



welcome[]vt. & n. 欢迎;a。



提供;贡献be about to[](不久)就要,即将training[]n。

训练;培养program[]n. 规划;(教学)大纲general[]a. 一般的,普遍的basic[]a。

基本的,基础的course[]n. 课程;过程;疗程biology[]n. 生物学devote[]vt. 贡献medical[]a. 医学的,医药的anatomy[]n。


生理学biochemistry[]n. 生物化学term[]n. 学期;期限;术语internal[]a. 内服的;内部的surgery[]n. 外科学,外科and so on[]等等,诸如此类clinical[]a。

临床的have to[]不得不,只好in addition[]另外follow-up[]a。

& n. 接着的,后续的advanced[]a. 高级的;先进的besides[]ad。

此外;prep. 除…之外qualified[]a。



层(楼)collection[]n. 收集,收藏central[]a。

中心的,中央的laboratory[]n. 实验室,研究室dormitory[]n. 宿舍altogether[]ad。








门珍病人in—patient[]n. 住院病人emergency[]n. 紧急情况emergency room[]急诊室timely[]a。







1. 疾病1.1 心脑血管疾病- 中风 (Stroke)- 冠状动脉疾病 (Coronary Artery Disease)- 高血压 (Hypertension)- 心功能不全 (Heart Failure)- 心肌梗死 (Myocardial Infarction)1.2 呼吸系统疾病- 哮喘 (Asthma)- 慢性阻塞性肺病 (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, COPD) - 肺癌 (Lung Cancer)- 肺炎 (Pneumonia)- 支气管炎 (Bronchitis)1.3 消化系统疾病- 胃溃疡 (Gastric Ulcer)- 肝炎 (Hepatitis)- 胰腺炎 (Pancreatitis)- 结直肠癌 (Colorectal Cancer)- 胆结石 (Gallstone)1.4 泌尿生殖系统疾病- 肾炎 (Nephritis)- 前列腺癌 (Prostate Cancer)- 尿路感染 (Urinary Tract Infection, UTI) - 子宫颈癌 (Cervical Cancer)- 乳腺癌 (Breast Cancer)2. 药物2.1 常用药物- 对乙酰氨基酚 (Paracetamol)- 阿司匹林 (Aspirin)- 氨茶碱 (Aminophylline)- 抗生素 (Antibiotics)- 维生素 (Vitamins)2.2 常见处方药- 氯化钠注射液 (Sodium Chloride Injection)- 静脉注射用头孢菌素 (Ceftriaxone Sodium Injection) - 对乙酰氨基酚片 (Paracetamol Tablets)- 氯化钠滴眼液 (Sodium Chloride Eye Drops)- 链霉素眼膏 (Chlortetracycline Eye Ointment)3. 诊断测试3.1 血液检测- 血常规检查 (Complete Blood Count, CBC)- 血糖测定 (Blood Glucose Measurement)- 血液型鉴定 (Blood Typing)- 凝血功能检查 (Coagulation Function Test)- 血清肌酸激酶测定 (Creatine Kinase Measurement) 3.2 影像学检查- X射线 (X-ray)- 磁共振成像 (Magnetic Resonance Imaging, MRI) - 乳腺X射线检查 (Mammography)- 超声波检查 (Ultrasound)- 骨密度测定 (Bone Densitometry)4. 术语4.1 临床术语- 体温 (Body Temperature)- 血压 (Blood Pressure)- 心率 (Heart Rate)- 呼吸频率 (Respiratory Rate)- 疼痛评估 (Pain Assessment)4.2 解剖学术语- 大脑 (Brain)- 心脏 (Heart)- 肺 (Lungs)- 肝脏 (Liver)- 肾脏 (Kidney)结论以上是一些医学常用中英文名称的介绍。



医学常用疾病名词英汉翻译1. IntroductionIn the field of medicine, accurate translation of commonly used disease terms is crucial for effective communication and understanding between healthcare professionals and patients. This article aims to provide English to Chinese translations for commonly used medical disease terms.2. Cardiovascular Diseases2.1 Hypertension - 高血压2.2 Coronary Artery Disease - 冠状动脉疾病2.3 Heart Attack - 心脏病发作2.4 Stroke - 中风2.5 Atherosclerosis - 动脉粥样硬化3. Respiratory Diseases3.1 Asthma - 哮喘3.2 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) - 慢性阻塞性肺疾病3.3 Pneumonia - 肺炎3.4 Tuberculosis - 结核病3.5 Bronchitis - 支气管炎4. Gastrointestinal Diseases4.1 Gastritis - 胃炎4.2 Gastroenteritis - 肠胃炎4.3 Peptic Ulcer Disease - 消化性溃疡病 4.4 Crohn's Disease - 克罗恩病4.5 Colitis - 结肠炎5. Infectious Diseases5.1 Influenza - 流感5.2 HIV/AIDS - 艾滋病5.3 Hepatitis - 肝炎5.4 Malaria - 疟疾5.5 Tuberculosis - 结核病6. Neurological Disorders6.1 Alzheimer's Disease - 阿尔茨海默病 6.2 Parkinson's Disease - 帕金森病6.3 Epilepsy - 癫痫病6.4 Multiple Sclerosis - 多发性硬化症 6.5 Cerebral Palsy - 脑瘫7. Musculoskeletal Disorders7.1 Osteoarthritis - 关节炎7.2 Rheumatoid Arthritis - 类风湿性关节炎7.3 Osteoporosis - 骨质疏松症7.4 Fibromyalgia - 纤维肌痛综合症7.5 Scoliosis - 脊柱侧弯症8. Endocrine Disorders8.1 Diabetes Mellitus - 糖尿病8.2 Hypothyroidism - 甲状腺功能减退症8.3 Hyperthyroidism - 甲状腺功能亢进症8.4 Cushing's Syndrome - 库欣综合症8.5 Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) - 多囊卵巢综合症9. ConclusionAccurate translation of medical disease terms is essential for effective communication in the field of medicine. This article has provided English to Chinese translations for commonly used disease terms across various medical fields. By using these translations, healthcare professionals and patients can enhance their understanding and facilitate better healthcare delivery.。





