
【ps:这里分享的资源大部分是在本公众号购买的点读书对应的点读包,如果你在别处购买的点读书,有时候版本会有点出入】另外点读笔使用教程在不断的更新中,希望可以尽快整理好分享给大家:分级读物类:新版牛津树1-2级031英音美音,小达人,爸妈ta,安装教程:链接: /s/1mi92lGO牛津树3-9级小达人点读包:/s/1o8RDS18牛津树3-9级爸妈ta点读包:/s/1bpuRLJD牛津树10-12级小达人,爸妈ta点读包:/s/1c2lvYve海尼曼GK小达人,爸妈ta点读包,安装教程:链接: /s/1pKZ4fRt海尼曼G1小达人,爸妈ta点读包,安装教程:链接: /s/1pKZ4fRt美国少儿分级阅读小达人点读包:链接: /s/1dFfXvn7小飞象We Both Read双语版分级读物小达人点读包:链接: /s/1sliWGALI''m going to read分级读物小达人点读包:链接:/s/1i5ryt61RAZ-AA级83本版本小达人,爸妈ta点读包,安装教程:链接: /s/1slEKnq1RAZ-AA A B C级合订版本小达人,爸妈ta点读包:链接: /s/1cA6gKQ密码:girb美国加州小学Wonders小达人点读包:链接: /s/1o8ISxLo培生全系列(含幼儿英语,幼儿启蒙英语,儿童英语)小达人点读包:/s/1hsLQufq动画绘本类:Peppa Pig大开本小达人点读包和安装教程,爸妈ta点读包:/s/1i4Zcu0lMuzzy小达人点读包和安装教程,爸妈ta点读包:/s/1dF8wxw9蓝色小考拉小达人点读包和安装教程,爸妈ta点读包:/s/1bpFRZczMaisy小达人点读包和安装教程,爸妈ta点读包:/s/1hrSsNSo经典书单绘本类:廖彩杏一超大小达人,爸妈ta点读包,安装教程:/s/1bp7Kc5x廖彩杏第二,三阶段(8-30周)小达人,爸妈ta点读包:/s/1o7Nx6tG汪培珽40本点读版小达人,爸妈ta点读包:/s/1qYRDVvY五只猴子(Five Little Monkeys)点读版小达人,爸妈ta点读包:链接:/s/1mibdkqG密码:3vav皮特猫(Pete Cat)系列6本点读版小达人,爸妈ta点读包:链接:/s/1dE4hzsH密码:rdni自然拼读教材类:宝宝常见词sight words kids点读包,安装教程: /s/1eRRFFmq小飞象We Both Read双语版自然拼读小达人点读包:链接:/s/1sliWGAL香港小学phonics教材Phonics Fun点读包: /s/1boRPIph朗文机灵狗自然拼读Phonics经典ABC点读包贴纸说明: /s/1c9lwgmBBC自然拼读智趣启蒙点读包贴纸说明:/s/1slKSbQP我的第一套自然拼读故事书点读包: /s/1jIpsmA6其它:汽车镇小达人,爸妈ta点读包,安装教程:/s/1dF0T9PfWeesing点读版小达人点读包:/s/1jInXrKE语感启蒙小达人,爸妈ta点读包:链接:/s/1sl8IPNB密码:523m饼干狗Biscuit小达人,爸妈ta点读包:/s/1hssgpRe小学英语1400单词卡片小达人,爸妈ta点读包:/s/1o8hH8WM神器的机器小达人,爸妈ta点读包,音频:/s/1c281tVMSuper Simple Songs歌词书小达人,爸妈ta点读包:/s/1qYu5GJE四千词全英版小达人,爸妈ta点读包:/s/1geB2Ldp四千词双语版小达人,爸妈ta点读包:/s/1sly7wol美国家庭万用亲子英语8000句小达人,爸妈ta点读包:链接:/s/1dF7JMU1密码:gnty《宝宝量子物理学》正版贴纸点读包贴纸说明:/s/1bpDTaoB《宝宝量子物理学》点读版小达人,爸妈ta点读包:/s/1i4D0Aah看看这些。
人教版英语 一年级起点 小达人点读包

