectric 光电的, 光电子照相装置的Photoelectric Beam Detector 光束遮断式感应器Protection area 防护区Relative humidity 相对湿度response 反应Restricted area 禁区Saturation Vapor Pressure 饱和水蒸气压securicar 运钞车Security 安全Security and protection products 安全防范产品Security and protection system 安全防范系统Security inspection system for antiexplosion 防爆安全检查系统Security management system 安全管理系统Security prevention system 社区安防系统Security system 安全防范子系统security system 安全系统Surveillance and control centre 监控中心Surveillance area 监视区域tamper device 防拆功能tension wire detection 振动揽探测器TriTech PIR/Microwave Detector with Pet Immunity 双鉴防宠物探测器Video surveillance and control system 视频安防监控系统中英文对照安防系统专业名词之门禁系统Access Control 门禁控制Contactless 非接触Control Panel 控制面板Controller 控制器Electric Exit Devices 电控逃生装置electric strike for single or double leaf steel doors 单双门电锁扣Electric Strikes 电控锁扣(阴极锁)Electrified Locksets & Trim 电控锁、电控把手Elevator Management System 电梯控制系统Enclosed 被附上的Entrance 出入口Guard Tour System 电子巡更系统IC Card POS System IC卡消费管理系统Lift Access Control 电梯控制Magnetic 磁性,磁力Magnetic 磁性,磁力Magnetic Lock 电磁锁Magnetic Lock 电磁锁Night patrol 巡更Parking Administrative System 停车场管理系统Parking Lots Management System 停车场管理系统Pin tumbler lock 销簧锁Power bolts 电动插销锁proximity 近距离Reader 读卡器Roller Shutter 卷闸门Smart Management System of Parking Lots 停车场管理系统Time and Attendance Management 考勤管理系统Time Attendance 考勤系统Warded Lock 凸块锁中英文对照安防系统专业名词之闭路监控系统ABERRATION 像差:光学系统中对成像造成不良影响的因素。



安防行业专业英语术语摄像机Camera记录设备DVR画面处理器Quad &Mutiplexer监视器Monitor数字监控IP CCTV视频采集卡Capture Card编码解码器Encoder & Decoder矩阵Matrix护罩球罩Housing监控器支架Bracket云台Pan/Tilt红外线灯Infrared Light集成监控Integrated Surveillance镜头Lens传输设备Transmitting Equipment配套软件Surveillance Software录像带Recording Cassette防盗报警Alarm System电话报警设备Telephone Alarm Device防盗门Door安防系统Security system保险柜Safeguard Case探头Detector感应器Inductor警号闪灯Alarm Light门磁窗磁Magnetic Contact发射接收器Transmitter &Receiver个人报警器Personal Alarm报警主机Alarm Mainframe报警软件Alarm Software玻璃破碎探测器Glass-Crashing Detector 门禁考勤Access System (1516)门禁控制主机Access Mainframe磁卡Card读卡器CardReader指纹采集仪Fingerprint Identification考勤机Access Attendance门禁控制器Access Controller锁具Locks &Doors 对讲设备Intercom System(753)可视对讲Visual Intercom非可视对讲Unvisualable Intercom防灾保全对型Emergency Intercom智能交通Intelligent Traffic System (416)交通控制管理Traffic Management Equipment交通收费设备Traffic Charge Equipment交通检测设备Traffic Detector行驶记录仪Traffic Black Box车辆导航系统GPS交通系统及软件Traffic System Software 停车场设备Park Equipment汽车防盗设备Car The ftp roof Equipment消防设备Fire Protection (161)灭火器Extinguisher紧急广播设备Emergency Broadcasting消防栓Fireplug火警探测器Fire Detector防护衣帽Body proof Clothes传输系统Transmitting System(712)微波传输Micro—wave Transmission远程传输Tele Transmission光纤传输Fiber Transmission线缆Cables智能化小区系统Intelligent Community System柜员机A TM Equipment消费管理系统Consuming Management System电梯控制器Elevator Controlling Equipment 金库保险Cashbox Security中英文对照安防系统专业名词之线缆系统Aluminium foil shield 铝箔屏蔽Appliance Wiring 标准电线电缆Attenuation 衰减Automotive Wire 汽车线Braid 编织屏蔽Characteristic impedance 特性阻抗Coaxial Cable 同轴电缆Conductor 导体Control Cable 控制电缆Elevator Cable 电梯电缆Excellent flexibility 富柔软性Frequency 频率Halogen Free High-Speed Interface Cable 无卤高速介面电缆Hybrid Plastic Inner Jacket塑料混合物内护层Inner jacket 内护层Jacket 护套Loudspeaker Cable 喇叭线,音箱线Max。



中英文对照外文翻译(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)原文:Intelligent Entrance Guard SystemIntelligent entrance guard and safety management system is a new type of modern safety management system, which combines the microcomputer automatic identification technology with the modern safety management practices into an organic whole. It contains lots of new technologies such as the electronic, mechanical, optical, computer technology, communication technology, biotechnology, and so on. It is an effective measures to achieve the goal of implementing safety management at the inward and outward of important departments. It can be applied to all kinds of confidential departments, such as banks, hotels, generatorrooms,the armory, confidential rooms, offices, intelligent communities, factories etc. With the rapid development of digital technology and network technology today, access control technology finally gets the good chance to develop rapidly. Entrance guard system has far transcends the pure doorway and key management.It has gradually developed into a set of complete access management system.1The Development of Entrance Guard SystemInward and outward entrance guard system just as its name implies is a control system of managing the inward and outward channels, which is developed on the basis of the traditional door lock. The traditional mechanical lock is just a simple mechanical device, so no matter how reasonable the structural is designed, how strong the material is made, people can always open it through various means. Key management is very troublesome in places like offices and hotel rooms where so many people entering and leaving the passageway. Whenever the keys are lost or employees are replaced, locks and keys must be renewed. In order to solve these problems, electronic card lock and electronic trick lock are invented. These two kinds locks’ appearance raised the management level of inward and outward channels from a certain extent and has impelled the channel management to enter the electronics era. But with the continuous application of these two kinds of electronic locks, the defects of themselves are gradually exposed. The problem of magnetic card lock is the easy replication of the information, a greater degree of wear between card and card reader, high failure rate and low safety factor. The problem of combination lock is that the password is easy to leak and we do not have even any small clue to investigate with, so the safety coefficient is very low. At the same time, it is easy to be unlocked by people outdoor because most of the reading card (password) and the control part is installed together outside the door at this period. Entrance guard system in this period have remained in its early immature stage, so the entrance guard system is usuallyreferred to as electronic locks, which has not been widely applied. With the development of inductive card technology and the biological recognition technology in recent years, the entrance guard system has got a leap-style development and has entered into the mature period. they have their special strong points in various aspects like safety, convenience, manageability, etc. The application fields of entrance guard system is becoming more and more abroad.2 Function of Entrance Guard SystemBasic functions realized by mature entrance guard system:2.1 The management of the channel access permissions.·Access permissions are set to formulate who can pass in and out each channel and who can't.·The way to pass in and out the channel means to scope out the authorization of the way to pass in and out to people who can pass in and out the channel. The ways to pass in and out includes entering password, reading the card(biometric), reading the card(biometric) plus entering password.· Access time means to set the range of time during which people who have the permission can pass in and out.2.2 The function of real-time monitoringSystem administrators can keep a watchful eye on the situation of people passing in and out of each gate region(there are photos as well at the same time) and the situation of each gate region(including the door switch, warning in various kinds of abnormal conditions) through the microcomputer in real-time; they can also open and close all the door area in emergency conditions.2.3 Function of querying records of in and out:System can store all the in and out records, status. You can query the records and status according to different querying conditions. It is equippedwith corresponding attendance software so as to realize the purpose of checking-in and guarding with one piece of card.2.5 Function of abnormal alarming:It can realize microcomputer alarm or alarm with siren in exceptional cases, such as: illegal intrusion, not closing the door overtime, etc.It can also implement the following special features according to different entrance guard system:Fire alarm monitoring linkage function: The entrance guard system can automatically open all the locks to let the people inside to escape at any time in the event of a fire alarm.Automatic monitoring linkage commonly refers to the monitoring system which will record the situation at that time and the warning condition when someone charges (valid/invalid).Settings, managing and monitoring functions of the network : most of the entrance guard system can only use a microcomputer management, but advanced technology of the system can set, monitor, query and manage the whole system at any location which has been authorized in the network. It also can set, manage, query and monitor in a different place through the INTERNET.Function of open the door logically: Simply put is that several people have to swipe the cards through the same door at the same time(or in other way) so that the electronic door lock will open.3 Applications of Intelligent Entrance Guard System3.1 Application of Entrance Guard in The Work of The Companies inside The Intelligent Office Buildings:Doors installed with entrance guard on the door in the companies can effectively prevent the foreign salesman to disturb the order of office, and also can prevent foreign sundry to enter the company effectively , and then ens ure the safety of the company property and their employees. You can display and improve the company's management level and improve the corporate image. Itcan also track whether the employees leave the company without appropriate reasons. You can check on work attendance by using the attendance management software without buying time recorder. The results are more objective and fair and faster with higher accuracy rate. It can reduce the power and amount of work of personnel department. It can effectively solve the problem that the employees have to change the keys of the front gates due to fear. You can arrange the limites of authorities and door-open time flexibly. Workers just need to take one piece of card without adorning a large number of heavy keys and it is safer than keys.You can avoid the materials and documents in the leaders’ office been leaked by others and give the leaders a more secure and private environment by install entrance guard system on the door of the leaders’ office. you can guarantee the core technology and data not been stolen easily by outsiders and prevent the employees of other departments from entering this department to disturb the developing work by installing entrance guard system in the development of technical department. You can guarantee the security of the property and the safety of the company's financial information by installing entrance guard system in financial department. You can prevent the other person from entering into the production workshop effectively and avoid causing safety problems by installing entrance guard system in the production workshop gate.3.2 Applications of in and out Management Control in The Intelligent CommunityGenerally installed entrance guard system in the cell gates, electric gates, unit of steel fire doors, security doors can effectively stop other workers from entering into the community and conduct the closed-end management in the community effectively. It can also change the old inaccurate and less rigorous management style of community securities who distinguish whether he or she is an outsider just rely on their memory. If the new security guards stop the new residential, it will annoying them. Ifoutsiders wear very well, the security guards will consider them the residential and let them in without any question, which will bring potential safety hazard.The entrance guard system of safety science and technology can improve the level of property and it is better for developers to promote property. Owners will also benefit from the scientific and effective access of management. Networking entrance guard is advantageous to the security of monitoring all the situation of in and out of the door at any time. If there are accidents or cases, it can provide evidence when the police later query the records.You can combine it with intercom system with visual intercom system.You can combine it with internal consumption IC card and parking management implementation into one card.3.3 Applications of Entrance Guard in The Government Offices:It can effectively standardize the order of office and prevent illegal personnel shocks to government offices, protecting personal safety of leaders.3.4 The Application of Entrance Guard in Telecom Base Station and Substation Power Supply Bureau:Typical base station and substation power supply bureau has such characteristics: many base stations, big system capacity requirements, large distribution range or even hundreds of square kilometers. It has its own network connected to the Internet. In some places it is even unattended, which needs the central dispatching room scheduling staff flexibly at any time. Implementation scheme is to use the network entrance guard controller, to realize remote management through the LAN or the Internet.3.5 Application of Entrance Guard in intelligent elevator control:It is also known as access control elevator, elevator card, IC card elevator, which only authorized users can have the right to recall the elevator and choose hall according to the floor. More and more intelligent communities have been using relate equipments. The intelligent control system of science and technology of Shenzhen has developed specially elevator control entranceguard control system form designing a proprietary elevator entrance guard control system.中文译文:智能门禁系统智能门禁安全管理系统是新型现代化安全管理系统,它集微机自动识别技术和现代安全管理措施为一体,它涉及电子,机械,光学,计算机技术,通讯技术,生物技术等诸多新技术。



