Sam and the Sunflower Seeds

[美] 玛格莉特·亨利
《Can I Play》
《The Beach》
《The Big Fire》
《The Big Wave》
7. 组织读书交流会、课本剧表演、读书笔记展示等多种活动,交流和展示阅读成果。
1.必读书目是义务段小学英语质量监测的考查内容。各校需营造英语阅读氛围,根据所列书目有计划、有步骤地布置给学生阅读,明确每学期阅读量,每月、每周的阅读篇数。建议3年级使用《黑布林英语阅读系列丛书》,由上海外语教育出版社出版;4、5、6年级使用 《英语角》 Level 1--Level 3,由中国外文局人民画报社出版。

一、知识建构理论在整本书阅读教学中的运用1.知识建构理论的内涵知识建构理论是由加拿大学者Marlene Scardamalia 和 CarlBereiter 提出的知识创新教学理论,它强调知识是在学习社区中由学习成员互动产生并持续改进的,以共享的知识制品的形成和发展为目标。
2. 知识建构理论运用于整本书阅读的实践效果知识建构理论提出二十多年来,已经在不同教学层次的课堂实践中取得了较好的教学效果[4]。

Sam and the sunflower seeds(教案)(江苏课外阅读指定书目)黑布林英语

Sam and the Sunflower Seeds - 英语课外阅读教案1. 故事简介《Sam and the Sunflower Seeds》是一本由Michael Twinn所编写的儿童读物,是江苏省教育厅2019年公布的小学英语课外阅读指定书目之一。
2. 教学目标1.帮助学生提高英语阅读能力。
3. 教学准备1.看过本书原版并理解故事情节。
4. 教学过程4.1 预习 (Pre-reading)1.打开PPT,向学生展示故事中出现的一些关键词,例如’bird’(鸟)、’seeds’ (种子)等。
例如’What did Sam do to stop the birds from eating his sunflower seeds?’4.2 阅读 (While-reading)1.老师向学生朗读故事,让学生跟着读,强调发音和停顿。
4.3 后续活动 (Post-reading)1.老师将学生分为小组。
5. 练习1.让学生形成小组,让他们用故事中的词汇造句子,例如,’Sam wants to grow sunflowers.’ ‘The birds are eating Sam’s sunflower seeds.’2.老师可以提供练习纸,让学生写下他们的句子,并帮助纠正语法和拼写错误。

