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烧饼Clayovenrolls油条Fri ed br ead s tick韭菜盒F riedleekdumpl ings -
水饺Boi led d umpli ngs 蒸饺S teame d dum pling s 馒头Stea med b uns -
割包Ste amedsandw ich 饭团Ri ce an d veg etabl e rol l -
蛋饼Eg g cak es 皮蛋100-y ear e gg 咸鸭蛋Salte d duc k egg -
豆浆S oybea n mil k -
饭类: -
稀饭Ri ce po rridg e 白饭Plai n whi te ri ce 油饭 Glu tinou s oil rice -
糯米饭Gluti nousrice卤肉饭B raise d por k ric e 蛋炒饭Fri ed ri ce wi th eg g -
地瓜粥Swee t pot ato c ongee -
面类: -
馄饨面 Won ton & nood les 刀削面S liced nood les 麻辣面Spi cy ho t noo dles-
麻酱面Ses ame p astenoodl es 鴨肉面 Duc k wit h noo dles鱔魚面 Eelnoodl es -
乌龙面Sea foodnoodl es 榨菜肉丝面P ork , pick led m ustar d gre en no odles -
牡蛎细面Oyst er th in no odles板条F lat n oodle s 米粉 Rice nood les -
炒米粉Fr ied r ice n oodle s 冬粉G reenbeannoodl e -
鱼丸汤F ish b all s oup 貢丸汤Me at ba ll so up 蛋花汤Eg g & v egeta ble s oup 蛤蜊汤Clam s sou p 牡蛎汤Oys ter s oup 紫菜汤Seawe ed so up 酸辣汤Sw eet & sour soup馄饨汤W onton soup猪肠汤Pork inte stine soup肉羹汤Pork thic k sou p 鱿鱼汤 Squ id so up 花枝羹S quidthick soup -
甜点: -
爱玉Veget arian gela tin 糖葫芦T omato es on stic ks 长寿桃Lo ngevi ty Pe aches -
芝麻球Gl utino us ri ce se sameballs麻花Hempflowe rs 双胞胎Ho rse h ooves -
冰类: -
绵绵冰Mei n mei n ice麦角冰Oatm eal i ce 地瓜冰Sw eet p otato ice-
紅豆牛奶冰Re d bea n wit h mil k ice八宝冰Eigh t tre asure s ice豆花Tofupuddi ng --
甘蔗汁Su gar c ane j uice酸梅汁P lum j uice杨桃汁St ar fr uit j uice青草茶Herbjuice - -
点心: -
牡蛎煎Oys ter o melet臭豆腐 Stin ky to fu (S melly tofu) 油豆腐Oily bean curd -
麻辣豆腐S picyhot b ean c urd 虾片Pr awn c racke r 虾球Shri mp ba lls -
春卷Sprin g rol ls 蛋卷Chi ckenrolls碗糕 Salt y ric e pud ding豆干Dried tofu - 筒仔米糕R ice t ube p uddin g 红豆糕Red bean cake绿豆糕Bean past e cak e -
糯米糕G lutin ous r ice c akes萝卜糕F riedwhite radi sh pa tty 芋头糕Tarocake-
肉圆 Taiw anese Meat balls水晶饺Pyra mid d umpli ngs 肉丸Ri ce-me at du mplin gs --
当归鸭A ngeli ca du ck 槟榔Bet el nu t 火锅Hotpot -
水果: -
pi neapp le 凤梨 wate rmelo n 西瓜papay a 木瓜betel nut 槟榔 che stnut栗子c oconu t 椰子-
po nkan碰柑 ta ngeri ne 橘子 mand arinorang e 橘s ugar-cane甘蔗 mu skmel on 香瓜 -
s haddo ck 文旦 juic e pea ch 水蜜桃 pea r 梨子peach桃子c aramb ola 杨桃 che rry 樱桃 -
persi mmon柿子 ap ple 苹果 man go 芒果 fig无花果w atercaltr op 菱角 almo nd 杏仁 - p lum 李子 hon ey-de w mel on 哈密瓜 loq uat 枇杷 oli ve 橄榄 ramb utan红毛丹d urian榴梿-
str awber ry 草莓 grap e 葡萄grape fruit葡萄柚liche e 荔枝longa n 龙眼-
wa x-app le 莲雾 guav a 番石榴 bana na 香蕉 -
stri ng be an 四季豆 pea豌豆 gr een s oy be an 毛豆 soyb ean s prout黄豆
芽m ung b ean s prout绿豆芽b ean s prout豆芽k ale 甘蓝菜 ca bbage包心菜;大白菜brocc oli 花椰菜 ma ter c onvol vulus空心菜d riedlilyflowe r 金针菜 must ard l eaf 芥菜
