AMETEK显示模块90219VE AMETEK阿美特克传感器板80467SETM2000AMETEK阿美特克手摇仪表校验泵JOFRA65-P016(询价callme:158〜〜0506〜〜1213)AMETEK阿美特克HPC41-10KPSI-NAMETEK阿美特克65-R975过滤器组件AMETEK880033901 AMETEK阿美特克氙气闪光灯200880001AMETEK阿美特克NSL灯880118901AMETEK阿美特克扩展PC组件80449SEAMETEK阿美特克CPU显示模块880115901SAMETEK阿美特克光源灯前过滤镜片880103001AMETEK阿美特克过滤镜片O型图880271001AMETEK阿美特克CAL3200温度控制器269323011 AMETEK阿美特克石英玻璃窗200887001AMETEK阿美特克氧含量分析仪显示模块90219VE AMETEK阿美特克933硫化氢分析仪镉灯300-2070. AMETEK阿美特克933硫化氢分析仪铜灯300-8707AMETEK阿美特克冷静式水露点分析仪13-1200-C-N-2 AMETEK阿美特克硬玻漓窗2008887001AMETEK阿美特克密封垫880042001阿美特克氧化锆头71785SEAMETEK阿美特克零点干燥器305617901sAMETEK阿美特克干燥器305400901S\AMETEK阿美特克湿气发生器305010901sAMETEK阿美特克电机电板pn100-1662AMETEK阿美特克氧化头78715SEAMETEK阿美特克在线分析仪表配件3050水分析仪校验管305431901S AMETEK阿美特克保险丝(H2s在线分析仪)1A,300-9244 AMETEK阿美特克保险丝(H2s在线分析仪)6.3A,300-6291 AMETEK阿美特克保险丝(H2s在线分析仪)0.5A,300-6291 AMETEK阿美特克O型圈(H2s在线分析仪)300-2375AMETEK阿美特克过滤器芯(H2s在线分析仪)300-6217AMETEK阿美特克色谱柱(H2s在线分析仪)100-1857AMETEK阿美特克第一级过滤膜300-5862AMETEK阿美特克第二级过滤膜300-8594AMETEK阿美特克色谱柱加热器300-9039AMETEK阿美特克113-1200-C-N-2水露点仪镜头CH13-0007-t AMETEK阿美特克水露点仪电路板(PCBCOATED)13-0307 AMETEK阿美特克水露点仪铂电阻(RTDAssembly)13-0236 AMETEK阿美特克过滤膜及附件305529901AMETEK阿美特克滤污器过滤芯305527901AMETEK阿美特克固体过滤器305448901SAMETEK阿美特克过滤器滤芯300-6217AMETEK阿美特克880020901检测电路板AMETEK阿美特克石英窗200887001AMETEK阿美特克石英窗垫圈880042001AMETEK阿美特克P/s触发组件880118901AMETEK阿美特克除雾器金属垫880063001更新型号880063901 AMETEK阿美特克继电器PC组件80436sEAMETEK阿美特克石英窗垫880042001AMETEK阿美特克除雾器垫880063001AMETEK阿美特克除雾器衬芯880136901AMETEK阿美特克固态继电器265972001AMETEK阿美特克保险丝269439024AMETEK阿美特克保险丝269439019AMETEK阿美特克保险丝205223019AMETEK阿美特克保险丝205223011AMETEK阿美特克除雾器880019902AMETEK阿美特克温度传感器880041001AMETEK阿美特克880041002AMETEK阿美特克电磁阀880108914sAMETEK阿美特克电磁阀880108915sAMETEK阿美特克880061001AMETEK阿美特克880107901AMETEK阿美特克回样阀200896001AMETEK阿美特克压力计251744000AMETEK阿美特克200892001AMETEK阿美特克进料阀200884001AMETEK阿美特克校验镜片200095002SAMETEK阿美特克电缆72391SEAMETEK阿美特克72392SEAMETEK阿美特克气体比重计388-11032AMETEK阿美特克电磁阀880108914SAMETEK阿美特克电磁阀880108915SAMETEK阿美特克石英窗垫880042001AMETEK阿美特克露点仪13-1200-C-N-2三脚架CHP-0535气缸CHP-0536过滤器CH13-0054滤芯替换CHC0843520立方英尺虹吸管瓶CH13-2277AMETEK阿美特克氧化锆加热丝TEMPCOG1201HDC1628172931KE75120V型号73052TEAMETEK阿美特克流量计组件305449901SAMETEK阿美特克比例电磁阀305648901AMETEK阿美特克氧化锆74422SEAMETEK阿美特克干燥器560040901AMETEK阿美特克干燥器560040904AMETEK陶瓷过滤器74422SEAMETEK阿美特克氧化锆锆头71785SEAMETEK键盘模块90253VEAMETEK阿美特克氧化锆71063SEAMETEK阿美特克热电偶71697KEAMETEK氧化锆头71063SEAMETEK阿美特克过滤膜及附件305529901AMETEK阿美特克滤污器过滤芯305527901AMETEK阿美特克固体过滤器305448901SAMETEK阿美特克过滤膜300-5862AMETEK阿美特克过滤膜300-8594AMETEK阿美特克过滤器300-6217Ametek产品询价:BACKPLANEASSEMBLY;PN:80439SEAMETEK阿美特克氧化锆过滤器74422SEAMETEK阿美特克处理器电路板80485SEAMETEK 阿美特克温度传感器880041002 AMETEK 阿美特克控制器后基板880112901s AMETEK 阿美特克储存器880060901SAMETEK 阿美特克280465001停产替代280465003 AMETEK 阿美特克电源板880114901SAMETEK 阿美特克锆管导线95385WEAMETEK 阿美特克电磁阀300-9242AMETEK 阿美特克K 型热电偶71697KE AMETEK 阿美特克传感器电路板80471SE AMETEK 阿美特克流量开关72684SEAMETEK 阿美特克阻火器V70487SE泵3500威0伯0科福鸟型号弯轴柱塞泵弯轴柱塞泵奔驰奔驰型圈再生气压缩机道茨泵伺服控制卡伺服控制卡气动伺服阀气动伺服阀手持式压力表奔驰斯洛伐克减速机泥浆泵配件泥浆泵上导板泥浆泵下导板伺服阀伺服阀(施乐百),厂家: ;天马英格索兰马达天马7520便携式钢丝轮除锈机顶驱配件顶驱配件顶驱配件顶驱配件顶驱配件轴承马丁防震电机电阻箱继电器轴承压差变送器压差变送器齿轮泵英格索兰启动马达英格索兰启动马达派克马达修理包拖飞宝■拖飞宝派克马达抽气泵传感器派克电磁阀线圈派克电磁阀线圈泵密析尔露点仪本安型防爆功能密析尔露点仪无防爆功能滤芯P554072派克插装阀救生衣,Adult阀阀门△PRESS(PSI)@MAX,T5E0NHPPF-阀猫牌泵660三档转换开关泵沃玛穆格阀34230博9世0开0关6变送器2155.01000002V泵高压柱塞泵继电器空调压力表时序控制器泵泵美卓限位开关开关水密插头柴滤万国机滤万国离心泵离心泵离心泵手持式压力表电磁阀534CR-TN51-P9-电磁阀威伯科挂车继动阀威伯科挂车继动阀离心泵三通式自动补水电磁阀PIPE、3W/A8TTS1、0S.E1R离心泵阿尼米特油雾器美卓限位开关(调压范围eproPR6423/00德国带温度探头电阻箱日本山武伺服马达空气压缩机干燥塔、、罗宾耐尔16350传感器阿波罗58100(970阿波罗威伯科减速机的型号为F序列号:布雷维尼()法国埃纳迪斯电流变送器::摩菲振动开关摩菲振动开关摩菲振动开关山武伺服马达华高顶驱配件科尔摩根电机EMK-ACC2R-00威肯泵泵头序列号科尔摩根配套启动器AKD-00307卡特喷油嘴堡盟倾角传感器测量范围土°接口海沃开关E+E温湿度计EE31-PFTD30触摸屏一触摸屏通讯模块触摸屏触摸屏威伯科威伯科气动碟阀witzel威伯科威伯科米森砂泵通0*8*通4威伯科水下扬声器压力开关澳大利亚气动马达接触器泵接触器压块力开关序列号穆格阀海沃型柱塞泵华高顶驱配件美国的空气流量计华高顶驱配件罗茨同步马达海沃型柱塞泵。
DC10600M101_1111_4X(T C N)数据手册说明书
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1.1 产品外观以下为该尺寸不同型号的外观参考图,如图1-1、图1-2、图1-3所示。
图1-1 10.1寸电阻触摸参考图图1-2 10.1寸电容触摸参考图图1-3 10.1寸无触摸参考图1.2 硬件配置以下为该尺寸产品硬件配置参考图,以电容屏举例说明,如图1-4所示。
图1-4硬件配置图1.3 调试工具以下为该产品调试工具参考图,以电容屏举例说明,如图1-5所示。
单管半导体激光器F 封装系列 (连续)
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1产品型号说明:FL(炬光科技缩写) - FM01(结构代码) - 5(输出功率) - 808(中心波长). 2超过正常功率范围使用会缩短器件的使用寿命。
1产品型号说明:FL(炬光科技缩写) - FM01(结构代码) - 5(输出功率) - 808(中心波长).