五年级英语课外阅读书目萨姆和向日葵籽全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Sam and the Sunflower SeedsOne of the best books I read this year for my English extracurricular reading was "Sam and the Sunflower Seeds" by Paul Buckhey. It's a really cool adventure story about a boy named Sam who goes on this crazy journey after eating some sunflower seeds that fell from a bag in his backpack.The book starts off with Sam just being a normal 10-year-old kid. He's riding the bus home from school one day feeling pretty bored and hungry. Sam reaches into his backpack to grab a snack and finds this small yellow bag that must have fallen in there without him noticing. When he opens it up, he sees it's filled with sunflower seeds! Sam loves sunflower seeds, so he starts munching away happily.But then the weirdest thing happens. After eating a bunch of the seeds, Sam suddenly starts shrinking! He gets smaller and smaller until he's only a few inches tall. Sam is totally freaked out, as you can imagine. He's trying to figure out what's going onwhen he notices the sunflower seeds on the ground around him seem to be...alive? And talking to him?That's when Sam meets Sunny, who is like the leader of the sunflower seed people. Sunny explains to Sam that the seeds he ate were actually the seeds of the sunflower people's village. When Sam ate them, it allowed him to see the hidden world of the sunflower seed people and shrank him down to their size.Sunny tells Sam that the evil Crow Queen and her crow army have been attacking the sunflower seed village and stealing all their seeds to eat. If the crows take all the seeds, the sunflower seed people will go extinct! So Sunny asks Sam to help fight off the crows and save their village.At first, Sam is like "No way, I can't fight any crows! I'm just a kid!" But then Sunny shows him that because Sam ate the magic seeds, he gained special powers in the sunflower seed world. He can run super fast, has incredible strength, and can even do cool things like shoot seed projectiles from his hands.So after getting over his shock about the whole crazy situation, Sam agrees to help defend the village from the crows. And that kicks off this epic adventure filled with intense crow battles, close calls with the evil Crow Queen's schemes, makingfriends with the sunflower seed people, and Sam learning to use his new abilities.Along the way, Sam shows what a brave and loyal friend he is. There's this one part where Sunny gets captured by the crows and Sam has to sneak into the crow's nest territory to rescue him. Or another time when Sam takes on the Crow Queen's second-in-command in an intense one-on-one seed battle in the sunflower meadow. So much suspense!What I really loved about the book is that not only is it entertaining and full of action, but Sam goes through a lot of growth as a character too. In the beginning he's whiny and doesn't want to get involved in the sunflower seed people's problems. But by protecting them and the village, Sam becomes more confident, courageous, and learns the importance of perseverance.He also forms this tight bond with Sunny and the other sunflower seed people. At one point, Sunny tells Sam "You've become like one of our seeds - small but powerful when planted in the right soil with plenty of sun." D'aww, isn't that sweet?Speaking of Sunny, he's just such a cool character too. As the leader, he's brave and always stays positive even when things look bleak against the crow army. You can tell he really caresabout his people and never gives up on defending their village no matter what. Sunny is like a wise guru teaching Sam valuable life lessons about believing in himself and tapping into his inner strength and potential.The ending is so satisfying and exciting! I don't want to give away too much, but let's just say Sam embraces his role as the savior of the sunflower seed people in an epic final showdown against the Crow Queen herself. He has to use every ounce of his skills, courage and wits to outwit her dastardly schemes to steal the sacred Golden Sunflower that powers the village. The final battle scene with the crows is intense!When Sam ultimately triumphs over the Crow Queen and saves the village, he gets to celebrate with all his new sunflower seed friends in their blossoming meadow home. The story ends with Sam getting re-sized to normal, but carrying the lessons he learned about perseverance and courage forever. Such an uplifting message!Overall, I'd definitely recommend "Sam and the Sunflower Seeds" to anyone looking for a fun adventure story with imaginative world-building, lovable characters and valuable themes about believing in yourself. It's one of the most unique,clever and inspiring books I've read in a long time. Two green thumbs up!篇2Sam and the Sunflower SeedsMy name is Sam and I just finished reading this really neat book called "Sam and the Sunflower Seeds" by Paul Jennings. It's about a boy named Sam (just like me!) who loves eating sunflower seeds. One day, his mom brings home a big pack of sunflower seeds from the store. Sam starts snacking on them right away while doing his homework.But here's the crazy part - the seeds start talking to him! At first Sam thinks he's just imagining it. But the seeds keep on chatting with him in these little high-pitched voices. They beg Sam not to eat them because they want to live and grow into big sunflowers. Sam doesn't know what to do. He's super hungry but he doesn't want to hurt the sunflower seeds' feelings either.The talking sunflower seeds give Sam a hard time about being a "seedist" which is someone who discriminates against seeds. They tell him that seeds have feelings too and it's not cool to just chomp down on them for a snack. Sam tries explainingthat he's just following the food chain, but the seeds aren't having it. They call him a big bully!Sam thinks maybe he's going crazy from being so hungry. So he stuffs the bag of chatty seeds in his closet to muffle their voices. But the next morning, the whole bag has disappeared! Sam looks everywhere but it's like the seeds just vanished into thin air. He has no idea where they could have gone.A few days later, Sam is taking out the trash when he spots a cute little sproutling poking up through the dirt. He leans down to look at it closer, and the sprout yells "Get away from me, you seedist!" Sam realizes it's one of the sunflower seeds from the talking bag! Somehow the seeds escaped his closet and planted themselves outside.From then on, things get really wild. More and more sunflower sprouts keep popping up all over Sam's backyard. And they're still chatting away in their high-pitched voicesm giving Sam a hard time abouttrying to eat them. Soon, there are hundreds of sassy sprouts covering every inch of the yard, calling Sam names like "seed-breath" and "the incredible tulip."Sam doesn't know what to do about his blooming sunflower situation. He tries pulling up the sprouts, but they wiggle back into the ground screaming "You can't get rid of us that easily!"Sam's parents think he's gone totally