Automatic fire alarm system based on MCU:Abstract:The paper introduced an automatic warehouse fire a1arm system based on MCU. The system was mainly made up of ATmega16, temperature sensors, smoke sensors, and EX-1 auto dialed alarm module. In the system, temperature signals were transformed to serial data, and smoke signals were transformed to voltage signals. All the data were processed by MCU. When the surveillance system checked fire in warehouse, alarm signal was turn on, meanwhile the messages were transmitted to managers through EX-1. Application of the system was convenient to deal with fire in-time, efficiently by warehouse manager.Keywords: fire alarm transducer;smoke sensor system;ATmega16;temperature transducer;smoke sensorI. INTRODUCTIONAutomatic fire alarm control system has experienced a process from the simple to the complex and intelligence system increasingly in China. The characteristic is automatic fire detection and alarm technology has a great progress along with computing and detection technology development. At present, automatic fire alarm control system was used in bulk storage plant, shopping malls, high-level office buildings, hotels and other places. They were used in a number of collections focused on one area of intelligent alarm control method with higher levels of bus-type alarm control system, and in some residential areas and commercial buildings were installed by a single automatic fire alarm detection device. These alarm detection devices fail to report sometimes, or misinformation. Its reliability is not high because of using single sensor. Therefore, it is needed to develop a simple structure, low cost, high reliability, fast responding, automatic fire detection system.II. GENERAL PROJECT OF THE SYSTEMThe hardware block diagram shown in Figure 1, hardware by temperature sensors, smoke sensors, signal processing module, MCU modules and automatic alarm module. Non electrical quantity that is through the sensing element sensors (smoke sensors and temperature sensors) will be on-site temperature, smoke and other non-electrical signalinto an electrical signal, as well as signals for signal processing to convert analog quantity to digital quantity. Finally, the sampled data were processed and compared with the limits by MCU system. This system can produce local and remote auto-alarm signals.Figure 1. Automatic fire alarm system structureⅢ. THE HARDWARE COMPONENTSA. ATmega16The system used by the U.S. Atmel’s micro controller ATmega16 micro controller. ATmega16 is based on the AVR RISC architecture to enhance low-power 8-bit CMOS micro controller. Because of its advanced instruction set and a single clock cycle instruction execution time, ATmega16 data throughput of up to 1 MIPS / MHz. Thereby mitigate the system in the power and the contradiction between the processing rate. ATmega16 has the following characteristics: 16K bytes in-system programmable Flash (with the ability to read and write at the same time, that is, RWW), 512 bytes EEPROM, 1K bytes SRAM, 32 general-purpose I / O port lines, 32 general-purpose working registers, for the JTAG boundary scan interface, support the on-chip debugging and programming, 3 has a more flexible mode of timer / counter (T / C), chip internal / external interrupts, programmable serial USART, there are initial conditions detector universal serial interface, 8-channel 10-bit with optional differential input stageprogrammable gain (TQFP package) of the ADC, with on-chip oscillator of programmable watchdog timer, an SPI serial port, as well as six can be selected by software power-saving mode.The chip is based on Atmel high-density nonvolatile memory technology production on-chip ISP Flash allows the program memory through the ISP serial interface or a general-purpose programmer for programming; you can also run on the AVR core among the bootstrap to program. Boot program can use any interface to download the application to the Flash memory area (Application Flash Memory). Application of Flash storage area is updated when the boot Flash area (Boot Flash Memory) program continues to run, RWW operation achieved. ATmega16 to become a powerful micro controller by 8-bit RISC CPU and the system programmable flash in a single chip, for many embedded control applications provides a flexible and cost-effective solution. ATmega16 has a set of programming and system development tools, including: C language compiler, macro assembler, program debugger / software emulator, emulators and evaluation boards.B. Temperature SensorTemperature sensor manufactured by DALLAS Semiconductor DS18B20-type single intelligence temperature sensor, its performance features include:1)This sensor have single-bus-specific technology, either through the serial port cable also through other I / O port lines and computer interfaces,without going through other conversion circuits Direct output measured temperature value (9-bit binary number, with sign bit).2) Temperature range is -55 ℃ ~ +125 ℃, measurement resolution of 0. 0625 ℃.3) Containing 64 as amended through the laser-read-only memory ROM.4) Fit a variety of SCM or system machine.5) Users can set separate ways each temperature upper and lower limit.6) Includes parasitic power.DS18B20 and the main chip connection diagram shown in Figure 2: DS18B20 number one pin grounded, then on the 3rd pin high and the 2nd pin then a 5. 1K of the pull-up resistor, at the same time received a single output signal of the PD0 pin. Pull-up is to pull the uncertainty signal through a resistor embedded in the high places, resistance at the same time current-limited . Program from the DQ pin in high impedance state to ensure that the beginning, so that you can pull on the pull-up resistor to the high DQ. Atthe same time the main chip also can be an external site alarm buzzer.Figure 2. ds18b20 and the main chip connection diagram.C. Smoke Monitoring ModuleSmoke sensors choose HIS-07 ion smoke detectors when the flow through the inside and outside the ionization chamber ionization electron flow is unbalanced, collector charges current until the ionization balance. In a smoke-free or non-combustion, the collector being subject to the impact ionization current statistical fluctuation, the potential to maintain a balance. Ionization current have impact when the smoke into the ionization chamber, easily into the ionization chamber smoke outside than inside the ionization chamber of the affected, ionization current decline in and collector to re-charge until the new equilibrium potential, this potential change can be used to trigger the alarm circuit. Technical parameters such as Table 1.TABLE I.HIS-07 ION SMOKE SENSOR THCHNICAL DATASmoke signals are processed on the chip of choice is the Motorola company’s MC14468, MC14468 for DIP 16-pin package, contain oscillator, timer, latch, alarm control logic circuit, high input impedance comparator etc. When not detected smoke, MC14468 internal oscillator that oscillation cycle 1.67s. Each 1.67s cycle the internal power supply is provided to the work of the entire chip. It’s all kept det ect any smoke in addition to LED flashes, battery voltage alarm and smoke alarm. The oscillator oscillation period becomes 40ms when the MC14448 Once detection smoke, this time piezoelectric buzzer driving circuit to start oscillation, start to be able to output to maintain the high 160 ms after the cessation of 80ms.Continued during the detection of smoke cessation of changes, at this time if not detected smoke beeper will not be issued a warning sound.In figure 3, the MC14468 1 pin joint PD1 pin of SCM when the ion chamber of the ion current as the scene of smoke detection and change, voltage change generation a weak side-spread seized 15, by the MC14468 internal logic processing circuit processing, the smoke is detected by 1 pin-out high micro controller for processing. 13-pin then slide rheostat is set to facilitate detection sensitivity when the led flashes and the buzzer sounded a piercing sound of an audio alarm when the department has a fire alarm signal-based.In figure 3, the MC14468 1 pin joint PD1 pin of SCM when the ion chamber of the ion current as the scene of smoke detection and change, voltage change generation a weak side-spread seized 15, by the MC14468 internal logic processing circuit processing, the smoke is detected by 1 pin-out high micro controller for processing. 13-pin then slide rheostat is set to facilitate detection sensitivity when the led flashes and the buzzer sounded a piercing sound of an audio alarm when the department has a fire alarm signal-based.Figure 3.Smoke detection circuitD. Auto-dial alarm moduleDial-up alarm module choices are the EX-1 dial-up module is a DTMF signal receiving, storing, and sending as integration communications circuits. Module built-in micro controller and dial-up management process can provide users with a variety of signal input and output ports, in security alarm, signal acquisition, automatic control, remote communication and information transmission areas such as flexible application. 