cel ery 芹菜 tar ragon蒿菜b eetro ot, b eet 甜菜 -
agar-agar紫菜 le ttuce生菜s pinac h 菠菜leek韭菜 ca raway香菜-
hai r-lik e sea weed发菜 pr eserv ed sz echua n pic kle 榨菜 sal ted v egeta ble 雪里红 le ttuce 莴苣a spara gus 芦荟 bam boo s hoot竹笋 -
dried bamb oo sh oot 笋干 chi ves 韭黄 ter nip白萝卜carr ot 胡萝卜 -
water ches tnut荸荠 fi cus t ikaua地瓜l ong c rooke d squ ash 菜瓜 loo fah 丝瓜 pum pkin
南瓜 bi ttergourd苦瓜 cu cumbe r 黄瓜white gour d 冬瓜-
gh erkin小黄瓜yam 山芋 tar o 芋头beanc urd s heets百叶-
cha mpign on 香菇 butt on mu shroo m 草菇needl e mus hroom金针菇-
ag aricu s 蘑菇dried mush room冬菇 to mato番茄 eg gplan t 茄子potat o, sp ud 马铃薯
lot us ro ot 莲藕 agar ic 木耳 whit e fun gus 百木耳 gi nger生姜 ga rlic大蒜 -
garl ic bu lb 蒜头 gree n oni on 葱onion洋葱s calli on, l eek 青葱 whe at gl uten面筋 mi so 味噌 seas oning调味品-
ca viar鱼子酱b arbeq ue sa uce 沙茶酱 to matoketch up, t omato sauc e 番茄酱 must ard 芥茉 sal t 盐s ugar糖 mon osodi um gl utama te ,gourm et po wder味精 vi negar醋 sw eet 甜
sour酸 -
bitt er 苦lard猪油 pe anutoil 花生油 so y sau ce 酱油 gree n pep per 青椒 pap rika红椒 -star anis e 八角cinna mon 肉挂 cur ry 咖喱 malt ose 麦芽糖 je rky 牛肉干dri ed be ef sl ices
牛肉片dr ied p ork s lices猪肉片c onfec tion糖果 gl ace f ruit蜜饯 ma rmala de 果酱 drie d
per simmo n 柿饼c andie d mel on 冬瓜糖 red juju be 红枣 blac k dat e 黑枣glace date蜜
枣d riedlonga n 桂圆干 -
r aisin葡萄干chewi ng gu m 口香糖 noug at 牛乳糖 min t 薄荷糖 drop水果糖
marsh mallo w 棉花糖 -
c arame l 牛奶糖 pean ut br ittle花生糖casto r sug ar 细砂白糖 gr anula ted s ugar砂糖 -
suga r can dy 冰糖 butt er bi scuit奶酥r ice c ake 年糕 moo n cak e 月饼green bean cake绿豆糕-
po pcorn爆米花choco late巧克力m arron s gla ces 糖炒栗子-
牛排与酒: -
br eakfa st 早餐 lunc h 午餐brunc h 早午餐 supp er 晚餐 late snac k 宵夜dinne r 正餐-
ha m and egg火腿肠b utter ed to ast 奶油土司F rench toas t法国土司 muff in 松饼 chee se ca ke 酪饼white brea d 白面包 brow n bre ad 黑面包 Fre nch r oll 小型法式面包 appe tizer 开胃菜-
gr een s alad蔬菜沙拉o nionsoup洋葱汤p otage法国浓汤c orn s oup 玉米浓汤
mi nestr one 蔬菜面条汤o x tai l sou p 牛尾汤 frie d chi cken炸鸡 ro ast c hicke n 烤鸡steak 牛排T-bone stea k 丁骨牛排 -
filet stea k 菲力牛排 sir loinsteak沙朗牛排 club stea k 小牛排 well done全熟m edium 五分熟-
ra re三分熟beer啤酒dra ft be er 生啤酒stou t bee r 黑啤酒canne d bee r罐装啤酒 redwine红葡萄酒g in 琴酒 bran dy 白兰地 whi sky 威士忌vod ka伏特加 on t he ro cks 酒加冰块r um兰酒c hampa gne 香槟其他小吃: -
meat肉 bee f 牛肉pork猪肉 ch icken鸡肉m utton羊肉b read面包 st eamed brea d 馒头-
ri ce no odles米粉f riedricenoodl es 河粉 stea med v ermic elliroll肠粉 ma caron i 通心粉-
b ean t hread冬粉b ean c urd w ith o dor 臭豆腐 fl our-r ice n oodle面粉n oodle s 面条-
in stinc t noo dles速食面 ve getab le 蔬菜 crus t 面包皮 sand wich三明治-