nuts when he tries explaining what's happening.In the end, Sam learns to live side-by-side with his new sunflower neighbors. The sprouts finally grow into towering sunflowers surrounding Sam's house. They keep chatting nonstop about things like photosynthesis and the importance of seed rights. Sometimes Sam has to yell at them to keep it down because they get pretty loud! But overall, Sam makes friends with the sunflowers and even starts sticking up for seeds at school when his friends make fun of him.I thought this book was so imaginative and funny! The idea of seeds coming to life and talking is really wild. But it alsolow-key teaches you not to be mean to plants and animals since we don't know if they might have feelings too. It would be pretty rude to chomp into a sunflower seed if it could feel pain and scream at you. So in a weird way, Sam and the Sunflower Seeds makes you think about the ethics of eating seeds and plants from their perspective.I also liked how the book didn't take itself too seriously. All the cheeky comments from the sassy sunflower sprouts had me laughing out loud. I could totally picture hundreds of little sprouts ganging up on poor Sam and calling him awful puns like"seedraya" instead of yadaya. The story was equal parts thought-provoking and just downright hilarious.If you're looking for a unique read packed with imagination and some low-key ethical lessons, I'd definitely recommend Sam and the Sunflower Seeds. It's a quirky book that makes you think while also delivering nonstop laughs. The talking sunflower seeds alone are worth the read! I'm giving this bizarre little book two green thumbs up (get it?).篇3Sam and the Sunflower SeedsHi everyone! My name is Sam and I want to tell you about this really cool book I just read for my English class. It's called "Sam and the Sunflower Seeds" by Jennifer Smith. At first I wasn't sure if I would like it, but it ended up being such an awesome and inspiring story!The book is about a boy named Sam (like me!) who lives on a farm with his parents and little sister Lily. Sam's dad is a farmer who grows all kinds of fruits and vegetables. One spring, Sam's dad decides to plant a whole field of sunflowers. Sam gets really excited because he loves sunflowers - they are so bright and cheerful!Sam helps his dad plant all the sunflower seeds and waters them carefully every day. After a few weeks, little green shoots start popping up out of the ground. Sam is so proud watching the sunflower plants grow taller and taller each day. Finally, the plants grow these amazing big yellow flowers on top. The sunflower field looks so pretty and sunny!When the sunflowers are fully bloomed, Sam notices that the flower heads are packed with lots of big striped seeds in the middle. His dad explains that those are sunflower seeds and you can eat them as a healthy snack. Sam is amazed - he had no idea that the seeds from sunflowers were edible! His dad says they are going to harvest all the sunflower seeds to sell at the farmer's market.Sam gets an idea - he wants to sell sunflower seed snacks at his school to raise money for the library to buy new books. He goes to the principal Ms. Harris and she thinks it's a wonderful idea to help out the school. So for the next few weeks, Sam works really hard with his family to harvest all the sunflower seeds from their field. It's a lot of work but it's also kind of fun.After they harvest the seeds, Sam and his mom figure out a way to roast the seeds with a little salt to make them into a crunchy, delicious snack. Sam packs up dozens of little bags ofroasted sunflower seeds to sell at school. On the first day, Sam sets up a little stand outside the cafeteria during lunch periods. He puts up a big sign that says "Sunflower Seeds for Sale! Fundraiser for Library Books!"At first, hardly any kids stop by Sam's stand. He feels really disappointed and worries that nobody will want to buy his sunflower seeds. But then a few of Sam's friends come over and buy some seeds to support him. After tasting how yummy and addictive the roasted seeds are, those kids tell their friends, and those friends tell others. Pretty soon, Sam has a huge line of kids waiting to get sunflower seeds!Day after day, Sam sells pack after pack of sunflower seeds at school. He is totally shocked by how wildly popular they become. Even some teachers start buying them! By the end of the fundraiser, Sam raises over 500 to donate to the school library for new books. Ms. Harris is blown away and calls a special assembly to honor Sam and thank him. The whole school gives Sam a standing ovation!At the end of the book, Sam reflects on what an amazing experience it was. He never expected his little sunflower seed project would take off so hugely. But all his hard work and creative thinking really paid off in the end to help his school in abig way. Sam feels proud of himself for taking advantage of the sunflowers on his family's farm to turn into a successful business that benefitted others. He can't wait for next year when his dad plants sunflowers again so he can try selling the seeds one more time!I just loved this book so much. It had a great inspiring message about using your resources and talents to help your community, even if you're just a kid. Sam was so resourceful and hard-working with his little sunflower seed business. The way it took off at his school kind of reminded me of the way small businesses sometimes get started and then grow into something really successful if you stick with it. And I loved that it showed how one person's creative idea can end up making a big positive impact, maybe bigger than you ever dreamed of.The story was so encouraging and made me want to think of ways I could use my skills or what I have available to me to also start my own little business or project to raise money for a good cause. Maybe I could grow a garden and sell fresh veggies? Or offer services like tutoring or yardwork? The possibilities are endless when you use your imagination and initiative like Sam did.I also just found the whole sunflower farming part of the book to be really fascinating. I had no clue that the big seeds you eat actually come from the middle of the sunflower after it blooms. Learning all those interesting facts about where sunflower seeds come from and how they are harvested was really cool. It made me appreciate how much work goes into growing things from farming. No wonder Sam felt so proud working hard with his family to harvest all those seeds!Overall, I think "Sam and the Sunflower Seeds" is such an awesome book with a very motivating story. It definitely inspired me to start thinking more about ways I could start my own little business or project to make the world a little bit better, just like Sam did. The story was fun, easy to read, and totally relatable as a kid. But it also taught great lessons about entrepreneurship, initiative, and helping your community that anyone could learn from. I definitely recommend it to any of my friends looking for a quick but meaningful read!。