5 groups can have cell phone or group of seven local telephone numbers are stored, power-down is not lost; Telephone line status detection, automatic fault signal output ;Telephone / external switching two kinds of dial-up state control; Trigger time, nine times loop dial preset numbers; To work independently, independent dial-up, do not rely on telephone and other external devices.EX-1 wiring diagram shown in figure 4, The PD4 pin to connect the main chip HTO , the module began to dial alarm when PD4 output high level signal, PD5 connection ON / OFF pin input is high level signal to open the dial-up settings, the input does not work when this pin become low, ERR pin connected to PD6 pin of MCU, PD6output 1 begun to test whether the telephone line failure, READY pin connect MCU PD7 pin detection and alarm is completed, the alarm is end when PD7 pin is high .Figure 4. EX-1 wiring diagramIV. SOFIW AREDESIGNFigure 5. The main program flow chartBecause in the early stages of fires and the smoldering phase will produce a large number of aerosol particles and smoke particles .In the stage of incipient fire substances in the combustion process produces a lot of heat, so should make the smoke sensor and temperature sensor used in conjunction, first with the smoke sensor detects whether there is smoke generation, then the temperature sensor detects the temperature, temperature sensor alarm value is set to 50 degrees. When the smoke is detected R0 is 1, not smoke R0 is 0. Then test the temperature when the temperature reaches the value of seasonal early warning R1 is 1, the value of seasonal temperature not to reach an early warning R1 to 0, at this time compared to the R0 and R1 is equal to the main chip when the dial-up alarm, if not equal is not to alarm re-tested. This smoke sensor and temperature sensor used in conjunction with greatly improved the reliability of detection to prevent the omission of false positives, program flow diagram shown in Figure 5.V. CONCLUSIONBy the cooperation of using of temperature and smoke sensors, through detecting the temperature and smoke on-site, the automatic alarm system could find any fire in warehouse and send the message to managers of warehouse in the early time by the form of short messages. So its application could greatly reduce fire losses and enhanced the safe reliability of warehouse more than the former single equipment of fire alarm, and prevent failing of reporting and misinformation. The system has a high reliability, low price and high sensitivity.REFERENCES[1] Shunning Miao,Guangming Xiong,Yongping Li etc.Automatic Fire Alarm System Design and Research, Equipment Manufacturing Technology, 2006(2), P909.[2] Liang Ge, Qi Cong. Intelligent Analysis of office building fire.[3] Ti Zhou. 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摄像机Camera记录设备DVR画面处理器Quad&Mutiplexer监视器Monitor数字监控IPCCTV视频采集卡CaptureCard编码解码器Encoder&Decoder矩阵Matri护罩球罩Housing监控器支架Bracket云台Pan/Tilt红外线灯InfraredLight集成监控IntegratedSurveillance镜头Lens传输设备TransmittingEquipment配套软件SurveillanceSoftware录像带RecordingCassette防盗报警AlarmSystem电话报警设备TelephoneAlarmDevice 防盗门Door防盗系统TheftproofEquipment保险柜SafeguardCase探头Detector感应器Inductor警号闪灯AlarmLight门磁窗磁MagneticContact发射接收器Transmitter&Receiver个人报警器PersonalAlarm报警主机AlarmMainframe报警软件AlarmSoftware玻璃破碎探测器Glass-CrashingDetector 其他Others门禁考勤AccessSystem(1516)门禁控制主机AccessMainframe磁卡Card读卡器CardReader指纹采集仪FingerprintIdentification考勤机AccessAttendance门禁控制器AccessController锁具Locks&Doors其他Others对讲设备IntercomSystem(753)可视对讲VisualIntercom非可视对讲UnvisualableIntercom防灾保全对型EmergencyIntercom其他Others智能交通IntelligentTrafficSystem(416)交通控制管理TrafficManagementEquipment 交通收费设备TrafficChargeEquipment交通检测设备TrafficDetector行驶记录仪TrafficBlackBox车辆导航系统GPS交通系统及软件TrafficSystemSoftware停车场设备ParkEquipment汽车防盗设备CarTheftproofEquipment其他Others消防设备FireProtection(161)灭火器Extinguisher紧急广播设备EmergencyBroadcasting消防栓Fireplug火警探测器FireDetector防护衣帽BodyproofClothes其他Others传输系统TransmittingSystem(712)微波传输Micro-waveTransmission远程传输TeleTransmission光纤传输FiberTransmission线缆Cables其他Others其他产品Others(427)智能化小区系统IntelligentCommunitySystem 柜员机ATMEquipment消费管理系统ConsumingManagementSystem 电梯控制器ElevatorControllingEquipment金库保险CashboxSecurity中英文对照安防系统专业名词之线缆系统Aluminiumfoilshield铝箔屏蔽ApplianceWiring标准电线电缆Attenuation衰减AutomotiveWire汽车线Braid编织屏蔽Characteristicimpedance特性阻抗CoaxialCable同轴电缆Conductor导体ControlCable控制电缆ElevatorCable电梯电缆Excellentflexibility富柔软性Frequency频率HalogenFreeHigh-SpeedInterfaceCable无卤高速界面电缆HybridPlasticInnerJacket塑料混合物内护层Innerjacket内护层Insulation:PVC/Cinsulationat70°CPVC/Einsulationat90°C绝缘:70°C时,使用C型聚氯乙烯90°C时,使用E型聚氯乙烯Jacket护套LoudspeakerCable喇叭线,音箱线Max.Atten最大衰减Max.Resistance最大导体电阻Meetleadandcadmiumfreerequirement符合无铅无镉要求Multi-channeldigitalaudio多声道NetworkingCable网络电缆NextPowerSum近端串音功率和NextWorstPair近端串音No.ofPairs对数NomO.D成品外径Nom.Space标称间距Nom.Dia标称外径Nom.Thick厚度Propagationdelayskew延时差PVCInsulation聚氯乙烯绝缘PVC/ST4Jacket聚氯乙烯护套Ratedcap.额定电容Ratedtemperature额定温度Ratedvoltage额定电压RE.weight参考重量Resistanttoheat,oil,abrasionandcold具耐热,耐油性,防磨损,耐冷等特性Section截面Spira/BraidShield编织/缠绕屏蔽Structure结构Tinnedcopper,Braidshield屏蔽,镀锡铜线编织屏蔽Tinnedorbare,solidcopperconductor导体:单支实芯铜线或单支实芯镀锡铜线Tinnedorbare,strandedcopperconductor导体:多股裸铜线或镀锡铜线绞合中英文对照安防系统专业名词之对讲系统Avisiblewalky-talkysystem可视对讲系统ACTransformer电源适配器Adaptor解码器add-onSelector扩展选择板AudioStation音频门口机CentreControlUnit中央控制单元DoorStation门口机EnhancedSystem嵌入式系统Hands-free免提Hands-freeColorVideoIntercom彩色对讲系统InsideStation室内分机MasterStation主分机SubStation副分机VideoMonitor显示屏Wirelesswalky-talkysystem无线对讲系统中英文对照安防系统专业名词之显示与监视器CRT,CathodeRayTube阴极射管线Display显示器ECD,ElectroChromicChemicalDisplay电化着色显示EL,ElectroLuminescent电光光面板EPID,EIectrophoreticIndicationDisplay电泳动显示LCD,LiquidCrystalDisplay液晶显示LED,LightEmitterDisplay发光二极体Monitor监视器PDP,PlasmaDisplayPanel电浆显示板VFD,VacuumFIuorescentDispIay萤光显示管中英文对照安防系统专业名词之智能家居系统Homeremotecontrol家居远程控制Intelligenthomeappliancescontrolsystem家电智能控制Intelligenthomesystem智能家居系统中英文对照安防系统专业名词之综合布线系统Broadbandaccess宽带接入Broadbandmultimediaservicesystem宽带多媒体服务系统Communitynetworkservice社区网络服务Constructionensemblesystem建筑群子系统Horizontalsystem水平子系统Managementsystem管理子系统PDS,PremisesDistributionSystem综合布线系统Theequipmentroomsystem设备间子系统Theworkingareasystem工作区子系统Verticalsystem垂直子系统中英文对照安防系统专业名词之三表抄送系统RemoteConnectratedMeterDirectly-ReadingSystem远程抄表系统Concentrator集中器Repeater中继器Directly-ReadingMeter直读式表计WaterMeter水表ElectricityMeter电表GasMeter煤气表Pure-WaterMeter纯净水表中英文对照安防系统专业名词之职称与职位Administrator/Clerk主管/员工ContractAdministrator合同主管DocumentController文档管理员Draftperson起草人SiteDriver工地司机Electrician电工DesignEngineer设计工程师AsstDesignEngineer设计助理工程师T&CEngineer调试工程师DatabaseEngineer数据库工程师SeniorDesignEngineer高级设计工程师Design&DevtEngineer设计&开发工程师ProjectEngineer项目工程师AsstProjectEngineer项目助理工程师ProfessionalEngineer专业工程师ServiceEngineer办公室减值SoftwareEngineer软件工程师QCEngineer质量控制工程师SystemEngineer系统工程师Software&DevtEngineer软件开发工程师SystemAssuranceEngineer系统保险工程师CostControlEngineer成本控制工程师NetworkEngineer网络工程师CommunicationEngineer通讯工程师GraphicsEngineer绘图工程师LicenseElectWorker电工(有职业许可证)SeniorEngineer高级工程师Technician技术人员FireAlarmEngineer火警工程师AsstServiceEngineer助理服务工程师CustomerServiceEngineer客服工程师MaintenanceEngineer维护工程师SeniorWelder高级焊工SnrApplicationEngineer高级应用工程师SeniorT&CEngineer高级项目工程师SeniorEstimator高级预算员Estimator预算员DirectLabourNational直接劳力IndirectLabour间接劳力GeneralWorker普通工人SeniorProjectManager高级项目经理ProjectManagerExpat项目经理(外地)ProjectManagerLocal项目经理(本地)DeputyProjectManager代理项目经理ConstructionManager建筑经理AsstConstructionManager助理建筑经理SeniorContractsManager高级合同经理AsstConstractsManager助理合同经理T&CManager测试经理DesignManagerExpat设计经理(外地)DesignManagerLocal设计经理(本地)Fire&SafetyMgr消防安防经理ProjectControlMgr项目控制经理ServiceManager服务经理SeniorServiceManager高级服务经理SoftwareManager软件经理SoftwareQualityManager软件质量经理TechnicalSoftwareManager技术软件经理OperationsManager运营经理MaterialController材料管理员Storekeeper店长PipeFitter管道工Planner计划员ProjectSafetyOfficer项目安全官员QuantitySurveyor质检员Project/SiteSupervisor项目主管SafetySupervisor安全主管MechanicalSupervisor机械主管ElectricalSupervisor电力主管InstrumentationalSupervisor仪器主管Foreman作业班长Welder焊工WorkshopSupervisor车间主管SoftwareAssistant软件助理SeniorTechnician高级技术员TechnicalSpecialist技术专员Technician工程师中英文对照安防系统专业名词之招投标Bidding招投标RFQ,RequestforQuotation招标文件SignedandCompanyChop签名盖公章Tenderer投标人中英文对照安防系统专业名词之楼宇自控子系统Air-conditioningsystem空调系统Artisticlighting艺术照明Buildingautomationcontrolsystem楼宇设备监控系统Coldwatersystem冷水系统Distributionofhighandlow-voltageelectricity高低压配电Electrictransformeranddistribution变配电Electricitytransformation变电Emergencylighting紧急照明Emergencypower应急发电EnvironmentSystem环境系统Escalators扶梯Firealarmsystem火灾自动报警子系统Heatexchangesystem热交换系统Internalisolationtransformer内置变压器Make-upairsystem新风系统PowerSupplyandDistribution供配电系统Publicfacilitymonitorsystem公共设施监控系统Publiclighting公共照明Renewaloftheblowerfancoil风机盘管加新风Sewageandintermediarywaterdivision污水及水处理Speciallighting(obstaclelights)特殊照明(障碍灯)V A VsystemVA V变风量系统Ventilationsystem通排风系统Watersupplyanddrainage给排水WaterSupplyandDrainageSystem给排水系统Watersupply,drainageanddrinkingwater给排水与饮用水中英文对照安防系统专业名词之入侵报警系统Absolutehumidity绝对湿度Accessscontrolsystem出入口控制系统/门禁系统ActiveInfraredIntrusionDetector主动红外入侵探测器ActivityDetection活动侦测Alarm报警Alarmreceivingcentre报警接收中心Arming布防ArmorCashCarrier运钞车Balancedprotection均衡防护banknotetransportcar银行运钞车Beam(光线的)束,柱,电波,横梁Blindzone盲区BurglarAlarmSystem安全防范报警设备Bypass旁路Delay延迟Detection探测Detector探测器DewPoint露点DewPointTemperature露点温度Disarming撤防DoorContact门磁Engineeringofsecurityandprotectionsystem安全防范(系统)工程falsealarm误报警falsealarm误报警Firealarmsystem火灾自动报警子系统FrostPoint霜点Guardtoursystem电子巡查系统Homeanti-theftalarm家居防盗报警Homeremotecontrol家居远程控制Humidity湿度InfraredSensor红外探测器intimidationalarmsystem胁迫报警系统Intruderalarmsystem入侵报警系统IntrusionAlarmSystem防盗报警系统IntrusionDetection入侵侦测invasiondetectionalarmsystem入侵探测报警系统IR,Infra-red红外线Keypad键盘leakagealarm漏报警levelofprotection防护等级levelofrisk风险等级levelofsecurity安全防护水平Longitudinal-depthprotection纵深防护microwavedetection微波探测器MotionDetection移动侦测normalclose常闭状态operationsignal状态信号OutdoorSiren室外警铃Panel面板,报警主机PanicButton紧急按钮Parkinglotsmanagementsystem停车场(库)管理系统perimeter周界PerimeterPrecaution周界防范PetImmunity防宠物Photoelectric光电的,光电子照相装置的PhotoelectricBeamDetector光束遮断式感应器Protectionarea防护区Relativehumidity相对湿度response反应Restrictedarea禁区SaturationVaporPressure饱和水蒸气压securicar运钞车Security安全Securityandprotectionproducts安全防范产品Securityandprotectionsystem安全防范系统Securityinspectionsystemforantiexplosion防爆安全检查系统Securitymanagementsystem安全管理系统Securitypreventionsystem社区安防系统Securitysystem安全防范子系统securitysystem安全系统Surveillanceandcontrolcentre监控中心Surveillancearea监视区域tamperdevice防拆功能tensionwiredetection振动揽探测器TriTechPIR/MicrowaveDetectorwithPetImmunity双鉴防宠物探测器Videosurveillanceandcontrolsystem视频安防监控系统中英文对照安防系统专业名词之门禁系统AccessControl门禁控制Contactless非接触ControlPanel控制面板Controller控制器ElectricExitDevices电控逃生装置electricstrikeforsingleordoubleleafsteeldoors单双门电锁扣ElectricStrikes电控锁扣(阴极锁)ElectrifiedLocksets&Trim电控锁、电控把手ElevatorManagementSystem电梯控制系统Enclosed被附上的Entrance出入口GuardTourSystem电子巡更系统ICCardPOSSystemIC卡消费管理系统LiftAccessControl电梯控制Magnetic磁性,磁力Magnetic磁性,磁力MagneticLock电磁锁MagneticLock电磁锁Nightpatrol巡更ParkingAdministrativeSystem停车场管理系统ParkingLotsManagementSystem停车场管理系统Pintumblerlock销簧锁Powerbolts电动插销锁proximity近距离Reader读卡器RollerShutter卷闸门SmartManagementSystemofParkingLots停车场管理系统TimeandAttendanceManagement考勤管理系统TimeAttendance考勤系统WardedLock凸块锁中英文对照安防系统专业名词之闭路监控系统ABERRATION像差:光学系统中对成像造成不良影响的因素。



