LSPR Review2


peer review的步骤

peer review的步骤

peer review的步骤Peer Review的步骤引言Peer Review是学术界中一种重要的评审机制,旨在确保研究成果的质量和准确性。

本文将介绍Peer Review的步骤,以及每个步骤的重要性和主要内容。

步骤一:选择适当的期刊在进行Peer Review之前,研究人员需要选择适合自己研究成果的期刊。




















ReviewR 2.3.10 电子病历审查工具说明说明书

ReviewR 2.3.10 电子病历审查工具说明说明书

Package‘ReviewR’September1,2023Title A Light-Weight,Portable Tool for Reviewing Individual PatientRecordsVersion2.3.10Description A portable Shiny tool to explore patient-level electronic health record data and perform chart review in a single integrated framework.This tool supportsbrowsing clinical data in many different formats including multiple versionsof the'OMOP'common data model as well as the'MIMIC-III'data model.Inaddition,chart review information is captured and stored securely via theShiny interface in a'REDCap'(Research Electronic Data Capture)projectusing the'REDCap'API.See the'ReviewR'website for additional information,documentation,and examples.License BSD_3_clause+file LICENSEURL https:///,https:///thewileylab/ReviewR/BugReports https:///thewileylab/ReviewR/issuesDepends R(>=3.5.0)Imports bigrquery(>=1.2.0),config,DBI,dbplyr,dplyr(>=1.0.0),DT,gargle,glue,golem,httr,jsonlite,magrittr,purrr,redcapAPI,REDCapR,rlang(>=0.4.7),RPostgres,RSQLite,shiny(>=1.5.0),shinycssloaders(>=1.0.0),shinydashboard,shinydashboardPlus(>=2.0.0),shinyjs,shinyWidgets(>=0.6.0),snakecase,stringr,tibble,tidyr(>=1.1.0)Suggests fs,gt,here,htmltools,knitr,pkgload,processx,readr,rmarkdown,rstudioapi,spelling,testthat(>=2.1.0),usethisVignetteBuilder knitrEncoding UTF-8Language en-USLazyData trueRoxygenNote7.2.3NeedsCompilation no12db_function_all_patients_table_template Author Laura Wiley[aut](<https:///0000-0001-6681-9754>),Luke Rasmussen[aut](<https:///0000-0002-4497-8049>),David Mayer[cre,aut](<https:///0000-0002-6056-9771>),The Wiley Lab[cph,fnd]Maintainer David Mayer<**************************>Repository CRANDate/Publication2023-09-0115:50:11UTCR topics documented:db_function_all_patients_table_template (2)db_function_subject_table_template (3)db_module_template (3)dev_add_database_module (4)dev_add_data_model (4)redcap_survey_complete (5)redcap_widget_map (6)run_app (6)supported_data_models (7)Index8db_function_all_patients_table_templateDatabase Table Function:All Patients Table TemplateDescriptionA character vector containing a function template for creating the’All Patients’table as displayedon the"Patient Search"TabUsagedb_function_all_patients_table_templateFormatA character vector with22elementsSee AlsoOther Development Templates:db_function_subject_table_template,db_module_templatedb_function_subject_table_template3db_function_subject_table_templateDatabase Table Function:Subject Table TemplateDescriptionA character vector containing a function template for creating the’Subject Filtered’tables as dis-played on the"Chart Review"TabUsagedb_function_subject_table_templateFormatA character vector with15elementsSee AlsoOther Development Templates:db_function_all_patients_table_template,db_module_templatedb_module_template Database Module TemplateDescriptionA character vector containing a database module templateUsagedb_module_templateFormatA character vector with52elementsSee AlsoOther Development Templates:db_function_all_patients_table_template,db_function_subject_table_template4dev_add_data_modeldev_add_database_moduleDevelop A Database ModuleDescriptionThis function will create a database module skeleton with required elements already populated,based on user mon database module packages are imported automatically,but develop-ers should add imports to the roxygen skeleton as necessary to both the UI and server functions tocollect user info and create a DBI connection object,respectively.Usagedev_add_database_module(mod_name=NULL,display_name=NULL)Argumentsmod_name Required.A string,denoting the module suffix eg:’mariadb’display_name Required.A string,denoting the module display name eg:’MariaDB Server’.This is the’user viewable’name that will appear in the database module selectordropdown.ValueA.Rfile populated with a database module skeletonSee AlsoOther Development Functions:dev_add_data_model()dev_add_data_model Develop Data Model Table FunctionsDescriptionThis function will assist in adding support for a new data model to ReviewR.A schemafile,sup-plied as a CSV,will be added to the package namespace such that upon connection to a databasecontaining the new data model,ReviewR can identify and display it through the database detectionmodule.Users will be prompted to identify which table in the new data model contains a list of all patients.Additionally,users will be asked to select whichfield uniquely identifies each patient.Thisfieldmust be present across all tables in the new data model for best results.Once selections are captured,a database_tables.Rfile will be populated and opened for editing inRStudio.Basic table skeletons are created based on the provided schema and user selections.Note:If the identifierfield is not present across all tables,care must be taken to adjust the database_tables.R file to appropriately represent the new data model structure.redcap_survey_complete5 Usagedev_add_data_model(csv)Argumentscsv Required.Thefile path of a CSVfile containing a data model schemaValueA.Rfile populated with basic database table functionsSee AlsoOther Development Functions:dev_add_database_module()redcap_survey_completeREDCap Survey CompleteDescriptionA dataset containing valid REDCap"Survey Complete"Values.Usageredcap_survey_completeFormatA data frame with2rows and2variables:redcap_survey_complete_names The human readable"Survey Complete"Responsesredcap_survey_complete_values REDCap API values for"Survey Complete"Responses...6run_app redcap_widget_map REDCap Widget MapDescriptionA dataset that maps REDCap question types and common validations to native shiny widgetsthrough custom functions.Usageredcap_widget_mapFormatA data frame with9rows and3variables:redcap_field_type A REDCap Question Typeredcap_field_validation Custom REDCap Question Type ValidationshinyREDCap_widget_function shinyREDCap function to use when mapping to native Shiny widget...run_app Run ApplicationDescriptionStart the ReviewR Application in a browser on port1410.__________.____________\______\________|__|________\______\|_//__\\//|/__\\/\//|_/||\___/\/|\___/\/||\|____|_/\___>\_/|__|\___>\/\_/|____|_/\/\/\/\/by WileyLabMaking manual record review fun since2019!authors:Laura Wiley,Luke Rasmussen,David MayerUsagerun_app(...)supported_data_models7Arguments...A list of options to pass to the app including:•secrets_json:A string,containing afile path to a Google OAuth2.0ClientID JSONValueNo return value,called to start the ReviewR Shiny Application!supported_data_models Supported Data Model SchemasDescriptionA dataset containing data model information along with the corresponding version and nestedschema information.Usagesupported_data_modelsFormatA data frame with12rows and4variables:data_model Data model namemodel_version Version of the data modeldata Nested database schemas,including included table andfield mappingsfile_path Where schema was imported from...Sourcehttps:///OHDSI/CommonDataModel/https:///MIT-LCP/mimic-codeIndex∗Development Functionsdev_add_data_model,4dev_add_database_module,4∗Development Templatesdb_function_all_patients_table_template, 2db_function_subject_table_template,3db_module_template,3∗datasetsdb_function_all_patients_table_template, 2db_function_subject_table_template,3db_module_template,3redcap_survey_complete,5redcap_widget_map,6supported_data_models,7db_function_all_patients_table_template,2,3db_function_subject_table_template,2,3,3db_module_template,2,3,3dev_add_data_model,4,4dev_add_database_module,4,5redcap_survey_complete,5redcap_widget_map,6run_app,6supported_data_models,78。