toa st 土司 hamb urger汉堡ca ke 蛋糕sprin g rol l春卷p ancak e煎饼fr ied d umpli ng煎贴r ice g lue b all元宵gluepuddi ng 汤圆mille t con gee 小米粥 -
cere al 麦片粥 ste ameddumpl ing 蒸饺滑ra violi馄饨-
coff ee po t 咖啡壶coffe e cup咖啡杯p apertowel纸巾n apkin餐巾ta ble c loth桌布tea -pot茶壶t ea se t 茶具tea t ray 茶盘 cad dy 茶罐 dish碟 pl ate 盘 sauc er 小碟子 ric e bow l 饭碗chops ticks筷子s oup s poon汤匙 kn ife 餐刀 cup杯子-
gla ss 玻璃杯 mug马克杯picni c lun ch 便当 frui t pla te 水果盘 too thpic k 牙签-
中餐: -
bea r's p aw 熊掌 * of deer鹿脯b eche-de-me r; se a cuc umber海参-
sea stur geon海鳝 sa ltedjelly fish海蜇皮k elp,s eawee d 海带abalo ne鲍鱼s harkfin鱼翅scall ops干贝lobst er龙虾bird's nes t 燕窝roast suck lingpig 考乳猪 -
pig's knu ckle猪脚 bo iledsalte d duc k 盐水鸭 pres erved meat -
腊肉 bar becue d por k 叉烧sausa ge 香肠 frie d por k fla kes 肉松 BAR-B-Q烤肉 -
meat diet荤菜v egeta bles素菜 me at br oth 肉羹 loc al di sh 地方菜 Can tones e cui sine广东菜s et me al 客饭 curr y ric e 咖喱饭 -
f riedrice炒饭 pl ain r ice 白饭 cri spy r ice 锅巴 -
gruel, sof t ric e , p orrid ge 粥—nood les w ith g ravy打卤面-
pla in no odle阳春面c asser ole 砂锅 cha fingdish,firepot火锅 meat bun肉包子 -
shao-mai烧麦pres erved bean curd腐乳be an cu rd豆腐-
fe rment ed bl ank b ean 豆豉 pic kledcucum bers酱瓜 -
pres erved egg皮蛋 sa ltedduckegg 咸鸭蛋 dr ied t urnip萝卜干-
西餐与日本料理: -
m enu 菜单Fren ch cu isine法国菜t oday's spe cial今日特餐chef's spe cial主厨特餐buffe t 自助餐 fast food快餐s pecia lty 招牌菜 co ntine ntalcuisi ne 欧式西餐 ap eriti f 饭前酒 dimsum 点心 Fre nch f ires炸薯条bak ed po tato烘马铃薯m ashed pota toes马铃薯泥om elett e 简蛋卷 pudd ing 布丁 pas tries甜点p ickle d veg etabl es 泡菜 kimc hi 韩国泡菜 cr ab me at 蟹肉 praw n 明虾conch海螺e scarg ots 田螺brai sed b eef 炖牛肉 ba con 熏肉 poa chedegg 荷包蛋 su nny s ide u p 煎一面荷包蛋o ver 煎两面荷包蛋 frie d egg煎蛋-
ove r eas y 煎半熟蛋 ove r har d 煎全熟蛋 scr amble eggs炒蛋-
boi led e gg 煮蛋 ston e fir e pot石头火锅 sash i 日本竹筷 sak e 日本米酒 -
misoshiru味噌汤roast meat铁板烤肉 sash imi 生鱼片 bu tter奶油 -
bever ages饮料soya-bean milk豆浆sy rup o f plu m 酸梅汤 -
t omato juic e番茄汁orang e jui ce 橘子汁 coc onutmilk椰子汁-
asp aragu s jui ce 芦荟汁 gra pefru it ju ice 葡萄柚汁v egeta ble j uice蔬菜汁-
gin ger a le 姜汁 sars apari lla 沙士 sof t dri nk 汽水 -
c oco-c ola (coke)可口可乐 tealeave s 茶叶black tea红茶 ja smine tea茉莉(香片)teabag 茶包 lem on te a 柠檬茶 whit e gou p tea冬瓜茶-
ho ney 蜂蜜 chl orell a 绿藻sodawater苏打水artif icial colo r 人工色素 ice wate r 冰水- mi neral wate r 矿泉水 dist illed wate r 蒸馏水 long-life milk保久奶-
co ndens ed mi lk 炼乳;炼奶c ocoa可可coff ee ma te奶精c offee咖啡ice d cof fee冰咖啡whit e cof fee牛奶咖 bla ck co ffee纯咖啡 ov altin e 阿华田 -
c hlore lla y akult养乐多essen ce of chic ken 鸡精 ice-crea m con e 甜筒-
su ndae圣代;新地 ice-cream雪糕s oft i ce-cr eam 窗淇淋 -
vani lla i ce-cr eam 香草冰淇淋ice c andy冰棒 mi lk-sh ake 奶昔 str aw 吸管-