1. 解剖学术语1.1 骨骼系统- 骨骼系统 (Skeletal System)- 骨骼 (Bone)- 骨髓 (Bone Marrow)- 关节 (Joint)- 脊柱 (Spine)- 骨盆 (Pelvis)1.2 器官系统- 心血管系统 (Cardiovascular System)- 呼吸系统 (Respiratory System)- 消化系统 (Digestive System)- 泌尿系统 (Urinary System)- 内分泌系统 (Endocrine System) - 生殖系统 (Reproductive System) 2. 病理学术语2.1 常见疾病- 癌症 (Cancer)- 糖尿病 (Diabetes)- 炎症 (Inflammation)- 高血压 (Hypertension)- 心脏病 (Heart Disease)- 中风 (Stroke)2.2 疾病症状- 发烧 (Fever)- 头痛 (Headache)- 咳嗽 (Cough)- 呕吐 (Vomiting)- 腹痛 (Abdominal Pain)- 皮疹 (Rash)3. 诊断和治疗术语3.1 诊断方法- X光检查 (X-ray Examination)- 血液检查 (Blood Test)- 超声检查 (Ultrasound Examination) - 核磁共振 (MRI)- 病理检查 (Pathological Examination) - 活组织检查 (Biopsy)3.2 治疗方法- 药物治疗 (Medication)- 手术治疗 (Surgery)- 放疗 (Radiation Therapy)- 化疗 (Chemotherapy)- 康复治疗 (Rehabilitation)- 心理治疗 (Psychological Therapy) 4. 医学专业术语4.1 医生职称- 医生 (Doctor)- 护士 (Nurse)- 外科医生 (Surgeon)- 药剂师 (Pharmacist)- 麻醉师 (Anesthesiologist)- 放射科医生 (Radiologist)4.2 医学设备- 血压计 (Blood Pressure Monitor)- 听诊器 (Stethoscope)- 手术刀 (Surgical Knife)- 注射器 (Syringe)- 手术灯 (Operating Light)- 心电图机 (Electrocardiograph)Conclusion通过本文介绍的医学术语英汉翻译,读者可以更好地理解和运用这些术语。



医学名词解释1、抗人球蛋白试验AGT【antiglobulin test】又称Coombs 试验。


2、自身免疫溶血性贫血AIHA【autoimmune hemolytican aemia】3、直接抗球蛋白实验DAT【direct antiglobulin test】检查被检红细胞上有无不完全抗体。


4、间接抗球蛋白实验IAT【indirect antiglobulin test】检查血清中游离的不完全抗体。

5、心肺复苏CPR 【Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation】6、胸部挤压C【Compression】7、气道畅通A【Airway】8、人工呼吸B【Breathing】9、Gy是放射剂量单位,汉语读作“格瑞”。

10、RP表示请取药;11、P.O表示此药口服;12、INJ.表示注射剂;13、MIXT.表示合剂;14、TAD.表示片剂;15、SOL.表示溶液;16、CO.表示复方;17、PR.表示灌肠;18、I.D表示皮内注射;19、I.V表示静脉注射;20、I.V.GTT.表示静脉点滴;21、IH表示皮下注射;22、IM表示肌肉注射;23、O.M表示每晨;24、O.N表示每晚;25、HS.表示睡时用;26、AM.表示上午;27、PM.表示下午;28、A.C.表示饭前;29、P.C.表示饭后;30、SOS.表示需要时用一次;31、ST.表示立即;32、QD表示每日一次;33、BID表示每日两次;34、TID表示每日三次;35、QID表示隔日一次;36、QH表示每小时一次; Q2H表示每两小时一次; Q3H表示每三小时一次;依次类推;37、sig表示用法;38、千克(kg)=103克(g) =106毫克(mg) =109微克(μg) =1012纳克(ng) =1015皮克(pg) =1018飞克(fg) =1021阿克(ag),分析化学中经常用到的质量计量单位,之间的关系是×1000。



SCI医学 SCI medical病理学 Pathology超声医学 Ultrasound medical传染病学 Infectious disease地方病学 Endemiology动物医学 Animal Medicine法医学 fayixue放射医学 Radiation Medicine妇产科及儿科 Gynecology Surgery and pediatrics 骨科 Orthopedic核医学 Nuclear medicine呼吸 Breath护理医学 Care medicine基础医学 Basic Medical急救学 jijiuxue急诊医学 Emergency medicine军事医学 Military Medical康复医学 Rehabilitation medicine口腔医学 Dentistry临床医学 Clinical medicine麻醉学 Anesthesiology泌尿科 Urology民族医学 Ethnomedicine皮肤病 skin disease全科医学 General medical社会医学 Social medicine神经学 Neurological生物医学工程 Biomedical Engineering实验动物学 Laboratory Animal Science死亡医学 Death medical特种医学 Special medicine外科 Surgery五官科 Ent消毒学 Science of disinfection性医学 Sexual medicine畜牧兽医 Animal husbandry and veterinary循证医学 Evidence-based medicine眼科 Eye养生医学 Health medical药学硕士 Medicine master医学毕业论文 Medicial Thesis医学技术 Medical technology医学检验 Medical test医学健康教育 Medical Education医学科研 Medical research医学伦理 Medical ethics医学论文3000字 Medical thesis 3000 characters 医学论文发表 Medicial Thesis Pbulish医学论文范文 Medicial Thesis Sample 医学论文格式 Medicine Thesis Format 医学其他 Medical Others医学统计 Medical Statistics医药学 Medicine营养学 Nutrition预防医学 Preventive medicine运动医学 Sports medicine整容医学 Cosmetic medicine职业病学 Professional epidemiology 中西医结合 Integrative Medicine中医学 Chinese medicine。