highlights科普 英语 小达人 点读包

highlights科普英语小达人点读包Highlights科普英语小达人点读包IntroductionIn today's world, learning English has become increasingly important. As parents, we want to provide our children with the best resources to enhance their language skills. One such resource that has gained popularity is the Highlights科普英语小达人点读包. In this article, we will explore the features and benefits of this educational tool and how it can help children in their English language learning journey.Features of the Highlights科普英语小达人点读包1. Interactive Learning Experience: The Highlights科普英语小达人点读包 offers an interactive learning experience through its engaging content. Children can listen to stories, songs, and conversations, while also being able to read along with the text. This interactive approach makes learning English fun and enjoyable for young learners.2. Comprehensive Content: The package covers a wide range of topics, including science, history, geography, and more. Each topic is carefully selected to provide children with a well-rounded knowledge base. The content is presented in a simple and easy-to-understand manner, making it accessible to children of various age groups.3. Language Development: The Highlights科普英语小达人点读包aims to enhance children's English language skills. It includes vocabulary exercises, grammar lessons, and pronunciation practice, all of whichcontribute to the development of reading, writing, speaking, and listening abilities. The package also provides opportunities for children to practice their newly acquired language skills through interactive quizzes and games.Benefits of the Highlights科普英语小达人点读包1. Cultivates Curiosity: The package cultivates a sense of curiosity and a love for learning in children. The interesting and informative content sparks their interest in various subjects, encouraging them to explore and question the world around them. This curiosity-driven approach fosters a lifelong love for knowledge and learning.2. Enhances Comprehension Skills: Through the audio-visual format of the Highlights科普英语小达人点读包, children enhance their comprehension skills. They learn to read and listen simultaneously, improving their understanding of the English language. The package also includes comprehension exercises that test their understanding and reinforce the concepts taught.3. Builds Confidence: The Highlights科普英语小达人点读包 provides children with a platform to practice and showcase their English language skills. By listening, reading, and speaking in English, children gain confidence in their abilities. The package also offers interactive activities where children can engage in role-plays and conversations, further boosting their confidence.4. Encourages Independent Learning: The Highlights科普英语小达人点读包 empowers children to engage in independent learning. With its user-friendly interface and clear instructions, children can navigate through thecontent on their own, without constant adult supervision. This fosters a sense of responsibility and independence in young learners.ConclusionThe Highlights科普英语小达人点读包 is a valuable resource that promotes interactive and engaging English language learning for children. It offers a comprehensive range of content, enhancing children's language skills and knowledge in various subjects. By cultivating curiosity, enhancing comprehension skills, building confidence, and encouraging independent learning, this package equips children with the necessary tools to excel in their English language journey. Invest in the Highlights科普英语小达人点读包 and watch your child become a proficient English language learner.。

小达人点读包的db文件小达人点读包的db文件1. 介绍小达人点读包是一款教育类的智能学习工具,它通过配套的点读笔和互动绘本,帮助孩子们在玩乐的过程中学习知识。
2. db文件的含义与作用db文件,全称为数据库文件(Database File),是存储和管理数据的文件。
3. db文件的内容和结构每个db文件对应着一个具体的绘本,其中包含了该绘本的所有内容。
通常,一个db文件主要由以下几个重要的数据表组成:- "book_info":存储了绘本的基本信息,如书名、作者、出版社等。
- "page_info":按页存储了绘本的每一页的内容。
- "word_info":存储了每个单词的相关信息,如单词的拼写、发音和释义等。
4. 使用和更新在点读包的使用过程中,db文件起到了非常重要的作用。
5. 使用db文件的优点小达人点读包的db文件为孩子的学习提供了许多优势。

小达人点读包 青少年新概念英语入门级a

回顾提纲:1. 引言:介绍小达人点读包,概述其在青少年英语学习中的作用和意义。
2. 简介小达人点读包:功能、特点、适用对象。
3. 针对青少年新概念英语入门级a的学习效果:如何帮助孩子快速入门、提高学习效率。
4. 个人观点和理解:对小达人点读包在青少年英语学习中的重要性、必要性的看法。
5. 总结回顾:总结小达人点读包在青少年英语学习中的作用,提出展望。
one story a day 小达人点读包

one story a day 小达人点读包随着市场竞争不断加剧,教育资源的优化和升级已成为众多家长和教育机构的共同追求。
这款点读包以“one story a day”的方式为核心,旨在通过让孩子每天听一篇故事,提高孩子的阅读能力,开拓孩子的视野。