安防常用术语中英文对照一般安全防范术语001 security(安全)对生命、财产、环境、信息等的安全防护。

002 security system(安全系统)为了生命、财产、环境、信息等腰三角形的安全防护而协同工作的一系列体系。

003 alarm(报警)形成预先规定的生命、财产、环境、信息等的危险存在时,为了引起关注产生的信号或其它信号。

004 false alarm(误报警)由于非警戒本意的原因而引起的报警。

005 operation signal(状态信号)指示系统工程状态的信号。

006 tamper device(防拆功能)以探测对安全防范报警设备故意破坏的为目的功能。

007 安全防范设备以防止犯罪为目的设备。

008 burglar alarm system(安全防范报警设备)用于防止犯罪的手动或自动报警设备。

009 normal close(常闭状态)在警戒状态,系统报警输出部件接点是“闭合”的状态。

010 normal open(常开状态)在警戒状态,系统报警输出部件接点是“开路”的状态。

011 signal transfer output(报警输出)在报警发生时,从报警控制器向外围设备输出的接点信号或其它信号。

012 online alarm system(在线报警系统)借助通信线路实时传输报警信号等并由保安公司等的集中监视设备进行监视的系统。

013 sensitivity margin(灵敏度冗余)在探测器安装场所环境恶化时,为了探测器仍保持正常控测状态而预留的灵敏度余量。

014 intruder alarm system(入侵报警系统)进行入侵者探测,并能产生报警的系统。

015 guard line(警戒线)基本警戒线和细化后的警戒线的总称。

016 alarm response time(报警响应时间)从报警控制器接受到探测器的报警信号到形成报警状态的时间。

017 detection response speed(探测响应速度)从探测器探测到异常信号到输出报警信号的时间。



Camera摄相机/普通枪机Covert CCD Camera隐蔽式摄像机Dome Camera半球摄相机High Speed Dome高速球Integrated monitoring system(综合监控系统)一体化摄像机IR Series Camera红外夜视摄像机Waterproof Camera防水摄像机Vandal-Proof Dome防破坏半球系列Fixed Cameras固定式摄像机Fixed Domes 固定球形摄像机Pan/Tilt/Zoom (PTZ) Cameras PTZ摄像机Thermal Imaging cameras热成像摄像机Network Cameras网络摄像机IR Illuminator 红外灯Infrared红外线Focal length焦距Focus聚焦Zoom变焦Zoom lens变焦距镜头Motorized zoom lenses电动变焦镜头Pinhole lenses针孔镜头Bullet-in lenses直轴式镜头CCD:Charge Coupled Device电荷耦合器件Horizontal resolution 水平分辨率Electronic shutter电子快门Backlight compensation背光补偿Wide Dynamic Range宽动态范围Manual Iris手动光圈Auto Iris自动光圈Auto Iris Mount自动光圈接口Auto white balance自动白平衡Illuminance照度brightness亮度Aperture 孔径Synchronization同步Scene memory场景记忆Noise reduction降噪Chroma compensator 色度补偿器Horizontal field of view视角AUDIO音频AFC自动频率控制Gain 增益AGC自动增益控制ALC自动亮度控制APC自动相位控制AVC自动音量控制Amplication放大Ghost image 重影Grey scale 灰度等级Operating Temperature工作温度Accessories配件Analog 模拟的Digital数字Wiper 雨刷cradle head云台Pan/Tilts平移/倾斜(云台)Light Duty P/T轻型云台Heavy Duty P/T重型云台Protocol Converter协议转换器Camera Enclosures 摄像机护罩Indoor Enclosures 室内护罩Outdoor Enclosures 室外护罩Mounts 支架Distributor分配器DVR:Digital Video Recorder硬盘录像机Hard disk硬盘Storage存储Matrix矩阵Control Keyboard智能控制键盘Monitor显示器Tv screen 电视墙Cabinets 机柜Signal system信号制式Scanning system 扫描系统Splitter 分离器Wave splitter 分波器Video amplifier 视频放大器Video distributor 视频分配器Video grabber 视频采集卡Video switcher 视频切换器Video wiper 视频消噪器Video output视频输出Video bandwidth 视频带宽Electronic Protection 电子防范技术Burglary Alarm Kit防盗报警器Burglary Alarm Master Panel防盗报警主机Emergency alarm device 紧急报警装置Force arlming 强制布防Image sensor图像传感器Sirens and Lights报警喇叭及闪灯Emergency Push Button 报警按钮Sensor报警探头(传感器)Bank/Box Office/Window Intercom Kit银行窗口对讲机Elevator exclusive intercom电梯专用对讲系统interphone内部对讲机Wireless Paging System无线呼叫系统Warning 警告ZONE防区Cable线缆Coxial cable同轴电缆Coaxial cable同轴电缆Composite cable复合电缆Foiled twisted pairs 屏蔽双绞线OPTICAL光纤Com接地或者公共端或串口BYPASS旁通/直通Bandwidth带宽Client客户端Server服务器Remote Login远程登录Default默认,缺省值Delay 延迟Distance to object物距DSP:igital Signal Processor数字信号处理FUSE保险丝Full duplex multipictrue processing 全双工多画面处理器GND接地Field现场Heat加热Hub 集线器interface 接口Line线路Level电平Input resistance 输入阻抗OUTPUT resistance 输出阻抗Product demonstrations产品演示Power indicator 电源指示灯Power consumption额定电流Power supply电源详图, 大样detail drawing, detail消防firefighting, fire protection斜率slope悬臂cantilever悬臂板cantilever slab悬臂梁cantilever beam, overhanging beam 悬挂hanging suspension业主client, owner一览表table, schedule, list有效截面effective section圆形circular shape, round圆柱circular column, round column约束confinement, restraint, constraint约束条件constrain condition展开图developed drawing罩棚awning支座support, pedestal重心center of gravity周期period, cycle转弯半径turning radius平面布置plan layout平台terrace, platform, deck剖面section剖面图sectional drawing侵蚀corrosion, erosion倾覆overturning, toppling人孔manhole晒图blueprinting设计要求design requirements设计资料design data伸缩缝expansion joint弹簧spring填充材料filling material停车场car park, parking lot通用构件standard member通用图standard drawing通用详图standard detail统一标准unified standards统一构件unified structure element投标bid, tender招标bidding图集collective drawings, collection of drawings温差temperature difference稳定性stability, steadiness现行标准currently effective standards。



安防行业专业英语词典大全1.安全技术防范产品(技防产品) security & protection products用于防入侵、防盗窃、防抢劫、防破坏、防爆安全检查等领域的特种器材或设备。

2.安全技术防范系统(SPS) security & protection system以维护社会公共安全为目的,运用技防产品和其它相关产品所构成的入侵报警系统、视频安防监控系统、出入口控制系统、防爆安全检查系统等或由这些系统组合或集成的电子系统或网络。

3.安全防范(系统)工程 (ESPS) engineering of security & protection system以维护社会公共安全和预防、制止重大治安事故为目的,综合运用安全防范技术和其他科学技术,为建立具有防入侵、防盗窃、防抢劫、防破坏、防爆炸等功能或其组合而实施的安全防范系统工程,通常也称为安全技术防范(系统)工程。


4.安全管理子系统 (SMS) security management system安全技术防范系统中对各子系统进行组合或集成,以实现有效的联动、管理和/或监控的电子系统或网络。

5.入侵报警子系统(IAS)intruder alarm system利用传感器技术和电子信息技术探测并指示非法进入或试图非法进入设防区域的行为、处理报警信息、发出报警信息的电子系统或网络。

6.视频安防监控子系统 (VSCS)Videosurveillance & control system利用视频技术探测、监视设防区域并实时显示、记录现场图像的电子系统或网络7.出入口控制子系统 (ACS)access control system利用自定义符识别或/和模式识别技术对出入口目标进行识别并控制出入口执行机构启闭的电子系统或网络。

8.巡更子系统Guard tour system对巡查人员的巡查路线和巡查方式进行管理和控制的电子系统或网络。



Smart Security: The Future of Safety andConvenienceIn today's rapidly advancing technological era, smart security systems have become an integral part of our daily lives. These systems, powered by artificial intelligence and advanced analytics, are revolutionizing the way we approach security, safety, and surveillance. Smart security not only enhances the safety of individuals and properties but also brings convenience and efficiency to various sectors, such as residential, commercial, and industrial. Residential security has been transformed by smart technology. Homeowners can now monitor their properties remotely, receive real-time alerts on potential threats, and even control access to their homes using smartphones or other devices. Smart locks, for instance, allow homeowners to grant or revoke access to their properties remotely, while video surveillance systems provide round-the-clock monitoring and recording.In the commercial sector, smart security systems are improving efficiency and reducing costs. Businesses can monitor their premises, inventory, and employees in real-time, enabling them to respond quickly to any issues or emergencies. Additionally, these systems provide valuable insights into customer behavior and traffic patterns, helping businesses make informed decisions about their operations and marketing strategies.The industrial sector is also benefiting from smart security systems. These systems can monitor equipment, detect potential hazards, and automate safety protocols, reducing the risk of accidents and downtime. This not only improves worker safety but also enhances productivity and efficiency.Moreover, smart security systems are becoming increasingly interconnected, creating a network of sensors, cameras, and other devices that can communicate and share information in real-time. This allows for a more comprehensive and coordinated approach to security, enabling authorities to respond quickly and effectively to threats.In conclusion, smart security systems are not only enhancing the safety and security of our lives but also bringing convenience and efficiency to various sectors. Astechnology continues to advance, we can expect these systems to become more intelligent, interconnected, and responsive, further transforming the way we approach security and surveillance.**智能安防:安全与便利的未来**在如今科技迅猛发展的时代,智能安防系统已成为我们日常生活中不可或缺的一部分。