1 Introduction to Trauma Care 创伤护理导论2 Patterns of Blunt Injury 钝器损伤的类型3 Mechanisms of Injury/Penetrating Trauma 损伤发病机制/穿透性创伤4 The Physiologic Response to Injury 对损伤的生理学反应5 Shock 休克6 Measurements of Injury Severity 损伤严重程度的测定7 Prehospital Triage 送医院前伤员分类8 Prehospital Therapy 送医院前的治疗9 Field Teams:Composition,Direction,and Communication with the Trauma Center 现场救护队:组成,指导,与创伤中心的联系10 Air Medical and Interhospital Transport 空中医疗和医院间转运11 Trauma Team Activation 创伤救护队的活动12 Organization prior to Trauma Patient Arrival 创伤病人到达前的组织13 Adult Trauma Resuscitation 成人创伤复苏14 Airway Management in the Trauma Patient 创伤病人的气道处理15 Vascular Access 血管穿刺16 Imaging of Trauma Patients 创伤病人的影像17 Documentation,Coding and Compliance,and EMTALA 文件,法规,依据和EMTALA18 Operating Room Practice 手术室常现19 Head Injury 头损伤20 Injuries to the Spinal Cord and Spinal Column 脊髓和脊柱损伤21 Soft Tissue Wounds of the Face 面部软组织伤22 Bony Oral-Maxillofacial Injuries 口一上颌面骨损伤23 Ophthalmic Injuries 眼损伤24 Penetrating Neck Injury 穿透性颈损伤25 Blunt Neck Injury 颈部钝器损伤26 Thoracic Injury 胸部损伤26 Thoracic Vascular Injury 胸部血管损伤27 Abdominal Injury 腹部损伤28 Abdominal Vascular Injury 腹部血管损伤29 Damage Control 损伤的控制30 Abdominal Compartment Syndrome 腹部隔室综合征31 Genitourinary Injuries 泌尿生殖系统损伤32 Orthopedic Injuries 矫形外科损伤33 Pelvic Fractures 骨盆骨折34 Hand Trauma 手创伤35 Compartment Syndrome and Rhabdomyolysis 隔室综合征和横纹肌溶解36 Peripheral Vascular Injuries 周围血管损伤jiaojiao 2006-12-15 17:46 37 Soft-Tissue Trauma 软组织创伤38 Priorities in the ICU Care of the Adult Trauma Patient 在ICU护理的成人创伤病人的优先项目39 Commonly Missed Injuries and Pitfalls 常遗漏的损伤和易犯的错误40 Anesthesia for the Trauma Patient 创伤病人的麻醉41 Trauma Pain Management 创伤疼痛的处理42Hypothermia,Cold Injury,and Drowning 低温、冷损伤和淹溺43 Blood Transfusion and Complications 输血和并发症44 Nutrition/Metabolism in the Trauma Patient 创伤病人的营养/代谢45 Support of the Organ Donor 器官供体的保养46 Burns/Inhalation 烧伤/吸入47 Pediatric Trauma 儿科创伤48 Care of the Pregnant Trauma Patient 妊娠创伤病人的护理49 Geriatric Trauma 老年人创伤50 Rehabilitation 康复51 Venous Thromboembolism 静脉血栓栓塞52 Injury Prevention 损伤的预防53 House Staff Responsibilities 住院医师的责任54 Legal,Ethical and Family Issues 法律、伦理道德和家庭问题55 Miscellaneous Procedures 各种其它操作程序56 oral health education activity口腔健康教育活动57 Oral Health Education Unit [Department of Health]口腔健康教育组58 oral poliomyelitis trivalent 脊灰口服剂59 oral toilet 口腔料理60 oral-maxillofacial surgery and dental unit口腔颌面外科及牙科部61 outbreak高峰期;发作;流行62 outbreak control疫症控制;暴病控制63 outcome management project 医疗成效管理计划64 out-of-pocket expenditure by the user服务使用者自付65 out-patient appointment system门诊病人预约制度66 out-patient clinic门诊诊疗所67 out-patient clinical operations support system门诊临床运作支持系统68 out-patient consultation service门诊服务69 out-patient department门诊部jiaojiao 2006-12-15 17:46 70 out-patient registration system门诊病人登记制度71 outreach community care programme外展小区护理计划72 outreach health care team外展医护队73 outreach medical team外展医疗队74 outreach specialist medical team外展专科医疗队75 outside appointment book出外就医册76 ordinary diet普通膳食77 organ donation器官捐赠78 Organ Donation Card器官捐赠证79 Organ Donation Centre器官捐赠中心80 organ donation form 器官捐赠表格81 Organ Donation Register [Hong Kong Medical Association] 器官捐赠册82 organ donor 器官捐赠人83 organ imaging器官造影84 organ pledge 承诺捐出的器官数目85 organ recipient器官受赠人86 organ transplant器官移植87 organic psychosis器质性精神病88 organoleptic inspection感官检查89 overall incidence总发病率90 overflow ward暂时收容病房;后备病房91 overnight room夜间当值室92 over-sensitivity过敏93 ovulation排卵94 ovulation cycle排卵周期95 ovulation method安全期避孕法96 on-call duty doctor候召当值医生97 oncology肿瘤学;肿瘤科98 one-way referral单向转介99 onset of labour分娩阵痛发作100 onset of symptom症状发作101 on-site triage treatment现场分流治疗102 occupational disease职业病103 occupational health 职业健康104 occupational health nurse职业健康护士105 Occupational Health Officer 职业健康科医生106 Occupational Hygienist职业环境生师107 occupational mortality职业性死亡率108 occupational neurosis职业性神经病109 occupational therapist职业治疗师110 Occupational Therapists Board职业治疗师管理委员会111 occupational therapy assessment room职业治疗评估室112 Occupational Therapy Assistant职业治疗助理员113 ochlophobia 众恐惧114 ocular pathology眼科病理学115 ocular prosthesis假眼116 optimal health理想的健康状况117 optimum occupancy rate [hospital bed]最适度病住用率118 optometric assessment视力测验119 Operations and Training Division [Auxiliary Medical Service Headquarters]行动及训练部〔医疗辅助队总部〕120 Operations and Training Officer [Auxiliary Medical Service] 行动及训练主任〔医疗辅助队〕121 Operations Section [Auxiliary Medical Service Headquarters] 行动组〔医疗辅助队总部〕123 Operations Wing [Auxiliary Medical Service volunteer structure]行动翼〔医疗辅助队志愿架构〕124 operative treatment 施手术125 oral health care口腔健康护理;口腔卫生服务126 oral health clinic口腔卫生诊疗所。



习题练习与思考一、名词解释1.疾病(disease)2.病理生理学(pathophysiology)3.药物靶标(drug target)4.病理过程(pathologic process)5.病因(etiology agents)6.先天因素(congenital factors)7.疾病发生的条件(predisposing factors)8.诱发因素(precipitating factor)9.危险因素(dangerous factor)10.发病学(pathogenesis)11.完全康复(complete recovery)12.不完全康复(incomplete recovery)13.死亡(death)14.脑死亡(brain death)15.昏迷16.脱水(dehydration)17.低渗性脱水(hypotonic dehydration)18.“三凹”体征19.高渗性脱水(hypertonic dehydration)20.等渗性脱水(isotonic dehydration)21.水中毒(water intoxication)22.低钠血症(hyponatremia)23.高钠血症(hypernatremia)24.低钾血症(hypokalemia)25.高钾血症(hyperkalemia)26.酸碱平衡紊乱(acid-base disturbance)27.固定酸(fixed acid)28.动脉血二氧化碳分压(Pa CO2)29.标准碳酸氢盐(standard bicarbonate, SB)30.实际碳酸氢盐(actual bicarbonate, AB)31.缓冲碱(buffer base,BB)32.碱剩余(base excess, BE)33.阴离子间隙(anion gap, AG)34.代谢性酸中毒(metabolic acidosis)35.乳酸酸中毒(lactic acidosis)36.酮症酸中毒(ketoacidosis)37.代偿性代谢性酸中毒(compensated metabolic acidosis)38.失代偿性代谢性酸中毒(decompensated metabolic acidosis)39.呼吸性酸中毒(respiratory acidosis)40.代谢性碱中毒(metabolic alkalosis)41.呼吸性碱中毒(respiratory alkalosis)42.混合型酸碱平衡紊乱(mixed acid-base disorders)43.水肿(edema)44.积水(hydrops)45.滤过分数(filtration fraction,FF)46.心房利钠肽(atrial natriuretic polypeptide, ANP)47.“隐性水肿”(recessive edema)48.心性水肿(cardial edema)49.肾性水肿(renal edema)50.肺水肿(pulmonary edema)51.间质性肺水肿(intestitial pulmonary edema)52.肺泡水肿(alveolar edema)53.高压力性肺水肿(high-pressure pulmonary edema)54.高通透性肺水肿(high permeability pulmonary edema)。