How does Sam plant(种) the seeds?
First, he _f_in_d_s_ a pot(盆).
Next, he p_l_a_n_t_s the seeds.
in the wardrobe(衣橱)
Then, he _w_a_t_e_r_s the seeds.
Finally, he _p_u_t_s the seeds If you were Sam, what safe pliancaes_sw_a_foe_ulpdlaycoeu. think of ?
Rules: 四人一组,分角色朗读该段
laugh 22
Planting the sunflowers
Find, find, find a pot. Plant, plant, plant the seeds. Water, water, water the seeds. Put, put, put in the sun.
1.阅读:两人一组,再读书 P12~21
2. 找出:What makes Sam sad?
The sunflowers_a_r_e_g_o_ne_. The seeds_d_o_n_o_t_g_r_ow___.
One day Sam visits his grandad’s farm and the sunflowers are gone(不见了). The field(田野) looks empty and sad. Sam is sad, too. “Where are the sunflowers, Grandad?” he says.


临淮小学张静静S a m a n d t h e S u n f l o w e rS e e d s集团文件版本号:(M928-T898-M248-WU2669-I2896-DQ586-M1988)S a m a n d t h e s u n f l o w e r s e e d s教案临淮小学张静静教学目标知识目标:1.学生能听懂、会读、会说词汇dig, feed, water, plant, grow等;2.学生能听懂并能理解故事的主要内容。
教学重难点教学重点:1.学生能听懂、会读、会说词汇dig, feed, water, plant, grow等;2.学生能听懂并能理解故事的主要内容。
教学过程Step 1 Lead-in1.Self-introductionI’m Miss Zhang.Greetings.2.About me---New words and phrasesI live in the country---dig beds for the vegetables---feed the chicks---water the flowersI like sunflowers.3.Free TalkDo you like sunflowersMy friend Sam, he loves sunflowers too. Do you want to know him【设计意图:用自身导入,拉近师生距离,激起学生好奇心,提高学生学习兴趣】Step 2 Presentation1.Fast reading2.Careful readingLook,read and fill in the blanks(P6-11)Sam loves visiting his ________ in the country.Sam helps his grandad ____ ____for the vegetables, _______ the chicks and ________ the flowers.Sam loves to ______ and ____ ____sunflowers as they dancein the wind.【设计意图:通过听和看,x细节填空,更加深入地了解主人公,通过阅读做到词不离句,句不离境】Read and answer(P12-15)T: Sam loves sunflowers. He’s very happy. But one day, he becomes sad. Do you konw whyPlease Read and answer : Why is Sam sad (Page 12)Think--- Where are the sunflowers gone (Page 15) oil& the seeds【设计意图:通过阅读,开动学生思维,向日葵有哪些用途?】Listen and order (P19-21)T: Sam takes his seeds to the city. Let’s see how he looks after these seeds.Please read Page19-21 and order the sentences.(c a d b e)a. He plants his sunflower seeds.b. He puts them in a safe place.c. He finds a pot.d. He waters them.e. He checks them.3.Think, read and answer(P22)What do Sam’s seeds need most Sun4.Let’s chantFirst you plant the seed.The sun starts to shine.The rain starts to fall.The plant starts to growThe flower smiles at you.Step 3 Consodilation1.Listen and finish the exercise on Page26Review the whole story2. Think and sayWhat does a plant need to grow Soil water sunNow you’re the seeds. What do you need to grow Family teachers friends.3.DiscussionOur family, teachers and friends help us a lot.What do you want to do for them Think while watchingWhat would you say to your mother/teachers/friends【设计意图:学生通读文本,通过植物生长所须,延伸到自己是一颗种子,关注学生情感教育,通过播放漫画进行情感教育升华。