小达人一年级英语点读包dabIt was the start of a new school year and little Samantha was excited to begin her first grade adventure. As she gathered her new school supplies, she couldn't wait to dive into her lessons, especially her English classes. Her parents had surprised her with a special gift - the First Grade English Reading Package dab, a comprehensive learning tool that would help her master the English language.Samantha eagerly opened the package and discovered a world of interactive resources. The centerpiece was a sleek tablet device preloaded with a variety of educational apps and e-books. She was amazed by the vibrant graphics, captivating animations, and engaging activities that brought the English lessons to life.One of her favorite features was the speech recognition technology. As she read aloud, the tablet would provide real-time feedback, guiding her pronunciation and helping her improve her fluency. Samantha found great satisfaction in seeing her progress and hearing her own voice become clearer and more confident with each passing day.The reading package also included a set of colorful flashcards, each featuring a different English word or phrase. Samantha loved the tactile experience of holding the cards and practicing her vocabulary. The cards were divided into various themes, allowing her to immerse herself in the language in a structured and organized manner.To supplement the digital and physical resources, the package came with a workbook filled with a diverse array of exercises. Samantha delighted in the variety of activities, from fill-in-the-blank sentences to creative writing prompts. She found that the combination of visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning experiences helped the English concepts stick in her mind.But the package's true magic lay in its personalized approach. The tablet's adaptive learning algorithms would continuously assess Samantha's progress and adjust the difficulty level accordingly. If she excelled in one area, the system would challenge her with more advanced content; if she struggled, it would provide additional support and practice.Samantha's parents were amazed at how quickly she was grasping the English language. They would often find her engrossed in her reading package, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm as she mastered new words and phrases. They were grateful for the way thepackage empowered their daughter to learn at her own pace and in her own unique way.As the school year progressed, Samantha's confidence in her English skills grew by leaps and bounds. She began to eagerly participate in class discussions, thrilling her teachers with her articulate responses and creative ideas. Her classmates were also impressed by her rapid progress, and soon Samantha became the go-to resource for her peers who sought help with their own English studies.One particularly memorable moment occurred during the school's annual English language fair. Samantha's teacher encouraged her to showcase her newfound proficiency by delivering a short presentation. With her First Grade English Reading Package dab in hand, Samantha confidently took the stage and captivated the audience with her clear pronunciation, expressive delivery, and deep understanding of the subject matter.At the end of her presentation, Samantha received a standing ovation, and her parents beamed with pride. They knew that the investment in the reading package had been more than worth it, as it had transformed their daughter into a true English language enthusiast.As the school year drew to a close, Samantha reflected on herjourney with the First Grade English Reading Package dab. She marveled at how far she had come, from stumbling over simple words to effortlessly conversing in the language. The package had not only taught her English but had also instilled in her a lifelong love of learning.Samantha couldn't wait to see what the future held. She knew that with the continued support of her reading package and the encouragement of her family and teachers, she would continue to grow and excel in her English studies. The possibilities were endless, and Samantha was determined to make the most of every opportunity that came her way.。
人教版三年级起点 英语 小达人 点读包