常用医学术语中英文对照一、Medical Category :医学科别Allergy :过敏性病科Cardiology :心脏內科Cardiovascular :心脏血管科Dentistry :牙科Dermatology :皮肤科External External Wo Wo unds :外伤Gastric Gastric & & & Intestine Intestine :胃肠科General General Medicine Medicine :普通內科Geriatric s :老人病科Hematology :血液科Infectious Infectious Diseases Diseases :传染病科Inhalation Inhalation Th Th erapy :呼吸治疗科Neonatology :新生小儿科Neurology :神经科Obstetrics Obstetrics & & Gynecology :妇产科Ophthalmology :眼科Orthodontics :牙齿矫正科Orthoped ics :骨科Otorlaryngology :耳鼻喉科Pediatrics :小儿科Plastic Plastic Surgery Surgery :整形外科Psychiatry :精神病科Radiology :放射线科Surgery :外科Syphilology :性病科Urology :泌尿科Alternative Alternative MedicineMedicine :另类医学二、Medical Departm ent :医疗及其它部门Admitting Admitting Office Office :收症室Cardiac Cardiac Care Care Care Unit(C.C.U.) Unit(C.C.U.) :心脏护理部Dental Dental ClinicClinic :牙科诊所Emergency Emergency Dept Dept :急症室Extended Extended Care Care Care Uni Uni t t (E.C.U.)(E.C.U.):延续护理部Home Home Care Care ;Long Long Term Term Term Care Care Care Unit Unit :家庭护理部Intensi ve ve Care Care Care Unit Unit Unit (I.C.U.) (I.C.U.) :深切治疗部Laboratory :化验所Labour ;Delivery Delivery Room Room :产房Medical Medical Office Office ;Clinic :医务所Mortuary :殓房Nursing Nursing HomeHome :护理院O ccupational ccupational Therapy Therapy Therapy Department Department :职业治疗部Operating Operating RoomRoom :手术室Outpati ent ent Dept Dept :门诊部Pharmacy :药房Physiotherapy Physiotherapy Dept Dept :物理治疗部Private ;Se mi-private ;Standard Standard Room Room :私家;半私家;普通病房Public Public Health Health Health Unit Unit :公共卫生中心Radiotherapy Radiotherapy Unit Unit :放射治疗部Records Records Dept Dept :病历储藏部门Reco very very Room Room 康复室Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Centre Centre :康复中心Speech Speech Therapy Therapy Therapy Unit Unit :语言治疗部Terminal Terminal Care Care Care Unit(T.C.U.) Unit(T.C.U.) :末期护理部Ward :病房三、Specialists a nd Health Care Personnel :专科医生及医护人员Accoucheur :妇产科医生Acc oucheuse :助产士Acupuncturist :针灸师Allergist :过敏性科医生Ambulance Ambulance P P aramedic :紧急救援队员Anesthetist :麻醉科医生Attendant Attendant Physician Physician :巡诊医生Aurist :耳科医生Cardiologist :心脏科医生Chiropractor :脊骨推拿医师Clinical Pathologist :临床病理医生Clinical Clinical Psychologist Psychologist :临床心理医生Community Community Hea Hea lth lth Nurse Nurse :社区护士Dental Dental Surgeon/Dentist Surgeon/Dentist :牙医Dematologist :皮肤科医生D iagnostic iagnostic Radiologist Radiologist :放射诊断医生Endocrinologist :內分泌科医生Family Family Phy Phy sician :家庭医生Gastroenterologist 肠胃科医生General General Practitioner Practitioner :全科医生G eneral eneral Surgeon Surgeon :外科医生Geriatrician :老人科医生Gynecologist Gynecologist and and and Obstetrici Obstetrici an :妇产科医生Hematologist :血液科医生Herbalist Herbalist Doctor Doctor :中医Homecare Homecare Wo Wo rker :家务助理员Intern :见习医生Laboratory Laboratory TechnologistTechnologist :化验师Laryngolog ist :喉科医生Mid-wife :助产士Nephrologist 肾科医生Neuro-sugeon :脑外科医生Neurologist :神经科医生Nurse :护士Nutritionist/Dietician :营养师Occupati onal onal Therapist Therapist :职业治疗师Oncologist :肿瘤科医生Ophthalmologist :眼科医生Optometrist :视光师Oral Oral Hygienist Hygienist :口腔卫生师Ortheopath :按摩医生Orthodo ntist 矫形牙科医生Orthopaedist :矫形医生Orthopedic Orthopedic Surgeon Surgeon :骨科Otolaryngo logist/ENT logist/ENT Surgeon Surgeon :耳鼻喉科医生Paramedic :医务辅助人员Pediatrist :小儿科医生Pharmacist :药剂师Physician :内科医生Physiotherapist :物理治疗师Plastic ic Surgeon Surgeon :整形外科医生Podiatrist :足科治疗师Psychiatrist :精神科医生Radi ologist :放射科医生Radiotherapist :放射治疗医生Resident Resident Doctor Doctor :住院医生R espirologist/Pulmonologist :胸肺科医生Rheumatologist :风湿病医生Rhinologist :鼻科医生Speech Speech Therapist Therapist :语言治疗师Thoracic Thoracic SurgeonSurgeon :胸肺外科医生Urol ogist :泌尿科医生四、Pain Pain and and and Ache Ache :痛Ache Ache All All All Over Over :周身疼痛Acute Acute P P ain:剧痛Back Back Pain Pain :背痛Burning Burning Pain Pain :灼痛Chest Chest Pain Pain :胸痛Colic :绞痛Co ntinuous ntinuous Pain Pain 持续痛Cramping Cramping Pain Pain :绞痛Crushing Crushing Pain Pain :压迫痛Distended Distended Pai Pai n :镇痛Dull Dull Pain Pain :暗痛Earache :耳痛Headache :头痛Hunger Hunger Pain Pain 饥痛Inter mittent mittent Pain Pain :阵痛Labour Labour Pain Pain :分娩阵痛Low Low Back Back Back Pain Pain :腰痛Mild Mild Pain Pain :轻痛Pain Pain Come Come Come at at at Intervals Intervals 断续痛Persistent Persistent Pain Pain 持续痛Piercing Piercing Pain Pain :刺骨痛Pressing Pressing Pain Pain :压痛Prickling Prickling Pain Pain :针刺样痛Rediating Rediating Pain Pain :扩散痛Severe Severe Pa Pa in :急痛Sharp Sharp Pain Pain :尖痛Slight Slight Pain Pain :微痛Sore Sore Pain Pain :肿痛Stabbing Stabbing Pain Pain :刀刺痛Stomachache :胃痛Tearing Tearing PainPain :剧烈痛Throbbing Throbbing Pain Pain :跳痛Tingling Tingling P P ain :刺痛Toothache :牙痛五、Sickness Sickness Sympton Sympton :病 症Anxiety :焦虑Biter Taste Taste On On On My My My Tongue Tongue :苦涩Black Black Out Out :短暂昏厥Bloated :胃胀Blood Blood Stool Stool :糞便帶血Boil :疮Bowel Bowel MovementMovement :大便Can't Can't Concentrate Concentrate :不能集中精神Ca n't n't Crouch Crouch :不能蹲下Can't Can't See See See Clearly Clearly :視觉模糊Cataqmatic :骨折Chest Chest Feel Feel s s Tight Tight :胸口闷Chills :发冷Coma :昏睡Constipation :便秘Depression :情绪低落Diarrhea :腹泻Difficulty Difficulty in in in Sallowing Sallowing :咽食困难Dislocation :脱臼Disten ded ded Tummy Tummy :腹部肿胀Disturbance Disturbance of of of Speech Speech :语言障碍Dizziness :眼花Dizzy ;Giddy :头晕Drool :流口水Drowsy :昏沉Ear Ear Discharge Discharge :耳分泌物Exhausted Easily :容易疲倦Eye Eye DischargeDischarge :眼分泌物Eyelid Eyelid Itching Itching :眼盖痕痒Eyelid Eyelid S S wollen :眼盖肿Faint :头晕Fatigue :疲倦Fever :发烧Gritty/Sandy Gritty/Sandy in in in Eyes Eyes :沙粒入眼Gurgling Gurgling Sound Sound Sound in in in My My My Tummy Tummy :腹腔雷鸣Hard Hard Stool Stool :硬条状粪便H eat eat Troke Troke :中暑Hiccup :打嗝High High fever fever :高烧Hoarse Hoarse V V oice :声音嘶哑Illusi on :幻觉Impotence :性无力Indigestion :消化不良Inflame :发炎Insect Insect Stings Stings :昆虫刺伤Insomnia :失眠Irregular Irregular HeartbeatsHeartbeats :心律不齐Itchy Itchy and and and Swollen Swollen :痕和肿Itchy Itchy ThroatThroat :喉痕Jaws Jaws are are are Dislocated Dislocated :下颌脱臼Light Light Headedness Headedness :轻微头痛Loose Loose and and and Watery Watery Watery Stool Stool :糞便稀Loose Loose Stool Stool :软条状粪便Loss Loss of of of Confi Confi dence :失去自信Loss Loss of of of Hearing Hearing :失去听觉Loss Loss of of of Interest Interest :失去兴趣Loss of of V V oice 失声Lost Lost my my my Appetite Appetite :食欲不振Lost Lost Weight Weight :体重减轻Lumpy Lumpy Stoo Stoo l :粒状粪便Muscle Muscle Spasm Spasm :肌肉抽筋Mucus Mucus in in in Stool Stool :粪便带粘液Nasal Nasal Blee Blee ding :流鼻血Nasal Nasal Discharge Discharge :鼻涕Nausea :恶心Night Night Sweats Sweats :盗汗Numb :麻痹Headaches :偶有头痛Pale Pale Face Face :面色苍白Pass Pass GasGas ;。