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MGate 5119系列产品说明书
P/N: 1802051190010 *1802051190010*MGate 5119 Series Quick Installation GuideVersion 1.0, December 2021Technical Support Contact Information/support2021 Moxa Inc. All rights reserved.OverviewThe MGate 5119 Series is an Ethernet gateway designed for the power industry to integrate Modbus, DNP3, IEC 60870-5-101/104 devices to an IEC 61850 MMS network.Package ChecklistBefore installing the MGate 5119, verify that the package contains the following items:• 1 MGate 5119 gateway• 1 serial cable: CBL-RJ45F9-150•Quick installation guide (printed)•Warranty cardPlease notify your sales representative if any of the above items is missing or damaged.Optional Accessories (can be purchased separately)•CBL-F9M9-150: DB9-female-to-DB9-male serial cable, 150 cm •CBL-F9M9-20: DB9-female-to-DB9-male serial cable, 20 cm •CBL-RJ45F9-150: RJ45-to-DB9-female serial cable, 150 cm •CBL-RJ45SF9-150: RJ45-to-DB9-female serial shielded cable, 150 cm•Mini DB9F-to-TB DB9: Female-to-terminal-block connector •WK-36-02: Wall-mounting kit, 2 plates with 6 screws•CBL-PJTB-10: Non-locking barrel plug to bare-wire cable Hardware IntroductionLED IndicatorsLED Color DescriptionReady Off Power is off or a fault condition existsGreen Steady: Power is on, and the MGate is functioningnormallyRed Steady: Power is on, and the MGate is booting upBlinking slowly: Indicates an IP conflict, or theDHCP or BOOTP server is not responding properlyFlashing quickly: the microSD card failedMB/101/ 104/DNP3 Off No communication with a Modbus/101/104/DNP3 deviceGreen Normal Modbus/101/104/DNP3 communication in progressRed When the MGate 5119 acts as a Modbus master:1.Received an exception code from the slavedevice2.Received a framing error (parity error,checksum error)3.Timeout (the master sent a request but noresponse was received)When the MGate 5119 acts as an IEC 60870-5-101/104/ DNP3 master:LEDColor Description1. Received an outstation exception (formaterror, checksum error, invalid data, outstation responds are not supported)2. Timeout (the master sent a command, but noresponse was received)850Off No communication with the IEC 61850 system Green Normal IEC 61850 communication in progress Red When the MGate 5119 acts as an IEC 61850server:1. Received an abnormal package (wrongformat, unsupported function code)2. Failed to establish an IEC 61850 connection3. Disconnected the IEC 61850 connectionDimensionsUnit: mm (inch)Reset ButtonRestore the MGate to factory default settings by using a pointed object (such as a straightened paper clip) to hold the reset button down until the Ready LED stops blinking (approximately five seconds).Pull-high, Pull-low, and Terminator for RS-485Beneath the MGate 5119’s top cover, you will find DIP switches to adjust each serial port’s pull-high resistor, pull-low resistor, and terminator.SW1 2 3 Pull-high resistor Pull-low resistor Terminator ON 1 k Ω 1 k Ω 120 Ω OFF 150 k Ω*150 k Ω*–**DefaultHardware Installation Procedure1.Connect the MGate 5119's terminal block to the power supply,which could provide 12 to 48 VDC.e a serial or Ethernet cable to connect the MGate to the ModbusRTU/ASCII/TCP, DNP3 Serial/TCP, IEC60870-5-101/104 device. e an Ethernet cable to connect the MGate to the IEC 61850 MMSsystem.4.The MGate 5119 is designed to be attached to a DIN rail ormounted on a wall. For DIN-rail mounting, push down the spring and properly attach it to the DIN rail until it “snaps” into place. For wall mounting, install the wall-mount kit (optional) first and then screw the device onto the wall. An M3 screw is suggested, and the minimum length of the screw should be 10 mm.The following figure illustrates the two suggested mounting options:The following figure illustrates how to attach screws to the mounting kits:DIN Rail:Wall-mount:NOTE The equipment is intended to be supplied by the external power source (UL listed/ IEC 60950-1/ IEC 62368-1), which outputcomplies with ES1/SELV, PS2/LPS, output rating is 12 to 48VDC, 0.455 A min., an ambient temperature 75°C minimum.NOTE Before connecting the Equipment to DC power inputs, make sure DC power source voltage is stable•The wiring of input terminal block shall be installed by skilled person.•Wire type: Cu•Only use 28-18 AWG wire size, torque value 0.5 N-m.•One individual conductor in a clamping point.NOTE If you are using a Class I adapter, the power cord should beconnected to an outlet with an earthing connection Software Installation InformationYou can download the User's Manual and Device Search Utility (DSU) from Moxa's website: . Please refer to the User’s Manual for additional details on using the DSU.The MGate 5119 also supports login via a web browser.Default IP address: account: adminDefault password: moxaPin AssignmentsSerial Port (Male DB9) PinRS-232RS-422/ RS-485 (4W)RS-485 (2W) 1 DCD TxD-(A) – 2 RXD TxD+(B) –3 TXD RxD+(B)Data+(B) 4 DTR RxD-(A) Data-(A) 5* GND GND GND 6 DSR – – 7 RTS – – 8 CTS – – 9 – ––*Signal groundEthernet Port (RJ45) Pin Signal 1 Tx+ 2 Tx- 3 Rx+ 6Rx-Power Input and Relay Output PinoutsV2+V2-V1+V1-ShieldedGroundDC Power Input 2 DCPowerInput 2 N.O.CommonN.C.DCPower Input 1 DC Power Input 1SpecificationsPower Requirements Power Input 12 to 48 VDC Input Current 455 mA max. Operating Temperature -40 to 75°C (-40 to 167°F) Ambient Relative Humidity 5 to 95% (non-condensing) Dimensions 36 x 120 x 150 mm (1.42 x 4.72 x 5.91 in) Reliability Alert Tools Built-in buzzer and RTC MTBF 1,180,203 hrs.Moxa Inc.No. 1111, Heping Rd., Bade Dist., Taoyuan City 334004, Taiwan。
EXFO RTU-2 基于OTDR的远端测试单元产品说明书
规格书基于OTDR 的远端测试单元RTU-2测试接入模块(TAM )套装可靠性高的1XN MEMS 光开关MPO 16纤芯连接器 有多个型号,分别配备32、64、128和256个端口体积小——仅有1/2U 高端口密度高:最高可达512个端口/1U 在支持高端口数的同时,其插损极低使用寿命超过25亿次 能耗极低PON/FTTx 机房内远程测试和监测大规模节点或边缘节点光纤测试和监测大纤芯数据中心互连和园区监测RTUe-9120外接光开关提供非常高的光开关端口密度,适用于基于OTDR 的远程光纤测试系统和光纤监测应用。
端口密度非常高的1XN MEMS 型光开关RTUe-9120如欲了解最新的专利标识标注信息,敬请访问/patent 。
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目录1.产品简介 (1)1.1概述 (1)1.2产品特点 (2)1.3产品优势 (2)1.4技术指标 (3)2.细参数说明 (4)2.1产品图片 (4)2.2 测试套板接口图片 (5)2.3 COMe外形尺寸 (6)2.4 COMe连接器接口定义 (7)1.产品简介1.1概述随着具备高性能计算能力的智能装备在诸如:工业、农业、能源、国防、医疗、交通、民生等多个领域的推广和应用,越来越多的企业将大量资源,投入到高性能计算能力的智能装备的研发和生产中。
Moxa MGate 5119 产品说明书
MGate5119系列1埠DNP3/IEC101/IEC104/Modbus轉IEC61850閘道器特色與優點•支援IEC61850MMS伺服器•支援DNP3串列/TCP主控裝置•支援IEC60870-5-101主控裝置(平衡/非平衡)•支援IEC60870-5-104用戶端•支援Modbus RTU/ASCII/TCP主控裝置/用戶端•嵌入式流量監控/診斷資訊,便於故障排除•輕鬆佈線的內建乙太網路串接•-40°C至75°C操作溫度範圍•串列內建埠2kV隔離保護•支援IEC61850MMS和DNP3TCP通訊協定加密•基於IEC62443/NERC CIP的安全功能•符合IEC61850-3和IEEE1613•內建SCL檔案產生器,便於配置認證簡介MGate5119是工業乙太網路閘道器,具有2個乙太網路連接埠和1個RS-232/422/485串列埠。
為了克服這個難處,MGate 5119內建SCL產生器,可以透過Web主控台輕鬆產生SCL檔案並幾乎立即可用,因此節省配置時間和成本。
透過流量監視器輕鬆進行故障排除MGate5119系列閘道器支援Modbus RTU/ASCII/TCP、IEC60870-5-101、IEC60870-5-104和IEC61850MMS通訊協定流量監控,故障排除更容易,特別在安裝階段。
第 1 章 系统概述.................................................................................................................................... 1
系统简介................................................................................................................................ 1
系统特点................................................................................................................................ 1
系统产品技术参数................................................................................................................ 3
1.5.1 供电电源:.................................................................................................................... 3
4.1.7 电源设置...................................................................................................................... 28
16Mbit (2Mb x8 或 1Mb x16, 驱动块 ) 3V 电源的闪存
■ 电源电压 一 编程、擦除和读时的 VCC=2.7V~3.6V
■ 读取时间:70,90ns ■ 编程时间
一 10 µs 每字节 / 字 典型值
■ 35 个存储器块 一 1 个驱动块 ( 顶部或底部位置 ) 一 2 个参数块和 32 个主块
擦除块 非擦除块
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1 “ 0 ->1->0->…” 状态交替 0
0 “ 0 ->1->0->…” 状态交替
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■ 编程 / 擦除控制器 一 嵌入式字节 / 字编程算法
■ 擦除挂起和恢复方式 一 在擦除挂起期间可以读写另一块
■ 解除旁路编程命令 一 快速生产 / 批编程
■ 暂时块解保护方式 ■ 通用闪存接口
一 64 位安全代码
■ 低功耗 一 待命 / 自动待命
■ 每块 100,000 次编程 / 擦除周期 ■ 电子签名
4 AAA AA 555 55 AAA A0 PA PD
3 AAA AA 555 55 AAA 20
解除旁路编 程
解除旁路复 位
Eaton Corporation电源系列重闭器CT显场修改工具包KA906R1说明书