人教版三年级起点英语小达人点读包全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: My Awesome "Xiao Da Ren" Reading Pen for English Class!Hi friends! I'm so excited to tell you about this really cool gadget I got called the "Xiao Da Ren" Reading Pen. It's designed specifically for using with the People's Education Press (PEP) English textbooks for 3rd grade and up. This little device is going to be a total game-changer for me when it comes to English class!First off, the reading pen itself just looks really fun and engaging. It's shaped kind of like a cute little rocket ship or robot. The colors are bright and appealing too - blue, yellow, and red. As soon as I took it out of the package, I couldn't wait to start using it.The way it works is you touch the tip of the pen to any of the words or sentences in the textbook, and it will read them out loud to you in really crisp, clear audio. This is so incredibly helpful for someone like me who is still learning English pronunciationand working on reading fluency. Instead of stumbling through words I'm unsure of, I can just zap them with the reading pen!But guys, it gets even better than that. The reading pen doesn't just read individual words - it can read entire pages if you want! You can adjust the playback speed too, so you can slow it down if needed when first learning something or speed it up as you get more proficient. There's also a handy feature that lets you record your own voice reading and then play it back for practice.Another awesome function is that the pen can automatically scan printed text from the books and display the definitions of words on its LCD screen. You can even save words you want to review later into built-in vocabulary lists. Goodbye having to constantly flip through the dictionary or search online!The pen has a few different modes too for focused study. There's a "Learning Mode" that reads passages out loud with proper pausing and intonation. "Learning Reinforcement" tests your comprehension by randomly prompting you to read certain words or lines. And "Game Mode" turns studying into a fun interactive quiz experience.It may sound too good to be true, but I'm not exaggerating - the technology in this reading pen is just so smart and useful. Even my parents were really impressed when I showed them篇2My Little English Learning CompanionHi everyone! I'm so excited to tell you all about my new little gadget that's been helping me learn English. It's called the 'Little Master English Learning Pen' and it's totally rad! I got it as a present from my parents for doing well on my last English test. At first, I wasn't sure what to think, but now I absolutely love it. Let me explain why!First off, it's really easy to use. All I have to do is point it at the words or pictures in my English textbook and it will read them aloud to me. The voice is really clear and natural sounding too. That's been super helpful for learning how to properly pronounce new words. Sometimes when I read them myself, I'm not quite sure if I'm saying it right. But having the pen read it to me first helps me get it right.It's also great for when I'm reviewing vocabulary words. I can go through the glossary at the end of each unit and have the pen read off the English word and Chinese translation one by one.That really helps cement them in my brain. The pen can even read full sentences, paragraphs or pages from the textbook too! So if I'm ever feeling a little lazy, I can just follow along while it reads to me.Another awesome feature is the dictionary function. If I come across a word I don't know, I can scan it with the pen and it will give me the definition and sample sentences. No more getting stumped and having to ask my teacher or parents what something means every five seconds! The dictionary has thousands of words in it too, so I can use it for words outside my textbook.My favorite part though is definitely the games and learning activities. There are all sorts of fun games to play that really make practicing English feel more like, well, playing! Things like spelling competitions, sentence unscrambles, vocabulary quizzes and more. They've really helped English go from being kind of boring to actually being fun and engaging.The games aren't just a mindless distraction either - they're designed to reinforce what I'm learning in class. Like if we just covered singular and plural nouns, there will be games dedicated to practicing that skill. It's awesome having an interactive way to apply what I've learned instead of just staring at a textbook.I can also track my scores and see which areas I'm struggling with. Then the pen will automatically give me more practice with those concepts. It's like having a personalized English tutor at my fingertips! I feel like I've improved a ton already just from a few months of using it.Best of all, the pen is lightweight and portable so I can take it anywhere. On long car rides, I'll pull it out to get some English practice in. During breaks at school, I'll challenge my friends to vocabulary games (healthy competition is fun!). And of course I use it at home while I'm doing my English homework. It's become an indispensable part of my English learning routine.That's not to say it's completely replaced hard work and diligent study. I still have to put in the effort reading my textbook, doing my exercises, and paying attention in class. But the 'Little Master' as I like to call it has become an incredibly useful aid and study buddy. It's helped make learning English not just easier, but genuinely enjoyable.I'd wholeheartedly recommend getting one of these pens to any of my fellow students, no matter your English level. For beginners, it provides a solid foundation with the read-aloud and dictionary functions. More advanced students can use it to taketheir skills to the next level with all the games and activities. Trust me, it will be your new best friend when it comes to English class!Well, that's my review of the 'Little Master English Learning Pen.' Thanks for reading, and happy studying everyone! Let me know if you decide to get one yourself. Maybe we can challenge each other to some vocabulary games. Until next time!篇3My First Experience with the "Xiao Daren" English Learning SystemHi everyone! My name is Xiaoming and I'm a 3rd grader at a primary school in Beijing. This year, our English class started using a really cool new learning system called "Xiao Daren" which comes with our People's Education Press English textbooks. Let me tell you all about it!When we first got the books and materials for "Xiao Daren", I was pretty excited. It's a point-reading package that uses some kind of special ink and a little handheld scanner device. The books have these funny looking codes printed all over the place - on pictures, next to words and sentences, you name it. But the really amazing thing is that when you scan those codes with the"Xiao Daren" scanner, it can actually read the text or play audio recordings out loud!Our English teacher Ms. Wang gave us a demo of how it works on the first day. She scanned a code next to a vocabulary word and the scanner said the word and its definition in both English and Chinese. Then she scanned a code on a picture and it played a sentence describing what was happening in the picture. It even has recordings of songs, tongue twisters, and other practice activities! The scanner device can also work as an audio player, ebook reader, and digital translator. It's like having a smart little English tutor right in your hands.At first, I'll admit I was a bit confused about how to actually use the "Xiao Daren" system properly. There are codes every few lines and my instinct was just to scan them all which made things pretty chaotic. But Ms. Wang showed us the right way - we're supposed to read through the text ourselves first, and then use the scanner functions as support when we need help with pronunciation, get stuck on a word, or want to check our understanding.Once I got the hang of that workflow, I started finding "Xiao Daren" incredibly useful for building my English skills. Whenever I encounter a new word I'm unsure of, I can just zap it with thescanner and it'll say the word out loud and give me the definition. The same goes for full sentences or dialogue lines that I have trouble understanding.My favorite part is probably the animated conversation practice modes though. The book has these little stories with cartoon characters, and you can scan codes to make the characters come alive and act out the conversations. Then you can record yourself taking one of the roles and get feedback on your pronunciation and flow. It's like having a fun English practice buddy!The songs and chants are pretty cool too. There are these rhymes and tongue twisters that helped me get better at pronouncing hard combinations of English sounds. And I can scan codes to hear the proper rhythms and melodies for singing along. Sometimes I'll just pop in my headphones and listen to the songs during break time - it's a sneaky way to get some extra English exposure.Overall, I think the "Xiao Daren" system has taken my English learning experience to a whole new level. It's like the textbook material has come alive in an interactive way. I'm much more engaged in class now because I can get instantaneous feedback instead of just staring at words on a page. When I'm studying athome, I don't get as frustrated either because I can use the scanner to get guidance anytime I'm stuck.There was definitely a little bit of a learning curve to figure out how to properly utilize all the scanner's different functions. And sometimes the scanner has trouble picking up codes if my hands are shaky or the page is crumpled. But those are pretty minor downsides compared to how valuable of a tool it's been overall.I'm really glad my school adopted the "Xiao Daren"point-reading package this year. It's made my English classes way more fun and interactive. Instead of just boring textbook pages, I've got this awesome smart learning companion to help me practice listening, speaking, reading, and writing in English. My English skills have improved a ton thanks to all the engaging activities and instant feedback it provides.If you're an English learner who hasn't tried a point-reading system like this before, I highly recommend giving it a shot when you have the chance. The "Xiao Daren" scanner has genuinely helped me become a much more confident and capable English speaker already, even though I'm still just in 3rd grade. Who knows, maybe I'll be an English prodigy by the time I get touniversity! But for now, gotta run - time to listen to some more English songs before class. Zàijiàn!。