临床各科疾病中西医学名词对照内科- 高血压: Hypertension- 糖尿病: Diabetes- 心绞痛: Angina- 冠心病: Coronary heart disease- 中风: Stroke- 肺炎: Pneumonia- 结核病: Tuberculosis- 肝炎: Hepatitis- 肾炎: Nephritis- 白血病: Leukemia- 淋巴瘤: Lymphoma外科- 关节炎: Arthritis- 骨折: Fracture- 疝气: Hernia- 痔疮: Hemorrhoids- 胆结石: Gallstones- 胰腺炎: Pancreatitis- 肾结石: Kidney stones- 腹疝: Abdominal hernia- 腺癌: Adenocarcinoma- 乳腺癌: Breast cancer妇产科- 子宫肌瘤: Uterine fibroids- 卵巢囊肿: Ovarian cyst- 子宫内膜异位症: Endometriosis- 妇科炎症: Gynecological inflammation - 宫颈癌: Cervical cancer- 卵巢癌: Ovarian cancer- 子宫颈糜烂: Cervical erosion- 乳腺增生: Breast hyperplasia- 乳腺炎: Mastitis- 月经不调: Irregular menstruation儿科- 上呼吸道感染: Upper respiratory tract infection - 肺炎: Pneumonia- 哮喘: Asthma- 扁桃体炎: Tonsillitis- 病毒性腹泻: Viral gastroenteritis- 肠炎: Enteritis- 颅内出血: Intracranial hemorrhage- 先天性心脏病: Congenital heart disease- 心包炎: Pericarditis- 脑膜炎: Meningitis眼科- 白内障: Cataract- 玻璃体积血: Vitreous hemorrhage- 角膜炎: Keratitis- 视网膜脱落: Retinal detachment - 眼底病变: Fundus lesion- 眼睑炎: Blepharitis- 眼外伤: Eye injury- 弱视: Amblyopia- 眼球震颤: Nystagmus耳鼻喉科- 鼻炎: Rhinitis- 鼻窦炎: Sinusitis- 咽炎: Pharyngitis- 喉炎: Laryngitis- 鼻咽癌: Nasopharyngeal cancer - 中耳炎: Otitis media- 耳聋: Hearing loss- 声带息肉: Vocal cord polyps- 鼻息肉: Nasal polyps- 鼻出血: Epistaxis皮肤科- 湿疹: Eczema- 银屑病: Psoriasis- 痤疮: Acne- 疱疹: Herpes- 荨麻疹: Urticaria- 长斑: Melasma- 病毒性疣: Viral warts- 脱发: Hair loss- 皮肤瘙痒: Pruritus- 疣:Wart泌尿科- 前列腺炎: Prostatitis- 膀胱炎: Cystitis- 肾结石: Kidney stones- 尿路感染: Urinary tract infection - 肾衰竭: Renal failure- 尿毒症: Uremia- 尿失禁: Urinary incontinence- 尿路结石: Urinary tract stones- 尿路狭窄: Urinary tract obstruction - 尿路结痂: Urinary tract scab神经科- 癫痫: Epilepsy- 帕金森病: Parkinson's disease- 多发性硬化症: Multiple sclerosis - 脑瘤: Brain tumor- 脑出血: Cerebral hemorrhage- 脑梗塞: Cerebral infarction- 神经痛: Neuralgia- 头痛: Headache- 失眠: Insomnia- 神经性厌食症: Anorexia nervosa。