2021,40(2)河南大学学报(医学版)㊃147㊀㊃文章编号:1672-7606(2021)02-0147-05光热纳米材料在抗菌领域的研究进展杨莹莹,冯闪,马陇豫,孙梦瑶,张审,刘超群∗河南大学药学院,河南开封475004摘㊀要:细菌感染威胁着人类健康,特别是耐药菌导致的疾病,临床上的发病率和死亡率极高,如耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌(MRSA)是临床上最可怕的致病菌(超级细菌)之一,可导致败血症和急性心内膜炎㊂目前耐药菌的快速变异和新抗生素开发的严重滞后,迫切需要对新型抗菌剂的研究㊂具有光热效应的纳米材料将光能转化为热能,使局部温度升高,可破坏细菌细胞膜㊁导致蛋白质变性㊂因其独特的抗菌机制,产生耐药菌的可能性较小,可以作为抗生素的替代品㊂光热纳米材料分为三类,包括金属类㊁碳类和聚合物类纳米材料㊂本文对近几年来具有光热效应的抗菌纳米材料领域的研究进展进行综述,并讨论其特点及未来的发展方向㊂关键词:纳米材料;光热效应;抗菌活性;金属类纳米材料;碳类纳米材料;聚合物类纳米材料中图分类号:R318.08㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀文献标志码:A㊀收稿日期:2021⁃02⁃16㊀基金项目:河南省重点研发与推广专项(212102310231);河南省高等学校重点科研项目(21A430006);河南省青年科学基金(20230041006)㊀作者简介:杨莹莹(1997⁃),女,硕士研究生㊂研究方向:纳米材料的生物医学应用㊂㊀∗通信作者:刘超群(1989⁃),男,博士,讲师㊂研究方向:钠米材料的生物医学应用㊂ResearchprogressofphotothermalnanomaterialsinantibacterialYANGYingying FENGShan MALongyu SUNMengyao ZHANGShen LIUChaoqun∗SchoolofPharmacy HenanUniversity Kaifeng475004 ChinaAbstract Bacterialinfectionisthreateninghumanhealth especiallythediseasescausedbydrug⁃resistantbacteria withhighclinicalmorbidityandmortality.Forexample methicillinresistantstaphylococcusaureus MRSA isoneofthemostfearedpathogensintheclinical superbacteria whichcanleadtosepsisandacuteendocarditis.Atpresent therapidmutationofdrug⁃resistantbacteriaandtheseriouslaginthedevelopmentofnewantibioticsmakeiturgenttostudynewantimicrobialagents.Nanomaterialswithphotothermaleffectconvertlightenergyintoheat whichcanincreaselocaltemperature anddestroybacterialcellmembraneandcauseproteindenaturation.Becauseofitsuniqueantibacterialmechanism drug⁃resistantbacteriaarelesslikelytobeproducedandcanbeusedasasubstituteforantibiotics.Photothermallyenablednanomaterialsareclassifiedintothreegroups includingmetal⁃ carbon⁃ andpolymer⁃basednanomaterials.Inthisreview wesummarizetheresearchprogressofantibacterialnanomaterialswithphotothermaleffectinrecentyears anddiscusstheircharacteristicsandfuturedevelopmentdirection.Keywords nanomaterial photothermal antibacterialactivity metal⁃basednanomaterials carbon⁃basednanomaterials polymer⁃basednanomaterials㊀㊀目前,由细菌引起的感染性疾病,尤其是耐药菌,已成为全球性重大健康问题之一,引起了人们的广泛关注[1]㊂一项研究[2⁃3]表明,如果不能控制耐药菌感染,每年将导致1000多万患者死亡,损失高㊃148㊀㊃JournalofHenanUniversity(MedicalScience)2021,40(2)达100万亿美元㊂为解决细菌感染带来的危害,目前常用的抗菌方法,包括抗生素㊁重金属离子㊁抗菌肽和季铵盐化合物[4⁃5]㊂其中抗生素是一种有效的抗菌药物,在临床上有广泛的应用㊂但抗生素的滥用导致的细菌耐药,已成为当今医学领域和人类生存环境面临的一个严重问题[6]㊂金属离子长期以来被用作不同形式的杀菌化学品,并显示出抗广谱细菌的抗菌性能,但是,它们会对哺乳动物细胞产生毒性[7]㊂抗菌肽是一种新型高效抗菌药物,但是存在合成困难㊁纯化复杂㊁成本高等问题,限制了它们的广泛应用[8]㊂季铵类化合物具有高效㊁方便的抗菌作用,但长期使用后也会引起耐药性[9]㊂基于上述问题,利用纳米材料及其复合材料的光处理方法是近年研究的热点[10⁃11]㊂在这些纳米材料中,光热疗法(photothermaltherapy,PTT)具有高效的靶向选择性㊁远程可控性㊁最小侵袭性及良好的生物安全性等优点㊂此外,PTT不引起细菌耐药性,并且具有广泛的抗菌谱[12⁃13]㊂用于治疗细菌感染的PTT纳米材料有三类:金属类纳米材料[14⁃15]㊁碳类纳米材料[16⁃17]㊁聚合物类纳米材料[18]㊂本文就这三种纳米材料的合成原理㊁抗菌机理及抗菌领域应用的研究进展进行综述㊂1㊀金属类纳米材料金属类纳米材料包括纳米金㊁纳米铂和二硫化钼等,在近红外激光照射后,激发态通过非辐射衰变以热量的形式释放能量[19]㊂金属类纳米材料在近红外窗口的吸收波长和强度取决于纳米材料的形貌和尺寸[20⁃21]㊂产生了多种金属纳米结构,如纳米棒[22⁃23]㊁纳米星[24]㊁纳米线[25⁃26]㊁纳米花[27]等㊂由于纳米金在近红外窗口具有强烈的局部表面等离子体共振(LSPR)效应㊁可调控的尺寸和形貌㊁良好的生物相容性,使其成为金属类光热纳米材料的代表㊂Wang[28]等采用中间层转换法制备了包覆在金纳米棒上的海胆型Bi2S3,解决半导体Bi2S3快速的光诱导电子空穴复合和近红外光的低吸收限制了活性氧的产生和光热转换效率的问题㊂实验结果表明,Au@Bi2S3核-壳结构的纳米材料具有较强的光热转换效率和产生更多的ROS,通过光热效应和光动力协同抗菌,对大肠杆菌和金黄色葡萄球菌均有较好的抗菌活性㊂金银纳米材料因其独特的光学特性而备受关注,由于具有易于表面功能化的优点,在成像㊁给药和PTT等领域得到了广泛的应用[29⁃30]㊂金银纳米材料也被开发为抗菌剂,与光热效应构建联合抑菌平台㊂Wu[31]等人研究了一种镀硅的金-银纳米笼(Au⁃Ag@SiO2NCs),在近红外激光照射下,将金纳米材料的光热效应与银离子的持续释放联合进行抗感染治疗㊂实验结果表明,Au⁃Ag@SiO2NCs浓度为50mg/mL,近红外光照射10min后从20.7ħ上升到57.4ħ,具有良好的光热性质㊂体外和体内实验表明制备的纳米材料在近红外激光照射下能有效抑制金黄色葡萄球菌(S.aureus)和大肠杆菌(E.coli)㊂将SiO2涂层应用于金银纳米材料表面,提高其生物相容性,使银离子的实现缓释,体外治疗12h仍然具有杀菌效果㊂Qiao[32]等人提出了一种复合结构的含铜中空纳米壳(AuAgCu2ONS),作为光热治疗剂用于皮肤慢性感染和伴有耐药细菌感染的不愈合性角膜炎㊂光热性质实验结果表明AuAgCu2ONS具有良好的光热效应,光热转换效率为57%,同时具有良好的光稳定性,在激光照射五次循环后,光热转换效率不变㊂通过(808nm,1.5W/cm2,10min)近红外激光照射,用平板计数法与ESBLE.coli和MR⁃SA孵育来评估AuAgCu2ONS的光热抗菌性能㊂结果表明,AuAgCu2ONS具有较强的抗菌能力,用26.4μg/mL的浓度即可有效杀灭两种菌株㊂二硫化钼(MoS2)纳米片是一种新兴的二维材料,它具有优异的光热性能,此外它较大的比表面积可用于负载药物㊂由于其特殊的物理和化学特性,可应用于生物成像[33]㊁癌症[34⁃35]和抗菌[36⁃37]治疗等多种生物医学领域㊂为解决MoS2在缓冲溶液中易聚集现象,Huang[38]等人将带正电荷的季化壳聚糖对MoS2纳米薄片进行改性,制备了含抗生素的联合抗菌平台㊂由于抗生素⁃光热联合治疗,通过体内体外实验表明在适宜的温度(45ħ)和低抗生素浓度下抗MRSA感染㊂2㊀碳类纳米材料碳类纳米材料在近红外区具有较强的光吸收性和稳定性,即使经过长时间照射,其光吸收性能也不会衰减,所以碳基纳米材料在光热抗菌方面有着广阔的应用前景㊂主要包括碳纳米管㊁富勒烯㊁石墨烯和碳量子点等㊂碳纳米管(CNTs)具有优异的光热转换性能,且体积小㊁表面积大,可与生物分子㊁细胞产生独特的相互作用,增强伤口敷料的生物活性,促进伤口愈合[39]㊂He[40]等人以N⁃羧乙基壳聚糖(CEC)和末端苯甲醛F127/碳纳米管(PF127/CNT)为基础,制备了具有优异的光热和导电性能的水凝胶㊂实验结果表明,CNTs使水凝胶具有光热特性,可显著提高其体外/体内抗菌活性㊂在ZOI试验中,2021,40(2)河南大学学报(医学版)㊃149㊀㊃CEC/PF/CNT水凝胶具有较好的缓释性能和抗菌活性㊂通过小鼠皮肤创面感染模型进一步证明,在近红外激光照射下,CEC/PF/CNT水凝胶有较强的抗菌作用,促进创面愈合㊂由于石墨烯具有优异的光热转换能力㊁较大的表面积和表面易于修饰的特性,近年来在光热抗菌领域得到了广泛的研究㊂特别是石墨烯㊁氧化石墨烯(GO)㊁还原氧化石墨烯(rGO)等一系列石墨烯类纳米材料㊂Fan[41]等人制备了MOF衍生掺杂ZnO的石墨烯二维材料,通过局部大量Zn2+离子穿透㊁物理切割和热疗杀死,协同破坏细菌被膜和细胞内物质㊂实验结果表明,极低的纳米材料浓度具有强大的局部杀菌效果,短时间的光热处理,有助于对皮肤创面进行快速㊁安全的杀菌,不会损伤正常皮肤组织㊂细菌感染伤口处于低氧微环境,低氧微环境不仅能促使细菌生长,而且还会促进它们对药物和治疗方法的耐药性,从而导致生物膜的形成㊂临床上为促进细菌感染伤口的愈合,通过高压氧疗法来改善低氧微环境,将气态氧输送到全身,但对患者易造成氧中毒㊁费用负担等㊂载氧载体如微/纳米气泡(MNBs)能够将局部氧气输送到低氧微环境中,但易出现氧气未到达伤口部位而过早的释放㊂Janne⁃sari[42]等人提出还原氧化石墨烯/CuO2纳米复合材料的制备,该复合材料更易控制氧气的释放,且释放时间更长㊂实验表明,将氧化铜(作为氧气的固体来源)与还原氧化石墨烯纳米片结合的情况下,通过局部温度升高和增多活性氧种类产生广谱抗菌作用(包括革兰氏阳性金黄色葡萄球菌㊁革兰氏阴性大肠杆菌和耐药MRSA细菌)㊂Yu[11]等人为解决细菌感染伤口的低氧微环境抑制光动力治疗的抗菌效果,提出一种不依赖局部组织氧浓度清除耐药菌的方法㊂使用乙二醇壳聚糖修饰聚多巴胺(PDA)包覆的羧基石墨烯纳米片(CG),使其成为水溶性壳聚糖衍生物,将AIBI作为自由基源,将其负载材料上㊂在近红外光的照射下,PDA@CG的光热效应使局部温度升高,导致AIBI分解生成烷基自由基(R),造成细菌损伤㊂通过体内体外抗菌实验表明,在常氧和低氧条件下,产生的烷基自由基均具有较强的抗菌效果㊂3㊀聚合物类纳米材料有机共轭聚合物是一类具有π⁃π共轭骨架的大分子,具有制备成本低㊁尺度易调控㊁稳定性好㊁优异的光热转换能力等优点,是光热材料中研究的热点㊂Zhou[43]等人提出了一种在近红外激光照射下由季铵盐修饰的共轭聚合物同时具有PDT和PTT效应,实现了单光源双光治疗的治疗方法㊂共轭聚合物侧链上的季铵基团与带负电荷的细菌膜相互作用,提高局部抗菌效率,共轭主链能同时产生活性氧(ROS)和热量,对细菌造成损伤㊂在近红外光照射(808nm,1.0W㊃cm-2,8min),40μg㊃mL-1的实验条件下,共轭聚合物能有效地杀死金黄色葡萄球菌和耐药大肠杆菌㊂为能有效杀死白色念珠菌则需更高浓度共轭聚合物㊂聚多巴胺(PDA)是贻贝分泌的类似蛋白结构的聚合物,制备方法简单㊁附着力强㊁生物相容性好,易于修饰于材料表面提高其分散性,也是一种优良的光热材料㊂Yu[44]等人将聚多巴胺(PDA)包覆氧化铁纳米复合材料(Fe3O4@PDA)作为光热材料,将第三代树突状聚氨基胺(PAMAM⁃G3)接枝在Fe3O4@PDA表面,然后将NO负载其复合材料上㊂将制备的纳米复合材料在近红外激光照射下表现出可控的NO释放性能㊂光热效应和NO协同抗对大肠杆菌和金黄色葡萄球菌,显著降低了细菌活力和生物膜生物量㊂聚苯胺(PANI)由于亚胺氮原子的掺杂,在近红外区有较强的吸收,能够在近红外光照下产生大量的热量来对抗细菌和肿瘤细胞㊂Hsiao[45]将PANI接枝在壳聚糖(CS)上作为侧链,可以在水环境中自组装成胶束,并在局部pH值升高的驱动下转化为胶体凝胶,这些自掺杂的聚苯胺胶束作为光热剂,利用近红外光照射触发反应㊂在体内实验中,复合材料注射溶液最终分布在酸性脓肿上,遇到健康组织的边界时,就会形成胶体凝胶㊂由于PANI侧链,胶体凝胶在近红外光照射下(808nm,0.5W/cm2)产生热疗,导致细菌热裂解,修复感染创面而不留下残留的植入材料㊂减少对周围健康组织不必要的热损伤㊂4㊀结语金属类㊁碳类和聚合物类复合材料的光热抗菌效果优于单独使用相同材料的光热抗菌效果,除产生热量外,复合材料还具有某些特性,如酶活性(蛋白酶)㊁ROS生成㊁促进离子释放(银离子)以及复合材料表面电荷与细菌细胞壁电荷之间的静电吸引㊂这些特性与PTT结合,有利于破坏细菌细胞膜,提高抗菌效果㊂通过对纳米材料进行修饰,达到多种治疗手段联合治疗的目的,如光热和化疗联合㊁光热和光动力治疗联合等㊂光热纳米材料的发展为治疗㊃150㊀㊃JournalofHenanUniversity(MedicalScience)2021,40(2)耐药菌引起的感染提供了机会,应用于临床仍有许多问题需要解决㊂首要问题是生物安全性,尽管文献中报道的大部分纳米材料没有细胞毒性,但是这些材料是否可生物降解㊁是否会引起潜在的毒副作用等问题需要进一步研究㊂参考文献:[1]ANDERSSONDI,HUGHESD.Antibioticresistanceanditscost:isitpossibletoreverseresistance?[J].NatRevMicrobiol,2010,8(4):260⁃271.[2]SHANKARPR.Bookreview:tacklingdrug⁃resistantinfec⁃tionsglobally[J].ArchPharmaPract,2016,7(3):110⁃111.[3]CHENZW,WANGZZ,RENJS,etal.Enzymemimicryforcombatingbacteriaandbiofilms[J].AccChemRes,2018,51(3):789⁃799.[4]WUQ,QIQF,ZHAOC,etal.Ahybridproteolyticandantibacterialbifunctionalfilmbasedonamphiphiliccarbo⁃naceousconjugatesoftrypsinandvancomycin[J].JMaterChemB,2014,2(12):1681⁃1688.[5]TIANTF,SHIXZ,CHENGL,etal.Graphene⁃basednanocompositeasaneffective,multifunctional,andrecy⁃clableantibacterialagent[J].ACSApplMate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Promega Corporation ·2800 Woods Hollow Road ·Madison, WI 53711-5399 USA·Fax 608-277-2516 ·1.Description ..........................................................................................................12.Product Components and Storage Conditions ............................................23.General Considerations (3)A.siCHECK™ Vector Features...............................................................................3B.How the siCHECK™ Vectors Work..................................................................4C.Sample Experiments Using the siCHECK™ Vectors.. (6)4.siCHECK™ Vector Maps .................................................................................95.siCHECK™ Vector Restriction Enzyme Tables . (11)A.Restriction Enzyme Sites for the psiCHECK™-1 Vector..............................11B.Restriction Enzyme Sites for the psiCHECK™-2 Vector (13)6.siCHECK™ Vector Backbones and Components .....................................157.References .........................................................................................................168.Related Products ..............................................................................................181.DescriptionThe psiCHECK™-1 Vector (a–d)(Cat.# C8011) and psiCHECK™-2 Vector (a–f)(Cat.# C8021) are designed to provide a quantitative and rapid approach for optimization of RNA interference (RNAi). The vectors enable the monitoring of changes in expression of a target gene fused to the reporter gene. In both vectors, Renilla luciferase is used as a primary reporter gene, and the gene of interest can be cloned into the multiple cloning region located downstream of the Renilla luciferase translational stop codon. Initiation of the RNAi process toward a gene of interest results in cleavage and subsequent degradation of fusion mRNA. Measurement of decreased Renilla luciferase activity is a convenient indicator of RNAi effect (1).RNAi is a phenomenon by which double-stranded RNA complementary to a target mRNA can specifically inactivate gene function by stimulating the degradation of the target mRNA (2–4). Because of the ability to inactivate genes, RNAi has emerged as a powerful tool for analyzing gene function.siCHECK™ VectorsAll technical literature is available on the Internet at: /tbs Please visit the web site to verify that you are using the most current version of this Technical Bulletin. Please contact Promega Technical Services if you have questions on useof this system. E-mail: techserv@In mammalian systems, including cultured mammalian cells, chemicallysynthesized double-stranded short interfering RNA molecules (<30 nucleotides;siRNA) or endogenously expressed short hairpin RNA molecules (shRNA) result in dsRNA duplexes <30 base pairs in length that induce RNAi (5–10). RNAiduplexes >30bp induce the interferon response and nonspecific degradation ofmRNA and cannot be used as tools for specific gene silencing (11,12).Interestingly, a significant percentage of the siRNA or shRNA designed for aspecific gene are not effective (5,13–16). On average only 1 in 5 of thesiRNA/shRNAs selected for targeting a specific region show efficient genesilencing (16,17). Possible causes for the failure of a particular siRNA/shRNAmay be instability of an siRNA probe in vivo, inability to interact withcomponents of the RNAi machinery or the inaccessibility of the target mRNAdue to local secondary structural constraints. Analysis of nucleotide sequences,melting temperatures and secondary structures have not revealed any obviousdifference between effective and ineffective siRNA/shRNA (18).At present, one of the most serious limitations for the RNAi technology is thelack of a rapid, reliable, quantitative target-site screening method. Variousalgorithm programs exist that aid in the design of potential siRNA targets.However, an experimental method is needed to screen these siRNAs. Currentscreening technologies include such semi-quantitative, time-consuming methods as fluorescence change for GFP-target fusions, Western blot analysis, monitoringphenotypic changes or RT-PCR. In addition, the current screening technologiesare not easily modified for the rapid, simultaneous screening of multiplesiRNA/shRNA.2.Product Components and Storage ConditionsProduct Size Cat.