CT field modification kit KA906R1 installation and testing instructionsHex nutFlat washer Lockwasher3/8-16 x 2 1/4hex head capscrewSplitclamping ring Lower bushing gasketBushing assemblyLeadHex nutBushing clampsThis kit is for use with types RE, RVE, WE, WVE, VWE, VWVE27, and VWVE38 reclosers.Not for use with type RE reclosers serial number 101 through 399 or type WE reclosers serial number 101 through 299.DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITYThe information, recommendations, descriptions and safety notations in this document are based on Eaton Corporation’s (“Eaton”) experience and judgment and may not cover all contingencies. If further information is required, an Eaton sales office should be consulted. Sale of the product shown in this literature is subject to the terms and conditions outlined in appropriate Eaton selling policies or other contractual agreement between Eaton and the purchaser.THERE ARE NO UNDERSTANDINGS, AGREEMENTS, WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR MERCHANTABILITY, OTHER THAN THOSE SPECIFICALL Y SET OUT IN ANY EXISTING CONTRACT BETWEEN THE PARTIES. ANY SUCH CONTRACT STATES THE ENTIRE OBLIGATION OF EATON. THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BECOME PART OF OR MODIFY ANY CONTRACT BETWEEN THE PARTIES. In no event will Eaton be responsible to the purchaser or user in contract, in tort (including negligence), strict liability or other-wise for any special, indirect, incidental or consequential damage or loss whatsoever, including but not limited to damage or loss of use of equipment, plant or power system, cost of capital, loss of power, additional expenses in the use of existing power facilities, or claims against the purchaser or user by its customers resulting from the use of the information, recommendations and descriptions contained herein. The information contained in this manual is subject to changewithout notice.iINSTALLATION AND TESTING INSTRUCTIONS MN280068EN May 2017ContentsDISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I SAFETY FOR LIFE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .III SAFETY INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .III Safety instructions (iii)PRODUCT INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Introduction (1)Read this manual first (1)Additional information (1)Acceptance and initial inspection (1)Handling and storage (1)Quality standards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Description (1)INSTALLATION PROCEDURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 TESTING CURREN T TRAN SFORMERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Continuity check (4)Ratio test for sensing CT’s (4)Polarity test for sensing CT’s (5)CT insulation withstand test (5)SURGE SUPPRESSORS (LOW-VOLTAGE CLOSING COILS ONL Y) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 ii INSTALLATION AND TESTING INSTRUCTIONS MN280068EN May 2017iiiINSTALLATION AND TESTING INSTRUCTIONS MN280068EN May 2017Eaton meets or exceeds all applicable industry standards relating to product safety in its Cooper Power ™ series products. We actively promote safe practices in the use and maintenance of our products through our service literature, instructional training programs, and the continuous efforts of all Eaton employees involved in product design, manufacture, marketing, and service.We strongly urge that you always follow all locally approved safety procedures and safety instructions when working around high voltage lines and equipment, and support our “Safety For Life” mission.CT field modification kit ka906r1 installation and testing instructionsT able 1 . Serial number break for reclosers with type a sensing CTSRecloser Below serial numberRXE5831RVE5894WE11199WVE3695VWE7199VWVE277208VWVE381204All VSA reclosers are equipped with Type A Sensing CTs. All VSML reclosers are equipped with T ype A Sensing CTs. All VSA12, VSA12B, VSA16, VSA20, VSA20A, and VSA20B reclosers are equipped with Type B Sensing CTs.All VWVE38X and VWE38X reclosers are equipped with Type B Sensing CTs.T able 2 . CT field modification kit contentsItem no.QTY.Description Part number11Label KP2560R26Bushing gasket KA1193R32Varistor assembly *KA1240R 431000:1 current transformer KA86RE3513” wire assembly *KA260ME268 614” wire assembly *KA260ME269 717” wire assembly *KA260ME27081Terminal strip *KP2101A391Head gasket KP2103A8106Spacer KP3009A212112Rd. hd. screw, #6-32 x 3/4 *K721515106075A 122Elastic stop nut, #6-32 *KP2020A6136Shrink tube KA2137-13146Rd. head screw 1/4-20 x 2K721515125200A 151Label KP1373ME162Terminal *KP2010A38* I tems used when kit is installed on a recloser that is equipped with the low-voltage closing accessory.Product informationIntroductionService Information MN280068EN provides installation and testing instructions for the CT Field Modification Kit.Read this manual firstRead and understand the contents of this manual and follow all locally approved procedures and safety practices before installing or operating this equipment.Refer to the applicable maintenance manual for additional service and repair procedures.●●S280-40-3, T ype RE, Three-Phase Maintenance Instructions ●●S280-40-4, T ype WE, Three-Phase Maintenance Instructions ●●S280-40-5, Types RVE and WVE, Three-Phase Maintenance Instructions●●MN280061EN, Types VWE, VWVE27, and VWVE38X Maintenance InstructionsAdditional informationThese instructions cannot cover all details or variationsin the equipment, procedures, or process described, nor provide directions for meeting every possible contingency during installation, operation, or maintenance. For additional information, contact your Eaton representative.Acceptance and initial inspectionThis product is completely assembled, tested, and inspected at the factory. It is in good condition when accepted by the carrier for shipment.Upon receipt, inspect the carton for signs of damage. Unpack the control and inspect it thoroughly for damage incurred during shipment. If damage is discovered, file a claim with the carr ier immediately.Handling and storageBe careful during handling and storage of this equipment to minimize the possibility of damage.Quality standardsISO 9001-Certified Quality Management System. DescriptionThe Type B sensing current transformers supplied in thiskit are used to update Type RE or WE family reclosers for use with an Eaton Cooper Power series microprocessor electronic control.Reclosers manufactured prior to June 1989 are equipped with Type A bushing current transformers (CT’s). These reclosers were designed for use with Form 2, Form 3,and Form 3A controls. Eaton Cooper Power series microprocessor-based controls, Form 4A, Form 4C, Form 5, and Form 6, have the ability to generate event recordsand/or oscillographs during a fault. These controls should be used with Type B sensing CT’s. Type B sensing CT’s may also be used with Form 2, Form 3, and Form 3A controls. The terminal board and varistors, included in this kit, are only used on reclosers equipped with the low-voltage closing accessory. The varistors provide additional surge protection for units equipped with low-voltage closing.1INSTALLATION AND TESTING INSTRUCTIONS MN280068EN May 2017CT field modification kit ka906r1 installation and testing instructionsInstallation procedureIMPORTANTT ype R and W family reclosers interfaced withT ype 3/3A controls featuring Low-Current GroundFault T rip capability do not have 100 ohm resistorsthat normally shunt the recloser sensing current transformers . Consequently, high voltage from the current transformers can be present at the recloser/ control interface when the recloser is under load . Do not disconnect control from recloser unless recloser is de-energized or, if equipped with in-line Low-Current Ground Fault T ripping Accessory KA1009ME/KA1009ME2 (located between control and recloser), placing Low-Current Ground Fault T ripping Accessory KA1009ME/ KA1009ME2 into the NORMAL position and disconnecting the interface cable at the control .If shunt resistors are not present, contact your Eaton representative for additional information beforeproceeding with the installation of this kit .Hazardous voltage . De-energize the switchgear before installing this kit . Follow all locally approved safety practices and procedures when working around high voltage lines and equipment . Failure to comply can result in contact with high voltage, which will cause death or severe personal injury .T232 .3Falling equipment . Use the lifting lugs provided and follow all locally approved safety practices when lifting and mounting the equipment . Lift the unit smoothly and do not allow the unit to shift . Improper