各种常见疾病的表达法头痛headache感冒cold咳嗽cough肺炎pneumonia肝炎hepatitis脑膜炎brain fever/meningitis膀胱炎cystitis急性胃炎acute gastritis胃炎gastritis气管炎trachitis支气管炎bronchitis阑尾炎 appendicitis胃肠炎gastroenteritis乳腺炎mastitis肿瘤tumor癌症cancer禽流感bird flu/avian influenza 非典SARS(Severe Acute Respiratary Syndrome)疯牛病mad cow disease黑死病black death白血病leukemia爱滋病AIDS(Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)流感influenza白内障 cataract狂犬病rabies中风stroke冠心病 coronary heart disease糖尿病diabetes肺癌 lung cancer肝癌liver cancer肺结核pulmonary tuberculosis肝硬化hepatocirrhosis慢性病chronic肺气肿emphysema胃癌cancer of stomach胃病stomach trouble心脏病heart disease发烧feverDisease 疾病anemia, anaemia 贫血angina pectoris 心绞痛appendicitis 阑尾炎arthritis 关节炎bronchitis 支气管炎cancer 癌catarrh 卡他,粘膜炎chicken pox, varicella 水痘cholera 霍乱cold 感冒,伤风,着凉(head) cold 患感冒diabetes 糖尿病diphtheria 白喉eczema 湿疹epilepsy 癫痫erysipelas 丹毒gangrene 坏疽German measles, rubella 风疹gout 痛风hemiplegy, hemiplegia 偏瘫,半身不遂interus, jaundice 黄疸indigestion 消化不良influenza, flu 流感insanity 精神病leukemia 白血病malaria 疟疾malnutrition 营养不良Malta fever 马耳他热,波状热measles 麻疹migraine, splitting headache 偏头痛miocardial infarction 心肌梗塞mumps 流行性腮腺炎neuralgia 神经痛neurasthenia 神经衰弱paralysis 麻痹peritonitis 腹膜炎pharyngitis 咽炎phtisis 痨病,肺结核pneumonia 肺炎poliomyelitis 脊髓灰质炎rabies 狂犬病rheumatism 风湿病rickets, rachitis 佝偻病scabies, itch 疥疮scarlet fever 猩红热sciatica 坐骨神经痛sclerosis 硬化septicemia, septicaemia 败血病sinusitis 窦炎smallpox 天花swamp fever 沼地热syncope 晕厥syphilis 梅毒tetanus 破伤风thrombosis 血栓形成torticollis, stiff neck 斜颈tuberculosis 结核病tumour 瘤 (美作:tumor)typhus 斑疹伤寒urticaria, hives 荨麻疹whooping cough 百日咳yellow fever 黄热病zona, shingles 带状疮疹过敏 Allergy健康诊断 Gernral Check-up Physical Examination检查 Examination入院 Admission to Hospotial退院 Discharge from Hospital症状 Symptom营养 Nutrition病例 Clinical History诊断 Diagnosis治疗 Treatment预防 Prevention呼吸 Respiration便通 Bowel Movement便 Stool血液 Blood脉搏 Pulse, Pulsation尿 Urine脉搏数 Pulse Rate血型 Blood Type血压 Blood Pressure麻醉 Anesthesia全身麻醉 General Anesthesia静脉麻醉 Intravenous Anesthesia内科小儿科眼科牙泌尿科orthopedic矫形外科traumatology department 创伤外科 plastic surgery 整形外科 anesthesiology department 麻醉科 pathology department 病理科 cardiology department 心脏病科 psychiatry department 精神病科 orthopedics department 骨科 department of cardiac surgery 心脏外科 department of cerebral surgery 胸外科 neurology department 神经科 neurosurgery department 神经外科 thoracic surgery department 脑外科 department of traditional Chinese medicine 中医科 registration office 挂号处 out-patient department 门诊部 in-patient department 住院部 nursing department 护理部 consulting room 诊室 waiting room 候诊室 emergency room 急诊室 admitting office 住院处 operation room 手术室 X-ray department 放射科 blood bank 血库 dispensary; pharmacy 药房 ward 病房 laboratory 化验室 急诊室 Emergency Room 医院 Hospital 接生房 Labor and Delivery 手术室 Operation Room (OR) 心脏重症室 Coronary Care Unit (CCU) 重症室 Intensive Care Unit (ICU) 内科重症室 Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU) 初生婴儿重症室 Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) 儿科重症室 Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) 外科重症室 Surgical Intensive Care Unit (SICU) 末期护理 Hospice 末期病患者照料 居家健康服务 Home Health Service 药疗、物理治疗等 化验所 Laboratory 进行化验研究 门诊手术中心 Outpatient Surgical Center 一般非严重性手术 药房 Pharmacy 药物、医疗用品 Health Care Provider 医疗服务 Physician 医生 Acupuncture 针灸 Allergy and Immunology 过敏性专科 Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 心胸外科 Chiropractic 脊椎神经科Colorectal Surgery 结肠直肠外科 Endocrinology 内分泌科 Family Practice 家庭科 Gastroenterology 肠胃科 General Practice 普通全科 General Surgery 普通外科 Geriatrics 老人病专科 Hematology 血液科 Hepatology 肝病专科 Infectious Disease 传染病科 Nephrology 肾脏科 Oncology 癌症专科 Ophthalmology 眼科 Optometry 验光科 Osteopathy 整骨疗科 Otolaryngology (ENT) 耳鼻喉科 Pathology 病理科 Pediatrics 小儿科 Podiatry 足科 Psychiatry 精神治疗科 Physiatrics 物理疗法 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 物理疗法及恢复正常生活护理 Pulmonary Medicine 肺科 Radiation Oncology 癌症放射疗科 Radiology X光科 Vascular Surgery 血管外科Other Health Care Professionals 其它医疗专业人员Audiologist 听觉学专家 Dental Assistant 牙医助理 Dietitian 饮食指导员Genetic Counselor 遗传病辅导员Health Technician 健康技员Laboratory Technician 化验技员Medical Assistant 医务助理Medical Technologist 医学技师Home Visiting Nurse 家访护士Nurse Midwife 接生护士Nutritionist 营养专家Pharmacist 药剂师Pharmacologist 药理学专家Physical Therapist 物理治疗员Physician's Assistant 医生助手Psychologist 心理学专家Psychologic Counselor 心理辅导员Respiratory Therapist 呼吸治疗员X-Ray Technician X光科技员bellyache 肚子痛enteritis 肠炎gastralgia 胃痛gastritis 胃炎appendictis 阑尾炎enterogastritis 肠胃炎constipation 便秘nephritis 肾炎diabetes 糖尿病uraemia 尿毒症urethritis 尿道炎cystitis 膀胱炎diarrhoea 痢疾dysentery 痢疾piles 痔疮haememorrhoids 痔疮相关短语Related Phraseshave a pain in the chest 胸口痛have a pain in the abdomen肚子痛hav e a pain in the back 背痛have a pain in the ear 耳痛have a pain in the loins 腰痛have a running nose 流鼻涕have a stuffed-up nose 鼻子不通have a bad cough 咳嗽得厉害bring up phlegm when coughing 咳嗽有痰tougue heavily coated 舌苔很厚have a foul breath 口臭have a bitter taste in one's mouth 口发苦run with tears 流泪have watery eyes 流泪相关表达方式Related Expression I have got a headache. (stomachache, toothache, earacke)我头疼。