# psiCHECK™-1 Vector20μg C8011 psiCHECK™-2 Vector20μg C8021 Storage Conditions:Store the psiCHECK™-1 and psiCHECK™-2 Vectors at–20°C.Promega Corporation·2800 Woods Hollow Road ·Madison, WI 53711-5399 USA·Promega Corporation ·2800 Woods Hollow Road ·Madison, WI 53711-5399 USA·Fax 608-277-2516 ·3.General Considerations3.A. siCHECK™ Vector FeaturesCurrent methods to monitor changes in gene expression as the result of RNAi are either semi-quantitative, time-consuming or not applicable to high-throughput screening. The siCHECK™ Vectors are easier to use than currently available methods, allow optimal quantitative target site selection and can be adapted for use in high-throughput methodologies.There are two siCHECK™ Vectors, the psiCHECK™-1 Vector and thepsiCHECK™-2 Vector. Both vectors contain as the primary reporter gene the synthetic version of Renilla luciferase, hRluc , which is used to monitor changes in expression as the result of RNAi induction. This synthetic gene is engineered for more efficient expression in mammalian cells and for reduced anomalous transcription.To aid in fusion of the target gene to the synthetic Renilla luciferase reporter gene, a region of restriction sites (i.e., the multiple cloning region) has been added 3´ to the Renilla translational stop. The restriction sites present in the multiple cloning region can be used to create genetic fusions between the gene of interest and the Renilla reporter gene. Because no fusion protein isexpressed, there is no need to be concerned about whether you have cloned into a proper translational reading frame.The multiple cloning region of the psiCHECK™-1 Vector contains unique restriction sites SgfI, XhoI, SmaI, EcoRI, PmeI and NotI. Due to the presence of the firefly expression cassette, the psiCHECK™-2 Vector contains fewer unique restriction sites. The restriction sites in the psiCHECK™-2 Vector multiple cloning region are SgfI, XhoI, PmeI and NotI.The promoter used for Renilla luciferase expression in the siCHECK™ Vectors is the SV40 promoter. Experimental results (data not shown) demonstrate that the SV40 promoter results in the best balance between Renilla luciferaseexpression and the detection of RNAi activity when used with siRNA or vectors expressing shRNA.The difference between the two siCHECK™ Vectors is that the psiCHECK™-2Vector possesses a secondary firefly reporter expression cassette. The firefly expression cassette consists of an HSV-TK promoter, a synthetic firefly luciferase gene and an SV40 late poly(A) signal. To reduce the potential for recombination events, the Renilla luciferase reporter gene in the psiCHECK™-2Vector uses a synthetic poly(A). This firefly reporter cassette has beenspecifically designed to be an intraplasmid transfection normalization reporter;thus when using the psiCHECK™-2 Vector, the Renilla luciferase signal can be normalized to the firefly luciferase signal.If no transfection normalization is required or one would prefer to have the transfection normalization reporter on a second plasmid, the psiCHECK™-1Vector is the vector of choice.3.A. siCHECK™ Vector Features (continued)The psiCHECK™-1 Vector is recommended for use in monitoring RNAieffects in live cells. The changes in Renilla luciferase activity are measuredwith EnduRen™ Live Cell Substrate (Cat.# E6481), which allows continuousmonitoring of intracellular Renilla luminescence (19; Figure 2). EnduRen™ LiveCell Substrate is for use only with Renilla luciferase.Promega offers several reagents that can be used in conjunction with thesiCHECK™ Vectors to monitor Renilla and/or firefly luciferase signals. For thepsiCHECK™-1 Vector, which only contains the Renilla luciferase reporter gene,the Renilla Luciferase Assay System (Cat.# E2810, E2820) can be used. ThepsiCHECK™-2 Vector, which contains Renilla and firefly luciferase reportergenes, requires the use of either the Dual-Luciferase®Reporter Assay System(Cat.# E1910) or the Dual-Glo™ Luciferase Assay System (Cat.# E2920) togenerate the firefly and Renilla luciferase signals.3.B. How the siCHECK™ Vectors WorkFigure 1 provides a basic description of how the siCHECK™ Vectors work.Using the unique restriction sites, the gene of interest is cloned into themultiple cloning region located 3´ to the synthetic Renilla luciferase gene andits translational stop codon. After cloning, the vector is transfected into themammalian cell line of choice, and a fusion of the Renilla luciferase gene andthe gene of interest is transcribed. Vectors expressing potential shRNA orsiRNA can be cotransfected simultaneously or sequentially, depending onyour experimental design. If a specific shRNA/siRNA binds to the targetmRNA and initiates the RNAi process, the fused Renilla luciferase:gene ofinterest mRNA will be cleaved and subsequently degraded, decreasing theRenilla luciferase signal.Promega Corporation·2800 Woods Hollow Road ·Madison, WI 53711-5399 USA·Promega Corporation ·2800 Woods Hollow Road ·Madison, WI 53711-5399 USA·Fax 608-277-2516 ·translation stopcleavage of mRNAlight mRNA5´3´5´3´4339M A 10_3A5´3´hRlucgene of interesthRluc Figure 1. Mechanism of action of the siCHECK™ Vectors.3.C. Sample Experiments Using the siCHECK™ VectorsTo demonstrate the utility of the siCHECK™ Vectors, two experiments are detailed in this Technical Bulletin. In the first experiment, human p53 cDNA was subcloned into the psiCHECK™-1 and the psiCHECK™-2 Vectors using the SgfI and NotI restriction sites located in the multiple cloning region of both vectors. Note the SgfI and NotI restriction sites are located 3´ to the Renilla luciferase translational stop codon. As shown in Figure 2, the psiCHECK™-1Vector containing the human p53 cDNA was cotransfected into HEK-293T cells with the psiLentGene™ Basic Vector expressing either a Renilla luciferase (hRluc ) or p53 shRNA. The negative control was the psiLentGene™ Basic Vector with a nonspecific 19bp insert. (A BLAST search using this 19bp sequence and a threshold >90% revealed no homology to any knownmammalian gene or to the synthetic Renilla luciferase gene.) This nonspecificsequence was used for all RNAi experiments in this Technical Bulletin.Promega Corporation ·2800 Woods Hollow Road ·Madison, WI 53711-5399 USA·4398M A 11_3AR e n i l l a L u m i n e s c e n c e (R L U )Time Post-Transfection (hours)Negative Control Renilla p53Figure 2. Inhibition of Renilla luciferase expression by targeting either the Renilla luciferase or p53 gene.The human p53 cDNA was subcloned into the psiCHECK™-1Vector using the SgfI and NotI restriction sites located 3´ to the Renilla luciferase translational stop codon. To begin the transfection assay, HEK-293T cells were plated in a 96-well plate at 3,000 cells/well. After an overnight incubation, the cells were treated with a transfection mixture consisting of 35μl of serum-free medium,0.3μl of TransFast™ Transfection Reagent (Cat.# E2431), 0.02μg of psiCHECK™-1:p53vector and 0.08μg of psiLentGene™ Basic Vector per well. For this experiment, the psiLentGene™ Vector expressed shRNAs directed against human p53, Renilla luciferase or the nonspecific 19bp sequence, which serves as a negative control,(Section 3.C). After a one-hour incubation, 100μl of serum-containing medium was added to the wells. At 21 hours post-transfection, EnduRen™ Live Cell Substrate (Cat.# E6481) was added to a final concentration of 60μM, and Renilla luciferase activity was monitored. Renilla luciferase activities were normalized to the number of viable cells using the CellTiter-Glo ®Luminescent Cell Viability Assay (Cat.#G7573; 20).At 21 hours post-transfection, nonlytic EnduRen™ Live Cell Substrate wasadded to the wells; luminescence was monitored for the next 27 hours until48 hours post-transfection. The data in Figure 2 show that the psiLentGene™Basic Vector expressing either Renilla luciferase or p53 shRNA inhibits theexpression of the Renilla luciferase reporter gene from the psiCHECK™-1:p53vector. Interestingly, using either Renilla luciferase or p53 shRNA results invirtually identical inhibition of Renilla luciferase expression.In a second experiment, the human p53 cDNA used in Figure 2 was subclonedinto the psiCHECK™-2 Vector using the SgfI and NotI restriction sites. Fivepotential p53 shRNAs designed to bind to five different target sites were clonedinto the psiLentGene™ Basic Vector; the resulting vectors were named Site 1through Site 5. The control is a psiLentGene™ Vector containing the nonspecific19bp sequence. The psiCHECK™-2 Vector containing the p53 cDNA wascotransfected with the psiLentGene™ Vector expressing either a p53 shRNA(Figure 3, Sites 1–5) or the nonspecific shRNA into HEK-293T cells as describedin Figure 3. Forty-eight hours after transfection, the medium was removed andcells were lysed in Passive Lysis Buffer (Cat.# E1941). The firefly and Renillaluciferase signals were generated using the Dual-Luciferase®Reporter 1000Assay System (21).Figure 3, Panel A, displays the Renilla luciferase signal, while Figure 3, Panel B,shows the Renilla luciferase signal normalized (corrected for transfectionefficiency to the firefly luciferase signal). The data in Figure 3, Panel A, isdifficult to interpret due to transfection variations. The Renilla luciferasepositive control, which should demonstrate inhibition of reporter expression, isnot statistically different (i.e., overlapping error bars) from the negative control(no effect on reporter expression was detected). The inability to distinguishbetween the positive and negative controls renders any conclusion regardingthe effectiveness of potential shRNAs suspect.However, when the Renilla luciferase signals are normalized (see Figure 3,Panel B) to the internal firefly luciferase transfection control, the datainterpretation is different, as the Renilla luciferase positive control isstatistically different from the negative control. In addition, the normalizeddata allow the ability to distinguish the effectiveness of the various target siteshRNAs.Promega Corporation·2800 Woods Hollow Road ·Madison, WI 53711-5399 USA·Fax 608-277-2516 ·Promega Corporation ·2800 Woods Hollow Road ·Madison, WI 53711-5399 USA·Figure 3. Target site selection using the psiCHECK™-2 Vector. HEK-293T cells were seeded into a 96-well plate at a density of 3,000 cells/well. Human p53 cDNA was subcloned into the psiCHECK™-2 Vector using the SgfI and NotI restriction sites. After an overnight incubation, the cells were treated with a transfection mixture consisting of 35μl of serum-free medium, 0.3μl of TransFast™ Transfection Reagent (Cat.# E2431), 0.02μg of psiCHECK™-2 Vector:p53 and 0.08μg of psiLentGene™Basic Vector per well. The psiLentGene™ Basic Vector expressed one of five different shRNAs directed against human p53, Renilla luciferase or a nonspecific 19bp sequence (Section 3.C) as a negative control. After a one-hour incubation, 100μl of serum-containing medium was added to the wells. Forty-eight hours post-transfection Renilla and firefly luciferase activities were measured using the Dual-Luciferase ®Reporter 1000 Assay System (Cat.# E1980; 21). Panel A displays the raw Renilla luciferase data, while in Panel B , the Renilla luciferase data has beennormalized to firefly luciferase data. The data represent the mean of 12 wells plus or minus the standard deviation. Note that in other experiments the ability of different shRNAs to inhibit gene expression might vary more dramatically.4399M A 11_3AA.B.S i t e1S i t e2S i t e3S i t e 4 S i t e5 R e ni l l a P o s it i ve C o n t r o l Ne g a t i v e C o n t r o l R e n i l l a L u m i n e s c e n c e (R L U )S i t e 1S i t e 2S i t e 3 S i t e 4 S i t e 5 R e n i l l a Po s i t i v e C o nt r o l N e g a t i v e C o n t r o lN o r m a l i z e d R e n i l l a L u m i n e s c e n c e (R L U )4.siCHECK™ Vector MapspsiCHECK™-1 Vector sequence reference points: SV40 early enhancer/promoter 7–425Chimeric intron489–621T7 RNA polymerase promoter666–684Synthetic Renilla luciferase gene (hRluc )694–1629Multiple cloning region 1636–1680Synthetic poly(A)1688–1736β-lactamase (Amp r ) coding region1874–2734Promega Corporation ·2800 Woods Hollow Road ·Madison, WI 53711-5399 USA·Fax 608-277-2516 ·4343M A 10_3ABglII 1Figure 4. psiCHECK™-1 Vector map. –^– denotes the intron.Synthetic poly(A) signal4342M A 10_3ACCCGGGAATTCGTTTAAACCTAGAGCGGCCGCTGGCCGC AATAAAATA . . . 