黑布林英语阅读萨姆和向日葵籽读后感全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Blackbrin English Reader: Sam and the Sunflower Seeds Book ReportI recently finished reading the story "Sam and the Sunflower Seeds" from The Blackbrin English Reader and I have to say, it was a pretty sweet little tale! At first I wasn't too excited about having to read another kiddie book for my English class, but this one ended up being quite entertaining.The story follows a young boy named Sam who is completely obsessed with sunflower seeds. Like, he can't get enough of them! He loves their crunchy texture, their savory and slightly salty taste, the way the seeds kind of stick to his teeth a little - the whole deal. Sam's sunflower seed obsession is actually kind of relatable because I go through major food phases too where I'll eat the same snack every day for weeks on end until I inevitably get sick of it.Anyway, Sam's parents start to get really annoyed with his sunflower seed mania. They're worried he's going to turn into asunflower seed with how many he's eating. Plus their house is getting completely trashed with sunflower seed shells all over the place. Can you imagine? Crunchy shells grinding into the carpet, falling into the couch cushions, getting stuck in weird nooks and crannies. His mom is probably going nuts trying to clean it all up!Sam doesn't care though, he's just living his best life, chowing down on sunflower seeds morning, noon and night. That is, until one night when he has a bizarro dream that he's turned INTO a sunflower! He's got a big yellow petaly head, a long green stem body, and he's just stuck in the ground unable to move. It's a nightmare for little Sam.When he wakes up, Sam is utterly traumatized and now he's terrified of sunflower seeds. Any time he sees them or gets ana, he freaks out. You'd think his parents would be happy about this, but they actually start to feel really bad for Sam and his newly developed phobia. They try everything to help him get over his fear - therapy, hypnosis, you name it. Nothing works though.Finally, Sam's parents take him to a funky little shop run by these two kooky ladies who are obsessed with sunflowers and sunflower seeds. The ladies do some kind of wacky ritual andsuddenly Sam is cured of his fear! He can eat sunflower seeds again without being scared he'll turn into one. Phew!The story has a nice little moral about not going overboard and learning moderation when it comes to the things you're obsessed with. Sam learned that while sunflower seeds are great, you can't just eat them for every meal or you'll drive yourself (and your parents) crazy. Balance in all things, even for little kids stuffing their faces with snacks!Overall, I enjoyed reading this silly book. The writing was simple but fun and playful. The descriptions around Sam's obsession and nightmare were low-key kind of disturbing in a creepy/humorous way. Like when it talked about his eyes turning into sunflower seeds and oozing a salty discharge? Absolutely disgusting but I still laughed.The illustrations were vibrant and added a lot of personality too. Probably my favorite image was when Sam first wakes up from the nightmare and he's just standing there completely bugged out, with sunflower seeds for eyes and a couple rogue seeds falling out of his mouth and ears. So unnecessarily gross but therefore hilarious for a book about snack food!While the story was certainly no literary masterpiece, it provided some light-hearted entertainment value. It's the kind ofweird and wacky tale that would probably really capture the imagination of an 8-year-old kid. As an older student, I can appreciate the book's sense of playful humor and subtle lessons about overconsumption and dealing with fears and phobias. Not bad for a goofy little kids' book!So in conclusion, I'm giving Sam and the Sunflower Seeds a solid B+. It kept me engaged, made me chuckle here and there, and didn't put me to sleep like some other English readingswe've had to slog through. For a book literally about seeds, it managed to sprout out an interesting and mildly insightful tale. Not too shabby, Blackbrin English Reader. Keep the oddball stories coming!篇2Book Report on "Sam and the Sunflower Seeds" by Blackbrin English ReadersYo, what's up guys? For our latest English reading assignment, we had to tackle "Sam and the Sunflower Seeds" by Blackbrin English Readers. I'll be honest, I wasn't exactly stoked when Ms. Jenkins assigned this one. A book about a kid and sunflower seeds? Sounded pretty lame. But I ended up really digging this story once I gave it a chance!The book follows Sam, this spunky little dude who's obsessed with sunflower seeds. He loves munching on them all day long. Sam's mom is constantly nagging him about making a mess with the shells though. One day, Sam decides he's going to grow his own sunflowers so he'll have a never-ending supply of fresh seeds. Sounds like a solid plan, right?From here, the story follows Sam's hilarious attempts to grow the perfect sunflower crop. He puts so much effort into prepping the soil, planting the seeds just right, watering them regularly, you name it. Sam even starts calling himself the "Sunflower Seed Farmer"! The dude takes this gardening business seriously.Of course, things don't exactly go smoothly for our boy Sam. There are some really funny parts where pests keep trying to munch on his sunflower sprouts. He has to figure out ways to protect his beloved plants, leading to some creative pest control methods that had me cracking up. The illustrations in the book capture Sam's overblown reactions to every minor sunflower setback perfectly.Despite the funny gardening hijinks, there's also a nice message about persistence and patience woven throughout the story. Sam doesn't give up on his sunflower dream, even whenthings get tough. He sticks with it through sweltering summer days, rainstorms, you name it. Slowly but surely, Sam's little sunflower sprouts begin to grow into towering, beautiful sunflowers with huge seed heads. When harvest time finally comes around, you can't help but feel genuine joy for this little dude's well-deserved payoff.What I loved most about "Sam and the Sunflower Seeds" though, was just how relatable and real the main character felt. For a little kid's book, Sam came across as a fully fleshed-out person with hilariously exaggerated personality quirks. Whether he was raging out over a squirrel eating his sunflower seeds or geeking out while researching the best gardening techniques, I was always 100% invested in Sam's journey. The author did an awesome job bringing him to life.While the plot might sound a bit simplistic on the surface, there was actually a nice undercurrent of drama propelling the narrative forward as well. Whenever Sam hit a roadblock in his sunflower farming quest, I legitimately wondered how he would overcome it. The author kept me guessing and threw in some cool unexpected twists too. By the end, I was straight-up cheering for Sam to finally grow that perfect sunflower crop.Speaking of the ending, I don't want to spoil things too much, but let's just say it's both heartwarming and hilarious in equal measure. Sam's reaction to his first successful sunflower harvest had me laughing so hard. Yet it's also a touching moment when you see how proud he is of his achievement after all that hard work. The ending really ties the whole story together in a satisfying way.All in all, I had a blast reading "Sam and the Sunflower Seeds." It's rare to find a book targeted at younger kids that can still entertain and resonate with an older student like myself. But Blackbrin English Readers totally knocked it out of the park with this one. While the premise might sound goofy, Sam's vibrant personality and hilarious gardening misadventures sucked me in right away. By the time I got to the finale, I was 100% invested in seeing this little dude succeed.At the end of the day, "Sam and the Sunflower Seeds" is much more than just a silly story about a kid growing sunflowers. It's a funny, heartwarming tale about perseverance, patience, and pursuing your passions - no matter how quirky they might seem. Sam's relentless determination in the face of obstacles provides a low-key inspiring message that readers of all ages canappreciate. Not bad for a little children's book about sunflower seeds, am I right?So if you're looking for an entertaining yet surprisingly deep read, I can't recommend "Sam and the Sunflower Seeds" enough. This sleeper hit kept a smile on my face from beginning to end. I still can't believe how much I ended up loving a book about sunflowers! Blackbrin English Readers, you got me good with this one. Hats off to Sam, the Sunflower Seed Farmer extraordinaire.篇3Book Report: Sam and the Sunflower Seeds (Blackbird English Reading)I just finished reading the book "Sam and the Sunflower Seeds" from the Blackbird English Reading series, and I have to say, it was a really fun and engaging story! As an English learner, I found the level of the book to be just right - challenging enough to help me practice my reading comprehension skills, but not so difficult that I got completely lost.The story follows a young boy named Sam who loves eating sunflower seeds. One day, he decides to plant some seeds in his backyard to grow his own sunflowers. However, things don't go quite as planned when a mischievous squirrel keeps digging upand eating the seeds before they can sprout! This sets off a hilarious chain of events as Sam tries different tactics to outsmart the squirrel and protect his sunflower seeds.I really enjoyed the humor and creativity in the plot. The author did a great job of making the situational comedy feel natural and relatable, even though it centered around such a silly premise. Sam's frustration at the squirrel's antics was palpable, and I found myself giggling at the ridiculous lengths he went to in order to safeguard his seeds. From drowning the seeds in smelly sauce to setting up elaborate traps, Sam's determination never wavered.At the same time, the book also managed to weave in valuable lessons about patience, perseverance, and caring for nature. Despite his struggles, Sam never gave up on his goal of growing sunflowers, embodying the idea that hard work and commitment can pay off in the end. Additionally, his eventual understanding and respect for the squirrel's need for food showed an appreciation for the natural world.In terms of language, the vocabulary and sentence structures used were accessible for students at my level. I was able to understand the overall meaning and follow the story quite well, though I did encounter some new words and idiomsthat helped expand my English knowledge. Words like "diligent," "foiled," and "grudgingly" were definite additions to my vocabulary. The dialogues between characters felt natural and provided excellent examples of conversational English.The illustrations throughout the book were delightful and added a lot of visual appeal. The cartoonish depictions of Sam's exaggerated expressions and the squirrel's mischievous antics really brought the story to life. I could envision the scenes clearly in my mind as I was reading.Overall, I would highly recommend "Sam and the Sunflower Seeds" to fellow English learners looking for an engaging, humorous, and educational reading experience. It's the perfect blend of an entertaining story and valuable language practice. Who knew the journey of growing sunflowers could be so hilarious and meaningful? I'm definitely eager to check out more books from the Blackbird English Reading series in the future.。
sam and the sunflower seeds简介