医学基本中英文对照1、颅脑大脑cerebrum大脑纵裂Ion gitud inal cerebral fissure大脑皮质cerebral大脑镰falx cerebri大脑导水管,中脑水管cerebral aqueduct中脑midbrain, mesencephalon小月脑cerebellum小脑幕tentorium cerebelli丘脑,视丘thalmus延髓medulla oblongata侧脑室lateral ventricle第三脑室third ven tricle第四脑室fourth ven tricle第五脑室fifth ven tricle脑桥,桥脑pons脑干brain stem间脑diencephalon中间块intermidiate mass尾状核caudate nucleus脉络丛choroid plexus胼胝体corpus callosum脑岛,岛叶in sula大脑脚cerebral peduncles大脑外侧沟(窝、裂)lateral sulcus , sylvius fissure 穹窿fornix透明隔septum pellucidum透明隔腔cavity of septum pellucidum额叶frontal lobe顶叶parietal lobe枕叶occipital lobe颞叶temporale lobe缘叶limbic lobe大脑动脉环Willi's artery circle 大脑前动脉anteriorcerebral artery 大脑中动脉middle cerebral artery 大脑后动脉posterior cerebral artery 基底动脉basilar artery 前交通支(动脉)anterior communicating branch 后交通支(动脉)posterior communicating branch 颅前窝,凹anterior cranial fossa 颅中窝,凹middle cranial fossa 颅后窝,凹posterior cranial fossa2、眼、面颈、涎腺、乳腺、胸肺眼球optic bulb ,eyeball 角膜cornea 前房anterior chamber 虹膜iris 睫状体ciliary body 视网膜retina 脉络膜choroid 巩膜sclera 房水aqueoushumour 玻璃体vitreous 玻璃体膜hyaloid membrae 晶状体lens (眼)直肌recti muscles 视神经optic nerve 眶上动脉supraorbital artery 眼动脉ophthalmic artery 视网膜中央动脉central retinal artery 睫状后长(短)动脉posterior long (short) ciliary artery 泪腺动脉lacrimal gland artery 滑车上动脉supratrochlear artery 眼静脉ophthalmic vein 眶上静脉suprorbital vein 滑车上静脉supratrochlear vein 视网膜中央静脉central retinal vein 涡状静脉vorticoseveins 眼眶orbit 结膜conjunctiva 唾液腺、涎腺salivarygland 腮腺parotid (gland) 颌下腺submaxillary gland 舌下腺sublingual gland 甲状腺thyroid (gland ) 甲状旁腺parathyroid (gland ) 上颌窦maxillary sinus 气管trachea 食管esophagus 乳腺breast, mammary gland 额front 枕occiput 颞temples 颊cheek 胸廓、胸腔thorax, thoraxcavity 肋骨ribs, costae 肋软骨costal cartilages 胸骨sternum 乳腺组织breast tissue 悬韧带suspensoryligament, Copper's ligament 乳腺后组织retromammarytissue 横膈diaphragm 颈总动脉common carotid artery 颈外动脉external carotid artery 颈内动脉internal carotidartery 椎动脉vertebral artery 无名动脉innominate artery 颈内静脉internal jugular vein 甲状腺上动脉superiorthyroid artery 乳房内动脉internal mammary artery3、腹部血管、周围血管腹主动脉abdominal aorta 腹腔动脉celiac artery 肠系膜上动脉superior mesenteric artery 肠系膜下动脉inferiormesenteric artery 肝总动脉common hepatic artery 肝动脉hepatic artery 胃左动脉left gastric artery 胃十二指肠动脉gastroduodenal artery 脾动脉splenic artery 肾动脉renal artery 卵巢动脉ovarian artery 髂总动脉common iliacartery 髂内动脉internal iliac artery 髂外动脉external iliac artery 锁骨下动脉subclavian artery 椎动脉vertebralartery 乳房内动脉internal mammary artery 颈内静脉internal jugular vein 颈外静脉external jugular vein 腋静脉axillary vein 奇静脉azygos vein 大隐静脉greatsaphenous vein 下腔静脉inferior vena cava 门静脉portal vein 肠系膜上静脉superior mesenteric vein 肝静脉hepatic vein 肾静脉renal vein 腰静脉lumbar vein 精索静脉spermatic vein 肾弓形动脉renal arcuate arteries 股动脉femoral artery 肱动脉humeral artery 桡动脉radialartery 尺动脉ulnar artery 面动脉facial artery锁骨下动脉subclavian artery 颈浅动脉superficial cervical artery 颞浅动脉superficial temporal artery4、肝、胆、胰、脾、泌尿男生殖肝左叶left liver lobe(LL) 肝右叶right liver lobe(RL) 尾状叶caudate lobe(CL) 方叶quadrate lobe(QL) 附垂叶Riedel's lobe 胆囊gallbladder(GB) 胆囊管cystic duct(CD) 肝管hepatic duct(HD) 胆总管common bile duct (CBD) 肝门porta hepatis 胆囊窝gallbladder forssa 肝圆韧带hepatoumbilical ligament, round ligament 肝镰状韧带falciform ligament 肝静脉韧带venose ligament 胆管、胆道bile duct(BD) 螺旋状瓣spiral valve 肝总管common hepatic duct 肝外胆管extrahepatic duct 乏特壶腹Vater's ampulla 胰腺pancreas 胰管pancreatic duct , Wirsung's duct 副胰管Santorini duct 胰头head of pancreas 胰颈neck of pancreas 胰体body of pancreas 胰尾tail of pancreas 钩突uncinate process 脾spleen 脾门splenic hilum 肾周脂肪perinephrit fat集合系统collective system 肾kedney 肾盂renal calyes 锥体pyramids 肾柱renal colums 肾上腺adrenal gland 输尿管ureters, ureteral , uretero 膀胱urinary bladder ,bladder 尿道urethra 睾丸testis 附睾epididymis 鞘膜tunica vagialis, vagina tunic 白膜tunica albuginea ,albuginea 输精管ductus deferens, deferent duct 精囊vesiculae seminals, seminal vesicle 射精管ejaculatoryducts 阴囊scrotum, scrotal sac 精索spermatic cord 腹股沟inguen 前列腺prostate5、妇产科子宫uterus 输卵管uterine tube, oviduct 卵巢ovary,ovaries 子宫颈cervix 子宫腔uterine canal 子宫内膜endometriosis 子宫直肠陷凹rectouterine fossa 子宫内口internal ostium of the uterus 子宫口orifice of the uterus 阴道vagina 胚胎embryo 卵黄囊yolk sac 羊膜amnion羊膜腔amniotic cavity蜕膜decidua 绒毛villus 绒毛膜chorion 胎盘placenta 胎儿fetus 胎心fetal heart 胎动fetal movement, feta motion 胎儿脊柱fetal spine 胎儿胃泡fetal stomach bubble 胎儿胸部fetal thorax 胎儿肾fetal kidney 胎儿肢体fetal limb 脐带umbilical cord 卵泡,滤泡follicle 附件adnexa 羊水amniotic fluid 宫内节育器in trauteri ne device 妊娠囊gestational sac 顶臀长度crow n-rump len gth 双顶径biparietal diameter 胎头指数cephalic in dex 枕额径occipito-frontal diameter 头围head circumferenee 胸围thoracic circumferenee 腹围abdominal circumferenee 小脑径cerebellum diameter 头(径)指数cephalic in dex双眼间距ocular dista nee 腹部横径tran sverse trunk diameter 腹部前后径anteroposterior trunk diameter 椎骨长度(胸6〜腰3)length of vertebrae 脊柱spine, vertebral colum 股骨长度femur len gth 肱骨长度humerus len gth 胎儿体重fetal weight来源: 发布时间:2010-7-3 阅读人数::5007 我要评论头部平扫 Head Routi 头部增强 Head Enhanced Scan 眼部平扫 Orbits Routi ne Scan 眼部增强 Orbits Enhanced Scan 内耳平扫 Inner Ear Routi ne Scan内耳增强 Inner Ear Enhanced Scan 乳突平扫 Mastoid Routi ne Scan乳突增强 Mastoid Enhan ced Scan蝶鞍平扫 Sella Routi ne Scan蝶鞍增强Sella Enhanced Scan 鼻窦轴位平扫 Sinus Axial Routi ne Scan鼻窦轴位增强 Sinus Axial Enhanced Scan鼻窦冠位平扫 Sinus Coronal Scan鼻窦冠位增强 Sinus Coronal Enhanced Scan鼻咽平扫 Nasophary nx Routi neScan 鼻咽增强 Nasophary nx Enhanced Scan腮腺平扫 Parotid Routi ne Scan腮腺增强 Parotid Enhanced Sca n脐动脉 umbilical artery脐静脉 umbilical vein胎盘 placenta孕周 gestational week孕龄 gestational age医学影像各种检查方法、部位的中英文对照 更多o Tags: 医学影像影像学 医学影像各种检查方法、部位的中英文对照 头部急诊平扫 Emerge nt Head Scan 头部急诊增强 Emerge nt Head En ha need Scan喉平扫 Lary nx Rout ine Sca n喉增强 Larynx Enhanced Scan甲状腺平扫Hypothyroid Rout ine Scan甲状腺增强Hypothyroid En ha need Scan颈部平扫Neck Routi ne Scan颈部增强Neck En ha need Scan 肺栓塞扫描Lung Embolism Scan 胸腺平扫Thymus Rout ine Scan 胸腺增强Thymus En ha need Scan 胸骨平扫Sternum Rout ine Sca n 胸骨增强Sternum Enhanced Scan 胸部平扫Chest Rout ine Scan胸部薄层扫描High Resolution Chest Scan胸部增强Chest En ha need Scan胸部穿刺Chest Pun cture Sca n轴扫胸部穿刺Axial Chest Pun ture Scan 上腹部平扫Upper-Abdomen Routi ne Scan 中腹部平扫Mid-Abdomen Rout ine Sca n 上腹部增强Upper-Abdomen Rout ine En ha need Scan 中腹部增强Mid-Abdomen Rout ine Sca n 腹部穿刺Abdomen Puncture Scan轴扫腹部穿刺Axial Abdomen Pu ncture Scan颈椎平扫C-spi ne Routi ne Scan胸椎平扫T-sp ine Routi ne Scan腰椎平扫L-sp ine Rout ine Sca n盆腔平扫Pelvis Routi ne Scan盆腔增强Pelvis En ha need Scan骶髂关节平扫SI Joi nt Scan肩关节平扫Shoulder Joi nt Scan上肢软组织平扫Upper Extremities Soft Tissue Scan上肢软组织增强Upper Extremities Soft Tissue En ha need肘关节平扫Elbow Joi nt Routi ne Scan腕关节平扫Wrist Joi nt Routine Scan手部平扫Ha nd Routi ne Scan髋关节平扫Hip Joi nt Rout ine Sca n膝关节平扫Knee Joi nt Routi ne Scan踝关节平扫An kle Joi nt Routine Scan下肢软组织平扫Lower Extremities Soft Tissue Scan下肢软组织增强Lower Extremities Soft Tissue En ha need足部平扫Foot Rout ine Sea n。