3′5′ . . . GAGCAGTAA TTCTAGGCGATCGCTCGAG XhoISmaINotIEcoRIPmeISgfIhRlucFigure 5. psiCHECK™-1 Vector multiple cloning region.psiCHECK™-2 Vector sequence reference points:SV40 early enhancer/promoter 7–425Chimeric intron489–621T7 RNA polymerase promoter666–684Synthetic Renilla luciferase gene (hRluc )694–1629Multiple cloning region 1636–1680Synthetic poly(A)1688–1736HSV-TK promoter1744–2496Synthetic firefly luciferase gene (hluc +)2532–4184SV40 late poly(A)4219–4440β-lactamase (Amp r ) coding region4587–5447Figure 6. psiCHECK™-2 Vector map.–^– denotes the intron.4345M A 10_3ABglII 1Synthetic poly(A) signal4344M A 10_3ACCCGGGAATTCGTTTAAACCTAGAGCGGCCGCTGGCCGC AATAAAATA . . . 3′5′ . . . GAGCAGTAA TTCTAGGCGATCGCTCGAGXhoINotIPmeISgfIhRlucFigure 7. psiCHECK™-2 Vector multiple cloning region.5.siCHECK™ Vector Restriction Enzyme Tables5.A.Restriction Enzyme Sites for the psiCHECK™-1 VectorThe following restriction enzyme tables were constructed using DNASTAR ®sequence analysis software. Please note that we have not verified this information by restriction digestion with each enzyme listed. The location given specifies the 3´-end of the cut DNA (the base to the left of the cut site).For more information on the cut sites of these enzymes, or to report adiscrepancy, please contact your local Promega Branch or Distributor. In the U.S., contact Promega Technical Services at 800-356-9526. Vector sequences are available from the GenBank ®database (GenBank ®/EMBL accession number AY535006) and online at:/vectors/Enzyme # of Sites Location AatII 11391Acc65I 154AcyI 21388, 2121AflII 2452, 649Alw44I 21989, 3235AlwNI 13140AspHI 41091, 1993, 2078,3239AvaI 3715, 1643, 1649AvaII 22297, 2519AvrII 1404BamHI 11738BanI 354, 575, 2708BanII 3759, 899, 1650BbsI 1560BbuI 2152, 224BclI 2734, 1187BglI 3357, 694, 2543BglII 11BsaI 3514, 1234, 2595BsaOI51640, 1677, 2143,2292, 3215BsaBI 11453BsaHI 21388, 2121BspHI 21821, 2829BspMI 1476BssSI 21992, 3376Bst98I 2452, 649BstZI 11280Cfr10I 12576Enzyme # of Sites LocationDraI 41663, 2083, 2775,2794DraII 11539DraIII 1882DrdI 2441, 3447DsaI 415, 311, 692, 899EaeI 31674, 1681, 2268EagI 11674EarI 21193, 1862EclHKI 12661Eco52I 11674Eco81I 11280EcoRI 11654EcoRV 11179FspI 28, 2438HaeII 13309HgaI 41570, 2129, 2859,3437HindIII 1420Hsp92I 21388, 2121KpnI 158MspA1I 580, 1679, 2025,2966, 3211NciI 51650, 1651, 2125, 2476, 3172NcoI 315, 311, 692NheI 1684NotI 11674NruI 11355NsiI3154, 226, 913Table 1. Restriction Enzymes That Cut the psiCHECK™-1 Vector Between 1 and 5 Times.Promega Corporation ·2800 Woods Hollow Road ·Madison, WI 53711-5399 USAFax 608-277-2516 ·5.A.Restriction Enzyme Sites for the psiCHECK™-1 Vector (continued)Table 2. Restriction Enzymes That Do Not Cut the psiCHECK™-1 Vector.A ccB7I AccI AccIII AflIII AgeI ApaI AscI BalI BbeI BbrPI BlpI Bpu1102IBsaAI BsaMI BsmI Bsp120I BsrGI BssHII Bst1107I BstEII BstXI ClaI CspI Csp45IEco47III Eco72I EcoICRI EcoNI EheI FseI HincII HindII HpaI I-PpoI KasI MluINaeI NarI NdeI NgoMIV PacI PflMI PinAI PmlI PpuMI PshAI Psp5II RsrIISacI SacII SalI SgrAI SnaBI SpeI SplI SrfI Sse8387I SwaI XbaI XcmITable 3. Restriction Enzymes That Cut the psiCHECK™-1 Vector 6 or More Times. AciI AluI Alw26I BbvI BsaJI Bsp1286I BsrI BsrSI Bst71IBstOI BstUI CfoI DdeI DpnI DpnII Fnu4HI FokI HaeIIIHhaI HinfI HpaII HphI Hsp92II MaeI MaeII MaeIII MboIMboII MnlI MseI MspI NdeII NlaIII NlaIV PleI RsaISau3AI Sau96I ScrFI SfaNI TaqI Tru9I XhoIINote:The enzymes listed in boldface type are available from Promega.Enzyme # of Sites LocationNspI 2152, 224PaeR7I 11643PmeI 11663Ppu10I 3150, 222, 909PspAI 11649PstI 1462PvuI 21640, 2292PvuII 180ScaI 2662, 2180SfiI 1357SgfI 11640SinI 22297, 2519Enzyme # of Sites Location SmaI 11651SphI 2152, 224SspI 11856StuI 1403StyI 515, 311, 404, 692,701TfiI 2426, 805Tth111I 11390VspI 12486XhoI 11643XmaI 11649XmnI21228, 2061Table 1. Restriction Enzymes That Cut the psiCHECK™-1 Vector Between 1 and 5 Times (continued).5.B.Restriction Enzyme Sites for the psiCHECK™-2 VectorThe following restriction enzyme tables were constructed using DNASTAR ®sequence analysis software. Please note that we have not verified this information by restriction digestion with each enzyme listed. The location given specifies the 3´-end of the cut DNA (the base to the left of the cut site).For more information on the cut sites of these enzymes, or to report adiscrepancy, please contact your local Promega Branch or Distributor. In the U.S., contact Promega Technical Services at 800-356-9526. Vector sequences are available from the GenBank ®database (GenBank ®/EMBL accession number AY535007) and online at:/vectors/Promega Corporation ·2800 Woods Hollow Road ·Madison, WI 53711-5399 USAFax 608-277-2516 ·Enzyme # of Sites Location AatII 11391AccI 22079, 3132Acc65I 154AflII 4452, 649 , 1773,1897AflIII 12450Alw44I 24702, 5948AlwNI 22094, 5853ApaI 12562AvrII 2404, 2059BalI 31865, 3513, 4038BamHI 14451BanII 5759, 899, 1650,2050, 2562BbeI 42030, 2815, 3481,3613BbsI 2560, 1743BbuI 2152, 224BclI 5734, 1187, 3112,3853, 4147BglII 11BsaI 4514, 1234, 2123,5308BsaAI 22083, 3734BsaBI 41453, 2979, 4146,4450BsaMI 32504, 4270, 4363BsmI 32504, 4270, 4363Bsp120I 12558BspHI 33115, 4534, 5542BspMI2476, 3463Enzyme # of Sites Location BsrGI 13022BssHII 11978BssSI 33459, 4705, 6089Bst1107I 12080Bst98I 4452, 649, 1773, 1897BstXI 13650BstZI 31674, 4202, 4206Bsu36I 3 1280, 3145, 3745ClaI 14444Csp45I 12390DraI 51663, 4410, 4796,5488, 5507DraIII 1882DrdI 2441, 6160EagI 31674, 4202, 4206EarI 51193, 1874, 2616,2727, 4575EclHKI 15374Eco47III 13519Eco52I 31674, 4202, 4206Eco81I 31280, 3145, 3745EcoNI 32721, 3144, 4149EcoRI 21654, 2386EcoRV 11179EheI 42028, 2813, 3479,3611FseI 23943, 4208FspI 38, 3354, 5151HincII 14349HindII14349Table 4. Restriction Enzymes That Cut the psiCHECK™-2 Vector Between 1 and 5 Times.5.B.Restriction Enzyme Sites for the psiCHECK™-2 Vector (continued)Table 5. Restriction Enzymes That Do Not Cut the psiCHECK™-2 Vector.AccB7I AccIII AgeI AscI BbrPI BlpIBpu1102I BstEII CspI Eco72I EcoICRI I-PpoINdeI PacI PflMI PinAI PmlI PshAIRsrII SacI SalI SgrAI SnaBI SpeISplI SrfI Sse8387I SwaI XcmIEnzyme # of Sites Location HindIII 2420, 2497HpaI 14349KasI 42026, 2811, 3477,3609KpnI 158MluI 12450NaeI 33941, 3962, 4206NarI 42027, 2812, 3478,3610NcoI 515, 311, 692, 2067, 2530NgoMIV 33939, 3960, 4204NheI 1684NotI 11674NruI 11355NsiI 3154, 226, 913NspI 5152, 224, 2336, 3023, 3278PaeR7I 11643PmeI 11663Ppu10I3150, 222, 909Enzyme # of Sites LocationPpuMI 12056Psp5II 12056PspAI 21649, 2019PvuI 21640, 5005PvuII 380, 2268, 2606SacII 12036ScaI 3662, 2697 ,4893SfiI 1357SgfI 11640SmaI 21651, 2021SphI 2152, 224SspI 14569StuI 1403TfiI 2426, 805Tth111I 11390VspI 15199XbaI 14189XhoI 11643XmaI 21649, 2019XmnI 21228, 4774Table 4. Restriction Enzymes That Cut the psiCHECK™-2 Vector Between 1 and 5 Times (continued).6.siCHECK™ Vector Backbones and ComponentsThe vector backbones of the psiCHECK™-1 and psiCHECK™-2 Vectors are based on the phRL-SV40 Vector (Cat.# E6261). Both the psiCHECK™-1 Vector and psiCHECK™-2 Vector contain the synthetic Renilla luciferase reporter gene.The psiCHECK™-2 Vector also contains a synthetic firefly luciferase gene.These synthetic luciferase genes have been codon optimized for more efficient mammalian expression and have been designed with a greatly reduced number of consensus transcription factor binding sites for reduced risk of anomalous transcriptional behavior.SV40 Early Enhancer/PromoterThe psiCHECK™-1 Vector and psiCHECK™-2 Vector contain the SV40 early enhancer/promoter region, which provides strong, constitutive expression of Renilla luciferase in a variety of cell types.Chimeric IntronDownstream of the SV40 enhancer/promoter region is a chimeric introncomposed of the 5´-donor site from the first intron of the human β-globin and the branch and 3´-acceptor site from the intron that is between the leader and the body of an immunoglobin gene heavy chain variable region (22). The sequences of the donor and acceptor sites, along with the branch point site,have been changed to match the consensus sequence for splicing (23).Transfection studies have demonstrated that the presence of an intron flankingthe cDNA insert frequently increases the level of gene expression (24–27).Promega Corporation ·2800 Woods Hollow Road ·Madison, WI 53711-5399 USAFax 608-277-2516 ·Table 6. Restriction Enzymes That Cut the psiCHECK™-2 Vector 6 or More Times. AciI AcyI AluI Alw26I AspHI AvaI AvaII BanI BbvI BglI BsaOI BsaHI BsaJIBsp1286I BsrI Bsr SI Bst71I BstOI BstUI CfoI Cfr10I DdeI DpnI DpnII DraII DsaIEaeI Fnu4HI FokI HaeII HaeIII HgaI HhaI HinfI HpaII HphI Hsp92I Hsp92II MaeIMaeII MaeIII MboI MboII MnlI MseI MspI MspA1I NciI NdeII NlaIII NlaIV PleIPstI RsaI Sau3AI Sau96I ScrFI SfaNI SinI StyI TaqI Tru9I XhoIINote:The enzymes listed in boldface type are available from Promega.T7 PromoterA T7 RNA polymerase promoter is located downstream of the chimeric intron and immediately precedes the synthetic Renilla luciferase reporter gene. This promoter can be used to synthesize RNA transcripts in vitro using T7 RNA Polymerase (Cat.# P2075). Note that the T7 promoter has been verified by sequence only; there has been no functional testing of the T7 promoter. Polyadenylation Signals (SV40 Late and Synthetic)Polyadenylation signals are coupled to the termination of transcription by RNA polymerase II and signal the addition of approximately 200–250 adenosine residues to the 3´-end of the RNA transcript (28). Polyadenylation has been shown to enhance RNA stability and translation (29,30). The late SV40 polyadenylation signal is extremely efficient and has been shown to increase the steady-state level of RNA to approximately fivefold more than that of the early SV40 polyadenylation signal (31). The synthetic poly(A) was cloned from our pCI-neo Vector (Cat.# E1841). The synthetic poly(A) signal is based on the highly efficient polyadenylation signal of the rabbit β-globin gene (32).7.References1.Kumar, R., Conklin, D.S. and Mittal, V. (2003) High-throughput selection of effectiveRNAi probes for gene silencing. Genome Res.13, 2333–40.2.Bass, B.L. (2000) Double-stranded RNA as a template for gene silencing. Cell101, 235–8.3.Zamore, P.D. (2001) RNA interference: Listening to the sound of silence. Nature Struct.Biol.8, 746–50.4.Sharp, P.A. (2001) RNA interference—2001. Genes Dev.15, 485–90.5.Gil, J. and Esteban, M. (2000) Induction of apoptosis by the dsRNA-dependentprotein kinase (PKR): Mechanism of action. Apoptosis5, 107–14.6.Marcus, P.I. and Sekellick, M.J. (1985) Interferon induction by viruses. XIII. Detectionand assay of interferon induction-suppressing particles. Virology142, 411–5.7.Elbashir, S.M. et al.(2001) Duplexes of 21-nucleotide RNAs mediate RNA interferencein cultured mammalian cells. Nature411, 494–8.8.Brummelkamp, T.R., Bernards, R. and Agami, R. (2002) A system for stableexpression of short interfering RNAs in mammalian cell. Science296, 550–3.9.Elbashir, S.M. et al. (2002) Analysis of gene function in somatic mammalian cellsusing small interfering RNAs. Methods26, 199–213.10.Paddison, P.J. et al. (2002) Short hairpin RNAs (shRNAs) induce sequence-specificsilencing in mammalian cells. Genes Dev.16, 948–58.11.Paul, C.P. et al.(2002) Effective expression of small interfering RNA in human cells.Nature Biotechnol. 20, 505–8.。