Automatic fire alarm system based on MCUZhang Kun,Hu Shunbin College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Agricultural UniversityofHebeiBaoding,071001,ChinaE-mailaddress:********************** om Li Jinfang Baoding Baoling Transformer Co. Ltd. Tianwei Group Baoding, 071056,ChinaE-mailaddress:****************Abstract:The paper introduced an automatic warehouse fire a1arm system based on MCU. The system was mainly made up of ATmega16, temperature sensors, smoke sensors, and EX-1 auto dialed alarm module. In the system, temperature signals were transformed to serial data, and smoke signals were transformed to voltage signals. All the data were processed by MCU. When the surveillance system checked fire in warehouse, alarm signal was turn on, meanwhile the messages were transmitted to managers through EX-1. Application of the system was convenient to deal with fire in-time, efficiently by warehouse manager.Keywords: fire alarm transducer;smoke sensor system;ATmega16;temperature transducer;smoke sensorI. INTRODUCTIONAutomatic fire alarm control system has experienced a process from the simple to the complex and intelligence system increasingly in China. The characteristic is automatic fire detection and alarm technology has a great progress along with computing and detection technology development. At present, automatic fire alarm control system was used in bulk storage plant, shopping malls, high-level office buildings, hotels and other places. They were used in a number of collections focused on one area of intelligent alarm control method with higher levels of bus-type alarm control system, and in some residential areas and commercial buildings were installed by a single automatic fire alarm detection device. These alarm detection devices fail to report sometimes, or misinformation. Its reliability is not high because of using single sensor. Therefore, it is needed to develop a simple structure, low cost, high reliability, fast responding, automatic fire detection system.II. GENERAL PROJECT OF THE SYSTEMThe hardware block diagram shown in Figure 1, hardware by temperature sensors,smoke sensors, signal processing module, MCU modules and automatic alarm module. Non electrical quantity that is through the sensing element sensors (smoke sensors and temperature sensors) will be on-site temperature, smoke and other non-electrical signal into an electrical signal, as well as signals for signal processing to convert analog quantity to digital quantity. Finally, the sampled data were processed and compared with the limits by MCU system. This system can produce local and remote auto-alarm signals.Figure 1. Automatic fire alarm system structureⅢ. THE HARDWARE COMPONENTSA. ATmega16The system used by the U.S. Atmel’s micro controller ATmega16 micro controller. ATmega16 is based on the AVR RISC architecture to enhance low-power 8-bit CMOS micro controller. Because of its advanced instruction set and a single clock cycle instruction execution time, ATmega16 data throughput of up to 1 MIPS / MHz. Thereby mitigate the system in the power and the contradiction between the processing rate. ATmega16 has the following characteristics: 16K bytes in-system programmable Flash (with the ability to read and write at the same time, that is, RWW), 512 bytes EEPROM, 1K bytes SRAM, 32 general-purpose I / O port lines, 32 general-purpose working registers, for the JTAG boundary scan interface, support the on-chip debugging andprogramming, 3 has a more flexible mode of timer / counter (T / C), chip internal / external interrupts, programmable serial USART, there are initial conditions detector universal serial interface, 8-channel 10-bit with optional differential input stage programmable gain (TQFP package) of the ADC, with on-chip oscillator of programmable watchdog timer, an SPI serial port, as well as six can be selected by software power-saving mode.The chip is based on Atmel high-density nonvolatile memory technology production on-chip ISP Flash allows the program memory through the ISP serial interface or a general-purpose programmer for programming; you can also run on the AVR core among the bootstrap to program. Boot program can use any interface to download the application to the Flash memory area (Application Flash Memory). Application of Flash storage area is updated when the boot Flash area (Boot Flash Memory) program continues to run, RWW operation achieved. ATmega16 to become a powerful micro controller by 8-bit RISC CPU and the system programmable flash in a single chip, for many embedded control applications provides a flexible and cost-effective solution. ATmega16 has a set of programming and system development tools, including: C language compiler, macro assembler, program debugger / software emulator, emulators and evaluation boards.B. Temperature SensorTemperature sensor manufactured by DALLAS Semiconductor DS18B20-type single intelligence temperature sensor, its performance features include:1)This sensor have single-bus-specific technology, either through the serial port cable also through other I / O port lines and computer interfaces,without going through other conversion circuits Direct output measured temperature value (9-bit binary number, with sign bit).2) Temperature range is -55 ℃ ~ +125 ℃, measurement resolution of 0. 0625 ℃.3) Containing 64 as amended through the laser-read-only memory ROM.4) Fit a variety of SCM or system machine.5) Users can set separate ways each temperature upper and lower limit.6) Includes parasitic power.DS18B20 and the main chip connection diagram shown in Figure 2: DS18B20 number one pin grounded, then on the 3rd pin high and the 2nd pin then a 5. 1K of the pull-up resistor, at the same time received a single output signal of the PD0 pin. Pull-up is to pull the uncertainty signal through a resistor embedded in the high places, resistanceat the same time current-limited . Program from the DQ pin in high impedance state to ensure that the beginning, so that you can pull on the pull-up resistor to the high DQ. At the same time the main chip also can be an external site alarm buzzer.Figure 2. ds18b20 and the main chip connection diagram.C. Smoke Monitoring ModuleSmoke sensors choose HIS-07 ion smoke detectors when the flow through the inside and outside the ionization chamber ionization electron flow is unbalanced, collector charges current until the ionization balance. In a smoke-free or non-combustion, the collector being subject to the impact ionization current statistical fluctuation, the potential to maintain a balance. Ionization current have impact when the smoke into the ionization chamber, easily into the ionization chamber smoke outside than inside the ionization chamber of the affected, ionization current decline in and collector to re-charge until the new equilibrium potential, this potential change can be used to trigger the alarm circuit. Technical parameters such as Table 1.TABLE I.HIS-07 ION SMOKE SENSOR THCHNICAL DATASmoke signals are processed on the chip of choice is the Motorola company’s MC14468, MC14468 for DIP 16-pin package, contain oscillator, timer, latch, alarm control logic circuit, high input impedance comparator etc. When not detected smoke, MC14468 internal oscillator that oscillation cycle 1.67s. Each 1.67s cycle the internal power supply is provided to the work of the entire chip. It’s all kept det ect any smoke in addition to LED flashes, battery voltage alarm and smoke alarm. The oscillator oscillation period becomes 40ms when the MC14448 Once detection smoke, this time piezoelectric buzzer driving circuit to start oscillation, start to be able to output to maintain the high 160 ms after the cessation of 80ms.Continued during the detection of smoke cessation of changes, at this time if not detected smoke beeper will not be issued a warning sound.In figure 3, the MC14468 1 pin joint PD1 pin of SCM when the ion chamber of the ion current as the scene of smoke detection and change, voltage change generation a weak side-spread seized 15, by the MC14468 internal logic processing circuit processing, the smoke is detected by 1 pin-out high micro controller for processing. 13-pin then slide rheostat is set to facilitate detection sensitivity when the led flashes and the buzzer sounded a piercing sound of an audio alarm when the department has a fire alarm signal-based.In figure 3, the MC14468 1 pin joint PD1 pin of SCM when the ion chamber of the ion current as the scene of smoke detection and change, voltage change generation a weak side-spread seized 15, by the MC14468 internal logic processing circuit processing, the smoke is detected by 1 pin-out high micro controller for processing. 13-pin then slide rheostat is set to facilitate detection sensitivity when the led flashes and the buzzer sounded a piercing sound of an audio alarm when the department has a fire alarm signal-based.Figure 3.Smoke detection circuitD. Auto-dial alarm moduleDial-up alarm module choices are the EX-1 dial-up module is a DTMF signal receiving, storing, and sending as integration communications circuits. Module built-in micro controller and dial-up management process can provide users with a variety of signal input and output ports, in security alarm, signal acquisition, automatic control, remote communication and information transmission areas such as flexible application. 5 groups can have cell phone or group of seven local telephone numbers are stored, power-down is not lost; Telephone line status detection, automatic fault signal output ;Telephone / external switching two kinds of dial-up state control; Trigger time, nine times loop dial preset numbers; To work independently, independent dial-up, do not rely on telephone and other external devices.EX-1 wiring diagram shown in figure 4, The PD4 pin to connect the main chip HTO , the module began to dial alarm when PD4 output high level signal, PD5 connection ON / OFF pin input is high level signal to open the dial-up settings, the inputdoes not work when this pin become low, ERR pin connected to PD6 pin of MCU, PD6 output 1 begun to test whether the telephone line failure, READY pin connect MCU PD7 pin detection and alarm is completed, the alarm is end when PD7 pin is high .Figure 4. EX-1 wiring diagramIV. SOFIW AREDESIGNFigure 5. The main program flow chartBecause in the early stages of fires and the smoldering phase will produce a large number of aerosol particles and smoke particles .In the stage of incipient fire substances in the combustion process produces a lot of heat, so should make the smoke sensor and temperature sensor used in conjunction, first with the smoke sensor detects whether there is smoke generation, then the temperature sensor detects the temperature, temperature sensor alarm value is set to 50 degrees. When the smoke is detected R0 is 1, not smoke R0 is 0. Then test the temperature when the temperature reaches the value of seasonal early warning R1 is 1, the value of seasonal temperature not to reach an early warning R1 to 0, at this time compared to the R0 and R1 is equal to the main chip when the dial-up alarm, if not equal is not to alarm re-tested. This smoke sensor and temperature sensor used in conjunction with greatly improved the reliability of detection to prevent the omission of false positives, program flow diagram shown in Figure 5.V. CONCLUSIONBy the cooperation of using of temperature and smoke sensors, through detecting the temperature and smoke on-site, the automatic alarm system could find any fire in warehouse and send the message to managers of warehouse in the early time by the form of short messages. So its application could greatly reduce fire losses and enhanced the safe reliability of warehouse more than the former single equipment of fire alarm, and prevent failing of reporting and misinformation. The system has a high reliability, low price and high sensitivity.REFERENCES[1] Shunning Miao,Guangming Xiong,Yongping Li etc.Automatic Fire Alarm System Design and Research, Equipment Manufacturing Technology, 2006(2), P909.[2] Liang Ge, Qi Cong. Intelligent Analysis of office building fire.[3] Ti Zhou. Building Fire System Design, Yunnan Construction,2008(6).[4] Honeywell (Honeywel1)'s construction equipment Monitoring System, Intelligent Building and City Information, 2008(4).[5] Derek Clements-Croome, Intelligent buildings: design, management and operation, Thomas Telford Publishing, 2004.[6] Zhang Huazhong, Commanding System of Fire Automatic Alarm and Fire Control Linkage based on Internet, Computer Engineering, 2001.[7] ANSI, Radiant Energy-Sensing Fire Detectors for Automatic Fire Alarm Signaling, US: ANSI/FMRC FM3260-2004.基于单片机的火灾自动报警系统张坤,胡顺滨机电工程学院河北农业大学,保定,071001,中国的电子邮件地址:************************李锦芳保定宝灵变压器有限公司保定天威集团,071056,中国的电子邮件地址:****************摘要:本文介绍了基于单片机的自动仓库火灾自动报警系统。