医学常用中英文名称翻译Medical Terminology Translation between Chinese and English随着全球交流的增多以及医学领域的发展,医学常用术语的准确翻译变得愈发重要。



一、疾病与症状(Diseases and Symptoms)1. 感冒(Gǎnmào) - Common Cold感冒是一种常见的病症,由于感染病毒而引起的鼻塞、咳嗽、喉咙痛等症状。

2. 高血压(Gāoxuèyā) - Hypertension高血压是一种常见的慢性疾病,特点是血压持续升高,容易导致心脑血管疾病。

3. 糖尿病 (Tángniàobìng) - Diabetes糖尿病是一种慢性疾病,由于胰岛素分泌不足或细胞对胰岛素不敏感而导致的血糖升高。

4. 癌症 (Áizhèng) - Cancer癌症是一类疾病的总称,由于细胞失控增殖而导致的肿瘤形成,可发生于人体的各个器官。

二、医学检查与诊断(Medical Examinations and Diagnosis)1. 血压检查 - Blood Pressure Examination血压检查用于测量体内的血液流动力,判断是否存在高血压等心血管疾病的风险。

2. X光检查 - X-ray ExaminationX光检查通过获取人体内部的影像来诊断和监测骨骼、肺部等器官的异常情况。

3. 胃镜检查 - Gastroscopy胃镜检查是一种通过导入胃镜来观察食道、胃和十二指肠等器官的内部情况的检查方法。

4. CT扫描 (Computed Tomography) - CT ScanCT扫描是一种医学影像技术,通过连续的横截面图像来获得身体器官的立体结构信息。



A 阿托品 atropine B 暴发性肝衰竭 fulminant hepatic railure,FHF 必需氨基酸 essential amino acid, EAA C 插入式腹部加压心肺复苏 interposed abdominal counterpulsation,IAC-CPR 肠内营养 enteral nutrition,EN 肠外营养 parenteral nutrition,PN 潮气量 tidal volume,VT 潮式腹膜透析 tidal peritoneal dialysis,TPD 持续性不卧床腹膜透析 continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis,CAPD 持续性环式腹膜透析 continuous cycling peritoneal dialysis,CCPD 创伤 trauma 创伤记分 trauma score,TS 创伤指数 trauma index,TI 存活概率 probability of surcarbonate 糖尿病 diabetes mellitus
糖尿病高渗性非酮症昏迷 hyperosmolar nonketotic diabetic coma 糖尿病酮症酸中毒 diabetic ketoacidosis,DKA 体表丢失氮 integumental N,IN 体表面积 body surface area,BSA 体循环血管阻力systemic vascular resistance,SVR 体液丢失氮 body fluid N losses,BFN 体重 body weight,BW 体重指数 body mass index,BMI 通气量 ventilation volume,VE W 外周静脉营养 peripheral parenteral nutrition,PPN 完全胃肠外营养 total parenteral nutrition,TPN 微型营养评定 mini-nutritional assessment,MNA 无创血压监测 noninvasive blood pressure,NIBP X 细菌移位 bacterial translocation 心电-机械分离 electro-mechanical dissociation,EMD 心电图 electrocardiogram,ECG 心肺复苏术 cardio-pulmonary resuscitation,CPR 心肺脑复苏 cardio-pulmonary-cerebral resuscitation,CPCR 心肌耗氧 MVO2 心率 heart rate,HR
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肠外阿米巴病(extraintestinal amoebiasis)
肥达反应 Widal reaction
干酪样坏死(caseous necrosis)
华-弗氏综合征(Waterhouse-friderichsen syndrome)
获得性免疫缺陷综合征(acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, AIDS) J
急性全身性粟粒性结核病(acute systemic miliary tuberculosis)
尖锐湿疣(condyloma acuminatum)
结核杆菌(tubercle bacillus)
继发性纤溶(secondary fibrinolysis)
可溶性虫卵抗原(soluble egg antigens,SEA)
流行性脑脊髓膜炎(epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis)
流行性乙型脑炎(epidemic encephalitis B)
弥散性血管内凝血(disseminated intravascular coagulation, DIC)
朗汉斯巨细胞(Langhans giant cell )
凝血酶原时间(prothrombin time, PT)
人类免疫缺陷病毒(human immunodificiency virus, HIV)
伤寒(typhoid fever)
伤寒肉芽肿(typhoid granuloma)
上皮样细胞(epithelioid cell)
肾综合征出血热(hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, HFRS)
席汉综合征(Sheehan's syndrome)
细菌性痢疾(bacillary dysentery)
纤维蛋白降解产物(fibrin degmdation products, FDP) 性传播疾病(Sexually transmitted diseases, STD)血吸虫病(schistosomiasis)
原发综合征(primary complex)
组织因子(tissue factor TF)。