南开大学本科生毕业论文(设计)中文题目:LSPR生物传感器的研究外文题目:The Research of the LSPR Biosensor学号:0410496姓名:孙晓雪年级:2004级学院:信息技术科学学院系别:电子科学与技术系专业:电子科学与技术完成日期:2008年5月12日指导教师:刘国华教授南开大学本科毕业论文(设计)诚信声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的毕业论文(设计),题目《LSPR生物传感器的研究》是本人在指导教师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。






这篇文章是一个综述性的文章,首先介绍了LSPR 技术目前的发展状况,对LSPR技术的原理和特点进行了归纳,并总结了目前已经成型的几种LSPR传感部件和系统的制作方法和技术要素,以及在实验中的应用领域。


关键词局域表面等离子体共振(LSPR);纳米粒子;生物传感器The Research of the LSPR BiosensorAbstractRecently, the research of the localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) is a hot spot. A LSPR-based method has a high potential in developments of devices and related applications. A LSPR-based sensor has some characters which are better than a traditional SPR-based sensor. It can be used conveniently to detect and analyze the characters of physics, chemistry and biology, and also can give very useful and potent results. This paper is a review. Firstly, it introduces the recent status of the LSPR-based technologies and concludes the producing methods and technical points of some recent LSPR-based sensing systems. It also involves the attempts in the experiments. Meanwhile, it discusses the future developments and commercial views of LSPR-based sensors and chips.Key Words Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance (LSPR); Nanoparticle;Biosensor目录摘要 01.简介 (1)2.LSPR定义 (2)3.LSPR与SPR的区别 (4)4.DDA算法 (6)5.LSPR传感系统的基本构造 (7)5.1基于光纤的生物传感系统 (7)5.2基于反射的光纤(RFO)传感系统 (8)6.LSPR传感器的构造 (9)7.LSPR传感器制作工艺 (10)7.1基于电光调制的LSPR生物传感器的制作 (10)7.2在玻璃表面固定金纳米棒 (11)7.3金纳米线表面结合自组装分子 (11)7.3.1 金纳米线阵列芯片的制作 (11)7.3.2 自组装分子层结合 (12)7.4利用NSL技术制作A G纳米微粒 (12)7.5银纳米结构薄膜 (13)7.6金纳米井芯片的制作 (13)8.LSPR传感技术的工艺方法 (14)8.1光学系统的材料和技术 (14)8.1.1 一种匹配生物传感器的光纤探针的制作 (14)8.1.2金纳米粒子修饰的光学纤维的制备 (14)8.2材料表面图案加工工艺 (15)8.2.1纳米刻蚀图案过程 (15)8.2.2 利用NSL拓展技术制作纳米孔阵 (16)8.2.3 利用μCP技术在纳米粒子层表面形成图案 (17)9.LSPR传感器的应用实例 (18)9.1LSPR传感器应用于测量物理量 (18)9.1.1 金纳米线阵列表面结合自组装分子的LSPR光谱测量方法 (18)9.1.2 纳米粒子表面典型消光光谱的测量 (19)9.2LSPR传感器在化学传感领域的应用 (20)9.2.1基于纳米Ag粒子的表面等离子体共振光谱测定CN- 的测定方法 (20)9.2.2利用LSPR传感器检测有机磷杀虫剂 (20)9.3LSPR传感器在生物传感领域的应用 (21)9.3.1以氯金酸氧化还原反应为基础的蛋白质病人血清样本中的葡萄糖LSPR传感探测 (21)9.3.2使用基于LSPR的纳米芯片蛋白质的无标记监测 (21)9.3.3使用LSPR的重组细胞蛋白质表达分析 (22)10.LSPR传感器技术的商业化 (23)11.LSPR传感器的未来发展趋势 (24)12.总结 (25)参考文献 (26)致谢 (31)一、简介近年来,纳米材料由于其独特的光学、电磁学和力学特性而得到了研究人员的广泛关注。




It is noted that your manuscript needs careful editing by someone with expertise in technical English editing paying particular attention to English grammar, spelling, and sentence structure so that the goals and results of the study are clear to the reader.2、未解释研究方法或解释不充分。

◆In general, there is a lack of explanation of replicates and statistical methods used in the study.◆Furthermore, an explanation of why the authors did these various experiments should be provided.3、对于研究设计的rationale:Also, there are few explanations of the rationale for the study design.4、夸张地陈述结论/夸大成果/不严谨:The conclusions are overstated. For example, the study did not showif the side effects from initial copper burst can be avoid with the polymer formulation.5、对hypothesis的清晰界定:A hypothesis needs to be presented。

6、对某个概念或工具使用的rationale/定义概念:What was the rationale for the film/SBF volume ratio?7、对研究问题的定义:Try to set the problem discussed in this paper in more clear,write one section to define the problem8、如何凸现原创性以及如何充分地写literature review:The topic is novel but the application proposed is not so novel.9、对claim,如A>B的证明,verification:There is no experimental comparison of the algorithm with previously known work, so it is impossible to judge whether the algorithm is an improvement on previous work.10、严谨度问题:MNQ is easier than the primitive PNQS, how to prove that.11、格式(重视程度):◆In addition, the list of references is not in our style. It is close but not completely correct.I have attached a pdf file with "Instructions for Authors" which shows examples.◆Before submitting a revision be sure that your material is properly prepared and formatted. If you are unsure, please consult the formatting nstructions to authors that are given under the "Instructions and Forms" button in he upper right-hand corner of the screen.12、语言问题(出现最多的问题):有关语言的审稿人意见:◆It is noted that your manuscript needs careful editing by someone with expertise in technical English editing paying particular attention to English grammar, spelling, and sentence structure so that the goals and results of the study are clear to the reader.◆The authors must have their work reviewed by a proper translation/reviewing service before submission; only then can a proper review be performed. Most sentences contain grammatical and/or spelling mistakes or are not complete sentences.◆As presented, the writing is not acceptable for the journal. There are problems with sentence structure, verb tense, and clause construction.◆The English of your manuscript must be improved before resubmission. We strongly suggest that you obtain assistance from a colleague who is well-versed in English or whose native language is English.◆Please have someone competent in the English language and the subject matter of your paper go over the paper and correct it. ?◆the quality of English needs improving.来自编辑的鼓励:Encouragement from reviewers:◆I would be very glad to re-review the paper in greater depth once it has been edited because the subject is interesting.◆There is continued interest in your manuscript titled "……" which you submitted to the Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part B - Applied Biomaterials.◆The Submission has been greatly improved and is worthy of publication.老外写的英文综述文章的审稿意见Ms. Ref. No.: ******Title: ******Materials Science and EngineeringDear Dr. ******,Reviewers have now commented on your paper. You will see that they are advising that you revise your manuscript. If you are prepared to undertake the work required, I would be pleased to reconsider my decision.For your guidance, reviewers&#39; comments are appended below.Reviewer #1: This work proposes an extensive review on micromulsion-based methods for the synthesis of Ag nanoparticles. As such, the matter is of interest, however the paper suffers for two serious limits:1) the overall quality of the English language is rather poor;2) some Figures must be selected from previous literature to discuss also the synthesis of anisotropically shaped Ag nanoparticles (there are several examples published), which has been largely overlooked throughout the paper. ;Once the above concerns are fully addressed, the manuscript could be accepted for publication in this journal这是一篇全过程我均比较了解的投稿,稿件的内容我认为是相当不错的,中文版投稿于业内有较高影响的某核心期刊,并很快得到发表。



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由于修改是在三维软模型上直接完成,所以大量减少了设计图纸的浪费,并保证了设计数据的同一性和完整性参考文献DesignReview reference Guide INTERGRAPH公司ScheduleReview Plug-in eference Gudie INTERGRAPH公司DesignReview Programmer's Reference Manual INTERGRAPH公司目 录1.序言………………………………………………………………………………………1 1.1 功能简介………………………………………………………………………………11.2 特点…………………………………………………………………………………11.3 文件类型………………………………………………………………………………12. 窗口布置…………………………………………………………………………………2 2.1 单窗口布置……………………………………………………………………………22.2 三窗口布置……………………………………………………………………………22.3 四窗口布置……………………………………………………………………………22.4 恢复窗口尺寸…………………………………………………………………………23. 常用工具…………………………………………………………………………………2 3.1 渲染图和框架图的转换………………………………………………………………2 3.2 Fit View to Model……………………………………………………………………3 3.3 Fit View to Volume…………………………………………………………………3 3.4 定义视图中心…………………………………………………………………………3 3.5 视图的放大和缩小……………………………………………………………………3 3.6 快速定位控制…………………………………………………………………………4 3.7 视角控制………………………………………………………………………………44.标注………………………………………………………………………………………5 4.1 放置、编辑和删除标注………………………………………………………………54.2 查找标注………………………………………………………………………………74.3 显示标注………………………………………………………………………………85.查找对象…………………………………………………………………………………96. 移动定位控制……………………………………………………………………………13 6.1 移动类型………………………………………………………………………………136.2 鼠标拖放模式…………………………………………………………………………146.3 定位模式………………………………………………………………………………156.4 方位模式……………………………………………………………………………167. 显示组设置………………………………………………………………………………177.1 编辑显示组定义………………………………………………………………………187.2 显示组的控制…………………………………………………………………………187.3 显示组的位置…………………………………………………………………………197.4 分配材质………………………………………………………………………………217.5 创建、自动定义和删除………………………………………………………………217.6 Reverse Dim…………………………………………………………………………228. 引入与导出………………………………………………………………………………228.1引入……………………………………………………………………………………228.2 导出…………………………………………………………………………………239. 举例………………………………………………………………………………………23SmartPlant Review 使用手册1. 序言:1.1功能简介SmartPlant Review是一种基于Windows界面的浏览器,可以打开PDS(模型和数据),MicroStation,AutoCAD和 .SAT等格式的图形文件,而不需要进行任何的转换工作。