摄像机Camera记录设备DVR画面处理器Quad &Multiplexer Quadrangle 监视器Monitor数字监控IP CCTV视频采集卡 Capture Card编码解码器Encoder & Decoder矩阵 Marti护罩球罩 Housing监控器支架 Bracket云台 Pan/Tilt红外线灯 Infrared Light集成监控Integrated Surveillance镜头Lens传输设备Transmitting Equipment配套软件Surveillance Software录像带Recording Cassette [kæˈset]防盗报警 Alarm System报警设备Telephone Alarm Device防盗门 Door防盗系统Theftproof Equipment[θeft] 保险柜 Safeguard Case探头 Detector感应器 Inductor警号闪灯Alarm Light门磁窗磁 Magnetic Contact [mægˈnetik]发射接收器 Transmitter & Receiver个人报警器 Personal Alarm报警主机 Alarm Mainframe报警软件 Alarm Software玻璃破碎探测器 Glass-Crashing Detector其他Others门禁考勤 Access System (1516)门禁控制主机 Access Mainframe磁卡Card读卡器 Card Reader指纹采集仪 Fingerprint Identification考勤机Access Attendance门禁控制器Access Controller锁具Locks & Doors其他Others对讲设备Intercom System(753) {ˈintəkɔ:s}可视对讲Visual Intercom非可视对讲Unvisualable Intercom防灾保全对型Emergency Intercom其他Others智能交通Intelligent Traffic System (416)交通控制管理 Traffic Management Equipment交通收费设备 Traffic Charge Equipment交通检测设备 Traffic Detector行驶记录仪Traffic Black Box车辆导航系统 GPS交通系统及软件 Traffic System Software停车场设备Park Equipment汽车防盗设备Car Theftproof Equipment其他Others消防设备Fire Protection (161)灭火器 Extinguisher[ikˈstiŋgwiʃ]紧急广播设备Emergency Broadcasting消防栓 Fireplug火警探测器Fire Detector防护衣帽Body proof Clothes其他Others传输系统 Transmitting System(712)微波传输Micro-wave Transmission 'maikrəu]远程传输Tele Transmission光纤传输Fiber Transmission线缆Cables其他Others其他产品Others (427)智能化小区系统Intelligent Community System柜员机ATM Equipment消费管理系统Consuming Management System电梯控制器Elevator Controlling Equipmentˈ eliveitə金库保险Cashbox Security中英文对照安防系统专业名词之线缆系统Aluminium foil shield 铝箔屏蔽ˌæljuˈminiəm]Appliance Wiring 标准电线电缆[əˈplaiəns]Attenuation 衰减[əˈtenjueit]Automotive Wire 汽车线[ˌɔ:təˈmætik]Braid 编织屏蔽[breid]Characteristic impedance 特性阻抗Coaxial Cable 同轴电缆Conductor 导体Control Cable 控制电缆Elevator Cable 电梯电缆Excellent flexibility 富柔软性Frequency 频率Halogen Free High-Speed Interface Cable 无卤高速介面电缆Hybrid Plastic Inner Jacket 塑料混合物护层Inner jacket 护层Insulation:PVC/C insulation at 70°CPVC/E insulation at 90°C 绝缘:70°C时,使用C型聚氯乙烯90°C时,使用E型聚氯乙烯Jacket 护套Loudspeaker Cable 喇叭线,音箱线Max. Atten 最大衰减Max.Resistance 最大导体电阻Meet lead and cadmium free requirement 符合无铅无镉要求Multi-channel digital audio 多声道Networking Cable 网络电缆Next Power Sum 近端串音功率和Next Worst Pair 近端串音No. of Pairs 对数Nom O.D 成品外径Nom. Space 标称间距Nom.Dia 标称外径Nom.Thick 厚度Propagation delay skew 延时差PVC Insulation 聚氯乙烯绝缘PVC/ST4 Jacket 聚氯乙烯护套Rated cap. 额定电容Rated temperature 额定温度Rated voltage 额定电压RE.weight 参考重量Resistant to heat, oil, abrasion and cold 具耐热,耐油性,防磨损,耐冷等特性Section 截面Spira/Braid Shield 编织/缠绕屏蔽Structure 结构Tinned copper, Braid shield 屏蔽,镀锡铜线编织屏蔽Tinned or bare, solid copper conductor 导体:单支实芯铜线或单支实芯镀锡铜线Tinned or bare, stranded copper conductor 导体:多股裸铜线或镀锡铜线绞合中英文对照安防系统专业名词之对讲系统A visible walky-talky system 可视对讲系统AC Transformer 电源适配器Adaptor 解码器add-on Selector 扩展选择板Audio Station 音频门口机Centre Control Unit 中央控制单元Door Station 门口机Enhanced System 嵌入式系统Hands-free 免提Hands-free Color Video Intercom 彩色对讲系统Inside Station 室分机Master Station 主分机Sub Station 副分机Video Monitor 显示屏Wireless walky-talky system 无线对讲系统中英文对照安防系统专业名词之显示与监视器CRT, Cathode Ray Tube 阴极射管线Display 显示器ECD, Electro Chromic Chemical Display 电化著色显示EL, Electro Luminescent 电光光面板EPID, EIectrophoretic Indication Display 电泳动显示LCD, Liquid Crystal Display 液晶显示LED, Light Emitter Display 发光二极体Monitor 监视器PDP, Plasma Display Panel 电浆显示板VFD, Vacuum FIuorescent DispIay 萤光显示管中英文对照安防系统专业名词之智能家居系统Home remote control 家居远程控制Intelligent home appliances control system 家电智能控制Intelligent home system 智能家居系统中英文对照安防系统专业名词之综合布线系统Broadband access 宽带接入Broadband multimedia service system 宽带多媒体服务系统Community network service 社区网络服务Construction ensemble system 建筑群子系统Horizontal system 水平子系统Management system 管理子系统PDS,Premises Distribution System 综合布线系统The equipment room system 设备间子系统The working area system 工作区子系统Vertical system 垂直子系统中英文对照安防系统专业名词之三表抄送系统Remote Connectrated Meter Directly-Reading System 远程抄表系统Concentrator 集中器Repeater 中继器Directly-Reading Meter 直读式表计Water Meter 水表Electricity Meter 电表Gas Meter 煤气表Pure-Water Meter 纯净水表中英文对照安防系统专业名词之职称与职位Administrator/Clerk 主管/员工Contract Administrator 合同主管Document Controller 文档管理员Draftperson 起草人Site Driver 工地司机Electrician 电工Design Engineer 设计工程师Asst Design Engineer 设计助理工程师T & C Engineer 调试工程师Database Engineer 数据库工程师Senior Design Engineer 高级设计工程师Design & Devt Engineer 设计&开发工程师Project Engineer 项目工程师Asst Project Engineer 项目助理工程师Professional Engineer 专业工程师Service Engineer 办公室减值Software Engineer 软件工程师QC Engineer 质量控制工程师System Engineer 系统工程师Software & Devt Engineer 软件开发工程师System Assurance Engineer 系统保险工程师Cost Control Engineer 成本控制工程师Network Engineer 网络工程师Communication Engineer 通讯工程师Graphics Engineer 绘图工程师License Elect Worker 电工(有职业许可证)Senior Engineer 高级工程师Technician 技术人员Fire Alarm Engineer 火警工程师Asst Service Engineer 助理服务工程师Customer Service Engineer 客服工程师Maintenance Engineer 维护工程师Senior Welder 高级焊工Snr Application Engineer 高级应用工程师Senior T&C Engineer 高级项目工程师Senior Estimator 高级预算员Estimator 预算员Direct Labour National 直接劳力Indirect Labour 间接劳力General Worker 普通工人Senior Project Manager 高级项目经理Project Manager Expat 项目经理(外地)Project Manager Local 项目经理(本地)Deputy Project Manager 代理项目经理Construction Manager 建筑经理Asst Construction Manager 助理建筑经理Senior Contracts Manager 高级合同经理Asst Constracts Manager 助理合同经理T & C Manager 测试经理Design Manager Expat 设计经理(外地)Design Manager Local 设计经理(本地)Fire & Safety Mgr 消防安防经理Project Control Mgr 项目控制经理Service Manager 服务经理Senior Service Manager 高级服务经理Software Manager 软件经理Software Quality Manager 软件质量经理Technical Software Manager 技术软件经理Operations Manager 运营经理Material Controller 材料管理员Storekeeper 店长Pipe Fitter 管道工Planner 计划员Project Safety Officer 项目安全官员Quantity Surveyor 质检员Project/Site Supervisor 项目主管Safety Supervisor 安全主管Mechanical Supervisor 机械主管Electrical Supervisor 电力主管Instrumentational Supervisor 仪器主管Foreman 作业班长Welder 焊工Workshop Supervisor 车间主管Software Assistant 软件助理Senior Technician 高级技术员Technical Specialist 技术专员Technician 工程师中英文对照安防系统专业名词之招投标Bidding 招投标RFQ, Request for Quotation 招标文件Signed and Company Chop 签名盖公章Tenderer 投标人中英文对照安防系统专业名词之楼宇自控子系统Air-conditioning system 空调系统Artistic lighting 艺术照明Building automation control system 楼宇设备监控系统Cold water system 冷水系统Distribution of high and low-voltage electricity 高低压配电Electric transformer and distribution 变配电Electricity transformation 变电Emergency lighting 紧急照明Emergency power 应急发电Environment System 环境系统Escalators 扶梯Fire alarm system 火灾自动报警子系统Heat exchange system 热交换系统Internal isolation transformer 置变压器Make-up air system 新风系统Power Supply and Distribution 供配电系统Public facility monitor system 公共设施监控系统Public lighting 公共照明Renewal of the blower fan coil 风机盘管加新风Sewage and intermediary water division 污水及水处理Special lighting(obstacle lights) 特殊照明(障碍灯)VAV system VAV变风量系统Ventilation system 通排风系统Water supply and drainage 给排水Water Supply and Drainage System 给排水系统Water supply, drainage and drinking water 给排水与饮用水中英文对照安防系统专业名词之入侵报警系统Absolute humidity 绝对湿度Accesss control system 出入口控制系统/门禁系统Active Infrared Intrusion Detector 主动红外入侵探测器Activity Detection 活动侦测Alarm 报警Alarm receiving centre 报警接收中心Arming 布防Armor Cash Carrier 运钞车Balanced protection 均衡防护bank note transport car 银行运钞车Beam (光线的)束, 柱, 电波, 横梁Blind zone 盲区Burglar Alarm System 安全防报警设备Bypass 旁路Delay 延迟Detection 探测Detector 探测器Dew Point 露点Dew Point Temperature 露点温度Disarming 撤防Door Contact 门磁Engineering of security and protection system 安全防(系统)工程false alarm 误报警false alarm 误报警Fire alarm system 火灾自动报警子系统Frost Point 霜点Guard tour system 电子巡查系统Home anti-theft alarm 家居防盗报警Home remote control 家居远程控制Humidity 湿度Infrared Sensor 红外探测器intimidation alarm system 胁迫报警系统Intruder alarm system 入侵报警系统Intrusion Alarm System 防盗报警系统Intrusion Detection 入侵侦测invasion detection alarm system 入侵探测报警系统IR, Infra-red 红外线Keypad 键盘leakage alarm 漏报警level of protection 防护等级level of risk 风险等级level of security 安全防护水平Longitudinal-depth protection 纵深防护microwave detection 微波探测器Motion Detection 移动侦测normal close 常闭状态operation signal 状态信号Outdoor Siren 室外警铃Panel 面板,报警主机Panic Button 紧急按钮Parking lots management system 停车场(库)管理系统perimeter 周界Perimeter Precaution 周界防Pet Immunity 防宠物Photoelectric 光电的, 光电子照相装置的Photoelectric Beam Detector 光束遮断式感应器Protection area 防护区Relative humidity 相对湿度response 反应Restricted area 禁区Saturation Vapor Pressure 饱和水蒸气压securicar 运钞车Security 安全Security and protection products 安全防产品Security and protection system 安全防系统Security inspection system for antiexplosion 防爆安全检查系统Security management system 安全管理系统Security prevention system 社区安防系统Security system 安全防子系统security system 安全系统Surveillance and control centre 监控中心Surveillance area 监视区域tamper device 防拆功能tension wire detection 振动揽探测器TriTech PIR/Microwave Detector with Pet Immunity 双鉴防宠物探测器Video surveillance and control system 视频安防监控系统中英文对照安防系统专业名词之门禁系统Access Control 门禁控制Contactless 非接触Control Panel 控制面板Controller 控制器Electric Exit Devices 电控逃生装置electric strike for single or double leaf steel doors 单双门电锁扣Electric Strikes 电控锁扣(阴极锁)Electrified Locksets & Trim 电控锁、电控把手Elevator Management System 电梯控制系统Enclosed 被附上的Entrance 出入口Guard Tour System 电子巡更系统IC Card POS System IC卡消费管理系统Lift Access Control 电梯控制Magnetic 磁性,磁力Magnetic 磁性,磁力Magnetic Lock 电磁锁Magnetic Lock 电磁锁Night patrol 巡更Parking Administrative System 停车场管理系统Parking Lots Management System 停车场管理系统Pin tumbler lock 销簧锁Power bolts 电动插销锁proximity 近距离Reader 读卡器Roller Shutter 卷闸门Smart Management System of Parking Lots 停车场管理系统Time and Attendance Management 考勤管理系统Time Attendance 考勤系统Warded Lock 凸块锁中英文对照安防系统专业名词之闭路监控系统ABERRATION 像差:光学系统中对成像造成不良影响的因素。



智能安防英语介绍作文Intelligent security system is a modern technology that utilizes advanced hardware and software to monitor and protect properties. There are various components in an intelligent security system, including surveillance cameras, motion detectors, door sensors, and alarm systems.Surveillance cameras are key components of anintelligent security system. They can be installed both indoors and outdoors to monitor activities and record footage. Some surveillance cameras are equipped with night vision capability, allowing them to capture clear images even in low light conditions. In addition, some camerashave pan-tilt-zoom features that enable users to remotely control the direction and zoom of the camera.Motion detectors are another important component of an intelligent security system. These devices can detect movement in the monitored area and trigger an alarm or notification. Motion detectors can be placed strategically around the property to ensure comprehensive coverage.Door sensors are used to monitor the opening and closing of doors and windows. When a door or window is opened unexpectedly, the sensor will trigger an alarm to alert the homeowners or security personnel. Door sensors areessential for protecting entry points and preventing unauthorized access.Alarm systems are the final line of defense in an intelligent security system. When a security breach is detected, the alarm system will sound an audible alarm and notify the homeowners or monitoring center. Some alarm systems are also equipped with a feature that automatically contacts emergency services in case of a break-in or other emergency.Overall, an intelligent security system provides comprehensive protection for properties and peace of mind for homeowners. By combining surveillance cameras, motion detectors, door sensors, and alarm systems, intelligent security systems can effectively deter intruders and alert homeowners to potential threats.智能安防系统是一种利用先进硬件和软件监控和保护财产的现代技术。



