Damocles sword 达摩克利斯之剑
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Damocles sword
Dionysius 狄俄尼索斯
第一种说是宙斯和塞墨勒 的儿子。 第二种说法狄俄尼索斯是 宙斯与普赛芬妮的儿子。
狄俄尼索斯(Dionysus) 与罗马人信奉的巴 克斯(Bacchus)是同一位神祇,他是古代希腊 色雷斯人信奉的葡萄酒之神,他不仅握有葡萄酒 醉人的力量,还以布施欢乐与慈爱在当时成为极 有感召力的神,他推动了古代社会的文明并确立 了法则,维护着世界的和平。此外,他还护佑着 希腊的农业与戏剧文化。古希腊人对酒神的祭祀 是秘密宗教仪式之一,类似对于德米特尔与普赛 芬妮的艾琉西斯秘密仪式。在色雷斯人的仪式中, 他身着狐狸皮,据说是象征新生。
The Sword of Damocles
Dionysius was a fourth century B.C. tyrant of Syracuse.
To all appearances he was very rich and comfortable, with all the luxuries money could buy, tasteful clothing and jewelry, and delectable food. He even had court flatterers to inflate his ego. One of these ingratitors was the court sycophant Damocles. Damocles used to make comments to the king about his wealth and luxurious life.
“The sword of Damocles” on one hand signifies the impending danger, and on the other hand, indicates the precariousness of power and rank。 “达摩克利斯之剑”, 一方面标志着即将发生的危 险,另一对达摩克利斯说:“你真的认为我比别人幸福吗? 那么我愿意跟你换换位置。”于是达摩克利斯穿上了王袍,戴上金制的王冠,坐 在宴会厅的桌边,桌上摆满了美味佳肴。鲜花、美酒、稀有的香水,动人的乐曲, 应有尽有,他觉得自己是世界上最幸福的人。当他举起酒杯,突然发现天花板上 倒悬着一把锋利的宝剑,尖端差点触到了自己的头,达摩克利斯身体僵住了,笑 容也消失了,脸色煞白,双手颤抖,不想吃也不想喝了,只想逃出王宫,越远越 好。国王说:“怎么了朋友?你怕那把随时可能掉下来的剑吗?我天天看见,它 一直悬在我的头上,说不定什么时候什么人或物就会斩断那根细线。或许哪个大 臣垂涎我的权力想杀死我;或许有人散布谣言让百姓反对我;或许邻国的国王会 派兵夺取我的王位;或许我的决策失误使我不得不退位。如果你想做统治者,你 就必须冒各种风险,风险永远是与权力同在的。”达摩克利斯说:“是的,我知 道了,除了财富和荣誉之外,你还有很多忧虑。请您回到您的宝座上去吧,我回 我的家。”从此,达摩克利斯非常珍惜自己的生活。
狄奥尼西奥斯,他统治着西西里 最富庶的城市,他住在一座美丽的宫 殿里,里面有无数美丽绝伦、价值连 城的宝贝,一大群侍从恭候两旁,随 时等候吩咐。国王有个朋友名叫达摩 克利斯,他常对国王说:“你多幸运 啊,你拥有人们想要的一切,你一定 是世界上最幸福的人。”
One day when Damocles complimented the tyrant on his abundance and power, Dionysius turned to Damocles and said, "If you think I'm so lucky, how would you like to try out my life?" Damocles readily agreed, and so Dionysius ordered everything to be prepared for Damocles to experience what life as Dionysius was like. Damocles was enjoying himself immensely until he noticed a sharp sword hovering over his head, which was suspended from the ceiling by a horse hair. This, the tyrant explained to Damocles, was what life as ruler was really like. Damocles, alarmed and quickly revising his idea of what made up a good life, asked to be excused. He then eagerly returned to his poorer, but safer life.
Dionysius 狄俄尼索斯
第一种说是宙斯和塞墨勒 的儿子。 第二种说法狄俄尼索斯是 宙斯与普赛芬妮的儿子。
狄俄尼索斯(Dionysus) 与罗马人信奉的巴 克斯(Bacchus)是同一位神祇,他是古代希腊 色雷斯人信奉的葡萄酒之神,他不仅握有葡萄酒 醉人的力量,还以布施欢乐与慈爱在当时成为极 有感召力的神,他推动了古代社会的文明并确立 了法则,维护着世界的和平。此外,他还护佑着 希腊的农业与戏剧文化。古希腊人对酒神的祭祀 是秘密宗教仪式之一,类似对于德米特尔与普赛 芬妮的艾琉西斯秘密仪式。在色雷斯人的仪式中, 他身着狐狸皮,据说是象征新生。
The Sword of Damocles
Dionysius was a fourth century B.C. tyrant of Syracuse.
To all appearances he was very rich and comfortable, with all the luxuries money could buy, tasteful clothing and jewelry, and delectable food. He even had court flatterers to inflate his ego. One of these ingratitors was the court sycophant Damocles. Damocles used to make comments to the king about his wealth and luxurious life.
“The sword of Damocles” on one hand signifies the impending danger, and on the other hand, indicates the precariousness of power and rank。 “达摩克利斯之剑”, 一方面标志着即将发生的危 险,另一对达摩克利斯说:“你真的认为我比别人幸福吗? 那么我愿意跟你换换位置。”于是达摩克利斯穿上了王袍,戴上金制的王冠,坐 在宴会厅的桌边,桌上摆满了美味佳肴。鲜花、美酒、稀有的香水,动人的乐曲, 应有尽有,他觉得自己是世界上最幸福的人。当他举起酒杯,突然发现天花板上 倒悬着一把锋利的宝剑,尖端差点触到了自己的头,达摩克利斯身体僵住了,笑 容也消失了,脸色煞白,双手颤抖,不想吃也不想喝了,只想逃出王宫,越远越 好。国王说:“怎么了朋友?你怕那把随时可能掉下来的剑吗?我天天看见,它 一直悬在我的头上,说不定什么时候什么人或物就会斩断那根细线。或许哪个大 臣垂涎我的权力想杀死我;或许有人散布谣言让百姓反对我;或许邻国的国王会 派兵夺取我的王位;或许我的决策失误使我不得不退位。如果你想做统治者,你 就必须冒各种风险,风险永远是与权力同在的。”达摩克利斯说:“是的,我知 道了,除了财富和荣誉之外,你还有很多忧虑。请您回到您的宝座上去吧,我回 我的家。”从此,达摩克利斯非常珍惜自己的生活。
狄奥尼西奥斯,他统治着西西里 最富庶的城市,他住在一座美丽的宫 殿里,里面有无数美丽绝伦、价值连 城的宝贝,一大群侍从恭候两旁,随 时等候吩咐。国王有个朋友名叫达摩 克利斯,他常对国王说:“你多幸运 啊,你拥有人们想要的一切,你一定 是世界上最幸福的人。”
One day when Damocles complimented the tyrant on his abundance and power, Dionysius turned to Damocles and said, "If you think I'm so lucky, how would you like to try out my life?" Damocles readily agreed, and so Dionysius ordered everything to be prepared for Damocles to experience what life as Dionysius was like. Damocles was enjoying himself immensely until he noticed a sharp sword hovering over his head, which was suspended from the ceiling by a horse hair. This, the tyrant explained to Damocles, was what life as ruler was really like. Damocles, alarmed and quickly revising his idea of what made up a good life, asked to be excused. He then eagerly returned to his poorer, but safer life.