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Related Information
1. Higher Education in Britain British universities enjoy almost complete autonomy in their administration and the determination of their curricula.
H i s t o r y, l o c a t i o n , s t u d e n t s a n d c o l l e g e s , t h e university and its colleges, teaching and learning, etc.
Content Awareness
Para 3: The university and its colleges Colleges: managing its own buildings and property; electing its own fellows and admits its own undergraduate students; being responsible for students tutorial teaching and well-being University: providing resources for teaching and learning; selecting and supervising graduate students; awarding degrees
5. The Rhodes Scholarship
Rhodes scholarship is a scholarship for study at Oxford University, a sum of money awarded annually to students from the United States, South Africa, and several Commonwealth countries to help pay for studies in the United Kingdom at Oxford University.
Warm-up Questions
1. How much do you know about Oxford University now?
Warm-up Questions
2. What do you like about your university?
3. Have you ever received a scholarship? Do you think universities should try their best to provide their students with more scholarships?
Related Information
2. Oxford University
Related Information
3. Harvard University
Harvard University was established in 1636 by vote of t he G re at a nd G ene r al Cour t o f t he M as s achus e t t s Bay Colony. Harvard was named after its first benefactor, John Harvard, of Charlestown, Massachusetts. Upon his death in 1638, Harvard left his library and half his estate to the New College. In 1639, in recognition of John Harvard’s bequest, the Great and General Court ordered “that the college agreed upon formerly to be built at Cambridge shall be called Harvard College.”
Para 6: Scholarships Rhodes scholarship for students from the U.S.; Marshall scholarships to citizens of the U.S. Para 7: Competition for scholarships and grants strong competition with strict requirements Para 8: Initiatives 55 in 2001
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3. Harvard University
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4. Yale University
Chartered in 1701, Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut(康涅狄格洲 康涅狄格洲), 康涅狄格洲 is one of the oldest and most highly acclaimed universities in the United States. It has a residential college system modeled after England‘s Cambridge and Oxford universities. The towering Harkness Hall, shown here, houses a 54-bell carillon ( 编 钟 ) , o n e o f t h e largest in the world.
Session 2 (90-100 minutes)
Session 2 (90-100 minutes)
Session Tasks: Role-playing of Communicative Task 2 Passage A Oxford University
Role-play Communicative Task 2. First in groups and then to the class. Some pairs will be invited to make comments.
Para 4: Teaching and learning tutorial, specialized instruction, lectures Para 5: Degrees from B.A with honors to higher degrees, diplomas and certificates
6. Marshall Scholarships
Marshall Scholarships finance young Americans of high ability to study for a degree in the United Kingdom. Up to forty Scholars are selected each year to study either at graduate or occasionally undergraduate level at an UK institution in any field of study. The scheme allows the Scholars, who are the potential leaders, opinion-formers and decision-makers in their own country, to gain an understanding and appreciation of British values and the British way of life. It also establishes long-lasting ties between the peoples of Britain and the United States. Each scholarship is held for two years.
Read and Explore Passage A Oxford University
How to Learn
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Consolidation Practice
Warm-up Questions
Class Discussion Content Awareness Language Focus
Reading Task 2 Understanding details Work with team members to find the topic of each paragraph .
Para. 1
Para. 2
Para. 3
Para. 4
Para 1: History and location established during the 1100s; located in Oxford, England
Para 2: Students & colleges 16300 students from more than 130 countries; 35 colleges and 5 private halls, two for women
Content Awareness
Reading Task 1 Getting general idea Do speed reading of passage A and try to answer the following question. What aspects about Oxford are introduced in the passage?
Related Information
The selective admission---to entry the universities, students must secure a General Certificate of Education by taking examinations in various subjects, the greater number of “ advanced level” passes, the better his chances are of entering the university of his choice. Tutorial systems---Generally speaking, undergraduate students can complete a degree course in three years with a close supervision made by tutors, most undergraduates would follow an “ honors” course for one more year to get an honors degree.( e.g. Bachelor of arts with honors)
Related Information
2. Oxford University Oxford is a unique and historic institution. As the oldest English- speaking university in the world, it lays claim to eight centuries of continuous existence. There is no clear date of foundation, but teaching existed at Oxford in some form in 1096 and developed rapidly from 1167, when Henry II banned English students from attending the University of Paris.