awaiting reviewer score和in review process

awaiting reviewer score和in review process

awaiting reviewer score和in review process Awaiting Reviewer Score:The manuscript submission process in academic publishing involves a series of stages, one of which is the "Awaiting Reviewer Score" stage. After submitting their work, authors typically go through an initial evaluation by the journal's editorial office to ensure the manuscript meets the basic submission criteria. If it passes this initial screening, the manuscript moves on to the peer review process, where independent experts assess the quality and suitability of the work for publication.During the "Awaiting Reviewer Score" phase, the manuscript is under review by the assigned reviewers. This stage represents an important milestone in the publishing process as it determines the fate of the manuscript – whether it will be accepted, rejected, or require revisions based on the feedback provided by the reviewers. However, the duration of this stage can vary significantly, ranging from a few weeks to several months, depending on factors such as the complexity of the research topic, availability of suitable reviewers, and the efficiency of the review process.While the manuscript is awaiting the reviewer score, authors often experience a sense of anticipation and uncertainty. They eagerly look forward to receiving the expert evaluation, which would shed light on the strengths and weaknesses of their work. It is during this waiting period that authors may engage in activities to prepare for the potential outcomes. For instance, they might begin researching alternative journals to which the manuscript could be submitted in the event of rejection, or they may start addressingpotential revisions based on the feedback they anticipate receiving.In the majority of cases, the reviewer score is a comprehensive evaluation of the manuscript. Reviewers provide detailed comments on the methodology, data analysis, results, and interpretation. They also assess the manuscript's contribution to the field, its originality, and relevance. The reviewer score often includes a recommendation to the editor, who makes the final decision regarding the manuscript's fate. This recommendation can range from "accept as is" or "accept with minor revisions" to "major revisions required" or even "reject."The "Awaiting Reviewer Score" stage is vital in maintaining the quality and credibility of the scientific literature. It ensures that manuscripts undergo a rigorous evaluation by experts in the field before publication. The reviewer's evaluation helps authors improve their work, encourages scientific dialogue and collaboration, and provides readers with reliable and trustworthy research findings.In Review Process:The "In Review Process" stage is an integral part of the manuscript submission and evaluation process in academic publishing. Once a manuscript has successfully passed the initial screening and received one or more positive reviewer scores, it enters the "In Review Process" stage. This phase represents the final steps before a decision is made on the publication of the manuscript.During this stage, the manuscript is reviewed by the journal'seditorial team, who closely examine the reviewers' comments and scores. They evaluate the overall quality of the manuscript, the suitability for the journal's target audience, and the adherence to the journal's guidelines. The editors also consider any conflicts of interest and ensure a fair and unbiased decision-making process.The "In Review Process" stage can involve several activities, including discussions among the editorial team, consultations with associate editors, and meetings with the journal's editor-in-chief. These activities aim to evaluate the reviewers' recommendations, identify any conflicting opinions, and make an informed decision on the manuscript's fate. The editors may consult additional reviewers if necessary to ensure a comprehensive evaluation.During this stage, the manuscript's authors are typically kept informed about the progress of their submission. They may receive periodic updates from the journal's editorial office, including notifications of additional review requests, questions for clarification, or an estimated timeline for a decision. However, the duration of the "In Review Process" stage can vary, depending on factors such as the complexity of the manuscript, the number of revisions required, and the availability of editorial resources.The outcome of the "In Review Process" stage can result in various decisions. The most common decisions are acceptance, rejection, or a request for revisions. If accepted, the manuscript moves on to the next stage, which involves copyediting, formatting, and proofreading before being published. If rejected, authors may consider revising and submitting to another journal or addressing the reviewers' comments and submitting the revised manuscript tothe same journal for reconsideration.Overall, the "In Review Process" stage represents a critical juncture in the manuscript submission and publication process. It ensures that the decision regarding publication is made after thorough evaluation and consideration of all relevant factors. This stage ensures the high quality and integrity of the published scientific literature.。

review of reviewer 2 is finalized

review of reviewer 2 is finalized

review of reviewer 2 is finalized
1.概述 Reviewer 2 的审查意见
2.Reviewer 2 的审查意见的最终确定
3.Reviewer 2 的审查意见的影响
Reviewer 2 的审查意见已经最终确定。



Reviewer 2 的审查意见主要包括以下几个方面:首先,审查意见强调了对审查过程中的数据和信息的准确性和完整性的要求。




我们相信,在 Reviewer 2 的审查意见的指导下,我们的工作将会更加高效和有成效。


awaiting reviewer scores二审

awaiting reviewer scores二审

awaiting reviewer scores二审在学术研究领域中,同行评审是一种被广泛使用的方法。


这个过程被称为“awaiting reviewer scores二审”,即等待评审人员的评分。















总而言之,“awaiting reviewer scores二审”是一个漫长而复杂的过程。










2.With editor:在这个状态下,论文已经被期刊的编辑接收,并分配给了一位审稿人进行审稿。

3.Under review:这是论文审稿的核心阶段,此时论文正在被审稿人评估。


4.Reviewer requested revision:在这个状态下,论文已经经过了一轮审稿,审稿人提出了修改建议,作者需要对这些建议进行回应和修改。


6.With editor:在这个状态下,论文已经重新回到了编辑的手中,编辑会评估作者是否已经根据审稿人的建议进行了修改。





LOCALIZED SURFACE PLASMON RESONANCE (LSPR) OPTOFLUIDIC BIOSENSOR FOR LABEL-FREE CELLULAR IMMUNOPHENOTYPING Bo-Ram Oh1, Nien-Tsu Huang1, Weiqiang Chen1, Jungwhan Seo2, Jianping Fu1, Katsuo Kurabayashi11University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA2 Hongik University, Seoul, South KoreaABSTRACTWe developed an optofluidic biosensor by integrating a microfluidic device into a Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance (LSPR) detection system to quantitatively analyze a cell-secreted cytokine, TNF-alpha. The device was designed for on-chip trapping and incubation of immune cells and subsequent detection of cytokines by a gold nanoparticle-based LSPR sensor. During the 2 hour incubation of 50,000 THP-1 cells in the microfluidic device, we observed a shift of 0.2877nm in the LSPR surface absorbance spectrum peak, which corresponds to a TNF-alpha concentration of 327ng/mL. This device enables LSPR technique for cell-secreted cytokine assay detection by scaling down the cell secretion volume.KEYWORDS: Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance (LSPR), Optofluidic, BiosensorINTRODUCTIONComprehensive characterization of immune cells and their functions is critical to precisely monitor immune conditions of the human body upon screening infectious diseases and examining the efficacy of drug delivery [1-3]. In particular, the quantitative analysis of cytokines, which are intercellular signaling proteins secreted from immune cells, is a key to precise identification of cellular immune functions [1]. The conventional gold standard method for cytokine secretion assay is the Enzyme-linked immuno sorbent assay (ELISA). However, this technique requires a large cell sample volume, a complex labeling process, and a separate cell culture system for detecting cell-secreted cytokines [4]. To overcome these disadvantages of the current method, this research develops a single microfluidic platform for cell trapping and incubation and localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) detection for cytokine analysis. The approached device requires an only 3uL-volume chamber for cell incubation, which is approximately 100 fold smaller than that of a 96 well plate used in the conventional method. Furthermore this platform performs the whole assay process in a single chip, which decreases the total assay time around 4 times compared to ELISA detection.METHODLocalized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) is a plasmonic phenomenon that arises on the metal nano-particle deposited surface. LSPR occurs when the incident light coupled to a sensing surface and the photon frequency of the incident light matches the natural frequency of the surface electron oscillation. LSPR-based detection measures a shift in the absorbance (or alternatively, scattering) spectrum of a nanostructured metal surface. When biomolecules captured on the LSPR detection surface, the near field of sensing surface’s refractive index (RI) will change. As a result, the absorbance spectrum of light incident to the sensing surface changes. A LSPR-based biosensing technique analyzes the absorbance spectrum change promises to quantify the cytokine secretion kinetics of immune cells in a label-free manner. However LSPR detection has a limitation for cytokine secretion analysis owing to its relatively poor sensitivity resulting in a limit of detection (LOD) of ~100ng/mL as compared to that of fluorescence-based detection (LOD ~ 10pg/mL). To compensate for the lack of sensitivity, , we propose a device incorporating both a microfluidic chamber to accumulate immune cells and a LSPR sensor surface, which concentrates the cell-secreted cytokines on a chip prior to LSPR detection. The device is composed of three parts (Figure 1 a),b)): (1) a top Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) supporting layer, (2) a middle PDMS layer for the microfluidic channels with micro-pillar arrays, and (3) a bottom sensor layer of gold-nanoparticles deposited for LSPR sensing. Having a 5μm center-to-center distance, the micro-pillar arrays physically trap THP-1 cells and allow only cell-secreted cytokines (TNF-alpha) to be diffused into the detection area for their small sizes.EXPERIMENTALWe fabricated the microfluidic channel using PDMS-based soft lithography. Our device processing started with fabricating a silicon mold by deep reactive ion etch (DRIE). The silicon mold surface was subsequently salinized with (tridecafluoro-1,1,2,2,-tetrahydrooctyl)-1-trichlorosilane vapor (United Chemical Technologies) for 1 h under vacuum to facilitate subsequent release of PDMS structures from the mold. The soft lithography process first entailed thorough mixing of the PDMS curing agent with the PDMS base monomer (wt : wt = 1 : 10) to prepare a PDMS precursor (Sylgard-184, Dow Corning). We then poured the PDMS precursor onto the mold and cured it overnight in an oven at 60°C [5]. We used a commercially available substrate with a gold nanoparticle-deposited surface (P8 SAM, Lamdagen) as the bottom layer of the device for LSPR signal detection.For LSPR signal detection, we illuminated the sensing surface with a white light source (HL-2000 tungsten halogen light, Ocean optics) via an optical probe light probe (R400-7-UV-VIS, Ocean optics) and collected reflected light by thesame light probe. The light collected by the probe was delivered to a spectrometer (HR-4000, Ocean optics), and the light signal was converted into electrical signal to analyze it by a computer. (Figure 1 c))To prepare the sensing surface of the device, we activated the gold nanoparticle deposited surface with a 1:1 ratio mixture of 0.4M EDC (1-ethyl-3-[3-dimethylaminopropyl]carbodiimide hydrochloride, Thermo Scientific ) and 0.1M NHS (N-hydroxysuccinimide, Thermo Scientific) solutions for 20mins. After the surface activation, we immobilized primary capture antibody (DY210, R&D Systems) molecules at a concentration of 103μg /mL on the detection surface with an incubation time of 60mins. To eliminate the non-specific binding on the detection surface, we loaded a 1% BSA (Albumin, from bovine serum, SIGMA) solution and the 1x casein (5x Casein block solution, Surmodics BioFX) blocking buffer onto the sensing surface and incubated the surface for 20mins. After preparing the sensing surface, we loaded purified TNF-alpha (DY210, R&D Systems) of known concentration in the range of 100~500ng/mL to the device and obtained the standard curve. In our TNF-alpha cell secretion assay, a total number of 50,000 THP-1 cells (THP-1, ATCC), which was estimated through hemocytometer cell counting, were stimulated with LPS (Lipopolysaccharides, SIGMA) of 250ng/mL and incubated in the device for 2 hours. Between every step, we washed the sensing surface with 1x PBS to remove surplus biomolecules unbound on the sensing surface. For quantification of TNF-alpha, we collected the absorbance spectrum at each process and determined the absorbance peak wavelength of the sensing surface as a function of the TNF-alpha concentration. A MATLAB code was used to find the peak wavelength from the original data collected by Spectra Suits (Ocean Optics). RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONWe first characterized the cell trapping performance of the device by taking a fluorescence image of captured Calcein AM-stained cells. We captured the cells on the device with micro-pillar arrays fabricated in the microfluidic chamberFigure 1: a) Schematic of developed microfluidic device with LSPR detection surface. b) The microfluidic device has micro-pillar arrays around the detection area and cells are captured in the specific area, and secreted cytokine will be diffused into the detection area. The detection area is deposited with gold nanoparticles. c) Schematic of LSPR optical detection setup.Figure 3: a) Protocol for LSPR biosensor surface preparation and analyte detection. b) Real-time LSPR signal shifted during the biosensing protocol. Figure 2: Fluorescent image of Calcein AM stained THP-1 cells captured by device. It shows the good viability of all the loaded cells.(Figure 2). We measured the intensity of the cell-emitting fluorescence to quantify the number of the captured cells. Up to 90% of the total cells loaded into the device was captured by the micro-pillar arrays and subsequently incubated in the device. Prior to loading cells to the device, we immobilized antibodies onto the sensor surface (Figure 3 a) and the Figure 3 b) shows the real-time LSPR signal shift during the sensor preparation process and subsequent analyte detection. As shown in the Figure 3 b), the detection preparation processing time (step 1~3) took 2.5 hr which is faster than conventional method ELISA which typically takes over 18hr requiring a large number of reagent loading and washing steps. We loaded 50,000 THP-1 cells onto the device with the biosensor surface prepared above, stimulated them by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of 250ng/mL , and incubated them on the chip for 2 hours (Figure 4a). After the cell stimulation assay on the device, we washed the inside of the device chamber and obtained an LSPR signal shift of 0.2877 nm (Figure 4c), which corresponds to the concentration of 327ng/mL TNF-alpha was in the chamber according to the standard curve (Figure 4 b) blue dot). CONCLUSIONS We have established a label-free optofluidic technology integrating a multifunctional microfluidic device that enables cell separation, cell incubation, and LSPR optical detection of cell-secreted cytokines on a single chip. Our device has several practical advantages; by trapping and incubating the cells on the chip, this device eliminates the sample collection process that extracts cytokines secreted by the cells. Also, by confining the cells in the small volume chamber, cell secreted cytokines can be concentrated and able to amplify their concentration level, which is high enough to be reliably detected by the LSPR technique. The result shown in this paper represents our first-step progress toward achieving label-free time-course monitoring of cytokine secretion by immune cells under a well-controlled microenvironment. We anticipate that observing the dynamic cytokine secretion profile may permit rapid assessment of the healthy or diseased condition of immune cells without a long incubation time. Biologically in-depth information obtained by this method may enable clinicians to make an accurate prognosis of infectious diseases. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was supported by the National Science Foundation (CBET- 0966723 and ECCS-0601237), the Coulter Foundation, and the University of Michigan Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship.REFERENCE [1] E. Dermitzakis, Cellular genomics for complex trits. Nature Reivews Genetics 13, 215-314 (2012) [2] C. Ma, et al. A clinical microchip for evaluation of single immune cells reveals high functional heterogeneity in phenotypically similar T cells. Nat. Med. 17, 738-U133 (2011) [3] M. Cooper, et al. Optical biosensors in drug discovery. Nature Reviews Drug Discovery 1, 515-528 (2002) [4] G. Stybayeva, et al. Detecting interferon-gamma release from human CD4 T-cells using surface plasmon resonance. Colloids and Surface B: Biointerfaces 80, 251-255 (2010) [5] W. Chen, et al. Surface-Micromachined Microfi ltration Membranes for Efficient Isolation and Functional Immunophenotyping of Subpopulations of Immune Cells. Adv. Healthcare Mater. 12, 965-975 (2013) CONTACT *E-mailaddress:****************(K.Kurabayashi)Figure 4: a) Schematic of cytokine secretion assay and LSPR biosensing with cell trapped in the device. b) Standard curve with known concentration of purified TNF-alpha analyte (red line) and LSPR signal detection from THP-1 cells in the device (blue dot). c) LSPR absorbance spectrum before and after THP-1 cell incubated in the device.。