大猫英语分级阅读小达人点读包1. 背景介绍大猫英语分级阅读小达人点读包是一款专为儿童英语学习设计的产品,旨在帮助儿童提高英语阅读能力,培养阅读兴趣,促进英语学习。
2. 产品特点2.1 分级阅读:大猫英语分级阅读小达人点读包根据孩子的英语水平分为不同等级的书籍,从入门级到提高级,让孩子逐步提高阅读能力,循序渐进。
2.2 丰富图文内容:书籍内容涵盖了各种不同主题的故事、科普知识等,丰富多彩,适合不同兴趣爱好的孩子。
2.3 独特设计:大猫英语分级阅读小达人点读包的书籍设计独特,图文并茂,版式美观,吸引孩子的注意力,激发他们学习英语的兴趣。
2.4 点读笔配合:该产品配备点读笔,孩子可以通过点读笔听到发音、句子的朗读,并且进行英语单词或句子的跟读,帮助他们更好地掌握英语发音和语调。
2.5 互动性强:该产品设计了丰富的互动游戏,孩子在阅读的同时还能进行互动学习,增加趣味性。
3. 使用方法3.1 准备:打开点读包,选择适合孩子的等级和主题的书籍,拿起点读笔。
3.2 点读:使用点读笔对着书籍的文字进行点读,孩子可以听到文字的读音,并且可以进行跟读练习。
3.3 学习:孩子在点读的过程中可以不断学习和巩固英语知识,同时还可以参与丰富的互动游戏,提高学习的趣味性。
4. 教育意义大猫英语分级阅读小达人点读包在儿童英语学习中具有重要的教育意义:4.1 提高阅读能力:通过分级阅读的方式,帮助孩子逐步提高英语阅读能力,激发他们对阅读的兴趣,培养良好的阅读习惯。
4.2 促进语言发展:通过点读笔的使用,可以帮助孩子更好地学习英语发音和语调,促进孩子的语言发展。
4.3 开拓视野:丰富的图文内容可以开拓孩子的视野,增加他们对世界的认识,培养他们的综合素质。

2.打开转换工具:市面上有很多点读包转换工具,如PDF转MP3、APK 拆包工具等。


第一步:切割音频1. 找到这本书对应的MP3文件,配套的光盘或者网络上一般都可以找到。
)2. 在电脑上新建一个文件夹——用来存放整本书切割好的MP3音频文件。
a. 双击GoldWave软件,然后打开要切割的音频。
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