liftingcan result in severe personal injury, death, and/or equipment damage .G106 .3Equipment damage . Refer to the specific switchgear unit maintenance manual for tanking/untanking procedures and related instructions . Failure to follow these instructions could result in equipment damage or personal injury . T238 .0IMPORTANTRemove the recloser from service and transport it to a clean suitably equipped service center prior to installing the kit .Refer to the appropriate service information instruction manual for the step-by-step procedures to removethe recloser from service. Refer to the Product Information section of this manual for specific service manual information.1. Bypass, trip, de-energize, and remove the recloser fromservice using all locally approved safety practices.2. Untank recloser and position head assembly ina suitable service stand as described in reclosermaintenance manual. Refer to the Read This ManualFirst section of this manual.3. Remove lower bushing nuts and leads.BushingassemblyLeadHex nutBushingclampsFigure 1 . Bushing removal4. If bushings are equipped with corona shields, loosenclamps and slide corona shields from bushings,see Figure 1.5. Remove bushing clamps and carefully removebushings. Discard lower bushing gaskets.6. Remove original head gasket and discard. Install newgasket, using a permanent, flexible adhesive (such asPliobond®20 Industrial Adhesive) to retain.Figure 2 . Cutting CT leads2INSTALLATION AND TESTING INSTRUCTIONS MN280068EN May 20173INSTALLATION AND TESTING INSTRUCTIONS MN280068EN May 2017CT field modification kit ka906r1 installation and testing instructionsFigure 3 . CT removalCurrent transformer Polarity mark CT supportFigure 4 . CT installationShrink tubingFigure 5 . Splicing CT leads7. Cut the leads from the original current transformersapproximately 4” from the shunt resistor. See Figure 2.8. Remove screws and hardware that secure CT supports;note the routing of the CT leads as the transformers are being removed. Discard original current transformers, and spacers. Save shunt resistor and mounting screw for reuse. See Figure 3.9. Place new CT’s into position, with the polarity marktoward the head casting, as shown in Figure 4. Position the leads so they are oriented similarly to the leads of the CT removed.10. Strip the stub ends of the shunt resistor leads.11. Install the new spacers and CT support. Secure withnew 1/4-20 x 2” machine screws and the previously removed washers. Re-attach the shunt resistor assembly. See Figure 3.12. Cut the CT leads to leave a stub approximately 3” long.Strip the ends, slide the shrink tube over the wire,splice, and solder the leads together. Remove any sharp edges or burrs. See Figure 5.Figure 6 . Securing shrink tubing13. Slide shrink tubing over splice and apply heat to secure,see Figure 6.14. Tuck wires toward head casting.15. Check the split aluminum clamping rings on eachbushing. Clamping rings can be reused if in good condition, replace if damaged.otee:N The clamping rings cushion and distribute thepressure between the ceramic and the clamps. DO NOT OMIT .4INSTALLATION AND TESTING INSTRUCTIONS MN280068EN May 2017CT field modification kit ka906r1 installation and testing instructions16. Install bushing assemblies with the new lower bushinggaskets provided. Position each bushing with the stud end of the terminal pointing outward.otee:N If corona shields were installed on the bushings,slide them onto the bushings as they are being installed.17. Position clamping rings with the split centered betweentwo clamping bolts. 18. Reassemble the bushing clamps to head casting.Tighten the bolts evenly, a little at a time, to a torque of 10-15 ft-lbs.otee:N The clamping forces must be applied gradually andequally in rotation to each bolt, to provide evenly distributed gasket sealing pressure.19. Reconnect leads to each bushing rod.20. If the bushings are equipped with corona shields, slideContinuity check1. Connect an ohmmeter, in turn, to pin sockets K andG, K and H, and K and J to check the continuity of the three current sensing transformers.●●The meter should read approximately 3 ohms, the DC resistance of each winding.2. Connect the ohmmeter to pin sockets K and L tocheck the continuity of the battery charger CT winding, if used.●●The meter should read approximately 1000 ohms. A zero ohms reading indicates the 0.2 mfd capacitor may be short circuited. Readings deviating more than ± 20% from 1000 ohms indicates a damaged resistor or transformer winding.2Recloser contactsin closed positionTest leads connecting phases in seriesControl cable receptacle socketK G HJ LA BCCurrent sensing transformers Battery charger CT (accessory)1injury . Open recloser contacts and open disconnect switches before disconnecting control cable . T204 .31. Connect all three phases of the recloser in series asshown in Figure 8 and close the recloser contacts with the manual closing tool.2. Connect a 100 ampere ac test current to test points1 and 2.3. Energize the 100 ampere test source.4. Using a 0-500 milliammeter check the current outputacross socket pins K-G, K-H, and K-J (Figure 8, Ratio-Test Circuit A).●●The output of each CT should measure 100 mA ±10%.CT field modification kit ka906r1 installation and testing instructionsotee:N Be sure to allow for the tolerances of meter being used. The resistance of certain type of meters is notnegligible. Use as high a scale (lower resistance) asis accurately readable.5. A 100 mA reading verifies the 1000:1 ratio of thesensing CT’s. If the 100 mA is not attained, replacethe CT.6. De-energize the test source.Polarity test for sensing CT’s1. With the phases still connected in series from theprevious test, connect the secondaries of the CT’sin parallel by connecting pin socket G to H to J andmeasure the output between pin sockets K and J asshown in Figure 8 (Ratio-Test Circuit B).2. Energize the 100 ampere ac test source.A. All three transformers should have the samepolarity; the output should measure 300 mA.B. If one transformer has its polarity opposite of theremaining two the output will measure 100 mA.Check to determine which CT is reversed and thencorrect by rotating that CT 180°.3. De-energize the test source and remove the jumperwires from the receptacle.CT insulation withstand testTo check the integrity of the CT wiring, ground the recloser head and apply 500 Vac to receptacle pin K for one minute.Surge suppressors(low-voltage closing coils only)The terminal block and surge suppressors included in this kit are installed on the closing coil contactor of reclosers equipped with the low-voltage closing accessory. To install the suppressor, refer to Figures 9 and 10.1. Drill two 5/32” holes as shown in Figure 9.2. Install terminal block onto closing coil contactor; securewith #6 screws and locknuts provided.3. Remove power leads from each side of the closingcoil contactor assembly; cut leads to provide sufficient length for attachment to the terminal board. Strip ends of leads and install terminals provided.4. Connect varistors and leads as shown in Figure 10.Figure 9 . Drilling for terminal block7” wireassembly4” wire assemblyrouted through andunder contactorVaristorsTerminal board3” wire assemblyattach to ground Attach closing coilpower leads to thetwo outsideterminalsFigure 10 . Wiring surge suppression varistors5INSTALLATION AND TESTING INSTRUCTIONS MN280068EN May 2017CT field modification kit ka906r1 installation and testing instructions This page intentionally left blank.6 INSTALLATION AND TESTING INSTRUCTIONS MN280068EN May 2017CT field modification kit ka906r1 installation and testing instructionsThis page intentionally left blank. 7INSTALLATION AND TESTING INSTRUCTIONS MN280068EN May 2017Eaton1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122United StatesEaton’s Power Systems Division 2300 Badger Drive Waukesha, WI 53188United States/cooperpowerseries© 2017 EatonAll Rights ReservedPrinted in USAPublication No. MN280068EN May 2017KA2048-361 Rev. 04Eaton is a registered trademark.All trademarks are propertyof their respective owners.For Eaton’s Cooper Power series productinformationcall 1-877-277-4636 or visit:/cooperpowerseries.。