response to decision letter

response to decision letter

一审结果是minor revisionThe main corrections in the paper and the responds to the reviewers’ comments are as f ollowing: Reviewer: 1Comments to AuthorThis article represents the first meta-analysis of prognostic significance of NLR, which is currently topical. You have conducted an extensive review and I think your article makes valid and sensible conclusions regarding NLR.However the abstract, introduction and discussion are poorly written and require revision. There are many spelling mistakes. There are frequent sentences and paragraphs which are poorly structured, making some parts of the article very difficult to understand. These need correction.Re: That is a constructive suggestion to improve the paper publication potential. We apologize for all the illegibility for reading due to poorly writing. Accordingly, we have done some modification on those sections, including abstract, introduction and discussion, that was amended by a native English speaker. We have a try to correct the spelling errors and polish the sentences and paragraphs in order to make it more readable. Subsequently, we look forward that the revised manuscript is adaptable for the demands for open publication.Progression free survival is not correctly defined in your article; PFS is the time to tumour recurrence or death from any cause. You describe "time to tumour recurrence" instead, which is a different entity. This should be clarified.Re: Thank you for carefully and patiently reviewing manuscript. We are sincerely sorry forour incorrect definition of progression free survival (PFS) in our manuscript. We have already corrected the definition according to your valuable suggestion in the revised manuscript. We hope that you will be satisfied with the revision.Reviewer: 2Comments to AuthorThis is an overall interesting meta analysis providing evidence that NLR is associated with survival outcome in colorectal cancer. The data is well presented and critically discussed. It would have been of interest if the studies could be stratified according to NSAID use.Re:We do appreciate your comments. Our team totally agree with your comments that the manuscript would be of additional scientific merit, if it could be stratified according to NSAID use. Then, we carried out an extensively re-checking our analysis of enrolled articles. Nevertheless, it was regretable to disclose that all 16 included articles failed to confer sufficient files on predicting the prognosis with regard to NSAID use. Therefore, a stratification analysis on the basis of NSAID was not approachable. If probable, it is our future research focus.。

ipss-r标准 内容

ipss-r标准 内容

1. 症状评分:通过提问来评估男性患者排尿困难的程度,包括频次、夜尿频次、急迫感、力度、排尿中断、排尿完全性等方面的评分。



2. 生活质量评估:通过一个问题对症状对患者日常生活的影响进行评估,问题有一个分级,从0到6分,表示生活质量受限的程度。


tpel in review process 与awaiting reviewer score

tpel in review process 与awaiting reviewer score

tpel in review process 与awaiting reviewer score在学术界,学者们经常需要通过学术期刊的评审过程来向同行展示他们的研究成果。