18.How can you get more information about the first job?
A.Visit the company’s website.
B.Go to the company in person.
A small, family company is looking for young people to help walk dogs.
WHEN: 2 hours on Saturday mornings
THE JOB: Walk 2—3 small, dogs
WHERE: Local parks
A.Housewives looking for part-time job.
B.Teenagers interested in earning pocket money.
C.Dog owners in need of a dog-walking service.
D.Volunteers wanting to offer help to the elderly.
·feed two cats
·clean bird cage (笼子)
For more information, send an email and tell us about you.
17.Where does the first job take place?
A.At home.B.At a zoo.
“Let’s start our day. We have lots to do,” said her mom at breakfast. Kayla asked, “Do we have to work on a holiday?”

黑布林英语阅读萨姆和向日葵籽读后感After reading "Sam and the Sunflower Seeds" by Blackberry English Reading, I was deeply moved by the heartwarming story of friendship and kindness between Sam and his little sunflower seed friend. The story beautifully illustrates the power of empathy and compassion, reminding us of the importance of understanding and caring for others.读完《萨姆和向日葵籽》这本黑布林英语阅读书籍后,我被故事中Sam和他那颗小向日葵籽朋友之间温暖友情和善良所感动。
Sam, a little boy who loves to plant sunflowers, discovers a tiny sunflower seed that is struggling to grow. Despite the seed's small size and apparent weakness, Sam decides to nurture it with love and care. This act of kindness towards the seemingly insignificant seed embodies the value of compassion and empathy in our interactions with others, regardless of their size or stature.Sam是一个热爱种植向日葵的小男孩,他发现一粒苗微小的向日葵籽正在艰难生长。

山姆和向日葵籽英语读后感Here is a 1,000-word essay on the topic "Sam and the Sunflower Seeds":Sam was a young boy who loved nature and all the wonders it had to offer. One day, while exploring the fields near his home, he came across a stunning sight - a field of towering sunflowers, their golden petals swaying gently in the breeze. Sam was mesmerized by their beauty and the peaceful tranquility that filled the air.As he wandered through the field, his eyes were drawn to the sunflower heads, each one bursting with countless tiny seeds. Fascinated, Sam reached up and plucked one of the flower heads, carefully examining the intricate pattern of the seeds. He marveled at the way they were neatly arranged, each one playing a part in the overall structure of the flower.Inspired by his discovery, Sam decided to take a few of the sunflower seeds home with him. He gently placed them in his pocket, eager to learn more about these intriguing little treasures. That evening, as he sat in his room, Sam carefully emptied the seeds onto his desk, his eyes sparkling with curiosity.He spent hours studying the seeds, examining their shape, color, and texture. He was amazed by the diversity within the seemingly simple sunflower seed, each one slightly different from the next. Sam couldn't help but wonder about the incredible journey these seeds had taken to end up in his hands.As he continued his exploration, Sam discovered that sunflower seeds were not just a fascinating natural wonder, but also a valuable source of nutrition. He learned that they were packed with healthy fats, protein, and a variety of vitamins and minerals. Excitedly, Sam shared his newfound knowledge with his family, who were equally intrigued by the humble sunflower seed.Inspired by his discoveries, Sam decided to plant some of the seeds in his backyard. He carefully tended to the soil, ensuring it was rich and fertile, and gently placed the seeds into the ground. Over the next few weeks, Sam watched with wonder as the tiny seeds sprouted and grew, reaching towards the sun like their sunflower parents.As the sunflowers bloomed, Sam was filled with a sense of pride and accomplishment. He had nurtured these plants from mere seeds, and now they stood tall and proud, their vibrant yellow petals a testament to the incredible power of nature. Sam couldn't help butfeel a deep connection to the sunflowers, as if they were his own creations.One day, as Sam was admiring the sunflowers, he noticed something unusual. Amidst the sea of golden petals, he spotted a single sunflower that had a unique color pattern. Instead of the typical yellow, this flower had a stunning mix of reds, oranges, and yellows, creating a mesmerizing and otherworldly effect.Excited by his discovery, Sam carefully tended to this special sunflower, ensuring it received the same care and attention as the others. As the flower continued to grow and develop, Sam's fascination only deepened. He spent hours observing its every detail, marveling at the intricate beauty that lay within.As the days turned into weeks, Sam's connection to the sunflowers only grew stronger. He found solace in their peaceful presence, and the act of caring for them became a meditative practice for him. He learned to appreciate the small moments of wonder that nature had to offer, and the way in which even the humblest of seeds could blossom into something truly extraordinary.One day, as Sam was tending to his sunflowers, he noticed a group of birds hovering around one of the flower heads. Curious, he approached the scene and was amazed to see the birds deftlyextracting the tiny seeds from the flower, their beaks working with precision and delicacy.Sam watched in awe as the birds feasted on the sunflower seeds, each one a tiny treasure trove of nourishment. He was struck by the interconnectedness of the natural world, the way in which the sunflowers provided sustenance not just for him, but for the other creatures that called the field home.From that day on, Sam made it his mission to learn as much as he could about sunflowers and their role in the ecosystem. He read books, conducted experiments, and even began to cultivate his own small sunflower garden, eager to share his newfound knowledge with anyone who would listen.As Sam grew older, his love for the sunflowers only deepened. They became a symbol of hope, resilience, and the power of nature to transform the most ordinary things into something extraordinary. Whenever he felt overwhelmed or uncertain, Sam would find solace in the gentle sway of the sunflower petals, a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there was always the potential for something beautiful to bloom.。