安防行业专业英语术语摄像机Camera记录设备DVR画面处理器Quad &Mutiplexer监视器Monitor数字监控IP CCTV视频采集卡Capture Card编码解码器Encoder & Decoder矩阵Matrix护罩球罩Housing监控器支架Bracket云台Pan/Tilt红外线灯Infrared Light集成监控Integrated Surveillance镜头Lens传输设备Transmitting Equipment配套软件Surveillance Software录像带Recording Cassette防盗报警Alarm System电话报警设备Telephone Alarm Device防盗门Door安防系统Security system保险柜Safeguard Case探头Detector感应器Inductor警号闪灯Alarm Light门磁窗磁Magnetic Contact发射接收器Transmitter & Receiver个人报警器Personal Alarm报警主机Alarm Mainframe报警软件Alarm Software玻璃破碎探测器Glass-Crashing Detector 门禁考勤Access System (1516)门禁控制主机Access Mainframe磁卡Card读卡器CardReader指纹采集仪Fingerprint Identification考勤机Access Attendance门禁控制器Access Controller锁具Locks & Doors 对讲设备Intercom System(753)可视对讲Visual Intercom非可视对讲Unvisualable Intercom防灾保全对型Emergency Intercom智能交通Intelligent Traffic System (416)交通控制管理Traffic Management Equipment交通收费设备Traffic Charge Equipment交通检测设备Traffic Detector行驶记录仪Traffic Black Box车辆导航系统GPS交通系统及软件Traffic System Software 停车场设备Park Equipment汽车防盗设备Car The Equipment消防设备Fire Protection (161)灭火器Extinguisher紧急广播设备Emergency Broadcasting消防栓Fireplug火警探测器Fire Detector防护衣帽Body proof Clothes传输系统Transmitting System(712)微波传输Micro-wave Transmission远程传输Tele Transmission光纤传输Fiber Transmission线缆Cables智能化小区系统Intelligent Community System柜员机A TM Equipment消费管理系统Consuming Management System电梯控制器Elevator Controlling Equipment 金库保险Cashbox Security中英文对照安防系统专业名词之线缆系统Aluminium foil shield 铝箔屏蔽Appliance Wiring 标准电线电缆Attenuation 衰减Automotive Wire 汽车线Braid 编织屏蔽Characteristic impedance 特性阻抗Coaxial Cable 同轴电缆Conductor 导体Control Cable 控制电缆Elevator Cable 电梯电缆Excellent flexibility 富柔软性Frequency 频率Halogen Free High-Speed Interface Cable 无卤高速介面电缆Hybrid Plastic Inner Jacket塑料混合物内护层Inner jacket 内护层Jacket 护套Loudspeaker Cable 喇叭线,音箱线Max. Atten 最大衰减Max.Resistance 最大导体电阻Meet lead and cadmium free requirement 符合无铅无镉要求Multi-channel digital audio 多声道Networking Cable 网络电缆Next Power Sum 近端串音功率和Next Worst Pair 近端串音No. of Pairs 对数Nom O.D 成品外径Nom. Space 标称间距Nom.Dia 标称外径Nom.Thick 厚度Propagation delay skew 延时差PVC Insulation 聚氯乙烯绝缘PVC/ST4 Jacket 聚氯乙烯护套Rated cap. 额定电容Rated temperature 额定温度Rated voltage 额定电压RE.weight 参考重量Resistant to heat, oil, abrasion and cold 具耐热,耐油性,防磨损,耐冷等特性Section 截面Spira/Braid Shield 编织/缠绕屏蔽Structure 结构Tinned copper, Braid shield 屏蔽,镀锡铜线编织屏蔽Tinned or bare, solid copper conductor导体:单支实芯铜线或单支实芯镀锡铜线Tinned or bare, stranded copper conductor导体:多股裸铜线或镀锡铜线绞合中英文对照安防系统专业名词之对讲系统A visible walky-talky system 可视对讲系统AC Transformer 电源适配器Adaptor 解码器add-on Selector 扩展选择板Audio Station 音频门口机Centre Control Unit 中央控制单元Door Station 门口机Enhanced System 嵌入式系统Hands-free 免提Hands-free Color Video Intercom彩色对讲系统Inside Station 室内分机Master Station 主分机Sub Station 副分机Video Monitor 显示屏Wireless walky-talky system 无线对讲系统中英文对照安防系统专业名词之显示与监视器CRT, Cathode Ray Tube 阴极射管线Display 显示器ECD, Electro Chromic Chemical Display电化著色显示EL, Electro Luminescent 电光光面板EPID, EIectrophoretic Indication Display电泳动显示LCD, Liquid Crystal Display 液晶显示LED, Light Emitter Display 发光二极体Monitor 监视器PDP, Plasma Display Panel 电浆显示板vacuum fluorescent digit-display tube真空荧光数字显示管中英文对照安防系统专业名词之智能家居系统Home remote control 家居远程控制Intelligent home appliances control system家电智能控制Intelligent home system 智能家居系统中英文对照安防系统专业名词之综合布线系统Broadband access 宽带接入Broadband multimedia service system宽带多媒体服务系统Community network service 社区网络服务Construction ensemble system 建筑群子系统Horizontal system 水平子系统Management system 管理子系统PDS, Premises Distribution System综合布线系统The equipment room system 设备间子系统The working area system 工作区子系统Vertical system 垂直子系统中英文对照安防系统专业名词之三表抄送系统Remote Connectrated Meter Directly-Reading System 远程抄表系统Concentrator 集中器Repeater 中继器Directly-Reading Meter 直读式表计Water Meter 水表Electricity Meter 电表Gas Meter 煤气表Pure-Water Meter 纯净水表中英文对照安防系统专业名词之职称与职位Administrator/Clerk主管/员工Contract Administrator合同主管Document Controller文档管理员Dra起草人Site Driver工地司机Electrician电工Design Engineer设计工程师Asst Design Engineer设计助理工程师T & C Engineer调试工程师Database Engineer数据库工程师Senior Design Engineer高级设计工程师Design & Devt Engineer设计&开发工程师Project Engineer项目工程师Asst Project Engineer项目助理工程师Professional Engineer专业工程师Service Engineer办公室减值Software Engineer软件工程师QC Engineer质量控制工程师System Engineer系统工程师Software & Devt Engineer软件开发工程师System Assurance Engineer系统保险工程师Cost Control Engineer成本控制工程师Network Engineer网络工程师Communication Engineer通讯工程师Graphics Engineer绘图工程师License Elect Worker电工(有职业许可证)Senior Engineer高级工程师Technician技术人员Fire Alarm Engineer火警工程师Asst Service Engineer助理服务工程师Customer Service Engineer客服工程师Maintenance Engineer维护工程师Senior Welder高级焊工Snr Application Engineer高级应用工程师Senior T&C Engineer高级项目工程师Senior Estimator高级预算员Estimator预算员Direct Labour National直接劳力Indirect Labour间接劳力General Worker普通工人Senior Project Manager高级项目经理Project Manager Expat项目经理(外地)Project Manager Local项目经理(本地)Deputy Project Manager代理项目经理Construction Manager建筑经理Asst Construction Manager助理建筑经理Senior Contracts Manager高级合同经理Asst Constracts Manager助理合同经理T & C Manager测试经理Design Manager Expat设计经理(外地)Design Manager Local设计经理(本地)Fire & Safety Mgr 消防安防经理Project Control Mgr 项目控制经理Service Manager 服务经理Senior Service Manager高级服务经理Software Manager软件经理Software Quality Manager软件质量经理Technical Software Manager技术软件经理Operations Manager运营经理Material Controller 材料管理员Storekeeper店长Pipe Fitter管道工Planner计划员Project Safety Officer项目安全官员Quantity Surveyor质检员Project/Site Supervisor项目主管Safety Supervisor安全主管Mechanical Supervisor机械主管Electrical Supervisor电力主管Instrumentational Supervisor仪器主管Foreman作业班长Welder焊工Workshop Supervisor车间主管Software Assistant软件助理Senior Technician高级技术员Technical Specialist技术专员Technician工程师中英文对照安防系统专业名词之招投标Bidding 招投标RFQ, Request for Quotation 招标文件Signed and Company Chop 签名盖公章Tenderer 投标人中英文对照安防系统专业名词之楼宇自控子系统Air-conditioning system 空调系统Artistic lighting 艺术照明Building automation control system楼宇设备监控系统Cold water system 冷水系统Distribution of high and low-voltage electricity 高低压配电Electric transformer and distribution 变配电Electricity transformation 变电Emergency lighting 紧急照明Emergency power 应急发电Environment System 环境系统Escalators 扶梯Fire alarm system 火灾自动报警子系统Heat exchange system 热交换系统Internal isolation transformer 内置变压器Make-up air system 新风系统Power Supply and Distribution 供配电系统Public facility monitor system公共设施监控系统Public lighting 公共照明Renewal of the blower fan coil风机盘管加新风Sewage and intermediary water division污水及水处理Special lighting(obstacle lights)特殊照明(障碍灯)V A V system V A V变风量系统Ventilation system 通排风系统Water supply and drainage 给排水Water Supply and Drainage System给排水系统Water supply, drainage and drinking water 给排水与饮用水中英文对照安防系统专业名词之入侵报警系统Absolute humidity 绝对湿度Accesss control system出入口控制系统/门禁系统Active Infrared Intrusion Detector主动红外入侵探测器Activity Detection 活动侦测Alarm 报警Alarm receiving centre 报警接收中心Arming 布防Armor Cash Carrier 运钞车Balanced protection 均衡防护bank note transport car 银行运钞车Beam (光线的)束, 柱, 电波, 横梁Blind zone 盲区Burglar Alarm System 安全防范报警设备Bypass 旁路Delay 延迟Detection 探测Detector 探测器Dew Point 露点Dew Point Temperature 露点温度Disarming 撤防Door Contact 门磁Engineering of security and protection system 安全防范(系统)工程false alarm 误报警false alarm 误报警Fire alarm system 火灾自动报警子系统Frost Point 霜点Guard tour system 电子巡查系统Home anti-theft alarm 家居防盗报警Home remote control 家居远程控制Humidity 湿度Infrared Sensor 红外探测器intimidation alarm system 胁迫报警系统Intruder alarm system 入侵报警系统Intrusion Alarm System 防盗报警系统Intrusion Detection 入侵侦测invasion detection alarm system入侵探测报警系统IR, Infra-red 红外线Keypad 键盘leakage alarm 漏报警level of protection 防护等级level of risk 风险等级level of security 安全防护水平Longitudinal-depth protection 纵深防护microwave detection 微波探测器Motion Detection 移动侦测normal close 常闭状态operation signal 状态信号Outdoor Siren 室外警铃Panel 面板,报警主机Panic Button 紧急按钮Parking lots management system停车场(库)管理系统perimeter 周界Perimeter Precaution 周界防范Pet Immunity 防宠物Photoelectric 光电的, 光电子照相装置的Photoelectric Beam Detector光束遮断式感应器Protection area 防护区Relative humidity 相对湿度response 反应Restricted area 禁区Saturation Vapor Pressure 饱和水蒸气压securicar 运钞车Security 安全Security and protection products安全防范产品Security and protection system安全防范系统Security inspection system for antiexplosion 防爆安全检查系统Security management system 安全管理系统Security prevention system 社区安防系统Security system 安全防范子系统security system 安全系统Surveillance and control centre 监控中心Surveillance area 监视区域tamper device 防拆功能tension wire detection 振动揽探测器TriTech PIR/Microwave Detector with Pet Immunity 双鉴防宠物探测器Video surveillance and control system视频安防监控系统中英文对照安防系统专业名词之门禁系统Access Control 门禁控制Contactless 非接触Control Panel 控制面板Controller 控制器Electric Exit Devices 电控逃生装置electric strike for single or double leaf steel doors 单双门电锁扣Electric Strikes电控锁扣(阴极锁)Electrified Locksets & Trim电控锁/电控把手Elevator Management System 电梯控制系统Enclosed 被附上的Entrance 出入口Guard Tour System 电子巡更系统IC Card POS System IC卡消费管理系统Lift Access Control 电梯控制Magnetic 磁性,磁力Magnetic Lock电磁锁Night patrol 巡更Parking Administrative System 停车场管理系统Pin tumbler lock 销簧锁Power bolts电动插销锁proximity 近距离Reader 读卡器Roller Shutter 卷闸门Smart Management System of Parking Lots 停车场管理系统Time and Attendance Management 考勤管理系统Time Attendance 考勤系统Warded Lock 凸块锁中英文对照安防系统专业名词之闭路监控系统ABERRATION 像差:光学系统中对成像造成不良影响的因素。