信号名称对应地址轴一轴二轴三轴四轴五轴六轴七轴八可编程控制器就绪Y0全部伺服ON Y1准备完毕X0发脉冲置ON X10X11X12X13X14X15X16X17定位启动Y10Y11Y12Y13Y14Y15Y16Y17出错检测G 2417.D G 2517.D G 2617.D G 2717.D G 2817.D G 2917.D G3017.D G3117.D 启动完成G 2417.E G 2517.E G 2617.E G 2717.E G 2817.E G 2917.E G3017.E G3117.E 定位完成G 2417.F G 2517.F G 2617.F G 2717.F G 2817.F G 2917.F G3017.F G3117.F 轴停止G30100.0G30110.0G30120.0G30130.0G30140.0G30150.0G30160.0G30170.0JOG 正转G30101.0G30111.0G30121.0G30131.0G30141.0G30151.0G30161.0G30171.0JOG 反转G30102.0G30112.0G30122.0G30132.0G30142.0G30152.0G30162.0G30172.0信号名称对应地址轴九轴十轴十一轴十二轴十三轴十四轴十五轴十六可编程控制器就绪Y0全部伺服ON Y1准备完毕X0发脉冲置ON X18X19X1A X1B X1C X1D X1E X1F 定位启动Y18Y19Y1A Y1B Y1C Y1D Y1E Y1F 出错检测G3217.D G3317.D G3417.D G3517.D G3617.D G3717.D G3817.D G3917.D 启动完成G3217.E G3317.E G3417.E G3517.E G3617.E G3717.E G3817.E G3917.E 定位完成G3217.F G3317.F G3417.F G3517.F G3617.F G3717.F G3817.F G3917.F 轴停止G30180.0G30190.0G30200.0G30210.0G30220.0G30230.0G30240.0G30250.0JOG 正转G30181.0G30191.0G30201.0G30211.0G30221.0G30231.0G30241.0G30251.0JOG 反转G30182.0G30192.0G30202.0G30212.0G30222.0G30232.0G30242.0G30252.0QD77MS16手动数据表(1)项目设置值设置范围默认值设置值缓冲存储器地址轴一轴二轴三轴四轴五轴六轴七轴八JOG正转0至1 (状态)0G30101.0G30111.0G30121.0G30131.0G30141.0G30151.0G30161.0G30171.0 JOG反转0至1 (状态)0G30102.0G30112.0G30122.0G30132.0G30142.0G30152.0G30162.0G30172.0JOG速度JOG速度限制范围内0G4318G4319G4418G4419G4518G4519G4618G4619G4718G4719G4818G4819G4918G4919G5018G5019微动移动量0至65535 (pulse)0G4317G4417G4517G4617G4717G4817G4917G5017加速时间10至8388608(pulse)1000G36G37G186G187G336G337G486G487G636G637G786G787G936G937G1086G1087加速时间20至8388608(pulse)1000G38G39G188G189G338G339G488G489G638G639G788G789G938G939G1088G1089加速时间30至8388608(pulse)1000G40G41G190G191G340G341G490G491G640G641G790G791G940G941G1090G1091减速时间10至8388608(pulse)1000G42G43G192G193G342G343G492G493G642G643G792G793G942G943G1092G1093减速时间20至8388608(pulse)1000G44G45G194G195G344G345G494G495G644G645G794G795G944G945G1094G1095减速时间30至8388608(pulse)1000G46G47G196G197G346G347G496G497G646G647G796G797G946G947G1096G1097JOG速度限制0至200000(pulse)20000G48G49G198G199G348G349G498G499G648G649G798G799G948G949G1098G1099QD77MS16手动数据表(1)项目设置值设置范围默认值设置值缓冲存储器地址轴一轴二轴三轴四轴五轴六轴七轴八JOG运行加速时间选择K0:加速时间00G50G200G350G500G650G800G950G1100 K1:加速时间1K2:加速时间2K3:加速时间3JOG运行减速时间选择K0:减速时间00G51G201G351G501G651G801G951G1101 K1:减速时间1K2:减速时间2k3:减速时间3QD77MS16手动数据表(2)项目设置值设置范围默认值设置值缓冲存储器地址轴九轴十轴十一轴十二轴十三轴十四轴十五轴十六JOG正转0至1 (状态)0G30181.0G30191.0G30201.0G30211.0G30221.0G30231.0G30241.0G30251.0 JOG反转0至1 (状态)0G30182.0G30192.0G30202.0G30212.0G30222.0G30232.0G30242.0G30252.0JOG速度JOG速度限制范围内0G5118G5119G5218G5219G5318G5319G5418G5419G5518G5519G5618G5619G5718G5719G5818G5819微动移动量0至65535 (pulse)0G5117G5217G5317G5417G5517G5617G5717G5817加速时间10至8388608(pulse)1000G1236G1237G1386G1387G1536G1537G1686G1687G1836G1837G1986G1987G2136G2137G2286G2287加速时间20至8388608(pulse)1000G1238G1239G1388G1389G1538G1539G1688G1689G1838G1839G1988G1989G2138G2139G2288G2289加速时间30至8388608(pulse)1000G1240G1241G1390G1391G1540G1541G1690G1691G1840G1841G1990G1991G2140G2141G2290G2291减速时间10至8388608(pulse)1000G1242G1243G1392G1393G1542G1543G1692G1693G1842G1843G1992G1993G2142G2143G2292G2293减速时间20至8388608(pulse)1000G1244G1245G1394G1395G1544G1545G1694G1695G1844G1845G1994G1995G2144G2145G2294G2295减速时间30至8388608(pulse)1000G1246G1247G1396G1397G1546G1547G1696G1697G1846G1847G1996G1997G2146G2147G2296G2297JOG速度限制0至200000(pulse)20000G1248G1249G1398G1399G1548G1549G1698G1699G1848G1849G1998G1999G2148G2149G2298G2299QD77MS16手动数据表(2)项目设置值设置范围默认值设置值缓冲存储器地址轴九轴十轴十一轴十二轴十三轴十四轴十五轴十六JOG运行加速时间选择K0:加速时间00G1250G1400G1550G1700G1850G2000G2150G2300 K1:加速时间1K2:加速时间2K3:加速时间3JOG运行减速时间选择K0:减速时间00G1251G1401G1551G1701G1851G2001G2151G2301 K1:减速时间1K2:减速时间2k3:减速时间3QD77MS16OPR数据表格(1)项目设置值设置范围默认值设置值缓冲存储器地址轴一轴二轴三轴四轴五轴六轴七轴八回原方法K0:近点狗方法0G70G220G370G520G670G820G970G1120 K1:限位器1K2:限位器2K3:限位器3K4:计数1K5:计数2回原复归方向K0:正向0G71G221G371G521G671G821G971G1121 K1:反向原点完成地址-2147483648至2147483647(脉冲)0G72G73G222G223G372G373G522G523G672G673G822G823G972G973G1122G1123回原高速 1 至 200000 pulse/s1G74G75G224G225G374G375G524G525G674G675G824G825G974G975G1124G1125爬行速度 1 至 200000 pulse/s1G76G77G226G227G376G377G526G527G676G677G826G827G976G977G1126G1127原点复归重试K0:不通过极限开关进行原点复归重试0G78G228G378G528G678G828G978G1128 k1:通过极限开关进行原点复归重试QD77MS16OPR数据表格(1)项目设置值设置范围默认值设置值缓冲存储器地址轴一轴二轴三轴四轴五轴六轴七轴八近点狗ON后的移动量设置0~2147483647(pulse)0G80 G81G230G231G380G381G530G531G680G681G830G831G980G981G1130G1131原点复归加速时间选择K0:加速时间00G82G232G382G532G682G832G982G1132 K1:加速时间1K2:加速时间2K3:加速时间3原点复归减速时间选择K0:减速时间00G83G233G383G533G683G833G983G1133 K1:减速时间1K2:减速时间2k3:减速时间3QD77MS16OPR数据表格(2)项目设置值设置范围默认值设置值缓冲存储器地址轴九轴十轴十一轴十二轴十三轴十四轴十五轴十六回原方法K0:近点狗方法0G1270G1420G1570G1720G1870G2020G2170G2320 K1:限位器1K2:限位器2K3:限位器3K4:计数1K5:计数2回原复归方向K0:正向0G1271G1421G1571G1721G1871G2021G2171G2321 K1:反向原点完成地址-2147483648至2147483647(脉冲)0G1272G1273G1422G1423G1572G1573G1722G1723G1872G1873G2022G2023G2172G2173G2322G2323回原高速 1 至 200000 pulse/s1G1274G1275G1424G1425G1574G1575G1724G1725G18G674G1875G2024G2025G2174G2175G2324G2325爬行速度 1 至 200000 pulse/s1G1276G1277G1426G1427G1576G1577G1726G1727G1876G1877G2026G2027G2176G2177G2326G2327原点复归重试K0:不通过极限开关进行原点复归重试0G1278G1428G1578G1728G1878G2028G2178G2328 k1:通过极限开关进行原点复归重试QD77MS16OPR数据表格(2)项目设置值设置范围默认值设置值缓冲存储器地址轴九轴十轴十一轴十二轴十三轴十四轴十五轴十六近点狗ON后的移动量设置0~2147483647(pulse)0G1280G1281G1430G1431G1580G1581G1730G1731G1880G1881G2030G2031G2180G2181G2330G2331原点复归加速时间选择K0:加速时间00G1282G1432G1582G1732G1882G2032G2182G2332 K1:加速时间1K2:加速时间2K3:加速时间3原点复归减速时间选择K0:减速时间00G1283G1433G1583G1733G1883G2033G2183G2333 K1:减速时间1K2:减速时间2k3:减速时间3项目控制模式设置值默认值轴一轴二轴三轴四轴五轴六轴七轴八运行模式定位结束000000H G6000G7000G8000G9000G10000G11000G12000G13000连续定位控制01连续轨迹控制11控制方法ABS 直线 101H INC 直线02定距进给 103H 正转 速度 104H 反转 速度 105H 正转 速·位06H反转 速·位07H正转 位·速08H反转 位·速09HABS 直线 20AHINC 直线 20BH定距进给 20CHABS 圆弧插补0DH项目控制模式设置值默认值轴一轴二轴三轴四轴五轴六轴七轴八控制方法INC 圆弧插补0EH0000H G6000G7000G8000G9000G10000G11000G12000G13000 ABS 圆弧右0FHABS 圆弧左10HINC 圆弧右11HINC 圆弧左12H正转速度 213H反转速度 214HABS 直线 315HINC 直线 316H定距进给 317H正转速度 318H反转速度 319HABS 直线 41AHINC 直线 41BH定距进给 41CH正转速度 41DH项目控制模式设置值默认值轴一轴二轴三轴四轴五轴六轴七轴八控制方法反转 速度 41EH 0000H G6000G7000G8000G9000G10000G11000G12000G13000NOP80H 当前值更改81H JUMP 指令82H LOOP(次数)83H LEND84H 加速时间加速时间 000加速时间 101加速时间 110加速时间 311减速时间减速时间 000减速时间 101减速时间 210减速时间 311项目控制模式设置值默认值轴九轴十轴十一轴十二轴十三轴十四轴十五轴十六运行模式定位结束000000H G14000G15000G16000G17000G18000G19000G20000G21000连续定位控制01连续轨迹控制11控制方法ABS 直线 101H INC 直线02定距进给 103H 正转 速度 104H 反转 速度 105H 正转 速·位06H反转 速·位07H正转 位·速08H反转 位·速09HABS 直线 20AHINC 直线 20BH定距进给 20CHABS 圆弧插补0DH项目控制模式设置值默认值轴九轴十轴十一轴十二轴十三轴十四轴十五轴十六控制方法INC 圆弧插补0EH0000H G14000G15000G16000G17000G18000G19000G20000G21000 ABS 圆弧右0FHABS 圆弧左10HINC 圆弧右11HINC 圆弧左12H正转速度 213H反转速度 214HABS 直线 315HINC 直线 316H定距进给 317H正转速度 318H反转速度 319HABS 直线 41AHINC 直线 41BH定距进给 41CH正转速度 41DH项目控制模式设置值默认值轴九轴十轴十一轴十二轴十三轴十四轴十五轴十六控制方法反转 速度 41EH 0000H G14000G15000G16000G17000G18000G19000G20000G21000NOP80H 当前值更改81H JUMP 指令82H LOOP(次数)83H LEND84H 加速时间加速时间 000加速时间 101加速时间 110加速时间 311减速时间减速时间 000减速时间 101减速时间 210减速时间 311项目指定插补轴设置值默认值轴一轴二轴三轴四轴五轴六轴七轴八插补对象轴轴 1 指定0H0000H G6003G7003G8003G9003G10003G11003G12003G13003轴 2 指定1H轴 3 指定2H轴 4 指定3H轴 5 指定4H轴 6 指定5H轴 7 指定6H轴 8 指定7H轴 9 指定8H轴 10 指定9H轴 11 指定AH轴 12 指定BH轴 13 指定CH轴 14 指定DH轴 15 指定EH轴 16 指定FH项目指定插补轴设置值默认值轴九轴十轴十一轴十二轴十三轴十四轴十五轴十六插补对象轴轴 1 指定0H0000H G14003G15003G16003G17003G18003G19003G20003G21003轴 2 指定1H轴 3 指定2H轴 4 指定3H轴 5 指定4H轴 6 指定5H轴 7 指定6H轴 8 指定7H轴 9 指定8H轴 10 指定9H轴 11 指定AH轴 12 指定BH轴 13 指定CH轴 14 指定DH轴 15 指定EH轴 16 指定FH轴一启动编号定位编号运行模式控制方法加速时间减速时间插补对象指令速度定位地址圆弧地址G43001G6000G6003G6004 (双字)G6006 (双字)G6008 (双字) 2G6010G6013G6014 (双字)G6016 (双字)G6018 (双字) 3G6020G6023G6024 (双字)G6026 (双字)G6028 (双字) 4G6030G6033G6034 (双字)G6036 (双字)G6038 (双字) 5G6040G6043G6044 (双字)G6046 (双字)G6048 (双字) 6G6050G6053G6054 (双字)G6056 (双字)G6058 (双字) 7G6060G6063G6064 (双字)G6066 (双字)G6068 (双字) 8G6070G6073G6074 (双字)G6076 (双字)G6078 (双字) 9G6080G6083G6084 (双字)G6086 (双字)G6088 (双字) 10G6090G6093G6094 (双字)G6096 (双字)G6098 (双字)轴一启动编号定位编号运行模式控制方法加速时间减速时间插补对象指令速度定位地址圆弧地址G430011G6100G6103G6104 (双字)G6106 (双字)G6108 (双字) 12G6110G6113G6114 (双字)G6116 (双字)G6118 (双字) 13G6120G6123G6124 (双字)G6126 (双字)G6128 (双字) 14G6130G6133G6134 (双字)G6136 (双字)G6138 (双字) 15G6140G6143G6144 (双字)G6146 (双字)G6148 (双字) 16G6150G6153G6154 (双字)G6156 (双字)G6158 (双字) 17G6160G6163G6164 (双字)G6166 (双字)G6168 (双字) 18G6170G6173G6174 (双字)G6176 (双字)G6178 (双字) 19G6180G6183G6184 (双字)G6186 (双字)G6188 (双字) 20G6190G6193G6194 (双字)G6196 (双字)G6198 (双字)轴二启动编号定位编号运行模式控制方法加速时间减速时间插补对象指令速度定位地址圆弧地址G44001G7000G7003G7004 (双字)G7006 (双字)G7008 (双字) 2G7010G7013G7014 (双字)G7016 (双字)G7018 (双字) 3G7020G7023G7024 (双字)G7026 (双字)G7028 (双字) 4G7030G7033G7034 (双字)G7036 (双字)G7038 (双字) 5G7040G7043G7044 (双字)G7046 (双字)G7048 (双字) 6G7050G7053G7054 (双字)G7056 (双字)G7058 (双字) 7G7060G7063G7064 (双字)G7066 (双字)G7068 (双字) 8G7070G7073G7074 (双字)G7076 (双字)G7078 (双字) 9G7080G7083G7084 (双字)G7086 (双字)G7088 (双字) 10G7090G7093G7094 (双字)G7096 (双字)G7098 (双字)轴二启动编号定位编号运行模式控制方法加速时间减速时间插补对象指令速度定位地址圆弧地址G440011G7100G7103G7104 (双字)G7106 (双字)G7108 (双字) 12G7110G7113G7114 (双字)G7116 (双字)G7118 (双字) 13G7120G7123G7124 (双字)G7126 (双字)G7128 (双字) 14G7130G7133G7134 (双字)G7136 (双字)G7138 (双字) 15G7140G7143G7144 (双字)G7146 (双字)G7148 (双字) 16G7150G7153G7154 (双字)G7156 (双字)G7158 (双字) 17G7160G7163G7164 (双字)G7166 (双字)G7168 (双字) 18G7170G7173G7174 (双字)G7176 (双字)G7178 (双字) 19G7180G7183G7184 (双字)G7186 (双字)G7188 (双字) 20G7190G7193G7194 (双字)G7196 (双字)G7198 (双字)轴三启动编号定位编号运行模式控制方法加速时间减速时间插补对象指令速度定位地址圆弧地址G45001G8000G8003G8004 (双字)G8006 (双字)G8008 (双字) 2G8010G8013G8014 (双字)G8016 (双字)G8018 (双字) 3G8020G8023G8024 (双字)G8026 (双字)G8028 (双字) 4G8030G8033G8034 (双字)G8036 (双字)G8038 (双字) 5G8040G8043G8044 (双字)G8046 (双字)G8048 (双字) 6G8050G8053G8054 (双字)G8056 (双字)G8058 (双字) 7G8060G8063G8064 (双字)G8066 (双字)G8068 (双字) 8G8070G8073G8074 (双字)G8076 (双字)G8078 (双字) 9G8080G8083G8084 (双字)G8086 (双字)G8088 (双字) 10G8090G8093G8094 (双字)G8096 (双字)G8098 (双字)轴三启动编号定位编号运行模式控制方法加速时间减速时间插补对象指令速度定位地址圆弧地址G450011G8100G8103G8104 (双字)G8106 (双字)G8108 (双字) 12G8110G8113G8114 (双字)G8116 (双字)G8118 (双字) 13G8120G8123G8124 (双字)G8126 (双字)G8128 (双字) 14G8130G8133G8134 (双字)G8136 (双字)G8138 (双字) 15G8140G8143G8144 (双字)G8146 (双字)G8148 (双字) 16G8150G8153G8154 (双字)G8156 (双字)G8158 (双字) 17G8160G8163G8164 (双字)G8166 (双字)G8168 (双字) 18G8170G8173G8174 (双字)G8176 (双字)G8178 (双字) 19G8180G8183G8184 (双字)G8186 (双字)G8188 (双字) 20G8190G8193G8194 (双字)G8196 (双字)G8198 (双字)轴四启动编号定位编号运行模式控制方法加速时间减速时间插补对象指令速度定位地址圆弧地址G46001G9000G9003G9004 (双字)G9006 (双字)G9008 (双字) 2G9010G9013G9014 (双字)G9016 (双字)G9018 (双字) 3G9020G9023G9024 (双字)G9026 (双字)G9028 (双字) 4G9030G9033G9034 (双字)G9036 (双字)G9038 (双字) 5G9040G9043G9044 (双字)G9046 (双字)G9048 (双字) 6G9050G9053G9054 (双字)G9056 (双字)G9058 (双字) 7G9060G9063G9064 (双字)G9066 (双字)G9068 (双字) 8G9070G9073G9074 (双字)G9076 (双字)G9078 (双字) 9G9080G9083G9084 (双字)G9086 (双字)G9088 (双字) 10G9090G9093G9094 (双字)G9096 (双字)G9098 (双字)轴四启动编号定位编号运行模式控制方法加速时间减速时间插补对象指令速度定位地址圆弧地址G460011G9100G9103G9104 (双字)G9106 (双字)G9108 (双字) 12G9110G9113G9114 (双字)G9116 (双字)G9118 (双字) 13G9120G9123G9124 (双字)G9126 (双字)G9128 (双字) 14G9130G9133G9134 (双字)G9136 (双字)G9138 (双字) 15G9140G9143G9144 (双字)G9146 (双字)G9148 (双字) 16G9150G9153G9154 (双字)G9156 (双字)G9158 (双字) 17G9160G9163G9164 (双字)G9166 (双字)G9168 (双字) 18G9170G9173G9174 (双字)G9176 (双字)G9178 (双字) 19G9180G9183G9184 (双字)G9186 (双字)G9188 (双字) 20G9190G9193G9194 (双字)G9196 (双字)G9198 (双字)轴五启动编号定位编号运行模式控制方法加速时间减速时间插补对象指令速度定位地址圆弧地址G47001G10000G10003G10004 (双字)G10006 (双字)G10008 (双字) 2G10010G10013G10014 (双字)G10016 (双字)G10018 (双字) 3G10020G10023G10024 (双字)G10026 (双字)G10028 (双字) 4G10030G10033G10034 (双字)G10036 (双字)G10038 (双字) 5G10040G10043G10044 (双字)G10046 (双字)G10048 (双字) 6G10050G10053G10054 (双字)G10056 (双字)G10058 (双字) 7G10060G10063G10064 (双字)G10066 (双字)G10068 (双字) 8G10070G10073G10074 (双字)G10076 (双字)G10078 (双字) 9G10080G10083G10084 (双字)G10086 (双字)G10088 (双字) 10G10090G10093G10094 (双字)G10096 (双字)G10098 (双字)轴五启动编号定位编号运行模式控制方法加速时间减速时间插补对象指令速度定位地址圆弧地址G470011G10100G10103G10104 (双字)G10106 (双字)G10108 (双字) 12G10110G10113G10114 (双字)G10116 (双字)G10118 (双字) 13G10120G10123G10124 (双字)G10126 (双字)G10128 (双字) 14G10130G10133G10134 (双字)G10136 (双字)G10138 (双字) 15G10140G10143G10144 (双字)G10146 (双字)G10148 (双字) 16G10150G10153G10154 (双字)G10156 (双字)G10158 (双字) 17G10160G10163G10164 (双字)G10166 (双字)G10168 (双字) 18G10170G10173G10174 (双字)G10176 (双字)G10178 (双字) 19G10180G10183G10184 (双字)G10186 (双字)G10188 (双字) 20G10190G10193G10194 (双字)G10196 (双字)G10198 (双字)轴六启动编号定位编号运行模式控制方法加速时间减速时间插补对象指令速度定位地址圆弧地址G48001G11000G11003G11004 (双字)G11006 (双字)G11008 (双字) 2G11010G11013G11014 (双字)G11016 (双字)G11018 (双字) 3G11020G11023G11024 (双字)G11026 (双字)G11028 (双字) 4G11030G11033G11034 (双字)G11036 (双字)G11038 (双字) 5G11040G11043G11044 (双字)G11046 (双字)G11048 (双字) 6G11050G11053G11054 (双字)G11056 (双字)G11058 (双字) 7G11060G11063G11064 (双字)G11066 (双字)G11068 (双字) 8G11070G11073G11074 (双字)G11076 (双字)G11078 (双字) 9G11080G11083G11084 (双字)G11086 (双字)G11088 (双字) 10G11090G11093G11094 (双字)G11096 (双字)G11098 (双字)轴六启动编号定位编号运行模式控制方法加速时间减速时间插补对象指令速度定位地址圆弧地址G480011G11100G11103G11104 (双字)G11106 (双字)G11108 (双字) 12G11110G11113G11114 (双字)G11116 (双字)G11118 (双字) 13G11120G11123G11124 (双字)G11126 (双字)G11128 (双字) 14G11130G11133G11134 (双字)G11136 (双字)G11138 (双字) 15G11140G11143G11144 (双字)G11146 (双字)G11148 (双字) 16G11150G11153G11154 (双字)G11156 (双字)G11158 (双字) 17G11160G11163G11164 (双字)G11166 (双字)G11168 (双字) 18G11170G11173G11174 (双字)G11176 (双字)G11178 (双字) 19G11180G11183G11184 (双字)G11186 (双字)G11188 (双字) 20G11190G11193G11194 (双字)G11196 (双字)G11198 (双字)轴七启动编号定位编号运行模式控制方法加速时间减速时间插补对象指令速度定位地址圆弧地址G49001G12000G12003G12004 (双字)G12006 (双字)G12008 (双字) 2G12010G12013G12014 (双字)G12016 (双字)G12018 (双字) 3G12020G12023G12024 (双字)G12026 (双字)G12028 (双字) 4G12030G12033G12034 (双字)G12036 (双字)G12038 (双字) 5G12040G12043G12044 (双字)G12046 (双字)G12048 (双字) 6G12050G12053G12054 (双字)G12056 (双字)G12058 (双字) 7G12060G12063G12064 (双字)G12066 (双字)G12068 (双字) 8G12070G12073G12074 (双字)G12076 (双字)G12078 (双字) 9G12080G12083G12084 (双字)G12086 (双字)G12088 (双字) 10G12090G12093G12094 (双字)G12096 (双字)G12098 (双字)轴七启动编号定位编号运行模式控制方法加速时间减速时间插补对象指令速度定位地址圆弧地址G490011G12100G12103G12104 (双字)G12106 (双字)G12108 (双字) 12G12110G12113G12114 (双字)G12116 (双字)G12118 (双字) 13G12120G12123G12124 (双字)G12126 (双字)G12128 (双字) 14G12130G12133G12134 (双字)G12136 (双字)G12138 (双字) 15G12140G12143G12144 (双字)G12146 (双字)G12148 (双字) 16G12150G12153G12154 (双字)G12156 (双字)G12158 (双字) 17G12160G12163G12164 (双字)G12166 (双字)G12168 (双字) 18G12170G12173G12174 (双字)G12176 (双字)G12178 (双字) 19G12180G12183G12184 (双字)G12186 (双字)G12188 (双字) 20G12190G12193G12194 (双字)G12196 (双字)G12198 (双字)轴八启动编号定位编号运行模式控制方法加速时间减速时间插补对象指令速度定位地址圆弧地址G50001G13000G13003G13004 (双字)G13006 (双字)G13008 (双字) 2G13010G13013G13014 (双字)G13016 (双字)G13018 (双字) 3G13020G13023G13024 (双字)G13026 (双字)G13028 (双字) 4G13030G13033G13034 (双字)G13036 (双字)G13038 (双字) 5G13040G13043G13044 (双字)G13046 (双字)G13048 (双字) 6G13050G13053G13054 (双字)G13056 (双字)G13058 (双字) 7G13060G13063G13064 (双字)G13066 (双字)G13068 (双字) 8G13070G13073G13074 (双字)G13076 (双字)G13078 (双字) 9G13080G13083G13084 (双字)G13086 (双字)G13088 (双字) 10G13090G13093G13094 (双字)G13096 (双字)G13098 (双字)轴八启动编号定位编号运行模式控制方法加速时间减速时间插补对象指令速度定位地址圆弧地址G500011G13100G13103G13104 (双字)G13106 (双字)G13108 (双字) 12G13110G13113G13114 (双字)G13116 (双字)G13118 (双字) 13G13120G13123G13124 (双字)G13126 (双字)G13128 (双字) 14G13130G13133G13134 (双字)G13136 (双字)G13138 (双字) 15G13140G13143G13144 (双字)G13146 (双字)G13148 (双字) 16G13150G13153G13154 (双字)G13156 (双字)G13158 (双字) 17G13160G13163G13164 (双字)G13166 (双字)G13168 (双字) 18G13170G13173G13174 (双字)G13176 (双字)G13178 (双字) 19G13180G13183G13184 (双字)G13186 (双字)G13188 (双字) 20G13190G13193G13194 (双字)G13196 (双字)G13198 (双字)轴九启动编号定位编号运行模式控制方法加速时间减速时间插补对象指令速度定位地址圆弧地址G51001G14000G14003G14004 (双字)G14006 (双字)G14008 (双字) 2G14010G14013G14014 (双字)G14016 (双字)G14018 (双字) 3G14020G14023G14024 (双字)G14026 (双字)G14028 (双字) 4G14030G14033G14034 (双字)G14036 (双字)G14038 (双字) 5G14040G14043G14044 (双字)G14046 (双字)G14048 (双字) 6G14050G14053G14054 (双字)G14056 (双字)G14058 (双字) 7G14060G14063G14064 (双字)G14066 (双字)G14068 (双字) 8G14070G14073G14074 (双字)G14076 (双字)G14078 (双字) 9G14080G14083G14084 (双字)G14086 (双字)G14088 (双字) 10G14090G14093G14094 (双字)G14096 (双字)G14098 (双字)轴九启动编号定位编号运行模式控制方法加速时间减速时间插补对象指令速度定位地址圆弧地址G510011G14100G14103G14104 (双字)G14106 (双字)G14108 (双字) 12G14110G14113G14114 (双字)G14116 (双字)G14118 (双字) 13G14120G14123G14124 (双字)G14126 (双字)G14128 (双字) 14G14130G14133G14134 (双字)G14136 (双字)G14138 (双字) 15G14140G14143G14144 (双字)G14146 (双字)G14148 (双字) 16G14150G14153G14154 (双字)G14156 (双字)G14158 (双字) 17G14160G14163G14164 (双字)G14166 (双字)G14168 (双字) 18G14170G14173G14174 (双字)G14176 (双字)G14178 (双字) 19G14180G14183G14184 (双字)G14186 (双字)G14188 (双字) 20G14190G14193G14194 (双字)G14196 (双字)G14198 (双字)轴十启动编号定位编号运行模式控制方法加速时间减速时间插补对象指令速度定位地址圆弧地址G52001G15000G15003G15004 (双字)G15006 (双字)G15008 (双字) 2G15010G15013G15014 (双字)G15016 (双字)G15018 (双字) 3G15020G15023G15024 (双字)G15026 (双字)G15028 (双字) 4G15030G15033G15034 (双字)G15036 (双字)G15038 (双字) 5G15040G15043G15044 (双字)G15046 (双字)G15048 (双字) 6G15050G15053G15054 (双字)G15056 (双字)G15058 (双字) 7G15060G15063G15064 (双字)G15066 (双字)G15068 (双字) 8G15070G15073G15074 (双字)G15076 (双字)G15078 (双字) 9G15080G15083G15084 (双字)G15086 (双字)G15088 (双字) 10G15090G15093G15094 (双字)G15096 (双字)G15098 (双字)轴十启动编号定位编号运行模式控制方法加速时间减速时间插补对象指令速度定位地址圆弧地址G520011G15100G15103G15104 (双字)G15106 (双字)G15108 (双字) 12G15110G15113G15114 (双字)G15116 (双字)G15118 (双字) 13G15120G15123G15124 (双字)G15126 (双字)G15128 (双字) 14G15130G15133G15134 (双字)G15136 (双字)G15138 (双字) 15G15140G15143G15144 (双字)G15146 (双字)G15148 (双字) 16G15150G15153G15154 (双字)G15156 (双字)G15158 (双字) 17G15160G15163G15164 (双字)G15166 (双字)G15168 (双字) 18G15170G15173G15174 (双字)G15176 (双字)G15178 (双字) 19G15180G15183G15184 (双字)G15186 (双字)G15188 (双字) 20G15190G15193G15194 (双字)G15196 (双字)G15198 (双字)轴十一启动编号定位编号运行模式控制方法加速时间减速时间插补对象指令速度定位地址圆弧地址G53001G16000G16003G16004 (双字)G16006 (双字)G16008 (双字) 2G16010G16013G16014 (双字)G16016 (双字)G16018 (双字) 3G16020G16023G16024 (双字)G16026 (双字)G16028 (双字) 4G16030G16033G16034 (双字)G16036 (双字)G16038 (双字) 5G16040G16043G16044 (双字)G16046 (双字)G16048 (双字) 6G16050G16053G16054 (双字)G16056 (双字)G16058 (双字) 7G16060G16063G16064 (双字)G16066 (双字)G16068 (双字) 8G16070G16073G16074 (双字)G16076 (双字)G16078 (双字) 9G16080G16083G16084 (双字)G16086 (双字)G16088 (双字) 10G16090G16093G16094 (双字)G16096 (双字)G16098 (双字)轴十一启动编号定位编号运行模式控制方法加速时间减速时间插补对象指令速度定位地址圆弧地址G530011G16100G16103G16104 (双字)G16106 (双字)G16108 (双字) 12G16110G16113G16114 (双字)G16116 (双字)G16118 (双字) 13G16120G16123G16124 (双字)G16126 (双字)G16128 (双字) 14G16130G16133G16134 (双字)G16136 (双字)G16138 (双字) 15G16140G16143G16144 (双字)G16146 (双字)G16148 (双字) 16G16150G16153G16154 (双字)G16156 (双字)G16158 (双字) 17G16160G16163G16164 (双字)G16166 (双字)G16168 (双字) 18G16170G16173G16174 (双字)G16176 (双字)G16178 (双字) 19G16180G16183G16184 (双字)G16186 (双字)G16188 (双字) 20G16190G16193G16194 (双字)G16196 (双字)G16198 (双字)轴十二启动编号定位编号运行模式控制方法加速时间减速时间插补对象指令速度定位地址圆弧地址G54001G17000G17003G17004 (双字)G17006 (双字)G17008 (双字) 2G17010G17013G17014 (双字)G17016 (双字)G17018 (双字) 3G17020G17023G17024 (双字)G17026 (双字)G17028 (双字) 4G17030G17033G17034 (双字)G17036 (双字)G17038 (双字) 5G17040G17043G17044 (双字)G17046 (双字)G17048 (双字) 6G17050G17053G17054 (双字)G17056 (双字)G17058 (双字) 7G17060G17063G17064 (双字)G17066 (双字)G17068 (双字) 8G17070G17073G17074 (双字)G17076 (双字)G17078 (双字) 9G17080G17083G17084 (双字)G17086 (双字)G17088 (双字) 10G17090G17093G17094 (双字)G17096 (双字)G17098 (双字)轴十二启动编号定位编号运行模式控制方法加速时间减速时间插补对象指令速度定位地址圆弧地址G540011G17100G17103G17104 (双字)G17106 (双字)G17108 (双字) 12G17110G17113G17114 (双字)G17116 (双字)G17118 (双字) 13G17120G17123G17124 (双字)G17126 (双字)G17128 (双字) 14G17130G17133G17134 (双字)G17136 (双字)G17138 (双字) 15G17140G17143G17144 (双字)G17146 (双字)G17148 (双字) 16G17150G17153G17154 (双字)G17156 (双字)G17158 (双字) 17G17160G17163G17164 (双字)G17166 (双字)G17168 (双字) 18G17170G17173G17174 (双字)G17176 (双字)G17178 (双字) 19G17180G17183G17184 (双字)G17186 (双字)G17188 (双字) 20G17190G17193G17194 (双字)G17196 (双字)G17198 (双字)轴十三启动编号定位编号运行模式控制方法加速时间减速时间插补对象指令速度定位地址圆弧地址G55001G18000G18003G18004 (双字)G18006 (双字)G18008 (双字) 2G18010G18013G18014 (双字)G18016 (双字)G18018 (双字) 3G18020G18023G18024 (双字)G18026 (双字)G18028 (双字) 4G18030G18033G18034 (双字)G18036 (双字)G18038 (双字) 5G18040G18043G18044 (双字)G18046 (双字)G18048 (双字) 6G18050G18053G18054 (双字)G18056 (双字)G18058 (双字) 7G18060G18063G18064 (双字)G18066 (双字)G18068 (双字) 8G18070G18073G18074 (双字)G18076 (双字)G18078 (双字) 9G18080G18083G18084 (双字)G18086 (双字)G18088 (双字) 10G18090G18093G18094 (双字)G18096 (双字)G18098 (双字)轴十三启动编号定位编号运行模式控制方法加速时间减速时间插补对象指令速度定位地址圆弧地址G550011G18100G18103G18104 (双字)G18106 (双字)G18108 (双字) 12G18110G18113G18114 (双字)G18116 (双字)G18118 (双字) 13G18120G18123G18124 (双字)G18126 (双字)G18128 (双字) 14G18130G18133G18134 (双字)G18136 (双字)G18138 (双字) 15G18140G18143G18144 (双字)G18146 (双字)G18148 (双字) 16G18150G18153G18154 (双字)G18156 (双字)G18158 (双字) 17G18160G18163G18164 (双字)G18166 (双字)G18168 (双字) 18G18170G18173G18174 (双字)G18176 (双字)G18178 (双字) 19G18180G18183G18184 (双字)G18186 (双字)G18188 (双字) 20G18190G18193G18194 (双字)G18196 (双字)G18198 (双字)轴十四启动编号定位编号运行模式控制方法加速时间减速时间插补对象指令速度定位地址圆弧地址G56001G19000G19003G19004 (双字)G19006 (双字)G19008 (双字) 2G19010G19013G19014 (双字)G19016 (双字)G19018 (双字) 3G19020G19023G19024 (双字)G19026 (双字)G19028 (双字) 4G19030G19033G19034 (双字)G19036 (双字)G19038 (双字) 5G19040G19043G19044 (双字)G19046 (双字)G19048 (双字) 6G19050G19053G19054 (双字)G19056 (双字)G19058 (双字) 7G19060G19063G19064 (双字)G19066 (双字)G19068 (双字) 8G19070G19073G19074 (双字)G19076 (双字)G19078 (双字) 9G19080G19083G19084 (双字)G19086 (双字)G19088 (双字) 10G19090G19093G19094 (双字)G19096 (双字)G19098 (双字)轴十四启动编号定位编号运行模式控制方法加速时间减速时间插补对象指令速度定位地址圆弧地址G560011G19100G19103G19104 (双字)G19106 (双字)G19108 (双字) 12G19110G19113G19114 (双字)G19116 (双字)G19118 (双字) 13G19120G19123G19124 (双字)G19126 (双字)G19128 (双字) 14G19130G19133G19134 (双字)G19136 (双字)G19138 (双字) 15G19140G19143G19144 (双字)G19146 (双字)G19148 (双字) 16G19150G19153G19154 (双字)G19156 (双字)G19158 (双字) 17G19160G19163G19164 (双字)G19166 (双字)G19168 (双字) 18G19170G19173G19174 (双字)G19176 (双字)G19178 (双字) 19G19180G19183G19184 (双字)G19186 (双字)G19188 (双字) 20G19190G19193G19194 (双字)G19196 (双字)G19198 (双字)轴十五启动编号定位编号运行模式控制方法加速时间减速时间插补对象指令速度定位地址圆弧地址G57001G20000G20003G20004 (双字)G20006 (双字)G20008 (双字) 2G20010G20013G20014 (双字)G20016 (双字)G20018 (双字) 3G20020G20023G20024 (双字)G20026 (双字)G20028 (双字) 4G20030G20033G20034 (双字)G20036 (双字)G20038 (双字) 5G20040G20043G20044 (双字)G20046 (双字)G20048 (双字) 6G20050G20053G20054 (双字)G20056 (双字)G20058 (双字) 7G20060G20063G20064 (双字)G20066 (双字)G20068 (双字) 8G20070G20073G20074 (双字)G20076 (双字)G20078 (双字) 9G20080G20083G20084 (双字)G20086 (双字)G20088 (双字) 10G20090G20093G20094 (双字)G20096 (双字)G20098 (双字)。
至少省9.9下面是代码:@echo off@echo ==================自动通过无线网卡共享网络==============@echo 无线网络SSID将被设置为: win7ap@echo 无线网络密码将被设置为:12345678@echo ----------开启虚拟WIFI---------------netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=win7ap key=12345678@echo ----------WIFI开始工作---------------netsh wlan start hostednetwork::无线网络已开启,按任意键退出。
莫卡公司的产品说明文件:Moxa MGate 5119说明书
2Protocol Simulators2.1IEDScoutIEDScout is an ideal tool for substation automation engineers working with IEC 61850devices. IEDScout allows engineers to look inside the IED at its communication. All datamodeled and exchanged becomes visible and accessible.Download website:https:///en/products/iedscout/2.2Modbus SlaveModbus Slave is the very popular Modbus slave simulator to test and debug your Modbus devices. It supports Modbus RTU/ASCII and Modbus TCP/IP.Download website:/download.htmlStep 2. Configure Protocol 2 (Modbus TCP Client Settings)In Client Settings, we use the default settings. For details, you can refer to the MGate 5119 User’s Manual.This demo would like to monitor and control the Modbus slave device by the IEC 61850 client; and, therefore, configure the corresponding Modbus commands. We will create four commands: two for monitoring Analog Input data and two for controlling Analog Output data.We input Name as AnIn1, input Read quantity as 2, and Data type as uint32 create the Tag as AnIn1. Also, the Endian Swap should be configured as Word the display style of the Modbus Slave data.In this demo, we create the four Modbus commands as below:Under SCL file settings – Basic Setting, we keep the default settings: Under SCL Source – Logical Node, create logical nodes by clicking the page with the settings will pop up.To query these objects more efficiently, add Dataset and choose the objects and the attributes you are interested in. Under SCL Source – Dataset, click the Addadd the dataset.If you want the MGate 5119 to automatically notify the IEC 61850 client when an event has been triggered, add a buffer or unbuffered report. Under SCL Source – Reports, configure Reports by clicking the Add button. The page with the settings will pop up.Step 4. IO Data MappingAfter finishing step 2 and step 3 of the setting procedure, map these two protocol objects in SLC Data setting.Here is an example of mapping IEC 61850 to Modbus:1.Select Data → lDevice1 → GGIO1 → MX → AnIn1 → mag → f from IEC 61850 side.2.Select modbus_tcp_client/ from the Modbus side.3.Click Data Mapping to map them.Go to the System Monitoring → Protocol Status the values have been updated. Under the command response works perfectly. TheIf you disconnect the Modbus TCP connection, the Tag List shows Quality as invalidYou also can poll the dataset by selecting theSince the MGate 5119 uses the SBO Control model, execute Select first and then Operate. Input 123 in the Value field and click Select. The value's background validation process elapses and displays its result in the Status section, which will fold out when you click Select. If Select succeeds, click Operate to write your selected value for the MGate 5119.Report TestIn this demo, the MGate 5119 has a static report instance. We choose this report instance from Reports → lDevice1 → LLN0 → R101 and click Enable:Enable the Data change trigger option, and the MGate 5119 will send the report when the dataset value is updated. Enable the Integrity trigger option and changeperiod to 10000 ms. The MGate 5119 will send report every 10 seconds. Click the Enable button, and the MGate 5119 acts on the report process.。
签字 盖章 年月日
6/30 计划采购量
经理意见 签字 盖章 月日
公司名称 制表部门