《山姆和向日葵籽》英语读后感In the heartwarming tale of "Sam and the Sunflower Seed," we are introduced to a young boy named Sam, who embodies the spirit of curiosity and adventure. The story, rich in imagery and emotional depth, weaves a narrativethat is both enchanting and thought-provoking. Set against the backdrop of a vibrant countryside, it tells the story of Sam's journey as he comes across a mysterious sunflower seed and the subsequent adventure that ensues.Sam, a typical child full of wonder, stumbles upon a sunflower seed that is not like any other. This seed, with its unusual markings and shimmering hue, captures Sam's imagination, sparking a desire to uncover its secrets. His curiosity leads him to plant the seed, nurture it, and wait patiently for it to sprout. The wait, however, is not without its challenges, as Sam must contend with the doubts and mockery of his peers who do not understand his enthusiasm.The growth of the sunflower plant parallels Sam's own growth and development. As the plant grows taller and stronger, so does Sam's resolve and determination. The bondthat forms between the boy and the plant is one of mutual respect and companionship. Sam learns to appreciate the wonders of nature and the value of hard work, while the sunflower依赖他的关怀茁壮成长。

萨姆和向日葵子的英文读后感Here is an English essay with more than 1000 words, without a title, and no extra punctuation marks in the body. The topic is a reflection on Sam and the Sunflower Girl.Sam was a curious young boy who loved to explore the world around him. One day, while wandering through a lush field, he stumbled upon a beautiful sunflower patch that seemed to beckon him closer. As he approached, he noticed a girl sitting amongst the vibrant flowers, her eyes filled with a serene contentment.The girl, Sunflower, as Sam would come to know her, greeted him with a warm smile and invited him to join her. Sam, intrigued by her peaceful presence, accepted the invitation and sat down beside her. They spent the afternoon in comfortable silence, simply taking in the beauty of the sunflowers that swayed gently in the breeze.As the days passed, Sam found himself drawn back to the sunflower patch, eager to spend more time with Sunflower. He learned that she had a deep connection to the flowers, almost as if they were her closest companions. She would tenderly care for them, talking to them in a language that only she seemed to understand.One day, as Sam was observing Sunflower's gentle interactions with the sunflowers, he noticed that the flowers seemed to respond to her presence. They would turn their faces towards her, as if basking in her warmth and affection. Sam was amazed by this seemingly magical connection, and he couldn't help but wonder what it was that drew Sunflower to these vibrant blooms.Over time, Sam and Sunflower developed a close friendship. They would spend hours together in the sunflower patch, sharing stories, dreams, and laughter. Sunflower would often teach Sam about the intricate workings of the natural world, helping him to appreciate the delicate balance and beauty that existed all around them.As their bond deepened, Sam began to see the world through Sunflower's eyes. He marveled at the way she could find joy and wonder in the smallest of things, from the way the sunlight danced across the petals to the gentle hum of the bees as they pollinated the flowers. Her infectious enthusiasm and genuine love for the natural world inspired Sam to slow down and truly appreciate the beauty that surrounded him.One day, as they were sitting in the sunflower patch, Sunflower shared a secret with Sam. She told him that the sunflowers were more than just beautiful flowers to her – they were her family, herclosest companions. She explained that she had a special connection to the flowers, one that allowed her to communicate with them and understand their needs.Sam was fascinated by this revelation, and he listened intently as Sunflower described the unique bond she shared with the sunflowers. She told him about the way the flowers would respond to her touch, the way they would turn their faces towards her as if they were greeting an old friend. Sam was amazed by the depth of Sunflower's connection to the natural world, and he found himself longing to understand it better.As the seasons changed and the sunflowers began to wilt and fade, Sam and Sunflower's friendship only grew stronger. They would spend hours together, talking about their hopes and dreams, and sharing their experiences and insights with one another.One day, as they were walking through the field, Sunflower stopped and pointed to a small seedling that was just beginning to emerge from the soil. She explained to Sam that this was a new sunflower, a symbol of the cycle of life and the promise of renewal. Sam was struck by the beauty and simplicity of her words, and he found himself filled with a sense of wonder and appreciation for the natural world.As the years passed, Sam and Sunflower's friendship continued to blossom, and they shared countless adventures and experiences together. They explored the nearby forests, swam in the cool, clear streams, and climbed to the top of the tallest hills, always marveling at the beauty and complexity of the natural world around them.Through it all, Sunflower remained a constant source of inspiration and wisdom for Sam. She taught him to slow down, to listen, and to appreciate the small wonders that so often go unnoticed in the hustle and bustle of daily life. And in return, Sam became a loyal and devoted friend, always there to support Sunflower and to share in her joy and wonder.As they grew older, Sam and Sunflower's bond only deepened, and they found themselves drawn to one another in ways that transcended the boundaries of friendship. They shared a deep, profound connection that was rooted in their shared love and appreciation for the natural world, and they knew that their lives would be forever intertwined.In the end, Sam's time with Sunflower was all too brief, for she passed away suddenly, leaving him with a heart full of memories and a deep sense of loss. But even as he grieved, Sam knew that Sunflower's spirit would live on, not just in the sunflowers that she had loved so dearly, but in the countless lives that she had touchedwith her kindness, her wisdom, and her unwavering connection to the natural world.And so, Sam carried on, inspired by Sunflower's legacy and determined to continue exploring the wonders of the world around him. He knew that wherever he went, he would always be able to feel Sunflower's presence, guiding him and encouraging him to see the beauty in even the smallest of things.。