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淮阴工学院毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译系(院):电子信息工程系专业:测控技术与仪器姓名:严素琴学号:1051203431外文出处:Springer-Link电子期刊Springer-Link(用外文写)附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。

附件1:外文资料翻译译文SJA1000 独立的CAN控制器应用指南1 介绍SJA1000是一个独立的CAN控制器,它在汽车和普通的工业应用上有先进的特征。

由于它和PCA82C200 在硬件和软件都兼容,因此它将会替代PCA82C200。


本文是要指导用户设计基于SJA1000 的完整的CAN节点。


2 概述SJA1000 独立的CAN控制器有2个不同的操作模式:BasicCAN模式(和PCA82C200)兼容PeliCAN模式BasicCAN模式是上电后默认的操作模式。


PeliCAN模式是新的操作模式,它能够处理所有CAN2.0B 规范的帧类型。


2.1 CAN 节点结构通常,每个CAN 模块能够被分成不同的功能块。

SJA1000使用[3] [4] [5]最优化的CAN收发器连接到CAN 。


上面一层是一个CAN 控制器,它执行在CAN规范[8]里规定的完整的CAN协议。




图1 CAN模块装置2.2 结构图下图是SJA1000 的结构图图2 SJA1000的结构图根据CAN规范,CAN核心模块控制CAN帧的发送和接收。



另外,除了PCA82C200已有的BasicCAN功能,还加入了一个新的PeliCAN 功能。



当主控制器初始化发送,接口管理逻辑会使CAN 核心模块从发送缓冲器读CAN 报文。


通过这个可编程的滤波器SJA1000 能确定主控制器要接收哪些报文。




3 系统为了连接到主控制器,SJA1000提供一个复用的地址/数据总线和附加的读/写控制信号。


3.1 SJA1000 的应用SJA1000 的寄存器和管脚配置使它可以使用各种各样集成或分立的CAN收发器。



CAN 控制器功能像是一个时钟源,复位信号由外部复位电路产生。

在这个例子里,SJA1000 的片选由微控制器的P2.7口控制。



图3 典型的SJA1000应用3.2 电源SJA1000有三对电源引脚,用于CAN 控制器内部不同的数字和模拟模块。


例如为了抑制比较器的噪声,VDD2 可以用一个RC滤波器来退耦。

3.3 复位为了使SJA1000正确复位,CAN控制器的XTAL1管脚必须连接一个稳定的振荡器时钟(见3.4)节。


这保证了SJA1000 所有寄存器能够正确复位(见[1] )。


3.4 振荡器和时钟策略SJA1000能用片内振荡器或片外时钟源工作。



如果不需要CLKOUT信号,可以通过置位时钟分频寄存器(Clock Off=1)关断。

这将改善CAN 节点的EME性能。

CLKOUT信号的频率可以通过时钟分频寄存器改变:fCLKOUT = fXTAL / 时钟分频因子(1,2,4,6,8 ,10 ,12 ,14)。


如果使用16MHz的晶振,Intel 模式下CLKOUT 的频率是8 MHz, Motorola 模式中复位后的时钟分频因子是12,这种情况CLKOUT会产生1.33MHz的频率。

图4 时钟策略3.4.1 睡眠和唤醒置位命令寄存器的进入睡眠位(BasicCAN )模式或模式寄存器(PeliCAN模式)的睡眠模式位后,如果没有总线活动和中断等待,SJA1000就会进入睡眠模式。





3.5 CPU接口SJA1000支持直接连接到两个著名的微型控制器系列:80C51和68xx。

通过SJA1000的MODE引脚可选择接口模式:Intel模式: MODE 高Motorola模式: MODE 低地址/数据总线和读/写控制信号在Intel模式和Motorola模式的连接如图5所示。

Philips基于80C51系列的8位微控制器和XA结构的16位微型控制器都使用Intel 模式。



另一个方法在这个时候使片选输入是高电平,禁能CAN 控制器。

图5 SJA1000的CPU时钟接口3.6 物理层接口为了和PCA82C200兼容,SJA1000包括一个模拟接收输入比较器电路。


图6 SJA1000的接收输入比较器如果使用外部集成收发器电路,而且没有在时钟分频寄存器里使能比较器旁路功能,RX1输出要被连接到2.5V 的参考电压(现有的收发器电路参考电压输出)。





图7 带有集成收发器电路的标准应用附件2:外文原文(复印件)SJA1000 Stand-alone CAN controller1. INTRODUCTIONThe SJA1000 is a stand-alone CAN Controller product with advanced features for use in automotive and general industrial applications. It is intended to replace the PCA82C200 because it is hardware and software compatible. Due to an enhanced set of functions this device is well suited for many applications especially when system optimization, diagnosis and maintenance are important.This report is intended to guide the user in designing complete CAN nodes based on the SJA1000. The report provides typical application circuit diagrams and flow charts for programming.2. OVERVIEWThe stand-alone CAN controller SJA1000 1 h as two different Modes of Operation: - BasicCAN Mode (PCA82C200 compatible)- PeliCAN ModeUpon Power-up the BasicCAN Mode is the default mode of operation. Consequently, existing hardware and software developed for the PCA82C200 can be used without any change. In addition to the functions known from the PCA82C200 [7], some extra features have been implemented in this mode which make the device more attractive. However, they do not influence the compatibility to the PCA82C200.The PeliCAN Mode is a new mode of operation which is able to handle all frame types according to CAN specification 2.0B [8]. Furthermore it provides a couple of enhanced features which makes the SJA1000 suitable for a wide range of applicatio ns.2.1 CAN Node ArchitectureGenerally each CAN module can be divided into different functional blocks. The connection to the CAN bus lines is usually built with a CAN Transceiver optimized for the applications [3], [4], [5]. The transceiver controls the logic level signals from the CAN controller into the physical levels on the bus and vice versa.The next upper level is a CAN Controller which implements the complete CAN protocol defined in the CAN Specification [8]. Often it also covers message buffering and acceptance filtering.All these CAN functions are controlled by a Module Controller which performs the functionality of the application. For example, it controls actuators, reads sensors and handles the man-machine interface (MMI).As shown in Figure 1 the SJA1000 stand-alone CAN controller is always located between a microcontroller and the transceiver, which is an integrated circuit in most cases.2.2 Block DiagramThe following figure shows the block diagram of the SJA1000.The CAN Core Block controls the transmission and reception of CAN frames according to the CAN specification.The Interface Management Logic block performs a link to the external host controller which can be a microcontroller or any other device. Every register access via theSJA1000 multiplexed address/data bus and controlling of the read/write strobes is handled in this unit. Additionally to the BasicCAN functions known from thePCA82C200, new PeliCAN features have been added. As a consequence of this, additional registers and logic have been implemented mainly in this block.The Transmit Buffer of the SJA1000 is able to store one complete message (Extended or Standard). Whenever a transmission is initiated by the host controller the Interface Management Logic forces the CAN Core Block to read the CAN message from the Transmit Buffer.When receiving a message, the CAN Core Block converts the serial bit stream into parallel data for the Acceptance Filter. With this programmable filter the SJA1000 decides which messages actually are received by the host controller.All received messages accepted by the acceptance filter are stored within a Receive FIFO. Depending on the mode of operation and the data length up to 32 messages can be stored. This enables the user to be more flexible when specifying interrupt services and interrupt priorities for the system because the probability of data overrun conditions is reduced extremely.3. SYSTEMFor connection to the host controller, the SJA1000 provides a multiplexed address/data bus and additional read/write control signals. The SJA1000 could be seen as a peripheral memory mapped I/O device for the host controller.3.1 SJA1000 ApplicationConfiguration Registers and pins of the SJA1000 allow to use all kinds of integrated or discrete CAN transceivers. Due to the flexible microcontroller interface applications with different microcontrollers are possible.In Figure 3 a typical SJA1000 application diagram including 80C51 microcontroller and PCA82C251 transceiver is shown. The CAN controller functions as a clock source and the reset signal is generated by an external reset circuitry. In this example the chip select of the SJA1000 is controlled by the microcontroller port function P2.7. Instead of this, the chip select input could be tied to VSS. Control via an address decoder is possible, e.g., when the address/data bus is used for other peripherals.3.2 Power SupplyThe SJA1000 has three pairs of voltage supply pins which are used for different digital and analog internal blocks of the CAN controller.VDD1 / VSS1: internal logic (digital)VDD2 / VSS2: input comparator (analog)VDD3 / VSS3: output driver (analog)The supply has been separated for better EME behaviour. For instance the VDD2 can be de-coupled via an RC3.3 ResetFor a proper reset of the SJA1000 a stable oscillator clock has to be provided at XTAL1 of the CAN controller, see also chapter 3.4. An external reset on pin 17 is synchronized and internally lengthened to 15 . This guarantees a correct reset of all SJA1000 registers (see [1]). Note that an oscillator start-up time has to be taken into account uponpower-up.3.4 Oscillator and Clocking StrategyThe SJA1000 can operate with the on-chip oscillator or with external clock sources. Additionally the CLK OUT pin can be enabled to output the clock frequency for the host controller. Figure 4 shows four different clocking principles for applications with the SJA1000. If the CLK OUT signal is not needed, it can be switched off with the Clock Divider register (Clock Off = 1). This will improve the EME performance of the CAN node.The frequency of the CLK OUT signal can be changed with the Clock Divider Register: f CLK OUT = f XTAL / Clock Divider factor (1,2,4,6,8,10,12,14).Upon power up or hardware reset the default value for the Clock Divider factor depends on the selected interface mode (pin 11). If a 16 MHz crystal is used in Intel mode, the frequency at CLK OUT is 8 MHz. In Motorola mode a Clock Divider factor of 12 is used upon reset which results in 1,33 MHz in this case.3.4.1 Sleep and Wake-upUpon setting the Go To Sleep bit in the Command Register (BasicCAN mode) or the Sleep Mode bit in the Mode Register (PeliCAN mode) the SJA1000 will enter Sleep Mode if there is no bus activity and no interrupt is pending. The oscillator keeps on running until 15 CAN bit times have been passed. This allows a microcontroller clocked with the CLK OUT frequency to enter its own low power consumption mode.If one of three possible wake-up conditions 1 o ccurs the oscillator is started again and a Wake-up interrupt is generated. As soon as the oscillator is stable the CLK OUT frequency is active.3.5 CPU InterfaceThe SJA1000 supports the direct connection to two famous microcontroller families:80C51 and 68xx. With the MODE pin of the SJA1000 the interface mode is selected. Intel Mode: MODE = highMotorola Mode: MODE = lowThe connection for the address/data bus and the read/write control signals in both Intel and Motorola mode is shown in Figure 5. For Philips 8-bit microcontrollers based on the 80C51 family and the 16-bit microcontrollers with XA architecture the Intel Mode is used.For other controllers additional glue logic is necessary for adaptation of the address/data bus and the control signals. However, it has to be made sure that no write pulses are generated during power-up. Another possibility is to disable the CAN controller with a high-level on the chip select input in this time.3.6 Physical Layer InterfaceFor compatibility purposes with the PCA82C200, the SJA1000 includes an analog receive input comparator circuit. This integrated comparator can be used if thetransceiver function is realized with discrete components.If an external integrated transceiver circuit is used and the comparator bypass function isnot enabled in the Clock Divider Register, the RX1 input has to be connected to a reference voltage of 2.5V (reference voltage output of existing transceiver circuits). Figure 6 shows the equivalent circuits for both configurations: CBP = active and CBP = inactive. Additionally the path for the wake-up signal is drawn. For all new applications where an integrated transceiver circuit is used, it is recommended to activate the comparator bypass function of the SJA1000 (Figure 7). If this function is enabled, a schmitt-trigger input is used and the internal propagation delay tD2 is much shorter as the delay tD1. of the receive comparator. This has a positive impact on the maximum bus length [6]. Additionally, it will reduce the supply current in sleep mode significantly.。