这个过程通常包括tpel in review process (待审阶段)和awaiting reviewer score(等待审稿人评分)这两个环节。


首先,tpel in review process通常指的是文章已经提交到学术期刊并进入了评审阶段。













对于作者来说,pending review和awaiting reviewer score意味着他们的工作正在被同行学者认真评估和审查。



nps server蛋白质二级结构

nps server蛋白质二级结构

nps server蛋白质二级结构NPS服务器是一种用于预测蛋白质二级结构的工具。




















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Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensors:ReviewSi-yi Yang1, Xiao-xue Sun1, Cheng Wang1,Dong-hong Cai2, Li Zhang1, Guo-hua Liu1(1.College of Information Technology and Science, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China;2.Department of Physics, Kashi teachers college, Xinjiang 844000, China) Abstract: Recently, the research on the localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) sensors is one of the hot-spots in the filed of sensor technology. The LSPR sensors have obviously technology advantage in detecting and analyzing the properties of physics and chemistry, especially biology. This review introduces the technical principles and features of LSPR sensors and compares the current research of several LSPR sensor structures and production methods.Meanwhile, it discusses the future developments and commercial views of LSPR sensors.Key Words: Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance (LSPR); Biosensor; Nanoparticle 1.IntroductionIn recent years, scientists have high interests in the nanomaterials for the special characters in optics, electromagnetics and mechanics. Nanoparticles of the noble metals exhibit a strong UV-Vis absorption band that is not present in the spectrum of the bulk metal [1-8]. Scientists have reported that the characters of noble metal nanoparticle suspensions arise from their strong interaction with light and the advent of the field of nanoparticle optics has allowed for a deeper understanding of the relationship between material properties such as composition, size, shape, and local dielectric environment and the observed colour of a metal suspension. An understanding of the optical properties of noble metal nanoparticles holds both fundamental and practical significance. Fundamentally, it is important to systematically explore the nanoscale structural and local environmental factors that cause optical property variation, as well as provide access to regimes of predictablebehaviour. Practically, the tunable optical properties of nanostructures can be applied as materials for surface-enhanced spectroscopy [9-13], optical filters[14, 15], plasmonic devices [16-19]and sensors.It was realised that the sensor transduction mechanism of this LSPR-based nanosensor is analogous to that of SPR sensors. LSPR sensors can be seen as the continuation and expansion of SPR sensors. The former took place in the localized metal nanoparticles and the latter took place in the surface of metal films. However, the optical character of LSPR is different from that of SPR. LSPR has great potential in sensing field so that it has been widely studied [20-26]. It is known that nanoparticles, such as gold and silver, have strong absorption in the visible region, often considered as localized surface Plasmon absorption [27, 28].Such LSPR occurs when the incident photon frequencies match the collective oscillations of the conduction electrons of metal nanoparticles or metal islands. The particles in the nanoscale exhibit unique optical responses within the UV-Vis region [29, 30], where the absorbance shows an exponential decay with decreasing photon energy (the so-called Mie scattering), onto which an LSPR band, specific for the particle material, is superimposed. The surface plasmon energy and intensity have been found to be sensitive to a numberof factors, including particle conformation, immediate surrounding media, etc.[31-35] .The reactions between solution and probe on the molecular nanoparticles can cause change the thickness of the molecular layer, which led to the shift of LSPR absorption, so this method can be used in detecting dynamic real-time detection [36-37]. Take Ag nanoparticles fabricated using nanosphere lithography (NSL) as an example. Consistent wavelength shifts to the red with increasing density and thickness of adsorbate layers. The wavelength shift response is determined by the size and packing density of the molecules on the nanoparticle surface and the limitof detection of the system are determined by the surface-confined binding constant between the capture ligand on the surface and the target molecule in solution. As the systems reveal no nonspecific binding, the entire response can be attributed to the specific interactions between the molecules of choice. Optimization of the LSPR nanosensor has been realized by adjusting the size and shape of the nanoparticles[30, 38].For the nanomaterials have the same scale as biopolymers, proteins and nucleic acids in sizes, the researches and optimizations of LSPR-based sensing technology have been carried on in the biomedical field. The basic of applications in bioresearch, biosensing, cell labeling, fixed-point diagnosis, molecular dynamics research, and vector treatment is the interaction between biomoleculars and nanomaterials.LSPR nanosensors are useful in detecting biological molecules [22, 39, 40].2. The principle of LSPR sensorsLSPR is collective oscillations of the conduction electrons confined to metallic nanoparticles and metallic nanostructures [41-45]. It occurs in metallic nanostructures, such as nanoparticles, nanotriangles [46], and nanoisland [42]. LSPR is observed when the frequencies of incident photon match the collective oscillations of the conductive electrons of metal nanoparticles. Excitation of localized surface plasmons by an electric field at an incident wavelength where resonance occurs results in a strong light scattering, in the appearance in intense surface plasmon absorption bands, and the enhancement of the local electromagnetic field. The nanoparticles exhibit unique optical responses within the UV-Vis region [28], where the absorbance shows an exponential decay with decreasing photon energy (the so-called Mie scattering) onto which an LSPR band.The frequency and intensity of the surface plasmon absorption bands highly depend on the type of the material (gold, silver, platinum), the size and the shape of nanostructures as well as on their surrounding environment [29, 30, 34, 47].LSPR occurs when the frequency of the incident photons resonates with the collective oscillations of free electrons in the metals.The simplest model of nanoparticle optical responses is Mie theory. It describes extinction amounts of the long-wavelength spherical metal particles. The form is as follow [35]:E(λ) is the extinction which is equal to the sum of absorption and scattering, N A isthe areal density of nanoparticles, a is the radius of the metallic nanosphere, εm is the dielectric constant of the medium surrounding the metallic nanosphere (assumed to be a positive, real number and wavelength independent), λis the wavelength of the absorbing radiation, εi is the imaginary portion of the metallic nanosphere’s dielectric function, and εr is the real portion of the metallic nanosphere’s dielectric function. It is easy to see that the LSPR condition is met when (εr+2εm)2 approaches zero.In this primitive model, it is clear that the LSPR spectrum of an isolated metallic nanosphere embedded in an external dielectric medium will depend as follows: the radius a, the nanoparticle material (εi and εr), and the nanoenvironment’s dielectric constant (εm). Furthermore, when the nanoparticles are not spherical, as is always the case in real samples, the extinction spectrum will depend on the nanoparticle’s in-plane diameter, out-of-plane height, and shape. In this case the resonance term from the denominator of (1) is replaced with:Where χ, a shape factor term [11],is a term that describes the nanoparticle’s aspect ratio. Thus, the LSPR will also depend on interparticle spacing and the substrate dielectric constant. It is apparent from Eq. 1 that the location of the extinction maximum of noble metal nanoparticles is highly dependent on the dielectric properties of the surrounding environment, and that wavelength shifts in the extinction maximum of nanoparticles can be used to detect molecule-induced changes surrounding the nanoparticle.3. The configuration of LSPR sensing systemLSPR-based device can be set up without using the specific configurations, for example, the attenuated total reflection (ATR) optical setup or waveguide coupling, it is possible to fabricate very small devices based by NSL or other technologies. These properties have prompted an intense interest in LSPR-based sensors and biosensors.Generally, an LSPR optical sensor comprises an optical system, a transducingmedium which interrelates the optical and biochemical domains, and an electronic system supporting the optoelectronic components of the sensor and allowing data processing. The transducing medium transformes changes in the quantity of interest into changes in the refractive index which may be determined by optically interrogating the LSPR. The optical part of the LSPR sensor contains a source of optical radiation and an optical structure in which surface plasmon wave is excited and interrogated. In the process of interrogating the LSPR, an electronic signal is generated and processed by the electronic system. Major properties of an LSPR sensor are determined by properties of the sensor’s su bsystems. The sensor sensitivity, stability, and resolution depend upon properties of both the optical system and the transducing medium. The selectivity and response time of the sensor are primarily determined by the properties of the transducing medium. Take the fiber-based biosensor system as an example. The configuration of fiber-based biosensor system is shown in Fig.1. The system consists of a laser, a chopper, a fiber coupler, a sensing fiber, a liquid cell, a photo receiver, and a lock-in amplifier [48].Fig.1 The schematic representation of the LSPR biosensor system4. The fabrication and technology of LSPR sensorMetal nanostructures are the key to fabricate the LSPR biosensors. They mainly include nanowire array,nanoparticles, nanoislands and other structures, then we willintroduce the fabrication and technology of LSPR sensor with the three Metal Nanostructures in details.4.1 The fabrication of gold nano-wire array chipsA 1.25% solution of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) is spin coated on the silicon substrate to prepare the film with the thickness of 50nm. Roast the film under 150°C for half an hour to remove the aqueous vapor and set the arrangements of PMMA. Nanometer imprint is carried by using atomic force microscope (AFM) (Smena-HV, NT-MDT, Russia) and the diameter of the probe needlepoint is about 20nm (NSC15, MikroMasch, Russia). The main process is vapor plating the system with the electron gun after the nanogap is scratched in the PMMA film on the Si substrate. First, a Ti layer with thickness of 1nm is vapor plated, and then, a Au layer with thickness of20nm is plated. At last, a gold nano-wire array with the sub-100nm-linewidth can be got. The whole process is shown in the Fig.2.At room temperature,the produced gold nano-wire array chips are immersed into an ethanol solution of 10-3M octadecanethiol (ODT), and after a period of specific time, take out the chips and rinse the chips with an ethanol solution immediately, and then, the chips are dried with N2. At last, the chips are roasted on the heating plate for about 10min in the air, in order to removal all the moisture stayed on the chips, and then, ODT-modified nano-wire arrays can be prepared [49].Fig.2 Schematic representation of producing the gold nano-wire array4.2 The fabrication of Ag nanoparticles based on NSL technologyNanosphere lithography (NSL) is one of nanometer machining and producing technology, and we can use it to control the shape, size and structure of nanoparticles’surface. In the experimental study, we can compose Ag nanometer triangle particles with the width of 100nm and the height of 500nm based on NSL technology, and we can measure the optical properties of particles by using LSPR spectroscopic measurement.For preparing LSPR biological nanometer sensor, we need make Ag nanometer triangle particles have adsorption function by self-assembled monolayer, then biotin will be covalently linked to carboxy by zero-length coupled reagent.The whole process is shown in the Fig.3. The fabrication steps of Ag nanoparticles are as follows: (1) clean the substrate; (2) drip polystyrene nanoparticles on the substrate and cover it; (3) dry the monolayer film filled closely of nanometer sphere and form its mask; (4) Ag evaporates and precipitates on samples; (5) remove the mask of nanometer sphere in ethanol solution by ultrasonic degradation; (6) finish Ag nanometer particles samples [50].Fig. 3 The processing operation of Ag nanoparticles based on NSL technology4.3 Fabrication of gold NI well chips and detection of recombinant protein using the gold NI well chipsA 200μm-thick layer of SU-8 100 (Microchem, USA) was formed on the gold NI chip by spin-coating (500 rpm for 5 s, followed by 1500 rpm for 30 s) and soft-baked on a hot plate at 95 ◦C for 100 min. An 8×8 array of Ø800μm-wells was patterned by UV exposure at a wavelength of 365 nm and a dose of 630 mJ/cm2. After exposure,the post-exposure baking was performed at 95 ◦C for 30 min, and non-cross-linked SU-8 resins in the regions of wells were then removed by dipping in an SU-8 developer for 3 min with weak sonication, leading to exposure of the gold NI surfaces in a portion of the wells.Functionalization of the gold NI surfaces with GSH was carried out using the same procedure as described previously. 0.2μL of the cell lysates containing various amounts of GST-hIL6 were dropped into the wells on the gold NI chips, and the well chips were then incubated for 3 h at 25 ◦C in a sealed petridish to prevent the evaporation of sample solutions. The incubated chips were extensively rinsed with PBS and DI water, followed by drying with N2 [51].4.4 Surface Processing technology of NanoparticlesIn Figure 4, the nanoimprint patterning process is schematically illustrated. First, Au layer of 40 nm in thickness was deposited on a glass substrate using an e-beam evaporator. A thin (2 nm) chromium under-layer was pre-deposited to enhance adhesion of the Au layer to the substrate. Then, polystyrene (PS) solutions at various concentrations (1.5, 0.8, and 0.5 wt %, M w of PS: 45 730) were spin-coated onto the thin Au films. The polymeric film was annealed at a temperature above the glass transition temperature T g and imprinted with a pre-designed composite PDMS mold, which was fabricated by following a standard procedure. This imprint process took 30 min to 1 h under a low pressure of 1.60 kPa in a vacuum at 150 °C. In scheme A of Figure 4 for high PS concentrations, the PS film was thick enough to fill the cylindrical holes between the PDMS mold and the substrate. Meanwhile, at low PS concentrations below 0.8 wt %, the PS film was thin and partially filled the gap as illustrated in scheme B of Figure 4. In this case, the PS film climbed the PDMS walls under the action of capillary forces and formed the circular undulations around the walls. The PS patterns were treated with reactive ion etching (RIE) of CF4/O2 to remove the residual PS layers on the substrate. The RIE modified slightly the feature sizes of the PS patterns. After being cooled to room temperature, the PS patterns were used as mask for Ar ion milling for 2 min, which left behind the patterned Auarrays. The DC bias for the ion milling was 400 V, and the Ar pressure was kept below 5*10-4 Torr. In particular, the thin circular PS dots with undulated edges produced eventually the patterned Au rings as shown in scheme B of Figure 4. Finally, the residual PS mask was removed by sonicating the substrate in toluene for 15 min.To modify the surfaces of Au islands, we used self-assembled monolayer (SAM) of aminoundecanethiol (AUT) as shown in scheme C of Figure 4. To ensure a well organized SAM of AUT onto the Au islands, the sample was incubated in the AUT solution for 24h. After careful rinsing and thorough drying with pure N2 gas, the patterned Au array was activated by incubating in 10 mM of bis-[sulfosuccinimidyl] suberate (BS3) in phosphate buffered saline (PBS) solution. Subsequently, the substrate was incubated overnight in 10wt % methanolic solution of G4 dendrimers of amine terminated poly (amidoamine) (henceforth, PAMAM). Then, the anchored PAMAM was biotinylated by attaching sulfo-NHS-LC-biotin covalently via amid bond formation. Finally, the biotinylated Au dot and ring arrays were exposed to 20 μM streptavidin solution to induce the binding of streptavidin to the biotinylated Au surface. LSPR was measured on UV-visible near-IR spectroscopy (JASCO: V-570) of the double-beam system with a monochromator. The scanning wavelength ranged from 300 to 2500 nm. The light source was an unpolarized halogen lamp (200~2500 nm). AFM (Seiko Instruments: SPA400) was used to obtain topographic images of the nanopattern arrays. The images were taken with contact mode under ambient conditions [52].Fig. 4 Schematic of nanopatterning of Au islands fabricated by imprint lithography and ion milling.(A and B) Dot and ring pattern formation using thick and thin PS films, respectively. (C) Procedure for immobilizing SA protein on the Au patterns using the SAM of amino-terminated PAMAMdendrimers as an intermediate coupling layer. Sulfo-NHS-LC-biotin was used to bind the SA protein.5. Application of LSPR sensorsPhysical phenomena occurring in various optical transducing materials have beenalso exploited for the development of LSPR-sensing devices including a humiditysensor utilizing humidity-induced refractive index changes of porous thin layers andpolymers and a temperature sensor based on the thermooptic effect inhydrogenated amorphous silicon.While in specific systems of limited complexity variations in the concentration ofanalyte may be determined by directly measuring refractive index using an LSPRsensor (e.g. monitoring distillation processes ), most chemical LSPR sensors arebased on the measurement of LSPR variations due to adsorption or a chemicalreaction of an analyte with a transducing medium which results in changes in itsoptical properties. It can be applied to detect the reaction of molecule by the changeof refractive index of conversion layer.LSPR sensors have also been widely used in biological field. The detection ofbiospecific interaction was developed by also some other groups. In LSPR biosensors,the analyte quantification was carried out by direct detection of the binding reaction.Earlier works were focusing mainly on antigen-antibody interactions, thestreptatividin–biotin reaction, and some IgG examinations, especially to test newalgorithms in biospecific molecular interaction analysis, to characterize newlydeveloped LSPR set-ups, and to improve surface chemistry. Current researchincludes far more advanced systems. One of the new areas is the examination ofprotein–protein or protein–DNA interactions. Take multiple label-free detection ofprotein in nanometer chip as an example. After the immobilization of the antibodieson the multiarray chip, different concentrations of antigen solutions (~0 to 100μg/mL) were introduced onto the 300 spots using the nanoliter dispensing systemand incubated for 30 min (Figure 5). Especially, the total sample volume wassignificantly reduced. Each spot was reacted with a sample solution of 100 nLcontaining the antigens at varying concentrations. After an incubation period of 30min, a stringent washing procedure with 1% (v/v) Tween-20 was applied to suppress the nonspecific adsorption. Subsequently, evaluation of the optical characteristics of the chip was carried out. All absorbance spectra were taken from a range of 400-800 nm on the UV-vis spectrometer at RT. White light emerging from the optical fiber bundle was incident onto the nanochip from the vertical direction. The reflected light was coupled into the detection fiber probe of the optical fiber bundle and analyzed by the UV-vis spectrometer. The evaluation of the results obtained from the nanochip surface revealed that the specific absorbance strength change was directly related to the applied antigen concentration on the spot [53].Fig. 5 Experimental setup of the multiarray LSPR-based nanochip6. Commercialization of LSPR biosensor technologyAs we know from above that the LSPR biosensor has many advantages. It can be easy to operate and can detect very small quantities of samples (such as the protein solution).After research of LSPR sensors we found that such sensors have great commercial potential. Take the gold nanorods LSPR sensor as an example. It can be produced without photolithography, so that the cost of the clinical diagnosis can be significantly reduced. And its measurement method is based on the spectra shift. If the quantity of non-specific binding is very small, the detection limit of LSPR sensors can reach pM concentrations.Medical reports show that milk allergy has been a great threat to human health.And after experiment we find that the gold nanoparticles LSPR sensors can detect casein allergens in the milk samples. So we can see that the LSPR biosensors will be widely used in the allergic diagnose area in the future, and also we can use LSPR sensors to develop highly integrated food safety control system.The LSPR sensor system has a high sensitivity and a very small detection limit, its fabrication is very simple, and it has a high integration and good manipulability. Based on the above characteristics, we can see that LSPR sensors will have a very broad commercial prospect in the medical diagnosis and real-time detection area. 7. Future trends in development of LSPR biosensorsThe nanomaterial has many special features including its small size effect surface effect and quantum size effect and so on, so that the LSPR sensors can have unique optical and electrical properties. Meanwhile gold nanoparticles have good biological compatibility. It has good hybridization with DNA molecule. The most important is that the cost of LSPR sensor is very low, so in the future we can produce these sensors in mass production. Based on these characters the LSPR sensor will be widely used in the molecular biology, clinical medicine and bio-chip. Using LSPR sensor, the DNA computer will be invented possibly. Therefore, LSPR biosensors will play an important role in life science and analytical chemistry research.Future trends in diagnostics will continue in miniaturization of biochip technology toward nanoscale. Multiarray LSPR-based nanochip provides a convenient, low-cost, and label-free method for specific and highly sensitive detection of the biomolecular interactions in a parallel format. We anticipate that this technology will extend the limits of current molecular diagnostics and enable point-of-care diagnosis as well as promote the development of personalized medicine. The multiparallel possibilities of biosensing applications have the potential to allow the optimization of biomarker research, cancer diagnosis, and also the detection of infectious microorganisms for biodefense. Especially, the cost for the fabrication of multiarray LSPR-based nanochip, including the optical apparatus, is significantly lower than that of a conventional SPR system. This LSPR method is “easy to operate” even by“nonspecialists”. The LSPR-based multiarray nanochip presents a highly versatile method that is readily applicable to the other kinds of bioassays, such as metabolomics and cellomics.8. ConclusionsIn the recent years, because of the special properties of LSPR technology, there are more and more people paying their attentions to this area. This paper reviews the recent development of LSPR technology and discusses the fabrication and application of this technology. Through the detection of small amount molecule or high-sensitive project in the physical, chemical and biologic area, we can have a conclusion that the LSPR biosensor will have great potential in the future. The LSPR biosensor technology will greatly promote the development of monitoring and diagnostics. The LSPR biosensor system has many advantages, such as simple structure, convenient carrying, low cost, high sensitivity. Therefore we can see that LSPR technology will have broad commercial prospect. It is necessary to complete the research of this technology.References[1] Haynes C. L., and Van Duyne R. P., J. Phys. Chem. B, 2001, 105, 5599~5611[2] Mulvaney P., MRS Bull., 2001, 26, 1009~1014[3] El-Sayed M. A., Accounts Chem. Res., 2001, 34, 257~264[4] Link S., and El-Sayed M. A., J. Phys. Chem. 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