XXXX有限公司 品管部
制表时间 单位
20XX/6/30 元
材料编码 材料名称 规格型号
DZ0004 电阻
JCK002 集成块 AEu8120
JCK004 集成块 AEu8152
JCK005 集成块 AEu8143
JCK007 集成块 AEu8145
支 支 支 支 ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ 0
1290 3180 2565 761 1528
1500 2800 2800 1000 1500
2790 5980 5365 1761 3028
备注:根 据自己企 业实际情 况填入数 据,若有 表格计算 公式已经 做好,直 接填数据 修改单位 备注:根 据自己企 业实际情 况填入数 据,若有 表格计算 公式已经 做好,直 接填数据 修改单位
Agilent 6060B和6063B单输入250-300W电子加载产品说明书
Agilent 6060B and 6063B Single-Input 250 to 300 W Electronic Loads, GPIBData SheetMaximize throughput with real-life loading conditionsThe 6060B and 6063B each provides one load input. This is more convenient for single input applications than a mainframe product.These electronic loads are particularly suited for the lab bench. Entering commands manually using the front panel keypad is simpler because the channel does not need to be specified, as in a mainframe configuration. The keypad entry is further simplified because these products do not have the downloadable LIST feature of the N3300A Series, which helps to maximize production throughput.Extensive protection is included to help protect your valuable prototypes under test. This includes overvoltage, overcurrent, overtemperature, over-power, and reverse polarity.These loads are suitable for manufac-turing test systems where maximizing speed is not critical. They use industry standard SCPI instructions, and also have VXI plug&play drivers to simplify system design. For the greatest speed and accuracy in programming and measurement, see the N3300A series of DC electronic loads.• Cost-effective for single input applications•Convenient optional front panel input connection1981Specifications2Notes:1. Operating temperature range is 0° to 55 °C. All specifi cations apply for 25 °C ± 5 °C, except as noted.2. Maximum continuous power available is derated linearly from 40 °C to 75% of maximum at 55 °C.3. DC current accuracy specifi cations apply 30 seconds after input is applied.3Notes:1. Operating temperature range is 0° to 55 °C. All specifi cations apply for 25 °C ± 5 °C, except as noted.2. Maximum continuous power available is derated linearly from 40 °C to 75% of maximum at 55 °C.3. DC current accuracy specifi cations apply 30 seconds after input is applied.4Supplemental characteristicsfor all model numbersSoftware driver: VXI plug&playSize:425.5 mm W x 88.1 mm H x 396 mm D(16.75 in x 3.5 in x 13.7 in )Weight: 6.12 kg (13.5 lb) net; 8.16 kg(18 lb) shippingWarranty: One yearAgilent models: 6060B, 6063B5Agilent Email Updates/find/emailupdatesGet the latest information on the products and applications you select.Agilent Channel Partnersw w w /find/channelpartners Get the best of both worlds: Agilent’s measurement expertise and product breadth, combined with channel partner convenience.For more information on AgilentTechnologies’ products, applications or services, please contact your local Agilent office. The complete list is available at:/fi nd/contactusAmericas Canada (877) 894 4414Brazil (11) 4197 3600Mexico01800 5064 800United States(800) 829 4444Asia Pacifi cAustralia 1 800 629 485China 800 810 0189Hong Kong 800 938 693India 1 800 112 929Japan 0120 (421) 345Korea 080 769 0800Malaysia 1 800 888 848Singapore 180****8100Taiwan 0800 047 866Other AP Countries (65) 375 8100Europe & Middle East Belgium 32 (0) 2 404 93 40 Denmark 45 45 80 12 15Finland 358 (0) 10 855 2100France 0825 010 700**0.125 €/minuteGermany 49 (0) 7031 464 6333Ireland 1890 924 204Israel 972-3-9288-504/544Italy39 02 92 60 8484Netherlands 31 (0) 20 547 2111Spain 34 (91) 631 3300Sweden0200-88 22 55United Kingdom 44 (0) 118 927 6201For other unlisted countries: /fi nd/contactusRevised: January 6, 2012Product specifications and descriptions in this document subject to change without notice.© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2012Published in USA, March 23, 20125990-9308EN/find/6060Agilent Advantage Services is committedto your success throughout your equip-ment’s lifetime. To keep you competitive, we continually invest in tools andprocesses that speed up calibration and repair and reduce your cost of ownership. You can also use Infoline Web Services to manage equipment and services more effectively. By sharing our measurement and service expertise, we help you create the products that change our world./quality/find/advantageservicesQuality Management SystemQuality Management Sys ISO 9001:2008DEKRA Certified Ordering informationThe 6060B and 6063B come with full documentation on CD-ROM. The CD-ROM includes operating manual, programming guide, service manual, and application notes.Opt 020 Front panel DC input connectorsOpt 100 87 to 106 VAC, 47 to 66 Hz input (for Japan only)Opt 120 104-127 VAC, 47 to 66 Hz Opt 220 191 to 233 VAC, 47 to 66 Hz inputOpt 240 209 to 250 VAC, 47 to 66 Hz inputOpt 0L1 Printed operating manual and programming guideOpt 0B3 Printed service manual Accessories1CM002A* Rack mount flange kit 88.1 mm H (2U) – two flange brackets; 1.75 Inch hole spacing1CP001A* Rack mount flange and handle kit 88.1 mm H (2U) – two brackets and front handlesE3663AC Support rails for Agilent rack cabinetsApplication notesAgilent AN 372-1 Power Supply Testing, 5952-4190Agilent AN 372-2 Battery Testing, 5952-4191Pulsed Characterization of Power Semiconductors Using Electronic Loads (AN 1246) 5091-7636E* Support rails required。
DOC.REF Page 1 of 61、目的:本文件旨在达进公司PCB制程——钻孔流程建立标准的操作指示。
3、适用文件:TSP019 《工艺管理程序》QAI015 《达进内部工艺标准》《工程更改通知》4、责任:4.1 PROD 生产部负责设备的日常操作,根据标准控制工艺品参数,按要求对机器进行日常的清洁及保养。
4.2 ME 流程工程部负责为流程中出现的问题提供技术支持。
4.3 S E 维修工程部负责设备的维修及保养。
4.4 QA 品质部负责流程参数及生产品质的监控。
5、文件内容包括:5.1 钻孔流程操作指示(MEI0411);5.2 钻孔工序设备操作指示:5.2.1 天马钻机操作指示(MEI0404);5.2.2 Schmoll钻机操作指示(MEI0405);5.2.3 日立钻机操作指示(MEI0406);5.2.4 GIGA8888钻机操作指示(MEI0409);5.2.5 大族钻机操作指示(MEI0412);5.2.6 中央集尘器操作指示(MEI0413);5.2.7 钻咀返磨机操作指示(MEI0419);5.2.8 X—RAY机操作指示(MEI0416);5.3 钻咀控制操作指示(MEI0417);5.4 钻孔工序工艺参数控制指示(MEI0414);5.5 钻锣机保养、验收操作指示(MEI0418);DOC.REF Page 2 of 6 1、目的:本文件旨在为达进公司钻孔流程运作提供标准的操作指引。
3、文件内容:3.1钻孔流程图:文件名称TITLE: 钻孔流程操作指示版本—修订:ISS-REV.: 01-1文件状态DOC.STATUS文件编号DOC.REF MEI0411 页码:Page 3 of 63.2钻孔前准备工作:3.2.1 钻孔工具的准备:值机员钻孔前需找到待钻板MI、红胶片、钻孔资料,核对各种工具的版本号是否与待钻板一致,确认待钻板流程正确。
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抗干扰焊线式0415,加胶套@4.6X2.2,线长10.0mm 0.35
莱音 卓越声
1020焊线式.扁平式,底部带3m胶, 线长50mm (匹配时代精创G65外壳) (匹配时代精创G65外壳) 前30w后30w GC0329+GC0328(BTB型) 前30w后200w GC0329+GC2035(BTB型) 前30w后30w GC0329+GC0328(BTB型) 前30w后200w GC0329+GC2035(BTB型) 光线传感器+距离传感器(选配) PC+ABS高光抛光 PC+ABS 素材 玻璃材质加硬处理 电镀+丝印 ABS 素材高光效果 ABS素材晒纹 不锈铁(M1.4x3.5mm),机丝 TPU材料 单面带背胶 3M 9448 9*8,单面带背胶
PCS 107*65*28 4 电池 107*65*28 110*65*28 DMSP0928A-05-G LYSPK0928H45L105-P50 EM4015-L10*C10/330-001 1 PCS
麦克风 LYMIC4618CRL10 ZYS 1020-L50 WY-1020-50-A
陈桃林13724338077区超立1359来自304983 带USB的充电头
3M 9448,详见图纸 高温胶,详见图纸
1套 5
21 22 23 24 25 26
高温胶2 高温胶3 高温胶4 导电布1 导电布2 听筒网
高温胶,详见图纸 高温胶,详见图纸 高温胶,详见图纸 导电布,详见图纸 导电布,详见图纸 无坊布,详见图纸
1 1 2 1 1 1
Component models
部 件型号/规格
Price Supplier 价格(RMB) 供应商
天炬科技 190
MTK6572 512DDR 4GB FLASH 3G 2100 6.5寸800*480 2.80mm厚度 50pin 普亮210 6.5寸800*480 2.80mm厚度 50pin 高亮450
盛威光电 科茂 金耐尔能源 金三普科技 途瑞电子 莱音 途瑞电子
2500mah 红线线长12mm,黑线22(1106528) 8欧足1瓦09*28*4.5 三磁,带1.0MM厚泡棉 背面带双面胶105mm线长,双绞线 8欧足1瓦09*28*4.5 三磁,带1.0MM厚泡棉 背面带双面胶105mm线长,双绞线 抗干扰焊线式0415,加胶套@4.6X2.2,线长10.0mm
8 9
M901-WCDMA-天线 M901-WIFI/GPS天线 RZJ0033JY2 ZJ0002JO2 HG-XM901L-1 HG-XM901B-1
1 1
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
光感 面壳 底壳(塑胶) 玻璃底板 电源键+音量键 喇叭支架 螺丝 TPU光感套 玻璃底板双面胶 高温胶1
光线距离传感器 M901AK001 M901BK001 M901BLDB1 M901SK001 M901ZJ001 M901LS001
1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1
27 备注:
1.显示屏/TP/电池交货期较长,请客户提前下订单,以防耽误交期。 2.PCBA交货期20天。 3.PCBA订金30%.余款在交货前7天支付。 4.组装配件具体价格可与供应商详谈。 5.以上外围料价格仅供参考。
深圳市宝安区西乡金海路10号华盛辉商业大厦708-710 黄小兵:13684938258 QQ:670021520 天炬科技M901 BOM表
新三力光电 65 启源盛 科技 启源盛 科技 盛威光电
G+G的TP,COF 带通话孔和摄象头 听筒孔/sensor0.40mm盖板0.55mm总厚度1.10mm 41 G+G的TP,COF 带通话孔和摄象头和光感 听筒孔/sensor0.40mm盖板0.55mm总厚度1.10mm G+G的TP,COF 带通话孔和摄象头 听筒孔/sensor0.40mm盖板0.55mm总厚度1.10mm P+G的TP,COF 带通话孔和摄象头 听筒孔/sensor0.70mm盖板0.25mm(补强)总厚度 1.20mm 2200mah 线长10mm 2200mah 线长10mm (1076528) (1076528) 16.5 4
0.04 0.05 0.05 0.14 0.14
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NO. Produce Name 序号 产品名称
1 主板
Part Name
Unit用 Qty 量 单位
M901_MBPCB_V2.1 M901-LCD-6.5"CRD065TN01-50NM01
PCS PCS 3 TP M901-TP-6.5" 1 PCS
1.5 1 0.8
玛雅 天线 玛雅 天线
睿智佳 13.5
深圳市 时代精创 科技有限公司
0.45 0.03
12*27,单面带背胶 12*32,单面带背胶 10*40,单面带背胶 单面带背胶 单面带背胶 400目黑色无坊布,25.6*7.6,单面带背胶 合计 5P数据线,线的阻抗标准:单程线阻抗≦0.2Ω,双 程线阻抗≦0.5Ω,电压 5V, 承受电流1.5A 以上, 铜芯直径不小于0.6mm