1.3英文释义:A plant with large flower heads that usually turn towards the sun.1.4相关词汇:helianthus(向日葵属植物,学名,为同义词)、sunflower seed(向日葵籽,派生词)。
2. 起源与背景2.1词源:“sunflower”由“sun”(太阳)和“flower”(花)组成,直接描述了这种花向着太阳的特性。
3. 常用搭配与短语3.1短语:(1)sunflower field:向日葵田例句:We took a walk in the beautiful sunflower field.翻译:我们在美丽的向日葵田里散步。
(2)sunflower oil:向日葵油例句:This brand uses sunflower oil in their cooking products.翻译:这个品牌在他们的烹饪产品中使用向日葵油。
(3)sunflower seeds:向日葵籽例句:He likes to eat sunflower seeds while watching TV.翻译:他喜欢看电视的时候吃向日葵籽。
4. 实用片段(1) "Look, there is a large sunflower in the garden. It's so bright and beautiful." Mary said to her friend. Her friend replied, "Yes, it always faces the sun. It's amazing."翻译:“看,花园里有一棵很大的向日葵。
sam and the sunflower seeds简介

sam and the sunflower seeds简介
《Sam and the Sunflower Seeds》是一个充满想象力和教育意义的故事。
故事发生在一个美丽的小镇上,主要角色是一个名叫 Sam 的小男孩和一群活泼可爱的小鸟。
故事开始于 Sam 在祖父的菜园里发现了一些向日葵种子。
故事情节接着发展,Sam 和小鸟们建立了深厚的友谊。
渐渐地,Sam 了解到了向日葵的生长过程和特点,也认识到了自然界中万物共生的道理。
在和小鸟们的相处过程中,Sam 学会了关爱和尊重大自然,也学会了珍惜友谊。
总之,《Sam and the Sunflower Seeds》是一个富有教育意义的故事,它教会了我们要热爱大自然,珍惜友谊,勇于探索,积极分享。
sam and the sunflower seeds 读后感

sam and the sunflower seeds 读后感摘要:1.故事简述2.故事寓意3.太阳花种子的启示4.如何在日常生活中践行阳光心态5.总结正文:【提纲】1.故事简述《Sam和太阳花种子》是一部富有教育意义的绘本故事。
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How does Sam look after the seeds?
a. He plants his sunflower seeds. b. He waters them.
c. He finds a pot. e. He checks them.
BUT his seeds do not grow.
safe AA good place! place?
Sam and the Sunflower Seeds
About me
• I’m Miss Zhang. • I’m from a country(乡下) in Xuyi. • At weekends,my mother digs beds for vegetables and feeds the chicks. I often help her water the flowers. • I like sunflowers best(最).
Think and say
• Without What does (没有 a) plant sun, need plants tocan’t grow? grow.
About Sam
Fast readingskimming and scanning
LOGO 1 min
Tips: 跳读和扫读: 跳读法是指按顺序读文章,当读到无关大局的细枝末节时, 则快速跳过; 扫读法是指在阅读文章过程中只寻找重点信息阅读。
Which is right about Sam? • A. Sam has a lot of sunflowers. • B. Sam wants to grow sunflowers.
Read and answer
1.Why is Sam sad?
Where are the sunflowers, Grandad?
LOGO Page12
Because the sunflowers are gone(不见了).
They’re very useful.
oil the seeds
Page 15 LOGO
Careful reading
Read and complete
grandad in the country. • 1.Sam loves visiting his ________ dig ____for beds the • 2.Sam helps his grandad ____ water feed vegetables, _______ the chicks and ________ the flowers. stand and ____ look ___ at • 3.Most of all, Sam loves to_____ the sunflowers as they dance in the wind.
What do you need to grow up?
• Without friends, we can’t grow happily.
(土壤) soilfamily
teachers water
sun friends
How can we be useful to the world?
1.Tell your parents about the story; 2.Do a small thing for your parents to show your love; 3.Try to grow a plant you like.
Let’s enjoy
• Read the story • Watch the seeds grow into a flower
Let’s chant (Page3)
• First you plant the seed. • The sun starts to shine. • The rain starts to fall. • The plant starts to grow. • The flower smiles at you.
Then Grandad shakes the sunflower and gives some seeds to Sam. Here, Sam. Take these seeds and grow some flowers in the city.
Read and order
LOGO Page19-21
d. He puts them in a safe place.
Think and say(Page22)
LOGO Page22
What do Sam’s seeds need most(最需要)?
• Sam puts his sunflowers into the sun. And they grow and they grow and they grow.