八年级英语unit10 I am going to be a basket ball player课件人教版

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One old lady wants to teach in china . A few readers are going to play sports.
Task 2
What’s your plan for Christmas Day?
What are you going to do on Christmas Day? I’m going to…
Task 5 Homework
Zhuzhou is a beautiful modern city. It’s called “Industrial city” .What are you going to do to make it more beautiful?
build a new highway/flyover(立交桥) more buildings(更多的建筑物) subway(地铁) protect the animals(保护动物) plant(种植) shopping center/mall
Basketball player
football player
computer programmer
Read out the words together. occupations (考考你的记忆力)
athlete gymnast pilot computer programmer actor actress waiter waitress dentist nurse cook Engineer diver farmer postman police officer dancer artist violinist musician pianist
What are you going to be when you grow up
B: I’m going to be a/an…
professional baseball player
computer programmer
Task 1
A: What are you going to be when you grow up?
We’re going to plant more trees and flowers.
We are going to build a new shopping mall/centre.
其实,世上最温暖的语言,“ 不是我爱你,而是在一起。” 所以懂得才是最美的相遇!只有彼此以诚相待,彼此尊重, 相互包容,相互懂得,才能走的更远。 相遇是缘,相守是爱。缘是多么的妙不可言,而懂得又是多么的难能可贵。否则就会错过一时,错过一世! 择一人深爱,陪一人到老。一路相扶相持,一路心手相牵,一路笑对风雨。在平凡的世界,不求爱的轰轰烈烈;不求誓 言多么美丽;唯愿简单的相处,真心地付出,平淡地相守,才不负最美的人生;不负善良的自己。 人海茫茫,不求人人都能刻骨铭心,但求对人对己问心无愧,无怨无悔足矣。大千世界,与万千人中遇见,只是相识的 开始,只有彼此真心付出,以心交心,以情换情,相知相惜,才能相伴美好的一生,一路同行。 然而,生活不仅是诗和远方,更要面对现实。如果曾经的拥有,不能天长地久,那么就要学会华丽地转身,学会忘记。 忘记该忘记的人,忘记该忘记的事儿,忘记苦乐年华的悲喜交集。 人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴圆缺。对于离开的人,不必折磨自己脆弱的生命,虚度了美好的朝夕;不必让心灵痛苦不堪, 弄丢了快乐的自己。擦汗眼泪,告诉自己,日子还得继续,谁都不是谁的唯一,相信最美的风景一直在路上。 人生,就是一场修行。你路过我,我忘记你;你有情,他无意。谁都希望在正确的时间遇见对的人,然而事与愿违时, 你越渴望的东西,也许越是无情无义地弃你而去。所以美好的愿望,就会像肥皂泡一样破灭,只能在错误的时间遇到错的人。 岁月匆匆像一阵风,有多少故事留下感动。愿曾经的相遇,无论是锦上添花,还是追悔莫及;无论是青涩年华的懵懂赏 识,还是成长岁月无法躲避的经历……愿曾经的过往,依然如花芬芳四溢,永远无悔岁月赐予的美好相遇。 其实,人生之路的每一段相遇,都是一笔财富,尤其亲情、友情和爱情。在漫长的旅途上,他们都会丰富你的生命,使 你的生命更充实,更真实;丰盈你的内心,使你的内心更慈悲,更善良。所以生活的美好,缘于一颗善良的心,愿我们都能 善待自己和他人。 一路走来,愿相亲相爱的人,相濡以沫,同甘共苦,百年好合。愿有情有意的人,不离不弃,相惜相守,共度人生的每 一个朝夕……直到老得哪也去不了,依然是彼此手心里的宝,感恩一路有你!
what are they going to do in the new year ? Make a list .
Work hard in school Play sports Eat more vegetable Learn a new language Exercise more to keep fit Study the subjects
Task 3
新的一年就要到了,你打算做些什么呢?你有出游 的计划吗?你有学习一门新的课程计划吗?把你的 计划写出来,和朋友分享一下吧。
Next year, I am going to_______________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________.
That’s all for unit 10! Bye!
1 . go on vacation in Beijing 2. go for a drive with friends 3. get good marks 4. have a birthday party 5. make many friends 6. take part in a competition 7. play compute games 8. take English lessons 9. help mom and dad 10. sleep late ……
感谢您对文章的阅读跟下载,希望本 篇文章能帮助到您,建议您下载后自 己先查看一遍,把用不上的部分页面 删掉哦,当然包括最后一页,最后祝 您生活愉快!
B: I’m going to be a/ an… when I grow up. A: How are you going to do that? B: I’m going to …
A: Where are you going to study/work?
B: I’m going to…
New Year’s resolution
We’re going to build a new highway(flyover)
We’re going to build more buildings
We’re going to build a new subway.
We are going to protect the animals.
Unit 10 I’m going to be a basketball player
Period Two
What does he /she do?
Basketball player
football player
computer programmer
True or false We got less 1000 letters faxes and E-mails Some readers are going to eat more meats.
Some girls are going to exercise more to keep fit .
What’s your plan for Christmas Day? What are you going to do on Christmas Day? I’m going to… visit my friends buy Christmas presents sing Christmas songs put up Christmas lights/balls/stars watch a Christmas play

1. Learn to play an instrument 2. get a part-time job 3. make the soccer team 4. get good grades 5. eat healthier food 6. get lots of exercise

⑤ ①

Let’s read: New Year’s Resolution Survey Results